About the seminar "Energetic Osteopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine". Osteopathy and Bioenergy - Healing Practices

Osteopathy is a fairly new medical line in Russia (approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the fall of 2003). As a direction, it appeared 130 years ago. The founder of the method is American Andrew Taylor Still.

The purpose of the method is to study, diagnose and treat disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, relieving stress and activating the resources of the human body for recovery. In the course of further development, the techniques of osteopathy underwent a serious test on biomechanical models and in controlled clinical
Osteopathy at the moment is engaged in the study of muscle - fascial chains, the connection of internal organs with the musculoskeletal system, with the structure of the central, peripheral, autonomic nervous systems, as well as biochemical effects from the conducted influences.
It includes three main areas: cranio-sacral, structural and visceral. One of the main laws of osteopathy says "the structure controls the function and the function affects the structure" - this means that if the function of an organ is impaired, this will affect its structure, and if the structure is impaired, the function will suffer.
Each human organ has a specific shape, density and temperature. If a malfunction, anomaly, pathology occurs, then the usual parameters change, the organ will then be able to move, increase, seals are observed in the membranes and tissues. There is tension, discomfort, internal tension that can be felt in the body, but this can be far from the blocked organ. The hands of an osteopath are sensitive and able to pick up the slightest tension, identify the affected, blocked organ and tune it for recovery, like a tuning fork tunes a musical instrument. In their practice, osteopaths use only their hands, a perfect, well-developed instrument.
Osteopathy is also effective in healing chronic diseases. An imbalance in the work of any organ or system affects anomalies in the work of other organs and systems, then it is necessary to find and eliminate the true basis of the formation of the disease. And it can be a trauma that lingers in the human body for a long time or an emotion that has arisen against the background of other oppressive, destructive emotions, such as anger, guilt or fear. Healing occurs after the release of psycho-emotional stress due to the elimination of fixations, damage not only in the inner sphere of the conscious-unconscious, but also at the level of the physical body in the fascia, as well as harmonization of the central and autonomic nervous system.
For example, an old injury to the sacrum or coccyx can serve as a factor in persistent headaches, and in the lower back it will occur due to an incorrect position of the kidney and a displacement of the spine.
It is necessary to pay attention to the spine, in particular the cervical vertebrae, they are often damaged during childbirth, during falls, blows. Having a biomechanical connection with the skull, the 1st cervical vertebra affects the cranial system, leads to a weakening of memory, chronic fatigue syndromes, and panic attacks.
Dysfunction of the 2nd cervical vertebra leads to dysfunction of the dura mater (TMO), which has an attachment here. From this, pain appears that can be localized in the back and in the lower extremities.
Changes in the 3rd lumbar vertebra cause the pathology of pregnancy, diseases of the bladder.
Considering the body as a separate organ and system, as well as their functions separately, contradicts the views of the founder of osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still. The first principle says: "The organism is a single whole". Accordingly, the osteopath diagnoses and corrects not a single organ or part of the body, but the whole organism. Thus, it stimulates the body's own reserves, setting it up for harmonization and recovery. "Our task is to find health in a person - everyone can detect a disease" - said the creator of osteopathy. It is necessary to find and eliminate the cause so that the consequence does not bother.
With the development of Osteopathy, new directions and methods appear, with the help of which it is possible to restore health and solve problems at the cellular level.
Biodynamics is a direction in cranio-sacral therapy.
Body-emotional osteopathy - work with psycho-emotional stress, with the consequences of stress and trauma.
Osteopaths are getting amazing results. During the session, by relaxing the diaphragm, chest, spinal column, abdominal cavity and organs, affecting the zone of emotion, the body receives an additional energy resource for recovery. The body gets an impetus for recovery. A person's energy channels, which were pinched due to muscle spasm or emotional block, begin to function again. Therefore, after the session, there is a readaptation, a restructuring of the body. By freeing the thoracic aperture, a person is freed from such ailments as bronchitis, asthma, fears, and blood circulation improves. If the blood circulation improves, the organs receive more oxygen, therefore the metabolism improves, and so on, it can be enumerated for a very long time.
Soft osteopathic work has a positive effect on the restoration of the nervous system. It helps in solving problems that, it would seem, cannot have a direct relationship to this word. Work with hidden psycho-emotional blocks, traumas that lead to excess weight, which are expressed in the body's defensive reaction - to create a wall between oneself and the world, a layer, to fence off what brings discomfort. Here are the fears that are suppressed in an adult, but they stretch from childhood. They are already fixed by the muscles and fascia, but the osteopath's hand safely finds this tension, the main zone of tightness, pathology and, having worked out the place of clamping, relaxes it.
When working with the visceral zone (with the zone where the internal organs are located), tension is relieved and the position and functioning of the internal organs and intestines is restored. Childhood fears and bedwetting are closely linked in one chain to each other.
Working with physical injuries and energy breakdowns, we often observe displacement of bones, organs, thickening in tissues and a painful sensation. For example, when struck by the sacrum or coccyx, the destructive energy quickly penetrates into the internal organs of the pelvic zone. This seemingly harmless injury can result in sacrum or tailbone displacement, bladder dysfunction, sphincter control problems, prostatitis, menstrual dysfunction, and problems with conceiving and carrying a child.
If the vector of destructive energy has reached the diaphragm, tension in the stomach, esophagus, heart muscle can be observed. A huge role is also played by the emotions that a person experienced at the time of injury, what mood he was in, and what factors led to a delay in traumatic energy, creating a zone of increased tension - which causes an energy cyst. Negative emotions such as anger, fear or guilt contribute to the creation and retention of energy tension, a clot, they can be correlated with the trauma at the time of injury and not.
Emotions of love, joy, happiness accelerate relaxation, dissipation of foreign energy and speedy recovery without the formation of an energy cyst. It happens that at the time of the session, the patient recalls the moment of trauma, while the emotional background appears, which is present during the blow, defeat, the energy begins to move, the person re-experiences the unfortunate incident. Thus, the energy system is restored, the release of stagnant, chaotic energy introduced from the outside occurs. Warmth and release from tension appear in the body.
It is difficult to name the area where Osteopathic correction is applied. Back and joint pain, displacement of the vertebrae, hernias, intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, sciatica. All this can be corrected by removing muscle clamps and redirecting the energy in the right direction. Then asymptomatic headaches, nocturnal cramps and other unpleasant manifestations of our physical body that are not attributed to a specific disease can disappear.

The direction "Energetic Osteopathy" has existed in France for 35 years. The founder of this trend is Jean-Pierre Guilani. J.-P. Guilani is a Maiston graduate. When Giliani graduated from Maeston, the three best graduates were sent to America for an internship with 10 of the most famous osteopaths of that time. Giliani entered this group. In France, together with his colleagues, he organized the first osteopathic school in France.

Giliani is the director of the SPHERE School, which trains BMT specialists and conducts training for osteopaths in ENERGY OSTEOPATHY.

35 years ago, a group of osteopaths led by J.-P. Guilani decided to try to find the cause of the osteopathic damage. This search led to the creation of a new direction, which Giliani called "Energetic Osteopathy". It is based on the knowledge of energetic physiology, which has been studied and taught by European Sinologists for 300 years. Among them are such famous masters as Martin Darz, Jacques Piloux and others. In modern China, this knowledge is lost. Chinese institutes are now inviting European Sinologists to teach TCM (a paradox that few people know about, and which the Chinese try not to talk about).

The direction "Energetic Osteopathy" uses the doctor's hands and osteopathic techniques in the treatment. In addition, the entrance to the energy system is possible through acupuncture points using osteopathic techniques.

Russian Sinologists - osteopaths, represented by Akhmetsafinov, and French, represented by Giliani, believe that many thousands of years ago, osteopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine were one whole.

The Center for Manual Technologies, which I manage, has been developing this direction since 2005. Then Rev Pegai and I visited the SPHERE school and underwent a two-week training personally with Giliani.

The difference between modern and classical osteopathy is that the purpose of the impact is to restore energy imbalance (it would be more correct to say Chi imbalance). Osteopathic injuries are viewed as a "thermometer" of energy disturbances. By using osteopathic techniques on acupuncture points, it is possible to enter the Energy System of the body and enable the body to do a tremendous amount of work.

An energetic osteopathic specialist has only one and at most two procedures in order to get a clear dynamics in the patient's treatment. This direction, in its applied use, will be beyond any competition with all other areas of osteopathy and manual medicine.

The negative point is a huge amount of information that needs to be worked out and introduced into practice in a short time (2 years + 2 years). The cadets must be ready for an enormous amount of work.

1st BASIC LEVEL. Osteopaths training for 2 years, 4 seminars per year. Further work takes place for two years independently to gain practical experience and assimilate the material received.

The cost of a 3-4-day basic level seminar is 550 Euro.

After completing the two-year study, those who wish will be given the opportunity to pass exams at the SPHERE school. The exams are conducted personally by J.P. Giliani. Cadets who successfully pass the exams will receive a diploma in Energetic Osteopathy from the SPHERE School.

2nd level - POSTGRADUATE LEVEL of study is designed for 3 years. This level includes two to three three-day workshops per year. This level is taught by the French teachers of the SPHERE School, each of whom has at least 20 years of experience in Energetic Osteopathy. There are no teachers of this level among Russian specialists.

Interpractice seminars of the postgraduate level are supervised by Russian teachers. The inter-practice sessions will include clinical debriefing of patients to develop clinical thinking.

Treatment according to the Giliani method consists of 1. Survey 2. Inspection 3. Performing techniques. The time for one procedure is 30 minutes, and the shortest time is allocated for techniques: 3-10 minutes.

After the procedure, the body regains its balance on its own for three weeks. Synergetics (derived from the laws of thermodynamics and is known from the "Chaos theory" in applied physics) can explain all the processes that occur after the procedure. More often than once every three weeks, procedures are not performed. There is an exception, such as paresis of the facial nerve. For paresis of the facial nerve, procedures are performed more frequently. Paresis of the facial nerve is indicative of the fact that with timely initiation of treatment with Energetic Osteopathy methods, complete recovery occurs within 1 month (in neurology, this can take several years).

The training program by Russian specialists is fully consistent with the program of the SPHERE school. This program and the training of Russian osteopaths are personally supervised by J.P. Giliani.

Teachers - Russian graduates of the SPHERE school, who distinguished themselves in the learning process, whom Giliani singled out, and whom he offered to become teachers. All teachers have teaching experience in osteopathic schools and in the departments of manual therapy or reflexology of medical institutes.

Cadets can be osteopaths and Chinese medicine specialists. Experience has shown that 70% of BMT specialists who are not osteopaths, after completing the course, enter osteopathic schools to receive basic education in osteopathy. Therefore, it seems to me, it is advisable to involve in groups and non-osteopaths.

Since 2006, the Center for Manual Technologies together with the SPHERE School has prepared three graduates of osteopaths.

In Europe, there is a Register of Specialists in Energetic Osteopathy, which includes all Russian graduates of the SPHERE school. Head of the Register Zh-P Giliani. On his advice, in the near future the Russian Register of Energetic Osteopathy will be created, which will be included in the block in the European Register and will position itself independently in Europe and China.

Conducting MET

To perform MET from the patient's “lying on his side” position, the doctor always puts him on the “healthy” side so that the DF joint is located on top.

When diagnosing and performing MET techniques, the doctor, if possible, stands on the side of the “dominant” eye.

It is believed that if the doctor stands on the side of the "dominant" eye when performing diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, then he more subtly and correctly determines the state and changes in the actual tissues.

The definition of the "dominant" eye is performed as follows: through the empty space of thumbs and forefingers of both hands folded into a ring, the doctor looks with both eyes at an object (watch, lamp, painting) from a distance of approximately 3-5 meters, achieving the location of this object along the center of the space bounded by the ring. Then he closes his eyes one at a time. If the object remains practically in place when one eye is closed, but shifts to the side when the other eye is closed, then the open eye in the first variant of the visual test will be “dominant” (“leading”) and vice versa, if the object is significantly displaced, then the open eye will be “ slave ".

Terms and conditions for the technician:

The doctor must bring the DF joint into a state of pre-tension, i.e., exhaust all possible movement in it towards the limitation in order for the maximum opening or closing of the actual joint to occur, depending on the biomechanical task and situation.

The doctor must determine and direct the vector of his influence in such a way that the relaxation of the muscles related to the DF joint maximally promotes its further opening or closing, depending on the biomechanical conditions.

During the 1st phase, in most cases, the patient must apply moderate pressure to overcome the doctor's resistance in such a way that the motor wave from this pressure reaches the actual zone of dysfunction and this tension of the surrounding tissues of the DF of the joint is clearly perceived by the doctor during palpation.

During phase 2, the physician should follow the relaxation of the muscle-fascial-tendon tissue in the area of ​​the actual joint to the new barrier, and not seek to overcome muscle resistance. At the same time, the doctor, by his action, is trying to penetrate deep into the dysfunctional joint, without taking the biomechanical motor wave outside the actual zone.

The main stages of the implementation of muscle-energy techniques (MET)

  • The osteopath tests the joint and all of its components to determine movement disorders and muscle barrier.
  • The osteopath tests the muscular system by identifying the strong and weak muscles of the movement agonist-antagonist pair.
  • Correction begins with strengthening the weak muscle through isokinetic contraction.
  • The operator tests the muscles, evaluates the work result.
  • The main treatment. When limiting the extension (block of the joint in flexion), the osteopath brings the joint up to the barrier towards the limitation (extension). Asks the patient to isometrically contract the muscles in the direction of free movement (flexion) against the doctor's resistance. After completing the phase of resistance-contraction, within 3 seconds the operator does not perform any action - the spasmodic muscles relax. Further, a new approach of the joint to the movement barrier is carried out, which, after the previous stages of the technique, is pushed back to the sides of the extension. Depending on the ability of the osteopath to accurately reach the new muscle barrier, the technique may be performed 3 or more times until the joint is completely released.
  • The correctness of the performed technique is verified by mandatory testing of joint movement in various directions.

When performing muscle-energy techniques, one should not try to overcome the barrier forcibly, since otherwise it is possible to get a tonic-power imbalance, but already with a restriction of the opposite movement.

Features of the implementation of MET

  • In MET, the first phase of tension (isometric), when the patient applies pressure against the doctor's resistance, should last approximately 7 seconds.
  • Based on the specific clinical situation and the positive features of the psychosomatic contact of the doctor with the patient, for a more accurate and adequate effect and a high therapeutic effect, it is possible to "adjust" MET techniques to the capabilities of the patient's body, that is, either decrease (up to 2 - 3 sec.), Or increase the voltage time (up to 10 - 15 sec.).
  • At the beginning of treatment, the first phase of stress should be longer in time than the subsequent phases of exposure.
  • It is useful to vary the amount of pressure the patient exerts against adequate resistance from the physician, from weak pressure to strong pressure and vice versa.

Relaxation of tension in the thoracic spine

In the area of ​​the thoracic spine, one of the vertebrae is blocked and its mobility is limited. The surrounding musculature tries to protect this vertebra and therefore painfully tenses. The patient experiences pain in the spine when turning to the left, when bending to the side, and when bending the knees. A barrier arises on the left, while movement to the right and extension causes almost no problems.

The osteopath places his patient on a couch and gently turns him in the direction of the barrier in the vertebra, in this case - to the left and slightly forward. The therapist feels the barrier with his fingers, avoiding the painful position for the patient. While in this carefully thought-out position, the patient's musculature tenses in a direction free from restriction, in our case - to the right side. When the muscles are strained to the right, the patient does not change his position, because he himself also tenses his muscles in response to the therapist's actions. After a period of tension lasting about three seconds, the patient's muscle reflex causes a short-term muscle relaxation, during which the therapist can try to bring the vertebral body back to its normal state. The barrier has now been moved in an arbitrary direction.

This procedure is repeated twice, and as a result, the muscles are easily stretched. After the procedure, the function of the muscle and vertebra is normalized, movement in all directions is carried out freely.

This type of treatment is indicated for pain in the spine caused by blockage of the vertebrae; in case of posture disorders, scoliosis; muscle spasms of various localization; in conditions where it is impossible or contraindicated to carry out manipulation (trust), for example, in the case of severe osteoporosis. Muscle-energy techniques are also applicable to the joints of the upper and lower extremities.

The effectiveness of the treatment of back pain is increased by tens of times with the use of MET, and often their disappearance can be achieved only by muscle relaxation, not to mention how much the effectiveness of treatment of diseases of internal organs increases with the simultaneous use of drugs and soft manual techniques. After all, muscle spasm always accompanies a disease of any organ! MET is mainly used for the symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment of vertebral back pain, muscle-tonic, and tunnel syndromes. And here the effectiveness of MET is great, and much higher than that of classical massage. MET is also very effective as part of the complex treatment of pathologies of internal organs, in particular, premenstrual syndrome (in the form of severe pain in the lower back before menstruation), since it is most often caused by the incorrect position of the pelvic bones! There is not enough sheet to list the huge number of conditions in which such manual therapy is indicated and effective. MET will have a positive effect on the course of the disease, accelerate the healing process in case of tension headaches, posture disorders, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, and respiratory organs.

Energetic osteopathy, which is a synthesis of classical osteopathy and traditional Chinese medicine, has become widespread in the West in recent decades, and is now gradually gaining popularity in our country. This technique has a deep history. Officially, a new direction appeared 35 years ago, when a group of osteopaths led by Jean-Pierre Guilani decided to try to find the cause of osteopathic injuries - functional disorders that interfere with a harmonious human life. These searches led to the emergence of a new direction, which was born at the junction of osteopathy and knowledge of energetic physiology, the foundations of which are set forth in the ancient Chinese doctrine of czhen-chiu therapy.

Like classical osteopathy, energetic osteopathy uses the doctor's hands in the treatment, as well as osteopathic techniques, thanks to which it is possible to enter the body's energy system through acupuncture points.

The difference between energy osteopathy and classical osteopathy is that the purpose of the impact is to restore energy imbalance (from the point of view of Chinese medicine, it would be more correct to say the imbalance of chi energy). Osteopathic injuries are viewed as a "thermometer" of energy disturbances. Thus, using osteopathic techniques at acupuncture points, it is possible to enter the energy system of the body and enable it to perform a colossal work of self-healing and self-regulation.

Man is a part of nature and completely obeys its rules - this is the main postulate of traditional Chinese medicine, or Zhen-chiu therapy. Consequently, the processes taking place in his body are manifestations of the vital energy chi. One of the forms of its manifestation is the struggle and interaction of two polar forces - yin and yang. At the same time, yang is a positive principle, which is expressed in everything light, active, constant, it is the power of light and fire. Yin is a negative principle inherent in everything cold, dark, changeable; shadow and water. The second concept of Chinese medicine is based on the interconnection and interaction of five primary elements that symbolize the physical state of nature, as well as personify the five most important organs of the human body: fire is the heart, water is the kidneys, wood is the liver, earth is the spleen and metal is the lungs. This division reflected the interconnection of the processes occurring in the human body and their subordination to general rules.

In traditional Chinese medicine, diagnosis is made according to eight rules and five main organs. In this case, the leading is the assessment of the energy state of each organ, and conclusions are drawn about the state of stable “pairs of symptoms” (“axes”): cold - heat, superficial - internal, excess - deficiency, yin - yang. The doctor evaluates a complex of qualitative, sometimes heterogeneous symptoms, and prescribes treatment, which is divided into three blocks: treatment with drugs, acupuncture, or a combination of both.

Energetic osteopathy developed by J.-P. Giliani, uses specific osteopathic techniques based on the traditions of oriental medicine and taking into account the interaction of the structure of the body and the energy state of a person. This effect is capable of harmonizing biologically active points and balancing the patient's energy system, improving the functioning of internal organs and thereby ensuring the adaptation of a person to external factors.

"The body is a self-regulating system," says the science of osteopathy. Another of her postulates says that "life is movement." Osteopathy belongs to alternative medicine, namely, to a type of manual therapy. She works with structural and anatomical disorders of the body. An osteopathic doctor is a highly qualified specialist in the field of the nervous system and spinal function, possessing a deep level of knowledge of physiology and anatomy. Osteopathic treatment is very mild, it has no complications and, with the right approach, acts on the body effectively and in a balanced way.

Osteopathy is often referred to as a health management philosophy. This direction has recently been recognized by official medicine. In it, diagnostics and treatment are carried out by the hands of a doctor, whose attentive fingers find the cause of the ailment, assessing the rhythm of the work of various organs, the correct position or tension in the work of joints, ligaments and muscles.

The modern history of osteopathy began in 1874 in America. Field surgeon Andrew Taylor Still is considered the founder of the direction. Having received a classical medical education, he remained dissatisfied with the possibilities of traditional medicine and was constantly in search, enriching his knowledge and honing his medical experience. The impetus for the creation of a fundamentally new direction was the death of his family during the meningitis epidemic. Then, based on ethnic techniques, multiplied by a brilliant knowledge of anatomy and physiology, the doctor created the science of osteopathy. In 1892, Andrew Still opened the first osteopathic school, which quickly gained recognition. Specialty hospitals that were opening dealt with hopeless cases. Crowds of people wishing to be cured began to arrive in a small American town. In 1957, the American Osteopathic School was recognized by the US Department of Health as a certification body in the field of osteopathic education. Osteopathy appeared in Russia in the 80s, and 14 years later the first osteopathic school opened in St. Petersburg. In 2003, osteopathy became a medical discipline officially recognized by the RF Ministry of Health.

Osteopathy is divided into three directions: structural - deals with the musculoskeletal system, visceral - solves the problems of internal organs and cranial, which displays the relationship of the bone structures of the skull.

Considering that osteopathy considers the unity of the physiological, nervous and mental in a person, treatment takes place at all three levels. They are united by bioenergy, with which the osteopathic doctor of the clinic "" Mikhail Anatolyevich Shamin talks about his work.

Bioenergy is a series of energy conversion processes that take place in the body of living beings and are responsible for their vital activity. Modern medicine considers the imbalance of energy flows in the body to be the cause of many diseases. In practice, this is revealed by studying oxidative phosphorylation in cells - an metabolic process in which the energy formed during the oxidation of nutrients is stored in cells in the form of ATP - a universal source of energy for all living things.

Lack of energy contributes to premature aging and susceptibility to frequent illnesses. To strengthen your own energy field, certain practices, both body-oriented and psychotherapeutic, are recommended. Examples of practices for strengthening energy are yoga, qigong, oriental practices and martial arts. The format of these classes is different, however, the goal is the same - to release energy flows and teach them to control.

The presence of bioenergetic effects has been proven by science. Its existence was recorded at the Department of Bioorganics at Moscow State University, at the Finnish University in Copio, as well as in the laboratory of genetic monitoring. Numerous experiments have proven the existing possibility of bioenergetic self-regulation of the body. If you learn to work with this tool, each person will be able to independently regulate the processes occurring in the body. He speaks about the effect of bioenergy on his patients. The direct action of the biofield can be experienced through physical contact. The exchange of energy fields can both harm and heal. It depends on the personality of the doctor, on his own energy force and the ability to transmit it positively.

The theory of bioenergy was created by the Austrian physician Wilhelm Reich. And in practice, Reich's student, American psychotherapist Alexander Lowen, who is considered the founder of this trend, was the first to use it. He is one of the founders of the International Institute for Bioenergy Analysis and the author of the "Bioenergy Analysis" method.

Followers of bioenergetics consider the inextricable connection between soul and body and note their mutual influence on each other. Disruptions in the state of mind will certainly lead to physical ailments, and vice versa, diseases lead to imbalance and depress the mental system. Through special exercises, you can manage your conditions and prevent diseases. Energy dead ends occur in areas of excessive muscle tension. Classes are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the whole body, which leads to the free flow of energies in the body. You can do it at home, no special equipment is required. The main rule is strict adherence to the recommendations of the mentor and adherence to the technique of performing the exercises.