Voluminous lips. How to make your lips plump at home? Lip Enlargement Gadget Without Makeup

All women, whom nature has not endowed with this feature from birth, dream of seductive plump lips. To the delight of beautiful ladies, in the 21st century this desire can be fulfilled without any difficulty. Modern cosmetologists know how to enlarge lips at home, and willingly share their experience with women. If this topic is relevant to you, let's break it down in more detail.

Ways to enlarge lips at home

Plastic surgery will help to increase the volume of many parts of the face, but not every woman is willing to go under the knife for a couple of grams of Botox. For this reason, cosmetologists have developed a number of techniques to achieve the desired result without surgery. Modern methods of lip augmentation at home are effective and safe, therefore tens of thousands of women practice them. Simple beauty recipes help you achieve impressive results! Let's discuss these methods in more detail to get an overview.


The device that modern women use to make their lips plump and larger works like a suction cup. The vacuum device pumps out air, increasing the volume of soft tissues by 40-50%. The procedure takes no more than a minute, and the effect it provides is fixed for several hours. The lip enlarger is absolutely harmless to the skin, mucous membrane and blood vessels, so there are no contraindications or side effects.

Many companies produce similar gadgets. The most popular of these is the Fullips vacuum simulator. So you learned the name of this thing for lip augmentation in everyday conditions, about which the whole world is judging. A wonderful device is relatively inexpensive. Every woman can shell out for such a pleasure. The device is offered in three variations, for different types of lips.


Modern cosmetology offers women a wide range of lip augmentation products at home. Cosmetic ointments, balms, and lipsticks contain special irritating particles called plumpers. The role of these components can be played by extracts of cinnamon, ginger, red pepper, mint. In some cases, essential oils and vitamin E are added to the composition of such products. The effect of increasing the volume is created due to the flow of blood, which occurs as a reaction to an irritant.

Folk remedies

Folk cosmetology will tell you how to make beautiful lips at home, to give them volume. There are many ways to achieve the desired result, and right now we will take a closer look at the most effective ones:

  1. Ice massage... Massage your lips with an ice cube, then apply a hot-soaked napkin to them for a few moments. Repeat this procedure several times. The effect of increasing the volume will appear soon.
  2. Hot pepper... This recipe is further proof that beauty requires sacrifice. To increase the volume of your lips with pepper at home, you need to take one small pod, grind it together with the seeds, and insist in a glass of hot water. When the liquid has cooled to a tolerable temperature, soak a tissue in it and apply it tightly to your lips. The volume will appear instantly, but for the next 20 minutes after that, you will have to endure a merciless burning sensation.
  3. Cap. An old method used by Soviet women at home. With the help of the cap, you can increase the volume of your lips by 30-40%. The idea behind this method is that you place the cap over your mouth and draw in air to create a vacuum. The procedure ends in a minute. The effect of increasing the volume lasts 2-3 hours. If you don't have a cap on hand, you can use a glass, lid, or jar. The main thing is that the size is suitable.
  4. Glycerin mask... Mix equal proportions of petroleum jelly with honey, white sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice. The total volume should be about 50 grams. Add a third of the dessert spoon of glycerin. Stir until a uniform mass is obtained, hold for a couple of minutes in a water bath. Apply to the surface of the lips, timed for a quarter of an hour. The procedure will soften muscle tissue and skin.

Through exercise

A special exercise will help to pump up your lips. Write down some simple exercises for yourself that you can practice anywhere:

  1. Whistling... Whistle the tunes of your favorite songs every time you have a free moment. This will warm up the muscles to increase the effectiveness of subsequent exercises.
  2. We show our tongue. Cute childish tomfoolery will help to increase the volume of lips at home. Extend your tongue to its full length, count to ten. Repeat the procedure several times.
  3. Dandelion. Inhale deeply, puff out your cheeks, press your lips together tightly. Imagine that there is a large dandelion in front of you, and blow the seeds off of it with all your might. Do this 5 times.
  4. gold fish... Curl your lips as tightly as possible, then smile broadly. Repeat this procedure more often.
  5. Circles... Close your lips as tightly as possible. Imagine squeezing an invisible brush with them. Draw 5 circles in the air in a counterclockwise motion, and then do the same, only in the opposite direction.
  6. Shark... Bite your lips hard for mild pain. Timed 2 minutes and then release. You will soon notice that the lip volume has increased noticeably.


In addition to all other procedures and exercises, massage your lips daily with a regular toothbrush with delicate bristles. By developing tissue in this way, you will increase blood flow and thereby create additional volume. In addition, the brush will exfoliate dead skin cells. Due to this, the metabolism will improve. Repeating this massage several times daily, you will quickly achieve your goal.


If you are looking for a long-term effect of volume, try out lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid at home. The active ingredient in this product is sodium hyaluronate. It is absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and accumulates water molecules around itself. This creates volume and smoothes wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid creams and balms are applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the lips in a circular motion. In the process of performing these actions, there will be a slight burning sensation and a feeling of puffiness, but this is not scary. Hyaluronic agents are absolutely harmless.

How to visually enlarge lips with cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics will help you get the desired result. The main thing is to choose the right lip gloss that increases volume. The glossy texture will change the visual perception of the skin's surface. In addition, the shine will provide a temporary wrinkle-smoothing effect. From the outside it will look quite natural and attractive.

The consequences of lip augmentation

Women who have chosen traditional methods and / or decorative cosmetics for themselves rarely experience undesirable effects. As for creams that provoke blood flow to the capillaries of the lips, they can provoke an allergic reaction, so they must be used with caution. Hyaluronic acid in moderation does not harm skin and muscle tissue, but irritation is common if abused.

Video: how to enlarge lips without surgery

The video below will clearly show you the practical application of the techniques we have discussed. Experienced cosmetologists will explain in detail how to pump lips at home without the intervention of surgeons. In addition, experts will talk about precautions. Use these guidelines to get the desired effect without sacrificing.

Before and after photos

The simplest and incredibly effective way to assess the effectiveness of certain tools / exercises / drugs is to compare the images before and after the procedures. Many women do this, and you should follow their example. This will help you choose the most effective from all possible methods of increasing the volume of lips at home.

Bulky lips are now in vogue, and if you think that nature has cheated you, then you can resort to plastic surgery (which will cost a significant amount), inject a special gel under the skin using an injection (which should be done regularly, since fillers dissolve over time) or make lip augmentation at home (this will help you save a lot).

Lip augmentation without resorting to the services of doctors will help:

  • Exercises;
  • Makeup;
  • Recipes.


The muscles that allow you to clench and unclench your lips can be trained to increase their volume. To do this, you need to do special exercises. This method will make it possible to enlarge the lips, if not forever, then for quite a long time.

Most effective exercises:

  • Whistling (this exercise should be done for 5 minutes a day, after which the muscles of the mouth will warm up well and will be ready for further stress);
  • Dandelion (this exercise is familiar to everyone from childhood: puff out your cheeks, imagine that there is a dandelion in front of you, and blow it off, repeat 5 times);
  • Show your tongue (everyone can do this exercise since childhood: stick out your tongue as much as you can, and stay in this position for 10 seconds, you need to repeat this exercise 10 times);
  • Circles (in order to do this exercise, you need to close your lips and start moving them clockwise or counterclockwise as if you were drawing a circle, repeat 5 times in one direction and the other);

After finishing the exercises, pat gently on the lips with your fingers for 1-2 minutes. Then you can do a little massage. To do this, apply any natural oil (for example, olive oil) to the toothbrush and brush it several times over the lips.

You need to stop the massage as soon as you feel that they are a little numb. This massage will increase the blood flow, allowing your sponges to slightly increase in volume.


This method is the safest and most versatile. In order to visually enlarge the lips with decorative cosmetics, you need to know just a few tricks. In addition, you need to practice for a while in order to master them well.

Lipstick of any company is suitable for this, but not of any color. Sponges will appear larger when painted with peach, pink, or beige lipstick. Bright red, brown, blueberry and others will visually make them thinner.

When choosing a lipstick, pay special attention to its texture: if you plan to make your lips larger, then it is better to choose a gel, pearlescent or glossy lipstick. Lipsticks with a velvety or matte effect will not work for this purpose. To visually enlarge the lips, you can use all gloss that contains reflective particles.

In addition to lipstick and gloss, you will need concealer and pencils. First, a concealer is applied to the lips to make them smoother. Then, with a pencil of a shade that matches the lipstick, you need to outline a new contour, going beyond the boundaries of the natural contour by no more than 2 mm, and shade the skin between the two borders. After that, you need to outline the Cupid's bow (depression on the upper lip) with a pencil of a light shade. Then we apply lipstick and cover the lips with glitter on top.


Recipes for lip augmentation with spices are not suitable for everyone.

Before using them, make sure you are not allergic to:

  • Pepper;
  • Ginger;
  • Mint;
  • Lemon;
  • Cold.


Grind a pod of red hot pepper so that a gruel is obtained, and pour boiling water (200 ml). Insist until the liquid cools down to room temperature. Then moisten a tissue napkin in the resulting infusion and apply it to your lips for a short time. If you start to bake too much, you should not endure it, otherwise you may get burns.

Will help make more sponge and ginger root. To do this, grate a small piece on a fine grater, and apply the resulting gruel to them. After that, they need to be squeezed and rubbed against each other. Then wash off the gruel, and lubricate the lips themselves with balm.

Helps to briefly plump lips and peppermint. To do this, its leaves must be crushed or crushed, the resulting mass must be applied to sponges. You need to wash off the gruel after 5 minutes, and lubricate your lips with balm.

In order to enlarge the lips with lemon, you need to grate its zest. With the resulting mass, you need to lightly massage the skin of the lips, as if it were a scrub. As soon as tingling or numbness appears in the lips, the procedure should be stopped. After that, you need to rinse the sponges and lubricate them with balm.

Heat and cold

You can quickly add volume to your lips with ice and hot water. To do this, you need to alternately lubricate them with an ice cube and a cloth napkin, which must be moistened in hot water each time. When a feeling of numbness or tingling appears in the lips, the procedure must be stopped.

Home remedies for plumping your lips will not help you permanently enlarge your lips. But, using these little tricks, you can do without expensive plastic surgery and invasive cosmetic procedures.

And remember that the easiest and most enjoyable way to add volume to your lips is through passionate long-lasting kisses.

The common phrase “size matters” is not only relevant for men these days. In the case of the weaker half of humanity, it has to do not only with the size of the chest or hips, but also with the lips. Holders of voluminous lips from ancient times were considered more prolific. Plump lips were one of the beacons that attracted males to create healthy offspring.

This fact is entrenched in the genetic memory of men, it is not for nothing that in our time many of them are excited by the bright image of Angelina Jolie, Pamela Anderson or Megan Fox, seducing from TV screens and magazine covers.

In order to meet the unwritten ideal of beauty and arouse the interest of a strong half of humanity, girls from time immemorial have sought to make their lips more voluminous.

In ancient Egypt, for this purpose, oils and snake venom were mixed in certain proportions and applied to the mouth. In the Middle Ages, they tried to make the first variations on the theme of tattooing.

Since the invention of 3D lip volume surgeries, they have been put on stream. True, in our time, invasive aesthetic procedures (injections based on hyaluronic acid (fillers), Botox, various gels) have already competed with the scalpel.

Voluminous lips from season to season are on the wave of fashion, so cosmetologists and surgeons have no end to their clients. The number of those who want to get lips, like Angelina Jolie, is the same as those who dream of breasts, like Pamela Anderson.

On the one hand, entrusting yourself to a specialist to correct a small "flaw of nature" is useful for improving self-perception and psychological state. On the other hand, if you are not sure of your choice, you are afraid of a scalpel like the plague, and injections cause you a feeling of panic, it is better to use the website's advice on how to enlarge your lips at home without interfering with nature.

Exercises for lip augmentation

As surprising as it may sound, our lips also have muscles, they enable them to clench and unclench, take different shapes during a conversation, and grimace. And these muscles can be "pumped up", like any others on our body, performing a certain series of exercises. Just remember, if you want to achieve decent results, do not skip workouts and exercise regularly. Moreover, such exercises can be performed anywhere and anytime.

1. Whistle

Whistle your favorite melody for 5 minutes. Try a new song every day. This will not only cheer you up, but it will also warm your mouth muscles for further exercise.

2. Show your tongue

It was cute tomfoolery as a child, but now the ugly gesture has become part of the exercise program to increase the volume of the lips. Open your mouth and pull your tongue out to its full length. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds, repeat 10 times.

3. Dandelion

First, puff out your cheeks, and then begin to puff them out strongly, like a dandelion in front of you. At the same time, the lips should be relaxed. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

4. Smile of a goldfish

First, fold your lips into a tube, and then smile. Do 15 reps.

5. Howl like a wolf

Try to howl for 5 minutes, say "woooo, avuu." Just do it slowly, drawing out each letter.

6. Draw circles

Press your lips together tightly, and begin to move them clockwise and counterclockwise, as if drawing circles in the air. Do in each direction five times.

7. Shark

How to enlarge lips at home / shutterstock.com

Bite your lips with your teeth so that it doesn't hurt. This exercise will increase blood circulation in the lip area. Do this for 2 minutes.

8. Pull in your lips

Pull your lips in firmly. Keep them in this position for 20 seconds, then take a break and continue. Repeat 5 times.

Lip massage and makeup for extra volume

Lip massage

In addition to the set of exercises, which is good for sutra, in the evening you can do a special massage for lip augmentation. It does not take much time, and the result will be noticeable in a month.

Scrub massage

Take scrub with fine abrasive. You can buy it from the store or make it yourself. To do this, mix wheat grains with a spoonful of honey - and the scrub is ready. Apply it to your lips, massage with your fingers in different directions. After a while, your lips will begin to add volume.

In addition, in this way you will rid them of dead skin particles, and lipstick or shine will go to bed better.

Toothbrush massage

Get a separate soft-bristled brush for this procedure (a nursery one is ideal). Wet it lightly and start massage. The skin of the lips is very delicate and easily injured, so do without sudden movements.

Ice cubes massage

Place the ice cube in a thin cloth and start massaging. Run them on the lips to the left and to the right for 2 minutes. The cold perfectly stimulates blood circulation and its flow to the lip area, so they slightly, but still add in volume.

Menthol compresses

Apply menthol essential oil to a wet wipe and soak it on your lips for about 5-10 minutes.

Moisturizing after procedures

Remember to moisturize your lips after any massage. Use for this special treatment lip balm or a moisturizer for the eye area.

Lip make-up for extra volume

If you need to enlarge your lips in minutes, use the tricks of professional makeup artists. There is nothing easier than doing this with decorative cosmetics. There are several important details to consider here.

The fashion for big, plump lips appeared in the last century, and was mainly driven by trends in glossy magazines. How to make big lips at home without the help of specialists? Almost every girl asks a similar question, and often this is due not only to the imposed concepts of beauty, but also to the fact that plump lips look more feminine and sexy.

In general, all methods of increasing the volume of the upper or lower lip without silicone can be divided into the following points:

  • # ddb6aa"> using makeup;
  • # ddb6aa"> using additional accessories;
  • # ddb6aa"> exercise;
  • # ddb6aa"> folk remedies.

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

How to get big lips with makeup

This option is used by all makeup artists and many girls, even in everyday makeup. The fact is that knowing certain rules for the competent application of cosmetics, you can significantly visually enlarge the lips.

But it’s worth forever abandoning the idea that if you just “draw” your lips with lipstick, even two millimeters above their natural line, you can achieve the desired effect. The maximum that can be obtained in this way is a vulgar, ugly makeup, since in any case your natural contour will be visible.

Instead, you can stick to the following rules.

  • # ddb6aa"> Use a pencil and lipstick technique to make your lips look plump. To do this, you need to pick up a pencil to match your lips and, very slightly protruding, draw a contour.
  • # ddb6aa"> Avoid dark shades, as well as too dry and matte lipsticks, as they visually make the lips thinner.
  • # ddb6aa"> Significantly increase the visual volume of light, with the presence of a small shimmer lipsticks and lip glosses. V center, apply a lighter shade of lipstick for extra puffiness.

Use special glosses and lipsticks with various extracts (pepper, mint, etc.) - many brands began to produce cosmetics that not only externally enlarge lips, but also, with the help of special components, really make them plump and plump. Usually during use, you may feel a slight burning or tingling sensation. For example, Dior Addict Lip Maximizer, Full Potential Lips Plump and Shine, Color Sensational Gloss by Maybelline.

With optional accessories

Now on the Internet, in magazines and on TV, they are actively discussing beauty accessories, which are mainly produced in Japan. Why in Japan? It so happened that it is in this country that there is an absolutely different approach to beauty, care and cosmetics. Consider the most famous accessories.

Lip Enlargement Gadget Without Makeup

A suction cup, a stopper, a vacuum lip enlarger - as soon as they call a red gadget, the purpose of which is to make two plump dumplings out of your lips. How the device works. It's very simple - a vacuum. If anyone has tried this method at least once, they know that it is very similar to using a simple vacuum cleaner. You apply an enlarger to your lips (it should be noted that the product is of different sizes depending on the source material), thus creating a vacuum, blood rushes to the lips, therefore, they become more voluminous.

Is the device functional? Yes, definitely, but the same effect can be obtained using a home vacuum cleaner, which we will talk about further.

Vacuum cleaner - a way to enlarge your lips?

A really ordinary, not even the most powerful, vacuum cleaner will help to achieve an amazing effect, but there are a few points.

  • # ddb6aa"> Not for everyone - it should be understood that a vacuum can cause pain, bruising and even rupture of the skin, so people with sensitive skin need to be approached with caution.
  • # ddb6aa"> Lips must be natural - even the smallest amount of silicone in the lips when using a vacuum cleaner can have bad effects.
  • # ddb6aa"> For the first time, do not turn on the vacuum cleaner at its highest power.

Depending on the characteristics of the organism, the effect can last from several hours to days. And in no case get carried away!


The easiest way to enlarge is with a bottle. To do this, you just need to stretch your lips into a pipe and shove it into the neck, while slightly squeezing the plastic bottle to obtain a vacuum effect. Again, don't get carried away!

Increase with exercise

Sure, all natural products, makeup and accessories are good, but there is a way to make your lips plumper forever without surgery. As with the figure, the lips need constant training in order not to lose their contour and volume with age. There are a number of exercises for this.


Extend the mouth in such a way as if you want to blow out the candles, and draw circles in the air, first to the left and then to the right. In each direction, 100 or more repetitions should be done. This exercise trains the muscles and improves the contour.

Tired duck

Place your index fingers over the upper lip, at the same time press under the lower lip with your thumbs. You don't have to tense your muscles, you have to be relaxed. Pressing lightly with your fingers, pull the "duck" forward. In no case should there be any unpleasant or painful sensations. Do everything gently. Repeat 100 times.


One of the best exercises is to resist the lips. To do this, you need to stretch out as if for a kiss, at the same time with your index fingers to press on them as if preventing a kiss. Muscles develop better due to resistance. Repeat 50 or more times.

If you devote a little time to these exercises at least every other day, then soon you will be able to boast of beautiful, smooth and plump lips.

Folk remedies

The desire to have plump lips appeared much earlier than scientists, cosmetologists and marketers noticed it. When there were not many different cosmetics, girls and women were looking for ways to become beautiful, using exclusively what is at home. Some of these methods work great and are still in use today.


Everyone knows the property of stinging nettle, causing irritation and blood flow. It is this action that allows you to achieve a more pronounced contour, rush of blood and the appearance of swelling. Before using this opportunity, make sure that you do not have any allergies. The effect of nettle can last up to several hours.


In practice, as in the case of cosmetics, one of the components of which is hot peppers, this method is based on a rush of blood and the appearance of a slight swelling. Just dry pepper will not help. It is necessary to use exclusively freshly ground, mixed with cosmetic petroleum jelly or cream. You need to hold such a mixture for fifteen to twenty minutes (or as far as your strength is enough), much depends on the degree of severity.

As you already understood, the increase in visual volume is obtained due to the rush of blood, which can be provided with ordinary frozen water. Hold an ice cube between your lips, or just massage. The effect will not be as noticeable as from other methods, but much more pleasant and faster.

All of the above methods will allow you not to resort to radical measures, but at the same time get rid of unnecessary complexes about thin and small lips.

Nature has not given everyone such lips as Angelina Jolie. Full, plump lips are all the rage, and every woman probably dreams of how to make her lips bigger. It is not always safe to inject medications into them. However, there are certain techniques with which you can visually enlarge them.

Radical tricks

Several decades ago, everyone who wanted to increase the volume of their lips and who had the financial ability to do this turned to a plastic surgeon. The introduction of implants under the skin is quite common today, but after many sensational stories, the number of implants placed under the scalpel has decreased significantly. Moreover, there are alternative proposals for getting plump lips.

For example, lipofilling. There is absolutely no fatty layer in the tissues of the lips, therefore, when the muscles become flabby and dry, the lips seem to melt. With lipofilling, a small amount of fat cells taken from another place in your body is injected under the skin of the lips. There is a possibility that this fat will not take root either, or it will be unevenly distributed, forming irregularities. But if everything goes well, the result will last forever.

Lip filling with hyaluronic acid fillers. A special composition is injected under the skin of the lips with a thin syringe. It will keep its volumetric shape for only a few months, no more than a year. Gradually, the gel will dissolve and the lips will return to their original appearance. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated at regular intervals. This method is the least risky of those described.

Decorative cosmetics for visual lip augmentation

Make-up plays a huge role in the perception of facial features and its individual details. You can often find such a recommendation: to make the lips seem larger, just draw the contour of the shape you want. In this case, the contour can pass at a certain distance from the natural edge of the lips. But even on brightly smeared lips it will be seen that they are painted. So try this tip: to make your lips look plump, use a light contour pencil and light lipstick. If you prefer dark lipstick, then in the center, apply a little gloss in a slightly lighter tone, thanks to this, the lips will appear fuller.

Using glitter lip gloss can make your lips look much more voluminous. Also, the use of lipsticks with ginger, pepper, menthol or other substances that are great for stimulating blood flow. And the presence of collagen or silicone in the lipstick will visually enlarge the lips.

A popular way to make lips look fuller is with tattooing. According to the principle of a tattoo, a dotted contour of the lip line is drawn. At the request of the client, you can even give a completely new shape to the lips, enlarging them.

Lip charger

With age, the lips seem to dry out and lose their volume. To prevent this from happening, do special gymnastics:

Pull your lips forward and blow with relaxed lips, as if blowing out a candle. Repeat 30-40 times.

Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and exhale, alternately making a slow exhalation after exhalation in jerks. Repeat 15-20 times.

Pronounce the vowels a - and - o - y loudly, tightening your lips. Repeat 10-15 times.

Ways to enlarge your lips without leaving your home.

You can add volume to your lips without risky procedures. There are many such recipes.

  • For example, to make your lips look plump and shiny, use a day cream "for sensitive skin of the eyelids." It should be lightly hammered (and not smudged) into the red border around the lips with your fingertips in the morning, without stretching them.
  • Using a baby soft toothbrush, massage the lips daily for 1 minute. Or twice a day for 30 seconds. Move the brush gently and slowly so as not to injure the skin. After the massage, be sure to apply a healing moisturizing balm.
  • The skin of the lips also needs to be cleaned of dead cells. To do this, you can use your favorite scrub with a fine abrasive, but it is best to make it from natural products. In a small glass jar, mix two tablespoons of candied honey, one teaspoon each of baking soda and sesame oil, two drops of peppermint essential oil. Stir with a wooden or ceramic stick or spoon. Always store the scrub in the refrigerator. At your discretion, you can use it every other day or more often, but at least once a week. After exfoliating, moisturize the lips with a balm.

Homemade masks for lip volume

  • Mix half a teaspoon of cottage cheese equally with any natural juice or milk.
  • Homemade sour cream, one spoon, mix with 3 drops of lemon juice.
  • Spread natural honey over the lips. You can mix honey with pork fat for enhanced skin nutrition.
  • Apply kefir, and as soon as it dries, apply another layer.

And remember, when you purse your lips in a capricious grimace, wrinkles form around them. Better smile!