Sample jewelry claim. How to return improper quality jewelry. Is it possible to return the jewelry to the store

All people buy jewelry at least once in their life.

Some of them are faced with an unpleasant one, such as marriage.

It should be understood that it is possible to return a similar item.

But, when the products are of proper quality, it will not be possible to return it.

Jewelry is included in the non-return list on the usual basis.

It is also unlikely that it will be possible to deceive the seller, since in case of doubt he has the right to hold a special one. Let's consider in detail how the return of jewelry of inadequate quality is carried out.

Navigating the article

What the legislation says

It often happens that people return various products to the store, only because they do not like the style or size. But this item is included in the non-returnable list for one simple reason: the jewelry is original and has a very high price. In this regard, there is a high probability of counterfeiting.

An unscrupulous buyer can slip a cheap fake instead of the original. After all, the seller is not an expert, he may not notice this fact.

That is why the law made the sellers safe. In addition, almost all jewelry has a selling price.

It is many times higher than the prime cost. Therefore, the return of goods on the basis of "did not fit" is unprofitable.

Therefore, it is better not to rush to buy jewelry. It is impossible to give them back to if they are of excellent quality.

The only solution to this problem would be to amicably negotiate with the seller. This is possible only if he himself agrees to meet the buyer halfway. Just remember that he is not obliged to do this by law.

Low quality jewelry concept

It is necessary to correctly define what is not a quality product. Even an ordinary person is able to do this.

Sufficient quality includes:

  • Jewelry has no working locks.
  • Insecure gemstones in jewelry.
  • The presence of mechanical defects: burrs, scuffs or bevels.
  • There may be defects in pearls or stones: chips or cracks.

When such are present, the seller is legally obliged to accept the goods. It is allowed to replace it with another product. thus, the return of jewelry of inadequate quality (article 25) for the reasons listed is quite possible.

Poor quality return policy

If the buyer finds a defect on the product, do not rack your brains, you need to go straight to the store. Be sure to take with you:

  • Not a quality decoration.
  • Product packaging and price tag, if any.
  • Receipt of payment.

When there is no purchase receipt, you can return the product, but you have to prove that it was purchased in this particular store. You may have to do this in court.

The selling party has every right to conduct an examination. This will help establish where the defect originated from. Perhaps this was the fault of the buyer. After the examination, a decision is made on further actions.

The buyer also has the right to give the jewelry for examination. In this situation, he may additionally claim the cost of this procedure.

Possible return time

The return of jewelry of inadequate quality must be carried out no later than six months from the date of purchase.

In this case, jewelry should be of inadequate quality.

To make a claim to the seller, it is required to prove that the goods were purchased from this seller.

Even when the store is sure that there is no manufacturing defect and the defect is the fault of the buyer, it must be accepted.

After that, a special examination is carried out, and after that the dispute is resolved.

It is allowed to return jewelry to the store subject to the following basic principles:

  • The product was purchased with a defect.
  • There is a receipt confirming the purchase in the store.
  • No more than six months have passed since the date of purchase.

The seller has no right to refuse the buyer. For this, he can be held liable in accordance with the current legislation. The buyer has the right to demand payment of a forfeit or fine.

When there is deception, the buyer has the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor or the court. But for this you need to have proof, the fact of purchasing the product from this particular seller.

Quite often there are situations when the injured party cannot prove its case in court. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact a legally competent person. This will make the chances of success significantly higher.

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Substandard jewelry

Good day! Please help me figure out the following situation. A month ago I bought gold earrings as a gift. Upon purchase, the product was visually inspected. When wearing the jewelry, a significant drawback was discovered - the fasteners of the product are constantly unfastened due to the fact that one of the elements of the fastener bends very much. The cashier's receipt was lost, but the payment was made and an SMS remained in the phone confirming this purchase. Is it possible to exchange this product or get a refund? Can SMS be used as proof of purchase if a receipt is lost? How to proceed and where to go if the store refuses to exchange or? Thank you in advance.

Lawyers' answers

Mikhailovsky Yuri Iosifovich(04/14/2014 at 10:37:39)

Good day! You need to contact the Seller with a Claim (2 copies), the main thing is to put an imprint of the seal, input number and signature on your copy, if you refuse to accept, you can send it by registered mail with a notification and an inventory. Your lack of a receipt does not invalidate your rights, for the Seller the SMS message may not be evidence, but for the Court it may well be evidence as well as testimony. Article 18 "O" explicitly states that the Consumer, at his choice, has the right to: demand a replacement or refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods. If the Seller claims that the jewelry cannot be returned for exchange, this is not the case, the Resolution states that the product is of good quality and most likely you will be offered to repair the product. If you are denied, then you can apply with, the state duty is not levied. For information: Article 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". inflicted on the consumer as a result of violation by the manufacturer (performer, seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) of consumer rights provided for by the laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of consumer protection, is subject to compensation by the inflictor of harm if he is at fault. The amount of compensation for moral damage is determined by the court and does not depend on the amount of compensation for property damage. Compensation for moral damage is carried out regardless of compensation for property damage and losses incurred by the consumer. Article 17 of the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Judicial protection of consumer rights 1. Protection of consumer rights is carried out by the court. 2. Claims for the protection of consumer rights may be brought at the choice of the plaintiff to the court at the place of: location of the organization, and if the defendant is an individual entrepreneur, his residence; residence or stay of the plaintiff; conclusion or execution of a contract. If a claim against an organization arises from the activities of its branch or representative office, it can be brought to court at the location of its branch or representative office. 3. Consumers, other plaintiffs in claims related to violation of consumer rights are exempted from paying state fees. Article 18 of the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". Consumer rights when defects are found in the product 1. The consumer, if defects are found in the product, if they have not been agreed by the seller, at his choice has the right: to demand replacement for the product of the same brand (the same model and (or) article); demand replacement for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price; demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price; demand the immediate gratuitous elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party; refuse to execute the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must be handicapped. At the same time, the consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality. Losses are reimbursed within the time frame established by this Law to meet the relevant consumer requirements. With regard to a technically complex product, if defects are found in it, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for such a product or to submit a demand to replace it with a product of the same brand (model, article) or for the same product by another brand (model, article) with the corresponding recalculation of the purchase price within fifteen days from the date of transfer of such goods to the consumer. Upon expiration of this period, the specified requirements are subject to satisfaction in one of the following cases: discovery of a significant defect in the goods; violation of the terms established by this Law for the elimination of defects in the goods; the inability to use the goods during each year of the warranty period in the aggregate of more than thirty days due to the repeated elimination of its various shortcomings. The list of technically complex goods is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. 2. The requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this article are presented by the consumer to the seller or an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur. 3. The consumer has the right to present the requirements specified in paragraphs two and five of paragraph 1 of this article to the manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer. Instead of presenting these requirements, the consumer has the right to return the product of inadequate quality to the manufacturer or importer and demand the return of the amount paid for it. 5. The consumer's absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods is not a reason for refusing to satisfy his requirements. The seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer are obliged to accept the goods of inadequate quality from the consumer and, if necessary, to check the quality of the goods. The consumer has the right to participate in checking the quality of the goods. In the event of a dispute about the reasons for the occurrence of defects in the goods, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer are obliged to conduct an examination of the goods at their own expense. The examination of the goods is carried out within the time limits established by Articles 20, 21 and 22 of this Law to meet the relevant requirements of the consumer. The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its results, to challenge the conclusion of such an examination in court. If, as a result of the examination of the goods, it is established that its deficiencies have arisen due to circumstances for which the seller (manufacturer) is not responsible, the consumer is obliged to reimburse the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, importer for the costs of carrying out the examination, as well as related to its conduct. storage and transportation costs. 6. The seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer is liable for defects in the goods for which the warranty period has not been established, if the consumer proves that they arose before the transfer of the goods to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment. In relation to the goods for which the warranty period is established, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer is responsible for the defects of the goods, unless he proves that they arose after the transfer of the goods to the consumer as a result of the consumer's violation of the rules for using, storing or transporting the goods, actions of third parties or force majeure.

Sedchenko Sergey Nikolaevich(04/14/2014 at 10:41:12)

Hello, Tatyana. According to the "On Protection of Consumer Rights", each buyer has the right to return the goods to the outlet in two cases: when the purchased goods turned out to be of poor quality, or when the quality goods do not suit the buyer for some reason. In both cases, the law is on the consumer's side and guarantees or a refund. In order for your request for a replacement product or a refund to be satisfied without presenting a check, you need to obtain testimony from a witness who will confirm that the purchase was made in this store. In addition, you can show the store warranty coupons, duly completed on the day of purchase by the store's employees, as well as any other documents that directly or indirectly confirm the fact of purchase. But even in the absence of documents, the store is obliged to accept low-quality goods. To return a defective product without a receipt, you need to write a claim statement. In the document, you must indicate the exact name of the trading company, your name, surname, patronymic, place of residence and phone number. In the text of the application, you must indicate the date of purchase, name, brand (model) of the product, its cost. After that, you should indicate under what circumstances and when the defect was detected. Clearly formulate your requirement: return the money for the product or change it to a quality one. If, nevertheless, the purchased item as a whole suits you, you can demand from the store to eliminate the revealed defect; reducing the value of the goods in proportion to the detected defect, as well as reimbursement of expenses incurred by you for self-elimination of defects in the goods. Your request should be correctly reflected in the application. The application for the return of goods contains the exact name of the merchant, full details of the buyer. In the text of the application, you must indicate when, what product and at what price you purchased. Then you need to clearly formulate a claim: the size, color, equipment, etc. did not fit. The application is written in two copies, one of which is handed over to the store representative, and the second, with a receipt of the goods manager or director on receipt of the claim, remains with the applicant. This is enough for the seller to accept the goods you do not need and return the money. If the trading company delays the resolution of the issue or generally refuses to satisfy the claim, you should contact the Consumer Protection Committee, where they will help you draw up and resolve your issue in court. My answer, your feedback. If you understand the answer, click +. If you need legal assistance, please contact me, I will be happy to help. Respectfully yours, Sergei Nikolaevich.


Indicate the 10 and 18 articles of the ZoZPP.

Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on 07/03/2016) "On the protection of consumer rights" Article 18. Consumer rights when defects are found in the product

(see text in previous edition)

(Clause 1 as amended by the Federal Law of 25.10.200

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    • Lawyer, Novocheboksarsk


      Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 (as amended on 07/03/2016) "On the protection of consumer rights"

      Article 18. Rights of the consumer upon detection of defects in the product
      (as amended by Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      1. The consumer, in case of finding defects in the product, if they were not agreed by the seller, at his choice has the right:
      demand replacement for goods of the same brand (of the same model and (or) article);
      demand replacement for the same product of another brand (model, article) with a corresponding recalculation of the purchase price;
      demand a commensurate reduction in the purchase price;
      demand the immediate gratuitous elimination of defects in the goods or reimbursement of expenses for their correction by the consumer or a third party;
      refuse to execute the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for the goods. At the request of the seller and at his expense, the consumer must return the defective product.
      At the same time, the consumer has the right to demand also full compensation for losses caused to him as a result of the sale of goods of inadequate quality. Losses are reimbursed within the time frame established by this Law to meet the relevant consumer requirements.
      With regard to a technically complex product, if defects are found in it, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract of sale and demand the return of the amount paid for such a product or to submit a demand to replace it with a product of the same brand (model, article) or for the same product by another brand (model, article) with the corresponding recalculation of the purchase price within fifteen days from the date of transfer of such goods to the consumer. After this period, the specified requirements are subject to satisfaction in one of the following cases:
      detection of a significant shortage of goods;
      violation of the terms established by this Law for the elimination of defects in the goods;
      the inability to use the goods during each year of the warranty period in the aggregate of more than thirty days due to the repeated elimination of its various shortcomings.
      The list of technically complex goods is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

      2. The requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this article are presented by the consumer to the seller or an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur.

      3. The consumer has the right to present the requirements specified in paragraphs two and five of paragraph 1 of this article to the manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer.

      Instead of presenting these requirements, the consumer has the right to return the product of inadequate quality to the manufacturer or importer and demand the return of the amount paid for it.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      4. Abolished. - Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ.

      5. The consumer's absence of a cash or sales receipt or other document certifying the fact and conditions of the purchase of goods is not a reason for refusing to satisfy his requirements.
      The seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer are obliged to accept the goods of inadequate quality from the consumer and, if necessary, to check the quality of the goods. The consumer has the right to participate in checking the quality of the goods.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      In the event of a dispute about the reasons for the occurrence of defects in the goods, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer are obliged to conduct an examination of the goods at their own expense. The examination of the goods is carried out within the time limits established by Articles 20, 21 and 22 of this Law to meet the relevant requirements of the consumer. The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its results, to challenge the conclusion of such an examination in court.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      If, as a result of the examination of the goods, it is established that its deficiencies have arisen due to circumstances for which the seller (manufacturer) is not responsible, the consumer is obliged to reimburse the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, importer for the costs of carrying out the examination, as well as related to its conduct. storage and transportation costs.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      (Clause 5 as amended by Federal Law of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

      6. The seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer is liable for defects in the goods for which the warranty period has not been established, if the consumer proves that they arose before the transfer of the goods to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      In relation to the goods for which the warranty period is established, the seller (manufacturer), an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, the importer is responsible for the defects of the goods, unless he proves that they arose after the transfer of the goods to the consumer as a result of the consumer's violation of the rules for using, storing or transporting the goods, actions of third parties or force majeure.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      (Clause 6 introduced by the Federal Law of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

      7. Delivery of bulky goods and goods weighing more than five kilograms for repair, markdown, replacement and (or) their return to the consumer is carried out by forces and at the expense of the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer). In case of failure to fulfill this obligation, as well as in the absence of the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) at the location of the consumer, delivery and (or) return of the specified goods may be carried out by the consumer. In this case, the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) is obliged to reimburse the consumer for the costs associated with the delivery and (or) return of the specified goods.
      (Clause 7 as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      Article 19. Time Limits for the Submission of Claims by the Consumer in Respect of Defects in the Goods
      1. The consumer has the right to present the requirements provided for in Article 18 of this Law to the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) in relation to defects in the goods, if they are discovered during the warranty period or shelf life.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      In relation to goods for which warranty or expiration dates have not been established, the consumer has the right to present the specified requirements if the defects of the goods are discovered within a reasonable time, but within two years from the date of their transfer to the consumer, unless longer periods are established by law or contract.
      (Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

      2. The warranty period of the goods, as well as the period of its service, is calculated from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer, unless otherwise provided by the contract. If the date of transfer cannot be established, these periods are calculated from the date of manufacture of the goods.

      For seasonal goods (footwear, clothing, etc.), these periods are calculated from the moment of the onset of the corresponding season, the onset of which is determined, respectively, by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the climatic conditions of the location of consumers.
      When selling goods by samples, by mail, as well as in cases where the moment of conclusion of the contract of sale and the moment of transfer of the goods to the consumer do not coincide, these periods are calculated from the date of delivery of the goods to the consumer. If the consumer is deprived of the opportunity to use the product due to circumstances depending on the seller (in particular, the product needs a special installation, connection or assembly, there are defects in it), the warranty period does not run until the seller eliminates such circumstances. If the day of delivery, installation, connection, assembly of the goods, elimination of circumstances depending on the seller, due to which the consumer cannot use the goods for their intended purpose, cannot be determined, these periods are calculated from the date of the conclusion of the sales contract.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

      The paragraph is excluded. - Federal Law of December 17, 1999 N 212-FZ.

      The shelf life of the goods is determined by the period calculated from the date of manufacture of the goods, during which it is suitable for use, or the date before which the goods are suitable for use.
      The duration of the shelf life of the goods must comply with the mandatory requirements for the safety of the goods.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      3. Warranty periods can be set on components and components of the main product. The warranty periods for components and components are calculated in the same manner as the warranty period for the main product.
      The warranty periods for components and component parts of the goods are considered equal to the warranty period for the main product, unless otherwise provided by the contract. In the event that a warranty period of shorter duration is established for a component product and a component part of the product in the contract than the warranty period for the main product, the consumer has the right to present claims related to the deficiencies of the component product and component part of the product, if they are detected during the warranty period for the main product. product, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

      If a warranty period is set for a component product longer than the warranty period for the main product, the consumer has the right to make claims for defects in the product, provided that the deficiencies in the component product are discovered during the warranty period for this product, regardless of the expiration of the warranty period for the main product.
      4. The terms specified in this article shall be brought to the attention of the consumer in the information on the goods provided to the consumer in accordance with article 10 of this Law.
      5. In cases where the warranty period provided for by the contract is less than two years and the defects of the goods are discovered by the consumer after the expiration of the guarantee period, but within two years, the consumer has the right to present the seller (manufacturer) the requirements provided for in Article 18 of this Law, if he proves that the defects the goods arose before their transfer to the consumer or for reasons that arose up to this moment.
      (Clause 5 was introduced by the Federal Law of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

      6. In case of revealing significant defects in the goods, the consumer has the right to present to the manufacturer (an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) a demand for the gratuitous elimination of such defects, if he proves that they arose before the transfer of the goods to the consumer or for reasons that arose before that moment. The specified demand may be presented if the defects of the goods are discovered after two years from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer, during the service life established for the goods, or within ten years from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer in case of failure to establish the service life. If the specified requirement is not satisfied within twenty days from the date of its presentation by the consumer or the lack of goods discovered by him is irreparable, the consumer, at his choice, has the right to present to the manufacturer (authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) other requirements provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 18 of this Law or return goods to the manufacturer (authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) and demand a refund of the amount paid.
      (Clause 6 as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      Article 20. Elimination of defects of goods by the manufacturer (seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer)
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      1. If the term for the elimination of defects in the goods is not determined in writing by agreement of the parties, these defects must be eliminated by the manufacturer (seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) immediately, that is, within the minimum period objectively necessary for their elimination, taking into account the usually applied way. The term for eliminating defects in the goods, determined in writing by agreement of the parties, cannot exceed forty-five days.
      In the event that during the elimination of the defects of the goods it becomes obvious that they will not be eliminated within the period specified by the agreement of the parties, the parties can conclude an agreement on a new period for eliminating the defects of the goods. At the same time, the lack of spare parts (parts, materials), equipment necessary to eliminate the defects of the goods, or similar reasons are not grounds for concluding an agreement on such a new period and do not exempt from liability for violation of the period initially determined by the agreement of the parties.
      (Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      2. With regard to durable goods, the manufacturer, seller or an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur are obliged, upon presentation by the consumer of the specified demand, within three days, to provide the consumer free of charge for the period of repair, a durable goods with the same basic consumer properties, ensuring delivery at their own expense. The list of durable goods to which this requirement does not apply is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
      (as amended by Federal Laws of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ, of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ, of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      3. In case of elimination of defects in the goods, the warranty period for it is extended for the period during which the goods have not been used. The specified period is calculated from the day the consumer requests the elimination of defects in the goods until the day it is issued upon completion of the repair. When issuing the goods, the manufacturer (seller, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) is obliged to provide the consumer in writing with information on the date of the consumer's request to eliminate the defects in the goods discovered by him, on the date of transfer of the goods by the consumer to eliminate the defects in the goods, on the date on the elimination of the defects. goods with their descriptions, used spare parts (parts, materials) and the date of issue of the goods to the consumer at the end of the elimination of defects in the goods.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      4. Upon elimination of defects in the goods by replacing a component or component of the main product, for which the warranty period is established, for a new component or an integral part of the main product, a warranty period of the same duration is established as for the replaced component or component of the main product, unless otherwise provided by the contract, and the warranty period is calculated from the date of issue of this product to the consumer upon completion of the repair.
      (Clause 4 as amended by Federal Law of 17.12.1999 N 212-FZ)

      Article 21. Replacement of goods of inadequate quality
      1. In the event that the consumer discovers defects in the goods and submits a request for its replacement, the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) is obliged to replace such goods within seven days from the date of the specified demand by the consumer, and if necessary, additional quality control of such goods by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) - within twenty days from the date of the specified request.
      If the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) does not have the goods necessary for replacement at the time of the request, the replacement must be carried out within a month from the date of such request.
      In the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, the consumer's demand to replace the goods must be satisfied at his request within the time required for the next delivery of the relevant goods to these regions, if the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) does not have the necessary to replace the goods on the day the specified demand is made.
      If it takes more than seven days to replace the goods, at the request of the consumer, the seller (manufacturer or an authorized organization or an authorized individual entrepreneur), within three days from the date of submission of the demand for replacement of goods, is obliged to provide the consumer free of charge for temporary use for the period of replacement durable goods possessing these the same basic consumer properties, ensuring its delivery at their own expense. This rule does not apply to goods, the list of which is determined in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 20 of this Law.
      (as amended by Federal Laws of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ, of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      2. A product of inadequate quality must be replaced with a new product, that is, an unused product.
      When replacing a product, the warranty period is calculated anew from the date of transfer of the product to the consumer.
      Article 22. Time limits for satisfying individual consumer requirements
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      The consumer's claims for a commensurate reduction in the purchase price of the goods, reimbursement of the costs of correcting the defects of the goods by the consumer or a third party, the return of the money paid for the goods, as well as the claim for compensation for losses caused to the consumer due to the sale of goods of inadequate quality or the provision of inadequate information about the goods are subject to satisfaction by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) within ten days from the date of the relevant request.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 25.10.2007 N 234-FZ)

      Article 23. Liability of the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer) for delay in meeting consumer requirements
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      1. For violation of the terms provided for in Articles 20, 21 and 22 of this Law, as well as for failure to fulfill (delay in fulfilling) the consumer's requirement to provide him with a similar product for the period of repair (replacement) of a similar product, the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer), who committed such violations, pays the consumer for each day of delay a penalty (penalty) in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      The price of the goods is determined on the basis of its price that existed in the place where the consumer's demand should have been satisfied by the seller (manufacturer, authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer), on the day of the voluntary satisfaction of such a demand or on the day of the court decision, if the demand was not voluntarily satisfied.
      (as amended by Federal Law of 21.12.2004 N 171-FZ)

      2. In case of non-fulfillment of the consumer's requirements within the time limits provided for in Articles 20-22 of this Law, the consumer shall have the right, at his choice, to present other requirements established by Article 18 of this Law.

  • Acquisition of jewelry is quite a crucial moment in everyone's life. It is customary to treat such an event with all responsibility. As with the purchase of any other goods, the buyer runs the risk of being faced with deception, low quality and losing his money. What to do in this case? Can I return the item back? These and other questions can be answered in the presented article.

    Returning Jewelry Pursuant to Consumer Protection Law

    The trade relationship between buyer and seller is controlled by the Consumer Protection Act. The corresponding act regulates the issues of returning jewelry to the store. You should immediately note that this category of goods is not subject to the return option. According to the law, it is possible to return jewelry to the store only if:

    • The presence of deficiencies;
    • Confirmation of the fact of jewelry counterfeiting;
    • If, in the presence of precious stones, they began to fall out;
    • When the chain, bracelet, earrings broke, broke immediately after the purchase.

    So, you can return jewelry to the store only if it is of poor quality or defective.

    Return of jewelry within 14 days to the store

    It is a mistake to believe that the 14 days return of goods law applies to all purchases. If you become the owner of a low-quality jewelry, then you should know the period of its possible return.

    • It is possible to return jewelry of proper quality within 14 days only if an initial imperfection is found;
    • Each product has a store-specific warranty period. This period is equal to six months from the date of purchase. During this time, the buyer has the opportunity to return the purchase if a significant defect is found;
    • In a situation where the manufacturer has not specified the warranty period, the consumer can return within two years;
    • The reason for refusal to return the product during the warranty period may be an unintentional violation of the product.

    Is it possible to return the jewelry if I don't like it

    It is not possible to return jewelry of proper quality to the store. Unsuitable size, shape, color are not grounds for returning goods. The legislation provides for the return of jewelry only in cases of its factory imperfection.

    Can I return without a receipt and without a tag?

    Products made of precious metals are considered expensive goods, so there is a risk of being deceived not only by the buyer, but also by the seller. A store consultant is not always an expert and may face an unscrupulous consumer, therefore:

    • If it becomes necessary to return jewelry to the store, you need to fill out a written application.
    • Supplement the document with a cash register receipt confirming the fact of purchase.
    • It is important to keep and provide also the tag that contains information about the product.
    • The collected evidence is sent with the product for examination.
    • It is impossible to return goods without the appropriate certificates.

    Returning jewelry to a pawnshop - rules by law

    If you decide to purchase a piece of jewelry from a pawnshop, then you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the work of this structure. The activity of pawnshops is focused on the provision of borrowed funds in exchange for the delivery of personal valuables. The rules for accepting jewelry at a pawnshop are as follows:

    • You can hand over a jewel if it does not have state samples, manufacturer's marks;
    • The pawnshop accepts decorations of certain number samples;
    • An important point is the mandatory control of the product, determination of the sample, weight and other subtleties;
    • Any jewelry must be weighed to the nearest gram.

    When carrying out such manipulations, the likelihood of acquiring defective products is reduced. But, if you decide to return the purchased product to the pawnshop, then you need to know that, as they are also subject to the provisions of the law on non-return of goods. It is possible to hand over the purchase only if the results of the examination on the counterfeiting of the goods are provided.

    Return claim -

    If you are faced with a low-quality piece of jewelry and want to return it to the salon, then you must be prepared for the seller's intransigence.
    In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to resort to drawing up a written claim. It must conform to the following structure:

    • Indicate the name of the outlet, personal data of the director of the store;
    • Mark your full names and contact information;
    • State the reasons for filing a complaint and the store;
    • Support your words should be evidence. In this capacity, the conclusion of the examination performed;
    • Supplement the statement with a check and a product tag;
    • Point out the provisions of the law on the right to hand over low-quality jewelry;
    • Outline your requirements.

    Acquiring jewelry is always a joyful and pleasant experience. This moment can only be overshadowed by product imperfections. To achieve justice and get back the money spent, it is important to act with confidence and decisiveness. Knowing your rights and the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law will help you with this.