Stand design in the summer school camp. How to arrange a detachment corner decorating a detachment corner in a summer camp

Children's camp is not only sun, water and clean air. The organization, which is so called, should provide recreation for children, their health improvement, as well as carry out a lot of other functions.

Recently, children's camps have attracted the interest of many entrepreneurs, because with a skillful approach, such a business can be very profitable and promising. However, do not flatter yourself: if you are seriously thinking and planning how to open a camp for children, then you have a lot of work ahead of you.

Features, varieties and stages of creating a business

The main goals of the children's camps are:

  • to strengthen health and ensure the prevention of diseases, increasing immunity, doing physical education, sports and tourism;
  • develop healthy lifestyle skills in children;
  • develop the creativity of children;
  • contribute to their mental, physical, social and spiritual development;
  • teach children behavior in a team, communication with nature.

These are just some of the postulates on which the charters of children's camps are based. As you can see, everything is not so simple, but you must agree that all these activities are incredibly important, because they have great benefits for the health, recreation and all-round development of children.

As a rule, such institutions and organizations are located somewhere outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle. They mainly offer their programs during the summer months, however there are camps that operate in other seasons, and even operate all year round.

There are several types of camps, which differ in the specifics of the work.

  1. A health-improving or sanatorium recreation center, where there are stationary buildings (canteens, residential buildings, showers, etc.). Their base is medical centers or other medical institutions. As a rule, children are sent there who may have any health problems, or those whose parents simply want the child to improve his health.
  2. Summer school or training camp. Such institutions operate on the basis of schools or organizations of additional education. There are several forms in this view. For example, a camp for children who do not keep up with the general school curriculum, or a specialized camp (that is, with a narrow mathematical, psychological, language focus), or a children's camp for preparing younger children for school, and senior students for exams.
  3. Sports type institutions. In them, the main goal is the sports development of pupils: we can talk about narrowly focused camps (bias in a specific sport) or about the general physical training of children. As a kind, there may be a "tourist" camp, where everyone will live in tent cities for closer proximity to nature.
  4. Camp for the weekend. This idea is not very popular with us yet. The bottom line is that children are transferred to the care of the camp from Friday evening to Sunday evening. They should be provided with quality food, medical care and an entertainment or educational program.
  5. Labor camps are also more popular in Western countries. Mostly teenagers go to them, whom instructors offer to do various simple work (picking berries, fruits, helping farmers, etc.). Labor activity, as a rule, takes place only in the first half of the day, and after lunch, children can rest. Labor is undoubtedly paid.

The main stages of creating a camp

To create a children's camp, you need to approach its organization very seriously and responsibly. Do not immediately aim at a very large project (even if you have resources), because if you have absolutely no experience in this matter, at best, you will simply lose your investment. Gradually look for like-minded people, build up joint experience in conducting camps, organize a team, and only then try to slowly expand your horizons.

In any case, a lot of work awaits you at the beginning of the journey.

  1. Decide on the type and form of the future camp. Plan what it will be like, what do you want the children to learn, achieve, and manage after visiting your institution? What topics will you fill the camp with, how are you going to create an atmosphere, how to motivate, etc. This is a very important stage of work, because all further activities depend on your decisions.
  2. Based on the previous point, find a place or premises for the camp. Settle all legal issues - both with regards to the opening of the camp in principle, and with regards to the registration of the base, premises or land. Obtain the required permits and licenses.
  3. Take care of the repair, equipment and equipment of the camp. Purchase everything you need to receive the first shift of children.
  4. Hire employees.
  5. Let me know about the opening of the camp well in advance (before the start of the season).

Despite the fact that the camp opens, as a rule, only for warm or summer seasons, you will have enough work for autumn, winter and early spring.

Legal framework and legal registration of the organization

The sphere of recreation and health improvement of children, as well as any system related to it, is regulated by a number of different departments, services and structures. Federal target programs, decrees and orders are changed or supplemented annually, so you will have to monitor this very carefully so that the camp documentation is always in order.

Moreover, you will undergo scheduled regular checks before the opening of each season and the adoption of a new shift. Depending on what activities your camp will conduct, what services will be provided, during what period it will function, you will need various documents:

  • a license confirming that you have the right to conduct educational activities;
  • documents confirming your right to manage certain buildings and land (purchase and sale or lease agreement with the founder);
  • the act of acceptance of the camp by all services;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor and SES;
  • acts that disinfection, deratization and disinsection measures have been carried out (then you will need to conclude contracts for their regular implementation);
  • an agreement with the local health authority to confirm the provision of various medical services to your inmates;
  • a prepared plan or program of production control;
  • Rospotrebnadzor must also approve all the documentation for your canteen and even an approximate menu (do not forget about product certificates, etc.);
  • conclude contracts with various services for the provision of a whole range of services: food supply, garbage and other waste removal, security of the camp territory, etc .;
  • compose your own order books that will relate to your main activity, the movement of children, plus - the internal regulations in the camp, job descriptions for staff, staffing tables, various schedules (daily routine, shifts, shifts, safety precautions) and magazines;
  • all employees of your institution will need to have valid medical records and undergo regular medical examinations and hygienic training. Moreover, it is necessary to maintain medical records (certificates for each child, data, medical history, etc.);
  • financial and accounting documents will also require strict reporting and attention;
  • sanitary and technological equipment must be recorded in the plans of the premises and certified by all services;
  • when recruiting personnel and making a team, you will need to create personal cards for all employees, where they will indicate their basic data, qualifications, etc. (this applies to pedagogical, medical, technical and other personnel);
  • if children who have any benefits are coming to you, then each case must be studied by the social protection authorities, and you must have all the certificates of receipt of this benefit and other official documents that can confirm it when accepting a child;
  • vouchers to a health institution (with a register attached);
  • you must conclude an agreement on the provision of services with the parents of each arriving child, and also have their applications addressed to the director of the health institution.

In addition, you must register or, choose the form of taxation, make a seal.

It is also better to familiarize yourself with some of the main documents in advance that clearly regulate the activities of children's camps: "SanPiN" (for stationary institutions) and "SanPiN" (for tent camps). For example, for children aged 6-9 years, the maximum group size will be 25 people, as well as for adolescents 15-18 years old. But for children 10-14 years old - the maximum allowable number is 30 people in a group. Depending on age, children may or may not be involved in any kind of work or other activity. The menu, conditions for admitting children and other details are also strictly regulated.

The maximum shift will be three weeks. The break between shifts cannot be less than 2 days. The child can eat in the camp 2, 3 or 4 times a day, depending on how long he stays there.

Finding the right place

It also depends on what type of camp you have chosen. If we talk about a health-improving or sanatorium recreation center, then you will need a huge territory on which buildings with rooms, a dining room, medical buildings and other institutions will be located. Of course, rebuilding all this from scratch is almost impossible, because then, in order to open a camp for children, you will need a very large investment, which will pay off in a dozen years.

That is why many camps practice constant movement around the country. That is, the organizers do not build or buy their own recreation center, but rent houses or floors of some boarding houses. Based on the basis of this or that institution, you can offer each time new programs for children: prepare first graders for school, take an intensive course of a foreign language, or conduct various specialized trainings for children.

However, keep in mind that all buildings must necessarily comply with all norms and requirements, as well as be equipped with a sewerage system, serviceable drains, a good ventilation and water supply system. It is recommended that the height of buildings does not exceed two floors, and a first-aid post is equipped in each building. Wet cleaning of premises, cleaning of the territory and garbage disposal should be carried out daily. Bedding is changed at least once a week.

If there is a body of water (sea, lake, river) on the territory of the camp, then its banks should be gentle, that is, there can be no holes or cliffs in the place where children can access. Before arrival or the beginning of the swimming season, you will have to analyze the composition of the water, plus - then repeat this procedure regularly. The maximum depth of an open reservoir cannot be more than 0.7-1.3 m.

Equipment and equipment of the camp

Everyone will have their own list of everything necessary, since it depends on the mass of various individual factors. If you are aiming at a campground, then get ready to buy tents, awnings, dishes, cords, all kinds of tools and other equipment necessary for hiking. If you organize any sports or other workshops, then you will need equipment for them, based on specific specifics, etc.

A very important point is the organization of children's meals. You can carry it out in your own canteen of the camp or sign an agreement with a local cafe, having previously prepared all the necessary permits. In the campground, they cook on gas stoves or over a fire.

The territory of the camp must be landscaped and fenced around the entire perimeter. Dormitories must be heated, and rooms for children must be equipped and furnished with everything necessary: ​​beds, wardrobes, tables, chairs, shelves, bedside tables. If there is no reservoir, you will have to take care of the presence of a pool. It is also necessary to provide all the basic conditions: personal hygiene rooms, toilets, showers, laundry and drying of clothes, a first-aid post, etc.

There are also many requirements for the dining room, catering unit and other premises that will have to be strictly followed. Remember that you are responsible for the life, health and safety of every child in your camp.

Each season, additional costs will be required for updating equipment and equipment, landscaping, major or cosmetic repairs.

Personnel and work organization

Camp staff are people whom parents trust their children, so be very careful about their selection. A team of counselors should become your team, because you need not just assistants, but like-minded people.

Of course, it will take time to form a real team - perhaps not even one or two seasons. But if you want to bring up trust, respect, responsibility, mutual assistance and other positive qualities in children, then you and your employees will have to, first of all, show them in yourself.

The counselors can be volunteers, students of pedagogical universities or specialists who have already graduated from them. It is better to strive for a permanent staff of employees who would gradually become professionals in their field, taking part in various educational programs, gaining experience, developing their own innovations.

These people must be able to get along with children, organize them in all the activities of the camp, be responsible, observe all the necessary safety measures, and know how to behave in emergency situations. In addition, as already mentioned, employees must pass medical examinations, get vaccinated, take instructional and methodological seminars on preparation for work and pass certification on time.

You will also need specialists of various profiles: teachers, teachers, sports coaches, instructors. Each camp should have top-level educators (with specialized education) and doctors on staff.

Do not forget about technical and other personnel: drivers, cooks, kitchen and canteen workers, cleaners, caretaker, accountant. If necessary, you will hire people in the administrative staff as your assistants (doing advertising, public relations, training instructors, etc.).

Which program to choose?

Many camps today continue to work according to the same programs that were developed and established during the Soviet Union. This does not mean that they are bad, but the conservatism lies in the fact that not a single holiday, not a single event, during all these years, changes its scripts. That is, perhaps even today's parents of your pupils once participated in the same contests and spoke the same text word for word at speeches.

A slightly different approach is needed: for example, take into account the characteristics of children, etc. Then counselors will be able to make at least small changes and additions along the way, even if you developed your programs on the basis of conservative ones.

However, the most popular among parents and children are now so-called innovative programs. A whole staff of educators, teachers, instructors is working on them in order to change and refine something every year, achieving perfection: if the children do not accept some introduction, they exclude it, and try other games, activities or entertainment.

Of course, this is the beauty of a private camp in front of a state one - you have freedom of action, and you can use your creativity to the fullest.

Keep in mind that in addition to games or training sessions, you will need to conduct various trips, excursions, organize holidays and other events.


To keep your camp busy, you will need to attract the attention of potential clients in every possible way. Some camps conclude advertising contracts directly with various childcare institutions, their employees travel themselves, meet with parents and children, show presentations, etc.

Over time, word of mouth will work, and parents will book places in your camp for children long before arrival.


When wondering if it is profitable to open a camp for children, try to calculate the possible costs and the payback period of this project. Judge for yourself: the initial investment can be about a million dollars or more, depending on the scale of your idea. After that, you will have to constantly invest in the maintenance of the camp.

The cost of vouchers must be calculated so that at least 40% goes to you in profit. If you work closely with a travel company (very often travel agencies themselves open camps), then the margin may be higher, as well as a decent margin in highly specialized camps. Of course, then your profitability will also increase. For an ordinary camp, the profitability is estimated at only 4-7%.

It will take several years for the project to pay off. Further, if all goes well, you can earn up to $ 300,000 in one shift.

Camp decoration

Undoubtedly, in addition to the regulatory framework, a well-developed work plan, it is also necessary to have visual materials.

The goal of the entire teaching staff is to create an environment in which children not only spend their time interestingly and usefully, but also enjoy being within the walls of the institution. To do this, each teaching staff proceeds from its own capabilities, but the work on the design of the camp begins a few days before its opening and continues during the shift.

Perhaps the most important thing in the work of pedagogical and children's teams is the preservation of life and health. That's why:

1. Life Safety Corner includes:

- rules of conduct in the camp;

- a memo for parents;

- the main causes of child road traffic injuries;

- safe routes to the camp and back home;

- alarms and actions for emergency evacuation from the building;

- danger of handling explosive objects;

- actions on the street in an extreme situation;

2. Corner of the self-governing body of the camp(includes surnames, names of children, their responsibilities; work plan, etc.).

3. Corner for sports and recreation(you can call "Screen of sports achievements", "On the sports wave").

All information in this area is reflected here - about the upcoming competitions, the names of the winners, congratulations, etc.

The design for the camp can also include birthday greetings, achievements in all creative competitions, photographs, announcements, etc.

Registration of detachments

There is a huge field of activity here, both for the inmates of the camp, and for educators, counselors. It is necessary to give free rein to children in invention and creativity, and you can be sure that the detachment rooms will look bright and unusual. It is advisable to move away from the standard names and replace them with brighter ones, but similar in meaning. For example, name the children's self-government body “Council of Elders”, replace the name of the creative workshop “Merry Note” with “Musical Hut”, etc.

We offer possible headings for the squadron corner:


    Plan for change ("Plan-grid"; "It's not evening yet"; "Not a day without orders"; "Happy summer paths"; "Our strategy"; "Breakfast", etc.).

    Today ("Today is at our fire"; "Bored day until evening, if there is nothing to do"; "And we have today ..."; "Today").

    Congratulations ("Hip-hip, hurray !!!"; "Maestro, music!"; "Kiss on the cheek").

    Sport ("From start to finish"; "Exactly in the ring!"; "Our 100 meters"; "In spite of the records"; "Physical training").

    The list of the detachment ("Meet us!"; "Bah, all familiar faces!").

    Over the hill ("In other detachments"; "Over the mountains, beyond the valleys"; "And at this time at the neighbors").

    Our song ("And we sing ..."; "Come on sing a song for us, cheerful wind"; "Musical gramophone").

    Our achievements ("The country must know its heroes"; "Our ups and downs").

    We will achieve it.

    All sorts of things ("And you know that all sorts of different ...").

    Very important information ("Soon in the squadron"; "What they write in the newspapers").

    Our mood ("Mood tree").

    Book of complaints and suggestions ("Barrel of complaints and suggestions"; "Lake of trust"; "Detachment mail").

    The laws of the detachment ("Everyone must know this for" five ").

You can congratulate children not only on their birthday or on a victory, but also ...

- all of us with the fact that we came to the camp today!

- all of us with the fact that the educators are kind today (use your chance);

- all-all-all with a well-lived week in the camp!

- all those to whom the weather was favorable in the morning and allowed not to visit the all-camp event, so beloved by everyone, called exercise!

- with the first rain in the camp;

- all of us, loved ones!

- all from the last week in the camp!

- fans of diving and swimming with the opening of the swimming season!

- all those who like to eat with the last breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea!

- everyone who was invited to dance today!

Childhood, childhood, childhood is light and joy

These are songs, these are friendship and dreams.

Childhood, childhood, childhood are the colors of rainbows

Childhood, childhood, childhood is me and you.

Chorus: All people on the big planet

Should always be friends.

Children should always laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

Children should laugh

Children should laugh

Children should laugh

And live in a peaceful world!

Brightly, brightly, let only the sunrises burn

On a starry night, let the fields sleep peacefully ...

Childhood, childhood with kindness is not in vain warmed,

Childhood, childhood - your tomorrow, Earth!


Childhood, childhood, childhood is a summer evening

The sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of winter.

Childhood, childhood, childhood means children,

Children, children, children - this means us!


Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 32"

___________ / Yu.V. Manyakhin /

"__" __________ 201 4 g

1. Pupils of the camp are obliged to:

Comply with the camp charter;

Take good care of the property of the camp;

Respect the honor and dignity of their peers and camp workers;

Fulfill the requirements of the camp workers (if the pupils broke glass during the season, broke camp property), then the parents must compensate for the damage in accordance with the procedure established by law.

2. Pupils of the camp can be expelled for the following reasons:

For the commission of crimes prescribed by law;

For camp passes for more than 3 days, without providing a medical

health certificates;

At the request of the parents;

For health;

3. Pupils of the camp are prohibited from:

Drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking in the adjoining territory of the camp;


Go outside the camp territory;

Swim without supervision of educators;

Cross the river without being accompanied by a teacher, counselor;

4. The teaching staff of the camp have the right to:

Participate in the management of the camp;

Freedom of choice when using teaching and upbringing methods,

teaching aids and materials;

... The camp medical worker monitors:

For the quality of products with registration in a special magazine:

For the storage condition of food;

For the quality of food preparation;

For the correct selection and storage of the daily sample;

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by employees of the catering department and

dining room attendants;

6. Physical culture and recreation work in the camp is agreed with the doctor and

provides for the following activities:

Morning exercises;

Physical education in detachments, excursions and hikes with games on


Sports competitions and events;

Physical education activities must be consistent with

the age of children, their state of health, the level of physical development and

physical training of pupils;

7. Parents have the right:

Protect the legal rights and interests of children;

Participate in ongoing camp activities;

Provide material assistance to the camp;

Comply with the camp charter;

8. The head of the camp:

Plans, organizes and controls the educational process;

Responsible for the life and health of children and employees;

Carries out the distribution of official duties and carries

responsibility for the level of qualifications of employees;

Approves the staffing table;

Represents the institution in public organizations;

Is responsible for its activities to the founder.

8 30 -9 00

Music sounds: it's time, it's time!

Good morning kids

And immediately in order

All the guys to exercise!

9 00 -9 15

Line up quickly to the line!

9 15 -9 45

Everyone at the table! It's time to find out

What are the chefs rich in!

9 45 -11 30

Work according to plan, socially useful work,

work of circles

11 30 -12 45

Who goes where: who goes on a hike,

Who is in the flower garden, to the garden!

Sunbathe and temper

Do not swim in the fast river.

Once the merry hour has come

Everybody plays here!

12 45 -13 15

Outdoor activities,

wellness activities,

sports holidays

13 15 -13 45


13 45 -14 30

Interest classes

14 30

And now everyone: "GOOD BYE!"

We will come again tomorrow!

Master Class:

"Making wall newspapers in the day camp"

Have a nice day, everyone!

Let's create and make our life brighter and more colorful!

I would like to suggest that you arrange a detachment corner with your own hands in a summer camp for a day stay. I will tell you how to make a poster that can decorate a detachment place, a camp stand.

You will need: Whatman sheet (A-1), gouache, brushes, jars of water, glue, marker, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, self-adhesive, etc. It is important to remember that design is an applied work, and therefore it is important to stock up on the necessary art materials.

You can, of course, write lists, draw graphs and pin it all on a tablet. But how boring it all is ...

In the detachment corner, in addition to the name, there may be placed: a motto, a chant, songs, commandments, a list of a detachment, a ticket of the day, congratulations (to birthday people or winners of any contests, competitions).

I suggest possible headings for the detachment corner:

    Change plan ("Plan-grid"; "It's not evening yet"; "Not a day without an order"; "Happy summer paths"; "Our strategy).

    Today ("Today is at our fire"; "Bored day until evening, if there is nothing to do"; "And we have today ...").

    Congratulations ("Hip-hip, hurray !!!"; "Maestro, music!"; "Kiss on the cheek").

    Sport ("From start to finish"; "Exactly in the ring!"; "Our hundred meters"; "In spite of the records").

    Squad list ("Meet, this is us!"; "Bah, all familiar faces!").

    our song ("And we sing ..."; "Come on sing a song for us, cheerful wind"; "Musical gramophone").

    Our achievements ("The country must know its heroes"; "Our ups and downs").

    All sorts of things ("And you know that everything is different ...").

    Very important information ("Soon in the detachment"; "What they write in the newspapers").

    Our mood ("Mood tree").

    Book of complaints and suggestions ("A barrel of complaints and suggestions"; "Lake of trust"; "Detachment mail").

    Squad laws ("Everyone must know this by five").

Based on the name of the detachment, we will arrange a detachment corner so that it attracts the attention of others with its unusual, bright, interesting appearance.

Headings, titles, texts - they should be literate, interesting in content, but remember that everyone who reads them is influenced by the way they are written. Color and font play an important role.

The letters can be multi-colored, striped, polka-dotted, flowered, etc. The font used to write the text should correspond to the nature of the content. (View Samples)

"Registration of the detachment corner"

    The detachment corner is best designed on a piece of Whatman paper (A-1).

    Let's choose the name of the detachment corner. I suggest choosing a name for the junior squad “Sunshine”.

    If the detachment is called "The Sun", it means that a cheerful Sun must be drawn on the poster. (Display of the image of the sun).

    The drawing is ready, now let's write the title using the font. Let me remind you that the text must correspond to the nature of the content. Let's look at the picture - this is the sun, which means that the letters can be multi-colored, with polka dots, with a flower, etc..


    Let's add the motto, chant and song of the squadron to the squadron's corner. We can use a free-writing font. In order to make the font even, we use additional stripes (they can be even, wave, wider at one end, etc.).


Meet us!

1. Kikina Yana

2. Kuznetsov Andrey

3.Lifanova Maria

4. Lipatova Tatiana

5. Moiseeva Margarita


    The most important thing in the design of the detachment corner is, of course, the headings. For our corner, I propose the following headings: "Meet us, this is us!" Each heading is drawn up in a square, rectangle, oval, maybe in the form of a flower, sun, butterfly, etc. Free writing font. (Show different headings).

We've got a poster like this! Which will decorate the detachment corner in the camp shift.

Thus, summer is a period favorable for the development of the child's physical and spiritual strengths, the formation of his valuable personal qualities, for the manifestation of creativity and independence in actions, the choice and assessment of his actions. The design of detachment corners in the summer camp is a fascinating and informative educational business that unites all participants in the pedagogical process during the vacation period.

"Detachment corners"

Much has changed in the lives of children in the camp, but children are children. They are still interested in the success of their squad, the results of sports and creative events, they like to read witty advice from educators, compare the marks for cleanliness in their ward, find out what day of the week and weather forecast it is, who is from the squadron and what has been able to do over the past day to excel and what will be interesting in the life of the detachment in the near future. The detachment corner tells the children about this and many other things. It is sometimes called both a diary and an information book. But the meaning is the same - it reflects the activities of the detachment and its participation in the life of the camp.

The Corner is the place where all information regarding the squad is collected. The design of the corner should correspond to the name of the detachment (and the age of the children, of course). The corner can be placed on one sheet of Whatman paper, but if possible, it can occupy the entire wall in the hall, or in general, you can arrange the entire hall in accordance with the name of the detachment.

In addition to the mandatory filling, you can hang absolutely everything related to the detachment in the corner (For example: drawings after a cartoon competition, thanks, angry sheets, a treasure map after a treasure hunt). Execution options can be very different, and are limited only by your imagination: flat, voluminous , sliding, with rotating parts or suspension elements, and you can use anything as a material, not just paper.

The most important thing is that children should make the corner to a greater extent (of course, if the children are very small, you can limit yourself to only insignificant elements on their part). The counselor should take, in the main, leading and guiding participation (hand out tasks to the children who wish, and then put all the parts together and "file with a file").

As a rule, in the first days (for the corner competition), only the corner base is made, containing the necessary elements, and it is filled during the entire shift. Before leaving, the children simply "with their hands" dismantle the corner piece by piece as a keepsake - so if the corner is large, then a piece will be enough for everyone, and there will be no fight. Indeed, in the corner there is all the "life" of the detachment per shift, and each piece reminds of something.

The corner must contain:

  • squad name
  • squad motto
  • squad song
  • circle schedule
  • daily routine (camp and detachment)
  • lists of children (by the way, in the early days, you can place a scheme like who "lives" where in the squadron, so that the children remember each other better);
  • lists of birthday people of the current shift
  • camp address, squad code (if there is enough space)
  • letters and awards of the detachment (hung during the shift)

The detachment corner is designed: to develop the activity of children, to expand knowledge in many ways, to help in fostering good taste, to teach the culture of decoration, to awaken interest in the life of their team.

The detachment corner is a place where the detachment constantly works and a stand reflecting the life of the detachment. Here are constantly presented the successes and victories of the detachment, their fantasies, ingenuity, skill, this is a kind of newspaper, and constantly operating, lively, creative.

The detachment corner is the work of yours and the children, but nevertheless, there are some recommendations that will help you:

  1. The corner should be "speaking", i.e. the content and its headings should be updated (new children's drawings should appear, new issues of the camp newspaper, etc.)
  2. In the corner, the life of the detachment should be comprehensively described (self-service, sports, participation in camp life, awards, birthdays, prospects).
  3. Children should take part in decorating the corner and updating the content of the headings. Three periods can be distinguished in the work on the corner:
    • arrival of children in the camp during the organizing period;
    • main period;
    • the final period of the shift.

For the arrival of new guys in the corner, all the headings are removed. And new temporary headings are being drawn up (necessary only for the orgperiod):

  • "This is our camp" (summary of the camp);
  • congratulations on your arrival;
  • camp laws;
  • camp address;
  • instructions from the guys from the last shift;
  • first songs, camp song;
  • plan for the day and other headings at the discretion of the teacher.

During the organizing period, you can hold a competition for the best design of the corner. The creative group selects the best proposals, discusses and makes a layout of the corner in accordance with the new name and motto, revealing the idea of ​​the content of the name of their squad.

The main shift period reflects the daily activities of the detachment:

  • competitions,
  • preparation for detachment and squad affairs, holidays,
  • participation in creative competitions, shows.
  • preparation for detachment duty, detachment duty,
  • squad life
  • encouraging children.

In the final period of the shift, the heading "How We Lived" with photographs or thoughts of the children about the days they have lived may be presented. Many Educators fix a sheet of Whatman paper with an inscription next to the detachment corner, and in the end I will say, and the children write goodbye to each other and to the camp of wishes.

In fact, there are probably squad corners in all camps, but sometimes you want to introduce your own peculiarity that distinguishes them from others.

So, let's get creative ...;)

  • The detachment corner should preferably completely occupy all the walls in the hall;
  • Accordingly, you need to try to provide the necessary amount of paper (for example, draw instead of paper on old wallpaper) and paints;
  • Of course, the presence of all the necessary sections in the squad's corner is mandatory: squad list, name, grid plan, Congratulations, Shame, Today in the squad (which must be filled out every day, especially on commission days). The form of the sections can be any;
  • On junior detachments, it is usually completed on the last night before its deadline, and always all night until morning (if you manage to draw before morning, then take your time, draw more carefully, otherwise it will turn out badly);
  • You cannot apply the squad corners to the wall with glue and even toothpaste, but with exclusively transparent tape, and then at the end of the shift, very carefully tear off the tape from the wall (that is, so that a piece of this very wall does not come off with the tape);
  • During the shift, very carefully protect your creation from children and other natural disasters, otherwise, firstly: commissions arrive at the end of the shift, and, most importantly, at any time your squad corner or some part of it may be needed by someone something for the scenery of a camp event or a counselor's concert.

Detachment corners can be different:

  • colorful and beautiful (as a rule, in the younger squads);
  • short and laconic (among counselors deprived of imagination, or among lazy ones);
  • very original (for example, consisting of the contents of a trash can, glued to the wall with imagination);
  • very effective (made with a volleyball net, rope, etc.);
  • long-drawn (as, for example, some people finish drawing their corners at the end of the shift, however, it usually turns out very beautifully);

The names of the detachment corners can also be different:

  • simple and mean nothing (such as Brigantine, Eaglet, etc.);
  • with a hidden meaning (for example: Iknodop - read the other way around);
  • directly characterizing the detachment (Pig-iron Christmas tree, Thugs russulas);
  • very majestic (Scales of Humanity);
  • as well as names invented by the children themselves (very rarely).

Consider the process of creating a corner with children about 12-14 years old. First of all, you need to decide what it is for. When creating it, many goals are pursued:

  1. Start to unite the squad, revealing the talents of children and involving on a voluntary (!!!) basis in collective creativity.
  2. Decorate the room where the squad is going. Agree, looking at bare walls is not very interesting.
  3. Get a place to have an interactive life.
  4. Otmazyvatsya from the authorities (the very last in importance).

Now in more detail. What exactly needs to be processed? For example, it can be two walls measuring 2.5 * 7 meters. Agree, a lot of space. And I wanted to fill everything. Certainly not so that the walls are not visible at all, but also to sculpt an A4 sheet of 1 sq. M. also not the case.

All creativity should take place together with the detachment. The ideal case is when you only have to control the process, sometimes giving advice and helping where necessary, but this rarely happens. Most often, you need to constantly be fully armed. It's good to come up with the name of the detachment on the very first evening, gathering the detachment for a candle and conducting a sincere conversation. Even if you have at least a dozen ready-made detailed names of the detachment, you always need to give the children a chance to prove themselves. After all, if during the shift the child will see the works of his creativity every day, then this will only be a plus. After a heated discussion of the name, you can proceed to the design. Usually the name is written in large letters at the top, so as not to look too much, but there can always be exceptions. Further there is scope for your imagination of what and where to place. Most often this results in many large drawings that reveal the name of the detachment. Or one VERY large for names like "Express" or "Caravel". The very process of creation in children is going with a bang. The main thing is to do this not by forced hard labor, but by providing high confidence. Let a part make sketches of future drawings, others create a future masterpiece with a pencil and an eraser, others outline it with a black marker, then someone decorates, cuts and sculpts on the wall. And it's okay if they get dirty in the paint, smear it with paint in the wrong place, or accidentally cut off the crane's head. May this process be a joy for them, because they are just learning to do everything on their own. But then he will say with pride "I cut it out !!!", and not just say that "The counselors have beautifully decorated the hall ..."

Let's go over the mandatory items separately.

  • Plan for the day - if you follow it, you will be spared the eternal childish question "What are we doing today?" They will know that all information can be found in the lobby, and there is no need to look for a counselor.
  • The plan for the shift is the same, but for long-term planning, so as not to arrange "Zarnitsa" on the bath day.
  • Congratulations - to celebrate the successes of the detachment and individuals.
  • Shame - we hope you won't have to use this, but you can use it to whip up the guilty. It is only necessary to put it this way, so that he does not dismiss: "Yes, again I am in Shame, so let it be," but that it was a small tragedy for the child, and a reason to think and improve.
  • The squad list - preferably in two versions. First: all written out in a row, no frills. It is necessary for a quick search for a child (parents came to visit, etc.) when it is necessary to determine the detachment. Yes, and it will come in handy for you, because if the names are remembered, then the situation with the surnames is usually worse.
  • And the second option: a split list. It's no secret that in the morning of the last day of the shift, the wall is greeted completely empty - during the night the children take everything for themselves as a keepsake, sometimes hammering the drawing from the very beginning of the shift. And everyone wants to leave such a piece for themselves. Therefore, they often do this: the name of each child is written on a separate cloud, an asterisk, a ball and the like. It's already good, there is something to take with you. You can go further. In one of the shifts, for each child, you can start your own "business" (comic), hanging in disarray on the wall. It was interesting to read / consider this, and the memory of the change is much more significant, details are immediately remembered, which can rarely be with clouds. It was not a shame to even hang such a thing on the wall at home.
  • The daily routine - so that there are no complaints later, "Why is it so early to sleep?", Or "What time is lunch?". Everything is reflected.

Other service announcements can be posted in this area. For example, the grid of a chess tournament, or an arm wrestling competition. Flocks of kids will constantly gather there, discussing the chances of this or that candidate. And a mood schedule, childish or counselor.

Each hall should carry some flavor. Even if he is 10 times beautiful, after a couple of days he will be thoroughly studied and interest in him will cool down. Therefore, it is necessary to make whole works of art that you want to look at over and over again.

Corner decoration

The first contribution to the design of the detachment corner is made by the counselors: they prepare a welcome newspaper - as a sign of goodwill, a joyful expectation of a new meeting with the guys. The first such message should be as colorful, inviting and informative as possible! Who are they - our counselors, what do they live, are they fond of, what do they dream of, why can we trust them?

Also, the detachment corner traditionally contains:

  • brief information about the camp (preferably with bright photos);
  • daily routine (so that the guys do not torture them with constant questions: "Why is it so early to charge?" or "Already lights out ???");
  • camp address and phone number for parents;
  • cleanliness rating - "Clean" - so it is easier to make sure that the guys keep the rooms in order, because who likes to get a sad smiley face or a kernel - badges with a low rating instead of a smiling face or the sun, strawberries, etc.?
  • "Laws of the squad" or "10 most important words of the squad." It is important to do this together with the children; they themselves must reflect here what is really important and valuable to them. These rules or conventions will work better than those imposed by adults.

The heading "Birthday" is good. If there are no guys in the detachment who were born on this shift, you can indicate the dates of birth of famous writers, actors, musicians. We recommend attaching a cheerful envelope so that the "hero of the occasion" can find there some pleasant trifle on his birthday: messages, congratulations, holiday telegrams from the guys and counselors! You can also make a calendar (this is clearer for the guys than a grid plan), which would reflect the main activities awaiting the children during the shift.

The key word for the squad corner is the name and number of the squad. We need a motto / slogan, symbol, chant, or better a few. It is very important that certificates and awards, honestly earned by children in various contests and competitions, do not gather dust among the counselors on the table or among the children in the lockers, where for some reason they must crumple! At the beginning of the shift, it is worth agreeing that all achievements (detachment and personal) will be posted and stored in the detachment corner, and at the end of the shift they will be handed out to the most active - this is a good incentive! In the detachment corner, you should definitely pay attention to the topic of the shift. For example, if this is a film festival session, then the corner itself can be decorated in the form of a poster, as well as place photos of your favorite actors there, and possibly arrange a hit parade or popularity rating. If this is an international shift, then information about the country from which the children came, a flag, a coat of arms and even a hymn will be in place. If it's a cooking session, use interesting recipes. There are no restrictions here: everything that is interesting to children can and should be used in the detachment corner. At the beginning and at the end of the shift, the guys usually draw newspapers, where they write, respectively, about their expectations and impressions of the rest. These newspapers also become part of the squadron corner. Various drawings, wishes, advice, letters - all this can create a unique exclusive style of the detachment corner.

Together come up with boring headings, better even funny ones, most importantly - attracting attention, so that you want to read, remember!

For example:

· Shift plan / calendar - "Happy summer trails", "Our strategy"; · Congratulations - "Kiss on the cheek", "Hip - hip - hurray"; · Sports - "From start to finish", "In spite of records"; · The list of the detachment - "Meet us, this is us", "Our party"; · Our song - "And we sing ...", "Musical gramophone"; · Address - "Where to find us", "Come to visit us"; · Achievements - "The country must know its heroes!", "Our takeoffs and flights"; · All sorts of things - "Do you know that ...", "Anything different ..."; · Soon in the detachment - "Novosti", "What they write in the newspapers"; · Laws, rules of the detachment - "Everyone must know this necessarily for" five "," Code of justice ";

Conclusions: the detachment corner should be bright and positive. Consist of many elements to attract attention. The more cheerful, colorful and rich it will be, the better and more favorable the impression of the guys will be.

How to create a detachment newspaper?

When and why? During the organizational period (the first three days of the shift), it is very important to introduce, make friends, children, provide them with a field for joint creativity, the opportunity to experience the first success. it is he who inspires and inspires new achievements! The creation of a detachment newspaper is exactly what you need. Who? Children draw a newspaper. Even if they don't know how to draw. there is work for everyone. The complicity effect is important! You can work using the collage technique - lay out compositions from scrapbooks. One group selects pictures, another cuts, and a third glues. Someone comes up with a motto (slogan).

What else can you portray in a newspaper? The name is large enough to be immediately readable, bright. The name of the newspaper-squad is chosen by the guys themselves, the counselors only coordinate this process so that the name corresponds to the general image of the squad and the age group. Here it is important to communicate, convince, argue.

The slogan is short, capacious, preferably with a rhyme to use as a chant. In general, avoid the "classic" already hackneyed themes - all this should be exclusive, created for your children! Relevant for them, modern enough.

Information about each child: name, city, where he came from, hobby. Even more interesting are the expectations from the shift, how he / she would like to see his squad. Children write all this on their own. Be there to help with spelling. in order to place all this on one detachment newspaper, you need to choose a suitable original shape: a sun with rays, a sunflower, a bowl of fruit, a ship, palms, hearts (you can hang them from the main canvas even on strings-ribbons), an album of business cards, a penguin with a pocket containing fish with information from each child - and these are just examples.

What should be the background? Not just white. The newspaper should be informative, therefore the background is also a signal! Choose a tone and rub with pencil shavings or crayons. You can initially tint with a light watercolor haze, and then only brighten the contours. When children work, counselors actively observe how the interaction takes place, who is more active, who is creative ...

This is how many important tasks can be solved with the help of a detachment newspaper alone. Go for it!

Another ruble option for a detachment corner

  • Calendar.
  • Plan for change (Plan-grid, Firewood - our business. It's not evening yet. Not a day without fun. Happy summer paths, Our strategy, Breakfast, etc.).
  • Today (Start the day with Sprite, Today is at our campfire. The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do, And we have today .... New Da, Today).
  • Congratulations (Hip-hip-hurray !!!. Maestro, music! Kiss on the cheek.
  • Sports (From start to finish. Exactly in the ring. Our hundred-meter race, in spite of records, physical training).
  • Daily regime.
  • Squad list (Meet, this is us; Our party; Bah, all familiar faces).
  • Over the hill (In other joys. Over the mountains, beyond the valleys, And at this time with the neighbors).
  • Our song (And we sing ... Come sing a song for us, cheerful wind. Musical gramophone).
  • Our address (Where to find us. Come visit us). Phone, full address of the camp.
  • Mood screen.

At the end of the organizational period, your squad may have a "work corner". It will include all of the squad's artwork, as well as:

  • “Unit name”;
  • Motto, squad song;
  • Completed declaration;
  • Publicity Wall;
  • Mailbox;
  • Grid plan with planning results;
  • The heading “We sing these songs”.

Gradually, your squad place will "grow" with all sorts of new and interesting ideas, you can replenish it with works and guys from other shifts.

At the end of your shift, your corner can turn into a “goodbye” corner.