Orgy of Power: All achievements of South Park The Fractured but Whole. How to take a break in a relationship

South Park: The Fractured but Whole is just over two weeks away from release, but you can feel the approach of a superhero confrontation right now. All of the game's achievements have been added to the PlayStation Network.



South Park: The Fractured but Whole is just over two weeks away from release, but you can feel the approach of a superhero confrontation right now. All of the game's achievements have been added to the PlayStation Network.

The Ubisoft San Francisco team clearly enjoyed coming up with The Fractured but Whole achievements as much as they did during the game's development. Where else can you boast of an achievement with the speaking "craft" title "From shit and sticks"? So we don't know.

There are no especially cruel spoilers in the descriptions or titles of achievements, feel free to study:

  • Stronger Than Looks: Complete all achievements in South Park: The Fractured But Whole.
  • Poop Lover: Deal with all of South Park's toilets and reach your peak in all of them
  • The Thoughtful Connoisseur of Youthful Love: Collect all the Yaoi Paintings
  • The End of an Era of Racism: End All Racism in South Park
  • Orgy of Power: Use all of your allies' powerful abilities once per game, excluding Raccoon
  • Fell-Push: Win the battle using the Fart Time Pause to exterminate all remaining foes.
  • Token Experience: Beat the game as a black character on the highest difficulty setting.
  • Strip to Failure: Learn all combat fart magic.
  • The latest in fashion: Find 10 costume pieces.
  • From shit and sticks: Bring 10 recipes to life.
  • Escaped Death: Prevent an ally from dying in combat, where damage they take will double their maximum health
  • Hidden Power: Dress up in all the legendary artifacts and gain 600 power points
  • Class Conflict: Equip yourself with the abilities of two heroes of different classes.
  • Farting Against Freckles: Get into a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeat him.
  • Epic Theft: Collect loot from 100 biowaste.
  • Pasta Prophet: Create a Portrait of Moses from Pasta
  • Business Shark: Achieve Highest Economic Status on Your Profile
  • #subscriptionsubscribe: Become a mutual subscriber with 10 South Park residents in Enotogram
  • Divine Wind: Use perdkur to get to the top of the building in YugoCyug and go downstairs.
  • One Warrior in the Field: Win the battle after the enemy defeats three of your comrades.
  • Loud title: Get the highest title in one column of your profile.
  • Cosplay Lover: Dress up in three different sets at the same time.
  • Chaos Under Control: End Chaos Professor's Plans
  • Call a Friend: Use the Summon Symbol
  • Invasive Tumor Removal: Defeat mutated cousin Kyle
  • Master class: Arm yourself with the abilities of four heroes of different classes
  • Legendary Craftsman: Craft an artifact with a Strength rating of 75 or greater
  • Deadly Glitch: Use the Farting Glitch to make a negative opponent miss their turn and die
  • Along the Curves of the Womb of Time: Relive the Fart of Future Past
  • Diabetic Protector: Protect Helpless Child from Drunken Inadequacy
  • Disruptive: Break through an enemy's defenses and kill them in one go
  • Thunderous title: Get the highest rank in five columns of your profile
  • The Ultimate Manipulator: Use Enchant or Confusion to force an enemy to attack their ally
  • Finding Friends: Find All Calls
  • Toilet Training: Relieve the need for one of the assortments and reach the peak of skill
  • Help yourself: Collect all the trophies in the homeless den in YugoCyug
South Park: The Fractured but Whole will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 17, 2017.

A pause in a relationship and a decoding of this concept. The article will talk about the reasons and rules of behavior for the announced decision of the couple. This information is accompanied by recommendations for actions during the termination of a love affair.

The content of the article:

A pause in the relationship between a man and a woman is a common occurrence, when the lovers have lost mutual understanding, the couple decides to temporarily leave. People themselves have the right to decide the future of their union. However, it is worthwhile to understand the expediency of the announced decision in order to understand the reasons for its appearance and the ways out of the crisis.

Reasons for the need for a pause in a relationship

Specialists in personal psychology have studied this process in some detail, in which relations in a couple come to an impasse. At some stage in a love story, alienation may arise, which in turn leads to the need to be without each other.

Taking a pause in a relationship does not always mean a final break, but delaying it can be extremely dangerous for the relationship that has arisen between a man and a woman. Loving hearts do not need rest from each other, but sometimes life dictates its conditions to us, destroying the former harmonious relationships.

The origins of the problem may be various circumstances, because it is sometimes impossible to carefully plan your life. Psychologists consider the following factors to be the main reasons for a pause in a relationship:

There are many options for taking time out in a love affair, which are not always completely different from each other. The most common options for personal know-how, experts refer to the following types of pause in a relationship:
  1. Pause check... Some people, not trusting their partner, organize a similar test for him. They want to check the seriousness of the thoughts of the chosen one regarding themselves and the prospects for a joint future. Such an experiment can end as you like, but not always with a positive result for the future couple.
  2. Pause is a necessity... In some cases, it is necessary to part for a while under any circumstances in order to save the relationship. Dealing with a conflict situation is best done with a cool head. You can always do something stupid, but you need to think about the consequences of irresponsible actions.
  3. Pause despair... With the fact of treason, it is difficult to keep your emotions under control, when the pain of betrayal has settled in your soul. In the event of partner abuse, there is also a desire to flee to the ends of the earth from the abuser. Hopelessness sometimes plays a cruel joke on a couple who may admit a variant of the "third-excess" type into their relationship.
  4. Pause protest... This type of temporary separation is often demonstrative. At the next violent quarrel, one of the partners loudly slams the door and waits for a chase after him with a prayer for forgiveness. The expected does not always come true, so it is necessary to consider such actions carefully.

Important! Relationships after a pause may not always recover, so it is worth making such abrupt maneuvers only as a last resort. To break is not to build, so you should not subject your love affair to a serious test without good reason on both sides.

How to take a break in a relationship

Many people get lost in the event that their couple came to a misunderstanding, and their relationship turned into a love drama. They cannot understand what a pause in a relationship means and where it will lead. You also need to be able to part for a while so that there is no final break between the beloved. The gender issue is also important in this case, because representatives of opposite sexes react differently to such a situation.

If the initiator of the temporary break with the chosen one is a man

Women are less likely to become the source of the termination of the existence of a couple, which had previously developed successfully. Representatives of the stronger sex do this much more often when they want to shift responsibility for the current situation onto the fragile shoulders of the chosen one.

Men often think whether pauses in relationships are needed and how to generally react to emerging women's whims. However, if a potential chosen one values ​​his relationship and initially sees an impending conflict, then he should convey to his beloved the rules for temporarily stopping close communication in the following way:

  • Analysis of your behavior... It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself the fact after which act of the beloved coldness appeared in the established relationship. If the reason for the voiced action is quite serious, then a pause is simply necessary so that more weighty prerequisites for the final separation do not appear. Hence, the woman should be aware of why further communication should be avoided in the near future.
  • Clear prioritization... Men are usually more harsh when making such a decision, because they sometimes feel less painful about the loss of past feelings. If a lady of the heart is dear to a representative of the stronger sex, then you need to make her understand that this is not the end of the relationship, but just a timely and logical pause. In the case of a complete cooling of feelings in relation to any interesting woman in the past, it is necessary to specifically designate this for her. Any person has the right to a happy life, and it is not worth taking away precious time from him for fruitless hopes in the form of a “happy-far away” scheme.
  • Timeout duration discussion... For women, such a proposal will seem long, but it makes it possible to build a model for the future behavior of the couple. The phrase "let's part for a month" does not mean absolutely anything, but, nevertheless, carries a significant semantic load. The lady will be warned about the terms of the contract and agree to wait for the end of the sentence. It is not a fact that the term of the so-called punishment will not end earlier, because the woman herself may cease to be interested in her ex-partner.

If the initiator of the pause in the relationship is a woman

The fair sex often intuitively feel the danger that threatens mutual understanding in their couple. Based on the statistics of well-known specialists, they must be correct when saying a temporary "no" to their man:
  1. Preliminary preparation... Do not overwhelm your soul mate with an ultimatum if she is not ready for it. From a distance and very tactfully it is necessary to explain to your man that some respite in the relationship is simply necessary. For greater persuasiveness, you can cite as an example a familiar couple, whom a pause in a relationship only brought closer together.
  2. Auspicious moment... In no case should you present your chosen one with an unpleasant surprise when he is in a bad mood or problems at work. This will only show that a woman does not value her man either now or in the future. As a result, he can return to his beloved, but with the condition of a similarly cold relationship.
  3. Correct wording of phrases... Without shouting and in an affectionate voice, it is worthwhile to accurately convey the information to your soulmate about the upcoming changes in the relationship. It is worth speaking clearly, but in fact, so as not to create an illusion for the beloved.

Rules of conduct during a pause in a relationship

In this case, the gender issue in such a difficult period for a couple does not have any special significance. It is very important to decide for yourself how to pause the relationship with the least emotional pain:
  • Complete lack of pressure... The first step is to control your emotions after asking your partner to temporarily stop close communication. It can be shown that what happened caused a certain discomfort to the victim, because otherwise the excessive control of feelings would look like elementary indifference. However, endless phone calls, smothering with declarations of love on the Internet and spying on the object of passion will end in a complete breakdown.
  • Refusal of prohibited techniques... Only the voiced factor can be worse than the described pressure. Provocation by children, suicide and other unacceptable methods often causes the most negative emotions in people as a response. Nobody wants to be used in this way, because everyone has the right to choose and is responsible for his own destiny.
  • Partial communication... In no case should you put pressure on the initiator of a temporary break in relations. However, to completely stop communicating with him is a gross mistake. An unobtrusive SMS or neutral message on a social network will not harm the participants in the conflict. At the same time, you need to be as sympathetic as possible and not express negative emotions to each other during communication.
  • Honest conversation... With a fairly substantial time after an attempt at a ceasefire in the event of a breakdown in relations, you should put all the dots on the "Y" regarding the situation that has arisen. Each person should value their personal time, and youth and attractiveness for the opposite sex will not last forever even for the most extraordinary person. It is necessary to clearly find out for yourself what the pause in the relationship gave and what are the prospects for the renewal of the union of loving hearts.
You need to clearly understand for yourself the line between the inadmissibility of pressure on the partner during this period and the complete lack of control over the situation. Experts recommend finding a middle ground between the voiced and clearly adhering to it to get out of the crisis.

The consequences of taking a break in a relationship

We do not always acquire what we would like to receive in this life. A pause in the desire to make revenge in personal battles sometimes has the following character of development in the subsequent:
  1. Complete rupture of relations... Separation is good only in some and very rare cases. A man may like the newfound freedom, and a woman may come to the conclusion that the love affair is over. Before making a final decision on the temporary termination of the relationship, you should clearly understand for yourself the prospect of future events.
  2. Return of the former passion... If the relationship has withstood such a test, then this already speaks of strong feelings for each other. Loving hearts will not be able to stay long apart, because they will be drawn to each other with irresistible force. This check will simply let them know that such experiments should not take place in a stable pair.
  3. Passionate about another partner... Separation from a partner can sometimes play a cruel joke with both participants in life's drama. It is possible that a former admirer or admirer of the second ladle can take advantage of this circumstance.
How to take a break in a relationship - watch the video:

Some people are wondering how to deal with a break in a relationship. In some cases, it is easier to prevent it than to further correct the consequences. Love is an action that needs more than just one partner to work on. Before deciding on a break from each other, you should think about the appropriateness of such a relationship in the future.

We present to your attention a list of all achievements South Park: The Fractured But Whole, which the game is rich in. How and what achievements (trophies, achievements) can be unlocked in the game, our new guide on the passage of The Fractured But Whole will tell.

List of all achievements

Achievements are side missions in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. There are a total of 22 common achievements and 14 hidden ones in the game.

Common achievements

Stronger than you think- Collect all trophies in South Park ™: The Fractured But Whole ™.

Fell-wrung out- win the battle using the Fart time pause to eliminate all remaining opponents.

Token Experience- Beat the game playing as a black character on the highest difficulty level.

Strip to failure- learn all combat fart magic.

The latest peep of fashion- find 10 costume pieces.

Of shit and sticks- bring to life 10 recipes.

Escaped death- do not let an ally die in battle, where the damage they take will double their maximum health.

Hidden power- dress up in all legendary artifacts and gain 600 power points.

Class conflict- Arm yourself with the abilities of two heroes of different classes.

Epic theft- Collect loot from 100 biowaste.

Business shark- achieve the highest economic status in your profile.

#subscriptionsubscription- Become a mutual follower with 10 South Park residents in Enotogram.

No man is an island- win the battle after the enemy defeats three of your comrades.

Loud title- get the highest rank in one column of your profile.

Cosplay lover- put on clothes from three different sets at the same time.

Master Class- Arm yourself with the abilities of four heroes of different classes.

Legendary Master- create an artifact with a Strength parameter equal to 75 or more.

Deadly glitch- use the Fart glitch to make the opponent with negative status miss the turn and die.

Punchy- break through the enemy's defense and kill him in one go.

Thunderous title- get the highest rank in five columns of your profile.

Unrivaled manipulator- use enchantment or confusion to make the enemy attack his ally.

Looking for friends- find all the Summons.

Hidden achievements

Poop lover- Relieve the need for all South Park toilets and reach the peak of skill in each of them.

A subtle connoisseur of youthful love- Collect all the pictures in the yaoi genre.

The end of the era of racism- Eliminate all forms of racism in South Park.

Orgy of might- use all the most powerful abilities of your allies once per game, excluding the Raccoon.

Farting against freckles- Get involved in a fight with Morgan Freeman and defeat him.

Pasta prophet- create a portrait of Moses from pasta.

Divine wind- use fart to get to the top of the building in YugoCyug and go downstairs.

Chaos under control- put an end to the plans of the Professor of Chaos.

Call a friend- use the Summoning symbol.

Invasive tumor removal- Defeat mutated cousin Kyle.

Along the curves of the womb of time- survive the fart of the future past.

Diabetic advocate- Protect a helpless child from a drunken inadequacy.

Toilet trained- Relieve the need for one of the grades and reach the peak of skill.

help yourself- Collect all the trophies in the homeless den in YugoCyug.

Sometimes forced braking is just a new twist. In order for it to lead in the right direction, you just need to learn how to use the resulting break in work and career - as efficiently as possible.

Success is continuously moving forward despite obstacles and failures. Indeed, as a result, persistence is rewarded by achieving a goal or gaining the necessary experience. But what if there are forced stops on your professional path, after which you have to rebuild, like a puzzle, what was previously integral and understandable? In fact, sometimes forced braking is just a new twist. In order for it to lead in the right direction, you just need to learn how to use the resulting break in work and career - as efficiently as possible.

1. Twice "in the same river"

From the moment you suspend your movement, a certain amount of time passes during which certain external conditions, for example, the environment or market demands, can change. During the "pause" you have the opportunity to change some of your attitudes, even if insignificant, your attitude towards yourself and your business.

Analyze everything that happened to you before the new information, update the internal set of ideas about the past, present and future. Think and decide where you want to start after the break - where you left off, or from scratch.

Place yourself mentally on the "map" of your life, understand where you are, where and where you are going from, and whether the luggage behind you will help you move forward confidently. If not, what additional skills or knowledge you need to acquire. If you don't have an idea yet, then first, make a list of your main tasks and goals - from those that were before to those that may have been added or changed. Conduct a "revision" and re-prioritize: what needs to be done, no matter what, what items can be combined or replaced, and what is generally not worth the time at your new start.

Read more: How to set goals correctly in order to be guaranteed to achieve them

2. Work on bugs

Your break can be a great opportunity to figure out what you've done wrong before. Think about how you can eliminate these actions, patterns of behavior or attitudes so that they do not interfere with you again in the future. Many people dream of rewriting some part of their personal history, but not everyone understands that before they could not act differently: everything happened the way it should have happened, and all the decisions made, whether they turned out to be correct or not, were adopted in the past, when there was a completely different thinking, perception and assessment of the situation. And instead of regrets about the impossibility of turning back time, it will be much more effective to take into account your new awareness for the future. Thank yourself and the opportunities that the break gave you for bringing this understanding to you.

3. Changing habits

As long as you act as you used to before the forced pause, the chances are high that your habits will continue to slow you down. We are made in such a way that we adapt to the conditions around us in order to act in accordance with them. A career break is an opportunity to realize that the external conditions have changed. Therefore, reconsider which acquired habits you will definitely not need at the new stage of life, and gradually replace them with more useful ones for you.

Read More: 10 Surprising Observations About Our Habits

4. Energy for a new start

After stopping, you have to make additional efforts for a new "acceleration". It is much easier to move by inertia, only adjusting the direction, than to re-gain speed. Therefore, you need a charge for an effective fresh start.

For example, if earlier, before the break, you have already achieved certain success, then this experience can be inspiring, being a confirmation of your ability to be at your best. Try to remember all your achievements by writing them down in the so-called. success diary: analyze and also write down what professional knowledge, skills and personality traits have helped you and how this whole set can help you in your future tasks and goals. Find your own formula for success.

5. All in good time

Do not try to make up for lost time by forcing actions and events. Indeed, in most cases, after a break, there is a clear understanding that it was beneficial: for example, you took a break from the routine, and now you are ready for new achievements.

Any attempts to catch up and get back on track as quickly as possible can only sabotage the forward movement. It may seem to you that you are full of strength and determination, and therefore are able to continue moving without interruption. In fact, not after a while, apathy and fatigue caused by excessive expenditure of energy will be added to the feeling of regret that you are wasting your time. Therefore, it is better to give yourself some rest and make up the most acceptable pace of movement. Even with breaks and pauses.