Features of social work with young families. Social work with young families

1.2 Features of social work with young families

Family life is difficult and varied. Treating her as something very simple and unpretentious impoverishes, first of all, relationships, makes them superficial. Simplicity in a relationship is not the same as simplicity in a relationship. The first only narrows their range and should be avoided. The second becomes possible with a high culture and level of development of relationships, and it is necessary to strive for it.

According to Yurkevich N.G. mastery of relationships, like any skill and art, requires certain efforts, costs and conditions both for its appearance and for a constant increase in the level of improvement. The family service developing from year to year is called upon to become such sources of increasing and acquiring the skill of family communication and interaction.

The textbook "Help for a young family" gives the following definition of the concept of "family service": it is one of the mechanisms for regulating marriage and family relations in the framework of social work with the family, the main goal of which is to ensure the optimal performance of the family of its various functions, primarily therapeutic, educational, reproductive , contribute to the improvement of intra-family relations, the harmonious development of the personality of spouses and children, and the stabilization of marriage.

The emergence of family services is caused, first of all, by the fact that families have completely new problems, needs, aspirations, the solution of which causes difficulties for spouses. In addition, in modern family relationships, the growth of subjective internal, personal difficulties far outstrips the growth of objective ones. It is subjective, sometimes only imaginary difficulties that become the main obstacle, that "stumbling block", the elimination of which clears the way for the further development of the family. Moving the same "stone" is often beyond the power of the spouses themselves.

Every family has one, several or many needs that are not easily met by the spouses themselves. And there is always at least one problem that is difficult for them to solve on their own. The need for help in such situations is obvious and often becomes of paramount importance for the spouses.

Bocharova V.G. believes that a characteristic feature of family service is the focus on eliminating obstacles that impede normal life and the harmonious development of the family. With the help of subdivisions of family services, with their assistance or directly they carry out:

All types and levels of preparation of young people for family life (intra-family training, counseling young people on relevant issues, etc.);

Elimination and elimination of psychological illiteracy in matters of marriage and family life and raising the level of awareness, competence of family members in the field of communication;

Family troubles in young families are reflected in the state of health and performance. They upset a person more than anything else. Their reasons may well be eliminated. For this, the departments of the registry office, together with the departments of culture, carry out a lot of work on preparing young people for marriage, counseling newlyweds and providing assistance to young families at an early stage of their formation and development. Recently, public departments for family and marriage have also joined in this work. Their main task is to increase family stability and prevent divorce;

New form of work with young people who are entering or have already entered into marriage are opening clubs for young families. They help young families in the most difficult period for spouses to get used to the role of wife and husband, when there are many purely psychological difficulties associated with the need to restructure old ideas and lifestyle. They also help to develop the right relationship among the newlyweds; help the family to form, get stronger. Club members are invited to listen to a series of lectures on the problems of a young family and their solution; the clubs organize concerts, exhibitions, movie screenings, discos, evenings of relaxation. In addition, some of the clubs have counseling centers for young families. Also in the club you can get advice from a psychologist, lawyer, sexologist, fashion designer and other specialists. Newlyweds in clubs have every opportunity to master such a difficult, but very necessary art - the art of intra-family communication;

The whole range of proper preparation, provision of childbirth and care of the newborn in the family;

Prevention and elimination of bad habits of spouses (alcoholism, smoking, negative character traits);

Correction or change of wrong views, ideas and attitudes of a person to various life issues, to family life, to their behavior; mastering the methods of self-control and self-correction of behavior and personal qualities;

The growth of a culture of communication and the ability to establish marital interaction, the ability to normalize relationships;

Studying the basics of psychohygiene of sexual life, increasing the culture of intimate relations between spouses, identifying and eliminating dissonances in the sexual sphere; individual medical and sexological counseling;

Prevention and the ability to resolve domestic and personal family conflicts; elimination of the causes of conflicts;

Ability to create a favorable microclimate and an atmosphere of cooperation in the family;

Correspondence counseling on the Helpline on any life and family issues;

Various forms of family recreation (tourist trips, family rest homes, sanatoriums, etc.);

General interaction of certain types of family services, if necessary in specific cases.

Such a versatility of services reflects the specifics of the problems of a young family, as well as the urgent need and need for it of almost every person interested in the constancy of favorable family and marital relations.

The main leading directions in the development of family services in general are social and psychological types of family services. In the textbook "Help for a Young Family" the following services are distinguished:

Social, moral, psychological, pedagogical, sanitary-hygienic and intimate-personal preparation of young people for marriage;

Psychological and pedagogical assistance to an already established family, which includes consultations on issues of psychological relations between spouses;

Individual medical, sexological and psychotherapeutic consultations;

Increased communication skills; the ability of cooperation, interaction, communication culture.

Thus, the family service becomes a new channel, or a source of information, through which the current and progressive experience of solving family problems, the development and improvement of intra-family relationships is transmitted.

Also, a social worker can help and support a young family in solving numerous problems. In order for a young family to fully realize the functions prescribed by society, social work in it should be aimed at solving everyday family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relations, restoring internal resources, stabilizing the positive results achieved in the socio-economic situation and orienting the socializing potential.

Basov N.F. highlights the following functions of a social worker:

Diagnostic (studying the characteristics of the family, identifying its potentials);

Security and protection (legal support for the family, ensuring its social guarantees, creating conditions for the realization of its rights and freedoms);

Organizational and communicative (organization of communication, initiation of joint activities, joint leisure, creativity);

Socio-psychological and pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical education of family members, provision of urgent psychological assistance, preventive support and patronage);

Predictive (modeling situations and developing specific targeted assistance programs);

Coordination (establishing and maintaining contacts, uniting the efforts of departments of assistance to families and children, social assistance to the population, departments of family problems of internal affairs bodies, rehabilitation centers and services).

The specific content of social work with the family in each case is determined by its individual characteristics: structure, financial situation, the nature of internal relations, the specifics of problems, the degree of their severity, and the aspect of distress. Nevertheless, Basov N.F. identifies three main areas of social work: diagnostic, rehabilitation, preventive.

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Sociallinen work with young families

1. Young family as a special type of family

The modern stage of socio-cultural development leaves its mark on the development of family relations, especially on young families. Strong, stable young families lay the foundation of Russian society. Every sixth family in Russia is young. Young families account for two thirds of children born. But the modern Russian young family is the most vulnerable, practically not protected by the state. External destabilizing factors (poor housing conditions, limited material opportunities, dependence on parents, problems of employment and professional self-determination) can play a destructive role.

The problems of the functioning of young families are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists, the state and the public, since young marriages account for a total of 65% of all divorces.

An important tool through which in different countries they seek to solve this problem is social work. It is designed to assist individuals, groups and communities in their social functioning, in the exercise of their social rights, in maintaining or achieving a favorable social well-being.

So to young family families with up to 3 years of life together, where both spouses are in their first marriage, should be included, provided that the spouses have not reached the age of 30.

When considering a young family, it is important to highlight the functions , which is carried out by this social institution. First of all, we are interested in the social functions of a modern young family. The degree of study of individual social functions of the family is different. Most authors identify the birth and upbringing of children as the leading function. This is followed by the preservation, development and transmission of the values ​​and traditions of society to subsequent generations, the accumulation and implementation of the socio-educational process.

The modern young family also performs the following functions: meeting people's needs for psychological comfort and emotional support, a sense of security; creating conditions for the development of the personality of all family members; satisfaction of sexual needs; organization of housekeeping; joint leisure activities; meeting the needs for fatherhood or motherhood; social control; financial security, etc.

Young families are divided according to their structure:

By family experience: newlyweds (up to a year of marriage): very young families (1-2 years of marriage); young families (on average up to five years of marriage);

By the number of children: childless, one or two children, large;

By composition: incomplete, simple or nuclear, complex;

Geographically: urban, rural, remote - a family living in remote areas and in the Far North;

By the quality of relationships and the atmosphere in a young family: prosperous, stable, pedagogically (psychologically) weak, unstable, dysfunctional;

For special conditions of family life: student; school family; family expecting a child; family of minor parents; a family where the father is doing compulsory military service; family of a single mother; a young family of refugees and internally displaced persons; young family of unemployed; a young family with a disabled person, etc.

If divided by the degree of well-being , we can distinguish the following types of it: marginal (extremely low incomes, high levels of alcohol or drug consumption, very poor housing conditions or their absence), crisis (those below the poverty line, having serious problems of marital relations and physical survival), prosperous (the standard of living is somewhat above average, they can solve all their problems on their own), prosperous (independently realizing almost all their needs through paid services);

Differentiation of young families can also be made in terms of economic well-being. In this case, they are subdivided into: the poor (the level of poverty, per capita income below or at the level of the minimum wage), the needy (per capita income from the minimum wage to the level of the subsistence minimum), the well-off (per capita income at the regional average) and wealthy (per capita income). income is significantly higher than the average for the region).

Thus, the socio-demographic characteristics inherent in a young family put it in a special position in comparison with other types of families. The specificity of a young family requires a special approach to solving its problems and the allocation of a young family as a special object of state youth and family policy, which in turn should be reflected in the implementation of social work with this social group.

2 ... The main problems of young families

The lifestyle of young families is dynamic. Among its main points, researchers call the diversity of value orientations, which can be traced both in the external and in the internal areas of their life. There are differences in the ratios of the importance of material and spiritual wealth for the spouses, the degree of value of customs and traditions, in the models of interdependence. One of the trends in the development of a modern young family is that for its members the importance of realizing the potential of an individual and self-esteem has increased.

The relationship between young spouses. From the first steps of family life, young spouses may have disagreements about what the marital relationship should be, since each of the spouses brings the experience of the parental family.

The difficulties of the initial period are mainly associated with the development of general ones, i.e. essentially new, views of the spouses on certain aspects of family life and relationships. Tension in relationships, dissatisfaction with family life can be generated by an uneven distribution of household responsibilities, as well as disharmony in the sexual sphere. It is not uncommon for these tensions to escalate into conflict. The desire of one of the spouses to independently resolve family issues does not contribute to a favorable atmosphere in the family. According to statistics, two thirds of conflicts in youth families living in the Moscow region are due to the distribution of family responsibilities.

The economic situation of young families. Currently, the problem of financial and economic deficit, poverty, and the impossibility of ensuring a decent life for the family is extremely important for young families.

Today we have to state the fact that the average per capita income of young families in particular is 1.5 times lower than the national average, and 69% of young families live below the poverty line, of which 34% are struggling to make ends meet. This trend is also typical for the Moscow region: the average monthly income per member of a young family ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Often, young families are forced to live on the husband's one earnings, since the wife is busy with a small child. In the first three years of a young marriage, about 80% of cases are born a first-born who needs special food, clothing, care and attention. In addition, in 18% of young families one of the spouses is still studying.

At the same time, a young family has objectively increased financial needs in connection with the need to carry out the process of establishing family life: purchasing housing, organizing leisure and everyday life. Also, young spouses must go through certain stages of socialization associated with a lack of experience in social relations, age maximalism, obtaining and improving education and professional status. This requires additional expenditures of various kinds of resources, including material ones.

Housing conditions for young families. A young family faces great housing difficulties, and the youth considers this problem to be one of the most stressful. Lack of housing is a lack of planning for one's welfare, socio-economic activity.

The living conditions of young families are as follows. According to a sociological survey conducted by the Center for the Sociology of Youth, ISPI RAS, most young spouses are forced to live with their parents in their apartment or house - 68.5% and another 0.3% with their parents in a rented apartment.

A rare novice family has normal housing at present - a comfortable apartment or even a small apartment; young Russians are provided with housing twice as poor as the average population of Russia. Only 20.6% of young families live separately in their own apartment or house.

About 11% of young families are forced to intervene with temporary housing options, for example, 4.9% rent an apartment or room, 2% live with relatives, 1.5% - in a separate communal apartment, 1.4% - in a hostel, 0.1 % - from friends or acquaintances and 0.5% - other options.

So, the majority of young families do not have the prospect of improving their living conditions at their own expense - the cost of even the most modest housing is many times higher than the average annual income of most families. The possibilities of families in obtaining free state, municipal housing are extremely limited, although families living in economically prosperous regions have not lost hope for state assistance.

Problems in the reproductive sphere of a young family. The nature of the birth rate in the Russian Federation is determined by the massive spread of small children (1-2 children), the postponement of the birth of the first child, and an increase in the birth rate at a young age of the mother. A young family is no exception; among young parents, the number of those who have three or four children is an absolute minority.

One of the most pressing problems of young families that characterize their reproductive behavior is the increase in the number of illegitimate births. According to a sociological survey conducted by the Center for Sociology of Youth of the ISPI RAS, for 70% of young men and women surveyed, traditional marriage is attractive, for 17% it is a civil marriage, for 5% it is extramarital relations, and for 8% alternative forms of relationship are attractive, such as homosexual, group and others.

Among the reasons why young spouses postpone the birth of children, the main ones are - unwillingness to limit their freedom; uncertainty that they will be able to educate them correctly; material difficulties; uncertainty of the situation in the country, fear for their future.

Difficulties associated with having a baby. The appearance of a child in a family, unfortunately, entails not only happiness and joy, but also a number of difficulties, and often so insurmountable that they overshadow all the tender and kind feelings associated with such an important event in the life of any family.

In the last 10-15 years in the Moscow region, there is a tendency not to strengthen, but to shake the family in connection with the birth of the first child. Now, with the birth of the first child, the stability of the family decreases, but with the birth of the second child, it increases sixfold.

As a rule, first of all, this concerns the financial situation of a young family, because the child requires large financial costs, and the amount of money in the family decreases due to the fact that the mother goes on parental leave. For many families, the problem of the lack of housing is becoming more acute. There are also acute problems of distribution of household duties, lack of free time and problems of relationships between young parents, problems associated with the state of health of the child.

Education problems for young spouses. As you know, education is the most important social institution that provides education and training for young people.

In the conditions of the market mechanism of management, a high level of education and its quality expand the possibilities of professional choice of an employee, thus opening up a chance for acquiring a higher social status. Labor productivity and wages in modern society are largely determined by education and training (investment in them).

In 2004, 2.2 million boys and girls received a certificate of basic general education (95.7% against the level of 2003), and 1.4 million people (93.3%) received a certificate of secondary (complete) general education. ... Admission to state and municipal universities amounted to 1,384.5 thousand people, which is 27 thousand people (2%) less than in 2003.

Paid educational services in 2004 were rendered to the population by 118.7 billion rubles, or 6.3% more than in 2003. At the beginning of the 2004/05 academic year, there were 168 non-state secondary specialized educational institutions operating in the Russian Federation, the number of students in them amounted to 96.0 thousand people (in the 2003/04 academic year - respectively 182 educational institutions and 110.5 thousand students).

As of October 1, 2005, 98.2 thousand specialists (31%), who graduated from full-time departments on a budgetary basis from secondary specialized educational institutions, received job assignments.

The analysis of statistical and sociological data allows us to conclude that, compared to other age groups of the population, young people are more educated, but the quality characteristics of education do not meet the level of modern requirements, which leads to limited opportunities for social advancement of young people.

Employment problem. Unemployment affects all aspects of a young family's life, not just the economic situation. Loss of work and earnings leads to profound changes in the personality, deterioration of health, anger of people, deterioration of the social and psychological background of family relationships, an increase in scandals and quarrels.

Analysis of statistical and sociological data makes it possible to identify groups of young families who are the most vulnerable in the labor market: students and young girls and boys who have just graduated from educational institutions; young women raising small children; young people living in small towns (regional centers), in which the number of vacancies is extremely limited; rural youth; persons who have acquired a profession that is not in demand on the regional labor market.

It should be noted that many regions of the Russian Federation are faced with an increase in youth employment. Youth makes up 36% of the working-age population of Russia. About 28 million young people are employed in the national economy and study on the job. Among all Russians employed in the economy, young people under the age of 30 in 2004 accounted for 24%.

Household difficulties of young families. The commonality of everyday life is the most important feature of a family. And in our time it is impossible to imagine the normal existence of a family without daily household work.

Basically, all responsibilities for housekeeping fall on the shoulders of young wives, and they are overwhelmed, since most young women have double working hours: one at work, the other at home. On average, a woman spends 36-40 hours a week on domestic work, and a man no more than 13-15 hours a week, while the energy costs of a housewife and a worker engaged in manual labor are approximately equal.

In all fairness, it should be noted that a growing number of men take on such types of household chores as buying groceries, paying bills, cleaning the apartment and, most importantly, caring for and taking care of children.

In the context of the current socio-economic crisis and a sharp decline in the standard of living of a large part of the population, the role of domestic work in family self-sufficiency is growing again. This tendency is especially pronounced in young families and this is due, first of all, to their material difficulties.

Problems in leisureyoung families. Leisure activities of young families is one of the most important spheres of their life.

The ability of spouses to rationally use their free time, the desire to spend it with their family is an important indicator of the general and individual culture. The more common interests the spouses have, the richer their leisure time, the more often the spouses are satisfied with the marriage.

One should also take into account the fact that separate leisure often becomes a source of jealousy and suspicion. At the same time, in some cases, the violent restriction of the choice of one of the spouses in ways of spending leisure time may be more destructive to family well-being than the separate form of spending leisure time itself.

Unfortunately, the difficult socio-economic situation of our society is reflected in all branches of culture. The network of cultural and educational institutions is shrinking, the availability of various types of cultural activities for the population is decreasing. The number of spectators in children's theaters, circuses, and visitors in adult cinemas, theaters, museums and exhibitions is decreasing. The main reason for this was the increase in ticket prices; lack of free time among the majority of the young population, as well as changing interests among modern youth, who prefers to spend their free time in sports clubs, Internet cafes, restaurants, discos, etc.

Summarizing what has been said, it should be noted that the life activity of young families is complex and contradictory. Its peculiarity today is the unsettled economic and professional position of its members. Given the age of the spouses, we can say that young people are at the stage of developing a life strategy and are often themselves subject to upbringing. The future of the entire institution of the family will largely depend on the state of the young family today.

3 . State social policy in relation to young families

family young housing social

The family as a primary social unit is a complex system connected by diverse relationships with all social structures. It is influenced by any measures of an economic, social and, especially, legal nature, carried out by the state in the field of marriage and family, labor, housing, pension legislation, legislation on health care, education, etc., since all the behavior of people in the family, its interaction with the state is in the sphere of the rule of law and morality. Any definition of the general concept of a family needs to be supplemented with a new feature: an indication that the family should be protected by the state.

Only through joint efforts of the legislative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can we create a system for a young family to get out of the social crisis. Moreover, the national family policy should be implemented at three levels - state, regional and municipal.

Laws and other normative acts of the supreme bodies of power and administration of the regions, first of all, ensure the implementation of federal regulations.

But at the same time, the subjects of the Federation act within their own competence, taking into account the demographic specifics of the region.

The municipal level of implementation of legislative provisions is very effective and broad. Legal interference here, however, is minimal, encouraging local initiative only in the main positions. Indeed, the entire mass of families in need of protection and support, with a few exceptions, apply to municipal structures and receive, whenever possible, assistance from them.

At the local level, budgetary funds are allocated for free education, medical care, self-treatment, providing affordable recreation for the family, and the construction of children's institutions.

The most important document in the matter of social support for families, including a young one, is the Concept of State Family Policy in the Russian Federation, approved in May 1993 by the decision of the National Council for the preparation and conduct of the International Year of the Family (1994). The state family policy is an integral part of the social policy of the Russian Federation and is an integral system of principles, assessments and measures of an organized, economic, legal, scientific, informational, propagandistic and personnel character aimed at improving conditions and improving the quality of family life.

One of objects social family policy - a young family. Basic aim the implementation of the state family policy in relation to the young family is the organization of appropriate conditions for the creation, preservation, development of a prosperous young family as a subject of the social structure of Russian society, strengthening the family way of life and fully performing its functions as a social institution.

Achieving this goal involves the formation of a young family on the basis of self-sufficiency, combining work and family responsibilities with the personal interests of each person, stimulating the growth of family's real income, further developing the system of basic social guarantees for families with children, supporting a favorable psychological climate in the family and implementing a full-fledged process education and socialization of children.

Currently, an important instrument of state social policy in relation to a young family is targeted federal programs, drawn up in accordance with the modern priorities identified in the concepts.

As a rule, the development of social targeted federal programs is regulated by the corresponding decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with this Decree, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed and is implementing the federal program "Children of Russia". This program includes federal targeted programs "State Program for the Development of the Baby Food Industry in the Russian Federation", "Children of Chernobyl", "Family Planning", "Disabled Children", "Orphans", "Children of the North". On February 19, 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a Resolution "On the extension of the presidential program" Children of Russia "for 2001-2006."

By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2000, the Federal Target Program "Youth of Russia" (2001-2005) "was approved, the main goals of which were the creation and development of legal, socio-economic and organizational conditions for self-realization of youth, spiritual and moral education of youth ... In addition, a little later, the Order of the Ministry of Education of November 14, 2001 No. 3651 was issued "On the holding in 2002 of the competition of Target Programs to support young families in Russia, aimed at implementing the subprogram" Comprehensive measures to strengthen young families in Russia "of the Federal Target Program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005).

An important legislative act was the Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of February 12, 2002 No. 78 "On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001, No. 916" On the All-Russian system for monitoring the state of physical health of the population, physical development of children, adolescents and youth "", the purpose of which is to study the state of physical health of the population, the physical development of children, adolescents, youth for further improvement of work in this area.

After this monitoring and study of the data obtained, the Government of the Russian Federation signed a Resolution of May 29, 2002 No. 363 "On the subprogram" Physical education and health improvement of children, adolescents and youth in the Russian Federation (2002-2005) "of the Federal Target Program" Youth of Russia (2001-2005) ". The purpose of the subprogram was a comprehensive solution to the problems of physical education and health improvement of children, adolescents and youth, aimed at physical and spiritual improvement and the formation of a conscious need for physical culture and sports in the younger generation.

One of the main areas of social and medical services for young families is helping them in family planning. Therefore, in order to improve the activities of family planning services, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 390 dated November 26, 1996 "On the Activities of the Family Planning and Reproduction Center", as well as Order No. 219-U dated March 23, 1998 "On Staff -organizational structure of the Centers for Family Planning and Reproduction ".

A significant impact on the state of family policy was exerted by the replacement of benefits with cash payments, provided for by Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated September 22, 2004, according to which, in the context of the delimitation of powers and subjects of management by the center and regions, a special role in social support of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood is assigned to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In order to create a system of state support for young families in solving the housing problem and improving the demographic situation in accordance with the federal target program "Housing" for 2002-2010 and in accordance with the Concept approved by the Decree of the Moscow Government dated 12.02.2002 "On priority measures to ensure the rights of young families to housing ", a Resolution of October 1, 2002 on the Moscow program" Young families - affordable housing "for 2003-2005 was issued."

A young family is a relatively short-term period during which the fundamental foundations of each successive generation are laid. What the family will be like, including a young one, in many respects depends on what the state and society will be like. Hence, we can conclude that a stable family is a stable state, and as a consequence of this, a stable young family is a stable state at the present moment and in the future. That is why young families, the forms and methods of working with them, have always been and should always be in the focus of state family and youth policy.

4 . The main directions of social work with young families

In modern conditions, for a number of reasons, a young family has become one of the main objects of social work. Solving family problems requires a lot of effort, since the future of the country depends on their solution.

The modern young family concentrates in itself the entire set of social problems inherent in modern society and its way of life.

Prevention and elimination of the noted negative phenomena in the family are possible with the organization of systemic purposeful social work on the basis of a model that provides for a sequence of actions in relation to the family and the competent implementation of each of the actions.

The experimentally substantiated model of a specialist's activity with a young family includes the following components:

The specialist has his own ideas about the content of support for a young family as a client and about the client's ideas about the content of this support, about the forms of its provision;

Differentiation of young families into types;

Development of a program (in accordance with the distinguished types of young families) of social influences on the family of correctional and educational orientation;

Getting in contact with the family-system in order to implement the program of social action;

Tracking the results of correctional and educational activities with a young family and making the necessary changes. Now a young family needs help from society as a result of the destabilization of the political and socio-economic situation and a decline in the standard of living of most of the young families. There were a lot of families of the so-called "risk group" before - incomplete and large families, families of single parents and families of underage parents, families of elderly people, disabled people, etc.

Now the "risk group" includes young families (especially students). As a social institution, a young family is not capable of fully and efficiently performing its various functions.

Thus, it is obvious that now there is an urgent need to provide assistance to a young family, and one of the forms of such assistance can and should be social work.

What is meant by “social work with the family”? In the broadest sense, it can be considered as help to the family from the side of society, provided both by the state as a whole, through legislative and regulatory acts that provide social protection and adaptation of the institution of the family and individual groups of the population, and by any state, public, religious, commercial organizations, or by private individuals. Consequently, a social worker as a civil servant is mainly a conductor and executor of government measures to support and protect a young family. Today, the main content of social work with the family (including with young families) can be represented as a combination of several functions.

Information function:

Collecting information about different types of families in the serviced area, their problems and needs for help, as well as transferring the information received to interested authorities, departments that can provide support to the family;

Determination of the nature of the request and the real state of affairs in a particular young family;

Informing the family about its right to social assistance, the forms and conditions of its receipt, as well as about those social microstructures and specialists who can most effectively help in solving the family problem.

Dispatch function: directing a young family or its member, depending on the request, to the required social microstructure or to the required specialist.

Preparation of documents: drawing up the documentation necessary to work with a specific family at its request, as well as assisting individual family members in writing applications and other documents.

Intermediary function: communication between the family and the necessary microstructures (specialists), establishing contacts between them, psychological support of negotiations. It should be emphasized here that social services are called upon to provide financial assistance to the family, to offer services in social protection, day care, housekeeping, teaching family life, raising children, engaging in family therapy, resolving conflicts, and helping the family to survive, which is very important at the initial stage. stage of life of a young family.

Monitoring: obtaining information about the provision of the family with the assistance it deserves in full and about its effectiveness.

Social service: giving the family all sorts of benefits (money, food, clothing, medicines, tickets, vouchers, etc.), assistance in the provision of domestic services at home, performing one-time assignments.

The above interpretation does not pretend to be an exhaustive description of the content of social work with a young family, especially since life poses more and more new tasks. However, the established practice shows that the real professional activity of a social worker does not include all of the functions considered. In most cases, it boils down to the collection and elementary analysis of statistical data, organizational and managerial decision-making, distribution and issuance of certain types of material assistance, as well as consulting on various issues.

Insufficient efficiency of social work with a young family is also due to the forcedly meager range of offered social services. In our time, the most acute need for young people and young families is, first of all, the Labor Exchange, points of legal protection and legal advice, psychological and sexological counseling, helplines, help points for a young family, etc. The basic types of activities of the specialists of these services are psychological-preventive, psychological-diagnostic and corrective work, as well as various types of consulting activities.

In a broad sense, social work with young families can be viewed as assistance to the family from the side of society, provided both by the state as a whole, through legislative and regulatory acts that provide social protection and adaptation of the institution of the family and individual groups of the population, and by any state, social, religious, commercial organizations or individuals. Consequently, the social worker is the main conductor and executor of government measures to support and protect young families.


1. Azisova N.N. The social status of a young family in the conditions of modern Russia: Diss. Cand. sociol. sciences. Saransk, 2002.

2. Baranova D.V. Stability of young families: problems and prospects: Diss. Cand. sociol. sciences. Yekaterinburg, 2002.

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4. Dementyeva I.F. The first years of marriage: Problems of the formation of a young family. Resp. ed. I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada. - M .: Thought, 1991.

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7. Rudneva M. Ya. Influence of major problems on the functioning of a young family. // Theoretical and applied problems of sociology, pedagogy, psychology and social work: Sat. scientific. works. Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. Issue 2. - M .: MGUS, 2006.

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In the section of the Law "The main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation" published in the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" Rossiyskaya Gazeta dated 03.07.1993. the definition is given: "Young family- this is a family in the first three years after marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that none of the spouses has reached the age of 30 ”.

According to its structure, a modern young family is a complete, typical and social risk family. The latter type includes incomplete families, families of single and underage mothers, those families where the father is doing military service, student families, as well as families in which one of its members is disabled. Of these, the most numerous are groups of single-parent families and student families.

Assessment of the state of the modern Russian young family from the side of scientific research and organizational and managerial circles, the well-being of the young family and its members currently bring to the fore the problems of poverty and low income, economic disabilities. Aid in this area also takes the lion's share of efforts in the activities of social protection authorities and social service institutions.

The main leading directions in the development of family services in general are social and psychological types of family services. There are the following support services for a young family: social, moral, psychological, pedagogical, sanitary-hygienic and intimate-personal preparation of young people for marriage; psychological and pedagogical assistance to an already established family, which includes consultations on issues of psychological relations between spouses; individual medical, sexological and psychotherapeutic consultations; increased communication skills; the ability of cooperation, interaction, communication culture.
A social worker can help and support a young family in solving numerous problems. In order for a young family to be fully realized, social work in it should be aimed at solving everyday family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relations, restoring internal resources, stabilizing the achieved positive results in the socio-economic situation and orienting the socializing potential.

NF Basov identifies the following functions of a social worker in working with a young family: diagnostic (studying the characteristics of the family, identifying its potentials); protective and protective (legal support for the family, ensuring its social guarantees, creating conditions for the realization of its rights and freedoms); organizational and communicative (organization of communication, initiation of joint activities, joint leisure, creativity); socio-psychological and pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical education of family members, provision of urgent psychological assistance, preventive support and patronage); predictive (modeling situations and developing specific targeted assistance programs); coordination (establishing and maintaining ties, uniting the efforts of departments of assistance to family and childhood, social assistance to the population, departments of family problems of internal affairs bodies, rehabilitation centers and services).

NF Basov identifies three main areas of social work: diagnostic, rehabilitation, preventive.

1. Diagnostics involves the collection and analysis of information about the family and its members, identification of problems. To diagnose a family developmental situation, such methods of work as observation, conversation, questioning, testing can be used. The specialist receives a lot of useful information by applying the biographical method and analyzing the documentation concerning the family and its members, their past and present, and their ideas about the future.
Based on the diagnostic material received, it is possible to draw up a social map of the family, which will contain information about its members, their age, parental education, their specialties, the place of work of the husband and wife, family income, information about children (if any); the state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationships. Establish which risk group factor it can be attributed to. In this map, it is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, to propose an option for help (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and to argue for the need for rehabilitation. To draw up a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.

2. Rehabilitation is a system of measures to restore the lost well-being in family relationships or to form new ones. In order to rehabilitate the family and its members, in world practice, institutions of social services for the family, territorial centers, medical, psychological and social centers are used. The content of their activities is to provide family members or an individual with various types of assistance (legal, psychological, medical, social) in order to support or increase resources, reorient family members to other values, and change their attitudes.

3. Prevention is a set of measures that contribute to the full functioning of the family, the prevention of possible problems. One of the ways of prevention is the development of special training and educational programs. For example, a study of the problems of family and family education shows that spouses are increasingly in need of specialist help in accumulating and mastering the necessary knowledge and skills to regulate relationships.

Thus, social work in a young family is aimed at solving numerous problems, psychological, social, moral, medical and pedagogical, which the family encounters in everyday life, and which are not able to solve on their own. Also, one of the mechanisms for regulating marriage and family relations in the framework of social work is family services, the main purpose of which is aimed at ensuring the optimal performance by the family of its various functions, improving intra-family relations, harmonious development of the personality of spouses and the life of the family as a whole.

At all times, the family was in the center of attention of scientists, sociologists and statesmen. The family, as a small social group, is a holistic formation, one of the main institutions of society.

Today, due to economic, demographic and social changes in society, a “young family” is being promoted into a separate category of families, as the most dynamic and easily responsive part of society.

In the section "General Provisions" of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993 No. 5090-1, "The main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation", the following definition of a young family is given: "Young family this is a family in the first 3 years after marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached the age of 30 ”. 3

Thus, the legally established characteristics of a young family are:

  • young people are in a registered marriage;

  • the age of the spouses is up to 30 years;

  • the duration of life together - up to 3 years (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of life together).
In the process of life, a young family goes through 4 stages:

  • becoming (from the moment of marriage to the birth of the first child, creating a stable psychological climate, determining sources of income for creating one's own material base, distributing family responsibilities);

  • survival (a high degree of dependence on the state in connection with a low level of material security, the choice of such methods of organizing life that are focused on solving not promising, but momentary problems);

  • development (the acquisition of certain qualitative characteristics that provide a higher standard of living, allowing them to independently solve their vital problems, to achieve a certain autonomy).
A young family as a community of people connected by relations of marriage, parenthood, kinship, joint household, performs the most important social functions, the main of which are: generative (reproductive), psychological (psychotherapeutic), socio-cultural, economic and household, communicative, hedonistic ... 5

Generative function due to the need for the continuation of the human race, which is not only a biological need, but also has great socio-economic importance for the preservation of the population. Society is interested in each next generation being at least as small as the previous one. It is young families that make the greatest contribution to meeting this need. And for them this function can be recognized as a priority.

At the heart of psychological function there are only those individual needs of people, the satisfaction of which is impossible or extremely difficult outside the family. For young families, the psychological function of the family is to transform falling in love and mutual attraction into a relationship of mutual affection, mutual emotional comfort. For young people, the family becomes a space for realizing their feelings and a condition for the formation of mature mutual love, when a spouse becomes the only person whose life together is the deepest inner meaning of the family.

Socio-cultural function due to the fact that the family actively influences the formation of the child's personality. It lays down cultural basic values ​​that regulate the child's future behavior in various fields of activity, forms scenarios of all possible roles that he will play.

Economic function- one of the main functions of the family. A young family solves various problems of family business, housekeeping, production and reproduction of the labor force, ensuring the necessary level of consumer demand, creating investment capital, etc.

Communicative function realized through communication in the family. In a young family, communication is much more intense. Moreover, it has not only quantitative, but also qualitative features: young spouses talk a lot about feelings, emotions, and the non-verbal component (intonation, looks, touch) plays a significant role.

Hedonic function, which is also commonly called the function of healthy sex, is associated with the presence of a general biological sexual need in a person, the satisfaction of which is just as important and necessary as the need for food, housing, and so on. This function is extremely important for a young family, because even simple communication gives great pleasure, the joy of recognition, the feeling of being loved, physically attractive.

Thus, a young family, for its part, is called upon to fully carry out all these functions, to build its life career on the basis of the principles of self-development and self-sufficiency. But the problems that a young family is currently facing have a significant impact on the formation and development of each of the listed functions.

As noted by Yu.E. Aleshina, at the initial stage of marriage, the process of formation of intra-family and extra-family relations proceeds very intensively and tensely. 6 From the totality of factors affecting the quality of relations in a young family and its social functioning, the following can be distinguished:

  • The living conditions of the family group, which include socio-economic, socio-political, socio-psychological, socio-cultural and other factors that make up the living environment.

  • Social requirements of society for a young family.

  • The structure of a young family as a set of relationships between its members.

  • Role expectations and aspirations of marriage partners.

  • A way of life, which is the totality of all types of life.

  • The ideology of a young family, reflecting a set of norms and values.
Among the problems faced by a modern young family, there are several 7:

1. Insufficient level of material security of a young family. By definition, a young family consists of young people who have not yet taken their place in the world and, accordingly, have not yet sufficiently established their social and material status. Youth unemployment or underemployment constitutes a serious obstacle to starting a stable family life. The average per capita income of young families is 1.5 times lower than the national average, and 60% of young families live below the poverty line, among which 34% find it difficult to make ends meet, which makes it impossible for them to fully fulfill reproductive and other social functions.

2. The objectively increased financial needs of a young family are due to the need to carry out the process of family life: purchasing housing, organizing everyday life, caring for young children, additional leisure costs. Therefore, a young family is often forced to use the help of older relatives for their normal existence. Many young families experience difficulties in acquiring their own housing and, accordingly, in establishing themselves as a separate family. Standard urban dwelling provides the minimum comforts for only one family. Therefore, the cohabitation of a young family with their parents in a small apartment leads to a deterioration in living conditions, crowding, an increase in conflicts, which does not contribute to the strength of family relations.

3. Decreased reproductive function. A young family is a family giving birth. It is known that the reproductively capable interval of a married couple, depending on its physiological characteristics, can last up to 20 or more years from the beginning of marriage. However, the social conditions and personal considerations of the spouses, together with the physiologically most active reproductively capable age, make significant adjustments, and most children are born during the period of time in which the family qualifies as young. It is at this stage of marriage that the question of the birth of children and their desired number is often decided. If, for some reason, reproductive performance is impaired, at an older age it becomes much more difficult to ensure childbirth. The birth of children entails a number of socio-psychological, economic, organizational, housing and other problems: a shortage of funds for child support, difficulties in redistributing responsibilities and social roles, which young spouses cannot always cope with.

An important place in the structure of the difficulties of a young family is occupied by psychological problems. Structuring marital problems, Yu.E. Alyoshina gives a list of problems that are the most common reasons for contacting a family psychologist 8:

  • various kinds of conflicts, mutual discontent associated with the distribution of marital roles and responsibilities;

  • conflicts, problems, dissatisfaction of spouses associated with differences in views on family life and interpersonal relationships;

  • sexual problems, dissatisfaction of one spouse with another in this area, their mutual inability to establish normal sexual relations;

  • difficulties and conflicts in the relationship of a married couple with the parents of one or both spouses;

  • problems of power and influence in marital relationships;

  • lack of warmth in the relationship of spouses, lack of intimacy and trust, communication problems;

  • illness (mental or physical) of one of the spouses, problems and difficulties caused by the need to adapt the family to the disease, negative attitude towards oneself and those around the patient or family members.
The first years of family life are a difficult adaptation period for young spouses. They face the problems of forming the structure of the family, the distribution of functions, the development of common family values ​​and the establishment of family boundaries. It also creates serious psychological problems and the process of physiological, sexual adaptation of young partners.

A separate psychological problem is the discrepancy between the views of the husband and wife regarding a woman's professional career. Today, a woman is fully engaged in professional activities and the question of to what extent a woman should devote herself to her family or work is often the subject of disputes between spouses.

A very important problem of a young family is the discrepancy between the value hierarchies of the spouses; contradictions in this area are not always found in everyday life, but the antagonism of value attitudes usually becomes apparent during the period of "trial" and leads to a break in relations. For young spouses, the ability to resolve conflicts is more relevant. Every day, spouses face problems that require immediate resolution: where to go, how to spend their free time, how and on what to spend money, whom to invite and the like. The ability to find compromise solutions on such issues leads to family cohesion.

Thus, the problems of young families are manifold. The main ones are material, household and housing problems; psychological problems; the problem of employment of young spouses. In order for a young family to be able to carry out all its functions, a comprehensive solution to these problems is necessary, which should be the focus of the state family policy in relation to a young family.

Diagnostics of the problems of a young family

In this section, we will focus on diagnosing the psychological problems of a young family. Diagnostics involves the collection and analysis of information about the family and about its members.

The choice of specific diagnostic techniques in the actual process of interaction with clients depends on a number of factors. These include rather formal ones, for example, the availability of the technique, the possibility of material costs for printing forms and questionnaires, the time that the client and the specialist can spend on the diagnostic stage of the work. In addition, among the variety of methods and techniques available to a specialist for diagnosing family problems, it is necessary to choose one or those that, in a necessary and sufficient way, will be able to give a full-fledged objective picture, will correspond to the assumptions (hypothesis) of the specialist. Thus, in a real situation of interaction with a client, you can use one or several methods, as well as create your own "battery" of tests, including only those scales that will allow you to obtain reliable information.

It is advisable to carry out diagnostics:

  • before marriage (young people's ideas about family and marriage, readiness for family relationships, etc.);

  • after marriage (motives for marriage, choice of a partner, psychological compatibility, peculiarities of the distribution of family roles, expectations and claims in marriage, peculiarities of communication and relationships in a married couple, etc.).
Diagnosis of young people before marriage allows you to identify possible disagreements even before marriage and correct them in time. This group includes the following 9 techniques:

  • the test for preventive marital compatibility shows how much young men and women will be satisfied with their marriage in the future (A. Dobrovich);

  • the methodology "Functional role coherence" (SV Kovalevsky) helps to determine the structure of the distribution of roles in the family. For the analysis of functional-role consistency, three role structures are used: normative (as it should be); desired (as desired); quasi-real (how likely it will be). It is also recommended to highlight as a subject of discussion clients' perceptions of the distribution of family roles in normative, desirable and quasi-real plans;

  • the questionnaire-interview "You are getting married" (V. A. Sysenko) - allows you to reveal the opinion of those entering into marriage about the various problems faced by newlyweds;

  • test card for assessing readiness for family life (I.F. Yunda) - helps to determine the willingness of future spouses to perform family functions: creating a positive family background, maintaining respectful, friendly relations with relatives, raising children, intimate life of spouses, establishing a healthy family and household regime, etc. In addition, using this technique, you can outline the prospects for the well-being of family relations;

  • method for determining psychological compatibility in marriage (Yu.A. Reshetnyak, G. S. Vasilchenko) - a modified version of T. Leary's test. Incompatibility of spouses at least at one of the four levels of marital relations - psychophysiological, psychological, socio-psychological, sociocultural, can lead to disharmony in marital relations;

  • Scales of love and sympathy (3. Rubin) - this technique can be used both for individual and group conduct. Its advantage is simple handling and ease of filling. Using this technique, a psychologist can identify the features of the respondent's emotional attitude to a loved one.
The diagnosis of psychological problems that arise after marriage includes the actual diagnosis of marital relations, as well as the diagnosis of parent-child relations. The peculiarities of the distribution of family roles, expectations and aspirations in marriage, the compatibility of a married couple are investigated using methods such as 10:

  • The questionnaire "Communication in the family" (YE Aleshina, LY Gozman, EM Dubovskaya) measures the trust of communication in a married couple, similarity in views, common symbols, mutual understanding of spouses, ease and psychotherapeutic communication.

  • The projective test "Family Sociogram" (E. G. Eidemiller) is aimed at diagnosing the nature of communications in the family.

  • The methodology "Role expectations and claims in marriage" (AN Volkova) reveals the spouses' ideas about the importance of certain roles in family life, as well as about their desired distribution between husband and wife.

  • The methodology "Distribution of roles in the family" (Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, E.M.Dubovskaya) determines the degree of implementation by a husband and wife of one or another role: responsible for the material support of the family, the owner (mistress) of the house, responsible for raising children, organizer of family subculture, entertainment, sexual partner, psychotherapist.

  • The "Typical family state" method (EG Eidemiller, IV Yustitskis) allows to identify the most typical state of an individual in his own family: satisfactory - unsatisfactory; neuropsychic stress; family anxiety.
Diagnostics of the psychological compatibility of partners can include: determination of the type of temperament (G. Eysenck), personality factors (R. Cattell), the test "ММР1" (J. McKinm, S. Hathaway), the technique of drawing frustration (S. Rosezweig), color test (M. Lucher), etc.

A social worker needs to pay attention to how family leisure is organized, what family interests and values ​​are. It is very important to understand how a young family behaves at a sociocultural level. It is known that the similarity of interests, needs, values, etc. is one of the factors of marital compatibility and stability of marriage. This block of diagnostics includes the following techniques:

  • The questionnaire "Measuring attitudes in a married couple" (Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, Department of Social Psychology, Moscow State University) makes it possible to identify a person's views on ten spheres of life that are most significant in family interaction: 1) attitude towards people; 2) the alternative between a sense of duty and pleasure; 3) attitude towards children; 4) orientation towards predominantly joint or predominantly separate activities, the autonomy of the spouses or the dependence of the spouses on each other; 5) attitude towards divorce; 6) attitude to love of the romantic type; 7) assessment of the importance of the sexual sphere in family life; 8) attitude towards "forbidden sex"; 9) attitude towards patriarchal or egalitarian family structure; 10) attitude towards money.

  • The questionnaire "Interests - leisure" (T.M. Trapeznikova) reveals the correlation of interests of the spouses, the measure of their consent in the forms of leisure.
Very often in a young family, the interests, needs, intentions and desires of the spouses come into conflict, giving rise to especially strong and lasting negative emotions. In such cases, they talk about marital conflict. Young spouses are not always ready to make compromises, as a result of which a protracted conflict can lead to divorce. Faced with this problem, the social educator can apply methods that diagnose marital conflicts:

  • The Marriage Satisfaction Test Questionnaire (V.V. Stolin, G.P.Butenko, T.L. Romanova, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University) is intended for express diagnostics of the degree of satisfaction-dissatisfaction, as well as coordination-mismatch of satisfaction with marriage in a particular married couple. The questionnaire is used individually in counseling practice and in the process of researching a particular social group.

  • The methodology "The nature of the interaction of spouses in conflict situations" (Yu. E. Aleshina, L. Ya. Gozman) makes it possible to characterize the examined family by a number of parameters: the most conflict spheres of family relations, the degree of agreement (disagreement) in conflict situations, the level of conflict in a couple ...

  • The questionnaire "Constructive-destructive family" (CDS) (EG Eidemiller, VV Yustitskis) facilitates the diagnosis of the deviation of the family from the constructive direction.
One of the most important functions of a young family is giving birth and raising children. It is in the family that the personality of the child is formed, social norms and values ​​are instilled. And the future mental development of the child and his formation as a personality depends on how close, trusting and positive the parent and child relationships will be. The child most acutely experiences any conflict in the family and the task of the social teacher is to identify in time the cause of tension in the family, to form a positive and responsible attitude towards the child in young parents. Methods and followings of parent-child relations are divided into two groups: some explore interpersonal relationships in the "parent-child" system through the eyes of a parent, others - through the eyes of a child.

The methods for studying interpersonal relationships in the "parent-child" system include the following:

  • Test "Parent-Child Relationships" (PARI) (American psychologists E.S. Schaefer, R.K.Bell; adapted by T.N. Nescheret).

  • The test questionnaire for the analysis of family upbringing and the prevention of upbringing disorders (DIA) (EG Eidemiller, VV Yustitskis) is intended to study disorders in family life and the causes of deviations in family upbringing.

  • The Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire (ORO) (A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin) is a psychodiagnostic tool aimed at identifying parental attitudes in people who seek psychological help on raising children and communicating with them.

  • Questionnaire for the study of the emotional side of parent-child interaction (E. I. Zakharova) /
Methods for studying interpersonal relationships in the “parent-child” system through the eyes of a child include: the graphical test “Family drawing”, which is widely used in numerous studies of interpersonal relationships and practical developments due to the simplicity of the procedure and the accuracy of the indicators obtained as a result of work; the projective method of R. Gilles, investigating the interpersonal relations of the child and his perception of intra-family relations, as well as the method of A.G. Leaders and I.V. Anisimova "Diagnostics of emotional relationships in the family", developed for two age groups: for preschoolers and younger students; for teenagers.

To diagnose a family developmental situation, such methods of work as observation, conversation, questionnaires, testing, questioning can be used. The specialist receives a lot of useful information by applying the biographical method and analyzing the documentation concerning the family and its members, their past and present, and their ideas about the future.

Based on the diagnostic material received, it is possible to draw up a social map of the family, which will contain information about its members, their age, parental education, their specialties, the place of work of the husband and wife, family income, information about children (if any); the state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationships. Establish which risk group factor it can be attributed to. In this map, it is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, to propose an option for help (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and to argue for the need for rehabilitation. To draw up a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.
Methods and techniques for working with a young family

A young family in modern Russian society is forced to adapt both to external conditions (state family policy) and to internal changes associated with the adaptation process. Moreover, not all types of families are capable of increasing adaptive capacity, and therefore, complete or partial disorganization of the family sets in. The state needs to protect a young family, since it is one of the most vulnerable groups of the population and the improvement of the demographic situation in the country will depend on the well-being of this family, which is one of the main tasks in modern society.

All social work to support a young family is carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. Let's highlight the basic techniques and methods of working with a young family:

  1. Information work (identification, collection and analysis of information about young families in need of support). At this stage of work, a database of young families in need of social support is created and accumulated.

  2. Promotion of services provided by social protection authorities to support young families.

  3. Methodical work includes the study of information materials, literature, legislative acts on the problems of a young family, as well as the identification, study and dissemination of the most valuable experience of working with a young family. At this stage, employees of the social protection authorities prepare software and methodological support for the implementation of work to support the family: memos, recommendations, development of algorithms for activities.

  4. Socio-psychological and pedagogical work, which includes diagnostics of the problems of a young family, providing advice on family interaction, overcoming conflict situations (family counseling), as well as socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological patronage of the family.
Socio-psychological and pedagogical work with a young family is carried out in stages, its effectiveness depends on the degree of establishing contact with family members. Let's highlight the main stages of working with a young family:

  • Establishing contact and trusting relationships with family members.
At this stage, the social worker conducts a conversation with family members and close relatives in order to identify and concretize the problems that the young family is experiencing.

  • Family study
At the second stage, if a young family has psychological problems related to the "spouse-spouse" relationship, a complete diagnosis of marital relations is carried out, including: the study of the microclimate in the family, the relationship between spouses, psychological compatibility, common interests and values.

If there is a child in a young family and at the first stage psychological problems related to the parent-child relationship are identified, it is necessary to diagnose the parent-child relationship. A social worker should study the styles of upbringing in a young family, the emotional coloring of relationships in the "parent-child" system, knowledge and use of methods and techniques of educational influence by parents.

Very often in a young family, psychological problems are closely related to material and housing problems, in this case a social worker must carry out not only psychological diagnostics of interpersonal relations, but also assess the social status of the spouses, as well as the level of material security and living conditions. In this case, you can use the following means: visiting a young family at home, drawing up an act of inspection of living conditions, conversation, survey, etc.

  • Processing the results of socio-psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

  • Accompanying a young family, using family counseling and social patronage.
Family Counseling - This is a targeted psychological impact on the family and its members in order to restore, optimize its functioning and improve relations between its members, create favorable intra-family conditions for the development of the family and its members. It is designed to help the family in resolving family conflicts, and is also aimed at their prevention, prevention.

Family counseling is carried out by specialists on the basis of knowledge of the patterns of development and functioning of the family as an institution and a “small group”, the main problems of a young family, and experience of practical work with people.

The main goals of family counseling are the normalization of family relations so that a young family can adequately fulfill their functions, as well as help spouses to acquire the ability to independently resolve difficult issues of family life in further enhancing their personal capabilities, forming a need for a family and children. Family counseling is aimed at stimulating the social activity of young family members, moral and psychological improvement of their personality. It is designed to contribute to the better development of the personality of family members, serves as the best preparation for family life. eleven

Social patronage of a young family Is an individual activity of a specialist, thanks to which the family receives specific help and support from the social service, designed to mobilize and increase its adaptive capabilities. Socio-psychological patronage is implemented in various forms of long-term psychological and social assistance to young families experiencing conflict or stress.

Psychological patronage specialists provide counseling; find, together with their family, alternative ways out of conflict situations; perform intermediary functions between the client and his environment; help to reduce the client's feeling of anxiety, while the specialist must skillfully combine family members in the process of planned changes.

Social patronage helps to study and clarify the situation, taking into account the social and psychological state of the client when using means that reduce the level of anxiety and provide emotional support, and is also aimed at providing specific assistance to eliminate a crisis or critical situation in the family and to stabilize favorable trends. In addition, with the help of social patronage, social workers include in solving family problems. 12

Acting within the framework of patronage, a social worker performs a wide variety of functions: a benevolent and competent interlocutor, assistant, mediator, counselor, and defender. He has the ability to stabilize the current situation, control the course of patronage at all phases, involve young family members in solving their problems, consolidate successes, and also make the necessary adjustments to the strategy of further actions. Thus, the social patronage of the family provides for the multi-method actions of a specialist in social work.

Social and pedagogical patronage includes all-round and effective assistance to a young family with various problems, by the efforts of social service specialists who focus on their own pedagogical capabilities, as well as on the resources of the socio-pedagogical space.

“A marriage based on mutual inclination and reason,
is one of the greatest blessings of human life. "
Turgenev I.S.

The family is a system of social functioning of a person, it changes not only under the influence of socio-political conditions, but also due to the internal processes of its development. That is why it is one of the most important areas and one of the main objects of social work. The types of family relations are changing, the system of power and subordination in family life, the roles and functional dependence of spouses, the position of children are changing, many scientists characterize the current state of the family as a crisis.

  • the family is losing its stability to a large extent, as evidenced by the increasing number of divorces;
  • a consequence of the high divorce rate of married couples is the growth of single-parent families, mainly maternal, whose upbringing potential is partially weakened due to the lack of interaction of the child with one of the parents, most often with the father;
  • an increase in the number of children born out of wedlock by juvenile, socially immature mothers;
  • an increase in the number of incomplete maternal families due to the death of a significant number of young men in ethnic and regional conflicts, as well as as a result of an asocial lifestyle (alcoholism, drug addiction, long periods of stay in correctional labor institutions, etc.).

The strengthening of negative social phenomena, indicating an increase in the number of problem families, in particular incomplete and mainly maternal, with a deficit of educational and other socially oriented opportunities, creates a number of contradictions:

Between the need of society for a healthy younger generation with clearly formed social values ​​and an insufficiently effective organization of the educational process in an incomplete family; - the need of parents and children from an incomplete family to receive high-quality comprehensive, in particular, psychological, pedagogical and andragogical assistance and an insufficient supply of its variable forms and methods on the part of territorial social services; - a model of social service for supporting an incomplete family that is in demand in the practice of social work.

Thus, modern trends in the development of the family as a social institution and a primary factor in the formation of a child's personality, an increase in the number of single-parent families, a deficit of their educational and other social-adaptive capabilities highlight the need to create effective “mechanisms” of social assistance to the family by means of andragogical and psychological-pedagogical educating parents, as well as optimizing the organizational and pedagogical conditions for social support of the family by eliminating interdepartmental disunity and establishing social partnership of all entities providing social assistance to parents and children of the family.

The fact that the family is the first institution of socialization, that it is here that the gradual formation, consolidation of socially significant behavioral models takes place, which subsequently become socially significant personal qualities, that it is emotionally rich communication in the family for a child that becomes an important condition for his normal mental development, - a lot of psychological and pedagogical literature has been written. Traditionally, the family is viewed as a social environment that ensures the full mental development of the child.

However, the family can also act as a factor that destabilizes, distorts the psychophysical and social development of the child. Therefore, the issue of accompanying the family with social services, providing timely assistance in identifying problems that have arisen and finding ways to solve them, is especially acute. In addition, the issue of the prevention of social orphanhood is also acute.

The family as a basic elementary unit of society is called upon to perform a number of functions that are important not only for each of its members, but also for society as a whole.

  • the educational function of the family is that the individual needs for fatherhood and motherhood are satisfied; in contact with children and their upbringing; in the fact that parents can "be realized" in children.
  • the household function of the family is to satisfy the material needs of family members (for food, shelter, etc.), contributes to the preservation of their health: during the performance of this function by the family, the restoration of the physical forces expended in labor is ensured.
  • the emotional function of a family is the satisfaction of its members' needs for sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support, and psychological protection. This function provides emotional stabilization of members of society, actively contributes to the preservation of their mental health.
  • the function of spiritual (cultural) communication is to meet the needs for joint leisure activities, mutual spiritual enrichment, it plays a significant role in the spiritual development of members of society.
  • the function of primary social control is to ensure the fulfillment of social norms by family members, especially those who, due to various circumstances (age, illness, etc.), are not sufficiently able to independently build their behavior in full accordance with social norms.
  • sexual and erotic function - satisfaction of the sexual and erotic needs of family members. From the point of view of society, it is important that the family at the same time regulates the sexual and erotic behavior of its members, ensuring the biological reproduction of society.

Failure to fulfill (impossibility to perform) these functions leads to family disorders, as well as a violation of the psychological health of its members. A very wide range of factors can contribute to violations: the characteristics of the personalities of its members and the relationship between them, certain conditions of family life. Thus, the specialists of social services face the problem of identifying the true causes of family problems.

It is necessary to outline the basic principles of diagnostic work with the family in the process of social and psychological assistance (especially long-term).

The first (main) one is the unity of diagnostics and socio-psychological assistance. Along with the traditional task of psychodiagnostics - determining the current state of development of the family and its members, the diagnostic process should also be used to:

  • stimulating the client's motivation for self-knowledge and self-improvement;
  • identifying shortcomings, gaps in the development of certain qualities, abilities that are important for the harmonization of family relations and their stabilization;
  • deciding what support is necessary and sufficient for this family;
  • tracking changes in relations between family members at various stages of socio-psychological support.

The second is the refusal to build up the arsenal of psychodiagnostic techniques and focus on the development and application of psychological assistance programs (individual and family counseling, psychotraining systems, the creation of new areas of treatment, etc.). Only in these cases will the diagnostic work make sense and lead to a positive result. Any of the methods used in diagnostics should create conditions for the positive development of the family.

The third is the maximum closeness of diagnostics to natural living conditions. This is not a “desk” diagnostics, but diagnostics in conditions that are as close as possible to the everyday life of a family. It is no coincidence that researchers of the problems of psychological counseling (M. Bityanova, A. Volosnikov, V. Mukhina) prefer the term “tracking” to the familiar term “diagnostics”, which implies observation of human activity and behavior in the natural social environment.

Fourth, the focus of diagnostic work is primarily on identifying the resources of development and self-help available to the family and each of its members.

Fifth - the study of the family in its development. It is important for a specialist to know the history of the family's life, family myths, values, rules, stable ideas and relationships both within the family (between its members) and with the external environment. Familiarity with the history of the family over several generations helps to better understand how it is customary to react to unfavorable socio-psychological conditions, stressful, conflict or crisis situations - by a decrease in the level of activity or its increase, family rallying or separation of its members. Of course, the goals of diagnostics vary depending on the application.

Identifying family problems allows you to choose the best ways, methods, methods and ways to solve them. The authors-compilers in no way pretend to be an exhaustive analysis of the identified problems and an exhaustive, comprehensive set of ways and means of their solution. Moreover, we deliberately stopped at considering a narrower range of functions in the activities of a social worker - socio-psychological and pedagogical issues. We tried to collect in one methodological manual the developments of domestic authors, which can be used by specialists in the process of working with the family. Despite the division of this manual into chapters by categories of families in need of social and psychological assistance, the division of diagnostic methods, as well as methods and techniques of correction, is rather arbitrary due to the fact that many problems are identical. Thus, in practice, it is important to clearly understand that, as the classic said, “All happy families are alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way,” which means that it is necessary to look for precisely those ways and means of help that will lead to maximum the result.

Young family

1.1. Problems of a young family

At all times, the family was in the center of attention of scientists, sociologists and statesmen. The family, as a small social group, is a holistic formation, one of the main institutions of society.

Today, in connection with the economic, demographic and social changes in society, a “young family” is being promoted into a separate category of families as the most dynamic and easily responsive part of society to these changes.

In the section “General Provisions” of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993 No. 5090-1, “Main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, the following definition of a young family is given: “A young family is a family in the first 3 years after marriage ( in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached the age of 30 ”.

Thus, the legally established characteristics of a young family are:

  • young people are in a registered marriage;
  • the age of the spouses is up to 30 years;
  • the duration of life together - up to 3 years (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of life together).

In the process of life, a young family goes through several stages:

  • becoming (from the moment of marriage to the birth of the first child, creating a stable psychological climate, determining sources of income for creating one's own material base, distributing family responsibilities);
  • survival (a high degree of dependence on the state in connection with a low level of material security, the choice of such methods of organizing life that are focused on solving not promising, but momentary problems);
  • development (the acquisition of certain qualitative characteristics that provide a higher standard of living, allowing them to independently solve their vital problems, to achieve a certain autonomy).

A young family as a community of people connected by relations of marriage, parenthood, kinship, joint household, performs the most important social functions, the main of which are: generative (reproductive), psychological (psychotherapeutic), socio-cultural, economic and household, communicative, hedonistic ...

The generative function is due to the need for the continuation of the human race, which is not only a biological need, but also has great socio-economic importance for the preservation of the population. Society is interested in each next generation being at least as small as the previous one. It is young families that make the greatest contribution to meeting this need. And for them this function can be recognized as a priority.

The psychological function is based only on those individual needs of people, the satisfaction of which is impossible or extremely difficult outside the family. For young families, the psychological function of the family is to transform falling in love and mutual attraction into a relationship of mutual affection, mutual emotional comfort. For young people, the family becomes a space for realizing their feelings and a condition for the formation of mature mutual love, when a spouse becomes the only person whose life together is the deepest inner meaning of the family.

The socio-cultural function is due to the fact that the family actively influences the formation of the child's personality. It lays down cultural basic values ​​that regulate the child's future behavior in various fields of activity, forms scenarios of all possible roles that he will play.

The economic function is one of the main functions of the family. A young family solves various problems of family business, housekeeping, production and reproduction of the labor force, ensuring the necessary level of consumer demand, creating investment capital, etc.

The communicative function is realized through communication in the family. In a young family, communication is much more intense. Moreover, it has not only quantitative, but also qualitative features: young spouses talk a lot about feelings, emotions, and the non-verbal component (intonation, looks, touch) plays a significant role.

The hedonistic function, which is also commonly called the function of healthy sex, is associated with the presence of a general biological sexual need in a person, the satisfaction of which is just as important and necessary as the need for food, housing, and so on. This function is extremely important for a young family, because even simple communication gives great pleasure, the joy of recognition, the feeling of being loved, physically attractive.

Thus, a young family, for its part, is called upon to fully carry out all these functions, to build its life career on the basis of the principles of self-development and self-sufficiency. But the problems that a young family is currently facing have a significant impact on the formation and development of each of the listed functions.

As noted by Yu.E. Aleshina, at the initial stage of marriage, the process of formation of intra-family and extra-family relations proceeds very intensively and tensely. From the totality of factors affecting the quality of relations in a young family and its social functioning, the following can be distinguished:

The living conditions of the family group, which include socio-economic, socio-political, socio-psychological, socio-cultural and other factors that make up the living environment.

  • Social requirements of society for a young family.
  • The structure of a young family as a set of relationships between its members.
  • Role expectations and aspirations of marriage partners.

A way of life, which is the totality of all types of life.

The ideology of a young family, reflecting a set of norms and values.

Among the problems faced by a modern young family, there are several:

1. Insufficient level of material security of a young family. By definition, a young family consists of young people who have not yet taken their place in the world and, accordingly, have not yet sufficiently established their social and material status. Youth unemployment or underemployment constitutes a serious obstacle to starting a stable family life. The average per capita income of young families is 1.5 times lower than the national average, and 60% of young families live below the poverty line, among which 34% find it difficult to make ends meet, which makes it impossible for them to fully fulfill reproductive and other social functions.

2. The objectively increased financial needs of a young family are due to the need to carry out the process of family life: purchasing housing, organizing everyday life, caring for young children, additional leisure costs. Therefore, a young family is often forced to use the help of older relatives for their normal existence. Many young families experience difficulties in acquiring their own housing and, accordingly, in establishing themselves as a separate family. Standard urban dwelling provides the minimum comforts for only one family. Therefore, the cohabitation of a young family with their parents in a small apartment leads to a deterioration in living conditions, crowding, an increase in conflicts, which does not contribute to the strength of family relations.

3. Decreased reproductive function. A young family is a family giving birth. It is known that the reproductively capable interval of a married couple, depending on its physiological characteristics, can last up to 20 or more years from the beginning of marriage. However, the social conditions and personal considerations of the spouses, together with the physiologically most active reproductively capable age, make significant adjustments, and most children are born during the period of time in which the family qualifies as young. It is at this stage of marriage that the question of the birth of children and their desired number is often decided. If, for some reason, reproductive performance is impaired, at an older age it becomes much more difficult to ensure childbirth. The birth of children entails a number of socio-psychological, economic, organizational, housing and other problems: a shortage of funds for child support, difficulties in redistributing responsibilities and social roles, which young spouses cannot always cope with.

Psychological problems occupy an important place in the structure of the difficulties of a young family. Structuring marital problems, Yu.E. Aleshina gives a list of problems that are the most common reasons for contacting a family psychologist:

  • various kinds of conflicts, mutual discontent associated with the distribution of marital roles and responsibilities;
  • conflicts, problems, dissatisfaction of spouses associated with differences in views on family life and interpersonal relationships;
  • sexual problems, dissatisfaction of one spouse with another in this area, their mutual inability to establish normal sexual relations;
  • difficulties and conflicts in the relationship of a married couple with the parents of one or both spouses;
  • problems of power and influence in marital relationships;
  • lack of warmth in the relationship of spouses, lack of intimacy and trust, communication problems;
  • illness (mental or physical) of one of the spouses, problems and difficulties caused by the need to adapt the family to the disease, negative attitude towards oneself and those around the patient or family members.

The first years of family life are a difficult adaptation period for young spouses. They face the problems of forming the structure of the family, the distribution of functions, the development of common family values ​​and the establishment of family boundaries. It also creates serious psychological problems and the process of physiological, sexual adaptation of young partners.

A separate psychological problem is the discrepancy between the views of the husband and wife regarding a woman's professional career. Today, a woman is fully engaged in professional activities and the question of to what extent a woman should devote herself to her family or work is often the subject of disputes between spouses.

A very important problem of a young family is the discrepancy between the value hierarchies of the spouses; contradictions in this area are not always found in everyday life, but the antagonism of value attitudes usually becomes apparent during the period of "trial" and leads to a break in relations. For young spouses, the ability to resolve conflicts is more relevant. Every day, spouses face problems that require immediate resolution: where to go, how to spend their free time, how and on what to spend money, whom to invite and the like. The ability to find compromise solutions on such issues leads to family cohesion.

Thus, the problems of young families are manifold. The main ones are material, household and housing problems; psychological problems; the problem of employment of young spouses. In order for a young family to be able to carry out all its functions, a comprehensive solution to these problems is necessary, which should be the focus of the state family policy in relation to a young family.

1.2. Diagnostics of the problems of a young family

In this section, we will focus on diagnosing the psychological problems of a young family. Diagnostics involves the collection and analysis of information about the family and about its members.

The choice of specific diagnostic techniques in the actual process of interaction with clients depends on a number of factors. These include rather formal ones, for example, the availability of the technique, the possibility of material costs for printing forms and questionnaires, the time that the client and the specialist can spend on the diagnostic stage of the work. In addition, among the variety of methods and techniques available to a specialist for diagnosing family problems, it is necessary to choose one or those that, in a necessary and sufficient way, will be able to give a full-fledged objective picture, will correspond to the assumptions (hypothesis) of the specialist. Thus, in a real situation of interaction with a client, you can use one or several methods, as well as create your own "battery" of tests, including only those scales that will allow you to obtain reliable information.

It is advisable to carry out diagnostics:

  • before marriage (young people's ideas about family and marriage, readiness for family relationships, etc.);
  • after marriage (motives for marriage, choice of a partner, psychological compatibility, peculiarities of the distribution of family roles, expectations and claims in marriage, peculiarities of communication and relationships in a married couple, etc.).

Diagnosis of young people before marriage allows you to identify possible disagreements even before marriage and correct them in time. This group includes the following techniques:

  • the test for preventive marital compatibility shows how much young men and women will be satisfied with their marriage in the future (A. Dobrovich);
  • the methodology "Functional role coherence" (SV Kovalevsky) helps to determine the structure of the distribution of roles in the family. For the analysis of functional-role consistency, three role structures are used: normative (as it should be); desired (as desired); quasi-real (how likely it will be). It is also recommended to highlight as a subject of discussion clients' perceptions of the distribution of family roles in normative, desirable and quasi-real plans;
  • the interview questionnaire “You are getting married” (VA Sysenko) - allows you to reveal the opinion of those entering into marriage about the various problems faced by newlyweds;
  • test card for assessing readiness for family life (I.F. Yunda) - helps to determine the willingness of future spouses to perform family functions: creating a positive family background, maintaining respectful, friendly relations with relatives, raising children, intimate life of spouses, establishing a healthy family and household regime, etc. In addition, using this technique, you can outline the prospects for the well-being of family relations;
  • method for determining psychological compatibility in marriage (Yu.A. Reshetnyak, G. S. Vasilchenko) - a modified version of T. Leary's test. Incompatibility of spouses at least at one of the four levels of marital relations - psychophysiological, psychological, socio-psychological, sociocultural, can lead to disharmony in marital relations;
  • Scales of love and sympathy (3.Rubina) - this technique can be used both for individual and group conduct. Its advantage is simple handling and ease of filling. Using this technique, a psychologist can identify the features of the respondent's emotional attitude to a loved one.

The diagnosis of psychological problems that arise after marriage includes the actual diagnosis of marital relations, as well as the diagnosis of parent-child relations. The peculiarities of the distribution of family roles, expectations and aspirations in marriage, the compatibility of a married couple are investigated using methods such as:

  • The questionnaire “Communication in the family” (YE Aleshina, LY Gozman, EM Dubovskaya) measures the trust of communication in a married couple, similarity in views, common symbols, mutual understanding of spouses, ease and psychotherapeutic communication.
  • The projective test "Family Sociogram" (E. G. Eidemiller) is aimed at diagnosing the nature of communications in the family.
  • The methodology “Role expectations and claims in marriage” (AN Volkova) reveals the spouses' ideas about the importance of certain roles in family life, as well as about their desired distribution between husband and wife.
  • The methodology “Distribution of roles in the family” (Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, E.M.Dubovskaya) determines the degree to which a husband and wife fulfill one or another role: responsible for the material support of the family, the owner (mistress) of the house, responsible for raising children, organizer of family subculture, entertainment, sexual partner, psychotherapist.
  • The “Typical family state” method (EG Eidemiller, IV Yustitskis) allows to identify the most typical state of an individual in his own family: satisfactory - unsatisfactory; neuropsychic stress; family anxiety.

Diagnostics of the psychological compatibility of partners can include: determination of the type of temperament (G. Eysenck), personality factors (R. Cattell), the test “MMP1” (J. McKinm, S. Hathaway), the method of drawing frustration (S. Rosezweig), color test (M. Lucher), etc.

A social worker needs to pay attention to how family leisure is organized, what family interests and values ​​are. It is very important to understand how a young family behaves at a sociocultural level. It is known that the similarity of interests, needs, values, etc. is one of the factors of marital compatibility and stability of marriage. This block of diagnostics includes the following techniques:

  • The questionnaire “Measuring attitudes in a married couple” (Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, Department of Social Psychology, Moscow State University) makes it possible to identify a person's views on ten spheres of life that are most significant in family interaction: 1) attitude towards people; 2) the alternative between a sense of duty and pleasure; 3) attitude towards children; 4) orientation towards predominantly joint or predominantly separate activities, the autonomy of the spouses or the dependence of the spouses on each other; 5) attitude towards divorce; 6) attitude to love of the romantic type; 7) assessment of the importance of the sexual sphere in family life; 8) attitude towards “forbidden sex”; 9) attitude towards patriarchal or egalitarian family structure; 10) attitude towards money.
  • The questionnaire “Interests - leisure” (TM Trapeznikova) reveals the correlation of interests of the spouses, the measure of their consent in the forms of spending leisure time.

Very often in a young family, the interests, needs, intentions and desires of the spouses come into conflict, giving rise to especially strong and lasting negative emotions. In such cases, they talk about marital conflict. Young spouses are not always ready to make compromises, as a result of which a protracted conflict can lead to divorce. Faced with this problem, the social educator can apply methods that diagnose marital conflicts:

  • The Marriage Satisfaction Test Questionnaire (V.V. Stolin, G.P.Butenko, T.L. Romanova, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University) is intended for express diagnostics of the degree of satisfaction-dissatisfaction, as well as coordination-mismatch of satisfaction with marriage in a particular married couple. The questionnaire is used individually in counseling practice and in the process of researching a particular social group.
  • The methodology “The nature of the interaction of spouses in conflict situations” (Yu. E. Aleshina, L. Ya. Gozman) makes it possible to characterize the examined family by a number of parameters: the most conflict spheres of family relations, the degree of agreement (disagreement) in conflict situations, the level of conflict in a couple ...
  • The “Constructive-destructive family” (CDS) questionnaire (EG Eidemiller, VV Yustitskis) facilitates the diagnosis of family deviations from the constructive direction.

One of the most important functions of a young family is giving birth and raising children. It is in the family that the personality of the child is formed, social norms and values ​​are instilled. And the future mental development of the child and his formation as a personality depends on how close, trusting and positive the parent and child relationships will be. The child most acutely experiences any conflict in the family and the task of the social teacher is to identify in time the cause of tension in the family, to form a positive and responsible attitude towards the child in young parents. The methods and methods of parent-child relations are divided into two groups: some explore interpersonal relationships in the “parent-child” system through the eyes of a parent, others - through the eyes of a child.

The methods for studying interpersonal relations in the “parent-child” system include the following:

  • Parent-Child Relationship Test (PARI) (American psychologists E.S. Schaefer, R.K.Bell; adapted by T.N. Nescheret).
  • The test questionnaire for the analysis of family upbringing and the prevention of upbringing disorders (DIA) (EG Eidemiller, VV Yustitskis) is intended to study disorders in family life and the causes of deviations in family upbringing.
  • The Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire (ORO) (A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin) is a psychodiagnostic tool aimed at identifying parental attitudes in people who seek psychological help on raising children and communicating with them.
  • Questionnaire for the study of the emotional side of parent-child interaction (E. I. Zakharova) /

Methods for studying interpersonal relationships in the “parent-child” system through the eyes of a child include: the graphic test “Family drawing”, which is widely used in numerous studies of interpersonal relationships and practical developments due to the simplicity of the procedure and the accuracy of the indicators obtained as a result of work; the projective method of R. Gilles, investigating the interpersonal relations of the child and his perception of intra-family relations, as well as the method of A.G. Leaders and I.V. Anisimova "Diagnostics of emotional relationships in the family", developed for two age groups: for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren; for teenagers.

To diagnose a family developmental situation, such methods of work as observation, conversation, questionnaires, testing, questioning can be used. The specialist receives a lot of useful information by applying the biographical method and analyzing the documentation concerning the family and its members, their past and present, and their ideas about the future.

Based on the diagnostic material received, it is possible to draw up a social map of the family, which will contain information about its members, their age, parental education, their specialties, the place of work of the husband and wife, family income, information about children (if any); the state of health, housing conditions, the main problems of family relationships. Establish which risk group factor it can be attributed to. In this map, it is desirable to make a forecast of the economic development of the family, to propose an option for help (emergency, stabilizing, preventive) and to argue for the need for rehabilitation. To draw up a family map, you can use the data contained in the socio-pedagogical passport.

1.3. Methods and techniques for working with a young family

A young family in modern Russian society is forced to adapt both to external conditions (state family policy) and to internal changes associated with the adaptation process. Moreover, not all types of families are capable of increasing adaptive capacity, and therefore, complete or partial disorganization of the family sets in. The state needs to protect a young family, since it is one of the most vulnerable groups of the population and the improvement of the demographic situation in the country will depend on the well-being of this family, which is one of the main tasks in modern society.

All social work to support a young family is carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. Let's highlight the basic techniques and methods of working with a young family:

  1. Information work (identification, collection and analysis of information about young families in need of support). At this stage of work, a database of young families in need of social support is created and accumulated.
  2. Promotion of services provided by social protection authorities to support young families.
  3. Methodical work includes the study of information materials, literature, legislative acts on the problems of a young family, as well as the identification, study and dissemination of the most valuable experience of working with a young family. At this stage, employees of the social protection authorities prepare software and methodological support for the implementation of work to support the family: memos, recommendations, development of algorithms for activities.
  4. Socio-psychological and pedagogical work, which includes diagnostics of the problems of a young family, providing advice on family interaction, overcoming conflict situations (family counseling), as well as socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological patronage of the family.

Socio-psychological and pedagogical work with a young family is carried out in stages, its effectiveness depends on the degree of establishing contact with family members. Let's highlight the main stages of working with a young family:

Establishing contact and trusting relationships with family members.

At this stage, the social worker conducts a conversation with family members and close relatives in order to identify and concretize the problems that the young family is experiencing.

Family study

At the second stage, if a young family has psychological problems related to the relationship "spouse", a complete diagnosis of marital relations is carried out, including: the study of the microclimate in the family, the relationship between spouses, psychological compatibility, common interests and values.

If there is a child in a young family and at the first stage psychological problems related to the parent-child relationship are identified, it is necessary to diagnose the parent-child relationship. A social worker should study the styles of upbringing in a young family, the emotional coloring of relationships in the “parent-child” system, knowledge and use of methods and techniques of educational influence by parents.

Very often in a young family, psychological problems are closely related to material and housing problems, in this case a social worker must carry out not only psychological diagnostics of interpersonal relations, but also assess the social status of the spouses, as well as the level of material security and living conditions. In this case, you can use the following means: visiting a young family at home, drawing up an act of inspection of living conditions, conversation, survey, etc.

Processing the results of socio-psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

Accompanying a young family, using family counseling and social patronage.

Family counseling, patronage is a purposeful psychological impact on the family and its members in order to restore, optimize its functioning and improve relations between its members, create favorable intra-family conditions for the development of the family and its members. It is designed to help the family in resolving family conflicts, and is also aimed at their prevention, prevention.

Family counseling is carried out by specialists on the basis of knowledge of the patterns of development and functioning of the family as an institution and a “small group”, the main problems of a young family, and experience of practical work with people.

The main goals of family counseling are the normalization of family relations so that a young family can adequately fulfill their functions, as well as help spouses to acquire the ability to independently resolve difficult issues of family life in further enhancing their personal capabilities, forming a need for a family and children. Family counseling is aimed at stimulating the social activity of young family members, moral and psychological improvement of their personality. It is designed to contribute to the better development of the personality of family members, serves as the best preparation for family life.

Social patronage of a young family is an individual activity of a specialist, thanks to which the family receives specific help and support from the social service, designed to mobilize and increase its adaptive capabilities. Socio-psychological patronage is implemented in various forms of long-term psychological and social assistance to young families experiencing conflict or stress.

Psychological patronage specialists provide counseling; find, together with their family, alternative ways out of conflict situations; perform intermediary functions between the client and his environment; help to reduce the client's feeling of anxiety, while the specialist must skillfully combine family members in the process of planned changes.

Social patronage helps to study and clarify the situation, taking into account the social and psychological state of the client when using means that reduce the level of anxiety and provide emotional support, and is also aimed at providing specific assistance to eliminate a crisis or critical situation in the family and to stabilize favorable trends. In addition, with the help of social patronage, social workers include in solving family problems.

Acting within the framework of patronage, a social worker performs a wide variety of functions: a benevolent and competent interlocutor, assistant, mediator, counselor, and defender. He has the ability to stabilize the current situation, control the course of patronage at all phases, involve young family members in solving their problems, consolidate successes, and also make the necessary adjustments to the strategy of further actions. Thus, the social patronage of the family provides for the multi-method actions of a specialist in social work.

Social and pedagogical patronage includes all-round and effective assistance to a young family with various problems, by the efforts of social service specialists who focus on their own pedagogical capabilities, as well as on the resources of the socio-pedagogical space. The social worker in the formation of social protection of the family works with each specific situation of the family. At the same time, he provides preventive assistance aimed at preventing a predicted unfavorable situation associated with low social protection of the family and prompt assistance aimed at resolving the current unfavorable situation, both for the child and for the family as a whole. In the formation of social protection of the family, the social worker uses individual and group forms of work.

Individual forms of work, such as consultation, conversation, etc., are used by the social worker during family patronage. A social worker in his work with his family uses the most common methods of counseling: emotional contamination, suggestion, persuasion, artistic analogies, etc. The ultimate goal of counseling work is to update the internal resources of the family and social protection, to correct the family's attitude to the child and vice versa.

Group forms of work - lectures, training seminars, etc., are used by a social worker while working at the center. Group work methods provide an opportunity for parents of families to exchange experiences with each other, ask questions, get approval and pedagogical support.

The interaction of the social worker and the family in the formation of their social protection is successful if a dialogue is established between them. In this regard, important requirements are imposed on the personal qualities of a social worker (empathy, flexibility, sociability, reflection, cooperation) and professional (focus on the success of a family parent, a tendency to notice good and good in people).


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