Kinder bottle craft. Buy a ready-made set: pros and cons. Kinder Surprise Cake

Many people are familiar with the favorite children's treat - Kinder Surprise. Kids refuse in favor of him, even if they are offered a large chocolate bar. This is not surprising. After all, they receive as a gift not only sweetness, but also a toy that is always new. It is a pity that there are no kinder surprises for adults. However, you can prepare such a gift yourself. One has only to figure out how to make a surprise out of a kinder surprise.

Original handmade gift

It doesn't take much to surprise your beloved and dear person. It is enough to give an original gift. Perhaps no one expects that the usual kinder surprise will be a real surprise. The one that the other half has been dreaming of for a long time. However, to bring the idea to life, you need to understand how to do it. The following master class should help with this. Kinder surprises can make an amazing gift!

First of all, of course, you need to buy a few chocolate eggs in the nearest store. Of course, you only need one to create a surprise. But the cooking process is quite laborious. So that you do not have to urgently look for a replacement for damaged kinders, it is better to immediately take it in reserve.

Next, you need to carefully unfold the wrapper. It is very important not to damage it. It will still come in handy when the egg is wrapped back in it. Then, using a knife, carefully separate the two halves. Now you need to get the middle with a toy. Remove the last one and replace it with a surprise for the second half.

Then repeat the process in reverse order. Close the gift box and fold 2 chocolate halves. To make them stick together, you need to melt the edges a little. This is easy to do with a hot knife (you can hold it in boiling water or over an open fire). Carefully wrap in a wrapper so that no changes are noticeable. That's all. Now knowing how to make a surprise out of a kinder surprise, it remains to find what to put there.

Ideas for a surprise inside

Of course, it is difficult to find something more suitable for a romantic young lady than Kinder Surprise. At first glance, it seems that only a trinket can be put inside. However, it is not. Firstly, any piece of jewelry can be a surprise. Although it is small in size, it sometimes costs a lot. And if it is an engagement ring with a marriage proposal, the happiness of a beloved girl will have no boundaries.

In addition to jewelry, other small items that are of great value to the recipient are also suitable for crafts made from kinder surprise eggs. It can be the keys to a car or an apartment, a declaration of love, a note with the most secret desire, even banknotes. So you can inform your spouse about the appearance of the long-awaited baby. There are so many ideas that it is almost impossible to implement them all.

Sweet bouquet

Of course, you don't have to mess around with an egg to make a nice present for your girlfriend. You can collect a sweet bouquet of kinder surprises for her with your own hands. This task is within the power of even the most incompetent.

For him you will need:

  • an odd number of kinder surprises;
  • transparent tape;
  • film;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • wire cutters;
  • organza in different colors;
  • decorative tape.

Wrap each egg with tape about one third. Then fix the film around the circumference where it does not exist. Prepare the wire of the desired length (somewhere 25-30 cm). Roll one of the ends into a spiral so that it is convenient to attach the Kinder Surprise. Attach to the egg and secure with a drop of glue. Wrap the film already around the wire. Then secure it using tape. Thus, make all the other "flowers".

Now it remains to collect them in a bouquet. If desired, each kinder can be wrapped in organza. Add flowers, leaves and other decorative elements to the bouquet. Compose everything together. Wrap with brightly colored organza to make a bouquet and secure with decorative ribbon. Use scissors to create curls. Now you can give a bouquet to a girl.

And that is not all...

In addition to the bouquet, there are other crafts made from kinder surprise eggs. A gift basket will look very beautiful and original. Moreover, such a present is suitable for both a little girl and an adult woman. In order to make a basket with kinders, it will take quite a bit of time and materials.

So, you will need:

  • actual basket;
  • kinder surprises;
  • organza, mesh, decorative paper;
  • colored ribbons;
  • soft toys and other decorative items;
  • glue;
  • Styrofoam;
  • stapler.

First you need to wrap the basket with crepe paper. This can be purchased at a flower shop. It is important that it fits snugly around the basket on all sides. It can also be wrapped around a handle. Then glue foam rubber inside if the bottom is deep enough and it is not supposed to lay a lot of chocolate eggs. Lay out the entire basket with grid squares folded in four. Also fix with glue.

Now you can wrap the eggs themselves in a transparent film and decorate with beautiful bows. By the way, this is another option on how to make a surprise out of a kinder surprise. Let one of the eggs be special. You should put everything randomly in the basket. For strength, they can also be glued on a drop of glue. It remains only to decorate the handle. You can wrap it with a beautiful ribbon, attach small soft toys and decorative flowers to it.

And the rest...

However, this is not all that can be made from kinder surprises. After eating sweet chocolate, not only the toy and wrapper remain, but also the yellow plastic container. But do not send it to the bin after the candy wrapper. From it you can make a lot of useful and beautiful gizmos.

Moms of babies can get inexpensive slingobuses if they put various "noise makers" inside, and crochet the top. With older children, you can make different animals based on the container - from a bee to a cow. He also resembles the famous minions. Why not make them with your child, but more.


It is quite obvious that kinder surprise can be the basis for any creative idea. You just need to try to bring it to life. Now you know how to make a surprise out of a Kinder Surprise. But the main thing is that the loved one likes the received gift, which is made with soul and from the bottom of the heart. Although it cannot be otherwise with such presentations!

Kids are very fond of sweets, so parents always want to please their children with an original present for the holidays. An excellent solution would be to make your own cake from sweet eggs and chocolate - you can do without dough, cream and sugar mastic, but the result will exceed all expectations. A detailed guide will help you figure out how to make a do-it-yourself kinder cake and surprise your son or daughter.

Making a sweet cake begins with the purchase of materials. To create an unusually delicious gift, you will need:

  • Various chocolates: kinder milk slice, kinder penguy, kinder bueno, kinder milk and others;
  • Kindersurprise chocolate eggs from one or more series;
  • Sweets "Raffaello";
  • Multi-colored dragees "Mmmems";
  • Thick cardboard, 1-3 cake boxes of different sizes or polystyrene;
  • PVA glue or silicone gun;
  • Thin pharmaceutical gum;
  • Scissors;
  • Multi-colored corrugated paper (red, white, etc.);
  • Red satin ribbon, cut organza, artificial butterflies, flowers, soft toys, rhinestones and beads.

The number of kinders and chocolates needed depends on the size of the future cake. A two-tier cake will require more sweets than a small one-tier product.

Kinder Surprise Cake

If you want to make a Kinder Surprise cake, the step-by-step recipe below will make your task easier. In the case when the base for the gift is hollow, inside the cake you can put a beautiful chocolate egg from Kinder Surprise (4-10 pieces), small toys, cookies and other sweets that the child loves.

If the base of the cake is dense, you can decorate its top with chocolate eggs and decorate each of the tiers. Made with love, a two-tiered kinder cake will leave magical memories for the birthday boy and his guests.

Kinder cake

What is the frame made of

Kinder cakes can have different shapes and heights. The round shape is the most common, but some masters prefer a heart or star base.

The frame for the model is made of thick paper or cardboard, if you plan to hide a few more presents inside the cake. Another kinder-shaped cake can be made by making the base from one or more pieces of dense foam. A large or small Kinder Bueno cake, richly decorated with multi-colored ribbons and Mmdems dragees, can consist of one, two or even three tiers.

Kinder and chocolate cake

Do-it-yourself Kinder and chocolate cake is easy to make at home. Please adhere to the following guidelines before you begin the master class in creating this product from the world of suite design.

  1. Before starting work, carefully study the photos of finished models and think about what your dream sweet cake should be like.
  2. Depending on your idea, purchase all the necessary consumables;
  3. Since sweets contain perishable foods, store chocolates and eggs in the refrigerator before starting work;
  4. A child who is given such an unusual gift must be over 2 years old, otherwise there is a risk that the baby will choke on small parts of toys.
  5. Glue all decorative elements very carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the composition.

Detailed instructions will help every adult to make a pleasant surprise for children. You can also make a romantic kinder cake for your significant other on Valentine's Day or any other holiday.

Master class with step-by-step instructions

Let's figure out how to make a cake from kinders with your own hands; step-by-step photo of each stage will greatly facilitate your work and improve its quality.

  • First, choose what material you will make the frame of the product from.

If you prefer foam, then cut two or three cylindrical pieces of different diameters out of it. The height of the cylinders should correspond to the length of each kinder chocolate.

If you decide to work with paper, lay out all the chocolates (or each of the two groups if the cake is two-tiered) in a row on a sheet of cardboard, and mark on it a rectangular part of the desired length and width. Step back 2 cm from the resulting contour, and draw another rectangle.

On the longer sides of the figure, draw triangular shaped teeth. For the first tier, you need to draw teeth at the top and bottom, for the second - only at the bottom of the rectangle.

Cut out two paper pieces along the outline

  • Glue the 2 pieces of Styrofoam together by placing the smaller diameter cylinder on top of the larger shape.

If you are making a paper frame, then it's time to prepare a round base for each of the tiers. Glue the two rectangles into tubes using their short sides without teeth.

From a very thick cardboard, cut a circle with a diameter of 2-4 cm larger than the diameter of the tube of the first tier. Prepare another circle with cloves, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the tube - this will be the lid of the bottom of the cake.

To create the lid for the top tier, you will need a cardboard circle with a diameter that matches the diameter of the second tube, and a narrow paper strip with teeth on one side, approximately equal to the length of this circle.

  • We assemble the paper frame of the product from kinders.

Assemble all the frame parts together with PVA glue. Glue the cylinders of the first and second tiers. Then attach the first cylinder to the base, and place the second on top of the first.

Separately, glue the lid for the second tier and check if it tightly closes our secret compartment in the sweet gift.

  • Let's move on to decorating our frame with kinders.

Decorate the first and second tiers of the cake with red and white crepe paper on the sides. Secure it to the cake with tape or glue.

Stretch two thin rubber bands over the corrugated paper at two levels. Under these gum we place all the chocolates vertically one by one, in this way filling the entire cake on the sides.

To hide each elastic band, tie a scarlet satin ribbon over the top and make a large, fluffy bow out of it. You should get two bows - on the first and second tiers.

  • The final stage of the decor is the decoration of the top of the first tier and the lid.

To do this, use Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs, Raffaello sweets, organza, beads, plastic figures of cartoon characters or small soft toys (cute bunnies, bears). If that's not enough, add colorful Mmdems, wafers, artificial butterflies or flowers.

The Kinder Surprise cake recipe will be unique in each case, and all the abundance of master classes serves only as a basis for your imagination to fly. Engage in sweet creativity and give joy and pleasant moments to your loved ones.

How to make a 2 tier Kinder chocolate cake. Detailed master class.

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Almost all children love sweets. Taking care of the teeth of babies, parents and other relatives prefer to buy kinder chocolates, bars and chocolate eggs. However, instead of buying just a set of chocolates in a box, many people prefer to make original gifts from kinders in the form of three-dimensional compositions or some other items: a car for a boy, a basket of flowers for a girl.

Buy a ready-made kit: pros and cons

You can order a Kinder souvenir from a company specializing in gifts and floristry. You bring sweets, say what you want to receive, and after a couple of days you pick up the finished object. However, it is cheaper and more pleasant to make everything yourself. By the way, some options are suitable not only for a children's holiday, but are quite appropriate for a family celebration or as a present for an adult.

Gifts from "Kinder Surprises" (photo)

With your own hands, you can make completely different compositions and objects. For example, these:

The choice depends on the amount you have allocated for the purchase of materials and the amount of time that you are willing to spend on gifts from kinders. The more sweet items you can buy, the more effective the finished product will be, but it can take more than one hour to create it, and it will also take enough patience and desire to create a special souvenir.

Tools and materials

To make voluminous of some complex shape, you will need not only sweets, but also frame elements. So, prepare the following:

  • Chocolate eggs, chocolates, bars.
  • You can add or any others.
  • Thermal gun or glue.
  • Cardboard.
  • Wooden sticks (kebab skewers).
  • Wire.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Eraser.
  • Decor (flowers made of paper, fabric, satin ribbons, leaves, corrugated paper).

The specific set depends on what exactly, for whom and for what holiday you are going to perform.

Bouquet of chocolate eggs

If you want to make romantic and feminine gifts from Kinder Surprises, the photo below will easily become a model for you.

To make a bouquet resembling a composition of tulips, work like this:

  1. Buy the right amount of chocolate eggs, the appropriate number of colored napkins and wooden skewers.
  2. If you use corrugated paper instead of napkins, you will need to pre-cut it. You can, in general, make petals of any flower from it.
  3. Wrap the chocolate egg in a tissue paper and secure it at the bottom with wire or a skewer.
  4. Wrap the skewer with a strip of green paper, fixing it in several places with glue.
  5. Cut out leaves from green paper and attach to the stems. It is also easy to make sepals if you do not have tulips, but other flowers.
  6. Arrange the composition in a vase, it is also easy to lay out from kinder chocolates based on a frame from a round box or a blank made by yourself from a circle and a cardboard strip.

Gifts from "Kinder" and sweets with your own hands: a typewriter

Buy sets of chocolates, several bright candies in shiny foil of the appropriate size and suitable shape for headlights, glasses. If you can't find the right wheel candy, use a round cookie wrapped in cling film or foil.

Elena Gennadievna Khokhlova
KOP program "That's So Surprise" (crafts from Kinder Surprise capsules)

Explanatory note

The new living conditions in which children are placed put forward their own requirements: to be thinking, proactive, independent, to develop their own new original solutions; be focused on the best end results. The implementation of these requirements requires a person with creative abilities.

Creativity gives birth in a child to a living fantasy, a living imagination. Creativity, by its very nature, is based on the desire to do something that no one has done before you, or at least something that existed before you, to do in a new way, in your own way, better.

The construction of toys from waste material just contributes to the development of creativity in children. This is a very interesting and exciting activity. Much of what is usually thrown away can be used as material for the manufacture of various crafts. Such material in itself is a pantry for the play of the imagination. And if you combine it with sleight of hand, then everything can be revived, as if given a second life.

Kinder capsules - surprises excellent basis for creativity. Such junk material gives great opportunities for the realization of fantasies. Thanks to the brightness of modern plastic packaging, crafts are very bright, elegant festive. In the process of work, children acquire labor skills, develop creative imagination and constructive thinking. toy making, crafts from such material - labor painstaking, fascinating and very pleasant.

Program COP is designed for 5 hours. (1 week per month) for older preschool children.

Develop children's creativity through making crafts from waste material. (capsules from kinder surprises)

Familiarize yourself with a variety of techniques for working with capsules from kinder surprises.

To promote the development of children's interest in working with waste material;

Develop imagination, creative thinking, fine motor skills of hands.

Enhance children's communication skills.

To cultivate industriousness, accuracy, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

Children's age: 5-7 years

Duration: intensive - 5 lessons (25-30min.) in 1 week, 1 COP per month.


1. Examination of finished products; material needed for the job. Making dishes for dolls. (mug, teapot, etc.)

2. Making characters consisting of one Kinder surprise capsules.

3. Manufacture of products consisting of 2 capsules from kinder-surprise.

4. Making toys by sticking plasticine capsules.

5. Dramatization of a fairy tale with made-up characters.

Product: exhibition of works.

Promotion "Let's give a toy to kids"

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A bit of history. The son of the owner of the confectionery factory Michele Ferrer came up with Kinder Surprise. In Italy, baked cakes were baked for Easter.

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