Crafts from a tree for a wedding. DIY wedding gift: how to make? Cool, touching, useful wedding gifts. Stylish wedding handbag

My needlework for my son's wedding ... Part 2!

Good day to everyone who dropped by! I would like to show you the Bride and Groom bottles, which I also made as a gift. And right away I want to say that this idea belongs to a wonderful needlewoman from Belarus, Olga (unfortunately, she did not indicate her last name), there is only a link to the "gud" profile in the Land of Masters. Thank you very much for the great idea and M.K.! In my Diary you can also find this Holgin M.K. I quoted it back in August, but it came in handy now! Let `s start? We wrap the bottle with an oblique binding. We cut the ribbons of the required length, immediately overlap them to the bottle. By the way, there is no need to clean the bottles from the labels, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the work! We wrap only part of the bottle with pieces of ribbons, and then move on to wrapping with a solid tape. When the bottle is fully wrapped, it can be decorated. I have got wonderful jewelry from hair ties. Roses, ribbons, bows! We attach everything with glue!
And now you need to make a veil for the bride. I fixed flowers, ribbons, beads on an elastic band for hair and made a base hat on which everything rests.
And now the view of the bride from the back. And now I have such a beautiful bride! And now the groom! Here is such a groom! And now a couple together !!!
And a few more words. If someone wants to make such a pair, you will need 2 bottles of champagne, glue, a black slanting tape 11-12 meters, and white 12-13 meters., Various decorations for the bride and a piece of black fabric for the groom's top hat. The cylinder is cut from cardboard.

Hope you enjoyed it! Good luck to everyone and good mood !!!

Modern newlyweds can hardly be pleased with a service or a shaggy blanket. After all, the times of total shortage are long gone, and if necessary, they themselves can purchase items for the house of such a design that will better suit their tastes. Of course, you can find out what the bride and groom would like to receive as a gift. However, this option can put you in a quandary, especially if you cannot afford to purchase an expensive gift for them, such as a washing machine or refrigerator. In addition, sometimes you want to buy a more original present in order to attract the attention of guests. In all these cases, do-it-yourself wedding gifts will be a good solution. They can be complex or simple. In any case, you should not present something hastily done, and if you doubt your abilities, it is better to abandon such an idea so as not to become a general laughingstock.

DIY wedding gift: ideas

A present for newlyweds should be creative and memorable. Therefore, ideas for him need to be chosen very carefully. For example, you can make a do-it-yourself wedding gift from money in different ways. Some of the original ideas include a beautifully designed family tree for newlyweds, or a collage representing the story of their love and acquaintance.

Friends with knowledge of digital graphics can also film a love story for the bride and groom. Such a do-it-yourself wedding gift (ideas for the plot can be chosen from the works of the classics of cinema) will certainly become the brightest event of the solemn banquet and will be reviewed more than once!

How to present money effectively

Opinion polls show that most newlyweds prefer to get bills for the wedding, and the more, the better. After all, they can be spent at your own discretion, for example, during a honeymoon trip. However, giving just an envelope is too boring. Therefore, it is better to make a wedding gift out of them with your own hands (photos are presented in the article).

Frozen money

Such gifts for a wedding with their own hands will surely be remembered by both guests and newlyweds.

You will need a few shiny coins and a large bill. In other words, if you are going to donate 5,000 rubles, you don’t need to take 5 thousandth bills, etc. It needs to be soldered in a cellophane shell. If there are no other ideas, you can simply put the flattened banknote in the corner of a regular transparent paper file, gently run a hot soldering iron along the shell at the unsealed edges of the banknote and cut off the excess. You can also order lamination with a special method that allows you to extract "money" from the shell.

When the bill is securely sealed, you should take a suitable container, preferably a plastic or iron box 10-15 cm larger than the length and width of the banknote. Then water for freezing should be passed through a filter and boiled in order to get transparent ice.

After preparatory work, you need to pour a two-centimeter layer of water at the bottom of the box and put the container in the freezer. When you get a layer of ice, you should put a bill and a few coins on it, and add a little water on top. After 5-6 minutes, the box must be removed from the freezer again and water must be added with a layer of 2-3 cm.

Everything! Before giving ice with money to the newlyweds, you need to put the box in a warm place for 2-3 minutes, after which it can be easily removed from the box. You can freeze other wedding gifts in the same way. With your own hands, for example, it is easy to make an ice block, with two frozen roses, and several bills surrounding them.


To prepare such a gift with a great deal of humor, you need to take a jar with a screw cap and exchange the amount you are going to give into the smallest bills. Then you should put on the lid and create in one of the computer graphic editors a layout of the label with the corresponding inscription, for example, "Sauerkraut for Masha and Petit". You can also place an image of a real head of cabbage or a plate with this appetizer on it. Then, cover the lid with a square piece of brown paper or brightly colored fabric and tie with a ribbon.

By the way, you can do a little differently, take one large real and 15-20 fake ones. For their manufacture, you can take 1 dollar as a basis, only instead of the face of Washington it is better to depict the groom or the bride on it.

Umbrella with bills

To make it, you can take a real horseshoe as a basis or cut a blank of the desired shape from plywood. Followed by:

  • cover the surface of the horseshoe with a layer of plaster;
  • apply a protective matte varnish on top;
  • paint in the desired light, for example, in ivory;
  • if you want to get a vintage horseshoe, you can cover it with a special tool with a craquelure effect to get the illusion of a cracked surface;
  • to decorate the horseshoe, a ribbon is laid along its inner edge, and an elegant key in the old style is attached in the center;
  • pearlescent nail polish is applied to artificial flowers along the edges of the petals;
  • small inflorescences, tulle, stones and beads are added to flowers.

This is definitely not to get dusty in some distant corner. Rest assured, it will definitely be hung in a conspicuous place so that it brings good luck to your home.

As you can see, do-it-yourself wedding gifts can be very diverse. The main thing is that they are not trivial and hastily made.

The time has gone when, as a congratulation on the day of the wedding, 3 teapots or 5 chandeliers were found among the gifts. Giving money is becoming a tradition, so many young people prepare the treasury for the wedding with their own hands. It is practical and aesthetically pleasing. Understand ...

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The process of preparing for the wedding is accompanied by the search for memorable gifts for the newlyweds. How to choose a surprise for the bride and groom depends on your imagination. It is advisable to make a souvenir with your own hands, because such a surprise is nice to receive. The wish tree is considered optimal ...

The wedding ceremony is necessarily accompanied by warm words from guests and loved ones. In order to keep these wishes in memory, you can capture them in one way or another. In addition to the book of wishes, postcards and other already familiar things, a large ...

The wedding guests face a difficult choice, you never know how to please the newlyweds. Traditional cutlery, household appliances and various interior items are not always necessary, but you really want to make the right gift. In this case…

It is customary to give gifts to newlyweds for a wedding: often it is money, household appliances, dishes, bedding. Yes, they will be a good help in arranging a home, but they lack originality and romance. An extraordinary, memorable wedding will solve this problem ...

Decorating a couple of bottles of champagne for a wedding is to bring into the holiday an element of creativity and a little home warmth, which are filled with things made with love with your own hands. The original decor will demonstrate the individuality of the newlyweds and surprise guests. Let's…

For the wedding celebration to be unforgettable, the outfits of the bride and groom must be perfect and unusual. Recently, it has become very popular to use accessories with a bright shade or small identical additions to the images of the newlyweds. Let's analyze how best to decorate ...

Advantages of DIY wedding accessories

Truly exclusive jewelry is DIY wedding accessories. In addition to the fact that they come out much cheaper than purchased ones, such decorative details are incredibly valuable. They will be one-of-a-kind, which will help make the wedding celebration unique and inimitable. Wedding salons offer a wide selection of a wide variety of decorative accessories, however, there you will never find a piece of jewelry comparable in value to a handmade product - the result of your own creativity.

What accessories can you make yourself

Wedding decorations include invitations, seating number cards, banquet table and champagne bottle decorations, wedding whipping glasses, wedding ring cushions, boutonniere, money box, bridal bouquet and much more. The main thing is to show imagination and be patient.

How to get started making crafts for a wedding

Making wedding decorative accessories is a creative process, but it requires utmost attention, accuracy and patience. Before you start creating an author's masterpiece, carefully study the relevant information on the Internet. To get inspired, watch the videos with master classes, read the advice of experienced craftswomen and needlewomen.

After that, decide on the decorations that you will make for your holiday on your own. It is necessary to stock up in advance with all the necessary tools and materials, which should be bought with the expectation that the accessories may not work the first time. In the first steps, strictly follow the instructions. In this case, the main thing is the presence of enthusiasm and a sincere desire to independently prepare an exclusive design for the upcoming holiday.

Useful Tips

If you are invited to a wedding, or you yourself are the heroes of the occasion, or you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary, always want something special on this day.

What could be more original gift or decoration hand made.

Use wedding gift tips and ideas to create unique, interesting surprise.

There are a huge number of DIY gift ideas... You can find some of them in our articles:

Use your imagination and you will bring joy to those to whom your present is intended.

Gift to the bride for a wedding. Fabulous paper bouquet of roses.

You will need:

Corsage tape (several pieces, 10cm long)

Wire cut into 16 pieces of 38cm

Glue gun (or superglue)

Glue stick


Wire cutters

1. Prepare all materials. The main material is paper. You can use the pages of old magazines, books with poems and / or stories, etc., as long as the paper can be easily bent with your fingers.

You can find wire at a building or office supply store - also called annealed wire.

If you decide to use a glue gun, prepare a not very hot glue for it.

2. For one rose you need to cut 4 stacks of 5 petals of different widths - from 2 cm to 8 cm (see picture). It is not necessary to make all the petals absolutely even; slight sloppiness is encouraged. It is advisable to cut out a little more petals than you need.

3. Begin curling the edges of the paper petals, and squeeze them at the base.

4. For the middle of the flower, cut out one more piece with a round tip. Its length is about 6 cm. Roll this piece into a tube to shape, then unwind, apply glue and wrap the end of the wire with it.

5. Attach all the other petals. Start with the smallest petals. To glue them to the "stem", apply a drop of glue to the tip of each petal. Each next petal should slightly cover the previous one. Continue glueing the petals until you have roses.

Remember to squeeze the petals at the base.

6. Make a sepal from the tape, which will also cover some irregularities. For each rose you need a ribbon (in this example, their length is 10 cm). Wrap it around the stem and secure the bottom of the petals. Make a V cut at the end.

Wedding anniversary gift. Wedding commemorative capsule from the New Year's ball.

For this craft, you will need dry rose petals. You can use the flower petals that were used to decorate the wedding, thus this balloon will remind you of it. You can use the petals of the flowers you had at your wedding.

1. Prepare a transparent Christmas ball and remove the hat from it.

2. Pour the petals inside, you can add some other little things that remind you of the holiday.

3. Cover the ball with a cap.

* You can make such a memorable present for any holiday, so that in the future this craft will remind you of the bright moments of your life.

An original wedding gift. Enamored birds.

You will need:

Large glass bowl with a wide mouth

2 fake birds or small toy birds (can be found in craft stores, stationery stores, or kids' world)

Small pieces of fabric (color should match the birds)

Sewing thread

Artificial grass (can be found in the craft store)

Elastic band (rubber ring)


Glue gun

Fine sandpaper


1. Find a twig and break off a piece that would fit a glass container. Sand the edges of the branch and check if it is the correct size and whether it will stick inside the container across the walls.

2. Use glue to attach the birds to the branch.

3. Cut triangles out of the pieces of fabric - these will be the flags for the garland.

4. Using a needle, slide the flags over the thread to make a garland. Tie the ends of the garland to the branch.

5. Apply glue to the ends of the branch and quickly but carefully insert the branch into the container. For a start, you can make markers with a marker where the ends of the branch will be in contact with the wall of the container.

6. Add artificial grass to the bottom.

7. If there is a lid, close the container.

8. On a large piece of fabric, mark with a pencil a circle that is 2 times the diameter of the neck of your glass container. Cut out a circle and wrap it around the neck of the container.

9. Fix the circle with an elastic band and tie the neck of the container with a tape, making a beautiful bow.

An original wedding gift. A pillow for good luck.

This handmade gift not only looks beautiful, but will also remind the newlyweds of a happy celebration.

It is not at all difficult to make such a cozy sofa cushion with felt applique.

You will need:

Pillowcase fabric and what to stuff it with (you can use a ready-made pillow)

Pieces of felt in several colors

Thread floss

Coins (Chinese in this example, but you can use other coins or jewelry)


Thread and needle or glue

1. Prepare paper and make patterns for trees, leaves and birds.

2. Prepare felt patches of the desired size, fix paper templates on them, and then cut out the details of the appliqué.

3. Sew all the details cut out of felt and sew to the pillow using a thread and a needle. You can use glue instead of thread and needles (but be aware that the applique may not withstand washing).

4. If you have Chinese coins, it's time to decorate your present with them. According to legend, such decorations bring prosperity and well-being to the house.

As a bonus, you can embroider a warm wish for the newlyweds on the pillow, and decorate the edges of the pillow with a ribbon.

DIY gift for wedding anniversary. Time capsule.

A great idea for those who want to remember all the bright moments of life together - this is especially true for newlyweds.

You can start with a box large enough to hold a regular envelope.

Decorate the box by wrapping it in colored paper, wrapping paper, or brightly colored cloth (use glue to attach it).

You can also decorate the box with various other elements such as glitter, stickers, colorful buttons, etc.

Newlyweds can write love letters to each other and put them in a box. On each envelope, write the date the letter was written.

Each year, filling the time capsule with letters, the husband and wife will remember the pleasant moments of their life together. Throughout the year, while the capsule is filled with letters with pleasant words, no one from the young family reads them, and only at the end of the year, everyone takes out the letters intended for him (her) and reads them.

You can start the tradition any day, but it would be nice to do it on your wedding day.

Wedding gift for newlyweds. Love card.

You will need:

PVA glue

Double-sided foam tape (can be replaced with PVA glue)


Colored cardboard


Old map or printout from Google Maps

1. Cut 3 (or more) hearts out of cardboard - these will be templates.

2. Select on the map the places that are dear to the newlyweds - the place of the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, the place of the wedding, the place where the house is. Put the hearts on the card (in those very expensive places) and circle them, then cut the hearts out of the card.

3. Attach the double-sided foam tape to the hearts and then to a sheet of colored cardboard - this will create voluminous hearts. If there is no tape, then just apply glue to the hearts and glue it to the cardboard.

4. On the colored side, write short notes for the places on the map that are indicated on the hearts. Cut out the notes and glue them to the cardboard.

5. Insert the sheet with hearts into the photo frame.

An original gift for a wedding anniversary

You will need:

Sheet with printed words of your favorite song or song for the first dance


Stationery (optional)


Duct tape


1. Prepare a sheet with the text of the song or favorite story printed on it. It is desirable that the entire text be written in one paragraph, so that as many words as possible are used in the craft.

2. Draw hearts on the printed text. You can make several hearts of different sizes, or you can cut out a heart template from cardboard and make all hearts with text of the same size.

3. Cut out paper hearts and arrange them on paper or glass of the photo frame as you like. You can add one red heart (for beauty).

4. Use duct tape to attach the hearts to glass or white background. You can stick everything evenly or choose a certain style. If you want to do everything smoothly, then use a ruler to help.

5. It remains to insert into the frame and that's it.

You can also make such a project: a photo frame with a photograph on the background of your favorite words from a song, story or wishes.

Cool gifts for the wedding. Woven names.

You will need:


Pencil (to write the names of the bride and groom on the plywood)

Eraser (after nailing down the nails, you can erase the pencil marks with it - optional)

Thread (you can have several threads of different colors)

Unusual wedding gifts. Funny vase.

Here is one example of a DIY vase that can be gifted to a young couple. Making such a vase is very simple.

You will need:

Plain glass or porcelain vase

White spray paint


Double-sided foam tape


1. From double-sided foam tape, cut any shapes (in this example, triangles and circles).

2. Wash / clean your vase, wipe it with a clean cloth and glue the cut-out shapes to it.

* You can cut out the details of the face of a man and a woman, and attach them to two vases - you get a gift for the bride and groom.

3. Start applying white spray paint - apply several coats, but leave to dry after each coat of paint. You should have a completely white vase.

* It should be noted that it is better to paint with such paint outdoors (in the yard or on the balcony).

* You can add some sparkles if you like.

Comic gifts, congratulations on the wedding. Who gets the cake.

There is such fun, it is called "Who gets the cake."

Two glasses are placed on the table of the newlyweds, each with the name of the bride and groom.

The question "What to give?" periodically worries everyone. An original wedding gift will always be in demand and will remain in the memory of the heroes for a long time. Unusual gifts for the wedding day, as well as for various memorable dates and anniversaries of family life, will equally delight a young couple, and parents, and elderly people. At this age, every day and every year is of great importance. If the time has come to think about what is unusual to give for a wedding anniversary, you must first of all find out the preferences of the heroes of the day, then the gift will definitely be to your taste. It remains to show a little patience and make something original. And success at a family celebration is guaranteed!

A creative gift from a child to mom and dad is a drawing where the kid portrayed the parents, as he could, after many years is able to touch to tears and evoke a whole series of touching family memories. Therefore, even if you now have whole stacks of children's drawings, try to save it, in 15 years you will say thank you very much for this. It is pleasant for the husband to make a sweet gift with his own hands on his wedding anniversary, if he has a sweet tooth, he will appreciate it. For a porcelain wedding, a gift begs for itself - it is not at all difficult to prepare a product from cold porcelain with your own hands, it is enough to choose a micron on the Internet.

An interesting gift made by yourself will certainly bring great joy... Family life veterans will surely appreciate interesting crafts for a family anniversary. The main thing is to approach the task with warmth, kindness and a sense of humor.

So, possible crafts for veterans of family life:

Interesting cards for the wedding anniversary for parents

Self-made wedding anniversary gifts will still look great if supplement them with a hand-made postcard... Seniors will especially appreciate the original postcard accompanied by warm wishes. You can pick up a ready-made poem, or you can write your own. The main thing is that this is a good wish from a pure heart. A do-it-yourself wedding anniversary gift, complemented by an original postcard, will remain in the memory of the heroes for a long time.

The most suitable techniques for making a handmade postcard:

  • Collage of old and new photos of a married couple. The collage can include not only fragments of your favorite pictures, but also fragments of letters, old theater and cinema tickets, and any other documents that are dear to the heroes of the day.
  • Openwork cutting, or vytynanka. Attention: the possibilities of this technique are not limited to postcards! For example, using a vytynanka, having printed ready-made letter templates from the Internet, you can make an elegant garland with the names of the heroes of the day: "Sasha + Masha", "Vova + Natasha". This garland can be placed on a wall or on a window. Such a garland with your own hands using the openwork cutting technique will adequately decorate any celebration.

Gallery: DIY wedding anniversary gift (25 photos)

Unusual souvenir: different options

An original do-it-yourself wedding anniversary gift doesn't have to be big. It could very well be a small souvenir., the main thing is to put your soul into making it. The cost and amount of time spent does not matter. Possible options:

DIY crafts for the wedding anniversary: ​​original ways

Interesting DIY gifts for memorable dates are not only practical things, but also funny crafts... They may not be very practical, but they will evoke pleasant memories in the heroes of the day. A wedding day gift for family and friends is not only household appliances, home textiles, clothes and souvenirs. More interesting options are possible:

  • Wall newspaper, decorated with old and new photographs of anniversaries of different years, as well as wishes in the form of poetry, prose, funny ditties. You can draw friendly cartoons and cartoons.
  • Creative number: song, dance or performance for newlyweds. The costumes and surroundings for the performance must be made by yourself!
  • A large poster in a homemade frame or mat, depicting the heroes of the occasion.
  • Handmade soap with favorite aromas of the heroes of the day.
  • Crafts from natural materials. If the heroes of the occasion are elderly people, the grandchildren of the “newlyweds” in kindergarten, at school or under the guidance of their parents can make such gifts.

DIY gift for the 25th anniversary of family life: interesting ideas

25 years from the date of marriage is one of the most memorable dates. No wonder this wedding is called silver... There are still 25 years left and the couple will celebrate the most important anniversary - a golden wedding. Silver wedding gifts require a special approach. Usually at this time the “newlyweds” already have everything they need: household appliances, clothes, dishes, textiles. That's why the gift must be original and, if possible, made by yourself.