Jacks pose when feeding. Feeding positions in a standing position. Lying Feeding Positions

Nowadays, many women who choose to breastfeed want to organize this process naturally. The Soviet "regime" method, in which the breast was given to the child and taken from him for hours and minutes, is no longer popular. Now the rule is: "The baby should suck as often and for as long as he wants." However, with this approach, mothers, while still in the hospital, discover that the newborn can be on the chest almost constantly, even during sleep. After a few months, the mother will get some freedom, but for a long time feedings will remain a significant part of her day. These hours should not be a painful serving of duty, but a time of pleasure, joy and peace. To make it this way, the collective female mind has come up with a variety of breastfeeding positions. Using them, the mother will be able not only to give her child the best, but to relax or have fun, and, if necessary, solve the problems with lactation.

Pose 1 - classic: "cradle"

The mother sits on a chair or in an armchair. The child is in her arms - the head is at the bend of the elbow, the lower back is in the palm of the other hand, the legs are supported by the forearm. The baby's belly should be parallel to the mother’s belly. The sitting cradle position is the most well-known position for breastfeeding. Older women often used only one of them. In Soviet manuals, they taught to breastfeed in this way - sitting upright, hugging the baby to himself with his hands. In fact, this position is designed specifically for 15-minute feedings at 3-hour intervals. Not to sit for a long time - the whole body is tense and numb, hands are busy.

- Subspecies 1 (a): "cross cradle"

The seated mother holds the baby with one hand - the opposite breastfeeding breast. His head rests in his mother's palm, and his body supports her forearm. A reverse cradle is even less comfortable than a straight cradle. This sub-pose was invented with one purpose - to free the hand. But the arm, on which the double load falls, goes numb very quickly. Having corrected the seizure or sipped tea, you have to return to the previous position.

- Subspecies 1 (b): "standing cradle"

The mother stands or walks, holding the baby on her breast with two hands: her head is on the bend of the elbow with one, butt is on the forearm with the other. It is difficult to imagine a less comfortable position. Women who are forced to feed this way for a while recall this period as a nightmare. Usually, you have to feed while standing immediately after giving birth, when you cannot sit because of the stitches on the perineum, and you cannot feed lying down or it is scary. The questionable merit of the pose is the ability to rock the child at the same time. It is much easier to do this while sitting or jumping on a fitball.

- Features of the "cradle" position when using a nursing pillow

Special pillows for nursing mothers have given the "cradle" new life. Compact, drawstring boomerang pillows secure under your chest to keep your hands free. The child is in the right place, the mother just needs to make sure that he stays with his belly turned towards her. The ties fix the pillow well, allowing you to get up and walk, for example, into the kitchen for a cup of tea.

Pose 2 - relaxation: lying on its side

Mom lies on her side with her legs bent. Her head is on the pillow and her shoulders are below. (The higher the pillow, the more comfortable.) The baby's head rests on the bend of the elbow or armpit, its legs rest on the knees of the mother. Thus, the mother seems to enclose the baby with her body. This is the most comfortable way to feed. Ideal for both puerperas who cannot sit, and for mothers of grown-up babies. To lie down with a feeding "runner" is often the only way to rest during the day. One hand is always free - you can hold a smartphone in it and read on it, surf the Internet, watch something while the baby is busy with his breast. Sometimes it happens that babies sleep well during daytime dreams only with their breasts in their mouths. Then the lying position is the mother's only salvation, she can spend this hour or two with the benefit of herself, even without physically looking up from the child. Or take a nap side by side. It is this position that is used when sleeping together. Thanks to her, the mother can sleep all night, and the baby can feed as much as he needs. The only drawback of this position is that you can only feed with the lower breast. But not changing the breast for 6-8 hours is fraught with stagnation, so mothers are forced to shift the baby to the other side several times in the middle of the night. This becomes optional if you master:

- Subtype of posture 2 (a): lying on its side, upper chest

Mom lies on her side with bent knees. The child is in the space between her legs and arm. In order for the baby to be able to reach the upper chest, the shoulder is pulled forward, leaning slightly over it. At the same time, it is convenient to raise one leg higher. If the baby is placed on the crook of the elbow, his head will rise higher, and a breast of sufficient size can simply be fed to him. The peculiarity of this position for feeding with small breasts is as follows. The mother needs to lie partially on her stomach, while the lower chest is under her, but the lower arm is still above the baby, preventing a complete overturn. For convenience, you can put your hand under your head. The baby is placed in the created depression - the lower breast is now inaccessible to him, but the upper one is right next to the face. Then mom just lifts up, changing sides.

- Features of recumbent position with pillow

If the mother has a nursing or maternity pillow, the baby can be placed on it to reach the upper breast. The long pillow can also be adapted to support the mother's back.

Pose 3 - anti-crisis: from under the arm

Mom sits upright, the child is in her armpit on the side at chest level with her head towards her knees. To support your baby, you can use a maternity pillow or two regular adult head pillows stacked on top of each other. A rolled quilt will do, too. This sitting position is more comfortable than the "cradle", since you do not have to hold the baby's weight on yourself, and one hand is always free. But its disadvantage is that you will not be able to sit on a chair - you need a chair with wide armrests, and if it is not there, you will have to sit on the bed without a back support. However, in this case, the inconveniences can be neglected, since the posture from under the arm is also the posture from the armpit, it is also "grabbing the ball" (the child is held like a ball for American football) - a magic couple of helpers in many problem situations that arise during lactation ...

  • Wrong grip. The armpit pose gives you the most complete grip control. Mom sees well how the baby takes the breast and can correct the flaws.
  • "Lazy Sucker". If your baby has difficulty sucking milk and is not gaining weight well, mom can help him by squeezing his breast while feeding. To do this, she needs a free hand, which this pose provides (without overloading the second, like a "cross cradle"). Some babies fall asleep quickly without eating properly. In this case, it is convenient to shake the sleepyhead with your free hand and wiggle the nipple in his mouth.
  • Cracked nipples, painful attachment. If the mother has cracks when she was feeding in the "cradle" or lying down, this position will allow you to position the nipple in the baby's mouth in a different way. This reduces pain and prevents re-injury. If there are no cracks, but it still hurts during the attachment, this is a signal of errors during the capture, and they need to be corrected.
  • Lactostasis. The choice of a posture for feeding with lactostasis depends on which of the milk lobes is stagnant. And it is formed where milk is sucked out worst of all. Best of all, the baby absorbs those lobes to which his chin is turned. Worst of all, respectively, are the opposite. The most popular positions are those in which the baby's chin is directed towards the mother's belly, so the upper lobes of the breast dissolve worst of all. It is there that women most often experience stagnation. Using the arm pose allows you to turn your head to the other side. It is useful to feed in this position regularly - for prevention. The more various poses are used, the less the likelihood of stagnation. And if it has already arisen, then it is necessary to feed in the position that was previously ignored.

- Subtype of posture 3 (a) - lying with a jack

Mom lies on her side, the child is nearby - with her feet towards her head. This pose allows you to take full advantage of the ball-catching position, but you can lie down. The downside is that the mother has to lie in the middle of the bed so that there is room for the baby's legs, and there is nothing to lean against the pillow. Instead of a pillow, you have to use your hand, and it quickly goes numb.

- Pose subspecies 3 (b) - overhang

The child lies on his back, the mother gives him the breast from above, overhanging, and with her hand holding him in a position slightly to the side, so that it is convenient for him to drink. Thanks to this unusual position, the baby can easily absorb all the lobes. The force of gravity helps him. The mother can apply her breast on all fours over the baby: head to his legs, head to head or across him - depending on which lobes need to be absorbed. In this position, the body begins to ache after a few minutes, but in a difficult situation it is worth it. Relative comfort can be ensured by placing the child on the table and hanging over him, resting his hands on a hard surface.

Breastfeeding your baby is a great happiness for a loving mother. An unforgettable, amazing process is vital for both. From the first attachment, the woman understands that it is necessary to adapt to the newborn baby and be positioned so that he can correctly capture the nipple. She intuitively begins to select positions for breastfeeding, trying to find comfortable for herself and for him. It is not difficult to master popular positions.

In Soviet times, feeding was welcomed in only one - sitting, with your feet on a small bench. Now this approach is recognized as incorrect and outdated.

Standing Feeding Positions

A screaming, restless, hyperactive child is more likely to fall asleep if he is fed and rocked while standing. The standing pose saves in situations when you need to do something around the house, go to another room, meet your dad who has come from work.

Motion sickness

Mom is standing, rocking the baby. Its head rests on the elbow. The butt and shoulders are supported by a bent arm.

Feeding Position - Motion Sickness

On the hip

Suitable for susceptible children. Vertical feeding avoids excess air ingress when swallowing. For women with increased lactation, it helps to restrain the flow of milk and solves the issue of the baby's choking during feeding. The baby is taken in their arms, supporting the ass. The head is fixed slightly below the chest, so that when sucking, he throws it back a little, ensuring himself a correct grip. With a not busy hand, insert the nipple into the mouth. Grown up children themselves easily find it.

Feeding Position - Hip

Baby stands

Children regard the mother's breast as their own. While playing, they remember her and run to kiss for comfort and pleasure. Mom is on her knees, hugging the baby, hugging her to her. The baby takes the breast himself and sucks as much as he wants.

In a sling

Ideal for a walk or when a woman is busy with household chores. Having mastered this technique, the mother will free her hands and can easily feed the baby in any situation. Usually in a sling, the baby's head is above the chest. Here it is required to ensure the correct positioning, arranging the newborn in a comfortable reclining position.

Feeding position - In a sling

Sitting feeding positions

Traditional sitting postures for natural feeding are used by all mothers when the baby needs to kiss the breast in the park, hospital, or on a visit. They are taken with motion sickness, so as not to burden the back, when you need to feed and transfer the sleeping child to your crib. A sofa with padded sides or a rocking chair is best suited for sedentary feeding, where you can relax and take a nap.

Classic versatile cradle pose

The baby is comfortably placed in mother's arms. He feels close and warm, taking the position in which he was in his mother's tummy. But long-term feeding in this position is not very convenient for the mother. Hands, back, lower back begin to ache and swell, especially when she feeds, leaning forward slightly. You can ease the situation by leaning back on the chair, cushion or cushion.

Cradle Pose

Sitting on the couch, the child is placed on the bend of the elbow. They turn their belly towards themselves and press them to their chest. His head should be thrown back a little. So he can easily grab the nipple and breathe normally. The other hand is supported under the shoulder blades or under the butt. The hand holding the baby's head can be placed on a cushion or armrest.

Reverse cradle

Helps when the newborn is not yet able to properly grip the nipple. It is practiced by mothers of weakened and premature babies. It will secure the baby's head in such a way that the mouth is pressed against the chest as much as possible.

Sitting on the couch, the pillow is laid on your knees. They take the child with one hand. Supporting your head with your palm, hold it with your fingers, trying to secure the back and shoulders. The baby is moved to the nipple, controlling the correct grip with the lips. The hand on which he lies is propped up with a pillow. She can quickly become numb from the load. While the baby is sucking, you can carefully change it, and after making sure that it sucks correctly, smoothly rebuild into the classic cradle position.

From under the arm

Quite a rare pose, but not inferior in convenience to the classic one. For mothers who are contraindicated to squeeze the abdomen (after a cesarean section), it will help solve the problem with feeding while sitting. Those who have large breasts, an inverted and flat nipple that is difficult for the baby to grab, it will also come in handy.

The pillow is placed under the lower back, another one is placed where the baby will lie. His legs are wound behind his back and turned sideways to him. The head with the neck is fixed with the palms, and the butt is held with the elbow. The hand is placed next to the baby and the nipple is inserted into the mouth. In this position, only his head peeps out from under his mother's hand. Reliable tight support saves from fatigue and flowing of the lower back. Therefore, they try to choose a strong, tightly stuffed pillow for this pose.

Feeding position - From under the arm

On the knees

Grown-up babies easily master this pose, as they really like it. Use it,. Sitting on the couch, mom is leaning on the back. The child sits down to face her, and puts her legs behind her. So he can attach to any breast and change them. Often times, this position promotes eye contact and elicits an unforgettable, happy smile from your baby.

It is convenient to use the vertical position and when. The nose will block less, it will become easier and easier to eat.

Criss cross for twins

Lying and standing positions for feeding twins at the same time are not suitable. If mommy urgently needs to feed both children, she places them on her lap, laying them crosswise.

Lying Feeding Positions

The most pleasant and comfortable positions, when at night and during the day, mommy can calmly rest next to her child. Having organized the space so that the baby does not roll off the edge (fence it off with a blanket, lay the baby against the wall), you can start the process.

On the side

Popular among women after episiotomy (suture after incision of the perineum during childbirth) or caesarean section, when you cannot press on the abdomen. Suitable for night feedings if co-sleeping is practiced. Putting a small pillow under her head, Mommy lies on her side, not leaning on her elbow. The newborn is placed at chest level so that its head is slightly tilted back. This will help your baby to open his mouth better. When he begins to suck, he is held with his hand under the shoulder blades.

On the hand

If the baby is tiny, and the position on the side does not suit him, mommy puts his head on her forearm, holding her butt with her hand. To avoid neck pain, she comfortably positions herself with a soft, small pillow so that her head rests on her and her shoulders touch the couch.

Feeding the baby on a pillow

You can replace your forearm with a pillow. This will keep your hands free and the baby will be able to reach for the nipple. To do this, mommy is located next to the pillow and lays the child on it sideways. Holding it by the shoulder blades, he puts the nipple into his mouth. It is important here not to press your stomach against the pillow, but to feel the baby's body. The pillow should be chosen not voluminous, but soft and low.

Upper breastfeeding

You can use a large pillow to avoid laying face down by exposing your child to the upper breast. It is placed under the chest, lowered on its side, leaning forward a little. The child is laid out on the pillow sideways, holding the ass.


An extraordinary posture that helps to resolve the issue. The baby sucks milk well where his chin is turned. If pain occurs in the lobes that are poorly emptied during normal feeding, this position can be applied.

Mommy lies on the pillow, hugging her so that she finds herself in the armpit area. The baby is laid sideways so that its legs are located on the side opposite to the mother.

Pose "Jack"

A posture similar to side feeding. Here mommy, standing on all fours, rests on her elbow, and the mammary gland hangs over the newborn baby. This position facilitates the feeding process, helps with hypolactation and lactostasis, stimulating the flow into both breasts under the force of gravity. Mom, standing up on her elbow, puts the baby with her stomach towards her, inserting the nipple into his mouth. It is difficult to feed for a long time in the overhanging position, the arm and neck become numb, the back gets tired quickly. You can use it in extreme cases.

Overhang Breastfeeding Position

Features of feeding small breasts

Small breasts are not an obstacle to natural feeding and their size is not reflected in the amount of milk. Feeding with small breasts can be as fruitful and long as with large breasts. The main thing is to choose a suitable pose and adjust to it. Any position can become comfortable and basic for a nursing woman with small breasts. The most suitable position is considered to be lying on a bent arm. You can put a roller under the lower back, and a pillow under the back of the baby, so it will rise a few centimeters.

Every mother should know the norms eaten by an infant and an artificial person per day -.

If breast milk suddenly disappeared and a lactation crisis began: how to overcome it for mommy -.

Most modern female representatives, even being already mothers, do not quite fully imagine how correct and comfortable breastfeeding actually looks like. Even those who are serious about breastfeeding imagine this process exclusively in the "cradle" position, some even manage not to try other positions during the entire period of breastfeeding. And this is very sad, since they miss the opportunity to show themselves and their baby how dynamic and spontaneous they are in their tandem.

In addition, mothers often forget about their comfort, if only "the child was good." Therefore, feeding, especially a newborn, often turns into a "feat" with a stiff back, neck and numb limbs. And this is fraught with such negative consequences as:

  • restless behavior of the child at the breast (he somehow feels that the mother is tense, and milk flows out more difficult at the same time). When the child is uncomfortable, he begins to apply incorrectly, which may cause abrasions and cracks on the nipples;
  • due to the nervous tension and anxiety of the mother, the process of milk secretion can be suspended or completely blocked, and as a result, there is a lack of milk and lactostasis;
  • in the end, the mother gets the idea that this is not such a pleasant and rewarding business - breastfeeding, and as soon as it all would end.

But the most important thing is convenience and comfort, both for the baby and the mother! A relaxed mother is a calm and well-fed baby.
So I would like to talk about in what positions to breastfeed so that the mother does not get tired, and the problems of breastfeeding do not overshadow the joy of motherhood.

Poses for feeding a baby lying down

From this position, the mother's acquaintance with the process of feeding the baby most often begins, since often after giving birth, the mother cannot sit. Also, this position is convenient during night feedings and for laying the baby to sleep during the day.

Feeding the baby while lying down. Photo - depositphotos.com

You can feed lying down in any of the following ways:

Lying on my mother's arm

It looks like this: the mother's head lies on the pillow, the shoulders sink to the surface of the bed, while the mother holds the baby with her hand so that he maintains his position on his side, monitors the attachment. For convenience, you can put pillows or a blanket roller under your mother's back. At the same time, it is important to move the baby closer to you - this is how the correct grip of the breast will be ensured.

Lying on its side

At the same time, the baby lies next to the breast, resting his head against the mother's armpit. The mother's hand from the side of the baby can simply lie on the surface of the bed. Behind the baby's back, it is necessary to place a roller so that the baby does not fall on his back, losing the correct attachment to the breast.

Lying on a pillow

In this position, it is very convenient to feed with the upper breast, so as not to shift the baby to the other side. The mother can support her head with her hand or lie down on the pillow, holding the baby with her free hand. In this position, it is important to ensure that the lower chest is not pinched by the weight of the body.

Lying on your mother's stomach ("relaxed feeding")

The baby lies on the mother's stomach - tummy down. This position is ideal for feeding twins at the same time, for preventing flooding with a strong gushing stream of milk when sucking, as well as for intestinal colic in young children. It is better if the mother in this position is reclining, with her head and shoulders slightly raised, surrounding herself with a comfortable support of pillows.

Relaxed feeding. Photo - depositphotos.com


The position is identical to the “lying on its side” position with only one difference - the baby lies with its legs up, towards the mother's head. The position is rarely used, but it is excellent for the problem of congestion in the upper chest. In this case, it is important to ensure that the baby is turned towards the mother with his whole body, for this it is necessary to put a roller under his back.

The most common mistakes when lying down are hanging over your baby, leaning on your hand, or keeping your elbow under a pillow. It's hard to feed in this position for a long time - the back and arms get very tired.

Seated feeding positions


The most famous position. It is important to make sure that the child is not positioned sideways to the mother, but face. The tummy is pressed against my mother's belly. The back is straight, the baby should neither hunch over nor lean back strongly.

Feeding the baby in the "Cradle" position. Photo - depositphotos.com

So that the mother's hands do not get tired, you can put a pillow under the baby and your hand, put your feet on a stool, in general, provide yourself with maximum comfort.

A common mistake in this position is to feed the baby's breast, leaning forward, instead of attracting the baby to you. This puts unnecessary stress on the muscles in the neck and back.

Cross cradle

A variation of the first pose, the difference is that the child lies not on the elbow of the arm, but on the mother's palm (the palm wraps around the baby's head in the back of the head), while giving the breast opposite to the mother's hand. This is the most comfortable position for novice nurses, in which the easiest way is to put the breast in the baby's mouth with your free hand according to all the rules and, during the entire feeding, monitor the correct grip of the breast. When the attachment has taken place, the mother does not hurt, you can change hands, as in the "cradle" position.

Cross-cradle feeding. Photo - depositphotos.com

From under the arm ("soccer grip")

In this position, the child is located to the side of the mother, as if looking out of the armpit. The mother supports the baby's head under the neck, its legs are behind the mother's back. The child is turned with his tummy to his mother's side, his mouth is at the level of the nipple of the breast, so that the mother does not have to bend, they put a pillow to the required height. The pose is very effective in case of congestion in the lower and lateral lobes of the breast, when learning how to attach correctly, when feeding after a caesarean section (no pressure on the seams), when feeding twins, and in many other situations.

There is only one conclusion: a nursing mother should feed her baby in this position at least once a day. In this case, it is important to ensure that there is a comfortable support for the mother's back.

Standing baby feeding positions

Possession of these feeding positions makes the mother quite mobile, allowing her to do some simple household chores without taking the baby off her breast.

Standing motion sickness

The main position for feeding is standing. Mom hugs the baby with both hands, pressing his tummy to her belly. The main load should fall on the bends of the elbows - we fix the baby's head with one hand, and his buttocks with the other.

A common mistake is that a mother tries to hold her baby with her palms alone. It is much harder, more impractical and unsafe for the baby.

Baby on mom's hip

There is also such a variant of attachment to the breast. The position is convenient when feeding a grown fidget, as well as in a situation where the baby is prone to regurgitation - an upright position can alleviate or solve this problem.

If you are using a baby sling, the number of possible standing feeding positions increases markedly. Thanks to the sling, one hand is freed up, with which you can perform many other urgent matters, and your back gets significant relief - because now the weight of the baby's weight is evenly distributed.

Breastfeeding in a sling. Photo - depositphotos.com

Standing Feeding Older Children

The best connoisseurs and inventors of comfortable feeding positions are the older kids: sliders and sliders. To kiss the chest "on the run", they sometimes do the most real acrobatic stunts. But by this time, mothers are already becoming such experienced nurses that they are able to quickly satisfy the baby's urgent need for milk, almost without interrupting their daily activities.

From what position to breastfeed is important, of course. But it is even more important, when settling down with a baby for feeding, to be sensitive to the sensations of your body.

The process of breastfeeding does not require heroic efforts at all. On the contrary, it requires maximum relaxation and a positive attitude so that the baby can easily and freely enjoy the most valuable that nature has created for him. So make yourself comfortable and feed as you please.

Inna Tarasyuk, GW consultant, specially for the site Active Mom

For a baby during breastfeeding, the posture that he takes while absorbing food is of no small importance. Only with the right choice will the baby be able to eat well and receive all the necessary elements for proper growth and development. Mom needs to know how to feed a newborn baby while lying down. This position will allow her to fully relax and feel harmony with her baby. Additionally, it should be noted that this position promotes the production of a large amount of milk. Convenience and comfort are also important for the baby. The position should ensure optimal grip of the nipple and its good retention in the mouth. Thanks to this, breastfeeding ensures high-quality absorption of the required volume of fluid.

Incorrect posture is dangerous. It can lead to a large number of cracks and other damage to the nipple. If the children are not comfortable, then they begin to squeeze the chest with their gums. The situation will not only prevent the children from getting enough food, but it will also cause the woman a lot of pain.

Key Factors for Proper Feeding

It is very important to feed your newborn correctly.

This becomes possible only if a number of basic rules are observed:

  • A woman should not allow the appearance of bends in the baby's body. It should be approximately at the same level. This rule may not be fulfilled only in relation to the head. It is best if it is slightly raised. Thanks to this, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of regurgitation of the crumbs during the feeding period.
  • For complete relaxation and calmness of the baby, it is necessary to press him tightly to the body. It is important to ensure full bodily contact between the limbs, tummy and head.
  • To fix the head, a woman should place her hand obliquely.
  • No smacking sounds are typical for a nursing baby when feeding in any position. Most often, in this case, an incorrect grip of the nipple is provided. Also, the situation is one of the symptoms of problems with the frenum in a newborn. In this case, it is not allowed to hesitate with a visit to a specialist. He will be able to carefully study the characteristics of the manifestation and prescribe the necessary treatment.
  • Feeding must be done if the mouth of the baby is just opposite the nipple. This means that the baby should be lifted to the breast, and not vice versa.
  • For the baby, the freedom of the occipital zone is important. A woman should not press on her. It is only allowed to slightly hold the baby in this area. In this case, sharp and rough movements should be avoided.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the cervical spine always remains in line. Depending on the individual preferences of the crumbs, the head should be thrown back or lowered. Otherwise, the swallowing process will be difficult. Do not press too much the lower part of the head to the chest. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to open his mouth, which will lead to uncomfortable feeding conditions.
  • If you have difficulty breathing, it is enough to change your posture. Pediatricians recommend slightly raising the head or changing the angle of the crumb's body.
  • If a woman's breasts are large, then a rolled towel will help create comfortable conditions. It should be placed under the breasts. Thanks to this, the pressure on the baby's jaw will noticeably decrease.
  • Experienced mothers use pillows of different sizes when feeding. They allow you to change the position of the baby at any time and give the mother an opportunity to feel more comfortable.
  • A woman should drink water when feeding. Lactation leads to severe dehydration, which is why Mom is constantly thirsty. It must be eliminated in time.
  • Mom needs to worry about skin contact. This is very important during the feeding period. That is why a woman and a baby should have a minimum amount of clothing.

Lactation in a lateral position

Many mothers feed the baby lying on their side. Thanks to this position, they can relax and rest well. It is ideal for night feeds as the woman can take a nap until the process is complete. Additionally, it should be noted that there are three options for how you can lie on your side.

You can breastfeed your baby while lying down from the bottom. To do this, just place the baby's head on your hand. Thanks to this, the mouth of the crumbs will be just in the area of ​​the nipple. The second hand will be completely free, so the woman will be able to lightly stroke her baby. Mom should rest her head and shoulders completely on the pillow. Otherwise, the risk of swelling in the process increases.

Side feeding prevents the development of lactostasis

There is a second way to breastfeed while lying down. In this case, it is also possible to obtain milk from its lower part. It is assumed that the baby will independently lie on a flat surface on one side. At the same time, the woman does not have both hands. Additionally, it is recommended to lightly press the baby to you. In this case, he feels much calmer.

Feeding can also be done with a rolled-up diaper. However, in this case, it is necessary to avoid a situation in which the baby lies on its back. This situation aggravates swallowing and can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. Additionally, it should be noted that this option is used extremely rarely, because it can cause mommy a lot of discomfort.

She has to constantly rely on her elbow, which begins to get tired and numb after a certain period. The nipple also enters the baby's mouth from the top position. In this case, the risk of its slipping out of the oral cavity increases.

Is it possible to feed the baby in the supine position with the upper milk. The position involves preliminary laying the crumbs on the pillow. He must fit on it completely with his whole body. Mom will need to hold the baby with one hand. In this case, the second remains completely free. The pose helps prevent. It can be used for each breast separately. By turning the crumbs from one side to the other, you can also get the possibility of feeding with upper and lower milk.

Jack: a comfortable and practical position

For nursing mothers, it is enough to lie on your side comfortably. She can arrange the kid in the same way. In this case, his legs should be at the level of the mother's head. This option is recommended for the prevention of lower milk stagnation. The disease in medical practice is known as lactostasis. If you feed the baby in the jack position, you will be able to prevent the development of the disease at the initial stage. Additionally, it is possible to get milk even from the upper walls. To fix the calf, it is allowed to use a small pad. Thanks to this, it will be possible to place the nipple against the mouth of the newborn. At the same time, the mother will feel comfortable and not feel pain.

When feeding with a jack, the process will delight the woman and her baby, as well as increase the bond between them.

How to feed your baby in a supine position?

The process of feeding a child can be organized even if it is completely on the mother. The woman at this moment can comfortably sit on her back. The baby will certainly feel contact with her through contact in the tummy area. Before starting feeding, it is recommended to slightly turn the head of the crumbs to one side. Thanks to this, it will be possible to properly organize the saturation process. It is possible to permanently change the breast from left to right. Pediatricians recommend using this position for feeding the baby in the first two months of his life.

This rationale has found confirmation from a scientific point of view. During this period, each mother has an overflow of mammary glands. If you feed the baby in the usual position, then he can experience a strong pressure. The situation is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Incorrect posture can cause choking. If the woman lies on her back, then the intensity of the jet will decrease several times. Additionally, the tummy of the crumbs will be massaged, because it will constantly lie on it. This will ensure the escape of gas workers and prevent colic.

Hanging: Convenience and Practicality

The woman decides on her own how to feed the baby (lying or sitting). However, she will need some advice from women who are experienced in this matter. It is recommended to use the overhang position to achieve greater feeding efficiency. Thanks to the correct location of the crumbs, it will be possible to give him not only front, but also rear milk. The latter version contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals useful for the body. It is also recommended to use the position if the infant has problems sucking at the breast. The situation also arises after bottle feeding. It is much more difficult to get food from the chest than from it.

The pose involves the woman standing on her elbows while lying on her chest. In this case, the chest will hang over his mouth. You should not put too much pressure on him, because in this case the baby will experience discomfort and tension.

It is best to position the baby in such a way that its head is slightly turned to one side.

The main mistakes of mothers during lactation

  • The swallowing process in a child is difficult if his head is almost completely turned towards the mother's breast.
  • The nipple will constantly slide out if the baby does not press the chin to the chest.
  • The baby's mouth is too open. In this case, the woman will experience painful sensations. The situation is dangerous and can lead to the baby being unable to eat well.
  • The baby only captures the nipple, but does not even take part of the areola.
  • With the correct location, the baby should not eat in short sips. The situation with smacking and clicking is also considered abnormal. In this case, oxygen can enter the digestive system, which contributes to the appearance of colic and gas.
  • The baby cannot take a nipple in his mouth well. He only squeezes it lightly between the two gums.

Each mommy should monitor the position of the baby when feeding. Otherwise, there is a risk of incorrect swallowing. The baby can be at the breast for a long time, but at the same time not gorge at all. Most often, the situation arises due to improper grip: the baby only takes the nipple in his mouth. In this case, the areola is left unattended. The situation is dangerous and can lead to cracked nipples. In this case, mommy will experience painful sensations throughout the entire feeding.

The baby may also feel severe discomfort and refuse to absorb food. Against this background, it is quite often possible to fix anxiety during the feeding period. That is why it is important for a woman to choose the right posture that will be used by the baby while eating.

The lactation period is an important process for every woman. Thanks to her, mommy establishes a bond with the baby, which will last for life. It is important to choose the right posture and work out the process carefully. Thanks to this, feeding will become effective, and the baby will always feel full. Immediately after the birth of a baby, it is still difficult for a woman to navigate. However, only a few months will pass, and an invisible connection will be established between them. It is necessary to give time to learn to feel each other. On the way to this, a woman is ready to endure a numb back and pain in her arms. It is important to take not only comfortable positions, but also position yourself in such a way as to prevent the development of milk stagnation in the breast. Special pillows will help ease the addiction situation. It is recommended to purchase various sizes of these products.

Having given birth to their first child, many women face problems when breastfeeding their baby. And experienced mothers need to adapt. After all, every child is different. And what worked great with one may not work for the other. The mother needs to choose the appropriate posture for feeding the newborn: sitting, lying, standing - and teach the baby to breastfeed correctly.

You can look at pictures of breastfeeding moms on the Internet and in books, or find a video that suits you.

Let's first consider some general rules for latching a baby to the breast:

  • baby's body: ear, shoulder, legs and tummy - should be located in one straight line. The head turned to one side makes swallowing difficult. Muscle clamps may also occur;
  • newborns must be completely wrapped from head to toe, carefully fix the head of the crumbs, the back of the head must be free
  • the baby's neck should be straightened, it is inconvenient to suck, lying with the head thrown back, bent forward or turned to the side;
  • mom should be in a comfortable position. The child is attracted to the mother, and not, on the contrary, the woman is drawn to the baby;
  • the nipple in the mouth must be inserted deeply: not only the nipple itself, but also the areola. The capture must be asymmetrical, i.e. the bottom is larger than the top. During the feeding process, you need to constantly monitor so that the baby does not crawl onto the nipple. This is especially important at the first stage, while the child has not yet learned to suckle correctly correctly, as well as for weak and premature babies;
  • the baby's mouth should be wide open, the lips are slightly turned outward. There should be no smacking or clicking when sucking. If you hear such sounds, then the child needs to check the bridle. She may be a little short. In this case, it will be trimmed and the baby will not have problems with sucking;
  • the mother should not experience any pain during feeding.

Correct attachment is shown in the following video.

Correct feeding positions are the key to comfort for mom and baby. They allow to ensure correct attachment, to empty the breast as completely as possible, to avoid lactostasis and nipple cracks. And in the end, organize successful breastfeeding. It's so wonderful when mom and baby enjoy their intimacy, communication and breastfeeding.


The most famous, classic pose. If you ask any adult to draw a nursing woman, then most will portray the mother and baby that way. Despite its fame, feeding in the "cradle" has enough subtleties.

Mom should be in a comfortable position. You can put a pillow under your back, put a bench under your feet. In the first months, until the woman has adapted, the pillow will be correctly placed under the elbow. It's a good idea to sit comfortably in the pillows several times and ask your husband or grandmother to serve the newborn. It is convenient to feed in a rocking chair.

The baby's tummy and legs should be pressed against the mother. The head is at the bend of the elbow. The newborn must be supported under the ass. Little children worry if they don't feel securely supported. The mouth should be positioned against the nipple. If the baby is low, then it is advisable to put a pillow under it. Otherwise, feeding will take place practically on weight, and the woman will quickly get tired.

Cross cradle

The classic "cradle" has one significant drawback: it is very inconvenient to adjust the baby's grip with the elbow. This is very important at first.

In the “cross cradle”, the mother holds the baby with her opposite breastfeeding breast with her hand. At the same time, the second hand is free, and it is convenient for it to gently give the breast to the baby. When the baby has correctly picked up the breast and started to suckle, hands can be changed, as long feeding in the “cross cradle” is tiresome.

Standing pose, motion sickness

We can say that this is a standing cradle. At the same time, the mother is standing or walking slowly around the room with the child in her arms. It is convenient to feed this way when it is time for the baby to sleep, but he cannot calm down in any way. But it's best not to use this pose often. If the child gets used to constant motion sickness, then it will be very difficult to wean him.

From under the armpit

Not the most famous, but comfortable and very useful position. The baby is lying on the pillow on the side of the mother. The baby's mouth should be against the nipple. Mom holds and guides the baby's head with one hand, and gives him the breast with the other. The pose is suitable for teaching weak newborns and premature babies to suck. In addition, it allows the lower and lateral lobes of the breast, where stagnation occurs most often, to be freed from milk. If a woman feeds in this position at least once a day, then she is almost guaranteed to have no lactostasis.

This pose is also useful in the following cases:

  • large breasts;
  • after cesarean section;
  • when feeding twins.

Lying on my mother's hand

Very comfortable position for night feeding of the baby. Mom can give the baby a breast on the bed, practically without waking up. The woman lies on her side. Only the head should be on the pillow. The child also lies on its side, and the mother holds and guides him with her lower hand, on which the child's head lies.

For convenience, the mother can put pillows under the back of herself and the child. It is better to put the newborn on the pillow itself, so that it is more convenient for him to suck. The pose is often used after a caesarean section or episiotomy. If the mother's breast is large and soft, then a rolled-up diaper should be placed under it.

Upper breast feeding

If for some reason the mother does not want to roll over on her other side at night, then you can lay the baby on the pillow and feed him from the upper breast. The baby should be located exactly lying on its side. On his back with his head turned, it will be uncomfortable for him to suck. This pose relieves mid-chest congestion.

Lying Jack

An unusual and rarely used pose. Meanwhile, it helps to eliminate lactostasis in the upper lobes of the breast. The baby in this position lies on its side, under the back he needs to put a pillow. The legs are located at the mother's head.

All recumbent breastfeeding positions are best practiced only after the baby has learned to suckle well. If the mother falls asleep, does not follow the baby, and he slides off the areola, then the nipple can be injured by the baby's gums.


The mother stands on all fours over the baby or hangs over the changing table. The kid should lie on the barrel, not on his back. This position is useful for babies who move from the bottle to the breast, milk in it flows out of the breast more easily. "Hanging" is a good prevention of lactostasis in any part of the breast. But for a long time in this position, of course, it is impossible to feed.

Lying baby on top