Pirates wedding invitation. Yo-ho-ho and a ring on a finger - a pirate-style wedding: a script and a photo of the design. Wedding exclusive edition "Jolly Roger"

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Our wedding took place on August 20, 2011 in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. We made the decision to get married in May of the same year, the preparation took 3 months and was very rapid. Most of my acquaintances started training six months before the chosen date. Our task was further complicated by the fact that we decided to arrange an original themed wedding. However, we made the main "breakthrough" in preparation three weeks before the cherished day. This happened because it was at the end of July that we found the most important people who made this day the most special for us! Our wedding shocked our relatives, and brought our friends into indescribable delight!

Dreams of something unusual

From the very beginning, I wanted a custom wedding, and my husband agreed with me. For us, the standard in our city against the backdrop of a shabby entrance, a walk through the sights, a banquet with a toastmaster of Balzac's age was unacceptable. This scenario did not suit us at all.

Initially, we had thoughts of a Hawaiian style party on the lakeside with an outdoor banquet. We immediately planned to abandon the classic dress and costume. However, in the course of further preparation, the concept of our wedding has undergone significant changes.


The first item on our to-do list was the photographer. We chose Anastasia Knyazeva. We have liked the works of this master for a long time. In May, Anastasia had already scheduled the whole summer, there was only one free date, so the date of our wedding was August 20. We liked the first meeting with Anastasia, the photographer was attentive to us, gave us the contacts of several stylists and makeup artists who could be useful to us.

We did not order the services of a videographer for the wedding. Those people whose work we liked were already taken. In addition, we were constrained in finances and therefore decided to limit ourselves to photography.

From the very beginning, we unanimously decided that the wedding would be small in terms of the number of people. We wanted to see only the closest friends and relatives that day. We had 26 guests in total. Therefore, we needed a small and

I looked through many sites and photos on the Internet, made an approximate list of suitable rooms for us, and we hit the road.

When we entered the hall on the second floor of the entertainment complex "Jaga-Jaga", we immediately realized that this particular hall would suit us perfectly. Subdued light, two decks of ships, on which tables are located. In the central part of the hall, a low podium was erected with an openwork fence, ending with a small platform. This small hall won us over at first sight!

However, the interior of the hall also left its mark on our idea of ​​a non-standard wedding. We decided that the wedding will not be in Hawaiian, but in a pirate style. (See photos)


It was hard for us to find those people so that we would like them and the free ones on our wedding day. We wanted our wedding to be led by a man or a duet. We also wanted the host to have a beard and an unpleasant appearance. We needed a real pirate! We were already on the verge of despair when the miracle happened.

The fact is that during the preparation of the wedding I had a summer session. Therefore, I quite often visited the reading room, where I met my friend, who helped us find a solution to the problem! In response to my story about the search for the presenter, he said that just recently the presenter settled in his dorm room and he has a beard! I called my husband, we went to the hostel as soon as possible. So, on the watch of the hostel №2 of Magnitogorsk State University, we met the leader of our dreams. We liked Artem Skvortsov right away! Artem works as a member of the Art-group Media-People duet, which, in addition to him, includes Evgeny Akhramenkov. Zhenya and Artem understood our wishes perfectly. It was always pleasant to communicate with these people when preparing, and the holiday itself was simply fantastic!

Dress and costume preparation

What should the bride and groom look like at a pirate wedding? To answer this question for myself, I looked through many photos in thematic communities on social networks.

Through our acquaintances, we found the workshop of Anna Lazovskaya. Anna sewed for me a wonderful bodice and special items of clothing imitating boots. The work was done very carefully. We were very satisfied. In addition, Anna gave us useful advice as to whether it would be easier for me to live this day in a bodice or in a corset, so that it would be easy to breathe and my back would not hurt in the evening.

Anna Lazovskaya regularly participates in the competition for young designers "Flood", is constantly busy with many of her own projects, so the workload of this master is very high. To prepare the dress and suit of the groom, we needed another master.

Galya and Vasya Ivanov

At this time, I had a chance meeting with the designer and event organizer Vasya Ivanov and his wife Galya. Now Vasily Ivanov works in the field of video production and is engaged in logo design and illustrations. Galina, a fashion designer, is the winner of the Flood competition and underwent an internship in Holland, now she owns the KO-KO ladies' club, where fascinating meetings and sewing lessons are held in the warmest atmosphere, in addition, KO-KO produces wonderful things under its own brand.

This meeting took place just three weeks before the celebration. Vasily in the shortest possible time was able to think over a plan for a photo session for us, organize the necessary locations, prepare the necessary props. Galina sewed a suit for her husband, prepared clothes for our friends participating in the photo session. It is impossible to describe in words how great is the contribution of Gali and Vasya to our wedding day. During the preparation, we became real friends. We invited Galya and Vasya as guests to our wedding, because we couldn't imagine this day without them.

Vasya Ivanov had the idea to decorate my hair with a ship. It was inspired by medieval traditions, when ladies' hairstyles could depict a whole naval battle. Without the ship in our head, our wedding would not be the same. After all, our wedding was special to the smallest detail!


For her husband's suit, it was necessary to sew a cocked hat and a wide leather belt. They chose artificial leather, and specialists from the Belka atelier took over the production. The work was done on time and very accurately. We were satisfied.

Galya Ivanova made an openwork necklace for me.


I didn't like the classic rings, they seemed too ordinary to me. It attracted my attention. We bought this very ring for me, in the jewelry salon "Stone Flower". My husband liked the classic model from the Our Gold company. We chose a fairly wide red gold men's ring.

We absolutely do not believe in superstitions, so we were not afraid to buy rings in different stores and more than one day.

Hair and makeup

During the preparation, I visited several stylists. But I didn’t find “my” person among them. One stylist did not consider punctuality a necessary quality, another person argued that I needed to dye my hair red, and replace the black bodice with lilac. This measure was supposed to "hide" my small stature. This surprised me, since I am absolutely satisfied with my height of 163 cm.

You have no idea how happy I was to find out that Galina Ivanova has the education of a makeup artist and hairdresser. We did a trial and, once again, I was convinced that Galya understands me just 200%. I think that no one else would have coped with my stress and excitement as masterly as Galya. Fitting the ship into the hair required a separate skill.


Instead of a ransom, we arranged a photo session at the Verkhneuralsk reservoir. With the help of the employees of the Ogneupor recreation center located on this reservoir, according to the scenario of a pirate wedding, we ordered two yachts for a wedding trip. However, one of the yacht owners let us down at the last moment and did not show up at the scene. Therefore, one yacht was replaced by a diesel longboat "Ivanych", which, however, only added to the fun. My friends and I boarded a small yacht, and a team of pirates under the leadership of my husband on the Ivanych longboat attacked our ship and took it by storm. We all had a lot of fun!

The next item on the walk was the search for the treasure. Vasya Ivanov prepared a chest, an aged treasure map and supervised the shooting of this scene.

In addition, Vasily prepared a wonderful photo zone for us and our guests. Our friends, almost four years later, recall that day with delight, and photographs taken with decorations from Vasya Ivanov adorn the pages on social networks and the walls of apartments.

Outside registration

At the registry office, we signed at 9 am, and before the start of the banquet we made an off-site registration in the banquet hall itself. The arch for registration was prepared by the studio "Dve Elena". We ordered the simplest possible nautical-themed arch. The execution suited us, the arch was installed and dismantled on time.

The pillow for the rings and the pen for painting were made by Galya Ivanova.


In the pre-wedding bustle of the bouquet, I somehow didn't get too hung up on the bouquet. In the "Flower Extravaganza" salon, I ordered a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums in the shape of a ball, decorated with a decorative cord. I liked how the bouquet was made, but the bouquet could not stand my dynamic movements from ship to ship. This is due precisely to the chosen shape. require a more respectful attitude.

Gifts for guests

For our guests, we have prepared small souvenirs - magnets in a nautical theme with an indication of our wedding date. The magnets were made by our friend Yulia Kalnyn.


The entertainment complex "Dzhaga-Dzhaga" has two floors, several banquet halls and discos take place right there. This was both a plus and a minus of the institution.

The downside was that when after the banquet we went out into the street we had to literally "wade" through the inadequate drunken crowd. The plus was that after the banquet was over, some of the guests were able to continue the fun within the walls of the nightclub.

The cuisine of this institution suited us. Confused by only one moment. During the first toast, we discovered that the waiters forgot to put glasses on our table. It is good that the staff did not deprive the guests of the dishes.


We ordered at the Admiralteisky supermarket. The cake was delicious and decorated exactly as we ordered. The supermarket culinary staff helped us calculate the weight of our bunk cake based on the number of guests.

General impressions

We were very pleased with the event. Preparation took, of course, much more time and effort than a standard wedding, but the result was worth it! We are very grateful to every person who helped us in organizing this day. Vasya and Galya Ivanovs played the biggest role for us, so I would recommend all couples planning a themed wedding to find creative people who specialize in preparing events. We couldn't have done it on our own.

The pirate wedding has become more and more popular lately. After all, everyone wants to be distinguished by something and wants the invited guests to talk about it for a long time. Such a celebration requires careful preparation. It is worth thinking over everything to the smallest detail, even the script. A pirate wedding, the scenario of which can be very varied, should be at its best. Because, having chosen such a bold theme of the wedding ceremony, you need to make sure that everything in it is also bold and decisive.

Celebration organization

And so, the place was chosen, the design issues were resolved, the guests were informed, the invitations were sent out. Why do you need a script? Yes, because such an extraordinary ceremony should not be allowed to take its course. Also, you must not allow ordinary music to play at the wedding or contests that do not correspond to the topic.

The ideal option is to find a good toastmaster who has a pirate script at the ready, as well as the corresponding requisites. But these are very rare. Nothing wrong with that. It is much more interesting to compose the course of your wedding yourself.

The scenario, first of all, will depend on where the event will be held. Some places for the celebration:

  1. Ship, schooner or yacht.
  2. Coast.
  3. Cafe Restaurant.
  4. Country house.

You also need to decide on the choice of the theme of the script. There are also a lot of options here. Here is some of them:

  1. The pirate (groom) kidnaps a noble maiden with whom he has long been in love (bride). He brings it in his arms, sips a mug of rum and orders to celebrate, thus opening the evening.
  2. A couple of robbers lured civilians (guests) into their possessions and turned everyone into pirates. Everyone is celebrating and having fun.
  3. A couple of pirates have a wedding and invite their pirate friends to share a feast with them. Upon arrival at their banquet, the young couple take a sip of rum or champagne or another drink, smash the mugs on the floor, and the party begins.

There can be many options. It all depends on the imagination and imagination of the young. You can watch a couple of cartoons or films about pirates, where there is some kind of love story. Some more interesting ideas can be born in this way.


You should not immediately put pressure on guests with an abundance of contests. First, it's better to have a feast, eat a little, drink, dance. After a couple of dances, you can start the main part of the program. This includes contests and congratulations. To create a real pirate atmosphere, you should involve your friends and acquaintances in advance so that they learn a couple of pirate-style greetings. And, getting up in turn, or every other time, loudly voiced toasts. In this case, you can stand in the middle of the hall, or with one leg raised on a chair. Or even get on the table. They are pirates. They don't care about anything.

Competitions should also be in the style of sea bandits. Here are some ideas:

  • Tug of war
  • The best pirate toast
  • Comic duels with swords
  • Competition for the most original costume,
  • Darts game,
  • Search for treasures on the pirate map.

Traditional congratulations can be added to all original contests - these are the words of the parents, their greeting to the guests and wishes to the young, cutting off the first piece of the wedding cake, kidnapping the bride and throwing the bride's bouquet.

The first dance of the young will not be ignored either. Despite the chic theme of the evening, the traditionally performed waltz will not spoil the atmosphere in the least. You can surprise the guests by performing a few other dance styles after a short excerpt of waltz accompanied by incendiary music. Also, the dance of the young with their parents will not be superfluous. The main music for the evening can be borrowed from the pirate movies.

If the holiday takes place on the seashore or there is such an opportunity to get to it, then you can end the evening by releasing flowers, candles and cocked hats into the water, paying tribute to the sea. This will be a very beautiful and touching end to the celebration. You can also order fireworks and fireworks and admire the sparkling sky after the holiday.

Toastmaster, photographer and videographer

People who are not on the guest list, but are involved in creating a magical wedding, are of no small importance. You need to choose a good toastmaster. It is advisable to choose a presenter who has previously worked on such themed celebrations. They approach work competently. Such are worth their weight in gold and you need to negotiate with them in a couple of months. The presenter should be fresh, cheerful, original, he should start feasting and correctly allocate time for dances, toasts and contests. The text at the celebration should be read with proper grandeur and bass. It is also very difficult to find and contact good photographers and videographers who will be able to adequately convey all the excitement of the ceremony in photographs and videos.

A wedding is one of the most important days in the life of every person.

Everyone hopes that this is the first and the last, and therefore tries to come up with something original and spend this day so that the memories of this day flicker in the heart for a long time.

For lovers of everything unusual, I present a pirate-style wedding. A lot of impressions, fun and contests will not leave indifferent even the most serious people who do not like fun.

This will directly depend on the location of the celebration. In order to accelerate to the full extent and anneal to the fullest, we strongly recommend renting a ship / schooner / frigate - the main thing is that it really has a “pirate” atmosphere.

Important: warn the landlord in advance that you are going to have fun and have fun really at the "pirate" level. Simple theme nights are one thing, but weddings are another. Without such prior arrangement, you most likely will not end up in trouble.

If you live far from the "big water" or there is simply no money, then the question arises: "How to play a pirate wedding very cheaply?"

Just pick up a banquet hall that even remotely resembles the abode of pirates.

Party in the registry office in the style of a Pirate wedding

So where do you start preparing?

A trip to the cinema begins with tickets, and entrance to a wedding begins with invitations. Yes, not simple! Since the wedding is themed, here are some tips for making original invitations:

Beautifully designed invitation
  1. You can roll up the invitation in the form of a pirate whistle, wrap it in yellowed paper and tie it with a thin string.
  2. You can just make invitations, again, on slightly yellowed paper, but decorated with shells and sand, some kind of pebbles.
    - also the text of the invitation can be written on specially made coins with the text of the invitation.
  3. A great idea can be a small rebus in the form of a map, which will tell you where and what time to come to the celebration.

Pirate wedding - decoration

When you have chosen a hall (or, nevertheless, a schooner), the main thing remains - to decorate with dignity and select those decorative elements that will decorate, but in no case will spoil the overall picture.

Tables can be transformed with tablecloths and some details, making ships out of them.


Decor for a pirate evening

The decor for this style will be as follows: chests with gold coins, maps, binoculars.

You can also achieve the desired atmosphere with the help of candelabra, dummies of blades / pistols and other pirate props, you can do it yourself very cheaply.

And if you have the opportunity, then find a large parrot and try to put on a small cocked hat at all costs.

The symbol of the holiday will be a pirate flag, and of course rum, a truly pirate drink! After all, how was it sung in the song? "Fifteen people per dead man's chest!" Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum. " By the way, songs in this style will help you choose a slogan for this unforgettable day.

Outfits of the young

Pirate bride and groom

Because the groom will play the role of a pirate, or rather his leader, he must look appropriate - a luxurious camo, a loose shirt and a frill tie. Also, do not forget about black trousers and high boots, necessarily a cocked hat and possibly a pirate bandage. The accessories include a dummy saber - it is not so expensive and safe.

The bride's dress is a separate topic. Here you can give free rein to imagination. A beautiful white or champagne dress to the floor, a hat. The second option assumes that the girl will initially be on the "evil" side, a member of the gang. Then she will be wearing a leather mini-skirt, a vest, also high boots and a cocked hat. The fan will add passion to the image. Hairpins can be found in the form of seashells.

Guest clothing

Guests at a pirate wedding

Please note that if your wedding is themed, then you need to warn guests about what to wear. Everyone can choose what their heart desires, but if you want everyone to have a single distinctive sign, then send it in advance. So guests can pick up the right accessories and look no worse than the newlyweds.

At such weddings, the guys chose vests, bandanas, scarves around their necks, dummies of weapons and blindfolds. Women can also stand out by wearing dresses with corsets, layered skirts, headscarves or hats.

Specific makeup is encouraged. Each of us has seen wonderful pirate costumes in the famous "Pirates of the Caribbean" trilogy.

Suits should preferably be in certain colors - black, red, gold, white.

Is a pirate wedding a script?

Script wedding on a ship

Yes, of course, some moments will take their course, but still, for such a non-standard wedding, I advise you to be patient and have an experienced scriptwriter. Why patience? Because you will have to rehearse more than once.


Since pirates are associated with insanity, contests should be appropriate. You can sing pirate songs or songs and sea in turn, which team is greater.

  1. Best Pirate Dance... This should also interest the guests, at the same time the legs will be stretched.
  2. Strength of mind. The one of the participants who quickly inflates the circle and throws it into the water is stronger.
  3. "Sleight of hand and nothing more." Guests are divided into two teams, each team must tie a person to a chair. When this part is passed, the rules change - you need to untie the one who was tied as soon as possible.
  4. Best toast. The best pirate toast.

Important: Give all the motivators small prizes. It’s not expensive for you, and the guests are pleased.

End of the evening

Types of cakes at Pirate Weddings

A great ending will be a huge cake, decorated in the same way according to our theme. It can be made in the form of a ship, a chest with coins, a skull.

Modern Internet sites are filled with a wide variety of information and simply fantastic ideas about how a pirate wedding is going, the script of which is well prepared. Here, each of the young couple can show their personal imagination to create the perfect day according to their ideas and ideas.

Important components of the celebration

Invitation , can be made out of paper in the form of gold bars, or in mini - chests, with the presence of pirate motives, it will be very original and romantic. Than the young couple will only delight the future guests of the celebration. This idea will become very symbolic of a pirate wedding.

The image of the bride

The outfit of a pirate lady can be saturated with various marine details, chains and jewelry with stones. Dress must be selected with pirate motives with inserts made of leather or expensive fabric.

The image of the groom

Massive rings with precious stones, thick chains and bracelets, a cocked hat are ideal for the groom. The suit should be red, black or gold.

"Pirates" wedding script

The meeting of the newlyweds is the main action at any wedding celebration, it can also be decorated based on pirate motives, using a plot from famous Hollywood films, it will be an exciting wedding party for guests and spouses.


The toastmaster meets the bride and groom according to pirate customs, hands over glasses of drinks to the spouses, and the invitees sprinkle the young with seashells and jewelry, gold coins. After the presenter gives the command to raise the spouses the symbol of the new family that has been created, he allows them to kiss each other. The guests go to the banquet hall, where the competition program of the celebration begins.

Pirate-style contests

Competitions are the most intriguing part of any wedding celebration, as well as entertainment for guests. A pirate wedding should have original and fun ideas.

Contest No. 1 "Know the Pirate"

The presenter gives the personal characteristics of pirates from famous films, and those invited and newlyweds should name the sea robber, describing him. After that, the winner is awarded a prize for the correct answer.

Competition No. 2 "Pirate Songs"

The master of ceremonies divides all those present into 2 teams, the goal of the teams is to name as many pirate songs as possible or just songs of a marine theme. Whose team cope faster and names a large number of songs, she will win this competition and receive an interesting prize.

Competition No. 3 "Knot"

Contestants of both teams must tie as many high-quality nautical knots as possible in the time allotted to them, which team will tie better, that will win the pirate competition.

Competition No. 4 "Fast reaction"

The presenter announces that there is a man behind the ship and he needs to be rescued, the team members must inflate the lifebuoy for the drowning man, the winner will be the team that will go faster to the rescue with a circle.

Contest No. 5 "Toast"

The master of ceremonies announces a competition for the best toast to young people; whoever of the guests comes up with the most original text of wishes gets a prize.

Competition No. 6 "Music"

Music has always been an integral part of pirate weddings, so the next competition is advisable. The toastmaster includes a musical excerpt for the guests and offers to perform a pirate dance, whoever has an original performance wins and receives a reward.

Competition No. 7 "Map"

Toastmaster gives a task to the contestants to find the treasure chest, guided by the map. Which of the teams gets the chest faster, that team gets a reward.

Contest No. 8 "Advanced Pirate"

The wedding host gives the audience an assignment to name as many adventure books and quotes about pirates as possible, which team will name the most, that will win the competition.

Competition No. 9 "Modern Pirate"

The role of the contestants, to come up with as many images of modern pirates as possible, are given for the competition: bandanas, hats, vests.

After the end of the competitive program, the presenter counts the number of victories for the teams and determines the winner among the guests. After that, the bride and groom break into treating the guests with sweet desserts.

Spectacular end to the wedding celebration

At the end of the wedding, you can show a video presentation about the newlyweds, decorated in nautical motives, with memorable pictures of the young. This will be a pleasant surprise and a great end to your wedding. You can take memorable pictures with pirate attributes, against the background of the sea, or a ship, adding a little imagination and wonderful ideas, you will succeed!

Then the presenter gives the floor to the young couple so that they can thank the guests and end the evening positively with the presence of a video and a photo session. Such an original holiday will not leave indifferent either guests or young spouses. After the fun is over, everyone will be happy.

Another post about how you can give money in an interesting way.
In early July, we were at the wedding of my friend and classmate. And this time we gave money in a pirate chest.
The chest can be bought. I did it myself. They put in the chest: an envelope with money, chocolate coins in a gold wrapper, beads, shells.
The chest itself looked great already, but we thought it would be nice to also beat the whole thing. I came across a pirate wedding script on the Internet. And based on her motives, she made a pirate wedding congratulation.
The soundtrack from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" played in the background

I read the following text under it:

Rumors of a pirate treasure, the owners of which are predicted eternal family happiness, haunted us. Having carefully studied the old documents in libraries, archives and private collections, we went to the treasure map (I found the map on the internet, printed it out, aged it with tea, burned the edges) and found this treasure.

With these words, my husband brought in the chest
We have studied all the legends, beliefs and superstitions of old sailors, according to which, the most auspicious day for opening the chest is July 6, 2013.

But the legend says that this chest is enchanted by the Amur tribe and only truly loving hearts will be able to open it and take possession of the pirate treasure. I appeal to our groom: Alexey, are you ready to solemnly swear your love in the face of your friends and relatives, in the face of the whole world? And you, the beautiful bride of Dilara, are you ready to answer the vows of your husband?

I printed the vows on paper, then aged the paper by soaking it in tea and then drying it with a hairdryer, then rolled them into a tube and tied it with a ribbon

The groom's oath

Vow of the bride

In the same way, the Prophecy of the Amur tribe was made, which lay in the chest

After reading the vows, the newlyweds opened the chest and read the prophecy

A small selection of our congratulations

In the end we sang a pirate song

(To the theme of the song of the Pirate and the Cat from the musical fairy tale "Blue Puppy")

You friends are so different
But at the same time, both are cool,
And now forever bound
You are with each other!

The word pirate is holy -
Let's be friends forever!
(to the groom) You could be a great pirate!
But ... beauty has struck you!

Our glorious company
Wish you prosperity.
In your sea of ​​charm

Confess to us, bride,
Will you always be with him?
- Yes!
Together on the sea of ​​life
Swim through the storm and the years


And this is already us at the table after congratulations