13th birthday invitations. Birthday invitation templates have been prepared for you, in which you can easily enter data about your holiday. Making a birthday invitation online is now very easy! birthday invitation

Do-it-yourself invitations are the hallmark of any holiday and a manifestation of personal attention to each of its guests. Usually, they are handed over to very welcome and dear guests of the upcoming holiday. That is why it is very important that these little signs of attention are original, beautiful and unique. One way to make invitations to your taste and style is to make them yourself. At first glance, it will seem that it is not quite easy, but following our tips and tricks, you can easily make chic invitations without much effort. We propose to make two-in-one invitations that contain both an invitation text and a sweet for the invited guest. Agree, these invitations will pleasantly surprise everyone!

I love the tradition of making birthday invitations in the form of cute postcards that indicate the place and time of the celebration, they can be handed in person or sent by mail. In the age of the Internet and phones, this seems superfluous and difficult to do, but believe me, it's really nice to receive and give these cute messages, especially if they are handmade.

All you need is:

Looking at this postcard, probably only a person familiar with the method of its manufacture will guess how it was made. Surely, many have not yet met such an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a postcard with their own hands. And she, like, is simple to the point of impossibility.

Sometimes we really want spring, tenderness, attention, and sometimes we forget that very simple things can be done from the heart and given just like that for no reason. just to see someone's genuine smile. For example, such a cute handmade item will definitely cheer up anyone.

By the way, this is also a very stylish and original invitation for a holiday or wedding…

You probably never thought that you can make an original invitation to some kind of celebration from fabric. Do you want to know how?

And again, my favorite topic is "Make new from the old with your own hands." In this case, the old ones will come in handy. They can be changed beyond recognition, and you will receive a unique new postcard.


What will you need?

1. A package of colored cardboard of your choice - (1 sheet = 2 postcards)

2. Computer with printer and paper (preferably)

3. Glue stick

4. Pencil

5. Ruler

6. Scissors (sharp and handy)

7. Hole punch simple

8. Figured hole punch (optional)

9. Different tapes to choose from

As usual, on the eve of a birthday or any other holiday, we face a lot of questions about the design of the holiday, about the number of guests, about the venue of the holiday, about the food that will decorate the holiday table, about various contests at the holiday or their absence, and about many other things. friend.

Since my daughter's first birthday is coming soon, I started reading different ideas about the celebration and digging in online stores in search of different decorations for the room, decorations and tableware, as well as holiday invitation cards. I wanted to perpetuate this event in the memory of relatives and friends with a small postcard.

Unfortunately, the choice in the stores did not impress me. Really, such a rarity - wishing to buy invitations to the birthday. The cheapest ones I found were $15. a piece, it's not expensive, but they did not look original at all. If you want original and handmade, then pay from 100 rubles or more per piece. Somehow it turns out not at all economically, given the fact that about 15 people are planned for guests.

I came to the conclusion that I needed to see how to make postcards by hand, but I didn’t find anything particularly sensible and quick.

Decided to take a chance. I went to Detsky Mir and bought a package of cardboard there, which cost a little over 100 rubles.

I chose holographic cardboard because it looks more festive than ordinary single-sided colored cardboard.

I started thinking about what to do with it. Having looked at the dimensions of the sheets on the package, I decided to first draw a couple of squares. Since the width of the sheet is 21 cm, I drew 2 squares 10.5x10.5 cm. I cut them out and began to think further. I knew for sure that I wanted to stick a round inscription-invitation on the postcard, which ended up being about 5 cm in diameter. And, apparently, thanks to the holographic star pattern, I got the idea to draw an uneven star on the back of the square with a ruler and a pencil.

In order for the inscription to fit exactly on the asterisk, you can initially circle it in the middle of the square with a pencil. After we have finished drawing, we cut out the resulting star and glue the inscription-invitation on the front side.

Then I took a hole punch and made a hole on one of the rays of the star, into which I inserted a ribbon and tied a bow out of it. To be honest, at first I wanted to finish on this, but then I applied the resulting beauty to another cardboard, I realized that I really needed to make a postcard after all. Therefore, I cut out all the same squares 10.5x10.5 cm, only of a different color and glued the stars onto the squares.

But even this was not enough for me. I decided that postcards were more boring than they could be and began to use the same hole punch for decorations. Only the hole puncher used not a simple round one, but a heart-shaped hole puncher. I ordered it on Aliexpress for 25 rubles at a discount. As it turned out, for the same amount and without waiting, such punchers are sold in the Fix Price store, 2 pcs per pack. By the way, they come in different shapes, so you can buy a leg puncher or a note puncher and many others.

In order not to waste good pieces of cardboard, I began to use scraps from the stars for the hole puncher, which would have gone to the trash anyway.

In the photo you also see an ordinary hole punch. But in fact, I thought of it at the end. If you fold 4 hearts with a corner in the center and glue a circle on top to the center, you get a flower.

Well, and finally, I needed to add a signature that did not fit on my invitation itself. I had to print separately and stick on the edge of the postcard. In general, here is the result of my efforts:

In total, 14 such invitations are obtained from 7 sheets of cardboard. I only needed 13 to date. Here are 9 of them:

From our sheets of cardboard, 7 strips of 21x8.5 cm remained. I also used them for the holiday. Dividing them in half, I got rectangular cards 10.5x8.5 cm.

I spied on the Internet the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Guest Questionnaire for the holiday. Since I did not like all the questions, I replaced a couple of questions with my own.

On rectangular cards, we round the corners (I printed out on the computer a figure of the same size with rounded corners and outlined it on the back so that everything was even and the same.

I printed the questionnaire itself in the size of 7x9 cm, also with rounded corners. Then I glued it in the middle of our card.

To decorate the questionnaire, I used all the same hearts and circles punched out with hole punches from scraps of cardboard. As a result, such nice little profiles were obtained, which will remain for all of us for a long time.

Thank you all for your attention and I hope that my idea at least someone will come in handy

Share your ideas in the comments!

Birthday invitation templates have been prepared for you, in which you can easily enter data about your holiday. Making a birthday invitation online is now very easy!


Business events

Make a website for a birthday in an online constructor!

Just fill out the form and your official birthday website will be generated automatically! Birthday invitation website is stylish and fashionable!

Specify the organizer of the event and his contacts, which will be clickable, and your guests can contact them at any time.

Add a description about your event or party and include your birthday hashtag so guests can post a photo of it.

Invite friends to a birthday party in 3 steps is very easy!

An invitation to an anniversary, adult or children's birthday is always a pleasant process! An online birthday invitation maker will help you with this!

Choose an invitation design

It's easy to customize the birthday invitation template and use the suggested birthday invitation text. You can always return the original birthday invitation template!

Make a birthday website

Fill in the required fields and the official birthday site will be generated automatically, where guests can confirm their presence. Your website invitation is ready and stored indefinitely!

Send invitation to guests

You can invite guests to a birthday party through any messengers or e-mail. Guests register for the event, compiling a list of guests for you, and you can see the analytics of their responses.

Create an invitation

With our service you can

Send personalized beautiful birthday invitations to every guest anywhere in the world.

Delight your guests with your own website for the birthday boy with an event program adapted for all devices.

Manage your event in your personal account, add and remove guests and receive analytics of their responses.

Birthday e-invitations will help you creatively invite your guests!
Create an invitation


Create a birthday invitation in the online designer, make an invitation website and invite guests online via instant messengers, social networks or e-mail.



Children's invitations turned out to be just super, I saw a lot of different ideas for the future! I used an invitation for a girl's birthday party and the birthday page made an unforgettable impression on the guests!


I was searching the Internet for the original text of a birthday invitation and came across this interesting service! I never thought that I myself could make a cool invitation for my son's birthday for 14 years, from which all his friends were delighted.


Finally, a convenient service has appeared where you can buy an invitation, the template of which already includes an invitation text. Choose an email invitation and invite friends online in one place - it's cool!


I wanted to invite guests to the anniversary creatively for my 30 years and saw this service. I found a template for an invitation to the anniversary, but it turned out that you can also make your own site for the anniversary. Really turned out really cool! Thank you!


An invitation to a children's birthday is not an easy task, I also want to add intrigue on the eve of the holiday. In this service, there are nice templates for a child's birthday and for our daughter we found her favorite princess from the cartoon! We wish prosperity to the service!


I could only find the original birthday invitation here. It was not difficult to choose a children's invitation for a girl's birthday! I was able to enter these events and buy a birthday invitation very quickly. My daughter is happy!


A birthday photo invitation adds personality. Children's birthday invitation templates are all quite interesting. Making a birthday invitation for a boy through this service is very convenient, and our guests liked the birthday invitation with a photo!


It was easy for us to create a birthday invitation online. An electronic birthday invitation is quite creative these days! I want to note that our invitation to the children's birthday evoked enthusiastic looks from the guests!

Elena - mother, wife and keeper of the "hearth"

I recommend buying a birthday invitation from this service. On each card, the text of the invitation to the child's birthday is already conveniently placed - substitute your data and you're done! Invitation for the birthday of a child impressed our guests very much!


Create an electronic birthday invitation and get a birthday invitation website - I've never seen this before.☺ Modern birthday invitation online - a stylish approach to the event! And the Gatsby themed birthday invitation card set the theme for the event!

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From the very beginning

The face of any children's holiday, and not only children's, is an invitation card. She can tell guests about the theme of the holiday that you have in mind, or, keeping a secret, on the contrary, “warm up” interest.

How invitation cards for your baby's guests will look depends on several factors:

  • number of guests. If this is a large-scale holiday, then it is better to use ready-made invitations or order them to be made according to your own layout (you will have to spend a lot of time on independent “drawing”).
  • child's age. If the birthday boy is under 5 years old, it is better for parents to take on the mission of “invitation”. Toddlers obviously will not be able to do something suitable on their own. But, do not forget to offer options to the children's court so that the hero of the occasion chooses the design he likes.
  • time. If you have enough time, it is better to make the invitations yourself, but always with the participation of the child. Such a card will be much nicer to receive than the standard purchase option.

What does your heart desire?

Making your own invitation cards is not difficult. There are many ideas for creating original and homemade options. But, if you still do not find the strength in yourself to create miracles with your own hands, order their production (this can also be done according to your own layout).

But using ready-made templates, you can also make unusual invitations. It is enough to decorate them a little by gluing foil, cotton wool, various stickers (sold in bookstores) and wrap them in unusual packaging. Want to save? Forms can be printed by yourself - using a color printer.



Any hardware store sells rubberized (lace) napkins. They can be used as packaging for the finished invitation letterhead. Just put the card in the middle and fold the napkin on all sides by folding it. You can fix the ends with a satin ribbon, self-adhesive bows or other stickers (for example, in the form of a smiley face). On the other side, you can also draw a simple pattern. The kid can also dip his hand in the paint and leave a print of his hand on the invitation.


Draw on colored paper with a stencil the outline of a butterfly (wings and a head with antennae). Color with felt-tip pens or decorate with stickers. Then write the text on small colored pieces of paper (or print on a computer) and print it on colored paper. Roll the leaf into a tube and tie the butterfly to the body with a ribbon (for this, two holes must be made in the body: to put the ribbon in there and tie it).

Option 1. Print the text of the invitation on thin colored paper. Roll it so that it can be pushed into the ball, through its "neck". Then inflate the balloon (preferably with gas) and tie it off. Now you can safely hand over an unusual invitation to the guest.

Option 2. You can also put the text of the invitation on the ball itself (for example, using a felt-tip pen). Photo studios also offer such services.


Option 1. Print the text for the invitation so that it fits on a piece of paper about 2 cm by 5 cm in size. Unfold the candy wrapper, insert the text there and wrap it back. Cookies are a little different. It must be baked by yourself by wrapping a piece of paper in it.

Cookie Recipe: Separate the whites (2 pcs.) from the yolks by placing them in a bowl. Lightly beat the whites, then add vanilla (3/4 tsp) and vegetable oil (3 tbsp) and continue to beat until the mixture begins to foam. Take another bowl and add 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp. starch, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/2 cup flour and 4 tsp. water. Mix everything with a mixer to such an extent that a homogeneous mass is obtained. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Whisking slowly, pour in the eggs. The result should be a thick mixture. Lubricate the baking paper with butter, then gently spoon the dough into circles on the paper, leaving a large distance between the circles. Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes until golden.

Place the invitation on top of the cookie (immediately, while the dough is still soft and pliable). Roll the cookies into a tube, and then bend like a horseshoe. Hold in this state for a while so that it takes shape and hardens. Now place the already folded cookies in the cupcake pan (usually it fits, if not, adjust the shape slightly) and bake for another 5-10 minutes.

Option 2. With this request, you will need to contact the photo studio. This is a candy wrapper with an invitation printed on it. In this case, you need to think about the picture that will be next to the text, and the background color.


All children love toys, so you can present guests with an invitation attached to a toy or placed in it (as is the case with New Year's gifts). If the toy is large enough, then you can attach a full-fledged card with text, if it is small, it is better to fold the piece of paper.


Cut out a rectangle with rounded corners from brown paper. Stick it on a wooden or plastic stick. Print the text (or write it by hand) on colored light paper and glue it to the brown rectangle. You can make the text hidden by folding a piece of paper in half and sticking it with stickers on a brown background. You can also tie a ribbon to the stick to make a bow.

Take the shipping film in pimples (exactly the one on which the bubbles on which all children usually burst). Paint it yellow. Take a piece of cardboard, the shape you want to make an invitation, and attach a colored film to it. You should get a pattern resembling a honeycomb. Nearby you need to paint or glue a bee. On the other side, write the text of the invitation.


Take a sheet of colored paper, fold it in half. On one side, draw a palette shape. Then cut it out so that an uncut leaf remains on one side (like a postcard). Cut out 11 multi-colored circles from paper and glue along the edge of the cover. Write the word invitation, writing one letter in one circle, and inside the "postcard" write the text of the invitation itself.

For a holiday with a pajama party theme, an invitation in the form of a sleep mask would be relevant. It is enough to draw the outline of the mask on thick multi-colored cardboard and cut it out. Attach ribbons on the sides and glue the printed (written) text on either side.

On a note! Now it’s not difficult to decorate even a white sheet of cardboard or paper on your own. In needlework stores or bookstores, various decorations for fakes are sold: flowers, special liquid paint pencils, hole punches that make the edges of paper of an unusual shape, etc.

After you have already decided what the invitation card will look like, you need to write the text for it. If the child has already learned to write, it would be better if he did it himself. However, to make it original and error-free, adults need a little help.

A popular option is to sign the invitation in poetic form (you can use ready-made poems or come up with them yourself). Also, the invitation should not contain a lot of text. The main thing is that it should contain information about the date and time of the event, the format (you may have an entrance by costumes) and the place. If you are inviting children with their parents to the holiday, then do not forget to register this moment as well. On the back of the card, you can provide additional information for parents.

Examples of what the invitation text might be:

1. “Dear Katya!
I invite you and your mother to my birthday
the celebration of which will take place on July 12 at 15:00 at the address:
st. Regimental, d. 121, building. 2, apt. 55
Our phone: 555-55-55

On the back for parents:

"Dear Svetlana!
We hope that you will accept our invitation. Please notify in advance of the presence of you and your
child. Please call us at a convenient time for you to discuss the details.
Maria (Margarita's mother)"

2. “We barely came to our senses,
And the baby will soon be two!
Come see
To what he has already brought his parents!”

"Hurry to our holiday
Let's laugh heartily
Let's dance and sing
Let's drink tea with buns!

“We invite you to an evening of tea and treats dedicated to the birthday of our dear (name of the birthday girl), who gathers people dear and close to her to celebrate (number of years) a year of her wonderful life!
Where (venue) When (date).
Be sure to bring with you: smiles, kindness and love!!!”

Attention! Invitations should be handed out to guests no later than 10-14 days before the event. Otherwise, the invitees may already have their own plans for the day.

Are you arranging a children's party and, of course, want it to be interesting, fun and memorable for everyone - children and adults, your family and friends? This is an exciting and joyful event for the whole family.

In order for it to be successful, you need to originally decorate the room where the celebration will be held, think over the entertainment program, musical accompaniment and, of course, the menu.

And the preparation for the holiday begins with the preparation of the list of guests. After the list is ready, you should carefully re-read it again, adding those who have been forgotten, or, conversely, deleting someone. You can invite guests to the party verbally, but they will be much more pleased to receive written invitations that will help set the mood.

How to write an invitation to a children's party?

For this, postcards with the appropriate design are suitable, where you write the texts by hand. And you can print invitation cards in the printing house according to the templates of your choice. It is desirable to make the image clear, bright and memorable.

You can also, by choosing a suitable template on the Internet, print invitations for a children's holiday yourself on a color printer.

And finally, you can make such postcards by hand. They can have a square, rectangular, round shape, the shape of medals, butterflies, any animals or scrolls under an old letter.

You can decorate such an invitation with stickers with flowers, funny animals or cartoon characters, use other design elements: beads, ribbons, sequins, glass beads, beads, watercolors, special varnish for paper, etc. The colors of postcards for children should be dominated by bright , spectacular colors: red, pink, orange, lilac, turquoise, mother-of-pearl.

As for the text, it should be short, but at the same time capacious and informative, as well as fun and friendly. We will show you how it would be better to write an invitation to a holiday for children on behalf of the parents or the hero of the occasion himself in verse or prose.

Invitations to a children's holiday in poetic form

We invite you to our (first) birthday!
We have been waiting for the holiday for a whole year with joyful excitement.
Well, now we are preparing a table, games, treats.
Let's have fun, let's have fun.

Our hero of the day - at least where,
Let his years be small.
On the very first anniversary
Looking forward to the guest
Come celebrate
The first rating is 5.

Recall ____ numbers
It's time for you to come visit us
It's our little one's birthday.
We'll sit down for a bit.

You are close to us, we appreciate you.
We want to see you at this hour ___
And there is no better congratulations
Than your visit and your hello.

Our baby is already big!
And he was born in the spring! (winter)
We will celebrate the holiday -
Celebrate birthday!

Come visit us soon
Bring all your friends!
We'll have fun.
We are waiting for you today!

What should be written in the invitation to the children's party? Be sure to include the date and time of the event. Such texts can be sent by e-mail or in the form of SMS.

We invite you to the holiday -
Birthday holiday!
After all, our boy has already grown up.
We are waiting for you impatiently!

Come with the kids
Let's celebrate!
We'll treat you to pies
Let's sing, shout,
Run, jump, have fun!
Please hurry up!

We invite you to the holiday
For a happy birthday
Have fun at _____________
You are perky without a doubt.

We are waiting for you exactly at ___ o'clock,
In a good mood
Don't forget to take smiles
For armament.

Our important event:
Our baby was born today!
There will be a colorful holiday for you,
To light up the world with a smile!

Come with your family
Don't forget about gifts too!
We'll get together as a big family.
Birthday is not to be missed!

you received an invitation
For a wonderful birthday!
Be sure to come
The holiday will be wonderful!

Invitation to a holiday for children on behalf of parents in prose

(Date of the event) we will celebrate the first birthday of our dear and beloved (name of the birthday girl). We invite you to spend this wonderful day with us (address of the venue).

We are waiting for you by (start time of the celebration). We kindly ask you to inform us of your presence in advance. (Number of) families with children of one or two years old are also invited to the holiday.

We are pleased to invite you to a celebration on the occasion of the birthday of our son. The celebration will take place on ______ (date), at ________________, starting at ____ hours. We promise fun, interesting games and contests, exciting adventures and the most delicious cake in the world. We are waiting for you!

An invitation to a children's holiday can also be written on behalf of the hero of the occasion, no matter how old he is. If your child is already old enough, you can prepare invitations for the children together. This activity will give everyone a lot of joyful minutes.

Dear (guest name)! I want to inform you that (date of celebration) I turn eight years old. I want to spend this day with my closest friends, including you. And I will be very pleased if you come to congratulate me at (the exact time the holiday starts) at the children's entertainment complex located at (address of the institution).

Buddy! I invite you to the celebration of my birthday, which will take place on _________, at _______________.
Be sure to come, here you will find mountains of ice cream, rivers of delicious juice and a sky of bright balloons!
Your friend, ______.

How else can you write an invitation to a children's party? You may prefer lyrics in verse. We will give examples of such invitations for a holiday for children.

My birthday is coming soon
Best friends will come.
And you, baby, I invite
You love holidays, I know it!
It will be fun, my friend, no doubt
There will be a super mood
Let's dance, sing songs
Let's watch cartoons, drink juice.

Come to my birthday
There will be various sweets, treats,
There will be fun contests and laughter,
Everyone's mood will rise.
I could verbally call you
But in verse it's more fun to invite.
So come without "excuses"
And bring a gift with you!

Come to me, friend
For a happy holiday!
I'm preparing a sweet table
Lots of different games.
If you don't come, I'll be very upset
I won't accept a refusal.
So, drop everything you do,
Very, very waiting for you!