Castor oil use. Castor oil for hair. Medical castor oil has the following composition

The healing properties of castor oil have been confirmed by many years of research, and also backed up by extensive experience of use.

The beneficial castor oil is obtained from the African castor bean tree, which is poisonous. However, the use of its extract in cosmetology is absolutely safe and only has a beneficial effect on the body.

Favorable price, noticeable results after use and ease of use can convince anyone to try this product for cosmetic purposes.

It is known that ancient Egyptian girls used castor oil to prolong their beauty. Dwellings, streets and courtyards were illuminated with castor extract. Chinese women still take the concentrate as a dietary supplement.

Indications and contraindications

Castor oil has the following properties:

  • thanks to the natural complex of vitamins, it restores internal protective processes, normalizes the exchange of oxygen between cells;
  • antiseptic substances are able to suppress microbial diseases;
  • with the help of antimicrobial components in the composition of the oil, adverse effects on the skin are suppressed, warts, pimples and acne are eliminated.

Cosmetic oil is used to:

  • even out complexion- this is due to vitamins A and E in the composition;
  • lighten freckles and other age spots- polyunsaturated fatty acids are able to lighten the skin, and various microelements nourish the epithelium from the inside;
  • eliminate scars and stretch marks- due to tannins and volatile substances, the dermis is nourished at the deepest levels. Oxygen and lipid metabolism is restored, which contributes to rapid cell regeneration;
  • relieve increased puffiness- fatty compounds draw out impurities and excess fluid from the dermis, contributing to the "breathing" of the skin;
  • heal minor damage to the epidermis- thanks to lipoic acid, the regeneration of the dermis is accelerated several times;
  • eliminate calluses and corns - fats soften seals.

Even taking into account the complete naturalness of the composition, castor oil may have a number of contraindications.

  • allergy to components;
  • individual intolerance;
  • oral administration, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inability to use with oily skin type.

Precautionary measures:

  1. It is necessary to select a product according to the method of application. Edible oil should only be used internally, while cosmetic oil can be applied to the skin. Study the labels carefully so as not to confuse funds, as the method of obtaining raw materials varies.
  2. Many manufacturers can counterfeit the rare black Jamaican oil. In this case, hazardous dyes are present in the composition. You can distinguish a real extract due to its smell: a natural product has a pronounced ash aroma.
  3. The use of masks with castor oil should not exceed 15 minutes in time.
  4. Before use, the product must be checked for an allergic reaction: a drop of oil should be applied to the skin and wait a few hours. In the absence of any reaction, the solution can be used for cosmetic purposes.


Castor oil is a viscous type liquid with a dark honey color. Fats of consistency are able to dissolve in alcoholic tinctures, ethers and other oils. Previously, castor pomace was obtained by the hot filter method by rolling tree seeds through the gutters. Now they use more gentle methods of extracting funds: cold pressing. In this case, the seeds are simply pressed and separated from the oil by pressing.

The product has a neutral odor and an unpleasant taste. The main component of the oil is ricinoleic acid (90% of the product). This compound in its natural form can only be obtained from castor oil. It also includes:

  • palmitic acid- a fatty compound, with the help of which nutrients reach the deep layers of the dermis;
  • sterol components- acids, which are designed to prevent dryness and tightness of the skin, moisturize it, eliminate peeling and protect the dermis from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • oleic unsaturated acids- activate metabolic processes inside the dermis, retain moisture in skin cells and help restore the natural barrier functions of the epithelium. They also help to eliminate minor skin defects;
  • linoleum components- acids that are able to nourish and moisturize the dermis;
  • retinol and tocopherol - fat-soluble vitamins that the skin needs for healthy color and firmness. Acting as auxiliary elements in the production of collagen fibers, they raise the general tone of the epidermis.

Due to its properties, castor oil can be widely used in cosmetology.

What is different from the usual

Castor cosmetic oil is rich in nutrients, trace elements and fatty acids that can relieve a girl of many skin problems. The main advantage of castor oil extract is its versatility. It can be used:

  • face care- the extract can be used not only for the dermis of the face, but also for the skin around the eyes. In this case, the oil acts as a natural antioxidant, smoothes wrinkles, relieves puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • to restore the skin of the hands- masks and compresses with castor oil extract can moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands, restore the protective functions of the dermis and eliminate peeling;
  • for hair- a universal remedy capable of strengthening the bulbs, activating the growth of new hairs and restoring the structure of curls along the entire length;
  • for eyelashes and eyebrows- the concentrate is often used to activate growth, to strengthen the cilia, and also - to make the eyebrows thicker;
  • against warts- special compresses and applications with oil can remove unwanted papillomas on the skin, eliminate freckles, and reduce stretch marks.

The beneficial properties do not end there. Castor oil can be used to reduce laxity of skin all over the body. For this, it is necessary to make wraps based on this product.


Castor oil can be used in different ways at home. Natural ingredients are best taken orally in the form of capsules, drink a tincture or use as the basis of masks for the skin or hair. Consider popular and effective methods.

For eyelashes

You will need a brush for a comfortable application. It is necessary to drop oil on it and then comb her eyelashes. The main thing is that they are completely free of cosmetics. Distribute the product and leave for 30 minutes. The excess must be removed after a while with a napkin. This method should be used once a day (preferably before bedtime) for a month. After just a few applications, the eyelashes will become thicker and longer.

More on the benefits of castor oil for eyelashes in the next video.

Oil-based eye compress

The mask is suitable for women over 45 years of age, it is used to eliminate crow's feet and increase the elasticity of delicate skin.

Add 3-4 ml of castor ether to the eye cream. Stir the resulting composition and gently apply with fingertips to the epithelium. Use 30 days daily. Then take a break of 10 days.

Another mask for the skin around the eyes using castor oil in the video below.

Anti wrinkle

Castor oil must be mixed in equal proportions with ethers (optionally sea buckthorn, olive or peach). Warm up the mixture to room temperature in a water bath and apply to wrinkles - the product must be rubbed in until it is completely absorbed. Repeat the procedures daily for several weeks.

From pigmentation

Stir in castor oil (20 ml) into calendula tincture (250 ml). With this composition, it is necessary to wipe the face in the morning and in the evening. After several applications, the face will noticeably brighten, the skin will become smooth and even in color.

Mask for instant nourishment and hydration

The instructions are as follows: mix one yolk with castor extract (20 ml), add almond oil and a few drops of lavender ether. Apply in a circular motion to the face, and on top use a paper towel to consolidate the effect. After 20 minutes, rinse your face with water.

Those who loved the cartoon about Buratino in childhood are probably familiar with the word "castor oil", when pronouncing which the wooden boy wonderfully curled his long nose. Let us remind you that he was offered to drink this remedy as a quality. There are frequent references to the healing of this oily liquid in the literature of the 19th-20th centuries: for example, A. Chekhov, V. Pikul. Nowadays, castor oil is used as a drug not so often, except for medicinal purposes. What is castor oil, what properties it has and in what cases it is used, we will tell you in this article.

Did you know? Castor oil is also called ricin oil.

Useful properties and composition of the product

To understand the beneficial properties of this substance, first let's consider what castor oil is made of.

Castor oil (Oleum Ricini) is extracted from the seeds of a plant called castor oil plant(lat. Ricinus). It belongs to the euphorbia family. It is decorative, oil-bearing and medicinal. It is grown mainly for the sake of seeds, the kernel of which contains about 17%, 40-60%. The seeds of the plant in appearance and color resemble a mite sucking insect - that is why it received this name.

Important! Castor bean seeds contain the poisonous substances ricin and an alkaloid. When taken internally, a person experiences life-threatening gastrointestinal disorders in the form of bleeding and vomiting. Death occurs within five to seven days. those who survive after do not recover.

Pharmacy ricin liquid undergoes a special treatment, as a result of which dangerous ricin decomposes... Thus, castor oil is also suitable for safe ingestion.

The drug is produced in small glass bottles of 30, 50 and 100 ml, as well as in capsules of 0.5 and 1 g. It is a viscous transparent yellowish liquid with a specific nature.

Medical castor oil has the following composition:

  • 85% ricinoleic acid triglyceride;
  • 9% - oleic acid;
  • 3% - linoleic acid;
  • 3% - other acids.

Castor oil has laxative- ricinoleic acid irritates the intestinal mucosa, enhances its peristalsis. Therefore, it is indicated for oral use in, for bowel cleansing, in case of poisoning.

The main properties of the product also include antimicrobial action- it is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial infections, including fungus on and fingers, lichen,.

The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested when castor oil is used in gynecology... In ancient times, it was used in combination with other means to stimulate labor.

Today, this drug is more common in cosmetology. It is advised to use it with regular care, eyelashes,.

Oleum Ricini is used in the composition ointments(in particular, Vishnevsky's ointment), balms, masks - since it produces an antiseptic effect, and is also capable of accelerating the process of tissue regeneration. Castor oil products can be used to soften, for example, on and, get rid of corns, eliminate seborrhea.
There are many recipes with castor oil that are used in. Traditional healers believe that castor oil can help with many ailments, for which it is recommended for diseases, problems with the gallbladder, with a delay in the body, and those suffering from arthrosis.

It is believed to be effective for people who have problems with enlarged lymph nodes... Externally used for stretch marks on the abdomen, the formation of sebaceous cysts. Also, castor bean seed oil is used to treat the navel of a newborn for its early healing.

Castor oil hair masks

For cosmetic and medicinal purposes, castor oil extract was used in ancient Greece. Local doctors mixed it in ointments and balms, which were used to get rid of various skin problems, including those with the scalp.
The simplest way to use castor oil in cosmetology is to apply it to your eyelashes in pure form. However, there are a number of cosmetics, which are mixed with other ingredients for the strongest effect. Here are some descriptions of hair masks.

Lip balm... Make a mixture from the composition: castor oil - 4 parts, petroleum jelly - 3 parts. Place in a water bath for gentle heating and apply to lips.

For those ladies who do not have time for procedures, you can drop two or three drops of oil into the face cream. Pigmented spots and simply wipe with cotton swabs dipped in an oily liquid. This should be done up to five times a day.

Owners of hypersensitive skin are advised to mix ricin and others, for example, olive, almond, wheat germ.

Application for eyelashes and eyebrows

About truly the magical effect of castor oil for eyelashes tell those ladies who regularly used this remedy. At night, after removal, it is applied to the eyelashes and eyebrows. It is convenient to do this using an old mascara brush dipped in liquid. It is said that the eyelashes and eyebrows become not only thicker, but also darker.
An even more effective remedy is a mixture of oil and, which is also necessary to cover the eyelashes and eyebrows before going to bed.

- an inexpensive, but very useful tool that is used for medicinal purposes and cosmetology. The product can be used externally and internally, it helps to get rid of many diseases, is indispensable for losing weight and cleansing the body.

Castor oil is an affordable and effective remedy for many diseases

Castor oil - what is it?

Castor oil (castor oil, ricin oil or castor oil) is a yellowish, transparent or completely colorless viscous liquid with a characteristic odor. What is it made of? The raw material for production is castor bean seed - a medicinal plant that belongs to the euphorbia family.

The product belongs to the group of non-drying liquid oils; upon contact with air it begins to thicken, but does not form a film on the surface. Castor is obtained by cold and hot pressing, the first method allows you to preserve all the useful properties of the plant. Refined oil is used in pharmaceuticals. The higher the quality of the product, the lighter it is.

The better the oil, the lighter it is.

Castor can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription and should be stored in a cool, dark place for no more than two years.

The main difference between castor oil and other vegetable oils is the ability to dissolve in alcohol and ether.

Release form and price in a pharmacy

Castor is produced in several forms, which allows the product to be used internally and externally.

Castor is produced in the following form:

  1. Oil for oral administration in dark glass containers with a volume of 30 or 50 ml. The average cost is 70–85 rubles.
  2. Cosmetic oil - comes on sale in glass, plastic bottles of 30 or 50 ml. Price - 50–70 rubles.
  3. Capsules - contain 500 or 1000 mg of castor oil, the price of the product is very different, depending on the manufacturer, the presence of additional ingredients in the composition, the minimum cost is about 250 rubles.

Jar of cosmetic castor oil

Edible oil differs from cosmetic oil in the degree of purification; any type of product can be used externally. If you take cosmetic oil orally, you may have an upset stomach, vomiting.

Castor oil composition

The main active ingredient in castor oil is ricinoleic acid, which makes up about 80%. Thanks to this component, the product has a wide range of useful properties.

What fatty acids are in castor oil:

  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • stearic.

The product can be used as a laxative and cleansing agent during pregnancy and for the treatment of children only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Useful properties in medicine and cosmetology

The herbal remedy has a pronounced laxative effect - after taking the product inside, the intestinal receptors are irritated, which provokes an increase in peristalsis. The effect occurs within 5-6 hours after consuming the oil.

What castor oil helps from:

  • helps to cleanse the body of toxins and worms, allows you to get rid of excess weight;
  • due to its bactericidal properties, the product helps to get rid of fungal pathologies - dandruff, mycosis, onychomycosis;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes, promotes the speedy elimination of gynecological diseases;
  • oil is indispensable for the treatment of dermatological diseases, effectively helps with keratosis, ringworm, quickly eliminates itching and flaking;
  • can be used as first aid for insect bites, to remove ticks;
  • has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body;
  • antiviral action helps to get rid of papillomas;
  • in folk medicine, castor oil is used to treat hemorrhoids, muscle strains, asthma and arthritis.

Castor oil helps to get rid of papillomas

Castor oil helps to get rid of puffiness, normalizes the functioning of the lymph nodes, liver, gallbladder. Compresses based on this product quickly eliminate pain during menstruation - they should be placed on the lower abdomen for 30-40 minutes.

Castor oil has a softening and regenerating effect, therefore it is used in cosmetology for skin care, activation of growth and strengthening of eyelashes, hair and eyebrows. As an antiseptic, it is used for burns, wounds, acne.

How to replace castor oil? The product has no exact analogues, but for constipation, you can use flax seeds, celandine is suitable to combat warts and papillomas, pepper tincture will help to accelerate the growth of curls. For face skin and eyelash care, you can use any oil from olive, almond, flaxseed.

Castor oil uses and recipes

Castor is one of the best remedies for improving bowel function - the laxative effect always comes, it helps even with severe and chronic constipation. But thanks to its unique composition and a large list of medicinal properties, castor oil can be used to eliminate various diseases and skin problems.

Castor oil to cleanse the body, normalize the digestive system

How to cleanse with castor oil? Due to the accumulation of toxic waste and toxins in the body, the work of all internal organs deteriorates, chronic fatigue and skin rashes appear.

How to take castor oil for cleansing:

  1. Follow a light diet for 3-5 days - the menu should include vegetable soups, dairy products with a minimum fat content, cereals, fresh vegetables, natural juices.
  2. Dose for cleansing is calculated based on body weight - 1 ml of castor oil per 1 kg of body weight.
  3. The castor oil should be warmed up in a steam bath and drunk in one gulp.
  4. You can drink the oil with the juice of two lemons.
  5. The cleansing action begins in 1.5–2 hours, the procedure should be carried out in the evening 2 hours after the last meal.

During cleansing with castor oil and lemon, the intestinal microflora is disturbed, so probiotics should be taken to prevent the development of dysbiosis.

Castor oil with cognac relieves worms

Castor oil is often used for weight loss - the cleansing and laxative effect of the product allows you to get rid of 3-5 kg. To prepare a fat burning agent, you need to prepare a drink from castor oil and orange or grapefruit juice - for each kilogram of weight, you need to take 1 ml of castor oil and 2 ml of fresh juice. You need to drink a cocktail on an empty stomach after 17 hours, then do not eat anything, increase the amount of pure water consumed, and carry out the procedure twice a week.

For constipation, take 15-30 ml of liquid castor oil or 15 capsules at a time. For children, the dose is 10 ml or 5 capsules. It is better to drink castor oil with milk or warm ginger tea.

For internal use, you should choose a highly purified product; you can drink castor oil for no more than three days.

Castor oil for the treatment of dermatological pathologies

Castor bean oil allows you to get rid of many skin diseases of various origins, the product significantly speeds up the healing process.

How to use castor oil for dermatological problems:

  1. Warts, papillomas, age spots - warm up 5-10 ml of oil, rub it gently for 10 minutes. The sessions should be carried out 4-6 times a day, the duration of treatment is a month.
  2. For wound healing - treat the damaged area 3-4 times a day with castor oil.
  3. From burns - mix 30 ml of castor oil, 15 g of soda, add a pinch of salt, lubricate the affected area 2-4 times a day.
  4. For calluses and corns - prepare a solution of 2.5 liters of hot water and 30 g of soda, steam your feet well, apply warm castor oil, put on socks. The procedure should be carried out every evening before going to bed for 7-10 days.

Castor oil baths treat corns and calluses

Castor oil is suitable for lubricating a non-healing umbilical wound in newborns, you can treat the anus in the early stages of hemorrhoids, castor oil helps to get rid of stretch marks and make scars less visible.

Treatment of joint and muscle diseases with castor oil

Castor oil compresses eliminate pain and inflammation, improve joint mobility in case of arthritis, arthrosis, and help with pinched nerves.

How to make compresses:

  1. Heat the caste oil a little.
  2. Roll the bandage or gauze in several layers, soak with castor oil, apply to the affected area.
  3. Fix the top with polyethylene, attach a heating pad.
  4. The duration of the procedure is 50 minutes, it should be done once a week.
  5. With a strong inflammatory process, the use of a heating pad should be discarded.

Castor oil compresses are used to treat joints

With inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the compresses should be kept for 30 minutes, the procedure should be carried out every 2 hours.

Castor oil can be used to massage newborns, for problems with the back, muscles and joints, to eliminate cellulite.

Treatment of colds with castor oil

Castor bean oil helps to get rid of cough, effectively helps with colds, bronchitis. To prepare the medicinal mixture, you need to mix 40 ml of castor oil and 20 ml of turpentine, lubricate the chest and the area between the shoulder blades before going to bed with the composition, cover with a warm blanket, the duration of the course is 7-10 days.

If otitis media has developed against the background of a cold or flu, 1-2 drops of warm castor oil can be instilled into the ear twice a day, provided that the eardrum is intact and there is no purulent discharge. This therapy is not suitable for children under two years of age.

With a runny nose, sinusitis, you need to bury 2 drops of castor oil 3 times a day in each nostril, children under three years old cannot be treated in this way.

For the treatment of a cold, castor oil can be instilled into the nose.

During an epidemic of seasonal viral infections, before leaving the house, you should lubricate each nasal passage with castor oil from the inside, treat the wings of the nose from the outside - this will help to avoid infection.

Castor oil helps with conjunctivitis - you need to add 2-3 drops of castor oil to 200 ml of water, soak cotton pads in the solution, put a compress on your eyes, hold for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.

Castor oil for face

Castor oil is often used to create cosmetics at home - they are designed to improve the appearance of the skin, strengthen follicles, give strength and shine to eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.

Thanks to its emollient effect, the product is ideal for the care of dry, aging and sensitive skin - castor oil removes flaking and minor irregularities, has a whitening and rejuvenating effect, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The oil can be applied in its pure form - the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week 40 minutes before going to bed, to get rid of severe peeling, you can add 3-5 drops of the product directly to the portion of the cream.

Recipes for effective masks:

  1. To combat wrinkles, a dull complexion, you need to mix 15 ml of sea buckthorn, castor and burdock oil, warm the mixture in a steam bath, apply along the massage lines with a cotton pad, remove the residues with warm water after 30 minutes.
  2. When the first signs of wilting, excessive dryness of the skin appear, pour 30 g of oatmeal with hot milk, cool, add 15 ml of honey and castor oil. Apply the mass in a thick layer on the face and décolleté, leave for 35 minutes. The procedure is carried out every 3 days.
  3. To nourish the epidermis, you need to mix 15 ml of warm castor oil with two yolks of quail eggs. Apply the mask to the skin, rinse off with cool water after a quarter of an hour.

Castor oil and eggs help rejuvenate the skin

The acids contained in castor oil have an antibacterial and antifungal effect, they can penetrate into the deep layers of tissue, so the product is often used to eliminate acne and other rashes. The skin needs to be cleaned and steamed with a hot towel compress, castor oil should be applied to the inflamed areas, there is no need to rinse. The duration of the course is 14–20 days.

You can lubricate your nails with warm castor oil oil before going to bed - this will help avoid the appearance of burrs, give the plates strength and shine.

How to use castor oil for hair

Castor oil helps to make the strands thick, shiny, silky, activates growth, it can be used to care for eyebrows and eyelashes. Even after 4-5 weeks of regular use, even very damaged curls can be restored, as evidenced by many reviews, photos before and after the treatment course.

Hair before and after applying castor oil

To enhance the therapeutic effect, castor oil and almonds should be mixed in equal proportions, the composition should be applied warm to the eyebrows and eyelashes before going to bed, the hair can be lubricated with the medicinal composition 2-3 hours before shampooing. The procedure should be carried out daily.

If the hair is severely weakened, signs of alopecia appear, liquid vitamins A, E, calendula or chamomile extract should be added to the oil mixture.

To get rid of dandruff, mix 20 ml each of castor oil, olive oil and lemon or lime juice. If the strands are oily, it is better to replace olive oil with aloe pulp. Apply the composition to the root zone 30-40 minutes before shampooing. It is necessary to do 10 sessions with an interval of 2 days.

Hydrogenated castor bean oil is more suitable for cosmetic procedures - it oxidizes slowly, does not create a greasy film.

Harm and contraindications

Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to take castor oil by mouth, since children's intestines are hypersensitive to all irritating substances, which can cause severe dehydration.

The main contraindications:

  • poisoning with phosphorus, benzene, male fern extract;
  • internal bleeding;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the abdominal organs, the presence of acute inflammatory processes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • all types of obstruction, infringement of an internal hernia.

Castor oil should not be used for liver problems.

With reasonable and correct use, castor oil is well tolerated; with prolonged use, intestinal atony may develop. Overdose manifests itself in the form of spasms, severe diarrhea, kidney function is impaired, and loss of consciousness is possible. When these symptoms appear, you should take Loperamide, Atropine sulfate.

Can castor oil be taken during pregnancy? The use of this product is contraindicated for expectant mothers, especially in the early stages - it causes a contraction of the myometrium, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth. You can not take castor oil during lactation.

Until a few decades ago, castor oil could only be found on the nightstand by the bed of a sick child. It was given to children as an additional expectorant. Today, this is not necessary. There are a huge number of medicines that allow you to quickly put a baby on your feet with a cold. Despite this, castor oil has not lost its popularity.

What is it made of?

Obtained from the seeds of a special fast-growing plant - castor oil plant. Glycerin makes up a large proportion of the composition of the oil, so it has a viscous and sticky consistency. If castor oil is compared with it, it exceeds the viscosity index by 18 times.

Jamaican oil deserves special attention. It is a type of castor oil that has a rich, dark shade. Experts say that this is the most useful. But you shouldn't use it yourself. You need to consult a doctor.

Anti aging castor oil

The tool is widely used by cosmetologists in salons. It can soften dry skin, make it firmer, smooth fine wrinkles, heal breakouts and much more. But it should be used with caution. Castor oil sometimes causes an allergic reaction. The instructions for use state that initially the product should be applied to the outer part of the palm. If there are no rashes, castor oil can be used on the face.

The oil molecules are lightweight. Thanks to this, beneficial substances freely penetrate deep into the skin. Mature women who regularly use a rejuvenation product notice a positive effect within a month. But it is undesirable to use pure castor oil every day. The oil can dry out the skin. A few drops of the product should be added to your everyday face cream.

Castor oil face masks

Castor can be used preventively by adding to other ingredients. Nourishing masks allow you to preserve the youthfulness of the skin of the face, as well as get rid of redness and age spots.

A mask with potatoes and castor oil has an excellent nourishing effect. Initially, you need to prepare raw mashed potatoes from one potato. A teaspoon of castor oil, a tablespoon of milk and one yolk are added to it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to a pre-cleansed face. Castor oil tightens the skin, while other ingredients help beneficial vitamins and minerals penetrate deep into the epidermis.

For dry and aging skin, a banana mask is perfect. A tablespoon of a little warmed-up oil is added to the pulp of one fruit. The product is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Castor oil is also effective in the fight against. An express mask for the night shows good results. Before applying castor oil, it is worth checking for an allergic reaction. If it is absent, the pure product is applied to the area under the eyes, and a gentle patch is applied on top. In the morning, fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out. But, unfortunately, the effect is short-lived. This method can be used only when you need to look spectacular at an event.

Castor oil for heels

In the summer, many people have to suffer from dry feet. The heels can become coarse, cracks appear on them. Castor oil will help to avoid such a nuisance. The instructions for use are simple. It is worth starting to prepare the legs for the summer period already at the beginning of May. Oil must be applied to the heels. Next, the legs are wrapped with cling film or a simple plastic bag and put on cotton socks.

The procedure can be done daily for a month. It is best if the oil is applied overnight. In the morning, a kind of compress is removed, and the legs are washed with warm water. The effect will be enhanced if a nourishing cream is applied to the heels at the end of the procedure.

The same principle can be done in the winter. The skin becomes soft and soft in just a few treatments. In addition, nails are strengthened. Every girl will be able to boast of the perfect manicure.

Castor for curls

For those who dream of beautiful long hair, the same castor oil will come to the rescue. The instructions for use were known to our grandmothers. The agent was applied to the hair along its entire length and left for several hours. Hair became manageable, shiny and easy to comb.

Poor ecology, bad habits and improper scalp care lead to the fact that the curls fade and the ends begin to split. If you regularly use castor oil at home, you can forget about going to the hairdresser. After all, the tips will remain healthy. Castor oil is hard enough to wash off, so it can only be applied to the problem area. Dandruff? It is worth smearing the scalp. Are the tips splitting? Then it is worth treating only the lower part of the hair.

Masks for curls with the addition of castor oil are also effective. If you additionally use egg yolk, you get an excellent remedy for strengthening and growing hair. To do such a mask is a course twice a week. The product is applied to damp hair. The exposure time is two hours. Next, the mask will have to be washed off in several approaches. The product turns out to be quite viscous.

Beautiful eyelashes? Easily!

Recently, the eyelash extension procedure has become popular. The eyes look really gorgeous. But such a service is definitely not useful. Native eyelashes break and deteriorate. You have already learned that castor oil helps against hair loss, but it can also be used to strengthen the eyelashes. With regular use of the product, an excellent result can be seen within a week.

It is worth preparing in advance an old jar of decorative mascara. It should be thoroughly washed and castor oil poured inside. Instructions for use consist in daily application of the product to the eyelashes with a brush. The procedure can be carried out in the morning and in the evening. Similarly, you can apply oil to your eyebrows. They will become shiny and healthy, hairs will stop falling out.

Castor oil can help you lose weight

Any nutritionist recommends starting a weight loss course with toxins and toxins. It is no coincidence that at the first stage of getting rid of extra pounds, it is recommended to use castor oil. The oil acts on the intestinal wall, providing a laxative effect. Having cleared the body of toxins, you can proceed directly to the diet, as well as physical activity.

Before you start cleansing the body, it is worth checking with a nutritionist how to drink castor oil correctly. The most common is a technique that takes a week in time. Every day for seven days on an empty stomach, you need to drink two teaspoons of castor oil. The product does not taste good. You can drink it with a glass of boiled water.

Castor oil against pain

Few people know that this remedy also has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it can be used in the treatment of various arthritis. Why is castor oil good for you? Its components act on the site of inflammation. The most effective massage is considered using the product. But you cannot self-medicate. All manipulations should be carried out only by a specialist.

A special compress has an analgesic effect. The castor oil is warmed to room temperature. Next, linen or cotton cloth is moistened in it. They put it on the sore spot and close it with a plastic bag. You can enhance the effect of castor oil with a heating pad. Such a compress should be kept for at least an hour.

What should you keep in mind?

In the pharmacy you can see castor oil of various production. Remember that the same product may not be suitable for different uses. A specialist in a pharmacy will always be able to tell you why castor oil is useful. Some products, for example, can only be applied to the skin. They are not suitable for indoor use.

For cosmetic purposes, cold-pressed castor oil is preferred. It absorbs better and is not very viscous. Before the first application of the product, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction. If castor oil causes redness and burning sensation, it should be discarded.

For centuries, the healing effect of castor oil has been elevated by traditional medicine to an unattainable level. The most incredible properties were attributed to castor, this oil was used to treat dozens of different diseases. For a time, modern medicine supported the myth of castor oil as a cure for all diseases, prescribing it to both adults and children. Now science is much more modest in assessing the possible effect of using castor oil for the treatment of diseases, but recognizes the benefits of this remedy. The main emphasis in the recommendations for the use of castor oil has shifted from achieving therapeutic goals towards obtaining a cosmetic effect.

Obtaining and composition of castor oil

Inexpensive and readily available castor oil is made from castor bean seeds. This plant belongs to the euphorbia family. This evergreen shrub is actually considered extremely poisonous as it contains plant toxins ricin and ricinin. On the other hand, the plant contains a huge amount of fatty acids, whose benefits have long been noticed by humans. Therefore, people figured out how to use the desired properties of the castor oil plant and bypass the dangerous ones. During the production of oil, toxic substances remain in the cake, and a person receives a useful remedy.

Castor oil can be obtained by cold pressing, hot pressing, or solvent extraction. The first method is the best and correct, when using the other two, the product is of lower quality. This is something to look out for when choosing castor oil. You can buy castor oil at a regular pharmacy. Be sure to read the label or check with the pharmacist for information on the method of making the oil.

Outwardly, castor oil is a thick, viscous liquid of light yellow color. This is the densest of vegetable oils, it is 18 times more viscous than regular sunflower oil. This feature is expressed in the fact that castor oil never dries out, and a film does not form on its surface. The taste of the product can be called specific. At first, it is perceived as mild and neutral, with a glycerin flavor, but soon induces a gag reflex.

There is a special type of castor oil - Jamaican castor oil. It has a pronounced black color, which is explained by the process of obtaining the product. Castor bean seeds are first fried, after which oil is produced using boiling technology. Experts say that in this oil all the beneficial properties of castor oil are more pronounced. However, be careful when choosing such a remedy. Jamaican black castor oil should have a characteristic ash smell. The fact is that unscrupulous manufacturers, in the pursuit of profit, often simply paint ordinary oil a dark color. Most likely, such a product will not bring much harm, but the difference in the cost of regular and Jamaican oil will be wasted.

So, the main benefit of castor oil lies in the fatty acids it contains, among which, in particular, oleic and linoleic acids can be distinguished. But the most useful is ricinoleic acid. The content of this monounsaturated fatty acid in castor oil reaches 90%! The main medicinal properties of castor oil are connected with it.

The healing effect of castor oil

In folk and official medicine, castor oil has long been used as a laxative for constipation. To achieve a lasting effect, castor oil is taken in 15-30 ml (for children - 5-10 ml) once a day for three days. The laxative effect of castor oil appears within 5-6 hours. Previously, it was thought that this effect is associated with the thinning of feces, but in fact, the fatty acids in castor oil simply increase intestinal motility.

Castor oil is also used internally in dietetics as a weight loss agent. This is due to the properties of castor oil to cleanse the intestines and remove toxins and toxins from the body, which in turn helps to improve overall well-being. But before taking castor oil inside, you need to consult a doctor, since the remedy has contraindications, which we will list below.

For a long time, castor oil has been used to treat bronchitis and colds. Some people still use this method of getting rid of colds with considerable efficiency. To do this, mix two tablespoons of castor oil with one tablespoon of turpentine. The resulting mixture is heated, after which the patient is rubbed with it.

Castor oil is used as an anesthetic for arthritis and joint diseases. This effect is based on the anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil. The sore spot can be simply rubbed and massaged with castor oil, or so-called castor bags can be applied to it. A piece of linen cloth folded in three or four layers is moistened in castor oil heated in a water bath and applied to a sore spot or joint. From above, the fabric is covered with a plastic bag or wrapped with ordinary cling film, after which a warm heating pad is applied to the same place. One treatment session using castor packs is recommended for 45-60 minutes.

Also, castor oil, due to its viscosity and saturation with fatty acids, is used to treat hemorrhoids or anal fissures. A tampon or napkin is lubricated with castor oil and applied to the sore spot.

Castor oil treatment of open wounds, ulcers and burns is considered effective. Healing is faster, as the oil promotes the regeneration of skin cells, softens and nourishes the skin. In this case, it is not so much the curative as the cosmetic effect of castor oil, which is now recognized and used everywhere in cosmetology, is fully manifested.

The cosmetic effect of castor oil

In cosmetology, castor oil is used to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

When caring for the skin of the face and body with castor oil, you can get rid of such unpleasant imperfections as age spots, stretch marks, scars, warts and papillomas. All this can be achieved by repeatedly repeating procedures day after day, this will take time, but patience will be rewarded with a positive effect. Also, castor oil allows you to fight fine expression lines on the face. To do this, a thin layer of oil is applied to the previously cleansed and steamed skin, or a tampon soaked in castor oil is applied to problem areas for half an hour.

Castor oil is good for nourishing face masks. If this is a mask based on gruel from raw vegetables or fruits, then one part of oil is taken for three parts of the vegetable base. Such masks are applied not only to the face, but also to the décolleté area. Depending on the fruit you use, the effect of the masks will vary. If you take persimmon, peach, banana or apricot, you get a mask for dry and aging skin; cucumber, strawberry or currant - a mask with the effect of lightening the skin, removing freckles and age spots; watermelon - a mask with a toning effect. In general, as we have already found out, castor oil has a softening and moisturizing effect, prevents premature aging of the skin, and in some cases helps to get rid of acne.

The skin-softening action of castor oil is used to treat feet and heels, and eliminate calluses and calluses. For this purpose, you can massage your feet with the addition of castor oil in the evenings. Alternatively, you can generously lubricate the skin of your feet with oil, wrap your feet with plastic wrap, put on a sock on top of it, and leave your feet in this state until morning. The duration of the course should be at least 10 days every three months.

Dry split ends can also be treated with castor oil. In this case, castor oil improves the condition of the scalp, helps to overcome dandruff problems, strengthens the follicles, enhances hair growth and generally has a beneficial effect on the hair structure. All of these qualities of castor oil are used for the care of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Among the most common method of hair care using castor oil is a kefir-based mask. Half a glass of this fermented milk product is mixed with a teaspoon of castor oil and applied to the hair along the entire length, and also rubbed into the scalp. Such a mask should be on the hair for at least half an hour, after which it is washed off using ordinary soap or shampoo. Hair becomes strong and shiny.

For nail care, a small amount of castor oil is rubbed into the nails and cuticles. The appearance of the nails changes quite quickly, they stop exfoliating, become strong and healthy.


Castor oil has not many contraindications, but still they are, and are primarily associated with individual intolerance to the product. First of all, it is worth remembering that not all types of castor oil can be taken orally, so read the instructions carefully, and check the dosage with your doctor. The use of castor oil as a laxative is not recommended in the presence of acute inflammation of the abdominal cavity, ulcers or ulcerative colitis, intestinal and uterine bleeding. Castor oil is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

External use of castor oil can cause skin redness, itching, and allergies in some people. For this reason, it is always best to test how your body reacts to castor oil by first applying it to a small area of ​​your skin. If suddenly during the use of, say, a face mask or hair, you feel a tingling sensation or a burning sensation, it is better to stop the procedure, rinse off the product with warm water.

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Castor oil and medicines based on it:

  • from infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat