About unfaithful friends with meaning. Betrayal. Secret quotes about betrayal

An instructive article with the topic: quotes about friends of traitors ...

I wanted to get out of your shadow. You understand? But when I got out of it... there was no sunlight, there was nowhere.

Everything is not so bad: we were not sold - we were given away for free. Karel Capek

Cunning and betrayal testify only to a lack of dexterity.

If you keep a dog on a leash, don't expect affection from it. André Wilmeter

He has all the properties of a dog except for fidelity. Samuel Houston

To marry without tying yourself in anything is a betrayal.

One who has never experienced the ecstasy of betrayal does not know what ecstasy is. Jean Genet

The golden man is easier to sell. Slavomir Vrublevsky

That hand is a fatal blow that caressed us.

Major betrayal is like loyalty. Japanese proverb

Selling out friends is not a sign of bankruptcy, but a sign of a career. Leopold Novak

I love betrayal, but not traitors. Augustus, Roman Emperor

betrayal, however cautious at first, betrays itself in the end.

People tend to betray...

betrayal is a blow you don't expect.

Many people like betrayal, but no one likes traitors themselves.

Traitors betray themselves first of all.

A sense of conscience for the old, which corrodes the soul, pushes a person to a new betrayal!

The betrayer will never forgive us for his betrayal.

You can't call a traitor someone you never trusted anyway.

Betraying is hard, but betraying a child is doubly hard.

He sold everyone who bought him. Walking review of Talleyrand

A brave soul will not become treacherous.

Dangerous citizens do not break into the house. They live in it.

The traitors sell themselves first. Plutarch

It's a shame when you are a Judas, and you are sold as Christ. Arkady Davidovich

The betrayer will never forgive us for his betrayal. Nicholas Gomez Davila

It is impossible to betray a person with whom nothing connects you.

Traitors are always distrustful.

Men betray out of hate, women betray out of love.

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character.

There are no petty betrayals.

betrayal, maybe someone likes it, but traitors are hated by everyone.

I love those who are about to betray, but I hate those who have already betrayed. Antigonus III

They betray only their own. French saying

He who betrays himself does not love anyone in this world!

Is there at least one person who has never betrayed? .. Loyalty is an exclusively canine quality!

A traitor cannot succeed because then he becomes a founding father. Saul Alinsky

He who contemplates betrayal is always suspecting others.

Life has taught me a very important lesson: the one who once betrayed you will betray you again in difficult times.

Time always has circumstances and a coherent logical thread so that low betrayal can be explained with high words.

If you don’t know who betrayed, look around, he is nearby.

He has all the properties of a dog except for fidelity.

Giving someone else's secret is a betrayal, giving your own is stupidity.

Most often, it is the best friends who become traitors. Probably because we trust them too much.

Throw a stone at a stray dog ​​and he will never accept food from you again!

  • Never show your back to a friend - no matter how hard you argue, it is better to remain silent from anger, but do not turn away!
  • When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall - you find out who your friends are!
  • Only a true friend inflicts the greatest pain. Although he is the first who comes later with a jar of brilliant green.
  • I used to think that you need to cherish friendship, good relationships. And now I realized that I need to take care of myself - from hypocritical people who, smiling into their eyes, quietly hate behind their backs. It’s better that one person remains nearby, but he will be real.
  • It's good that the person himself realized that he was no longer worthy of being your friend and he himself retired from friends!
  • Statuses about the betrayal of friends - Of course, there are no irreplaceable ones ... There are just people who do not want to be replaced.
  • Accept friends as they are, do not try to correct, otherwise you will create enemies.
  • Friendship is like a book. You can burn it in seconds, but it will take years to write it.
  • Every year I am convinced that my friends also have an expiration date!
  • The quieter the friendship, the more true it is.
  • When you lose a friend, then you feel very bad, but even worse if you suddenly realize that you never had a friend.
  • Know that there is a rope in friendship, and when you break it, you will never tie it cleverly: you will still find the knots.
  • It hurts the most when you fully realize that the friends with whom you have been talking for a very long time become strangers. And those with whom I met recently are getting closer.
  • True friendship is like human health: you do not pay due attention to it until you lose it.
  • We choose friends, time leaves the best.
  • Close and faithful is not the one who shouts about it at every corner. And who quietly does and helps. Despite everything.
  • In friendship, you can't lie if you're trusted. And trust if they lie to you.
  • We want true friendship, but we constantly betray without hesitation.
  • You feel the most terrible pain and resentment at the moment when your faithful dog bites you.
  • You don't lose anything when you lose fake friends.
  • One of the biggest challenges in life is figuring out who your real friend is.
  • Never leave old friends. You will never find someone to replace them. Friendship is like wine, the older it is the better.
  • Recently I realized that true friendship is possible if you know the person well. Because true friendship does not exist.
  • Friendship requires nerves of steel, native walls and a heart of stone to count losses.
  • I had a friend who died. More precisely, the person remained, but the friend himself died. So it goes.
  • Sometimes, those whom we have managed to forgive, we no longer want to hug.
  • They threw me again, betrayed me again, but I don’t care anymore - immunity has developed.
  • Sometimes friendship turns into another avatar in the list of friends.
  • I don't want to have enemies, that's why I don't have friends...
  • The true value of wealth is known when it is acquired, and the value of a friend is known when it is lost.
  • I am indifferent to the knife blows of the enemy, but I am tormented by the pinprick of a friend.
  • To a person who betrayed love, I could find an excuse that it was only a hobby. But to a man who has betrayed friendship, I can't.
  • True loyal friends are just a myth, a legend invented by someone. Sooner or later they will betray you, believe me, I know ...

Statuses about betrayal are aphorisms and quotes about apostasy from moral duty for your own benefit. A capacious attitude to the violation of this word and fidelity, to betraying a spouse has always been condemned as the most human. In all religions of our world, adultery is considered a sin.

Friends or Enemies

Statuses about the betrayal of friends whom he trusted with all his heart, opened his soul and secret thoughts, remind you that you need to trust with caution.

  • A fake friend is worse than an enemy.
  • It is difficult to find a congenial person, but it is even more difficult to keep.
  • A dog is a good friend, but a bad friend if he is a dog.
  • Whoever does not share your misfortune will not share your joy.
  • The worst enemies are former friends.
  • It can be called a crime when your trust is abused.
  • With a good friend and into the fire, and into the bath, with a bad friend, it’s scary to walk to the store.
  • The footboard is usually put by the one who walks nearby.
  • With one hand he hugs, with the other he sticks a dagger in the back.
  • A traitor is like a worm: what he crawls through, he passes through himself.

Statuses about the betrayal of friends show how much pain one person can inflict on another without even thinking. The whole world and faith in people are crumbling.

  • If you betrayed, don't expect trust.
  • Usually friends end with money.
  • Finding a friend is harder than love.
  • Trust only yourself, but even then with caution.
  • A blow from behind can be delivered by someone you defended with all your heart.
  • As children, our parents taught us not to trust strangers. We have learned not to trust our acquaintances now.
  • There is nothing worse than the betrayal of a friend.

Women's betrayal

Statuses about the betrayal of a loved one are always the cry of a wounded soul.

  • When your beloved betrays you, it seems that you fell from the 12th floor, but for some reason survived.
  • A woman who loves cannot betray.
  • are broken arms. You can still forgive, but you can't hug.
  • Changing, every woman is looking for the best, but how can the "best" choose a traitor?
  • The wife is known on her husband's business trips.
  • Women love the weak, but betray them because they don't respect them.

Statuses with a meaning about the betrayal of women justify the act with the weakness of the stronger sex.

  • A real man's wife does not cheat, she does not have enough strength for this.
  • A woman does not change, but every time she checks that you are the best.
  • Women have such a subtle perception of the world that they manage to feel sorry for themselves even during infidelity.
  • If a wife cannot change a man, she cheats on him.
  • Do not forgive the betrayal of women, they will not forgive you your forgiveness.
  • A woman does not change, she is looking for the best male for her offspring. It's so laid down by nature.

Male betrayal

The statuses about which young girls are abandoned for the sake of a new hobby and wives for the sake of ephemeral freedom show what pain a betrayal of a loved one can bring.

  • Behind the success of a man is a beloved woman. Behind the success of a woman is betrayal
  • Never forgive your husband: having changed once, he will always betray.
  • can inflict the one you love.
  • He was so faithful between betrayals.
  • I will give a balloon for every lie of yours so that you fly away in a week.
  • I forgave his betrayal, but he did not forgive my forgiveness.
  • Wish your ex good luck, because he lost his happiness.
  • A strong man will live with the woman he likes. The weak is looking for the one who will replace his mother.

About husband and girlfriends

Statuses about the betrayal of people, a husband or a close friend say that most often we are deceived by the closest people.

  • Thank you, dear friend, for taking a weak person away from me. But you yourself were left without friends and with the fear that he had learned to cheat.
  • Never show your boyfriend to your girlfriends, it can end up in someone else's wedding, where you won't even be invited.
  • There will be many guys, but it is difficult to find a good girlfriend who will not betray.
  • I cried on my best friend's shoulder until I could smell my boyfriend's perfume on her vest.
  • I always felt sorry for my best friend and forgave her everything. And then she wised up.
  • You can't be considered a friend if you betrayed. You're just an unfamiliar girl who, passing by, took the garbage from my house.
  • Your resentment hurts. But you console yourself when trouble comes to a friend.
  • Girlfriends take other people's men, who are praised by their wives.

Family and Children

The statuses about the betrayal of not only the wife, but also the children are a reproach towards weak men who could not stand the happiness of being fathers.

  • When a husband leaves his wife, it hurts. But if he abandons children, it is fatal.
  • You gave the child life, but you take the father away.
  • How much can a man hate himself that he runs from his little reflection?
  • If the father abandoned the child, then he will betray all his life, fearing trust and love.
  • A devoted child is not alone - God is with him. The betrayer of a child loses his guardian angel forever.
  • You betrayed, so you are weak and stupid. Weak people do not have the right to bear the title of "dad".
  • All people carry the seed of betrayal in their hearts, but only the most miserable creatures allow this sprout to germinate.

Statuses about the betrayal of the motherland

  • Betrayed the Motherland - betrayed himself.
  • If the price is good, you can sell your soul, but never betray the country.
  • Traitors are hated even by those they serve.
  • By betraying the Motherland, you betray your own mother.
  • Love for one's country makes a citizen out of a person. Change is a savage.
  • Russian people clearly share the concepts of the Motherland and the state. You can sell the state, but not the Motherland.

Statuses about betraying your country, as it were, conclude that if you are able to cheat on a friend or a woman, then you can betray your homeland.

  • Someone else's bread is sweet, but if it is bought by betrayal, then you can choke on it.
  • Motherland does not forget traitors. Even a loving mother is able to punish her son severely.
  • Love your land in joy and do not leave it in trouble.
  • There is nothing uglier than a soul that considers its homeland unworthy.
  • Betrayal is disgusting in itself, but when they betray the Motherland, there is no worse crime.


A loyal friend is a friend who has been betrayed...

She is used to betrayal, to pain and dirt...

Goodbye my girlfriend, because friendship is not a toy ....

You can survive the betrayal of a friend! You just need to understand that for her you were not a friend!

Once betrayed, betray again.

You can not forgive treason, lies and betrayal !!! especially friends!

It's hard to come to terms with the betrayal of friends. But you checked how good friends they were!

It is difficult for women to decide on treason, but having decided, they do not stop.

Don't trust anyone, don't tell your secrets to anyone and no one will ever betray you.

Friendship has changed so much that it allows betrayal, does not need meetings, correspondence, heated conversations, and even allows for the presence of one friend.

A true friend always rejoices at your success, and does not say that this is all nonsense ...

Betrayal can be expected from a friend, from a boyfriend, but not from parents ...

No female friendship Lies ... Girlfriend - a reflection of my soul.


The main thing is that the status should be cooler than that of your friends.

I'm strong....I'll endure everything..and your betrayal, too..it only hurts to be strong.

Believing the vows of a traitor is like believing the piety of the devil.

It infuriates me, the feeling of betrayal to the person whom you consider just a friend.

I'll be your hottest ex. I promise...

Betrayal from a friend is like a blow below the belt...always unexpected and very painful...

Hmmm .... it's hard to survive the betrayal of your best friend ... I loved him ... but it turns out you love each other behind my back too .....

I am still able to forgive the betrayal of my friend, but, alas, I will never be able to trust this person!

It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.

The betrayal of a friend cannot be forgiven ... but for the future it must be taken into account that there are still such scum in life ..

I despise cowardice in people, when for their own benefit, saving their WOLF SKINS, they slander their FRIENDS!!!

Sometimes you don't know which is better, to lose a friend or to forgive her for her betrayal.

Friendship has changed so much that it allows betrayal, does not need meetings, correspondence and heated conversations ...

Thanks for the betrayal! Thank you for recognizing such rubbish in my ex-girlfriend!

Sometimes you don't know which is better, to lose a friend or to forgive her betrayal....

Those who have become very close to us will disappear anyway. In the meantime, they are with us, we must do everything possible to be remembered for a lifetime ....

Vooot uh huh ..... a friend doesn’t talk to me, the reason is unknown, but I’m suffering ((girlfriend ... I’m already disappointed in her 10 times and still forgive, but it hurts me to endure betrayal every time ... (.. Not for votes...

The soul that has committed betrayal perceives any surprise as the beginning of retribution.

The closer a person was, the more painful his betrayal.

And when you are disappointed in loved ones, is this a betrayal? -That's life..

Friends must be chosen wisely. If there was a betrayal, then for any reason this person was not your friend either ...

Thanks for the betrayal!
Thank you for recognizing such rubbish in my ex-girlfriend!

If your girlfriend cheated on you and you want to jump from the tenth floor, remember: you don't have wings, but horns.

The betrayal of a best friend is worse than the betrayal of a loved one!

It would be better if I got myself a puppy ... A dog does not betray ...

And who are you? my friends? native? sorry, I didn't know. How betrayal and hypocrisy change faces!

Statuses about the betrayal of a girlfriend, friends, friend

The modern concept of "friendship" is so different from its real meaning: it forgives betrayal, accepts lies, does not allow frankness, and real communication has effectively been replaced by electronic correspondence.

A betraying best friend hurt me much more than a betraying boyfriend ...

When a best friend betrays, it is hard to cope with doubts tormenting the soul: to forgive her or lose her forever? ...

Love is the great art of building close relationships, and friendship is the ability to keep a distance.

Best Status:
If you have neither a grandmother nor a grandfather, it's time to solve this issue radically - make them your parents!

Friendship and Love are empty, faceless words, an absurd farce if there is no trust and respect in them. But sometimes even with these worthy qualities, feelings turn into a game. So it's up to you to decide what to invest in a relationship.

The best way to save a friendship is not to change it.

We have already dotted and finished our story ... but when he enters the site, my heart shrinks treacherously ... and if he also writes “how are you?” - starts to jump out of the chest ... How? Nothing without you...

Thank you for the betrayal and insight! Now I know that my girlfriend is a reptile ...

If your friend is jealous of you all the time, then send her on a walk!

How faithful you are, between betrayals!

It's hard when your favorite songs are played and treacherously remind him ... and you will never be together ...

I despise cowardice in people, when for their own benefit, saving their WOLF SKINS, they slander their FRIENDS!!!

Tired. from lies, falsehood, unnecessary actions, anger, aggression .. the heart wants warmth, tenderness .. without betrayal ...

Friendship does not rust for a long time if you regularly wipe it with vodka.

To date, the concept of resentment has become vague, it can mean the event itself ... but in my concept, resentment is such a feeling when you want to smash everything to hell ... this feeling of betrayal is the taste of irritation and eternal lies ....

I swear never to fall in love again, because my heart can't take the betrayal anymore.. I swear!! I want to forget forever the word PAIN… I can… do you hear, I CAN!!!

The deepest friendship breeds the most bitter enmity

Oleg showed up for the election, and stupidly looks at the ballot: he is looking for where are the hearts and the button to tell friends

It's very difficult to say "I love you" after a lot of betrayals, lies, insults and zero reactions. it’s hard to say “I believe” after you have been abandoned by the most beloved and dear people who once swore that they would never leave you

Friendship? What is friendship? For many, it's just something to wipe your feet with.

One of the greatest joys of this life is Friendship: one of the joys of friendship is that there is someone to entrust a secret to.

No vocabulary will help to express what a friendly hug will say ...

I’m writing a term paper, I can’t express my thought in scientific language, and the line turns treacherously in my head: “Not enough words? Give Raffaello!”)

Now you're dining alone. You used to have a lot of friends, now you don't have them at all.

An honest politician is not for sale! - Arkady Davidovich

Betrayal is a blow you don't expect. Betrayal aphorisms - Paulo Coelho

A friend is not the one who will give you a hand when you have fallen, but the one who will fall next to you and laugh.

When no one needs you - this is not loneliness ... this is self-deception ...

The most beautiful gift made to people after wisdom is friendship!

We deceive ourselves so often that we could make a living doing it...

Don't call an unfaithful friend. Is the mutable worthy of love? Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Saadi

Decent people sell for a decent price. – Hot Petan

A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.

May retribution strike with misfortune Those who paid for friendship with enmity. Jalaluddin Rumi

I so love to look into your eyes and listen to how you lie ... And you don’t even know that I know the truth ...

So what if I believed you, fell in love, got used to it - I was a fool, but thanks to you I became smarter!

By the time you realize that there are only wolves around, you will already be eaten.

The friendship that ended never actually began. Publilius Sir

Sneak is a branch among the branches of lies and one of its varieties. – Ibn Hazm

Again comforted by that deception, I believed in your ridiculous story ... But I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time ...

The loyalty of the rascals is as unreliable as they are. - Pliny the Younger

Marrying without tying yourself in anything is a betrayal. Betrayal aphorisms - Michel Montaigne

A friend is someone who is comfortable with your successes.

Cheating on a friend is a crime Without justification, without forgiveness. — Lope de Vega

An old friend is better than two new ones, knows how to spoil the mood

A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

I love betrayal, but not traitors. - Julius Caesar

Don't have 100 friends, have all the enemies!

Betrayal is like a blow below the belt...always unexpected and very painful...

Betrayal is a payment for fear or a beautiful life. – Victor Zubkov

He has all the properties of a dog except for fidelity. Betrayal Aphorisms – Samuel Houston

A friend is a person who knows absolutely everything about you and still loves you!

Indulging in memories, do not betray them. – Vladimir Kolechitsky

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character. – La Rochefoucauld

We look for new friends when the old ones get to know us too well.

Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy decent enemies.*-)

War tests the brave, anger the wise, need the friend.

I tear my life like a piece of paper, along with those who did not want to go further with me ... And I start writing it from scratch ...

Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself knows the bitterness of troubles. – Shota Rustaveli

A deceitful face will hide everything that an insidious heart has conceived.

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness intensifies.

She was - betrayed, and became - betrayed ... just one letter that can break a person ...

It is better to be at enmity with a smart one than to be friends with a fool.

The loyalty of a coward or a fool is no support to the master.

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

There's nothing to be done - then we indulge in love, then love betrays us. — Frederic Begbeder

Only a true friend can rejoice in your success!

Don Juan is the one who cheats on a woman, but not on women. – Spiegel Yefim

Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you. – Plautus

Men betray out of hate, women betray out of love. (Aphorisms about betrayal) - Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

Betrayal, maybe someone likes it, but traitors are hated by everyone.

Friendship is more tragic than love - it dies much longer.

Yes, I sometimes lost friends, not because I'm a nerd, but because there are friends who SHOULD NOT be lost!!!

This means that they never existed.

Nothing weighs more than devotion. — Christy A.

A woman in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity. – La Rochefoucauld

Denunciations and denunciations are a natural form of manifestation of truly people's democracy. – Alexander Zinoviev

Everything is not so bad: we were not sold - we were given away for nothing. Betrayal aphorisms – Karel Capek

To send people to war untrained is to betray them. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Confucius

The richer your friends are, the more it costs you.

A friend is not a status - changing is harmful ...

Sometimes the lie merges so closely with the truth that it's hard to live in the remaining gap.

The basis of friendship lies in the complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

There are many friends; friendship is rare.

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run, you won’t run away; on a cloudy day, you won’t find it.

You know, what the hell is wrong with me, if you lost the main happiness of life because of stupidity?

A wise friend will not abandon a friend, despite all the hardships. Betrayal of a friend aphorisms - Rustaveli Sh.

Never judge a man by his friends. in Judas they were impeccable.

Malicious enemies do not get it like cunning friends.

The faithful may sometimes deviate from the letter, even from the precepts of the Gospel, in fulfillment of a higher law, the law of love. — Milton John

Friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed until later.

I love betrayal, but I hate traitors. - Caesar Julius

They betray only their own. – French saying

Believing the vows of a traitor is like believing the piety of the devil. – Elizabeth I

Sometimes friends are the last people you can trust.

There are such friends - and enemies are not needed.

People call each other friends, but there's just users and those being used!

Friends now and then change is not good.

It's a shame when you are a Judas, and they sell you like Christ. - Arkady Davidovich

Other people only after selling out are convinced that they had some price. – Leszek Kumor

Betrayal, although very cautious at first, in the end betrays itself.

Friends are like stars, you can't see them, but they are there.

Not sure - don't betray. – Maxim Zvonarev

Who has deceived you so often as you yourself?

Lies are fiction, fiction is art, so all art is a lie.

Friendship and tea are good when they are strong and not too sweet.

Friends are the backbone of life. By multiplying supports, we prolong life!

Friendship can only unite worthy people)))

If a friend takes your mistress away from you, you should not quarrel with him completely in order to meet him when you feel gratitude to him for this ... - Albert Guinon

Traitors betray themselves first of all.

You can forgive betrayal, but you can't forgive. – Akhmatova Anna Andreevna

Don't have 100 friends, but have a cheeky face!

And our contact statuses are not a hoax, those two just got lost somewhere among the dreams.

You don’t have to ask a friend for anything, Trouble is not terrible with him, A friend is your third shoulder, He will always be with you ...

When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of true friendship!

Friends appear and then disappear like waiters in a restaurant.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends. Each will give 2 rubles, you will have 200!!! :-P

Of all that wisdom brings to itself for the happiness of a lifetime, the most important is the acquisition of friendship.

Again, having consoled myself, I believed in your ridiculous story, although I knew that there was no more faith, not for the first time ...

The golden man is easier to sell. – Slavomir Vrublevsky

Betrayal already points to love. You can't betray a friend. – Marina Tsvetaeva