Manifestations and treatment of umbilical hernia during pregnancy. Inguinal hernia in a pregnant woman: why it occurs and how to treat it

Pregnancy is a period of a woman's life, when the body is rebuilt, an increase in the load on the organs occurs. Some women experience weakening of the abdominal muscles, resulting in an umbilical hernia during pregnancy. With such a hernia, the abdominal organs protrude through the umbilical ring. It is necessary to learn in more detail about what are the causes of an umbilical hernia during pregnancy and how to treat it.


The causes of the disease are that with the development of the fetus, the woman's belly increases in size, and this can weaken the abdominal muscles. As a result, organs protrude through the navel.

A hernia can occur not only during pregnancy, but also after it, if the abdominal muscles do not regain their previous tone. Therefore, doctors recommend wearing a postpartum brace.

Women who give birth for the second time, as well as girls who have been prone to slight protrusion of the navel since childhood, are at risk. Those women whose protrusion in childhood has passed up to two to three years are also at risk of acquiring a hernia.

But stretching the umbilical ring is not the only reason an organ defect can occur. In a woman, intra-abdominal pressure may increase, and the uterus will press on the organs located in the abdomen.

The appearance of this disease can be influenced by: heredity, overweight women, initially weak and untrained abdominal muscles.

Women over 30 years old are more susceptible to the occurrence of a hernia of the navel (in the absence of sports).

Those expectant mothers who are expecting several children may also have a defect, because in this case the uterus increases in size and presses heavily on the internal organs. This also applies to women with a lot of water or with a large child.


A bulging navel is easy to recognize because its symptoms are typical.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, a bulge appears in the umbilical ring. At first, it has a rounded shape and small size, it appears only when the woman is standing. When she lies down, the roundness disappears on its own.

In its development, a hernia has 2 outcomes:

  1. 1 The hernial sac is emptied by squeezing the abdominal organs out of it by the uterus. In this case, the resulting protrusion on the abdomen remains empty; when it is repositioned or simply palpated, the sound of bursting bubbles or popping will be heard.
  2. 2 The hernial sac remains full, the hernia develops and does not disappear in the horizontal position. When the child moves, coughs, defecates, the protrusion pulsates and increases in size.

If the development of the disease went according to the second scenario, then symptoms such as nausea, constipation, pain throughout the abdomen or in the area of ​​a hernia, belching are added.

Empty hernias are not as dangerous as those that are filled, especially if there are loops of intestines inside them. The danger of this disease during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is that the fetus can be trapped by the internal organs. If the hernia is actively developing, it becomes large, then during pregnancy complications may arise in the form of false contractions or the threat of miscarriage.


A woman who has a swelling in the navel should seek the advice of a doctor. If an umbilical protrusion is suspected, several methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • gastroscopy.

According to the indications obtained during the diagnosis of the disease, additional tests may be prescribed, for example, blood and urine tests.


Hernias during pregnancy can be classified according to the source of their occurrence. Allocate congenital and acquired hernias.

Congenital protrusion is a disease that is found in childhood. Such a pathology can occur due to the long overgrowth of the umbilical ring. A hernia can disappear in childhood on its own or after treatment, but its manifestation during pregnancy is possible.

An acquired hernia is a condition that develops already in adulthood, during pregnancy, or after 30 years. Such a violation is influenced by many factors: an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical activity, the presence of operations.

By the nature of the development of the disease, a hernia can be free and restrained.

The first is characterized by the fact that the contents of the abdominal cavity can move freely inside the hernia. Such an education can be corrected by a doctor, it is able to pass on its own.

If the hernia of the navel is of a restrained nature, then it can be eliminated only with the help of surgical intervention.

After childbirth

Postpartum protrusion occurs as a result of excessive stretching of the abdominal muscles, due to which a small hole is formed between them, through which internal organs can penetrate from the abdominal cavity into the hernial sac.

A bulge is formed in most cases in the last months of gestation, but it can also appear after the birth of the baby, if the young mother does not use a postpartum bandage.

Umbilical hernia in women after childbirth: treatment and symptoms

Umbilical hernia

After a cesarean section

The appearance of a hernia after a cesarean section is considered a rarity. There are a number of reasons why such a disease can occur:

  • the appearance of an infection at the seam that interferes with its healing;
  • constipation, which provokes tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • hematoma on the scar;
  • lack of a healthy lifestyle and the norms of proper nutrition established by a doctor;
  • poor-quality operation (surgeon's mistake, bad threads);
  • having previous surgeries (such as removing the appendix or gallbladder).

Why is an umbilical hernia dangerous during pregnancy

A particular danger is a strangulated umbilical hernia. It practically does not make it possible to avoid fetal infringement, therefore urgent surgical intervention is required to eliminate it. Harm to the fetus lies in the threat of miscarriage, in premature birth or its complication, in the development of hypoxia in the child.

The danger of such a disease is that blood circulation is disturbed in the organs located in the abdominal cavity. Their tissues can become dead, resulting in inflammation of the peritoneum.


To begin with, a woman needs to consult a doctor, since the treatment method can only be determined by a specialist. In most cases, a hernia does not require surgical intervention, they try to avoid operations during the period of gestation, so the doctor's task at this moment of pregnancy is to control the development of the umbilical protrusion.

If the hernia is free, then during pregnancy its treatment is limited to observation by a specialist, wearing special elastic underwear. After the birth of the child, the hernia is repaired.

If the hernia becomes large and contains contents, then the doctor has a question about the operation. At the same time, the implementation of surgical intervention is possible only at a time that is safe for the expectant mother and fetus.

In case of complications in the form of a restrained protrusion, urgent surgical intervention is required, since the operation will cause much less harm to the fetus than the development of the consequences of this condition. After the operation, a woman cannot give birth naturally, she is shown only a cesarean section.

Conservative therapy

The operation can harm the developing fetus, so doctors recommend treating the disease with conservative therapy.

Folk remedies

Conservative therapy can be supplemented with traditional medicine methods.

Since during pregnancy, many medicines are harmful to the fetus, in the early stages of the development of the disease, you can drink tinctures and decoctions of herbs, the therapeutic effect of which is aimed at restoring muscle tissue. You can also use them after surgical removal of a navel hernia.

The most common recipes are:

  1. 1 1 tbsp. l. drupe seeds are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, after which the broth should be infused for half an hour in a dark place. You can drink this tincture all day for 1 tbsp. l.
  2. 2 2 tbsp. l. chop the leaves and bark of oak and pour 1 glass of warmed red wine, apply to the navel every 2-3 hours.
  3. 3 Grind the aspen bark and pour 1 glass of boiling water over it, leave for 2 hours. Consume before meals 3 times a day for 2 tbsp. l.
  4. 4 Collect the young nettles and grind their leaves in a blender to a state of porridge. Wrap in a cabbage leaf and apply to the umbilical hernia for 3 hours.

The naturalness of the ingredients required for the preparation of folk remedies does not mean that they are safe. Before using traditional medicine, a woman should consult with a specialist.


Postpartum bandage is one of the means of preventing a hernia in a woman after the birth of a child. Its task is to keep the development of the protrusion, to set it inside the abdomen.

The brace strengthens the abdominal muscles, which are weakened after gestation and childbirth.

This prophylactic agent is mandatory for those groups of women who are at risk of developing such a disease.

Indications for surgery

An umbilical hernia during pregnancy can also be treated surgically. The indication for surgery is the presence of a strangulated hernia, which cannot move freely between the sac and organs.

The operation can be performed using standard methods: the Sapezhko or Mayo methods. Alloplastic methods of hernia removal are a novelty.

Childbirth during an umbilical hernia

Delivery during a hernia depends on the nature of the disease.

At an early stage, when the protrusion is small and even includes contents, natural childbirth is possible.

If the protrusion is impaired, then an urgent operation is required, after which the birth of a baby is possible only through a cesarean section.


If a pregnant woman has not previously had a hernia, then she needs to wear special elastic underwear or a bandage in order to avoid the formation of this disease.

To prevent an umbilical hernia, doctors prescribe exercise therapy exercises, which are aimed at maintaining the tone of the abdominal muscles.

If a woman plans to have a baby, she should exercise regularly, strengthen her abdominal muscles, eat right, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Some women planning children, even a year before conception, undergo surgery to plastic the navel ring or hernia repair.

A pregnant woman should clearly understand that while carrying a child, she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the condition of the fetus. Even if the expectant mother does not have a tendency to form protrusions, she should engage in special preventive measures aimed at strengthening the state of the body, and especially the muscles, because they are most exposed to stress during pregnancy.

Only regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle can prevent the onset of the disease in pregnant women.

Date of publication of the article: 01/29/2015

Date of updating the article: 23.10.2018

Pregnancy is a period when long-forgotten diseases often make themselves felt or new ones appear. This is quite understandable, because the woman's body is being rebuilt, the load on all systems and organs increases. Umbilical hernia during pregnancy - that is, the protrusion of the abdominal organs through the umbilical ring - is not uncommon, because the abdominal muscles always receive an additional load when carrying a child.

Fortunately, in most cases, a hernia is not dangerous for either the expectant mother or the fetus.

Seven Causes of Umbilical Hernia in Pregnant Women

This pathology occurs due to the accompanying pregnancy physiological changes:

  • increased intra-abdominal pressure (the growing uterus presses on the internal organs);
  • stretching the umbilical ring simultaneously with an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • reducing the tone of the muscles of the abdomen and umbilical ring.

But such changes are physiological, that is, normal and are observed in absolutely all women carrying a baby. But an umbilical hernia in pregnant women is a pathological phenomenon, and not everyone has it. Here are 7 main reasons and provoking factors:

    Heredity (similar problems with relatives).

    A preexisting protrusion, even long ago and spontaneously adjusted (for example, in childhood). Moreover, if before pregnancy there was an unoperated and periodically prolapsing hernia.

    Second and subsequent pregnancies (each time the muscle tone is lower and the diameter of the navel is larger).


    Plurality, polyhydramnios, large fetus (the uterus is larger than during normal pregnancy, and even more intensely presses on the internal organs).

    The woman's age is over 30 years (with age, the tone of the abdominal muscles decreases).

    Initially weak, untrained abdominal muscles.

Typical symptoms

An umbilical hernia during pregnancy manifests itself with characteristic, easily recognizable symptoms. The main symptom is a protrusion in the navel, which occurs from the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, that is, when the abdomen begins to rapidly increase in size. At first, the size of the formation is small, it has a rounded shape and appears only in a standing position, and in a horizontal position it "leaves" itself.

In the future, two options for the development of a hernia are possible:

    The growing uterus "squeezes" the abdominal organs out of the hernial sac. The protrusion, although it remains, is "empty", which when feeling or trying to reposition it is determined by the characteristic sound of "pop" or "bursting bubbles".

    The contents (bowel loops or omentum) are preserved, and with an increase in the term, the formation is no longer reduced even in the supine position. When coughing, straining during bowel movements, as well as when the baby moves in a later period, the protrusion bulges, pulsates.

    To this are joined by other unpleasant symptoms: pain in the navel or throughout the abdomen, constipation, belching, nausea. It is these hernias that are most dangerous, especially if their contents are intestinal loops - there is a high risk of entrapment in the 3rd trimester or during childbirth. With large umbilical hernias, pregnancy can also proceed abnormally, complicated by threats of termination or false contractions.

How to treat? Operate or not?

For adult patients, the only method is the operation, which belongs to the category of elementary and is performed in any surgical hospital. But during pregnancy, they try to avoid surgical treatment if there is no risk of infringement. The operation is postponed until the woman gives birth and finishes breastfeeding the baby, since toxic drugs used for anesthesia enter the baby's blood (through the placenta or through breast milk).

Delays in surgical treatment are explained by the fact that usually a hernial protrusion is not dangerous for either the pregnant woman or the fetus. The occurrence of an umbilical hernia and a pregnancy that proceeds and ends safely is absolutely real. But you should definitely be regularly observed not only by the obstetrician-gynecologist, but also by the surgeon, who will choose the tactics of pregnancy and childbirth, depending on the size and content of the protrusion.

The choice of tactics for the management of pregnancy and childbirth for different types of navel hernias:

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

Hernia type Pregnancy management Labor management

Empty hernial sac

Spontaneous, through the natural birth canal

Small hernia with contents

Observation by a doctor, wearing a bandage and elastic underwear

It is decided on an individual basis. Spontaneous childbirth is possible

Large hernia with contents

The question of the operation is decided individually. When the intestinal loops come out, they often choose a planned operation in a relatively safe time.

Probably a caesarean section

Strangulated hernia

Emergency operation


The only situation in which surgery is always indicated is a strangulated umbilical hernia in pregnant women. Even outside of pregnancy, infringement is a serious threat, since blood circulation is quickly disrupted in the compressed organs, tissue necrosis develops, and after it, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) is a serious, life-threatening complication.

Infringement on the background of pregnancy is doubly dangerous, since both the mother and the child suffer; possible development of the threat of termination of pregnancy, miscarriage, premature birth, fetal hypoxia, etc. Therefore, even an operation with anesthesia will harm the child much less than postponing the operation in case of infringement.

Prevention measures

In the absence of hernial protrusions in the past, a pregnant woman is advised to wear a bandage and perform special exercises to strengthen and maintain the abdominal muscles.

If a woman who plans to give birth to a child has an umbilical hernia, then, in order to avoid further combination of this umbilical hernia and pregnancy, a planned hernia repair and umbilical ring plasty should be performed in a timely manner (at least a year before the planned conception).

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of organs due to weakened muscles. localized in the abdominal region, it occurs as a result of the weakening of the muscles around the navel. Every pregnant woman is at risk, especially with multiple pregnancies, polyhydramnios, and secondary bearing of a child. Women over 30 have an increased risk of developing the disease.

Do not panic ahead of time if the pregnancy has just begun. You should consult a doctor when signs of illness appear or if the umbilical hernia was earlier.

It occurs due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles. They cannot cope with the increased load. It is easy to determine the disease in oneself - a rounded protrusion appears in the navel area, which can be adjusted with light pressure. But at a later date, this cannot be done. During the movement of the child, the woman feels pain and discomfort.

Since the growing uterus displaces the abdominal organs, including the intestines, upward, the woman is worried about constipation, nausea,. This pathology is treatable and is not an indication for a cesarean section.

During or after labor, a hernia occurs for the same reason - from weak abdominal muscles. Genetic predisposition plays a role. Caesarean section in past pregnancies and overweight are additional factors in the development of pathology.

How pathology develops during pregnancy

In the 1st trimester, the navel does not protrude, since the size and weight of the child is too small. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the uterus increases in volume and intra-abdominal pressure increases. The muscles do not always cope with such a pressure, because of this, the organs protrude outward.

Pathology develops gradually. In the early stages, a protrusion in the navel area appears only during physical activity. After a few minutes, it goes away on its own.

The second stage of the disease is the appearance of protrusion when the body is upright. It can be tucked back in with your fingers without pain. In the prone position, nothing is visible. The constant appearance of a seal on the navel, pain are signs of a neglected condition. At this stage, the risk of complications increases. Be sure to contact a surgeon.

Why is an umbilical hernia dangerous during pregnancy?

A complication of an umbilical hernia is its pinching in the hernial orifice. The risk of developing it increases during exercise and constipation. In the pinched areas, blood circulation is disturbed, as a result, tissue necrosis occurs.

Signs of infringement development:

  • sharp pain around the navel;
  • nausea;
  • constipation and;
  • vomit.

If you ignore the symptoms, another complication may occur - or inflammation of the peritoneum. For treatment, a surgical operation is performed.

Is it possible to give birth with an umbilical hernia

Natural childbirth is possible even with an umbilical hernia, but you need to warn your obstetricians about the pathology. This is not an indication for a caesarean section. Since treatment is not possible during pregnancy, doctors prescribe supportive therapy. After delivery, the surgeon can assess the size of the pathology and suggest treatment options. In most cases, the hernia will resolve on its own.

Many women are concerned about the possibility of infringement, especially during childbirth with complications. This is a rare case, most childbirth goes smoothly, and a navel lump is not a problem. But every pregnancy is different, so you should follow the doctor's recommendations.

Umbilical hernia after childbirth

In some women, no seals appear on the navel while carrying a baby, but they become noticeable after the baby is born.

The first thing to do when detecting a hernia is to see a surgeon. The sooner this is done, the higher the chance of self-absorption. Your doctor may recommend wearing a brace and doing specific exercises.

Conservative treatment methods

The main method of treating an umbilical hernia is. But during pregnancy, it is not carried out, since anesthesia and other drugs can harm the fetus.

Sometimes the pathology goes away on its own after childbirth. Therefore, doctors recommend wearing supportive underwear. help the muscles to support the baby, uterus, internal organs. It is worth waiting for the baby to be born in order to monitor the development of the disease.

It is important to consult with your doctor about wearing and fixing the brace. Improper support can deform the fetus or cause it to be misplaced in the uterus.

Treatment of a hernia that has arisen during childbirth includes the following measures:

  • breastfeeding, it speeds up muscle recovery;
  • exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles;
  • smooth reduction of excess weight;
  • wearing a postpartum brace.


The first rule of preventing an umbilical hernia is to strengthen the abdominal muscles even before pregnancy. Then there will be no complications during gestation and labor. The risk of developing postpartum complications is much lower in women involved in sports. For multiple pregnancies, it is recommended to wear a bandage. It will serve as additional support for the muscles, keeping them in the correct position. It is important to visit your doctor at the first sign of an umbilical hernia. It is necessary to carefully follow all the recommendations, then the gestation and childbirth will be calm and correct.

Pregnancy is a crucial period in a woman's life, as her internal state affects the health of the unborn baby. At this time, hormonal changes in her body take place, which is due to an increase in the load on all systems and internal organs. Pregnancy rarely goes away without problems, expressed by the development of concomitant diseases. An umbilical hernia during pregnancy is a pathological process characterized by the protrusion of the abdominal organs through the umbilical ring. Most often it is a large omentum and intestines.

Women over 30 are at risk, as well as those who have not had their first pregnancy. If a pathology is found, you should not be upset, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe supportive therapy in order to minimize the development of complications.


The predisposing factor, as a result of which an umbilical hernia can form, is the pregnancy itself. The load that increases with the growth of the abdomen contributes to the weakening of the abdominal muscles. Therefore, in women, you can observe the formation of an unusual protrusion in the umbilical region, which can be of different sizes.

The bulge can also appear in the postpartum period, while the abdominal muscles are stretched and not in tone.

Repeated childbirth is a common cause of pathology. Although in some women, the protrusion appears during the first pregnancy. This happens with a congenital predisposition of the body, when the navel protrudes somewhat.

The mechanism of development of the pathology is quite simple: during the period of abdominal enlargement, the muscle tissue in the peritoneal region is stretched, capturing the umbilical ring, which undergoes the same changes. As a result, part of the intestines, peritoneum and greater omentum fall out.

In medicine, several causal factors are distinguished, as a result of which an umbilical hernia can occur in women in a state of pregnancy:

  • weakening of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • being overweight before and after pregnancy;
  • heredity;
  • large fruit;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • repeated childbirth.

In many cases, with repeated births, an umbilical hernia, caused by a weakening of the tone of the abdominal muscles, proceeds without complications. Such manifestations disappear almost immediately after the birth of the child.

Umbilical hernia symptoms

An umbilical hernia that developed during pregnancy has characteristic features that do not allow it to be confused with other manifestations. A feature of the pathology in pregnant women is the protrusion of the navel, which tends to increase in size. By the end of the term, the navel in women climbs out so much that it is not possible to correct it.

In this case, the umbilical neoplasm pulsates every time the abdominal muscles are strained: when coughing, sneezing or loudly screaming.


Diagnosis of an umbilical hernia in pregnant women is not difficult for a specialist. External signs are the basis for determining pathology. A hernial protrusion is a small, bump-like formation in the navel. When probing this area, you can determine that there is a void under it. Empty hernias do not pose a threat to the health and life of a woman.


Umbilical pathology can occur both after childbirth and during a cesarean section. It is advisable to consider the features of its development in more detail.

It is possible to eliminate an umbilical hernia only with the help of surgical intervention. Moreover, in order to avoid pinching, the operation will need to be done as quickly as possible. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about an hour. In the absence of complications, the patient is discharged home the next day.

After childbirth

Postpartum umbilical pathology is not uncommon. Even if the pregnancy went well and ended in a successful birth, the resulting protrusion does not disappear and may even form immediately after the baby is born.

What measures should be taken in this scenario depends on the nature of the manifestations, the severity of the pathology and the factor that caused its occurrence.

Most often, a hernia appears as a result of the divergence of the abdominal muscles after childbirth. Its development is facilitated by the weakening of muscle tissue tone after pregnancy.

After a cesarean section

An umbilical protrusion may form after a cesarean section. The likelihood of its appearance increases in the first week after surgery. When the muscles are loaded, there is a risk of infringement of the abdominal organs.

An umbilical hernia in a woman in labor after a cesarean can occur for the following reasons:

  • as a result of the spread of infection around the seam;
  • in case of violation of the stool (constipation);
  • during tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • in the presence of a hematoma in the seam area, as a result of the formation of which muscle divergence occurs;
  • during disorders of the digestive system as a result of non-observance of dietary rules;
  • as a result of increased intra-abdominal pressure.

The predisposing factors that contribute to the formation of an umbilical hernia are endocrine disorders, previous surgery and repeated pregnancy. Sometimes surgical threads are unsuitable for the body, after which, when applied, women develop suppuration.

In rare cases, a complication in the form of an umbilical hernia occurs as a result of an incorrect operation. A common surgical mistake is a poor-quality connection of muscle tissue after dissection.

Why is an umbilical hernia dangerous during pregnancy

Infringement of an umbilical hernia is a dangerous consequence of this manifestation, which is characterized by a sudden onset. Infringement of the intestine occurs when the umbilical ring enters the intestine. If you do not take action, then its death will occur.

Signs of a hernia are severe pain in the umbilical region and incontinence of the protrusion. In addition, the presence of pathology is evidenced by:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • constipation;
  • difficulties with gas discharge;
  • temperature increase;
  • feeling unwell;
  • tension of the hernial protrusion.

Infringement of the umbilical hernia requires immediate intervention, since there is a danger of circulatory disorders and the development of necrosis of internal organs. The symptoms of infringement are equivalent to those of an acute abdomen. This diagnosis is not a reason for termination of pregnancy. If the operation is performed, then the further course of pregnancy will pass without complications.


The main method of treating an umbilical hernia during pregnancy is surgery. However, other methods can also be used, with the help of which it is possible to stop the initial manifestations.


Conservative treatment of a navel hernia involves a special massage, which is done to strengthen the muscle corset. For women in a state of pregnancy, such a massage is indicated only in the first trimester.

The technique of the procedure is simple. It consists in performing strokes around the navel, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. After that, light pressure is made on the umbilical protrusion, as if setting it inward. The final part of the massage involves massaging the area under the navel using your thumbs. All movements are done 10 times in three passes.

Special exercises for pregnant women should not be performed both during the gestation of a child and after his birth.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of a hernia of the navel, folk methods are widely used, which are based on the use of medicinal plants. It is advisable to consider several effective recipes, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly tested in practice.

Medicinal decoctions, which have long been used in the treatment of hernia, are popular:

  1. A decoction of cornflower blue. Prepared like this: 1 tbsp. raw materials with a mountain are brewed with boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters. The container is covered with a lid, and the contents are infused until they cool completely. The broth is designed for a daytime intake. You must drink it before meals 3-4 times a day.
  2. Infusion of weeping herb. Prepared as follows: take 1 tbsp. loosestrife roots, poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 4 hours, after which it is filtered. A decoction is taken in ¼ glass for 4 doses. Treatment is carried out until the complete disappearance of the umbilical hernia.
  3. Drupe leaves drink. For cooking, take 1 tsp. a spoonful of herbs, 250 ml of boiling water is poured, after which it is infused for 3-4 hours. You can drink the broth throughout the day.
  4. Decoction of meadowsweet leaves. 1 tbsp dry grass is poured with boiling water in a volume of 250 ml, infused and filtered. Take the medicine ¼ glass 4 times a day.

It is worth noting that not all means are suitable for pregnant women, since they can affect the intrauterine development of the fetus. The use of compresses and lotions will be inappropriate here.


An option for treating an umbilical hernia is a postpartum bandage, the wearing of which helps to reduce muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall. Compression garments can be used for the same purposes.

Indications for surgery

An absolute indication for surgery is an umbilical hernia during pregnancy. It is up to the surgeon to decide whether to have the operation or not. Intervention may be undesirable due to the negative effects on the body of drugs administered before and after surgery.

In many cases, a hernia in women after childbirth goes away on its own. In this situation, there is no need to use medicines.

Childbirth during an umbilical hernia

Childbirth during an umbilical hernia is taken with this anamnesis taken into account. As for complications, they are extremely rare in pregnant women and are eliminated by surgery.


Funds for umbilical hernia: bandage (corset), plaster, adhesive plaster

Umbilical hernia in adults: causes, symptoms, infringement, diagnosis, consequences

An umbilical hernia can have the character of a congenital pathology, it can appear in childhood, and also develop in adults. It is often seen in pregnant women. It is often diagnosed after childbirth. This can be explained by the fact that during pregnancy, the growing uterus helps to stretch the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The umbilical ring is also stretched along with them. Through it, the hernial sac enters the skin.

Most often, this pathology is diagnosed with repeated pregnancies, when the muscles are no longer so strong, and the anterior abdominal wall is already stretched. Also, muscles can weaken as a result of multiple pregnancies, a large fetus, and a large amount of amniotic fluid. All these are risk factors for the occurrence of an umbilical hernia. Let's find out what is dangerous for an umbilical hernia during pregnancy, the symptoms, treatment of this pathology, we will find out.

Umbilical hernia symptoms

This pathology in pregnant women has very vivid symptoms. A rounded (oblong) subcutaneous protrusion occurs in the navel. It can be easily adjusted by lightly pressing when the woman is lying down. True, this is no longer possible in late pregnancy.

With the development of the fetus, the growth of the uterus, this protrusion increases. When straining, coughing, sneezing or moving the baby, pain may appear. This symptom is especially typical for later periods. In general, the signs and symptoms of a hernia depend on its size, as well as the contents of the hernial sac.

For example, if we are talking about a large omentum, then at first there is no concern for a woman, except for a protrusion defect in the navel. Painful sensations arise much later. If we are talking about intestinal loops, then the woman from the very beginning is worried about constipation, rumbling in the intestines. There is nausea, drawing pains.

With the development of pregnancy, the enlarging uterus displaces the abdominal organs, raises them. The hernial sac remains empty. Therefore, in the second half of pregnancy, before childbirth, there is a feeling of emptiness in the hernia. When you press on it, it feels like a cotton. That is why there is no infringement during childbirth and this pathology does not interfere with the caesarean section.


The main treatment for umbilical hernias is surgery. However, surgical intervention during pregnancy is highly undesirable, since various medications are used in the process that can negatively affect the fetus. It is also not uncommon for an umbilical hernia to disappear on its own during the birth process.

Therefore, the main treatment for a hernia during pregnancy is wearing special supportive underwear and a bandage. This helps to less strain the muscles located in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall. The bandage is selected with the help of a doctor, since certain knowledge and skills are required when fixing it and wearing it every day.

If you pick it up incorrectly or allow flaws in use, you can provoke an incorrect, unnatural placement of the fetus in the uterus.

Why is an umbilical hernia dangerous?

When you know about the symptoms, what is an umbilical hernia during pregnancy, what treatment is it, you may get the impression that it is not so dangerous, because it can dissolve itself ...
Therefore, it must be said right away that an umbilical hernia is not at all a harmless condition. With this pathology, the risk of thrombosis in the mesenteric vessels increases. Although in practice this is rarely the case.

Infringement may develop. Most often this happens with strong straining in case of constipation, when the intestines are clogged with feces. Or with increased physical exertion. That is, of course, unlikely during pregnancy.

Also, infringement can occur due to a sharp spasm of the hernial orifice. Then the contents of the hernial sac cannot return back to the abdominal cavity. This disrupts the normal blood supply to the digestive tract, which can provoke tissue necrosis. This condition is very serious and life-threatening for a woman. An urgent surgical intervention is needed here.

Therefore, if before pregnancy you have already been diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, but the operation was not performed, then now you should be regularly monitored by a surgeon. If the hernia is not yet dangerous, does not give complications, then the treatment is postponed until delivery. At the end of pregnancy, infringement of a hernia generally occurs extremely rarely. However, you should wear compression garments and a specially fitted bandage.

But after giving birth, you need to take immediate action for treatment. To begin with, while you are breastfeeding your baby, you can limit yourself to feasible physical exercise, regular gymnastics. Strengthen the muscles in the front of your abdomen.

When the baby grows up, breastfeeding ends, you should consult a doctor and carry out surgical treatment. There is no need to be afraid. Medical science and practice do not stand still, so modern clinics remove a hernia using laparoscopy. This is a gentle, almost bloodless manipulation when several small punctures are made on the skin. The umbilical hernia is then removed using a laparoscope. Be healthy!