Psychological games for preschool children. Mirilki for children - an excellent remedy for quarrels Children make peace

Filchakova Tatiana

Children spontaneous, they have literally written on their faces everything they think, babies still do not know how to control their emotions and restrain them. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine a children's team without quarrels and conflicts... There is nothing wrong with that if you teach children negotiate and forgive each other. Skill making up is a skill, which must be vaccinated from early childhood. This is a guarantee of peace and friendship.

It helps a lot to smooth out children's conflicts. mirilki - good rhymes who pronounce quarreled kids... By using « myrilok» very convenient and fun put up with friends and girlfriends. But at the same time it is necessary to observe the special ritual: catch on with little fingers and say, slightly shaking them, by heart the text of the rhyme- « peacemakers» At the same time, you need to smile, because from a smile everyone becomes brighter.

In kindergarten, I made toys that also promote reconciliation. children... This islet of Reconciliation is kind of soft « MIRILKA» ... Children stand on the island and recite rhymes.

Experiencing additional tactile sensations from a soft rug, children forget offenses. A funny soft toy helps them with this.

We also have a reconciliation box. On which the cat Leopold encourages the guys to live together.

Together with the guys, we made a baby book with poems- mirilki.


The sun will come out from behind the clouds

A warm ray will warm us.

And we can't swear,

Because we are friends.

I crept up to you and me argument.

We need to chase her away.

We will take our fingers

One, two, three, four, five,

We became friends again.

Don't fight, don't fight

Come on quickly make up!

Come with you put up,

Make friends and have fun

One, two, three, four, five,

We are friends with you again!

I make up, I make up, I make up.

And I don't fight anymore.

Well, if I fight,

I will find myself in a dirty puddle.

The trouble happened to us

Quarreled slightly

It's just boring without a friend

It's time for us to make up.

Put up, put up, put up

Smile at each other!

Enough for us to be angry

Everyone is having fun!

Come on quickly put up:

You are my friend!

And you are my friend!

We will forget all the insults

And we will be friends as before!

To make the sun smile

They tried to warm you and me,

You just need to be kind

AND put up with us soon!

Than to swear and tease

Better you and me put up!

Let's smile together

Songs to sing and dance

Swimming in the lake in summer

And pick strawberries

Ice skating in winter

Bab to sculpt, play snowballs,

Divide sweets for two

All problems and secrets.

Very boring in quarrel live,

Therefore, let's be friends!

Let's all put up

Share toys.

And who will not put up-

Let's not get along with that!

Let's not girlfriends quarrel,

We are so sad about each other without a friend.

Put up, put up, put up

And, mind you, let's not get angry!

And if you get angry

I'll be teasing.

If we start teasing

How are we going to be found?

We must not be found,

We are friends again!

We quarrel and make up,

We bite, we fight,

And then until colic

We laugh at ourselves.

So why make people laugh?

We'd better be friends.

All the kids are bully

They can't go without a fight.

Well, we are friends now.

We cannot fight in any way.

If quarreling with your neighbor,

Don't forget to make up,

You don't want to be malicious

Means, better be a friend.

One, two, three, four, five,

You will be my friend again.

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After a quarrel, children often say small rhymed rhymes, the so-called peace songs, in order to make peace. Many of them, to us adults, are familiar from childhood.

In kindergarten, I made a toy that also helps children reconcile. This is a kind of soft "PEACING".

In order to make peace with each other, children put their palms on the heart and say rhymes - peace songs.

Experiencing additional tactile sensations from a soft toy, children not only forget grievances, but also try to play with funny little people.


Poems - peace songs

1. Make up - make up, don't fight anymore.

If you fight-

I will bite!

And nothing to do with biting,

I will fight with bricks!

We don't need a brick

Let's make friends with you!

2. Handle by handle

We will take it tight

We used to fight

And now, no matter how much!

3. We will not quarrel.

We will be friends

We will not forget the oath

As long as we live!

4. Enough for us to be angry,

Everyone is having fun!

Hurry up, let's put up:

You're my friend!

And I am your friend!

We will forget all the insults

And be friends, as we will be before!

5. I reconcile, reconcile, reconcile,

And I don't fight anymore.

Well, if I fight, -

I'll find myself in a dirty puddle!

6. Let's put up with you

And share everything.

And who will not put up-

Let's not get along with that!

7. To make the sun smile,

They tried to warm you and me,

You just need to be kind

And put up with us soon!

8. Peace, peace forever,

You can't fight anymore

Otherwise, grandmother will come

And he pounds on the pope!

9. Than to swear and tease

Better we put up with you!

Let's smile together

Songs to sing and dance

Swimming in the lake in summer

And pick strawberries

Ice skating in winter

Bab to sculpt, play snowballs,

Divide sweets for two

All problems and secrets.

It's very boring to live in a quarrel,

Because - let's be friends!

Mirilki - small verses for reconciliation!

Do you often hear from your child that he is friends with someone? I regularly hear my daughter tell me that she is friends with Bogdan, and then she complains and says that she is not friends! Immediately I remember how in childhood we swore, fought and bit, and then made up, most often with the help of "Mirilka" !!

Little finger for little finger, and, make up - make up - make up and fight no more!

So I remember only one rhyme, but it turns out that myriloks are not so few!

Myrilki for preschoolers | MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 167" of the city of Krasnodar

Myrilki for preschoolers

The ability to make peace is a very important skill. Parents should teach their child to forgive, this will help in life. Everyone knows that the play of children cannot do without quarrels.

Mirilki were invented for this case. Mirilki are magical good rhymes in case of a quarrel, helping to put up and forgive all insults, because it is so difficult to say sometimes the first words of reconciliation. He said a funny rhyme, smiled at a friend - that's the end of the quarrel, and who made it up - well done :)

Peaceful words for children need to be memorized and pronounced, holding hands or little fingers with the one with whom you want to make peace.

Finger by finger


DIRECT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES "What is friendship" for children

senior preschool age.

Purpose: systematization of ideas about friendship, friendly relations among preschoolers, the formation of emotionally - positive relationships in the children's team, the development of communication skills in older preschool children.

  • Learn to analyze and evaluate actions in pedagogical situations, develop self-control and self-esteem.
  • Foster friendly relationships, responsiveness.
  • To form in children the concepts of "friend", "friendship", "the ability to be friends"
  • Develop the ability to negotiate and come to the rescue, positive social behavior.
  • Form a favorable psychological climate for the group.
  • To educate the moral foundations of the child's personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship.
  • Strengthen the correct pronunciation of children, follow the complete answers, introduce new unfamiliar words, their education.
  • Develop an interest in experimentation.

Method of conducting: game entertainment (parents - spectators).

Children age: senior preschool age, 4-5 years.

Conditions: group room.

Preliminary work: Two weeks before the game entertainment, a joint homework assignment is given for children and parents: together with the child, choose a tongue twister or tongue twister on the topic "Friendship". Create an illustration for it on A-4 paper. Bring your work to kindergarten and we will create an album of our group's phrases and tongue twisters.

Before the event, a corner of phrases and tongue twisters is made out in the group, which are discussed, spoken with the children. Children learn poetry about friendship, polite words (see the course of the event).

Materials and equipment:

  1. Soft cubes-modules according to the number of participating children.
  2. "Magic box" with the text of problem situations.
  3. "Magic wand.
  4. DVD player and disc with recording of the songs "The Road of Kindness", "Awfully Interesting".
  5. Easel or magnetic board with writing paper (or whatman paper).
  6. Letter with the fairy tale "Puski beaten".
  7. A glass with toothbrushes and a glass cup.
  8. Game "Earth and Solar System".
  9. Lemon, iodine with water, brushes, water, A4 sheets.
  10. Milk, ink for painting in different colors, dropper, liquid detergent, cotton swabs.
  11. Costumes of the heroes of the holiday - Mirilka and Plutonyavka.

Methodological advice for the preparatory period: children together with their parents do their homework, select tongue twisters and phrases on the topic of "Friendship", make drawings for them on sheets of "A-4" format, learn the poems "Do not offend anyone around!", "Hedgehog carrot I gave a hare ”,“ The bees were treating the bear ”,“ A squirrel played with a hedgehog ”,“ In the garden near the garden ”(or any children's poems on the topic“ Polite communication ”,“ Friendship ”).

Teachers select music for the main characters (in this event the songs "The Road of Kindness", "Terribly Interesting" were used), acquire or develop the game "Earth and the Solar System" (used the game of S. V. Burdina), it is also necessary to draw up a letter with the text fairy tales "Puski beaten" (linguistic tale by L. Petrushevskaya), sheets with the text of situations on the topics "Request", "Apology", "Gratitude", "Refusal".

It is necessary to prepare equipment for conducting experiments.

Preparation of costumes for the main characters of the event: Mirilka is a girl, her dress should be colorful, bright, it is advisable to use a wig with pigtails, bright bows; Pluto is a creature from the planet Pluto, the costume can be decorated in any style and color, it is desirable to use fantastic elements.

The scenario of the lesson is compiled taking into account the minimax principle. Therefore, based on the individual capabilities of the children, the equipment of the group, it is possible to add and remove some tasks and games.

Methodological advice to organizers: the event is best held in a group room. In advance, it is necessary to arrange an exhibition of phrases and tongue twisters (homework with parents), arrange with balloons. To create a positive emotional mood of the group, you can use musical accompaniment (sounds of nature, songs for children) during the event.

Event progress

Mirilka appears in the dressing room of the group (to the music "The Road of Kindness").

Hello guys! I am a girl Mirilka. Why do you think I came to you today and why I have such a name? (children's answers).

Do adults need Mirilka? (answers of children and adults).

You know, on the way I saw a spaceship and met one of the inhabitants of the distant planet Pluto, and her name is Plutonyavka and called her to our kindergarten, she knows nothing about our Earth, about children and kindergarten. Oh, where is she? You did not see?

She probably got scared of us and hid! Let's look for her! (we go into the group room, on the table is a letter and the game "Earth and the Solar System", S. V. Burdina).

Mirilka: What do you guys think, why is my new friend called that (children's answers). She flew to us from a distant planet called Pluto (the game "Earth and Solar System", children attach the Sun, Earth and Pluto to the map of the solar system).

Mirilka: She left us a letter, let's read it (takes out an envelope with a letter and reads it to the children)

TALE "Puski beaten".

Kalusha dribbled on the pillow and respected the bottle. And volit: Kalushata, kalusatochki! Bottle!

Kalushat sat down and shaved off the bottle. And they got it.

And Kalusha wills: Oee, oee! The bottle is not cold!

Kalushata got a bottle.

The bottle rattled and fell off the fluff.

And Kalusha wills: They don’t shake bottles. Dyuby bottles and uncooked zyumo-zyumo. From the bottles you hear.

And the bottle wills for the fluff:

Kalushata smelled! Kalushata smelled! Oh, you beaten puski!

Mirilka: Nothing is clear! Guys, do you understand everything? Why is it not clear? (children's answers). I wonder what language this tale is written in and what it is about!

We can only find out if we find my friend.

How can we find it? Let's think about it? How could Plutonyavka fly to us (children's answers)?

Mirilka: Let's see what Plutonyavka flew in.

Together with the children, an experiment is carried out: first, on a sheet of A4 format with lemon juice and a thin brush, draw a rocket, it is not visible on the sheet. Then iodine is divorced with water and the child begins to brush over the sheet, the rocket pattern begins to appear.

(Plutoyavka appears to the music "Awfully interesting").

Mirilka: And here she is! Hello!

Plutoyavka: Come on! (speaks in an incomprehensible language, approaches any child and asks questions, for example: And cha ma sipa ulya?).

Mirilka (She explains everything to children in an understandable language, for example: Why do you need a mouth !?).

Guys, let's teach Plutonyavka to speak Russian, understandable to us. Please sit on soft pillows (soft modules are spread out on the floor, children sit in a circle). We talk in whole sentences. And now I invite you to play a game called "Complete the sentence".

I will tell you any word, and each one in turn adds his own word to it, repeating the entire previous one. Words are added so that the sentence does not lose its meaning (at the same time we write the sentence on the board). For example: Plutonavka, friend, friendship.

Plutoyavka: Can I repeat the sentence now?

Mirilka: Did you speak !? Yes, of course you can!

Plutonavka: (repeats sentences made by children) And I know one more game, called "Be able to refuse."

Appeals to each player in turn with impetus, and the players must answer, arguing for their refusal.

For example:

Choose the best of these brushes in a glass and brush your teeth (hands the child a glass with several toothbrushes) (participants' answers).

Sorry, these brushes cannot be used: they are strangers.

Drop this cup on the floor (brings the child to the table)! (responses from participants).

Sorry, I can't do this: I'm sorry to break the cup.

Take off your new, beautiful shoes, I will wear them (trying to remove the shoe from the girl's foot) (participants' answers).

Sorry, my shoes will be too small for you.

Mirilka: Why are you a Plutoyavka, you can't do that, in order to be friends you also need to be able to ask politely, apologize, thank and refuse correctly! And the children will now read poems about it.

In the garden near the garden


(To express the state of people lost in the forest)


So that the cat does not hear them. (Draw mice that came out of the burrow and walk around the sleeping cat.)


a) Here is a bunch of needles

And two pairs of legs.

Curled up in a ball from the fox

Our prickly hedgehog. (Depict a hedgehog curled up in a ball)

b) The hedgehog laid the maple leaves on the bed,

To sleep under the tree for a long time in winter.

Let him dream of snowstorms,

Let him sleep until spring in a warm cradle. (Depict a hedgehog sleeping on a soft bed of autumn leaves, outside there is a blizzard, snow, but the hedgehog in a warm mink is calm and comfortable)

In the younger preschool age, communication between children and peers arises and intensively develops. Communication with peers enriches the life of babies with new impressions, is a source of vivid positive emotions, creates conditions for the manifestation of a creative, original beginning, facilitates the child's entry into the children's team, serves as the basis for the development of qualitatively new forms of communication between children.

The interaction of babies with each other is significantly different from the communication of older children. Contacts of children of this age are based mainly on imitating each other's actions, which are accompanied by violent emotional manifestations - shouts, squeals, laughter, funny grimaces, etc.

The most effective means of developing communication between children and peers is the organization of subjective interaction between them. First, an adult organizes the interaction of babies in the absence of any objects, drawing their attention to the subjective qualities of each other, prompting them to enter into emotional contacts.

After children have a need for emotional and practical communication, an adult can gradually include them in a new type of interaction - joint objective activity. Gradually, contacts between babies are becoming more stable, long-lasting, and varied in content. The initiative of children and sensitivity to each other's influences increase.

Exercises to form the need for communication with peers.

Emotions play an important role in children's lives, helping to perceive and respond to reality. Feelings dominate all aspects of a preschooler's life, giving them a special color and expressiveness, therefore, the emotions that he experiences are easily read on the face, in posture, gestures, in all behavior.

Emotions change throughout a person's life and are largely determined by the social conditions of his existence, but it is in the preschool period that mental processes develop especially actively, voluntary attention and memory, creative imagination are formed, new feelings are born (friendship, home, etc.). It is at this age that the seeds of the future are sown. A lot of love, patience and, of course, knowledge are needed for them to grow up healthy and strong.

Locking in on televisions, computers, children begin to experience serious difficulties in communicating with others, especially with peers, and communication greatly enriches the sensual sphere of children. Therefore, it is so important to teach a young child to understand the feelings of others, to adequately respond to them, to be able to sympathize and empathize.


In communication between children, more and more often one has to observe the manifestation of such qualities as cruelty, unwillingness and inability to help a peer, to sympathize, to be glad with him, inability to give in. Therefore, one of the tasks in the work of a teacher is the formation of humane interpersonal relations between preschoolers and the establishment of a positive microclimate in the group. To establish positive, respectful relationships between children in a group will help purposeful games, rituals using toys - myrilok("Kind Sun").

Games - peacemakers.

Play activities play a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler.

The most successful method for establishing positive interpersonal relationships between preschool children is a game aimed at rallying the children's team. But most children of younger preschool age prefer single and “side by side” games.

At this time, there is little joint games. This fact, apparently, is explained by the fact that a small stock of knowledge about the surrounding reality, the insufficient development of the imagination of younger preschoolers do not allow them to independently and immediately develop a joint game.

The task of the educator, with the help of specially set game situations, is to establish the propensities of children to communicate with peers. The teacher, by his actions, advice, helps to enrich the game with new plots, roles, actions, skillfully uses the ideas of children about the rules of behavior, relationships.

Material from the site

Peaceful games in kindergarten how to reconcile children, put up with little fingers

Ksenia Severgina- a professional artist, teacher with 10 years of experience and just a creative person. Her author's methodology is aimed at the rapid development of a child's speech, artistic abilities, imagination, cognitive interest and the ability to solve problems.

Ksenia reveals step by step the process of making original handicrafts. Video tutorials are so exciting that both kids and their parents like it. They are guaranteed to reveal the talents of the child!

Online courses by Ksenia Severgina are:

  1. Individual approach to every kid
  2. Unique tasks for children of different ages
  3. The original idea of ​​organizing creative activities with a baby
  4. Lots of options for unique crafts.

Xenia's lessons are the best solution for:

  1. Parents, limited in time and unable to take their children to developmental classes in creative studios.
  2. Toddlers who like to learn unusual techniques for working with paper, plasticine and natural materials.
  3. Kindergarten teachers who can use the ideas of the lessons in their practice.

Natalia Vasilieva- a housewife, mother of a 1.5-year-old son. And also a first-class chef who loves to prepare simple, tasty and healthy dishes for children. Natalia's recipes are designed for mothers like herself.

Her culinary delights are known to many women who are looking for answers to questions about healthy baby food on the Internet. Developing courses together with the Babadu Academy, Natalia focused on the feedback from young mothers about her recipes. Having tasted these dishes, your little one will ask you to cook them over and over again!

Looking at the lessons of Natalia Vasilyeva, you:

  1. Learn to cook simple meals that are great for your little one.
  2. Enjoy virtual communication with a true master of the culinary arts.
  3. You will learn how, having simple products and a minimum of time, to feed not only the child, but also the whole family with a delicious lunch.
  4. Get inspired by cooking ideas and be able to come up with your own recipes.

Elena Markova- midwife with 20 years of experience and perinatal psychologist, teacher of the Guild of Psychologists, Psychotherapists and Trainers. For many years, Elena has been advising parents on preparation for childbirth, behavior during childbirth, overcoming postpartum depression and breastfeeding.

After watching the video courses of Elena Markova, you:

  1. You will gain confidence in your abilities during childbirth.
  2. Master the skills of breathing correctly during contractions and attempts
  3. Get rid of postpartum depression completely
  4. Prepare well for partner birth
  5. Learn the secrets to successful breastfeeding.

Benefits of Elena's online course:

  1. Qualified consultations about pregnancy and childbirth for residents of remote regions.
  2. Maximum of useful information for expectant mothers who have limited free time.
  3. Ability to practice anytime, anywhere.
  4. A great opportunity to prepare for a meeting with your baby with your partner.

Evgeniya Meglinskaya- a professional ballerina, business woman, mother and just a woman who wants to look brilliant. Like many mothers, Evgenia struggled with extra pounds after giving birth. She did it quickly and easily.

The lessons of Evgeniya Meglinskaya are:

  1. The simplest workouts without risking milk
  2. Maximum communication between mom and baby
  3. Ability to do exercises at any time
  4. Simplicity and accessibility of presentation
  5. Great mood and lots of positive emotions!
  6. 100% success in the fight against extra pounds

Evgeniya's lessons- this is not only simple physical exercises for the mother, but also activities for the child, strengthening his health.

Work out with your baby and become the owner of a gorgeous figure and great mood!

Perinatal psychologist and breastfeeding counselor. For more than 10 years of experience, Natalia has conducted a large number of seminars and individual consultations for young mothers.

Her lessons will help you quickly and correctly establish the process of breastfeeding a baby, give the necessary knowledge about the physiology of the baby's development and the needs of the baby's body in mother's milk at certain stages of his life, debunk myths about the negative impact of natural feeding of a baby on a woman's appearance, and much more.


Mirilki- these are short rhymed lines that help children to make peace. Children clasp their little fingers to each other as a sign of reconciliation and rhythmically say the words of the peacemaker together. Mirilka is pronounced 5-10 times in a row and really reconciles.

It's a lot of fun - to pronounce the text together, making movements with interlocking little fingers to the rhythm. And grievances quickly pass, and a smile appears to replace them.

Children easily forgive and easily reconcile, and this is a very important skill in life - the ability to forgive, restore harmony and peace in life. And everyone benefits from this.

Recommendations for the selection of myriloks for preschool children:

First. Choose 3-5 myriloks that you and your children will like the most and learn them. Use peace talk yourself if you suddenly offended someone (in the family, in the yard, in a word, in everyday life). Then the baby will also use peace rules in communicating with people. It is so important to forgive and forget all insults and again live in harmony with yourself and other people!

Second. I am very careful about all the texts that we - adults - read to children. After all, these texts give children examples of behavior in life and reactions to life situations.

Therefore, there are a few more important points that must be taken into account when selecting myriloks. It is better not to use peace rules in which children have to put up with the threat of punishment from an adult. For example. such: “Make up, make up, don't fight anymore. And then the grandmother will come, you will put on your ears (the option “we have to give in the priest”). Another option: "Otherwise mom will come and we will both get it."

I have a negative attitude to such texts of the peace and I think that they violate the very essence of the peace - to make peace not in order to avoid punishment, but in order to be better ourselves, to live more fun. And the image of mom and grandmother is not the best and is clearly negative.

Instead of dealing with the cause of the quarrel and teaching the children to get out of it, mother and grandmother from such a text immediately punish. But what we read to children shapes their behavior. Be very careful and tactful in the texts that you offer to kids! Build in them positive behaviors for adults and children.

Third. Avoid negativity in mirilka, for example: “if you don’t ..., then we (we ignore you, that is, we won’t play, play around, etc.). Acceptance of a person, forgiveness, this is very important - and this is the most important thing in peacemaking!

Fourth. Super idea! You can sew or knit a special toy for myriloks. For example, a participant in our Internet Workshop of developing games "Through the game - to success!" Olga Kravchenko knitted such muffs "The Suns - Mirilki" and received a prize for the kindest hand-made game. The handles inside the muff perform the ritual - make up, make up ... The mouth of the sun is fastened with Velcro. After the peace meeting, the children braid their braids together or unfasten or button the buttons on the rays.

Mirilki from my piggy bank of communication with children, I have collected for you in a card index for ease of use. You can print the cards and take the ones you need with you for a walk, vacation, etc. And at the right moment, get the card and remember the little peace.

Although it is best to know a few myriloks by heart.

You can copy the card file with mirilki here on the website. If you need a card index for printing on a computer in good quality, then you can download for free all the pictures with mirilka in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school" (see the section of the "Documents" group, it is located under the videos of our group, on the right ). In the group you will find pictures "Myrilok card file" in good resolution and quality.

Let's live together, forgive and cooperate! Let's put up! These words sound more modern and relevant now than ever! And let the peace people help us!

Myrilok file cabinet

I remind you that you can download the card index in a single archive in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school" in the "Documents" section of the group.

What to do if children quarrel? What else besides myriloks can help you? You will find the recommendations of a child psychologist in the article "Children quarrel: what to do?"

You can read more about folk songs and poems for kids on our website:


Myrilki for children

And now for nothing.

First. Choose 3-5 myriloks that you and your children will like the most and learn them. Use peace talk yourself if you suddenly offended someone (in the family, in the yard, in a word, in everyday life). Then the baby will also use peace rules in communicating with people. It is so important to forgive and forget all insults and again live in harmony with yourself and other people!

Second. I am very careful about all the texts that we - adults - read to children. After all, these texts give children examples of behavior in life and reactions to life situations.

Therefore, there are a few more important points that must be taken into account when selecting myriloks. It is better not to use peace rules in which children have to put up with the threat of punishment from an adult. For example. such: “Make up, make up, don't fight anymore.

And then the grandmother will come, you will put on your ears (the option “we have to give in the priest”). Another option: "Otherwise mom will come and we will both get it." I have a negative attitude to such texts of the peace and I think that they violate the very essence of the peace - to make peace not in order to avoid punishment, but in order to be better ourselves, to live more fun.

And the image of mom and grandmother is not the best and is clearly negative. Instead of dealing with the cause of the quarrel and teaching the children to get out of it, mother and grandmother from such a text immediately punish. But what we read to children shapes their behavior. Be very careful and tactful in the texts that you offer to kids! Build in them positive behaviors for adults and children.

Third. Avoid negativity in mirilka, for example: “if you don’t ..., then we (we ignore you, that is, we won’t play, play around, etc.). Acceptance of a person, forgiveness, this is very important - and this is the most important thing in peacemaking!

Examples of “bad” myriloks that I would not use: “All kids are bully. They can't live without a fight! " Or another option in the same place "Let us dissolve the snot - we will not let anyone in." What do we bring up in children by memorizing such peace words with them?

Imagine, but I found these little peace by accident ... in one blog in an article about parenting under the heading "For young parents"! No comments!

Fourth. Super idea! You can sew or knit a special toy for myriloks. For example, a participant in our Internet Workshop of developing games "Through the game - to success!" Olga Kravchenko knitted such muffs "The Suns - Mirilki" and received a prize for the kindest hand-made game. The handles inside the muff perform the ritual - make up, make up ... The mouth of the sun is fastened with Velcro. After the peace meeting, the children braid their braids together or unfasten or button the buttons on the rays.


Educator-psychologist of the 1st category:

Roslova K.A.

Mirilki are small

funny rhyme rhymes,

which children usually say

after a quarrel or resentment in order

to make up.

Make up, make up
Don't fight anymore.
If you fight
I will bite.

And biting has nothing to do with it,
Let's fight with bricks.
We don't need a brick
Let's make friends with you!

Enough for us to be angry
Everyone is having fun!
Hurry up, let's put up:
-You are my friend!
-And you are my friend!
We will forget all the insults
And we will be friends as before

To make the sun smile
They tried to warm you and me,
You just need to be kind
And put up with us soon!

Finger by finger
Let's take it tight
We used to fight
And now for nothing.

Than to swear and tease
Better we put up with you!
Let's smile together
Songs to sing and dance
Swimming in the lake in summer
And pick strawberries
Ice skating in winter
Bab to sculpt, play snowballs,
Divide sweets for two
All problems and secrets.
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
Therefore, let's be friends!

Let's put up with you
And share everything.
And who will not put up
We will not get along with that.

I make up, I make up, I make up.

And I don't fight anymore

Well, if I fight,

I will find myself in a dirty puddle

Than to swear and tease
Better we put up with you!
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
Because - let's be friends!

The sun will come out from behind the clouds

A warm ray will warm you.
And we can't swear,

Because we are friends!

Let's all put up

Share toys

And who will not put up

Let's not get along with that!

Enough for us to be angry

Hurry up, let's put up:

You're my friend!

And I am your friend!

We will forget all the insults

And we will be friends with you!

Once - make up! Two - make up!

And don't fight me!

Three - asked for forgiveness!

For four - forgot everything!

Five! - you cannot be inflated:

We are now friends again!

Vera Schroeder (Shepel)

The ball is jumping in a circle!

We forgive everything to each other!

An agreement between us:

We are friends without fights and quarrels!

Vera Schroeder (Shepel)

Give me your little finger,

Hook him over mine.

One, two, three, four, five,

We are friends with you again!

A quarrel crept up to you and me.

We need to chase her away.

We will take our fingers

One, two, three, four, five,

We became friends again.

We won't fight anymore!

And all the insults - let's forget!

Forgive me now!

Smile and don't be sad!

Peace - love - candy!

No more quarrel - no!

Vera Schroeder (Shepel)

When playing together, it very often happens that children swear and quarrel: either they will not share the toys, or they will not determine who is the first to ride the swing. Teaching a baby to put up is not an easy task for a mother. Short and easy-to-remember "peace songs" will help parents with this and besides, your child will surely like it.

Tell your child that it is very convenient and fun to put up with friends and girlfriends with the help of Miriloks. But at the same time it is necessary to observe a special ritual: to catch on with little fingers and say, slightly shaking them, by heart the text of the rhyme-"peace".

Make up, make up
Don't fight anymore.
If you fight
I will bite.
And biting has nothing to do with it,
Let's fight with bricks.
We don't need a brick
Let's make friends with you!
Make up, make up, make up
And, mind you, let's not get angry!
And if you get angry
I'll be teasing.
If we start teasing
How are we going to be found?
We must not be found,
We are friends again!
We quarrel and make up
We bite, we fight,
And then until colic
We laugh at ourselves.
So why make people laugh?
We'd better be friends.
All the kids are bully
They can't go without a fight.
Well, we are friends now.
We cannot fight in any way.
If you quarrel with your neighbor
Don't forget to make up
You don't want to be malicious
Means, better be a friend.
One, two, three, four, five,
You will be my friend again.
Don't fight, don't fight
Come on quickly make up!
A hedgehog walks in the forest -
Red mullet on the nose!
The hedgehog waves his palm to her,
And she sings and dances!
If you want, we are with you
Let's go to the forest tomorrow too
And such a Red mullet
We will definitely find it!
Finger by finger
Let's take it tight
We used to fight
And now for nothing.
We will not quarrel
We will be friends
We will not forget the oath
While we will live.
A quarrel crept up to you and me.
We need to chase her away.
We will take our fingers
One, two, three, four, five,
We became friends again.
Make up, make up
Don't fight anymore
Otherwise, grandmother will come
Will put on your ears
We quarreled slightly
Friendship is dear to us
Finger by finger
Together we will take
Friendship for friendship
The trouble is overwhelming.
Don't fight, don't fight
Come on quickly make up!
Let's put up with you
Make friends and have fun
One, two, three, four, five,
We are friends with you again!
Enough for us to be angry
Everyone is having fun!
Hurry up, let's put up:
-You are my friend!
-And you are my friend!
We will forget all the insults
And we will be friends as before
The trouble happened to us
Quarreled slightly
It's just boring without a friend
It's time for us to make up.
Make up, make up, make up
Smile at each other!
I make up, I make up, I make up.
And I don't fight anymore
Well, if I fight,
I will find myself in a dirty puddle.
I liked the material, share it with your friends.
Than to swear and tease
Better we put up with you!
Let's smile together
Songs to sing and dance
Swimming in the lake in summer
And pick strawberries
Ice skating in winter
Bab to sculpt, play snowballs,
Divide sweets for two
All problems and secrets.
It's very boring to live in a quarrel,
Therefore, let's be friends!
Peace-peace forever
You can't fight anymore
Otherwise, grandma will come
And it pushes on the pope.
To make the sun smile
They tried to warm you and me,
You just need to be kind
And put up with us soon!
Let's put up with you
And share everything.
And who will not put up
We will not get along with that.
dumplings with cheese,
butter pies,
and we are friends forever!
Make up, make up
And don't fight anymore.
And if you fight
I will bite.
But we can't bite,
Because we are friends.
How good it is! -
Take your time
Do not be silent and do not get angry -
So just next to mom,
Walk side by side with mom,
See the sun in the sky
And - carry it home!

Mirilki: 22 peace songs in pictures and verses. Mirilki card file for parents and educators


Mirilki- these are short rhymed lines that help children to make peace. Children clasp their little fingers to each other as a sign of reconciliation and rhythmically say the words of the peacemaker together. Mirilka is pronounced 5-10 times in a row and really reconciles. It's a lot of fun - to pronounce the text together, making movements with interlocking little fingers to the rhythm. And grievances quickly pass, and a smile appears to replace them.

Children easily forgive and easily reconcile, and this is a very important skill in life - the ability to forgive, restore harmony and peace in life. And everyone benefits from this.

Recommendations for the selection of myriloks for preschool children:

First. Choose 3-5 myriloks that you and your children will like the most and learn them. Use peace talk yourself if you suddenly offended someone (in the family, in the yard, in a word, in everyday life). Then the baby will also use peace rules in communicating with people. It is so important to forgive and forget all insults and again live in harmony with yourself and other people!

Second. I am very careful about all the texts that we - adults - read to children. After all, these the texts provide children with patterns of behavior in life and reactions to life situations. Therefore, there are a few more important points that must be taken into account when selecting myriloks. It is better not to use peace rules in which children have to put up with the threat of punishment from an adult. For example. such: “Make up, make up, don't fight anymore. And then the grandmother will come, you will put on your ears (the option “we have to give in the priest”). Another option: "Otherwise mom will come and we will both get it."

I have a negative attitude to such texts of the peace and I think that they violate the very essence of the peace - to make peace not in order to avoid punishment, but in order to be better ourselves, to live more fun. And the image of mom and grandmother is not the best and is clearly negative. Instead of dealing with the cause of the quarrel and teaching the children to get out of it, mother and grandmother from such a text immediately punish. But what we read to children shapes their behavior. Be very careful and tactful in the texts that you offer to kids! Build in them positive behaviors for adults and children.

Third. Avoid negativity in mirilka, for example: “if you don’t ..., then we (we ignore you, that is, we won’t play, play around, etc.). Acceptance of a person, forgiveness, this is very important - and this is the most important thing in peacemaking! Examples of “bad” myriloks that I would not use: “All kids are bully. They can't live without a fight! " Or another option in the same place "Let us dissolve the snot - we will not let anyone in." What do we bring up in children by memorizing such peace words with them? Imagine, but I found these little peace by accident ... in one blog in an article about parenting under the heading "For young parents"! No comments!

Fourth. Super idea! You can sew or knit a special toy for myriloks. For example, a participant in our Internet Workshop of developing games "Through the game - to success!" Olga Kravchenko knitted such muffs "The Suns - Mirilki" and received a prize for the kindest hand-made game. The handles inside the muff perform the ritual - make up, make up ... The mouth of the sun is fastened with Velcro. After the peace meeting, the children braid their braids together or unfasten or button the buttons on the rays.

Mirilki from my piggy bank of communication with children, I have collected for you in a card index for ease of use. You can print the cards and take the ones you need with you for a walk, vacation, etc. And at the right moment, get the card and remember the little peace. Although it is best to know a few myriloks by heart.

You can copy the card file with mirilki here on the website. If you need a card index for printing on a computer in good quality, then you can download for free all the pictures with mirilka in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school" (see the section of the "Documents" group, it is located under the videos of our group, on the right ). In the group you will find pictures "Myrilok card file" in good resolution and quality.

Let's live together, forgive and cooperate! Let's put up! These words sound more modern and relevant now than ever! And let the peacekeepers help us :)!

Myrilok file cabinet

I remind you that you can download the card index in a single archive in our Vkontakte group "Child development from birth to school" in the "Documents" section of the group.

What to do if children quarrel? What else besides myriloks can help you? You will find the recommendations of a child psychologist in the article

You can read more about folk songs and poems for kids on our website:

Do you use peacekeepers? What kind of peacemakers do your kids love? What is your ritual of reconciliation? I invite you to talk in the comments to the article 🙂


"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"