Cauliflower poodle step by step craft. Lovely and cute crafts from vegetables and fruits. Cauliflower lamb - a craft that pleases everyone

The New Year is just around the corner, so it's time to start a pleasant business - thinking over the festive menu, and since we are preparing for the year of the wooden lamb (goat), we should take this into account. For the holiday, you will have to give up lamb dishes, otherwise the lamb may be offended. But she will really like vegetables, fruits and an abundance of greens.

How to make a lamb with your own hands from food: cauliflower, mastic, sweets? How to decorate a New Year's table?

Wood will be the favorite of the coming year, so a wooden dish with selected apples and fragrant oranges will be useful, and a linen tablecloth with light-colored napkins and wooden napkin rings too.

Figures-symbols "Curly Sheep" or How to make a lamb from cauliflower?

To make cute curly lambs, we need cauliflower, pitted olives, clove buds, some mayonnaise and fresh herbs for the "meadow".

  1. 1. Boil cauliflower inflorescences in salted water to the degree of softness that your family loves, drain the water and let cool. These will be the bodies of future sheep. In each such inflorescence, 4 carnation buds are stuck - legs.
  2. 2. We make the heads of the lambs from pitted olives, only this requires filigree work. With a narrow and sharp knife, V-shaped cuts are made on the sides of the olive, which are very carefully turned inside out, turning into ears. Now the olive sits on a toothpick and joins the body.
  3. 3. It remains to make eyes for the sheep. We try different options, but the easiest way is to put a drop of mayonnaise, and inside it there are a small peppercorns. We place the whole group of sheep on a flat plate between the sprigs of dill.

The second way to create a sheep

Is it necessary to boil cauliflower? What other options for sheep can you get?

In this method, we consider the collection of methods and various sheep, since not every housewife may have olives at home. If you have cauliflower, then one is enough to create a beautiful New Year's lamb.

Let's get started!

  1. 1.The body of a sheep
    Divide the raw cauliflower into inflorescences and give it the desired shape. Prepare toothpicks to attach your head to your torso. The body can consist of 1 large inflorescence or several small ones.
  2. 2. Muzzle
    For the muzzle, we use the same inflorescences or champignon. Grapes are also suitable, we cut out on them
    ears. A separate cauliflower inflorescence is also suitable for the muzzle, turn it with the stem outward and attach it to the body.

    We make ears from:

    • champignon;
    • carrots;
    • eggplant.
  3. 3.Legs
    These are cabbage inflorescences or cucumbers, or meat, or carrots. Any food that can support the body of the lamb is suitable for the legs.

Lamb on the Lawn Salad or Sheep Shaped Salad

This delicious salad will not only decorate the festive table, it will also please the guests. Having made it in the form of the mistress of the year - a lamb, you will please her too. It is not difficult to prepare such a dish.

We need beef fillet - 500 g, 4 eggs and potatoes each, prunes - 200 g, mayonnaise, dill and carrots for decoration.

  1. 1. In the evening we will boil eggs, potatoes, meat and carrots.
  2. 2. Cut the meat into small cubes.
  3. 3. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
  4. 4. Peel the eggs, cut them into halves and take out the yolks. Now chop the yolks with a knife, and rub the whites separately on a fine grater.
  5. 5. Soak prunes for 30 minutes, wash, dry and cut into thin strips. We leave a few pieces for decoration.
  6. 6.Place the prepared ingredients (except proteins) in a bowl, add mayonnaise, salt to taste and mix.
  7. 7. Choose a flat dish and begin to lay out the salad in the shape of a lamb, sprinkle it with grated protein, which makes the lamb immediately white and fluffy. We cut an ear out of a piece of meat, and the prunes are useful for the legs, a small tail and eyes. We make a collar and a bell on it from boiled carrots. From it we cut out flowers, which we lay out on dill branches.

    Here's a lamb on green grass. Only the dish for this salad should not be white, because then the lamb will be hard to see on it. In extreme cases, you will have to decorate it with salad leaves from all sides.

    Cookies "Sheep"

    The recipe is so simple that even a child can handle it. All you need is a bag of frozen puff pastry, some raisins, brown sugar for sprinkling the cookies, and a lamb-shaped cardboard template.

    Defrost the finished puff pastry and roll it out. Cut out the cookies in the shape of a sheep and carefully transfer them to a baking sheet. Now we sculpt ears from the remnants of the dough, which we attach to the sheep's head, and we make eyes from raisins. Lightly moisten the finished sheep with water and sprinkle with brown granulated sugar. All that remains is to bake the cookies until they are browned.

    Dessert from cottage cheese "Sheep-gourmet"

    This delicate dessert contains 250 g of cottage cheese and sour cream, 15 g of gelatin, a glass of milk, 0.5 glass of sugar, fruits, candied fruits and chocolate chips for decoration, a packet of vanilla sugar.

    1. 1. Soak gelatin in milk for swelling. After 2 hours, place the mixture in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves completely, but do not bring it to a boil.
    2. 2.Pour sugar into a hot solution and stir until it dissolves.
    3. 3. When the sugar-gelatin solution has almost cooled down, add sour cream and cottage cheese whipped with a blender or grated through a sieve into it. Mix everything thoroughly until completely homogeneous.
    4. 4. Pour the mixture into round or even oval molds and leave in the cold until completely solidified.
    5. 5. Put the completely frozen dessert on a dish, decorate with tangerine slices or candied fruits and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

      How to decorate a "Log in the Snow" cake to make a lamb from mastic

      Since we have a wooden lamb, therefore the appropriate cake was chosen, that is, in the form of a log. In France, this traditional Buche de Noel Christmas cake does not contain flour, and it looks like it is covered in snow on top, as it is sprinkled with powdered sugar. In our recipe, powdered sugar is replaced by coconut, and flour is present.

      You can easily decorate a log with a lamb made of mastic or make your own cake in the shape of a lamb.

      1. 1.For a biscuit cake, take 8 eggs, a packet of vanilla sugar, 100 g flour, a pinch of salt and 0.75 cups of sugar. For cream: a glass of 32% heavy cream and 0.5 cups of cocoa and powdered sugar. And to coat the log you will need one and a half bars of chocolate, 75 g of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp each. tablespoons of milk and butter and 10 tbsp. spoons of condensed milk.
      2. 2. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and preheat the oven by setting the temperature regulator to 190C.
      3. 3. Separate the whites from the yolks. In a bowl, thoroughly grind the yolks with 0.5 cups of sugar to white, add vanilla sugar, salt and beat with a mixer.
      4. 4. In another bowl, whisk the whites until tender, adding the remaining sugar a little bit and continuing to beat. Add flour and then add whipped yolks and mix gently.
      5. 5. Put the dough on a baking sheet and begin to bake for about 15 minutes.
      6. 6. Transfer the sponge cake to a towel, sprinkled with powdered sugar, and roll into a roll, starting from the thinner edge. Now the roll should cool down and stand for 30 minutes.
      7. 7. In the meantime, prepare the butter cream, for which we beat the cream, icing sugar and cocoa with a mixer.
      8. 8. Carefully unfold the roll and spread the whipped cream evenly. Now we roll up the roll completely and place it on the dish with the seam down.
      9. 9. We coat the resulting roll with chocolate cream and apply a pattern that imitates tree bark. Sprinkle the finished cake with coconut and send it to a cool place, let it soak.

        A detailed video on making a lamb from mastic

        Candy Sheep

        Tip: before you start creating the lamb, pick up candies in white or light colors. They will be the coat.

        Step by step making a sheep

        1. 1. On the finished frame, which can be made of foam or a plastic bottle or paper, we will glue our candies. An additional option is to purchase a styrofoam ball from a specialist store. You will need 2 of them, since you still need to make the head.

          Give the shape to the muzzle slightly oblong, like a real lamb.

        2. 2. The surface must be completely glued, therefore it is better to use a glue gun. The color of the glue will not be visible and the candy will be firmly fixed.
        3. 3. Add decorative elements: horns, eyes, wrap the muzzle with white corrugated paper, if you decide not to make it out of sweets. Think about what your sheep or lamb will stand on.
        4. 4. Finish by checking the ears, muzzle, nose and tail.

        Tip: do not be upset if you did not find candies packed in white, use paper. Just wrap the candies in it and only then start gluing them to the lamb.

        They say that both an affectionate sheep and a slightly capricious goat will delight in a variety of delicious dishes.

        If you want to be sure that they will like the New Year's menu, give preference to greens, root vegetables, fruits. Cheese will be a good choice, and dairy products will perfectly fit into light New Year's desserts. Of course, this does not mean that you will have to give up your favorite meat and fish dishes. Just use more herbs to prepare and decorate them. All these products will not only appease the animal - a symbol of the coming year, but also bring good luck to the house.

        Happy New Year!

Today vegetables and fruits are used not only as ingredients to create culinary masterpieces. Modern needlewomen have found new uses for them and create beautiful handicrafts from them. This art is called carving. Curly cutting will become a real decoration of a banquet table, and will also surprise your family members. We have already written about DIY carving for beginners, and in this article you will learn about how to make crafts from cabbage.

DIY cabbage crafts

You can DIY vegetable and fruit crafts with your children to develop their creativity and love of handicrafts. In addition, you will learn how to create unique decorations for dishes with your own hands. You can use white cabbage, purple cabbage, cauliflower, or broccoli to make kale crafts.

Cauliflower inflorescences can be used individually by joining them with skewers or toothpicks. A poodle or a lamb will look original from cauliflower. The muzzle is easy to make from mushrooms and olives.

Whole compositions and landscapes can be made from vegetables. In this case, cauliflower is ideal for decorating shrubs and trees.

If you have a special carving knife, try chrysanthemum from Chinese cabbage. Start carving the petals from the edge and gradually move towards the center of the head of cabbage.

After you master the basics of carving, try cutting more complex compositions from cabbage. Professionals can even carve real faces out of cabbage. If you decide to make cabbage crafts, do not limit yourself to just this vegetable. Combine cabbage with carrots and beets, then your figures will be brighter and more beautiful. To make working with cabbage easier, try pouring boiling water over some of the leaves, then they become more pliable.

How to make a craft out of vegetables? Show your imagination and use for this the vegetables, fruits, seasonings available in the kitchen, as well as leaves and flowers collected in the forest and park.

You can fasten the parts of the craft with matches or toothpicks. The latter, by the way, are most convenient because they have pointed edges, which are very convenient for piercing fruit or vegetable pulp.

Creation children's handicrafts from vegetables- this is not only a very pleasant and exciting activity, but also incredibly "tasty", because the creation can then be eaten with pleasure.

Cauliflower lamb

Such cute lambs can be easily made from cauliflower inflorescences.

To do this, you will need:

  • several inflorescences of cauliflower of different sizes on the legs;
  • black currant for the peephole;
  • toothpicks;
  • a small sharp knife.


1. From the smallest inflorescence of cabbage, make a lamb's head. Using a knife, carefully cut out the wrapped horns.

2. Make holes for the peephole, then string currants onto a toothpick and fix the eyes on the lamb's head.

3. Take a large cabbage inflorescence and cut off the stem a little so that the lamb can stand. Use a knife to cut out the hooves.

4.Using toothpicks, connect the lamb's head to its body.

You can make a lamb in the same way, only make the head from champignon.

To do this, make small cuts in the mushroom leg and insert the ears (for the ears, you can take peeled pumpkin seeds) and eyes (black peppercorns or black plant seeds are perfect for the eyes).

Banana dog

Crafts from vegetables and fruits can be the most unexpected. For example, this dog is made from 2 bananas. It will be a wonderful decoration for the table at a children's party.

To complete it you will need:

  • 2 bananas;
  • a small sharp knife (by the way, there are special knives for cutting patterns on vegetables and fruits);
  • toothpicks;
  • black currant for the peephole.


1. From one banana, cut 1/3 part, leaving more skin for the ears.

2. Cut off the excess peel in the shape of a triangle - the ears are ready.

3. On the curved side of the banana, use a knife to cut the paws out of the skin of the dog.

4. Attach the dog's head to the top of the banana with a toothpick. The dog is ready!

Autumn bouquet

They are very beautiful from vegetables and autumn ones. Add to them herbarium harvested from summer, and you will get a real autumn bouquet.


1. Take a large eggplant (or pumpkin). Use a knife to cut off the bottoms so that you can put the blank of the vase.

2. Remove the pulp.

3. Decorate the outside of the eggplant with a variety of patterns - you can also cut them out with a knife.

4. Insert dried flowers and bunches of berries into the resulting vase.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits you can start doing with children of a very young age, gradually complicating them and adding various elements, because creativity is a very important stimulus for the development of a child.

Children's crafts made from vegetables are one of the most useful ways to spend leisure time with your child. In the process of creativity, he develops imagination and motor skills. In addition, they begin to take an interest in vegetables, which is important for making up a children's menu. Just think how great it is: a child, having made a beautiful broccoli dog, will want to taste this vegetable in person! Mom will only have to make a delicious puree and decorate it with bright vegetable details. So, if your kid was given the task of making children's crafts from vegetables for kindergarten, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our selection of the brightest vegetable masterpieces.

To create such an unusual turtle, you will need half a head of cabbage and a couple of zucchini, which need to be cut into round slices. Stick toothpicks into the cabbage, and attach the zucchini rounds to them. The turtle's head and legs can be made from the ends of the same green vegetable. When creating crafts from vegetables, spices are often used, for example, as in the case of our turtle, whose eyes are made of peppercorns.

The whale can be made from a large squash. Vegetable crafts do not deny the use of inedible items - for the seabed, you can use a plate wrapped in a blue paper napkin. You can also use colored paper of a suitable color. The fins are made from pea pods and the water fountain is made from curly parsley.

Poodle family

Poodles can be made with cauliflower and broccoli. It's great that all parts of the body: head, torso, paws and tail, can be made from this vegetable, fastening everything with chopped pieces with toothpicks. The eyes are also shaped with pepper.

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when looking at a cauliflower inflorescence is a lamb. The white, airy edges of the vegetable resemble curly sheep's wool. The muzzle can be made both from olives and with the help of a small mushroom. Try to create legs from a stump: cut 4 small legs and fasten them to the lamb's body using toothpicks.

When creating crafts from vegetables, few people think about creating a crocodile, although in fact there is even an ideal vegetable for this - a pimpled cucumber. Make a serrated cut on one side of the cucumber for the mouth of the animal. The legs and tail can be made from the rind of a second cucumber. Use greens for the surroundings - put them on the bottom of the plate, as if it were a swamp.

Autumn is rich in harvests and beautiful bright colors. We can use leaves, vegetables, flowers, twigs, cones, acorns to develop creativity both for children and our own. Let me remind you that it is creativity that gives the taste of life, and the easiest way to express it is making crafts from vegetables for kindergarten, turning "necessity" into a pleasant creative pastime with children.

Crafts from zucchini and zucchini.

These vegetables are best used to make something big, as the fruit can ripen large. For example:

  • sailboat or ship from a vegetable marrow;
  • exotic racing car;
  • fabulous figurines of forest animals.

Making a car from a zucchini is easier than it seems. Just cut out a chauffeur's cabin in the center and place the zucchini on the toy car wheels. You can decorate it with carrot figurines.

To make autumn crafts from vegetables in the form of fairy-tale characters, you will need:

  • eyes, they are ready-made in needlework stores; or cut out ovals and circles from thick white paper and draw pupils on them with felt-tip pens; buttons can also replace eyes;
  • double-sided tape for gluing parts;
  • children's plasticine, especially if your child loves to sculpt, you can mold rings from it and stick to a vegetable to depict wool;
  • various fabrics for decoration, pompons, feathers….

The process of making children's crafts from vegetables to the kindergarten is simple. Take a vegetable, mentally think over what it looks like and from the available details, turn it into a fairy-tale character. If you yourself find it difficult to answer - who is it? Ask a 3-year-old child, he will surely give you an accurate and correct answer.

For a boy, you can make a craft from vegetables for a kindergarten in the form of a sailboat. However, the help of adults will be needed here, since in order to make the base of the ship, you need to use a knife and cut out everything that is inside the zucchini.

Take the fruit in your hand, outline a small oval on top, cut it out, and then remove all the insides, as if hollowing out the boat. Then such a blank can be given to the child. Make a pair of a wooden skewer and a piece of cloth, put the little men in it and let them sail. By the way, he swims great in the children's pool in the garden.

Crafts from cauliflower.

Cauliflower is very useful and interesting. It is "colored" not because it is painted in bright colors, but because its inflorescences are like flowers. You can make many different edible animals from cauliflower, which help out if the child does not eat well. Cauliflower is suitable for making almost any animal with a curly coat. You can make crafts from cauliflower with your own hands in the form of a lamb, lamb, poodles.

How to make a lamb from cauliflower step by step.

To make a lamb made of cauliflower, you will need:

  • For the trunk - cauliflower inflorescences,
  • For the head and legs - pitted black olives,
  • For the eyes - white beans with a black eye, which is better to pre-soak so that it becomes soft
  • Knife and toothpicks.
To make a lamb or lamb from cauliflower, you need to decide on the size. The easiest way is to make small animals, the size of an inflorescence. In order to make the head, pierce the prepared cauliflower inflorescence with a toothpick. Attach the pitted black olive. Turn the hole through which the bone was removed.
With a knife we ​​make two parallel cuts on the hole through which the bone was removed and bend the parts in different directions - these are the ears.
Making eyes for the cauliflower lamb. Divide the toothpick in half to make it shorter. Stick one end into the olive, where the eye should be, and put a bean on the other end.
Legs for crafts from cauliflower in the form of a lamb do this. Cut the olive into a wedge. We stick in a toothpick and put slices of olives on it. You can use soaked black raisins instead of olives.
Make some cauliflower lambs and lambs and let them walk around the plate.

DIY cauliflower crafts can be done for exhibitions in kindergarten or school, but they have a significant drawback - they quickly wither and dry, so it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

But, nevertheless, children are happy to make such autumn crafts from vegetables. It is very good to beat them "in the interior". Immediately, a fantasy is played out and there is a field for children's activities, that is, games. To create compositional children's crafts, for example, an autumn or winter landscape, it is good to use shoe boxes. Several lambs can be placed in a shoe box lid and make a "house" for them.

Probably, many have noticed that some vegetables are similar in shape to this or that animal. Apparently, this observation was the reason that in the old days, when there were no "store" toys, the peasants made their little ones happy with potatoes, pumpkins or other vegetables. Especially often they were created in late autumn, after the harvest.

And today, some craftsmen, endowed with imagination, create real masterpieces from what grows in the beds in any garden. You can also try cabbage. A hare from this vegetable, if you try, will turn out to be funny and for a few days it will decorate your summer terrace or part of the decorations for a matinee in kindergarten.

Which cabbage is right

In order for the Cabbage Hare craft to be successful, the vegetables must be fresh, unyielding and without wormholes, otherwise the “life” of your work will be too short.

Although you can use any kind of cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Beijing, Brussels sprouts, etc.) to create animal figurines, white cabbage with tight-fitting leaves is more suitable for making a bunny. Depending on the craft option, you may also need two or more cabbage leaves, which are best removed from a different head of cabbage.

What else is needed

Regardless of the option, the DIY cabbage hare is quite simple to make. In addition to the base vegetable, you will also need:

  • zucchini, preferably a very light shade,
  • carrots;
  • red bell pepper;
  • ribbon;
  • any flowers, such as asters or chamomile;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine.

How to make a hare from cabbage

Craft "in growth" is made in the following order:

  • cut two zucchini lengthways;
  • use toothpicks to connect two small heads of cabbage to form a head and body;
  • 2 of the resulting halves of the second zucchini are cut again, but across, to make hare's legs and ears from them;
  • a nose and eyes are molded from plasticine;
  • cut out a zaykin's mouth from red pepper;
  • all these details are fixed on the head of cabbage;
  • fix short pieces of zucchini with toothpicks where the upper legs and ears should be, and long ones are used as the lower limbs;
  • a ribbon bow is tied around the bunny's neck;
  • a mustache is made from toothpicks;
  • if there is a desire, flowers are fixed on the head of the animal to hide the junction with the "ears";
  • since the bunny cannot do without carrots, they fasten it with a toothpick.

Everything! The bunny is ready and can be installed in the children's room or on the porch of a country house as a decoration.

For such a craft, you will need:

  • two heads of cabbage;
  • large oblong potato;
  • 1 cherry tomato;
  • white onion;
  • red and black markers;
  • 2 packs of toothpicks;
  • sharp knife;
  • two pieces of black bread.

Master class on making crafts from vegetables in the form of Crochet

Craft "Cabbage hare", reminiscent of the cartoon character "Smeshariki", is made in the following order:

  • the potato is cut lengthwise, and the cherry tomato is cut across;
  • connect the resulting halves with a head of cabbage using toothpicks;
  • the onion is peeled and cut lengthwise;
  • on each half, draw a pupil with a black marker;
  • fix one half of the cherry on the head of cabbage with toothpicks as a bunny's nose, and two halves of the onion as a peephole;
  • two large cabbage leaves are removed from the other head;
  • cut out ears from them;
  • fix them with toothpicks on the head of cabbage, after making cuts in the right places and tucking the cuttings there;
  • oval-legs are cut out of two pieces of black bread (better than stale);
  • attach them with toothpicks to the head of cabbage;
  • draw the bunny's mouth with a red marker, and the eyebrows with black.

Cabbage and pumpkin hare

If you do not know what to do with children in the fall at the dacha, when other adults are busy harvesting, then try to make crafts from vegetables with them.

A cabbage hare will turn out to be even more original if you use a small pumpkin as its head. The order of work is as follows:

  • on the pumpkin, using a very sharp knife, cut out the bunny's face (places for the eyes, cheeks and antennae);
  • use a toothpick to connect the head and the head of cabbage;
  • if there are no ready-made "eyes" at hand, which are sold in specialized stores, then you can make them from colored paper by sticking mugs of blue and black colors on a white oval;
  • half a cherry tomato is fixed on the face with a toothpick as a spout;
  • a long zucchini is cut lengthwise;
  • grooves are made in the pumpkin in places where the ears should be;
  • half of zucchini is inserted into them and fixed with toothpicks;
  • several circles are cut off from the carrot and fixed on the head of cabbage as buttons;
  • 2 zucchini zucchini divided in half;
  • fix 2 halves under the head of cabbage as the lower limbs, and two halves at the junction with the pumpkin so as to form legs;
  • a satin ribbon bow is tied around the bunny's neck;
  • cut out on the lower legs "fingers";
  • "Put" a carrot into one of the legs and fix it with a toothpick.

So that the "Cabbage Hare" craft can be used as a decoration for a hall in a kindergarten where a matinee takes place, or a children's room, a stand is made for it. To do this, the fallen multi-colored leaves are fixed with a furniture stapler on a sheet of plywood or better on a chipboard 2-3 cm thick so that it is not visible.

You can do even easier: put the craft on a tray, spread autumn leaves on it, and put vegetables and fruits on top.

Craft "Cabbage hare" can be installed under the Christmas tree as a single copy, and together with "family members". To do this, you will need to make a few more bunnies of different sizes. In order to give them individuality, you can use an old panama hat, glasses without glasses, a bezel and other accessories. So you will get other figures with different "roles".

Now you know how the "Cabbage and carrot hare" craft is made, and you can please your children, as well as instill in them a love of joint creativity.

In autumn, exhibitions of handicrafts from vegetables and bouquets of flowers are very popular in kindergartens and schools. Most often, parents have to figure out for a very long time how to help their child in making crafts. We bring to your attention a bright selection of 40 crafts for kindergarten from vegetables, with descriptions and pictures. The process of creating crafts will be an exciting experience for both children and parents.


For a ram made from vegetables, a minimum of material is needed. The ram's body itself is a very branched head of cauliflower. The horns can either be attached in the form of separate twisted pieces of cabbage, or cut with a knife (without cutting to the end) from the ram's calf itself. Eyes can be taken with special purchased ones or made from scrap materials (buttons, plasticine, beads). Attach parts with glue or toothpicks.



  • round pumpkin;
  • eggplant;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine.

Cut off the side of the pumpkin 2-3 centimeters (without cutting to the pulp and seeds). Cut off the tail of the eggplant. Cut off the eggplant 5-6 centimeters from the nose and so precisely from the tail. Cut out Roman numerals from the eggplant skin. Form the arrows from plasticine. Fasten all the parts of the alarm clock with toothpicks.



  • 2 medium zucchini;
  • 2 small zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • toothpicks or skewers.

One medium-sized zucchini is the main body of the helicopter. Cut the second zucchini and make the wings of the helicopter, as shown in the picture. We form a helicopter tail from a small zucchini, and attach a propeller from a thin zucchini plate and a carrot ring.

Mushroom clearing


  • base for a clearing (boxes, board, cardboard);
  • leaves or herbs for herbs;
  • carrot;
  • Apple;
  • potato;
  • toothpicks.

Form grass or fallen leaves on the basis. Make mushroom legs from carrots, and hats from apples and potatoes. Fasten all parts with toothpicks. You can decorate the composition as you wish.



  • apples;
  • carrot;
  • greens;
  • base stand;
  • olives;
  • toothpicks.

Connect the apples to a caterpillar using toothpicks. Form olives into horns (string on toothpicks). Eyes and nose can be made from scrap materials (buttons, plasticine, beads). Attach the legs from carrot rings. Place the caterpillar on the base. Decorate as desired.

Cabbage lady


  • head of cabbage;
  • red bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • hat;
  • toothpicks.

Form a composition with cabbage, parsley and a hat. Place on a stable base. Attach a nose made of carrots, a mouth made of pepper, and eyes made of plasticine or olives.



  • base (cardboard or board);
  • oblong pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • grapes or olives;
  • potato;
  • apples;
  • mushrooms;
  • toothpicks.

Form a clearing on the basis. Make a hedgehog from carrots, pumpkin and potatoes, as shown in the picture. Attach eyes, nose and thorns. Put leaves, mushrooms, apples on the thorns. You can decorate as you wish.

Hare "Krosh"


  • a medium-sized head of cabbage;
  • 2 cabbage leaves;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • parsley.

Make hare legs from two rings of zucchini. Put the body-cabbage on the legs. Cut the ears out of the cabbage leaves and insert them into the incisions in the hare's head. Attach handles from zucchini pieces. Attach a small carrot to the hare's hand. Make hare hair and carrot tops from parsley. Eyes can be attached purchased or drawn. Make the nose and teeth from a suitable material at hand.



  • large potatoes or bell peppers;
  • cucumber;
  • toothpicks.

Visually divide the potatoes into three parts and cut off ⅔. Use a spoon to scoop out the notch in the potato and decorate the edge with carved teeth. you can do the same with bell peppers. The pot is ready. Insert the cucumber into the recess. Make thorns of a cactus from toothpicks. You can paint the thorns. Decorate the face of a cactus with the help of scrap materials.



  • large round pumpkin;
  • 4 small squash;
  • toothpicks;
  • decorative material (flowers, ribbons, beads, rhinestones).

Using the carving method, you need to cut the pumpkin, form the windows and doors of the carriage. Make wheels from squash (can be replaced with thick zucchini rings). Decorate the carriage as desired. You can seat the coachman and add horses.



  • oblong watermelon;
  • 2 pineapple rings;
  • 2 zucchini or orange rings;
  • 4 olives.
  • toothpicks.

Remove the pulp from the watermelon, keeping the peel intact in the form of a stroller, as shown in the picture. Make a handle from the remnants of the peel. Make wheels from orange or zucchini. Insert a berry or olive into the middle of the wheels. Decorate the roof of the stroller with pineapple flowers and watermelon pulp. Fasten all parts with toothpicks.

Pig candy bowl


  • oblong watermelon;
  • pink felt;
  • buttons;
  • toothpicks.

Make an incision in the watermelon and remove the pulp, keeping the skin intact, as shown in the picture. Use the buttons to decorate the pig's face. Make ears and tail out of felt. Pig legs are made from pieces of watermelon peel.



  • zucchini squash or large eggplant;
  • red bell pepper;
  • 4 cabbage leaves;
  • long skewers;
  • toothpicks.

Cut out the shape of the ship with a knife from the vegetable, as in the picture. Make sails from skewers and cabbage leaves. Make a flag from sweet pepper.


Cut a basket out of one large round pumpkin, select seeds and pulp. You can decorate the basket at your own request with carvings or improvised decorative materials. You can put fruits, vegetables in the basket.


Peel the bulb very carefully, leaving the tendrils. Put it on the onion ring. Make small cuts for the ears of the pig. Cut out the eyes and mouth. Make a tail from scrap materials.

Crocodile in a helicopter


  • zucchini zucchini;
  • many small cucumbers;
  • toothpicks;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Form the base of the helicopter from the vegetable marrow (cut out the cockpit). Make the tail and wings of the helicopter from pieces of cucumber. Make a beetroot propeller. Form the wheels and steering wheel from carrots. Collect a crocodile from cucumbers and put it in the cockpit. You can make protective glass from plastic. Attach the eyes and hat to the crocodile from scrap materials.


2 long zucchini must be cut to fit the bast shoes, as shown in the picture. Select the entire contents of the courgette. Bast shoes can be painted or scribbled a pattern.


A medium-sized zucchini should be planted in a clearing. Make a clearing from leaves, flowers and branches. Make clothes for the woodsman of your own accord. Draw a face, attach hair, put on a hat.



  • 1 green apple;
  • 1 dark grape or olive
  • small cucumber;
  • 5 light grapes;
  • toothpicks.

Make the body of a frog from the apple by cutting out the mouth. Attach handles, legs, eyes from grapes. Cut and attach the crown from the cucumber.

A car


  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 small and 1 large grapes;
  • zucchini ring;
  • toothpicks.

The cucumber will act as the machine itself. Make wheels from carrot rings. Make a cabin from a peeled half-ring of a zucchini. Secure the grapes in the form of headlights.



  • 3 large oval potatoes;
  • 1 medium potato;
  • 1 small potato
  • toothpicks.

From two large potatoes, fasten the body and head of the bear. Make hands and ears from the third large potato. Cut medium-sized potatoes and cut into legs. make a pot of honey from a small potato and put it in the hands of the bear. Draw the eyes and nose.

Fly agaric


  • green zucchini;
  • oblong pumpkin;
  • plasticine;
  • colored paper and glue;
  • toothpicks.

Cut off the pumpkin's nose, leaving about 8-10 centimeters, this will be the mushroom cap. Form a cylinder from the zucchini, which will serve as the stem of the mushroom. Fasten the parts with a toothpick. The mushroom cap can be painted and white dots can be added. Decorate the face of the fungus from colored paper and plasticine.



  • watermelon with a white crust;
  • 2 dark grapes or olives;
  • small melon;
  • toothpicks.

With a knife, carve the eyes, mouth and teeth on the watermelon by carving, scratch the antennae. Attach halves of grapes or olives as pupils. Make a nose from a whole olive. Attach the ears from the two halves of the melon.

A monkey


  • a pineapple;
  • big orange;
  • small orange;
  • 2 olives;
  • small white-skinned watermelon;
  • toothpicks.

Slice the pineapple straight from both ends. Fasten the pineapple with the watermelon. On the watermelon, make small thin slices where the eyes will be. Attach half of the olive as the pupils. Cut out a mouth from a large orange and attach the muzzle to the head. Attach olive spout. Cut a small orange in half and attach as ears.


To create this composition, you need to find two, branched at the end, carrots. From the materials at hand, make ready-made octopus-carrots eyes and mouths. Decorate as you wish.

Palm trees


  • 1 green bell pepper;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 1 orange;
  • green onions;
  • olives (black and green);
  • skewers.

Cut the orange in half. Insert the skewers into half of the orange and put the olives on them, along the entire length. Cut out the tops of the palm trees from the peppers, as in the picture. Make one palm tree with an onion. Put olives on the tops of the trees.



  • oblong yellow squash or squash;
  • round flat green pumpkin;
  • 12 small identical carrots;
  • base-clearing;
  • leaves;
  • toothpicks.

Cut the oblong pumpkin and insert it into the green one (make a hole first). Form the legs from the carrots, as in the picture. Place the spider in the clearing. Make eyes and mouth from plasticine or other materials at hand.


Take the required amount of eggplants and cut them into penguin bodies, as in the picture. Make legs and noses-beaks from carrots.


Make wagons from young small zucchini. Make wheels from zucchini rings. Decorate with chopsticks, as in the picture. Make a pipe and a spout out of carrots.


Take the required number of oblong potatoes (preferably pink). Sculpt ears, tails and nickels with pink plasticine and attach to pigs. Make eyes from black plasticine. You can put the piglets in a clearing or in an imaginary countryside.

Retro car

Take an oblong, but not very long, zucchini. Attach wheels to it. You can make wheels from gold or silver cardboard (you can use discs). From black cardboard, you need to cut and glue the roof and the cabin and connect to the courgette. You can make a small steering wheel out of wire.

Small fish

Take a suitable long zucchini with a curled tail. Create a fish using cardboard, plasticine and paints. Glue the tail, shape the face. You can decorate the fish as you wish.



  • 1 large round pumpkin
  • 2 small round pumpkins;
  • pieces of a flexible thin hose.

Cut off the caps from the pumpkins and remove the seeds and pulp. For a large teapot, make a handle and a hose spout. The lid will fit the one you cut off earlier. Attach two handles to the sugar bowl on the sides. Make one handle for the cup, and the cut lid will serve as the saucer. You can decorate the service.



  • round potato;
  • round apple;
  • round bow;
  • pear;
  • plasticine;
  • zucchini zucchini;
  • toothpicks.

Make a car out of a vegetable marrow. Make the wheels of the car from zucchini rings. Plasticine headlights. Use plasticine to design a face for each vegetable, as in the photo.

  • 1 carrot;
  • plasticine;
  • cardboard base.
  • Design the base as a clearing or road. From one zucchini make a base for a tractor. Cut the cockpit from the second zucchini. Attach the zucchini rings as wheels. Make a pipe from carrots. Make steering wheel and headlights from carrot rings. You can put a plasticine driver in the cab.

    Pumpkin house

    Place a round pumpkin on a cardboard base, decorated with leaves and grass. Cut out windows and doors in the pumpkin. Decorate the roof with grass. You can decorate the house at will, using any suitable materials at hand (cloth, sticks, flowers, toy residents).


    Trim the squash and pumpkin as shown in the picture. Connect the snail parts on a cardboard base. Make the eyes, nose, mouth and horns of a snail from beads and buttons. Decorate with rhinestones, sequins, fabric, artificial butterflies and flowers.


    Using the carving method with a thin and sharp knife, cut out the details of the owl from the watermelon, as in the picture. Make the eyes and eyelids of a bird from scrap materials. Make a beak from carrots.



    • 3 cucumbers;
    • head of cabbage;
    • wire;
    • toothpicks;
    • cardboard base.

    Cut the cabbage so that it rests firmly on the base. Form a tortoise shell from identical cucumber rings. Make a turtle's head from a third of the cucumber. Attach the eyes of the bead to the head and put on glasses made of wire. You can sew a small hat.

    This is a fun and funny kind of vegetable crafts. It has a natural "curliness", so it is often used as a head when making crafts from combined materials. The lamb is also very popular. Making such a craft is as easy as shelling pears. You can even involve a preschooler in this process. Of course, you should not give him a knife in his hands, but he may well disassemble the cabbage into separate inflorescences, and then attach other parts to it.

    Cauliflower Sheep.

    Necessary materials:
    - black olives
    - cauliflower inflorescences
    - toothpicks
    - knife
    - white beans

    Manufacturing process:
    1. First of all, decide on the size of your future crafts. Small animals are the easiest to handle. For the head, take one of the cauliflower blossoms and poke through it with a toothpick.
    2. Attach a pitted olive to the head. Direct the holes through which the bone was taken out.
    3. Make 2 parallel cuts on the hole, bend the parts in different directions. These will be the ears of your lamb.
    4. Divide the toothpicks in half. With one end, stick it into the olive (where you plan to insert the eye), and put the beans on the other end.
    5. Make the legs for the lamb as follows: cut the olives into slices, stick in a toothpick, put the olives on it. You can also use dark soaked raisins in place of olives.
    6. Make some of these lambs and place them on a plate. The plate can be previously lined with lettuce leaves. This will be a clearing. ready!

    Cauliflower lamb craft.

    Necessary materials:
    - cauliflower
    - carrot
    - toothpicks
    - knife
    - bell pepper
    - plasticine
    - cherry leaves
    - cabbage leaf
    Manufacturing process:
    Wash all vegetables beforehand. Cut off the sharp ends of the carrots, make stable legs, attach them with toothpicks to the cauliflower body. Make the eyes from plasticine, and the head from sweet pepper. Make the ears from cherry leaves, and the tail from the cabbage leaf. That's all - called "Vegetable Lamb" is ready!