Development of special abilities of a preschooler. Conditions for the development of abilities in preschool age

Development of the technical abilities of the child.

(Associations of technical orientation)

Currently, there is a shortage of technical personnel in Russia. Without well-trained, motivated and creative workers, there will be no modern microelectronics, nanoindustry and technology, which means there will be no such industries as aviation, shipbuilding, rocketry, etc. Such changes in society and science lead to changes in education. At this stage, special attention is paid to the development of technical abilities, and the development of creative interest should begin not with the choice of a university by a teenager, but with the very beginning of education. In this case, the integration of educational and technical areas will allow them to harmoniously unite into a single, indissoluble educational process, guaranteeing high results in development and education.

Technical ability in a child, they do not appear immediately, much later than, for example, abilities in the field of art. This is due to the fact that for design, invention and modeling, a sufficiently high development of the psyche and thinking is required. The most appropriate age for developing technical abilities in children is 7-11 years.

What are technicalabilities and can we talk about them as such a set of mental properties that allow a person to operate successfully in the field of technology and find ways to improve it? After all, the field of technology is extremely diverse. They differ very sharply from each other, for example, human activities in the field of mechanical engineering and in the field of chemistry, and even more so in robotics.

However, all of these technical activities have something in common.

All people who successfully work in various fields of technology have a complex of mental qualities called general technical abilities. The complex of such qualities is essential for work in any branch of technology, without exception.

Numerous observations of the work of inventors, as well as of creatively working designers of various branches of technology, made it possible to establish some aspects of human mental activity that are generally important for successful work in the field of technology.

First of all, it is good technical observation; then this is developed technical thinking, which manifests itself in a rational approach to a practical problem, in taking into account the properties and capabilities of materials, in a good planning of mental operations, in the ability to introduce a certain element of novelty into the solution of a technical problem. The activity of thinking for successful work in the field of technology requires a sufficiently developed spatial imagination, the ability to combine. But one should not forget about such qualities as: a well-expressed interest in technology, great curiosity; general activity of thought, persistence in search; the ability not to give up in case of failure, perseverance in the struggle for the goal.

Where do these qualities and personality traits come from, is it possible to educate them, or are they given to everyone from birth, and what is important not to miss, not to drown out in your child?

It all starts with an interest in the ability to do something with your own hands. :

To put in a certain sequence objects and parts of objects into a single structure;

Glue or connect (fit) individual parts;

Hammer, align, saw and separate parts to give the whole action some kind of complete look;

Disassemble mechanisms and parts into separate parts in order to see and understand what they are made of inside (curiosity plays a big role here).

On the part of adults, it is important not to miss the interestto various machines, mechanisms and robots. Surprise, admiration and curiosity at the same time give a huge impetus to action in cognition, and most importantly - in the acquisition of invaluable personal experience, which then, in combination with creative power, develops into invention. Each parent must understand that a child is a kind of world, and he is unusually individual. It must be remembered that, no matter how busy we, parents, are, the main thing is not to stifle the desire of our child to learn something new, interesting, to try to give him the opportunity to understand the details and comprehend the true content of technical creativity.

In order to become an adult and successfully work in the field of technology, one must go through the corresponding path of development in his youth. Without the emergence of serious interests in technology, without the practice of independently solving simple technical problems, without acquiring the ability to think technically about tasks related to the manufacture of, for example, various models, a person cannot be formed who will subsequently work successfully in the field of technology.

A teenage schoolchild, when he is engaged in a technical association, does not make inventions that enrich humanity, but, on the other hand, he very often, in virtually every class, makes a discovery, an invention for himself, when he himself finds a solution to technical problems already known to adults. Such creativity of children is the basis for the development of activity, independence, and human initiative in solving technical problems.

By the age of 12-15, the shown interest in any action or occupation is a completely conscious sign of future career guidance.

A talented mentor or master - with his own high technical and creative potential, can give a huge impetus to his students in achieving brilliant results in technical creativity. In this case, the teacher psychologically adjusts the students to their own technical experience, to a specific nature of research, and thereby gives the gifted child the opportunity to express themselves in competition and competitive struggle for the overall result of the experiment.

In our educational institution, "Station of young technicians" in the city of Novoshakhtinsk, there are enthusiastic, proactive teachers who are able to support the child's interest and develop his creative abilities. Participation in exhibitions and competitions of various levels, from station to international, stimulates children for further development, motivates them to increase their activity and self-development, contributes to the improvement of skills and the level of technical skills.

The peculiarity and specificity of our educational institution is that children are engaged in technical associations starting from preschool age. "Craftsman" and "Workshop Samodelkin"(direction "initial technical modeling") the child comprehends the basics of technical design, receives an impetus for the development of spatial perception and the foundations of modeling. The programs are designed taking into account the age characteristics of children and include various game moments, dynamic pauses, psycho-gymnastic exercises aimed at preserving health and maintaining the child's interest and activity.

In the future, there is a division of students in various directions, which depends, first of all, on the wishes of the child and the parents, on the expressed interest and technical orientation of the displayed abilities. Our educational institution "Station of young technicians" in the city of Novoshakhtinsk can offer its students such interesting and exciting directions as:

Scientific and technical (associations "Cosmos", "Rocket Modeling", "Air Modeling", "Radio Electronics and Radio Engineering Design", "Masterilka" and "Samodelkin Workshop");

Sports and technical ("Kartingist" association);

Artistic and aesthetic (associations "Design World", "Pattern");

Young traffic inspectors (YUID).

Last year, the guys from our associations successfully took part in events of various levels, such as:

Participation in events dedicated to the City Day and Miner's Day;

City competition "Visiting Samodelkin";

Competition for karting "Golden Autumn";

Action "If the heart is open to good";

Charitable action "New Russia Christmas tree";

Karting competitions dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War;

Competition of technical and decorative-applied creativity "Home magician";

City competition of technical and sports and technical creativity "Model of the Year - 2015";

Fire safety competition;

Karting competitions in the Soyuzny-Junior car class;

The fourth festival of technical knowledge "Engineering talents of a strong Russia";

Exhibition of young artists Don and Kuban;

Competition “Cosmonautics;

Regional meeting-competition "Young designers of the Don - the third millennium."

The guys took an active part in the XL scientific and practical conference

Don Academy of Sciences for Young Researchers. Yu.A. Zhdanov and much more.

Out of 518 students who took part in competitions, competitions and exhibitions, 65 children won prizes, of which:

1st place - 19 children,

II place - 28,

III place - 18.

Integration of technical design and modeling into the educational space of a child not only contributes to the formation of sustainable skills and competencies in the field of technical creativity, but also forms general activity, initiative, cognitive interest, creativity, observation, the ability to set goals and achieve results, and this happens easily and naturally ...

Deputy Director for Internal Affairs Shatlikova N.M.

Ways to identify and develop the abilities of preschool children.

I consider practical methods to be the most effective ways to identify the abilities of preschool children. Most often, the baby asks exactly what interests him the most, so you can understand the range of his interests. In a collective game, it is easy to identify leadership qualities, the ability to communicate with other children. Observing the play of a preschool child with dolls or cars will allow you to understand how developed imagination and logic are.

For the development of certain inclinations, it is very important to provide children with a constant opportunity to carry out the desired activity, as well as motivation for it.

Abilities are manifested and formed only in activity. This means that only by properly organizing the child's activities, it is possible to identify and then develop his abilities.

Conditions for the development of abilities in preschool age:

Features of family education. If parents show concern for the development of the abilities of their children, then the likelihood of finding any abilities in children is higher. Than when children are on their own.

The inclusion of a preschooler in various activities for the manifestation of all his inclinations and inclinations. The child needs to try himself in all areas of activity.

Creation of a subject-developing environment.

The correct position of an adult in dealing with children. The child must be helped to believe in himself, his strength, to support him on the difficult path of cognition, to teach the preschooler to correctly and objectively evaluate himself, the result obtained.

To identify the features of the motor-rhythmic sphere, I use:

L.A. tests Quint as modified by G. Gelnitz when examining voluntary mimic motor skills;

N.A. Rychkova when examining speech motility;

Tests of the Ozeretsky-Gelnitz motometric scale when examining general voluntary motor skills;

Tests for the examination of fine movements of the fingers M.A. Povalyaeva;

Examination of actions with objects according to the method of M.A. Povalyaeva;

Sense of rhythm according to N.A. Rychkova.

To develop the abilities of students, I actively include game technologies, elements and techniques of health-saving technologies, the technology of student-centered learning, aimed at the versatile, free and creative development of the child, and information and communication technologies, which increase the speech and cognitive activity of children.

For the development of facial and speech motility, I use a complex technique for correcting articulatory disorders Krupenchuk O.I., Vorobyova T.A. "Correcting pronunciation", which includes: a system of works on the development of fine motor skills, speech therapy massage, breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, isotonic exercises.

I selected and systematized complexes: pictures-symbols, toys-helpers, made a manual"Articulatory gymnastics in pictures and verses."

For the development of fine motor skills of hands, I use croup therapy, mosaics, massage balls, su-joks, expanders; drawing and shading with pencils; "Finger games", which contribute to the development of speech, creative activity. Developed manuals: “Take the counting sticks, collect the picture”, “Smart clothespins”, “Miracle rope”, “Whose tail?”, “Learning to lace up”.

The development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills is facilitated by the rhythm of poems, sayings, and proverbs. With the help of poetic rhythmic speech, the correct tempo of speech, the rhythm of breathing is developed, speech hearing, speech memory develops. dynamic pauses in combination with speech material.

To examine the oral speech of older preschool children, I use the illustrated material by O.B. Inshakova.

For the correction of sound pronunciation I use the following manuals: E.N. Krause “Speech therapy massage. Articulatory gymnastics ", M.F. Fomicheva "Raising correct pronunciation in children", O.A. Novikovskaya “We teach a child to speak. Games and exercises for developing the correct pronunciation of all sounds ”, didactic material by OE Gromova“ I Speak Correctly ”, L.А. Komarova "Automation of sound in game exercises" and others. Compiled a card index "Automation and differentiation of sounds in the classroom and at home."

To identify the features of phonemic perception in children

I use a set of diagnostic techniques based on the tasks proposed

G.A. Volkova "Album for the study of the phonetic and phonemic aspects of speech of preschoolers", V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko "Express - examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age", N.I. Dyakova "Diagnostics and correction of phonemic perception in preschoolers"

For the development of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis, I use manuals: N.M. Mironova "Developing phonemic perception", T.A. Tkachenko "Correction of phonetic disorders in children", "Development of phonemic perception", E.V. Kolesnikova "Development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old", Gadasina L.Ya., Ivanovskaya OG. “Sounds of all trades. 50 speech therapy games » and etc.

Produced didactic aids for the development of sound analysis and synthesis“I hear the sound, I fill the board”, “Hard-soft”, “Read by the first letters”, “Syllables and words”; on literacy "Tactile alphabet", "Sound profiles".

To identify the peculiarities of the syllabic structure of a word, I use the teaching aids of G.V. Babina, N.Yu. Safonkina "Syllabic structure of the word: Examination and formation in children with speech underdevelopment"

Correction of the syllable structure of the word is carried out using the methodological recommendations of T. A. Tkachenko "Correction of violations of the syllable structure of the word." S.E. Bolshakova "Forming the syllable structure of the word", NS Chetverushkina “Syllabic structure of the word. A systematic method for eliminating violations. "

To identify the features of the vocabulary, grammatical structure and coherent speech, I use a set of diagnostic techniques based on the tasks proposed

V. S Volodina "Album for the development of speech", T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova "Didactic materials for examination and formation of speech in preschool children", I.A. Smirnova "Speech therapy album for the examination of the lexico-grammatical structure and coherent speech"

I work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories of language and coherent speech in parallel with the improvement of non-speech mental functions and cognitive abilities in children. I use games and exercises developed by G.S. Shvaiko "Games and game exercises for the development of speech", O.S. Ushakova "Think of a word", V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko "Synonyms", "Antonyms", as well as "Didactic material for the development of lexical and grammatical categories in children 5-7 years old" N.S. Ruslanova, "Speech therapy tasks for children 5-6 years old (6-7 years old) T. NS. Bardysheva, E.N. Monosova.

I use in my work with southern role-playing games that contribute to the rapid and complete development of children's imagination; games - theatricalizations and games - dramatizations prepare children for a detailed, coherent and consistent presentation of thoughts.

Developed and testedmanuals that are aimed at the formation of diaphragmatic breathing, stimulation of the brain and regulation of neuropsychic processes (technology for the formation of speech breathing) : « Turntables ”,“ Mittens ”,“ Mushrooms ”,“ Butterflies ”,“ Autumn leaves ”,“ Kick the ball into the goal ”,“ Blow on the leaves; for spiders"; on the development of the grammatical structure of speech"Whose tail", "One-many", "1-2-5-9";

Prepared the winners and participants: the municipal competition "LogoZnayka"; All-Russian quiz for preschoolers "Little erudites"; All-Russian online Olympiad "Russian Matryoshka"; international quiz for preschoolers "Know-it-all Owl"; international quiz for preschoolers "Ready for school! Russian language". Organized and conducted garden-wide show jumping for readers: "Autumn Palette", "Spring Stream", "Feathered Friends", drawing contests: "Russian folk tales", "My favorite fairy tale", "In the world of fairy tales."

I develop the creative and cognitive abilities of preschool children through project activities. Together with parents and children, they became winners in the municipal competition "Pedagogical Project"

Already at an early age in children, you can see the very first manifestation of abilities - a tendency to any kind of activity. Performing it, the child experiences joy, pleasure. The more the kid is engaged in this type of activity, the more he wants to do it, he is interested not in the result, but in the process itself. The child likes not to draw a picture, but to draw; not build a house, but build it. And yet, abilities begin to develop most intensively and vividly from 3-4 years old, and in early childhood the general prerequisites for their formation are laid. So, in the first three years of life, the child masters the basic movements and object-related actions, he develops an active speech. The listed achievements of early childhood continue to develop in preschool age. General abilities are divided into two groups - cognitive and practical. The formation of cognitive is included in the formation of figurative forms of cognition of reality: perception, figurative memory, visual-figurative thinking, imagination, that is, in the creation of the figurative foundation of intelligence.

Central to the structure of cognitive abilities is the ability to create images that reflect the properties of objects, their general structure, the ratio of the main features or parts and situations.

Cognitive abilities include, first of all, sensory, intellectual and creative abilities. Sensory are associated with the child's perception of objects and their qualities, they form the basis of mental development. Sensory abilities are intensively formed from 3-4 years old. The assimilation of standards by a preschooler leads to the emergence of ideal samples of the properties of an object, which are indicated in the word. Children get acquainted with the varieties of each property and systematize them when, for example, they master the ideas about the colors of the spectrum, phonemes of their native language, and standards of geometric shapes.

The basis for the development of intellectual abilities is formed by the actions of visual modeling: substitution, use of ready-made models and building a model based on the establishment of relations between the substitute and the object being replaced. So, as a ready-made model, the plan of a playroom or area, along which children learn to navigate, can act. Then they themselves begin to build such a plan, denoting objects in the room with any conventional icons, for example, a table with a circle, and a cabinet with a rectangle.

Creativity is connected with imagination and allows the child to find original ways and means of solving problems, to come up with a fairy tale or story, to create an idea for a game or drawing.

The preschooler is involved in a variety of activities - play, construction, work, etc. All of them have a joint, collective nature, which means they create conditions for the manifestation and development of practical abilities, primarily organizational. In order to successfully interact with each other, children need a number of skills: goal setting, content planning, choice of means to achieve the goal, correlating the obtained result with the intended one, taking into account the opinions of partners, distributing responsibilities in accordance with the capabilities and interests of each, monitoring compliance rules, order, ability to resolve controversial issues and conflicts without the intervention of an adult, assess the relationship of partners to the assigned case, etc.

Having finished laying out the spoons, Natasha goes to the serving table, takes a stack of plates. Roma approaches. Natasha removes 3 plates from above and gives Roma: Take it. I'll help you arrange the plates. Put it nicely.

The practical abilities of preschoolers also include constructive and technical: spatial vision, spatial imagination, the ability to represent an object as a whole and its parts according to a plan, drawing, diagram, description, as well as the ability to independently formulate an idea that is distinguished by originality. Let us emphasize that these abilities are the basis, in the future, with their help, children learn such school subjects as drawing, geometry, physics, chemistry, where the ability to represent the essence of the process, the structure of the mechanism is required. Rich opportunities for the development of constructive and technical abilities in preschool age are created by designing from different materials, constructors, and the use of technical toys.

In preschool age, special abilities, especially artistic ones, are actively developed. Preschool childhood, like no other age period, creates favorable conditions for their formation. The preschooler is included in all the variety of artistic activities. He sings, dances, sculpts, paints. A child of preschool age manifests such abilities as graphic, decorative and applied, including a sense of composition, color, shape; musical,
which make up the melodic and rhythmic ear, the feeling of harmony; theatrical and speech, which include poetic ear, expressiveness of intonation and facial expressions. Any special ability includes the main components: a certain level of development of cognitive processes, technical skills, as well as emotional responsiveness and receptivity. Moreover, the latter comes to the fore in artistic abilities.

A special place in the psychology of abilities is occupied by the problem of the development of gifted children. Giftedness is understood as a qualitatively unique combination of abilities, which determines the range of intellectual capabilities of a person, the originality of his activities. A gifted child is ahead of his peers by the type of mental development. It is characterized by early development of speech and a rich vocabulary, sensitivity to new information, the ability to receive and systematize it, the desire to solve difficult problems and talk about complex phenomena, to establish hidden connections between objects, to find cause-and-effect relationships. Gifted children are very inquisitive, they ask an adult many questions that can baffle him, they are critical of themselves and those around them.

The first includes children with accelerated mental development. They differ from their peers by a high level of intelligence, amazing mental activity, and an insatiable cognitive need.

The second group consists of children with early mental specialization. At the usual general level, they are characterized by a special disposition to any one subject (to any field of science or technology). In "his" subject or group of objects, a child can stand out, can significantly surpass other children with the ease with which he is given the specificity of the material, the depth of interest, the readiness to assimilate and creatively participate in the work.

It is said that the father of the famous mathematician Gauss used to pay his workers at the end of the week by adding overtime wages to their daily wages. Once, after Gauss the father finished the calculations, the child, who was barely three years old, was following the father's operations, exclaimed: “The calculation is wrong. This is what the amount should be. " The calculations were repeated and were surprised to make sure that the kid indicated the correct amount.

The third group of gifted children is made up of children with some signs of extraordinary abilities. They are not ahead of their peers in the general development of intelligence, do not show striking success in any areas of activity, but they are distinguished by the special qualities of individual mental processes. For example, an extraordinary memory for any objects, a wealth of imagination, manifested in unusual associations, keen observation.

1. Incentives and abilities. Their development in preschool age

A person has two classes of inclinations: congenital and acquired. The former are sometimes referred to as "natural" and the latter as "social" or "cultural." Many natural inclinations are common in humans and animals: elementary abilities for perception, memorization, visual-active thinking. They arise depending on the maturation of the organism and are manifested in appropriate external conditions. They are usually based on genotypically determined anatomical and physiological properties of the organism.

It is necessary to distinguish natural inclinations from natural abilities. A. N. Leont'ev wrote: that natural abilities are "not inclinations, but what is formed on their basis." We can add to this important remark the following: without special training and education, that is, in the normal conditions of the existence of a living organism, the abilities of this kind appear and develop sufficiently.

A significant contribution to the development of the general theory of abilities was made by our domestic scientist B. M. Teplov. It was he who proposed three definitions of abilities. “Firstly, by abilities we mean individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another ... Secondly, not all individual characteristics at all are called abilities, but only those that are related to the success of performing any activity or many activities ... - third, the concept of "ability" is not limited to those knowledge, skills or abilities that have already been developed by a given person. "

Abilities, BM Teplov believed, cannot exist otherwise than in a constant process of development. An ability that does not develop, which in practice a person ceases to use, is lost over time. Only through constant exercises associated with systematic engagement in such complex types of human activities as music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports and the like, we maintain and develop further the corresponding abilities.

BM Teplov believed that human abilities could not exist otherwise than in a constant process of development. An ability that does not develop, which in practice a person ceases to use, is lost over time. Only through constant exercises associated with systematic engagement in such complex types of human activities as music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports and the like, we maintain and develop further the corresponding abilities.

Unlike the abilities themselves, the makings may well exist and not be lost for a long time. Moreover, it is relatively independent of whether or not a person turns to them, uses them or does not use them in practice.

The success of any activity does not depend on any one, but on a combination of various abilities, and this combination in a person, giving the same result, can be provided in different ways. In the absence of the necessary inclinations for the development of some abilities, their deficit can be compensated for by the stronger development of others.

Any inclinations, before turning into abilities, must go a long way of development. For many human abilities, this development begins from the first days of life and, if a person continues to engage in those activities in which the corresponding abilities develop, does not stop to the end. In the process of developing abilities, a number of stages can be distinguished. On some of them, the anatomical and physiological basis of future abilities is prepared, on others, the inclinations of a nonbiological plan are being formed, on the third, the necessary ability is formed and reaches the appropriate level. All these processes can proceed in parallel, to one degree or another overlap each other. Let's try to trace these stages on the example of the development of such abilities, which are based on clearly expressed anatomical and physiological inclinations, at least in an elementary form presented from birth.

The primary stage in the development of any such ability is associated with the maturation of the organic structures necessary for it or with the formation of the necessary functional organs on their basis. It usually refers to early childhood, spanning the life span of a child from birth to 6-7 years of age. Here, the work of all analyzers is improved, the development and functional differentiation of individual parts of the cerebral cortex, the connections between them and the organs of movement, primarily the hands, take place. This creates favorable conditions for the formation and development of general abilities in a child, a certain level of which acts as a prerequisite for the subsequent development of special abilities.

The formation of special abilities actively begins already in preschool childhood and continues at an accelerated pace in school, especially in the lower and middle grades. At first, the development of these abilities is helped by various kinds of children's games, then educational and work activities begin to exert a significant influence on them. In children's games, the initial impetus to development is received by many motor design, organizational, artistic and inventive, and other creative abilities. Classes in various types of creative games in preschool childhood are of particular importance for the formation of special abilities in children.

An important point in the development of children's abilities is complexity, that is, the simultaneous improvement of several mutually complementary abilities. It is practically impossible to develop any one of the abilities without caring about increasing the level of development of other related abilities. For example, although subtle and precise hand movements are in themselves a special kind of ability, they also influence the development of others, where appropriate movements are required. The ability to use speech, perfect mastery of it can also be considered as a relatively independent ability. But the same skill as an organic part is included in the intellectual, interpersonal, many creative abilities, enriching them.

The development of mental abilities is the main content of mental development. The purpose of teaching in a class in kindergarten is the assimilation of a certain circle of knowledge and skills given by the program, the development of mental abilities is achieved in an indirect way: in the process of assimilating knowledge. This is precisely the meaning of developmental education.

Domestic psychologists and teachers Zaporozhets A.B., Poddyakov N.H. developed the principles, content and methods of mental development of preschool children, which can significantly increase the developmental effect of learning, its influence on the development of the child's abilities.

The necessity of direct control of the development of the child's ability has been proved. Research results have shown that the basis for the development of mental abilities is the child's mastery of the actions of substitution and visual modeling. By older preschool age, children acquire the ability to connect with each other, to systematize their multifaceted knowledge, which indicates their mastery of socially developed means of cognition. Such means are in the field of perception - sensory standards, in the field of thinking - visual models and meanings expressed in sign form.

The mastery of these means of cognition took place in the child's activities aimed at solving cognitive tasks.

2. The specificity of cognitive abilities in preschool age

Currently, the problem of cognitive interest is one of the most urgent. The development of children's cognitive interest constantly attracts the attention of researchers and practitioners.

The upbringing of the cognitive abilities of preschool children is aimed at assimilating knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of activity, at improving mental processes, at mastering the correct methods of practical and mental activity.

Play, the most important type of child's activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a child, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. The Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him pours into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. "

In modern pedagogy, children's play is defined as a historically emerging type of activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationship between them.

Through play, the development of cognitive interest occurs. Interest in all its forms and at all stages of development is characterized by at least three educational points:

positive emotion in relation to the activity;

the presence of the cognitive side of this emotion, that is, what is called the joy of knowing and knowing;

the presence of an immediate motive that comes from the activity itself, that is, the activity itself attracts and encourages to engage, regardless of other motives.

Cognitive interest is the most important personality formation, which develops in the process of a person's life, is formed in the social conditions of his existence and is in no way immanent in a person from birth.

The diverse development of the child contributes to the formation of a harmonious personality. Modern parents pay significant attention to this aspect of upbringing, but the main emphasis is on sensing, attention and memory. Nevertheless, the development of creative abilities in preschool children is no less significant. Even if in the future your little one will not become a musician or actor, the ability to think outside the box will help navigate the modern world, where creativity is highly valued.

The development of a child's creative abilities: basic concepts

Creativity is a complex concept, consisting of certain skills and abilities. Preschool activities are creative, but parents should also use all available means of developing their child's creativity. You should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • the baby's desire for discoveries, knowledge of the surrounding reality;
  • the ability to invent;
  • the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice;
  • imagination and fantasy;
  • activity and alertness of the mind;
  • non-standard vision of various situations;
  • intuition;
  • initiative.

The creative development of preschool children should begin at the age of two and further contribute to the assimilation of new knowledge and the perception of the world as a whole.

Coming out of infancy, the child begins to actively show creativity. Parents need to pay attention to these aspirations and contribute to their maximum disclosure. Each age period in the development of a child has its own characteristics.

Two-year-olds can move quite rhythmically to music, have a penchant for drawing, or require constant attention from everyone around them. It is necessary to encourage these aspirations in every possible way, developing and improving them.

In the next two years, creative activity reaches its peak. During this time, parents should make every effort to unleash the potential of their baby. Even in the absence of obvious inclinations for any activity, you need to engage in as much as possible and use all the means of development of the child.

5- and 6-year-olds need creative assignments of greater difficulty. It is this period that prepares the baby for school, where any skills or their lack will be fully manifested. The ability to fantasize, invent and think outside the box will facilitate the assimilation of new knowledge.

It should be remembered that gaps in the creative development of preschool children, the inability to express their thoughts creatively can provoke serious difficulties in further education. Many parents cite the lack of proper education and the problem of channeling the child's imagination in the right direction. However, such excuses are completely untenable, since there are various methods and means of child development. By studying these simple guides and working with your little one on a regular basis, you can unleash his creative potential to the fullest.

The methods are extremely simple and do not require specialized pedagogical education. It is necessary to constantly pay attention to each of the aspects of the creative preschool development of the child, and the result will not be long in coming.

  • Cognition of the world around is carried out through joint discussions of what is happening around. You need to pay attention to any events at home, not on the street, in transport, explaining the ongoing processes. It is necessary to answer not all the questions the baby has, to talk about the animal and plant world.
  • Purchasing educational board games will be of great benefit. All means for the development of a child must be appropriate for his age. Mosaics and various constructors are most suitable for kids.
  • Drawing is the most common area of ​​creativity. Do not spare money for high-quality pencils and paints, as well as scold your kid for damaged wallpaper. A child's creative development should start by explaining geometric shapes and identifying colors, helping to learn new things and encouraging success.
  • Modeling not only allows you to fully show your imagination, but also contributes to the improvement of fine motor skills. The resulting figurines can be used for a little theatrical improvisation.
  • The full creative development of preschool children is impossible without daily reading aloud. Teachers recommend that you devote at least half an hour to this activity, introducing the baby not only to prose, but also to poetry. Favorite fairy tales, again, can be played out in faces.
  • Music also enhances imagination and memory. It is necessary to listen to children's songs, classics and sing lullabies to the baby.

For the harmonious development of a child, the creative aspect is very important. Parents should devote enough time and attention to their child, providing him with the necessary means of creative expression. Praise and encouragement from adults will heighten your child's interest in learning and help him fully realize himself.