Rivers of pain. Why do you want to cry for no reason. Why I want to cry for no reason Why can I cry over little things

Almost every person at least once in his life fell into the trap of involuntary emotions, when any little thing, any spoken word caused a stream of uncontrollable tears. But how can we cry for no good reason? This does not happen in a vacuum, as there are many internal and external factors that need to be taken into account.

For women, triggers for tears are often premenstrual syndrome, depression, or an anxiety disorder. Sometimes you clearly know what is happening to you, but sometimes you cannot understand why, when you sit on the bus and look at high-rise buildings passing by, tears roll from your eyes. Next, consider the main reasons that are responsible for such an unusual manifestation of emotions.

Sleep deprivation

Unfortunately, with age, people are increasingly faced with insomnia and other sleep cycle disorders. However, experts strongly recommend a good rest in order to maintain the health of the body's leading functions. However, some of us are so busy working and reliant on caffeinated drinks that we don't pay attention to the early symptoms of a sleep disorder. The good news is that insomnia and spontaneous awakenings in the middle of the night can be overcome, however, for this you will have to make some effort.

Sleep Improvement Plan

Develop a plan that will help you fall asleep easier, and strictly follow it. Every day before bed, make a to-do list for tomorrow. This will help make it easier to fall asleep and eliminate the generation of spontaneous anxious thoughts. Create the perfect relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom by decluttering the room, maintaining an optimal air temperature, using low power light sources, and practicing some relaxing routines before bed.

chronic pain

Crying for no apparent reason is most often a sign of emotional instability, but it can also be associated with physical problems such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, or physical weakness caused by cancer. All people deal with pain differently. Some of us have a high and some have a low pain threshold. In the first case, a person could potentially endure severe torture, and in the second, minimal stimulation that causes pain is enough for tears. And if you are a person with a low pain threshold, you also suffer from chronic pain and discomfort, it is not surprising that you cry a lot.

Trapped in emotions

Frequent tears for no apparent reason can be a sign that you are being torn apart by "stuck emotions" that trail behind unresolved situations from the past. This may be due to negative and traumatic events that happened a long time ago, but still have power over you. This emotional baggage makes you make wrong assumptions, which reflects on your actions and distorts your perception of reality. Also, "stuck emotions" contribute to the generation of anxiety, depression and other forms of mental illness.

Sometimes, for reasons that are of unknown origin, emotions are stored in the soul of a person for a long time after the traumatic event occurred. They prevent you from enjoying life and moving on, they shackle your body and tie it to past experiences. In fact, this negativity is locked in your body, like in a trap from which there is no way out. Getting rid of stuck emotions is not possible without the help of a professional. And if you leave everything as it is, you will be doomed to live under the yoke of colossal mental and physical stress.

Other reasons

Tears of unexplained origin can be a marker of borderline personality disorder, which entails dramatic mood changes. Most people perceive crying as a transition from calmness to a sudden outburst of rage. Someone writes it off as excessive sentimentality (remember that in the company of people there is always someone who is always crying because of the innate feeling of compassion for their neighbor).

However, there is another reason that makes people shed tears at the most "inopportune moment." These can be the ostentatious emotions of a prudent and selfish manipulator who covers up the lack of emotions with tears. You trust this person and sincerely feel sympathy, and he takes advantage of your wounded position and achieves his goal (for example, asking you for a favor). There are those people who just love to cry. They revel in their status as a super emotional person and do it for themselves rather than for others.

Is there always a reason to cry?

According to chiropractor and alternative medicine specialist Carol Lurie, a person will always find a reason to cry: "Crying is not always a bad thing, and in many cases tears do not need to stop immediately." Dr. Lurie is echoed by licensed psychologist Gina Marie Guarino: "Even if you feel like your tears have no reason, if you dig deeper, everything will fall into place. Crying is not synonymous with sadness, it is a kind of release of energy. When tears roll down your cheeks, do not stealthily wipe them. Better ask yourself, what experiences are you hiding from?


Remember that even the strongest personalities have the right to tears, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Do not seek to suppress your feelings and emotions, this is fraught with nervous breakdowns. Look for the reason for such behavior, but do not rush to panic, this will not add rationality to your mind. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, make an appointment with a neurologist or a psychotherapist.

Ordinary crying from the point of view of psychologists and doctors is a normal, natural phenomenon. However, everything should be in moderation. If it occurs for no reason, then it is strange. When this happens more than once, you should seek qualified help from a specialist. Sometimes tears signal serious problems or malfunctions in the body that will not go away on their own without proper medical treatment.

The first thing you should pay attention to when crying uncontrollably is the emotional state. Problems with the nervous system lead to unexpected emotions, for example, when congratulating the bride, a person may begin to cry. Tears can be so strong that crying will resemble a tantrum.

The main reason for this condition is excessive fatigue. Brain cells get used to working without interruption, which causes malfunctions in the brain. The body is exhausted, this is indicated by constant crying. Additional symptoms of fatigue are:

  • irritability
  • carelessness
  • outbursts of anger
  • uncontrolled aggression

It is important to go to bed on time and take occasional vacations, especially for young people. It seems that youth allows you to withstand any load, but this opinion is erroneous. You need to take care of yourself at any age.

The next reason is the temperament of a person. Biologists have divided temperament into four classifications:

  • sanguine
  • melancholic
  • choleric
  • phlegmatic person

Temperament affects the perception of a person and his reaction to various life situations.

Melancholics are depressive people, prone to tearfulness more than others. This is further influenced by predisposition, heredity and upbringing.

The third reason is the hormonal state, this is more true for the female population. and menopause women are located to poor health, irritability, mood swings and excessive tearfulness. During menopause, those hormones for which a healthy egg was responsible cease to be produced. Now the body is preparing for aging, other hormones begin to actively enter the bloodstream, which serve as provocateurs of deep euphoria and depression.

I want to cry? Crying is good for your health. We are all subject to various emotional stresses and crying is an effective form of stress relief. Crying is an emotional response to pain, despair, fear, and sometimes happiness and joy, some people love to cry, others hold back tears. Tears are full of sodium and chlorine.Removing them from your head makes you feel better. Crying is a natural human emotion. Today, most of us are burdened with an endless amount of personal, professional, and social responsibility. The question here is without shedding tears, how to make us feel better? Of course, running away from problems and responsibilities. But crying can help you a little here. In fact, in some cases, our stress level reaches a certain point where crying comes naturally to us. So let's take a look at some of the physical and emotional benefits associated with crying.

Crying is a good healer

Crying reduces stress

Experts believe that crying can help us reduce our stress levels to a great extent. It is a well-documented fact that the act of crying helps get rid of unwanted hormones and chemicals that are responsible for creating tension in human beings, so there is no point in holding back your tears.

Crying prevents disease

Interestingly, crying is also a means to prevent colds and flu. Not many people know that tears help us fight germs that get into our eyes. The fact is that tears are able to kill 95% of the bacteria present in our eyes within a few minutes, and in the process prevent diseases.

Crying is also believed to promote good eyesight. When we cry, tears flow from our eyes, thus moistening the eyes and thus preventing dehydration of the membrane surrounding our eyeballs. Thus, it promotes clear vision.

Too many tears

However, crying often is not always a good thing and can be a sign of more serious illnesses such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and postpartum depression.
Moreover, the healing effects of crying will not work for everyone.
Researchers have found that people who suffer from a mood disorder are less likely to feel better after crying.
If you're depressed and cry all the time, that's not good and it might be time for you to seek help.

We all have a natural body function that helps relieve stress, you know what I'm saying. It is also the natural function of the body to remove the accumulation of heat in your body and this is called sweat. You have a natural body function to release stress, anxiety, and other emotional buildups, and that's called crying. Yes, cry.

I want to cry
? You must afford it. It's a form of stress relief where you really kind of exhale. Let tears well up in your eyes, or roll down your cheeks, or just burst into sobs. Choose a place where you won't be disturbed and cry. Of course, you may experience crying side effects such as puffy eyes, runny nose. Just remember to use a cold compress to control eye swelling. If you don't, your eyes may remain swollen for hours. After a thorough crying, maybe even screaming, you will feel better. You know what to do if - cry. Sometimes crying helps clear your mind, and it can even help you think things through a little more clearly than if you kept those stressful emotions inside. I'm sure there are naturally other ways to relieve stress, exercise, sex, sleep, massage, baths, but don't ignore or deprive yourself of a good cry - an immediate and effective form of natural stress relief.

A person begins to cry at the moment of his birth, and then, throughout his life, he does not lose this ability. Tears flow in moments of grief, grief, resentment, pity. Most often, children cry. Adult women start crying after 35 years. Before that age, you need a good reason to cry. Men cry even less often. So, why does a person want to cry?

Psychological reasons

Psychologists say that a person cries out of self-pity. And, even if the situation outwardly does not concern him, he still projects it onto himself, imagines how he feels in this situation, and begins to cry. For example, at a funeral, a person cries because he sees death and understands that he cannot avoid it either. Looking at the torment of a sick person or animal, he imagines that he himself is sick. When a person loses a loved one, he feels sorry for himself, because he has become lonely. This is a very tough doctrine, many will be able to argue with it, but this is the opinion of scientists. In life, we explain crying with sincerity, emotionality, vulnerability, sentimentality. Any of these qualities can cause crying.

Priests express a dissenting opinion, answering the question of why you want to cry in church. They say that tears are a gift from God sent to us for cleansing. With tears, they say, all the negativity accumulated in life comes out. Some ministers of non-Orthodox movements say that it is the devil sitting in a person who does not let him into the church, sends sobs to the person. You can believe in any teaching, but no one will argue with the fact that a person goes to church to ask for help from higher powers. He completely opens his soul, sincerely admits to himself that he will never tell anyone. And, he begins to be overwhelmed with pity for himself, the martyr. Therefore, tears appear, completely pure and honest.

Physiological causes

Doctors do not consider crying a pathology, for them it is a normal physiological phenomenon. From a medical point of view, crying is a consequence of increased emotionality. At the moment when a person cannot cope with a difficult situation inside, the reaction of a person begins to break out, attracting the attention of others with non-standard behavior. This is what motivates those who are around to start helping a person, calm him down, and solve his problem. Do you remember why a baby cries? At this moment, he needs something, and he cannot yet say it in words. An adult also cannot always ask for help in words, so he cries. This theory fully answers the question of why you want to cry from the point of view of anatomy and sociology.

Increased tearfulness is observed in people with thyroid diseases, because when it works poorly, the psyche becomes unstable. Also, due to the special hormonal background, women become tearful before the onset of menstruation. Also, hormones can begin to be poorly produced during stress, insomnia, mental overwork, and heavy physical exertion. Try to rest more, change the type of activity.

Crying and tears are not only a physiological process, but also a way of expressing emotions, experiences and feelings. Everyone's life begins with crying. Subsequently, the child uses tears to communicate with adults. In this way, he communicates his needs, demands care and simply attracts attention.

Adults use tears to relieve mental suffering or in moments of physical pain. But what if you constantly want to cry for no apparent reason? Life is in full swing, all relatives are alive and well, and tears come to my eyes every now and then. Is this normal or should I see a doctor? Is it possible to cope with constant tearfulness on your own? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

Why do you want to cry for no apparent reason

If tears often flow from your eyes, and it seems to you that there are no reasons for this, you are mistaken. Everything that happens to the body has a reason. The desire to cry all the time without external negative circumstances may indicate the following:

Nervous system overload

Stress in modern life has become so common that we don't even notice it. Small unpleasant moments accompany us everywhere: transport, work, TV, life, shop. If we add to this bad ecology, beriberi, a frantic pace of life, it turns out that a person exists in chronic stress all the time. Psychological protection simply does not have time to cope with it.

Crying becomes the only active tool that helps the nervous system to somehow maintain the body in an active state.

Psychological disorders

Depression is good at disguising itself as fatigue or a bad mood. No wonder she is called the "silent killer". If the complaint “I cry for no reason” lasts more than two weeks, and there are also disturbances in appetite, sleep, then you should definitely contact a neurologist or psychiatrist. Tearfulness is also characteristic of neurosis, panic attacks, mood disorders.

Hormonal disruptions

The emotional response may be enhanced under the influence of certain physiological processes. These are pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, menopause. During such periods, hormonal changes make adjustments to the emotional state. The woman becomes more vulnerable, sensitive, tearful. This is a temporary phenomenon, but if it brings severe discomfort, then going to the gynecologist will help correct emotional reactions.

Physiological pathologies

Tearfulness can accompany some diseases. For example, vegetovascular dystonia, lack of vitamins, eye diseases, gastrointestinal pathology.

Bitter memories from the past

All events with which strong emotions were associated are not erased from memory without a trace. It seems to you that you have experienced everything for a long time and forgot, but it is not so. Memories, especially negative ones, pass into the subconscious of a person and, under certain circumstances, can make themselves felt. If lately you have been attacked by tears all day, then try to remember what you don’t really want to remember. Consulting a psychotherapist will help to deal with the past.

Important! During a tense, extreme situation, a person is in such a “compressed” state that there is simply no time to cry. Tears appear much later, when all the troubles are in the past. In psychology, this phenomenon is called "emotional recoil."

In adults, crying is not a signal of a problem, as in a child, but a way to restore the nervous system.

Self-help: how to deal with excessive tearfulness

If attacks of sudden crying occur in situations that are not very convenient for this, then the following recommendations will help to cope with them:

  • Strengthen control over your emotional state. Meaningful deep breathing will help to cope with the stream of thoughts and memories from which the eyes are wet. Focus on the air. When you inhale it, it is a little cool, and when you exhale it becomes warmer. If possible, drink sugar water.
  • Distracting maneuver. Try to shift your attention to what is happening around you. How many people are around you, what are they doing, describe what they are wearing. Well helps to distract the brain from suffering solving mathematical problems.
  • With high anxiety, excessive tearfulness, you can try to calm the nervous system with herbal sedatives. Review nutrition. Add more fresh herbs, bright juicy fruits and vegetables.
  • Information hunger. One day a week, practice a complete rejection of the TV, gadgets, phone. Better spend this time in nature, take a walk in the park or think of a hobby.