A 6-year-old child is rapidly gaining weight. If your family member is struggling with excess weight, it can be very difficult to resist advice, lectures, and even jokes. Putting your child on a strict diet

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Kurbanova Shahnoza asks:

Zdrastvuyte moemu dochke 8let ana vesit 28kg rost 122metr ana viglidit me kajtsy polnim ya ochen boyus ana esli polnet kak mne bit


The body mass index calculation indicates that your child is overweight. It is necessary to contact your pediatrician or pediatric endocrinologist for a complete examination and examination of the child. If you are overweight, you must also take a blood test for sugar, lipid profile. the recommended diet for children with overweight: frequent fractional meals in small portions, complete exclusion of flour and sweets from the diet. The basis of the diet should be protein (low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat boiled meats (veal, rabbit) and fish (hake, river fish), and vegetables with fruits. The physical activity should include at least 1 hour of physical exercise per day.

Tatiana asks:

Hello, my son is 7 years old 7 months height 129 weight 44 kg what to do? after 18 hours does not eat, sometimes sweet at the minimum. What to do?

Answers Kovbasko Ekaterina Mikhailovna:

Hello, weight is not taken out of thin air. Analyze all nutrition. You should exclude all easily digestible carbohydrates (rolls, sweets, grapes, raisins, honey, noodles, semolina, etc. porridge, etc.) + rational exercise. In addition, it is necessary to be examined by an endocrinologist (blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, growth hormones, etc.)

Marina asks:

A girl of 5 and a half years old, height 109, weight 16kg, thin-boned, age-appropriate norms or should be on the alert. Congenital lengthening of the intestines, therefore poor appetite. Thanks.

Answers Parshin Sergey Alexandrovich:

Hello. According to centile tables, growth corresponds to average physical development. And in terms of body weight, the indicators are at a low level. In general, physical development is average, but disharmonious due to low body weight. The issue of nutrition needs to be resolved. Take a course of Kiddy-Pharmaton vitamins. They increase the appetite.

Olga asks:

Hello! My daughter will turn 2 months in a week, and she has problems with weight gain (child on HB). Weight at birth 3850, at discharge 3740. In a month - 4150, in a week - 4100. Analysis of feces is normal (according to the pediatrician "only fat is not digested by one plus"). Supplementary feeding was introduced with a mixture of Nestogen 1, 30 ml at the end of each feeding, but it is impossible to supplement each feeding, because the daughter eats up (she lets go of the breast and falls asleep, or lets go and does not take any more). A week later, with control weighing - 4175. The child is calm, cheerful, rosy. I can see from my clothes what is growing. He asks to eat in 2.5-3 hours, and at night he can sleep for 6-7 hours, often I wake up myself to feed. Good appetite, eats for 25-40 minutes. Please tell me what could be the reason for such a weak weight gain and is hospitalization really necessary. Thank you in advance.

Answers Yakubchik Natalia Nikolaevna:

Olga, "insufficient" weight gain is not a reason for hospitalization! Formula supplementation creates numerous new problems, not saves. It is difficult for me to understand the situation without feedback, but I will give a few recommendations: 1. Call a Breastfeeding consultant, 2. Remove the supplements. 3. Do not take day breaks for more than 2 hours, and night breaks for more than 5 hours. 4, you can track the number of pee-peeses per day, there should be 10 or more of them. 5. Eliminate stressful situations, including walking, guests, bathing, massage, control weighings. This is so offhand. But I highly recommend a personal consultation! Good luck and wisdom! -

Victoria asks:

Hello, I am also very worried about the weight of my son. Our dad is full. The child goes in for sports, is very mobile, and after three years we could not stop looking at it became a strong man. I can not say that he is very fat. Now the height is 126-127 cm, the weight is 32 kg, according to the tables I see that we are exceeding the weight norm. We go to the doctors regularly, everything is fine, I am very worried that there is no obesity.

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "health-ua.org":

Good afternoon. The assessment of the weight and height of the child is carried out using centile tables. However, these tables show averages. When assessing weight, the constitutional characteristics of the child should also be taken into account. To prevent obesity in a child, a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity are necessary. That is, pay attention to what the child eats and how much, set the diet, exclude snacks. Also monitor the child's physical activity, sports, walks in the fresh air, active games. In case of unexplained weight gain, consult an endocrinologist for advice. All the best.

Alena asks:

Hello! Doctor, please help me with advice. My son is 10 months old and how it seems to me he is thin with us. The last time we weighed at the pediatrician at 7 months and he weighed 6.500. Doctors say nothing bad, they say that everything is fine. Even asked for up to a year they do not bother them for no reason, they say, everything is fine with you.

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "health-ua.org":

Provided that your child is feeling and moving normally, and if there are no other symptoms, it is unlikely that poor weight gain indicates a serious health problem for your child. In this case, a more complete examination is recommended, including a general blood test, a general urine test, a coprogram, and a thorough face-to-face examination by a pediatrician. It should also be noted that a child's nutrition at 10 months should include 3 complementary foods (vegetable puree, milk and cereal porridge, and sour milk products), as well as meat puree (50 grams per day), cottage cheese (30-50 grams per day ) and fruit juices (up to 100 ml).

Janet asks:

Zdrastvuyte! u menya devochka ey 4.3 rost 11O. A ves 21 kg ona ne mnogo kushaet a ves takoy ya perejivayu (vi nemogli bi skazat chto delat? Spasibo vam! S uvajeniem Zanet

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "health-ua.org":

Good afternoon. The assessment of the weight and height of the child is carried out using centile tables. According to these tables, your child is above average weight and height. However, the tables indicate averaged data without taking into account individual characteristics. For a reliable assessment of the physical development of a child, it is necessary to take into account constitutional data, that is, heredity, characteristics of the child's development. But weight gain can be a symptom of a disease. For a more detailed assessment of the child's weight, it is necessary to contact a pediatric endocrinologist, and, if necessary, make a comprehensive examination of the child. All the best.

Elmira asks:

My child, with a height of 129 cm, weighs 34 kg, what to do

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "health-ua.org":

Good afternoon. The average weight of a child is determined using centile tables. According to their data, your child is overweight. However, it is impossible to draw conclusions without inspection and clarification of some data. The fact is that weight depends on many factors, including constitutional features, heredity, characteristics of the child's development, concomitant diseases. If a child has visible weight problems, the first thing to do is pay attention to the child's nutrition and physical activity. And also contact a pediatric endocrinologist for a face-to-face consultation. All the best.

Elena asks:

Hello! My daughter is 12 years old, weight - 62 kg. Help, what should I do to lose weight? (everyone in our family is full)

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "health-ua.org":

For starters, without looking at the family history. It is nevertheless necessary to contact a pediatric endocrinologist to exclude other causes of overweight. It is also necessary to take a blood test for sugar, lipid profile. the recommended diet for children with overweight: frequent fractional meals in small portions, complete exclusion of flour and sweets from the diet. The basis of the diet should be protein (low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat boiled meats (veal, rabbit) and fish (hake, river fish), and vegetables with fruits. The physical activity should include at least 1 hour of physical exercise per day

Elena asks:

Good day. My daughter began to gain weight since the summer. Now we are in first grade, and it seems to me that ooea is the largest. Our height is somewhere I think 130. Weight 36 kg. I'm shocked. She began to limit her in everything. She really eats little bread herself. What should I do? And too much weight? thanks

Answers Renchkovskaya Natalia Vasilievna:

Hello, Elena. See your pediatric endocrinologist. Pass the examination, exclude endocrine pathology,. It is not reasonable to restrict the child about everything, reduce calorie intake, prescribe frequent fractional meals, mono diets, and even more so, prescribe diet pills. A growing body must receive all the necessary proteins, vitamins, fats, and trace elements. The doctor should schedule a balanced diet. The more you restrict, the more the body stores for a "rainy day". You need a correct diet, water regimen and physical exercise regimen. From SW. Natalya Vasilievna.

Tamara asks:

Hello! My grandson is 10 years old. He is actively engaged in judo, goes to the pool. Its weight is currently 44 kg. We think that this is a bit too much, what do you say? Thanks.

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "health-ua.org":

Hello Tamara! In order to determine the normal weight for your grandchild, you must at least know his height. It is possible that a slightly higher than normal weight is associated with the characteristics of the growth and development of the child. However, since excess weight may be the result of certain diseases (for example, endocrine disorders), it is necessary to consult a pediatrician on this matter in person. In the absence of deviations, weight normalization can be achieved by diet, taking multivitamins, microelements in order to normalize metabolism. Take care of your health!

Anna asks:

I will briefly outline the problem: In 2010, within a month, my daughter (she was then 7 years old) began to gain weight sharply, today her weight is almost 80 kg. (she is now 10 years old). For 3 years she gained 50 kg. She was in the hospital and underwent examination in order to identify the cause, a month later she was discharged without finding the reason why she was gaining weight, while revealing the following disorders in the body:
- MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels - conclusion - MR picture of single foci of changes in the brain matter of a dystrophic nature. Asymmetry of blood flow along the intracranial parts of the vertebral arteries;
- Transcranial color duplex scanning of the arteries of the main brain - conclusion - Bending of the intracranial segment of the LA. Increased tone in PSMA, PPML;
- Duplex scanning of the extracranial sections of the brachiocephalic arteries - conclusion - S-shaped bend of the PVAA before entering the skull. Increased tone in all pools;
- ultrasound of the thyroid gland does not exclude hypoplasia.
For 3 months, the child practically does not eat anything, after 18.00 he completely refused to eat, does exercises, but still gains weight.
Please tell me how serious is her conclusion and where should I contact?
Thank you in advance.

Obesity in our time is becoming an increasingly urgent problem. An overweight war is going on in all countries - and, worst of all, in all age categories. More and more often children find themselves on this "battlefield" for some reason, and the disease itself gradually goes beyond heredity alone. For example, in the United States, overweight is noted in every second child, and every fifth is diagnosed with obesity. In Russia, 5-10% of children of different ages have such a diagnosis, and about 20% are overweight.

Is overweight dangerous for a child, and how to deal with the problem?

Causes of overweight in children 2-5 years old - why is my child fat?

Where the excess weight in adults comes from is understandable (there are many reasons, and everyone has their own). But where does the extra weight come from in babies who do not even go to school yet?

Baby plumpness is considered very cute as long as the plumpness does not become unnatural and there are no signs of being really overweight.

The intense formation of body fat begins at the age of 9 months - and leaving this process to chance, parents risk losing weight out of control.

If the little one began to walk and run actively, but the cheeks did not go away, and the excess weight continues to hold on (and even increase), then it is time to take action.

Video: Overweight in a child. Doctor Komarovsky

Why are babies overweight?

The main reasons, as before, are genetic predisposition and constant overeating. If the baby receives more "energy" than it spends, then the result is predictable - the excess will be deposited on the body.

Other reasons:

  • Lack of mobility. Lack of active recreation, which is replaced by spending time at the TV and laptop.
  • Abuse of sweets, fatty foods , fast food, soda, etc.
  • Feeding. "Another spoon for mom ...", "Until you eat, you won't get up from the table," etc. Parents forget that it is much more correct when a child gets up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger than crawls out like a "seal" with a full stomach.
  • Psychological aspects. Stress seizure is a common cause in children as well as in adults.
  • Lack of proper daily routine , constant lack of sleep.
  • Long-term medication. For example, antidepressants or glucocorticoids.

Chronic diseases can also cause excess weight.

For example…

  1. Metabolic disorders, problems with the endocrine system.
  2. Tumor of the hypothalamus.
  3. Hypothyroidism, etc.
  4. Chromosomal and other genetic syndromes.
  5. Diabetes.

Of course, one cannot wait until the child's excess weight develops into obesity - treatment should be started immediately, before the complications and consequences of obesity.

Why are overweight and obesity in young children dangerous?

The formation of excess weight in a child only at first glance seems to be a trifle - they say, "it will pass with time ...".

In fact, overweight in a child is becoming an even more dangerous problem than obesity in an adult.

What is the danger?

  • The child grows up, and at this age not all systems are working at full strength - they are still just learning to function correctly. Naturally, such stress for the body during this period can have unpredictable consequences.
  • The spine takes on an unreasonable load. It is at the time of the formation of the skeleton and posture, the active growth of the baby.
  • With an increasing load on the body systems due to excess weight by adolescence (of course, if the parents do not take the necessary steps in time), hypertension, ischemia, an increased risk of heart attack, etc. will appear.
  • Unable to cope with the excess of nutrients, the pancreas loses its rhythm of work, which can ultimately lead to diabetes.
  • Decreases immunity, increases the tendency to colds.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Psychological problems begin, associated with the child's complexes.

Also among the possible complications:

  1. Dysfunction of the sex glands.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Changes in the musculoskeletal system: violation of gait and posture, the appearance of flat feet, the development of arthritis, osteoporosis, etc.
  4. Cholelithiasis.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

And this is not the whole list.

What can we say about the fact that fat children are unhappy children who constantly suffer from other people's ridicule, their complexes, powerlessness.

The task of parents is to prevent such a problem. And if excess weight still appears, then start treatment as early as possible, so as not to deprive your child of well-being in the future.

Video: Overweight in children is especially dangerous!

How to notice overweight and obesity in young children - signs, weight and degree of obesity

At different ages, the disease manifests itself in different symptoms, and the clinical picture will depend on the age characteristics of the child.

Among the main signs that you should pay close attention to:

  • Excess weight.
  • Increased blood pressure and shortness of breath after exertion.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Constipation, dysbiosis, disruption of the digestive tract in general.
  • The appearance of fat folds, etc.

You can also identify excess weight by body weight table , comparing the norm of weight and its excess, according to the WHO data.

We must not forget that the parameters are adjusted according to height, age and gender.

If your height is above normal, then being overweight is not necessarily a deviation from the norm. Everything is individual.

As for very small toddlers up to a year old, their rate is determined taking into account a double weight gain by 6 months, and a triple weight gain by a year.

And the beginning of obesity in babies up to the 1st year is considered the moment when the normal weight value is exceeded by more than 15 percent.

Obesity is classified as follows:

  • Primary. A variant when the disease develops due to an illiterately organized diet or a hereditary factor.
  • Secondary. It usually develops against the background of a malfunction of the endocrine glands, as well as against the background of a chronic disease.

Besides, obesity is classified by degree ... This diagnosis is carried out based on the calculation of BMI (approx. - body mass index), which is calculated using a special formula.

For example, if a 7-year-old child is 1.15 m tall and weighs 38 kg, then BMI = 38: (1.15 x 1.15) = 29.2

  • 1 tbsp. BMI> norms by 15-25%.
  • 2 tbsp. BMI> norms by 26-50%.
  • 3 tbsp. BMI> rates by 51-100%.
  • 4 tbsp. BMI> the norm is 100% or more.


It only makes sense to calculate BMI after the onset of the baby 2 years old... To understand whether there is obesity, you need to calculate the BMI and compare the resulting value with the norm adopted by the WHO.

And, of course, one cannot but say that even a suspicion of overweight and obesity in a child is a reason to see a doctor, regardless of the BMI values ​​obtained.

What to do if the child is 2-5 years old, which specialists should I contact?

If you notice that your child is gaining weight, do not expect a miracle - run to the clinic! It is important to diagnose on time, find the cause and receive treatment recommendations.

Which doctors should I go to?

  • Start with your pediatrician and endocrinologist.
  • Further - a gastroenterologist, nutritionist, cardiologist and neuropathologist, psychologist.

The rest of the doctors will be advised by the therapist.

Diagnostics should include:

  1. Complete history taking.
  2. Study of general data (height and weight, BMI, stage of development, pressure, etc.).
  3. Laboratory diagnostics (general urine and blood tests, blood for hormones, lipid profile, etc.).
  4. Ultrasound, MRI, ECG and ECHO-KG, examination by an ophthalmologist and polysomnography.
  5. Genetic research and so on.

Video: Excess weight in children - how to deal with it?

Prevention of obesity in young children

To save your child from excess weight, you need to remember the basic rules of prevention:

  • Meals - according to the schedule and according to the schedule. Without overeating, supplementary feeding and cramming a “spoon for daddy” - portions optimal for the child.
  • Use foods with lower fat content. Develop the habit of eating healthy and moving a lot in your baby from the cradle.
  • For sports, yes. Walking - yes. Movement is life. Take on your child's leisure time completely - do not push him to super-caring grandmothers and a computer with TV. Walk in the park, ski and roller skate, go to sections, participate in holidays and competitions, run together in the morning and dance in the evenings - let your child absorb the habit of being vigorous, slim and light.
  • Do you want to wean your child from junk food? Unlearn all together! A child will not give up chips if dad eats them near the TV.
  • Replace all utensils with which you normally eat. The smaller the plate, the smaller the portion.
  • Food is a process that involves the body getting the energy it needs. ... And nothing more. Not a pleasure. Not entertainment. Not a feast for the belly. Not a cult. So no TVs at lunchtime.
  • Choose sections - not those in which the child will quickly lose kilograms, but those where he will want to go... The more interesting the section is for the child, the more intensively he is engaged and the more he gives all the best in training.
  • Cook healthy desserts with your child. It is clear that all children love sweets. And it is impossible to wean them. But it's up to you to make the desserts healthy. Look for recipes - and please your household.

Site site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. If you experience alarming symptoms, contact a specialist!

Everyone loves pink-cheeked butuses who smile and look at their parents with happy eyes. These plump arms and legs in folds are delightful, and after three or more years they are alarming. And the older your round toddler becomes, the more difficult it will be for him to communicate on an equal footing with peers. What if your child is fat?

Obesity and overweight: what's the difference?

Often, concepts such as "obesity" and "overweight" are confused. In most cases, they are considered to be identical. However, this is not quite true. The fact is that not always, when a child is fat, he suffers from obesity. Almost each of us has our own which corresponds to our age and height.

If, for some reason, this norm is violated (in the direction of its increase), then this will indicate that you are overweight (i.e., over the norm). Excess weight can easily appear or disappear under the influence of a set of measures, such as diet and increased physical activity.

Obesity, on the other hand, is a very complex and dangerous disease, the main symptoms of which are considered to be rapidly increasing body weight. Obesity can be talked about when the amount of useful energy consumed with food is ten times higher. As a result, characteristic fatty deposits appear on the body of children, which only increase over time.

At the same time, it is not so easy for such a child to lose weight. Most often, a variety of inherited diseases, metabolic disorders and other ailments lead to obesity. This photo of a fat child clearly demonstrates the problem that children face with obesity.

What are the causes of excess weight in children?

As the well-known children's doctor Komarovsky says: "Children should be thin and with an awl in the bottom." Therefore, problems with extra pounds that have appeared in your baby should be of concern, especially in adults. But in order to deal with this trouble, you need to look at the root and identify the reasons for the appearance of excess weight in children. For example, heredity is considered one of the most common causes. This also includes chronic diseases, heart ailments and other ailments leading to weight problems.

The second reason, when fat children grow up with parents, is a violation of metabolic processes, slow metabolism, etc. And if in the first and second cases nothing really depends on the child and his parents, then the third reason is directly related to upbringing and proper nutrition. For example, if in a family it is customary to eat exclusively semi-finished products and fatty foods, then a baby growing up in such an environment is unlikely to be slim and thin.

In addition, fat children often grow up in families where parents are too busy to give them due attention. In other words, an extremely busy mom or dad simply has no time or too lazy to warm up soup or porridge for her child. Instead, they buy them chips, cookies, French fries and other delicious, high-calorie foods.

What other situations can lead to childhood obesity?

One of the leading reasons in recent years is the fascination of children with computer games. Entering the excitement, schoolchildren and young children simply do not leave the next game application. They literally eat without getting up. But since they don't want to waste time warming up and putting food on the plate, chocolate bars, seeds, flour products, croutons, etc. often become their favorite food. And this is all very high in calories again.

In addition, the fattest children grow up with parents in whose family there are certain social problems. This also includes the difficulties of the child in the team. So, a situation is common when, in the process of communicating with peers, a baby may experience fear, discomfort and other sensations. If the child fails to discuss his psychological state with his father or mother (or he does not find mutual understanding with them either), the baby begins to "seize" them at the time of a difficult psychological situation.

The setting of certain rules at the table also negatively affects the baby, for example, when the child is regularly reminded that he should eat his portion to the last crumb. As a result, the child is fat, as he gets used to and tries to follow these rules at all times.

In addition, grandmothers often add fuel to the fire, who now and then try to feed their grandchildren with cookies, freshly baked pancakes, donuts and other goodies from the oven.

What are the reasons for excess weight in babies?

Sometimes weight problems are observed not only in children after a year, but also at a younger age. Why is this happening? For example, if you have a fat breastfed baby, this may indicate an incorrect ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of a nursing mother. Genes can also cause childhood obesity. That is, obese parents often have children with similar problems.

If the infant is on, then one of the reasons for his excessive weight gain is improper preparation of the mixture. Often mothers dilute the milk mixture not strictly according to the instructions, but "by eye", which leads to overeating. The same happens when feeding an infant with a bottle that contains too large a hole. As a result, the baby eats food much faster than the signal of satiety arrives in his brain. As a result, the child does not eat enough, and the mother gives him another bottle and overfeeds. A similar problem of infant obesity is indicated by this photo of a fat child.

What is infantile paratrophy?

Paratrophy is a term applied to obese children under 3 years of age. There are three stages of this disease:

  • when the child's weight is 10-20% more than normal;
  • when excess weight exceeds the norm by 25-35%;
  • when overweight is 40-50% higher than normal.

If your child is fat and has paratrophy, then he either eats too much or his daily diet is not balanced. These children are characterized by common signs:

  • the presence of a very short neck;
  • small chest size;
  • the presence of rounded body parts;
  • the presence of characteristic fatty deposits in the waist, abdomen and thighs.

Why is paratrophy dangerous?

Paratrophy is often complicated by allergic reactions, disorders, there are problems with digestion and metabolism, as well as with the respiratory system. In addition, many experts are simply sure that well-fed children are much more difficult to tolerate ARVI than children with a graceful figure. As soon as they catch a cold, they begin to have a lingering runny nose, accompanied by severe swelling of the mucous membrane and other troubles. Thick when walking and running. He often has shortness of breath and profuse sweating.

How obesity threatens children?

Childhood obesity can lead to associated diseases. For example, obese children can develop diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, and ischemic heart disease. They may also have:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • frequent constipation;
  • fatty hepatosis.

In addition, a fat child, due to his large body weight, moves less. He has inferiority complexes and difficulties in communicating with peers. Heavy weight interferes with the normal development of bones, which leads to deformation of the skeleton and knee joints.

How to determine if a child is obese or not?

If you have a baby under one year old, and you suspect that he has problems with obesity, you must first check his weight for compliance with the norm. This can be done according to the table established by the Ministry of Health (see it below). The age and norm are indicated here in grams. Therefore, for convenience, doctors advise you to create a similar plate for yourself and enter the weight of your child into it from the moment of birth. Thus, it is possible to determine how much the body weight of a baby or adolescent meets the established standard.

You can also identify problems with weight visually (for this it is worth comparing the external parameters of your child's body with his peers). In addition, a fat child (we will tell you how to lose weight later) will gain weight very quickly. This will be seen, first of all, by the clothes.

How much weight is appropriate for your baby's age, the therapist can tell you. It will not be superfluous to contact an endocrinologist.

The child is fat: what to do?

If you find weight deviations from the norm in your child, do not rush to panic. First you need to consult with specialists. Remember that being overweight is a consequence rather than a cause. Therefore, it is necessary to initially identify the cause of the child's obesity. To do this, you should make an appointment with an endocrinologist, pass the appropriate tests.

If you have a fat child at 2 years old due to poor nutrition, it will not be superfluous to make an appointment with a nutritionist. He will help you formulate your diet correctly, tell you what foods you can eat and what not. Will give useful tips and advice.

If a similar problem is observed in an artificial baby, consult a pediatrician about the correct introduction of complementary foods and about the dosage. Try to add greens to the diet of older children, reduce the amount of easily digestible and harmful carbohydrates, and replace sugary carbonated drinks with natural fruit and vegetable juices.

Steam more and bake food in the oven with a minimum amount of fat. Cook jelly and fruit drinks without a lot of sugar. Replace white bread with bran, Borodino, coarsely ground. Introduce fruit dishes into the children's diet. Eliminate cookie and candy snacks. Better to let the baby eat an apple, carrot, dried fruit, dates, raisins or nuts.

Sport is strength and the path to a perfect figure

Active children are rarely overweight, therefore children prone to obesity should be given to any kind of sport. Play active games with them in the yard and on the street more often, for example, football, badminton. An ordinary skipping rope copes well with excess body fat. Younger children should regularly do exercises using a large fitball. Children's yoga and gymnastics will also be useful in this sense.

What not to do if you are obese?

Self-medication is not recommended for childhood obesity. You do not need to put children on an adult diet or force them to pump up the abs. Everything should be in moderation and agreed with specialists. For example, if you decide that your child needs intense physical activity to lose weight, consult with your doctor first. Otherwise, ignoring the advice of experts can lead to unpredictable consequences.

You can't let everything go by itself, as the lack of treatment leads to disastrous results for the child.

In a word, keep an eye on the weight of your children, walk more in the fresh air, go in for sports and contact the specialists in a timely manner!

In the first three months of life, the baby normally recovers by almost 3 kg: 1 kg - 1.2 kg in the first month and 800 g - 1 kg in the next 2 months. Then the rate of weight gain gradually decreases.
The opinion of modern pediatricians in this matter is unambiguous: it is impossible to overfeed a child with breast milk, because the "mother-child" system is ideally balanced by nature itself. The composition of the mother's milk is optimal for her baby, and the child's body gets rid of the excess by spitting up. Therefore, no special measures to limit the nutrition of a baby who is only breastfed are needed. A mother should never go on a diet or otherwise impoverish her diet in order to slow down the child's weight gain.
Thus, the answer to the question: "No, continue to feed the baby as you did before, there is no need for any restrictions."
Another thing is children who are on mixed and artificial feeding.
In most cases, a self-regulation mechanism works for them: they eat up the norm, and if you offer more, then the surplus spit up. " But sometimes it is not so. Excess weight gain can be associated with the following reasons:
- overfeeding (more mixture is offered than recommended by the manufacturer, that is, the frequency of feeding increases)
- improper preparation of the mixture (more spoons of the mixture are placed on a given volume)
- endocrine diseases in a child
Another point that causes excess weight is the incorrect introduction of complementary foods. An excess of cereals in a child's diet (semolina, mashed potatoes, cookies and baby juices containing sugar are especially harmful) can lead to obesity, so it is extremely important to follow all the rules for introducing complementary foods:
- in children with normal and overweight, complementary foods begin with vegetables (and these are not potatoes)
- semolina is not offered to children of the first year of life at all
- croutons and dryers are given to the baby solely for the purpose of training the chewing apparatus in an amount of no more than 1 - 2 pieces per day
- juices of both factory and home production are not given to children of the first year of life
In addition to adhering to the diet, it is extremely important to provide the baby with adequate physical activity. From birth, do gymnastics as often as possible, undress your baby and lay him on his stomach before each feeding. Do not neglect the recommendations of the pediatrician for general strengthening massage: it is recommended for all children at 3, 6 and 9 months, lasting from 10 to 15 sessions.
If the child crawled, provide him with free space on the floor where he could constantly realize his ever-increasing activity. For children of the second half of life and older who do not want to sleep on the street, provide an active walk, and it does not matter that the baby still cannot walk: get him out of the stroller as often as possible and introduce him to the equipment of playgrounds (slides, swings, carousels, etc.). just be on the safe side and don't scare your baby. At home, after such a walk, he will be provided with a sound sleep, and mom will have time to rest.
From the age of six months, if there are no contraindications, you can attend children's swimming classes - this type of activity contributes to the harmonious development of the baby and prevents excess weight gain.
If the infant recovers too quickly despite your best efforts, you should see a doctor. This is especially important for families with cases of diabetes, obesity and genetic disorders.

Very often the reason for anxiety nursing mothers the question becomes: "Why does the baby gain weight quickly if I only breastfeed him?" The weight of a child in the first year of life is a very important indicator by which to judge his normal development and health. This measure often becomes the reason that after the next visit to the pediatrician with the baby and weighing him, the doctor notices too much weight gain and advises the nursing mother to cancel night feedings. Of course, the young mother is in a misunderstanding in this case. After all, the child is already used to falling asleep at the breast at night, will not the abolition of night feeding lead to a violation of the regime and the constant crying of the child.

In fact, even if your baby in the first month of life, I gained about 2 kg, which is the norm. Do not worry if his baby gained from 460 grams to 2 kg in the first month. In 2006, WHO established new standards for weight gain for infants, which take into account the ethnicity of the child and the type of feeding. Weight gain tables for babies who are entirely breastfed and those who are supplemented with formula are different.

There is everything for today proof that formula-fed babies gain weight faster than breastfed babies. Before thinking about whether it is necessary to cancel night feeding for a breastfeeding baby, you need to understand that each child is unique and the data on the weight gain table are averaged. Therefore, it is necessary to start worrying only in extreme cases. Weight gain in breastfeeding children depends on the temperament of the child, on heredity, on the degree of communication with the mother, on the amount and method of breastfeeding, on his physical activity and general health.

Aged 2 months old baby the adaptation period has already ended, so the pediatrician, when weighing the baby, already more carefully checks his weight with the data in the table. The rate of weight gain in infants of this age is also individual. By the second and third months, he must add at least 700 grams monthly. and no more than 900 gr. If your baby has gained more than 1 kg again by the second month of life, then check the correspondence of his weight and height according to the table.

Before you get scared and accept emergency measures, take into account the height of the parents and the hereditary disposition of the child. If the child's height has also increased by more than 2.5 cm per month, then this indicates that the weight gain is due to his rapid growth. A breastfed baby cannot overeat; you should only worry about a large weight gain in children under one year old if you decide to introduce complementary foods to your baby.

In rare cases, babies gain excess weight due to congenital diseases and metabolic disorders. In a healthy breastfed baby, excess weight is quickly lost with the onset of his vigorous activity. A nursing mother should be alerted only if the baby is older than six months actively weighing. Breastfed babies are later thinner than formula-fed babies.

If your to kid turned 6 months old, and he still systematically sorts out his weight, then it is imperative to examine him in order to exclude possible deviations in health. The pediatrician should track the rate of weight gain, then prescribe a blood test for sugar, hormones and biochemical analysis. Check the fat content of breast milk yourself in this way: strain half a glass of milk into a transparent glass and set aside to settle.

If on the surface milk after a while a thin film forms, then the fat content of the milk is normal. A dense oily circle on the surface of milk is an indicator of its high fat content. In this case, it is necessary to feed the baby only with front milk by applying it to both breasts in turn. Front milk is less fatty, and back milk is more nutritious. If the child is hungry and crying, then he should not be denied a breast. At the same time, the breast cannot be used as a nipple. If after feeding the baby it has not passed 2 hours of time, then perhaps he is crying, not demanding the breast, but because he is uncomfortable lying.

Encourage any physical activity of the baby, lay it on your stomach more often, help it roll over, roll it on a gymnastic ball and bathe daily. Water procedures temper the baby's body and contribute to the expenditure of a large number of calories.

Superfluous ones go away especially quickly kilograms in babies along with the beginning of their crawl. This kind of vigorous activity quickly brings the "curvy" small ass back to normal. But it is at this age that the rules for introducing complementary foods must be carefully followed. Up to six months of age, it is not advised to introduce any type of complementary foods to infants, this can contribute to obesity in children in the future.

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