Drawing in the junior group “We draw snow. Abstract of educational activities in drawing in the second junior group: "Snowballs, large and small"

Target:AND Using the integration of different educational areas, develop children's interest in gouache painting.


  • To teach children to use the brushing technique in drawing;
  • Consolidate knowledge about white;
  • Develop the ability to coordinate your movements with the text;
  • To cultivate accuracy in work

Materials: White fabric; toy hare; small paper snowflakes for each child; pictures of the forest for each child; gouache white; brushes; coasters for brushes.

Preliminary work: reading poems about winter; viewing illustrations; conversation with children on the topic "Winter"; snow observation.


In the group, the carpet is covered with a white cloth. This simulates a snowy clearing. Paper snowflakes are laid out on the snowdrifts. A white hare is sitting in the snow. Children are included in the group.

V:- Guys, today we will go for a walk to the winter meadow. Look who is sitting in a snowy clearing? Of course it's a bunny! He sits in the snow. And tell me, please, what is snow like?

D:- White, fluffy, cold, silver, etc.

V: That's right guys! The snow is cold and the bunny is cold to sit on it. Let's help the bunny to warm up with you and play the game "Bunny is cold in winter":

An outdoor game "Bunny is cold in winter" is held:

The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this, and wiggles his ears. (Children squat, put their hands to their heads and move their hands)

Bunny is cold to sit, you need to warm your paws , (Alternately stroking the outer side of the palms)

Like this, like this, you need to warm your paws . (Clap their hands)

The bunny is cold to stand, the bunny must jump , (Get on their feet)

Like this, like this, the bunny must jump . (Jump on two legs)

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped ... and ran away. (Run up to the teacher, trying to hide)

V: Bunny, are you warm?

Bunny: Yes! Thank you guys! May I stay with you?

Children: Yes!

A screensaver appears on the screen, a winter forest, it is snowing.

V: Oh guys, look at the screen. What it is?

Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground
Light fluffs,
White ... (snowflakes)

V: That's right guys! These are snowflakes. What kind of snowflakes?

D: White, light, airy ...

V: See how many snowflakes have flown. Let's take one at a time. Maybe we can play with snowflakes?

A game for the development of breathing is carried out. Children take small paper snowflakes, place them in their palms and blow them away. The game is repeated once.

V: Snowflakes fall on houses, trees. Oh guys! We completely forgot about the bunny, he was completely bored. What are you saying, bunny?

Bunny: Guys, when there is a lot of snow, I can hide from the fox in the snowdrifts. Please draw a lot of snow so that I would not be afraid in the forest.

V: Let's help the bunny?

D: Yes!

Children sit down at tables. The teacher pays attention to the rules for using a brush and gouache, and shows how to paint snow with wetting.

The guys are drawing. After graduation, they lay out their drawings on the table and examine them. The teacher notes that all the works turned out to be beautiful and different.

Bunny: Thank you guys! How much snow have been painted. Now the fox will never find me! And I have to go to the forest!

The bunny leaves. The children are left to look at their drawings.

Purpose: To evoke an emotional response to a piece of music and a teacher's story.
Learn to coordinate your movements with the text;
Use breathing exercises to develop the vocal apparatus;
Strengthen the skills of children to use the brushing technique;
Consolidate knowledge about white;
To educate accuracy in work.
Materials: White fabric; toy hare; 1 large snowflake made from glittery paper small paper snowflakes for each child; blue, light blue cardboard for each child; gouache white; brushes; brush stands; cloths for wiping brushes; jars of water.
Preliminary work: reading poems about winter; viewing illustrations; conversation with children on the topic "Winter"; snow observation.
In the group, the carpet is covered with a white cloth. Snowdrifts are made of material: small and larger - all this imitates a snowy clearing. Paper snowflakes are laid out on the snowdrifts. Children are included in the group.
Q: - Guys, today we will go for a walk to the winter meadow. See how much snow is around!
And tell me, please, what is snow like?
D: - White, fluffy, cold, silver, etc.
Q: - I will now ask you riddles, and you will tell me that it is:
Curled, curled a white swarm,
Sat down on the ground - became a mountain. (snow)
Falling from the sky in winter
And circling above the ground
Light fluffs,
White ... (snowflakes)
A strange star fell from the sky
She laid down on my palm - and disappeared. (Snowflake)
The teacher's assistant makes the sounds of a trembling bunny in a voice.
Q: - Do you hear any sounds? (the teacher, from behind a snowdrift, takes out a small trembling hare)
- Guys, who is this?
D: - Bunny.
Q: - Bunny why are you trembling so?
Z: - A fox was chasing me, but I managed to run away from her, only I was far from home. Now I cannot go home because I am very cold.
Q: - Guys, let's help the bunny to warm up.
An outdoor game "Bunny is cold in winter" is held:
The gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears,
Like this, like this, and wiggles his ears. (Children squat, put their hands to their heads and move their hands)
The bunny is cold to sit, you need to warm your paws, (Alternately stroking the outer side of the palms)
Like this, like this, you need to warm your paws. (Clap their hands)
The bunny is cold to stand, the bunny must jump, (Get up on their feet)
Like this, like this, the bunny must jump. (They jump on two legs)
Someone scared the bunny ... .., the bunny jumped ... and ran away. (Run up to the teacher, trying to hide)
Q: - Well, the bunny got scared and ran home. And we stayed in the clearing. (takes a large snowflake from a snowdrift). See how beautiful snowflakes lie around us, big and small.
Maybe we can play with snowflakes?
A game for the development of breathing is carried out. Children take small paper snowflakes, place them in their palms and blow them away. The game is repeated several times.
Q: - Our snowflakes can melt, so let's put them on a snowdrift and sing a song about Winter ourselves.
It's snowing, it's snowing
Snow and ice on the tracks - (children make smooth swaying from side to side with their bodies and hands)
It was winter that came to us - a - a - a,
Yes winter - a - a - a. (slowly and smoothly squat down, lowering their arms and touching the floor)
The song is repeated 1-2 times.
Q: - We sang a song and showed with our movements how slowly the snow falls on the paths. Now each of you will draw your own falling snowflakes.
Children sit down at tables. The teacher pays attention to the rules for using a brush and gouache, and shows how to paint snow with strokes.
The guys are drawing. After graduation, they lay out their drawings on the table and examine them. The teacher notes that all the works are beautiful and different.
The exhibition "Snowfall" is organized from children's drawings.

Svetlana Story
Drawing lesson in the second junior group "It is snowing"

Tasks: to form the ability of children to express their experiences in drawing (observation of snowfall) ; continue to learn how to use the bone, paint with the end of the brush, exercise in drawing straight, horizontal lines (brush pile flat, (snow fell on the path) ... Cultivate perseverance when doing work.

Preliminary work: on walks, observing with children how it falls snow. Snow falls from above... Invite children to catch snowflakes in the palm of their hand, run after snowflakes, see where they fell snow... Fell to the ground, covered all the paths.

Dictionary: snow, snowball, snowflakes, winter, snowfall, tassel, track, white, paint, jackets, pants, hats, sweaters, boots.

Material: white gouache, brush holders, brushes, napkins, 0.5 tinted blue album sheet, tape recorder.

Course of the lesson:

1. Org. moment:

Guys, what time of year is it?

And to go for a walk on the street, what do we need to wear? (children list).

Let's turn into little snowflakes and play a game. Follow the movements behind me. Movable the game: "Snowflakes".

Target: Align the movements with the text of the poem.

To the clearing, to the meadow

The snow is falling quietly

Snowflakes are falling

White fluffs.

We flew, we flew

And they lay down on the ground.

Snowflakes are quietly sleeping

White fluffs.

But suddenly a breeze blew

Our snowball spun.

Snowflakes are spinning

White fluffs. (To quiet, flowing music, children perform movements as shown by the teacher).

2.-Remember, children, what yesterday, when we walked, walked snow? Where snow was falling?

To the ground, we all ran on snow.

Look how I will draw about it ...

Here snowing(the tip of the brush marks points at the top of the sheet)... Show with a dry brush how you will paint.

Many snowflakes are flying, lower and lower ... That's how many snow ...

On the ground, the path turned white. At the bottom of the sheet I draw several horizontal lines, one above the other.

I took a brush like this and took a lot of paint - it will drip onto the paper. I will press the brush to the edge of the jar (showing) and remove excess paint. Doesn't it drip now?

No. Now you can paint!

We must carry on "Brush by stick" from left to right.

Show (dry brush) how will you draw lines ( "Tracks") at the bottom of the sheet.

Now draw the same picture. First, snowflakes at the top of the sheet and lower and lower down onto the path, it all turns white. 3. Independent work of children. Individual help for children in difficulty.

4. Outcome classes: at the end classes collect all the drawings, arrange them on the easel. What a white, snowy winter we have! Do you like children? I also really like our snowfall!

Related publications:

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Many poets described the beauty of winter nature in their works. Painted snowflakes Gathered in a round dance.

Reading of the story by L. Voronkova "It is snowing" and the poem by A. Bosev "Three" Purpose: To acquaint with the story of L. Voronkova "It is snowing" and to help remember Bosev A.'s poem "Three"; revive your own memory.

Complex lesson in the middle group "Spring is coming, the road is spring!" Purpose: 1. Consolidate knowledge of the changing seasons. 2. Introduce the name of the spring months. 3. Lay the foundations for environmental education.

Summary of GCD for non-traditional drawing in the senior group "What color is the snow?" O. O. "Artistic creation" Purpose. -Teach children to draw on the representation of a snowflake. -Continue to introduce finger painting.

Abstract on drawing in the first junior group "Draw fluffy snow" Abstract on drawing in the first junior group Topic: "Draw fluffy snow" Program content: to consolidate the skills of drawing with paints.

Summary of a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques in the first junior group: "White fluffy snow is spinning in the air."

The structure of educational activities in the second junior group. Children stand in a circle.

  • Logorhythmics:
Winter has come,three palms together Brought frost. Winter has come,three palms together Nose freezes.
  • Reading a poem by S. Baruzdin " Winter snow
  • Game moment with a snowflake
  • Logorhythmics.
Snow, snow is spinning, Children xburst,
The whole street is white!Spread their arms to the side
We gathered in a circleGather in a circle
Spun like a snowball.Spin and go back.



State budgetary educational institution SZAO of Moscow, kindergarten No. 1597


Synopsis of directly educational activities in the second junior group of kindergarten

(integration of areas: "Artistic creation", "Reading fiction", "Physical culture", "Health", "Cognition", "Communication", "Music")

Conducted and prepared:

educator Vinogradova N.Yu.

Moscow 2012

Target: develop skill p e r t technique "Finger painting"

Software content:

educational tasks:clarify and expand the understanding of winter and its signs, continue to teach to draw with your fingers.

developmental tasks:develop visual attention and perception, memory, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movements, correct speech breathing.

educational tasks:foster interest in joint activities with a teacher, develop friendly relations, foster love for nature.

Types of children's activities:play, communicative, productive, cognitive - research, perception of fiction.

Planned results:knows how to draw with the "finger painting" technique,knows how to coordinate his actions with words and music.

Preliminary work:reading fiction on the subject, observing in nature, listening to music on the theme "Winter", finger games, exercises and sketches on this topic, drawing in different ways and technologies.

Material: paints "Gouache", panel "Winter", wet wipes, snowflake, audio recording by P.I. Tchaikovsky"Dragee Fairy Dance" boxes with white sand and wooden sticks., white and dark beans, two basins.

Vocabulary work: Snowflake flies, falls, whirls, dances in the wind, flutters. Long, short, straight, winding path

The structure of the educational activity itself.

Children stand in a circle.

  1. Chatting with children about the winter season.
  1. Logorhythmics:

Winter has come, three palms together

Brought frost. massage the shoulders, forearms with your fingers

Winter has come, three palms together

Nose freezes. massage the tip of the nose with the palm of your hand

  1. Reading the poem by S. Baruzdin "Winter snow will blaze ”, a riddle on a snowflake.
  1. Game moment with a snowflake
  1. Game exercise "Winter." to the music. PI Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Dragee Fairy".
  1. Drawing a snowfall using the "finger painting" technique, with the teacher's explanations
  1. Logorhythmics.

Snow, snow is spinning, Children x burst,
The whole street is white!
Spread their arms to the side
We gathered in a circle
Gather in a circle
Spun like a snowball.
Spin and go back.

  1. Game-exercise "Drawing different paths" (drawing with sticks in the sand)
  1. Finger gymnastics "Snow flies in winter"
  1. exercise game "Paths" (lay out the curbs with dark beans)
  1. surprise moment "Find a gift in a snowdrift" (snowdrift: a bowl of white beans)

The course of educational activities directly.

Teacher: What time of year is it?

Children: Winter.


Winter has come, three palms together

Brought frost. massage the shoulders, forearms with your fingers

Winter has come, three palms together

Nose freezes. massage the tip of the nose with the palm of your hand

The teacher reads a poem:

Winter will be covered with snow
From morning to dark.
Snowflakes curl, whirl
At our window.
Then they will ask for the room,
They'll run away again
They sweep behind the glass
They call me to the street.

Guys, do you want me to tell you a story? Then sit down (children sit on their knees)and listen. High, high in the sky on a gray cloud lived ... And who lived on a cloud, guess.

Strange asterisk

I fell from the sky

In my palm

She lay down and disappeared.

Children: Snowflake.

Teacher: that's right, snowflake. Look who's knocking on the window?

Snowflake: Hello guys. I lived on a cloud with my snowflake girlfriends and did not get bored. But one day I wanted to see the world, what was happening on earth, and I began to go downstairs. I fell, circled, fluttered, danced in the wind.

Teacher: What was the snowflake doing guys?

Children list.

Game exercise "Winter."to the music. PI Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Dragee Fairy".

Teacher: Guys, let's draw snowflakes falling to the ground.

The teacher offers to approach the easel, reminds the way of drawing ( finger) and technique of execution. Children draw snowfall. After drawing, children wipe their hands with wet wipes, gather in a circle.


Snow, snow is spinning, Children x burst,
The whole street is white!
Spread their arms to the side
We gathered in a circle
Gather in a circle
Spun like a snowball.
Spin and go back.

Teacher: A lot of snow fell on the ground. Covered everything around. The children went out for a walk and began to draw in the snow. Guys, let's draw the tracks "in the snow".

Children draw tracks on semolina groats.

Finger gymnastics:

Snow flies in winter (we put our hands, palms down, wiggle our fingers.)

Resting quietly. (we clench and unclench our fingers.)

I feel sorry for him and warm it in my palms. (One palm covers the other - "make a snowball"; blow on your hands.)

Teacher: All the paths fell asleep in the yard, you need to lay out the curbs.

Children spread the beans according to the ribbons.

At the end of the educational activity, the teacher suggests finding gifts from a snowflake “under the snow”.

Artistic creativity (2nd junior group)

Theme "Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white"

To interest children in unconventional drawing methods.

1. Educational (training)

Engage children in conversation while looking at pictures;

Continue teaching to select adjectives for words: snow, snowflake;

Activation of pet nouns;

Continue acquainting children with drawing with gouache in non-traditional ways (sticking a finger to a sheet of paper, a stamp, a napkin seal, a cotton swab) (artistic creativity, experiment);

Contribute to the emergence of cognitive interest in creative experimentation.

2. Developing

Develop an interest in non-traditional portrayal on paper;

Continue to develop speech, fine motor skills of hands (communication);

Facilitate the establishment of a causal relationship (through an experiment).

3. Educational

To foster a positive emotional response of children to the beauty of nature through works of art;

Types of children's activities: play, research, practical + experiment,

creative, communicative.

Integration of educational areas:

Artistic creation (non-traditional drawing);



Equipment and materials.

Equipment: laptop, tape recorder, projector, screen.

Demonstration material: slides "it is snowing", application "Houses and trees".

Handouts: white gouache, napkins, cotton swabs, wet napkins, containers with water, sheets of paper for experimenting with snow, snow in a plate, paper snowflakes.

(Knock on the door. Snowman enters)

Snowman: Hello!

Children: Hello Snowman!

Snowman: I am a funny Snowman, I passed by, I saw you. I want to ask you a riddle not an easy one. Here she is (gives the application "Houses and Trees" and a bucket of snow). You will guess, correct, there will be a surprise for you! And the hint is outside the window. I'll be back. Bye! (leaves).

Educator: And what is the mystery here?

Educator: Something I don't understand, everything is beautifully and correctly pasted, houses, trees. Have you children noticed something? What is wrong here? How to solve the riddle? What was Snowman talking about?

(Answers of children, assumptions)

Educator: Can we compare what is here and what is outside the window?

Where to look for a clue?

What do you see there?

The tablecloth is white all over the earth (snow).

What trees are outside the window?

White birch under my window

Covered with snow, like silver

On fluffy branches

With a snowy border

Brushes blossomed

White fringe (S. Yesenin "Birch").

(We return to the application).

And what are the trees here? (Naked, no snow). And at home?

Let's see how famous artists painted snow in their paintings.

(Slide show)

Slide number 1 - Vasnetsov "Winter dream".

- On the ground, in the trees ... (snow).

What snow? (white, cold, shiny, crunchy, sticky.))

What can snow compare to when it covers streets, houses, trees?

What does it look like? (On the carpet, on the blanket, on the hat.)

Slide number 2 Snowflakes.

What is snow made of? (From snowflakes)

Consider the snowflakes and tell me - what are they?

What can snowflakes do?

And when a lot of snow falls from the sky, what is it called?

Slide number 3 - Winter in the village

Consider how an artist painted winter in a village.

Where does the snow lie?

Do you think the trees are cold under the snow?

Why isn't it cold?

And now we will play (physical education)

Game "The wind blows in our face"

The wind blows in our face

(Arms bent at the elbows, children waving their hands to their faces)

The little tree swayed

(Legs apart, arms raised above head tilts to the right, left)

The wind is getting stronger and stronger

(Deep slopes to the right, to the left )

the wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

And the snowflakes are lower, lower ...

(The pace slows down, the kids stop)

Bang into the snow.

( Sit down and put your hands on the floor)

Slide number 4 - Houses in the snow.

The whole earth was covered with a blanket of snow. Warmly. Cosy. The earth and trees are not cold now, they are not afraid of frosts.

Slide number 5, 6 - Snow buildings.

You can sculpt from snow. What can be blinded? (snowman, slide)

Slide number 7 - Children sledding, skiing.

- You can ride in the snow ... (sledging, skiing)

And now all the winter words that you hear, you will remake them into affectionate ones.

Sleds - (sleds)

Mountain - (hill)

Winter - (winter)

Fur coat - (fur coat)

Snow - (snowball)

Snowman - (Snowman)

Hat - (hat)

Slide number 5 - It is snowing.

Look, it's snowing again. Oh, a large, beautiful snowflake has sat in my palm (an imaginary situation). And snowflakes fell on your palms. You see them. Let's blow snowflakes off our palms. Blow lightly, long.

Guys, the Snowman brought us more snow.

What do you think for what?

And I think that he offers us to decorate the houses and trees with real snow?

Have you ever tried it?

What do you think will happen if we decorate our pictures with real snow?

(The snow will melt)

What if it doesn't melt? You haven't tried decorating with snow, have you? But it will be for real.

And the Snowman will probably like it.

Today you can play with snow! Let's try decorating the tree with snow!

(Experiment. Each child is given a leaf with a painted tree and snow in a plate).

(Children lay out, they say that it is melting, their hands are warm, etc.)


I have snowflakes in my hands

Small as fluffs

Silver and sparkle

It's just a pity that they melt quickly.

Well, it turns out that you won't be able to decorate with real snow?

And the Snowman said, the answer is on the street.

What to do?

(Paint with paint)

So where is she? Hooray! Found! Is white gouache good? But there are no brushes. What to do? Let's look for something suitable.

(Found cotton swabs, wrinkled napkins, stamps, etc.)

Let's try to draw with what we found, you can even use your finger. The snowman will love it.

(Snowman walks in)

Snowman: Well done! Great idea. The beauty!

Educator: Snowman, have we solved the riddle? Where is the promised surprise?

Snowman: Well done! You guessed it all right! I love snow very much! And winter! And you? Here's a surprise and a musical gift for you (Box, paper snowflakes inside)

Educator: Take one snowflake at a time.

(Music and slides "It is snowing")

Educator: Snow, snow is spinning,

The whole street is white,

We gathered in a circle

Spun like a snowball!

(Everyone is dancing with snowflakes in their hands)

Educator: Children, do you want to hang your work in the group? Where to?

(Attached to the wall) Like it? I really like it too. You are great! You did well! You see, you can paint without brushes! Did you like it?

Thanks. It was very interesting with you.