The most dangerous cats in the world. Aggressive cat breeds

So what are the most dangerous cats? It turns out that there are certain breeds of cats that have notes of aggression, and under certain circumstances they can be quite dangerous for humans, so it is worth getting to know these breeds better.

Siamese cats adopted too much from their wild ancestors, including they inherited aggressive behavior, which sometimes simply amazes even the veterinarians themselves. Moreover, cats of this breed remember their abuser so well that they can take revenge not only on him, but also on his loved ones. Even mestizos can be quite dangerous and vindictive, so you need to be careful with this breed.

Jungle cat it is also considered equally dangerous, as its genes are closely intertwined with wild cats, which you know can be quite dangerous. What makes jungle cats dangerous is the fact that their weight is quite large and can reach up to 14 kg, and this is a rather weighty argument.

Of course, keeping such a cat is quite dangerous, but many are attracted by the exotic, erect ears, colorful fur coat, unusual demeanor and much more. Further, breeders began breeding work to develop new breeds, crossing jungle cats with domestic cats.

Chausie(a mixture of common domestic cats and wild swamp lynxes), a hybrid of these cats has a sharp mind and tenacious paws. These beautiful cats need space, preferably a large house with access to the street, so that they can play properly. Otherwise, they will blow your house to pieces, or excess energy can turn into aggression.

Chausie cats have a wayward nature and can be quite dangerous if mistreated. Also, cats of this breed can become uncontrollable and aggressive if they are not raised correctly.

Stone cougar(a hybrid of a domestic cat and a jungle cat), these cats are quite heavy and wayward in nature, which makes them quite dangerous to both other pets and humans.

Such cats have a sharp mind and quick grip, while they really need the caress and attention of the owner, in the absence of proper attention to themselves, such cats can even leave the house.

This breed has its own peculiarity, which makes them dangerous to others. Stone cougar recognizes and loves only its owner. He does not treat the rest of the family with confidence and sometimes even aggressively.

Families with small children and the presence of other pets in the house cannot have these cats, as they will perceive them as an enemy that must be eliminated at any cost.

Therefore, before you get a certain exotic cat, you need to think carefully, but can you give her proper education so that she is cute and affectionate? And do not she cause harm to your loved ones and children, as this is very important.

A cat is the most affectionate and playful creature on Earth. However, not all cat breeds predetermine such traits in the behavior and character of these purring animals (you can read more about the behavior of cats here). So, for example, there are breeds of the cat family, which by their nature cannot be kind and affectionate, but constantly show aggressive notes in their behavior. Oh, such features of these pets do not hurt to know those who. So, cats are aggressive and dangerous breeds ...

Where does aggression come from in cats?

In order to answer this question unambiguously - what breed of cats is the most aggressive and dangerous for the neighborhood with humans, it is necessary to look into the history of these animals. The roots of the feline breed are closely intertwined with the breeds of predatory animals. Ah, this means that

in the feline gene, the gene for natural and predatory aggression is already initially embedded.

Add to all this, the peculiarity of the feline family - their willfulness, love of freedom and desire for independence, and you get an explosive and uncontrollable mix of natural grace, refined aggression and deceit.

Description of the breed of Siamese cats

The vivid embodiment of all this was precisely siamese cats... It is this breed that veterinarians around the world have unanimously declared the most aggressive breed towards humans. It is noteworthy that the "Siamese", both purebred representatives of this breed, and mestizos, in their manifestations of aggressiveness read off scale all indicators. And, if, for example, for any other breed of cats, a completely normal reaction to pain or inconvenience is - a cat can bite, give an audible warning signal “do not come near me!”, Then Siamese cats will not only demonstrate all this in full , but they will also remember the offender and will wait for the right moment in order to avenge the pain and inconvenience caused. It is noteworthy that the rancor of cats extends not only to the offending object itself, but also to those who are simply present at such a humiliation of the feline family. The cat will remember everyone and everything and will surely take revenge.

That is why, experienced veterinarians, when performing medical manipulations on cats of this breed, recommend that their owners not be present during such procedures, so that the negative is not deposited in the animal's mind, and this does not affect its attitude towards the owner.

As for everyday situations, when you are just, you always need to remember about a certain amount of caution. In addition, it is always necessary to be prepared for the fact that the cat may "remember" an old offense. The Siamese breed is not recommended for those “cat lovers” who are not able to devote much time to their cat, in a house where there are already animals, or small children are growing up.

Description of the breed of jungle cats

Another aggressive cat breed - jungle cat... Add to the natural inclinations and heavy character also large enough sizes for felines - the weight can reach 13 kilograms, the colorful appearance (high paws, reddish-brown monochromatic fur with stripes, a thin and long tail, the length of which reaches half the body length, erect ears with tassels, like a lynx) and you will understand that jokes with such a cat are bad.

Someone may say that this breed is unlikely to belong to the category of pets, and these cats are listed in the Red Book, therefore, it is impossible to meet them in an apartment or at home, however, a person has always been attracted by exoticism and the opportunity to experience thrills. so they crossed such a jungle cat with more domestic cat breeds and bred hybrids - such breeds as Chausi, Stone Cougar, Jang Hurl, Abyssinian cats(the result of crossing European, Siamese cats with a jungle cat).

The appearance of animals, of course, has undergone some changes, but the natural inclinations in the depths of the cat's soul remained the same as those of the ancient feline wild ancestors. That's why, if you decide to have a cat in whose blood there is a gene for such a jungle cat, be prepared for the fact that a real predator will settle in your house, which will establish its own laws and rules... If you are ready to make such a compromise (do not forget about caution!) - watching the life of such an interesting animal under the roof of your house will be a fascinating sight, however, if the thrill is not for you - it is better to refuse such a cat breed and give preference to softer and domestic representatives of this family.

Video about aggressive cats

Today we talked about the most aggressive cat breeds. These are Siamese cats, and jungle cats. Having made a decision to have a cat in your house, remember some of the peculiarities of the breeds of these animals. Accordingly, choose your purring friend under those circumstances in which you can be sure of harmonious coexistence with him under one roof.

What breed of cat lives in your house? Do you think aggression is an innate tendency, or is it still an acquired trait? Share your thoughts on this with us. We also invite you to continue discussing this topic on the pages of our Vkontakte group.

Olga Shevtsova

Cats can be not only aggressors, but also feline therapists. Read about their ability to heal people.

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15 responses to “Aggressive cat breeds”

    Comments: 5

    The photo shows not a Siamese cat, but a Thai (old-type Siamese). And I did not notice aggression in the normal upbringing of kosha. If you beat, you will naturally get angry, for she is smart. And you can't yell at her. Look like that's it

    • Comments: 4202

      The tendency to aggression is inherent in the breed, and in inept hands these cats become uncontrollable almost the same thing, besides, the Thai breed of cats is today already a closed breed, in contrast to the Siamese.

      • Comments: 4

        Aggressive Siamese and Oriental cats are discarded, so a priori aggression cannot be there. In general, despite her formidable appearance, I have never seen a single "rude" and "vindictive" Siamese (oriental). To say now that Thais and Siamese are one and the same is fundamentally wrong. They have long been two completely different breeds. You also confused something with open and closed rocks. Siaori cannot be an open breed from the very beginning, because they have never been aborigines and it is not realistic to catch a Siamese or Oriental on the street. At the exhibition, an animal without documents cannot be recognized as a representative of the breed. The Thais, on the other hand, were an open breed for a long time, they closed it somewhere 5-7 years ago. Siaori human-oriented cats, sticky cats, cat dogs, love the owner incredibly, affectionate to nausea. The only disadvantages, in my opinion, are the inability to stay alone, perfect and incredible talkativeness. In general, these are children, smart, curious and loving.

        • Comments: 4202

          Aksen, and no one in the article says that Thais and Siamese cats are one and the same. It is quite understandable that aggressive behavior is a reason for culling an animal, but not always people buy cats with documents from the parents of champions. There are more simplified cases - they bought a kitten at the bazaar, took it from friends ... No one culls such animals and therefore there can be (and often happens) aggressiveness, genetic abnormalities, breed diseases ((((It is quite obvious that each cat has its own character, but there are general breed characteristics within which this character is manifested. Siamese have a tendency to aggression, and if the opportunity arises, they can show it. Also, these cats are very vindictive. Not necessarily she will take revenge on you today, it may be tomorrow, after how you calm down about its non-aggressiveness.

          • Comments: 4

            But who told you these tales about the Siamese? I have been very close to this breed for many years now. And I repeat once again: I have not seen a SINGLE Siamese showing aggression. Regarding vindictiveness, I also did not notice, on the contrary: you punish them, but in a minute they no longer remember anything and again run to hug. They lend themselves to training just amazing. Hellishly talkative - yes, sometimes you really want to reduce the sound. And the knee-breeding scheme practically disappeared with the arrival of early castration in the country's nurseries, i.e. an animal that is not subject to further breeding work is acquired already castrated. Again, if a person is not a fool, he will not take the knee-breeding of the animal, because this is a bomb (fig knows what is mixed there and what kind of mix of pedigree there may be in the blood. delicate psyche, cats are gentle and in places shy, so they react sharply to any impurities of other bloods and get unpredictable and hysterical offspring. By the way, I had 2 point Thai cats a long time ago. One was the cutest guy, the second was an angry and psychotic hysterical. however, during my communication with them, they did not surprise me with their behavior even once, if only they are ready to fall in love with them))))

            • Comments: 4202

              Thank you for sharing your great experience with us) Well, you have your own opinion about this breed of cats - our readers have heard it. But let's not forget that everyone draws conclusions for himself. So, everyone has the right to decide whether to start Siamese or not, rely on your experience or on what is written in the article (also not removed from the ceiling). You yourself write that Siam have a very delicate psyche, cats are gentle and in places shy, therefore they react sharply to any impurities of other bloods and get unpredictable and hysterical offspring. Again, I repeat - not everyone buys animals with documents and a clean breeding line. So we come across aggressive offspring. If there can be hysterics, why can't there be aggressors?) You look at all this from the position of breeders, but in the article, the view is practical. If we say that the Siamese are aggressive - the breeders of this breed will be left without bread (And the fact that you have not seen ANY Siamese showing aggression - you have not seen all the Siamese in the world. So I met several aggressive individuals of this breed from personal experience. that they are the most evil, but I would not like to repeat communication with them.So, everyone has a different experience, as well as a point of view, and it's good that we are all different))) Upload pictures of your cats to our group, look at them.

    • Comments: 4202

      Trying to understand why you are provoking an argument? Either write that you have many such cats, then you have only one such, then you are a breeder, then no, while sharply criticizing everything written, despite the fact that you do not even have a Siamese cat, but an Oriental. A purebred cat without documents is not a priori. The breed is determined not by papers, but by breed characteristics, whether the papers certify it or not. Do you think the Siamese are not aggressive? What is your right. Article of a different opinion. Do you argue with all the articles like that?) "I just know many breeders, owners and veterinarians specializing in this breed" - knowing others and having your own experience are a little different things. Now, if you shared with us your experience of keeping a Siamese and said that they are not like that, it would be cool. I consider further pointless to continue this dispute. All cats are different, but there are certain breed characteristics - we are talking about them. As for the misunderstandings with the wording - clinging to the words, we often do not see the main thing. Good luck Axena)

  1. Comments: 4

    Your awareness makes itself felt if for you Siamese and Oriental are 2 different breeds. These are exactly the same cats that can be born in the same litter, moreover, if the kitten is white, then Siamese or oriental will determine exclusively the color of the eyes: it will be written as Siamese in the presence of blue (blue, lilac) eyes. But one with green-eyed or eyes of different colors will be oriental. Once again, I repeat that Oriental and Siamese differ only in the uniformity of colors: solid oriki, point Siamese (with the exception of foreign white). ALL! the differences end there. That I am a breeder, I did not claim, I said that I saw and communicated, I communicate and will be happy to continue, far from one representative of this wonderful hyperhuman-oriented breed. And the dispute is solely due to the fact that people are already tired of the vilification of these amazing animals, who even have no idea what kind of animals they are. Olga, I can only draw one conclusion: until you try, don't be sure. Come visit, I will pump you through the breeders, I am sure that by the end of the day you will fall off your feet from the fact that you have never received so much attention and affection from OTHER cats)))))) They gore you, purr, lie down, share with With all their toys, they will talk on various topics (conversations with siaori cannot be avoided in any way))))))))

    Comments: 0

    The cats themselves, as a result of the fact that they live next to humans from time immemorial, have certainly lost many of their qualities of predators. But it’s impossible to say completely that a domestic cat is safe, of course, it’s still a hunter and, moreover, a predator, do not forget that a cat is essentially a tiger in miniature. Take a lynx, it is unlikely that anyone would think of just keeping it at home and treating it freely like a small cat. But cats are of course different and some breeds, such as the Sphynx or the British, are rightly referred to as the most peaceful and well-mannered representative of the motley tribe of cats.

There is aggression, you need to turn to their roots. The fact is that the distant relatives of our pets are predators. This means that a certain level of predatory aggression is at the genetic level.

Dangerous cats pose a threat to children and adults

Add to the genetic inclination features of the feline character - the love of freedom and independence, willfulness. All this gives us a very explosive mix that, without proper education, can get out of control. A cat is not only the embodiment of natural grace, it is also a very refined deceit.

The most dangerous cat breeds

Here are the breeds that are considered the most dangerous:

  • Siamese. Owners of Siamese cats, as a rule, are constantly scratched. If you offend a Siamese with something, he will not immediately pounce on you. He will harbor resentment and take revenge when you are as defenseless as possible.
  • Mekogon bobtails. They are often kept in guard houses along with dogs. These seemingly harmless short-tailed cats can bite really hard.
  • Abyssinians. If you do not pay attention to them for a long time, they run wild and begin to scratch strongly even in the most harmless situations.
  • Maine Coons. They are quite lazy, but if pissed off, then these fifteen-kilogram carcasses can cause very serious injury.
  • British shorthair. They only seem plush. If you try to hug the Briton, you will very quickly regret it.
  • Savannah. This is a scaled-down version of wild servals, so their aggressive roots are clear without further ado.

Do not think that all the breeds described will certainly begin to show themselves aggressively. In most cases, they will become loyal friends to you. If this or that breed is on this list, it means that you just need to pay special attention to it.

As you can see, not all cat breeds are equally harmless. Before starting a pet, study all the features of the breed, carefully consider whether its character suits you. Even if you choose the kindest breed, educate and train your pet so that he does not show aggression.

Almost all feline ancestors are wild, which means that their genes have always had the nature of predation and aggression.

After decades of artificial breeding, today's pets have lost most of these qualities, but not all.

Felines are characterized by love of freedom and willfulness, independence. Therefore, even the most domesticated cat can show a sudden surge of aggression if it feels a threat, or in other situations that are conducive to such a reaction.

Top most dangerous cat breeds in the world

Among the most common domestic cats, the Siamese is considered the recognized "hysterical", and in the list of the most aggressive she is a prize-winner. Truly "evil" cats attack even dogs, let alone the obvious dominance among fellows, which is instantly striking. Do not be mistaken, considering that this behavior is characteristic exclusively of males. The ladies did not go far from them, especially the mothers with the kittens.


Almost all individuals have a very vicious disposition. You will remember your meeting with someone else's Siamese cat for a long time. The Siamese are cunning, insidious, vindictive, remember the insult for a long time and will not spare even the owner.

Mekong Bobtail

The short ponytail is sweet and deceiving. This breed is very close relatives to Siamese cats, because their character is independent and very violent. They are suspicious and, sensing danger, attack, immediately biting and scratching. Many breeders recommend starting this breed as a guard dog if there is no way to get a dog.


Males and females of this breed are very touchy, vindictive and vindictive. They can suddenly attack even in a harmless, from the point of view of a person, situation. If you do not constantly communicate with your pet and pay a lot of attention to it, it will run wild even at home, and then you will live with an absolute predator.

Maine Coons

Strong and muscular predators weighing up to 15 kg are only seemingly lazy and good-natured. They are agreeable with children, but if you offend and greatly anger the animal, you will not get off with only scratches. The child may also be severely affected.

British shorthair

They only resemble a plush toy in appearance, but in fact do not tolerate familiarity. If the Briton thinks that you are too annoying and stubborn, you will taste the claws and teeth of a true beast.

As pets, this breed is not very popular, but it happens ... extreme people who want to pamper themselves with thrills, in the literal sense. Ears with tassels, colorful color - exotic appearance, which also attracts experienced cat lovers.

Having a jungle cat is like trying to tame a cheetah.

The light version of the jungle cat, because it is a hybrid with a pet. Cougars inherited size and character from their wild ancestor. There is only a slight difference in that the concept of "owner" exists for a stone, as opposed to a reed one. If the cat considers you worthy, which cannot happen without trust, then you will get a devoted and sometimes even affectionate guard and friend. But there is a significant disadvantage, children and other animals are perceived by stones as rivals.


A cross between a wild swamp lynx and a domestic cat. They are prone to aggression, but with the right upbringing, they are quite get on with people. They can guard a large house if they perceive it as their territory. A very mobile pet will simply smash the apartment.

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There are more than 250 cat breeds in the world: bald and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is one thing that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can take a kitten from a shelter, or can buy in an elite cattery.

We are in site interested in how much the rarest cat breeds cost, and, frankly, were surprised. We also offer you to find out the prices for the most exotic representatives of the feline world.

Norwegian Forest Cat

The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2,000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold weather and is an excellent hunter. The price of a kitten ranges from $ 600 to $ 3,000.

Himalayan cat

This breed is very similar to the Persian, but differs in blue eyes and color-point coloration (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was developed in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm disposition. A kitten of this breed will cost $ 500-1,300.

Scottish lop-eared

The calling card of this breed is cute ears that do not stick up like ordinary cats, but hang. Such an unusual detail in their appearance is the result of a gene mutation. They are smart cats who get along with all family members and never mind playing. Another distinctive feature of this breed is that they can stand on their hind legs and look at what interests them. A kitten costs from $ 200 to $ 1,500.


Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slender body, a long head shape and large ears set apart. The body can be bald or covered with fluff. The nature of cats is affectionate and sociable, they are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $ 400-1,200.

Egyptian mau

The appearance of these cats has changed little over 3,000 years - since the time of Ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed appears not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $ 500–1,500.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, they are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $ 600-1,500.


This is one of the most unusual breeds that appeared in 1980 in the United States. In addition to curly hair, cats of this breed have one more feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $ 200-2000.

Russian blue


This breed was developed in 1994 in California. It belongs to large cats: the weight of an adult serengeti is 8–12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted color and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $ 600-2,000.


This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, outgoing, curious and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a rather large amount - $ 2,000.


This large cat breed resembles a tiger in color, which is why it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the toyger was bred in order to inspire people to take care of the conservation of tigers in the wild. You can get inspired to save tigers for $ 500-3,000.

American curl

This breed was developed in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life, their ears turn back like little horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join the adoring curls for $ 1,000-3,000.


This breed was bred by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats love to swim, and despite their impressive size (4–8 kg), they often climb onto the shoulders of the owner. You can buy a mini leopard for $ 1,000-4,000.


This rare breed is a cross between a common domestic cat and a South American wild cat, Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of an adult cat is 11 kg on average. You can become the owner of a domestic predator for $ 4,000-8,000.