Ways to restore vital energy. How to restore energy. Effective ways to recruit energy

For every life event that once happened to us and caused negative emotions, we spent some part of our vitality.

Many people have a reasonable question: how to return the energy given to a person in the past, is it possible to do this at all, and if so, why? Let's look at such a return and find out how the energy costs of past events differ from the costs of already completed romance novels.

How past events consume our energy

The life of each of us is filled with many different events, painted in rainbow and not so colors. And each of them left some kind of response in our soul. When we experience grievances, quarrels, disappointments, abandon some unfinished business and periodically return mentally to those distant times, our energy continues to go there.

If an event in our memory still causes strong negative feelings and periodically makes itself felt, in the present we get discomfort, bad mood, illness and depression. To stop suffering and stop the outflow of vitality into the past, which is long gone, you can try to "pull" your energy out of there.

The technique of returning your energy from the past

You need to choose the right time when nothing and no one can distract you. Take a comfortable position in which you can fully relax: lie down on the bed or sit in a comfortable favorite chair and immerse yourself in a meditative state in any way suitable for you.

You can turn on unobtrusive relaxing music or sounds of nature, or you can remain in complete silence - it all depends on what helps you more distract from the outside world. When you enter a state of altered consciousness, think about the areas of your life that are causing you discomfort.

Perhaps you are worried about marriage problems, sad about a friendship you once lost, or you just miss your old apartment and your new home does not bring you the same joy. You need to find all the situations that make you still tormented, worried, sad or angry. You need to work with each of them separately.

Choose one of the situations that disturb you and mentally ask yourself what event or their chain preceded this state, directly influenced it. After you have remembered this, try to mentally transfer yourself to the place where these disturbing events took place. But remember that you must present these places as they are now, in the present.

If you remember a house or a building that no longer exists, mentally imagine what is now in this place. You do not need to think about the people who live or work there now, your task is to find your own energy that remained in this place. She can hide anywhere: in the grass, on a tree branch, stones on the ruins of a building, on a fence or in shards of broken glass.

Your energy can be in absolutely any form: it can resemble a cobweb, a bunch of dry grass, a small cloud, a dried autumn leaf, and whatever you like.

You will certainly recognize her: she will surely turn out to be abandoned, old, but very familiar to you, yours!

Your task is to collect in the place where the traumatic memories took place, all-all-all clots of your energy. If you take a closer look at each of them, you can determine what emotions or specific events are hidden in these energy clots. But do not try to immerse yourself in the past for a long time - you need not to relive it all over again, but only to collect what is left there.

Slowly walk around the place where you got, inspect all its corners so that not a single clot goes unnoticed. When you collect all these "grains of the past", mentally roll them into one big lump, put it on your solar plexus and breathe it deeply into yourself.

If you don't like the inhalation technique very much, you can use another technique: imagine that you are collecting all the lost energy clots in a large bowl. Let it be the shape and color that you like best. When you put all the found items into it, just touch this cup with your lips and drink its contents.

When you breathe in or "drink" your forgotten energy, the events in which you once left it will no longer evoke a strong emotional response in your soul. You will feel how anxiety, resentment, anger, fear, or any other emotion that you felt every time thinking about this event, go away and in their place comes calm and indifference.

This happens because you have gained what you lost a long time ago and now everything is back to its place.

Do not be surprised if you do not feel a surge of vitality after this procedure immediately, but only after a few days - it will take a little time for the energy of the past to mix with your present.

This simple technique will not in any way affect the cause-and-effect relationship, it will not destroy your past, but will only allow you to live today with a light heart and an open mind, forgetting about the negativity that was once present in your life and left its mark on it. ...

If you imagine your life as an electric garland with many lights going forward into infinity, then disturbing events at one end of it will blink, distracting attention from those lamps that are closer to you. With the help of the technique of collecting your energy, you simply de-energize those fragments of the circuit that prevent you from living in the present, but at the same time the past itself does not go anywhere.

The energy of a departed love

Bioenergetics experts say that memories of her former sexual partners have been stored in the subtle body of a woman for seven years, even if it was not a serious relationship, but an intimate relationship for just one night. And as long as these memories remain in the aura, part of the woman's life energy will invariably flow away to past partners.

If a woman has a lot of natural energy, and at the same time she has had little sexual contact in the past, she may not even feel that her vitality is flowing to her former lovers. But if she is not too picky in relationships or (even worse) works in the "intimate field", she will not be able to avoid the feeling of energetic emptiness.

And even after seven years, the energy connection with men from the past does not disappear anywhere, it only gradually, every year, becomes less strong. Where does this energy go? She leaves to maintain the vitality of those same former partners: it is she who helps them realize themselves, achieve goals, experience inspiration and joy in life.

But not every woman wants to give her strength so easily to the one with whom her paths parted ways, because this energy can be used much better - for example, to give it to your current man or spend it on your own personal growth and fulfillment of your desires! Let's look at how to get your energy out of another person if you have such a difficult female share.

How to return the energy given during past contacts

The technique of clearing energy attachments will help you with this. The most common way is to call on the energy elements for help. You can choose one of them, your favorite, or turn to several - it all depends solely on your desire, this will not affect the quality of the ritual.

Choose a suitable time and place for the magical ceremony, where nothing can disturb or distract you. Take a relaxing pose, enter a meditative state, and then mentally call the man with whom you want to break the energy connection.

Visualize very carefully: you should see it very clearly, and upon closer inspection, you can even make out the glowing threads, chains and ropes that connect you - these are the energy connections through which your energy flows.

If you have been close with a person for a long time, then the connections will be stronger and more noticeable, if it was a chance meeting, then barely visible, very thin as a cobweb. Energetic connections can connect your heart and his, your groin or throat chakras - it all depends on the nature of your past relationship.

Connections at the level of the heart speak of strong feelings that existed, at the level of the throat chakras - about the pleasant communication that once united you, at the level of the groin chakras - about a strong sexual desire that took place between you in the past.

Then you need to imagine one or more elements that you are going to call for help (water, fire, air, earth) and ask her (or them) to perform a ritual of cleansing from past connections. Visualize how you enter one of the elements (or all of them in turn) and your energetic connection with your ex-man is destroyed.

If you chose water, you can imagine a powerful whirlpool or stream of water that breaks the threads or chains that connect you, if fire - imagine how it burns these energy ropes, if air - like a powerful stream of wind breaks contact between you, if the earth - like binders the links dissolve into the earth.

Do not forget to sincerely thank your ex-partner for being with you for some time and teaching you something, because no relationship is given to us just like that. After breaking ties with the help of the elements, take a close look at the man from the past and ask him to leave.

It is important to visually imagine how he turns his back on you and leaves, and his appearance gradually becomes less and less clear and, finally, disappears completely - only then the ritual is considered to be performed correctly.

Now look at yourself, freed from unnecessary connections, feel how through the places to which the energy channels were "attached", your body is filled with radiant and pure light, how it becomes easy, warm and comfortable for you.

Now that you can breathe deeply and feel a surge of vitality, thank your element or all of them for the magical cleansing of your biofield.

You can use the power of the elements not only in your imagination, but also for real. So, for example, the ritual of purification with water can be performed while standing under a shower or in the rain, with the ground - walking barefoot or lying on the ground, with air - going out into a strong wind, and with fire - while meditating on the flame of a fire.

Now that you know how to return the energy given to another person, you need to perform such a magical rite for each of your former partners. You can perform several rituals in one day, or one partner per day - act as you like. The main thing is to cut off all, all, all energy ties with past men, so that all the energy you spent will come back and no longer flow away from you in an unnecessary direction.

We all have moments when our internal resources are running out. Fatigue and irritability, low mood and apathy, physical ailment and insomnia are all familiar signs of energy exhaustion. How to restore the lost strength and ignite the inner flame? The main thing is to act without delay.

We lose most of our energy during intense emotional disturbances. Learn to "catch" the first signs of disturbed calm and look for an antidote. They can be anything, the main thing is to get distracted from the exciting problem and not start swearing, crying, complaining, etc. Drink green tea (vitamin C will help the body recover), play a stupid TV show, get into the bath. When emotions subside, you can return to solving problems.

Our body has the ability to adapt to its environment. This is especially true of the internal rhythm - breathing and heartbeat. By adjusting to a fast rhythm, we feel a surge of strength and joy. Therefore, in case of surging sadness and apathy, immediately turn on the sounds of salsa or run to a concert of African drummers.

Color can change our inner state. If you contemplate a bright yellow or orange sheet of paper for a few minutes, apathy will be replaced by creative energy. Close your eyes and imagine a yellow or orange ball in the solar plexus area. Imagine how it becomes big and warm - the brighter you imagine, the more powerful you will feel.

It is not for nothing that spices used to be valued at their weight in gold - they not only cure many diseases, but also give energy. Ginger, cinnamon, saffron, hot pepper, cloves, coriander are proven remedies for those who are exhausted. Add them to tea or hot milk, let it brew for a couple of minutes and drink, imagining how the body is filled with warmth and health. Garlic has a similar effect.

A cold shower is known to instantly awaken the body. But sometimes several hours of vigor give way to hours of fatigue. Therefore, in order to prolong the effect, it is better to take a contrast shower in the morning. A hot bath has a calming effect, but if you climb into it for just a couple of minutes, while "seasoning" the water with essential oil of orange or lemon, the body will instantly wake up and invigorate.

In ancient India, breath and energy were denoted by one word - prana. After all, our inner potential depends on how we breathe. Try this exercise: sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed and start breathing deeply. Breathe slowly - let the exhalation be slightly longer than the inhalation. Feel the breath in your nose, throat, lungs, abdomen - then in reverse order. Gradually speed up the rhythm of your breathing. Then open your eyes - you are ready for any job.

Singing has the same powerful effect as breathing practices. Cheering up with a song is the easiest way to get your energy back. The main thing is that your repertoire includes only positive songs.

During the winter cold and flu epidemics, be careful with your choice of medicines. Use only complex medicines with a therapeutic effective dose of paracetamol. They are gentle to the stomach, do not cause drowsiness, lethargy and decreased concentration.

A piece of chocolate gives a feeling of happiness. A cup of coffee can "revive" in difficult moments. A small cake will be useful for mental activity. Why deny yourself a treat when you lack strength? What gives us joy can instantly replenish the supply of internal energy.

To know how to restore strength and vitality, you need to imagine under what circumstances it is lost. It is necessary, first of all, to close the holes through which energy flows. Otherwise, we will be like a person trying to collect water in a sieve.

There are several main loopholes through which forces leave, leading to a feeling of constant fatigue and exhaustion, both mental and physical, as a result.

Psychological or emotional fatigue occurs due to nervous tension, stress associated with experiences and worries, obsessive thoughts, active constant mental activity. Any kind of experience overloads the nervous system, thereby developing fatigue and sometimes causing a feeling of complete indifference towards the entire world around us.This is a kind of payment for the once overpaid price - in emotions, experiences. Therefore, it is so important to remember that our stock of feelings is not infinite, strong experiences, negative emotions deprive us of strength, and positive ones restore them, and even then not immediately.

Track how many times in a day you doubt yourself? How many times have you been afraid to say what you think? How many times have you compared yourself to someone else? How many times have you been jealous? Stop! These are the primary absorbers of our energy with you.

Almost everyone is negatively affected by fear at some point in their lives. Fear keeps a person in high mental stress, constantly taking away mental and vital energy, constricting the muscles. In childhood, a person is afraid of darkness, pain, surprise, water, heights. In adolescence, he is afraid of his unattractiveness, inferiority, loneliness. In adulthood, he is afraid of losing a good job, human judgment, betrayal, worries about children. In his declining years, he is afraid of illness, loneliness, poverty, death. It is important and necessary to remember that all our obstacles, difficulties, bad situations actually serve one goal - the spiritual growth of a person. And if this is so, then there is nothing to be afraid of, they must be accepted and the tasks of life must be solved as they arise. You can also write “fears” to neutralize your fears. The bottom line is this: sit down and for 40 minutes, without looking up or analyzing, write all your fears in a row on a piece of paper, and then either bury them or burn them, thereby closing the channel of loss of vitality and energy.

Another channel for the leakage of strength and energy is doubt. Doubts about the correctness - incorrectness, need - uselessness, timeliness - untimely decision. In such cases, it is important to trust your intuition, past experience, or take a piece of paper and write down all the pros and cons in two columns. And remember that reflections are good in moderation - otherwise they take a lot of strength and energy. And any decision made will bring relief and peace. The main criterion for the correctness of the decision is the freedom of expression of feelings and emotions. Not manifested feelings retain the charge of emotions for a long time, and it weighs heavily on the shoulders of their bearer. Express your feelings in a timely manner, do not put them “in the bank at interest”, so that later you do not have to withdraw an impressive capital of grievances, disappointments, and fatigue.

Another channel of energy and strength leakage is guilt... The details of how dangerous the feeling of guilt is already mentioned earlier. Let us note here that a moderate feeling of guilt is familiar to many, especially often it appears at critical stages of life - the loss of loved ones, divorce, dismissal, etc. A moderate and transient feeling of guilt in such cases is normal and natural. The main thing is that it does not get out of control, does not capture all thoughts and does not “dictate its terms” at every step. To get rid of the feeling of guilt, it is enough to be able to accept yourself as you are, to take care of yourself and be friendly to yourself.

And the last significant channel for the loss of strength and energy is prohibitions or thoughts viruses... They were also mentioned earlier. The important thing to remember here is to start every day with a clean slate. And for this you need to release and neutralize all the negative in a timely manner. And for this you need to allow yourself to get angry and not consider it something impermissible, bad, forbidden. And by allowing yourself to be angry, you will notice one amazing change in your life - you will want to be less angry. Or the anger will not reach some catastrophic proportions.

Allowing yourself the manifestation of negative emotions, remember - the world is imperfect, we came here for experience and development. You need to learn to accept, forgive and be tolerant of shortcomings, mistakes and mistakes - both your own and other people.

So, constant fatigue is the result of negative emotions. They are the ones who steal psychic energy and pull us to the bottom. There are two ways to neutralize these energy absorbers - by understanding their cause, by allowing yourself freedom of expression of feelings and emotions, by learning to accept yourself as you are.

Treat fatigue and restore strength and energy all positive emotions.

It is the achievement of significant life goals that is the tool through which the level of a person's vital energy increases. The realized goal in life increases the level of human vital energy. Any obstacle that you overcome gives you its strength. Unfulfilled goals or desires weaken vital energy.

We cannot always accumulate positive emotions, especially when there are not enough reasons for them. In this case strength and energy restore, who would have thought, healthy indifference and sense of humor.

Sources of strength and energy also lie in passion for one's work, and the process should be more important than the result. It is very important for persons inclined to be able to positively evaluate the work done. Because dissatisfaction with oneself only leads away from the intended goal and deprives of energy reserves. You cannot compare the quality and quantity of the results of your work with other people's results - this distracts from the fulfillment of the tasks set and prevents you from adhering to your system of values. And, consequently, it reduces satisfaction from the work done, deprives of energy and, in general, reduces the quality of life.

Sometimes, in order to clear your head of negative thoughts, and your soul of negativity, it is enough to do a general cleaning at home or at the workplace, throw out all unnecessary things and carefully arrange the most necessary things on the shelves.

Changing activities - for example, a new activity, or a change in environment - can help treat fatigue. Also, an additional means of restoring mental energy are physical exercises, jogging, outdoor recreation.

Constant, chronic fatigue or how to recuperate and restore energy.

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The modern rhythm of life leads to overwork - both physical and emotional. Stress and unwell, alas, are often our constant companions. But there are several ways to restore energy and strength.

Recovery of energy and strength after illness

Bioenergy specialists are sure that any disease is the result of problems and excessive stress. The disease does not appear in a day, it "turns on" for a long time and manifests itself after a while. Any illness is accompanied by a sharp decline in activity, which allows us to rethink our actions, actions, thoughts and habits that deprive us of vitality.

To quickly renew energy after an illness will help:

  • intake of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body;
  • inclusion in the diet of fruits and vegetables, honey, medicinal preparations and tonic drinks;
  • walks in the open air;
  • moderate physical activity.

To restore mental balance, bioenergetics recommend:

  • enjoy the beautiful: visit exhibitions, theaters, admire nature and listen to music;
  • listen to pleasant sounds: prayers, meditations or motives of nature;
  • view beautiful feature films;
  • contact with animals more often.

How to recover energy after a hard day at work

Rehabilitation of the body after a busy working day is a must, because with excessive workload at work, almost the entire supply of vitality is depleted. Being in such stress every day means systematically increasing not only physical, but also psychological fatigue. The body may simply stop fighting and surrender. To prevent this from happening, use simple ways to recuperate after tiring work.

  • Cool shower. Water perfectly relieves lethargy and neutralizes negativity.
  • Hiking. It would be great if it would be walks in a pine forest. Such a pastime, albeit for a short time, will fill the body with oxygen and help get rid of negative thoughts and experiences.
  • Full rest. The benefits of sleep can be felt not only physically, but also psychologically - in a dream we can completely heal ourselves and even find the right solution to a difficult life situation. While a person is asleep, his brain is busy diagnosing every system in the body.
  • A full diet and dinner no later than 21:00. It is important to eat three hours before bed, so that the body has time to fill and process food.
  • Massages and spa treatments.
  • Spiritual practices. Meditation, for example, is a great way to calm down and relieve stress.
  • 200 ml of cold clean water on an empty stomach. Water helps to refresh thoughts and relieve stress.

Recovery of strength and energy during stress

The stress goes away, but its effects remain. While the effects of stress are subtle at first, they take away your energy. It is important to learn how to control yourself and independently remove yourself from a state of apathy. Positive attitudes and techniques aimed at managing emotions can help in this difficult task. If you have lost your joy and happiness, if you are overcome by depression and negative thoughts, and there are more and more problems every day, you need to:

  • change the environment. It is not necessary to spend money on an expensive trip, it is enough to simply go to another city, visit friends or visit distant relatives;
  • walk alone in beautiful places or places of power. Such walks will help you restore inner harmony;
  • visit the church;
  • sign up for several relaxing massage sessions;
  • buy yourself what you have dreamed of for a long time. Of course, within reason. It can be new things, beautiful accessories, or a new phone;
  • change image and hairstyle.

If all of the above has not helped you to improve your state of mind, it is advisable to see a specialist.

Stress and fatigue can ruin your life, but this should not be allowed. Recover your strength after each working day, draw vital energy from the world around you, eat healthy food, be in the sun more often, surround yourself with happy and successful people. After just a few days, you will feel a surge of strength, you will be able to get stronger both physically and spiritually. We wish you a great mood, and don't forget to press the buttons and


A technique for self-restoration of energy, normalization of the chakras, removal of damage, the evil eye and other external, negative influences.

The technique I propose allows not only to solve problems with the destruction of all negative connections and completely restore the normal operation of all elements of the energy-informational structure (EIS) of a person, but also, as recent studies have shown, it allows a person to be immersed in an altered state of consciousness (meditation, entering a trance, regressive hypnosis, various numerical series and codes and other similar methods) working out their previous (and present) incarnations. The presence of the possibility of carrying out this work in a state of full consciousness allows you to do it consciously and use the preliminary programming of the direction and theme of working out the events of the past.

The information obtained during the sessions about events that occurred in this life and in previous incarnations (in the form of visual information and emotional sensations) enables a person to find out the deep reasons for many events in the present, to determine the origins of his character traits, his attitude to various phenomena in society and to the behavior of its specific representatives, helps to determine the reasons for their troubles and sores, to understand and realize their true purpose and to correct their further program of spiritual and intellectual development!

1. Before starting work on the proposed methodology, I strongly recommend that everyone, without exception, determine the location of GPZs (geopathogenic zones) in your home and take the necessary measures to exclude or reduce the degree of their impact. The determination method is given in article 6. Otherwise, the effectiveness of applying the technique in cases where you are in these areas for more than 5-6 hours a day (work or sleeping place) can be significantly reduced or reduced to almost zero!

2. Optimal mode of work: one session - once a day, while you can take breaks from work depending on how you feel and readiness to continue working. After mastering the technique, you can use the techniques for eliminating negative influences in any problem situations, any number of times during one day (the creation of special conditions for such sessions is not required). You can begin to practice using the methodology in public places only after a person has solved his primary tasks of restoring the work of his energy-informational structure and freed himself from all negative influences;

3. The minimum number of sessions for solving a global problem (serious damage, curse, etc.) can be up to 7. The total number of sessions (including those for working out a specific event in the past) is not limited by anything. ideally, it is desirable to work through all your incarnations;

4. During the first session, if the time of external negative influence is known, then we return to the time preceding it, if not, then at the moment of birth in this incarnation. When carrying out the second - either at the moment of birth in a previous incarnation, or a reworking of the previous event. If necessary, the number of sessions of working through a specific incarnation or a specific event in the past can be increased at your discretion. In cases where someone is unable to conduct the first session in full, devote the next two or three sessions (or more) to gaining experience of working with energies without working through the events of the past. The main goal of which will be to master the technique of working with energies (to learn: to feel their passage, control them, saturate your body and energy shell, cleanse them of blocks and accumulations of negative energy, + learn to visualize these processes);

5. When working with previous incarnations and events in the past, take your time and try to remember everything that will happen at the same time. You may be shown some episodes from previous incarnations, which may come as a complete surprise to you and cause strong emotional experiences. However, along with not always pleasant emotions, you can also get a hint why certain events occur in this incarnation, what are your character traits associated with, what causes certain actions, etc.;

6. If you want to work with your children according to this method, it is better if they do everything on their own, in the form of a game and preferably under the supervision of their mother. When working with very young children, the child's mother should carry out the work, since up to the age of 7 the child is under her energy protection and has very strong connections with the mother's energy;

Security measures:

1. Do not get carried away by a set of energy, its excess can be just as harmful as its lack. The reason is that the physical organs and systems do not have time to rebuild under its sharply increased volumes. Even at the beginning of my healing activity, when I tried to restore the energy of a person (guided by the desire to give more of it), very often people simply fainted;

2. Do not get carried away with working out your incarnations, seven days are enough for the first cycle, after which it is advisable to make a short pause. Since the load on the energy-informational (EI) plane is very large and is accompanied by a sharp increase in the biofield (BP), the effect may be similar to that described above. In addition, it takes time to comprehend the information received and adjust your target plan for spiritual development;

3. When conducting sessions, it is advisable to install a container with water (0.5 - 1.0 liter) in the room with the inscription "Converter of negative energy into positive", which can be reused in the future. After the end of the session, it is advisable to ventilate the room in which you worked well;

4. Undesirable presence of strangers in the room, especially children. In cases where this condition cannot be met, those present must be protected by a virtual protection created using the mirror surface of their energy shell;

5. Independent use of the technique by people with various mental disorders is undesirable. In such cases, the work on the technique can be carried out only under the supervision of an experienced healer who is able to provide qualified assistance if necessary;

6. It is undesirable to conduct sessions immediately after eating. Even if you just drank a mug of hot tea or a cup of coffee, make at least (30 - 40) minute pause before starting work.

General work algorithm:

1. Preparation for the session - repentance, forgiveness, asking for help;
2. Creation of two levels of virtual protection (cocoon and cylinder);

5. Elaboration of past events;

Sequence of execution:

1. Preparation for the session.
1.1. Install a container with water in the room with the inscription "Converter of negative energy into positive" and it is advisable, if possible, to light church candles (if they are absent, you can use ordinary ones);
1.2. Repentance for sins (asking for forgiveness to everyone who has knowingly or unknowingly harmed in this and previous lives);
1.3. Forgiving ourselves and everyone whom we believe that they have offended us in some way or have done a negative act towards us (ourselves, for having perceived it);
1.4. Thanksgiving to the creator for help in overcoming those trials that he sent us and for taking care of our spiritual development;
1.5. Request for help to your mentors, guardian angels, spiritual teacher and Creator in solving the problem that we want to solve. In the request, you can also indicate the topic of the study. For example, ask to show the events that caused this or that fear, resentment, etc.

2. Creation of two levels of virtual protection.

2.1. We take a stable upright position (feet must be on the floor or on the ground), close our eyes and achieve even, calm breathing and a maximally relaxed state. It is advisable to open your eyes only after the session is complete. For those who cannot stand the session, it is allowed to conduct the session in a position that is comfortable for themselves;

2.2. We mentally imagine our energy shell in the form of a cocoon surrounding our body, the boundary of which corresponds to the size of our BP, and its outer surface is mirrored, leaving two small holes above the head and below under our feet, because the overlap of the flows of earthly and cosmic energies is unacceptable. The goal is to create protection from external influences during the session;

2.3. We create, approximately at a distance of one meter from the boundary of our shell (the boundary of the BP), an infinitely high cylinder with mirrored (inner and outer) surfaces. As a result, we get a structure that looks like a nesting doll, the smallest is you and me, the middle one is our energy shell and the outer one is the mirror cylinder we have created. The inner mirror surface of the cylinder prevents the surrounding EI space from the negative displaced outside the cocoon, the outer surface is an additional protection against external EI influences;

3. Clearing the EI-structure, restoring the work of the chakras and a set of energies;

3.1. We focus on inhalation, imagine a powerful flow of pure earthly energy (a powerful flow of transparent energy with a golden hue), which enters the centers of the feet, the centers of the palms and the area of ​​the first energy center (the coccyx region). We direct and control its passage through the whole body and higher energy centers from the bottom up along the spine. At the same time, we are trying to imagine and feel how it fills all the cells of our body and freely emerges in the region of the crown. In case of detection of any obstacles in the area of ​​any center or any organ, we burn them with the help of a stream of flame and resume the procedure, achieving a free flow of energy through all energy centers. Signs of fullness can be a slight tingling sensation, slight numbness, warmth along the spine, in the soles of the feet, etc. When working with earthly energy, hands can spontaneously rise, a surge of strength and an increase in the volume of the body and cocoon can be felt;

3.2. We focus on the exhalation, imagine a powerful stream of pure cosmic energy (a powerful stream of transparent light-silver color), which enters the area of ​​the seventh energy center. We direct and control its passage through other centers from top to bottom along the spine. At the same time, we are trying to imagine and feel how it fills all the cells of our body and freely flows down through the energy centers located in our palms and soles. In case of detection of any obstacles in the area of ​​any center or any organ, we burn them with the help of a stream of flame and resume the procedure, achieving a free flow of energy through all energy centers. Signs of fullness can be a slight tingling sensation, energy draining from the fingers, slight numbness, warmth along the spine, in the soles of the feet, etc.;

Notes to clauses 3.1 and 3.2:
1. Focusing attention on inhalation or exhalation when working with energies, do not associate this process with your breathing, this is just a recommendation for better visualization of it. The process of energy saturation should go on continuously and be interrupted only for the time necessary to eliminate its free flow;

2. To enhance energy flows, you can use the technique of combining visualization of the process with inhalation and exhalation (similar to the operation of a two-hand pump);

3. To cleanse the body and EI - structures from negative blocks, communication channels, suckers, etc. you can use the cleaning techniques described in the "Additional Techniques ..." section (see after the description of the technique) or apply your own individual techniques that are more acceptable to you.

3.3. After the sensation of the fullness of the body appears, for some time we work simultaneously with both flows of energies and saturate our energy shell, mentally displacing all the negative beyond its limits. For almost the majority, this gives the feeling of a balloon inflating. The main goal of working with energy flows: to clear your EI-structure, displace the negative existing in it outside the energy shell (cocoon) and, if possible, restore the normal operation of the main EIC (chakras).

4. Burning of negative communication channels and negative energy;

4.1. In order to burn the negative energy displaced beyond the boundaries of your energy shell (cocoon) and destroy (break) the channels of communication with sources of negative influences and energies available at that time, it is necessary to direct from below (whoever does not succeed, you can from above) into the space between your energy with a shell (cocoon) and a cylinder, a powerful stream of bright clean flame and burn all the negative that is present there, if necessary, you can use a laser beam. If desired, you can place yourself in the stream of flame, along with your energy shell;

5. Elaboration of past events.

5.1. Keeping the virtual protection created at the beginning of the session, we mentally transfer ourselves to the time preceding the external energy-informational impact. If this time is not defined, then at the moment of your birth in the present incarnation or at the moment of any important event for you, which, in your opinion, could negatively affect your psycho-emotional state and cause disturbances in your EI - structure. It is most advisable to eliminate the violations that you currently have during the first sessions. In the future, you can consistently work through the events of previous incarnations, stipulating in advance which incarnation you want to work out or determining a specific goal of the study (for example, ask to show events in the past that caused any fear, resentment, failures in relationships with the opposite sex, etc.). NS.);

5.2. We repeat the cleaning of our EI-structure according to the method of paragraphs 3.1 - 3.3, mentally restoring the level of our BP to a value corresponding to your harmonious development at that point in time, after which we burn the negative according to the method of paragraph 4.1. ;

5.3. After imagining yourself in the past, take your time and try to see yourself at that moment and understand what is happening. If you need help at that moment, provide it, send your love to yourself in the past, and then burn all the negativity that surrounded your life at that moment and time that preceded it. To clear the EI - space and your phantom in the past, mentally cut off all negative communication channels that you have in the past with the help of streams of pure flame and burn the negative energy that surrounds you at that moment. This can also be done according to the scheme of converting negative into positive energy, having previously collected it into a created virtual sphere with an inner mirror surface and then sending it into the bowels of the planet with a request for its transformation into pure energies of creation;

5.4. When carrying out this work, the main thing is not to rush and, if desired, you can consistently view the most important events of the past from childhood to old age. This can be done in several sessions, so as not to overload your brain and your psyche. The main goals of working through the events of the past include the following:
- to clear your EI - the structure and EI-space of the planet from negative energies and information, including those that were created by us;
- try to establish the reasons for our actions, character traits, rejection of something, the emergence of fears, grievances, illnesses, etc.;
- on the basis of the knowledge gained about oneself, correct the individual development program and work on oneself beloved, with the aim of not repeating in the future those mistakes that were made in the past.
That is, we have an opportunity to consciously, in a milder version, work out our karmic lessons.

6. Return to the present, repetition of paragraphs. No. 3 and No. 4, increase in BP by 5-10%;

6.1. We return to the present time and carry out the saturation and harmonization of the work of our energy-informational structure according to the method of paragraphs 3.1 -3.3. and incineration of the negative according to clause 4.1. When saturating our shell, we achieve an increase (expansion of its boundaries) by 5-10% in relation to the BP value at the time of the beginning of the session.

7. Completion of the session, even distribution of energy, gratitude for the help.

7.1. Before the end of the session, mentally, evenly distribute the energies throughout the body and the protective cocoon. For their uniform distribution (and alignment of the boundaries of the energy shell), we give them a clockwise rotation around the vertical axis (when viewed from above) and also mentally visualize their uniform distribution along the vertical (moving up and down), which is very well felt in physics;
7.2. At the end of the session, we thank all our helpers and the Creator, after which we open our eyes. For consolidation, you can read some famous prayer, for example, "Our Father".
In addition to this technique, I want to make a small gift for those who are engaged in healing activities and feel the need to clean the premises after working with people. This is a very effective technique that allows you to cope with almost any attacks of the dark forces, which I came to purely intuitively after very hard work with breaking the channel of three sixes from my friend.

Short description:
1. Mentally create an image of the sun disk and imagine how it rotates counterclockwise - there is a powerful extract of the negative, which you support with a mental message and visualize the process;

2. Change the direction of rotation of the disk - there is a powerful golden stream of energy to recharge and saturate the object with positive energy;

3. Create a virtual sphere with an inner mirror surface behind the object that you plan to clean, saturate it with pure energy (maybe solar) and bring it into contact with the EI-shell of the object.

4. Create an image of the sun with the direction of rotation of the disk clockwise and direct the flow of energy to the object, squeezing out all the negative outside the shell, directing it into the virtual sphere you have created, and then lowering it into the bowels of the earth to destroy and transform the contents into positive energy of creation ...

This technique can also be used to cleanse the human EI structure.

Additional techniques for clearing the physical body and EI-structure from negativity:

1. Working with the virtual disk of the sun and its energies is described above. At the suggestion of Galina Kuznetsova, work with solar energy can be used in cases of the need to activate the chakras or remove blocks that prevent the free flow of energies, as well as when working to destroy various negative communication channels. Here is her description of her experience with solar energy:
“... The sun was wonderful and I decided to ask the sun to clean me. Since we are all energy, we cannot harm each other. And I asked to be placed inside the Sun. It was surprisingly comfortable. I saw myself as if transparent, but with dark spots, like blots. I began to examine these blots and the spots began to go away. When there was only golden and white light, I thanked the SUN and left. There was a huge surge of strength, amazing mood and universal love ... ";

2. Working with an energy vortex (by Olga Bezuglaya) is as follows:
We create an image of a vortex of energy (an image of a tornado can be used), capture with its help a negative formation and "throw" it out of our body and energy shell;

3. Working with an energy blanket (author Gennady Poloselov), here is his description of this technique:
“In the last session, a successful thought-form came - a blanket of light. It's like a cotton blanket (soft cloth) made of very concentrated, condensed light energy of the earth and space. and left them there until the organ healed. Then they dissolved themselves. I made a liquid form of this energy tissue and launched it into the digestive system for healing and purification. In some parts of the intestine I noted the reaction of the body. Then I attracted the attention of the gallbladder and liver with tingling sensations and I wrapped them in cloth as well. When I finished with the body, I drove a vortex of light, sweeping all the "lumps" out of the cocoon. ";

5. To activate the base chakras (Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara), you can combine the pumping of energies with chanting mantras (LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, OM and AUM) or notes (DO, RE, MI , FA, SALT, LA and SI in different keys) (suggestion by Galina Pinchuk);

6. The principle of a centrifuge for the disposal of channels, energetic entities, etc. attached to the shell. (Author Stanislav Koshelev).
The technique consists in imparting an accelerating counterclockwise rotation of its energy shell, as a result of which, due to the increasing centrifugal force, the bonds are broken and the "suction cups" are disconnected from the shell.

In conclusion, I would like to acquaint you with another simple technique that I received from my spiritual teachers during the period of my healing lessons "Working with the energy grid (cobweb)", which can be used both for cleaning and for identifying (diagnosing) diseased organs and places of stagnation of energies. The technique is very simple and quite effective:

1. We close our eyes, imagine a phantom of a person with whom we want to work (or our own) and place it in front of us at a distance of 2-3 meters;

2. Imagine an energy network (web) in the form of a rectangular scarf with a side size of 1.5-2 meters and mentally throw it onto the phantom, giving it the ability to fall freely. If on its way there is some kind of block (stagnation of energy, a diseased organ, a channel of negative communication), its free fall stops and it hangs, enveloping this area. Consecutively doing this procedure, you can scan the entire phantom. You can use this scarf to capture and extract various negative formations from the EI-structure, after which they can simply be burned or sent to the bowels of the Earth for transformation into positive energies.

I would be grateful to all those who will use the technique for your comments containing brief descriptions of the results of their experience with it.

I wish you all success in mastering it and achieving new levels of knowledge of yourself and the world around us.

With respect and love,