The baby's temperature is 38 what to do. Measurement of temperature in the armpit or groin. All sorts of thermometers are needed

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 5 minutes


The health of the child is the most important thing for parents. Therefore, as soon as the child's temperature rises, the parents panic and ask the question: what to do if the child has a fever?

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If the baby has become capricious, eats poorly, cries - this is the first bell to measure his temperature. The temperature can be determined by fixing the thermometer in the mouth, in the armpit, in the rectum ... It must be remembered that the temperature in a newborn is considered normal within from 36 ° C to 37 ° C with permissible deviations of 0.5 ° C.

Elevated temperature is the response of the baby's body to a foreign substance that has entered the newborn's body. That's why you need to look at the child's behavior : if the baby has not lost its appetite, is active, continues to play, then this temperature can not be knocked down.

If you have a child with a high fever (the temperature has risen above 38.5 ° C), then:

  • Call a doctor at home. If the baby has a high temperature and continues to grow, then, if possible, do not waste time, take the baby to the hospital yourself. In case of hyperthermic syndrome, when the body temperature is below 40 ° C, it is necessary to provide first aid to the child (read below) in order to avoid negative consequences associated with the work of the brain and metabolism.
  • Create comfortable conditions for your baby, i.e. ventilate the room to oxygenate it. Keep the room temperature around 21 degrees (higher temperatures can cause the baby to overheat). Humidify the air. If you don't have a humidifier, you can simply hang a wet towel in the room or put a jar of water.
  • Don't put a lot of clothes on your toddler. Leave a thin cotton blouse on it, remove the diaper that interferes with normal heat transfer.
  • Give your baby a drink more often. (warm water, compote) or chest (every 5 - 10 minutes in small portions), because at a high temperature, a large amount of fluid is lost in an infant. Drinking plenty of fluids will help to quickly "flush" the toxins that are formed in the presence of viruses in the body.
  • Don't upset your baby. If the child starts crying, calm him down, give him what he wants. In a crying child, the temperature will rise even more, and the state of health will deteriorate significantly.
  • Rock the baby. In a dream, the increased temperature is much easier to tolerate.
  • If the temperature of the newborn is more than 39 ° C, you need wipe the baby's brushes and legs with a napkin soaked in clean warm (36 ° C) water. Only without vinegar, alcohol and vodka - they can cause chemical burns on the delicate skin of the child. The same compress can be put on the baby's forehead and periodically change the heated wipes to cool ones. An analogue of a water compress can be a compress from cabbage leaves. These compresses help relieve the heat in the child.
  • At a temperature in a baby, it is categorically impossible:
    • Putting enemas with cool water and completely wrapping the baby in wet cloth will cause cramps and muscle tremors.
    • Give medications before the arrival of the doctor and his consultation. All medicinal antipyretic agents are toxic and, if the dosage and frequency of administration are not observed correctly, they are dangerous with complications, side effects and poisoning.
  • If, after the treatment prescribed by the doctor, the high temperature in the newborn continues to persist for 2-3 days, then need to call the doctor again to adjust treatment.

Parents, be attentive to the baby's symptoms! In situations concerning the health of your child, it is better to play it safe ten times, and not let the problem go by itself, blaming the high temperature in an infant, for example, on teething. Be sure to call a doctor - he will establish the true cause of the high temperature.

The site warns: self-medication can harm the health of your baby! Only a doctor should diagnose and prescribe treatment after examining the child. Therefore, when the child's temperature rises, be sure to contact a specialist!

The normal temperature of a newborn baby is 36.8 degrees. The baby is born with a poor thermoregulation system. Newborns are unable to maintain a constant body temperature and are often sensitive to temperature fluctuations - both indoors and outdoors. With insufficient child care, overheating or hypothermia occurs.

Mommies ask a bunch of questions about the jumps in the body temperature of the child. It changes due to physiological processes, and the maintenance of a constant normal t is guaranteed by the thermoregulation system. Babies are born with an unformed nervous system, which means that their thermoregulation is undeveloped and children are thermally sensitive.

There are cases that in newborns in the first days there is an increase in temperature up to 38-39 ° С because they are not able to cope with its regulation during the habituation to life outside the mother's womb. Already at three months, the child will have a thermoregulation system and a daily rate of change in body temperature.

Low t in a newborn is observed at night and closer to morning, high - during the day and in the evening.

It must be remembered that it is radically different in different parts of the body of a newborn. To understand the thermometer readings obtained by different measurement methods, you need to remember that in the armpit it is 0.3–0.6 ° C less than in the rectum.

It is undesirable to take measurements during and immediately after feeding, bathing and walking - the degree on the thermometer may be overestimated. To get objective data, you need to wait at least half an hour.


Everyone is interested in the question - what should be the normal t in a child? Have newborn in the armpit - 37.0–37.5 ° C. After several days, it can change from 36 to 37 ° C. (36.6 is fixed only by the end of the first year of a child's life).


Low body temperature in a newborn - hypothermia, does not imply any illness, arises from various reasons. Why can a baby have this?

  • This is often observed in premature babies, as it is difficult for them to adapt to the norms of life outside the mother's womb.
  • A one-year-old child does not have developed thermoregulation, which means that they can get hypothermic during a decrease in air temperature, which will be invisible for adults.
  • Body temperature should change in all people throughout the day. A small decline is recorded at night, often about 2–4 hours.
  • When the baby was sick for a long time, against the background of general fatigue, body t may decrease.
  • Anemia and vitamin deficiency affect thermoregulation systems.
  • The failure of hormones disrupts heat exchange. When the thyroid gland produces little hormone, the normal t of the body decreases. And also, adrenal dysfunction affects the body.
  • Rarely, the drop in temperature below normal is due to the use of medications.
  • A neoplasm near the hypothalamus can occur with a decrease in body t.
  • Children, due to a shattered mental state, often experience stress, nervous exhaustion, which also leads to a slight decrease in body temperature.
  • After various poisoning, malfunctions occur in metabolic systems.


Fever is a protective response to infection. The reasons are due to the fight against internal threats and overheating. It rises significantly during non-dangerous diseases. Some children under 5 years of age will have seizures during fever, but they will not affect their health. In a child aged 6 months to 5 years, seizures do not always mean a serious illness.

Fever is often easier for babies to tolerate. Provided that the baby has not had seizures before, and despite the fever, the child behaves normally, then there is no need to knock her down.

The main conditions for an increase in temperature in a child:

  • Long crying and overexcitement. The child's thermoregulation is shattered for up to six months, which means that when the baby is overexcited or capricious, he will overheat, because of this, an increase in body t occurs.
  • . The body temperature of a child under 1 month of age rises due to colic and gas in the tummy. A sign of this is bloating.
  • Dysbacteriosis. A temperature of about 37.5 ° C usually indicates a bad intestinal microflora - dysbiosis. Loose stools and poor appetite can symbolize an intestinal infection.
  • Overheat. Occurs when a child is in a room where it is very hot or too warmly dressed, stays in the sun for a long time or in a hot bath. In an infant, a system of autonomous thermoregulation is just beginning to form. The child's sweat glands do not function. He is hot, but does not sweat, and his mother often wraps him up warmly. But the child will endure overheating more painfully than the cold. During this, his face turns red, breathing quickens, prickly heat appears on the body.
  • A fever in a child under one year old can be during teething or after vaccination. When teething occurs, fever is combined with poor appetite, diarrhea, and nervous behavior of the child.
  • Protein complementary foods. At 7 months, the child can be in the form of curd, after the egg yolk, and then meat. All of the above foods give your baby protein. If protein meals become frequent and water is not given, fever will develop due to dehydration.
  • The increased temperature is also consequence of infection... Young children get sick with ARVI and other viruses less than older children. But if a baby gets sick, it will be different from an adult. During the flu in newborns, the temperature rises slowly and is not high. Because of this, the baby's flu can be confused with a cold, which passes with severe complications.

How to shoot down?

How can you make your child feel better, and what can you do to reduce fever?

  • The child needs to do herbal infusions to remove fever.
  • You can often breastfeed your baby. Milk supplies it with moisture well.
  • Make sure your child is properly dressed.
  • You can do air baths in the room. Undress the child completely and leave it there for a couple of minutes.
  • Apply a cool napkin to the child's forehead.

Safety and efficacy are key requirements in the selection of medicines for infants.

Bathing waters

What is the allowed bathing water temperature? The choice is made by the child. It changes from experience. From the very beginning - as soon as the baby's navel has healed and you want to bathe him in a large bath - not less than 33–34 ° С. Important - this water temperature is only suitable for a large volume of liquid and space.

If the baby is immersed in a small bathtub, which is very narrow, then the normal temperature of the water for bathing will be about 36 ° C. But - not higher than 37 ° C. You can bathe in a large bath from 33–34 ° C. Weekly, you can lower the water temperature by 1 degree. It is safe for the baby, and the prevention of respiratory infections is one of the most reliable. Slowly it is brought to 28-30 ° C, under such conditions the child spends about an hour in the bath by 6 months.

After a long bathing in cool water, a tired and well-fed child will definitely fall asleep soundly until the morning.

  • It is interesting to read:

In the room

What should be the temperature in a newborn's room? This question worries many new parents. Due to poor thermoregulation systems, babies are susceptible to changes in the room. Because of this, it should be unchanged for a newborn. For control, you need to place a thermometer near the child's bed.

According to doctors, a good temperature for a healthy baby will be from 19 to 21 ° С, if a premature baby is about 24–25 ° С.

Everyone is aware of the dangers of hypothermia; few people know about overheating of a baby. After all, the baby's body gives off more heat than an adult. When a newborn sweats, he loses the necessary fluid, which he receives only from the air in his room and mother's milk, which will lead to dehydration.

There are various reasons for a fever in a newborn. Many diseases, including infectious diseases, cause high fevers. The baby's condition can be alleviated by giving him an antipyretic agent for children. Mothers should remember that antipyretic drugs do not cure the disease itself - for treatment it is necessary to call a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the necessary medications.

Do not be afraid in advance of a high temperature in a newborn - usually it is a sign of the body's struggle with an external pathogen

It is also necessary to understand that the body reacts to illness with a severe fever for a reason. Dr. Komarovsky noticed that this activates the child's immune system, accelerates biochemical reactions, and increases the production of antibodies in the blood that fight infection. It is necessary to take antipyretic pills only at a very high temperature or with a concomitant unfavorable diagnosis (for example, heart disease), which was made by a doctor.

A high fever also plays a role of a signal about the baby's illness. Parents should respond correctly to such a signal - contact the clinic. It is not worth prescribing an antipyretic to an infant yourself. There are many medicines now, and the pediatrician will decide which one is right for your child. In addition to pills, there are other ways to lower body temperature, without taking medication.

Temperature measurement in newborns

Newborn babies can measure the temperature in different areas - in the armpits, in the rectum, in the mouth, in the groin or elbow folds, in the ears, and so on. There are some features of temperature measurement for children.

The temperature of a baby in different areas of the body may vary. Armpit readings of a thermometer up to 37.4 degrees can be considered normal. In the rectum and in the ears, they are higher - the norm is up to 38 degrees. The temperature should be measured when the baby is calm and motionless. If at this time he is sucking on the breast of his mother, crying, actively moving, the mercury in the thermometer will reach a higher mark than it really is.

The temperature of the newborn and baby can be measured with a special ear thermometer

What temperature should a child have?

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The rate depends on the age of the child. For a one-year-old baby, thermometer readings from 36 to 37.4 degrees are considered the norm. By the end of the first year of life, they are established in the range from 36 to 37 degrees.

If it's hot outside, the child is too warmly dressed, it's stuffy at home, the baby screams and worries, the mercury of the thermometer can reach up to 37.8 degrees. While this is not a reason to see a doctor. Ventilate the room, calm down and change the child according to the weather, repeat the measurement after half an hour or an hour. The reading should go down.

When there are no other symptoms of the disease, you need to try to create comfortable conditions for the baby, and everything will return to normal. If the thermometer shows 38 degrees, you need to call a pediatrician at home. When the body temperature is above 39 degrees, it's time to call an ambulance. The arriving ambulance doctor will make the initial diagnosis and send the call to the district pediatrician the next day.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The reasons can be very different. If there are no other symptoms of any disease, a high fever in an infant is possible from:

  • overheating in summer from hot weather or in winter from too warm clothes;
  • conditions after vaccination;
  • teething;
  • an infectious disease, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately.

Depending on the cause of the fever, measures are taken to eliminate it. Each parent should know what measures are needed in a particular case.

Teething is one of the most common causes of fever

Overheating measures

Overheating occurs in children of different ages, when the weather is too hot outside or they are dressed too warmly. Newborns can be overly insulated at home. Overheating manifests itself in the anxiety and whims of the baby. Parents understand that something is wrong with the child, put their hand to his forehead, find that the baby is hot. The thermometer can show more than 37.9 degrees. What to do:

  • bring the air temperature in the apartment to 22 degrees by thoroughly ventilating the rooms;
  • if overheating on the street, take the baby home or take him to the shade;
  • undress the baby, leaving the lightest clothes on him or hold him completely without clothes;
  • offer him an abundant lukewarm drink throughout the day.

In the case when overheating did take place, the child's body temperature will drop in half an hour or an hour. If this did not happen, then there was no overheating, the reason is something else.

Teeth are being cut

This reason is very common. There are additional teething symptoms that suggest that the child is not sick:

  • thermometer readings do not rise above 38 degrees;
  • a child from 6 months to 2.5 years old (just at this age, milk teeth are cut);
  • the little man pulls all objects into his mouth and tries to scratch his gums with them;
  • the gums are swollen, the edge of the tooth is slightly visible from above;
  • the thermometer readings are increased no more than 3 days, after which they become normal.

Parents consider increased salivation and poor appetite as a sign of teething. This is wrong, the child's salivary glands are actively developing in the third month, and the teeth are cut only at six months. Poor appetite occurs at elevated temperatures, which appeared for various reasons.

In case of heat in the process of teething, the doctor will recommend holding the baby at home and not bathing him whole. It is also necessary to maintain a comfortable climate in the room and give the baby more drink. If the values ​​on the thermometer have exceeded 37.9 degrees, you can give your baby the antipyretic medicine Nurofen (ibuprofen and paracetamol), which is also an anesthetic. It will relieve itching and pain in the gums. To numb the gums, there are baby ointments and gels that are used for teething.

Applying all these measures, it must be borne in mind that in most cases, intense fever is a sign of an infectious disease - ARVI, flu, intestinal infection, etc. To exclude these reasons, you need to contact the children's clinic. The infection can also intensify during teething.

Vaccination reaction

When a newborn is three months old, it should be vaccinated against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria (DTP) or only tetanus and diphtheria (TDS). The pediatrician decides which of these vaccinations to use. Some children develop a fever after vaccination. Because of this, do not worry if the temperature drops to normal the next day.

A one-year-old child is vaccinated against measles and mumps. This vaccination can cause a fever on the 5-6th day after vaccination, and on the 8-10th day, the thermometer readings can be much higher than normal. Do not sound the alarm and call an ambulance. If the baby has no other signs of the disease, nothing terrible happens. There are also vaccinations that should not cause fever in children - vaccination against polio and against tuberculosis (BCG).

Throat infections

It is necessary to learn how to look down the throat of the baby and distinguish redness from the usual state of the throat. Small ulcers and pimples may appear on the throat. Since throat infections are characterized only by intense fever and sore throat, which the little man cannot tell his mother about, such skills will come in handy for parents. These infections have no other symptoms.

Not only the doctor can examine the child's throat, but also the parents.
  • Acute pharyngitis is very common. All of the above signs - redness of the throat, sores, pimples - speak of this disease.
  • Fever can begin in a toddler with herpangin. With it, bubbles also appear on the tonsils, the arches of the throat, on the back wall of the larynx.
  • Children who are three years old often have angina. It is characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the tonsils and the back of the throat. Fever sets in. One-year-olds and younger children do not have this disease - they are protected by their mother's immunity, from 1 year to 2 years, angina is also very rare.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis. With angina, antibiotics are prescribed. Pharyngitis can be viral or bacterial. For the appointment of a medical product, the diagnosis is first specified. Herpangina is a viral disease; antibiotics do not require treatment.

Acute stomatitis

Children who often pull dirty objects into their mouths have stomatitis. With stomatitis, the baby's saliva begins to flow profusely. His temperature rises, his appetite decreases. Treatment of the disease requires specialist advice. Before the arrival of the doctor, the child should be put on a diet of liquid and pureed foods. You can rinse your mouth with sage and chamomile infusion or furacilin.

Acute otitis media

When bathing, water is sometimes poured into the ears of a newborn, which the parents did not wipe off in time. In a draft, the ear is supercooled, the infection is activated in it, otitis media begins. A thermometer for acute otitis media can show up to 40 degrees, the baby's ears hurt. He tugs at them and cries in pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic for instillation into the ears or an antibiotic through injections. Sometimes you can get by with taking pills, not injections.

Acute otitis media in a child requires medical attention

Roseola (roseola rash)

Roseola (sudden exanthema) affects young children aged 9 months to 2 years. The disease begins with a rise in temperature to 38.5-40 degrees. The baby's lymph nodes in the neck swell. The elevated temperature can last up to 5 days. Then it subsides, a patchy pink rash appears on the body. Then the rash disappears. The disease brings about a common type of herpes. About 70% of children get it in early childhood.

SARS, flu, colds

A common cold can cause a high fever. This means that the child's body fights the infection with the help of its immune system. Without pills, the disease should go away on its own in 7 days. You can give the little man tea with honey, boiled milk, raspberry jam and antipyretic in extreme heat. This will help cure a cold. Thermometer readings exceed the norm for ARVI and influenza. Treatment in such cases is prescribed by a doctor, based on the general condition of the patient and his personal characteristics of the body. Only a doctor can understand what kind of illness your baby started with.

Urinary tract and intestinal infections

Urinary tract disease can only be characterized by significant fever. The most attentive parents notice that it hurts for the baby to urinate, that his legs or face are swollen. The diagnosis is made by the doctor, for which he prescribes tests. Urinary tract infection is bacterial in nature. In case of illness, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment.

Intestinal infections initially cause only severe fever. Other manifestations - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting - do not appear immediately. It sometimes takes several hours, or even a day, to these signs after the onset of the disease.

How to relieve a child with a high fever?

Pyretic is called a temperature from 38 to 40 degrees (see also:). If the marks on the thermometer scale are as follows, you should call a doctor. The child should be given a child antipyretic, non-drug methods of treatment can be used. Antipyretic is desirable to give in the form of a syrup, it acts faster and more effectively.

If the nature of the disease is viral, the fever will last no more than three days. When it does not subside further, this indicates the bacterial nature of the disease or a latent inflammatory process. We urgently need to see a pediatrician. He will give directions for urine and blood tests, x-rays and ultrasound, based on the results, he will make a diagnosis.

How to bring down the temperature without medication?

If your baby is less than 13 weeks old and has a fever, and the thermometer shows a value above 38 degrees, you can try old ways to relieve fever. For an older baby, you can try to bring down the temperature above 39 degrees (we recommend reading :).

  • Do not cover a baby with a fever with a warm blanket. On the contrary, it must be cooled. To do this, wet gauze napkins with warm water, put one of them on the baby's forehead, others on bare arms and legs. The water will begin to evaporate and the body will cool down. You can wipe the entire body of the baby with such a napkin from time to time. Pediatrician Komarovsky advises using warm water for rubbing, and not vinegar or vodka, since it will not harm the baby's body and will not cause intoxication.
  • In extreme heat, the baby should be given a lot of fluids, as he sweats and the fluid from the body evaporates. If the mother is breastfeeding the baby, during the fever, offer to eat more often than usual. For drinking, use baby tea, boiled water or rehydration solution. An abundant drink will be prescribed for the baby by the attending physician.
  • The patient should be at rest, observe bed rest. The air temperature in the room should be comfortable - 20-22 degrees. If you just undress the baby and hold him naked in the room for 10-15 minutes, the body will cool down and the heat will subside.

Air baths give a good effect - the body temperature immediately decreases

Sometimes, when the baby is hot, the limbs remain cold. In this case, the legs and arms must be warmed by covering them or wearing socks and mittens. Such cooling of the limbs indicates poor circulation. It is necessary to give the baby a warm drink and carry out warming procedures.

Medicines for extreme heat

After the parents carry out non-drug measures to eliminate the elevated temperature, the effect is achieved in half an hour. In the case when the measures did not help, it is necessary to give an antipyretic agent.

At the age of 3 months, medications are prescribed when the temperature has exceeded 38 degrees. Children who are already 3 months old are given antipyretic after 39 degrees on the thermometer. There are exceptions - if the baby is not feeling well, has turned pale, is experiencing chills, the medicine is given immediately, regardless of the thermometer reading.

There is a group of children who need to be given antipyretic at temperatures above 37.5. These are sick children who have been diagnosed with heart disease (cardiomyopathy or congenital malformation), kidney disease, and pathology of the nervous system. There are children whose fever leads to seizures. If your toddler has heart disease, a fever can cause serious disruptions in his or her functioning. Nervous diseases lead to seizures in extreme heat.

To eliminate fever, babies are given drugs of 2 groups - paracetamol, on the basis of which the preparations Panadol and Eferalgan are made, and ibuprofen, of which Nurofen is composed:

  • The dose of paracetamol is calculated on the basis that 15 mg of the drug is given per 1 kg of weight at a time, and 60 mg per day per 1 kg of the baby's weight. The daily dose is divided into 4 doses. The doctor may increase the dose of the drug to 90 mg per 1 kg per day.
  • Ibuprofen is given in smaller doses - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight per dose or 30 mg per kg of body weight per day.
  • Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be given alternately.
  • Adult medications - Analgin and Aspirin, should not be given to children!

Antipyretic syrups for children effectively solve the problem of high temperature

Antipyretics in syrups and suppositories

There are certain rules for giving medicated syrups to children. First of all, they relate to the dosage. The dose is calculated according to the weight of the child, not based on his age group. The syrup should not be given by taking it out of the refrigerator. It is necessary to warm the bottle in hand or in warm water. Different medicines help different children. If you have given ibuprofen and there is no result, you can give paracetamol after 2 hours.

Medicines for fever in suppositories act more slowly than syrups, since the suppository in the rectum touches the baby's body with a smaller area than the syrup in the stomach. In some cases, treatment with suppositories makes sense. At elevated temperatures, in some babies, the process of absorption of the drug from the stomach slows down, then there is only hope for a candle. In addition, many children vomit with severe fever and cannot swallow the medicine. There are children who are not helped by oral medications, and a candle will help. If you gave the baby medicine, and the fever has not subsided, you need to light a candle. And if you gave paracetamol syrup, then put the candle with ibuprofen.

Changes in the temperature regime in young children occur when the body's protective functions are activated, which react in this way to infection. When the temperature of the baby rises above 37 degrees, most of the viruses and bacteria die, their reproduction in the body of the newborn baby is interrupted, as a result of which the gradual extinction of pathogenic microorganisms occurs.

What is a temperature in a baby

Physiologically, it is arranged so that the body temperature changes under the influence of the environment. This process is called "thermoregulation of the body", and its main center is one of the brain regions. In infants, this mechanism is not yet functioning quite correctly, so babies often overheat or cool down. Infant body temperature is regulated by two processes - heat transfer and heat production.

Heat production in newborn crumbs works very actively: a child produces much more heat than an adult, but it turns out badly in children because of the underdevelopment of the sweat glands. The source of heat in babies in the first months of life is brown fat, which accumulates in a small body from the end of intrauterine life. The subcutaneous layer of fat in babies is very thin, so the generated heat is not stored inside the body. Since newborns do not know how to tremble, when they freeze, they actively jerk their legs and arms.

Normal temperature in a baby

In newborns, before they reach the age of one year, the temperature indicator can reach 37.4 degrees (if the measurement takes place in the armpits). This conditional temperature norm in infants is due to imperfect thermoregulation of the child's body. Sweating in babies is poorly developed, so they cannot give off excess moisture. This is due to the need to carefully monitor the temperature changes in the baby.

Since each child is individual, the rate of the thermometer indicator may differ. If an increased temperature in a baby is recorded, while the baby is calm, eats well and looks good, then there is no cause for concern. Also, parents should not worry if the baby's temperature has slightly dropped (up to 35.7 degrees) - this may be due to the individual characteristics of the child's development.

Body temperature in newborns up to a month

Young parents are interested in what temperature a newborn should have in the first month of life. Despite the fact that thermoregulation in babies has not yet been debugged, it is considered normal temperature in the range from 36.3 to 37.5 degrees. Parents, in addition, need to know that in the evening, babies may have a thermometer increase by a few tenths. At the same time, the temperature of the newborn drops slightly when he falls asleep. If the baby is hot during the day, his body heats up and, as a result, the temperature rises: in this case, the baby needs to be undressed for a while.

How does the temperature manifest in a baby

Until about one year of age, the average body temperature of a baby is kept within the range of 36.6-37.4 degrees, while there is no harm to his health. Later, the thermoregulation function is adjusted and the thermometer readings become more stable. If the temperature indicator rises after eating, screaming, active movements or crying, this is considered normal. Signs by which you can determine the rise in temperature:

  • rare urination;
  • sweating of the body and head;
  • hot, reddened skin on the forehead;
  • hot limbs (while the child did not eat or cry);
  • anxiety of the baby.

Temperature 37

Pediatricians consider this indicator to be acceptable in babies under one year old. You should not worry if at the same time the baby eats well, behaves actively, has normal and regular bowel movements. A mark of 37 degrees on a thermometer is considered the norm, since due to poor thermoregulation, children quickly overheat and overcool. The baby's body only forms the ability to control physiological processes, therefore, such a temperature in a baby does not require treatment. A situation in which the symptom is accompanied by others should alert mom and dad:

  • poor appetite, lack of it;
  • loose stools;
  • passivity;
  • anxiety.

Infant temperature 38

This indicator indicates a protective reaction of the crumbs' body to any irritant. As a rule, babies can easily tolerate this temperature, while continuing to be active and have a good appetite. In this case, parents should often give the baby warm water or herbal infusion. It is not necessary to resort to methods of lowering the temperature, since the immune functions of the body are turned on in the range between 38 and 39 degrees. At the same time, it is important to continue to monitor the baby in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner if other symptoms appear.

Temperature 39

With a thermometer reading of 39 degrees, the baby is lethargic, he can refuse to eat, becomes irritable, his eyes become clouded, the legs and arms become cool, and breathing with a heartbeat becomes difficult. Such symptoms require urgent medical attention, so there is no need to try to help the baby on your own, otherwise the baby may experience serious complications.

Reduced temperature

If the newborn has a relatively low rate (35 degrees or so), while the baby behaves as usual, remaining active and calm, then there is no reason for panic. Perhaps this is an individual child's norm or is associated with changes in thermoregulation processes. The baby is just beginning to adapt to external conditions, and temperature fluctuations are evidence of such adaptation to the environment. If the child's condition does not worsen, there is no reason to see a doctor.

What temperature should be brought down in an infant

It is important for parents to know not only what temperature in an infant is considered normal, but also at what indicator of the thermometer it is worth starting to knock it down. Most doctors do not recommend lowering the indicator below 38.5, unless the baby is at least 2 months old. At the same time, it is better to use improvised means, and not medicines (taking the latter is justified at 39 degrees and above). If the thermometer shows above 37.5 for a long time, this may indicate the presence of childhood infections, so it is worth showing the child to the doctor.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

One of the centers of the brain is responsible for thermoregulation, while an increased thermometer is a symptom, and not an independent disease. The causes of fever can be different:

  • infectious diseases that are provoked by viruses and bacteria that enter the body of the crumbs;
  • non-infectious (endocrine pathologies, neuroses, high emotional or physical activity, etc.).

In addition, thermometer readings can go off scale when:

  • stress;
  • overheating;
  • dehydration;
  • lesions of the central nervous system;
  • acute reaction to vaccination;
  • teething.

How to shoot down

Almost any disease causes a fever in the baby, which, in addition, can indicate overheating, a reaction to a vaccine, the onset of teething or dehydration. If the thermometer shows a not very high value (up to 38.5), while the baby does not bother: he eats well and behaves actively, you can alleviate his condition by wrapping in a wet diaper. To establish thermoregulation, in addition, it will turn out using the following methods:

  • cooling the room to 20 degrees or below;
  • providing the child with abundant drink in large quantities (water, compote, breast milk, decoction of herbs, any other warm drink);
  • wiping with a damp sponge (suitable for very small crumbs);
  • temporary release of crumbs from clothes.

Antipyretics for the little ones

With viral infections and other diseases, there is an increase in the temperature index and a general deterioration in the well-being of the newborn. In this case, you need to call a doctor who is likely to prescribe medications with antipyretic effects. What will bring down the heat from the crumbs:

  1. Children's paracetamol. Analogs are Kalpol, Panadol, Efferalgan. Children's drugs are classified as antipyretic and can relieve pain. Under the age of 6, it is recommended to limit yourself to 3 days of treatment. At the same time, it is recommended to give syrup to children 6-12 months old at 5-8.5 ml at intervals of at least 4 hours. Rectal suppositories are used for children 3-9 months old, 1 suppository no more than 4 hours a day with the same interval before the next dose.
  2. Ibuprofen. An antipyretic drug relieves inflammation and painful syndrome. It is forbidden to use the remedy until the age of six months. The drug does not have strict contraindications for the duration of use, however, candles or syrup can be given to a child no more than 3 times a day. Ibuprofen is used exclusively at high temperatures. The suspension is given at the age of 6-12 months, 2.5 ml (maximum daily dose - 7.5 ml). Candles are given to children 3-9 months old every 6-8 hours, older babies - 1 suppository every 6 hours.

What not to do

It is forbidden to wipe the crumbs with vinegar, vodka or alcohol, since these liquids are quickly absorbed into the skin, causing serious intoxication. In addition, too little children should not be wrapped up with wet cold cloth - this can cause vasospasm, as a result, such treatment will cause convulsions. Do not wrap children in warm blankets or wear too much warm clothing. Any medications and measures to reduce the temperature regime may be used only after consulting a doctor.

It is not recommended to treat the baby with Analgin, since the medicine can provoke dangerous side effects: in many countries this drug is prohibited or strictly limited (it is used exclusively in a hospital setting). A list of other medicines strictly prohibited for newborns, after taking which serious negative effects can appear:

  • Phenacetin;
  • Amidopyrine;
  • Antipyrine.


Thermoregulation in a newborn baby is far from perfect. That is why it is important to ensure that the room has a comfortable temperature, the baby does not overheat and does not overcool.

Normal temperature in a baby

If we talk about body temperature, then we can say that the norm is a body temperature of 36 to 37.4 degrees. There is nothing to bring down a slightly elevated body temperature in a baby. Only by the end of the first year of life, a constant body temperature of 36.6 is established, which is considered normal until the end of days.

The normal temperature in a baby is determined in this way. Over the course of several days, you need to measure the temperature, while it is important to observe the behavior of the child. If the baby is calm, in a good mood and nothing bothers him, then this means that the body temperature is normal.

Body temperature depends on the place where it is measured. The temperature in the mouth is slightly higher than in the armpit. The temperature is measured rectally for up to six months, then it can be dangerous, because the child is unlikely to want to lie still when he is undergoing an unpleasant procedure.

Young parents need to remember that the child should have a separate thermometer. Better to buy an electronic thermometer that is soft and shatterproof. After eating and crying, it is better not to measure the body temperature, because it may be higher than normal.

Fever itself, like coughing, is not a disease, but its consequences. Viral and bacterial infections, stress, overheating, physical activity, teething and other phenomena can be associated with an increase in temperature. If the child is more than three months old, do not bring down the temperature until it reaches 38.2 degrees.

Temperature 37 in babies

After the birth of a child, his body temperature is 38 degrees. It gradually decreases and reaches 37 degrees by the fifth day of life. A temperature of 37 in babies is the norm.

Parents measure temperature in different ways. Someone orally, someone rectally, and someone in the traditional way - in the armpit. Today, there are many types of thermometers: nipples, in the form of toys, and even those that can be simply swiped over the forehead and the indicators will be recorded in a matter of seconds. Mercury thermometers are considered by many to be the most accurate. Perhaps they are right, but do not forget that it is quite dangerous to measure temperature with glass thermometers. Firstly, they can be easily broken, and, secondly, they contain mercury, and it can harm the child if the thermometer breaks.

Temperature 38 in babies

Why do pediatricians and gynecologists strongly recommend that women breastfeed their baby for as long as possible? The fact is that breast milk helps protect the baby from various infections. In addition, when the baby is ill and has a fever, the mother's milk not only nourishes, but also quenches his thirst. The very fact that mom is there, and she shares her energy with him, allows you to recover faster.

The body temperature can increase if the child was vaccinated, he lacks moisture, his teeth are teething, and for other reasons.

A temperature of 38 in a baby may indicate that it is too hot in the room where he is. In order to return to normal values, it is enough just to take the baby to the next room and ventilate the room well.

It is better not to bring the temperature down to 38.2 ° C. The body fights the infection on its own. If the baby is active and generally feels fine, then you should not resort to emergency measures. You need to harden your immunity.

Temperature 39 in babies

High body temperature can lead to fever. Disease-causing bacteria and viruses can trigger an infectious fever. If a baby has problems with thermoregulation, then he may develop functional or non-infectious fever.

A temperature of 39 in an infant may indicate the presence of an infectious fever. The high temperature prevents bacteria and viruses from growing and multiplying.

When the body temperature reaches 39 degrees, metabolic processes are activated in the body and immunoglobulins are produced. If the temperature has crossed a certain threshold, that is, it has reached an indicator of 39.5 degrees, the tissues cease to receive enough oxygen, the protective function weakens, and the person may die.

Causes of temperature in babies

When a child's temperature rises, parents begin to get nervous and stuff the baby with various drugs. Before doing this, you need to understand why the body temperature has risen. If there are no doctors in the family, it is better to call an ambulance or a pediatrician.

The reasons for the temperature in babies can be very different. Infections, viruses, teething, nervous strain and so on. High temperature mobilizes the immune system, helps to overcome viruses and bacteria. Interferons, which are formed when the body temperature rises, create a kind of lock that does not let the infectious agent into the cell.

When a child falls ill, he becomes whiny, breathes more often, refuses to eat, and behaves anxiously. At a temperature of 38 degrees and above, vomiting may appear.

The temperature can rise due to flu, SARS, pneumonia, intestinal infection, pyelonephritis, stomatitis, vaccinations, and so on.

Infant temperature what to do?

If the child has a fever, you should try to bring it down without medication. There are two ways: rubbing and cooling.

The baby needs to be provided with peace and plenty of drink. Usually boiled water, baby tea and breast milk are given. To ensure the return of heat, you need to open the baby and wipe it with vinegar solution every half hour. The procedure takes about fifteen minutes.

If the baby's temperature rises, what to do? If the ripping does not work, you need to give an antipyretic agent.

How to bring down the temperature of a baby?

The most popular remedy for lowering body temperature is "Paracetamol". It can be used from one month old. It can also be used for up to a month, but only with the permission of a doctor and in strict accordance with the prescription. Such drugs as Efferalgan, Calpol and Panadol contain paracetamol. Grown children can be given a part of the "adult" pill, that is, "Paracetamol" in its pure form. It is better to give the baby drugs for children that contain paracetamol.

How to bring down the temperature of a baby is up to the parents and the pediatrician. The treatment process is quite delicate and requires strict adherence to instructions.

Infant temperature (video)

The video "Temperature in a baby" examines two main questions - "how to correctly measure the temperature of an infant" and "how and when to bring down the temperature."

Advice is given, and shown by personal experience, experts.