Torsunov upbringing of children. Vedas about children. How to raise good children. What is this book about

Features of the upbringing of boys and girls

Let's focus on a circumstance that is not always taken into account, but it must be borne in mind. Exists Vedic education system boys and girls. They are brought up in completely different ways. There is a difference in the upbringing of boys and girls, just as there is a difference between a man and a woman. This difference lies in the fact that in boy need to educate a responsibility for society, for his future wife, for his future children and to increase the power of reason, the power of knowledge, the power of skill, that is, to bring up positive qualities associated with responsibility. In Vedic society, boys were sent to a spiritual school from the age of five.

Bring up girl- means, teach her to understand what a family is, why is it needed, to teach how to navigate the complexities of family life. In Vedic culture, a girl was brought up at home, and often her friends and acquaintances, who were skilled in various fields: in cooking, in embroidery, and so on, helped her mother in her upbringing. The girl's character qualities were formed in accordance with the behavior of the adult women with whom she communicated.

The girl receives obedience through the way her mother treats her father. If the mother is very humble towards her father, the girl also grows up to be humble, and she will have a happy family life. If she sees the opposite attitude, then she will behave in the same way in her family.

Girls need to be taught "with words." The girl must learn to listen: she has a natural inclination for this. If the girl is guilty, but the ability to listen to you is formed, then she must be brought up with words. If she does not understand, then it is necessary to apply the punishment - deprivation of communication - that is, not to talk to her. Putting in a corner is already the most extreme method, which is not always acceptable. If you use extreme methods of punishment in the upbringing of a girl, then her character becomes coarse, becomes very cruel.

With boys, one must behave very decisively, cultivate responsibility in them. You cannot play giveaway with them or ignore what they are doing, you need to immediately move on to serious conversations and punishments. This should be done by a man. A woman cannot punish decisively. A boy should love his father and at the same time be afraid of punishment. The family should cultivate respect for the father, and the mother should show respect for her husband. And the child, when he sees this, will respect his father and will be obedient. It is the father who gives the child rationality.

A boy in Vedic culture was raised in a spiritual school by a spiritual teacher - a person of the highest moral qualities. And the most terrible thing for the child was not the lack of completed lessons, but to say something contrary to the spiritual teacher or to disrespect him.

It is very important to understand that parenting is a difficult science, and educating is not just giving orders. The child is always inclined to follow the one who deserves it. One who possessed honesty, responsibility, kindness, simplicity, knowledge of laws, humility, erudition, asceticism, lack of envy and criticism, and firmness of character became a spiritual teacher.

And a child, getting into an environment where practical, realized knowledge is cultivated, from childhood became like his spiritual teacher. He began to behave seriously, understood what honesty, duty, duties were, understood how a man differed from a woman, that a man should be more firm in everything, more decisive, that his duty was to protect a woman, etc.

In Vedic society, the boy was brought up in a spiritual school until he was twenty-five years old, respectively, he mastered all the practical knowledge necessary for him, and also received a profession, because they taught there in accordance with the type of character. Since he studied practical knowledge in a narrowly focused way, he became a good specialist. And at twenty-five he was already a fairly mature person.

It also matters that a young man after puberty, if he does not have unnecessary contacts with the opposite sex, quickly develop positive character traits. He becomes inclined to cultivate morality, purity, etc.

All good qualities are intensively developed if the young man does not come into contact with the opposite sex before marriage. Conversely, if a young man is sexually active before marriage, bad qualities develop steadily. This is due to the fact that from thirteen to twenty-five years old, a boy cannot control his sexual energy. Usually he just follows her lead, he is drawn to take advantage of the opposite sex.

Therefore, boys from the age of five were isolated from girls, and they grew up in their own circle. But they were given knowledge of how to behave with girls, with a future wife, they were given knowledge about all aspects of relationships: how to talk, how to control themselves, etc. This knowledge was given in detail, in accordance with the age of the student.

A man got married at about twenty-five years old, a girl usually got married from fourteen to seventeen or eighteen years old, no later. According to the Vedic concept, it was believed and is considered now that a woman is able to be a good wife and mother only if the man with whom she meets closely for the very first time becomes her husband.

Therefore, a woman's desire to start a family is very strong from fourteen to eighteen years old. During this time, she develops a deep affection for her husband. If before that time she does not get married, then the need to have a protector, a mentor gradually fades away, and the fact of marriage becomes not the most important thing in her life for her. If a girl gets married at an early age, then she has deeper feelings for her spouse.

In Vedic society, it was customary for a girl to be seven to twelve years younger than her husband. And if she saw that her husband was already a mature person with all good qualities, she naturally became inclined to listen to him, to serve him. And such a family, if it developed, became ideal. When a woman feels constant care, support and protection, sees the best human qualities in her husband, then she is proud of her husband and feels absolutely protected and happy. And a man sees in front of him a young woman with all good qualities, unspoiled, very gentle and loyal. This is very important because a woman cannot be faithful if she is attracted by the opportunity to be faithful. And if she does not know infidelity, then even in her thoughts she does not have the fact that she should behave somehow differently. Thus, all the described characteristics of the character of a man and a woman were taken into account. These Vedic tips provide a natural and easy way to achieve happiness and harmony in the family.

Means of pedagogical influence: punishment and reward


Now let's talk about the types of punishment children. Punishment by violence is possible and sometimes necessary in education. Because any child has negative qualities by fate and he must understand that when they are manifested, he will receive a certain negative reaction from others. There are also prohibited actions: to cross the road, to burn matches, to throw a stone at someone. It manifests itself naturally in children. Such actions can be the cause of death, fear, murder, accidents. And how should parents respond to them?

First, what you need to understand: if you slap a child on a soft spot, then there is nothing wrong with that. There is the center of man's stubbornness, and this center acts in a certain way. If you spank with your right hand, you are giving your strength to this center. If you are kind to the child at this time, feel compassion and tenderness, then the child will receive similar strength, while he will immediately soften, calm down and respect you. In a state of stubbornness, the child is not inclined to obey. But if you "slapped" the force of kindness down there, then, naturally, he begins to listen. If this is done correctly, wisely, then the child calms down. Thus, one must understand that physical punishment takes place, but yours is important intention and the state at the time of the punishment.

The second option is incorrect, in this case there will be a negative result: if you slap the child with anger, he will start to get angry, yell and become even more stubborn. Continuing to educate in this way, you can get two options: he will get sick or stop loving you. That is, either he breaks down and asks for your forgiveness, or he gets sick, but he stays with him, while he may stop loving you. The use of violence with kindness, out of a sense of duty, will save the child from much more serious troubles in the outside world. But the violence arising from intemperance will only give problems in the future.

Oleg Torsunov

Vedas about children. How to Raise Good Children

© Torsunov O., 2016

© Design. LLC "Light", 2017

What is this book about

This book is about parenting. The published materials are devoted to such important problems as the relationship between parents and children, proper upbringing, the distribution of roles in the family, as well as how to form a system of spiritual and moral values ​​in your child, develop natural talent and true motivation for learning, instill independence and responsibility. The information that you will find in the book will help every family to become happier, to find that harmony that is so lacking for modern fathers and children.

Of course, most of us need to know the laws of a happy family life. Do not forget that our happiness largely depends on success in family relationships, that is, on mutual understanding between husband and wife, between parents and children.

Now it is becoming obvious to many that in addition to material reality, there are phenomena in life associated with the invisible influence of subtle laws and forces on the consciousness. The practical value of this book is that it increases the chances of achieving physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual happiness. The material of the book is based on lectures on the psychology of parenting, read to a wide audience, and is intended to provide practical assistance. In this book you will not find dry psychology and theory inapplicable in life. All the collected material is used every day to provide real help to those who need it.

However, theoretical reasoning still takes place, and there is a need for this. Agree, we cannot live without knowledge. Theory is needed in order to form the "eyes of knowledge" in the consciousness, to develop a correct understanding of things. Through the prism of this understanding, we can see the subtle, hidden from most people, the laws of the functioning of the human body and human society. If there is no theory, we will not have eyes to see all these patterns.

Life events indicate patterns. What will we change in our life without knowing the laws? Nothing.

If we do not recognize the existence of laws that affect our lives, then there is no point in even trying to change anything. If everything is accidental, why then think about the future, hidden by a veil of fog? Looking for ways to make life happier, we come to the conclusion that the fate of a person is closely related to how much a person follows the higher laws of life. Thus, the existence of laws that affect human life is an obvious reality. Therefore, I would like to immediately emphasize that most of the information in this book describes the laws that affect our life and destiny. These laws have always existed, regardless of whether a person believes in them or not.

Often the events that happen to us seem to be random. And these "accidents" can occur for decades from year to year. For example, many people suffer from loneliness and misunderstanding from others. Not knowing how to help themselves, they suffer for many years, continuing to hope for a miracle. But this feeling should not be tolerated. A person's life will become happier and more interesting, even if he simply understands that there are no accidents in this world, and decides that for his own good it is necessary to change himself. And if you really use the knowledge proven by many people and apply it in practice, then natural success will not be long in coming. On the other hand, it is hardly possible to quickly remedy the situation, simply believing that everything that happens to us is temporary setbacks.

Happiness inevitably comes to a person who simply realizes the need to urgently study the laws of his life. Happiness appears and disappears, it is difficult to keep it, not knowing the rules of a happy life. The ability to be happy is already embedded in the depths of our psyche. Happiness is hidden inside each of us, and this book will help to understand many features of human behavior, as well as the laws of the universe that directly affect our lives.

This book is based on the Vedas, which more than five thousand years ago described the laws of a happy life, relating to all spheres of human existence. Only by understanding the patterns that lead to happiness and health can we convince ourselves to start acting in this direction. The Vedas say that there is happiness, and in order to become happier, you must first of all change yourself. There is an opinion that only the most modern scientific views can claim to be reliable and, therefore, the more ancient knowledge, the less perfect it is. We all want to find knowledge that can answer all pressing questions. For a long time, it was believed that only modern science is able to help humanity, but once the opportunity presented itself to study ancient knowledge in more depth and in detail, which, in fact, turned out to be very practical. This knowledge is called Vedas. The word “Veda” itself is translated from Sanskrit into Russian as “knowledge”. It is no coincidence that the root Veda has the same meaning in Russian. It can be easily traced in such words as "to be in charge", "vedomosti", "to tell", "to investigate", "to inquire", etc. The Vedas are time-tested wisdom.

The main treatises of the Vedas were written down by the sage Srila Vyasadeva more than five thousand years ago, before that they were passed down orally from teacher to student for many millennia. This is confirmed by the historical facts referred to in the Vedas. Many modern scientists and researchers also consider the Vedas to be the most ancient knowledge on the planet and seriously study them, making many interesting discoveries during the study. Many talented people over the centuries and to this day draw inspiration for their scientific and literary activities from the deep wisdom of the Vedas. Famous people of the past, such as J. F. Goethe, A. Einstein, R. W. Emerson, L. N. Tolstoy and many others, admired the greatness of the Vedic message. It is not for nothing that the Vedas themselves say that the attainment of this eternal knowledge is joyful.

Despite its antiquity, this knowledge is deeply scientific and multifaceted. For example, you will not find such a perfect description of our organism (psyche and human physiology), the structure of the Universe, moral laws and medicine in any other work. But the most valuable thing is that the Vedas give a detailed answer to the most important question - what is the meaning of human life. This is their main message to humanity. The topic of how to build your relationship with the world in which we live is touched upon no less deeply and practically.

According to the Vedas, practical knowledge is true, which can lead to the success of everyone who turns to it. We live by what we constantly encounter. At the same time, oddly enough, much of what we had to study in schools and universities is never used in our daily life. But the Vedas offer us practical knowledge that helps to really change life for the better. Remembering his existence before meeting this knowledge, a person mentally exclaims: "How could I live without knowing this!"

Planning a pregnancy or how to properly prepare for the birth of a baby

The relationship of future parents. Wisdom in the distribution of roles

The Vedas explain that within each of us there is the Supersoul, or God, who lives in the heart. He is a conscience, He also gives happiness that comes from the very depths. And it is He who controls all the processes taking place in the body. Do you really think that since our body is so complex, the psyche can be simple? No, it is also very deep and complex. We find people for a reason. Each person is connected by thin invisible threads with his relatives and friends. And all this works in sync, everything is connected with our destiny.

In order for relationships within the family to be harmonious, you need to fulfill the basic laws of the universe, that everyone needs to know. Violation of these laws spoils relations irrevocably and does not give any opportunity for rehabilitation: there should be no betrayals in the family on both sides. If there is treason, then the relationship will inevitably deteriorate. How this will happen is another question, but the gap will be inevitable.

Neither a wife about her husband, nor a husband about a wife should say anything bad in front of strangers.

Spouses can neither make fun of each other, nor simply discuss their interpersonal relationships in front of strangers. A husband should not say about his wife that she is ugly, and a wife should not say about her husband that he is stupid. If a wife says this, then what is her own reason, since she has chosen such a spouse? And the husband, if he points out the shortcomings of his woman, is not only stupid, but also dishonorable. And it is also not clear why he took such a woman as his wife. With such unflattering accusations, the spouses compromise, first of all, themselves.

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1. EDUCATION OF CHILDREN / Torsunov O. G. / (continued)
Methods for raising children

There are 4 more ways to raise children.

The first way of education is education in goodness. Education in goodness is possible when there is cooperation with children. Collaboration is a goodness in itself. It is possible when parents understand that they have a person in front of them, and not an object or a piece that has fallen out of their body. Those. this is a separate person who has lived many lives before, and not "my property", not a "dear woman". It is just another personality that can exist independently of us. This personality has existed for many lifetimes and there will be many more lives, an infinite number, then exist without us. Cooperation is possible if there is an understanding of these things. Of course, as a result of the similarity of fate, our children are very much like us, but it is false to consider them to be our copies. When there is a correct understanding of the relationship with the child, there is an opportunity for more sensitive and unobtrusive communication. At the same time, the child himself recognizes the authority of the parents, respects them and is inclined to obey.
The second way is to nurture passion. Upbringing in passion, this is upbringing according to the type that if you are good, then you will have whatever you want. And if you are bad, you will get nothing. This is education from the position of material interest. This is how children are raised in passion.
The third type of upbringing is upbringing in ignorance when a child is abused. Also, upbringing in ignorance is pampering children.
The fourth type is impersonal upbringing, when parents simply do not pay attention to their child: "As he lives, let him live like that. All the children were like that and it's okay. Everyone smokes, everyone drinks."
The results of different ways of education

The last 3 types are ways of wrong upbringing. They arise because a person considers the child to be his property. Those. parents consider the child a part of themselves, the child does not belong to himself, he belongs to us. When a person thinks so, he will not be able to educate correctly, he has a zero option. In this case, the child's false ego will protest against the will of the parents. This happens automatically, regardless of whether we want it or not.

Now let us analyze in detail what is the reason for the wrong upbringing in each individual case.
Education in passion arises if the parents sincerely believe that, having interested the child financially, we will achieve that the child will do something, and if it is impossible to interest him, then he will not do anything. In general, this concept stems from unwillingness to communicate, contact with a person, and the main focus of communication is to get some result from him. In this case, the child's personality is not of interest to dad or mom, they are interested in whether he will do something or not. Suppose there is a goal to get him to do his homework. How to do it? It's easier to tell him that if he does his homework, he will get this and that. So? In this case, the reason is this: the parents are not interested in the child as a person, but only in the result. This is education in passion.
Upbringing in ignorance arises when parents sincerely believe that it is possible to overpower the individual. The very concept that I can crush someone, break and subjugate to my will is ignorance. Usually such parents think or act as follows: "Since you are my son, you will not run away from me and will not go anywhere, just like my wife. This is my property, this is all mine, so I can mock as I want . If my son, say, does not understand something, I can beat him, put him in a corner, call him, curse him, punish him somehow, he has not yet grown up to be reckoned with. " It is simply a misunderstanding of the spiritual nature of every living being. But any child, yours and mine, is a completely separate person who came to us through karma or fate. And we have certain responsibilities towards him. If we do not fulfill these responsibilities, then automatically we get exactly the same fate that we created for the child.
In what position we put the child, we ourselves will also exist in the next life. For parents, a child is like a representative of God, but he is small, he cannot do anything on his own, he cannot resist. As we behave with him, so then we will live. We rarely think about it. But other thoughts often come: why does my husband mock me so much, why does everyone hate me. We need to see how we behave with those who depend on us. And then the result will be seen. We can easily see why it happens this way.
What are the consequences of being raised in passion

Let's say a child is constantly being told that he will have something from something. Naturally, love for work in this case is absolutely not instilled, only love for the result is instilled. So? There can be 2 options here.

The first option, when the child is intelligent and raised in passion, then he wants to be an excellent student. In the end, he will understand that to be an excellent student it is not necessary to study very well, for this you just need to gain confidence in the teacher, or write off some topic, or try to find some other ways. Such a child will learn everything to mark, then forget. A person is not able to memorize material if he does not like what he is doing. Memory is arranged in such a way that a person remembers for a long time only what he does with love. Everything else that he does for profit, without love, does not remain in his head. This is the structure of the mind. Therefore, in a natural way, such a person, having studied, having received a diploma with honors, will not have any practical idea of ​​his specialty. He studied only for a diploma. He was only interested in grades. And as a result of this, a character was formed, the main feature of which is the desire for profit, politics, and duality. For example, the teacher is good, she gave me 5, and this bad teacher gave me 3, although she did not see it. that I had a cheat sheet. Thus, hatred, greed, selfishness, deceit arise. And so, on whose head do the problems fall in the first place? To the parent. When such a son grows up, he says: * Actually. You haven't done anything good to me in your life. I live in poverty. I don't have my own expensive apartment. You didn't buy me something, you can't provide me with elite education there and there. you can't give me anything in life. Therefore, especially, I am not attached to you. "That is, what you sow, you reap. What seed we sow, such a tree will grow.
The second option for upbringing in passion is political relationships and cunning. Such children say: "Let me finish the 10th grade with A's and give me a motorcycle. Is it okay?" Those. an adult child already proposes such a relationship. There is no question of fostering love for work, and there is generally no great love, dryness develops towards parents, towards your future wife, etc. Only benefit and that's it. I'll marry that one. who has her own apartment, or I marry someone whose dad is rich or occupies some position. This is my goal, the goal of my marriage. Naturally, such a person is doomed to suffer. He will not have one hundred percent of any happiness.

(to be continued…)

2. PRINCIPLES OF PROSPERITY or the science of relationships / Ruzov O.V. /
What we study must become part of our thinking, otherwise there is no sense in information. It's just that information can be obtained from any source. What I will tell you is neither a secret nor a magic. We gathered to understand how in reality you can change something in your life.

It would seem that we have a certain freedom of choice. Surely, each of us thinks: "I am free, I can get up and go out, I can sit down, I can raise my hand, I can lower it." It can even be verified.

The illusion is such that it seems to us that we are free. But it turns out that this is not the case. We want to improve something in our life, but it doesn't work out. We see that crisis comes after crisis. Crises can sometimes drag on for half a life, sometimes for a lifetime. Sometimes we count on the best, but it turns out badly. We constantly face this and see that our efforts are not enough. We see that all our freedom turns to dust. There is nothing left - no connections, no money; there is no way to solve some problem.
I saw rich people who broke their foreheads to solve their problem - nothing was solved. With an infinite amount of money, they still could not solve their problem.

Something interferes, something stands above us, i.e. there are some limits to our freedom. This is prarabdha-karma (karma is the consequences of our activities, prarabdha is "manifested" or what exists as a fact; prarabdha-karma is what needs to be done, this is "our cross").

It is like the border of a road, where there are curbs that cannot be driven over, - there is no road, nothing will work there, our freedom of will is only within the framework of this road. Only on it can you make movement: you can go along your own lane - then everything will be more or less normal. You can, without thinking, turn into the oncoming lane - and then serious problems will begin, more serious problems. And we must figure out what the solution of our problems gives us, what in reality we must solve? How to get this power? We must decide which of our problems are solvable and which are not.
Our development depends on the balance of these forces and our weaknesses. We have a certain potency, a certain strength to solve our problems, but we see that we can only lift some weight - 20 kg, 30 kg, maybe 60 kg will turn out, problems will already begin for 100 kg, and 150 kg, maybe we won't raise everything together. At a certain weight, we begin to pass, - it does not work. It's the same in life. Deciding something, deciding, deciding - everything seems to be fine, until a certain moment we reach - that's it, the weight is no longer rising, something is interfering, there is not enough strength.
And to begin with, we will try to deal with the forces. Strength in Sanskrit is called shakti, and we need it to achieve our goals. We have a lot of plans, a lot of goals, and how many plans have already been, and they have not been realized. But we lack this power. First of all, we need strength in order to fight the stupidity of our own mind, because nothing hinders our development so much as our own stupidity. Foolishness alone can nullify 1000 years of wisdom. Therefore, now we will talk about the fact that strength is needed in order to cope with our own crazy stupid ideas that spoil everything.
What is this nonsense? They are listed in treatises: the first stupidity is laziness. A person doesn’t want to get up, don’t want to go, don’t want to do something ... There were such good things in life, such good opportunities, such good ideas and perspectives - but now they’re just lazy. Every day she comes, mother is lazy, greets us and says: "Lie still, take your time, it's okay."
The next quality is greed. It seems that everything is fine, great, the person has received something from life, but he forgets to give it, he forgets to convey it. A person should not become an obstacle to the energy of life. How can you take and close the movement of water? How can you stop the river? It's impossible. We can redirect the movement of energy, but we cannot stop it.

But man stops at himself the most important energy of this world - the energy of prosperity. The man says: "I will save money, I will save a lot of them, I will stop her." And then this energy simply crushes him - this is greed.

Water must flow, energy must be redistributed. Wealth is the ability to redistribute. A truly wealthy person shouldn't have a dime. Everything has to be redistributed. He must constantly feel that he has nothing, everything has been invested somewhere, everything has gone somewhere further; he had nothing left, just a little bit of pocket money. Everyone, of course, has different pocket expenses, but the principle itself is important. This is the idea.
Pride. It will nullify everything. The person just understood something, only realized some idea, - fluff ... - he became proud: “I know THIS, no one else knows THIS, no one else in my village knows this, no one else is on my staircase. does not know". And that's all - pride cancels out everything that was received.
Envy is amazing. Envy also destroys all achievement. This negative force also spoils everything.
Cunning is a futile effort. A person tries to cheat, to get something - as a result, he overpays.
Lust, fear - many things. All this is our nonsense.
Stupidity is when weakness overcomes our strength. Existence or routine?

When the strengths are approximately equal, we fight for our activity and development - this is the predominance of strength over weakness. And now we will analyze the principles of strength.

This world is made of relationships. Relationships are primary, everything else is secondary. Life, personality are primary. Everything is relationship-based, everything is relationship-based and relationship is what we have. Naturally, all the forces that we possess, the forces that we use - they also come from our relationships. They have nowhere else to come from. Relationship ... relationship ... relationship ...
There is such a physics of relations, physics of interactions. Accordingly, if we build the right relationships, if we build them according to the correct scheme, they give us strength; if we build relationships incorrectly, they take away strength. One wrong attitude takes away all strength.
If I live in a city with a person with whom relations have been ruined, then it is impossible for me to be in this city - this person will constantly meet. Have you noticed this? There may be a million people in this city, but we will meet with him. This is not just happening.
We will not disperse from each other anywhere. Even if we kill each other, we still will not disperse, we will be reborn in the same family - someone as a mother, someone as a dad, someone as a dog, someone as a cat - we will all be together, we will all be side by side. And the relationship will continue. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately understand our relationship.

As we found out: right relationships give strength, wrong ones take away. But we must concentrate on this. In fact, this is an intelligent person.

An intelligent person is one who understands that relationships are primary. Everything is hidden in a relationship. Prosperity is hidden in relationships - fact. Don't have a hundred rubles - have a hundred familiar tax inspectors. Popular wisdom says that relationships are hidden in good health. All diseases are from bad relationships. Every disease in our body is a broken relationship with someone. If we deal with our relationship, then the rougher problems are naturally solved. And nothing else. Whatever we do, it's all about relationships. But there must be a correct understanding - this is the basis of reason. When a person realizes that everything is tied to a relationship, he becomes a reasonable person. It is from this moment that his mind wakes up.

(to be continued…)

Opening books on Vedic culture, we find ourselves in a wonderful world. It is hard to believe what you read, because ancient manuscripts tell us about the achievements of the greatest civilization, about technologies that the modern world would envy. What kind of culture was it that surpassed ours in terms of development? Is there any evidence to support the forfeits of her existence? The Sanskrit writings of Vedic India provide overwhelming evidence of the location of the original cradle of humankind.
The ancient texts of India have been lying under the carpet of classical science for decades. The point is that the Vedas directly challenge the theory of gradual evolution. That is why academic science classifies the texts of the Vedas as mythology. According to the Vedic records, the Earth has been inhabited by intelligent people for millions of years. Technological advances that existed on Earth thousands of years ago were superior to modern ones, and ancient cultures, unknown to modern historians, were much more civilized than the culture of our time.
Today, detailed evidence suggests that humanity is millions of years older than evolutionary theory admits. According to the classical theory, the first relatives of man were ape-like creatures.

They appeared on Earth about 25 million years ago. Those who could walk upright appeared 5 million years later. According to classical scientists, at that time there could not be any complex civilizations, because modern man homo sapiens, like you and me, appeared relatively recently, about 100 thousand years ago.

In February 1998, the revolutionary documentary The Mysterious Origins of Man was shown on American national television. Millions of people became aware of the finds in the state of Nevada of complex products of a modern man 50 million years old. Among the artifacts are human footprints left in the era of the dinosaurs. They are completely identical to the traces that we leave with you. Archaeologists have also found a finger of a modern man, which is 130 million years old. In 1853, Boston builders discovered something extraordinary. At a depth of five meters in a stone layer half a billion years old, they found a metal vase with a pattern in the form of flowers. There are a great many such anomalous finds. Most of them have been studied in detail and described in the book by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson "The Unknown History of Humanity".
Myths turn out to be reality
Sometimes ancient texts that many believed to be fiction turn out to be historical evidence. This happened in particular with the Biblical stories. Before excavations confirmed the geographical events and locations described in the Bible, scholars considered it to be only a collection of legends. Today they admit that the Jews did indeed live in slavery to Pharaoh Ramses, whose statue was found. The same can be said about Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", which were considered nothing more than a myth until Heinrich Sriman in the 19th century found Ancient Troy in Turkey. Leonard Woolley showed the world evidence of the real existence of the ancient city of Ur, which until then was considered fictitious.In Denmark, a mythical Viking ship 35 meters long was discovered. Until 2000, there was no evidence of the actual existence of the Egyptian cities of Kenopus and Heraklion, the stories of which were considered only legends until their ruins were found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.The cities were discovered by the French explorer Gadier after long months of exhausting searches at a depth of 10 meters. managed to raise to the surface a one and a half meter statue of the goddess Isis from the black leg granite; separate fragments of sculptures, sarcophagi, gold coins. Modern people prefer to look for their roots in the ancient culture of the Mediterranean and Mesapotamia, while India seems to them something alien.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that India never attached much importance to historiography, simply because the interests of its sages lay mainly in the field of spiritual and philosophical research. Moreover, scholars of Vedic antiquity knew that history develops cyclically, not linearly. And therefore, they included in their chronicles only those people and events that contributed to the spiritual progress of mankind. In an attempt to determine the date of birth of the Vedas, scientists have concluded that the Vedas speak of historical facts much more ancient than the Vedas themselves.

(to be continued…)

That's all! The next mailing will be exactly one week later, on April 11, 2011.

About why children become selfish and make their parents suffer.

It often happens that our understanding of happiness is wrong. When we are under the influence of the energy of passion (mode of passion), we mistake our sense gratification for happiness. It seems to us that the more we can satisfy ourselves, the more happy we can become. In this case, our happiness depends on very specific things that our mind requires.

When we get what we want, we experience happiness. However, this kind of happiness gets shorter every time, and we are no longer so happy with a new purchase. We are looking for new pleasures. So any sense gratification entails suffering. This applies not only to material things, but also to human relationships. Let's take a common example given by Oleg Torsunov in his lectures.

Mom wants to make her child happy. She sets the main goal of her life to educate him and thinks that happiness is the satisfaction of all his needs, including whims. That is, she wants to give him everything she can, whether he needs it or not. This is the mode of passion. The problem is that mostly people do not understand that there are forces that affect our mind. In the Vedic literatures they are called. Therefore, it depends on where we direct our mind - in goodness, passion or ignorance, whether we will be happy or not.

- The desire to make your child happy is the right position, but it must be backed up by knowledge. More often than not, a mother who believes that the child should become happy begins to think that she should live for her child. As a result, she falls under the influence of a force called the mode of passion, - explains Oleg Torsunov.

In such a situation, the child's selfishness increases. Until the age of twelve, children are subordinate to their mother, and their character is not so noticeable. Therefore, it seems to a woman that he is a very good child, or more or less normal.

- However, after the age of twelve, the child gains mental independence, and his egoism will already be fully manifested. Such a child will feel that his freedom in the family is being infringed upon, he is not allowed to live freely. Therefore, he will try to act independently. And this is only the beginning of the suffering that a woman who has set herself the wrong goal will experience, - notes Oleg Gennadievich.

As a result of the growing up of her son, the mother, sincerely believing that she should devote her whole life to her child, suddenly discovers that the child is leaving the family. However, she truly believes in justice. And if she lived for her child, then the child will then live for her. However, the paradox lies in the fact that a person in passion does not live for the child, as it seems to him, but for the satisfaction of his feelings.

- But if you gave an apple to someone, it means that he will give you an apple someday, no? You have made it your goal to give someone an apple. You bring him every day, does this mean that he will also bring you an apple afterwards? No, this means that he will get used to the fact that he needs to bring apples, - Oleg Torsunov gives an example.

As a result, the child, even after getting married, sincerely believes that his parents should help him, because he does not have a furnished apartment, he has no normal job, no respect, no honor, and he does not have enough money to live on. He believes that parents should take care of him. But the idea that he should take care of his parents does not come to him.

As parents grow older, it is natural for them to take care of them. The mother feels that her strength is leaving her and she becomes useless to anyone.

“You see, he has no idea of ​​taking care of his mother. And no one brought up this idea in him. On the contrary, everyone brought up in him that they should take care of him all his life. As a result, the mother experiences terrible suffering. I have seen hundreds of such women. Not one, not two, not three, hundreds. Even in this room, I can say that I see many women who look and see their life in what I say, - explains Oleg Gennadievich.

As a result, some believe that they are unlucky with the child. Some people think that someone has spoiled it or jinxed it. Others come to the realization that they missed something in their upbringing, at some time they did something wrong. The reason is that the very understanding of the meaning of life was to blame. From the very beginning, the mind of this woman was aimed at satisfying her feelings and the child, at the desire to enjoy it, while it was necessary to engage in self-realization and work on oneself.

This example does not mean that you should not devote your life to your child. It shows the consequences of an upbringing in passion. The point is to understand that parenting is a very deep and serious topic that needs to be studied.

The Vedas say that a child is brought up by the atmosphere in the family. If parents learn how to live right, then children will also try to live right. If parents live a spiritual life, pray to God, then on the subtle plane they pass on to the child all the best. In this case, a correct understanding of life is formed in him, and he becomes a good person. However, it is impossible to try to change the child with the help of influence, since this causes defense. Only by changing our lives, we change children. This is the principle of education in goodness.

- Therefore, you do not need to educate anyone. Except for yourself, you don't need to educate anyone. Everything changes around itself, but slowly. But if a person tried and was able to educate himself, then later there will be a lot of happiness. Because a child who has developed correctly is like a ship. When he goes to sea, the coastal strip is very stormy. It is very difficult for him, he climbs, but comes out. And when he went out into the open sea, everything becomes fine, sailing without any problems. So is the child. If you give him the right path, then he will go his own way, you will just look and think what a good child I have, - advises Oleg Gennadievich.

This book is about how to raise and develop a child, form in him the moral and ethical qualities necessary for any person, awaken in him a real, true motivation for learning and help him find himself in life. The text contains the principles of Vedic education, adapted to modern realities; these principles are as indisputable laws of nature as the laws of physics and underlie all parenting situations. Of course, many of you know them, but you don't always follow them, and if you follow them, you apply them incorrectly. You can often find situations where parents intimidate, force their children to do something or even yell at them, treat both children and each other rudely and impatiently, as a result of which many destinies are broken. This book is not only about how to raise a child correctly, but also about how to create an atmosphere of joy, goodness and harmony within oneself and within a family.

The work was published in 2016 by the publishing house Svet. On our site you can download the book "Vedas about Children. How to Raise Good Children" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 5 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.