Herbs for steam baths for the face. How to make steam baths for the face

Steam baths are indicated not only for people with problem skin, they are able to improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis.

Benefits of steam baths for the face:

  • Helps deal with acne. An internal pimple is formed due to blockage of the hair follicle by pieces of skin and fat. Steam helps open clogged pores, which makes it easier to remove pus and infiltrate from them.
  • Slow down aging. Steam baths heat the skin, which improves blood circulation and activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Due to this, the dermis looks elastic, the number of wrinkles decreases.
  • Remove comedones. Comedones are blackheads that are clogged follicles with sebum and dirt. During the procedure, the pores open, and the dirt comes out of them.
  • Normalize skin color. During the use of the bath, the skin heats up and blood circulation improves. This improves metabolic processes in the epidermis and helps restore normal complexion. The dullness and yellow tint of the skin goes away.
  • Remove toxins. During scrubbing and applying masks, the components of these products do not always get into the deep layers of the epidermis. The steam bath opens the pores, which contributes to its deep cleansing of toxins.

Contraindications to the use of a steam bath for the face

Despite the ease of implementation, benefits and seeming harmlessness, steam baths can cause the spread of an existing infection. There are also other contraindications to the procedure.

Contraindications for steam baths for the skin:

  1. Couperose. The vascular network can become more distinct as blood circulation improves, which is what happens during this procedure.
  2. Purulent acne. If you have a huge amount of blackheads filled with infiltrate on your skin, you should not resort to manipulation. Heating makes the pus more liquid and fluid, this contributes to the further spread of the infection over the surface of the entire face.
  3. Hypertension. With high blood pressure, any procedure using hot water and air is prohibited. They provoke blood flow to the face and increase pressure.
  4. Bronchial asthma. This is bronchial hyperactivity, in which any allergen, dust or small droplets of hot moisture, getting into the respiratory tract, provoke their spasm. During the procedure, the patient has a cough and suffocation.

Recipes for steam baths for facial skin

There are many ways to carry out the procedure. Very often, medicinal herbs, baking soda, essential oils and paraffin are used to prepare medicinal formulations. The composition of the bath liquid is selected depending on skin problems.

Steam baths for facial cleansing

Steam baths are very often used to cleanse the face of dirt and blackheads. When exposed to hot water droplets, the pores open, and it is quite easy to remove dirt from them. To do this, after the procedure, scrubbing is carried out or cleansing masks are applied.

Recipes for steam baths for cleaning the epidermis:

  • With yarrow. Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into a thermos or saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Close the container with a lid and, if necessary, wrap with a towel. Leave for 15 minutes and strain the decoction. Pour the liquid into a large pot and sit over it. Cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 5 minutes.
  • With mint. It is best to use fresh leaves, but if they are not available, a dried pharmacy plant will do. Pour a spoonful of raw materials with 500 ml of water and bring to a boil. Boil 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and remove the sediment by straining. Hold your face over the steam, covering your head with a towel. After 5 minutes of being over the steam, you can apply a coffee scrub to your skin. To do this, mix coffee grounds with honey and apply on face, massage for 1 minute.
  • Parsley and string. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a bunch of parsley and a tablespoon of dry string. Leave in a tightly closed container for 120 minutes. Remove the lid and remove the sediment. Sit over a saucepan and put a bath towel over your head so that the steam hits your skin instead of being scattered around. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Chamomile and string reduce sebum production and have antiseptic and drying properties.
  • With lemon. Boil 700 ml of water and pour 50 ml of lemon juice into it. Add a few drops of tea tree oil. Sit on a chair and sit over the steam with a towel over your head. Carry out the procedure for 5 minutes. The face after the bath should be wiped with any scrub. Remains of dirt and sebum will be removed.

Steam baths for the face against acne

Acne is a common problem among teenagers. At this time, puberty begins, characterized by the release of a large number of hormones into the blood. Because of this, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Pores get clogged and pimples appear. To get rid of them, it is not enough to use masks and lotions. It is necessary to open the pores, and for this you need to know how to make a steam bath for the face.

Recipes for steam baths for acne:

  1. Chamomile with salt. Heat 700 ml of water on the stove and pour 10 g of dried chamomile flowers into it. Close the pot with a lid and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Strain and pour the broth into a large bowl. Pour 20 g of sea salt into the liquid and stir with a spoon until the crystals dissolve. Sit over a bowl of solution with a towel over your head. Sit over the steam for 3-7 minutes. After the bath, you can make a scrub from salt with soda and soap suds.
  2. Soda. This recipe is only to be used if you have oily skin with a tendency to breakouts. It is necessary to pour 20 g of baking soda into a bowl with a liter of boiling water. Stir the solution and sit over it. Don't forget to cover your head with a towel, this will prevent the steam from escaping to the sides, and more hot droplets will land on your face. Sit over the steam for 5 minutes and you can apply the yeast mask. It will narrow the pores. To prepare it, pour 20 g of yeast into a bowl and pour in 50 ml of water. When foam appears, simply transfer it to your face.
  3. Nettle. This herb has long been known for its cleansing properties. To carry out the procedure, pour 1000 ml of water into a large saucepan and add 2 tablespoons of nettle leaves. Bring to a boil and leave covered, unheated, for 5 minutes. When the leaves have settled, drain the liquid and sit over the pot of this healing solution. Cover yourself with a cloth and breathe with nettles for 7 minutes.
  4. Calendula. In medicine, calendula is used to treat suppuration and open wounds. It is distinguished by its antiseptic properties. This plant is also used to treat acne. In combination with steam baths, you will be able to quickly remove a small rash or solitary abscesses. To prepare the bath, pour 20 g of calendula flowers with boiling water (750 ml is needed) and let stand under the lid for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and heat again to a boil. Sit over the steam with a towel over your head for 3-5 minutes. Use any lotion.

Steam baths from black spots on the face

Comedones are a common problem not only for teenagers, but also for adults. The appearance of such unsightly points can be caused by overly enlarged pores and a large amount of sebum secreted. It can be quite difficult to remove comedones, even using film masks and special patches. In this case, steam baths for the face are recommended.

Recipes for steam baths for the face from black dots:

  • Linden. To prepare the solution, pour a handful of lime blossom with a liter of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Remove the flowers from the liquid and transfer it to a large bowl. Sit over the steam for 5 minutes, covering your hair with a towel. Sit in front of a mirror and put a patch on your nose, cheeks, and chin. Tear off the patch, the contents of the pores will remain on the adhesive side.
  • Rowan. Take a handful of fruits and grind them in a meat grinder. Drain the mixture on cheesecloth and squeeze out all the juice. You should have 50 ml of orange liquid. Pour it into a liter of boiling water and sit over the container. Cover your head with a towel and sit over the steam.
  • St. John's wort. Brew 20 g of dry raw materials in a large saucepan. Water needs 1 liter. Leave the decoction on the fire for 2 minutes. Strain the mixture and put it on the table. Sit comfortably and cover yourself with a blanket or bath towel. Sit over the steam for 3 minutes. After the procedure, squeeze out the contents of the pores. To narrow them, wipe the epidermis with ice made from chamomile decoction.
  • Serum. Pour a liter of whey from sour milk into the pan and bring it to a boil. Sit over a pot of liquid, covering your head with a veil. Sit over the steam for 5 minutes. Do not rush to wipe your face. Apply a little oatmeal and rub the most problematic areas. Wash the skin and wipe it with tonic.
  • Oil Blend. Pour 1200 ml of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add 1 ml of almond oil and a few drops of orange and mint oil to the boiling liquid. Sit over the pot and inhale the steam for 5 minutes, remembering to cover your hair with a cloth. Wipe your face with ice, and then treat with tonic.

Steam baths for facial skin from wrinkles

Older women should also not refuse steam baths. When used correctly, they can make the skin younger and tone it. To remove flabbiness and smooth out wrinkles, after steam baths, it is recommended to massage with vegetable and essential oils.

Recipes for steam baths for wrinkles:

  1. With a rose. Pour a liter of water and a handful of rose petals into a large saucepan. Add a few drops of rosemary oil. Sit over the steam for 7 minutes. After the procedure, after blotting your face with a towel, apply a mixture of olive oil and lemon balm extract on it. Move your fingers along the massage lines, avoiding excessive stretching of the skin. In the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, tap with your fingertips.
  2. with juniper. Pour a handful of juniper needles into a metal container and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Put on fire and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain the liquid into another container and sit over it. It is necessary that the steam gets on the face. You need to sit over the saucepan for 5 minutes. After that, apply a rejuvenating cream or mask to your face.
  3. with orange. Take one orange and cut it into small slices along with the skin. Pour an orange into the pan and pour in 1000 ml of water. Put on fire and boil for 2 minutes. Drain the orange in a colander and squeeze all the juice into the broth. Sit over the pot and cover your hair with a sheet. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. After the bath, do not stretch the skin and do not wipe it. Just blot any remaining moisture with paper towels.
  4. with aloe. Peel three aloe leaves from the skin. Grind the pulp in a blender and pour it into a liter of boiling water. Stir with a spoon and sit over the steaming liquid. The procedure time is 5 minutes. To prevent the steam from dissipating, cover yourself with a blanket. After manipulation, wipe your face with an ice cube and massage.

How to do a steam bath

A steam bath is a simple and affordable procedure that does not require certain knowledge and skills. But there are rules, adhering to which you will make it more effective.

Rules for steam baths:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove the remnants of cosmetics and dirt from the face. It is recommended to apply a fat cream under the eyes. The skin in this area is very dry and the steam can damage it.
  • Do not put your face too close to the boiling water, as this will minimize the risk of burning yourself. For the procedure, it is allowed to use a steam inhaler. It will make manipulation safer.
  • For the procedure, it is recommended to use enameled bowls and pans. You can not make baths and prepare decoctions in aluminum dishes. Do not pour decoctions and liquids into plastic containers.
  • To prevent the steam from dispersing around the room and more of it coming out, cover your head with a towel, connecting its edges with the handles of the pan.
  • For women with dry skin, the procedure should be carried out no more than once every 14 days. The fair sex with oily dermis can resort to manipulation once a week. Women with wrinkles should take baths once a month.
How to make a steam bath for facial skin - look at the video:

Steam baths for the face at home are additional procedures that allow you to make masks more effective. In addition, such manipulations open and cleanse the pores.

Steam cleaning of the face at home is considered a useful and highly effective procedure. It is suitable for those people who want to get rid of skin problems. After a few sessions, you will notice a positive result. The skin will become smoother, softer, brighter, acquire a healthy tone, and the number of acne will decrease significantly. This is achieved due to the healing herbs that the steam bath contains.

You can also note the following effects:

  • the contents of the pores become softer and come out either on their own or after using the scrub;
  • therapeutic pairs soothe the skin and relieve inflammation;
  • the skin is cleansed of toxins, sebaceous deposits and cosmetics;
  • cellular respiration becomes better, the yellowish or grayish tint of the skin disappears, a slight blush appears;

After that, it is recommended to apply moisturizing masks, since a steam bath with or with a bay leaf helps the pores open up and get the most necessary substances from the cream, scrub and other cosmetics.
The procedure is also popular because it is very easy to carry it out on your own. Everything you need can be found in the store, and at a low price. A steam bath for the face at home will cost less than a service in a beauty salon, and at the same time it will be no less effective.

Indications and contraindications

Steam facial baths for acne, dark spots and other problems can be done by all people who care about their appearance. They are especially recommended for those who have serious skin blemishes, such as acne. It happens that cosmetic products are not enough to treat the face, and it is necessary to undergo expensive procedures aimed at cleansing the epidermis and relieving inflammation. In such a situation, a steam bath is perfect, which will replace the expensive services of a specialist.

Before conducting a session, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications. They exist due to the fact that steam affects not only the epidermis, but also blood circulation. A steam bath should not be carried out by people who have acute cardiovascular pathologies, respiratory diseases, asthma. It is also recommended to refrain from exposure to steam at high body temperature. If health problems are chronic, it is recommended to consult a doctor about whether this procedure can be performed. This is necessary in order to avoid unpleasant side effects.

What will you need?

In order to carry out the procedure, you will need to purchase certain items. Some of them may already be at home, while others will have to be looked for in the store. First of all, you need to stock up on a small plastic bowl or other container with a volume of 3 liters. It must be clean and not used for other needs, for example, for washing. That is why it is better to buy a new one and in the future use it only for steam baths.

You will also need a large, thick towel that will completely cover your head when you bend over a container of water. It is important that it does not let air through at all. In addition, it is necessary to purchase medicinal herbs in dry or fresh form. They can be chamomile, bay leaf, lavender, and others. They should not cause an allergic reaction in a particular person. After that, you can go directly to the procedure itself.

How to make a steam bath

In total, the preparatory activities, the procedure itself and the actions after it will take about 30 minutes. It is necessary to set aside time for this in advance so as not to do everything in a hurry. First you need to boil about 2-3 liters of water, which will then be used for the bath. It is also necessary to prepare a tincture or decoction of medicinal herbs, you will need about 1 cup per liter of pure boiling water. All ingredients must be mixed in a bowl and put on the table.

Now you need to tie your hair so that the strands do not interfere. You need to bend over the basin and immediately place a thick towel on the back of your head so that the water with the broth does not cool down ahead of time. If it becomes excessively hot, then it is necessary to increase the distance of the face to boiling water, and then gradually reduce it.

The procedure itself can take approximately 5-10 minutes. It must be stopped when the steam disappears. After the bath, you do not need to immediately wash your face or wipe the skin. It will be much more useful to wait until the moisture evaporates on its own. Only after 10 minutes you can wipe your face with a dry cloth. It is recommended to clean the skin with a scrub and apply a cream. You need to have a session once a week.

Effective Recipes

There are different ways, and all of them are considered effective. For yourself, you can choose the one that is designed to deal with a specific problem.

Recipes that work well:

  • From acne. In the baths, which should fight inflammation and acne, it is good to add the following herbs: string, calendula tincture, aloe, lavender. You can also use chamomile and plantain.
  • From wrinkles. To get a rejuvenating effect, it is recommended to use the following ingredients: rosemary, sage and dried chamomile.
  • For oily skin. To dry the face and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, you should use horsetail, mint, oak, aloe, linden.
  • For dry skin. In this case, experts advise adding thyme, calendula or oregano.
  • from black dots. To get rid of this problem will help tincture of nettle or rowan fruits. It is also recommended to add about 50 grams of salt to boiling water.

It is advisable to prepare steam baths with only one of the listed ingredients, since experts do not recommend mixing several herbs at once. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 sessions.

This cleansing method is suitable for all skin types. It is recommended to do steam baths at least once a week, while for people with oily skin it is better to do them twice a week. If you have sensitive skin, it will be optimal to carry out the procedure every two weeks. Steam baths should be avoided by people with asthma or allergies to plants.

Cleanse your face thoroughly. You can use any tool except scrubs. Wash your face with warm water so that neither dirt nor oil remains on it.

Boil water. You will need at least 0.5 liters of water. You can take a saucepan or a wide and deep bowl. Steam baths are most often water-based, but for maximum effect and enjoyment, you can use herbs or essential oils, which you need to choose very carefully.

Use lavender, green tea, eucalyptus or tea tree oil, thin slices of lemon, chamomile, mint for oily skin. For dry skin, use lavender, chamomile, rose oil, green tea. Chamomile and lavender are suitable for sensitive skin, and lavender, green tea and tea tree oil are suitable for combination skin.

Place your chosen ingredients in a pot of boiling water and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Before the procedure, slightly cool the tincture. This will keep the steam from getting too hot and avoid skin irritation. In addition, too hot steam can cause cracks in the skin.

Take a towel and get ready for the procedure. Tie your hair into a bun so it doesn't get in the way. Lean over the pot and drape a towel over the top so that your entire face is exposed to the steam. There must be at least 20 cm between your face and the surface of the water

Close your eyes as some of the ingredients you put in the water may irritate them. Breathe deeply and relax. If you feel uncomfortable in the heat, take short breaks, taking off your towel from time to time.

Take a steam bath for 10-20 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, 10 minutes will be enough. Owners of oily skin should increase the treatment time to 20 minutes.

Wipe your face with a towel, lightly touching it. Apply a nourishing mask. After exposure to steam, the pores on the face are wide open, and additional skin care products will be as effective as possible. For all skin types, a honey mask is recommended. If you have oily skin, you can use an egg white product. Apply a moisturizer to your face, rinsing off the mask with warm water. It will help soften the skin and relieve irritation after the procedure.

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Steam baths are a great way to restore skin elasticity and healthy color. However, for each skin type, baths should be made in a special way, using a special set of ingredients.

Steam bath suitable for all skin types

It is necessary to take a deep enameled saucepan and heat water in it. Then you need to wrap tea rose petals in cheesecloth and dip in boiling water. After a few minutes, you need to set aside the container, cool a little and you can proceed to the procedure. To make a steam bath for the face, the face is held above the steam, covering the head with a terry towel.

Steam bath for oily skin types

This procedure is done at least once a week. For the next procedure, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of oak bark, peppermint (leaves), linden flowers, chamomile and calendula. Each ingredient should be one tablespoon. After the broth has been prepared, it must be filtered and poured into a bath to take the procedure. For those who have enlarged pores, cosmetologists recommend adding 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to the decoction. The procedure is carried out for 10 minutes, after which the face is washed with warm water, and then, after 15 minutes, the skin is wiped with an ice cube.

Steam bath for sensitive and dry skin

This procedure is best done no more than once a month. Marshmallow root and orange peel are added to the water, chamomile, lime blossom or chicory seeds can also be added. The procedure is carried out for no more than 5 minutes, then a compress with boiled water should be applied to the face. Then you need to wipe the skin with a piece of fresh cucumber or apply a nourishing cream.

Steam bath for problem skin

Herbal cream is made from one hundred grams of fresh chopped dill, coltsfoot and dandelion leaves, then everything is poured with boiling water and placed in a steam bath. After preparation, the cream is applied to the face.

For dull skin

For the procedure, it is necessary to use an enamel basin, in which it is necessary to heat water and add 150 grams of linden (flowers), and then boil for about 2-3 minutes. Cover the basin with a towel and hold your face over it for 10 minutes.

Bath for normal skin

Brew 50 grams of cornflower blue and sage (50 grams), and add lavender oil. The procedure lasts 20-25 minutes.

It is not necessary to carry out steam procedures for those who have redness and irritation on the skin of the face.

In order for the skin of the face to remain in excellent condition, it needs daily care, which consists in cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting. There is an affordable, reliable, proven, effective method of cleansing. And those are steam baths. Today the For-Your-Beauty.ru site will tell you how to make steam facial baths at home. Such a procedure is available to any woman and does not take much time. Thanks to steam baths, deep cleansing of the skin is possible. It will not take much effort to eliminate all kinds of pollution, cure acne, get rid of keratinized skin layers and black spots. Baths can also improve blood circulation. With systematic use, the skin will become soft, supple, smooth and clean.

Steam baths for the face at home

The cleansing procedure can be performed at home or in any beauty salon. Professional specialists use a specialized apparatus for cleaning in the offices. However, at home, the results will be just as spectacular and useful. Baths can become disinfectants if you use all kinds of additives. Such a healing procedure affects both the skin and the whole body positively. The metabolic processes that occur in the skin are stabilized.

How to make a steam bath

Baths are easy to prepare. You can use plants and herbs: chamomile, lime blossom, sage, coltsfoot, rose petals. Doesn't matter if fresh or dried. For 500 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of chopped dry grass are taken. You can also use mineral water and 2-3 drops of a suitable essential oil. A special solution is prepared for a particular skin type. If you have oily skin, baths should be performed more often - once a week. For normal and dry skin, 1 time in 14 days will be enough.

For oily skin, such herbs and recipes are suitable:

  • From herbs: chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage, lemon peel, green tea;
  • From essential oils: tea tree oil, mint, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon.
  • From herbs: linden flowers, rose petals, chamomile, dill, parsley, green tea;
  • From essential oils: chamomile oil, rosewood, rose essential oil, orange.

Before the procedure, the skin must be cleaned with a cleanser, then disinfected (for example, wipe with chlorhexidine, tonic). Steam baths can be done using a special device - a steam inhaler, such as "Chamomile". Herbal decoction is poured into a special container, the inhaler is connected to the network and heats the water, which begins to evaporate. But, it is quite possible to do without a steam inhaler. To do this, you need a bowl (diameter, about 20-25 cm) and a towel. Pour hot herbal decoction or water into the bowl, the temperature should be about 45 degrees. Tilt your head over the bowl so that the distance from your face is about 20 cm. Cover the top with a towel to keep warm and reduce steam loss.

The duration of the procedure for dry and normal skin is 4-5 minutes, for oily skin 10 minutes. After a steam bath, it is recommended to exfoliate, apply a face mask, wipe the skin with a tonic (or cool water slightly acidified with lemon juice) and then use a moisturizer.

Contraindications to steam baths for the face

It is contraindicated to do steam baths with rosacea. The procedure is also prohibited for those who have inflammation or infection on the skin. People with a disease: asthma, hypertension - also use is not desirable.

Video: steam baths for the face at home

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Why is such a procedure necessary at all? The fact is that under the influence of hot steam, the pores of the skin open, which allows you to easily remove dirt and black dots from the surface. Regular steam baths for the face increase skin turgor by improving blood circulation. Also, hot steam softens the upper layer of the dermis, and dead skin particles are easily exfoliated.

It is noticed that after such a procedure, creams are better absorbed and the intensity of their impact increases.

Do steam baths for the face it is possible with the use of herbal decoctions, essential oils or simply with ordinary water. If you use decoctions or oils, a steam bath can also have a healing effect, help disinfect the skin.

How to make a steam bath for the face

In a steam bath, you will need a container with a capacity of approximately 3 liters. It can be a saucepan or a wide bowl. The container must be filled with hot water (60-70 degrees) to three quarters of the volume. The face should be tilted over the dishes by about 40 centimeters, cover the head with a towel from above. The procedure time is about 15 minutes.

Before you do steam bath, face must be cleaned by washing with soap. Under the eyes it is recommended to apply oily - there is very delicate skin and it needs to be protected. After the procedure, if your skin is in order, you need to wash your face with cool water and wipe your face with lotion or water with lemon juice.

If you have black dots, then after steaming, you need to blot your face dry and remove the plugs that have come to the surface. To do this, the finger is wrapped with a piece of bandage soaked in a disinfectant solution (for example, hydrogen peroxide) and black dots are removed from the skin.
At the same time, you cannot press them, they must move away on their own. If you undertake to squeeze blackheads on steamed skin, you can seriously damage it.

After you remove everything, you need to wipe your face with the same hydrogen peroxide or water with lemon juice and wash your face. The cream can be applied half an hour after the steam bath.

If the first time it is not possible to remove black dots in a natural way, steam baths for the face you can do several days in a row. Eventually, they will soften and separate easily. This method, however, can only be recommended for oily or normal skin. In other cases, frequent steam baths for the face it is not recommended to carry out, it is better to contact the office.

For steam baths, as already mentioned, you can use herbal decoctions and essential oils. In the latter case, you just need to add the chosen one to the water (10 drops). If you use herbs, then you need to brew them first. You can boil for a few minutes, taking herbs, at the rate of a tablespoon for 2 cups of water, and then add to the dishes for a steam bath. And you can put in boiling water (in bulk or in a gauze bag) some time before the procedure. When the water has cooled to the desired temperature, you can begin.

Steam baths for the face especially useful for oily skin. It has been noticed that with regular use of this procedure, oily skin becomes fresher, pores narrow, acne scars are smoothed out. For oily skin steam baths for the face can be done about once a week, the procedure can take up to 20 minutes.

For skin facial steam baths you should not get carried away, if you want, you can do them no more than once a month. Chamomile, orange, rose can be added to water. The procedure time is no more than 5 minutes. For aging skin, facial steam baths should be done according to the same scheme.

For normal skin, the procedure will be useful if it is carried out twice a month. You can use chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, cloves, thyme, geranium and others. The procedure time is up to 15 minutes.

Steam baths for the face- a thing, of course, useful, however, there are some limitations. So, this procedure is not recommended for severe inflammatory processes on the skin, dermatitis and other skin diseases, hypertension, increased facial hair growth, asthma, facial vascular network. In these cases, cleaning is best done in a beauty parlor.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady