Treatment for problem skin. II. What should be the cosmetics for problem skin. Problem skin care

Beautiful acne-free skin is not just one cream, one cleanser, and one beautician cleansing. This is a whole set of rules with which you can maintain a clean face without much expense and worries. Welcome under the cut!

I put together a set of these rules myself, based both on advice from the Internet and on my own experience. We managed to structure them into two large groups:

1. Facial hygiene.

2. Requirements for caring cosmetics for problem skin.

Let's start.

I. Facial hygiene.

Facial hygiene, especially if the skin is problematic, is not limited to the area of ​​the face itself and extends to hands, hair, clothes and even objects that we bring in our face and that come into contact with it.


Forgive me for Caps Lock, but this is the most important and well-known rule, everything, well, they just break everything. There are many reasons: habit, nerves, illiteracy. Not everyone understands that squeezing out a newly-appeared pimple with dirty hands in a public toilet is a chance to bring on your face, in addition to acne bacteria, also Staphylococcus aureus, for example. That, squeezing out a large pimple, no matter how hard we try, we push not only outward, but also inward. Many people know how the contents of a pimple, sorry for the unpleasant detail, literally shoots out under pressure. Likewise, it can shoot under the skin, spreading bacteria, inflammation and pus where they might not be. It's the same with blackheads: squeezed blackheads are almost 100% guaranteed pimples.

Even realizing all this, we continue to find excuses and press: " Well, it's small, shallow, I will squeeze it out with clean hands, and the wound will quickly heal"Once it will work, but the habit will remain.

There is also a nervous habit of pushing when a person is able to pick out a healthy face in the trash, because he thought he had a pimple somewhere.

How to deal with this? Awareness, willpower + character, supportive measures such as long nails, which do not allow yourself to mock yourself.

Known pattern: you squeeze out one - three will pop out. Therefore, we DO NOT PRESS ... We washed, smeared with something useful and have a rest.

Rule # 2: One must, one must wash in the morning and evening ...

Now half of the acne owners will yell at me: " What do you think, we are some kind of dirty? Yes, we wash our face 5 times a day!"Hush, hush. You know, but there are those who do not know. Let's think about them too.

So, we get up in the morning and wash our face with a product appropriate for our skin type. In the evening we remove cosmetics with a suitable product (micellar water, hydrophilic oil) and wash again. We don't sleep in cosmetics! If something more serious than powder was applied, we do not neglect special means for removing - ordinary gel and water will not take them, and then we will wonder where the blackheads and clogged pores come from.

An important nuance of washing is the temperature of the water ... The water should not be cold and hot, it should not freeze or, on the contrary, steam our face. All this irritates problem skin and leads to congestion. The water should be lukewarm, a little close to cool.

Can I wash my face more often? If necessary and possible - you can. It is only important not to overdry the skin.

Rule number 3: remove everything dirty from the face.

This is a rule to be brought up to good, healthy paranoia.

Don't touch our face with our hands that have not just been washed with soap.

Keeping hair out of your face ... Hair is always dirtier than the face - they are washed, as a rule, less often, they are smeared with a balm, which, although useful for the ends, can clog pores, hair clings to itself a lot of dust, dirt, exhaust gases. And all this touches the face, tickles it, I want to scratch my cheek or forehead with unwashed hands ... No, no, no! We remove the bangs, collect the ponytail, donut or pigtail. There are tons of beautiful hairstyles without facial hair. Speaking of balms: it is better to wash your body in the shower after you have already washed off the balm and wrapped your hair in a bun. Many people suffer from back acne precisely because hair balm clogs the pores of the skin in this area.

We wash the hat, scarf as often as possible , sweater with a collar. It's a pity? Aren't you sorry for your face? All this touches the face for weeks, for months it collects dead cells, sebum, sweat, bacteria, dirt. When you begin to realize this, it becomes just scary to touch your face with such things. The same goes for pillowcases and face towels. I change my pillowcase once a week, and have long given up on a reusable towel in favor of disposable napkins.

My more often everything that touches the face : makeup brushes, sponges, beauty blenders, powder puff. It's also a good idea to sprinkle them with chlorhexidine. We wipe the phone, sunglasses, keyboard, mouse with the same chlorhexidine - we constantly touch them with our hands, it's scary to imagine how much there is. Well, I don't think it's worth explaining about the samples of cosmetics in the store.

Rule number 4: remove excess fat)))

Matting napkins - a true loyal friend of those who are fighting for clean skin.

Everyone loves when the face is matte, and everyone considers a greasy shiny nose and forehead to be ugly. But this is not only ugly, but also dangerous. Remember where acne bacteria live and what they eat? That's right, sebum. More sebum - more food for bacteria - more bacteria themselves. Therefore, I advise instead of powder, which in fact only masks sebum secretions, to use a matting napkin. It is simple, it is hygienic, it does not damage the makeup. And bacteria have no place to live and thrive.

II. What should be the cosmetics for problem skin.

Here we will divide the rules into categories of products: washing, toning, moisturizing and treatment.

1. How to wash your face?

The cleanser should first of all correspond to the type of skin (dry, oily, normal, combination). Do not wash oily skin with light foams for dry - they will not cleanse it. Do not torment dry skin with Domestos for oily.

Washing for problem skin should:

- cleanse pores well

- do not dry or irritate the skin

I must say right away that those who hope only by cleansing to turn problem skin into clean, are mistaken in the most terrible way. The cleanser is so little in duration in contact with our skin that it is simply stupid to count on it. Well, we cleaned the skin, and then what? If you do nothing else, the sebum will still be produced, and the exfoliation will still occur in slow motion. Even the good results from washing my face are only temporary.

So after all, how to understand that washing cleansed the pores well? Take a close-up photo of the nose wings before and 5 minutes after washing your face. If the blackheads have noticeably lightened or disappeared altogether - congratulations, you have found your ideal in cleansing the pores. If they stick out on the face, as before, alas, the search for the ideal will have to continue.

How to understand that the product does not dry out or irritate the skin? Again, we compare before and after, but we rely more on sensations: if the face is not constricted, peeling does not appear, wrinkles do not appear sharper, there is no redness - great. If there is, we throw away such washing as soon as possible, or at worst we use it to clean the floors. It will only make our skin worse. The skin is actually smart. You dried it out - it produced more sebum. Severely overdried - uuuh, she will try her best, you will shine like a pancake in 40 minutes! So don't tease your skin or dry it out.

What ingredients are good for problem skin? Let's start with the ones that are not good. I will never buy a gel for washing, even the most expensive company, if it contains Sodium laureth sulfate or God forbid Sodium lauryl sulfate(better known as SLES and SLS). Even worse Ammonium lauryl sulfate(ALS) and Ammonium laureth sulfate(ALES). Without going into details at the moment, I will just say that from my own experience I was more than once convinced that the gel for washing with SLS always dries the skin, always irritates it, always negates the beneficial effect of other ingredients. I only buy cleansing gels with mild detergent ingredients, such as Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Decyl polyglucose.

The useful components include:

- salicylic acid(she is VNA, she is salicylic acid)

- fruit acids(they are ANA: milk, glycolic, wine, apple, lemon - lactic, glicolic, tartaric, malic and citric acids, respectively)

- plant extracts: witch hazel, tea tree, calendula, chamomile, pumpkin, tomato and more

Various ingredients, the common name of which I cannot think of: birch tar, azulene, panthenol, triclosan, zinc, etc.

It is very good if in the composition you see the absence of aggressive detergents and the presence of something useful.

2. Lotions, tonics, toners.

Things that a lot of people neglect. But in vain. Toner, toner, lotion will not make the skin special weather (although some are capable of it), in any case they will soothe it after washing and bring it into balance before applying other products. Most acne creams and pharmacy products are recommended to be applied at least 15 minutes after washing, on dry and calmed skin. The tonic accelerates this process, prepares the skin for the following products.

Basic requirements for tonics for problem skin:

- no alcohol(alcohol dries, but about drying the skin, see above)

- the presence of useful components(see again above)

Hydrolates and hyaluronic waters, which are fashionable today, perfectly tone up.

How to understand that the tonic is suitable: the skin after it calms down, the color becomes smoother; no sticky feeling, film. Everything! Nothing else is required. If the tonic does more - you are fabulously lucky, grab three more bottles)))

3. What and how to spread?

Most difficult subtopic. Because it happens that the cream has a good composition, but it does not work. Or the composition is bad, but it does some miracles with the skin. Or works wonders for everyone, and makes a frog out of you. Or vice versa. Therefore, it is most difficult to talk about some rules for long-term agents. But I will try)

For problem skin in general light textures are preferred ... The gradation of textures from light to dense is as follows:

- gel

- cream gel

- cream

- ointment

The denser the product, the more likely it will clog pores and only provoke acne. Gel or cream gel is ideally the only thing that should be applied to problem skin. Well, there are still light serums. Moreover, if two agents are applied (and this is possible, for example, in winter I applied both an acid cream and an antibiotic at night), then the rule is: the lightest texture is applied very first ... That is, first the gel, then the cream. If applied the other way around, the gel will penetrate the skin worse or will not penetrate at all, and therefore will not work. In general, I strongly advise against applying the ointment on problem skin.

Another important property of creams that should be avoided is comedogenicity. Comedogenicity is the property of the product to clog pores and form comedones. It happens that the cream is good, everything is in it - both acids and aloe , and the blood of a virgin unicorn, and pimples climb and climb. Read its composition - you will surely find comedogenic components. For me, these include "heavy" oils (olive, sunflower, coconut), vitamin E (if there is a lot of it in the composition, for all the usefulness I will not buy the cream), isopropyl myristate and myristyl myristate. They are like a red light: there is in the composition - fu-fu-fu, out of harm's way. A complete list of comedogenic components can be easily found on the Internet.

So, the requirements for long-term exposure products are simple:

- light texture

- non-comedogenicity

- the presence of useful components in the composition

AHA gel or cream gel is ideal. There are quite a few of these among pharmaceutical cosmetics.

I deliberately did not write about masks, scrubs, serums and other more specific products in this article. These are the themes of the future. ...

Thank you for the attention! Hope the text is helpful.

And according to tradition - all goodness and beauty!

Problematic skin is a relentless problem for the vast majority of adolescents, young people, and also some women of all ages. Whole armies of people dream of getting rid of acne, blackheads, rashes, etc. forever.

Everyone has their own skin problems: some have acne or pimples, and some cannot cope with rashes or redness. Derma problems can occur not only in adolescence, but also in adulthood, both in men and women. In order to avoid problems with the skin of the face, you should choose the right care for problem skin, it is better to approach the choice of the necessary funds comprehensively and be sure to listen to the advice of cosmetologists. For this, in an age of rapid development of technology, there is no need to visit salons and pay impressive sums for a consultation, sometimes it is enough just to go to the cosmetology website via the Internet and get the necessary information for yourself. Further, having studied a lot of necessary information, you can start the selection of complex care for problem skin.

Most of the advice from experienced cosmetologists boils down to one concept:

  • Care of the sensitive surface of the dermis, due to the close located vessels to the surface, is simply necessary, since this problem is one of the most common. Such problems with sensitivity, irritability can be in people not only with dry skin, but also with oily and combination. To care for problem tissues, you should use special creams, tinctures, which are selected individually according to individual parameters.
  • You should regularly protect your appearance from the effects of the sun and frost, for this in the summer use creams with UV protection, and in the winter oily creams for increased skin hydration. The regular use of such skin protection products leads to significant reductions in the problem and removes the issue of flaking and rashes forever.
  • In caring for oily and problem skin, it is advisable to regularly cleanse. Due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, black dots, rashes are formed, the pores become enlarged and visible to the naked eye. All this happens due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are enlarged and dust gets into them, it clogs the pores and plugs form. Whatever it is, cleanse and scrub regularly. People with dry skin also have problems with their appearance, although they do not produce an enzyme from the sebaceous glands so abundantly, they have a "mask" of dead particles on their skin - hyperkeratosis. To get rid of hyperkeratosis, cosmetologists advise to contact cosmetology centers every two months for ultrasonic peeling or use the peeling service with natural extracts.
  • Dehydration of cells is a terrible threat to tissues, as well as to general human health. When a small amount of water is consumed, the dermis becomes dull, loses its pinkish, natural, healthy shade. If, nevertheless, this happened, and the skin is dehydrated, it is worth contacting a beautician. A professional in this field will give advice on the care of oily and problem skin, select a cream, tonic, possibly thermal or micellar water.
  • There are certain requirements for the composition of all cosmetics. For example, if the cream contains Retinol (and this is a very useful component), with its help the elasticity of the skin increases. An important requirement in the use of products with this component is that creams with Retinol cannot be used in the sun, since it attracts ultraviolet rays to itself, and they adversely affect the dermis. Acids are another component that attracts close attention. There are several types of acids that are used in cosmetology: citric, acetic and tartaric. All acids dry out the skin, but their reaction with sunlight may not be predictable. It is worth carefully studying the composition of the care products.
  • Wanting to always look good and well-groomed, you should think about your appearance from a young age. Already from the age of 17, it is desirable to start using various means, preparations, as well as the services of cosmetologists. Undergo periodic examination by a dermatologist in order to prevent any skin diseases in time. From adolescence, it is worth making it a rule to apply the cream during the day and in the morning. And from the age of 22, there is also a night cream. For dry skin, use oil-based creams, and for oily and combined with the addition of tinctures, extracts. Remember, dehydration is the main cause of skin aging!
  • A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of great health and excellent appearance. It is the rejection of alcohol and smoking that will lead to the normalization of the heart, which means that oxygen will begin to flow to all parts of the body, the skin will begin to breathe. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will also help improve your condition. There are several reasons for the deterioration in appearance: it is photo-induced and chrono-induced aging. The first type of aging is associated with problems and environmental pollution, and the second is related to the biological clock.
  • Problem skin care after 30 years is to use anti-aging creams. We will cover this issue in more detail.

Problem skin care after 30

After thirty years, women develop mimic wrinkles, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, over time, swelling, puffiness appear, the sebaceous glands begin to function worse. The rate of metabolic processes decreases, the skin loses collagen. How to properly care for your skin? By the age of thirty, our skin loses its former attractiveness, from that moment on, the skin tissues require various creams and serums with lifting, the composition of the drug used must contain retinol or hyaluronic acid.

Rules for the care and preservation of youth:

  • Daily morning and evening cleansing. In the morning, the face must be cleansed of sebum, which was released during a night's sleep. For cleaning in the morning, use creams and lotions. If the skin is oily, they are used for additional care and tonics, which include alcohol. Toner with alcohol narrows pores, removes excess oil. Evening cleansing should include the use of makeup remover and lotion, followed by a night cream.
  • Washing your face also plays an important role in maintaining youth after 30 years. You should not wash your face with hot water, as this dilates the blood vessels. Washing with cool water creates a stressful situation for the skin, forcing it to speed up the metabolism. Due to the improvement of metabolism, the muscles will become less elastic, the tissue will be tightened and elastic.
  • After 30 years, you should pay attention to anti-aging cosmetics, it is designed to preserve the firmness, elasticity and youth of the dermis. When choosing cosmetics, you should pay attention to the fact that it would be suitable for your skin type. When purchasing a new care product, you should carefully study the composition.

It is advisable that the products that you used were of the same brand and of the same line.

Cosmetics for problem skin

When choosing care products, you should pay attention to the labels with the following symbols:

  • Clear- this inscription means that the main function of the drug is cleansing;
  • Purity says that this product will make the skin clear;
  • Comodex this symbol confirms the presence of comedones in the composition;
  • Acne- for people with acne disease;
  • Problem Skin- these creams, tonics and other care products are suitable for problem skin;
  • Irritation- funds with this designation relieve irritation;
  • Inflammation- this inscription guarantees the removal of inflammatory processes.

High-quality cosmetics should remove acne, relieve inflammation, get rid of acne and return the skin to a healthy state.

High-quality cosmetics should not contain any noisy names, it should contain only natural ingredients: bodyag, sulfur, natural acids, decoctions, extracts, etc. That is, natural ingredients that will help to cope with various types of dermatological problems.

When choosing cosmetics for care, you need to pay close attention to the manufacturer. A company that produces cosmetics must have a big name and an impeccable reputation, and present its products on the market for a long time. And reviews of such products should only have a positive resonance. In order not to invest in a low-quality product, you should ask a beautician for recommendations. More popular brands that provide quality products are lined with the shelves of high-end well-known stores and boutiques that offer their customers only licensed products. All self-respecting brands develop whole complex skin care lines for each individual case, problem, skin type and age.

The skin should be looked after very carefully and carefully. It is necessary to start not at the age of thirty, when the problem is already on the threshold or has crossed it, but when it is still very far away. It is advisable to start caring as early as adolescence, and there will be no problems in adulthood. It's better to prevent the problem than to eradicate it, isn't it?

Problem skin care at home

Problem skin can be taken care of not only in special clinics, centers, salons, but also at home, which will bring even greater effect than procedures in the salon from time to time. This is because home care can be regular and inexpensive, and this is very important in the modern world. Several good masks can be prepared and applied at home:

  • 1st mask is a cottage cheese and cucumber mask. These two components must be mixed and applied for 15 minutes to all areas except the area around the eyes and lips. This mask is able to soothe the inflammatory processes on the face.
  • 2nd mask, this is a mask of zucchini, cucumber and honey. Mix all components and keep on the face for 30 minutes - thanks to these components, the skin is saturated with moisture.

To get rid of blackheads, not only scrubbing and peeling is important, but also nutrition. Food should not be greasy, salty, spicy. You can focus on fish, lemons, spinach.

Acne scrubs can be made with regular coffee grounds, mashed potatoes and salt, or sea salt and face cream. Tea tree oil is a very effective remedy against acne, it is enough to wipe your face once a day and after a week the result will appear - the number of plugs has decreased.

Facial massage tones up and launches metabolic processes in the skin, it helps to restore and cleanse pores.

The correct selection of cosmetics will help in skin care, so a foundation that is intended for dry or combination skin will not work for oily skin, due to the fact that it contains fatty oils.

For oily dermis, masks made from yogurt, yeast and apples, egg white and citric acid, oatmeal, green tea and white clay are perfect.

In order to prepare a mask of oatmeal, it is enough to pour boiling water over them and add 1 teaspoon of honey, then let it brew and cool, when the mask becomes warm, apply it all over the face and wait 20-30 minutes. The skin will become more dry and silky.

To care for problem skin, you should use only high-quality and natural products, and, if possible, use the services of a beautician and dermatologist.

What should be the treatment for problem skin? Such troubles as acne, redness, wrinkles can ruin life in earnest. And these are all signs of a problem skin.

And the only thing that every person with such problems wants is to get rid of them as soon as possible. But is it real?

Do not give up. There are tons of opportunities to have amazing and perfectly healthy skin. To do this, it is enough to have a desire and make a little effort.

Major skin problems

Let's first find out what are the signs of problem skin. If you have this type of skin, then you will face the following problems:

  • , acne, pimples occur frequently and increase in number;
  • overly and shiny skin;
  • over the entire surface;
  • frequent;
  • systematic irritation and redness;
  • occurs - red vascular zones.

Various factors can be among the causes of problems:

  1. Disruption of the digestive tract.
  2. Disruptions in the endocrine system, etc.

It is also worth adding that unhealthy diet and addictions contribute to skin troubles.

The above and other points lead to the fact that the skin becomes excessively oily, which is a favorable environment for bacteria that provoke acne, abscesses, comedones, acne.

Dry skin is often prone to flaking, irritation and redness. And after 25 years, the process of wrinkle formation already begins.

But more often than not, these problems haunt those who improperly take care of their face.

Problem skin care (10 important rules)

When caring for the skin, a number of rules should be followed. A phased approach is important:

  1. When cleaning, you should not use aggressive agents, soap, leaving a film on the cover that does not allow the cover to breathe. For this, gels and foams are provided that can penetrate deep into the pores and free the skin from the remnants of dust, dirt, cosmetics, foundation, powder, etc.
  2. You should wash your face in the morning and evening. Water should not be at an aggressive temperature - 30-35 degrees, that is, have a body temperature.
  3. You can't wipe yourself off with a hard towel - it's best to get your face wet with a napkin.
  4. For dry skin type, apply once a week.
  5. You need to use a tonic to maintain firmness and elasticity, choose according to the type of cover. You should carefully study the label on the bottle and use only proven brands.
  6. The skin must be protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, for this day creams are provided. The tool protects not only from the harmful effects of rays, but also from exhaust gases and dust.
  7. We must not forget about leaving at night. Despite the fact that we sleep, certain processes continue in the body, including our skin. It needs nourishment, relaxation and hydration. Therefore, before going to bed, you should clean the cover of make-up and dirt, use a toner and moisturizer.
  8. Cosmetologists strongly recommend using masks made from natural beneficial ingredients, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
  9. It is strictly forbidden to visit and lie in the open sun for a long time. The negative effects of ultraviolet radiation can lead not only to pigmentation, dry skin, peeling, but also the formation of malignant neoplasms of an oncological nature.
  10. In the event of acne, you cannot rub them, squeeze them out, all the more you should not touch them with dirty hands. This is especially true for adolescents who squeeze out acne on problem skin on their own and in places not intended for this.

Basic rules of care

To get rid of the troubles that problem skin leads to, you need to carry out certain facial care activities every day.

In the morning you need:

  1. Using a gel or foam for the correct skin type, cleanse your face.
  2. Next comes the toning stage. To do this, wipe the surface of the skin with a toner.
  3. After that, the epidermis needs intensive nourishment, so apply a serum to the skin. Afterwards, moisturize your skin with a cream.
  4. Only after such actions can you apply decorative cosmetics.

Remember that waste products of skin cells accumulate on your skin overnight. If you do not clean the surface of the face, start applying a cream or foundation, then the pores will only clog.

In the evening, it is worth doing the following actions:

  • Cleanse your face with foam, special products.
  • Massage using special brushes. Periodic at this stage it is worth doing scrubbing, peeling, applying masks (a couple of times a week).
  • The next step is toning. Just like the sutra, use tonics.
  • Follow up with your meals using whey or other non-oil products.
  • At the end should be the application of a night cream. Don't forget the eye area.

Treatments for problem skin (6 options)

Working with your appearance should never stop. This is a comprehensive approach to prevent the appearance of blackheads, acne, pimples, wrinkles, etc.

Of course, home care is important. But if you really want to get rid of acne, acne and other imperfections caused by problem skin, you should pay attention to professional procedures.

Mechanical cleaning

Some cosmetologists are quite aggressive about the mechanical type of cleaning, believing that it injures the skin and leads to inflammation.

But the procedure continues to be popular and there is a rationale for this: after cleaning, the result is immediately visible - there are no acne, abscesses, acne and blackheads.

The mechanical cleaning procedure consists of 3 stages:

  • cleansing;
  • steaming;
  • cleansing pores and relieving inflammation.

This type of cleaning provides for the physical squeezing out of the hands or pus, dirt from the pores.

The method also has negative sides: the procedure is painful and really traumatic. For this reason, experienced and qualified specialists without fail prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory and wound healing sprays, gels or ointments.

To eliminate redness, white, blue clay, masks with aloe vera are used.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Manual, that is, mechanical cleaning has been replaced by ultrasonic cleaning. With the physical method, tips, “tails” remain in the pores, which then begin to inflame and lead to the formation of purulent acne, their increase in number.

Moreover, the skin can be “tight” and cannot be handled, which will aggravate the problem rather than help to get rid of it.

The ultrasonic method is shown to everyone, without exception, and guarantees deep, complete cleaning of the pores, after which there will be no problems. This is also facilitated by hardware sterilization of the skin, which gives a long-term and guaranteed result.

The second point indicating the superiority of the ultrasound procedure is the preservation of skin elasticity.

With constant squeezing, the pores become wide and visible. There is no such effect with hardware exposure, which makes it possible to apply the method up to 1 time per month with oily, and up to 3 times a year with combination and dry skin.


This method is suitable if you have not only pimples, acne or blackheads, but also enlarged pores. We can say that this is one of the best and most gentle procedures, the course of which includes up to ten or more sessions.

The results of the impact are more than noticeable - no scars remain from acne and blackheads, the cover is leveled in a matter of days, the color improves.

The principle of operation is simple - due to photo flashes, bacteria, the main culprits of inflammation and acne, are destroyed. The method is great for adolescents suffering from hormonal changes leading to a purulent inflammatory process.

In addition to excellent results on acne, phototherapy has other benefits.

According to reviews, both specialists and their clients, the brightness of freckles is reduced, eliminated. The procedure leaves no injuries and is absolutely painless. The only negative is the high price.

Cosmetologists' advice: after phototherapy, it is not recommended to appear in the open sun and try to avoid direct rays for 15 days. For this reason, it is best to conduct sessions in the fall or winter.

For protection, you should use a cream that protects against ultraviolet radiation, a moisturizer.

Chemical peeling

An application-based treatment is another great way to tidy up problem skin.

The recovery period will differ depending on the depth of the impact. After the procedure, you can observe slight redness, which disappears after a couple of hours. But there are peels, after which the face becomes covered with a film that gradually comes off it.

Teda Kontis

plastic surgeon

Do not wash your face often. Frequent water treatments only increase the production of sebum, which ultimately leads to acne and other problems. Be gentle on your skin, do not rub it with a towel. Make masks periodically, and entrust the squeezing of blackheads to a beautician.

Home recipes and procedures are an important moment in the fight for beauty and youth. But do not forget about other, no less serious issues concerning the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

You need an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, normal sleep, plenty of fluids and positive emotions.

As for the latter, there is a scientific justification for asserting this. Hormones of joy, happiness and pleasure, when stimulated, postpone age-related changes and preserve youth.

How to care for problem skin with a lot of blackheads, pimples, blackheads, comedones?

You can fight acne only with complex methods.: proper nutrition (diet), taking antibiotics or hormonal agents, cosmetic procedures (even if you have to do them at home), ointments, creams, gels, foams.

As a rule, by the age of 20-25, problems with acne and acne disappear by themselves.: hormonal changes in the body are coming to an end.

But there are situations when illness, pregnancy and childbirth, a sharp change in climate, severe stressful situations provoke the re-emergence of dermatological problems.

Give up regular soap... Do not use it to cleanse the skin of the face, neck, back or décolleté (otherwise it causes increased dryness, a feeling of "film" on the face).

Buy a special brush with which you will apply cosmetics. If you do everything with your hands, there is a risk of infecting and further "stirring up" the inflammatory process.

Eat a special diet... What we have on our face reflects that everything is inside. If you often "sin" with sausages, smoked meats, chips, squirrels and sweets from the store, then you are at great risk.

Wash your face no more than 2 times a day... If you wash 5-7 times a day, you will provoke an increased formation of sebum. This will only aggravate the situation and cause a new round of "oily sheen", "blackheads", "redheads or acne".

Try not to injure your skin... No need to "rub" it with a towel after washing, no need to constantly squeeze pimples, use peels and scrubs several times a day.

Use cleansing masks and formulations 1-2 times a week... More often it is not necessary: ​​this provokes the risk of damage to the skin!

Squeeze out pimples only during the procedure by an experienced beautician... If there is no money for this, then at least buy a professional instrument (needles and spoons of Uno), disinfect him, and his hands, and the affected skin

Care for oily and problem skin in 4 steps

In this article, we'll show you how to treat acne-prone skin in 4 easy steps.

The procedures do not take much time, but they give excellent results: the surface gradually "gets rid" of redness, whiteheads or blackheads.

Step # 1. Purification. How to properly cleanse your skin so as not to provoke acne?

Cleansing is necessary in order to get rid of sebum, dust and dirt, the remains of decorative cosmetics (powder, foundation).

For cleansing, you can use:

For cleansing acne prone skin we only use an antibacterial or exfoliating agent! Regular soap is irritating!


Take a jar of tonic, shake it, apply a small amount of the composition to a cotton pad, then wipe the surface of your face and neck with it. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes.

If you have "pimples" or acne, then give up products containing alcohol! They will cause discomfort, cramps and burning sensations.

It could be cream, gel, mask or something else... Before using over-the-counter or over-the-counter acne remedies, consult a beautician or dermatologist!

He will tell you how to properly care for problem skin in your case, which means to apply, which ones are better to refuse.

Step # 4. Apply gel or cream to the surface (no oil in the composition!)

Problematic and oily skin needs to be moisturized but do it right! Most of the drugs presented in pharmacies and stores dry out the dermis, dehydrate it, and deprive it of nutrients and components.

This can result in flaking, itching, a feeling of "tightness" (and even premature aging!). That's why apply a moisturizer to problem skin, but we use only verified recipes WITHOUT OIL.

If your skin is prone to dryness, then these products will have to be applied 2-3 times a day. For adolescents, drugs from the rulers are recommended Mia, Green Mama, La Roche Posay, Mirra, Natura Siberica, Clearasil, Vichy.

Korean problem skin care - a long-standing secret of oriental girls

Mysterious and amazing residents of Thailand, Japan, China and a number of other countries in the East are known for perfect skin and the ability to maintain youth up to 50-60 years.

This is largely due to korean skin care system: from early childhood, mothers teach their daughters to wash properly, watch out for pimples, wounds and injuries.

Features of Korean care for problem skin prone to acne and acne

The system includes 10 stages, each of which is important for cleanliness and beauty.

Attention should be paid to morning cleansing and moisturizing.

It is better to replace decorative cosmetics with caring and protective ones (this is especially true for protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays).

The scheme is not suitable for everyone: after all, the skin of oriental beauties is different from ours.

Bring back beauty in 10 steps! We disassemble the Korean problem skin care system:

Morning Evening
Cleanse the skin (gels and foams are used for this).

Toning (toner, lotions).

Make extra care with a mask.

Apply day cream to the surface.

Use makeup products.

Clean the surface with a "double effect": foam + hydrophilic oil.

Perform a deep massage (using a nourishing cream).

To tone up (for this they use lotions, toners and other means).

Provide deep nutrition (whey, milk, oil-free emulsion).

Provide extra care with special masks.

Apply a night cream (including the area around the eyes).

Needless to say that such care for combination problem skin takes a long time?

Residents of Korea, however, "got used" to do all the procedures in just 15 minutes. Perhaps you, too, will learn to save time, but at the same time effectively fight acne.

Stage 1. Cleansing the skin in the morning and evening. What is the difference?

For morning cleansing of the skin of an inhabitant of an eastern country use gels and foams... The products are whipped in a special mesh, and then applied to the surface with light massage movements.

The people even have a special "Korean facial massage", which provides for an effect on all areas of the skin.

In the evening, everything is a little more complicated: Apply the hydrophilic oil first and then use the foam. The fact is that water-resistant components of decorative cosmetics are difficult to remove with ordinary cleansing (but hydrophilic oil copes with this task by 5 points).

If you "spit" on this feature of care, then soon you run the risk of encountering a large number of acne and acne: pores clogged with cosmetics provoke a similar reaction.

Remember to cleanse the inside out too... Arrange "fasting days", eat right, switch to green Chinese tea without sugar (natural, not made near Moscow!).

Stage 2. Deep skin massage. How and why?

The system assumes the use of roll masks based on cellulose and natural wax.

They are applied to the surface in the same way as a simple gel. Then the product is "rubbed" with massage movements. Because of this, white lumps are formed, to which black dots, the remnants of acne, the discharge of wen, and dead areas of the epidermis stick.

The procedures continue for 10-15 minutes, then the pellets are washed off with warm water.

Stage 3. Skin toning: basic rules from Korean beauties

Apply toner immediately after washing(otherwise, early aging awaits us).

The composition of the care product must necessarily contain amino acids and natural plant extracts (but we refuse drugs with alcohol).

We do not use cotton pads! Everything is applied exclusively by hand.

Stage 4. Skin nutrition. Everything should be in moderation!

It is relevant not only for adolescents, but also for the care of problem skin after 30 years:

  1. We apply NOT creams, but serums and emulsions.
  2. We use products from Japanese or Korean cosmetic companies (they are considered the most "nutritious" and "rich" in terms of vitamins necessary for the dermis).
  3. Apply a few drops of the composition, but not trying to "rub" the problem skin with a greasy layer of cream.

Stage 5. Additional care. An abundance of masks for any problems

Ladies from Korea actively use different types of masks for problem skin: day and night; washable and indelible; cleansing and nourishing.

Depending on the skin problems, the following types are distinguished:

  1. For tightening and cleansing pores.
  2. To combat acne and acne.
  3. To restore and tone the skin.
  4. To eliminate irritation.
  5. To prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Beautician advice! To prevent the skin from getting used to one specific component or composition, try to alternate.

An absolute hit among Korean products are night masks. They are applied to the face about 1 hour after the night cream, and then they go to bed. The composition does not leave marks on bed linen, does not smell, but it "works" all night long.

Everything you need to know for Korean problem skin care

Korean women visit a beautician at least once a week... It has become a national tradition, it allows you to maintain the beauty and health of the skin.

Women of the East never "attached" to a particular composition or brand... After 2-3 months of using the line of one manufacturer, they boldly change the bottles and packaging for the products of another. This avoids the "addictive effect".

Humidification is at the forefront... Oriental girls pamper coda and body with masks, creams, serums, lotions; they like to apply formulations with healing oils.

Sun protection is important... Almost every cosmetic product for skin care contains ingredients that are responsible for protection from the stinging sun rays. This protects against burns and irritation + from premature aging.

Snail slime- one of the key components of cosmetics. We are all accustomed to the fact that professional products should contain herbal extracts.

The fact is that snail mucus has a high collagen content and has healing / regeneration properties.

TOP 5 questions about the care of skin prone to acne and acne

Which care products are right for me? Which ones should you use?

Care cosmetics are a complex of different preparations presented in pharmacies, beauty shops and regular supermarkets.

The main thing is that pharmacy care is effective., and you did not feel a burning sensation, redness, a feeling of "tightness".

With enlarged pores it is worth using formulations that contain alpha hydroxy acid... The substance destroys dead cells, dries out fat plugs, so the pores will appear slightly smaller in size.

To make pores and acne less visible, you can use the procedures of light chemical peeling, microdermabrasion (micro-resurfacing of the skin).

Can you use solid soap when caring for problem skin?

As a rule, no. There are exceptions for manufacturers who offer gentle formulations.(Dove and Neutrogena or others).

When choosing, pay attention to the pH-level of the soap: if it is more than 5.5, then "dry skin" is guaranteed.

Do I need to buy cotton swabs and discs?

No. For example, in Korea they are almost never used, and cosmetics are applied with pens.

But in case of severe acne with "open wounds" it is better to use such discs: they will protect against irritation of the skin, from the spread of infections.

When choosing cleaning discs and scouring pads, be sure to keep them soft.

What should be the temperature of the water? Do you need to wash with cold or warm water?

The question is capable of confusing any lady. Some say that it is necessary to wash only with cold water, because it tones up. Others insist on hot because it expands the pores.

Cosmetologists are sure: for daily care of skin prone to acne, blackheads, acne and pimples, it is necessary to use water at room temperature(or a little warmer).

The fact is that too hot a temperature leads to rosacea - the destruction or expansion of capillaries.

Can I clean my skin every day? How often do you need to go to the beautician?

A specialist will answer the question about the number and frequency of visits to the cosmetologist (taking into account the individual characteristics of the cover, the patient's age, taking other medicines and drugs, and other nuances).

Too frequent cleaning is not a good thing: the epithelium requires a small amount of natural sebum to maintain its natural properties. Without it, the surface will become too dry, painful and irritated.

TOP 5 facts from the article that will help you take proper care of your skin!

Hello everyone!!!

Today I will tell you about my facial skin care, I went to this for a very long time - by trial and error, I chose the best method for myself. Who will be interested in my review? For girls with oily / combination and problem skin. I will divide the review into four stages:

I. Severe stage of acne, as I fought with very severe rashes - the case when it is scary to approach the mirror.

II. Skin care now is how to maintain the skin so that the terrible rashes don't come back again.

III. Fighting post-acne, the most difficult stage, here you will understand that acne is half the trouble.

IV. I devote a separate topic to "black points", nevertheless, this problem requires a basic approach.

I will supplement my review with pictures "before" and "after", unfortunately, I have no photos of the period when my skin was in a terrible state. I am very sorry, I could not have known that I would start activities on this site. But, the fight against post-acne is not over yet, here I will please you with photos, but later.


Rule # 1: Throwing out ordinary towels! Why? They contain all the infection, all the bacteria that pass from your face. It turns out a vicious circle, but what to do ??? We buy disposable towels, now it is not uncommon, they are sold almost everywhere.

Rule # 2: We do not keep makeup on the face for a long time. For example, even if I'm very tired, I run to wash off my makeup right away. It doesn't matter how I feel and what's wrong with me, I always wash off my makeup, otherwise, you won't end up with problems.

Rule # 3: Choosing one powder, one foundation, one concealer is very important. Of course, our girls have a lot of cosmetics, but in order not to scare our skin and not get confused ourselves, we follow this rule.

Rule # 4: Regularity, skin care is work, and problem skin is a hell of a job, so we are not lazy! Even if I feel really bad, the basic rules of leaving, I will always do.

Rule # 5: Don't panic, miracles don't happen right away. For example, my sister wants the rash to go away in one day. I always laugh at this, because this will never happen, you need to wait at least a week. You may smear yourself with gold, but miracles will not happen.

Rule # 6: We give up everything harmful: chips, crackers, coca-cola, products made with deep fat, and so on. Sweet is possible, but a little bit.

Rule # 7: We change pillowcases at least twice a week, this is very important, the same story happens as with towels.

Rule # 8: Do not touch your face with your hands !!! You must remember this, as a mother, never pick pimples!

Rule # 9: Do not buy all the products for the face, with inscriptions: from acne, "blackheads", post-acne and so on. Why? Not all products with such promises fulfill their tasks, and sometimes they make it even worse. What to do? Our website will come to the rescue, as well as Yu tube. See all opinions, both positive and negative. So you will make the right choice for yourself.


Vitamins are needed for everyone, of course, everywhere you need to know when to stop. For example, in the summer I completely refuse vitamin complexes, because this is the season of fresh berries and fruits, but in autumn and winter I have time to take purchased vitamins. What have I tried?

  • Biomax- the most budgetary and effective vitamins
  • Complivit- I liked it less, but it's worth a try
  • Pentovit- these are only B vitamins, useful not only for the skin, but also for the hair
  • Alphabet- good vitamins, I also advise you to try
  • Fish fat- a good food supplement, good for everyone

I advise you to take only well-known vitamins and supplements, for example, little-known vitamins from other countries, I'm afraid to try. I only trust the trusted ones.


I have never consulted a dermatologist or cosmetologist about acne and acne problems. We cannot find a good beautician, and I’m afraid to trust my face to someone unknown, maybe it’s stupid, but that’s how it happened. If your budget allows you or you have good beauticians, of course, turn to professionals. And if you just have a hopeless situation, as it was with me, then I hope I will help you. So, let's start with the most serious stage.


Here I will tell you the most important and shortest stage of treatment. It passed very quickly for me, probably in a month all the serious muck left my face. What do you need to buy?

  • Tar soap
  • Salicylic acid 40 ml 2%
  • Streptocide
  • Levomycetin tablets
  • Clay black and blue
  • Tea tree oil
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Facial cleansing sponge
  • Vitamins, any that you like

Everything is very budgetary, only there can be problems with aloe gel, you can use pure aloe juice, which is also good.


  • Salicylic acid 2%, 40 ml
  • Streptocide sachet, one piece
  • Levomycetin 4 tablets

Pour streptocid and Levomycetin into a bottle of salicylic acid, grind the tablets without fail. Shake everything and wait at least a day for all the substances to dissolve well.


  • We wash with tar soap, using a sponge. After 5 minutes, we wipe the face with a chatterbox. If your face is very dry, after about 30 minutes you can moisturize the skin with aloe, but nothing dried up at all. We take vitamins according to the instructions.


  • We wash with tar soap. Next, I applied a clay mask.


  • Clay, you can black / blue, one teaspoon
  • I add water so that there is a mass similar to sour cream
  • Tea tree oil, 3 drops

Mix everything and apply on the face, wait 20 minutes, wash off. Water can be replaced with decoctions of herbs, or mineral water without gas.

I did this mask every day!

  • After the mask, the skin rests for about 30 minutes, then I again treat the skin with a talker and go to bed. We take vitamins according to the instructions.

ATTENTION! We remove all scrubs and peels, here they will harm! Only stripes from "black dots" are possible.

That's the whole stage! It's very simple, severe rashes were gone in a week! I am not kidding! So I was treated for about two weeks, my skin became absolutely clean, only now there were post-acne, from picking acne and torturing the skin with the wrong means.


I removed severe rashes, but how to take care of the skin so that everything does not come back again? Also, such care will help smooth out the effects of problem skin.


The first thing we have to do is cleanse our skin of impurities. What means should you give your preference to?

  • I love natural soap, which may contain such components as: tar, sulfur, salt, activated carbon, calendula, chamomile, tea tree.
  • Gels and foams for washing should be as natural as possible, try to choose a product with a lower chemical content
  • It is good if the foams / gels contain acids, for example: salicylic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, malic acid or citric acid.

At the moment, I have such a choice, for cleansing the skin. I wash off cosmetics with oils, for example, almond oils.


Clay, for many girls, is simply salvation, in this section I will help you choose the right clay.

I always have cosmetic clay in my arsenal, it is cheap, and there are a lot of benefits from it. I prefer all varieties, but they exist:

  • White- ideal for combating post-acne and excessive oily skin, I advise girls with age spots, clogged pores and post-acne.


  • white clay, 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice, 1 teaspoon
  • kefir, we take so much to get a thick mass

Mix everything, apply it on the face and wait 20-30 minutes, rinse it off. This mask will cleanse pores, brighten acne and normalize oily skin.

  • Green- Ideal for combating acne, acne and large pores. Somehow, it's the hardest thing to find.


  • green clay, 1 teaspoon
  • water, we take so much to get a thick mass
  • rosemary essential oil, 3 drops

Mix everything, apply it on the face and wait for 20 minutes, rinse it off. This mask deeply cleanses pores, removes subcutaneous tissue and post-acne.

  • Blue- a favorite in the fight against acne, I always use it if my skin is in trouble.


  • blue clay, 1 teaspoon
  • decoction of chamomile, take so that you get a thick mass
  • tea tree essential oil, 3 drops

Mix everything, apply it on the face and wait 25 minutes, rinse it off. Cleans and removes acne instantly.

  • Black- my favorite clay, it does everything, perfectly cleans the pores and generally a savior, but it's hard to find it, I don't even know why.


  • black clay, 1 teaspoon
  • apple cider vinegar 6% or 3%, must be natural
  • water

First, we make a mixture for pouring clay. We dilute vinegar 1: 3, that is, one part of vinegar, into three parts of water. Then we take one teaspoon of clay, add this solution to it, so that a thick mass is obtained. We apply the mask on the face and wait for 15 minutes, wash off, the face may be red, but in the morning everything goes away.

I have listed my favorite clays, of course, there are many more varieties, but these are my favorite and recommend.


I know many oils that fight problem skin, but for myself, I have chosen only a few favorites.

Let's start with essential oils.

Essential oils:

  • Tea tree- everyone knows it, it is known for its excellent property of destroying acne, and in general, it has a lot of useful properties, I always buy it. You can use it as a spot on a pimple, or you can add it to masks and lotions.
  • Rosemary- I call him a friend of the tea tree, the properties are very similar. Rosemary is good for tightening pores and normalizing oily skin. It is always in the arsenal, I add it everywhere, it can also be applied pointwise to pimples.
  • Lemon- you need to be extremely careful with this comrade, the most powerful oil that spares nothing. I add one or two drops at a time, or use it in mixtures with a base one. Perfectly removes blackheads, lightens age spots and post-acne. It is impossible to apply pointwise, it is better to interfere with masks or lotions.
  • Mint- I love this oil very much, it narrows the pores well, evens out the complexion, and just gives a pleasant chill. I can apply it pointwise to the pimple, and add it to the wash gel.

Base oils:

  • Caraway- is known for its super abilities in terms of combating acne and acne, I also add it to masks with clay or egg white, I advise everyone to purchase it.

  • Grape seed oil- I use it when I want some kind of nourishing mask. It moisturizes the skin well, nourishes and evens out the complexion.
  • Almond oil- I take off their makeup, sometimes I add it to masks, I like it more, of course, for the skin around the eyes and eyelashes.


Of course, read the composition, it is the whole point. I still have such a set, now there are a lot of ready-made products.

It is good if they contain: acids, clay, sulfur, vitamins, natural extracts. Not everything needs to be bought, read the composition, reviews, then you will find the right thing.


What is hydrolat?

Hydrolat is a byproduct of essential oils obtained by distilling the plant by steam distillation. Such water absorbs most of the biologically active substances from the plant and, in addition, also a small (residual) amount of essential oils that did not separate during precipitation. Flower water is a narrower term that refers to hydrolates obtained from flowers.

Hydrolates are good for thinning clay, for moisturizing the skin during the day. Good to use as a tonic.

Anyone who has not tried hydrolates I strongly advise, a necessary thing, especially for problem skin.


You know, I really like to wipe my skin with pharmacy products, be sure to alternate them with tonics or hydrolates.

What do I choose?

  • Salicylic acid 2%, 1%- perfectly cleanses pores, also acts as a micro-peeling, removes breakouts. I like 2% more, in my opinion, the result is better than 1%.
  • Tincture of calendula- I also love, but less than salicylic acid. Calendula is good when there are a lot of purulent eruptions.
  • Chlorhexidine- I advise all girls, an excellent antiseptic, also fights rashes and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.

I do not use all these funds often, I definitely take breaks, otherwise, the skin gets used to it and there will be no effect.


There are times when pimples jump up unexpectedly and for this it is not always profitable to make a talker. Ointment from the pharmacy comes to my aid.

Which ones to choose?

  • Zinc-salicylic paste- it is good when the pus has already crawled out and you need to heal what is left, but it is difficult to find such an ointment now.
  • Synthomycin ointment- more often it helps me from small pimples, it is convenient to use it during the day, it does not leave a greasy film on the face, they say that it also helps with post-acne, but here it did not help out at all. Contains antibiotic, be careful.
  • Levomekol- excellently fights large breakouts, but I use it only at night, too oily.
  • Ichthyol ointment- draws out all the pus, I like to use it for purulent pimples, but it smells terrible and stains everything around.
  • Streptocid ointment- it kills bacteria well, but its action is not so fast, I liked it because it does not leave red spots after a pimple, it heals well.

Of course, alternate all ointments, not all at once.


Problem skin needs to be moisturized, but finding a suitable cream is unrealistic, I have tried many brands.

Almost all the creams clogged my pores to horror. Finally I found something more or less suitable for myself. I present to your attention my favorites:

  • Aloe vera gel, I have in two versions, these are Crimean and Savonry. I use it more often after clay masks
  • I use snail gel in the morning and in the evening, but until the whole course has passed, I will definitely make a review about it
  • And night cream from Olesya Mustaeva, I use only at night - the best night cream, but I advise it when there are not so many rashes.

I will tell you in more detail about each of them later, but I can say with confidence that they work, at least I could not find better.


I took scrubs and gommages to the very last part, since it is often impossible to use such things. Why? The fact is that if you have a rash on your face, then any injury to the skin will be fraught with severe inflammation.

Scrub the skin, all the same, you need, what to do? Choose for yourself two scrubs, one with very small particles, more often it is gommage, and let the other be more coarse - I have Hundred apple beauty recipes.

  • I use gommage every other day
  • I use the scrub once a week

The main rule is not to press very hard on the skin, the scrub will do everything for you!


Let's proceed to the third stage - the fight against post-acne, a very difficult period, requires patience and time, especially if you do not have extra money to go to a beautician. What to do in this situation? Include acids, acid peels, badyagu, mesotherapy in the diet of your skin. Slowly but surely, we will arrive at clear, blemish-free skin.


Now they can be purchased in any store, there are budget ones and not very much, as a rule, they all work, but slowly. You can just buy a lemon and lubricate problem areas with fresh juice, it helps very well. I do them 1-2 times a week.


Here you can come up with 3 options for peels, they will be similar in effect, but the hardness score, one might say, will be different.

  • Strongest option- We mix badyaga powder in equal amounts with Badyaga gel, everything is sold in pharmacies and costs a penny. Apply in a circular motion to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse off.
  • Medium variant- Mix the badyagi powder in equal amounts with hydrogen peroxide. Apply in a circular motion to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse off.
  • Weak option- Mix the badyagi powder in equal amounts with hot boiled water. Apply in a circular motion to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse off.


You will definitely need to purchase a mesoscooter, just starting to do courses, the result is already visible, in more detail - wait for the next review. Which needles to choose?

  • If your skin is thin, 0.75 mm is enough
  • If the skin is thicker, it will be more effective - 1 mm

The procedure is done 1-2 times a week.



The fight against "black dots" is the most eternal, you can never get rid of them completely. They will still be. The question arises, how to remove them, at least for a while?

  • Steaming masks, for example, there are Korean ones with activated charcoal, very cool. I use them before the cleansing strip, or I can just like that.
  • Cleansing strips for the nose, from the favorites so far Propeller and Tony Moli, do not pull out everything, but 90% of the muck disappears
  • Special systems, I really liked the Korean Mizon system and the one with the snowman from ROYAL SKIN. All systems are highly efficient but expensive.
  • The most budgetary remedy is simple soda, but it does not clean as efficiently; for prevention, you can add soda to the gel portion and wash your face as usual.

Well, that's all, she told her most important tips, I hope she helped you with something, if you have any questions, ask. All the tips that I told you have been tested by me personally. I will add new tips to the review, as well as add photos.

Thank you all for watching! Good luck! Bye!