Palm Sunday - ceremonies for health, love and prosperity. What did the palm week mean among the Slavs? Lovely conspiracy on a blossoming willow

"Palm Sunday", "Verbnitsa" - the sixth week of Great Lent, the last Sunday before Easter, the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. On this day, Jesus was greeted with palm branches and songs of praise. In Russia, palm branches were replaced by pussy willow. We sanctify and decorate the verb, it is a talisman, the personification of life and growth.

When is Sunday Saturday?

Palm Sunday Eve - Lazarus Saturday - the day Jesus healed Lazarus a few days after his death. Since then, Christianity has celebrated the holiday of the Resurrection of St. Lazarus. On this day, it was customary for Russian peasants to go to the forest for willow before sunrise. The brought twigs were immediately decorated with paper flowers, fruits, and often a paper angel, the "willow cherub", was hung from the twigs. We went to church to bless the willow on the same day for the evening service or on Sunday morning. Consecrated branches were placed in the front corner on the shrine or behind the icons. In Siberia, a special "teremok" of straw was made for willow, which was decorated with rags, ribbons, and then hung in front of the icon.

"I'm not hitting, the pussy willow hits, the pussy willow whips to tears"

As soon as they returned home from Matins, all the household members by all means hit each other with the consecrated willow branches, saying: "Beat the red willow to tears, be healthy." This custom had a magical character: during contact, the willow transferred its life-giving powers to a person, filling him with energy. So, when they whipped the kids with a willow, they said and conjured: "As the willow grows, so do you grow", thereby transferring the properties of the plant to the child. The willow and its blossoming earrings, the appearance of which was the first visible manifestation of spring, in the popular belief was the focus of fertility, plant strength, and health.

Egoriev day

Both children were whipped, and the cattle on the day of the first pasture pasture, on Yegoryev's day, they hit with a consecrated willow to protect animals from death, the evil eye, snakes, wolves, to ensure a good offspring, as well as to pacify the cattle, to make them obey shepherd. Then the branches were stuck in a barn under the roof, "so that the cattle would not wander," or they were let on the water, sometimes burned in a furnace, or fed to the cattle. But throwing out the willow after the first pasture was a sin. Sometimes the consecrated branches were kept for a whole year for the images until the next "Verbnitsa", and only then they burned and put a new consecrated willow. Also on Yegoriev day, after pasturing the cattle, twigs could be broken and scattered over the field, and the buds could be crumbled into grain intended for future sowing, thereby affecting the forces of nature, increasing the harvest.

"Sheep", "babashki", "akatushki"

So that the sheep were kept and not transferred, but reproduced, they were fed with specially prepared loaf and loaves, inside of which they baked willow buds. In some places, kidney-shaped cookies were baked according to the number of cattle and poultry in the house, and in other local traditions, for all family members. It was customary to consecrate cookies along with the willow. In the Kostroma province, it was called "lambs", in Moscow - "lambs", "babashki" or "akatushki", in Ryazan - "nuts", "kytka".

Yelling young people

In the Penza province, there was a rite of calling out to young people. At midnight on the eve of Palm Sunday, young people went around the houses where the newlyweds lived, and shouted at the gate: "Otop, open, young, beat with a willow, give more health than ever before." The young man had no choice but to unlock the gate, after which the crowd entered with a song: "There would be a harvest of grain, multiplication of cattle." All sleeping in the hut were lightly hit with a willow, saying: "We beat them to be healthy" and also: "Get up early, beat the ram." The latter was whipped by the young when she bowed, seeing off the intruders.

Healer Willow

In the popular mind, the willow was able not only to endow life-giving power, but also to protect from diseases and heal from them. Palm buds were swallowed as a preventive measure against various ailments. They ate nine willow buds each, considering it a cure for fever. Infertile women were also advised to eat consecrated kidneys, after which they gave birth safely. In the Kuban, willow was used in the treatment of childhood diseases. To do this, early in the morning before sunrise, they went to the river, where they cut off three bundles of willow, nine branches each. Then at home they put one bundle in hot water and bathed the child by the window that faced east. At noon, the second bundle was lowered into the water and the child was bathed at the window where the sun was at that moment. At sunset, similar actions were performed with the third beam in front of the window, looking at the setting sun. After that, all the branches and water, accompanied by prayer, were poured into the river. It was believed that after these ablutions, the disease would go away. They also fumigated sick cattle with willow, ground it into powder and poured it into the wounds, made a decoction of it and drank it, used it as a lotion for swelling and bruising.


From time immemorial pre-Christian pagan times, a willow branch was endowed with magical supernatural properties: in addition to enriching and healing, it was able to protect, protect from lightning, storms, and evil spirits. According to legend, a pussy willow thrown against the wind can ward off a storm, and thrown into a fire - pacify it. It was widely believed that the willow would protect the house from thunder and lightning, since the willow, in the beliefs of the Slavs, is the tree of the Thunderer, Perun, which strikes with a cleansing fire. In spite of Christian symbolism, witchcraft was also attributed to palm branches, poetic inspiration, sorcery, and witchcraft were associated with them. So, if you believe the belief, in the spring the devils warm themselves up on the willow, and after it is consecrated on the holiday, they fall into the water, and therefore, from Palm Sunday to Easter, you cannot drink the water gleaned under the willow.

Palm Sunday is one of the most significant dates in the life of every Christian. This bright and clean holiday comes seven days before Easter and falls on April 9 in 2017.

This is the day when the Son of God entered Jerusalem, therefore its other name is "The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem." This significant event took place after Jesus carried out the resurrection of Lazarus. How to prepare for this holiday date, and what traditions have Palm Sunday been associated with? First things first!

history of the holiday

The sacrament of the resurrection of Lazarus did not go unnoticed by the people of Israel: rumors spread throughout the cities and settlements. The awe-inspiring people believed that Christ was the promised king who would deliver them from bondage. According to ancient traditions, in order to announce peaceful intentions, one had to enter the city on a donkey. The people greeted Jesus with joy with palm branches in their hands. Later this day was named Palm.

Holiday Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem known from the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the third century, Saint Methodius of Patarsky mentions him in his teaching. The holy fathers Ambrose of Mediolan and Epiphanius of Cyprus, who lived in the 4th century, in their sermons say that the holiday is celebrated solemnly, many believers walk on this day in a solemn procession with palm branches in their hands. Therefore, the holiday received another name - the Week of Vai or Flower Bearing. Since the climate in Russia is cold, palm trees do not grow, they were replaced by a willow, on which fluffy earrings bloom just at this time. Hence the popular name of the holiday - Palm Sunday... On this day, food with fish is allowed. On the eve, on Lazarev Saturday, it is customary to eat caviar.

Palm Resurrection Traditions

Among the main traditions is the night vigil in the temple. You need to bring a sprig of willow with you and consecrate it. Upon returning from the church, it was customary to lightly hit the household with a blessed twig, cleansing them of the evil eye and damage, attracting strength and health for the whole year. By the way, the willow was pulled only from young and strong trees, avoiding old plants with diseased and dry branches. Also, you cannot pick willow from trees growing near the cemetery, and those that bend branches above the water.

It is highly undesirable to perform all types of work that require the application of any physical effort. Palm Sunday is a day off and should be spent in a quiet and calm atmosphere. Better to spend the day surrounded by loved ones and people in the church.

In Russia, the willow has become a symbol of the holiday

Willow - a symbol of the holiday for Orthodox believers in Russia
It is customary to store the consecrated willow in the house for a year - until the next holiday. Since ancient times, on the day of Palm Sunday, bazaars and fairs with festivities, carousels and games have been held. In the evening, a festive feast was held, but the dishes were lenten, since on this day Great Lent is still in force before Easter.

A lot of sayings are associated with the willow and will take: “On the eve of Palm Sunday, St. Lazarus climbed the willow”, “The cattle are driven out into the field for the first time (on Yegoriy verhniy) with the willow from Palm Sunday”, “If the palm week is bucketful, with matinees, then yari will be good "," In the willow frost - spring bread will be good "," The willow leads the muddy roads, drives the last ice from the river "," It is not the willow that beats, but the old sin. "

Palm Sunday folk omens

  • Long-standing beliefs assert that on the day of the holiday you cannot drive cattle to pastures - it will get sick.
  • On Palm Sunday, nothing can be done around the house - cleaning, bustling around the house, sewing and cooking hot food.
  • To make the hair beautiful and healthy, young girls combed it for a long time, and then the comb was placed in water, which was watered with pussy willows growing in almost every home.
  • There is still a sign that if the wind blows strongly on this day, then the summer will be windy.
  • Calm and clear weather on Palm Sunday - for a rich harvest, and frosts at night - for good spring bread.

On this day, it is customary to hallow willow branches. What can and can not be done on Palm Sunday, said the participant in Ukraine, clairvoyant .

It is customary to prepare a verb for consecration in advance, the clairvoyant advises. If the spring is cold or Easter is early, when the willow does not have time to bloom, you should cut the branches in a few days and put them in the water indoors.

“Parishioners on the morning of Palm Sunday visit church, attend the service, light a candle, which symbolizes the death and Sunday of Christ. After the service, the willow is consecrated. Consecrated twigs are carried home, ”says Larisa Gutsanu.

How to use the consecrated willow?

“At home, the blessed willow is patted at home, especially children. At the same time they repeat: “Willow-whip, beat to tears. I am not hitting, the willow is hitting! Be healthy as water, strong as a willow, rich as earth, - said the clairvoyant. - If you want to protect your home from misfortune, plant the brought willow near the entrance. A bunch of consecrated willow is kept behind the icons. "

Since ancient times, people have attributed magical and healing properties to the buds and twigs of the holy willow. Willow twigs were thrown into the water to bathe small children or children with tuberculosis. Twigs were also applied to sore spots. Before starting an important business, it was considered useful to eat one kidney and drink it with holy water. During a thunderstorm, flood, and a strong hurricane, the willow branch, consecrated on Palm Sunday, was thrown out into the street so that the house remained intact.

“If there are willow branches left from last year, they are burned or thrown into the flowing water. But my grandmother taught to collect such branches for many years, and when someone close to them dies, they are crushed and a pillow is sewn into the coffin of the deceased, ”Gutsanu said.

What to do on Palm Sunday?

If you do on Palm Sunday transplanting indoor plants, they will grow well and attract wealth to the house.

If Sunday morning drive a willow peg into the wall, this will relieve a person of fears, give him decisiveness.

It is believed that if on Palm Sunday remember about a loved one, then he will appear on this day.

Palm Sunday falls on Lent, therefore noisy festivities should not be arranged... But this day, the harbinger of Easter, should be bright and joyful. This day is needed spend with family so that the whole year was calm and fruitful.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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According to the traditions of the holiday, on the eve of Palm Sunday, in ancient times, Russian people went to the banks of the river to break willow, and this was a real ceremony. The pussy willow has always been consecrated in the church with holy water, however, this tradition has survived to our time.

In warm countries, this day is celebrated with palm branches, in our country, at this time of the year, the leaves on the trees are not yet blooming. The branches of evergreen conifers have traditionally been used in burial rites, so they cannot be used.

What should be said on Palm Sunday when children are whipped with a twig: the history of the holiday

Palm Sunday symbolizes the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. This is a Christian holiday that is celebrated in the sixth week of Great Lent and precedes Easter. The celebration of Palm Sunday is detailed in the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, John, and Mark. It is also mentioned in the works of the great theologian of the 4th century Epiphanius of Salam (Cyprus).

To understand the essence of the holiday, it is necessary to turn to the prophecy of the Old Testament about the resurrection of Lazarus, the new Messiah and Savior of the people of Israel from Roman oppression. On Saturday (in Christianity this day is called Lazarev Saturday, the day of the pre-celebration of Palm Sunday), the news that the new king of the Jews was resurrected and would appear to the people on Easter (Jewish Passover) spread throughout Jerusalem. In those days, kings, in order to show that they had good intentions, always entered Jerusalem on donkeys, since it was this animal that was the symbol of peace. The people greeted their rulers with greetings and palm branches. Jesus decided not to change tradition: his solemn entry into Jerusalem was to emphasize that a new king-savior and long-awaited Messiah had been revealed to the people.

Folk customs and traditions on Palm Sunday

Until now, the people endowed the consecrated willow branches with cleansing properties from damage and the evil eye for livestock, from predators and the evil eye of unkind neighbors. Therefore, in our time, in some places in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, customs, traditions and rituals are still preserved, performed precisely on Palm Sunday.

People believe that willow water helps to get rid of many diseases. Therefore, babies were bathed in an ode with palm buds. There is also a belief that if you drive a consecrated willow peg into the corner of the house, then the natural cowardice of family members will go away.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, on Palm Sunday, boating, on rivers and ponds, festivities and the so-called willow carriages with young girls along Red Square, a kind of "parade of brides" were organized.

What to say on Palm Sunday when whipping children with a twig: The most strict week of Lent is the vernacular

This holiday is celebrated in many European countries. In Russia, first of all, signs about the weather and the future harvest are associated with it.

According to old beliefs, for a young couple to live in happiness and prosperity, the mother-in-law brought gifts to the house of the young son-in-law on Palm Sunday on Monday.

In Bulgaria, as well as in Russia, Lazarev Saturday was celebrated cheerfully. On this day, it is customary to break willow branches and go around houses with songs. At midnight, the young people asked to go to the hut and began to lightly beat the owners with branches, saying: "We beat them to be healthy."

Traditionally, in Belarus, bread was baked for this holiday, and a coin was put into one of them. Whoever got this loaf of bread will have to wait for good luck and prosperity for a whole year. If the girl takes this loaf, then she will have to marry successfully.

Serbs, Czechs, Bulgarians and Slovaks also have many rituals and traditions associated with this holiday.

Palm Sunday conspiracies and rituals

There are some simple rituals you can perform on Palm Sunday. First, "put" the consecrated willow into the water. The twig will float away - goodness and prosperity will "float" into the house. Burning a consecrated willow twig protects the house from fire. And a consecrated twig stuck into the roof of the house (you can attach it to the upper corner of the ceiling as well) will become a talisman for your health and peace of mind. If you want to wish a person good and good luck, lightly whip him with a willow twig. There is no better blessing to be found on this holiday.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary not only to perform rituals, but also to speak. If you want to improve your health and get rid of headaches, comb your hair the day before the holiday, dip a couple of hairs in the water and pour the willow on it. Diseases will go to the ground along with water. Also, with the help of a willow conspiracy, you can attract money. On the eve of the holiday (on Lazarev Saturday), take a willow branch in your left hand, and cross with your right and read "Our Father". Then ask the Almighty to save you from financial problems and send wealth to your home. The spoken twig must be consecrated in the church on Sunday.

What shouldn't be done on Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is a great holiday. You cannot work on this day. Also, do not prepare hot meals (all meals should be done in advance). Do not forget that Palm Sunday is celebrated during Great Lent. The table should be very moderate: in addition to the foods allowed by Lent, you can only eat fish. And on Palm Sunday, you can't comb your hair. Therefore, the health ritual mentioned above should be performed only on the eve of the holiday.

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Today, April 1 (the sixth Sunday of Great Lent), Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate Palm Sunday, which is also popularly called "quit", "color" or "joke" Sunday. This is the last day before Holy Week - the period of the strictest fasting. The holiday is rolling, its date depends on the date of Easter.

Palm Sunday traditions and signs are directly related to the history of the holiday.

history of the holiday

According to scripture, before the crucifixion, Jesus Christ rode on a young donkey (a symbol of the king's modesty and his non-violent power) into Jerusalem. This peculiar prophetic gesture pointed to him as the messiah. Palm Sunday symbolizes the beginning of Jesus' suffering, as a result of which mankind received the hope of eternal life.

Palm Sunday came to Russia in the 10th century, although the Christian church celebrates it from the middle of the 9th century. At first, Christians spent this day rather modestly, but over time, the holiday became one of the 12 most important.

Note that Palm Sunday also has pagan roots. The origin of the holiday dates back to the times of the Tripoli culture and marks the reverence for the ancient Tree of Life - as a symbol of eternity.

After the baptism of Rus, the ancient holiday of Verbitsa began to coincide with the Christian Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.


The road to Jesus during his entry was covered with palm branches - the most common plant in this area. However, on the Slavic land (in particular in Ukraine), where palm trees do not grow, willow branches became an attribute of the holiday - which also symbolize the beginning of spring and, according to ancient beliefs, have healing properties.

Palm Sunday From open sources

Traditions and customs

On Saturday, a night service is held in the churches, to which believers come with a willow. In the temple, branches are sprinkled with holy water. Those who were unable to attend church on Saturday can do so on Sunday. To be healthy, people lightly beat each other with pussy willow branches, especially children, saying: "I'm not hitting - the pussy willow beats, it's Easter in a week."

Palm Sunday From open sources

On this day, they go to the cemeteries, where they clean up the graves of their relatives, leaving several consecrated twigs there.

Earlier, after returning home, the willow was planted in the garden or in the field, and the remaining branches were laid behind the icons.

The consecrated willow has always been attributed to magical power. Our ancestors believed that she would save the house from lightning, and in case of bad weather they threw twigs against the wind - the storm should have died down faster. The same was done during the fire.

To be healthy all year round, they knocked on the body with the consecrated willow and chewed the inflorescences (in particular, so that the throat would not hurt).

They believed that when the consecrated willow sprouts in the garden, the girl will marry, and the guy will marry. Also, with consecrated branches, they walked around the hives (so that the bees were kept) and sheds (so that the cattle were healthy), they planted wells with them (so that the water was "nice"). And a week later they lit the oven for cooking cakes with last year's dry willow. Small branches were burned so that they would not accidentally fall underfoot.

They also put the willow in the coffin for the dead, so that the dead man would be cleansed and appear before the Almighty already reborn.

People drank broths of willow for headaches, vodka infusion for stomach diseases, and crushed leaves were applied to wounds.

After the holiday, willow branches were kept in the "red corner" for a whole year, and exactly 12 months later they were burned to destroy negative energy.


For a long time, it was believed that if it rains on Palm Sunday, the harvest will be rich, but if it is sunny, you should not count on full barns. It was also customary to watch the wind - exactly the same as on this day, it will mainly be throughout the year.

If you plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday, you will quickly get rich, and if you think about a dear person, he will definitely come to visit.

What not to do on Palm Sunday

After arriving from church and visiting the cemetery, the family usually gathers at the dinner table. However, it is not advisable to cook hot dishes on this day; it is better to do this in the evening. Due to the fast, the use of meat is prohibited. It is advisable to serve porridge, lean pastries, buckwheat pancakes for dinner. Consumption of fish dishes and some red wine is also allowed.

Palm Sunday From open sources

It is advised to refuse from loud festivities on this day, as well as from repairs, sweeping and washing floors and other "dirty work". Handicrafts are also not allowed - sewing, embroidery, knitting.

According to some signs, it is even better not to comb that day (after all, health can "escape" through the teeth of the comb).

The most important thing on Palm Sunday is not to quarrel, avoid evil thoughts and actions, and also prepare for Easter, and at the same time for the arrival of a warm spring.