All the fun on one page! Men to run away from: description, research, character traits and psychologist's recommendations

We women are always we hope that we will be able to make an ideal out of any man and persistently conduct individual master classes in the use of a knife and fork or arrange screenings of the masterpieces of world cinema. But in some cases, the thought of re-education should not even enter your head, because from some men it is better to run immediately and quickly. Who are they and how to recognize them?

Alcoholic man

How to recognize him? If you think that a man drinks too much, probably. When a second, third, fourth follows one glass of wine during dinner, if no friendly gatherings are presented without a bottle, this is a signal to be wary. If a man cannot control the dose of alcohol - there is reason to seriously think about it. Well, if a man regularly appears drunk or, moreover, “goes away” into a binge, this is a sign that it is time to run away from him.

In no case do not try to wean him - in vain. You will go through several stages: first you will count his glasses, then you will buy alcohol at home, then you will make an attempt to code, but everything will end the same way. Breakdowns. Ultimately you will see that you were wasting your time and walk away from it. Maybe save that time from the start?

The man is a moral sadist

How to recognize him? Most likely, it will not be possible to immediately recognize this type in a man. Usually some time passes, and now you are completely used to him, here he will show you all the "attractiveness" of his character. They can manifest themselves in different ways: it can insult you, humiliate you, quarrel with your friends, constantly point out your shortcomings, and then comes to comfort, give gifts and confess his love. Watch out when things are going too well in the beginning of your relationship. And even more so, think about it, if at this stage everything is already bad, then it will hardly be better.

Never give in to provocations.. This type is trying with all his might to evoke violent emotions in you. Remember: the provocation did not take place until you reacted. Therefore, do not pay attention to attacks on you and think about how to remove your number from his phone book.

male aggressor

How to recognize him? Very simple. If a man raised his hand to you - this is not an accident, not an "accident", he did not do it in the heat of a quarrel. This upbringing, attitude to life and mental state of a person. And it will happen again.

Never be aggressive in any way. to him, especially during quarrels (unless, of course, you are the owner of a black belt in karate).

Male Alphonse

How to recognize him? Maybe your apartment “attracted” him, or maybe the prospect of getting a good job with your help - one way or another, he is looking for benefits for himself from your relationship. Most likely, he will arrange a wonderful courtship, romantic walks, bouquets, a hail of sms and passionate sex. And now you cannot live without him, and he faithfully looks into your eyes, wondering what benefits he will receive from this union. It turns out that he has big problems: a sick mother, no job, unpaid loan (underline as necessary), and you simply have to help him.

In no case don't let him "sit" on your neck. Don't pay bills, don't lend money, and don't agree to his moving in with you a week after you met, no matter how magical it may seem. It is worth leaving such a man very quickly and with pride, so that there is no feeling that you were simply taken advantage of.

The man is a pathological libertine

How to recognize him? The libertine, he is a womanizer, will seduce you beautifully. Very beautiful and very fast, you just can not resist his pressure. Still, he has a huge experience in conquering women, but the experience of communication at the same time is zero. Its purpose is get you at any cost, and then go to conquer another "top". Why is he behaving like this? Maybe he raises self-esteem, maybe he is afraid of losing his freedom - most likely, both the first and second, which means that he simply has not grown up to a normal relationship, and it is not a fact that this will ever change.

There are such types of men that no one, even the smartest girl, can fix.

But we so often promise ourselves that his terrible behavior will not happen again... What kind of men should be feared and how to recognize them?


He has a great tongue, he knows how to take care of himself, the degree of his charm rolls over, and he had so many women ...
We often fall in love with these shabby Don Juans and hope to take the vacant place of Donna Anna in their lives: after all, no matter how traitor he may be, he will want to stop sooner or later?
In addition, lovers of getting a collection for themselves are well versed in female psychology and are able to hit on all fronts: play on pity and fear, maternal instinct, classic female self-sacrifice.
But! People do not change ... And if his love biography has a dozen or two betrayals and his phone is full of all sorts of "bunnies" and "suns", it's time for you to do your feet.

Julia, 29:“I met one such “collector” when I was a student. The chief handsome man of the institute was a worthy title, and I, as his girlfriend, caught envious glances on myself. Fortunately, everything ended with the diploma, but somehow I decided to take an interest in his fate and climbed into the social network. After a short correspondence, everything became clear: he never built a single normal relationship, he never loved anyone, and at the same time he tried to charm me cheaply and ridiculously. I think he just doesn't know how to be honest with a woman - that's his problem."


After the first date, he waited a couple of days and only then showed up, mysteriously looked at point-blank range, and then turned away at the party, as if you didn’t even know each other, disappeared and appeared, played in hot and cold, criticized and showered with compliments ... This obviously will not be good .
The game of hunter and prey rarely ends with the beginning of the novel: after all, these manners will not go anywhere both from the person himself and from the relationship itself.

Rita, 30:“I came across men over and over again with whom everything went smoothly: dates, calls, plans, prospects. But at some point I wanted an emotional adrenaline rush, and I got in touch with a "fatal" man.
I ran on dates in the middle of the night, waited for a call, lost my appetite, went crazy ... But I finally woke up: instead of a healthy relationship, I deliberately introduced myself into a love addiction.


This is a strong personality, able to take responsibility, make decisions and protect! But what happens next? Here he insists that you quit your job (“I’m making good money, we have enough for two!”), Checks the history of your correspondence (“Well, we trust each other!”) And tries to protect you from friends (“Why do you any other close people, if there is me?”).

Olya, 27:“I had a very strict father, and that’s probably why I often got in touch with tyrants. It seemed to me that a loving man would control, be jealous, stand his ground and bend you to his perception of the world. Fortunately, it soon became clear that I had too strong a character: you can’t break me so easily. Now I am happy with a really strong partner: he is so confident in himself that he will not waste time setting his own rules, and believes in freedom of choice.


We feed ourselves with the illusion that a non-working and unrealized adult man is Roman Abramovich in disguise. But, as hard as it is to admit, a 30-year-old unemployed person at 31 will not become a millionaire.
But a loser is not at all the level of income, but a certain warehouse of character. The loser likes to rationalize his inaction with some strange ideology, like "all the rich are thieves", and believes in sweet fairy tales that he should be loved against all odds.
Of course, not everyone is ready to boast of a breathtaking career and an impressive score. But losers are distinguished by the fact that they envy someone else's success, hate everyone and everything, do not believe in themselves and simply do not know how to make money. Even the humblest.

Marina, 36:“All 5 years of marriage I was waiting for my husband to suddenly come to his senses, take up his mind and start earning. But with my behavior, I brought up a real gigolo, who in recent years lived and ate exclusively at my expense. Some friends said that you need to force him to do something, others assured that you will achieve results with love and support, but I realized that it’s better just not to mess with losers: we still deserve the best.


He broke up with this one because she went to work in the States, on the other - because her parents did not accept him, and that one was cheating on him. He is already well “for” (or “under”), and behind his back - not a single successful romance. His strange behavior, multiplied by a sad love biography, will lift the veil of secrecy: far from everything is okay with him.

Natasha, 26:“Not so long ago I fell in love with a man who charmed and charmed, but was very, very difficult. A month later, I found myself in the eternal showdown, debriefing ... He took some of my petty actions as a way to hurt him, he behaved inappropriately, was jealous from scratch ... Now I broke up with him, and I have everything in my memory these pieces are still fresh. But the good, no matter how hard I try, is hard to remember.

Based on materials -

But we so often promise ourselves that his terrible behavior will not happen again... What kind of men should be feared and how to recognize them?


He has a great tongue, he knows how to take care of himself, the degree of his charm rolls over, and he had so many women ...
We often fall in love with these shabby Don Juans and hope to take the vacant place of Donna Anna in their lives: after all, no matter how traitor he may be, he will want to stop sooner or later?
In addition, lovers of getting a collection for themselves are well versed in female psychology and are able to hit on all fronts: play on pity and fear, maternal instinct, classic female self-sacrifice.
But! People do not change ... And if his love biography has a dozen or two betrayals and his phone is full of all sorts of "bunnies" and "suns", it's time for you to do your feet.
Julia, 29: “I met one such “collector” when I was a student. The chief handsome man of the institute was a worthy title, and I, as his girlfriend, caught envious glances on myself. Fortunately, everything ended with the diploma, but somehow I decided to take an interest in his fate and climbed into the social network. After a short correspondence, everything became clear: he never built a single normal relationship, he never loved anyone, and at the same time he tried to charm me cheaply and ridiculously. I think he just doesn't know how to be honest with a woman - that's his problem."


After the first date, he waited a couple of days and only then showed up, mysteriously looked at point-blank range, and then turned away at the party, as if you didn’t even know each other, disappeared and appeared, played in hot and cold, criticized and showered with compliments ... This obviously will not be good .
The game of hunter and prey rarely ends with the beginning of the novel: after all, these manners will not go anywhere both from the person himself and from the relationship itself.
Rita, 30: “Over and over again, I came across men with whom everything went smoothly: dates, calls, plans, prospects. But at some point I wanted an emotional adrenaline rush, and I got in touch with a "fatal" man. I ran on dates in the middle of the night, waited for a call, lost my appetite, went crazy ... But I finally woke up: instead of a healthy relationship, I deliberately introduced myself into a love addiction.


This is a strong personality, able to take responsibility, make decisions and protect! But what happens next? Here he insists that you quit your job (“I’m making good money, we have enough for two!”), Checks the history of your correspondence (“Well, we trust each other!”) And tries to protect you from friends (“Why do you any other close people, if there is me?”).
Olya, 27: “I had a very strict father, and that’s probably why I often got in touch with tyrants. It seemed to me that a loving man would control, be jealous, stand his ground and bend you to his perception of the world. Fortunately, it soon became clear that I had too strong a character: you can’t break me so easily. Now I am happy with a really strong partner: he is so confident in himself that he will not waste time setting his own rules, and believes in freedom of choice.


We feed ourselves with the illusion that a non-working and unrealized adult man is Roman Abramovich in disguise. But, as hard as it is to admit, a 30-year-old unemployed person at 31 will not become a millionaire.
But a loser is not at all the level of income, but a certain warehouse of character. The loser likes to rationalize his inaction with some strange ideology, like "all the rich are thieves", and believes in sweet fairy tales that he should be loved against all odds.
Of course, not everyone is ready to boast of a breathtaking career and an impressive score. But losers are distinguished by the fact that they envy someone else's success, hate everyone and everything, do not believe in themselves and simply do not know how to make money. Even the humblest.
Marina, 36: “All 5 years of marriage, I was waiting for my husband to suddenly come to his senses, take up his mind and start earning. But with my behavior, I brought up a real gigolo, who in recent years lived and ate exclusively at my expense. Some friends said that you need to force him to do something, others assured that you will achieve results with love and support, but I realized that it’s better just not to mess with losers: we still deserve the best.


He broke up with this one because she went to work in the States, on the other - because her parents did not accept him, and that one was cheating on him. He is already well “for” (or “under”), and behind his back - not a single successful romance. His strange behavior, multiplied by a sad love biography, will lift the veil of secrecy: far from everything is okay with him.
Natasha, 26: “Not so long ago I fell in love with a man who charmed and charmed, but was very, very difficult. A month later, I found myself in the eternal showdown, debriefing ... He took some of my petty actions as a way to hurt him, he behaved inappropriately, was jealous from scratch ... Now I broke up with him, and I have everything in my memory these pieces are still fresh. But the good, no matter how hard I try, is hard to remember.

The big mistake of many women is the belief that their not very good man, who does not have the best human qualities, will suddenly change and become a handsome prince. Every woman wants to feel unique and special and believes that it is with her that a man will become different. But this does not happen, she wastes her strength and energy, and, in the end, the relationship ends anyway. And in the soul there is a feeling of disappointment or, even worse, a feeling of guilt that I did something wrong. And there are already two steps to an inferiority complex, which also does not add happiness in his personal life.

Women, dear, dear, beautiful! Understand one thing - a person will still be the way he is! And you either accept it that way, without trying to remake it, or you just end the relationship.

Today I want to describe five types of men with whom it is better not to start a relationship at all. Even if you are the most intelligent, energetic and self-confident, you will not fix these men. You need to run away from them immediately, and as far as possible, because you will not find happiness with them, but you will lose strength, health and energy.

Men to run from

The man is a collector

This type has a perfectly suspended tongue, and he masterfully knows how to hang "noodles on his ears." He is very charming, knows how to take care of himself, and he had an incredible amount of women. Collectors are well versed in female psychology and know how to "hit" on all fronts. They play on maternal instincts, women's fears, pity and classic female self-sacrifice.

Women often fall in love with such Don Juan, hoping to take the vacant place of Donna Anna in their life. And they hope that no matter how much a lover of women and a traitor he is, someday he will want to stop and connect his life with the only woman and be faithful to her forever. And the woman really believes that it is she who will stop him.

But all these are empty hopes! People do not change.

If a man’s love biography has a large number of female names, his phone is full of all sorts of “suns” and “bunnies”, and there are a considerable number of women in his social network “friends”, then don’t even think about trying to build a serious relationship with him. Get your feet up before it's too late and run as far away from him as you can.

The man is a tyrant

Initially, such a man attracts with the ability to make decisions, take responsibility and protect. But then he will gradually begin to control you and try to subdue you. He can read your letters, check your phone, monitor your conversations with friends and girlfriends. In general, he will try to completely protect you from them (“why do you need them, because you have me?”).

He will begin to dictate to you how to dress and what hairstyle to do. Then he will begin to insist that you quit your job (“I work, we have enough!”).

Of course, if a man decides everything for you and makes decisions, this is not bad, but there is a limit to this. As a result, you may find yourself in the role of a bird locked in a cage. With a tyrant man, a woman is rapidly losing her femininity and, as a result, becomes his faded shadow, which does not have her own opinion, and by the way, she also does not have her own life.

Man is a manipulator

Such a man constantly plays hunter and prey. After the first date, he may not call for two or three days, then show up, and then disappear again. Or at a party, at first, he may mysteriously look at you point-blank, invite you to dance, and then suddenly turn away, as if you didn’t know each other at all. He will either disappear without explanation, then reappear, play hot-cold, shower with compliments, and then criticize. Soon you will start delving into yourself endlessly (“what did I do wrong?”, “Did I say something wrong?”, “He stopped liking me?”, And so on), in the end you may feel like a patient of a psychiatric clinics. But not a beloved and beautiful woman!

And do not hope that a man behaves like this only at the beginning of your romance, and then you get married, and he will become different. These mannerisms of his will not go away, they will turn into much more severe manipulation. It can be boycotts, unexpected disappearances and appearances, criticism in small things.

The man is a loser

When meeting a non-working and unrealized man, some women begin to feed themselves with the illusion that he is Roman Abramovich in disguise. And with her, this mask will fall off, and he will begin to spin vigorously, work and flourish. But, no matter how hard it is to admit it, a 32-year-old unemployed or very little earning man will not become a millionaire at 33.

Of course, not everyone can boast of an impressive bank account or a breathtaking career. But this type of men is different in that they hate everyone and everything, envy other people's successes, absolutely do not believe in themselves, and simply do not know how to make money.

Troubled man

Such men may already be well “for”, and behind him - not a single successful relationship. One cheated on him, his parents divorced him from the second, the third left him and went abroad, and all in the same vein. And he is all so poor, sad, lonely. Everyone takes advantage of his kindness and then abandons him. The strange behavior of a man, multiplied by his sad love biography, clearly indicates that not everything is fine with him. And it is better to stay away from such a man. He did not have a happy relationship before you, and with you - they will not be either.

I think that each of you, my dear readers, has met at least one type in your life. And it is unlikely that the relationship was happy and ended in a complete change and transformation of a man into a handsome prince. This doesn't happen. These are men from whom you need to run away immediately, not hoping for a miracle. Believe me, there are normal, good men with whom you will flourish, and not wither.

Work on yourself, develop, fill up! Visit the page is likely, there you will find interesting courses and trainings for your development.

Be happy!

If this article was useful for you, and you want to tell your friends about it, click on the buttons. Thank you very much! On the first date with Veronica, the gentleman from Badu came with a huge bouquet of flowers. In itself, it was nice, although Veronica was surprised by such generosity. After all, the boy did not look like a millionaire, and, according to him, he worked as an ordinary driver, wore a tattered leatherette jacket, and had bad teeth. And here is only the first, sighting date, so to speak.

With this bouquet, the couple moved to a cafe, where the guy also showed generosity, and his ardor was cooled only by Veronica's diet. But even after that, he did not calm down. During a walk around the city, he watched very carefully where Veronica's eyes fell, and tried to buy it for her.

The climax happened when Veronica's gaze fell on a huge plaster horseshoe, from which a tiger muzzle with emerald eyes protruded. Such "works of art" were traded by local artists along the route of the couple.
- Look, what a useless crap! – suddenly blurted out Veronica. Her fate was sealed. The guy, despite the protests, immediately bought a tiger head for 8 thousand rubles. Veronica felt with horror that she wanted to run away, far and for a long time.

Too decent

Tatyana's new gentleman was 12 years younger than her. However, this is exactly what she wanted. The boy was fresh, good-looking and dreamed of a sexual mentor. The evening promised to be languid. The guy drank little, spoke to you, tried very hard to please Tanya, it was noticeable how the gear in his head would be fastened from trying not to frighten off the prey.

At 00.00 the institution closed, and Tanya and her gentleman began to walk along the night streets, approaching Tanya's house in the course of the play. The logical continuation of the evening would be to invite the boy to visit. And in the conversation, Tanya even mentioned the word sex, to which the little one very pathetically said, “The main thing is not sex! The main thing is feelings.

What such feelings, we are familiar 4 hours! Tanya suddenly flared up. - Is he hanging noodles for me, like a youngster? Do I look like a fool?

In short, sex with this decent guy was immediately canceled, and he left, overwhelmed with feelings, in a taxi alone.

Too smart

Usually on dates it is customary to talk about the virtues of a woman. Well, it's such an ancient tradition. However, Andrei was a stranger to traditions, and talked more about himself - about the books he read, about his scientific activities. Oksana's timid attempts to translate the conversation into a romantic direction were ignored, carried away by a short lecture on French poetry. He spoke down, told Oksana about his trips abroad, assuming that this simple girl had never been there, pointed to the insufficient logic of Oksana's reasoning.

All this activity, according to Andrey, was supposed to show his attractiveness as a groom, a promising guy, a graduate student. Meanwhile, Oksana was already asking for the bill. Separated. - That's a bore! She complained to her friends. Fucked up the whole evening.

Too persistent

What happened between Irina and her new acquaintance, people usually call "spark". They ran into each other at the grocery store. And immediately exchanged phone numbers.

The Cavalier was supposed to call the next day to arrange a date. However, a terrible thing happened. In just one evening, Irina received 41 emoticons in VK, 12 incoming, 18 SMS in case she did not see the messages in VK. And another control call to the head, at half past one in the night. Needless to say, she did not go on any date ...

Too sexy

After the divorce, Yulia did not want a relationship at all. And I wanted a fun shake.
Denis volunteered to help her in this desire.

In the process, he asked 8 times if Julia had climaxed. Pleasure stretched for an hour - suddenly not? And then he tried to poke at the half-dead Yulia with mechanical devices. All the while asking if she's okay. After an hour and a half, Yulia became not well, but ill. She hurriedly fled from the maniac, at the same time bringing a formidable fucker into emergency situations. And rightly so - these cannot be altered ...

In short, sometimes it is better not to build anything supernatural out of yourself, but to remain yourself. It's true?