Choosing baby massage oil

For a mother, it is imperative to know everything about oils for babies, since mineral oils and those recovered after extraction can cause serious harm to the baby's health, and some essential oils are better not to be used for up to a year.

So what can be used to massage and moisturize baby's skin? Naturally, it will be better to apply everything natural. So here are ten of the healthiest oils.

  1. Coconut oil. It is recommended to use only refined and add up to 30% to finished cosmetics. It is used as an excellent moisturizer, suitable for the treatment of diaper rash and seborrheic dermatitis. It is hypoallergenic and odorless. Creates a barrier on the skin that protects the child from the effects of adverse environmental factors. Possesses bactericidal properties, suitable for the complex treatment of dermatological diseases. Ideal for dry skin, but should not be used on face and neck.
  2. Corn oil. It is produced from corn seeds and is transparent and practically odorless, which is very good for a child. It contains vitamin E in an amount that is 10 times higher than the content of the same vitamin in olive oil. Used as a basis for massage, if desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil: lavender - to calm the nervous system, chamomile - to relieve flatulence. If the child is not sleeping well, you can rub the feet, palms, back of the head, knees and elbows with corn oil for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Peach oil. Can be used neat for babies from 2 weeks of age. If the baby has dry skin, then peach oil in this case will be irreplaceable. With continued use, the skin will become soft and velvety. You can also instill 1-2 drops into the nose before cleansing. Suitable for the prevention of various skin diseases.
  4. Apricot kernel oil. For massage, it can be used in its pure form, which is very convenient and practical, because daily massage promotes muscle tone, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, thereby accelerating the flow of lymph, stimulates the activity of the nervous system. Perfect for moisturizing and eliminating rashes, to combat seborrheic dermatitis and prickly heat. Usually does not cause allergies.
  5. Sweet almond oil. Contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, suitable for pure use. Helps in the fight against diaper rash in babies, helps with abrasions and dermatitis. Suitable for massage of all skin types, it is used only in a refined form, which reduces the risk of allergies.
  6. Shea Butter. Solid oil, can be used on sensitive and flaky skin. The oil contains a large amount of vitamins that help it fight dermatitis and diaper rash and produce a healing effect. Used to relieve inflammation, irritation and redness. In a vulnerable spot, it must be applied every day.
  7. Olive oil. Perfect as an additive to complementary foods. It is better to choose oil of the first cold pressing. You can start giving to children from six months, adding it to ready-made dishes, so that there is no thermal effect on the oil, in which it can lose its beneficial properties. In its composition, olive oil contains Omaga-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D and K, which help the baby in his development. It is worth adding to food gradually, starting with 1-2 drops, bringing to half a teaspoon by the first anniversary of the baby, and be sure to observe the child's reaction. Olive oil can help you transition your baby to adult food with ease.
  8. Avocado oil. It is used in mixtures for application to the skin up to 10-15%. Has a healing effect - heals wounds, fights viruses, fungi and bacteria. Can be used in complex therapy for the treatment of skin diseases. Increases the protective properties of the skin, improves blood circulation. Can also be added to baby creams to protect your baby from sun damage.
  9. Lavender essential oil. It can be added when bathing a child or for massage, after these procedures the baby will calm down and fall asleep easier. For body application, add just 4-5 drops to 2 tablespoons of base oil. The massage will help relieve inflammation and irritation, and improve the skin's resistance to adverse factors.
  10. Wheat germ oil. It is a very fatty oil, therefore it is independently used for rubbing children with excessively dry skin. It can have beneficial effects on oily skin as well, because it reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, preventing dirt from entering the skin pores. Accelerates metabolism, cleanses from toxins and improves elasticity.

In order for the massage to bring pleasant sensations to the child, the following rules must be observed:

  • hands should easily move on the skin, that is, with poor sliding, additional irritation may occur;
  • we apply oil on our palms, rub it and warm it so that it is not cold in any case;
  • it is worth starting from the feet and moving further up;
  • When using the oil or a ready-made mixture for the first time, first apply a small amount on the wrist, and the next day, check if the child is allergic;
  • be sure to monitor the baby's reaction, it is very important that all procedures evoke only positive emotions in him.

A variety of oils are used to massage a newborn:

Also, the oily structure allows the hands to glide freely over the skin, which facilitates the massage process. Massage oils help to soothe and prepare the baby for sleep. These drugs help to regularly moisturize the baby's skin, which is accustomed to amniotic fluid and therefore prone to frequent dryness, this helps to avoid unwanted skin peeling and rashes.

The massage has a strengthening effect on the muscular system of the baby. The child's immune-hormonal system is strengthened.

Important! Ideally, a wellness (corrective) massage session should be performed by an experienced specialist, but if due to some circumstances this is not possible, you should at least consult with him.

When is it contraindicated to use?

When it comes to essential oils with a calming effect, then their use is strictly contraindicated for babies under two weeks of age. This is due to the fact that at this time the baby's skin is only moving away from a long stay in the womb, and the essential oil, even if well diluted, by its effect can cause a certain stress to the child.

From 2 weeks to 2 months of age, essential oils are used, which include chamomile, lavender, rose or dill. From 2 months of age, oils with bergamot, fennel, patchouli, sandalwood are allowed.

In the event that the child has dermatitis or allergic reactions to any types of oils, the affected areas during massage should be avoided, since the effect of the drug on them will irritate and worsen the general condition of the baby's skin, which will contribute to painful sensations ...

Don't put oil on your child's palms., because children have a habit of pulling them into their mouths.

Natural varieties

This section of the article will be devoted to the gifts of Mother Nature herself. It is known that there is nothing better and safer than natural, herbal ingredients that are used by mothers for their babies. It will tell you about the benefits of each of the natural oils, from how many months they can be used and which part of the newborn's body is best massaged with this or that oil.


Coconut oil is ideal for moisturizing baby's skin, refined and odorless, which also has an antiseptic effect, disinfecting the skin of the baby. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, eliminating rashes, all kinds of inflammation, and helps to get rid of childhood acne.

Coconut oil cream helps in cooling the hot baby's body, which is beneficial in case of high fever. It is advisable to start using this oil from the age of two weeks, when the baby's skin becomes less susceptible to external stimuli. It is used diluted, the ratio is 1: 3.

Note! It is applied to the entire surface of the body, but it is worth avoiding contact with the baby's face and palms to avoid eye penetration or poisoning.


Olive oil has always been valued for its usefulness and versatility., and in the case of its use for massage of newborns, it fully lived up to its reputation. Containing linoleic and oleic fatty acids, it strengthens the skin's protective cover and helps soften the dermis by filling skin cells with minerals and vitamins.

Olive oil helps to distribute heat evenly over the entire surface of the body, which helps to improve blood circulation. It exfoliates dead cells, moisturizes, nourishes, softens and soothes, protects against dryness and ultraviolet radiation. Resists dermatitis: relieves irritation and redness.

Recommended for use from 2 weeks of age, but not earlier. Massage movements cover the entire surface of the child's body, not counting the face. The oil should be partially diluted so as not to irritate the baby's skin.


Corn is the queen of not only fields, but also of cosmetic production. Corn oil contains very large amounts of vitamins E, C, B, A and biologically active substances and acts as a basis for massage of newborns. It normalizes sleep, heals small abrasions or burns, has a general strengthening effect on the baby's body and warms up.

Corn oil helps to eliminate skin irritations and redness, relaxes and soothes the baby. Combines with herbal decoctions and other oils, which only enhances the positive effect of their use. It is used from two weeks of a child's life, preferably not in pure form, in a diluted form.

Advice! It is distributed over the body with light massage movements, the feet, palms (harmlessly), elbows and knees are rubbed.


Wheat germ oil is actively used in all areas, not only cosmetology but also a healthy lifestyle in general. So, it is great for massage sessions for newborns.

Perfectly helps to fight unwanted rashes on the baby's body, in the event that the baby's skin is excessively dry, optimally moisturizes (this is necessary, since the baby is in the amniotic fluid for a long time) and nourishes, promotes more comfortable and pleasant tactile contacts and prevents possible damage during the massage. It activates the metabolism and helps to eliminate toxins.

Up to a year can cause allergic reactions, therefore it is recommended to consult a specialist before use. It is necessary to rub wheat oil over the entire surface of the child's body with gentle massaging movements, such as: heels, knees, tummy, elbows, back - the skin, not counting the skin of the face, in order to avoid discomfort, contact with the eyes and other undesirable consequences.

Avocado and lavender

These non-standard vegetable oils are ideal for use in newborn massage sessions. Because avocado oil, as a rule, is not used in its pure form, it can be used in a complex, combined with lavender oil or other vegetable oils, which will only enhance their positive effects on the health of the baby.

It incorporates many useful qualities, including such as antiseptic (promoting disinfection and healing). Well absorbed. With fairly long-term use, due to the uniform distribution of heat during application, blood circulation will improve, and the protective functions of the skin will increase.

Lavender oil acts as a soothing agent, helping to make the coming sleep of the baby calmer and stronger, while removing painful sensations. May cause an allergic reaction, in connection with which consultation with a specialist is required.

Important! Like many oils, you should not start using it earlier than two weeks of the baby's life. Rubbing is done over the entire surface of the skin, except for the face and palms.

Peach, apricot and almond

The above oils are used both in combination and separately. For example, peach oil promotes active skin hydration and is a prophylactic agent that prevents a variety of skin diseases. It is slowly absorbed and thus provides a comfortable glide for the palms on the skin.

Apricot oil, on the other hand, tones the child's muscles, strengthens the immune system, stimulates it and the activity of the nervous system. The oil contained in almond kernels is similar in properties to peach oil. It has warming properties, nourishes, moisturizes and perfectly heals various small lesions on the baby's skin.

But, despite this, almond massage oil can provoke an allergic reaction, so you should consult a specialist before using it. Peach oil is recommended for use in massage sessions for babies, as it is absolutely hypoallergenic.

It is applied to the entire body of the baby and gently rubbed with massaging light movements of the hands. Apricot oil should be used from 2 weeks of age and applied in the same way as peach oil. Almond oil is used from at least two weeks of a baby's life, and better - from two months, in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences associated with the potential occurrence of allergic reactions.

It is rubbed with massage movements over the entire surface of the body, like the two previous oils.

Mass market means

Unlike natural oils, obtained directly from oily plants and their fruits, industrial ointments and oils are made either from plant materials or from refined petroleum products. It is often because of this that a large degree of mistrust arises among consumers of such products.

But in fact, there is nothing to fear if you approach the purchase wisely. Below is a list of the most common and, according to reviews of many buyers, safe for massage of newborn production oils.


Vaseline has been used for a very long time and will certainly be found in anyone's medicine cabinet. If not, then it can be purchased at a meager price at any pharmacy. This oily, colorless and odorless liquid (which is liquid paraffin) is an ideal hypoallergenic product that can be used to massage babies from a very young age.

Vaseline ointment moisturizes the skin of the newborn, promotes healing of small cracks, scratches and other small wounds, protects the delicate layers of the baby's dermis. You can use petroleum jelly from two weeks of age. The drug is rubbed over the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the hands and face, so that the baby does not accidentally swallow it.

Advice! The petroleum jelly should be applied in a thin layer to avoid clogging the baby's pores. In open form, it is stored for no more than ten days.


German quality is what any caring mothers pay attention to. The products of German manufacturers have always been very popular and well-received, and Weleda calendula baby oil was no exception. It is used daily after baths.

It is hypoallergenic, has a warming, calming effect and helps to restore the skin's hydrolipid balance. Calendula has a nourishing effect on the skin and prevents various kinds of inflammation. Used to massage babies from two weeks. Weleda is applied with gentle massage movements on the baby's tummy after bathing.

Which is the best fit?

Only hypoallergenic oils are suitable for babies, because this is the only way to ensure peace and safety during the massage procedure. So, petroleum jelly, apricot, peach oils, olive oil and avocado are suitable for babies.

Coconut oil is also suitable for newborns. It is advisable not to use essential and camphor oils for babies. as they can cause irritation.

Now you know which oil is best for a newborn massage.

It is still best to consult a pediatrician before using any of the drugs listed above.

The health of an infant is largely dependent on properly purchased massage aids. The listed oils are the best options for such an important and responsible task.

And here's what is important to remember: psychological contact with the child is established not so much due to the drugs used for this, but because of the mother's touching the baby. Therefore, not a single professional massage therapist can replace the native and reliable mother's hands.

Sterile oil is recommended by pediatricians and neonatologists as the best care product for newborns. Its scope is very wide: prevention of diaper rash, treatment of skin folds from serum lubrication, massage, softening of the scalp and body after bathing.

Today you can find a large number of oils from various manufacturers on the shelves of pharmacies and children's stores. In addition to the essential components themselves, such products contain fragrances and fragrances that can lead to allergies. Manufacturers convince in the safety of their products, but it is wiser to prepare the oil for newborns yourself. Today we will show you how to do this.

The best option for the baby's delicate skin will be self-prepared mixtures of oils.

Types of oils

The variety of oils is able to satisfy any need for use. Each species has its own unique properties that you will not find in any other variety.

The following types of oils can be found on sale today:

  • sweet acacia - has excellent antiseptic properties, nourishes and soothes sensitive skin;
  • apricot kernels - perfectly regenerates tissues, is an excellent medicine for dermatitis;
  • vanilla is an excellent balm;
  • clove - has antiallergic, bactericidal and antioxidant effect;
  • St. John's wort - relieves inflammation in skin diseases, relieves itching after insect bites;
  • ginger - softening mucous membranes for colds, relieving inflammation;
  • cocoa - moisturizes lips, relieves muscle pain;
  • sea ​​buckthorn - has a wound healing effect, first aid for burns;
  • olive - light antiseptic effect, moisturizing and softening of the skin;
  • peach - removal of redness and skin irritation;
  • sunflower - moisturizing and regenerating the skin;
  • tea tree - relieves inflammation, has antiseptic properties, helps against insect bites;
  • camphor - provides a cleansing, irritating and wound healing effect.

Ginger oil is excellent in reducing inflammation and softening the skin

What are oils used for?

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Scope of sterile oil:

  • cleaning of the nasal passages;
  • ear processing;
  • lubrication of dry baby skin;
  • removal of generic serum lubricant;
  • treatment of intertrigo areas with redness that appears;
  • while taking baths;
  • for massage.

Sea buckthorn oil

The area of ​​application of sea buckthorn oil is very wide. It is actively used as a remedy for relieving inflammation and healing wounds. It holds the record for vitamin content. For babies who have recently been born, this type of oil is used not only as a prophylactic, but also as a therapeutic agent.

Sea buckthorn berry oil perfectly regenerates and heals injured skin

Diaper rash and burns treatment

In case of burns, with extensive skin lesions, wounds that are difficult to heal, as well as in the presence of bedsores, sea buckthorn oil will be an excellent medicine. Previously, the skin must be treated with a disinfectant - for example, a solution of potassium permanganate (5%) or furacilin (1 tablet per 100 ml). Then the gauze is folded in 6 layers and moistened with oil, and then cover the damaged area. Secure the bandage with a bandage. The procedure should be carried out daily. When the area and nature of the damage is small, for example, cracks on the lips or the appearance of diaper rash in infants, you should lubricate the damaged area 1-2 times a day without using a compress.

Treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis

Children's stomatitis is perfectly treated with sea buckthorn oil, even with extensive damage to the oral cavity. For treatment, the agent is applied to all damaged mucous areas after eating. You need to lubricate up to 4 times a day. You can use this remedy from the moment of birth, having carried out a preliminary test for an allergic reaction. To check, apply a drop of oil to the armpit or forearm area and monitor the reaction during the day.

When the mucous membranes have been damaged as a result of injury or there are small ulcers from stomatitis, an oiled cotton swab should be applied to the damaged area. Such procedures are recommended for children over 5 years old.

Stomatitis occurs in children quite often, so sea buckthorn oil helps out great

Cold treatment

You can also use sea buckthorn oil to prevent the formation of dry crusts in the spout, especially with existing rhinitis of an atrophic and protracted nature. Its ability to relieve inflammation and kill germs will play an important role in this matter. The oil is instilled into a nose 2 drops 3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 10 days. Approved for use in children over 1 year old.

Camphor oil

Camphor oil is also curative. It has the ability to penetrate deeply into tissues and warm up well, which is why the oil is so popular as a means for compresses during colds. A slightly heated oil is applied to the back and chest area, rubbed into the skin with light movements, after which the back and chest are covered with a clean flannel cloth or cotton wool. We remind you that any warming procedures are contraindicated at elevated body temperature. The minimum age for treatment with camphor oil is 2 years. Contraindications will also be a tendency to allergic reactions, epilepsy and lack of skin integrity.

Peach oil

Existing irritations, dermatitis and diaper rash can be treated with peach oil. This type of oil, like the apricot oil, is also great for cleansing a baby's nose. Before using it, the nasal passages should be treated with saline. A cotton swab dipped in peach oil is inserted into the prepared nostril and scrolled several times, clearing the nasal passage.

Peach oil on the nose is great for removing mucus

The use of essential oils for baths and massage

Weak solutions of essential oils can also be used for bathing and massage. It is strictly forbidden to give essential oils to infants inside. We bring to your attention the correct ratios of oil and bathing water for babies from 0 to 12 months:
(we recommend reading :)

  • from birth to 2 months - 1 drop per 15 ml of carrier oil massage agent, 1 drop per bath;
  • from 2 to 12 months - 1 drop per 10 ml of oil massage agent, 1 drop per bath.

In pharmacies and children's stores, you can buy ready-made massage products, which are based on olive oil and additional essential oils. Aromatherapy massage for infants can be carried out with natural plant-based products (apricot or grape seed oil, linseed, almond or jojoba). You can buy such funds either in a pharmacy or in a hypermarket. Pediatricians are allowed to use, but without fanaticism, essential oils that promote calm, relaxation and sleep, such as chamomile, lavender or tea tree.

Essential oil applied undiluted to baby skin can cause burns. Before use, be sure to warm up the oil for massage of the baby in the palms of your hands.

The oil composition is perfect for a newborn massage

The healing properties of essential oils

Each oil has its own special properties. Below is a list of some of them:

  • Apricot and sweet almonds - nourish and moisturize the delicate skin of babies.
  • Chamomile, rose, lavender - soothe, relieve pain and relax.
  • Eucalyptus - cleansing the respiratory tract.
  • Peppermint - refreshes, helps with digestive disorders, soothes and relieves inflammation.
  • Rosemary - stimulation and recovery.
  • St. John's wort - fast healing of the navel, relieving pain and inflammation.
  • Oregano and rosemary - normalize muscle tone, moisturize and nourish the skin, relieve irritation.
  • Dill - relieves cramps and colic, relieves pain, has a calming effect.
  • Sage - healing wounds, burns, cuts, getting rid of the formed crusts, relieving pain, inflammation, reducing diaper rash (see also:).
  • Coconut is an excellent base for baby massage products: it has antiseptic and moisturizing properties. Pure coconut oil is rarely used for massage; it is more often used as an additive to other oil components in a 1: 3 ratio.

Restrictions for children under 2 years of age

Well-refined essential oils rarely cause allergic reactions when used as directed. It should be borne in mind that there are a number of restrictions for children under 2 years old:

  • aromatherapy should not be performed on newborns under 2 weeks of age;
  • the use of essential oils is possible only after consultation with a pediatrician;

Before using oils, it is better to consult a pediatrician.
  • babies over 2 weeks old can use essential oils (almond or grape seed) for massage, with the addition of chamomile, rose and lavender;
  • upon reaching 2 months of age, you can add lemon, cinnamon, orange and sandalwood to the massage agent;
  • for one-year-old children, mint can be used, and for children over 2.5 years old - eucalyptus.

Sterile oil preparation

Before using any baby care products, be sure to check them for an allergic reaction. A drop of the product must be applied to the baby's skin and follow the reaction during the day. Reddened skin or the appearance of a rash is a sign of an allergy, which means that this remedy cannot be used. Be sure to use this rule strictly with all means for caring for a child.

We check the quality

All oils must be sterilized before use. Regular commercial oil, even vegetable oil, should not be applied to baby skin.

It is better not to use vegetable oils for cosmetic purposes without sterilization.

You can make oil for newborns from high-quality extra virgin olive or flaxseed oil. Some people use unrefined sunflower oil, although pediatricians consider it coarser. As a container, you will need small jars with lids or small glass bottles. This container must first be prepared: calcined or sterilized in a steam bath. First, the oil product is checked for quality: pour into a glass and put in a dark place for half an hour. Sludge is a good sign. Flake appearance is bad.

Sterilization process

How is the boiling process carried out? You will need oil, a glass jar, and a large saucepan. Sterilization takes place in a water bath in the following way:

  • The pot is filled with water. The product is poured into the jar for sterilization. The bottom of the pan is covered with a cloth, a jar is placed on top. This point is necessary to prevent the jar from cracking during boiling. The jar should be heated gradually, so you shouldn't put it in boiling water right away.
  • A saucepan with a jar is placed on the stove over high heat. When the water boils, the fire should be reduced to a minimum. How long should it take to pasteurize? It takes 5 to 30 minutes to boil the contents of the jar. Make sure only water is boiling. Boiled linseed or olive oil can ignite. If this happens, first of all, cover the pan with a lid, so the air will stop flowing, and the fire will go out. Never extinguish oil with water. This is fraught with the occurrence of a chemical reaction, followed by an explosion.
  • The sterilized product should be completely cooled at room temperature, the jar should be closed with a lid and stored in a dark place.

Purchase of pharmacy and store oil

It is not always convenient to boil oil, it is much easier to buy a ready-made version in a children's store, since there is a large selection today. Any caring mother wants to choose only the best and safest for her baby. What should be a quality product? How to find out if a product is harmless:

  1. Read the composition. The composition indicated in English should be read to you by a store employee. It is important to know that the components should not include:
    • formaldehydes, parabens, phenoxyethanol, triclosan;
    • any dyes and preservatives;
    • sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).
  2. The product should be odorless or with a minimal tinge of herbal extracts.
  3. Check the label for an indication of the recommended age for use. For newborn babies, only hypoallergenic options are suitable.
  4. A previously unused product should be checked for allergies. Apply a drop of the product to the skin and monitor the reaction.

Before buying, be sure to read the composition and related information

Rating of the best oils for newborn care

Bubchen - for a comprehensive daily care

Most often used as a cleaning agent when changing a diaper. All components are hypoallergenic, which allows you to use the product for babies from the first days of life. The content of natural essential oils is supplemented with extracts of various herbs and vitamin E. The product is perfectly absorbed, and you will not find any preservatives or dyes in its composition.

From the first month of a child's life, mothers and fathers are recommended to give him a massage. This procedure helps the baby to recover emotionally from the stress of childbirth. Massage promotes the physical and mental development of the newborn, trusting relationships with parents, as surrounded by care and love, he feels calmer and more confident.

In newborns, at the first stage of life, touch is one of the ways of perceiving the world and people. Through massage, mothers establish the first psychological contact with the baby.

Many parents are advised by pediatricians to accompany the massage with some type of oil. The parent's hands should slide over the skin without causing discomfort or damage to the newborn's skin. Parents have several types of massage treatments to choose from.

Calming oils include essential oils. They are contraindicated for children under 2 weeks of age.... And even after reaching two weeks of age, they are used with caution.

From 2 weeks of age until 2 months, esters with only chamomile, lavender, rose and dill are recommended. From 2 months they are allowed based on bergamot, fennel, patchouli, sandalwood. They have a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system, relieve irritability, improve sleep, and partially relieve teething pain in young children.

Essential oils need to be diluted and tested on a small area of ​​children's skin. If there is no redness and irritation, then it can be used for procedures for children under one year old.

Vegetable oils

There are an incredible amount of vegetable oils for massage of children. To understand which oil is right for your baby, you need to study the properties of each.


Coconut oil will act as a kind of antiseptic and moisturizer for the skin of a small child. It is not used in its pure form, but is added to the complex of oils in a ratio of 1: 3. It is odorless and hypoallergenic.


Corn is also used for massage procedures for newborns. It contains a huge amount of vitamin E. Corn - used as a basis for massage. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it. Massage your baby, rubbing his feet, palms, elbows, knees, to normalize your baby's sleep.

Peach, apricot, almond

Some pediatricians allow peach oil to be used when massaging infants. It will perfectly moisturize your baby's skin and is suitable for the prevention of skin diseases. But a massage with apricot kernel oil promotes muscle tone. By accelerating the flow of lymph, it stimulates the baby's immune system. Almond seed oil is also used to massage children. One of its beneficial properties is its healing effect. It is recommended to use it with caution, as there is a high likelihood of allergies.

Avocado and lavender

Avocado oil is not used in its pure form for massage. It is used in a complex of oils. For the skin of newborn children, it will be a kind of antiseptic, healing and disinfecting wounds. With frequent use, it increases the protective properties of the skin, improves blood circulation.

Lavender - often used as a sedative. Massages with its use help relieve irritability, and the baby's sleep will be stronger.


In the womb, the child is in the amniotic fluid, therefore, after birth, rashes or peeling may occur on his skin. It is necessary to choose a remedy that at the first stage of life will help him not to feel discomfort. If his skin is very dry, then wheat germ oil will do. Perfectly moisturizes baby's skin and helps not to feel unpleasant tactile touch during massage.

When choosing a massage oil for a newborn or baby under one year old, it is better to consult a pediatrician. Each of the oils can cause a reaction in the form of allergies, redness. The skin of a newborn is very delicate, treat it with care.

Vaseline oil

Another type of oil, which was used by our grandmothers, is used to massage children - vaseline. For many mothers, this is an indispensable assistant and a must-have attribute in a home first-aid kit. - it is liquid paraffin, - it has neither taste nor smell, therefore it is considered hypoallergenic by right. Many pediatricians stop at it when choosing an assistant when massaging a baby.

It is suitable for babies because:

  • Completely hypoallergenic;
  • Moisturizes dry skin;
  • Heals wounds, microcracks;
  • It is a kind of protective barrier for the skin.

  • Be sure to read:

When applied to the baby's skin, a thin invisible film is formed. To prevent the film from clogging the pores on your skin, apply a very thin layer. Periodic procedures will prevent the appearance of microcracks when rubbing with a diaper and inflammation as a result of trauma to children's skin.

It can be used as a base, can be combined with essential and vegetable oils for greater effect.

Comfort is important for a baby at the first stage of life. Correctly selected oil will help to establish tactile contact with it without causing discomfort. An irritating smell of any oil can irritate the baby's nervous system. Therefore, in the first stage of life, try to choose them with a minimal smell.

Vegetable and essential oils during periodic massages can cause allergies or rashes in the child. To prevent this from happening, try to limit yourself to petroleum jelly in the first months of life. Buy oil exclusively from pharmacies, check the expiration dates. An open bottle is stored for no more than 10 days.

The birth of a child is one of the most unforgettable events in life. But the baby in the house is not only moments of boundless happiness. A young mother gets a lot of trouble in addition. The crumb needs special care and it is extremely important to approach this issue competently. Among the must-have cosmetic products, oil for skin care plays an important role. It has been used since the first days of life. Which oil to buy for a baby? What to look for when choosing and which manufacturer can you trust? We will deal with just clarifying these questions.

Why use oil for newborns

Even at the time of going to the maternity hospital, the expectant mother must buy basic necessities. As a rule, the corresponding list is provided by the doctor who observed you throughout the pregnancy. The list necessarily includes oil and cream. These products are used to treat the skin of a newborn in order to moisturize, cleanse the epidermis and to avoid diaper rash in the folds.

Later, being at home, you will begin to use baby oil for massage. You will rub the body of the child with it after bathing. You will wipe all wrinkles with a cotton swab dipped in oil to prevent diaper rash. The oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the delicate baby skin. It is especially important to use it if there is a problem of dryness. In addition, in certain cases, it is allowed to use diaper oil instead of cream or powder.

Oil or cream?

Many parents wonder if it is possible to swap oil for cream. In the arsenal of children's cosmetics, both products are needed. And each of them has its own application. For example, the cream is used more topically. As a rule, they are treated with certain areas, and not applied to the whole body. Oil is a versatile remedy that can help out in different situations.

Difference between butter and milk

Parents are also interested in the difference between butter and milk. What is the best for newborns? The main difference is in consistency. The milk applied to the skin is absorbed just instantly. It is advisable to use it for cleansing. This is a soap replacement. Such a remedy well maintains the water-fat balance.

The task of the oil is somewhat different. It protects the skin from minor mechanical damage. For example, when rubbing against a diaper, clothing, diaper. Also, the oil retains the elasticity of the epidermis and eliminates the problem of dryness. It is difficult to answer unequivocally which is better. This is not to say that one means cannot be done without, and the other is not worth attention. The smart solution is compromise. You can alternate the use of butter and milk without worrying about harming your baby.

How not to be mistaken with the choice?

Using the wrong product, you risk the health of the baby in the first place. An allergic reaction is far from the worst consequences. For example, some foods contain parabents. These preservatives can have very negative effects. Scientists have proven the toxicity of these substances. Moreover, with the regular use of cosmetics with parabents, there is a tendency for them to accumulate in the body. Not a single mother wants to knowingly put her own child at risk. That is why, before purchasing, it is worth learning how to make the right choice.

To buy the best oil for a newborn, you need to pay attention:

  • on the composition of the product (there should be no harmful components among the ingredients);
  • on the date of manufacture and expiration date;
  • smell (neutral), consistency (liquid), color (transparent);
  • on the appearance of the bottle, the clarity of the font, the integrity of the package.

Everything that is applied to the skin penetrates inside. The best oil for newborns with a natural composition. In this regard, excessive scrupulousness will not hurt.

Rating of manufacturers of oils for newborns

Today, there is a huge amount of baby oils on the market. Is it permissible to buy a cheap segment or give preference to a product of a brand with a worldwide reputation? Someone argues that it is better to pay more and be confident in the quality of the goods. Others, on the contrary, do not consider it necessary to overpay. After all, a good product can be purchased at an affordable price.

How do you know which baby oil is best for newborns? Perhaps the problem of choice will help to solve the study of the rating of oil manufacturers. The list was compiled taking into account the popularity of brands, as well as based on the study of the composition.

The advantages and disadvantages that determine this rating can be subjective. Since the source of the information provided is customer reviews.

Place in the ratingName of productionDignitydisadvantagesPrice
1 Weleda Calendula Pflegeol (Switzerland)Natural cosmetics from the world leader. Consists of an oil extract of calendula flowers and sesame oil. There are no harmful components. This is the best solution for problem and sensitive skin. Prevents discomfort, protects against adverse environmental factors. It has an antibacterial effect. There are no age restrictions. It is used for medicinal as well as prophylactic purposes.High cost of goods200 ml - from 800 rubles.
2 Mustela Bebe Massage Oil (France)Gentle remedy with natural composition. Used from birth. Protects and moisturizes. Great for massage. It has a calming and relaxing effect. Vitamins E and C are present.The price is too high. The purchase is not available to every family.110 ml about 1000 rubles
3 Little Siberica Baby emollient oil (Estonia)Organic cosmetic product. Has a pleasant smell and light texture. Contains flax and cucumber oil. Creates a protective barrier, prevents irritation, makes the skin soft.Apart from the high price, no other shortcomings were found.250 ml - from 550 rubles.
4 Bubchen (Germany)Especially gentle care for baby's skin. The range includes antiallergic oil with calendula extract, as well as with shea butter and sunflower oil. Eliminates flaking, moisturizes the skin. Consists of natural ingredients. It is remarkably absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. Doesn't cause irritation. A good combination of price and quality.Some buyers note the obsession of the smell. There are people who complain that the bottle is inconvenient to use. Over time, it becomes covered with a sticky layer.50 ml - 300 rubles
5 Pigeon (Japan)Baby moisturizing oil. Consists of components of plant origin. Well absorbed. Moderately greasy. Suitable for massage. Perfectly moisturizes, protects and nourishes baby's skin. Convenient little bottle.The offer is not cheap.80 ml - from 370 rubles.
6 Hipp (Germany)Gentle care for the delicate skin of the newborn. No skin forms after use. The pores are able to breathe. Means of natural composition. Additionally - vitamin E. Does not contain artificial flavors and colors. No parabents, no paraffin, no essential oils. Ideal for moisturizing and cleansing. Helps relieve inflammation.In comparison with analogues, it is more expensive.200 ml - from 250 rubles.
7 Magic herb babyPleasant herbal scent. The product is colorless. Perfectly softens the skin. Does not cause allergies. The composition contains extracts of chamomile, string, aloe. Silicone, dyes and other harmful substances are absent. An inexpensive option.TM is little known. The manufacturer did not manage to win the trust of consumers.200 ml - 110–150 rubles.
8 Chicco Massage oil (Italy)Optimal composition for babies. There is no sticky feeling during use. It is quickly absorbed, does not leave greasy stains on clothes. Eliminates dryness of the upper layers of the epidermis, prevents flaking. Recommended for sensitive skin.Not the lowest price among analogues.200 ml - from 450 rubles.
9 Jonson's Baby (USA)One of the most popular brands. The brand's products are very popular. The line of oils, in addition to the usual one, includes oils with the addition of chamomile, aloe, lavender. Conquers the pleasant aroma of each of the products. Suitable for massaging and moisturizing baby's skin. The products are free of parabents.According to some parents, the oil is poorly absorbed, leaves a film on the skin and stains clothes. The composition contains components, the relevance of which in children's cosmetics is questionable.200 ml - from 200 rubles.
10 Zepter Swiss Nature baby (Switzerland)High quality product. It contains only natural ingredients. Neutral scent. It is well absorbed, does not form a film. Does not irritate the sensitive skin of the newborn.Overcharge. Only wealthy families can afford such an acquisition.50 ml about 2000 rubles
11 Our mother (Russia)Good composition. Delicate texture. Does not provoke allergic reactions. Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Relieves irritation. It is used both after bathing and for massage.The oil is a little thin. During application, it spreads, which creates certain inconveniences. There is no dispenser in the jar.125 ml - from 150 rubles.
12 Eared nanny (Russia)Calming and healing effect. Perfectly copes with the tasks: moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing, preventing diaper rash. The composition includes a string and aloe. Budget proposal.Not fat enough for massage. Among the components, there are components that are in doubt. Some substances can provoke unwanted reactions.200 ml - from 100 rubles.

It is up to mothers to decide what exactly to buy for the little man. What should be a priority for parents? The main thing is that the used product does not cause an allergic reaction and brings maximum benefit.

All the products on the list are hypoallergenic and suitable for children from the first days of life. However, it should be borne in mind that in some cases even expensive cosmetics with a natural composition are not perceived by the body. This phenomenon is called individual intolerance. As soon as you notice redness or rashes, you should stop using the product and consult your pediatrician.

If you are interested in a specific brand of oil, you can study the reviews of mothers who have used this product for their babies. Today there is no cosmetic product that has not been discussed on the Internet.

Experienced mothers advise which oil is best for massage of newborns and which one is suitable for children prone to allergies. Women speak up about expensive and cheap products. Many describe examples of using certain tools in practice. There are also arguments about what is more needed, oil, cream or milk.

In order not to overshadow the joy of motherhood with the emerging health problems of the baby, buy high-quality baby products from trusted manufacturers. Too much is at stake to be negligent about choice. Enjoy the shopping!