Mutual relationship

Any relationship continues as long as the conditions of reciprocity are met.
For example, if the relationship is built on mutual support. Such conditions are usually set in friendship: I support you, you support me. As soon as this condition is violated by one of the parties, the friendship is destroyed. It hurts the most when a friend betrays you.

In marriage: if a couple was built on love and the condition that they always spend time together, then as soon as one of the partners changes these rules and closes, begins to live his own life, the second partner will begin to rebel.

Only if the couple is built on the terms: I have money, you give me sex, then as soon as the money runs out, sex stops.
No matter how cynical it may look, both partners accept the conditions in any pair.

Recently, I was told the following story: a man with a good position in society was friends with an ordinary woman. Relationships were built on conditions - a woman took care of a man, took care of his health, self-esteem. She always gave him powerful support. The man accepted this support and care. He shared with the woman all his troubles, problems in his personal life. I discussed problems at work and relationships with other people. The woman always encouraged him, gave advice, analyzed with him his relationships with other people and helped to find a way out of difficulties. The woman liked to take care of, the man liked to receive. This warm relationship lasted until the woman got into trouble. The man did not come to her aid as expected. Moreover, he was offended that a woman was asking him for help, which he could provide given his position in society.

The so-called conditions of unilateral support turned out to be really unilateral. You support and take care of me, but I only accept this support, and even if you fall, I will not give you my hands, since I was with you as long as you gave me support.

Accusations of self-interest can usually be heard from selfish partners who cannot give, who are not able to love and appreciate support. Taking female custody for granted, giving nothing in return.

Therefore, when you are creating a relationship, it is important to understand on what conditions that relationship will be held. We may think that the person to whom we give our warmth will do the same with us, but we will know about this only when difficulties appear in our life. Kolesnikova tamara.


1. in the psychology of sensation - a generalization according to which the duration of stimulus exposure and its intensity interact in such a way as to cause the appearance of sensation (Bansen-Roscoe law). The aforementioned law presupposes, apparently, that the appearance in consciousness of sensation in the most immediate, evoked manner so obvious that it makes no sense to talk about it; 2. in the cognitive theory of Piaget - the child's understanding that it is possible to neutralize or control one factor in order to explore the second, and then reintroduce the first (this ability appears at the stage of formal thinking operations); 3. in Piaget's theory of moral development - the child's understanding that one has to “pay with the same coin” for courtesy; 4. in Hader's balance theory - the principle of social perception, which says: if I know that you like me, it increases the likelihood that I will like you.

1. It is not necessary to compare the present relationship with the past and follow the same scenario. Each person is different. And nothing is repeated in life.

2. Do not forget that thoughts materialize. If you tune yourself into loneliness, you will stay with it.

3. If you believe in love - go for it! It all depends only on your initiative.

4. It will not work to show love and defend at the same time!

5. In a relationship where there are two, you need to correctly distribute those cases where it is worth giving something and taking something.

6. If you are determined to love, learn not to betray.

7. Understand your feelings, not skipping questions of psychology. Remember! It is important.

8. If you want to love, learn to do things that you have not done before.

9. The partner must be respected. Respect is one of the main manifestations of true love.

10. Remember that you are one. Therefore, strive to find harmony and do not pull the blanket over yourself.

11. In a relationship, you must initially be honest with yourself. By deceiving yourself, you are deceiving your potential or real partner as well.

12. Learn to forgive. The ability to forgive is one of the important qualities that is loved and appreciated.

13. Don't compare your partner to the ideal you've been hoping for. Any person can be made perfect. The main thing is love.

14. In sex, do not be shy and surrender completely to your partner. Forget about your complexes.

15. Understand yourself and your desires. Go to what you are striving for, not paying attention to outside obstacles.

16. Have to forget habits that can ruin relationships. For the sake of real happiness.

17. Wait for the only one capable of giving you happiness! Do not waste yourself on unworthy partners until you realize that you have met a real lover.

18. Never despair in search of your ideal! Everything is ahead and will come true sooner or later.

19. Stop fighting with yourself. The person himself determines his behavior and, accordingly, adjusts himself thereby to the appropriate actions.

20. Don't forget about reciprocity. Support each other in everything.

What is reciprocal relationship?

Mutual relationship is -

  1. In a mutual relationship, each partner contributes to them in some way and each partner receives some benefit from them. Both the contribution and the benefits must be negotiated or they must be completely equal. At the same time, it is extremely important that each person feels that he is receiving something of value in exchange for what he gives.
  2. There is some flexibility in defining the roles of giver and receiver. Whether it's a tacit intuitive understanding, a formal contract, or something in between, there is a mechanism by which each partner knows when they are receiving and when they are giving. All the time, while the relationship continues, both partners have a sense of sincerity and reciprocity.
  3. Both partners have the ability to feel the value of their contribution to the relationship and to express appreciation for what they receive.
  4. Both sides value isolation, individuality and boundaries. In the event of a conflict, both partners try to work out their differences by showing respect for their partner's feelings and point of view.
  5. There is no need to "keep score." Tracking who did what and who "fucked" whom indicates that one of the partners feels that their relationship is not mutual or that he has difficulties, that is, sometimes there is a discrepancy between what he gives and what what he gets.
  6. When setting boundaries with another person, the key word is Control — I'm talking about your control. Since you come into contact with a person who, perhaps, is easier to control himself than you, think carefully in advance how you are going to implement it. What do you want to achieve in the first place and in what time frame? How have you tried to deal with this person before, and what worked out and what didn't? Are there any changes in the balance of power between you and the narcissist? What is working for you and what is against you? Can you list people who are ready to help you? Be realistic, but at the same time remember that there are very few situations in life in which you are truly powerless. As a rule, there is a chance that your options will increase over time, but it is important to consider all the options first, and then act.
  7. If you are interested in maintaining a relationship with a narcissistic person, you will need to find the gentlest way to convey your message to them and in no way cause them to feel ashamed. Be firm and stick to the essence, but also show respect and kindness. But always be light and empathetic, because often your message can be taken wrong - that is, as demeaning for a narcissistic person. It's not a bad idea to tell the person you are planning to tell someone you can trust beforehand.
  8. Before engaging with such a person, it is prudent to work through any anger you feel while interacting with such people.
  9. Once you've set boundaries, stick to them. By yielding to the narcissistic person, you demonstrate to her that you should not be taken lightly. You may always have to be on guard when interacting with this person, but it is in the space that you protect that you can feel healthy and happy.

Mutual relationship between man and woman. Psychology and levels of relations between a man and a woman

  1. Love. The relationship begins with the acquaintance of a guy and a girl. A kind of attraction arises between them, a spark flares up, passion flares up. The duration of this candy-bouquet stage is relatively short (1-1.5 years), but it is this stage that is most attractive to people. Emotional rise, hormonal surge pass over time, and the next stage begins.
  2. Stability, satiety. A sense of reality, calmness returns to partners. Having started violently, the union grows stronger and gains constancy. The person realizes that in addition to the partner, there are a number of interesting people and things. The distance increases slightly, and personal space appears.
  3. Rejection. At this stage, the comprehension of all the advantages and disadvantages of a partner takes place, the effect of hormones ends, rose-colored glasses fall off, and reality sometimes looks very shocking. Disagreements and quarrels arise more and more often. It takes a lot of wisdom and patience to deal with frustration and work on the relationship instead of running away from your partner and looking for something new.
  4. Tolerance. The partner is accepted with all its advantages and disadvantages as a whole person. The value of this stage is in a sober perception of reality, the absence of illusions and a mature attitude of the individual. Mutual respect and acceptance fosters good relationships.
  5. Service. At this stage, partners not only accept each other, but also strive to develop the personality of the other. Love becomes unconditional, requiring nothing in return. Characterized by a desire to share everything with a partner - care, experiences, thoughts.
  6. Mutual respect, deep true love. Trust grows, the individuality of the partner becomes a value. After going through a series of crises together, the couple finds a kinship. This is the highest meaning of relations between people.

Mutual relations of tyranny and speechlessness. "Problems of Ostrovsky's play" The Thunderstorm "

The Thunderstorm is undoubtedly Ostrovsky's most decisive work; the mutual relations of petty tyranny and speechlessness are brought in it to the most tragic consequences ... In "The Storm" there is more than that something refreshing and encouraging. N. A. Dobrolyubov

A.N. Ostrovsky received literary recognition after the appearance of his first major play. Ostrovsky's drama became a necessary element of the culture of his time, he retained the position of the best playwright of the era, the head of the Russian drama school, despite the fact that A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylin, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.V. F. Pisemsky, A.K. Tolstoy and L.N. Tolstoy. The most popular critics viewed his works as a true and deep reflection of modern reality. Meanwhile, Ostrovsky, walking his own original creative path, often baffled critics and readers alike.

Thus, the play "The Thunderstorm" came as a surprise to many. Leo Tolstoy did not accept the play. The tragedy of this work also forced critics to reconsider their views on Ostrovsky's drama. Ap. Grigoriev noted that in The Thunderstorm there is a protest against the “existing”, which is terrible for his adherents. Dobrolyubov in his article "A ray of light in the dark kingdom" asserted. that the image of Katerina in "The Thunderstorm" "breathes on us with new life."

Perhaps, for the first time, scenes of family, "private" life, the arbitrariness and lawlessness that were hitherto hidden behind the thick doors of mansions and estates, were shown with such graphic power. And at the same hour it was not just a household sketch. The author showed the unenviable position of a Russian woman in a merchant family. The great strength of the tragedy was given by the special truthfulness, skill of the author, as DI Pisarev correctly noted: "The storm" is a painting from nature, that's why it breathes with truth. "

The tragedy takes place in the city of Kalinov, which is spread among the greenery of gardens on the steep bank of the Volga. “For fifty years I have been looking beyond the Volga every day and I cannot get enough of it. The view is extraordinary! The beauty! The soul rejoices, "Kuligin admires. It would seem that the life of the people of this city should be beautiful and joyful. However, the life and customs of the wealthy merchants created a "world of prison and deathly silence." Savel Dikoy and Martha Kabanova are the personification of cruelty and tyranny. The orders in the merchant's house are based on the obsolete religious dogmas of Domostroi. Dobrolyubov says about Kabanikh that she "gnaws at her victim ... for a long time and relentlessly." She makes her daughter-in-law Katerina bow at the feet of her husband when he leaves, scolds her for not howling in public, seeing her husband off.

The boar is very rich, this can be judged by the fact that the interests of her affairs go far beyond Kalinov, on her behalf Tikhon travels to Moscow. She is respected by Dikoy, for whom the main thing in life is money. But the merchant's wife understands that the political elite also grants obedience to those around her. She seeks to kill at home any manifestation of resistance to her power. The boar is hypocritical, she only hides behind virtue and piety, in the family she is an inhuman despot and tyrant. Tikhon does not contradict her in anything. Varvara learned to deceive, hide and dodge.

The main heroine of the play Katerina is marked by a strong character, she is not used to humiliation and insults and therefore conflicts with the cruel old mother-in-law. In her mother's house, Katerina lived freely and easily. In the House of Kabanovs, she feels like a bird in a cage. She quickly realizes that she will not be able to exist here for a long time.

Katerina married Tikhon without love. In Kabanikha's house, everything trembles at the sole commanding shout of the merchant's wife. Life in this house is hard for young people. And now Katerina meets a completely different person and falls in love. For the first time in her life, she experiences a deep personal feeling. One night she goes on a date to Boris. Whose side is the playwright? He is on the side of Katerina, because it is impossible to destroy the natural aspirations of a person. Life in the Kabanov family is unnatural. And Katerina does not accept the inclinations of those people to whom she fell. Hearing Varvara's offer to lie and pretend, Katerina replies: “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything.”

^ Katerina's rowdy and sincerity evokes respect from the author, the reader, and the viewer. She decides that she can no longer be a victim of a soulless mother-in-law, she can not languish locked up. She is free! But she saw a way out only in her death. And one could argue with that.

The compatibility of the signs man Dragon and woman Goat is intriguing and restless. At the beginning of a relationship, it will be difficult for them to achieve balance, because both signs are quite active and want to express themselves. The Dragon man is more frank and straightforward, and the Goat woman is more reverent, deep and sincere.

Dragon Man is a charming young man who possesses incredible magnetism. He is sociable, well-read, thanks to which he knows how to keep a conversation on time. Dragons are well-known party and social gatherings enthusiasts who lead a very active social life. The Sheep-Goat Woman is completely different: domestic, sensitive and calm, loves contemplative, aesthetic relaxation. She is very punctual, there is always order in her life. In these relationships, it is the man who is considered the leader; he allows his wife to bathe in the rays of his perfection and gloss. However, although he is unusually proud, he tries not to forget about his beloved.

The dragon will always show the Goat-Sheep that she is very important to him, and he loves her. Different views on recreation and leisure, however, will hinder the development of harmonious relationships. Another difference in worldviews will be different priorities in life: the wife will be engaged in cooking, cleaning, children, and the husband puts personal development, career and work first. Because of this, misunderstandings can arise. The Dragon man and the Sheep-Goat woman do not have a very simple compatibility, such a union requires constant compromises and patience.

Dragon man and Goat woman in love

The compatibility of a pair of a Dragon man and a Goat woman is ambiguous, there are many emotional moments and concerns in this union. It can be very difficult for them to understand each other, but if they learn to correctly use the dignity of each, then their relationship promises a lot of interesting and useful things.

The Dragon man is not used to hiding his true thoughts, therefore, in a conflict situation, he will honestly tell the Goat woman everything he thinks. Because of her great sensitivity, she will take his criticism to heart and will be very upset. But her resentment is not the Dragon's fault, but a consequence of her own worldview. The goat is a creative nature, she plays a role all the time, creates illusions around herself and sometimes she herself does not know where the fiction ends and the truth begins. It seems to her that she is frank, and she does not say harsh and offensive words, unlike her partner. And the Dragon is really frank, and from this a contradiction arises. At first it seems that both of them are sincere people, and when it turns out that this is not entirely true, it is difficult for them to come to an understanding.

The most important aspect of the relationship in this couple is trust. Everyone needs to accept the characteristics of a partner, allow him to decide his own affairs in the outside world and not try to put pressure on him. If you do not end the confrontation, then either the Goat will lose, and the union will become unequal, or they will part.

Dragon man and Goat woman in a relationship

Without delving into the image of the Dragon, the Goat runs the risk of being carried away by himself and beginning to control him. At the first stage of the relationship, she will still be able to afford a little power and setting conditions, because when "the battle is already lost", she will not be allowed to catch up. The Dragon man will take the role of leader and that's it.

If partners have learned to trust each other and have reached mutual understanding, they will have a great relationship. Both the Goat and the Dragon love entertainment, are easy-going and easily go on trips that involve active rest. They will not be bored together, because each stimulates a partner to manifest and develop.

In this pair, the man will be engaged in large-scale projects, the development of a material base - he likes it and even needs it. The dragon wants to be in the thick of things and do what he loves most.

The Goat woman will help him organize and become a wonderful mother and mistress in the house. She is not very interested in work from ringing to ringing - she will prefer other things: she will devote time to herself and her husband, she will look after the house and children. The Dragon man will be pleased with such an alignment if he is successful in his career and is aimed at achievements.

Dragon and Goat compatibility in marriage

The marriage union, where a man is a Dragon and a woman is a Goat, is based on mutual understanding and common views. Both spouses can discuss topics of interest for a long time. They are not bored together, because they have many common traits. Good compatibility of the Dragon man and the Goat woman will allow you to create a harmonious family. The Dragon man should not attach importance to the tears and whims of his chosen one. The Goat Woman is obliged not to pay attention to the companion that soars in the clouds. Indeed, in the "flight" he will be able to create a global plan to improve the financial situation of the family. The most interesting thing is that everything is being successfully implemented! The Dragon man will not miss his chance, and together with the Goat woman he will organize a profitable business.

Have you ever thought about how strong threads we are connected with everything that surrounds us? We spend our entire lives trying to strengthen or weaken these bonds. In psychology, the term "relationship" is used to define them. This is something without which our existence in society is impossible, therefore it is necessary to know all the nuances of building relationships. You should also be able to overcome problems in their structure.

What is relationship?

On the one hand, the term "relationship" is understandable to every child, because the baby learns to build them from the moment of birth. But on the other hand, they are a very subtle substance that cannot be touched or seen.

If we combine all the descriptions in books on psychology, then we can say that relationships are a set of connections between all the people around us. Every person with whom we have to contact becomes involved in a complex system. It can be short-lived, like with casual acquaintances. But, for example, we have a long-term relationship with our parents. They are constantly evolving and last all life, until the death of any of the participants.


A person cannot exist without relationships. From early childhood, they become an important stage in his development and formation as a person. In the subconscious of a person, there is a craving for relationships. We are in dire need of friends and loved ones; we need their approval and recognition. Getting to know another person, we get to know ourselves and our inner world better. This gives us the strength to achieve our goals and creative development.

Psychologists have proven that relationship problems are solved primarily through changes in oneself. If you change your inner attitude to the world, then your connection with it will become completely different. This allows the connections to be in constant motion and stop, reaching certain stages.

Relationships: general principle of formation

Interpersonal relationships are formed at the level of emotional empathy and community of interests. Initially, they are built out of any contact and interaction of people, in the future they affect any joint activity.

Moreover, the relationship has the principle of selectivity. They are always brightly colored and depend on the scope of the needs of the participants in these relations. That is, each participant in the relationship pursues his own goals and needs in them. If they coincide, then until these goals are realized or until they change, the relationship will exist and develop.

Relationship types: characteristics and description

Wherever a person appears, relationships are formed between people. Even a fleeting meeting and short conversation are interpreted in this way. Based on this, they can be divided into two large groups:

  • business;
  • personal.

Business relationships arise from and are often supported by specific activities. They are controlled by legal norms, less often such ties are governed by the norms of morality and ethics. Personal relationships are based on personality traits and sympathy. They are governed only by moral standards and have a complex structure.

Each type of relationship has its own characteristics. But everyone is equally embroiled in business and personal connections. Moreover, psychologists note the relationship between the ability to build personal relationships and success in a career, which directly depends on the atmosphere in a particular group based on specific activities.

Relationships have their own clear structure, which in some sources is called a system. It can be represented as follows:

1. First contact. During the acquaintance between people, there is an active interaction at a subconscious level. Most of the information that will determine how pleasant or unpleasant the interlocutor is to us, gets into our brain in the first minutes of communication. In this time interval, the interlocutor's assessment in many parameters and the determination of the similarity or difference in life attitudes and goals are determined.

2. Friendly relationships. If the first contact turned out to be successful and repeated, then between partners they are formed. They are that transitional stage that can last for years and not develop into anything else. In a friendly relationship, the participants are closely connected on an emotional and rational level. They have common interests, similarities in life positions and actively exchange emotions, receiving and giving the necessary energy. But in such a system of ties, both partners feel absolutely free and unconnected by anything.

3. Companionship. This system of relationships implies a deeper penetration into each other's world. Both participants trust each other, participate in all matters and always provide all possible support.

All the people involved in the process go through these three stages of the system. In the future, the development of relationships goes along the multivariate branch of possibilities. They can become business-like or intimate. In any case, it all starts with the first stages described above.

How are they developing?

Please note that relationships cannot but develop. They are a dynamic substance that is constantly in motion. This is the main characteristic of absolutely any relationship. If they stop at some point in their development, then both participants cease to feel satisfied with them. Namely, satisfaction is the main component of the relationship. In the case when they stop developing, both partners begin to look for new sources of satisfaction and comfort, that is, they enter a new system of relationships. And this applies equally to personal and business relationships.

Relationships: problems

It is difficult to imagine interpersonal relationships not clouded by various problems. The problem of relationships is seriously occupying the minds of psychologists. Experts analyze them and suggest ways out of a difficult situation. The most common problem is conflicts that relate to absolutely all types and categories of interpersonal relationships.

History proves to us that it is almost impossible to solve this fundamental problem, it has existed at all times, but psychologists are able to identify its cause and work with it. The causes of conflicts, which are the main problem in relationships, can be summarized as follows:

1. Obstacle to achieving the desired. If one person gets on the way to the cherished goal of another person, then their relationship turns into a serious problem. A similar scenario for the development of a conflict is possible in business relations, when different people apply for the same position or wish to receive a prize for any achievement. In personal contacts, such problems are no less common.

2. Psychological differences. This problem significantly complicates the life of the participants in the relationship. They cannot come to a common opinion on various issues, they have an inexplicable antipathy towards each other, they cannot exist in the same space.

3. Wrong assessment of another person. This cause of problems is the most common. One person may ascribe non-existent virtues to another and subsequently experience disappointment from unjustified hopes. They also provoke a conflict situation and accusations against another person, they become the cause of long and protracted problems in the relationship, which can lead to their complete rupture, if this is possible in principle.

4. Real disadvantages. There is a category of people who find it difficult to build relationships with society. They have a quarrelsome character, which brings them a lot of problems and troubles. Such people often break off relationships and do not seek to build others.

5. Misunderstanding. In relationships, quite often problems cause misunderstandings between their participants. Both people have their own opinion and cannot come to a compromise due to certain differences. The relationship between children and parents often suffers from these problems. They are both surmountable and solvable.

Relationships are the most important thing a person has in life. Therefore, it is worth cherishing them and building them correctly so that you do not have to suffer from their loss in the future.

Let's talk about the psychology of relationships: how to win a man's heart and make you both feel happy together. After all, you must agree that it is a woman who lays the basic foundation of mutual understanding and love in a relationship. Let's try to figure out how to fall in love with a guy (man).

To begin with, falling in love with a man is a completely accessible action for every woman. The question is, in what way would you wish to win his love? Some women are ready to crush themselves for the sake of their beloved, so they "creep" in front of him as soon as possible and impossible. Others, on the contrary, retain pride and inaccessibility, showing with all their essence: "Come on, try to get me, overcome such an unconquerable Chomolungma."

As a result, in the first version, attempts to fall in love with a man will not only fail, but, most likely, push him away from the woman forever. And in the second version, unnecessary "tricks" with pride will make the guy think: "Do I need such a woman at all?"

In the modern world, representatives of the stronger sex have long lost even a semblance of a knightly image, so it is at least unreasonable to hope that he will fight, seek female attention, courageously overcoming difficulties. In our society, we, women, most often rely on ourselves, so I propose to consider the step-by-step instructions: "How to fall in love with a man?" Any woman can choose the most suitable items for herself, and in combination, these tips will certainly lead to success.

Make sure you need it. One of the leading mistakes of most women: they "chase" men who are absolutely not suitable for them. Most often, in this case, if a lady manages to fall in love with a man, she becomes disappointed in him and herself becomes the initiator of a break. Therefore, dear girls and women, reconsider the object of your fantasies, love or love. Try to objectively look at its merits and demerits and identify them paired with your qualities. Are you exaggerating the importance of this man in your life? Can he make you happy? Will your relationship be the way you want it to be? Does it suit you? Fine! Then we move on to the next step of tips on how to win the heart of a man.

Forget about importunity! If you really decided to fall in love with a man, forget about how much you like him. If you start to line up in front of him, call several times a day, do everything that he would not ask for - write “lost”. Men don't like women who lack self-esteem. They are also unbearably annoyed when a girl tries to impose herself and fill every minute of a man's life with herself.

First, you need to remember that he must periodically miss you, enjoying his own "personal space". Second, he should ask himself questions, such as: “Something didn’t call all day ...”, “She disappeared somewhere,” “I wonder if she found someone for herself?”. That is, try to be a little mysterious, mysterious and unpredictable. Until he falls in love, you have to make him think about how to meet you, not how to get rid of you.

Get him interested. Find common interests that could help in the question: how to fall in love with a man. For example, he plays billiards, and you would like to learn. In a delicate way, ask him a favor to teach you a couple of lessons. If, of course, it is not difficult for him!

Look for the link that could connect you - mutual friends, professional interests, hobbies, connections, sports hobbies, life goals - the options can be simply immeasurable! This common topic or interests will help you be interesting to each other and keep you close.

Don't forget to admire! Men love it! Moreover, this lesson must be mastered not only in order to understand how to win the love of a man. This will be useful to you throughout your life, because the stronger sex without female praise feels ... well, not complete or something. Praise him whatever he does. “What if he doesn't do anything? - the head nurse Lyuba asked the wise Jew. “Say that he DIVINE does nothing,” the wise Jew Kupitman replied. And this has its own grain of truth.

Do you want to fall in love with a man? Compliment him! Don't overdo it, or he'll feel flattering. And he may not like this.

Show that other men are interested in you. In particular, this rule applies when your "object" doubts the correctness of his choice in relation to you. Usually competition hastens its certainty.

Only it is completely unnecessary to boast of the crowds of men falling at your feet. Let it be a couple of cryptic phone calls. Or a spontaneous story about some obsessive suitor. But most importantly, you should not humiliate other men in front of him, no matter how tired you are of them. And you can't praise yourself as an irreplaceable beauty queen. He will immediately think that you are narcissistic and disappear ... And noticing that men are interested in you, he will understand that you are worth attention. This is one of the main points of the instruction on how to win the love of a man.

Let him help you out ... or even save! Any man should feel close to a woman, first of all, a man. And this means that you need to show your some helplessness or even weakness. I got stuck on the road while driving (the car broke down), a dog was stolen (you need help in the search), got sick (there is no one to buy medicine), a colleague got nasty, you need to help with the move - in general, your imagination can play out on this score. The main thing is not to overplay and not ask for something three times a day! And the situation is better to choose more realistic. In any case, if you ask for help, and the man responds, then he is already partially yours.

Be grateful! If he helped you in some way, rescued or saved you, show your desire to reciprocate. If he does not need help (and it most likely will), tell him that you are uncomfortable being ungrateful and invite him, for example, to your dinner. You can go to a cafe or restaurant, but it won't be that. The main thing is that your gratitude will be created by your hands - prepare an amazing and delicious dinner for him. Do not believe that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This is just a myth! But the fact that ALL representatives of the stronger sex love to eat is yes!

Take an interest in his affairs. But do not play the role of a grandmother: "what did you eat?", "Did you wear a scarf?", "Let me bring you warm socks." Yes, being caring is necessary, but you don't need to overwhelm him with your caring. Moreover, if your relationship has not really begun yet. Ask how he's doing. If he does not want to talk about something, do not look into his mouth with questions. If he wants, he will tell himself. Something happened, ask: "How can I help you?"

Don't think about past connections... If you want to fall in love with a man, forget about who you had before him. Do not try to compare or contrast him with anyone. He should feel the ONLY and unique. This will certainly make him admire you. If the face of your ex often pops up in your memory, but you would like to improve your personal life, read our article "Letting go of past relationships ... When insults haunt" first. And only after that you can think about how to win the heart of a man.

Be sexy, but don't be promiscuous. In the male understanding of a relationship with a woman, their intimate side will never take the last place. Therefore, in this part, ladies must also adhere to some rules. Firstly, sexuality in the external image should not be too frank, otherwise, in a serious way, he will not look at you. Secondly, there is no need to rush to transfer relations "to the horizontal", but this business should not be delayed too long. Thirdly, if events are rapidly moving towards this, try to be in bed with him passionate and relaxed, but not depraved. What you are generally capable of, you can show him as your relationship develops.

Naturally, these are all examples, each situation requires an individual approach. But in principle, observing these rules, it will not be difficult for a woman to fall in love with a man. Just do not forget about one point: fate plays an important role in a relationship, but you should not rely on it in everything. And your efforts in how to win the love of a man play an important role.


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Mutual relationship

noun, number of synonyms: 1

Communication (97)

  • - two functions K1 and K1 of real variables x, s, defined on the square and satisfying the condition: The kernel K1, mutual with K1, when it exists, is the kernel of the resolvent of the Fredholm integral equation ...

    Encyclopedia of mathematics

  • - & nbsp ...

    Commercial power industry. Reference dictionary

  • - the method of making settlements between enterprises, organizations, firms, each of which must make payments to the other, since it has a debt in relation to it ...

    Economic Dictionary

  • - The agreement on the exchange of votes in the Legislative Assembly is beneficial for "their" circle; based on an agreement on the principle "you are for me - I am for you" ...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - See Calculations ...

    Business glossary

  • - two wills, for example, a husband and wife, in which they call each other or a third person the common heir under the will ...

    Business glossary

  • - two wills, for example, a husband and a wife, in which they call each other or a third party the common beneficiary of the will ...

    Big Dictionary of Economics

  • - 1.the mutual connection of different quantities, objects, actions 2.the connection between someone, arising during communication, contacts ...

    Big Dictionary of Economics

  • - the method of making settlements between enterprises, organizations, firms, each of which must make payments to the other, since it has monetary obligations with respect to it that coincide in time ...
  • - ....

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - graphical techniques are very successfully applied to solving statics issues; an example is the question of the equilibrium of a rope polygon ...
  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - we draw on the plane any curve of the second order and from any point A we draw two tangents to this straight line ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Clearing ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - compromise, compromise ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 reckoned ...

    Synonym dictionary

"mutual relationship" in books

Mutual relationship

the author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Mutual relationship

From the book Animal World. Volume 6 [Pet Stories] the author Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Mutual relationships The experiments carried out in recent years by Professor Paul Leuhausen from the Max Planck Institute (FRG) have made it possible to recognize many options for the behavior of cats and their relationship to each other. More than three thousand photographs and 900 meters of film were recorded

2.5. Pauline, Turgenev and Louis Viardot: mutual relations

From the book Three Women, Three Fates the author Tchaikovskaya Irina Isaakovna

2.5. Pauline, Turgenev and Louis Viardot: mutual relations Turgenev never had a family. Did he regret it? I don’t think so ... In fact, he found a home in the Viardot family, where everyone - husband, wife, children - adored him. Guy de Maupassant. Ivan Turgenev One may wonder where in

Mutual reproaches

From the book Life and customs of tsarist Russia author Anishkin V.G.

Mutual reproaches At one of the meetings with the Polish ambassadors, Prince Mstislavsky made a passionate speech about Grishka Otrepiev's imposture, about the intrigues of Sigismund and argued that without the help of the Poles, a rootless vagabond would never have seized the Moscow throne. Mstislavsky noted


From the book The Idea of ​​the State. A critical experience of the history of social and political theories in France since the revolution by Michel Henri

HOW WAY THE INDIVIDUALISTS OF THE XVIII CENTURY UNDERSTANDED THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE STATE In the era of the administrative monarchy, the problem of the relationship of the individual to the state did not exist, because the state then possessed all rights, and only rights.

From the book Russian history. 800 rarest illustrations the author

Mutual relations of Moscow princes

From the book The Course of Russian History (Lectures I-XXXII) the author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

Mutual relations of Moscow princes Having begun to study the history of the Moscow principality in the 14th and first half of the 15th centuries, we traced the territorial gains and the growth of the political and national importance of its princes. But this was just one of the processes that created the power

4. Boyars at the end of the 16th century. - Ancestral nobility and relatives of the sovereign; their mutual relationship

From the book Under the Cap of Monomakh the author Platonov Sergei Fedorovich

4. Boyars at the end of the 16th century. - Ancestral nobility and relatives of the sovereign; their mutual relations At the beginning of the reign of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich, internal relations in the Moscow boyars no longer resembled what we saw in the boyars before the oprichnina. In the old days, the princes were


From the book Russian history. 800 rarest illustrations [no illustrations] the author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

MUTUAL RELATIONS OF THE PRINCES OF MOSCOW Having begun to study the history of the Moscow principality in the 14th and the first half of the 15th century, we traced the territorial acquisitions and the growth of the political and national importance of its princes. But this was just one of the processes that created the power

Mutual relations of spouses

From the book Review of the history of Russian law the author Vladimirsky-Budanov Mikhail Flegontovich

Mutual relations of spouses 1) Personal Personal relations of spouses can be established either on the slavery of one party (namely the wife), or on power and subordination, or, finally, on equality. On which of these foundations is the conjugal union built in our ancient time,

I. A look at the mutual relations of the Greek and Latin churches

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Mutual relations between the Ottoman Port and the Christians of the Greek-Eastern Church subject to it after the fall of the Byzantine Empire

From the book History of the Greek-Eastern Church under the rule of the Turks the author Alexey Lebedev

Mutual relations between the Ottoman Port and the Christians of the Greek-Eastern Church subject to it after the fall of the Byzantine

Chapter 15 1. Continuation of the farewell conversation of Christ with the disciples: the mutual relationship between Christ and His disciples, the attitude of the disciples to each other and to the world

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 the author Lopukhin Alexander

Chapter 15 1. Continuation of Christ's farewell conversation with the disciples: the mutual relationship between Christ and His disciples, the attitude of the disciples to each other and to the world In the 15th chapter contains the second consolation speech of Christ to the disciples, ending in the 16th chapter with the 11th verse ... Here is the Lord

Chapter 2. 1-3. The Earliest Mutual Relationship Between Jehovah and Israel. 4-13. Israel's falling away from Jehovah. 14-26. Only God's judgment will open Israel's eyes to the depth of his fall, 29–37. but now Israel still seeks to communicate with foreign peoples and gods

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 6 the author Lopukhin Alexander

Chapter 2. 1-3. The Earliest Mutual Relationship Between Jehovah and Israel. 4-13. Israel's falling away from Jehovah. 14-26. Only God's judgment will open Israel's eyes to the depth of his fall, 29–37. but now Israel still seeks to communicate with foreign peoples and gods 1-3 Speech of the Prophet

The Mutual Relationship of the Gospels

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 the author Lopukhin Alexander

The Mutual Relationship of the Gospels Each of the four Gospels has its own characteristics, and most of all is the Gospel of John. But the first three, as already mentioned above, have extremely much in common with each other, and this similarity is involuntarily striking the eye even with a cursory reading of them. Let's say

Experiencing certain feelings, certain emotions for a person and being with the same person in some kind of relationship is far from the same thing. A person can easily feel hatred or irritation, or disgust towards another person, but at the same time not be in any relationship with this person at all.

For example, you can feel hatred towards some politician or disgust towards a bribe taker, or irritation towards some actor, and so on, and at the same time not even be familiar with these people. That is, there is no talk of relationships, and even more so about mutual relationships, and there cannot be. It's another matter when these very relationships between people exist and when people who are in some kind of relationship with each other experience certain emotions for each other. In this case, emotions and feelings may or may not be mutual.

For example, a person is annoyed by some of his relatives (in this case, there is a family relationship) and at the same time this relative himself may feel pity for this person. In this case, emotions are not reciprocal. But it may be that the husband feels jealousy and anger towards his wife, and she feels exactly the same feelings towards him. That is, these two are in and at the same time their feelings for each other are mutual.

And now the question. It is understandable that feelings and emotions can be mutual, or they can not be mutual. And the relationship between people? Can there be non-reciprocal relationships between people?

To answer this question, you must first understand exactly what is meant by the word "relationship" and not confuse them with "feelings" and "emotions". And they confuse these concepts, the concepts of "relationship" and "feelings", very, very often, without even noticing it, and so, out of habit.

For example, very often you can hear expressions such as: "related feelings", "friendly feelings", "comradely feelings", "love feelings". What kind of kindred, friendly, comradely and even more loving feelings are they? Relationships can be related, but not feelings. Relationships can be friendly and comradely, but not feelings. And love, as it does not seem strange to someone, can only be relationships, but not feelings or emotions. Another thing is that being in one relationship or another, a person experiences a variety of feelings.

Now about the reciprocity of the relationship. The fact that relationships between people can be mutual is understandable. And non-reciprocal? Is non-reciprocal relationships between people possible? Ask how it is and what does it mean when the relationship is non-reciprocal? It's simple. And that means this is the following. When, for example, you consider yourself friend or comrade in relation to the one who owns you friend or comrade does not count. Or when, for example, you are with respect relate to someone who is you does not respect .

By the way, please note that respect (like friendship and love) - this is not a feeling, but a clearly defined attitude towards another person. Can you respect someone who doesn't respect you?

And love? Is it possible in relation to someone to be in love, and at the same time without reciprocity. That is, you love, but you do not. Is that possible? In my opinion - no.

Relationships between people cannot be non-reciprocal. There can be no non-mutual friendship. Friendship can only be mutual? How do you imagine that someone considers himself a friend of someone who, in return, does not consider him a friend? Is that possible? No.

And as for friendship, the majority will agree with this that friendship can only be mutual. And after all, what is strange ... When it comes to friendship, then rarely any of the people will talk about the so-called non-mutual friendship. But when it comes to love, then everything is just the opposite, and many will agree that love and lack of reciprocity are not so rare things, and the most common and common, in their opinion, much more often than the same mutual love.

Why is that? The answer is obvious. Friendship, for the vast majority of people, with rare exceptions, is a relationship between people. Whereas love, for the overwhelming number of people, with rare exceptions, is a feeling ... This is where the confusion comes in. And wanting love, very many who consider love to be a feeling, do not want certain relationships, but certain emotions.

Feelings and emotions can be both mutual and non-reciprocal, and we talked about this above. Delight, adoration, boredom, apathy, grief, fear, pity, longing and despondency, and so on; a person can experience all this in relation to another person and at the same time may receive the same feelings in response, or may not receive. At the heart of a person's feelings and emotions is the ability of a person to respond in a positive, negative or neutral (indifferent) way to what is happening in his life and affecting him. Feelings and emotions are a reaction to external stimuli, and not to a person's spiritual values.

Relations between people are based NOT on a person's ability to experience certain emotions, depending on his reaction to what is happening, but on his spiritual values, on his views on life, on his philosophy of life, on certain requirements for himself and for people. This is why relationships between people should never be confused with feelings and emotions.

And here it is very important to understand that relationships, whatever they may be, are never based on feelings or emotions. And even if a person has contempt for someone, as, for example, some despise their neighbors or work colleagues with whom they are in bad relations, this does not mean that the reason for their bad relationship is contempt. But this means that the requirements that a person makes to other people do not allow him to call someone his friend, do not allow him to treat someone with respect, do not allow him to love someone, consider someone interesting and etc.

Emotions and feelings are not the cause of a relationship, but a consequence; and the consequence is not of a relationship, but a consequence of a person's reaction to what is happening and affecting him at the moment.

There are not so many relationships between people. Here are some positive relationships between people: interest, understanding, respect, camaraderie, friendship, love; and some negative relationships between people: lack of interest, misunderstanding, disrespect, rudeness, hostility, desire to kill.

An attitude opposite to love is not hatred, as many mistakenly believe, because hatred is a feeling, not an attitude, and opposite to love is such an attitude as a desire to kill.

Relationships between people are NOT due to their emotions. For example:

Interest Is a relationship between people based on the similarity of thoughts, the similarity of views on life and the similarity of the way of life.

Understanding Is an attitude based primarily on interest , plus the recognition for another person of the right to their view of things.

Respect Is an attitude based primarily on interest , plus on understanding , and in addition, on the recognition of each other as outstanding certain qualities, abilities related to morality, ethics, creativity, efficiency, and so on.

Partnership Is a relationship based on interest , understanding, respect and plus to that, mutual assistance.

friendship Is a relationship between people based on interest to each other, understanding and respect each other, and plus, on mutual assistance in achieving each other's goals and translating some ideas into reality. A friend is there when trouble happens, a friend is always there for both trouble and joy.

Concerning love , then I spoke about this relationship in detail in the article: "The Long Way to Love", which formed the basis.

As for feelings and emotions, they can be very different in relations between people. For example, when people are in positive relationships with each other, their feelings for each other and their emotions will also be positive. And vice versa.

And when you hear from someone that his relationship with someone is not reciprocal, then the reason is one: a person confuses concepts such as “relationship” and “feelings”.

I wish you health, love and creative success. Best regards, © 2014

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