Gardening the wonderful properties of a magnet. Lesson "Magnet. Properties of the Magnet" outline of the lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic. What is a magnet

Summary of a lesson on experimenting inmiddle group
using modern educational technology:
research activities.
Educational area "Cognition"

Getting to know the magnet and its properties

Bozvanova Oksana Anatolyevna,
educator of the 1st category GBOU SOSH №38,
department of preschool education of children
Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Amount of children: subgroup.

Target: development of cognitive activity of children in the process of getting to know the properties of magnets.


Acquaintance with the concept of "magnet".

Formation of ideas about the properties of a magnet.

Actualization of knowledge about the use of the properties of a magnet by a person.

Formation of skills to acquire knowledge through practical experiments,

draw conclusions, generalizations.

Developing the skills of cooperation, mutual assistance.

1 part:Introductory (informational and cognitive)

Educator: Hello guys!
Today we will go with you into the world of knowledge, discoveries, experiments and research.
We will learn with you what a Magnet is and get to know its properties.
Guys, does anyone know what a magnet is? What is it made of? (children express their assumptions).

Educator: A magnet is made from alloys that are capable of creating a magnetic field, mostly iron or steel.
Any magnet, of any size, even the smallest has a north and south pole. Different poles attract each other, and the same poles repel each other
Children are encouraged to consider magnets of different shapes and sizes. (children look at magnets and try to experiment).

Part 2 Practical (experimental)

Educator: And now I invite you to the laboratory.
Who knows what a laboratory is? (children's answers).

Educator: in our laboratory, you can all experiment with the magnet and various objects that are in front of you.

Educator: And first, I will tell you why the magnet was named that way.

According to an old legend, in ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd named Magnis grazed sheep. He noticed that his iron-lined sandals and iron-tipped wooden stick were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. The shepherd turned the stick upside down and made sure that the tree was not attracted by strange stones. He took off his sandals and saw that bare feet were not attracted either. Magnis realized that these strange black stones do not recognize any other material than iron. The shepherd took several of these stones home and amazed his neighbors with it. It was from the name of the shepherd that the name "magnet" appeared.

Educator: guys, do you like experiments? Yes.

Test 1
What does a magnet not attract to itself?

Children are offered: wood blocks, pieces of fabric, polyethylene, rubber, paper.

Output: the magnet is not attracted to the body, paper, wood, fabric, polyethylene, plastic, rubber.

Test 2
What is attracted to a magnet?

On the table, everyone has paper clips, screws, nails, screws, coins

Output: Paper clips, screws, nails, screws, coins are attracted to the magnet.

Test 3
Can a magnet act through an obstacle?

Children are offered a glass of water, a paper clip and a magnet. Throw a paper clip into a glass of water. We lean the magnet against the glass at the level of the paper clip. After the paper clip approaches the glass wall, slowly move the magnet up the wall. The paper clip follows the movement of the magnet and lifts up until it approaches the surface of the water.
(children experiment and make a conclusion).

Output: The magnet can act through an obstacle.
Test 4
Can a magnet act through other materials?

For experience suggested: paper, cloth, plastic, polyethylene.

Output: the magnet can act through other materials.

Educator: Guys, let's play a little.
The game is called Magnet and Paper Clips.

Purpose of the game:

I, will be a magnet (show the children a magnet and how it interacts with paper clips), and you kids will be paper clips.
The command sounds: Magnet, switched on. Children run up from a paper clip to a magnet. The command sounds: Magnet, turned off. Children run away from the magnet, run in different directions and run.
The command sounds: The magnet turned on, the children again resort to the magnet. (Repeat several times.)

Educator: well, now, we will continue to expand our knowledge of the magnet.

Test 5
Can a magnet magnetize other objects?
(children conduct experiments and make a conclusion).

In order to magnetize an iron object, for example, a paper clip, you need to rub the paper clip against the magnet about 30 times in the same direction.

Output: The magnet can magnetize other objects. There is something around the magnet with which it can act on objects at a distance. This is something called "magnetic field".

Test 6
Is it possible to create a magnetic field artificially?

Hang a paper clip from below to a strong magnet. If you bring another one to it, it turns out that the upper paper clip attracts the lower one.
A magnet and small and large paper clips are offered for the experiment. (children conduct an experiment and make a conclusion).

Output: the magnetic field can be created artificially.

Educator: today we set off into the world of knowledge and experimentation, which means we are researchers. And explorers and travelers have a compass. The compass is a very useful thing. And we don't have a compass, but thanks to our new knowledge, we will be able to make it, and we will do it thanks to the magnet. We'll take a magnet and magnetize a nail, glue it to a round, flat piece of cork and dip it into a cup of water. When the nail comes to rest, it will point its tip to the north (there should be no other magnets nearby).

Our earth has magnetic poles that stretch from one pole to the other. As if in the very center of the planet we have a huge magnet moving. The compass needle searches for the Earth's magnetic field and therefore always points with the magnetized point towards the north.

I really hope that you enjoyed learning new things, and we now know what a magnet is and its magical properties. You will be able to use your knowledge in the future.

For thematic lesson-fairy tales about a magnet you need to prepare:

  • magnet
  • metal shavings
  • paper clips, coins and other small metal items
  • needle
  • a piece of cloth or thick paper
  • bowl of water
  • glass cup filled with semolina
  • a pouch filled with metal shavings and a sheet of paper
  • blue cardboard
  • paper boat
  • island with stones (lego bricks)


Our lesson is woven into a fairy tale, during which we conducted a series of experiments with a magnet. The main characters of my tale are two brother-captains, so that there is no unnecessary rivalry. During the fairy tale, the captains, of course, had names, but in the fairy tale I leave this moment to your discretion ...

And so that the captains get a feel for the plot from the very beginning, we made them captain's caps from the newspaper. Then we got acquainted with the magnet, found out what it is remarkable for, and what objects it is friends with. And then they went with him on an extraordinary journey.

Fairy tale "Adventures with a Magnet"

One day, two brothers of the captain discovered an unusual stone. He lay among a thousand other things, and at first he was only kind of heavier than others. But when they brought him closer to certain objects, they miraculously adhered to him. And then, all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, the stone ... spoke. ( can I talk to my mother-storyteller, in your ear? )

He said that he was once a man called the Magnet. And he had the extraordinary property of attracting good people and repelling people with evil thoughts.

It so happened that the beautiful young but wicked sorceress Veera fell in love with him. To approach him, she even tried to do good deeds, but the Magnet cannot be fooled, and she still pushed away from him and could not approach him even a step - the distance from which she could change his poles so that he began to attract bad and push away the good.

After unsuccessful attempts, Veera got angry and turned him into a heavy stone. But his attractive and repulsive abilities remained with him, however, only in relation to iron objects. And now he could not speak to everyone.

Magnet also told the brothers that on one island he had a treasure that he would very much like to return. To find it, you need to sail strictly north.

- But how do we find where the North is? The junior captain asked. - Our compass is out of order and is being repaired.

“I’ll show you north,” said the magic stone calmly.

- Prepare a cup of water, a piece of cloth or thick paper, and a needle. Now rub the tip of the needle on one side of me and the eyelet on the other. Stick it into the cloth and place it in the water. The needle will show the South-North direction.

The captains did just that. The needle showed them the right path, and they sailed to the mysterious island.

On the shore of the island, among the stones and debris, the brothers-captains found a bag with something heavy.

It contained a letter. Only it was kind of strange. All the outlines were mixed and rather resembled a bunch of some small particles.

“Bring me under the sheet,” the magnet said hoarsely.

The boys brought it under the sheet and, oh, a miracle! the crumbs began to move and soon became an arrow. The brothers walked in the direction she indicated.

Soon the captains saw a huge abyss of quicksand. It was very large and very deep. Everything that got into it disappeared without a trace.

- How can we get the treasure? - thought the brothers. - Listen, Magnet, is your treasure also metal?

- Then you will help us!

The captains took the Magnet and raised him over the abyss, they took him on all sides, and soon they collected a large pile of his treasures:

Soon they came across a huge vat of water, at the bottom of which coins were visible. And again, the Magnet helped to get them from the bottom.

Happy friends uploaded the treasures to theirs. But the sea was calm. There was not a hint of wind blowing. And then again the magnet helped them. He dived under the water and swam ( we carry out with a magnet under the "sea". a paper boat with paper clips obediently "floats" after him along the cardboard sea). And, loaded with his metal treasures, obediently swam after him.

So the treasures of the Magnet, with the help of his amazing properties and the bravery of two captains, returned to his iron domain. Since then, the Magnet, in gratitude, began to serve people with faith and truth.


Of course, these are not all the properties of a magnet. But we now know that a magnet attracts iron objects, that it acts through water, through cardboard and through glass, and even at a distance.

Something tells me that this is not the end of our acquaintance with the magnet. So wait for the sequel By the way, what are your favorites experiments with a magnet ?

I wish you health and more pleasant emotions!


Target:Formation ideas about various objects and their expressed qualities and properties.


    Promote the expansion and systematization of children's knowledge about magnet and its properties.

    Learn to survey subjects and experiment with them, highlighting the expressed qualities and properties.

    To acquaint with ways of using a magnet in practical and playful activities.

    Develop the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, curiosity, cognitive activity.

    Foster positive relationships with peers in play and practice.

Equipment: fabric mitten;

    a plate with beans and metal objects;

    a plate with various objects (paper, scraps of fabric, fur, rubber and plastic items);

    magnets according to the number of children;

    a glass of water and a metal clip;

    model of "Autodrom" with cars according to the number of children

    Organizing time.

Educator: Dear guys, I am glad to see you, you are so smart and beautiful and of course very funny and smart, so I hasten to tell you "Good morning!" (children's answers):

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
Say hello when you meet
- Good morning!
- Good morning, sun and birds!
- Good morning, smiling faces!

I really want everyone to have a good morning and a good afternoon today. Let's join hands and give each other our smile. (greet the guests)

2. The game "Magic Gauntlet"

Educator: Now I see that you are in a good mood, and Cinderella is upset and upset. the stepmother with her daughters went to the ball and left Cinderella at home alone and made her sort out the beans. Let's help Cinderella. How do we sort out the beans quickly? (I take out the mitten in which the magnet is hidden and put it on my hand).

I have a mitten, with it I'm just a craftswoman. Take a closer look
Watch my hand (I demonstrate a plate with beans and metal objects).

With the help of my “magic mitten”, I will quickly sort out the beans (I cover the contents of the plate with a mitten, metal objects are magnetized to the mitten, and the beans remain in the plate).

    Try to solve this magic? (children's answers)

    And I can tell you that these objects are magnetized.

We went through the beans and now Cinderella will be in time for the ball.

And now, guys, I suggest listening to an old legend. (children sit on the rug)

In ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd named Magnis was tending sheep, and he noticed that his iron-lined sandals and a wooden stick with a metal tip were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. The shepherd took several of these stones home and astounded his neighbors. From the name of the shepherd Magnis, the name magnet appeared.

There is another explanation for the word magnet by the name of the ancient city of Magnesia, where these stones were found by the ancient Greeks. Now this area is called Manisa and magnetic stones are still found there. The pieces of stones found are called natural magnets.

Over time, people learned to make magnets themselves by magnetizing pieces of iron.

3. Research laboratory

Educator: And now, guys, I invite you to become scientific researchers.

    And who are scholarly researchers? (this is a person who is studying something).

    Scientists researchers begin their work with experiments and experiments. And we will also experiment and study the properties of magnets.

Now I invite you to the research laboratory, but first I will remind you of some rules. In the research laboratory, there should be silence and order on the tables, perform only those actions that are necessary (we put on badges with the word scientists, I invite you to go to the tables).

So the task:

1. Examine the magnet and objects on your tables in a plate, and determine what materials they are made of.

I will ask you to put the selected items in a separate plate.

    Have you determined what material these items are made of?

    What conclusion can we draw: on which objects the magnet does not act and on which ones.

    I propose to go to the guests and check what items they will be magnetized (hairpins, fasteners, zippers)

    Q. Does the magnet work through other materials? Let's check. Take a piece of cardboard, put a paperclip on it, and bring a magnet from the bottom of the cardboard. What's happening?

    E. The clip follows the movement of the magnet.

    V: What moves the paperclip?

    D: Magnetic strength.

    V: What conclusion can be drawn?

    Output: The magnetic force travels through the cardboard.

    (Same with cloth)

    B. Take a magnet and hold a paperclip to it. What happened?

    D. She is magnetized

    B. Take another paperclip and bring it to the first paperclip. (Two more paper clips). What's happening?

    D. They are magnetised to each other.

    Q. Now remove the magnet. What's happening?

    E. Staples are held together.

    V: What conclusion can be drawn?

    Output: The magnet transferred its power for a while to the clips.


    V. Dropped paper clips into the water "accidentally"

    B. Guys, how to get a paper clip without getting your hands wet

    D. versions of children

    You must lead a magnet along the outside of the glass.

    What moves the paperclip

    E Magnetic force

    What conclusion can be drawn

    CONCLUSION The magnetic force passes through the glass.

    V: Guys, will magnetic forces pass through the water?

    D: Children's answers.

    V: We will now check it out. Dip one paperclip into a plate of water. Swipe the magnet over the water.

    (Children hold a magnet over the water, a paper clip at the bottom is attracted to the magnet).

    V: Guys, tell us what you did and what you did.

    D: I held a magnet over the plate with water, and the paper clip lying in the water was attracted, magnetized,

    V: What conclusion can be drawn?

    Output: This means that magnetic forces pass through the water.

Guys, your magnets are painted in two colors blue and red - Every magnet, even the smallest, has two poles - north and south. It is customary to paint the North Pole blue, and the South Pole red.

    Bring two magnets to each other.

    Turn one of the magnets over and bring the magnets back to each other. What's happening?

In one case, the magnets attract, in the other they repel.

Poles of the same color repel, poles of different colors attract.

The repelling property of magnets is used on railways in China and Japan. Some high-speed trains do not have wheels: powerful magnets are installed inside the train and on the rails, which are turned towards each other by the same poles. Such trains practically fly over the rails and can reach tremendous speeds.


6. Play activities of children with Autodrom layouts

Educator: Knowing the properties of a magnet, you can come up with interesting games. I invite you to the game room. I have prepared for you the game “Autodrom. With the help of magnets, you can move cars along the tracks of the racetrack. But before you start playing, let's remember what you learned about the magnet and its properties, what you learned.


Abstract of direct educational activities
with children of the senior group for cognitive activities:
"All the secrets of the magnet"

Mavrina L.Yu
year 2014
Educational area: cognitive
Type of activity: directly educational
Age group: senior
Topic: "Mysterious Magnet".
Purpose: Creation of conditions for the formation of the main integral worldview of a senior preschool child by means of a physical experiment.
Software content.
Educational tasks: To form ideas about the magnet and its ability to attract objects. Continue to teach independently, make decisions in the course of experimental activities; check these solutions; draw conclusions from the results of this test, teach to make generalizations.
Developing: To develop the cognitive activity of the child in the process of getting to know the hidden properties of the magnet, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, logical thinking. Develop communication skills.
Educational: To cultivate a benevolent relationship, a desire to come to the aid of others.
To educate accuracy in work.
Preliminary work: Games with a magnetic board and magnetic letters; considering different types of magnets; games with a magnet in the corner of experimentation "Fishing", "Butterfly"; research activities at home "What attracts a magnet?"
Dictionary work: To activate the dictionary on the topic: magnetism, magnetic and non-magnetic objects, attraction, magnetic force, magnetite.
Materials and equipment: iron, plastic items, pieces of cloth, paper, foam; magnets, metal keys, trays for handouts, paper figures of animals,
Guys, I suggest that today you become real researchers and conduct real experiments in a real laboratory!
All the children gathered in a circle
You are my friend and I am your friend
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other
Educator: Look, a box has appeared on our table. And there is something lying there. Come and take an item from this box. Who knows what it is?
Children: Magnet.
Educator: You all know this stone

Educator: Here is an ordinary magnet in front of you,
He keeps many secrets in himself.
Educator: look in our little box there is something else ...
(I take out the mitten in which the magnet is hidden and put it on my hand).
I have a mitten
With her, I'm just a craftswoman.
Take a closer look
Follow my hand
(Demonstrating a plate of beans and metal objects.)
With the help of my "magic mitten", I will quickly sort out the beans (I cover the contents of the plate with a mitten, metal objects are magnetized to the mitten, and the beans remain in the plate).
Try to solve this magic? (children's answers)
And I can tell you that these objects are magnetized.
Guys, do you want to know what secrets the magnet keeps in itself and why is it called that? Then I invite you to the cinema to watch a movie about the magnet.
2. Viewing the presentation "Magic Magnet"
1. Slide Educator. I will tell you an old legend. In ancient times, it was rumored that far, far away at the end of the world there is a huge mountain Ida. One day an old man named Magnis wandered past this mountain. He noticed that his iron-lined sandals and iron-tipped wooden stick were sticking to the black stones that lay in abundance under his feet. Magnis turned the stick upside down and made sure that the tree was not attracted by strange stones. He took off his sandals and saw that bare feet were not attracted either.
Magnis realized that these strange black stones do not recognize any other material than iron. Since then, this unusual stone began to be called by the name of the old man "Magnus's stone" or simply a magnet. This is how the name "magnet" appeared.
There is another explanation for the word magnet - by the name of the ancient city of Magnesia, where these stones were found by the ancient Greeks. Now this area is called Manisa, and magnets are still found there.
2.slide Stone is a magnet that attracts iron.
3.slide Scientists have come up with special machines for processing this stone and obtaining a magnet. People have learned to make magnets themselves by magnetizing pieces of iron.
4. slide Magnets attract metal objects - this is called magnetism, and objects that are attracted to a magnet are called magnetic.
5.slide There are many different types of magnets
6. slide These are large magnets. They are used to raise very large amounts of iron, as well as in the construction of underwater structures (for attaching tools underwater).

7.slide Magnets are used in the production of diesel locomotives, high-speed trains, airplanes, electric saws, drills, for devices in cars and airplanes.
8.slide People make jewelry out of magnet: earrings, bracelets, rings, beads. They even believe that they have healing properties, soothe and give strength.
9. slide Also, the magnet is used to make toys, games for children and adults.
10. Slide Cartoons are being filmed about the magnet.
Educator: Guys, why was the magnet called that?
Where is it used?
What is the secret of the magnet?
3. Experimental activities of children.

Educator: Guys, now I suggest you become little researchers. Who are the researchers? (this is a person who is studying something). Researchers begin their work with experimentation and experimentation. And we will also experiment and study the properties of magnets. Put on aprons and hats, go to our laboratory.
If the magnet is so strong and attracts iron objects, then maybe it should attract other objects as well? To test this, I suggest you experiment:
"An important thing is an experiment! In it, every moment is interesting to us."
We will conduct an experiment and find out whether everything attracts a magnet? The magic begins!
Guys, let's see what wonderful properties our magic stone - a magnet - has. To do this, you need to bring a magnet to each of your items.
- put all the objects that the magnet attracts into the white tray;
- put objects in the yellow tray that do not react to the magnet.
4. Independent work.
Experience number 1
Get started! Tell us what you did and what you got.
Children: I ran a magnet over objects and all iron objects were attracted to it. This means that the magnet attracts iron objects (iron scrapers, screws, nuts).
Educator: What objects did the magnet not attract? (a plastic button, a piece of cloth, a wooden pencil, an eraser)
Experience number 2
Put: Now put a sheet of paper on the iron objects and bring the magnet to it. What happened?
Children: Iron objects are magnetized through paper. The magnet works through the paper.
Experience number 3
Educator: Now cover the iron objects with a piece of cloth and bring the magnet. Show what happened.
Children: The magnet works through the fabric (Iron objects get magnetised through the fabric).
Experience number 4
Educator: Put all the iron objects on a plastic tray, and hold them with a magnet under the tray. What's happening?
Children: Objects move. The magnet acts through a thin plastic tray.
Conclusion: The magnet attracts only iron objects.
The magnet works through paper, cloth, thin plastic tray.
Experience number 5
Educator: The next trick is to arrange a "Disco for the Animals"
You need to put the silhouette of an animal in a cardboard box (picture), put a magnet on the bent part. With the second magnet we make various movements under the box. (To music)
Children: The magnet works through the cardboard.
Educator: Magnets can work through paper, so they are used, for example, to attach notes to the metal door of the refrigerator.
Physical education
Making scientific discoveries is not easy, so there are rest breaks in laboratories. It would be nice to have a little rest for us too. And now everyone stood up in unison, they all came out to me in a circle, we begin in order our vigorous exercises
St. John's carp "One, two, three well, repeat ..."
Educator: We continue our journey
Experience number 7
Guys, look in front of us glasses of water, what's at the bottom?

Now let's think about how you can get the key out of the glass without getting your hands wet?

Children's answers. Independent activity
5. Reflection.
What new have you learned about magnet today?
Children: Magnet attracts iron objects, acts through paper, cloth, glass, cardboard, water, magnets attract each other, magnet acts at a distance.
Educator: Guys, where in our group can you meet a magnet and see its magical properties? (in lockers, magnetic letters, holders, magnetic play ..)
Educator: Knowing the properties of a magnet, you can come up with interesting games. I invite you to the game room. I have prepared for you magnetic sets "Magneticus" where you can once again see the properties of a magnet.

Search and cognitive direct educational activity for senior preschool children "Magic stone - magnet"

Research project


Experimentation- an effective method of understanding the laws and phenomena of the surrounding world, is one of the most pressing problems of our time.

The main advantage of experimentation is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object under study, about its relationship with other objects and the environment.

In children's experimentation, the children's own activity, aimed at obtaining new knowledge and information, is most powerfully manifested.

Experimentation is associated with all types of activity, such as observation and labor, speech development, visual activity, FEMP.

Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

To form dialectical thinking in preschool children, i.e. the ability to see the diversity of the world in a system of interconnections and interdependencies;

Develop your own cognitive experience in a generalized form using visual aids (symbols, diagrams);

Expand the prospects for the development of the search and cognitive activity of children by including them in mental, modeling and transformative actions;

Support the initiative, intelligence, inquisitiveness, criticality, independence in children.

Participants: pupils of the preparatory speech therapy group, educators, speech therapist teacher, parents of pupils.

Stages of the project:

I. Preparatory stage:

1. Development of a project plan "My magnet beckons me".

2. Development of a promising thematic plan for working with children.

Preparation of methodological literature.

3. A selection of stories, pictures, illustrations on the topic "Experiments, experimenting with a magnet."

4. Preparation of didactic and practical material for conducting experiments.

5. Registration of information and educational material for parents in the form of folders, travel folders, material in the corner for parents

7. Helping parents to design a corner for experimentation.

II. The main stage:

1. Reading the fairy tale "Dreams of one magnet". Legends about magnets.

2. GCD "Familiarization with the natural origin of the magnet."

Learning a poem about a magnet.

3. Playing with toys "Bakugan".

4. Watching the cartoon "Fixies" ("Magnet", "Compass").

5. Conducting experiments with magnets at home.

6. Games with a magnetic constructor, alphabet, mosaic.

7. GCD "Magic stone - magnet".

8. Design of the "Experimenting at Home" stand.

III. The final stage:

1. Design of the album “Use of a magnet in medicine, astronautics, shipbuilding, etc.

2. Design of the magnetic theater based on the fairy tale "Rukavichka".


1. “The unknown is near. Experiments and Experiments for Preschoolers ”.

Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. 2010 r.

2. "Experimental activity of children of middle and senior preschool age". Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.E. 2010

3. "Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old." Martynova E.A., I. M. Suchkova. 2011 r.

4. "365 scientific experiments". 2010 r.

Search and cognitive
directly educational activities
for older preschool children
"Magic stone - magnet"

Target: development of cognitive abilities of preschool children through experimentation.



1. To form children's ideas about a physical phenomenon - magnetism.

2. To expand the knowledge of children about the properties of a magnet, to empirically reveal its properties (to attract objects; the action of a magnet through glass, cardboard, water).

3. Replenish the children's dictionary with the terms: "magnetism", "magnet poles".


1. To develop activity, curiosity, striving for an independent search for reasons, methods of action, manifestation of creative potential and manifestation of individuality.

2. To develop free communication with adults and children, the components of the oral speech of children in various forms and types of activities.


1. To develop artistic perception when getting acquainted with the artistic word on the topic "Magnet".

2. To develop skills of safe handling of objects during experiments.

3. To develop the ability of children to work together, the ability to discuss, negotiate.

Material and equipment:

Demo: 2 magnets, paper clips large and small, "Highway", a can with a snake, an aquarium.

Dispensing: 2 small magnets for each child, a set of objects made of various materials: a soft toy, a wooden pencil, a plastic button, a glass jar, a metal clip and a nail, blanks for fish, scissors.

The logic of educational activities

Educator invites children to the hall designed as a scientific laboratory….

Asks children a question - "Where did we come from?"

Children consider materials, "equipment", offer a variant of the answer.

The teacher, using a hint (slides with a picture of a scientific laboratory), leads the children to the conclusion that they are in a research institute.

Asks children who works in research institutes and what people in this profession do.

Educator:- Guys! I suggest you visit our institute and become scientists - researchers for a while.

Suggests to put on robes, hats, glasses.

Draws the attention of children to the stand with the schemes "Safety rules for working in the laboratory". Conducts a conversation "How to behave in a scientific laboratory." They study the rules, assign roles.

The teacher acts as a senior researcher, since he has already visited this laboratory and knows what interesting things you can do here. Children are offered the roles of junior staff and laboratory assistants and a badge with the corresponding designation.

Educator brings in a box with a large magnet. The box is closed.

Today some subject for research was brought to our institute, try to guess what it is?

It happens small, big,

Iron is very friendly with him,

With him and the blind, of course,

Finds a needle in a haystack.

Children's answers ...

Here we have an ordinary magnet.

He keeps many secrets in himself.

Educator: - " Our task is to get to know this amazing stone better. " Shows the magnet to children, lets them touch (how does it feel? Smooth, cold), determine the weight (heavy - light?), Color ...

Give a definition - "A magnet is a stone, its surface is cold, smooth, has a weight ... ..".

Educator asks the question - "What other property does a magnet have that distinguishes it from ordinary stones?"

Children's answers ... ..

Educator: - " Guys, do you think all objects are attracted by a magnet? " Children's answers.

To test your assumptions, I suggest that all junior staff and laboratory assistants go through to laboratory number 1 ...

- "Look, what items are on your tables?"

Children list ...

1.stuffed toy

2.wood pencil

3.plastic button jar

5. metal clip and washer.

Experience number 1.

"I suggest that you choose those items that, in your opinion, can attract a magnet." Children are doing the task ...

"How to check if you made the right choice?" Children offer a solution to the problem(with a magnet).

- "What objects were attracted by the magnet?" (Paperclip, washer).

- "And what did you not attract?" (Soft toy, wooden pencil, plastic button, glass ball).

« What conclusion can be drawn? "

Output: The magnet only attracts metal objects.

The study of the following properties of the magnet can be continued in laboratory No. 2.

On the table lies the diagram "Repulsion and attraction of magnets" and planes with magnetic ends (red - blue) lying on the screen at the same time.

Colleagues, pay attention to the diagram, what kind of research do you think we need to carry out? Children's answers ...

The teacher draws the attention of children to a magnet painted in red and blue. And also on airplanes lying on tables with the same color. Asks why the magnet is painted in two colors? Children are reasoning ... Then the teacher offers to connect the planes with two identical ends. What's happening? (airplanes push off). If you connect with different ends, red and blue (the planes are connected). Why? The children's answers ... The teacher gives an explanation: a magnet has two poles, if you connect two identical poles, the magnets will repel, and if you connect two different ones, they will be attracted to each other.

Dynamic pause

The teacher offers to go to the airfield. - Look, I brought the airplanes you made: blue and red, like the poles of a magnet. Please note - our airfields also have two colors (red and blue). As soon as the music starts playing, you will fly in a circle, when the music stops, you need to land the plane at the airfield that will attract it. 2-3 children explain why the planes have landed at this or that airfield.

Guys, look, there is some kind of vessel in laboratory No. 3, but what is in it is not visible. But, in all likelihood, there is some kind of creature, possibly poisonous. How to find out who is in the bank without giving up?

Children's answers, discussion, guesses.

Shall we try to reach the inhabitant of the bank with a magnet?

Experience No. 3. Get the snake out of the jar with a magnet.

Educator:- You have cans on your tables with snake-clips. Use a magnet to pull the paper clips out of the jar.

Educator:- Guys, what can you conclude?

Children:- The magnet acts through the glass.

(Demonstration of the circuit through the projector).

- What do you think, is it only through glass that a magnet acts?

Children's answers.

Experience number 4.

On the easel there is a trail for cars, on the table there are small metal cars and magnets. A magnet is installed behind the car, which moves it along the track.

Now try it yourself. Take on a typewriter, try to control them with a magnet.

What conclusion can be drawn?

- The magnet acts through the cardboard.

(Demonstration of all circuits through the projector at the same time).

Children are invited game "Fisherman". Children use magnetic fishing rods to catch fish from aquariums.

At the end of the game, the following property is discussed: "The magnet acts through the water."

(Slide demonstration).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the box with the magnet.

Dear colleagues, today we have had a difficult but interesting day. We studied the properties of a magnet.

What properties does a magnet have?

(There are diagrams on the board - hints).

Children name the properties and choose the appropriate scheme. (Simultaneously, the diagrams appear on the screen).

1. The magnet only attracts metal objects.

2. A magnet has two poles: different poles attract, and the same ones repel.

3. The magnet acts through glass, cardboard, water.

Children, together with the teacher, fold the magnet and cards, send a parcel with the completed assignment.

The child reads a poem about a magnet:

I love the magnet for a long time.

He still beckons me

A small piece of stone

Nondescript, grayish block.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the screen "Practical application of the magnet."

The teacher guides children towards further familiarization with the properties and use of the magnet. - How and where to find the information you need. Children offer answers. (Ask parents, call relatives or friends, read an encyclopedia, watch TV, refer to Internet resources, etc.).

Dear junior staff and laboratory assistants, the leadership of the research institute thanks you for the work done and rewards you with valuable mementos - magnetic games.

Nomination: Kindergarten, preparatory group, senior group, Lecture notes, GCD, experimental activity
Title: Summary of GCD on experimental and experimental activities for senior preschool children "Magic stone - magnet"

, educator of the highest qualification. categories, MBDOU d / s No. 110, Samara, Russia.
Presentation author:
Grishina Irina Yurievna
, teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification. categories, MBDOU d / s No. 110, Samara, Russia.