Constipation in an infant (treatment of constipation). Constipation in a month old baby: what to do? Causes and treatment of constipation in babies

Constipation in newborns is not uncommon, but helping with stool retention and treating constipation presents certain difficulties, especially for young parents. A newborn baby is so small, fragile, helpless. And no less helpless are the parents of a baby who is worried about something. How to help the child and what to do when the baby has a stool? After all, not all products suitable for adults and older children are suitable for a newborn.

To begin with, let's try to figure out what, in fact, should be understood as constipation in a newborn. From a medical point of view, constipation in children () is a chronic delay in bowel movements lasting 2 days or more, an increase in the intervals between defecation acts in comparison with the individual norm, difficult or painful defecation, dense stools in small portions. With irregular bowel movements (alternating constipation with normal stools), it is more correct to speak of functional stool retention.

Pay attention to the words "individual norm" in the definition of constipation. The fact is that in a newborn child, the normal frequency of stool varies within a fairly wide range: from defecation after each feeding (10–12 times a day) to once every one or two, sometimes even three (!) Days. The frequency of bowel movements depends on:

  • type of feeding (natural, mixed or artificial);
  • the nature of the nutrition of the nursing mother;
  • the composition of breast milk (with a relatively high fat content, the passage of feces through the intestines takes much longer);
  • type of formula for artificial feeding.

Extreme bowel frequency often scares parents and sometimes doctors into treating constipation where there is none. If the child has a stool on its own 1 time per day or even two days, while the feces are yellow, gruel, without blood impurities, the act of defecation is not difficult (when the baby strains slightly, groans, blushes - this is normal) - there are no reasons to deal with constipation, because there is no constipation. But when a newborn's stool is daily, but dense, in small portions, accompanied by loud crying, prolonged anxiety before and during the act of defecation - this is already constipation.

Constipation classification

A fully breastfed baby may not have a bowel movement for up to 5-6 days. If at the same time he does not experience discomfort, and the feces are soft, then there is no reason to worry - this is not constipation.

According to their origin, constipation can be divided into two groups - organic and functional.

Organic constipation is caused by anatomical defects in the intestine:

  • tumors and other volumetric formations that compress the intestinal lumen;
  • overgrowth, adhesions throughout the intestine;
  • Hirschsprung's disease;
  • congenital lengthening of sections of the intestine.

Organic constipation appears immediately after birth and is constantly observed in the baby. Some of the causes are diagnosed even in the maternity hospital, for example, tumors, agenesis (infection) of the anus. Diagnosis of other causative factors, due to various circumstances, can occur quite late, after the child reaches the age of one year.

However, organic constipation is relatively rare. Much more often you have to deal with functional constipation and functional retention of stool in newborns. With functional constipation, the anatomical structure of the intestine is not disturbed, but its motor and evacuation functions suffer.

The main causes of functional constipation in newborns

  1. Physiological causes: immaturity of enzymes characteristic of newborns, their insufficient production, low motor activity of the intestine, non-population of the intestine with beneficial bacteria. The physiological characteristics of the digestive system of a newborn baby are the main cause of constipation, however, stool retention is not formed in all children, but only in those who are exposed to provoking factors.
  2. Alimentary (food) causes are the main provoking factor in the development of constipation. It includes a whole group of malnutrition both in the child himself and in the nursing mother. Among them are: constant overfeeding, when mothers take the term “feeding on demand” too literally and give the baby a breast at the slightest concern; unreasonable transition to mixed or artificial feeding; ; incorrect calculation of the required amount of the mixture for artificial feeding; unsuitable mixtures. Less often, stool retention is noted due to a lack of milk in the mother and as a result of an insufficient amount of drink for the baby (in a hot climate, during an illness in a child).
  3. Low physical activity - the work of the intestines of a newborn child is difficult with tight swaddling, the use of tight, pressing diapers and sliders; with rare walks in the fresh air; due to the lack of massage and gymnastics.
  4. Neurological disorders, including perinatal damage to the central nervous system.
  5. Somatic diseases - constipation are observed against the background of rickets, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis.
  6. Medicines taken by the infant or breastfeeding mother. Stool retention can be provoked by codeine-containing cough medicines, enterosorbents (Smecta, Polysorb), simethicone (Espumizan) and some others.

The main signs of constipation in a newborn:

  1. Prolonged (compared to the usual norm for your baby) lack of stool.
  2. Difficult painful defecation, accompanied by prolonged, repeated and often ineffective straining, crying.
  3. Solid chair. Newborns, as a rule, do not have "sheep" feces, and thick stools should be understood as a viscous consistency.
  4. Passing feces in small portions.

First aid for constipation

In some cases, the newborn helps to empty the massage of the tummy.

In the vast majority of cases, constipation in an infant can be managed at home on its own. It’s good if, in the course of preparing for the birth of a baby, you also took care of a first-aid kit, which should contain a small syringe and some kind of laxative (baby candles with glycerin, ready-made microclysters). If not, try to acquire the necessary funds so that later possible constipation does not take you by surprise. But sometimes stool retention can be eliminated without the use of drugs.

The first thing to do with constipation in a baby is to help him push and empty the intestines. To do this, press the baby's legs bent at the knees to the tummy and hold them for 10-30 seconds. Bend the legs and put pressure on the tummy should be done carefully, without forcibly overcoming the resistance of the baby. The procedure can be repeated several times, alternating it with circular stroking of the newborn's tummy clockwise around the navel. When performed correctly, the child begins to move gas, and after them, and feces. If there is no result, go to the next step.

As emergency measures for constipation, you can irritate the rectum, cleansing enema, put a laxative candle or microclyster. These measures are precisely emergency, that is, it is impossible to use them constantly with frequent constipation in a child, since the normal act of defecation is disturbed and the microflora of the large intestine suffers.

Use a gas tube or a funnel-shaped douche to irritate the rectum. The end of the boiled tube (syringe) is lubricated with sterile vaseline oil (or sunflower oil boiled in a water bath) and inserted into the baby's anus to a depth of 1.5–2 cm. The tube mechanically irritates the rectal wall, provoking fecal discharge.

Cleansing enema

For a newborn, use the smallest syringe (No. 1), which is boiled before use. The enema is carried out with cool boiled water (temperature from 18 to 20 ° C). In no case should you take warm or too cold water! The syringe is filled with water, its tip is lubricated with oil and inserted into the baby's anus by about 2 cm. Then the syringe is slowly squeezed and removed from the priests in a compressed state, after which the child's buttocks are clamped with fingers for 3-5 minutes, preventing water from flowing out immediately. It is most convenient to perform an enema when the baby lies on its back with its legs brought to the tummy. After the procedure, the feces should pass within half an hour.

Laxative suppositories

Baby candles with glycerin are intended for children older than 3 months, but in extreme cases, you can insert ½ candles and a newborn. The candle is inserted with the index finger into the baby's rectum completely, then the buttocks are clamped for several minutes.

Some mothers, on the advice of grandmothers or friends, use soap bars instead of candles. However, soap is very irritating to the rectal mucosa, so it is permissible to use such methods of treating constipation only once, when there is absolutely nothing else at hand.


Now convenient pharmacy forms of laxatives are produced in the form of microclysters (Microlax). They are completely ready for use, and one tube of the drug is designed for one procedure. Please note that the tip is inserted into the newborn child not to its full length, but half (to the mark).

Treatment and prevention of constipation

Drug treatment of constipation in newborn babies is practically not carried out, and any drugs for long-term therapy can only be used as directed by a doctor. Most often, lactulose (Duphalac, Normaze) and probiotics (Linex, Acipol, Bifiform-baby, etc.) are used. Enzymes (Creon, Micrasim) are less commonly prescribed.

The only drug that can be recommended for course treatment from the first days of constipation in newborns is a herbal remedy based on dill (fennel). These funds are designed to combat intestinal colic (Plantex, Baby Calm). Eliminating excessive gas formation, they indirectly facilitate the discharge of feces.

The main efforts of parents and the doctor with recurring constipation in a newborn child should be aimed at their prevention. During patronage visits to the doctor and nurse, be sure to inform them about stool retention, do not hesitate to ask questions. Ask your doctor to teach you the basic techniques of massage and gymnastics, consult with him about your diet if you are breastfeeding. When a child is bottle-fed, the pediatrician must calculate the required volume of the mixture based on the baby's weight at birth, his age and the number of feedings per day. Never change mixtures without a doctor's prescription, and you should not change the mixture more often than once every 7-10 days.

Don't overfeed your baby: Feeding on demand doesn't mean you have to breastfeed every time your newborn cries or worries. The baby may cry not only because he is hungry, but also for other reasons (wet diaper, colic, fear). Over time, you will learn to distinguish a hungry cry, and in the early days, be guided by how the baby sucks: when the baby is full, he takes the breast reluctantly, sucks sluggishly and quickly falls asleep.

Be sure to walk with your baby in the fresh air even in frosty weather (in frost down to -10 ° C, you can walk for up to an hour). Bathe your baby daily, even better, let him swim and move around in the tub. You should not swaddle the child tightly, and when putting on diapers, make sure that they do not squeeze the tummy. Before feeding, be sure to lay the baby on his stomach.

The nature of the stool in infants varies from child to child in the same way as in adults. What is normal for your child may be different from what is normal for someone else. Most children poop 1 or 2 times a day. Other babies may take 2 to 3 days or more before normal stools occur.

The functioning of the intestines will change dramatically over the course of a child's life. At times, these changes may indicate that the baby is constipated.

Constipation is a condition in the body when stools are not as regular as usual. Feces are plentiful, and going to the toilet is painful. Sometimes the stool can be loose, but it can also mean constipation in the baby.

A baby who exclusively consumes breast milk may not have a bowel movement every day. Often almost all nutrients are absorbed. This is very common. Babies who are formula fed may have up to three to four bowel movements a day.

However, normal bowel movement (peristalsis) varies greatly in healthy children. It depends on the type of milk, on the inclusion of coarse fibers in the food, and on what specific foods are consumed.

Understanding the possible signs of constipation can help parents spot the potential threat before bowel problems become a big problem.

Constipation in an infant can be identified by several symptoms:

You may notice that the child is crossing his legs, grimacing, stretching, squeezing his buttocks, or twisting in a chair. It may look like the baby is trying to have a bowel movement, but instead they are really trying to hold on to stool.

If constipation is left untreated, it can get worse and cause various complications. The longer the stool remains inside the sigmoid and rectum, the harder and drier it becomes, the more difficult and painful it is to empty the bowels. Your child may be holding back his stool because of the pain. This creates a vicious circle.

Constipation in children is not usually a serious condition. However, chronic constipation can lead to complications or signal an underlying disease.

Take your child to the doctor if constipation lasts more than two weeks or if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • weight loss;
  • blood in the stool;
  • bloating;
  • vomit;
  • heat;
  • painful cracks in the skin in the anus (anal fissures);
  • prolapse of the intestines from the anus (rectal prolapse).

Do not give an infant a laxative or suppository without first consulting a doctor.

The attending physician, to determine constipation, should do the following:

  1. Collect complete information about the medical history. The specialist will ask about past illnesses, nutrition and physical condition of the child.
  2. Conduct an examination, which will most likely include a digital examination of the child's rectum to check for abnormalities, fissures, or hard stools. Stool found in the rectum can be tested for blood.

Extensive research is carried out in more severe cases of constipation. Diagnostics consists of several procedures:

Treatment of constipation in infants

Depending on various factors, your doctor may recommend what to do if your child is constipated. It can be procedures or certain medications.

  1. Dietary fiber preparations. If a child is not getting a lot of fiber from their diet, adding fiber supplements may help. However, the child must drink plenty of water daily for these medications to work well. Check with your doctor to find out what dose is appropriate for your child's age and body weight.
  2. Glycerin suppositories can be used to soften stool in children. The suppository stimulates the child's rectum and helps to empty it. Do not use suppositories regularly, because the child will develop a reflex to the act of defecation only after suppositories.

  3. Laxative or enema. If a one-month-old baby is constipated due to a buildup of stool that creates a blockage, the doctor may suggest a laxative or an enema to help clear the blockage. These preparations include polyethylene glycol and mineral oil. Never give a child a laxative or an enema without a doctor's instructions and instructions for proper dosage and use.
  4. Hospital enema. Sometimes an infant may be so constipated that he must be hospitalized for a short time to receive a more thorough (siphon) enema that will clear the bowel.

How to treat constipation in an infant at home?

In addition to changes in diet and routine, a variety of approaches can help relieve constipation in children at home.

Here are some tips on what to do when your baby is constipated:

Never use soap for constipation. It aggressively acts on the rectal mucosa, leading to erosion and local inflammation, which will only aggravate the situation. In addition, the soap bakes mercilessly, causing severe pain to the baby.

If a child's constipation lasts more than two weeks, the parents are likely to seek medical attention. If necessary, the baby will be referred to a specialist in digestive disorders (gastroenterologist). He will tell you in more detail how to treat constipation in infants.

Here is some information to help you prepare and know what to expect from your doctor.

You can prepare by following a few important steps:

Write down questions to ask your doctor. There are certain key questions to ask your doctor:

  1. What is the most likely cause of my child's symptoms?
  2. Are there other reasons?
  3. What research does my child need?
  4. How long can this go on?
  5. What procedures do you recommend?
  6. How to help a newborn with constipation?
  7. Do I need to make changes to my child's diet?
  8. Should we visit another specialist?
  9. What to give a baby for constipation?
  10. Is there an alternative to the medication you are prescribing?
  11. Can this problem be treated without medication?

Your doctor may ask you a few questions. You need to be ready to answer them. Your doctor may ask for the following information:

  1. When did your child first show signs of constipation?
  2. Were these symptoms constant or random?
  3. How severe are the symptoms?
  4. What, in your opinion, improves the condition of the child?
  5. What worsens the condition of the baby?
  6. Do you see blood in your stool or on your diaper?
  7. Does the child strain during the act of defecation?
  8. Does an infant have a hereditary predisposition to digestive problems?
  9. Has the child started any new medications or changed the dosage of current medications?
  10. Can you describe the experience of potty training your child?

Since each child's bowel function is individual, familiarize yourself with the conditions for a normal bowel movement for your baby. Note the usual size and consistency of the stool. This will help you and your pediatrician determine when constipation occurs and how serious the problem is.

If constipation occurs in a month-old baby, even an experienced mother often does not know what to do.

And most newly-made parents simply panic at the sight of a crying baby, pressing its legs to the tummy.

Despite the fact that the digestive system of a one-month-old baby is poorly adapted to the digestion and elimination of food compared to older children, the causes of constipation are the same.

In healthy children, defecation difficulties are most often associated with the type and quality of food they take. Such constipation is eliminated by replacing the diet, for example, formula milk.

But there are more serious reasons that require the intervention of a pediatrician:

  • expansion or narrowing of the intestine;
  • deficiency of nerve fibers in the intestine;
  • adhesions, tumors, polyps.

Defects in the development of the intestines, leading to constipation in infants, are corrected by a therapeutic or surgical method. But at such an early age, doctors do not recommend taking measures to eliminate them.

How to tell if your baby is constipated

In infants 1 month of age, bowel movements can be from 2 to 8 times a day. Do not panic if the baby had a stool 1 time per day, and he feels fine, sleeps calmly and eats food with appetite.

You can determine that a baby has constipation by the following signs:

  1. The baby's feces are of a thick consistency, in the form of sausages or balls.
  2. The child cries and does not calm down, even when he is picked up.
  3. The baby calms down for a while when it is laid out on the tummy.
  4. The baby grunts, pushes until redness, but defecation does not occur.
  5. The baby's belly is hard.

The main definition of constipation in infants 1 month of life is the density of feces. Often, babies have a stool that is not at all like liquid slurry, and this is already a cause for concern.

How to help a baby with constipation

If a month-old baby has constipation, what to do and how to help him should be advised by a pediatrician or a visiting nurse, especially since at 1 month they often visit a newborn.

In no case should you try to induce a bowel movement with soap candles, stimulation of the anal sphincter with the tip of a thermometer or a cotton swab. Such grandmother's methods can harm the baby.

Enema for constipation in a month old baby

In order to give an enema to a baby, you will need a small rubber douche, warm boiled water (not hot), baby cream or petroleum jelly. Type a small amount of water (about 30 ml) into the "pear". Lubricate its tip with cream or petroleum jelly.

Lay the baby on his back and press his legs to his stomach. Carefully shallowly insert the tip of the syringe, pour in water and, taking out the “pear”, hold the buttocks tightly with your hand for several minutes.

If the child is constipated, then a bowel movement may occur even before you have time to pour water into the intestines. If not, then emptying will occur immediately after you unclench the baby's buttocks.

Gas tube

The use of a gas outlet tube is required with extreme caution so as not to damage the intestinal mucosa of the child. Lay the baby on its back and press the legs against the tummy.

Lubricate the tip of the gas outlet tube with baby cream or petroleum jelly and gently insert it into the child's intestine with twisting movements. When the tip enters 0.5 cm, move it in different directions and carefully remove it.

Glycerin suppositories

Suppositories, which include the glycerin component, should be used in a child with difficulty defecation only with the permission of the pediatrician.

month old baby no more than 1/3 of a glycerin suppository is inserted into the anal passage. In this case, the baby's legs should be raised up. The substances that make up the suppository help soften thick stools, and also irritate the sphincter of the colon when administered.

Gymnastics and compress

If the child groans, pushes and presses the legs to the tummy, make him a compress and gymnastics for the abdomen. Gently bend and unbend the baby's legs to the tummy and back several times, holding for a few seconds in a bent state.

Knead the stomach in the area of ​​​​the intestines with gentle pressure movements. Repeat the exercises several times. Heat the diaper folded in several layers, it should be warm, but not burning.

Lay the baby on his tummy and let him lie down, stroking his back. In most cases, this method helps to get rid of constipation.

Gymnastics stimulates the muscles around the intestines, and a warm compress irritates the nerve fibers of the colon.

Prevention of constipation in a one-month-old baby

Preventing constipation in monthly babies is quite simple. you just need to follow simple rules and an unpleasant ailment can be avoided:

  1. Watch your diet, if you are breastfeeding, fatty foods, nuts, rice, foods containing caffeine are contraindicated.
  2. Drink more water, up to 7-9 glasses a day.
  3. From the first days, give your baby warm boiled water from a spoon, from a pipette or from a bottle, the drinking rate in 1 month is up to 30 ml.
  4. As often as possible, do massage, gymnastics for the legs, lay the baby on the tummy for 15-20 minutes. Before meals.
  5. Do not neglect bathing the child, warm water helps to relax muscle tone and make the intestines work.

According to doctors, constipation in a month-old baby is a fairly common problem associated with the formation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you follow the diet and preventive measures, constipation will disappear already at 2-3 months of the baby's life.

Children of the first year of life very often have problems with digestion. Toddlers are just beginning to get acquainted with the world around them and gradually adapt to a new way of life. That is why various negative symptoms are possible, such as diarrhea or constipation. You can solve the problem with the natural process of defecation together with the pediatrician. Next, we will take a closer look at what to do if a month-old baby has constipation.

You can diagnose and detect constipation in a month-old baby in time using the following signs:

  • During the day, the child of the first days of life should empty the intestines at least twice. At the same time, there are exceptions when the baby is bottle-fed, and due to an improperly selected mixture, there are problems with defecation. In this case, the chair may be less frequent. At the same time, the child must go to the toilet during the day.
  • In addition, be sure to pay attention to the structure of the feces. In children of the first months of life, feces have a mushy structure. Otherwise, constipation can be diagnosed.

constipation symptoms

Constipation in a child aged 1 month has the following symptoms:

  • Cal is characterized by a solid structure.
  • There is no normal stool during the day.
  • The child is constantly naughty and crying.
  • The kid tries to pull his legs up to his stomach and constantly pushes.
  • There is increased gas formation.
  • There is a deterioration in appetite and general well-being.
  • The child is worried about bloating.
  • In some cases, there is an increase in body temperature, which may be a symptom of an inflammatory process in the digestive organs.

What is the danger of constipation in newborns

At any age, constipation must be treated to avoid future health problems. You need to be especially attentive to children whose intestinal system is not yet ready for serious trials.

So, constipation can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • The decay products that remain in the large intestine begin to release toxins, poisoning the entire body. The main symptom of intoxication of the body is an increase in body temperature.
  • If a child of the first month of life begins to vomit, then this can also be a sign of constipation and intoxication of the digestive system.
  • The presence of blood in the stool can be a sign of bowel disease. It could also be anal fissures.
  • Against the background of constipation, dysbacteriosis can develop, which stops the process of absorption of useful trace elements from food.

To avoid a deterioration in the general well-being of the baby, it is imperative to treat constipation when the first negative symptoms appear.

Constipation in a month old baby: what to do

What can be given to a one month old baby for constipation? This question worries most caring parents who are worried about the health of their baby. In case of digestive problems, you should definitely consult a pediatrician who will select the optimal treatment regimen, taking into account the particular health status of a particular child.

Enema for constipation in a month old baby

A monthly child from constipation can be given an enema, but only after the permission of the doctor. This method must not be abused. Only in an emergency and once a year can you give an enema to babies if there are no contraindications.

For babies in the first days of life, it is recommended to purchase a special small rubber syringe. We prepare a solution for an enema based on pure water, the temperature of which should be in the range of 22-25 degrees Celsius. For a monthly child, 30 ml of the finished solution is enough.

Before using an enema, be sure to lubricate the tip with vaseline oil. We put the child on its side and carefully introduce an enema, squeeze out the solution and squeeze the buttocks for a few minutes.

Gas tube

Especially in order to eliminate increased gas formation in babies, a gas outlet tube was created. At the same time, you need to handle it as carefully as possible so as not to damage the delicate mucous membrane of the baby's colon.

Before inserting the tube, the baby should be placed on its back and its legs pulled up to the stomach. Next, with petroleum jelly or baby cream, you need to lubricate the tip of the tube and carefully insert it into the anus. You need to insert the tube to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm, twist it in different directions and easily remove it.

Glycerin suppositories

From the first days of a baby's life, glycerin suppositories can be used if there are no contraindications.

The main advantage of glycerin is that it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, does not cause allergic reactions and has no contraindications. In addition, a positive effect occurs within a few minutes after the introduction of the candle. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor before using any medications.

Glycerin suppositories are intended for adults. Children need to enter only a third of the candle into the anus. This will be enough to dilute the stagnant feces and gently remove them from the body in a natural way. Be sure to follow all manufacturer's instructions when using glycerin suppositories.

Gymnastics and compress

Physical activity is good for the digestive processes, allows you to activate the muscles and speed up the process of digestion of food. In the end, it is possible to restore a stable digestive process and stool.

During the day, it is useful for children to do massage and gymnastics for proper development. The morning should be started with a light massage of all parts of the body to start the digestive process. We rub the stomach with light movements, pull the legs to the stomach, do the “bike” exercise.

It is also useful between meals to lay the baby on his stomach and stroke his back. This will eliminate increased gas formation and constipation.

Gymnastics is useful both for the abdominal muscles and for the whole body. Daily gymnastics will allow the baby to grow healthy and strong.

Traditional methods of treating constipation in a baby

If a child at the age of 1 month has constipation, you can try at home to solve this problem with the following methods:

  • Between each meal, it is recommended to give the baby a light massage of the abdomen, which will activate the muscles of the digestive system. Every day you need to do gymnastics so that the child grows and develops properly.
  • It is recommended to lay the baby on the tummy before each feeding of the baby.
  • During the introduction of complementary foods in the fifth month, it is recommended to use products with a laxative effect, such as beets or plums.
  • Only after the permission of the doctor can you use safe medicines, for example, with lactulose. Safe means include glycerin suppositories.

What Not to Do

When the first negative symptoms appear that indicate constipation, you should definitely consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis. Do not self-medicate, which can lead to serious health problems.

Under no circumstances should you do the following:

  • Do not use laxatives on your own to treat constipation in monthly babies. Only a doctor can prescribe any medication.
  • Alternative methods of treatment are also unacceptable for children of the first year of life. Each remedy or method has its own contraindications and can cause serious health problems for the child. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but immediately consult a doctor.
  • If within two days there is completely no bowel movement, you should definitely consult a doctor immediately. Constipation can be a symptom of one of the diseases of the digestive system.

Differences between rare stools and constipation

A healthy person should empty their bowels daily. Children of the first year of life during the day can go to the toilet several times. At the same time, there are exceptions to the rule when a person goes to the toilet only once in two days. This is considered normal if there are no pathologies from the digestive system.

If within two days there is no stool in a month-old baby, then constipation can be diagnosed.

Digestive problems in infants are probably the first most common situation faced by inexperienced parents. The reasons may be the physiological immaturity of the child's digestive tract, malnutrition of a young mother, or a mixture that is not suitable for the baby. If a month-old child has constipation, then, first of all, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause that caused it. This is the only way to help the child.

Lack of bowel movement or difficulty with bowel movements is called constipation. in a child at 1 month old, we are talking about constipation, if the baby poops less than 1 time per day, behaves restlessly, strains during bowel movements, cries and presses the legs to the stomach. At the same time, feces have a dense dry consistency. How can you help a month old baby if he has constipation?


A child at the age of 1 month should empty the intestines at least 2 times a day. But there are also exceptions to this rule. On natural feeding, mother's milk can be absorbed by the baby's digestive tract in such a volume that the frequency of bowel movements becomes less than normal. If the baby develops well physically and does not feel discomfort, there is nothing to worry about in this case.

The main criterion for diagnosing constipation in a 1.5-month-old baby is the nature of the feces, or rather, their density. If the baby's stool does not have a liquid, mushy texture, this is a cause for concern.


If a child does not poop at 1 month, the following symptoms will help determine his stool retention:

  • constant crying of the baby, which passes after the discharge of gases or bowel movements;
  • stool less than 1 time per day;
  • feces look like a dense plasticine mass;
  • during bowel movements, the baby pushes hard, while he has a hard tummy.

When a child at the age of 1 month cannot poop, and after a stimulated bowel movement, traces of blood are found in his feces - this indicates that the anus is damaged.

What to do?

What to do if a month old baby has constipation? It is important to determine the causes of this condition, depending on them, select the tactics of treatment and take care of the prevention of a possible recurrence of stool retention in advance.

To this end, it is necessary to review the diet of a nursing mother. For example, during lactation, it is important to completely eliminate fatty and fried foods, allergens.

As for nutritional recommendations, mothers whose babies are prone to stool retention are advised to eat more vegetables and fruits. Fiber, which these products are enriched with, contributes to the normalization of digestion processes and easier emptying of the child's intestines.

If a one-month-old baby is constipated while formula-fed, a pediatrician should be consulted to determine the appropriate formula. Perhaps the baby food that the baby is currently receiving is not suitable for him. In this case, the specialist may advise mixtures with a high content of prebiotics or fermented milk.

You can help a month-old baby with constipation with a tummy massage. Thanks to him, the intensity of pain decreases, food moves better through the intestines. As massage movements, light stroking and pinching of the abdomen, circular movements in a clockwise direction are used.

If the child is very excited, most likely, he is in pain. How to help in this case, a month-old baby with constipation? Babies who suffer from bloating and other digestive problems are recommended to spread on the tummy more often. This will help alleviate their suffering, remove some of the accumulated gases. Training on a fitball can give the same effect - the child is laid on the ball with his stomach down and carefully rolled.

What to do if a 1 month old baby has constipation and cannot poop for more than 24 hours? You can do gymnastics, remembering the “bicycle” exercise familiar to everyone. An adult takes the baby's legs in his hands, bends them at the knees and begins to imitate a bicycle ride with them. Such gymnastics improves the discharge of gases and contributes to the rapid onset of defecation.

If diets, massage and exercises are powerless, a gas tube or an enema can help a child at 1 month of age with constipation. Using a tube allows you to remove most of the gases, so that food can more easily leave the intestines.

If there is no vent tube, and constipation does not go away in a month-old baby, in this case, you can do an enema, which is not difficult at home. Microlax can replace the usual enema - microclysters allowed for a child from 1 month of age.

Medication is not the best way to help with stool retention. The problem must be solved as a whole, and laxatives are the last thing you can give a month old baby if he is constipated. This issue should be decided by a doctor. Preference is given to prebiotics - drugs that do not cause addiction and side effects.

The doctor may allow you to give a month-old child for constipation Duphalac syrup and its analogues based on lactulose, which solves the existing problem. If the baby is breastfed, Duphalac may be recommended to a nursing mother.

What can not be done?

Before deciding what to do if a two-month-old baby has constipation, you need to make sure that he really has difficulty emptying his bowels. If in any doubt, you should consult your doctor.

In no case should you give laxatives for constipation to a month-old baby, if they are not prescribed by a doctor, this can cause side effects and addiction, finally disrupting the intestines.

You can not use traditional methods of treatment. Many parents have heard that irritation of the anus with the tip of a thermometer, a bar of soap, or a cotton swab can cause a baby to pass stool. But also these methods can injure the rectal mucosa.

You should not hesitate to contact a doctor if the child does not have a bowel movement for more than 48 hours, and there is no gas discharge. This may indicate the development of intestinal obstruction - an acute condition requiring surgical intervention.

Why is constipation dangerous in newborns?

If you experience any of the following signs of trouble with stool retention, you should consult a doctor:

  • When, against the background of constipation, a month-old child's body temperature rises, most likely, he has begun to become intoxicated with feces.
  • If, with constipation, a child of 1 month of age begins to vomit, this can also be a symptom of intoxication, but in this case the situation is more dangerous.
  • If blood is found in the baby's feces, the reasons may be different - from the occurrence of rectal fissures up to organic diseases.

Also, frequent stool retention in a child is dangerous for the development of dysbacteriosis. It is important to remember that any incomprehensible situations that arise with the health of the baby should be considered together with the doctor. A young mother should not practice self-diagnosis and, moreover, self-treatment.

What not to eat while breastfeeding?

Pediatricians insist that errors in the nutrition of a nursing mother are the first reason why a month-old baby may be constipated. After giving birth, doctors recommend that a woman follow a strict diet.

But, after some time, breakdowns begin, and women allow themselves too much - strong tea and coffee, a large amount of sugar, pastries, protein dishes, smoked meats, pickles, etc. At the same time, they forget about the benefits of vegetable fiber, fermented milk products and the recommended drinking regimen, as a result of which the baby begins to have problems with digestion.

What should a nursing mother do with constipation in a two-month-old baby? First of all, continue to follow the recommendations that she received in the hospital. Small deviations from the diet are possible if the baby is healthy. But for any problems with digestion in infants, you should not give yourself indulgence, you need to be careful about your diet.

Regardless of the type of feeding (natural, mixed or artificial), the problem of stool retention cannot be left unattended. It is necessary to inform the doctor about it, who will assess the baby's health, identify the cause of the digestive disorder and tell you what to give a month-old baby from constipation.

Useful video about the treatment of constipation in children

If constipation occurs in a month-old baby, even an experienced mother often does not know what to do.

And most newly-made parents simply panic at the sight of a crying baby, pressing its legs to the tummy.


Despite the fact that the digestive system of a one-month-old baby is poorly adapted to the digestion and elimination of food compared to older children, the causes of constipation are the same.

In healthy children, defecation difficulties are most often associated with the type and quality of food they take. Such constipation is eliminated by replacing the diet, for example, formula milk.

But there are more serious reasons that require the intervention of a pediatrician:

  • expansion or narrowing of the intestine;
  • deficiency of nerve fibers in the intestine;
  • adhesions, tumors, polyps.

Defects in the development of the intestines, leading to constipation in infants, are corrected by a therapeutic or surgical method. But at such an early age, doctors do not recommend taking measures to eliminate them.

How to tell if your baby is constipated

In infants 1 month of age, bowel movements can be from 2 to 8 times a day. Do not panic if the baby had a stool 1 time per day, and he feels fine, sleeps calmly and eats food with appetite.

You can determine that a baby has constipation by the following signs:

  1. The baby's feces are of a thick consistency, in the form of sausages or balls.
  2. The child cries and does not calm down, even when he is picked up.
  3. The baby calms down for a while when it is laid out on the tummy.
  4. The baby grunts, pushes until redness, but defecation does not occur.
  5. The baby's belly is hard.

The main definition of constipation in infants 1 month of life is the density of feces. Often, babies have a stool that is not at all like liquid slurry, and this is already a cause for concern.

How to help a baby with constipation

If a month-old baby has constipation, what to do and how to help him should be advised by a pediatrician or a visiting nurse, especially since at 1 month they often visit a newborn.

In no case should you try to induce a bowel movement with soap candles, stimulation of the anal sphincter with the tip of a thermometer or a cotton swab. Such grandmother's methods can harm the baby.

Enema for constipation in a month old baby

In order to give an enema to a baby, you will need a small rubber douche, warm boiled water (not hot), baby cream or petroleum jelly. Type a small amount of water (about 30 ml) into the "pear". Lubricate its tip with cream or petroleum jelly.

Lay the baby on his back and press his legs to his stomach. Carefully shallowly insert the tip of the syringe, pour in water and, taking out the “pear”, hold the buttocks tightly with your hand for several minutes.

If the child is constipated, then a bowel movement may occur even before you have time to pour water into the intestines. If not, then emptying will occur immediately after you unclench the baby's buttocks.

Gas tube

The use of a gas outlet tube is required with extreme caution so as not to damage the intestinal mucosa of the child. Lay the baby on its back and press the legs against the tummy.

Lubricate the tip of the gas outlet tube with baby cream or petroleum jelly and gently insert it into the child's intestine with twisting movements. When the tip enters 0.5 cm, move it in different directions and carefully remove it.

Glycerin suppositories

Suppositories, which include the glycerin component, should be used in a child with difficulty defecation only with the permission of the pediatrician.

month old baby no more than 1/3 of a glycerin suppository is inserted into the anal passage. In this case, the baby's legs should be raised up. The substances that make up the suppository help soften thick stools, and also irritate the sphincter of the colon when administered.

Gymnastics and compress

If the child groans, pushes and presses the legs to the tummy, make him a compress and gymnastics for the abdomen. Gently bend and unbend the baby's legs to the tummy and back several times, holding for a few seconds in a bent state.

Knead the stomach in the area of ​​​​the intestines with gentle pressure movements. Repeat the exercises several times. Heat the diaper folded in several layers, it should be warm, but not burning.

Lay the baby on his tummy and let him lie down, stroking his back. In most cases, this method helps to get rid of constipation.

Gymnastics stimulates the muscles around the intestines, and a warm compress irritates the nerve fibers of the colon.

Prevention of constipation in a one-month-old baby

Preventing constipation in monthly babies is quite simple. you just need to follow simple rules and an unpleasant ailment can be avoided:

  1. Watch your diet, if you are breastfeeding, fatty foods, nuts, rice, foods containing caffeine are contraindicated.
  2. Drink more water, up to 7-9 glasses a day.
  3. From the first days, give your baby warm boiled water from a spoon, from a pipette or from a bottle, the drinking rate in 1 month is up to 30 ml.
  4. As often as possible, do massage, gymnastics for the legs, lay the baby on the tummy for 15-20 minutes. Before meals.
  5. Do not neglect bathing the child, warm water helps to relax muscle tone and make the intestines work.

According to doctors, constipation in a month-old baby is a fairly common problem associated with the formation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you follow the diet and preventive measures, constipation will disappear already at 2-3 months of the baby's life.

Often, young parents are faced with the appearance of constipation in a child. This unpleasant phenomenon can occur in infancy and in older children. We will figure out how to help a child with constipation at home.

How to know if your baby is constipated

Depending on the age of the baby, there is a norm for how many times he should empty the intestines:

  • a newborn baby poops 5-8 times a day, depending on the number of feedings;
  • at 2 months of life - 3-5 times a day;
  • at 3 months - 1-2 times a day;
  • 4-6 months - 1 time per day;
  • from 6 months to 2 years - 1-3 times a day;
  • after 2 years - 1 time in 1-3 days.

If your child poops less often, then he has constipation. The baby may complain of abdominal pain. During a bowel movement, the baby is pushing, the process is difficult. The stool becomes hard, of an unusual consistency or color.

Important! If a child has feces in the form of balls that resemble sheep, this indicates that he has constipation. Read what to do if your baby is constipated while breastfeeding.

Causes of constipation in children

There are many reasons for the development of problems with the stool. It can be:

  • irrational nutrition;
  • the presence of intestinal pathologies;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • food allergy;
  • development of rickets;
  • lack of iron;
  • thyroid disease;
  • psychological factors.

Important! All children should drink plain water to avoid intestinal problems. Juices, compotes, teas cannot replace it.

On artificial feeding, constipation is not uncommon. Often the baby is not given enough water, which should ensure proper bowel function. Also, the baby may not be suitable for feeding mixture. Try to change it, then the chair should improve.

Constipation in a child who is breastfed may appear from malnutrition of the mother. It is not uncommon for difficulties with defecation to occur after the introduction of complementary foods, or when they abruptly switched from breast milk to formula.

Important! Constipation can be caused by lactose deficiency when parents begin to boil cereals with cow's milk.

What to do if a child has constipation

How to help your child go to the toilet for the most part? First of all, you need to understand the causes of the problem. Given all the factors, it is important to choose the right means for treatment and take care of prevention:

  • reconsider the diet of the crumbs;
  • drink enough water;
  • to stimulate the work of the intestine;
  • the child must be active;
  • medical treatment.

Important! You can not often stimulate a bowel movement in a child. This can be addictive, as a result, he will not be able to go to the toilet without outside help.

If your baby often has problems with bowel movements, do not give him products that hold the stool together. These include eggs, rice, baked goods. Don't make food too soft or runny. Sometimes do not cook the porridge to the end, let the child eat a whole apple.

How to treat constipation in children

When stool problems are caused by malnutrition or other factors that are not associated with serious diseases, an enema can be administered.

The volume of the enema depends on the age of the child:

  • newborn - 20-30 ml;
  • baby 1-3 months - up to 40 ml;
  • child 3-6 months - 70-90 ml;
  • after 6 months to 1 year - 150 ml;
  • after 1 year - 200 ml.

An enema is put from simple boiled water. After the first portion of the liquid, a complete bowel movement may occur.

Important! The water you use for the enema should be at room temperature. Warm liquid can provoke absorption by the intestines of harmful substances that have formed in it.

If the enema does not help, seek medical advice. You can use the pharmacy drug Microlax, which has a viscous consistency and is administered rectally. It produces a laxative effect, will help the baby to empty the intestines.

Constipation in a month old baby, what to do first

To prevent problems with stools, improve digestion in an infant, it is necessary to lay the baby on the tummy before each feeding.

It is recommended to massage the baby. Gently press your palm to your stomach, move your hand in a circle in a clockwise direction. You can lay the crumbs on yourself. Your body heat will stimulate the baby's bowels.

Important! If the baby has problems with emptying, do not give him any drugs for gas (Smecta, Espumizan). They can reduce intestinal motility.

If all these methods were useless, try to mechanically act on the sphincter to make the crumbs want to empty the intestines. To do this, you can use several methods:

  • use a thermometer to be inserted into the anus;
  • soak a cotton swab in baby oil and insert into the anus. Twist it a little, stimulating emptying;
  • use the gas tube.

Important! Do not inject soap into your baby's rectum. This can cause a burn of the mucous membrane due to the alkali contained in it.

You can also use glycerin suppositories, which are not absorbed by the intestines and are completely safe for babies.

What to give a child for constipation

If all of the above methods do not help, you can resort to medical treatment. The drugs should be taken in a course of no more than 2 weeks, so as not to be addictive. This is rather a forced measure to restore normal bowel function, but not the norm.

  • mild laxative (Duphalac, Microlax, Senade, glycerin suppositories);
  • prokinetics - stimulate the intestines, forcing it to empty itself. These funds include Domperidone, Motilak;
  • enzymes - help digest food. These are Creon, Mezim, Panzinorm;
  • antispasmodics - reduce pain. For example, No-shpa, Papaverine.
  • choleretic drugs (Hofitol) - improves digestion, as a result, food is absorbed better and excreted from the body without much effort;
  • probiotics - establish normal intestinal microflora, relieve dysbacteriosis. These include Linex, Acipol, Hilak Forte.

Important! For infants, lactulose-containing products, such as Dufalac, are effective. You need to start taking this drug with a dose of 5 ml.

Folk remedies

It is not always necessary to resort to medications to treat bowel problems. Traditional medicine recipes are no less effective.


Thyme tea will help improve bowel function, eliminate fermentation processes, and improve appetite. It is very easy to prepare it.

  1. Pour half a teaspoon of grass with 0.5 liters of water, boil and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Take the remedy several times a day. If the child does not want to drink thyme tea, add a spoonful of honey to it.

Important! Tea containing thyme will also help to cope with a strong cough.

Linseed oil

It is consumed in the morning before breakfast, 0.5 tsp. You can also mix 1 tsp before going to bed. oils with the same amount of honey. Add this mixture to yogurt and give your baby before bed.

vegetable juices

Effective remedies for the treatment of constipation are freshly squeezed juices from beets, carrots. You can give them to babies in the form of complementary foods in a few drops, and older children - 50-100 ml each. It is best not to use them in their pure form, but dilute in a ratio of 1: 2 with water.

Constipation can occur in any child, regardless of age. To prevent this, it is imperative to deal with the prevention of this delicate problem, review the child's diet, give the baby plain water to drink. When all else fails, you can use traditional medicine recipes or medications.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in detail what constipation is in children, and how to help the child. Watch the video below.

Enema solution: how to make it yourself?

Enema has been known for a long time and today it is often prescribed. It allows you to clean the intestines before childbirth or surgical treatment, to introduce some medications. You can put it at home on your own, but for this you need to know how to make an enema solution.

plain water

Solutions for enemas can be very different. The simplest is ordinary water of various temperatures. It is used for setting a cleansing enema, the purpose of which is to cleanse the colon of feces and gases.

It is usually placed in the following cases:

  • patients suffering from constipation, when the stool is not observed within 3 days and if other methods do not help;
  • before the study of the intestine;
  • before planned surgery or childbirth.

When setting an enema, 1.5-2 liters of plain water is introduced into the intestines of an adult. For babies, the procedure is carried out with 0.9% sodium chloride, which can be bought at a pharmacy. It is administered at the rate of 10 ml per month of a child's life.

If you want to put a regular cleansing enema and the intestines are functioning normally, the temperature of the water should be in the range from 25⁰С to 35⁰С.

When enema therapy is carried out with atony or paralysis of the intestine, the temperature of the liquid should be below 25⁰С, and with severe dysfunction of the organ, then below 12⁰С.

This procedure activates intestinal motility, lowers the temperature during fever.

In order to normalize body temperature during severe hyperthermia, such an enema is done in a volume of up to 100 ml. But the procedure can not be carried out often, since the development of inflammatory processes is possible. The water temperature should be about 15⁰С, 2-3 enemas are given with an interval of 30 minutes, while other physical methods should be used to normalize the patient's well-being.

Cold and cool water cannot be used for spastic constipation, in this case, on the contrary, warm enemas are indicated, with the temperature of the injected fluid from 35⁰С to 42⁰С. Such a procedure should not be carried out with fecal intoxication, since warm water dissolves fecal blockages into the intestines and they enter the systemic circulation through its mucous membrane, which worsens the patient's general well-being.

Important! It is almost impossible to distinguish between atonic and spastic constipation on your own, therefore, if the doctor has not prescribed a different temperature of the liquid for the enema, then it should be 25⁰С-35⁰С.

Various compositions of solutions for enemas

Herbal enema

Enema with the use of medicinal plants has the following positive effects:

  • cleanses the intestines;
  • eliminates bloating;
  • normalizes stool;
  • stops inflammation in the intestines;
  • normalizes the pH in the rectum.

As a rule, chamomile is used for its preparation. Sometimes mint, sage or eucalyptus are taken with her. The enema solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. medicinal raw materials per 1 liter of water. Herbs can be poured with boiling water, let it brew and filter, or you can boil for 5 minutes. Put herbal enema in the morning after a natural bowel movement. The course is 1 week, after a 3-day break it can be repeated again. An enema with chamomile is recommended for women in position and for young children, since, unlike ordinary water, it disturbs the intestinal microflora less, and, therefore, when it is used, dysbacteriosis develops less often.

milk enema

Cleansing enema with milk at home can be prepared independently. To prepare it, you need 1 liter of milk 2-3% fat and heated to a temperature of 30-40⁰С and a combined heating pad or Esmarch's mug.

This enema helps to eliminate constipation and excessive gas formation. It is also recommended for dry skin.

oil enema

  • vaseline;
  • olive;
  • sunflower.

To carry out the procedure, you need to take from 80 to 100 ml of oil and heat it to a temperature of 40 ° C and then it is injected into the rectum to a depth of 8-10 cm, it is better to do this with a syringe.

The oil coats the stool and relaxes the intestinal muscles. After the introduction of the enema, you must be in a horizontal position for 15-20 minutes. After an oil enema, another one with chamomile is placed. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed.

lemon enema

To prepare the solution, you need to squeeze the juice from 2 lemons and dilute it in 1 liter of water. The temperature of the liquid should be between 30⁰С and 35⁰С. Such a procedure cannot be carried out very often, otherwise you can shift the pH of the intestine to the acid side.

garlic enema

soda solution

To prepare an enema with soda, 30-40 g of ordinary baking soda is taken per 1 liter of warm water.

By its chemical nature, soda is nothing more than an alkali, so it is injected into the rectum in order to reduce acidity, which, for example, increases with indigestion. In addition, this procedure eliminates spasms and relieves pain during bowel movements. For a stronger effect, you can add a little salt.

Soap enema

Soapy enema is used to stimulate intestinal motility in constipation. To prepare it, baby or any neutral soap without any additives is rubbed on a grater. Then 1 tbsp is taken. and dissolves in 1 liter of water.

Glycerine enema

Enemas with glycerin are prescribed to improve gastrointestinal motility with severe constipation. For this purpose, 5-20 ml of glycerin is injected into the anus. But you can not carry out the procedure very often, as it shifts the pH in the lower intestine, so you can resort to it, as a last resort.

Hypertonic enema

To prepare a hypertonic enema, table salt is used. Prepare at the rate of 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water. The temperature of the liquid should be 24⁰С-26⁰С. Salt enema increases the osmotic pressure in the intestine and softens the stool. It is recommended for patients suffering from chronic constipation, especially if the following concomitant diseases are observed simultaneously:

  • intracranial pressure;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • swelling and water retention in the body.

Plain water with such pathologies can be harmful to health.

Important! Hypertonic enema can be given only after consulting a doctor.

Also, a 20% solution of magnesium sulfate can be used for the procedure, but this composition greatly irritates the intestinal walls. The volume of injected liquid should not exceed 50 ml. For its introduction, it is better to use a rubber pear. The effect of the procedure occurs within 20 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide enema

Hydrogen peroxide enemas are prescribed to stimulate intestinal motility. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic substances in the intestine, resulting in the release of free oxygen, which enhances gastrointestinal motility.

But it provokes bloating, and if the patient has pathologies accompanied by a decrease in the strength of the walls of the digestive tract, this can cause them to rupture.

Therefore, the procedure can be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

oxygen enema

Which solution for an enema at home to choose depends on the goal pursued.

Klismotherapy is suitable for a person who cares about his health. Don't underestimate its effectiveness. Bowel cleansing and normal stools directly affect the overall well-being of a person. Most importantly, an enema can be easily delivered on your own at home. But do not abuse it, it is recommended to do it no more than 2 times a month, otherwise you can harm your health. You also need to remember that the enema does not eliminate the root cause of constipation. Therefore, if difficulties with bowel movements are observed often, you should consult a doctor to find out what caused it. Perhaps the problems with the stool are associated with some serious illness.

But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause?

Ulcerative Colitis Diet and Nutrition

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a pathological condition characterized by an inflammatory process in the colon or rectum. According to medical indicators, the disease occurs in 5% of the population, while women suffer from this disease twice as often as men.

Clinical signs of ulcerative colitis are pronounced and directly depend on the form and stage of the disease. The disease can be acute or chronic. In the acute period of the disease, the symptoms are pronounced and are accompanied by a violation of the stool (more than 5 times a day), fever, sharp and cutting pains in the abdomen and other symptoms. Chronic ulcerative colitis has more subtle symptoms, and is often accompanied by constipation, which indicates inflammation of the ileum of the intestine.

The disease often worsens, which causes a number of physical and psychological discomfort. Treatment of UC is only complex and consists of both taking drug therapy and following a diet, which occupies a paramount place in almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcerative colitis.

The diet for UC allows you to maintain the work of the excretory and digestive organs, thereby improving the patient's well-being. Compliance with proper nutrition allows you to restore the intestinal mucosa, protect it from aggressive effects. Proper nutrition with ulcerative colitis will help relieve the exacerbation of the disease, prevent its relapse. Typically, a diet for this disease lasts about 5 weeks, but some patients are prescribed for several months.

Nutrition for ulcerative colitis

For patients with a history of UC, nutritional therapy is prescribed by a gastroenterologist or nutritionist who manages the patient and is well acquainted with the history of the disease. The menu of people suffering from this disease should contain foods rich in protein, and the amount of animal fats and fiber should be reduced to a minimum, and in the acute period they should be completely abandoned.

It is important to note that nutritional management for acute, chronic or non-specific ulcerative colitis should be developed individually for each patient, but in any case, colitis requires a diet.

The menu during an exacerbation of the disease should be fractional, but with chronic, nonspecific colitis in remission, nutrition can be slightly diversified and include those foods that cannot be consumed in the acute period.

In order for the bowel functions to recover faster, you can eat at least 4-6 times a day, while the portions should be small, and all foods should be cooked correctly. The dishes included in the menu should be not only healthy and safe, but also tasty.

If the patient has a good appetite after an illness, this is a good sign, but you still need to keep your appetite under control and not eat those foods that are prohibited for colitis, as the disease may return.

What foods are included in the diet for ulcerative colitis

Diet therapy for UC in the acute stage includes table number 4, which is also often prescribed for other intestinal diseases. The main purpose of such nutrition is to reduce fermentation, the formation of putrefactive processes and reduce inflammation.

Compliance with such nutrition also allows you to normalize the digestive system, provide the body with all the necessary and useful substances, increase intestinal motility and secretion of gastric juice.

It is important to note that table No. 4 is prescribed only during an exacerbation of the disease in acute, chronic or non-specific ulcerative colitis and it can be observed for no more than 5-7 days.

As with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, all foods consumed should not be too hot or cold, portions are not large, and dishes should also be served only in pureed or chopped form, and they can be steamed or boiled.

The menu for ulcerative colitis should include the following foods:

  • Low-fat varieties of poultry or fish, rabbit meat, veal or beef are also allowed.
  • Chicken eggs - 1 per day. In the acute period with nonspecific colitis, only boiled protein is allowed. Frying is absolutely impossible.
  • Bread of yesterday's baking from white flour, no more than 100 g per day.
  • Dairy and sour milk products: low-fat cottage cheese, whole milk or yogurt can be used in the preparation of cereals or puddings. It is not recommended to use kefir, cream, sour cream, milk.
  • Vegetables - consumed in boiled and mashed form.
  • Cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal are cooked in water or used for puddings and casseroles.
  • Fruits and desserts: applesauce, berry jelly, fruit drinks, but not those that increase acidity. In the acute period, fresh fruits, jam, honey, pastries are launched.
  • Drinks: green, black or herbal tea, pure still water.

From the above products, you can cook vegetable purees, broths, casseroles, jellies, puddings, salads and other dishes. The main thing is that all cooked food is served boiled or steamed.

What foods should you avoid for ulcerative colitis?

With ulcerative colitis, the following foods and dishes should be excluded from the diet:

  • flour products: pasta, pastries, cookies, cakes;
  • rich, fatty and milky soups;
  • fatty meats or fish;
  • canned food;
  • dairy products: raw, fried eggs, kefir, sour cream, milk;
  • cereals: barley, millet, barley;
  • any snacks;
  • smoked meats;
  • sweets, chocolate;
  • fruits and berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • jams, preserves;
  • sauces, mayonnaise, tomato;
  • any alcohol;
  • spices.

The above products should be discarded both in the acute period of the disease and during remission in chronic or non-specific ulcerative colitis. When the patient's health has improved, the doctor may allow some foods from the prohibited list to be introduced into the diet, but only in small quantities.

With UC, it is necessary to completely abandon alcoholic beverages, since alcohol will lead to a deterioration in the patient's well-being or the development of an exacerbation.

It is necessary to observe therapeutic nutrition for UC until the cause of the disease is established, and a full treatment is not carried out. One of the main things in the diet for ulcerative colitis is not to eat fatty, spicy, salty or smoked foods. The use of such products will provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Diet for colitis with constipation

If ulcerative colitis has a chronic course, the patient often suffers from constipation, so the diet should contain foods rich in fiber. The patient's diet should contain kefir, fruits, cereals, vegetable soups, butter in a small amount.

All food should be served boiled, chopped and pureed. Such nutrition will avoid irritation of the gastric mucosa, normalize digestion. If the patient suffers from constipation, diet therapy will prevent complications and relapses of the disease.

In chronic ulcerative colitis, which is accompanied by constipation, it is important to exclude the use of any spicy, fatty and salty foods, it is also important to exclude foods that increase fermentation from the diet.

Sample diet menu for ulcerative colitis for one day

Treatment of ulcerative nonspecific colitis with therapeutic nutrition will help reduce the symptoms of the disease, improve the patient's well-being, and prevent relapses. Many doctors with this disease recommend that their patients follow a vegetarian diet, but given that with this diagnosis the body needs protein, then it will be difficult to do without meat.

Consider an approximate diet for 1 day:

  1. Breakfast: buckwheat or rice porridge on the water with melted butter, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: 50 grams of boiled beef, jelly.
  3. Lunch: vegetable soup, dried fruit compote.
  4. Snack: black weak tea with 2 crackers.
  5. Dinner: 1 steam chicken cutlet, a cup of tea.
  6. Before bed: a baked apple.

A doctor should prescribe a diet for ulcerative colitis, since this disease can have a different course, so in the acute period there is repeated diarrhea, and in the chronic period, patients suffer from constipation.

Also, in the acute period, kefir is strictly prohibited, and with colitis with constipation, on the contrary, it is recommended to take kefir.

Features of dietary nutrition in ulcerative colitis

When compiling a diet for UC, the doctor should take into account the stage and clinic of the disease, and only then prescribe diet therapy. If the diet is made correctly and the patient strictly adheres to it, then significant improvements will be noticeable after 5 to 7 days.

When following a diet, the patient must observe the following rules:

  1. All products must be steamed or served boiled.
  2. Food should be warm, but not hot or cold.
  3. High calorie meals should be consumed in the morning.
  4. You need to eat 5-6 times a day.
  5. After 9 pm you need to refuse food.
  6. Portions should be small.
  7. The menu should contain foods rich in protein. (110 grams per day).
  8. All products used for the diet should be natural, fresh and healthy.

By following the elementary rules, you can not only reduce the symptoms of the disease, but also improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

What happens if you do not follow a diet with ulcerative colitis

In cases of negligent attitude to one's health with a diagnosis of "ulcerative colitis", lack of treatment and diet, the patient puts at risk not only his health, but also his life.

Ulcerative colitis, like any other bowel disease, can progress and lead to complications such as:

  • massive bleeding;
  • perforation of colon ulcers;
  • peritonitis;
  • colon stricture;
  • colon cancer.

Any of the above diseases can develop against the background of ulcerative colitis. That is why you should not hesitate to treat at the first symptoms of the disease. Only timely and high-quality treatment will keep the disease under control and prevent its progression.

But shpa with colic in a child

If newborns begin to have pain, colic in the abdomen, then parents are ready to do a lot to alleviate the condition of the baby. In this case, various methods of pain relief are used, including medication.

Often a noshpa is used, but it is designed for adults and it is important to know if a noshpa is suitable for colic in newborns.

Before you give noshpu to newborns, you need to know if you can give them at all, and if you can, then what dose should be. Only after reading such information can you give the child a pill.

It is worth noting that no-shpa does not apply to painkillers; in medicine, such a drug is an antispasmodic.

Is it possible for children to take pills

If you pick up the instructions for the drug, you can read that the medicine is indicated for use in children from 6 years of age.

True, in some cases, doctors may prescribe a medicine not for newborns, but for older children who are 1 year old.

You can give a pill to a baby, but newborns will have a big load on the heart. In very rare cases, noshpa can be given to newborns to relieve the symptoms and pain of colic.

For newborns from colic, no-shpa can be used in one of the following methods:

  1. Give a pill to the child for colic.
  2. Use the drug not by the child, but by the mother who is breastfeeding the baby. Thus, the active substance enters the body of newborns through milk. The dosage is small and relieves the symptoms of colic well.

According to the instructions of the drug, no-shpa is not used for colic in the form of a solution for injection into a vein or muscle. If the child is already 1 or more years old, then you can use the drug in such cases:

  1. With colic, which appear suddenly, due to pathologies of the stomach or intestines, for example, with colitis, enteritis or gastritis.
  2. The tablet is used for colic, which appear due to diseases of the urinary system.
  3. The tablet can be given to a child with a headache, problems with stools, fever and chills.

If the problem is related to the respiratory tract, then a controversial issue arises about the use of no-shpa for children.

The instructions do not describe such a condition, and the active substance, drotaverine, will not be able to affect the muscles of the respiratory tract. Despite this, the pill often helps in such cases.

The action of the drug

The drug "No-shpa" is sold in different forms, so in pharmacies you can find:

  1. Tablets.
  2. Capsules.
  3. Solutions for injections.

The drug in tablets is most often used at home. The medicine, which is sold in ampoule form, must not be used on newborns, since it can only be used by people over 18 years of age.

Solutions are not used independently at home. Such a medicine is used only by doctors, while patients must remain in the hospital for constant monitoring.

Many young mothers falsely assume that "No-shpa" in the form of a solution can be used as a medicine for colic in newborns, using it inside.

True, such a method of treatment is strictly forbidden to use, and if there is a need, then a consultation with the doctor is mandatory.

The active ingredient in this drug is drotaverine. Such a remedy is a strong antispasmodic, which affects the smooth muscles of human organs.

After ingestion, the muscles begin to relax, the vessels dilate, and tissue activity decreases slightly.

The active substance can effectively help with pain and other symptoms in:

  1. Digestive system.
  2. Urogenital system.
  3. Bile organs.
  4. blood vessels.

The essence of the effect of the drug is to normalize blood circulation. During the onset of the drug, pain decreases, and the tissues begin to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen.

The effect after taking the remedy appears quite quickly:

  1. If a tablet or capsule is used, then the effect is observed an hour after priming.
  2. When the drug is injected into the muscle, the result appears in half an hour.
  3. With the introduction of the drug through a vein, the result will be in 5 minutes.

No-shpa, unlike other medicines, is more effective and longer in action, for example, when compared with the drug "Papaverine".

The main advantage of the tool is the minimal impact on the human nervous system.

Frequency of drug use

Children should be given medicine in moderation. If no-shpa is used for children without a doctor's prescription, then the reception cannot exceed 2 days.

In case of ineffectiveness of such treatment, you should immediately consult a doctor. After diagnosing the child, the doctor can prescribe the correct dosage and rules for using the remedy for colic.

All children should be given only the capsule or tablet form of the drug. If we are talking about a baby, then the medicine can be used only with the permission of the doctor in the dosage that he indicates.

For older children, there are general rules for use:

  1. For children from 1 to 6 years old, you can give the drug in an equal dose throughout the day no more than 3 times. It is important to understand that if the tablet is divided into 3 parts, then the interval between use should be from 2-3 hours. If parents give the child half a tablet at a time, then it is allowed to give the remedy twice a day with an interval of 4 hours.
  2. Children 6-12 years old. For this category of children, the drug is given in equal doses throughout the day, and the number of doses can be from 2 to 5 times.
  3. Children over 12 years old. For this age it is necessary to use the same dosage. You can use the medicine up to 5 times a day, while no more than 2 tablets can be used at a time.


Before giving a child from 1 year old, and even more so a newborn child, no-shpu, you need to know all the contraindications and possible side effects from using the drug.

It is not always possible to use funds and it is not recommended to give it to children in such cases:

  1. With personal intolerance to the remedy, when an allergy appears.
  2. It is forbidden to drink no-shpu in case of diseases of the heart, kidneys or liver.
  3. Do not use a tablet under reduced pressure.
  4. The drug is contraindicated in exacerbation of appendicitis, with intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis and peritonitis.
  5. If the child has impaired lactose absorption, then the medicine is not used.
  6. Do not use the drug for asthma.

Even if the child does not have the described pathologies, then after taking the medicine, side effects may appear, which include:

  1. Failure of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, constipation and nausea may occur.
  2. Failure of the nervous system, slight dizziness, pain in the head may appear, the child becomes restless, and normal, healthy sleep disappears at night.
  3. The pressure may drop.
  4. In some cases, an allergy appears, which is characterized by a rash on the skin, tears, sneezing.

If no-shpa is prohibited for use in a particular case, then alternative drugs can be used, which are considered analogues.

Remedies for colic in the baby

The safest and most well-known remedy for colic in a newborn is dill water.

You can make the medicine yourself, for this it is enough to pour boiling water over the dill seeds and leave for a while to infuse. The finished solution should be given to babies in 1 tsp. before the start of the meal.

You can also use medications that are sold without a prescription:

  1. "Plantex" is a powder that can be given to children from the 14th day of life, but if the child has lactose intolerance, then the drug is forbidden to use.
  2. "Bobotik" - drops for colic can be used only from 1 month.
  3. "Espumizan" or "Linex" - medicines can be given to a child by diluting in water or milk. It can be used for colic from birth, since all active substances come out naturally, due to which it does not negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract. Espumesan contains no sugar or lactose.
  4. "Bifiform" is a dietary supplement that is allowed to be used from the first day after birth.

A heating pad or warm towels can also save you from colic. If the problem of gas formation is frequent, then it is recommended to buy a special tube to remove excess.

  1. Change the daily routine, perhaps change the mixture if the child is not artificially fed or change the mother's diet.
  2. Mom needs to exclude from the diet all foods that provoke allergies and gas formation. For prevention, you can drink chamomile tea.
  3. Replace the nipple on the feeding bottle, it must be age appropriate so that the baby does not swallow a lot of air while eating.
  4. Enzymes can help with colic, which the doctor should prescribe.

If the problem appears after eating, then it is necessary to understand the baby in an upright position, and for prevention, do light exercises.

Colic disappears after 3-4 months of life, and neither the parents nor the child will be bothered anymore.

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