5 August is a church holiday. Money conspiracy for Apple Spas. Love spell on Apple Spas

The question of what holiday is celebrated today is on the agenda again and again. Most Russians want to know what holiday date falls on a particular day. After all, few people want to lose sight of any major holiday.

Today in this regard is no exception to the rule, since August 19 has several holidays at once. In particular, today is World Photography Day. In turn, the folk and church calendars indicate that the Apple Savior is celebrated on August 19, 2017.

What a holiday today, 08/19/2017: World Photography Day

World Photography Day is celebrated on August 19 by both professional and amateur photographers. The date was initiated by Australian photographer Korske Ara, who proposed the anniversary of the recognition of the first way of photographing the artist Daguerre. Photography is a unique phenomenon that can capture forever important events, interesting moments, everything beautiful and beloved. With the help of photography, you can bring back in memory something that will never come back in reality. And for some, photography is a profession with the help of which they bring joy of memories through the lens of cameras.

On this day, it is customary to participate in the interesting life of photography. Various photo sessions with the participation of a large number of people take place all over the world. Exhibitions of photographers' works are organized. Professional master classes are held for those wishing to improve their skills in this matter. Photo lovers get together and take many pictures that give positive emotions.
Nowadays photography has become an art.

You need to see a successful photograph, choose a composition, the right lighting, and catch the right moment. There must be a skill, a skill of a photographer and even a gift. As in any art, the taste and preference of the photographer is characteristic here. Therefore, on this day, it is customary to congratulate those people who took a camera in their hands and contributes to contemporary art with their hobby.

The second (Apple) Savior, following the Honey, or First Savior (August 14), is also known under the full church name - Transfiguration of the Lord God and Our Savior Jesus Christ.

The history of the holiday is clothed in such a legend. Once Jesus Christ began to initiate his disciples into the future, so that they would understand everything correctly. This was necessary, in particular, for the reason that his disciples, the apostles, firmly believed: the teacher should become the king of Israel. He had to convince them that he came to earth not as a prophet from the Jewish people, but as the Son of God, that his destiny was not to rule the country, but to save the entire human race.

As the Monk Efim the Syrian said about this: "so that the Lord would show them the kingdom of his glory before his reproach and dishonor, so that they would know that he was crucified not because of his weakness, but voluntarily for the salvation of the world."

One day Jesus and three disciples especially close to him - John, James and Peter - ascended to pray to the top of Mount Tabor. But in righteous prayer, the disciples-apostles for some reason sank into sleep and did not see the beginning of the Transfiguration of the Lord. They were awakened only by the extraordinary light emanating from their teacher.

Elijah and Moses were in it near Jesus, talking with Christ about the need for an exodus to Jerusalem in order for his redemptive feat to be accomplished. Then a cloud covered the mountain, and from it came the voice of God: "Behold, there is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." In fear, Jesus' disciples prostrated themselves and rose only when Christ touched them. He turned to them with a request to keep silent about what he saw and heard on the mountain for the time being, until his execution and then - resurrection.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is one of the earliest Christian holidays, celebrated even before the beginning of the 5th century. In Russia, however, the holiday was known as one of the most revered, its celebration was accompanied by a large scale, especially since it fell on an autumn season, especially generous and prosperous for the common people.

Songs were played in the villages as soon as the sun dropped to the horizon. The gardens were full of dying summer warmth and many apples. They treated themselves to ripe fruits, stuffed pies, baked fruits with honey. And, since before the Second Savior, apples were banned, they became the best delicacy on the holiday.

And when they began to collect them, the first few fruits had to be consecrated in the church. When the first apple on Spas was eaten with pleasure, it was possible to make a wish. In the south of the country, the first grapes were added to the apples for consecration and, accordingly, treats. Apple auctions were also opened, to which all colors and varieties of gifts from the orchards were brought in whole carts. It was imperative to also distribute some apples to the poor and the sick, the wanderers, and if anyone was greedy, he was quickly declared by the whole world to be a dishonest person.

They believed that the last warm nights fall on the Transfiguration, and then the time of autumn cold comes, about which they said: "The Second Savior has a fur coat in store", "The Savior has come - take mittens in reserve." Even the cranes were already preparing to fly overseas for the winter.

What was the Apple Savior, corresponded to the weather in January of the following year.

The calendar of church holidays in August 2017 will tell you important dates for Orthodox Christians, days when sacred events are remembered and saints are venerated.

On August 1, the icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness Seraphim-Diveevskaya is celebrated. They pray to her for healing from various diseases, for the conception of a child and easy childbirth, for a worthy husband, for the restoration of mental balance, softening of the heart and getting rid of bad thoughts.

August 1 is the day of the uncovering of the relics of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov. He is asked to strengthen the spirit in resisting sin and temptation, about peace of mind and harmony, about healing from diseases of internal organs, about getting rid of sadness, sadness and resentment, about finding family happiness and strengthening relationships, about maintaining a business (it should be godly and useful to society).

The 2nd number in the calendar of church holidays in August 2017 is the day of the prophet Elijah. He fought against paganism, carried faith in Christ to the people and performed many miracles. They ask him for blessings for cultivating the land, for rain, a successful marriage and family happiness. They turn to him when material difficulties and health problems arise, he is asked to protect him from sudden death.

On August 2, the icon of the Mother of God of the Sign is celebrated. It helps to establish peace and tranquility, to reconcile the warring parties, to stop internecine wars, to heal from various diseases, helps in natural disasters, protects against the penetration of thieves, protects against envious people.

On August 2, the icon of the Mother of God of Abalatskaya is celebrated. She is asked for patronage of pregnant women, for healing from paralysis, blindness and various eye diseases.

The prophet Ezekiel is honored on August 3. He was a priest and prophet who predicted the fall of cities, the resurrection of the dead, the punishment of Israel and his repentance, the emergence of the new Messiah David. Ezekiel worked miracles: he divided the river in half and helped the Jews to cross to the opposite bank, and also fed all the hungry.

On August 4, Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene is venerated. Christ healed her of obsession, and she relentlessly followed him, believing in his power. She did not leave him even when he was taken into custody, and shared the grief of the Mother of God at the moment of the execution of Jesus Christ. She remained faithful and faithful to her Lord to the end, despite the fact that everyone turned away from him. They ask her for forgiveness and forgiveness of all mortal sins, come with repentance after an abortion, ask to get rid of addiction to drugs and alcohol, for protection from magic and witchcraft.

According to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated on the 5th. She is one of the most revered shrines. She is asked for deliverance from various diseases, including fatal ones, for peace and quiet in family life, for deliverance from quarrels, for instructing sinners on the true path, for protecting the house from evil people.

On August 5, the martyrs Trofim, Theophilus and 13 martyrs are venerated. They sacredly believed in one Lord and refused to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods. For this, they were hung on a tree, cut with iron, thrown stones at them, after which they were given fire. However, he did not harm them and the heads of the martyrs were beheaded.

On August 6, the holy Martyr Christina is venerated. While locked up, she independently came to the conclusion that the world could not be created by the idols worshiped by her parents. She believed in the Lord and saw an Angel who told her the truth about the Creator. Christina fasted, prayed and renounced the pagan faith.

Her own father subjected her body to torture and unthinkable torment, but her faith in the Lord remained unshakable. All attempts to kill her failed, Christ and the Angels each time saved her from death and healed her bodily wounds. She met her death at the hands of the warriors of the ruler Julian.

On August 7, the Dormition of the righteous Anna, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, is celebrated. She is considered the patroness of future mothers, therefore, in their prayers to Anna, women are asked to give them the joy of motherhood and promote the birth of healthy children.

According to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, Venerable Macarius Zheltovodsky is honored on the same day. He took tonsure and led an ascetic life, actively resisted evil, led an ascetic life and founded a monastery.

On August 8, the Monk Moses Ugrin is venerated. All his life he resisted the pleasures of the flesh, prayed fervently and helped the monks fight great temptations.

On August 8, the holy martyrs Ermolai, Ermippus and Ermokrat are venerated. Despite severe persecution, they preached Christianity and instructed the pagans on the path of righteous faith. When they were captured, they were subjected to cruel tortures and torments, they were forced to renounce the Lord and offer sacrifice to idols, but their faith was strong and they did not give in, despite all the torment. They were sentenced to death by beheading.

On August 9, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon is honored. He healed people with prayer and did not charge for it, for which he earned hatred from other doctors. He was called to the court of the emperor Maximian, where he healed a man, which caused bitterness on the part of the emperor, devoted to paganism. They tortured him, tortured him, burned him, tore his flesh, wanted to drown him, threw him into boiling tin, but the martyr survived. His head was cut off and milk flowed from the wound, according to his life. They wanted to burn the body, but the fire did not harm it.

The Monk Herman of Alaska is venerated on August 9. He spread the Orthodox faith among the Russian-speaking inhabitants of America and baptized thousands of local residents. He renounced all earthly blessings and comforts, led a godly and humble life, he was remembered as a man of amazing intelligence, clear thoughts, wise and sound reasoning.

On August 10, according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017 in Russia, the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. By offering her prayers, you can save people from big epidemics and war, ask for deliverance from serious illnesses and imprisonment, protection for the helpless, widows, orphans and poor people, send travelers on the right path, return home missing people, restore harmony and mutual understanding in the house, to resolve family conflicts.

On August 11, Martyr Seraphim is venerated. She was a true Christian, did not worship idols and refused to offer sacrifices to them, preaching faith in the true Lord. Saint Seraphima is considered the patroness of all the unfortunate and disadvantaged, they pray to her for chastity, ask her to get rid of addictions, to strengthen fortitude and faith.

On August 12, the icon of the Mother of God Okonskaya is celebrated. They pray to her for protection from captivity, for relief and healing of ailments.

On August 12, the martyr John the Warrior is honored. They pray to him for the protection of the sons who went into the army from misfortune and death, for the protection of those taken prisoner, for help in the fight against offenders, they ask him to send and find lost things, to alleviate the state of mind, to satisfy grief and sorrow.

August 13 in the calendar of church holidays in August 2017 is marked as the forefeast of the Origin of the honest trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

The righteous Eudocimus the Cappadocian is revered on the same date. He is considered the patron saint of the family hearth and pray for an end to hatred between spouses, for well-being and understanding in the family.

On August 14, the demolition of the venerable trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is celebrated. On this holiday, it is customary to carry the cross, pray to it and worship it, consecration of water and honey is carried out. Popularly, this holiday is called the Honey Savior.

On August 15, the Achair icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. She is asked for the patronage of the disadvantaged and helpless, for help for widows and orphans, for the improvement of children in society.

On August 15, they pay tribute to the memory of Blessed Vasily, the Moscow miracle worker. He was a hardworking and God-fearing youth with the gift of clairvoyance. He walked without clothes, fasted, prayed and taught people moral life and mercy. Blessed Basil predicted deaths, denounced deceit and lies, predicted fires and, according to his life, was able to extinguish one of them with three glasses of wine. They pray to him and ask for humility and patience, for safety in the event of a fire, for cure from various diseases and addictions to alcohol and drugs.

On the 16th, according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, the Monk Anthony the Roman, the wonderworker of Novgorod, is honored. They pray to him for intercession, for healing from diseases, for protection from troubles and misfortunes, for a successful journey.

On August 16, the Monk Cosmas the Hermit is venerated. He observed a strict fast, adhered to church dogmas and was the guardian of the Orthodox faith. They pray to him for resisting evil, for deliverance from foul language, for maintaining spiritual purity and chastity.

On August 17, a disciple of Evdokia the Roman is venerated by the monk. She was remembered for her good deeds and righteous lifestyle. She abandoned idolatry and faithfully believed in the Lord, for which she was subjected to unbearable torture.

On August 17, the memory of seven youths, like in Ephesus, is honored. They were exemplary Christians and served in the military. They were ordered to make sacrifices to the pagan gods, but they refused, left the city and prayed in a cave.

At the trial, they were sentenced to death, ordered to walled up the young men in the same cave, but they did not die, but fell into a dream that lasted two centuries. The bishop and a huge number of people witnessed the miracle of revival, who were even more strengthened in their faith and the omnipotence of the Lord.

On August 18, the holy martyrs Anfir and Favius, who were popes, are venerated. Anfir was subjected to torture and torture for the confession of Christianity, and Favius ​​became his follower and successor. He managed to build several temples and baptize many pagans until he was beheaded by the sword.

19th, a special day according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, because the Transfiguration is celebrated
Lord or Apple Savior. It shows that in Jesus Christ the divine and human natures are closely intertwined. On this day, it is necessary to consecrate the fruits of the new harvest.

On August 20, Venerable Anthony of Optina is venerated. He thought about monastic life from childhood and devoted his whole life to serving the Lord. He worked hard, instructed people on the true path, spent time in prayer, reading and meditation, people came to him for blessing and edification.

On August 21, Saint Myron the Wonderworker is revered. He served as a presbyter and instructed people in a holy Christian life, urged them to endure the suffering that befell them. As a bishop, he advocated the commemoration of the holy martyrs. According to his life, he could stop the flow of the river and performed many godly miracles.

In the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, the 22nd day is marked as the day of veneration of the Apostle Matthew. He was one of the twelve apostles - disciples of Jesus Christ. He is the author of the Gospel of Matthew. He is asked to strengthen his faith, to protect himself from temptation, to improve his financial well-being and to establish justice.

Blessed Lavrenty of Kaluga is venerated on 23 August. He lived in a hut, walked barefoot all year round, prayed every night on the church porch and went to services on his own secret passage dug underground. Posthumous miracles are known that took place at the tomb of Blessed Lawrence: healing a person with paralysis, casting out demons and getting rid of demoniacal possessions, curing eye diseases and other ailments.

On August 24, the Martyr Archdeacon Eupl. He earnestly preached Christianity and the Gospel, for which he was subjected to sophisticated torture and cruel torture, and subsequently beheaded.

On the 25th, according to the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Coman is honored. He was a well-read man who knew many sciences and carefully studied the Holy Scriptures. He was elected bishop for his pure heart, noble thoughts, knowledge of the Gospel. He is remembered as a wise and knowledgeable shepherd who knows how to fill his flock with the true power and grace of God with a word. He did not renounce his faith even under the threat of death, for which he was put on fire.

On August 26, the celebration of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This is the end of the celebration, an occasion to rethink its spiritual meaning once again, turn to the Lord and think about your Soul, strengthen your faith and take the righteous path.

On August 27, the memory of the prophet Micah is honored. He promised disasters in Samaria and Jerusalem, predicted an appeal to the laws of Jehovah and the establishment of a peaceful kingdom. By himself, he left a book of prophecies.

On August 27, the Besednaya icon of the Mother of God is celebrated. She is asked for patronage in the restoration and preservation of temples, as well as success in construction.

On August 28, one of the main church holidays in August 2017 is celebrated - the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Liturgy in the church begins in the evening and lasts throughout the night. For the morning service, Christian believers bring seeds to illuminate and bless them. The holiday teaches that a righteous life after death will be rewarded by the Most High Creator, you need to let go of sorrow and sorrow associated with death and believe in eternal life in Heaven.

On August 29, the Bread or Nut Savior is celebrated. On this day, it is necessary to hallow bread, water and nuts.

On August 29, the memory of the martyr Diomedes is honored. He healed people with prayers and converted pagans to Christianity. They pray to him for the strengthening of faith and for healing from various ailments.

On the 30th of the calendar of church holidays in August 2017, the Monk Pimen Ugreshsky is venerated. At seventeen, he made the decision to become a monk. He worked hard at the church, performed various duties, was God-obedient and uncomplaining. When he became a holy father, he was engaged in the construction of churches and organized a hostel at the monastery.

On August 31, the icon of the Mother of God the Tsaritsa is celebrated. They turn to her in prayers with requests to defeat one of the most terrible diseases - cancer. It helps in the healing of many diseases, wards off sorcerers and sorcerers from sin, helps to strengthen in faith and guides you on the right path, they find comfort in it and restore spiritual harmony.

On August 31, the martyrs Florus and Laurus are venerated. The brothers preached the Christian faith and possessed the gift of healing. For apostasy from paganism, they were thrown into a well and covered with earth.

The last summer month is rich not only in harvest, but also in the number of revered church holidays.

And also in August, Christian believers will have a particularly strict Dormition Fast. What dates are dedicated to this or that Orthodox holiday, read on.

Church holidays in August 2017

Dedicated to the memory of the prophet Elijah. He led a righteous life and was awarded the right to go to Heaven after death. In the Slavic sense, this day marked the beginning of the forbidden swimming season: it was believed that from Elijah's day all evil spirits return to the reservoirs.

By this date, the bees have traditionally finished collecting honey, and the beekeepers are in full swing. The harvest of the new season should be consecrated in the church, only after that it should be eaten. Consecrated honey remains in the church, is distributed on the porch, or is sent to the sick and the poor. The rest of the honey is also considered consecrated, so it can be safely eaten and harvested for the winter.

On this day, according to the Holy Scriptures, two Old Testament prophets descended to those praying on the mountain in Galilee, Jesus Christ, Peter, John and James, who proclaimed Jesus the Son of God. In honor of this holiday, the Dormition Fast is relaxed. The second saved - Yablochny. By this time, apples have ripened in almost all regions of our country. The new harvest must be consecrated in the church, after which it can be eaten.

On this day, the soul of the mother of Jesus Christ went to Heaven to the heavenly tabernacles, where she remains to this day together with her beloved Son Jesus Christ, other righteous and sinless souls.

Third Savior. It is also called canvas or walnut. This holiday was not particularly revered by our ancestors, therefore it did not gain the publicity that the first two Savior received. From this date, an active trade in fabrics and canvases began. However, on this day, the church celebrates a more honorable event - the transfer is miraculous. image of the Savior from Edessa to Constantinople in 944.

The last month of summer is marked by a large number of Orthodox church holidays, memorable events and dates that every believer must remember and honor. But remembering all of them and not losing sight of important details is very difficult - after all, as we said above, the church calendar of holidays for August 2017 is very rich and extensive. In this article, we have collected all the significant and important holidays of the last month of summer with notes and recommendations, posts and advice on meeting and holding the August Christian holidays - everything for your convenience. From the beginning of the month until August 13, all Orthodox Christians adhere to the summer meat-eater - a period when it is allowed to eat meat products without restriction. On August 14, the Assumption Fast 2017, which is considered strict, begins. It was appointed in honor of the upcoming feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
August 2017 ends with the beginning of the autumn meat-eater, which will last right up to the end of November - from August 28 to November 27, 2017.

Church holidays in August 2017 - important dates in the Orthodox Church calendar 1 August 2017 Tuesday
The uncovering of the relics of the Monk Seraphim, the miracle worker of Sarov.
Cathedral of the Kursk Saints.
Icons of the Mother of God Tenderness Seraphim-Diveevskaya.
2 August 2017 Wednesday
Day of the prophet Elijah.
Dedicated to the memory of the prophet Elijah. He led a righteous life and was awarded the right to go to Heaven after death. In the Slavic sense, this day marked the beginning of the forbidden swimming season: it was believed that from Elijah's day all evil spirits return to the reservoirs.
Uncovering of the relics of Athanasius of Brest.
Icons of the Mother of God Galich, "The Sign" Abalatskaya, Orshanskaya.
Fasting day.
3 August 2017 Thursday
Prophet Ezekiel.
Simeon of Palestine and John.
Hieromartyr Peter Golubev, presbyter.
4 august 2017 friday
Myrrh-bearing Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene.
Transfer of the relics of the Holy Martyr Phocas.
Venerable Cornelius of Pereyaslavl.
August 5, 2017 Saturday Martyrs Trofim, Theophilus and 13 martyrs with them.
Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. 6 August 2017 Sunday
Martyr Christina.
Bloody princes of the stratorpets Boris and Gleb, in the Holy Baptism of Roman and David.
Cathedral of Smolensk Saints.
7 August 2017 Monday
The Assumption is right. Anna, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Monk Makarii Zheltovodsky, Unzhensky.
August 8, 2017 is a Tuesday of the Hieromartyrs Hermolaus, Hermippus and Hermokrates, the priests of Nicomedia.
Reverend Moses Ugrin August 9, 2017 Wednesday
Great martyr and healer Panteleimon.
Reverend Herman of Alaska.
Fasting day.
10 August 2017 Thursday
Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, named Hodegetria (Guide).
Cathedral of Tambov saints.
11 august 2017 friday
Martyr Kallinikos of Cilician.
Martyr Seraphim.
Venerables Korstantin and Cosmas of Kosinsky.
Fasting day.
12 August 2017 Saturday
Martyr John the Warrior.
Uncovering of the relics of the Monk Herman of Solovetsky.
Celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God Okonskaya.
13 August 2017 Sunday
Forefeast of the Origin of the honest drev of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.
Hieromartyr Benjamin, Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and others like him murdered Hieromartyrs Archimadris Sergius and Martyrs Yuri and John.
Priest Evdokim the Cappadocian.
14 August 2017 Monday
The origin (wear) of the honest trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. Honey Savior.
By this date, the bees have traditionally finished collecting honey, and the beekeepers are in full swing. The harvest of the new season should be consecrated in the church, only after that it should be eaten. Consecrated honey remains in the church, is distributed on the porch, or is sent to the sick and the poor. The rest of the honey is also considered consecrated, so it can be safely eaten and harvested for the winter.
The Dormition Fast begins.
From 14 to 28 August 2017 - the Dormition Fast continues.
15 August 2017 Tuesday
Transfer from Jerusalem to Constantinople of the relics of the first. Archdeacon Stephen and the acquisition of the relics of the righteous Nicodemus, Gamaliel and his son Abib.
Blessed Basil, Moscow miracle worker.
Achair Icon of the Mother of God.
16 August 2017 Wednesday
The Monk Anthony the Roman, the wonderworker of Novgorod.
Saint Cosmas the hermit.
17 August 2017 Thursday
Seven youths, like in Ephesus.
Monk Martyr Eudokia the Romans.
18 August 2017 Friday
Forefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
Monk Martyr Job of the Ushchelsky.
Hieromartyrs Harfir and Favius.
Martyr Eusignius of Antioch.
19 August 2017 Saturday
Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ. Apple Spas.
On this day, according to the Holy Scriptures, two Old Testament prophets descended to those praying on the mountain in Galilee, Jesus Christ, Peter, John and James, who proclaimed Jesus the Son of God. In honor of this holiday, the Dormition Fast is relaxed.
The second saved - Yablochny. By this time, apples have ripened in almost all regions of our country. The new harvest must be consecrated in the church, after which it can be eaten.
20 august 2017 sunday
Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
Uncovering of the relics of Saint Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh.
Saint Anthony of Optina.
21 August 2017 Monday
Saint Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of Kyziches.
Transfer of the relics of Venerable Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky
Saint Myron the wonderworker
22 August 2017 Tuesday
Apostle Matthias.
Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints.
23 August 2017 Wednesday
Blessed Lawrence, Christ for the holy fool, Kaluga.
Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Solovetsky.
24 August 2017 Thursday
Martyr Archdeacon Euplus.
25 august 2017 friday
Martyrs Photius and Anikita and many with them.
Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Coman.
Martyrs Pamphilus and Kapiton.
26 August 2017 Saturday
Handing over of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
The repose and the second uncovering of the relics of St. Tikhon, the wonderworker of Zadonsk.
Martyrs Hippolytus, Irenaeus, Aundius and Martyr Concordia.
27 august 2017 sunday
Forefeast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Transfer of the relics of the Monk Theodosius of the Caves.
Prophet Micah.
Celebration of the icons of the Mother of God Besednaya and Narva.
28 August 2017 Monday
Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.
On this day, the soul of the mother of Jesus Christ went to Heaven to the heavenly tabernacles, where she remains to this day together with her beloved Son Jesus Christ, other righteous and sinless souls.
29 Aug 2016 Tuesday
Afterfeast of the Assumption of the Virgin.
Bread Savior, also referred to as Nut Savior or Savior on canvas.
This holiday was not particularly revered by our ancestors, therefore it did not gain the publicity that the first two Savior received. From this date, an active trade in fabrics and canvases began. However, on this day, the church celebrates a more honorable event - the transfer is miraculous. image of the Savior from Edessa to Constantinople in 944.
30 August 2017 Wednesday
Rev. Pimen of Ugreshsky.
Armatian Icon of the Mother of God.
Fasting day.
31 August 2017 Thursday
Martyrs Florus and Laurus.
Icons of the Mother of God the Tsaritsa.

Posts in August 2017

A multi-day fast in August 2017 - Dormition Fast. The beginning of abstinence begins on August 14 and continues until August 27, 2017. Strict fasting, which begins with the celebration of the Savior of Honey and continues until the bright feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. According to the church charter, people who adhere to the Dormition fast must follow the following restrictions on food: Monday, Wednesday, Friday during the Dormition fast - dry eating. On dry eating days, you can eat the following foods: dry unleavened bread (rusks), raw vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, honey, nuts, water, salt is allowed from seasonings.
Fasting Tuesday and Thursday - hot food without oil. On these days, you can eat dishes cooked on fire and without the use of vegetable oil. Such dishes include vegetable and mushroom soups, tea, coffee, compotes, decoctions. Saturday and Sunday during the Dormition Lent - the consumption of vegetable oil and wine is allowed. On August 19, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, it is allowed to eat Fish and seafood. If the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on Wednesday or Friday, then the breaking of the fast is postponed to the next day, and on August 28 it is allowed to eat fish and seafood. One-day fasts - August 2, August 4, August 9, August 11, August 30.