Aggression. Aggressive behavior of adolescents Causes of youthful aggression

Teenage aggression is a defensive reaction to what is happening around... More and more often we come across it in the modern world. Aggression of adolescents as a social problem is one of its important manifestations. More often she makes herself felt in response to the negativity surrounding the teenager. After all, this behavior does not appear from birth. People, being born, cannot be cowardly or selfish, they become so depending on the environment in which they live and develop.

The main reason is relationships in the family and in the close environment. Factors such as attempts to constantly control the teenager and put pressure on him, unfounded criticism, lack of attention and love, contribute to the manifestation of anger towards the world around him. Aggression manifests itself at the age of 10-16 years, during the transitional age. This is a difficult period for a child, when puberty occurs, he changes as a personality from the psychological side. Under the pressure of the changes taking place in him, the teenager is confident that he can cope with all adult issues on his own. He feels on a par with the older people from his environment and wants the attitude on their part to be the same. During this period, there is a desire to change and conquer the whole world, but children simply cannot realize this all in life.

Aggressiveness in adolescence is more a defensive reaction to his surroundings than an attack. During such a period, it is very important for parents to observe this line: to make him feel like an adult, while not forgetting that he is still a child. Give him attention and care. Most often, adults are simply not psychologically ready for such a manifestation of their child's behavior and do not know how to help him, how to treat him. During such behavior, we simply do not know how to behave in this situation and what to do, how to help.

Manifestation of aggression in adolescents

Psychologists distinguish 2 types of aggression: hidden and open.

Open aggressiveness manifests itself in the form of harm to people around him, objects. The teenager so wants to show his authority among friends, thus, self-actualize. In case of failure, they begin to steal, drink, smoke, use drugs, engage in petty robbery, or commit suicide.

With latent aggression, children keep everything to themselves, they do not share their experiences and problems with anyone. They are quiet and submissive, not showing their displeasure. But, since negative energy did not find a way out for a long time, later nervous breakdowns, prolonged depression, neurosis occur.

So, attacks of aggression are manifested in the form of insults to relatives, conflicts with parents arise. Teenagers humiliate everyone who seems weaker to them. They beat animals, vandalize. In case of misunderstanding on the part of the parents, they may leave home. They create their own companies, in which alcohol and drugs are often welcomed. Such companies have their own rules, their own jargon, jokes that are understandable only in this environment. Difficult teenagers who do not find understanding at home become comfortable there, and they spend more and more time with new friends, believing that now this is their family.

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Forms of manifestation of teenage aggression

Each teenager expresses aggression in different ways (depending on the nature of the child and his relationship with the external environment). The main features of the manifestation:

  • resentment (often offended without any particular reason for the whole world and for a specific person);
  • suspicion (the child does not trust anyone, is negative towards everyone);
  • indirect aggression (dissolves gossip about someone, jokes viciously);
  • physical aggression (constantly participating in fights);
  • irritability (very quick-tempered and rude for no good reason);
  • verbal aggression (manifests its attitude with the help of threats and shouts);
  • hidden aggression (does not do what he is asked to do, saying that he has forgotten; he tries not to fulfill the request for a longer time, or even forgets about it).

What are the causes of aggression in adolescents?

Consider 3 main reasons why aggression occurs in adolescence: situational, family and personal.

Personal reasons are manifested as follows:

  • the child feels lonely;
  • unconfident;
  • irritated for no particular reason and offended;
  • feels guilty about everything;
  • hormones are activated due to puberty;
  • constantly thinks about the worst.

Situational reasons appear in certain situations in a child's life:

  • disease;
  • watching violent films;
  • long sitting at the computer, computer games;
  • improper nutrition.

With mental and physical exertion, the body becomes overworked.

Parents cannot always restrain themselves, this does not justify them, but they also depend on many surrounding factors. Family causes of aggression in adolescents arise from the behavior of the parents themselves with children:

  • often parents publicly humiliate and insult the child;
  • do not participate in his life, letting everything take its course;
  • show indifference and hostility towards their child;
  • do not allow him to express himself, suppress his desires and emotions;
  • control every step of the teenager;
  • they say little about their love.

Aggressive behavior in adolescence- a natural scourge for a teenager's family. When your child transforms into an eternally rude monster banging the door, it is not difficult to get confused. Teachers start to complain that there are more and more showdowns among the children, where your teenager appears. He behaves in a cocky manner. In response, parents create scandals for their children, trying to induce exemplary behavior in them. Conflict situations of relatives with children only heat up the situation. It’s impossible to figure out what to do. You can't beat a teenager. Parents notice that their child has become uncontrollable. In this article, we will learn what is the prevention of aggression in adolescence.

And on a par with that, aggression in adolescence- one of the most frequent and typical signs of the arrival and existence of a crisis in a teenager. You are not the first or the last. In many families, after some time, this issue is settled by itself. Indeed, it is important for relatives to understand what is happening with their child, which is signaled by his aggressive state.

Being unbiased, we can say that in some adolescents, outbursts of anger and vulnerability are minimized, which is provoked by physical changes in the body, by modifying hormones. And others, turn around their personality whole "wars" in their families. This is the time to talk about preventing aggression during adolescence.

Methods for preventing aggression in adolescents

The source for understanding the essence of prevention of aggressive behavior of children lies in the phrase "he became uncontrollable." Indeed, people who have reached the age of majority are mostly in control of themselves. Or, when an adult has agreed with another adult, he may not forcibly give him the right to partial control over personal actions. For example, when applying for a job, a person, in exchange for a stipulated monetary retaliation, agrees that his manager must tell him what and how to do within the work schedule. In exchange for a reward, not forcibly. And this means, in reality, the preservation of the right to dispose of your personality. Due to the fact that you can take a calculation at any time and look for other agreements.

As a result, it turns out that adults manage their actions on their own, but children need parental care. It is they who determine what rules to introduce and take in the life of their child. And this is true, because the child does not have the full experience, knowledge and strength to live, making decisions alone, and successfully exist. But it should be borne in mind that the child grows, becomes more experienced.

"Teenager"- the word itself says to itself, this is the time when the child says goodbye to childhood and faces maturity. If by this hour, the child was limited by freedom, and he was not essentially explained why it was necessary to adhere to this or that rule, but only forced to follow it, then by the time of the crisis of adolescence such a child is absolutely sure: the right to make a decision is a question which is strength. And immediately begins to show it. He needs this in order to win the right to be independent. It follows from this that if you do not have a desire to meet the aggressive behavior of your own teenager on a full scale - prematurely begin to interpret, ask, and less often make demands by order. Increase his freedom of action little by little, long before he starts fighting for it. Of course, within such a framework, as much as it will be harmless.

Correction of teenage aggression

Stop being bitter about his aggressive behavior. He will inherit you. You scream - he responds in kind. You are not condescending in epithets, do not forget that he also has a bright reserve of words. If you are manipulating others, why do you think he won't do that? Stop setting a negative example.

Admit to yourself that your child is already big in some way. And he can figure out something on his own. Including, he has a personal right not to desire something that you want from him. You don't want him to obey every desire of outsiders for about 30 years. Of course not! Actually, this is the time when your child gains experience in how to protect personal interests. Come to his aid right now. Share your knowledge of how to reach an agreement. And you must admit that sometimes he may not do what you wanted. After all, this is his own choice.

Why teenagers are aggressive towards their loved ones and not only towards them. Perhaps this is some kind of protest against the well-known rules and procedures established in our society. Or maybe this is a way to declare yourself as a self-sufficient and extraordinary personality. There are many questions, but are there answers to them?

Let's see what psychologists and educators think about this. What do they see as the reasons for teenage aggression.

How can you understand that a child is already an adult? The size of clothes and shoes is approaching or already the same as that of dad and mom. Clothes and shoes are bought in accordance with fashion trends (gadgets, by the way, too), confidential conversations between a son or daughter and parents very often give way to innuendo, mutual reproaches and quarrels. Secrets are firmly settled in the children's room, where adults can only enter with permission.

Why Teens Are Aggressive - Top 7 Reasons

We slowly rebuild and are often afraid to admit to ourselves that we need to change the style of communication with our grown up, but still beloved son and daughter. Often, in response to a harmless remark, one may encounter aggressive behavior of a grown-up child. In such cases, the parents simply give up, and exacerbate the situation more and more, not really knowing even the reasons for this behavior. Let's see why out of affectionate and obedient, cute girls and boys, suddenly aggressive "adult" children with their own world have grown up, where it is so difficult for us, moms and dads, to get.

Attracting parental attention

  • Agree that we are paying less and less attention to our child. The main concern is to provide financially for our family, because the demands are growing. And we are less and less interested in the emotional and mental state. And this is the beginning of conflict situations in the future.
  • To get our attention, the teenager begins to be rude. Rudeness immediately alarms, offends and makes, finally, "wake up". Something is wrong. Sometimes boys and girls are just embarrassed to talk about their problems, so they just start to behave aggressively: what if mom and dad themselves understand that they need to hug, kiss, as before, and ask how was the day?
  • Aggressive behavior can take both a pronounced form: rudeness, insults and demonstrative disobedience with slamming doors, and a latent form: isolation, skipping lessons, bad habits and even suicide.

Self-affirmation method

The young man and the girl have not yet done anything important and meaningful in their lives, but they already consider themselves adults. At this age, various behaviors begin to apply. Parents act as “volunteer listeners”. If everyone at home will accept it, then you can behave this way with your peers. And if they do not pay attention, because in the family screaming, rudeness is the norm, then, even more so, everything should be so.

Copying adult behavior

3. In fact, adults are to blame, not their uncontrollable "tormentor" and "punishment". Instead of leaving their aggressive behavior outside the door and keeping the atmosphere of care, love and attention in the house with all their might, moms and dads arrange a “debriefing” among themselves, and they do not spare the child either. No arguments (fatigue, alcohol, betrayal of the husband, lack of money) can be justified. Adults must remember that they are responsible for the state of mind of their child. Unhappy parents are unhappy children. This is an axiom.

Hormonal changes

At this age, there is a process of transformation from girls and boys to boys and girls. They are often ashamed for no reason, embarrassed, they don't really know what to do with their "adulthood" yet. Sudden changes in mood, then tears, then rudeness - this is normal. And you need to go through this, remaining your dearest person, child, friend.

It's hard, but there are ways: joint sports, creativity. You should not react so sharply to rudeness. Calmly explain why it hurts others. Behave with dignity and often take an interest in your offspring's life. Think back to yourself in his years. Do not forget that most likely he already had his first love and first serious experiences.

Features of education

  • If there are extremes in the family, expressed in tyranny, or, conversely, in connivance and permissiveness, then the younger generation often does not see boundaries in society later. Or, breaking free from total control, he begins to manifest his “I” in such a way that everyone knows and sees.
  • In the case when there is violence at home, including physical violence, the teenager, being in fear for many years, then looks for a weaker one and completely “tolerates” the “tyrant-victim” model of behavior.
  • When everyone is allowed, but at the same time they forget to explain how you can deal with people, and how not, why you need to respect the elderly, not offend the weak and animals, then, naturally, the child believes that everything is possible. Including take away the old woman's pension, humiliate a classmate, be rude to the teacher.

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Influence of TV and the Internet

Now there is a massive dominance of films and programs, computer games, where aggressive behavior, scenes of violence and cruelty are shown and demonstrated.

  1. While surfing the Internet, young people not only prepare for classes, but also uncontrollably watch films, stories where aggression and physical violence are the norm. They perceive all this as correct actions. There is still no wisdom and experience to distinguish between the emotional stress of a person and scenes of sadism, for example.
  2. Various groups and communities on social networks are able to turn a good, smart and kind boy or girl into a real aggressive monster who can not only be rude, but also steal and beat. There are many methods of how to subdue and process the fragile psyche of a teenager and make him "unrecognizable" for parents.

Searching for the boundaries of what is permitted

This process is quite natural. In adolescence, children learn to behave in society, so they experiment with what is possible and what is not. In fact, they do not want to be bad and rude, but simply try to see if it is possible to show themselves that way, and what will follow.

If you stop the child in time and conduct, perhaps, more than one conversation, then he will not only stop behaving defiantly, but will also begin to resist violence and learn to say “no” to drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

5 smart ways to combat teenage aggression

  1. Explain to your son or daughter that different emotions are normal. Anger and rage are also inherent in human nature. But why not hit the punching bag instead of screaming? Not enough adrenaline - jump with a parachute, sign up for a dance with your child.
  2. Don't get involved in a scandal. Either answer in a low voice, or ignore the scream. Having not received the desired "answer", the child will have to calm down, since sparring does not work.
  3. Come up with a word to indicate when it's worth stopping. As soon as someone says it, then the discussion ends. Just don't forget about yourself. If a teenager sees that you continue to educate him as a little one, then do not expect contact.
  4. Explain that for safety reasons, you should check your gadgets at least occasionally. Speak openly, explain who, for example, Satanists are. Don't be silent about these topics. If your son and daughter see that you care and you ask their permission, then trust will be restored. Do not try to secretly rummage in the child's phone and read messages.
  5. Do not forget sometimes to just go to school to find out not only about academic performance, but also to hear the opinion of teachers about the atmosphere in the classroom and the relationships of children. It may well be that you do not know about something.


Why are teens aggressive? The question, of course, is a difficult one, but, perhaps, after reading this article, the motives and reasons provoking the young, struggling souls of our grown-up children to aggression have become clearer for you.

I would like to end this article with some small recommendations for parents.

  • Although it is said that small children are small worries, and big ones are big problems, they may practically not be at all if you are attentive to your sons and daughters.
  • If you lack knowledge and feel that the situation is getting out of control, then do not hesitate to read useful literature and visit a psychologist. It is your responsibility to help your child become a worthy and happy person.
  • Remember that only in a pair with your beloved clever - a son or a beautiful daughter - you can overcome a difficult age. In spite of everything, continue to give them your love.

I hope the article was helpful to you. Write in the comments what you think on the topic of the article.

Good luck and patience!

Your Tatiana Kemishis

Reading time: 3 minutes

Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find aggression and hostility all over the street. The surge in the spread of aggressiveness among schoolchildren is especially noted. Hostile actions of minors are often targeted either at a specific child or group in order to show their strength, superiority or permissiveness.

Minors who feel not loved, not accepted by society, increasingly show immoral behavior through the way of recreating their inner world and inner pain. Trying to get rid of or throw off inner negativity, adolescents express contradictions through aggressive behavior aimed at humiliating the weak. During the period of restriction of internal needs, tension accumulates inside the growing child. Unable to cope with internal stress, the teenager is discharged through aggressive behavior.

Children who behave in a hostile manner are labeled as “difficult teenagers”. Often they are isolated from the group, those around them do not care much about what the child's personality is experiencing inside, they predict a negative future for her. Such a reaction contributes to the development of willfulness in them. If a student does not have psychological deviations, then his aggressive behavior can still be dealt with with the help of the interaction of parents, teachers, and a psychologist. It is important not to neglect a minor child.


Hostility directed at the weaker is an indicator of a problem within the child's character. Often, difficult children grow up in troubled families or themselves have suffered from personal humiliation. The object of their revenge is not the offender (he is much stronger than the minor), but the personality is weaker, more often these are younger children who are lower in social status and are brought up by incomplete families.

The aggressiveness of minors is caused by disturbances in the emotional sphere. While committing violence, a child cannot relate how physically and emotionally painful it is to the person he is bullying.

The inclinations for the manifestation of empathy are formed even in preschool age, and the parents are responsible for this.

This means that parental irresponsibility is the cause of aggressive behavior. This is not the only reason for the development of aggressiveness in minors.

Often, the child's aggressiveness occurs under the pressure of the group. The mechanism of pressure in the group can incline a minor to violence without his desire to manifest this act. The initiator of violence, demonstrating to the members of the group that he is capable of a lot, which means he is "tough", encourages everyone from the environment and convinces them that the force is on their side.

Psychological studies have revealed that at the age of three, the baby is at the peak of his aggressiveness. This is due to the fact that it is unrealistically difficult for the crumbs to assimilate the prohibitions, as well as the rules of conduct, during this period. It will depend on the parents how they will redirect the inappropriate behavior of the baby into a peaceful channel. First of all, it depends on the very behavior of the parents, how peaceful and friendly they are.

Thus, when describing the reasons for the emergence of aggressive behavior in adolescents, family education should be taken into account. Indifference to children's problems, lack of support creates an emotional vacuum in a teenager, which develops into an inability to control emotions on his own. During puberty, the child is subject to both emotional and psychological pressure and most needs the understanding of loved ones. Parents, passionate about work, career, ignoring the needs of a teenager, pay off from him with various gifts and freedom of action.

Adults should develop the child's ability to understand their own feelings, learn to control them. A teenager should see how to express negative manifestations more calmly, without harming others and, most importantly, himself.

The opposite of indifference in raising children is excessive, "blind" parental concern. This parental love neglects the adolescent's desire to make his own decisions.

The child's decision-making on their own contributes to learning from their mistakes. Over time, a minor, surrounded by mega care, becomes uncontrollable with an obsessive desire to prove his independence to his parents. This is expressed in aggressive behavior with peers or with animals, much less often with oneself.

Also, the reason for the emergence of aggressive behavior in adolescents is the dysfunction of the family itself. If a baby has grown up amid aggression since childhood, then it is possible that he will show a tendency to identical behavior.

Of course, not every minor from a dysfunctional family grows up aggressive. However, a negative example given by a parent will have a negative impact on the development of the psyche of the growing child. Aggressiveness of a minor will target peers who have not had family problems.

At school, the influence of classmates and teachers has a particular impact on the development of aggressive behavior in adolescents. Frequent conflicts with teachers, educational load unbalance the shaky psyche of a minor, unrequited love joins all of the above.

Since society has an impact on the formation of behavior, the phenomenon of the emergence of aggressive behavior in a teenager may be a group of peers among whom the child communicates. It is noticed that if yesterday the schoolboy was calm, then tomorrow he can “poison” his peer, thereby proving his “coolness” in order to be accepted into a group of significant peers.

In society, the problem of aggressive behavior of adolescents is constantly discussed. The appearance of this personality trait is noted in representatives of both sexes.

Alcohol, smoking, foul language, insults and bullying of others have become the norm today. Teenagers do not realize what they are being punished for if everyone does it. It is not uncommon for a minor from a good school to turn into an aggressive person. This often means that he is not being paid attention at home. Aggressive behavior of a teenager is a kind of protest caused by the rejection of him as a person.

Aggressive adolescents are endowed with a low level of intelligence, tend to imitate. Such minors have no value orientations, no hobbies, they are characterized by narrowness, as well as instability in hobbies. These students are often embittered, anxious, rude, self-centered, and expressing extreme self-esteem (positive or negative). Aggressive behavior of adolescents is a means of raising independence, as well as their own prestige.


Sufficient attention is paid to the preventive work of antisocial behavior among young people in the education system. The problem of aggressiveness among young people is considered the most discussed at meetings in school. In educational institutions, a psychologist and a social educator deal with problem students.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents is more often observed in the circle of school problems. For this reason, teachers should be attentive to schoolchildren and, having detected changes in children's behavior, they should monitor negative manifestations in order to eradicate aggressiveness at an early stage.

The work of the psychological service is aimed at preventing illegal actions, at preventing the development of adolescents. With all the qualified help of teachers, parents are the main people capable of raising a child correctly and not turning him into an aggressive personality. Therefore, work to prevent the development of aggressive behavior should be carried out both among schoolchildren and among parents. Collaboration will give good results and will be effective.


Teenage aggression is eliminated by the principles of correctional work presented below:

- it is necessary to establish contact with a teenager;

- to perceive without judgment and respectfully treat him as a person;

- have a positive attitude towards his inner world.

Areas of corrective work include:

- teaching a teenager the skills of self-control (the ability to manage anger);

- training to lower the level of anxiety;

- formation of understanding of personal emotions, development;

- development of positive self-esteem.

When the first signs of aggression appear, you can recommend that the teenager take a break, divert his attention by switching to something else, more pleasant. It will be effective to close your eyes, count to ten, or mentally "fill your mouth with water" if there is a person in front of him who is annoying with his conversation. Doing so can prevent unnecessary hostility from developing.

It is necessary to teach a teenager to relate to those things in life that can no longer be changed - calmly. Of course, you can get angry with them, but there is no point in this.

There is another way out: accept them, treat them more calmly. An important point is to prevent chronic nervous exhaustion and fatigue, since they are the basis of aggression and irritability.

When the first signs of fatigue appear, you should take rest and bring into life moments that will delight. It is important to teach a teenager to be attentive to himself, to introduce positive changes in life, to try to be satisfied, since only such a person can be calm and also balanced.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

How do parents notice that their child has already grown up, that he is now a teenager? Someone - according to the size of clothes and shoes, which now have to be bought more often than before. Someone - out of impossibility to check homework or guide you to school. But very often the onset of adolescence reveals itself out of nowhere with emerging aggressive behavior and rudeness. This unsettles, spoils the relationship. What to do?

Why is a teenager being rude

Rudeness is perhaps the most frequent "symptom" of adolescence, which is called by parents. Why does it happen that a child, with whom yesterday it was possible to find a common language, today reacts to everything with aggression, snaps and is rude?

Traditionally, let's look at the reasons for a start. There are several of them.

  • It seems to the child that this is the easiest way to assert yourself, according to the principle "who will overreach whom." If he does this and addresses the parent much more rudely, then he seems to be a winner. In addition, this is such a rehearsal for communication with peers, and parents act as "guinea pigs".
  • This could be the way attract the attention of parents when it's not enough. Let's honestly admit to ourselves: since the child himself eats, dresses and goes to school, then we pay less and less attention to him. And if you shout at us? Attention is immediately provided!
  • Or maybe a growing up person is so copies your behavior... Moreover, both in communication with him and between two adults. He is also an adult, and if parents talk to each other like that, then maybe this is some kind of norm for a teenager?
  • Another reason - hormonal jump... Think about yourself in these moments. How do you talk? Chatting? Children are constantly in such an endless change of mood!
  • Problems may be in the chosen one sometime parenting style, there are two extremes. They are more rude in families with an authoritarian and permissive parenting style. In fact, even at this age, it is not too late for parents to change their line of behavior.
  • Traditional for any crisis search for the boundaries of what is permitted and groping for the limits of their capabilities. This is a good option! Because such children, as a rule, "pretend" that they are rude and boorish, but do not really want to be that way.

How to respond to the rudeness of a teenager

How are we going to proceed? Of course, starting from the reason. The main thing is to diagnose the reasons honestly and frankly, with yourself! The options for your actions and reactions may be as follows.

  1. Do not get involved in the “who is louder” competition if the child raises his voice to you. You can answer him in a whisper, or you can ignore this manner of communication. By doing so, you will not give him the desired feedback.
  2. Ideally, rudeness should be cut down on the vine. At the first outbursts, talk to the child and explain why his behavior is unacceptable, than it upsets you personally. Better yet, film it and show him yourself. Few will like this picture.
  3. It's not too late to adjust your parenting line. The ideal style is democratic. When each of the parties has both rights and obligations. When you teach a child to negotiate ashore, be able to set your own conditions and at the same time fulfill yours. With this kind of mutual respect, accepting and understanding the other person's feelings is much easier.
  4. Set only realistic goals. This is often our fault! "Correct the Russian by Friday" - but how to do it if there are twenty twos ?! Remember, your child is not a magician! And, as you know, making mistakes is much easier than fixing them.
  5. Enter a special word, gesture, or identify an object that inhibits each of you. Initially agree: you hear the word "orange" - it means leave the room and catch your breath for at least 5 minutes, after that we can continue the conversation. Remember, a similar rule should be applied to your rudeness in relation to the child ... Or do you prefer to say "educational tone" about yourself? Think if you are living in a world of double standards? This is a very important moment for building harmonious relationships with children.
  • Spend more time with your child. I know how difficult it is, there is no time at all, but a teenager needs it now!
  • Watch your speech, its fullness and the presence of aggressive or potentially aggressive forms and phrases in it.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents: what to do?

There are many facts and even more fiction on the topic of increased emotionality. From the standpoint of common sense, adults understand everything - hormonal imbalance and restructuring are to blame. Then why is it that fully grown moms and dads cannot always cope with teenagers?

Try to put yourself in their place! Your body, which you knew everything about yesterday, with which you were quite pleased, begins to change dramatically. The arms are long, the clothes don't fit properly, acne appears on the face, and the voice betrays you. You are surrounded by continuous hysterics and psychos (after all, their entire environment is going through the same changes as themselves, that is, adolescents are constantly in a rather explosive atmosphere). And, of course, the parents do not understand.

In short: yesterday the whole world loved you, and today it hates you. Would you like that? I doubt!

Psychologists conducted studies, as a result of which it was revealed that emotional reactions, which for adults would be a symptom of the disease, for adolescents are the norm. Can you imagine how hard it is for them? How can we help our beloved children?

  1. It will be great if you can show your child that it is normal to experience different emotions... Use yourself or your family as an example. Let him know that there are good days and bad days, and the mood can be different. “But we love each other anyway. You, most importantly, do not be silent, come and we will talk. "
  2. Will help anger control techniques... Beat a pillow, knock on a punching bag, take a shower, take an anti-stress ball. Another great method is "it is written with a pitchfork on the water." It is simple: run your finger across the water, describing all your sadness and resentment. And then drain the water, it will pour out and take all the experiences with it.
  3. At this age appears need for adrenaline... Help your child find such an activity: fly together in a wind tunnel or go go-karting, snowboarding or parachute jumping - the child will be grateful to you.
  4. Tell him how you fight stress... Alcohol and cigarettes do not count! Perhaps your experience will be useful to the child.