Be careful with them! Homeless women: dangerous signs of the zodiac. How to beat your rival - tips for wise wives

If her husband's mistress appears ...

Or your beloved man has another woman ...

This is not just an unpleasant situation. This is a dangerous situation, because a man can go to her, to a rival.

And if it leaves, then it will be very difficult to return it.
This can only be done within 2 months from the date of his leaving.
Because at this time, his attraction to you is still preserved ...

Therefore, if he left, you need to act quickly ... If you want to return him.

Every day moves you further and further away from him ...
And of course, do not engage in amateur performances.

Trying to get it back on my own.
If a man has left, it means that you are already behaving wrongly with him.

And as a rule, a woman continues to move in the same direction ... Not understanding her mistakes.

And it complicates everything very much.

You need to contact a psychologist.
Not to the magician and sorcerer, who will take money from you and will not do anything ...

And you will waste precious time, which is limited.
Well, if the man has not left yet ... But you already know that he has another woman.

In such cases, you can help yourself on your own.
And I'll tell you how to do it.



The most important thing is to understand what you want in the end.
If you break up with your husband, then raise the scandal as loudly as possible and drive him out.
If you want him to stay in the family and break up with this woman,

to fall on my knees in front of you and ask for forgiveness,
and so that this situation never happens again, then carefully read what I am going to write.

And do everything exactly like that.


At stage 1, your task is to switch his attention from this woman.

How the channel on the TV is switched.
 The ideal option is to switch to yourself. 

A man who cheats on his wife always feels guilty - some strongly, others a little ...

Therefore, his guilt is the hook on which you will hook him.
When a person feels guilty, this situation becomes unpleasant for him, where he is guilty.

a, you need to show him how his behavior looks from the outside.
only by example.
and in doing so, he will feel guilty.

To make it clearer for you, I will tell you how my client behaved.

She found out that her husband was dating another woman, but did not tell him anything about it.
We worked out a plan of action with her.

Her husband calls her from work and says that he will be late at work ...
And she answered him so nicely: "Don't worry, dear, I myself will come home late today ..."

And it doesn't come at all.

It is better not to come home to spend the night here at all than to come late.

Gradually, thoughts of you and where you are will fill your husband's head.
And there will be less and less thoughts of his mistress.

In this case, the husband will think that you are with your lover.
This is the psychology of men. He will judge by himself ... This is the first thing he thinks.))

The client comes in the morning, happy and contented with life, smiling mysteriously and zero attention to her husband ...
Of course, she spent the night with a friend, but he doesn't know about it!

And he shouldn't know.

It's best not to answer where you were at all, or to say some nonsense ...

So, your husband's interest in you has appeared and then you need to consolidate it.

Therefore, you start buying clothes for yourself, take care of yourself, be sure to buy chic underwear, change your hairstyle, etc.

You pretend that you have started a whirlwind romance, which is impossible to hide, you have it written on your face ...

You don't care at all about your husband, you even forget to cook for him to eat ...
Then love SMS from your "gentleman" appears on your phone.

You leave your phone in a visible place (like by accident) and go to the bathroom, for example.
Sit there a little longer, let him read everything ...)))

The first stage should end with his rabies.

You are tightening the nuts harder and harder all the time.
The longer before the period of rabies, the stronger the emotions will be. You need him to lose his temper. After that, you proceed to step 2.


Stage 2: Husband is furious - he suspects that you have another man ...

Yes, it is impossible not to notice.

The man is the owner.
Even if he does not love a woman, he believes that she is his property.

And what is allowed to him is not allowed to a woman ... It's me that they usually justify their betrayal.
So, the man makes a scene of jealousy ...

And you calmly answer him something like this: "What's the matter, dear? Well, if you found yourself a mistress and are probably going to go to her ... (pause and look into his eyes). Do you really think that I will be left alone?" "

It is very good if, up to this point, the husband thought that you did not know anything about his relationship with another woman.

Usually a man becomes silent and does not know what to say.
If he says, it is usually that he has already broken up with her.

This is close to the truth, because while he was nervous about your affair, he almost did not communicate with his mistress.

It was not up to her. If he knows that you all know, - all the same, this dialogue gives a good result.
This conversation should end in nothing.

You continue to tighten the nuts - your "romance" of style continues.
Don't forget flowers and gifts. And you continue to ignore your husband ...

Stage 2 should again end with his rabies.

But already with the addition of despair, and a willingness to do whatever you want for you, so long as you don't go to another ...

In no case should you reconcile with your husband and forgive him at stage 2,
even if he has already parted with his mistress.
You must play it all to the end.

After a while, he may start dating her again, or someday it will happen again with another woman. Yes, and he will reproach you with treason and it will be difficult for you to prove that it did not exist.

Therefore, we need stage 3.

You have to bring him to his knees, make him regret what he did.
And let him know that it is impossible to forgive.

Although in your soul you need to forgive him, so as not to keep anger and resentment in yourself
But he doesn't need to know about it.

Step 3

Stage 3. It comes when your husband begins to tell you that he loves you, does not want to lose, asks for forgiveness ...

(Up to this point, this is all 2 stage, and you continue to tighten the nuts in it).

You don't answer him after that.
Say how you will live with him if you no longer believe him ...

What do you need to think ...
And like you continue to communicate with another man.

For your husband, this situation should become a strong psychological stress,
he must be afraid that his life will collapse, he will lose his family ...

Most men who have mistresses do not think that they will have to change their lives.

They think that the wife will never know anything.
And most of all they do not want to change anything, especially their usual way of life.

That's when he realizes that everything can collapse, and will be ready to do anything so that this does not happen,
only at this moment your game should end.

Then he will never cheat on you.
And the attitude towards you will change for the better. And a lot.

You don't have to play an affair with another man, but switch it to something else.

Last year, with a client of mine, it all happened naturally.
She found out about her mistress and told her husband that she knew everything.

Tantrums, tears and so on ...
The next day their dacha burned down. Purely by chance. A fire spread from the neighbors.
He built the dacha himself, they did not have time to insure ...

Proceedings began, which brought them closer together.
Moreover, she accidentally said that it was God who punished you for your betrayal ...
And increased his guilt. He broke up with his mistress immediately ...

Another client also found an interesting way to switch her husband from his mistress.

She made their dates impossible.
She worked every day except Saturday and Sunday.
And the husband 2 through 2, and when it was a day off, he brought his mistress to his home.

And she started renovating!

On weekdays, people came to them to make repairs. And she extended this process for a long time.
He could no longer meet with his mistress at home, and he could not go anywhere. So they parted.

Well, if you think that you cannot cope on your own, then you can call me on Skype and sign up for a consultation.

It's a shame when you are cornered. Especially if it's the corner of a love triangle. But what's the use of crying and accusing him of being unfaithful? Choose one of the defensive strategies and expel your rival from your territory!

15:48 10.08.2013

It can happen to anyone. One day you will find out that your beloved is not alone: ​​a rival has entered your well-established life. What to do? Stay close to the man who betrayed you and suffer quietly? Or remember all the good things that happened between you, and ... peacefully part?

Agree, any decisions must be made with a "cool head". Decide for yourself whether you want to fight for your happiness and whether the game is worth the candle. If every month your sweetheart starts a new intrigue, does not spend the night at home twice a week and has long ceased to pay attention to you, maybe it's time to close this relationship? But if this is the first time with him, is it necessary to retreat? It often happens that a decent and caring partner, as they say, is "beguiled by the demon." Even if he has another, this does not mean that you are unworthy and he has stopped loving you! Therefore, do not rush to collect things in a fever. Try to take possession of his thoughts again. You can make your loved one jealous, cause him to fear losing you, gently push back your rival, or even make friends with her! Remember that you have clear advantages over her: you know your man well, his strengths and weaknesses, his fears and complexes. Use these trump cards and let your knowledge play in your favor!

For adventurers. Discredit your rival

This strategy will suit risky and adventurous girls. You will have to be both detective Sherlock Holmes and actress Julia Lambert. Your strong point is resourcefulness, a sense of humor and cunning. And don't let your man even guess what you know about his secret romance.
Now your task number 1 is to discredit your competitor in the eyes of your beloved. No, we are not urging you to arrange a female single combat or resort to a fist tournament. There are other, more effective ways.

Laughter is the best weapon

Try to make fun of his new affection. 24-year-old Marina shares her experience: “I learned from mutual friends that my boyfriend had resumed meetings with his ex-girlfriend. At first I wanted to leave, but then I realized that I wouldn't give up so easily. Apparently, the instinct of the owner leaped in me. I found out that his passion is a pretty exalted lady. At first she made fun of her dressing style. I bought the same pants and top as hers. Then she arranged a demonstration show for the darling: “Imagine, I got coveted - I bought cheap things.
The colors are too bright, like the war paint of the Indians. And most importantly, whatever you wear - it looks tasteless! " Next step: I found out that my rival goes to the gym regularly. I found an article on the Internet that women who swing have a "masculine" character and lack the female hormones estrogen. She "shared" the information with her beloved: the article made him think. Against this background, I resorted to PR - I decided to present myself more favorably in the eyes of his friends. I invited all the honest company to the anniversary of our acquaintance and spent the whole evening talking exclusively with the “male half”. This worked: the whole evening dear did not leave me a single step!
But my rival was not going to give up. On the contrary, she began to call our house and make scandals for him. And then I decided to knock her out! She picked up the phone and said in an unctuous voice: “Oh, hello, Nastenka. Yes, I know that you are now having a difficult period in your life, Vadim told me everything. Don't despair, I can help you: I have a good psychologist. A couple of sessions - and your personal problems will be removed as if by hand. " She was simply taken aback by my words, not at all expecting that "Vadik told everything." She was sure that I knew nothing about her! So she disappeared from our lives, I hope, forever. "

Conclusions. He who is forewarned is armed. If you are going to eliminate the "extra third" in this way, find out everything about it: age, social and marital status, earnings. How to do it? If your boyfriend is late at work in the evenings, it is reasonable to assume that your competitor is his employee. Men often have repeated, easy romances with former girlfriends: first love, adolescence hobby, etc. Talk frankly with mutual friends: it often happens that everyone knows about a new passion, except for the "lawful beloved." Therefore, carefully collect all the information, find out her tastes, views, preferences. And only then act. Hit below the belt: let her weaknesses appear before her beloved in all their glory. But do not get personal: ridicule not her, but a similar manner of dressing, talking, presenting yourself - let the beloved draw parallels himself. Make it very clear to her that you will not tolerate a rival on your territory.

Cons of the strategy. Sometimes this program gives exactly the opposite result. As soon as the "lovemaker" evaporates from your field of vision, you can lose all interest in your man. It is possible that you will understand: a frivolous lover is not worth a desperate struggle.

For diplomats. Make friends with his passion

If you are good at understanding people, this program is for you. Imagine yourself as a diplomat: he does not reveal his intentions, but plays a subtle game in his favor. You have to get used to the role of a kind of naive lady who, in no time at all, does not suspect about deception.

Your goal is to find a common language with your rival and ... make friends. Do not forget that in this program you are playing a double game - both with her and with him. When you gain confidence, you can begin your "subversive" work.

The game of "friend"

Get closer to a new passion and try to manage her actions. 26-year-old Olga tells her story: “The Chinese have a wonderful saying:“ When a man feels bad, he looks for a woman. When a man feels good, he finds another one. " Anyway, my boyfriend confirmed it. I accidentally found out about his secret connection: I stumbled upon them sitting in the open area of ​​the bar. And I was just taken aback, because I knew this girl very well! Since she was never particularly versed in funds, I decided to use her own weapon. As if by chance I went to her work - in a fashionable clothing store. We chatted, drank coffee, and I invited her to a picnic. I played my role like clockwork: I hugged my boyfriend, kissed him, held his hand. It is important that she sees that everything is in order in our relationship! Further more. Through my efforts, she and I became almost inseparable: we went shopping, often called up, even kept secret. And I, as if in a fit of revelation, told her about the sexual preferences of my man.
But she gave deliberately false information: "You know, and my lover is just crazy about black underwear!" or "I always tell him in bed how and what to do - it's easier to achieve harmony." And to her friend she also managed to whisper a few words about her: “Her hobby is romance with married men and boyfriends of her friends. Look - don't get caught! " What then happened between them, I do not know. Maybe she tried my "bad advice" ... But she stopped calling me, and we applied to the registry office. "

Conclusions. Friendship with the "third superfluous" will give you clear trump cards. First, it will always be in your sight. Secondly, you can get to know her character and plans better. If she is a conqueror by nature, prepare for war and carry on your partisan work. Beware of revelations and control your actions, because she, too, may try to manipulate you as a "friend at home." If the opponent turns out to be a peaceful and quiet girl, there is a hope that she herself will leave the game, realizing that she “took someone else's”. An important point: let your man find out about your friendship. His first reaction will certainly be fright. Psychologically, it will become more difficult for him to deceive you "openly" - it is quite possible that he himself will end this connection.

Cons of the strategy. Sometimes girls can become real friends. In this case, you will lose an unfaithful man, but who knows - maybe you will acquire a loved one in the person of a former rival.

For feminists. Let yourself get carried away!

You are smart and attractive, you have achieved a lot in life and you think that there are many men in the world. Nevertheless, the hobby of a loved one hurts your pride - you do not want to lose and are ready to fight to the end. So this program is for you. Another lever that is worth pushing when deciding to snatch a sweetheart from the arms of a competitor is his sense of ownership. Remember, jealousy is inherent in human nature itself. Why don't your instincts work for you?

Jealousy Instead of War

Make your boyfriend jealous of you. 23-year-old Karina is sure that this is the best way to rekindle the fire of passion: “When I realized that my friend had an“ interest ”on the side, I was outraged. But instead of taking him out into the open, I just decided to get a new fan. For a long time and persistently I was courted by my employee Sasha, but I did not accept his signs of attention. Now she allowed him to invite me to dinner, then to the cinema and the club. Sweetheart, respectively, refused to meet, referring to the case. Often, when he called me, she threw meaningful phrases: "I am never bored now," "Don't worry, I'm having a great time."
With my new fan, I often visited the bar where I spent time with my boyfriend. And somehow we collided! I introduced Sasha as a colleague, but the mere sight of him next to me was enough to make my handsome man noticeably nervous. The next day, he himself came to my house and offered ... to live with him, although before that he sacredly guarded his male freedom! Needless to say that, inflamed by mutual jealousy, we just pounced on each other ... "

Conclusions. Jealousy is a powerful and fast-acting remedy! Ideal if your new fan is superior in some way. The result will meet your expectations: the rival will evaporate by itself, and your loving friend will begin to conquer you again. Q.E.D! However, do not go too far: let him only guess about your adventures, but does not have real evidence of them.

Cons of the strategy. If a loved one turns out to be a real jealous person, the subsequent life with him can turn into hell: he will always suspect you of everything. On the other hand, boredom in this case certainly does not threaten you!

For lovers, but offended. Change yourself

As the classic said, if you want to change the world - start with yourself! First of all, calm down and analyze your actions. Since your chosen one, no matter for what reasons, went to the left, it makes sense to completely reconsider your attitude towards him and ... towards yourself. You may well turn to a psychologist for help. Better yet, become a psychoanalyst yourself.

Maybe you just spoiled him? At the first call, she was eager to fulfill any of his whims? Then do not be surprised that he went to look for extreme. But there is a way out of this situation.

Selfishness instead of altruism

For a while, you will have to forget about everything except yourself. The secrets of the science of self-love and self-esteem are revealed by 28-year-old Dina: “I was too attached to my husband, and literally could not take a step without him. Therefore, his betrayal was a big blow for me and ... served as an excellent lesson for the future. I confess that for a long time I could not come to my senses and even consulted with a psychologist. Together we have developed a program of self-affirmation, let's call it that.
Point # 1 read: "Get busy and stop suffering." Usually I refused business trips, because Igor did not like it. Now she began to travel to different cities, to meet and communicate with people. Then she graduated from additional courses. Less than a month later, I was offered the position of the head of the department. At first it was difficult, I often had to stay late at work, but I stopped thinking about my husband all the time.
Point # 2 provided for a qualitative change in bad habits. Earlier it seemed to me that the more I give him, the more I will get in return and the more he will love me. But my system is cracked! I offered to share household chores - and he had to agree. She stopped washing and ironing his clothes, serving coffee in bed, spending half a day at the stove on weekends.
The next item on the program is to change your appearance. I made a fashionable haircut instead of the usual "shell", bought two expensive pantsuits. Yes, my financial situation improved with the promotion. I used to buy presents for him, now I began to give luxurious gifts to myself.
The slogan “My desires is the law” helped me in intimate relationships as well. For two years of my life together, I refused him for the first time! I think he was shocked. "The man of my dreams" realized that he could just lose me. Now he tried to please me, took care of me. Finally I felt loved and desired! And our relationship was gradually restored. And I not only returned my beloved, but also discovered a new life for myself. "

Conclusions. The golden rule: if you love and respect yourself, then your man will treat you the same way. Do not dwell on your beloved, no matter how good he is, otherwise he will just get bored with you. Live a bright, eventful life, expand your social circle, spend money on yourself and do not let the darling think that you completely belong to him. Let him strive to conquer you every time! Then he will have neither time nor desire for other women.

Violetta Levina, psychologist, Family Development Center
Change your attitude towards yourself!

For any woman, cheating on a loved one is the hardest stress. And most girls immediately begin to blame themselves: "If he found another, then I am worse, I do not suit him." It is not right! It is not your fault that the man wanted vivid exotic experiences.

Therefore, do not allow yourself to suffer and cry. Better do yourself something pleasant, realize what you have dreamed of for a long time. Take care of yourself! Imagine that you need to undergo a rehabilitation course, a kind of therapy aimed at love and respect for your own person.

And after you feel confident again, you can start programs to eliminate your rival. If you do not believe in yourself, your attractiveness and uniqueness, no one will appreciate you.

Another important point is the analysis of the reasons why the man started the intrigue. The list may include a desire for strong emotions, and a taste for a "forbidden" situation, and the opportunity to once again assert oneself. Therefore, take a sober look at the relationship: try to understand how much they have changed, what he wanted from you and what he lacks. Maybe he lacks your attention, tenderness, care? Or are you used to being in the lead in relationships, and he only agrees with you? Or is your sex life too boring and prosaic?

Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe, and every situation is different. But give your sweetheart a light shake: become a new one for him! Get rid of any stereotypes, your weapon is unpredictability. Moreover, qualitative changes should affect all aspects of life: household, personal, sexual.

5 signs of his infidelity

He can come home in a shirt stained with lipstick, talk on the phone with a certain Alena for half an evening and fail in bed - but still remain faithful to you. Because the shirt was stained in the trolleybus, Alena is his new colleague, and the lack of an erection is a manifestation of fatigue. Signs of treason are often hidden in completely innocent phrases and actions. Be wary if you notice the following.

  • He has become more attentive to you: he gives flowers for no apparent reason, makes presents. At the same time, he somehow smiles guiltily and grudgingly mutters: "I always knew that you were better than me."
  • I stopped arguing with you. Even when you offered to pay a courtesy call to your mom, he dutifully kept you company.
  • At parties, he starts talking about free marriage, "physical" and "moral" betrayal, the ability to love two, etc.
  • He began to attach exceptional importance to his appearance: he carefully thinks out his wardrobe, spends a long time at the mirror, pestering you with questions: "Does this suit me?" - although before he almost did not care how he looked.
  • Experiencing a hitherto unnoticed zeal for work: he is late in the service, often travels on business trips. At the same time, he always complains that he is being "loaded". He made new friends who can call him for help at any time, although he did not suffer from philanthropy before.

Mistress typology

Before starting the Cold War and developing a plan, gather as much information as possible about your opponent. Try to understand what goals she sets for herself and how difficult it will be to cope with her. So who is she, your boyfriend's new crush?

  • The essence
  • Appearance
  • What to expect
  • Her weak points
  • How to handle


It can look anything you like. She is easy to recognize: she is confident, arrogant and categorical. Hunter for "male scalps". She does not need your friend, she is only interested in victory. You can't be frank with her. Put her to sleep, let her not expect decisive action from you.

Your best bet is to use strategy # 1 or # 2. Eliminate can only be done by cunning.


Very effective, extravagant and sexy. He quickly gets carried away, but just as soon finds a replacement.

Meet and ask for a girlfriend. Her weak link is intelligence and intrigue. Follow strategy # 2. Introduce her to a macho buddy or heartthrob.


Prefers “classic” or sporty style in clothes. Recognizable by complex speech patterns. Chances are, she's genuinely passionate about your boyfriend. May not be aware of your existence. Men are not forgiven for lying and deceit. Will not fight for a man or date a rival.

Strategy # 3 is fine. By the way, intellectuals hate scandals and showdowns.


Sweet and moderately charming "gray mouse". She is modestly dressed and does not particularly stand out. She can become a "lady of the heart" for years: she is unassuming and accepts a man for who he is. She lacks independence in judgment. Obviously loses to strong, intelligent and uninhibited women.

Any of these strategies will work. # 3 and # 4 are especially good.

The notorious love triangle ... A man can cheat for a variety of reasons, but most often conflicts are associated with a rival woman. We invite you to look into horoscope and find out the psychotype of the alleged rival before throwing up scandals and throwing tantrums. This will help you get to know the homeless woman better to understand how to act and how to behave correctly. And astrology will help us with this.

She is very rude and self-confident. She takes your man like a bull - on a lasso. Independent hunter. You need to piss her off in order to open the eyes of a man. In a fit of anger, she is disgusting, loses control of herself and does not choose expressions. This may be enough to reveal her true essence.

Women of earth signs are careful, stubborn, can wait indefinitely and go to the goal like a tank. With a well thought out strategy.

Taurus is a real woman. She knows how to step aside and wait for her time. Behind the outward grooming and femininity, her perseverance and seriousness of intentions are not visible. It repeats itself - and this is the best weapon in the fight for a loved one.


This rival does not pose a serious threat. She will not fight for a long time, for an unfree man. The Gemini lady has problems with constancy, she has no authority. If the husband is drawn to such a rival, you can assume that she charmed him. Most likely, it won't be long.

It is worth noting that watermarks are the most dangerous rivals. Sexy and emotional, mysterious and romantic. Even the weakest man next to a Cancer woman will feel like Hercules, and for her sake he will be ready to perform feats. And all because such a lady very skillfully wears the mask of a modest and defenseless girl. It is worth provoking her - and the mask will fall quickly, revealing its true face. The man will run away on his own, seeing how cynical and cold-blooded she can be. In achieving the goal, she has no framework and knows no shame.

If the Lioness coveted a stranger's man, it means that she is haunted by failures in life, she is jealous of security, well-being and success. The gloss flies off her quickly. If she does not manage to quickly achieve goals, to achieve gratitude, then she becomes a banal, vulgar woman. If your loved one is attracted by such a lady, he lacks grandeur and showiness in you. Change your image at least temporarily. Finding the best time for this kind of transformation will help you weekly horoscope with a description of the influences of the planets and trends.

She is very good for being a lover. It is unlikely that your man will be carried away by this, and if it happened, then most likely it is love.

They are diplomatic and have good intuition, which can be a threat. Such a predator as a spider weaves its intrigues, as if not showing any initiative. It is worth asking directly what she needs from your husband. Clarification of relationships, claims are exactly what they are afraid of. Your questions will remain unanswered, this rival is not a fighter and will hasten to leave.


Attention - a home owner! The weak link of such a madam is commercialism. Only by proving to the spouse who was stunned by emotions that the material side is most important to her, the victory will be yours. Remember - these are femme fatales, sexy and smart. Men quickly fall prey to them. They are excellent psychologists and manipulators. They see weak points and hit accurately.


The most calculating and dangerous of fire signs. Conquer men by understanding, listening and empathizing. Do not hang openly around the neck. The weak point of such a rival is the desire to control a man, to put him in a cage. It can be defeated by independence and wit. Do not be like her, do not bully your man with questions. This contrast will play into your hands.

Capricorns are rarely rivals. They have other values ​​in life, and plans for life have been drawn from their very youth. Therefore, they are more likely to marry at the insistence of their parents than to compete for the attention of a non-free man.

Such women are more likely to need friendship. They have no goal of taking possession of someone else's husband. They are diplomatic. They will not break up other people's relationships - it is problematic. They do not suffer from a lack of male attention.

Tenderness, sensuality distinguish women of this sign. Siren woman. Amorousness is its disadvantage for you. To love for a long time alone is not for her, even platonically. The romance will end quickly, perhaps without even starting, if you manage to open your spouse's eyes to her infidelity.

But, first of all, you need to take a close look at yourself and then you may not need any horoscopes. Build your relationship on mutual understanding, striving for harmony in the family.

Hello! Several years ago, my husband, in a casual relationship, at a drunken party, cheated on me with a woman much younger than me, and as a result, he had a daughter out of wedlock. He categorically did not want to recognize the child, explaining that she had a relationship not only with him, but also with other men, but she insisted that yes, it was once, but I know for sure that from you. That woman first demanded a divorce and help from her husband, then resigned herself and stepped aside. Soon we also had a child - a son. And she finally calmed down. Well, she calmed down, of course, in quotes, because she was throwing mud at us, directly or indirectly, everywhere, complaining that my husband was irresponsible, that he promised to marry, promised help, and he himself deceived her. Apparently nobody was interested in my suffering. I worried for a very long time about the appearance of an illegitimate child, worried about his obvious similarity with my husband, then I blamed myself for taking the father away from the child, but on the other hand, my children would have lost their family. And I was categorically not ready to communicate with this woman and my husband too. Soon everything calmed down and we managed to cope with this situation and live in perfect harmony. After all this, the husband does not meet and does not communicate with her, and she only causes wild aggression in him. But the problem is that I personally cannot get rid of this woman. We have a lot of common acquaintances and literally in all social networks she catches the eye. Writes comments, right below mine. Although she has successfully arranged her life and has given birth to her second child, she cannot seem to accept the fact that my husband remained in the family. I am amused either by her impulsiveness, or by her desire for revenge, or by such persistence and helpfulness towards my friends and acquaintances. Despite the fact that she is married, she tries in every possible way to make friends with every friend or relative of mine. And they believe her, which is surprising that she is a good and kind person, then seeing that I do not react in any way, she begins to tell them nasty things about me and remember that story with the betrayal and the child. I have the impression that she does not need my husband for a long time, but only a wild desire to ruin my life and be present in it all the time, so that I more and more often remember her and the child. And by the way, she specially exposes a photo of the child, knowing that our mutual acquaintances will like him and I will definitely see him. Or she fills up with joint family photos, where everyone is laughing and so that I can see where she is happy. Although, of course, I cannot say that I insanely wish her well, but I also don’t really want to see her face all the time. I don't want to retire from all social networks, because this is my only opportunity to communicate with family and friends. And I don't want to change my life, to run away from it, so to speak. Sometimes I don't care so much about all this happening, but lately I increasingly want to answer her in the comments in the form of a banter, cleverly or, on the contrary, amicably. And I don’t know whether it’s worth carrying on all these provocations. Or continue to remain neutral? It seems to me that she feeds on my energy and my torment. And I don’t know what to do. I will be very grateful for professional advice.

Well, in all honesty, we must admit: every woman is potentially someone's rival. Therefore, if you want to keep your man with you, keep him away from your friends, counselors, neighbors, colleagues and just well-wishers. After all, trouble comes from where you do not expect it at all.

This is an example of the very "advisor" who can easily circle her finger if she likes your beloved. She is a recognized psychoanalyst who just wants to cry into her waistcoat. Avoid being frank with her, do not trust and do not tell anything about your personal life, although she is considered an incomparable "healer of souls."

As a rule, such a person is lost in front of compliments: they darken her eyes and confuse her in intentions, which makes the person no longer understand what you really want. Therefore, flatter more often, praising the outfit, figure, makeup - and then she will have no time to turn the arrows to your beloved. Plus, she is rude and self-confident.

They can be absolutely attributed to real collectors. And they do not care what to collect in an elegant box of their space: furniture, paintings, books, badges, stamps, men ... Everything that catches the eye, and then sinks into the soul over time may be pinned by a hundred thin pins somewhere under the glass her soul. And she knows how to wait - so as to attack for sure.

Therefore, with such a girlfriend you need to be on the lookout. Is always! After all, a potential rival craves stability and the longer a man stays with you, the more she wants to get him. And to do it to her is a piece of cake, since a lot of naive "moths" flock to a beautiful and well-groomed woman.

A nature that does not recognize authorities, challenging even its own taste. As a result, it can, in spite of everyone, lure the one who looked at it. She speaks, lures like a Siren. But there is no need to worry: she does not have enough strength and pressure to act further - she will simply attract and that's it. From such passivity, any man will quickly flip back over.

For such a bitch, there is only one god - she herself. And such a woman would never agree with a different opinion. In addition, her inconstancy will quickly force her to look for a new contender for her hand and heart, and yours will return to you again. If you accept it, of course.


This is a real angel, not a woman. She is defenseless, sweet, gentle, modest, so every member of the opposite sex feels like a strong, persistent, courageous macho next to her. It is precisely her weakness that such a lover is strong. But she does not attract men to her side on purpose - they themselves are drawn to her.

To get rid of such a rival, you need to call her for provocation so that she shows the other side - a cold-blooded person who will go over his head for the sake of a goal. Such unscrupulousness will alienate your lover, returning him to a warm embrace.

a lion

They open the hunt for other people's loved ones pompously: with a royal sweep and royal tread. And they are not going to waste time on trifles - they immediately "snare" the successful, advanced, smart, beautiful, rich, talented, promising. That is, on the very best. Therefore, if you want such a person not to take your husband away from you, do not show him to her, do not praise or mention him often in conversations. So he will remain invisible to her and will live quietly behind your back.

As for the rest, the secular "lioness" prefers the environment of weak gray fools in order to be guaranteed to be on top and stand out brightly against the "shallow" background. Therefore, before making friends with her, think a hundred times: do you need it? Moreover, in a society of successful and beautiful, such a nature instantly turns into a tattered cat with a terrible character.


They rarely become homeless people, because they are incredibly correct persons. But if they are teased, they begin to rake in a fever, despite the fact that they do not need it. They can skillfully manipulate others, easily subordinating them to their desires.

At the same time, they are incredibly principled and follow moral points, so if your lover is carried away by such a nature, it is only on his own initiative, and not at the suggestion of a rival. However, if the Virgo falls in love, she will never return the man she has acquired.

She's dangerous. Firstly, because of a well-developed intuition, and secondly, because of external diplomacy. That is, her insidiousness is covered up, so it is difficult to immediately discern it. Such a person weaves intrigues, avoiding tete-a-tete conversations, because she does not like external attacks and claims.

But her strengths are also weaknesses, taking advantage of which you will be able to get rid of the lover in no time. Just put pressure on her psychologically, provoking an open showdown, shame in front of her friends, and so on. This is enough for her to evaporate herself in search of a more accessible passion. She is not at all afraid of other rivals.

A calculating person, enterprising, fatal, decisive, greedy, therefore she will take in her hands all the good that is bad. She quickly enters into the trust of the one she intends to appropriate, since she is not devoid of romanticism and sexuality. She tames her so quickly that the man does not have time to come to his senses, as he already becomes her husband. Therefore, always be on your guard with her.

But her habits and natural intelligence can be overcome by leaving her beloved with her. What do we have to do? Demonstrate non-mercantile spirit. This is how a man will understand who your rival really is, because she really, really loves money and knows how to pull it from the opposite sex. And here you are - so kind, non-greedy, disinterested.

An intuitively calculating woman who does not hang around her neck, does not entice and does not force to quit - men do this voluntarily. It is enough for such a lover to show sympathy, listen to complaints, understand the "sufferer" that works unmistakably, adding not only another plus to her karma, but also another admirer who can become a potential spouse.

The disadvantage of such a person is also considerable: she prefers everything, everyone, everywhere and always to control. Beat her weak point, showing your beloved how difficult it is to maintain "friendship" with this woman, because he will be under her cap and turn into a weak-willed puppet.

She will never beat off and appropriate someone else's man. And all because he pursues completely different values ​​in life and puts fate on the shelves even in adolescence.

She loves freedom and if she finds someone, she becomes attached only to him. Until, of course, she is again drawn to loneliness. And then everything repeats in a circle: tired of living alone, the woman will again go in search of a suitable candidate and, having found him, will calm down for a long time.

Like all representatives of the element of air, she prefers freedom, so she is not going to deliberately separate couples. Friendship is the limit for her. At the same time, it enjoys considerable popularity among members of the opposite sex, as it is a “high-flying bird”. It is to such people that men leave themselves.

To prevent this from happening, never bring such a friend home, do not tell your lover about her and do not introduce him to her.

Hypnotic people, sensual and intelligent, incredibly amorous. This does not at all prevent them from being frivolous, unnecessary, impractical - not only in everyday life, but in general in life. However, men like them: in their eyes, such women are really irresistible.

It is beneficial for you that the homeless woman is not able to stay close to one contender for her heart for a long time. She just gets tired of him and drives her herself, switching to others. Consequently, its volatility and frivolity play into your hands - in the end, victory will still be yours!