Awards ceremony: how to organize and conduct. Plans in various fields. Find the same color

Organizing major events is troublesome, but exciting and rewarding. It's nice to receive the praise of the guests and the hero of the occasion for his impeccable preparation. However, not always everything goes as smoothly as we would like. In this article, we will tell you how to avoid mistakes and unpleasant situations when preparing special events using the example of the ceremony of presenting a state award from another country.


At least three options are possible here, for example:

■ conclude a turnkey contract with the general contractor;

■ conclude contracts with several contractors solving various problems;

■ prepare the event yourself, without the help of intermediaries.

Each option has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

One contractor: convenient but dangerous

It is not uncommon for situations when certain circumstances are forced to work with a certain contractor, for example, friendly relations of the manager, corporate traditions, etc. In this case, you don't have to choose - you have to work with whoever is. But in no case should everything be left to chance!

It is necessary to intervene in every point of the training program, ask a lot of questions and keep in parallel your matrix or list of to-do's and tasks for organizing the event. It is not a fact that such a contractor will not forget or lose sight of anything. You need to keep your finger on the pulse of events all the time.


This is the most convenient format for interaction and control, in which the principle of "one window" is implemented - all questions and tasks are solved through one manager who is responsible for the preparation of the event on the part of the contractor. The customer, that is, you, calmly continues to do the current work, only from time to time checking the schedules and reports on the preparation of the celebration.


The most dangerous format to work with, meaning you put all your eggs in one basket. No one can guarantee that the contractor will be 100% reliable. It is impossible to predict everything - he can let the customer down even for reasons beyond his control. And it will be very difficult to solve the problem, since the contractor, most likely, will not disclose the contacts of his subcontractors, and the customer may not have time to start all the preparations anew.

Multiple contractors: safe but troublesome

Experienced personal assistants develop useful contacts over time. And it's great when on your list there are a number of small companies, proven over the years, that provide quality services in narrow areas of activity without much delay. With peace of mind, you can simply distribute tasks between contractors, control them and coordinate among themselves as needed. But for this, contractors must be reliable. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided.


The safest option for preparing an event. On the one hand, your hands are free - the contractors are directly involved in the preparation. On the other hand, your total control allows you to keep your finger on the pulse and in case of a problem, promptly replace one contractor with another, without slowing down the whole process.


The most "muddy" variant of work. A large number of contractors means a lot of paperwork - you have to conclude an agreement with each contractor, request invoices, send other inquiries, conduct extensive correspondence, etc. In the event of a problem, it will be difficult to solve it amicably. Shifting of responsibility will begin, the issue of refund or impossibility of refunding the money paid will be raised, etc.

All by herself: responsibly, promptly, difficult

Self-preparation of an event by an assistant manager without the help of intermediaries is a common practice in Russia. And that's why - managers are reinsured: they are afraid of disclosing confidential information about an upcoming event or expect a catch from third-party organizations that provide assistance in preparing events. Or maybe they just save! One way or another, in this case, a decision is made on the independent preparation of the celebration.


You know each performer by sight and name. Moreover, this is the most cost-effective option - no need to pay intermediaries. Some of the issues can be resolved quickly and for cash (against receipt) - precious time is saved! In the event of delays with one of the performers, the issue is resolved directly and promptly.


The most difficult and troublesome option for preparing an event, since all responsibility lies with you! If a truly large-scale celebration is planned, you risk simply drowning in the sea of ​​small and large tasks and assignments, names and titles, amounts and accounts, reports and checks. In the process of preparation, an incredible number of questions will arise for absolutely all performers. And if all of them contact you directly, there is a possibility that you will either miss something very important, or, due to a lack of experience and knowledge, slip through the little things, which in turn can lead to the disruption of the whole event along the chain.

Which format to choose

If it is possible to choose the format of the preparation of the event, use common sense. That is, in the presence of a proven, responsible and experienced general contractor, of course, it is logical to rely on him and transfer all preparation of the event into reliable professional hands. In this case, you can leave to yourself conceptual, design and financial issues, coordination with the hero of the occasion, coordination and interaction with guests, etc.

In the absence of "your own" contractor, it is better to stop at the second option and choose several solid performers, each of which realizes its task in the preparation process.

However, with any choice, it is important in no case to let everything take its course and by all means control as many actions as possible in the preparation of the event, or, at least, be aware of absolutely everything that is happening!


Under a particularly responsible event, everyone means something of their own - depending on the lifestyle, circle of acquaintances, areas of interest, professional activity, etc. We will consider the following options:

■ A large-scale public event with the participation of media figures and the press.

■ A small private celebration (for example, a family one) for a media person.

■ Large-scale private event with the participation of media people.

■ Let us consider a large-scale public event with the participation of media persons and the press on the example of presenting a state-level award.

Let's say the hero of the occasion is awarded an order or medal from another state, for example, for strengthening interstate relations.

In this case, the event can take place:

In the country that presents the order;

At the embassy of the country presenting the award (on the territory of the native state for the hero of the occasion);

In any other suitable and suitable place for everyone. In this case, the costs of organizing the event are covered by the person to be awarded.

Consider the option when the person being awarded organizes the event. Presenting the state award is an important and responsible event. Famous people are present at such a celebration, and it is often covered in the press.

This means that approaching the issue of choosing a site for an event, developing a program, selecting contractors, ensuring safety, etc. it is necessary with the utmost seriousness and thoroughness.


Preparations for a large-scale event begin with concept development- ideas about how it should look.

The second point is question performers: who will be responsible for organizing the event, and how the preparation will be carried out - independently or with the help of a professional contractor. We have already mentioned the pros and cons of different options above.

The sequence of further steps may vary depending on various individual factors.


Choosing a place. When organizing a large-scale event, it is necessary to choose a site that will not only accommodate all participants and invitees, but will also meet certain requirements: prestige, aesthetics, convenient location, and the availability of the necessary technical characteristics. Such sites are always in demand, so it is important to take care of renting in advance.

The place should correspond to the theme of the celebration. So, it is inappropriate to choose a nightclub for the presentation of a state award.

Consider, for example, historic mansions and estates - of course, those that are suitable for events. As a rule, these are buildings with many halls, in each of which you can hold your own part of the program (official, musical, buffet or banquet, etc.), as well as with a large parking lot. Examples of such historical sites for large-scale events are the Petrovsky Travel Palace in Moscow or the Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg.

Choosing a date. If it is possible to independently choose the date of the award ceremony, it is necessary to agree on it with the officials responsible for the direct presentation of the award, and then with all other high-ranking invited guests.

It is advisable to take into account the peculiarities of the selected site and weather conditions. If you intend to use a veranda or an open terrace, then you should not plan an event for the cold season - it is better to spend it in the summer. Otherwise, the event may be disrupted even due to a little rain.

Choosing the time. Usually, the time of the beginning of the event is chosen by the hero of the occasion. And as a rule, it is evening time. However, if this is an official reception, then do not forget that, according to international rules of etiquette, a cocktail and a buffet table start at 17: 00-18: 00 (a cocktail lasts no more than two hours). In diplomatic practice, there are also lunches (starting at 20: 00-20: 30) and dinners (starting at 21:00). However, the most common option in everyday life is a banquet. He often completes the evening program. The start time in this case depends on the duration of the entertainment program.


It is assumed that by this time the organizers already have a general idea of ​​how the celebration should go - its concept. At this stage, you need not only to decide on a detailed list of thematic parts of the event, but also on their sequence and timing.

Protocol part

First, you need to agree with the consulate on the protocol part of the ceremony, specifying the following points:

How exactly should the procedure for presenting the order take place;

Do you need special equipment (tribune, microphones, musical accompaniment, etc.);

Who exactly will take part in the ceremony;

How long will the protocol part last, etc.

When it comes to an event that will be attended by people of different genders, ages or different nationalities, the program should be tailored to their individual and cultural characteristics. With a large number of invitees, organizing a separate program for each guest will not work, so you should be guided by the majority principle.

In no case should you forget about the country presenting the award! Even if there are very few representatives present at the event. It is imperative to somehow reflect in the program respect for a friendly state and its citizens. Otherwise, an unpleasant diplomatic embarrassment can take place.

Entertainment part

The program of the event may look like this.

Programamma awards ceremony

19: 00-20: 00 - Arrival of guests. Welcome cocktail (at this time, guests can walk (with or without a guided tour) through the ceremonial halls of the Palace).

20: 00-22: 00 - Awards ceremony and piano concert.

22: 00-24: 00 - Buffet (musical accompaniment - jazz quartet).

The example shows that it is important to think over the cultural and entertainment part of the program.

It should not be tiring, because by this moment a lot of time has passed since the beginning of the event - behind the guests are the official ceremony and waiting for its start.

Also, this part of the evening should be "international" - it is important to satisfy the tastes of all those present. Perhaps it will be a classical music concert or a performance by opera singers.

Another important point is the competent organization of the banquet part of the event.


First, you need to decide on the format of the gala lunch or dinner. This can be a buffet table (held standing) or a banquet (with seating at tables).

Banquet usually takes place more solemnly and requires more serious preparation.

Seating plan for guests can be correctly composed only taking into account their responses to invitations (they will be discussed further). Indeed, in the case of an official reception, guests will be offered a seating plan in advance with an indication of their place at the table.

The seating plan can be placed in the room where guests gather and drinks are served (or in front of the room). The guests get acquainted with the plan, find their place, specify the names of the neighbors on the right and left.

When planning seating, you will have to take into account such "little things" as the compatibility of individual guests, their sociability and other personal qualities. This must be discussed and agreed with the hero of the occasion. It is important not to forget: correct seating is one of the components of a successful reception.

Cover cards. Banquet tables must certainly have cover cards - small white rectangles made of thick paper with handwritten (usually calligraphic handwriting) or printed on a printer or in a printing house, the names and surnames of all participants in the reception.

Banquet service. When organizing a banquet, it is important not to make the mistake of choosing a catering company. Usually, it is the company managers who suggest the best option for decorating and arranging tables, serving dishes, offering a menu, helping to solve all service issues - even with regard to the uniform of waiters.

It is necessary to personally meet with representatives of the company and see "live" the proposed options for a festive table setting, choose tablecloths, napkins, etc., think over the arrangement of tables (is there enough space for a passage between the tables, will there be space for the dancing part, etc.), as well as definitely taste all offered banquet dishes and evaluate their serving. For example, if a dish is generously seasoned with garlic and pepper, it should not be served at a banquet. Or if the dish is decorated in such a way that it is extremely inconvenient to eat, or it does not look very aesthetically pleasing on the plate.

It is important to inform the chefs of the guests' gastronomic preferences - some of them may be fasting, dieting, someone with food allergies or a special meal plan.

You also need to tell the waiters in advance which of the guests should not receive a dish with certain ingredients.

Banquet menu. When it comes to choosing a menu, you can usually rely on the professionals of the catering company in this matter. However, it is important not to forget that in the presence of foreign guests, the menu must be international. Or, in contrast to the international one, you can offer a menu of Russian cuisine, thereby emphasizing the national flavor. This option is often chosen for receptions organized exclusively for foreign guests or delegations from other countries.

Banquet international menu for the official reception

Among other things, guests must definitely offer personal menus... Usually they are printed in advance in a printing house.

Most often it is a small brochure, on each page of which the dishes are listed separately in the order of their appearance on the table: cold appetizers, salads, hot appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, dessert, drinks.

For the convenience of foreign guests, all dish names must be translated into the appropriate language (for example, French). Usually the Russian version of the menu is presented on the left page, and the foreign one is on the right. Or you can print the required number of menus separately in one and another language.

Buffet, as a rule, a little less solemn and obliging, but elegant and at the same time the most common reception option.

The buffet table is held while standing. Usually high round tables are placed, to any of which guests can come up to have a snack or drink a glass of champagne, without interrupting small talk. At the buffet table, tables with various snacks and drinks are set - the so-called buffets, or stations - guests come up to them and choose their own treat.

There must be waiters at the buffet table in the hall - they make sure that the guest tables are cleaned and the stations are replenished with dishes. Waiters ply between tables, offer guests chilled champagne and other drinks.

Musical accompaniment

It is important to discuss payment for their services with the musicians in advance. You can agree with them that if the buffet table is delayed, they will continue to work for an extra charge. Another option is to replace live music with audio recordings at the end of the evening. In this case, take care of the equipment in advance and select the repertoire. After the performance of the musicians is over, it should not be allowed that silence falls in the hall and the guests feel uncomfortable.

Buffet menu for an official reception


The next important step is to calculate the upcoming costs associated with the celebration. If the budget for the event is approved, you need to fit into it. If there is no budget, it is important to fix and calculate all possible expenses.

The hero of the occasion should already at this stage find out how much it will cost to organize the event, so that later there will be no surprises when invoicing for payment.

It is important to agree with the manager on the preliminary budget for the event, if possible in writing. To do this, ask the manager to send you a confirmation by e-mail, sign the printed estimate with the manager's personal signature, or come up with any other convenient method.

Working with large sums of money is a responsible business. It is necessary to have insurance in case of claims: “And for Ivan Ivanovich such an event was much cheaper”, or “My family and I consulted and decided that the costs were clearly overstated”, or “What, did we discuss this particular amount? Something too expensive ... "and so on.


It is important to have clear and understandable agreements: who pays the bills, on what terms and how!

It must be understood that when organizing such large-scale events, an uncountable amount of spending arises. Some of the expenses are large bills, for example, for renting a room, others are smaller ones, such as for decorating a hall, musical accompaniment.

But there will be a huge heap of minor expenses: taxi for guests, courier delivery, etc., as well as an obligatory part of any event - cash spending. You can pay with cash for anything - from the host's services to tips to the waiters.

Our Tips

Find out in advance which contractor invoices and which prefers cash only.

Find out to whom and how you should send invoices for payment. Find out if they need to be pre-approved in person with the manager in whose name the invoices are issued, if there are limits on the amounts for invoicing, etc.

Always have a certain amount of cash!


This point is one of the key ones, despite its seeming formality.

It is thanks to the responses to invitations that you can predict the number of guests - of course, approximately.

This, in turn, is important when drawing up a seating plan for a banquet, ordering food and drinks, placing guests in the hall during the main official part of the event, organizing transfers, booking hotel rooms, etc.

When organizing events of this kind, it is advisable not to save on invitations: the design, quality of paper and printing should be at their best.

It is considered good practice to sign all invitations. Of course, the hero of the occasion must do this with his own hand.

It is also appropriate to order personalized invitations from the printing house, and not to enter the names by hand in an empty field.

If possible, at least part of the invitations should be delivered, if not personally, then through “their” people - security guards, drivers or assistant managers. Usually, this is how invitations are delivered to high-profile guests.

The fact is that these may be persons from the government or structures, the entrance to which is not open to everyone. It would be strange to send an ordinary courier to such places! It is also a great opportunity to show your respect once again.

To make sure that the invitations reach their addressees, you can duplicate messages by sending them by e-mail to each guest. In order for the preparation, distribution of invitations and processing of responses to them as smoothly as possible, it is necessary to carry out thorough preliminary work.

It is advisable to appoint a person responsible for it who is fluent in the list of guests (it is better to do this yourself).

How to prepare personalized invitations

■ Make a guest list with your supervisor. Check it back to make sure you haven't forgotten anyone.

■ Find out how the manager plans to address each guest in the invitation (some - by name and patronymic, others - only by name, and the third - with the address "Dear Sir / Madam / Mr / Ms / Madame / Monsieur", etc.) etc.).

■ Make a list of names for printing invitations to the printer.

■ Make sure you know all the persons listed by your manager and their contact details.

■ Create a list of email invitations. Decide which of the guests will receive an invitation to their personal mail, and to whom it should be sent through the assistant / secretary / receptionist. This is necessary in order to correctly formulate the appeal in the cover letter (if the invitation is sent in an attachment).

■ Use the "notify me when I received and read the letter" option to avoid disturbing potential guests with calls asking if they received an invitation.

■ Make a list of addresses for delivering paper invitations. Think in advance which of them will be delivered by the courier service, and which - by “your” people. In the latter case, take care of the passes in advance.

■ Decide how long it will take to call potential guests to find out their decision. Choose who will do it exactly, as the list can be huge, and the responsibility for polite but persistent conversation is even greater. Make sure that the contacts indicated in the invitation for feedback are up-to-date: the e-mail box is "working", the phone is on, the phone is being picked up.

■ Quickly make changes to the invitee list.

■ Be sure to ask those guests who have accepted the invitation if they need help, such as arranging a transfer or accommodation in the city of the celebration. Check if they have special requests for food at the banquet, taking into account possible food allergies or specific nutritional systems (vegetarianism, for example), etc.

■ Write down the program of the event (main points) in the invitation, indicating the start time of each part and, of course, the dress code. Plus additional information, such as that stiletto heels may be prohibited if the event is held in a historic mansion (see sidebar on page 6).


If it is decided to cover the event in the press, then it is necessary to appoint those responsible for this part of the preparation of the event. Usually this is its own PR-service, which solves the following tasks:

Draws up a list of editors and journalists whose presence at the ceremony is desirable;

Writes a press release and organizes a press conference;

Takes into account the number of invited journalists when planning the seating of those present in the hall during the official ceremony, as well as when ordering drinks and snacks;

She interacts with the press on all issues and makes sure that at the reception, journalists do not bother the guests and the hero of the occasion, but at the same time they do their job without hindrance.


When you have decided with all service providers and suppliers of goods and products, discuss the terms of cooperation with them. Make sure all contractors are responsible and verified.

Who can be on the list of contractors:

The printing house where invitations, cover cards, event program, etc. will be printed. (don't forget the designer!).

Courier service for the delivery of invitations.

Catering company or specific chefs and waiters.

The organization responsible for the musical accompaniment (at receptions of this level, the music is usually live).

The company in charge of the entertainment part of the program (including the presenter), or individuals providing the corresponding services.

Translators (if necessary).

Floristic company in charge of decorating the premises.

Tour guides. If a historic site is chosen for the celebration, it might make sense to offer guests private tours. As a rule, it is interesting for foreigners.

Hostess service. The main function of hostesses is to welcome guests. Here you need to think in advance whether it will be a third-party company or whether the role of the greeters will be taken over by their employees. If the level of guests is really high, then asking at the entrance if they have invitations is not too polite - you need to know all the guests by sight.

Hostess services may not necessarily be provided by a specialized company - it could be one of the contractors, for example, a catering company. Requirements for service representatives are standard: presentable appearance, knowledge of foreign languages, knowledge of etiquette, stress resistance.

Photographer / operator. In addition to the press, a photographer or operator is usually invited, who will take photographs or videos for the personal archive of the inviting party.

A transport company that provides transfer services and a hotel with which arrangements are made for the accommodation of guests.

Other contractors - depending on the specifics of a particular event.


It is about ensuring that the customer's desire coincides with the contractor's vision and the capabilities of the host site.

All parties should be involved in the discussion of the points in which they participate in one way or another.

Ideally, most of the meetings are best held in the same venue as the event with the participation of the site representative and the contractor.

It is much easier to go straight to the hall for the celebration and jointly discuss:

Is the room suitable, can it accommodate all guests, is it possible to arrange additional places;

Where will the press be located;

Do you need additional decoration;

Organizational and technical issues: stage design, microphones, sound, light, dressing room, backstage, script, timing, etc.

On the spot, it is easier to make sure that everyone understood each other correctly.

Our advice

At the end of the meeting, send a letter or minutes with the results of the discussion to all participants and receive confirmation from everyone.


It's a good form and a nice tradition. Memorable souvenirs at such an event can be fake copies of the medal awarded with gratitude for participation on behalf of the hero of the occasion.

Or it could be high quality albums on a theme that unites both states.

Alternatively, you can offer guests books on the history of the place where the celebration is held, if the place is significant.

There are a lot of ideas. The main thing is that it matches the theme of the event and looks unobtrusive.

There is no need to shove packages with souvenirs into the hands of guests - this is not a corporate party. It is enough to arrange them, for example, in a specially designated place at the entrance, so that those who wish can choose a souvenir themselves.


We have already talked about the seating plan, but we will dwell on it later. It is clear that an event like this may require at least two seating plans during the evening: at the official awards ceremony and at the banquet.

Both seating plans for guests must be agreed with the manager.

Among the guests there may be persons holding high government posts. They should be given appropriate attention both during seating and throughout the evening.

It should be borne in mind that some of them will want to congratulate the hero of the occasion from the stage. This means that the first rows must be reserved for those wishing to perform.


The status of many persons allows them not to inform in advance about their desire to speak in public - such a desire can be spontaneous.

Therefore, the event organizer should always keep his finger on the pulse of events and try to anticipate them. It makes sense to ask the leader for his opinion on whether any of the guests can express a desire to congratulate him from the stage - and in accordance with this, plan places in the hall for such persons. The leader knows his guests better - he knows better whether the guest is inclined to deliver speeches and how close their relationship is.

You can try to independently analyze the list of invitees for the same research. Or the most obvious option is to call the assistants of the prospective congratulators and clarify if their leader's plans include such a desire. If so, try to find out the approximate duration of the presentation. This is important to keep in mind so that the plan for the evening does not get out of hand.


This item is specific. The level of the event and its participants requires that security, entrances to the site and access to the celebration be organized at the highest level.

Usually, this issue is fully occupied by the security service. However, it is important for the organizer of the event to know all the details in order to coordinate the actions of the guests and answer the questions of assistants and other close persons of the participants of the celebration.

It is important to understand here that each of the VIPs participating in the event will have their own security service. All these people will want to personally communicate with the organizer of the celebration in advance and find out all the technical and organizational details: how the site is secured, how and who will control the entrance to the entrance and the passage to the building, where to leave the car, where there will be personal security and assistants waiting for their leader, where and with whom their leader will sit at the evening, contacts of all those responsible for organizing the event, etc.


The organizers of the event, as a rule, take upon themselves the solution of issues related to the delivery of guests to the venue of the celebration and their accommodation in the hotel.

This is possible in a situation where the hero of the occasion and most of the guests are hometown, for example, Moscow, and the award ceremony, for one reason or another, is decided to be held in St. Petersburg (or vice versa). And also this is true in case of arrival of a large number of foreign guests.

In such a situation, it is advisable to appoint in advance an employee who is solely responsible for the issues of transfers and accommodation.

It should be ensured that all guests who require travel and accommodation services receive the contacts of the host country officer who is responsible for these matters. And yes, he must be in touch 24 hours a day.

The employee must have a level of competence sufficient for solving most tasks and the ability to act independently. In addition, he must have the necessary authority and resources to provide prompt assistance to guests (for example, agree to change a hotel room or extend a stay). All these questions are rather technical, but the quality of the guest's stay with the inviting party depends on them!

How to organize the transfer and accommodation of guests

■ Find out in advance who pays for the cars and the hotel - the guests themselves or the inviting party.

■ Specify how the payment will be made: one-time payment or a single invoice at the end of the event.

■ Find out in advance the approximate number of guests who need the relevant services, and with this in mind, book hotel rooms and cars with the transfer company.

■ Think about what level of guest room you need to book and what class of cars to order for transfers. You may need to make a level-by-level list.

■ Find out how additional services will be paid for guests - extending the stay at the hotel and / or using the transfer, raising the level of the hotel room, ordering additional services at the hotel (printing documents, ordering room service, paying for drinks and snacks from the bar, etc.) etc.).

■ Ensure that foreign guests are assigned drivers with knowledge of the relevant language.

■ For fast communication, pass on the driver's phone numbers to guests who will be met at airports and train stations.


With a large number of invited guests, especially if many of them are foreigners or from other cities, a lot of additional requests and wishes will surely arise: help in obtaining entry visas, purchase railway or air tickets, register a guest for procedures in a beauty salon, choose places for shopping , organize individual excursions, etc.

Guests, of course, should not be denied anything, but by the time requests are received, you need to clearly know who and how will pay for it and who will specifically address these issues on the part of the organizer.

In the next issues of the magazine, we will talk about how to organize a manager's birthday in different formats - a large-scale non-public event (without press coverage) and a closed home event (for our own people).

Spring roll - spring rolls, or Chinese pancakes - rolls that resemble cabbage rolls in shape, but consist of different ingredients. As a rule, these are rice paper, seafood, noodles and various greens.

Sorbet (fr. sorbet) is a frozen dessert made from sugar syrup and fruit juice or puree.

Sooner or later, any manager has to face the task of drawing up an action plan. Even if there is one in the head, transferring it to paper is sometimes difficult. In addition, it is often required to know not only how to draw up an action plan, but also how to protect it in front of superiors.

Action plan - what is it?

This is the name of a document that sets goals and describes specific actions to achieve them with an indication of the deadline. In addition, they necessarily provide for the definition of persons responsible for the implementation of certain prescribed actions.

You can draw up an action plan for specific events or for a particular period of work of the company or its division. Events in the general case can be one-time and regular, for the last category it is customary to draw up regulations for the conduct. For example, how to draw up an action plan to eliminate disciplinary violations?

Any newly started project necessarily requires drawing up a clear scheme. This is due to the difficulties in organizing the work of a large mass of people. In order for each of the employees to understand their responsibilities, he needs a detailed instruction, the foundations of which are laid down in the action plan.

Do you really need it?

This activity - writing a plan - takes a lot of time, and sometimes questions arise about its expediency. It should be clearly understood that for the correct execution of any process, it is necessary to take into account all the little things and foresee possible surprises.

It is especially important to have an action plan for the competent organization of the financial side of the matter. When translating a future project into the language of numbers, you are faced with the need to calculate each cost item. When drawing up a plan, it is important to adhere to the principles of economy, to use the available resources as efficiently as possible.

If the goal is complex, including a whole range of activities, then the absence of a written, well-thought-out plan can lead to complete chaos. Each new stage of the case will have to be carried out locally, which will take much more time and effort. With such a fractional approach to business, there is a high risk of losing the general direction of activity and getting bogged down in a large number of unimportant details.

How exactly is it compiled

How to plan an event? With all the huge variety, they have approximately the same structure and consist of similar items with identical terms in meaning, which include the following concepts:

  • The goal is the planning of events, the concrete results of which we wish to achieve. This is the basis of the entire plan.
  • The activities themselves are those actions that should lead to the achievement of expected results.
  • The result is what we want to achieve after completing the planned. It should be expressed in concrete indicators, measured in numbers and clearly defined achievements.
  • Deadlines are the time frames in which all planned activities should be met. If we are talking about regularly recurring events, their frequency should be prescribed.
  • Resources are understood as all material, technical, monetary assets allocated for the implementation of the plan.
  • Responsible persons refer to those who manage the event and are responsible for its results. As such, individual employees or entire divisions of the company (organization) can act.

An important point is the definition of common criteria for the goal, taking into account the coordination of the interests of different departments and economic feasibility.

Plans in various fields

Let's consider how to draw up an event plan using specific examples.

Let's say you are the head of a certain institution. How to draw up a labor protection action plan?

The algorithm of actions in this case looks like this: the employer must create a labor protection service or appoint a person responsible for this work. All this is recorded by an appropriate order. The action plan is a list of what the organization is experiencing objective needs according to the specifics of a particular production. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the available technical capabilities.

A plan is drawn up for a specific year, reflecting the estimated timing for each of the points. It necessarily records the names and positions of those employees who are responsible for individual stages. Such a plan is approved by a collective agreement or an agreement on labor protection, adopted as an annex to it.

What does it contain

The list can vary greatly depending on the working conditions of a particular organization, enterprise, institution. Items included in it may, in general, have the following form:

  • assessment of working conditions and listing the necessary measures for its results;
  • measures for technological re-equipment;
  • purchase of protective equipment for employees;
  • verification and modernization of protection and signaling equipment;
  • installation of an automated control system;
  • mechanization of cleaning processes and work with waste, as well as the processing of hazardous and noxious substances.

  • modernization of the ventilation system;
  • checking and optimizing the required lighting level;
  • development and installation of equipment for organizing recreation of people and providing drinking water;
  • purchase of the necessary protective equipment and their storage;
  • conducting briefings and training of personnel in safety and labor protection;
  • training people in first aid techniques;
  • conducting regular medical examinations, as well as health and sports activities for employees, etc.

Let's take care of nature conservation

Another example is drawing up an environmental action plan. When designing and erecting any object, this document is mandatory and includes not only numbers, but also diagrams and diagrams.

Its development is carried out on the basis of the drawings of the object, the schematic layout of the settlement where it is located, general plans of nearby enterprises. It must take into account the requirements of the law on the preservation of natural resources.

How to draw up an action plan for nature conservation? Its main points are a list of actions, the purpose of which is to protect the environment, and a list of expected results. The first (main) part of the plan should include work to determine the level of harm caused by the object to nature. Further - actions that can eliminate or minimize these negative influences.

What else does it include

The third important point is a detailed estimate that takes into account all the costs for the implementation of planned activities. A mandatory attachment to this documentation should be a schematic map with the designation of the surrounding areas that may suffer from the activities of the enterprise or as a result of a theoretically possible accident.

The estimated effectiveness of the planned actions is determined by means of analytical expert assessments that roughly determine the degree of future harmful effects of the object. Experts also offer methods to reduce the expected negativity, which must certainly be reflected in the plan being drawn up.

Another paragraph of the document is obliged to contain specific data on calculating the volume of industrial waste with the installation of their permissible amount and ways to reduce emissions.

How to draw up an action plan for civil defense

If you have to develop a plan of civil defense measures, you should first study the instructions of the management and clarify the order of the head of the district civil defense. The head of the organization, before developing such a document, should contact the military commissariat and find out the data on the supply of the necessary equipment and the conclusions adopted for possible cases of natural disasters or serious accidents.

Based on these guidelines, you should begin to develop plans for a specific institution or organization. The main condition is to reflect real and scientifically sound activities. It is necessary to take into account the situation in the event of the possible use of weapons by a potential adversary, on the basis of which it will be possible to calculate the required amount of means and forces used to eliminate dangerous consequences and establish the object's labor activity.

The entire complex of planned actions must be carefully thought out in order to optimize the expenditure of effort, time and money and avoid unnecessary losses of people and equipment.

Where are they compiled

Plans may apply to hospitals, enterprise emergency situations and the economy. They can relate to educational institutions, culture or health care. Such plans are in charge of protecting the population in wartime or are drawn up in case of accidents or unforeseen natural disasters.

The next point is the orderliness and bringing the object to readiness with an indication of the sequence of performing each of the actions. If we are talking about peacetime, measures should be envisaged, the purpose of which is to prevent emergencies, as well as to eliminate the consequences of those that have already happened.

The civil defense work plan for each facility should be included in the list of main measures for the protection of the population for the current year. The purpose of such planning is an orderly transition into wartime conditions, the theoretical necessity of which must be taken into account by definition.

A civil defense plan must necessarily have institutions that imply a massive stay of people in them. The need for such a plan is dictated by the possibility of terrorist threats and is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of emergency measures and the organization of emergency rescue operations.

We go to a medical and prophylactic institution

Action plans are drawn up in a wide variety of areas. If, for example, due to the nature of your official duties, you have to draw up a plan for disinsection measures in a medical facility, you should first of all analyze the situation for the key points that require the attention of the management in this particular area.

Such a plan may consist of organizational measures, including speeches and lectures for medical personnel on the prevention of infectious diseases with the organization of tests, carrying out and monitoring the quality of disinfection and sterilization work, general cleaning in each of the departments, identifying cases of infectious diseases and carrying out a set of anti-epidemic measures.

The plan should provide for administrative rounds of all divisions in order to monitor compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime, scheduling disinsection and deratization measures, and conducting the necessary sanitary and microbiological laboratory tests. The list of actions must necessarily include the provision, repair or replacement of medical equipment, the introduction of new methods of sterilization and disinfection. In addition, it is necessary to plan measures for the preparation of premises for the heating season, systematic air disinfection, ventilation of the chambers and compliance with the temperature regime.

An adequate supply of medicines and disinfectants should be provided, preventive discussions among patients on the prevention of infectious diseases and the need for a healthy lifestyle should be held.

How to Plan a School-Wide Parents' Committee

Action plans are often developed in areas of public oversight. As an example, consider the work of the school parent committee. The purpose of his activities is to actively participate in school life, help the teaching staff, and organize various events with children.

The parent committee is elected by the general meeting for a period usually equal to one academic year, and it has to solve tasks to identify the needs and interests of schoolchildren, determine ways to achieve them and draw up an appropriate program.

How to plan a school activity? What exactly should a parent committee do? The list may consist in holding planned parenting meetings in the classroom with the formation of the school asset, the design of information stands, work with disadvantaged families subject to intra-school registration. In this case, the task of the parent committee is to talk with those of the parents who are unable to provide the necessary control over the behavior and learning of children.

Things to keep in mind

The plan should include scheduling of meetings, school meals, health care, and hygiene. It may address the issue of school clean-ups with the involvement of parents, as well as the organization of round tables, career guidance events and parental consultations.

A separate item must necessarily include informing the school leadership about the decisions made by the committee and the progress of their implementation.

As a rule, the parent committee's action plan includes issues of final certification of high school students, meetings with teachers for the purpose of consultations. Parents are also planned to be involved in extracurricular activities and sports competitions throughout the school or in an individual classroom.

An additional point can be rewarding parents for success in education and active participation in school life.

Irina Prokofieva, Operations Manager of the EU and Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Program, spoke about the key points to which the organizer of the event should pay attention.

When I was preparing my first event, I was told about the funny "Duck Face" rule ( The duck face rule ). This means that outwardly you should be calm and peaceful. In fact, you actively paddle underwater to stay afloat, but no one should know about it. Until now, I consider this to be the most valuable rule.

Organizing an event is not an easy task, but I can highlight 10 key points that you need to pay attention to in order for everything to go well.

1. Determine goals and format.

It seems obvious, but this issue should be approached critically. Formulate a goal as specific as possible: do you want to convey knowledge to the participants, thank partners, raise money for a project or give guests an aesthetic pleasure? The format of the event will depend on the answer: concept, timing and duration, roles in the team, hall decoration, food and sound.

Try not to get hung up on traditional formats. Pay attention to the "(not) conferences", the "pecha-heap" format, TED -format, themed breakfasts, online events, outdoor activities. The main thing is that the format contributes to the achievement of the goal of the event.

2. Pay attention to planning.

Consider the logistics, content and promotion of the event in terms of your plan. Create a document that is accessible to the whole team, in which everyone can see each other's tasks and the big picture. First, prepare a list of the main tasks, and then detail as much as possible in the form of specific steps that need to be taken. It is important to include in the plan the time it takes to complete the task. It is often underestimated and preparation is slower than you expect.

For planning you can usetemplates Google , programs such asAsana, Trello, Podio, GanttPro, Teamweek... An ordinary document will not fail either. Excel.

3. Make a budget for unforeseen situations.

Look at your list of tasks and budget them. It is also worth considering contingency reserves. For example, in my practice there was a case when, on the day of an outdoor event, it suddenly began to rain. I had to urgently change the location and transport all the equipment and furniture. It is better to think over such situations in advance and prepare for them financially.

Alternatively, you can usesuch a patternbudget, but you can adapt it or come up with your own.

4. The devil is in the details.

If you want to pleasantly surprise your guests, think over everything to the smallest detail: how is the registration going, who meets the participants and in what form, what kind of music is playing, do you have an interesting photo angle, how your presentations are designed and how the team is dressed, how the breaks are filled.

For example, during registration, participants can be given the opportunity to attend a short workshop, play games, or watch informative videos.

Try to surprise people and create wow -effect, exceed their expectations in the most mundane things. This is what creates the atmosphere of the event.

5. Check the location and think over a plan "B".

Always check the location personally at the stage of its selection. At the most unexpected moment, it may turn out that the air conditioner does not work well in the hall, there is no toilet for people with special needs, or the width of the doorway does not allow bringing the equipment inside. Therefore, test such moments in advance.

Once I was hosting a conference for 50 participants, and an hour after the start, the owner of the premises asked us to leave without giving any reason. As a result, we held an hour-long training with the participants in a nearby park until we found a new premises. It seems that this situation will not happen to you, but it is better to always have a "B" plan.

6. Assign areas of responsibility.

It is very important to distribute tasks between team members, not only during the preparation phase, but also during the event. Distribute the responsibilities of people by zones. For example, someone is responsible for the registration area, someone for the meeting of speakers, someone for the equipment, someone for catering, someone for interacting with the media, etc. Everyone should have their own area that needs to be monitored at all times of the event.

Distribute the responsibilities document to the entire team so everyone knows who to contact with what issue.

7. Tell your audience about the event.

Don't underestimate the time it takes to successfully promote your event. The type of event, its target audience, internal resources and budget will determine your marketing approach. When choosing media partners, focus on those who communicate specifically with your audience. It is better to have few partners, but targeted, than to tell absolutely everyone about the event.

It is also important to create one key message that will be broadcast across all channels. Make sure it concisely and accurately conveys the message of the event to your audience.

8. Pay attention to the service.

Make sure your team follows the Duckface Rule. Be nice to all attendees, speakers and partners. Try to resolve their problem or question and meet expectations, even if you feel tired and not going according to plan. Ultimately, people will remember exactly how they were treated and what kind of atmosphere they created, and not what the speaker was saying from the stage.

9. Make a final check the day before the event.

Make sure you tell the participants how to get to the location, invite all important guests, prepare printed materials, audio and video content. Check if everyone correctly understands their tasks and areas of responsibility, whether the premises are ready. To do this, make a checklist, for example,such.

Similar checklists can be drawn up to check the readiness on the day of the event: is everything in place, is everything working, is everything going according to schedule.

Be sure to print out the program of the event, let all team members and volunteers have it. Also provide everyone with the main contact numbers for communication with each other or in case of emergencies.

10. Ask for feedback.

You will most likely be tired and happy after the event, but it will be difficult for you to objectively assess how it went. Therefore, ask participants to complete the printed scorecards at the end of the event or the online form upon returning home. Let them evaluate different aspects: logistics, speakers, venue and organizers' work. This information will help you avoid mistakes in the future and improve the quality of your events. If possible, collect feedback through social media or record video responses at the end of the event. This will come in handy if your event will be hosted again.

Whatever event you organize, be optimistic and don't be afraid of surprises, and then your event will be successful!


Irina Prokofieva, Operations manager of the EU-Eastern Partnership Program "Culture and Creativity", certified project manager ( IPMA, level C ), co-author of the project Start2 Go ... Worked at the global and national levels of an international organization AIESEC ... We have experience in holding events of various formats: from one-day trainings to international conferences and festivals.

Hello everybody!

Every person in life has many moments associated with celebrations. Holidays are generally a great pastime, so you should be smart about the holiday, and be sure to draw up a plan for its holding.

Now let's start drawing up a detailed plan for the celebration, and the first thing to worry about is the location of the event.

Location of the holiday

Depending on the venue of the holiday, you should make your own adjustments to the holiday organization plan. The site for the celebration can be organized in different places.

First option it is a rented space, cafe, club, coffee shop or restaurant.

If you decide to rent a room, then you should immediately discuss with its owners the issues of its decoration, musical equipment, a DJ, a menu with drinks and snacks.

Perhaps the terms and conditions of these services will fit well into the budget for the event, and you will take care of the rest of the preparations.

The second option nature may be the place for the celebration. Going out to an event in nature, be it in the forest or on a body of water, but even in the middle of a field, is a great idea.

When holding an event in nature, you should take care of shelters in case of bad weather, you should also think about the issue of autonomous power supply if you plan to organize a big holiday.

Well, the third option: you can plan a holiday at home, this option is suitable if you live in your own home, or you have a country house. I like it most of all, since I live in a house.

Choose the right time

Be sure to calculate start of the Events. Moreover, when setting the time, consider the following points:

First: Convenience for guests - here take into account the end of working hours, the time to prepare for the trip to the holiday, the way to the place of its holding.

Second: The circumstances on which the start of the event depends (in the event that the holiday is tied to any time of day)

Third: Opening hours of transport organizations, because not everyone has cars, someone will go to you by public transport.

When the start time of the holiday is planned, be sure to warn all the guests, for example, send or deliver invitations, or just call everyone by phone.

Now is the time to plan your holiday budget

Event budget

The event budget depends on the following factors:

1. number of guests, - based on the number, the cost of food and drinks, as well as the number of gifts, will vary.

2. holiday menu- you need to competently think over the holiday menu and adjust finances depending on what kind of food you will serve and what you will drink (if you will).

3. Based on the holiday program and the availability and number of contests - plan spending on prizes and gifts to the winners of these competitions.

4. Be sure to come up with some surprise for the holiday, do not forget to include the costs of it.

5. Decoration of the playground can also affect the budget of the event.

The next step in drawing up a plan for organizing a holiday will be:

Distribution of duties

When assigning responsibilities, you should choose leading, who will adjust the course of the holiday and direct it, if necessary, in the right direction.

On his shoulders will also fall the obligation to comply with a peculiar regulations the event (the time of the contests, the serving of certain dishes, the correction of the DJ's work), in general, the presenter must be chosen sensible and groovy.

Also assign him a couple of assistants from the guests, just warn them in advance.

Organize musical accompaniment. Prepare the necessary music in advance, discuss if the presenter needs any music for the holiday program.

It may turn out that you need various backing tracks or some kind of song that you will not have time to look for later. Also see how it can affect your mood.

Alternatively, you can hire a DJ, but he should also talk to the host a couple of days before the holiday so that he is prepared.

Hire a photographer, or ask someone you know with photography skills to organize a photo shoot of the holiday. Believe me, it is always pleasant to look through good photos in the future.

Video filming of the event can also be organized, but this is not for an amateur, often a photographer is enough.


Together with the host, develop a program for the holiday, carefully think over the rules of the event.

In the holiday program, include the interaction of guests with each other, for example, holding contests, competitions, playing funny scenes, in general, show your imagination or use the Internet. Come up with a surprise for the holiday.

After setting up the program, organize the interaction of the host, DJ, and assistant presenters.

And finally, when the holiday has come, then celebrate it with all your heart, do not pour tons of alcohol into yourself, participate in all competitions, do not worry, any event should be celebrated on a grand scale.

A well-organized holiday will be remembered for a long time, and it is desirable that these are only good memories. Therefore, be sure to think over the organization of the upcoming holiday.

On this I will round off, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, the author of the blog was with you « » Menkov Sergey.

All the best to have a happy time!

PS. I play a little guitar, so I regularly visit Youtube in search of interesting guitar playing, listen mesmerizing !!!