How to treat a cold during pregnancy, especially treatment by trimester. How to treat a cold for pregnant women: symptoms, possible dangers, drug treatment, therapy with folk remedies

Pregnancy is a special period during which the expectant mother should take her health seriously, try to avoid drafts, not overcool and take all possible preventive measures. Indeed, it is not recommended to endure colds during pregnancy, since the treatment process during this period is problematic, since taking medications during this period is strictly prohibited. But what if, despite all the precautions, a cold still overtook a pregnant woman?

The most important thing is not to self-medicate, since antibiotics and antibacterial drugs cannot be taken during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription. At the first symptoms of a cold, the expectant mother should call a doctor, who, after the examination, will prescribe adequate treatment. The issue of treating or not treating a cold during pregnancy is not discussed, it must be treated without fail, strictly observing medical recommendations, since a cold, if left untreated, poses a danger to the proper development of the fetus.

The prenatal period of a child's development includes two main periods: embryonic (the first 8 weeks of pregnancy) and fetal. During the period of embryonic development, the laying and development of all fetal tissues occurs, during the fetal period, organs are formed from these tissues. It is during the period of embryonic development that there are critical periods, which are expressed in the increased sensitivity of the fetus to the effects of damaging factors. The first critical period extends to the end of the first and the entire second week of pregnancy. The second critical period occurs at 3-6 weeks of pregnancy. The last month of pregnancy is entering the third critical period. In addition, a period is distinguished during which damaging factors contribute to the emergence of a malformation of a particular organ, but this is possible only if the factor was influenced during the formation of this organ.

Prevention of colds.
Immunity decreases in women during pregnancy. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body so that the rejection of the fetus does not occur, since it also happens that the tissues of the fetus are not fully compatible with the tissues of the mother. This feature of the body should be taken into account especially during cold weather, epidemics of acute respiratory diseases. Therefore, the prevention of colds and related diseases for a pregnant woman should become an obligatory daily ritual. To do this, it is necessary to refuse to visit public places, avoid the maximum congestion of people, walk in the fresh air every day for at least three hours, often ventilate the apartment. Those living in the same apartment with the expectant mother should also take care of measures to prevent colds (flu shots, etc.). If a member of the family is sick, it should be immediately isolated from other members, and a pregnant woman is advised to instill an interferon solution into the nose as a prophylaxis.

Vitamin teas are a good measure to prevent colds during pregnancy. Rosehip teas are especially recommended, as they contain a large amount of vitamin C, which increases the protective properties of the body. Before a pregnant woman goes outside, it is recommended to gargle with calendula tincture or Rotokan, and lubricate her nose with Vitaon balm or Timofeevna cream. It is these products that contain essential oils that prevent the penetration of pathogens. Upon returning home, the same procedures should be carried out, only the nose should be rinsed with an antiseptic.

Aromatherapy is also effective as a preventive measure. It is necessary to drip a few drops of eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil into the aroma lamp, you can also mix them.

How to treat colds and SARS during pregnancy?
If, however, preventive measures have not helped, and you are sick, you should take all possible measures in order to minimize the risk of possible complications. To do this, it is imperative to observe the pastel mode. In addition, frequent warm drinking is necessary (green tea with lime blossom, with lemon, raspberries, honey, juice), as this helps to eliminate pathogens from the body. However, a measure is needed in everything, it is better not to overdo it with drinking, this can provoke edema. In the absence of allergic reactions, you can gargle with various herbal infusions (sage, chamomile, calendula), as well as drink herbal mixtures with expectorant effects (after consulting a doctor). It is recommended to rinse the nose with a solution of tea soda (a teaspoon per glass of water) or sea water. After the discharge becomes thicker, menthol oil can be instilled into the nose after rinsing.

Folk remedies for colds during pregnancy.
Sore throat will be relieved by chamomile infusion, which is best used in the form of inhalation or gargling three times a day. If a pregnant woman has a fever, frequent drinking of cranberry infusion is recommended, as well as rubbing the body with a mixture of cold water and alcohol (vinegar) at a rate of 1: 2. If a pregnant woman is overcome by a cough, licorice root syrup will help, which should be taken 1 tsp. tea room 3-4 times a day. Onion or garlic juice diluted 1: 1 with water will help get rid of a cold.

You should know that during a cold, a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to soar her legs and put mustard plasters, to use antipyretic drugs, since fetal malformations may occur. Medicines for treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, after examination.

If a pregnant woman has suffered from acute respiratory viral infections, then it is necessary to inform the supervising doctor about this, since intrauterine infections can occur under the guise of a cold, which have a toxic effect on the fetus. As a rule, the doctor should examine the blood test of the pregnant woman for the presence of these infections, and prescribe the necessary treatment, if necessary.

A cold for a pregnant woman is a rather complex disease, so it is better to prevent this disease than to cure it.

The course of colds during pregnancy manifests itself in the form of a cough, runny nose, sneezing, nome congestion, sore throat, malaise, headaches, possibly increased body temperature. Like everyone else, the exception is that the immunity of a pregnant woman is initially weakened. Therefore, the manifestation of all symptoms is likely to be more pronounced.

Expectant mothers are interested in whether a cold is dangerous during pregnancy, how to protect oneself from a cold, how and what to treat, what measures to take for a speedy recovery, what not to do, whether it is possible to take medications and which ones, so as not to harm the baby. You will learn the answers to these questions from the article material.

Colds are the same acute respiratory diseases or acute respiratory infections. Often a cold is caused by a virus, the name of this condition is acute respiratory viral infection or ARVI.

It is dangerous, as a cold can cause complications that are dangerous for both the mother and the baby. The most dangerous are viral infections (ARVI), especially influenza.

Often a cold during pregnancy manifests itself in the form, if a woman was a carrier of this virus before pregnancy, then the baby will be protected by the mother's antibodies. If a woman first became infected during pregnancy, then there may be various consequences.

However, it should be remembered that the capabilities of our body are high, do not immediately panic. Sometimes a severe flu can go away without serious consequences. According to statistics, 80% of women suffer from colds, most at the beginning of pregnancy, and despite this, healthy babies are born.

Danger to the baby

The most dangerous is the cold in the first trimester, or rather, the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. After all, this is exactly the period when a small man is born and formed from a fertilized egg. If you get sick in the first trimester, then a cold will either affect the baby or bypass it. In the first case, most likely, a spontaneous miscarriage will occur, since the child may develop malformations incompatible with life. If, after a cold, the pregnancy is proceeding well, no pathologies were detected on the ultrasound, then there is no need to worry.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a cold is not so dangerous, although its appearance can lead to feto-placental insufficiency, which can harm a developing baby due to a violation of the supply of oxygen and nutrients to it ...

In the 3rd trimester, a cold can cause fetal growth retardation syndrome, intrauterine fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen, which can cause disturbances in the baby's brain), and also lead to premature birth.

Danger for the expectant mother

A cold for a pregnant woman can have extremely unpleasant consequences, such as polyhydramnios, the risk of spontaneous abortion, as well as premature birth, large blood loss during childbirth, complications of the postpartum period, and premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

Preventing colds

It is much easier to follow simple rules to strengthen immunity than to fight a cold.

In order not to catch a cold, preventive measures should be taken aimed at strengthening the immunity of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother needs to follow the following recommendations:

  • Walk in the fresh air for at least three hours a day
  • Eat properly.
  • Take vitamins. Drinking vitamin teas, such as rosehip teas (rosehip contains vitamin C to boost the body's immunity)
  • Avoid contact with sick people
  • Prevent hypothermia of the body
  • Don't get wet in rainy weather
  • When visiting public places, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment
  • If someone is sick in your house, you can chop the onion and garlic and put it in the room.
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room daily
  • You can use aromatic oils (tea tree, lavender, orange, eucalyptus).
  • Rinsing the nose, rinsing the mouth after visiting public places
  • Dress for the weather

If you do get sick, you should follow several recommendations:

  • Reduce your physical activity, try to get enough sleep. During pregnancy, you cannot tolerate colds on your feet!
  • Do not take antibiotics, especially Levomycetin and Tetracycline! Antibiotics cannot help with ARVI, since they do not work on viruses. Antibiotics should be considered only in extremely severe cases, with the development of severe complications that cannot be dealt with using traditional methods.
  • Drink abundantly, preferably lemon tea, raspberry tea, milk with honey, infusion of raspberry leaves and twigs. It is necessary to control the amount of fluid taken, as excess fluid can lead to edema.
  • Reduce your salt intake, as salt contributes to swelling and, as a result, an increase in nasal congestion.
  • Reduce the consumption of fatty and heavy foods, as the body spends a lot of strength and energy on its assimilation, which is better spent on recovery.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?

Be sure to consult your doctor. After all, the choice of treatment should be approached very carefully and deliberately. After all, colds and flu are not the same thing. Influenza cannot be treated on its own, it can lead to serious complications. If the cough does not decrease during the week, you should definitely see a doctor so as not to lead to pneumonia.

Mainly, the treatment of colds during pregnancy should be carried out using folk remedies and methods.


Gargle more often, preferably every hour. Choose the option that suits you best.

  • Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark, sea salt
  • Rinse with water with the addition of salt, soda and iodine. In a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, a few drops of iodine.
  • Rinse with water with the addition of 1 spoon of propolis alcohol tincture.


  • To soften the cough, you can use warm milk + inner goose fat or warm milk + butter + honey
  • Raspberry, honey
  • Inhalation with essential oils. Essential oils of eucalyptus, rose hips, chamomile, thyme, sage, St. John's wort are suitable for such inhalations. Inhalation is carried out as follows: add a few drops of the selected essential oil (you should like the smell) to a pot of boiling water. Next, you should inhale the healing steam, bending over the pan and covering your head with a towel. Go to bed immediately after inhalation.
  • It is also useful to breathe in vapors of boiled potatoes in their uniforms + 1 tablespoon of chamomile or sage or eucalyptus or black currant leaves.
  • Mix honey and water in a ratio of 1: 5 at a temperature of 50 degrees. It is necessary to inhale vapors from one nostril, then the other nostril, then through the mouth.

Runny nose

  • Inhalation of the smell of chopped onions and garlic 2 times a day for 10 minutes
  • Using soda-tannin drops. Production: brew 1 teaspoon of tea in a glass of boiling water, evaporate it over low heat for 15 minutes, strain, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This solution should be instilled into the nose with 1-2 pipettes in each nostril 2-3 times a day, after instillation, immediately blow your nose well.
  • While sleeping, take an elevated position to reduce blood flow to the nasal mucosa.
  • You can bury herbal solutions from freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice
  • Soak your hands under a hot water tap
  • Washing with soda solution, saline
  • Drip us with aloe juice


If the temperature is less than 38.5 degrees, you do not need to knock it down.

  • Wet wraps are used. To do this, you need to wrap yourself in a wet sheet made of natural fabric, and cover yourself with warm blankets on top. In this case, heavy sweating occurs and the temperature drops.
  • Rubbing with vinegar solution with water (2: 1), vodka
  • Drink more diaphoretic tea, lime infusion
  • Drink cranberry juice


  • Apply a white cabbage leaf to the temples and forehead

Horseradish is an excellent immunostimulant. The horseradish root needs to be grated on a fine grater and mixed with the same amount of sugar, leave the mixture for 12 hours in a warm place, drain. In the acute period of a cold, take 1 tablespoon every hour.

Pregnant women are prohibited from colds:

  • You can’t soar your feet, you can’t take a hot bath
  • Do not use individual medicinal plants, be sure to read the package insert.
  • Immunomodulators, alcohol tinctures, antipyretics, drugs that increase blood pressure and pulse are not allowed.
  • Vitamin C tablets should not be taken, as more of it contributes to blood thinning and this can cause bleeding in early pregnancy.
  • Do not take antibiotics
  • Do not Aspirin and preparations containing it (Coldrex, Efferalgan)
  • You can not go to the bathhouse, sauna

Unfortunately, however, it is not always possible to do without medications. It is important to weigh every decision, every step, so as not to harm.

What medications can I take during pregnancy?

  • Paracetamol, preparations containing paracetomol (Panadol) - to lower fever, to reduce headache
  • Pharyngosept - to reduce sore throat. It is used if redness and sore throat do not go away for a long time. Used to treat stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
  • Furacilin - for gargling
  • Bioparox - a topical antibiotic in the form of a throat spray
  • Mukaltin, iodinol - to get rid of cough, if you cannot do without medicine.
  • Aqua Maris, Pinosol, Grippferon, Aqualor - drops in the nose
  • Dr. Mom, Gedelix - cough syrup
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Vibrocil, Sanorin, Farmazolin, Naphtizin) can be used for 2-3 days 1-2 times a day if you cannot breathe at all.

Colds are better avoided by using preventive measures than by treating them. If you do get sick, you need to properly organize your day, use folk methods for treatment, consult a doctor. If you need to take medications, read the instructions carefully, take those medications that are allowed during pregnancy.

Did you get sick when you were in an interesting position? How were you treated?

Good afternoon, dear readers! Don't you sneeze, don't you cough? Well, right, it's an unpleasant thing to get sick. Even a banal cold can be incapacitated, and for a long time. But what about pregnant women? These "staunch soldiers" should always be in the ranks. But, unfortunately, it is impossible not to get sick at all for all 9 months.

Weakened immunity of expectant mothers, easily admits many diseases. But how to expel them from the body? Yes, that's at least the same ARVI. It will catch on, "dissolve" the snot, tickle in the throat, and pregnant women cannot even resist this. You cannot drink pills, nose drops are also prohibited. But folk remedies for colds for pregnant women are now a real panacea. But not all of them are created equal. We will talk about this today.

Whether to call a doctor

You can catch a cold anywhere, and sometimes a breeze is enough for expectant mothers to catch a runny nose or cough. This is the peculiarity of their immunity. It maintains pregnancy, but reduces the body's resistance to all sorts of infections and colds. The first 12 weeks, when all the baby's organs are laid down cell by cell, any virus can be too "expensive".

Let's not talk about serious consequences, such as anomalies or miscarriage. This happens very rarely with a cold. But the risk of premature birth is either absolutely justified.

If you are not thrown into a fever, there is no muscle aches, severe headaches (read also our article: ""), then it is quite possible not to call a doctor yet, but to try to help yourself with folk remedies. In the opposite case (high fever, sore throat and headache, severe cough), self-medication will be not only useless, but also dangerous.

Juice water, onions and horseradish

We will not consider the worst option, it is better to start our brief overview of the alternative methods of treatment for pregnant women that are effective for colds.

  • It's no secret that the main rule for colds is to drink more fluids. This also applies to pregnant women. Drinking plenty of fluids removes toxins well, increasing perspiration, and also helps to reduce fever. You can drink not only tea (not black, but unsweetened green), but also mineral water without gas, fruit drinks. An excellent remedy for raising immunity and a rosehip drink. To prepare it, you need to take 5 tbsp. dry fruits and a liter of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for about 12 hours. 3-4 glasses a day of such a drink should be drunk until complete recovery occurs. You need to be more careful in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, edema is likely.
  • Drink more juices. Not packaged, but homemade. They certainly do not contain harmful additives, but they have more than enough vitamins. Be aware of possible allergies, do not consume juices in unlimited quantities. Citrus fruits, for example. But pear, apple, apricot can and should be drunk. 1-2 glasses a day (diluted with pure water 1: 1), they will be able to suppress the activity of microbes, increase the body's resistance to infection.
  • Ordinary horseradish will also increase immunity. He, unlike other herbal immunostimulants (Echinacea, Rhodiola rosea), has no side effects.

Grate horseradish root, mix with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, then set for 12 hours in a warm place. Strain before use. 1 tablespoon of this mixture per day can cure colds and is considered an effective cure for the flu.

  • Onions and garlic, chopped and laid out in saucers in different parts of the apartment, will not only create a unique "aroma" in the house, but will also actively disseminate useful phytoncides.

Bath for feet and unusual syrup

  • As you know, not only onions, but also a bath, relieve seven ailments. It is in the steam room that a huge amount of toxins and microbes are released from the body. Unfortunately, this pleasure is not available to pregnant women. But the warm foot bath is a very pleasant and useful procedure. Then you can put on warm woolen socks to keep warm as long as possible. Thin cotton ones are also suitable; mustard powder can be poured into them at night.
  • High temperature (above 38 degrees) must be brought down. With the permission of your doctor, you can take Ibuprofen or Nurofen. And from folk remedies, linden flowers will also help well (pour 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and drink ½ cup three times a day). Rubbing with vinegar also relieves fever, but an ice shower at a temperature threatens to terminate pregnancy.
  • With a runny nose, you can drip onion or garlic juice into the nose, as well as beet juice. Be careful: if you feel a strong burning sensation, stop the procedure. The mucous membrane during the period of gestation becomes much more sensitive and may suffer. The saline solution will eliminate swelling and has an antiseptic effect. To prepare it, pour a quarter teaspoon of salt with half a glass of warm boiled water. Flush each sinus at least three times a day, such a solution can simply be instilled into the nose. There is another recipe for effective washes: 1 part of rose hips, 3 - peppermint leaves, 2 - string. A glass of boiling water for 2 tbsp. such a mixture must be insisted for 3 hours in a thermos. Inhalation will also clear the nasal passages well, but keep in mind that you cannot do them at a temperature. The oldest way is to breathe over a saucepan with boiled potatoes, you can add a few drops of fir oil there.
  • The main treatment for sore throat is, of course, gargling. Soda solution, as well as decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort will relieve inflammation and reduce discomfort. Tea with honey and lemon is also a proven method. But be on your guard. This miraculous mixture during pregnancy can have the opposite effect: the swelling of the nasopharynx increases, indicating an allergic reaction. In this case, it is better to remove honey and citrus fruits altogether from the diet.

Inhalation with chamomile, soda and mineral water perfectly expels phlegm with a dry cough, having previously liquefied it. If the cough is severe, dry, and exhausting, you can try to stop it with onion syrup. To do this, wash the medium onion, put it in a saucepan, add water there (a little so that it only covers the onion) and add 50 mg of sugar. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes. The cooled syrup must be filtered and taken 1 teaspoon 5 times a day.

As you can see, there are many alternative methods of treating colds, but not all of them are suitable for pregnant women. If I suddenly missed something, be sure to write your folk recipes in the comments. We will replenish our piggy bank.

I tried to tell you about the safest and most effective, but you should still ask the doctor if they will harm you personally. During gestation, the body presents many surprises. Take care of yourself and your kids, do not get sick. Until next time!

It is dangerous for an expectant mother to get sick with ARVI or flu in any trimester, especially in the first weeks, therefore, a cold during pregnancy requires compulsory treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications that will harm the unborn baby, disrupting the development of his vital organs. Even a slight runny nose is a serious danger. During pregnancy, other methods of treatment and certain drugs are used that do not affect the health of the baby and mother.

What is a cold during pregnancy

A cold is understood as a disease provoked by the influenza virus or ARVI. You can catch a cold at any time in a person's life, including during pregnancy. The peak incidence is observed in the cold season: in winter and early spring. A cold can also be the first sign of pregnancy. It all depends on how long the symptoms appeared. For each trimester, certain consequences of the disease are characteristic. To avoid a cold, it is necessary to consult a specialist at the first symptoms. The doctor will prescribe adequate therapy depending on the diagnosis.


Symptoms of a cold in pregnant women practically do not differ from the symptoms in other people. Initially, there is slight discomfort, headache and fatigue. The condition gradually worsens over the course of the day. Further, a cold in pregnant women is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • cough;
  • sneezing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pain and sore throat, swelling and redness;
  • chills;
  • a state of fever;
  • tearing;
  • itching sensation in the nose, mucus secretion.

The cough is often dry and moderate, and the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, unless the disease is too serious. With the flu, the symptoms are more severe than the common cold caused by other viruses. After 2-3 days, the signs of the disease gradually regress. This is due to the end of the active period of the common cold. Its symptoms are very similar to those of other diseases such as pneumonia, sinusitis, or bronchitis. For this reason, it is important to consult a doctor at the first manifestations.


It is more difficult for pregnant women to protect themselves from colds. The reason is that the woman's body perceives the fetus as foreign. To prevent it from being rejected by the body, the latter deliberately lowers the functionality of the immune system. This prevents conflict between mother and baby. This process is called immunosuppression. It is absolutely normal, but at the same time it increases a woman's vulnerability to viral diseases, therefore, the main reason for their development is reduced immunity. Private factors in the development of the disease are:

  • stress;
  • long stay outside in cold weather;
  • smoking;
  • eating a lot of fatty foods and sweets;
  • contact with an already sick person.

What is dangerous

A cold during pregnancy can affect the development of the baby's vital organs or lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Intrauterine infection and fetal death are considered dangerous consequences. With flu, there is a high risk of bacterial infections, which in the future also causes malformations or miscarriage. Still, you should not panic, because according to statistics, 75% of pregnant women suffer from colds, but only a few patients have serious consequences. The main thing is to start treatment on time.

A cold is dangerous for the pregnant woman herself. In the future, she may develop serious complications during or after childbirth. These consequences include:

  • massive blood loss during childbirth;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • release of amniotic fluid ahead of schedule;
  • chronic infections;
  • complications of the postpartum period.

How does a cold affect the fetus

Herpes on the lips is less dangerous. In the future, the child simply develops immunity to this virus. Colds lead to serious complications. They depend on the state of health of the woman before conception, the presence of concomitant somatic diseases and the duration of pregnancy. Among the most dangerous complications are:

  • fetal death;
  • developmental delay syndrome;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • serious malformations;
  • oxygen starvation - hypoxia;
  • accession of secondary infections.


The most dangerous is a cold in the first trimester. The reason is that during this period the most important formations of the egg take place with its transformation into a human embryo. At this stage, the nervous system, sensory organs, esophagus, limbs, and heart are laid. If, before the 10th week of pregnancy, a viral disease has affected the embryo, then the risk of miscarriage is high. Also at this stage, fetal malformations occur.

Dangerous is not only a cold, but also treatment with antibiotics, hormones, immunomodulators, enzyme and other drugs. The expectant mother can use them without knowing her situation. In the second trimester (from 12 to 24 weeks), the baby is already slightly protected due to the formed placenta. She is a shield against all dangers, but it is still dangerous to catch a cold during this period. The consequences include:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency, which can cause a lack of oxygen and nutrients;
  • premature birth with a high degree of dystrophy and low weight;
  • violation of the development of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • miscarriage at 14 weeks;
  • violation of intrauterine oogenesis, which makes future girls infertile.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, colds are also dangerous, especially in the later stages. This increases the risk of contracting the baby with a viral infection and premature birth. The baby is threatened with hypoxia and developmental delay. Other consequences of a cold in late pregnancy include:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • blood loss during childbirth;
  • difficult postpartum period;
  • early rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • high risk of birth trauma;
  • infectious diseases of the internal genital organs of a woman;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

Methods for treating a cold during pregnancy are slightly different from the usual ones. Some traditional medicines may not only not be beneficial, but also negatively affect the fetus. First of all, it is important to observe peace, lie at home for a couple of days, canceling all cases. Bed rest also presupposes giving up household chores. To speed up your recovery, you need to eat a balanced diet and drink enough fluids. Medical treatment for colds during pregnancy is determined depending on the duration of the pregnancy.

1 trimester treatment

When the first signs of a cold appear, you should immediately call a doctor at home or go to the clinic. Only a specialist can prescribe a safe and effective therapy. Colds in the first weeks of pregnancy are treated with the following methods:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. It is recommended to consume more tea with honey or raspberry jam.
  2. Flushing the nasal passages. To do this, you can use a saline solution or Aqualor and Dolphin preparations. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is possible no more than 2 times a day.
  3. Antiviral immunomodulatory therapy. Pregnant women are allowed drugs such as Grippferon and Alfarona.
  4. Prevention of the throat and pharynx from bacterial complications. For this, Hexasprey and Bioparox are used.
  5. Antipyretic drugs. Paracetamol and Aspirin are contraindicated in pregnant women. You can take Ibuprofen only once. Instead of medication, it is better to use a cold compress and a vinegar rub.

In the 2nd trimester

Practically the same methods will help to cure a cold in the second trimester. Therapy for runny nose and cough is similar to that used in the first weeks of pregnancy. Echinacea is the best choice for immunostimulating medications. A large amount of vitamin C will be useful, which are contained in rosehip broth, cranberries, citrus fruits and currants. If your throat hurts, then rinsing with chlorophyllipt, calendula, chamomile, saline will help. A severe runny nose is well treated with drops of aloe juice or honey diluted with water, menthol oil.

In the 3rd trimester

At 39-40 weeks of gestation, most expectant mothers with a cold are placed in a hospital to avoid unwanted consequences. Among the therapeutic measures used are rinsing the nose with decoctions of herbs or saline solution, inhalation, and drinking plenty of fluids. At high temperatures (from 38 degrees), you can take Paracetamol, which will help the body fight the virus. For a cold, Nazivin or Pinosol are allowed, and for coughs, only homeopathic medicines:

  • Dr. Mom;
  • Gedelix;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Plantain syrup;
  • Lazolvan.

Cold preparations during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you cannot drink any medications without consulting a doctor. The reason is that most of them are prohibited at this stage of life, because they can harm the baby. The following safer drugs are used to treat certain symptoms of the common cold:

  1. From the heat. To reduce the temperature, Paracetamol, Viferon (from the second trimester), Panadol (at any stage of pregnancy) are allowed.
  2. Against cough. You can take Coldrex broncho, ACC, Tantum Verde, Lazolvan, Stopangin or use Hexasprey.
  3. From a runny nose. Dolphin and Aquamaris solutions will help to wash the nose. With strong and thick nasal discharge, Sinupred in tablet form is suitable.
  4. For a sore throat. To eliminate this symptom, sprays Hexoral, Ingalipt, Pinasol or solutions Miramistin and Chlorhexidine help.

In the first trimester

In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is undesirable to take even the most harmless medications. Instead, it is worth using preventive measures and folk remedies. If the temperature rises, you can still take a Paracetamol or Panadol tablet. From the moment you feel the first symptoms of colds, it is recommended to use Oscillococcinum 2-3 times a day. It is allowed to be taken throughout pregnancy. The following medications are relatively safe during this period:

  • Coldact;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Tusin;
  • Coldrex broncho;
  • Aqualor;
  • Aquamaris.


This drug is prescribed to pregnant women as a protective therapy, but it is allowed only from 7 months. In the first trimester, the medicine is strictly prohibited. If it is necessary to take Interferon, its analogue Viferon is previously used. It is allowed from the 14th week of pregnancy. In the third trimester, Interferon is used strictly according to the doctor's indications. Up to 35 weeks, half the standard dose is shown, and from 36 you can already take the usual amount for an adult.

Folk remedies

The main method of treating colds in pregnant women is folk recipes. At the first symptoms, they can easily cope with the disease, but self-medication is still not worth it. Effective folk remedies are:

  1. With a runny nose. Rinsing the nose with a saline solution consisting of 200 ml of water and 0.5 tsp. salt. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.
  2. From the temperature. Effective are rubbing the body with a mixture of water and vinegar, tea with lemon, raspberry leaves, currants or other herbs.
  3. Against cough. In this case, inhalation over boiled potatoes or water with essential oils helps.

What treatment methods are prohibited during pregnancy

It is strictly forbidden to take hot baths, including for the feet. Do not start taking antibiotics unnecessarily. This is especially true of Levomycetin, Streptomycin and Tetracycline. Alcohol tinctures that increase blood pressure fall under the ban. In no case should you use drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, because they thin the blood. Prohibited are derivatives of co-trimoxazole - Biseptol and Bactrim. The following drugs or treatments should not be used:

  • Idomomethacin, which sharply increases the pressure in the pulmonary arteries;
  • hormonal and hypnotics, causing pathologies of the development of the limbs and organs of the child;
  • vasoconstrictor drops that have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system (allowed with caution only up to 1-2 times a day if necessary);
  • warming with woolen socks and other warm things, as this causes overheating.


The best prevention of colds is to increase immunity. This will help a healthy lifestyle, exclusion of bad habits and proper nutrition. It is recommended to spend more time outdoors, do light gymnastics, and avoid hypothermia in cold and rainy weather. In the dwelling, it is necessary to air more often, to carry out wet cleaning. Garlic and onions have antiseptic properties, which should be added to your diet. It is also necessary to limit contact with people who are already sick.


That is why pregnant women are prone to colds, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. According to various sources, the incidence of colds, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy is 55-82%.

How does a cold affect pregnancy?

Without exception, all pregnant women are interested in the answer to the main question: is a cold dangerous during pregnancy? And especially - a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy.

A cold is the result of exposure to the body of one of the types of adenovirus infection. So far, doctors cannot say how this or that type of adenovirus, which the expectant mother caught, affects the development of the fetus. But absolutely all obstetricians-gynecologists agree on one thing: how a cold affects pregnancy depends, first of all, on its duration.

A cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is the most dangerous, since it is during this period that the foundations for the normal bearing of a healthy child are laid. A cold at 1 week of gestation and a cold at 2 weeks of gestation (when most women do not yet know that they are "in position") can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. A cold at the 3rd week of pregnancy is also extremely undesirable, because it is at this time that the ovum is implanted into the wall of the uterus, and it has no protection (there is no placenta yet).

Any infections and exacerbations of diseases, as well as a cold at the 4th week of pregnancy, when the formation of the placenta begins, can cause its detachment with bleeding and interruption of an undeveloped pregnancy. According to medical statistics, due to colds and SARS in the early stages, 13-18% of pregnancies are terminated early.

A cold at 5 weeks of gestation and a cold at 6 weeks of gestation coincide with the stage at which the fetus forms a neural tube, and the illness of the expectant mother can cause central nervous system defects in the child.

A cold at the 7th week of pregnancy, a cold at the 8th week of pregnancy, as well as a cold at the 9th week of pregnancy - if a pregnant woman has a stuffy nose and a high temperature during an illness - affects the flow of oxygen to the fetus, which is just forming internal organs. Oxygen deficiency leads to fetal hypoxia and a high risk of delayed development.

A cold at 10 and 11 weeks of pregnancy occurs at a time when most of the vital organs of the unborn child are not only formed, but also begin to function. And a cold illness of a pregnant woman - especially in a severe form with a high fever - increases the threat of toxins produced by viruses to the fetus. This is especially true of influenza: pregnant women who have had this disease are very likely to have premature babies or children with low weight, as well as the development of hydrocephalus or premature aging of the placenta. The same factors apply when the expectant mother is overtaken by a cold at 12 weeks of pregnancy or a cold at 13 weeks of pregnancy.

The second trimester of pregnancy begins, and it is believed that a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy does not cause any perinatal pathologies. However, a cold at 14 weeks of gestation, a cold at 15 weeks of gestation and a cold at 16 weeks of gestation can provoke inflammatory processes in the body of the unborn child - as a result of the action of the infection on the placenta.

Although, in fact, both a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy and a cold in the third trimester of pregnancy cannot directly affect the child's organs so seriously as to cause their abnormalities.

However, a cold at 17 weeks of gestation, a cold at 18 weeks of gestation, and a cold at 19 weeks of gestation are dangerous for the fetus due to the intoxication of the woman's body, whose temperature of + 38 ° C and above does not subside for several days and her appetite completely disappears. The intrauterine development of the child continues, and for this he needs oxygen and nutrients, which the mother with a cold does not supply.

In addition, with high body temperature, a cold at 20 weeks of gestation, a cold at 21 weeks of pregnancy, a cold at 22 weeks of pregnancy, a cold at 23 weeks of pregnancy (in short, the entire second trimester) can lead to damage to the placenta with a virus, which often results in pathology of the placenta - fetoplacental insufficiency. And viruses also contribute to the activation of foci of infection that have lurked in the body of the pregnant woman herself.

Colds in late pregnancy have negative consequences. A cold at 32 weeks of gestation and until the end of bearing a child is accompanied by pressure from a significantly enlarged uterus on all surrounding organs - in particular on the diaphragm. Very often, expectant mothers complain of shortness of breath and even pain under the ribs when breathing. And with a cold cough, all the respiratory muscles, diaphragm and abdominal muscles tense; at the same time, the jerky movement of the diaphragm affects the fundus of the uterus, from which the uterus comes in tone. And this can lead to premature onset of labor. This is what is dangerous for a cold at 35 weeks of gestation.

A cold at 36 weeks of gestation and a significant increase in temperature with a cold are fraught with detachment of the placenta and premature rupture of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). And with a cold at 37 weeks of gestation, it is possible for pathogens to enter the amniotic fluid (which the fetus systematically absorbs).

It is not difficult to imagine how a cold at 38 weeks of gestation or a cold at 39 weeks of gestation can affect a child. It is clear that with a severe runny nose and a stuffy nose of the mother, he receives less oxygen. In late pregnancy, intrauterine fetal hypoxia is expressed in both its low activity and excessive mobility. The latter leads to the entanglement of the umbilical cord. And repeated tight entanglement of the umbilical cord is the main reason for the complete cessation of the supply of oxygen to the child and the cessation of his blood supply ...

Finally, the main consequence of a cold at 40 weeks of gestation: the birth of a long-awaited baby will take place in the observation department. This department is intended for those women in labor who have a fever (above + 37.5 ° C), who have symptoms of acute respiratory infections or influenza, various infections of the birth canal, is a carrier of the hepatitis virus. And the child - immediately after his birth - is isolated from the mother.

By the way, the onset of pregnancy after a cold, as a rule, does not have any negative consequences. And a timely cured cold when planning pregnancy - even more so.

Symptoms of a cold during pregnancy

The first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy are no different from the symptoms of this disease in a non-pregnant part of humanity. This is a general malaise and headache, then a runny nose begins, it hurts in the throat and it hurts to swallow, the body temperature rises slightly. The temperature can rise to + 38.5 ° C, although a cold during pregnancy without a fever (or with a subfebrile temperature) is much more common.

A cough and symptoms of general intoxication can join a runny nose, which manifest themselves in the form of weakness, loss of appetite and drowsiness. The disease lasts 5 to 12 days. If you do not take up the treatment of a cold during the time, then complications are possible: pharyngitis, sinusitis or bronchitis.

Treating colds during pregnancy

It is necessary to start treating a cold during pregnancy at the first signs of the disease. And remember that during the period of bearing a child, most medications, including aspirin, are contraindicated to use.

But then how to treat a cold during pregnancy? The first to be used are proven folk remedies for colds during pregnancy. Since pregnant women cannot soar their legs, steam your hands, and this will facilitate nasal breathing. Wrap yourself up, put on wool socks and crawl under the covers: warmth, rest and sleep are good for colds. Do not forget about a plentiful drink - hot green tea with lemon and honey, tea with linden blossom, cranberry juice, rosehip broth, dried fruit compote. Ginger during pregnancy with a cold in the form of tea also helps, and not only with catarrhal symptoms, but with nausea in the morning.

You can often read that you can drink hot chamomile tea or tea with viburnum at night. You can, of course, but not during pregnancy! It must be emphasized right away that not all herbs for colds during pregnancy can be used. Here is a list of medicinal plants that are contraindicated in pregnancy: aloe, anise, barberry, elecampane (grass and root), sweet clover, oregano, St. John's wort, strawberries (leaves), viburnum (berries), raspberries (leaves), lemon balm, lovage, wormwood , licorice (root), celandine, sage. Accordingly, pregnant women should not take medications containing these plants.

But there is no definite recommendation about chamomile (which is often used to normalize the menstrual cycle). According to many experienced herbalists, chamomile during pregnancy for a cold can cause bleeding and is therefore not recommended during pregnancy. Others believe that chamomile can be taken literally throughout the pregnancy, but no more than two cups a day ...

Note at the same time that garlic during pregnancy with a cold should not be consumed, except that chop a clove and breathe it in phytoncides - from a cold. The fact is that garlic reduces the absorption of iodine. And the lack of iodine in the expectant mother leads to impaired fetal maturation and increases the likelihood of hypothyroidism in the newborn.

But back to specific folk remedies for colds during pregnancy. At high temperatures, vodka body rubdowns (a third of a glass of vodka, two-thirds of water) or vinegar (in the same proportion) help.

If you have a sore throat, rinse it more often with a solution of salt - table or sea (natural food): one teaspoon per glass of warm boiled water. Or solutions of soda (a teaspoon per glass of water) and furacilin (1 tablet per 200 ml of water). Gargling with calendula tincture helps: 10 drops of alcoholic tincture per 100 ml of water. You can also use a home-made water infusion: a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers in a glass of boiling water.

Relieve sore throat and gargle made from the juice of half a lemon diluted in a glass of warm water with the addition of a teaspoon of liquid natural honey (lemon juice can be replaced with two tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar). By the way, honey during pregnancy for colds is very useful. So a cup of hot milk with a spoonful of honey before bedtime can relieve a pregnant woman from sore throat and prevent coughing. Also, lemon is very useful during pregnancy for colds (right with a crust) and cranberries for colds during pregnancy (in any form).

Some people recommend an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt (a mixture of chlorophylls from eucalyptus leaves) for gargling the throat, however, the instructions for the drug note that “during pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible, assessing the balance of benefits and harms” ...

Inhalation is effective in treating colds during pregnancy. For example, with peppermint oil (menthol) or “Zvezdochka” balm. You can breathe twice a day (morning and evening) for 15 minutes, covering your head with a towel, over boiled potatoes in their uniforms, as our great-grandmothers did. And with an acute sore throat, make a warm compress with alcohol (1 part alcohol and 2-3 parts water) and keep it until it dries completely. You can also lubricate the tonsils with propolis tincture or use Kameton aerosol (there is no reliable data on the safety of the drug during pregnancy for Bioparox aerosol).

To treat a runny nose during pregnancy, you should rinse your nose with salt water or instill it into your nose with a full pipette several times a day (the solution is prepared at the rate of a teaspoon of salt for half a glass of water). You can use Aquamaris or No-salt preparations, which are sea salt solutions.

A positive effect is given by instilling in the nose (2-3 drops several times a day) of warm olive, sea buckthorn or menthol oil. And also cotton swabs moistened with onion juice, which must be kept in the nostrils for several minutes 3-4 times a day. Many people manage to get rid of the incipient rhinitis almost the first time with the help of the “Zvezdochka” balm, which should be applied to the skin near the “entrance” to the nose.

In order to overcome a cough in case of a cold during pregnancy, it is best to drink not very hot milk, to which natural honey and butter are added. Drink slowly and in small sips. An effective folk remedy for cough is a warm decoction of apple peel with honey or a decoction of figs in milk (4 dry berries per 200 ml of milk). With a dry cough, pregnant women can take an infusion of coltsfoot (a tablespoon three times a day), an aqueous infusion of marshmallow, primrose, lungwort, or a decoction of thyme herb (thyme only in the first trimester of pregnancy). For better sputum discharge when coughing, inhalations with soda or Borozha mineral water are used.

Cold medicines during pregnancy

Often, doctors recommend medicines for colds during pregnancy - nasal drops, sprays, potions, syrups and cough pills... Their use must be treated with great caution.

For example, drops, ointment and spray Pinosol, judging by the components indicated in the instructions, are not dangerous during pregnancy. However, the essential oils contained in the preparation - pine, peppermint, eucalyptus, thymol, guayazulen (citric wormwood oil) - can lead to an allergic reaction with swelling of the nasal mucosa. In addition, butyloxyanisole is mentioned in the additional ingredients. It is a dietary supplement used to inhibit fat oxidation. This substance can be toxic to the body and is prohibited in the EU in the food industry.

It is contraindicated to use such medicines for colds during pregnancy: Pertussin, Tussin plus, Jocet, Glycodin, Ascoril, Travisil, Bronholitin, ACC, Gripex, Codelak, Terpinkod. Do not use lozenges and lozenges for a sore throat or cough: in addition to plant-derived components, they are full of chemistry. As their manufacturers write diplomatically, "there are no contraindications to the use of the drug during pregnancy, however, it should be taken strictly as prescribed by the attending physician, who must carefully weigh the expected benefits for the mother and potential risks to the fetus."

Now, regarding how candles are used during pregnancy for colds. For example, Viferon suppositories are used for acute respiratory viral infections (influenza, respiratory diseases complicated by a bacterial infection), pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis, as well as for urogenital infections and herpes (including genital form). Rectal suppositories during pregnancy for colds are allowed to be used only after 14 weeks of pregnancy. This medication contains recombinant human interferon alpha-2, ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate and has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects. It is used in the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases of adults and children (including newborns). In the form of ointment, Viferon during pregnancy with a cold is used to treat herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

Some doctors prescribe Genferon during pregnancy with a cold. Obviously, in the hope that the same interferon contained in them will increase the immunity of a pregnant woman. But, firstly, genferon is used only for urogenital infections and diseases of the genital organs. Secondly, drugs with an immunomodulatory effect cannot be used during pregnancy, since their effect on the fetus is still unknown.

Homeopathy for colds during pregnancy is used only on the recommendation of a doctor. So, the homeopathic medicine Stodal, which includes mainly herbal ingredients, affects different types of cough and has an expectorant and bronchodilator effect. However, as indicated in the instructions, it is "carefully prescribed during pregnancy and nursing mothers on the strict advice of a doctor."

And in the instructions for homeopathic suppositories during pregnancy for colds Viburcol says that "pregnancy is not a contraindication to the appointment of the drug." These suppositories have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic effects. They are prescribed in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections and other uncomplicated infections (including in newborns), as well as in inflammatory processes of the ENT organs and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, especially in pregnant women.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

All measures to prevent colds during pregnancy are beneficial for the general health of expectant mothers and their babies. You need to follow simple rules:

  • Rule number 1 - before each exit outside the dwelling, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment, which must be washed off after returning home.
  • Rule number 2 - to limit "trips" to public places, especially during the period of intensification of "seasonal" infections, do not hesitate to wear gauze bandages when visiting hospitals, avoid contact with people with colds, even if they are close relatives.
  • Rule number 3 - to temper the body with a contrast shower or doused feet with cool water (+ 18-20 ° C).
  • Rule # 4 - physical activity and fresh air: exercise and yoga for pregnant women, walking for at least two hours a day.
  • Rule # 5 - proper nutrition and taking multivitamin complexes recommended by your doctor.
  • Rule number 6 - normalization of the intestines, which will help fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products and bran bread.

Agree, these rules should be followed in order to cold during pregnancy did not overshadow this special period in the life of a woman and her family.