How to clean a dirty carpet. Proper care and cleaning of carpets and rugs: useful tips for housewives. Ways to clean carpets at home

Cleaning the carpet from dust and dirt in most cases is possible with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment. Carpets with long pile are cleaned with a medium-hard brush using mild vinegar and citric acid solutions. Stubborn stains are covered with baking soda to completely dissolve almost any dirt. Soda and fungicides actively destroy mold and mildew. In the most advanced cases, you need to turn to effective household chemicals, as well as manual and stationary steam cleaners such as "Karcher".

Carpets on the floor are one of the most polluted places in the house. Something constantly spills on them, wakes up, cats and puppies sway on the surface, as a result of which wool and earth remain on the pile. Therefore, we will look for methods on how to clean the carpet at home with minimal effort and time.

Cleaning carpets by type of pile and material

Different cleaning methods and detergents must be used depending on the type of pile and the material used to make the carpet.

Long pile

Cleaning of long pile carpets takes place in two stages:

  • superficial cleaning of the pile with a vacuum cleaner removes the long threads from dust and debris wedged between them. Most visible dirt can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner if you first equip it with a special nozzle;
  • deep cleaning with detergent pastes and specially designed tools.

To remove dirt that has stuck in a long pile, a vinegar solution is usually used. For 1 liter of cold water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and mix thoroughly. A medium hard hand brush is used for carpet application. Cleaning is done in one direction, along the pile. Additional rinsing is not necessary, it is enough to let the carpet dry.

A solution of ammonia (or hydrogen peroxide) and washing powder, which is prepared in 5 liters of warm water, will be more effective. 5 tbsp is added to it. l. washing powder and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, mix thoroughly until smooth. Use a damp soft brush to apply to the rug. But here it is already necessary to remove the formed foam with a damp cloth, which removes the remaining detergent from the pile.

Note! After treating long pile with liquid products, dry it thoroughly!

Short pile

The short pile does not require thorough cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, because dust and small debris practically do not linger in it. For treatment of stubborn stains, the same solutions are useful as described above. They can be applied to the carpet with both soft and hard brushes. It is much easier to wash short nap after soap.

Carpets made of natural materials

Silk, woolen and semi-woolen fabrics do not tolerate intensive mechanical processing and liquid-based detergents, therefore, preference should be given to powdered detergents.

It is ideal to process them using specialized equipment in a gentle mode - a washing vacuum cleaner, a steam machine, "Karcher".

Advice! To clean your carpet at home, use the softest bristled brushes.

Synthetic carpets

Stains should not be allowed to dry on synthetic carpets. If something is spilled on it, you should immediately blot the stain with a dry rag or napkin. The rest of the dirt can be easily removed with a conventional vacuum cleaner at increased power. After work, do not forget to clean it.

Mild vinegar and alcohol solutions are used to remove dried stains.

Light and dark rugs

Carpets made of dark materials should not be cleaned with products that have a bleaching effect.

These include baking soda, salt, starch, bleaches, and stain removers. It is ideal to use solutions of ammonia or ethyl alcohol, weak vinegar solutions.

It is undesirable to use citric acid on light-colored fabrics, which perfectly removes dirt, but leaves strong yellow stains that are much more difficult to remove. Also, you cannot use the popular sauerkraut containing food acids - the effect will be the same. It is good to use on white and light carpets what cannot be used on dark ones - products with a whitening effect.

Special cases

For each individual case, certain means should be used that will effectively clean the carpet from specific pollution. This will significantly save money and time.

How to clean pet hair

If the animal has just been pumped out on the carpet, the leftover fur can be easily vacuum cleaned. Some models are equipped with special brushes and rollers for cleaning wool and hair.

If the wool has already caked, it is removed with a slightly damp cloth, which tends to attract wool, threads and fibers.

Very old dog hair can be cleaned with special combs used to comb out animals. In the direction of the pile, hair is removed even from deep pile. You should not be zealous with physical strength, so as not to damage the material.

How to remove mold and mildew

Carpets and rugs must be processed outdoors. The carpet is neatly rolled up and taken out into the street. A stiff brush removes mold that has grown on the fabric. The remains are removed with a vacuum cleaner, which then needs to be cleaned. If mold is observed only in some places, they need to be slightly moistened and covered with plenty of soda (remember, soda cannot be used on dark carpets). Soda can be rubbed inside with a soft brush. After 20-30 minutes, the carpet should be vacuumed.

Dark carpets, as well as items heavily damaged by fungus found in hardware stores. Check out ABEDIS 06, Dali and Fongifluid Alpa, they come with convenient triggers that make spraying easy. They can be used to clean even a large carpet in minutes. At the end of the treatment, the carpet must be ventilated for several days.

Attention! All tools that were used in cleaning are treated with a fungicide.

How to remove honey and oil stains from carpet

Such dirt should be washed off with hot water using a soft cloth, cleaning the dirt in one direction, along the nap. After processing the carpet from machine oil and sunflower oil, it must be thoroughly dried.

Carpets add comfort to any space. Over time, all carpets on the floor or hanging on the wall get dirty. Many housewives ask themselves the question: how to clean the carpet at home in order to maintain its appearance and get rid of the resulting stains? We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular methods so that you can choose the best one.

Read in the article

How to clean carpet at home - basic principles

Before you figure out how to clean your carpet at home, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of caring for carpet products that make it easier:

  • At least twice a week, it is worth cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner. However, how often the carpet should be cleaned depends on the presence of small children in the house;
  • the carpet should be knocked out annually. If possible, twice: in winter and in summer. In winter, the path can be cleaned with snow;
  • the resulting contamination should be removed immediately. It is much more difficult to get rid of old stains;
  • no need to use hard brushes for cleaning and perform movements "against the grain". This will not only worsen the appearance of the product, but also violate the integrity of the fibers;
  • before applying an industrial product to the entire surface of the carpet or track, it is worth checking its effect on a small area on the seamy side;
  • do not use hot water, the condition of the carpet may deteriorate.

Attention! If the carpet gets wet during the cleaning process, it must be dried in the open air by throwing it onto a strong, smooth crossbar.

What devices can you clean the carpet

You can clean the carpet not only by hand, but also with the use of special products. Many people use a vacuum cleaner that provides dry cleaning of coatings. It will not work to get rid of stains with it, but you can collect dust at home. will improve the quality of cleaning. Using a professional shampoo, you can clean any carpet with high quality.

Short hair is not so picky. It is quite difficult to break the integrity of the structure. Wet and dry cleaning of the carpet at home is acceptable. From folk remedies, the use of vinegar, ammonia, turpentine is relevant.

How to clean light and dark carpets at home

When deciding what to wash the carpet, you should consider its color. For a dark colored product, do not use light formulations: starch, flour, soda. After cleaning, characteristic streaks may remain, and the structure will become harder. These substances are ideal for products in light colors. For dark coatings, it is better to use turpentine, ammonia, vinegar.

When choosing a home cleaning product for a white carpet, you should immediately give up lemon juice. After using it, there is a possibility of yellow spots appearing. The best options are salt, soda, starch, or soapy water.

How to effectively clean carpet stains at home

Certain types of stains deserve special attention. We suggest finding out in advance how you can get rid of them so that the product looks like new.

Berries, honey and butter

Spilled honey should be disposed of immediately. The resulting stain is covered with flour or talcum powder. The resulting mass is scraped off, and the residues are washed off with soap or soda solution. Stains from vegetables and berries are removed by applying a solution consisting of a teaspoon of shaved laundry soap, apple cider vinegar and a liter of water.

OwlT! It is better to remove the stain with a light cloth, moving towards the center.

The congealed fat can be easily removed with a blunt scraper or knife. A fresh stain can be blotted with a paper towel for maximum absorption of dirt. Then you can use baking soda, salt or glycerin.

Paint and ink

To get rid of the ink, sprinkle salt on the stain and wait 10 minutes. Then the surface is washed with soapy water and water. You can use lemon juice to remove fresh dirt. The paint can be removed with a white vinegar solution.

Wax, paraffin, plasticine and glue

Plasticine should be removed from the carpet immediately, using a special scraper or any other sharp object. Ice is applied to the remaining part, and the frozen plasticine is removed with a scraper. Instead of freezing, the composition can be heated, and then the stain can be ironed through the towel with an iron. The contaminant will be absorbed into the paper or fabric. The action should be repeated several times until the contamination is completely removed. Instead of heat and ice, a special antipyatnin soap is often used, which is used to lather the pollution. After half an hour, the foam is washed off. Traces can be removed with acetone or white spirit.


There are situations when the carpet needs to be cleaned quickly and efficiently, but there is no way to dry-clean it or call a specialist to your home.

In most cases, carpet cleaning can be done at home using folk remedies or household chemicals. It will be easier to cope with the task if the house has a regular or washing vacuum cleaner, steam generator.

In any case, you need to know the basic rules for cleaning carpets and take into account the characteristics of a particular carpet.

The choice of cleaning methods and means depends on the material, length and color of the pile of the product. Only in this case the carpet will not be damaged.

It is most beneficial to clean the carpet with folk remedies, because they are inexpensive, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by the experience of several generations.


This powder, which almost any housewife has in the kitchen, is an excellent absorbent; besides, soda softens and disinfects. It can be used to clean the stain, especially if it is fresh. To do this, 5 tablespoons of soda are poured onto the contaminated area, and after half an hour it remains only to vacuum it.

Washing powder

It can be used in the same way as soda, but a more effective complex remedy based on it.

To prepare it, you will need 150 ml of warm water. A tablespoon of washing powder for hand washing is dissolved in it, the same amount of soda and 50-70 ml of table vinegar are added. The resulting liquid is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the contaminated area.

After 10 minutes the stain should be rubbed with a brush, then simply with a damp cloth. In conclusion, the cleaned area is soaked with a dry napkin and allowed to dry out.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product is good for light-colored carpets if tea or coffee has been spilled on them. The stain should first be blotted, then sprinkled with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and immediately rubbed with a soft brush or cloth. They wipe a large spot, as if collecting dirt to the center, rub a small one in one direction, as if smoothing the pile.


Ideal for removing greasy stains. If the speck is very small, you can soak a cotton pad in ammonia and rub the speck with it.

If you need to clean a large area, it is better to prepare a soapy solution with ammonia. For two glasses of water, you need to take literally half a teaspoon of washing powder and two teaspoons of ammonia. Moisten the place of contamination with the solution, rub it with a soft brush, then wash it with a damp cloth, wipe it dry.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice onto a fresh stain, leave for an hour or two, then wash with a wet brush, dry with a dry cloth. This method is especially suitable for removing ink stains. If there is no lemon, it can be replaced with a 10% citric acid solution.


It not only removes stains, but also refreshes paints, but in its pure form it cannot be used to clean carpet. Usually a solution is made from one part of table vinegar (9%) and 15-20 parts of water. In other words, you can make a solution of one and a half glasses of water and a tablespoon of vinegar - you get the most suitable concentration. After moistening a rag liberally in the solution, clean the carpet with it, then ventilate the room. By the time the vinegar smell disappears, the carpet will just dry up and you will be able to walk on it.

Laundry soap

Copes with almost all types of dirt, including stains from wine, tea, coffee. However, if you lather the stain itself, the carpet will look washed out, the pile will stick and stick together. Therefore, in order to clean the carpet with laundry soap, you will have to make a soapy solution.

To do this, rub the soap on a fine grater and dissolve 5 g of the resulting shavings in half a liter of water. Stains are treated with this solution. Residues must be removed from the carpet with a damp cloth.


Vacuum the carpet before salt cleaning. Then salt is scattered over the entire surface of the carpet. It must be swept away with a broom dipped in soapy water. It can be done using specialized products or by dissolving an ordinary dishwashing detergent in water (a tablespoon per bucket is enough).


You will need cabbage fermented in the traditional way, that is, without vinegar, and you need a lot of it, at least 2 kg. It should be thoroughly rinsed and scattered over the carpet. After half an hour, the sauerkraut is swept away with a hard broom and washed. If the water drains from it is dirty, it is again scattered on the floor, and after half an hour it is swept away and washed. The procedure should be repeated until clear water begins to drain from the cabbage when rinsing it.

Cold water and snow

Snow has been used for cleaning carpets for a long time. To do this, the product should be taken out into the street, covered with snow, then knocked out. The procedure can be repeated several times.

If you leave the carpet in the cold for a day, you will be able to get rid of dust mites - a source of allergic reactions. Cleaning the carpet with cold water is also not difficult: a brush is dipped into ice water and the pile is cleaned with it.


Pour clean sawdust with soapy water and gasoline so that it is completely covered. The solution can be prepared from a liter of water, a teaspoon of washing powder and 100 ml of purified gasoline that does not contain any impurities. After 15 minutes, the swollen sawdust scatters over the carpet. After that, you should wait until they are completely dry, and sweep them off with a broom or brush.


After drinking your tea, remove the infuser from the kettle and place it on the stain or spread it over the carpet. After half an hour, rub the carpet with a hard, crisp one and sweep away the tea leaves. The product is suitable only for dark-colored carpets.


Peel raw potatoes, finely grate. Pour water over the potato mass so that it completely covers it. After half an hour, squeeze the potatoes, distribute the resulting liquid over the carpet. It can be sprayed or applied to the carpet with a rag, brush. Brush the carpet, wipe with a clean damp cloth. Wait for it to dry.


Copes well with greasy stains, including from soup, milk. First, the stain should be blotted with a napkin, then rubbed with a cloth soaked in gasoline, then treated with a cloth soaked in ammonia, and finally, rinsed with a clean damp cloth, wipe dry.

If you choose a suitable folk remedy, you will be able to significantly refresh the color of the carpet, clean it of dirt and dust, even remove stains if you act quickly (it is almost impossible to remove old traces with home remedies).

However, using household chemicals allows you to get the same result with less effort. At the same time, there is no need to wait until the unpleasant smell evaporates, to worry that not all the remnants of the products used for cleaning have been removed from the carpet.

Cleaning carpet with chemicals

Chemicals that can be used to clean the carpet are divided into household and professional (the latter are used by cleaning companies). Professional ones are more effective, but more expensive. In addition, they will have to be ordered over the Internet.

Household chemicals are more affordable, and in most cases helps to solve the problem. So it's worth starting with her, and only if she has not coped with the pollution, you can try stronger remedies. Here's a quick overview of carpet cleaning chemicals.

  • Shampoo for carpets "5+".

Can be used diluted to clean the entire surface of carpet or concentrated as a stain remover. Users characterize this product as effective, economical, and pleasantly scented. The shampoo can be used for washing vacuum cleaners. An additional effect is the removal of static electricity.

  • "A drop of Vox".

It looks very liquid, but it foams a lot, so it is not consumed too quickly, and it is inexpensive. So the tool can be considered economical. The big advantage is that there is no need to rinse off the foam after application. After using the product, a light aroma remains for a long time indoors, quite pleasant.

  • Help for carpet cleaning.

It is used as a stain remover, but does not cope with all types of stains. Equipped with a convenient spray. You can work with it only with gloves, after which you need to ventilate the room.

  • Shampoo for manual cleaning of Vanish carpets.

Despite the rather high price, it is one of the most popular carpet cleaning products. It copes with the majority of fresh stains, but "does not take" old stains. May leave streaks and lighter spots on the surface.

  • Udalit Ultra.

Enzyme and oxygen bleach based product, powdery, which makes it poorly soluble in water. Copes with most stains, but this requires cleaning several times. Repeated cleaning can negatively affect the color of the pile.

Used as a stain remover. Has a spray that makes it easy to apply the product.

To clean old stains, you need to make an effort, but, most importantly, the product can still cope with these stains. True, it can be difficult to wash off the product.

You need to work with him in gloves, in a ventilated area.

  • Antipyatin soap.

Cheap, efficient. There is only one drawback - the product is difficult to wash off.

  • Active foam for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture Nordland.

Even suitable for cleaning carpets with deep pile. Effective, but expensive, and very quickly consumed.

  • Karcher.

Professional German remedy. Does not contain toxic substances and bleach. Copes with any dirt, creates a protective layer, has an antistatic effect.

  • Professional Brand.

Produced in Russia, it costs no more than household products, although it copes with the tasks professionally.

  • Professional Stop Lifter (USA).

Used undiluted, therefore finishes quickly. Can be used to clean woolen carpets. Refers to professional products.

  • Kill Odor Citrus.

If you need not only to remove stains, but also to eliminate the stubborn odor, you should pay attention to this particular tool.

  • Teppichshampoo PUDOL.

Not only cleans, but also has an antibacterial effect. Suitable for both carpets and upholstered furniture, car interiors. Can be used for washing vacuum cleaners.

Professionals advise to start cleaning carpets with light products, and only if they do not help, try to solve the problem with the help of professional chemicals.

Mechanical cleaning methods

Household appliances often help to cope with carpet cleaning without the use of expensive chemicals.

Conventional dry vacuum cleaner

To do this, it is enough to vacuum it at least once a week. It is very important to choose the right brush for this. For wool carpets, a brush with a length of bristles will work best.

For short-pile synthetic carpets, choose a short-bristled brush.

If your carpet has a high pile, use a smooth brush. Visually divide the floor into squares before cleaning. Start at the right corner, farthest from the door, and work your way to the left (if you are left-handed, you will be more comfortable starting at the left corner). Finish cleaning with the square in front of the door. The brush should only move along the pile, otherwise you risk ruining the appearance of the carpet.

Detergent vacuum cleaner and carpet shampoo

A washing vacuum cleaner can also be used, but only after dust and debris has been removed with a conventional vacuum cleaner.

After filling the container with detergent and choosing a suitable nozzle, you should clean the carpet in the most inconspicuous place to make sure that it does not shed, no streaks will remain on it. Then you can start cleaning the carpet in the same way as when cleaning with a conventional vacuum cleaner. You can also move the brush only along the pile.

After completing the wet cleaning of the carpet, you must wait until it is completely dry. Only then will it be possible to walk on the carpet.

Steam generator: how to clean the carpet with it?

The steam will not be able to remove dirt from the carpet, but after using it, it can be easily cleaned or removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Vacuum the carpet before using the steam generator. Then the pollution is treated with steam, while staying in one place for a long time is not worth it. After steaming, the stains should be cleaned with a clean cloth or brush. Then it remains to wait for the carpet to dry.

By watching this video, you can appreciate the operation of the steam generator.

Mechanical cleaning methods are suitable for the regular maintenance of carpet products.

Choosing a cleaning method depending on the material

Natural and synthetic carpets require a different approach.

Wool carpet

Natural wool carpets must be vacuumed regularly, twice a year they are shown to be wet cleaned on both sides.

Do not wet clean only handmade carpets. To remove stains, you can use special products, soap solution, baby shampoo.

Do not use salt. Drying can only be done horizontally.


Natural silk carpets are not vacuumed, but shaken out regularly.

You can use a vinegar solution to remove stains and damp-clean these items. In case of heavy contamination, it is better to dry-clean.

Cotton and fur carpets

Natural carpets made of cotton and linen are afraid of wet cleaning. It is all the more impossible to wash them. You can only shake it out, if necessary, give it to dry cleaning.

Natural fur carpets should be drained regularly. If the fur is white, it will not hurt to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. Fur rugs can be cleaned with gasoline or vinegar. They cannot be very moisturized, much less washed.


Synthetic carpets can be vacuumed, washed, cleaned with foam and various solutions.

If the rug is not glue-based, then it can even be washed, but this is already a last resort.

Synthetic carpets are much easier to care for than natural ones. You can clean them in almost any way. It is only important to consider the color and length of the pile.

The choice of method depending on the color and length of the pile

When choosing a carpet cleaning method, consider its color and pile size.

If you want to freshen up the appearance of such products, you can spray them with a cleaning solution from a spray bottle and vacuum them or brush them along the carpet. If you need to quickly clean the stain, then you can treat it with the selected product, rub it with a brush or rag, rinse off the product.

  • Long pile carpets should not be brushed.

You can vacuum them with a smooth nozzle; you can wipe off stains from them only with a sponge or rag. The best way to clean fluffy items is to use a steam cleaner. If you do not have such a device at your disposal, then cleaning the carpet with a long pile is best done with foam. You can make a soap solution yourself, but it is advisable to purchase a special shampoo at a household chemicals store.

  • Dark pile carpets can be cleaned with ammonia or tea.

A vinegar solution will help refresh their color. When using store products, it is necessary to check whether they leave light spots or streaks.

  • Light pile carpets can be cleaned with lemon juice or laundry soap. White products can be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

When choosing a way to clean your carpet, taking into account the material it is made of, its color and the length of the pile, you can be sure not to ruin it. However, you need to know a few more rules.

How to properly clean your carpet at home

Specialists of cleaning companies notice: housewives, when cleaning the carpet at home, make mistakes due to which the product loses its attractiveness.

Warning against making common mistakes, they advise you to adhere to the following rules:

  • Many people think that the best way to clean the carpet is to knock it out.

This aggressive method will damage the pile. The carpet becomes clean, but not pretty. Its service life is shortening. Therefore, the first rule is never to knock out carpets.

  • Some housewives believe that if you wash the carpet carefully, nothing bad will happen to it.

However, in fact, most carpets do not pass this test. You can wash only synthetic carpet, and even then only if it is not made on an adhesive basis. So the second rule is not to wash carpets and damp clean them as little as possible.

  • The third rule concerns the use of hot water.

Hot water can help remove stains with less effort, but it does not improve the condition of the carpet in the best way. Use cool water to clean carpets.

  • Stains must be cleaned immediately, without delaying this matter until the general cleaning.
  • Brushes should only be used on short-pile carpets and should be selected with less stiff bristles.
  • Do not clean or vacuum the lint-free carpet.
  • Strong reagents can deal with any kind of contamination, but they should only be used as a last resort.
  • You need to start cleaning with mild agents, and if necessary, use potent agents, take them in a minimum amount.

Knowing these rules, you will not make common mistakes. So your carpet will look great even after cleaning.

There are many ways to clean your carpet at home. They should be chosen based on the type of pollution, the quality characteristics of the carpet product itself. If you choose the right methods and means for cleaning the carpet, then it will last a long time, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

A urine stain, like any other, is best cleaned immediately. Blot the liquid with a tissue. Cat litter can be used in place of a tissue. Once it has absorbed moisture and odor, gently vacuum up the granules from the carpet.

Then, dilute one part vinegar with three parts water. Dampen the stain. Leave to dry completely. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the stain. Soda can be sprayed with a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide in two parts water. Foam will appear on the surface of the carpet. Leave it on for a couple of hours.

Clean whatever is left with a damp brush or vacuum cleaner. Dry thoroughly.

The best way to get rid of gum is to freeze it. Take some ice cubes, place in a sealed bag and place on an elastic band. Wait for the gum to freeze through. Then scrape it off the pile with a thin metal spatula or a dull butter knife. If there are sticky pieces on the carpet, freeze them again.

Once you've removed all the gum, wipe the carpet with soapy water and a little vinegar. Leave to dry completely.

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Fresh blood can be washed off well with very cold water. Fill a spray bottle with ice water. Spray on the stain. Blot with a napkin or towel from the edges to the center. Repeat the process if necessary. Dry the carpet. Vacuum. If the stain persists after drying, try using a stronger product, such as baking soda or vinegar.

Brush dry stains with a dry, stiff brush. Vacuum to remove what you scraped off. Mix two cups of ice-cold water with a tablespoon of dish soap. Take a soft cloth, dampen it in the solution, and wipe the stain. Blot the liquid with a tissue. If the stain persists, rub with the soapy water again. Dry the carpet.

If the soapy water doesn't work, take a glass of cold water, add two tablespoons of ammonia, and apply to the stain. Leave it on for 5 minutes. Blot with a napkin. Remove any remaining ammonia solution from the carpet with a clean, damp cloth. Blot again with a tissue. You can put a clean towel on the stain, press down on it with a load and leave for 10 minutes. This way the liquid will be absorbed faster. Fan dry the carpet to speed up drying.

Ammonia should not be used on woolen carpets. When handling ammonia, be careful not to inhale it. This is dangerous.

Wait for the wax to harden and scrape it off with a spoon or dull butter knife. If any small crumbs remain, vacuum them up. Take it, plug it into an outlet, setting the lowest parameters. Disable the steaming function. Place a clean paper towel over the remaining wax stain. Iron on top with a warm iron. Change to a clean napkin and iron again. Repeat the process until all of the wax has melted and absorbed into the paper. Wait for the carpet to cool completely.

If the result is still not perfect, rub the coating with an alcohol solution. Just be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area. Alcohol can leave discolored stains. Blot moisture off with a clean cloth. Leave the carpet to dry completely.

How to clean the carpet

Vinegar can be used to remove organic debris or gray deposits.

You will need two tablespoons of 9 percent vinegar and 1 liter of warm water. Take a soft brush and, wetting it in the resulting solution, go over the surface of the carpet. After cleaning, be sure to dry the flooring and ventilate the area.

Mix baking soda with fine salt and scatter over the carpet. Using a brush, spread the spread mixture evenly. Wait 10-20 minutes. Soak a broom in warm water, sweep everything off the carpet. Let the coating dry. Vacuum to remove any remaining baking soda and salt.

This mixture absorbs odors well and removes impurities. Suitable for cleaning light coatings. Whitish spots may remain on dark carpets.

You can also mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a liter of water, pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and spray evenly onto the carpet. Then you need to wait until the coating is dry and vacuum thoroughly.

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Be sure to try carpet shampoo on an inconspicuous area; some dyes may be unstable and stains will occur. Work in a well ventilated area.

Vacuum first. Then dilute the detergent with water in the proportion indicated on the package, beat until foam forms. Using a sponge, apply the foam evenly to the carpet, being careful not to wet it too much. Wait for the coating to dry completely. Vacuum.

Shampoo will help freshen the finish, remove stubborn dirt and unpleasant odors.

If you're willing to wait until winter, you can clean the carpet with snow. This method freshens the coating. And if you leave it in the cold overnight, then all dust mites and moths will die.

Roll up the rug, take it outside, and lay it face down in the snow. The longer the pile, the more snow you need. Walk from above. You can put snow on the cover and beat it with a broom or stick. After that, transfer the carpet to a clean area and do the same. Turn it upside down, pour snow on it again and walk with a broom or brush. Then hang it on the bar and knock it out well. Return home and leave to dry completely.

Important to remember

  • Vacuum dust off the carpet once or twice a week. This is especially true for recently purchased items. At first, excess villi will crawl out. This happens to almost any carpet, so don't be intimidated.
  • Vacuum the underside of the carpet once a month.
  • Whenever possible, only dry clean. Carpets are generally afraid of moisture and take a long time to dry. If you leave a damp carpet on the floor, an unpleasant odor may occur or even. In addition, moisture damages parquet and laminate flooring.
  • Try to remove the stain from the carpet as soon as it appears. The main rule is: do not rub dirt into the pile. If something mushy falls on the carpet, scrape it off with a spoon. If liquid is spilled, blot with a tissue or towel. Remove dirt from the edges to the center. Starch or talcum powder scattered around the edges will keep the stain from spreading.
  • Do not use powder detergent to clean the carpet. Residues on the pile will attract new dirt.
  • If you bought a carpet cleaner from a store, test it on an inconspicuous area, such as under an armchair. Your carpet may be allergic to this compound.
  • Send bright viscose or woolen carpets to the dry cleaner immediately. Don't try to clean them at home.

The floor covering has always protected human legs from the cold floor. Despite the fact that today many people prefer to lay laminate instead of carpets, to make heated floors, the floor covering has not lost its relevance and relevance. After all, it not only protects from the cold, but also creates a general atmosphere in the room.

But carpets are often exposed to different situations. Water is poured on them, stains are left, and if there are animals or small children in the house, then in a year it will be difficult to call the carpet a carpet.

To prevent this from happening, you need to regularly clean the coating. Regular cleaning will increase the life of the product, restore it to its former appearance, and get rid of unpleasant odors.

In order to clean the coating, it is not at all necessary to take it to dry cleaning.

To clean carpets at home, you can use:

  • Chemical industry products intended for cleaning.
  • Folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Cleaning with folk remedies is becoming increasingly popular among the people of our country. They are inexpensive, do not cause allergies, and quickly and effectively deal with various contaminants. Their use does not require any special skills or abilities.

You can do the cleaning yourself using these homemade ingredients:

  1. Soda. Soda removes complex stains, eliminates unpleasant odors, dust and dirt. Method of use: 4–5 tablespoons of soda are scattered on the contaminated area of ​​the coating. Leave for 30 minutes. Then the soda is collected with a vacuum cleaner. If there is no soda at home, use one of the ingredients: Fine salt.
    Fresh potatoes, finely grated.
  2. Ammonia. Our ancestors used to remove stains with alcohol. How to use: mix ten milliliters of ammonia with one teaspoon of washing powder, then add half a liter of water, mix. This mixture is applied to the palace. Contaminated areas are brushed. We leave for 10-15 minutes. Wipe with a dry cloth.
  3. Lemon juice. Used to remove dirt, ink. How to use: squeeze lemon juice. Apply to the stain. We leave for 2 hours. We remove with a sponge and warm water; if this is not done, the coating becomes sticky and unpleasant to the touch. This way you can clean the carpet without even removing it from the floor.
  4. Potassium permanganate. A mixture of manganese and iodine helps to get rid of the smell of cat urine. For one liter of water, 15 drops of iodine and 5 grams of potassium permanganate are taken. Everything is mixed. Apply to the stain. We leave for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  5. Laundry soap. Used to remove stains from wine, tea, coffee, dirt. Method of use: rub the soap on a grater. Mix 5-7 grams of grated soap with 500 milliliters of water. Apply to the coating, process with a sponge or brush. Then wipe with a damp cloth. Important: do not lather the coating with a bar of soap. This will rub off the pile. Use only soapy water.
  6. Vinegar. Surface contamination is cleaned with vinegar. To fix the problem, take two tablespoons of vinegar and 800 milliliters of water. Stir. We put on the carpet. Don't be intimidated by the unpleasant smell. It will fade over time.
  7. Fabric softener. It helps to get rid of the dog's hair and coat. Mix 200 ml of fabric softener with 250 ml of water. Pour into a spray bottle. Spray on the surface. Vacuum. Conditioner softens the wool so it gathers more easily.
  8. Snow. This method is suitable only in winter. Snow removes blood stains, animal tracks, tea, coffee. Winter cleaning allows you to kill dust mites and harmful microorganisms that have settled in the pile. It is advisable to knock out the carpet with a broom before cleaning.
  9. Shampoo. It is diluted in the same ratio with dishwashing detergent.
  10. A mixture of salt and alcohol helps to remove greasy stains.

Unusual folk remedies:

  • Sauerkraut. Scatter the cabbage over the surface to fix the problem. Wait for it to darken. Swap for a fresh batch of cabbage. Collect and vacuum after 30 minutes.
  • Tea brewing. She does push-ups and scatters on the floor. Then it is washed off with a broom.

Chemical industry products

If folk remedies do not cope with stains, it is worth using chemicals from the chemical industry.

You can remove stains with:

  • "Vanish". This tool is one of the most popular in the vastness of the CIS countries. In order to remove contamination with vanish, it is worth diluting the contents of the product according to the instructions on the back of the preparation.Mixing the product with water, beat the dense foam. The foam is applied to the stain and left on for 30 minutes. The foam is then removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  • "Karchera". This tool belongs to the group of professional drugs. It is expensive but very effective.

Inexpensive, but very effective are the following tools:

  • Tuba.
  • Emsal.
  • Bio Formula.

It is worth remembering that you can collect foam not only with a vacuum cleaner. A broom or damp rag is suitable for this.

Cleaning technique depending on the type of carpet

Before you wash the palace, you should initially decide on its appearance. After all, the above tools are not universal, and many of them can harm the coating if they are used incorrectly.

How different piles and carpets with different colors are cleaned:

  1. Long pile flooring is difficult to clean. Dirt gets clogged between the fibers. Use soapy water and a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. Do not use brushes. They damage the glue base, so the carpet starts to "climb" after such cleaning.
  2. For coatings with a short pile, dry and wet wash. To add color, the following ingredients are diluted in a container with a spray: Water.

    Spray on carpet and let sit for 20 minutes. You do not need to wash off.

  3. Natural carpet should be cleaned very carefully and correctly. The dirty woolen carpet is cleaned with soda. Sheep fur is brushed.
  4. Synthetic carpets are unpretentious. They are treated with soda.
  5. Do not clean light or white carpet with lemon juice. It turns the item yellow. For light carpets, it is better to use vanish or a special powder. An alternative is fine table salt. It leaves no trace.
  6. It is not advisable to remove stains from dark coatings with starch or potatoes. These ingredients will leave white streaks. Such woolless carpets are cleaned with ammonia. If you have a dark, long pile carpet, it is better to use a soapy solution.

In order for your carpet to last as long as possible, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. The carpet should be vacuumed once a month on both sides.
  2. Excessive use of the vacuum cleaner will damage the fluff.
  3. Woollens must not be washed with hot water.
  4. You should not immediately clean the entire carpet with an unfamiliar remedy. You need to try it on a small area.
  5. Always dry the cover after washing.
