How to clean natural stone. Herbs and flowers. Moonlight Cleansing

the polished surface fades over time

Very often, facades of houses, offices and apartments are faced with natural stone. This finish is considered durable and, with proper care, can last for decades.

But over time, the polished surface begins to shine less, scratches, various spots, cracks appear. In order for natural stone cleaning to be effective and safe, it is necessary to choose the right care products.

There are 3 different cleaning methods:

  1. using acids and acidic compounds;
  2. combined methods;
  3. sandblasting.

Cleaning natural stone with acids and acidic compounds.

  • Cleaning of natural stone with acids and acidic compounds is used only for outdoor work. The method is notable for its low cost and good results on moderately contaminated surfaces (for example, residues of lime, mortar, rust are well removed). Organic acids are used, as well as hydrochloric, phosphoric and others. The surface to be treated must be abundantly moistened with acid, previously diluted with water, and left for a while. Then rinse with clean water. Use this method with extreme caution when cleaning marble and limestone.
  • Cleaning natural stone with alkali. Used in case of heavy pollution. Has a degreasing effect. Especially effective for removing organic dirt, traces of dirt, soot. Suitable for limestones. Should not be used for cleaning rust, cement contamination.
  • Cleaning natural stone with pastes. It is used to remove such contaminants: mold, algae, moss, etc. Suitable for the destruction of grease and oil stains, paint, resin. The method of application consists in applying the paste to the surface to be treated for up to three days.

Cleaning natural stone with a combined method

Most often it is already used when the surface needs to be additionally cleaned in other ways. In this case, grinding is used, both with mechanical abrasive and diamond tools. The main disadvantage of this method of eliminating pollution is that it can damage stone products.

By sandblasting

This type of cleaning is used only for outdoor work. With this method, contaminated surfaces are treated with special fine sand under high pressure. Cleaning should be carried out away from glass, wood and plastered surfaces, as this method can damage them.

  • always carefully read the instructions for use so that there is no damage;
  • start cleaning the surface from dirt with a less concentrated solution and only then with a more concentrated solution;
  • test the product on an inconspicuous area.

Amethyst is a very beautiful mineral with shades ranging from deep purple to almost black. It looks good in gold and silver frames and is used to create rings, earrings, pendants and other jewelry. Unfortunately, when worn for a long time, the stone can fade and lose its attractive appearance. To prevent this, it is important to know how to clean an amethyst at home and how to properly care for it.

There is a great way to clean your amethyst at home.

Amethyst care rules

In order for the stone to retain its attractive appearance for a long time, observe the following rules for caring for it:

  • do not leave jewelry in direct sunlight. Store them in a dark place wrapped in a soft cloth;
  • do not expose the stone to high temperatures: it leads to its discoloration;
  • do not let chemicals get on the amethyst: washing powder, dishwashing gel, etc. If the stone is encrusted in a ring, be sure to remove it before cleaning;
  • when worn for a long time, the stone accumulates negative energy. To get rid of it, keep it under running water for 5-10 minutes every two weeks.

Follow the simple advice of experts, and the stone will serve you for many years.

How to clean amethyst

If the stone has lost its brightness, faded, it is impossible to return it to its former attractiveness. For this reason, experts recommend not wearing it all the time and protecting it from the bright sun. If turbidity, pollution has formed on the amethyst, cleaning will help to cope with the problem.

If you have expensive and exclusive jewelry, don't risk it. Entrust the cleaning to professionals. In jewelry stores, ultrasound is used for these purposes. Under its influence, dirt peels off and falls off, and the stone remains completely intact and unharmed.

The procedure helps to cope with the problem, while maintaining the aesthetic properties of amethyst.

Cleaning can be done at home, but this event comes with some risk. Dissolve the soap in warm water and immerse the jewelry in the resulting composition for 20-30 minutes. Use a brush for stubborn or stubborn dirt. She needs to gently rub the amethyst. The use of coarse pile is strictly prohibited: it will leave scratches on the surface.

If you are the proud owner of gemstones and jewelry, for example, or, then it will be useful for you to learn about home care and cleaning methods for these beautiful luxury items. Natural stone care although not very complicated and costly, it assumes accuracy and knowledge of some features.

Natural stone care. How to clean jewelry with stones?

First of all, when caring for natural and precious stones, it is necessary to take into account their level of hardness. Stones such as diamond (diamond), sapphire, emerald, aquamarine, topaz, quartz have a high level of hardness and ordinary washing powder is quite suitable for cleaning them. The stones should be put in a water solution of washing powder for a while, and then gently massage with a soft brush (you can use an old toothbrush with soft bristles or a men's shaving brush). If the stones have inclusions, then you should be extremely careful, since they have a heterogeneous structure and this lowers the hardness coefficient, the stone can be damaged and chipped on it. If your stones are not rimmed, then it is better to store them in soft suede or flannel bags, separately from each other.

How and with what to clean silver with stones at home?

Cleaning silver jewelry is a very delicate procedure. When doing such cleaning, one must not forget that cleaning silver with stones should not damage the delicate surface of the material, therefore, in order to avoid small scratches, do not use coarse sponges or abrasive substances

To carefully hold cleaning silver with stones at home, just remember a few simple tips:

  • To remove dark plaque from silver, toothpaste will help. It is enough to put a small amount of toothpaste on a soft cloth and wipe the jewelry.
  • A simple soap solution will help add shine and shine. In a glass container, stir a small amount of soapy water in warm water and put a silver piece there. Then, after rinsing the jewelry, you can clean it with a soft toothbrush, and finally wipe it with a suede cloth.
  • Ammonia is also a great way to refresh your favorite piece of jewelry. To do this, add a few drops of ammonia and a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water, then leave the product in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Then, rinse thoroughly with cool water and wipe with a soft cloth.

For enhancing the brilliance of stones you can use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. After such a bath, the stones should be rinsed in clean water and then polished with a soft cloth.

Cleaning of rimmed stones

If you want to clean rimmed jewels with stones, first of all, before cleaning, you need to check the fixation of the stone. Cleaning gold jewelry with stones at home it is carried out using a conventional dishwashing detergent. To do this, you need to collect clean water in a small container, put a cloth on the bottom, pour a little detergent, lay out the jewelry and boil them in this solution for 10 minutes, then dry and lightly polish. After this procedure, the jewelry will sparkle like new.

Not sure how to clean pearls or pearl beads?

Pearls can grow cloudy and lose their luster over time. To peel pearls and to return it to its original appearance, it is enough to periodically arrange soft soap baths of low concentration for jewelry with pearls, followed by drying. If you want to preserve the shine and brightness of your jewelry for a long time, then they should be removed every time you wash the dishes or bathe. Such a careful attitude will protect both stones and metal of the frame from mechanical damage and scratches. If the gold jewelry is rubbed with onion juice and left for a couple of hours, then the gold will become noticeably brighter.

Remember - there are many ways to clean jewelry at home, but they all require careful and gentle handling.

When precious stones look rich and impressive, they increase the social status of the owner. It is advisable to go to a good jeweler to clean and shine. But if necessary, you can also clean the gem at home.

List of essential tools for cleaning gemstones:

  • Sea salt
  • Gin
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Liquid soap

You can clean gemstones effectively with salt.

Method 1... Pour warm water into a glass or ceramic container. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in it, but always sea salt. After that, immerse your gem in it and leave it for 12 hours. After half a day has passed, it must be rinsed under cold water and then gently wiped with a soft and clean cloth.

Method 2... Pour salt into a deep container. Then put your gem in it and leave it overnight. After overnight, rinse it with water and polish it gently with a soft cloth.

You can clean gemstones effectively with baking soda.

Method 1... Pour hot water into a container and add one teaspoon of baking soda. After that, put this container on fire and immerse your precious stone in it. Boil for a few minutes, then remove the decoration. Then rinse it under water and polish it gently.

Method 2... Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of water. Then stir until a soft paste starts to form. Then, using a cotton swab, gently apply the cleaner to your jewelry. Wipe and rinse under water.

Gin will help to restore shine to the jewelry. This tool is not able to clean the gemstone from contamination. Wipe the stone with a cotton swab or cloth dipped in a drink.

If you want to gently remove dirt, then use a soapy solution. Take any liquid soap and pour it into water, then dissolve. Using an old toothbrush, gently clean the jewelry, the main thing is not to forget to moisten the brush in the solution. After cleaning, rinse the jewelry in water and polish with a dry cloth.

Surely, each of us knows that stones have certain properties, for example, they can heal or protect against the evil eye. Since ancient times, stones have been used as talismans, amulets and amulets. That is why, absorbing the energy of a person, precious and semi-precious stones need not only mechanical cleaning, but also energy. After such cleansing, they are freed from negative information and their healing and magical properties are enhanced.

How to cleanse the energy of the stone?

Produce energetic cleansing of precious and natural stones it is necessary to follow some rules. For example, when cleansing stones with fire, the ritual will depend on who owns the stone, woman or man. For cleansing over a candle flame the stone is suspended on a chain over the fire and moved in a certain direction. If the stone belongs to a woman, then the circles must be made counterclockwise, with male stones the opposite is true.

Energy cleansing of stones can also be done with sunny or moonlight... To do this, the stones are laid out on a cloth in an open space, and left for several hours. This will not only cleanse the stones, but also charge them with the energy of the Sun or Moon, which will give them greater strength and effectiveness.

Great power of cleansing has running water, especially cold spring or key. It would be ideal if you could find its source. Such water takes with it not only the negative, but also the positive energy of the stone and leaves the gem in its original energetic form. Mineral purified in this way will have special strength. But even running tap water will have a beneficial effect on the energy of the stone.

Earth also possesses cleansing energetic properties, and therefore stones or jewelry can simply be buried in some pleasant place for you for several days. All negativity will go away in this way, and the stone will delight you with its useful properties for a long time to come.

Another type of energetic cleansing of stones is associated with the cleansing properties of salt... To carry out such cleaning, it is necessary to fill the crystal container with salt (preferably sea salt), put a stone and sprinkle it with salt on top. This cleansing should last 3 days. You can also clean the stone in a saline water solution, which only takes a few hours. In this case, the water should be "alive", preferably spring or spring water.

By doing cleaning stones from negative energy, you need to tune in accordingly, free your thoughts from current problems, negative emotions and concentrate on your goal. You can even say a prayer during the ritual, thus, and your own energy will be cleansed, you will receive a charge of positive energy that will force out all the negativity.

Jewelry made of natural stones, especially without a frame, carry the strongest natural energy. And it is in your power to make it even better and cleaner.