What to do if your cat has frequent urination: causes and treatment. Polyuria - frequent urination in cats

Frequent urination in a cat is scientifically called pollakiuria. The phenomenon may be the norm for a certain state of the animal and refer to the physiological, or appear due to a disease, and then the disturbed urination will be classified as pathological. If the increased urge to urinate occurs for natural reasons, then the owner should not worry and the pet does not need treatment. When the violation is pathological, then a visit to the veterinarian is urgent. After the correct treatment has been carried out, the problem usually disappears completely.

Causes of the problem

The reasons for urination in cats, when it occurs unnaturally often, are associated with the fact that the walls of the bladder become overly sensitive, and therefore even the slightest filling of it leads to an acute urge to urinate. There are many reasons for irritation. They are also able to provoke frequent visits to the tray and violations, leading to weakness of the sphincter of the bladder, which is why the animal simply cannot keep the liquid inside.

Veterinarians cite several reasons for urinary impairment in cats as the main ones.

  1. Age-related changes... With age, the muscles in the animal's body begin to weaken, which is why problems arise with them, including with the sphincter of the bladder. He loses the ability to close properly and retain urine inside the bladder for a long time. Because of this, almost constantly experiencing the urge to urinate, the cat often sits down to pee. He is forced to go to the toilet in order to get rid of even small portions of physiological fluid. Treatment in this situation is usually ineffective, as the tissues of older cats cannot regenerate and begin to retain urine again.
  2. Freezing... A cat, like a person, can freeze, which will cause inflammation of the bladder cystitis. With prolonged exposure to the body of cold in the animal, there is a violation of blood circulation in the bladder. Under this condition, the cat suffers from a drop in local immunity, and it develops inflammation of the walls of the organ. As a result, urination becomes frequent and painful.
  3. Urolithiasis disease... When a cat encounters a pathology, the animal experiences constant irritation of the walls of the bladder with stones and sand. The disease becomes the cause of frequent urination in a cat, in which it is not uncommon for, in addition to urine, to excrete blood, as well as small stones and sand.
  4. Stressful state... Stress may cause a cat to itch a lot, behave abnormally, or frequent the litter box. It all depends on how his body reacted to unexpected changes in life or other events that provoked stress. To relieve the problem, it is shown to drink the pet with sedatives. They are prescribed by a veterinarian.
  5. Single use of large portions of water... This phenomenon is possible if the cat ate salted fish or stayed in the heat for a long time, and then drank almost an entire drinker at a time. Excessive drinking of water by animals is possible for any other reason. In such a situation, the kidneys will work at maximum load all day, so the pet will empty the bladder into the tray all day. In this case, impaired urination normalizes itself and quickly enough.
  6. Prostatitis... An old cat may well suffer from such a disease. Due to inflammation of the prostate gland, the urge to urinate becomes frequent. At the same time, portions of excreted urine are scanty and often mixed with blood.
  7. The use of certain drugs... Certain drugs can cause frequent urination as a side effect. In such a situation, the cat resumes its normal litter box routine only a few days after the end of therapy.

If your cat starts urinating very often, you should visit your veterinarian to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. Impaired urination is not always a symptom of a pet's illness, but make sure that this is exactly the case, it is imperative, otherwise you may be late with treatment.

The parameters of urination and the properties of urine, which we can evaluate with the naked eye, determine using the sense of smell are called the physical properties of urine.

The study of this group of properties is an integral part of the general clinical analysis of urine - one of the important diagnostic tools of a veterinarian.

A general clinical examination of urine can give a lot of diagnostic information about the work of the organs of the urinary system, about the general condition of the body. With the help of this study, it is possible to track changes in the course of many diseases in dynamics and assess the response to the treatment. An important condition is the correct collection of urine for analysis.

The first thing it is important for a cat owner to pay attention to is the nature of urination. Let us dwell on this section in more detail, since the doctor cannot obtain this information on his own at the first appointment (as opposed to assessing the appearance of the urine itself, if you bring it with you), he can only draw the appropriate conclusions from your words.

Changes in the frequency of urination and the amount of urine can be an important symptom indicating a disease. They are expressed in an increase in the amount of urine (polyuria), a decrease (oliguria), and the absence (anuria) of urine. And it is important not to confuse polyuria with urinary incontinence or frequent urination (pollakiuria), and oliguria and anuria with stranguria - difficult, frequent and painful urination. All these data can be obtained by direct observation of the animal during urination.

An increase in the amount of urine (polyuria) can be with increased thirst (polydipsia), such animals feel frequent urge to urinate and excrete more urine per day. Very often, these two symptoms are associated with each other and are manifested in purulent inflammation of the uterus and other intoxications, diabetes, renal failure.

A decrease in urine output (oliguria) occurs with insufficient fluid intake, diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature, with vomiting, diarrhea and other pathologies. A sharp decrease in urine output, up to the complete cessation of urine output (anuria), is observed in diseases that cause acute renal failure (kidney disease, urolithiasis, heart failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, poisoning, etc.).

Frequent urination can occur with cystitis, in an agitated state, during the period of sexual intercourse. In addition, various neurological disorders, both local (for example, diseases and injuries of the spine) and central origin, are often accompanied by both urinary incontinence and difficulty urinating, from rare involuntary urination to the complete inability to empty the bladder on their own.

The color of the urine is another important sign that can indicate to the wearer that there is a problem. Normal urine is straw yellow. The color is influenced by the concentration of urine (darker with diarrhea and vomiting, slightly colored - with increased fluid intake, while taking diuretics, with a decrease in the ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine), the use of drugs that change the color of urine (see instructions for use), some foods (mainly vegetables - carrots, beets) that animals can theoretically eat.

With various pathologies, the color of urine can change to pale yellow (with polyuria), dark yellow, yellow-orange, up to "beer color" (with liver diseases), milky white (with an increased content of leukocytes, for example, with urinary tract infections paths). With such changes, it is necessary to pass an analysis and establish the cause of the pathology.

The most common change in the color of urine to red, brown, brown-black. This can be observed when blood is excreted in the urine (macrohematuria) or hemoglobin (microhematuria), which appears during the breakdown of red blood cells. It is possible to distinguish between these two conditions only by laboratory methods. And since the cause of hematuria can be a very dangerous, fatal, acute illness (for example, hemolytic poisoning, disseminated intravascular coagulation, kidney bleeding, urolithiasis), you should immediately consult a doctor and take a urine test to a laboratory.

Normal urine is clear. Clouding can be caused by the presence of salts, cellular elements, mucus, bacteria, fats in it. Changes in the clarity of urine may be one of the first signs of urolithiasis or urinary tract infections. The cause of the cloudiness is determined by microscopic and chemical examination.

Changes in the smell of urine is a rather rare phenomenon, a fetid (smell of "meat slops") can appear with a large number of bacteria, sharp - with prolonged stagnation of urine in the bladder, for example, with a blockage of the urinary tract.

Seeing any changes in the nature of urination, the color of urine or a deterioration in the general condition of your pet, you must definitely see a doctor, tell about all your observations and conduct laboratory tests.

Do you want to know why your pet has pollakiuria or frequent urges for small? This can be the cause of serious inflammation and other disorders of the body. If you find bloody urine or just frequent urination, do not try to diagnose yourself, be sure to contact your veterinarian to avoid death. Fluffy may develop bladder inflammation, kidney stones, diabetes, enuresis or severe stress, which leads to malfunctioning of the urinary system. The doctor will conduct a series of studies (various tests, ultrasound, X-ray), after which he will identify the cause and prescribe treatment.


Why does the animal urinate often?

If you notice that the animal urinates frequently, this is a signal of some malfunctioning of the body. Desires can be caused by diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, urolithiasis), stressful situations. In this case, the cat runs to the toilet often, but only slightly and, possibly, with bloody discharge. Also, the reasons for frequent urination can be the fact that the animal drinks a lot of water due to heat or diabetes, as well as marking the territory and urinary incontinence. In such a situation, the animal also often goes to the toilet, but without bloody discharge and with a normal amount of urine.


One of the reasons for the frequent urination in a cat with a little bloody discharge may be cystitis, that is, inflammation of the bladder. This disease occurs in cats aged from one year and older, can be acute (several days) or become chronic (for months). Cystitis is rare, however, the disease is fraught with the fact that it can cause toxicosis, inflammation of other systems and even death.

The main symptom of cystitis is that the cat often goes to the toilet in small small portions, possibly with blood or pus. During urination, the pet may meow painfully, twitch. Also, a four-legged friend can pee past the trays, walk hunched over, often lick the crotch.

What are the causes of cystitis and frequent visits to the toilet by a cat? It:

  • improper metabolism;
  • sand and kidney stones;
  • mineral imbalance;
  • improper nutrition (lack of protein, lack of fluid, overfeeding with dry food);
  • genital infections;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • cold, draft, etc.

Urolithiasis disease

If the cat often goes to the toilet on a small one, this may be a signal of urolithiasis. It consists in the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys of the cat.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • urine is released in drops, little by little;
  • a cat or kitten often runs to the litter box;
  • in the toilet, in addition to urine, you can find traces of blood;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • heat;
  • lethargy.

Your cat or kitten may get sick if:

  • have viral or bacterial infections;
  • the animal receives an excess of food;
  • sterilization has been carried out, which provokes appetite, which leads to overeating of the kitten or cat;
  • poor heredity or vulnerable breed of cats and cats, for example, Scottish Fold, Persian, Siamese, etc.;
  • improper drinking regime (a lot of water).


Does your cat or kitten often want to go to the toilet? Perhaps these are the consequences of stress! Stress lowers the immune system, which leads to inflammation of the organs, in particular the urinary system. Stressful situations take place in the following cases:

  • smells and furnishings have changed in the apartment;
  • a new litter box for an adult pet or kitten;
  • change of bed;
  • switching to another cat food;
  • violation of relations with the owner (if there is not enough attention and care, or vice versa - an overabundance);
  • the emergence of a new pet, the struggle for territory;
  • moving;
  • if a cat or a cat wants to “walk”, but cannot;
  • irregular cleaning of the litter box, because cats are clean animals.

The main symptom of stressful situations is that the pet often goes to the toilet in small portions with blood or without urine at all. There is also a kitten's anxiety, aggressiveness or apathy, a piercing meow. If the pet is stressed and often goes to the toilet, this can cause a blockage of the urinary tract, which threatens the pet's life.

Drinks a lot of water

An adult and a kitten may often go to the litter box due to increased thirst. This can be due to heat (drinking a lot and often) or diabetes. In both cases, the pet drinks a lot of water and, accordingly, goes to the toilet more often.

If the heat is the cause, it is a temporary seasonal phenomenon. However, if the ambient temperature is normal, and the cat is thirsty and drinks a lot and then, this may be a signal of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by a sharp jump in blood glucose levels.

Most often, diabetes affects adults (sometimes it affects a kitten) and overweight pets. Also, the cause may be hormonal disruptions, pancreatitis, estrus, pregnancy. If you notice that your pet has begun to walk on the little one more often, you should know that this is one of the primary signs of diabetes. Also, the symptoms of the disease are:

  • the smell of acetone;
  • apathy;
  • weight loss;
  • vomit;
  • increased appetite or no appetite at all;
  • the animal drinks a lot and often.

Territory marking

Your pet may walk in or past the litter more often, not only because of any illness, it may be due to the peculiarities of behavior. Cats and even kittens love to mark their territory, especially if they are not alone in the house or the owner has brought replenishment. In this case, they often go to the toilet in small portions and in different parts of the house. In the next video, you will learn how to wean your pet from tagging.

Urinary incontinence

The urge to small can become more frequent due to urinary incontinence (enuresis), due to which the bladder weakens and urine often leaks, which looks like a constant urge. The reason for this can be both age-related disorders and spinal injuries, stressful situations. Urination occurs as soon as the pressure in the bladder rises. This problem is especially true for older and spayed pets.

How can I help the cat?

To help a fluffy pet, you first need to determine the cause of the frequent urge. Don't try to diagnose yourself! In any case, especially if there is bleeding, immediately consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment. In the early stages, diseases of the urinary system are quite curable. Going to the clinic in time is the most important thing that you can do for an adult pet or kitten!

If there is a suspicion of diseases of the urinary system, the veterinarian will prescribe a number of tests and other studies:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • hormone analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • for the presence of acetone and the level of acid-base balance;
  • the ratio of the amount of urine and fluid you drink;
  • x-ray;

If, according to the results of the diagnosis, cystitis is detected, the doctor may prescribe

Calculus and pleurisy on x-ray

If the cat has urolithiasis, you need to go to the clinic immediately as soon as you notice the symptoms, otherwise the death of the animal may occur in 3-5 days. If you turn up late, when your pet no longer walks and refuses to eat, even a qualified specialist is unlikely to help. Remember that urolithiasis is characterized by relapses, so the animal needs constant medical supervision. With timely referral to a specialist, the development of the disease and repeated outbreaks can be avoided.

If the frequent urge to use the restroom is caused by stress, you need to eliminate the source of stress. To do this, try to remember when the symptoms began and what changes were taking place in the pet's life at that time. If possible, reduce the impact of the source of stress. This can be an ingrown nail that needs to be trimmed, flea dermatitis, which is treated with special sprays, and other situations that are unpleasant for the cat. However, to be sure that the cause of the urinary disorder is stress, and not a physical illness, you need to show your pet to your veterinarian.

When diagnosing diabetes, the form of the disease is important: insulin-dependent diabetes and insulin-independent. In the first case, the cat will most likely be given insulin injections 1-2 times a day. In the second case, it is recommended to reduce the weight of the cat and follow a special diet that excludes foods containing a lot of sugar. Also prescribed drugs that stimulate the work of the pancreas.

Video "Feline cystitis"

In the video, you will see how the doctor diagnoses and treats cystitis in a cat.

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Urinary incontinence in cats or cats also happens in humans. And it is not always possible to immediately determine what this disease is - many think that it is their mustache who suddenly began to take revenge for something. There are different situations. In some, the cat marks everything around on purpose, while in others, the pet accidentally empties its bladder. And it is not pleasant that the cat has urinary incontinence. But it is imperative to deal with the reasons in order to eliminate them. So what to do in such a situation?

After all, not all owners immediately understand that a cat has urinary incontinence. At first, they think that the pet simply does not reach the litter box or is crap out of spite. But noticing that this is happening "unconsciously", it is imperative to figure out for what reasons the cat has incontinence. And then it is already with the veterinarian to decide how to treat it.

Yes, there are several types of urinary incontinence in cats. Let's take a look at each of them.

  • Undermining. Already from the name it is clear that urine is released literally drop by drop. This type of incontinence is not easy to spot. Only the attentive owner will notice small wet spots on the carpet, furniture, bedding or floor. Droplets stand out when the pet runs to the tray, jumps up abruptly.
  • Constant leakage. With this type of incontinence in a cat, urine is constantly excreted, but more often when the animal moves (gets up, runs, sits down). As soon as the bladder fills, urine is immediately released, and the mustache does not have time to reach the tray, because it is unable to control its urinary sphincter.
  • Urgent. This shape is easier to recognize than others. The fact is that with this type of ailment, a mustache is noticeable right on the muzzle due to the fact that he did not have time to reach the tray. The urge to urinate is so sharp that the animal does not have time to understand and undertake anything. The puddle appears unexpectedly both for the owner and for the pet itself.
  • Stressful. The cat urinates as soon as it gets into a stressful situation. And not necessarily from fear.


In fact, there can be many reasons for urinary incontinence in cats! Let's take a look at each of the possible.

Disruption of activity, as well as disease of the central nervous system

When signals are not transmitted along the nerves "normally", the body may malfunction. And it is not only the cat who can develop urinary incontinence. This can be caused by both infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the brain or spinal cord, and injuries (blows, concussions, bruises, etc.). Most often, the function of urination is impaired after a spinal injury (especially of the lumbosacral and caudal regions). An operation with an error can be performed, the nerves were hurt. It is also possible that pressure on the nerves or the brain itself (neoplasms, edema, hematomas, etc.).

Other reasons

Other possible causes of urinary incontinence in cats

Congenital pathology of the genitourinary system For this reason, the cat's urine does not hold since childhood. Owners can take this for bad manners, saying that the kitten does not want to go to the litter box. Only a veterinarian can detect the problem after a thorough examination (it is best to do an ultrasound).
Infection As "general", that is, affecting the entire body (several organ systems, including the urinary system), and only in the genitourinary system. For example, nephritis, nephrosis, cystitis and others.
Urolithiasis disease

More and more often this disease is recorded in domestic purrs. But the reason lies in the fact that the owners are not fed correctly. Many do not even understand that it is impossible to mix dry food and natural food, or they save on industrial food, buying cheap and unbalanced food.

Metabolic disease It leads not only to the development of urolithiasis in the cat, but also to the accumulation of excess weight or even the appearance of diabetes. It is very important to monitor the health of the pet, visit the veterinarian on time, and balance the diet.
Age-related changes

As we age, the sphincters are less well controlled. Hence the "leaks".

Childbirth Occasionally, urinary incontinence is reported in parous cats.

Paralysis, paresis, or spasm of the bladder

Any of these diseases leads to the fact that the cat does not "control" the process of urination. But this sore will not appear out of thin air, so it is necessary to find the reason why the pet's bladder has "failed".

Symptoms of urinary incontinence

It's hard to miss the symptoms of urinary incontinence in a cat. But for the most part, they depend precisely on the reason why the pet began to urinate. Usually this is anxiety, fright, wet hair on the inner thighs or tummy, a puddle or drops in the place where the pet was sitting / lying. If the disease is inflammatory, then during urination, the animal may meow plaintively (due to pain). If the paralysis / paresis of the bladder itself or of the nerves, then the animal may not even understand that it has wetted itself. Therefore, it is possible to talk for a long time about some "obvious" symptoms, except for a sudden puddle of urine. Still, there are many reasons, and each has its own clinic.

Treating a cat or cat with urinary incontinence

Treatment for a cat with urinary incontinence primarily depends on the underlying cause. If the cat has inflammation, then antibiotics are indispensable. If the reason lies in excess weight, then you need to take care of a balanced diet and physical activity for the mustache. In the case of a violation of the activity of the nervous system, you need to deal with what caused it. It is far from always possible to fix this. And then you have to put on a diaper on the cat. And put several trays in various corners of the apartment.

It is impossible to prescribe drugs on your own. This will only aggravate the situation. Many medicines are completely contraindicated in animals. Therefore, you cannot do without a veterinarian. Often an ultrasound is required to "see" what is going on inside the pet.

Preventing urinary incontinence in cats

Prevention of urinary incontinence in a cat is to prevent probable causes from affecting the whiskers. Feed in a balanced way, do not allow drafts in the room, secure the space (so that the pet does not hit, does not fall from anywhere). Take to the veterinarian in time, so you will be aware of the health status of your beauty. Alas, with elderly animals it is more difficult. No matter how you take care of the purr, the risk of urinary incontinence in an old cat will not disappear anywhere.

Still have questions? You can ask them to the in-house veterinarian of our website in the comments box below, who will answer them as soon as possible.

More on urinary incontinence in cats and dogs in the video:

    Natalia 16:29 | 23 Feb. 2019

    Hello. I crushed the cat with iron doors in the lumbar-cross region. Now no urine holding. The veterinarian advised to pierce 0.2 ml proserin for 2 weeks. Please tell me will this help?

  • Hello!
    Today a kitten (girl) was thrown in the doorway. Apparently someone threw it out ... I had to pick it up ... Her urine is dripping in, all her hind legs are yellow ...
    By her behavior you cannot say that she is sick ...
    What to do?

  • Nastya 22:50 | 23 Sep 2018

    Hello! Our cat is 8 months old. We didn’t see it, and she took a walk. Three days ago she had a premature birth, the kittens were very premature and, unfortunately, died. The cat developed urinary incontinence. Will it go away or should it be treated?

  • Sorry, I didn't write everything. Kitty received an injection of the antibiotic tyrosine, leg-ay cerucal, dexometazole and octreotide. Today, according to the testimony of the analysis, he was diagnosed with Acute pancreatitis. Prescribed a new antibiotic Ceftriaxone intravenously, sodium chloride drip, intravenous acidosis, cerucal and no-shpa intramuscularly, ostreotide at the withers. More enterosgel, fortiflora and diet. The cat itself does not eat anything (he is sick), forcibly pour in the diluted food from the syringe. He almost always sleeps. Cries not in her own voice. And now also incontinence ... He tries to move around a little, but it is very difficult for him, because one foot does not obey at all ... Please help! Tell me what to do? The cat is a member of our family! We love him very much and want to help him. Tell me how? Thank you in advance! I really hope for your answer!

  • Hello! My cat is 16 years old. In the morning they noticed lethargy, and by lunchtime he refused to eat at all. They did not pull the age cat, they called the veterinarian to the house. The doctor took a blood test. I gave him a couple of injections into the muscle of the hind leg and the withers. After the doctor left, the cat could not walk at all, it feels like he does not feel one paw completely. The doctor told us that there is nothing wrong, just after the injections he is afraid to walk because of the pain. And today we noticed in the morning that his urine is constantly leaking. Our veterinarian squeezed urine out of him today. He says that for the reason of his character, with all his appearance he shows that his paw hurts, and therefore he does not want to go to write. Today he was given a drip. A full urine can be seen from the cat, but he still does not go to the tray, although he began to get up and move around a little. The urine is constantly leaking. Help me please!!! We love our cat very much. Maybe when the injections were put down, they hit the nerve? Or amid stress (he is a terrible alarmist) that something went wrong? I ask you to tell me, I really hope for help!

  • Hello, the cat recently gave birth to 3 kittens. One without a tail. The rest are normal. Without a tailed kitten, it is written involuntarily and in droplets. Is this a disease or will it pass over time? Or take it to the vet? Sorry for the mistake.

  • Hello! My cat is 1g3months. About 2 months ago he abruptly stopped eating, lost weight and began to shed a lot. At first he practically did not walk constantly, lay and drank water. I began to notice that he always had wet hind legs and urine dripped. After the antibiotics that I was prescribed in the hospital he recovered, began to eat a lot and quickly began to recover, but urine did not stop flowing.

    • Hello! In order to say exactly what is with the animal, it must be investigated. To do this, you should conduct an ultrasound scan, donate blood for a general and biochemical analysis, urine. It is necessary to exclude cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, ICD. If it is age-related, then, alas, no drugs will help. It will leak. If the inflammatory process is to blame, then treat the pet and everything will go away

      Alina 22:36 | 01 Mar 2019

      Hello! My cat is 13 years old, for about a week in the morning I find a puddle in the place where he slept - only at night it is peeing, I see when he falls asleep soundly. The spot is almost colorless, only a yellow halo, large - from the whole cat in a ball. During the day he goes out into the street, where he recovers. Before and at night 2-3 times asked, now he sleeps soundly. 40 days ago I planted it with Nobivak triket trio, 2 weeks ago I dripped on the withers of Advantage. Usually I pierce Gamavit forte with the vaccine, but this time I could not buy it. Could this be a reaction to drugs? No discharge, good appetite, drinking, active. Castrated for a long time. If you pierce Gamavit now? Can you recommend the best complex? We don't have a veterinary clinic, it's far from the city, at the SBBZH in the regional center they said that it was senile, they didn't even take blood (I don't know how to collect urine, it runs somewhere in the bushes).

      Daria - veterinarian 19:50 | 04 Mar 2019

      Hello! No, there can be no such reaction to a vaccine. Into the account of Gamavit. Don’t worry. An empty drug. Look at the composition. One drop of active ingredient per barrel of water for injection. Just pink water and an extra hole in the animal. There are much more effective drugs in which the concentration of vitamins and minerals is much higher: multivit, multivit + minerals, oligovit (these are all injectable drugs and should be on the SBBZ, since they are also used on productive farm animals). An ultrasound scan would be done, see urinary. Maybe atony, and it will be enough to use proserin to stab with a course

  • Julia 11:25 | 14 Mar 2018

    Hello. We have a kitten, 2.5 months old. Recently I had a cold, now everything is fine. But there is one problem: the cat urinates involuntarily, not much, it stands out drop by drop. He walks into the tray as usual, does not meow in pain. I just sometimes notice droplets on the floor where he sits

  • Guest 18:27 | 07 Mar 2018

    Hello, please help! I have a cat, age 1 year 1 month. On February 28, there was castration, everything went well, by the evening I was running and jumping. On the evening of March 7, I noticed that he was sitting in a tray for a long time in a crooked position. In this case, a slide of well-formed soft feces, then the problem is not in the intestines. And indeed, when I put it on the bed, started stroking it, found droplets on the bedspread, it turned out to be urine. A drop of urine is released from his penis and shows very frequent spasms and he begins to worry and lick. When pressing on the stomach, he lies calmly and even falls asleep. Scrotum after castration without signs of inflammation. But I see that the cat began to suffer, it can sit in the tray for 10 minutes. Veterinary clinics do not pick up the phone, they are probably celebrating on March 8th. What should I do?

  • Nina 10:27 | 17 Feb. 2018

    Hello! Our kitten is 2 years old. Castrated. Has got urolithiasis. We were fed dry food Cat-Chow. It was only now that we learned from our veterinarian that natural food should not be mixed with dry food, but it was too late. During castration in the regional clinic, we were not warned about this. We killed the cat. A beautiful blue-eyed fluffy Siamese cat. I will describe the medical history. Before the new year, I began to often run to the toilet. Could not urinate. Our veterinarian prescribed the antibiotic cefazolin-akos with novocaine. Once a day, 1 mg. Coterwin and kidney tea. Cured. Gone. Two weeks later it all started again. We took a course of Coterwin. It has passed again. A month later, to this day, everything has already repeated in a more severe form. The urine went with the ichor drop by drop. I didn’t leave. The doctor put a catheter on the cat under anesthesia. It didn’t help. On the second day the doctor squeezed out the liquid from the cat drop by drop. It didn’t help. On the third day the catheter was again under anesthesia. It was possible to clean it, the urine sprayed with a fountain, presumably the pebble went inside. All this is accompanied by the treatment of cefazolin-akos with novocaine 1 mg, cotervin, noshpa, cyston 1/4 tablet 2 times a day and kidney tea 2-3 tablespoons. Now a new disease has appeared. ... The cat, after the last catheter, has urinary incontinence. Does not eat. We feed chicken broth from a syringe. The doctor canceled the noshpa. The cotervin was drunk. Two days left to inject with an antibiotic, and that's all. The course of treatment is completed. The only treatment is cystone. But the cat is sick. He is all wet, urine. constantly leaking. During the day, we dry it several times with the warm air of a hairdryer in an intimate place so that it doesn’t get cold and put on a diaper. He’s fluffy. The doctor said that there was no sand in the urine. The stone went inside during the catheter operation. What to do? How to save a family pet? We don't have a good clinic. There is no place to take tests either. You have to take it to the regional center, but there are such prices that treatment is not available. There is practically no finance either. We are pensioners with beggarly pensions. My message to you is a cry from the heart for help. There is no one else to help. In our small town, a veterinarian does not have any equipment for examination; he sincerely wants to help and treats according to his capabilities. And also paid. He said we’ll wait what will happen. And the cat is bad. He lies all day in our warm blanket in diapers and on an oilcloth and is all wet below the waist. Tell me, please, how to treat? What to do? Thank you in advance for your advice and help.

  • Olga 19:05 | 05 Feb. 2018

    A month ago, a very sick stray cat came to the house with an extremely neglected condition, plus calcivirosis and dry tail gangrene. The tail was amputated by 2/3. Veterinarians at our station for combating animal diseases do not really treat cats, but nevertheless they recommended Globfel 4.10 days injections of ceftriaxone, immunofan, gamavit, levomecitin eye drops, metrogil dent in the mouth, stronghold three times with an interval of 14 days. For microsporia, irunin 2 times a day, 20 mg. within 7 days and then 2 weeks every other day for 20 mg. 15 days after the start of treatment, the cat became bald on the head, ears and back and began to involuntarily pee strongly during a stressful situation and undermine when walking, jumping. Either from fear, or from a cut off tail something was disturbed. Now veterinarians advise to put him to sleep. I understand that it is almost impossible to consult in absentia, but can you still give some professional advice. At least try to help the cat. Because the next visit to our veterinarians is to put him to sleep.

  • Good afternoon. Help me please. My cat (about 4-5 years old, neutered), after changing the feed, had a discharge of urine (regular droplets), often pink. They thought that it was because of the new norm that the urinary system hurts and the kidneys are dysfunctional - we drop an antibiotic (ceftriaxone), give Furagin and brew and drink corn hairs (an alternative to Rosehip). The cat seems to be getting a little better (1.5 days have passed), but the discharge has not passed. Appetite has disappeared, he eats almost nothing. Only a vein from wet food Felix, dry food (which was returned to Purina One) does not eat at all.
    I wanted to ask you if we are doing the right treatment? And will there be any other tips?
    Thank you very much in advance!

  • Hello, my cat is not neutered, went to the toilet until today is normal. Recently he began to yell, literally often and loudly enough meows. And today I noticed that he almost never goes to the toilet in a small way. He really wants to, very often goes to the tray, but cannot go. Or very little urine comes out. He could not resist in another room, but also a little bit. Drinks normally. Mostly purchased milk and cream. Also drinks water from the tap. Eats pate and dry food Whiskas. We cannot understand what is happening with the cat. He suffers, it is clear that he wants, but cannot. Could this be because he confuses the desire to go to the toilet with the desire of a cat, since he is still small ???

    • Hello! Your pet's symptoms are more similar to clinical signs of cystitis or even urolithiasis. What you feed your cat is not suitable for him. Firstly, purchased milk is not the best nutrition (it is poorly absorbed, it causes diarrhea in animals). Cream - too fatty (blow to the liver). If you really want to give milk, then cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk (with a small percentage of fat). Secondly, whiskas is a budget food that is not nutritious (full of colors, flavors and preservatives), there is no energy value either. The satiety quickly passes and the cat asks for food again and again.
      So take your mustachioed comrade and drag him to the veterinary clinic. There they will examine him and say what he has for sure. They will prescribe treatment (I will not name the drugs so that there is no self-medication, because the final diagnosis has not been made to the cat). If necessary, the doctor will perform a catheterization (remove urine from the bladder). But to make him feel better, you can now give him a quarter of no-shpa (so he can pee). But the vet will likely prescribe more antibiotics and medications for urinary tract infections.

      great advice ... First, self-medicate at home, and if it does not help, then go to the doctor. And then they swear at the veterinarians that they cannot make a diagnosis or cure the animal, that the prescribed antibiotics do not help. Firstly, if you start treatment before visiting a doctor, then many of the symptoms "disappear", which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis. Secondly, if you give antimicrobial drugs at random, then this not only may not help, but also worsen the condition of the pet. Thirdly, if you often give the same antibiotics (and most often they feed pets with amoxicillin at home), then bacteria develops resistance to them. And then it is extremely difficult to find an effective drug, you have to prescribe very strong antibiotics. Fourthly, if the animal has already been treated, then most analyzes (blood, urine, bacterial culture, determination of the sensitivity of isolated microorganisms to antibiotics) are not informative. So if you want to treat the animal yourself, then then do not scold the doctors.

Frequent urination (pollakiuria) in cats can indicate a variety of conditions that occur both in normal health and in pathological processes. Some of these conditions are of medical interest, while others may be behaviorally related. The difference in these manifestations can be established based on a number of factors, the most important of which is the owner's observation of the cat's behavior. Below are the possible causes and symptoms of certain conditions manifested by frequent urination.

1. The most important and common cause is urinary tract infections.

Although this painful condition is very common in both cats and cats, it does not diminish the severity and danger of the problem. In many cases, frequent urination can be caused by various diseases and is just a symptom, including feline urolithiasis, which consists in the formation of stones or sand in the bladder, which irritate the bladder mucosa and give frequent urge to urinate. In addition to increased urge to urge, almost all causes are accompanied by pain syndrome (dysuria) in addition to frequent urination, appearance, and urination in the wrong places (outside the litter box).

2. Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis)

Bacterial inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract infections often occur at the same time, and therefore the causes and external manifestations can be similar. The main difference is that bladder inflammation occurs as a primary process, usually as a result of a bacterial infection, dietary disturbances or stressful situations.

3. Urinary incontinence in a cat (weak bladder)

Urinary incontinence does not lead to frequent urination as such, constant urine leakage as the bladder fills can create the illusion of natural urge. Urinary incontinence can develop as a neurological disorder with age, with diseases of the nervous system, the spine after injuries. In fact, the act of urination occurs in such cases as soon as the pressure in the bladder rises. This condition is especially common in older cats. Incontinence is less common in spayed cats, especially when the cat gets up from a prone position to a standing position, since cats often sleep on beds, the owner often perceives the detected wet place as a behavior disorder.

4. Increased amount of urine due to thirst

The most common cause of increased thirst in cats is diabetes mellitus. Most often, the diabetic condition develops in adult cats, as well as in overweight animals. Frequent urination is one of the early signs of diabetes, which also includes, in addition to thirst, symptoms such as weight loss, apathy, vomiting, acetone odor from an animal in severe cases. An increase in urination in a cat in such cases occurs due to a large amount of generated urine, which needs to be excreted and outwardly such an animal visits the toilet more often.

5. Kidney disease accompanied by renal failure

Renal failure is one of the most dangerous conditions for a cat's health. It develops as a result of the kidneys losing their structure and the impossibility of full reabsorption of water in the tubules. This leads to increased urine production. Renal failure develops as a result of chronic inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, with age. The loss of more than 70% of its function by the kidneys leads to irreversible consequences and the accumulation of toxins in the blood. In addition to frequent urination, the cat will experience loss of appetite, vomiting, lethargy and drowsiness, trembling, and a decrease in body temperature.

6. Tagging the territory

Despite the fact that most of the causes of increased urge are painful in nature, they are often associated with behavioral factors. It is known that cats can mark territory with their own urine, doing it in non-designated areas, usually this happens when there are several animals in the house or if the owners bring the smell of other animals from neighbors. Such cases, when the owner of the increased urge is associated with a particular disease, the reasons may be exclusively of a behavioral nature.

In any case, if you suspect a disease of the urinary system, a number of tests should be performed: urinalysis, blood biochemistry to fully understand the nature of frequent urination in a cat.