What a young mother should know about her first child. What you need to know about the first days of a newborn baby's life

# A newborn baby is an amazing creature. Weak and helpless, he is able to withstand stress relatively easily, which would overwhelm an adult as well. No joke - suddenly find yourself in a completely unaccustomed external environment, and even if necessary, instantly switch to a new way of breathing, blood circulation, and then nutrition!

The newborn is very small, but this small fragile body has a powerful growth potential. His digestive organs are able to assimilate 600-700 g of breast milk per day, but this is one fifth of his body weight!

A newborn comes into the world with a sufficient supply of purposeful reflexes. As soon as he touches his lips with his finger, he will pull them out with his proboscis, preparing to suck. Drop some sweet solution on the child's tongue, and he will begin to suck it in, smack his lips, and in response to sour, salty or bitter, he will wrinkle, scream, and try to clear his throat. A loud, sudden sound will make him wary - the child will wrinkle his forehead, as if listening, he will become worried. The baby distinguishes between smells and recognizes the mother by the smell of milk, associated with pleasant sensations for him.

But the most amazing thing is that the newborn is already an individual, already a character!

Perhaps, for a start, one should learn the truth that a child is not an adult in miniature, but has its own completely specific features that must be taken into account. Each age has its own characteristics.

You can evaluate your child's mental development for yourself. For example, check for basic reflexes:

- "plantar" reflex - you run your finger along the sole, and the child pulls back the leg,

- "sucking" reflex - you run your finger over the child's lips, and he readily folds his lips with a tube and smacks his lips, makes sucking movements,

- "grasping" reflex - you put the tip of your finger in the child's hand, and he squeezes it tightly.

If the listed (you must admit, quite funny) reflexes are present, your child is normal.

Remember that a child's character is formed from the first days of his life - in communication with you. The formation of character begins with conditioned reflexes: positive and negative. The parents' concern is that there are more positive conditioned reflexes, and, of course, fewer negative ones. Positive conditioned reflexes arise on regular meals, while regular hygiene procedures, communication, and affection. In everything that concerns the child, order and mode should be felt. The child should feel cared for.

But if you are inconsistent, irritable, and sometimes even angry (after all, it happens that you don't want to get up at night - swaddle the child, and even if you, dad, go to work early in the morning), then the child will develop a nervous character - and this will interfere him (and not only him) all his life.

In the very first days after you come home from the hospital, a nurse and a district pediatrician will definitely visit you and your child. Feel free to ask them any questions about your child and their care.

In the first year of life, it does not hurt to control weight gain on your own using a table in which the abscissa axis is the child's weight in grams, and the ordinate axis is the months or weeks of life. Normally, the curved line that you get on this table should be smooth - without sharp jumps up or down. If the line stays at the same level for several days, you should not worry. When a child is healthy, when he has a good appetite, he will gain the necessary weight.

Pediatricians determine the individual weight of the child, resorting to the help of all sorts of wise formulas and calculations. It is enough for parents to know that their child in the first three months of life with normal development should gain from 20 to 30 grams of weight daily.

Do not overfeed children. A fat child does not mean beautiful yet. Being overweight is not a guarantee against diseases.

As a rule, young mothers and fathers at first are afraid to even take a newborn in their arms. And this is no coincidence. They don't know how to take the baby correctly. He's so fragile and delicate, small.

You cannot lift the child by the hands.

You cannot hold the child so that his head is thrown back. The child's head must be supported.

It is not difficult to learn how to hold the child correctly: the child practically lies on your left hand, and the head is adhered to by the elbow; with your right hand, you support the legs.

In other words: it is necessary that the baby's body has three places of support - the back of the head, at the level of the shoulder blades and at the level of the pelvis.

From the very first days, you do not need to nurse the child - you should not take him in your arms without special need, rock him or lull him to sleep. The child quickly gets used to such treatment and can no longer live without it, demands it, is capricious. And if the mother, another time busy, cannot babysit him again, the child goes all out - screams. Like it or not, you have to give in.

Do not panic at the first cry of a child. Come and find out the reason for crying.

There are not many reasons for crying a newborn and a child in the first months of life:

The child "went" into diapers,

The child feels discomfort (for example, undershirts are pressed against the stitches),

The child is hungry or thirsty.

In the first case, the child must be swaddled. In the second case - to revise his clothes (experienced mothers know, of course, that the undershirts are put on inside out - with the seams outward, so that they do not rub or press on the delicate skin of the child). Well, in the third case, you just need to look at your watch to see if it's time to feed your baby. Understand. Maybe your child is just thirsty. Give him boiled water from a teaspoon or sweet tea.

Due to the fact that the baby is still too weak and his neck muscles are not developed, his head movements are limited; in less ventilated places - on the back of the head, on the neck - sweat appears from time to time. If it is not removed in a timely manner, irritation may occur in the indicated places - in the form of small-point red rashes. This is the so-called sweaty sweat.

If you continue not to pay attention to it, then irritation under the influence of new sweat may increase. When the infection joins, even pustules appear. And this is already a serious complication. To prevent it, wipe off the perspiration from time to time with a napkin.

If you are monitoring the weight of the child according to the table, then remember that the weight curve should rise slowly and smoothly. By the end of the first month of life, the baby should weigh about four kilograms. But don't worry if it weighs three and a half kilograms. Individual characteristics must also be taken into account.

The same goes for growth. A normal full-term baby has an average length of fifty centimeters. In the first few months of life, the child grows five centimeters. But if you find out that someone's child is bigger, don't worry.

Do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the baby's navel. In some children - especially in restless ones who "like" to scream, the navel bulges out a little when they scream. Sometimes the navel, when screaming or when coughing, forms a rather significant bulge, sometimes reaching the size of a walnut or more. This is an umbilical hernia that occurs due to the weakness of the abdominal wall.

If you notice such a hernia, immediately consult with your local pediatrician. There are cases - you have to do an operation, but most often the hernia is eliminated by itself when the child gains weight in a few months and when adipose tissue develops more strongly.

Never forget that the skin of children is very delicate, and the child himself is still weak in order to successfully withstand some unfavorable external factors. You can not lightly leave the child lying on wet - in wet diapers; from this, diaper rash may appear on the baby's body. Diaper rash appears in the form of redness of skin areas. The skin is inflamed, very sensitive, painful. The child is naturally restless, crying. If the appropriate measures are not taken, blisters can form at the site of the redness. The blisters then burst and the picture emerges from the unpleasant.

How to prevent diaper rash:

Strive to swaddle the baby on time;

Pay attention to the quality of washing the diapers (there may be residues of uric acid in the fabric, which can irritate delicate skin even with dry diapers).

If your child has a tendency to diaper rash, when changing him, he should be wiped with a clean damp cloth - wipe the wet areas, and treat the diaper rash with fat baby cream.

One of the features of the first month is scabs on the scalp. Scabs appear with an excess of secretions from the skin glands. The discharge dries up, and it can be difficult to remove it later. The scabs are yellowish, sometimes translucent, sometimes scaly, and flaky.

In no case should you too actively cleanse the child's head from these scabs, since this can injure the skin and introduce an infection. Even the smallest infection is fraught with danger for the child - he is still so weak. Scabs are removed with a cotton swab with sterilized vegetable oil after bathing the child.

Do not leave your baby in one position for a long time. He is still small and cannot turn himself. From lying for a long time without changing position, the child's muscles get tired, and the child begins to worry. In addition, prolonged lying in one position, especially in the first months of life, adversely affects the formation of the child's head. For example, if a child constantly lies on his back, then over time, his head may have a slightly sloping back of the head. This is due to the fact that the “fontanelles” - the growth zone - on the child's head are still open, the skull is plastic.

Hearing of a newborn baby in the first month of life

Some young parents, from the first day, as soon as they bring the child from the hospital, walk around the apartment on tiptoe, fearing to disturb the newborn. Perhaps this is unnecessary. In the first few days after birth - about a week - the baby still does not hear very well. The auditory nerve develops completely during the first year of life. Accordingly, the baby's hearing develops gradually.

Pay attention to your baby's hearing from the very first day of life. It has been established with certainty that the child, while still in the womb, hears sounds - muffled, of course - the sounds of music, voices. By the way, the child already distinguishes the mother's voice from others: this voice is heard louder for him; the child perceives it not only by the organ of hearing, but also by the body - the so-called tissue conduction (do you know how Beethoven listened to music when he became completely deaf? He listened to music with his body - hugging the piano). When the baby is born and brought to you for the first time, he already recognizes your voice. This voice is dear to him. Talk to him more often. And remember: a child from the first days already distinguishes intonations well, he will distinguish an affectionate tone from a strict one.

As for the development of hearing (not only physiological, but also musical), try to make your child “bathe in sound” on the recommendation of some authors. Of course, this “bathing” should be done while the child is awake. In the first month of life, your baby sleeps almost all the time, but now he has grown a little, and more and more often the time for communication comes. Talk to your baby, develop his hearing; let music sound in your house at such moments - quiet calm music, something from the classics, with an easily guessed melodic pattern.

Newborn baby's vision at first

month of life

The eyes, as a complex optical device, are also not yet fully developed in a newborn. It has been established, and you yourself will notice that in the first days the child is still unable to fix his gaze. Soon the baby will already be able to cope with this matter, but for some time he is not able to readjust to close and distant objects. He seems to see at the same distance. And this distance is 25-30 cm. Hence the recommendations ...

If you want to show your baby something - a bright toy, for example - hold it in front of him at a distance of 25-30 cm. If you want the child to consider the expression on your face (and he already distinguishes an affectionate face from a calm and even more strict ), approach the child at a distance of 25-30 cm.

When a child sees your face, let him see an affectionate smile. In this case, he feels protected, and his mood will be better. The kid understands everything. "Understanding" is provided by instincts. For him, they are like an "autopilot" in the sea of ​​emotions and sensations.

Feeling of a newborn in the first month of life

In a child discovering the world, from the first days of life, all the senses should be involved. We have already spoken about auditory and visual impressions. The organs of smell and taste in a child are also sufficiently developed and "work" - this has been established experimentally. Now about the sense of touch ... When a child is awake, he needs to feel his body, to feel the touch to the body. This is important for the correct formation of the organs of perception, and for the subsequent correct orientation in space. If your child is awake, play with him more. He likes it, it is useful for him.

Swaddling a newborn

It is not the first year that pediatricians and orthopedists have been telling parents that it is impossible to swaddle a child tightly, with outstretched legs, as if at attention. Recently, this appeal has become especially relevant, because dysplasia, an underdevelopment of the hip joint, is more often noted in children. The defect itself is small, outwardly completely invisible, but if it progresses, dislocation of the hip joint may occur. And this will require long-term treatment, even surgical treatment in advanced cases.

It is very simple to create conditions for dysplasia not to progress: the so-called wide swaddling will help. A pose with slightly apart hips is natural, physiological for a child, it creates favorable conditions for the correct development of the hip joints.

Various panties have been invented for wide swaddling, but it is quite possible to get by with an ordinary flannel diaper, rolling it several times along and laying it between the baby's legs, under the diaper. Or, even easier: using as a diaper not a small diaper, as usual, but a large one.

Traditionally, the baby of the first months was swaddled "with handles", but it is more correct to leave the handles free, sewing the ends of the sleeves of the undershirt. Wear a cap or scarf only after swimming.

Breastfeeding a newborn

Does it need to be proven that breastfeeding is the best? It was out of competition, when it could only be replaced with cow's milk, it remains out of competition even now, when a lot of powdered milk mixtures made using advanced technologies have appeared. These mixtures accurately reproduce the chemical composition of human milk, they are enriched with vitamins and other useful additives. This is enough nutritious food for a child. But - only food. And breast milk is more than nutrition. It contains what is not and cannot be in artificial mixtures: biologically active substances, hormones, antibodies that protect against diseases. Recently, studies have been carried out showing that antibodies appear in breast milk against the pathogen that caused the baby's disease.

But, moreover, breastfeeding is of great psychological importance for both: mother and child are one here. After cutting the umbilical cord, a living warm stream of milk, flowing from mother to child, binds them again, helping to understand each other.

Although the sucking reflex is dominant and is still formed in utero, not all babies will breastfeed well at once. Difficulties can arise if the mother's nipples are flat, not prominent enough. Such nipples are supposed to be prepared for feeding even during pregnancy, gently pulling them out with your fingers several times a day. The same must be done before each feeding, and starting to feed, slightly squeeze the breast at the edge of the areola (areola) with the middle and index fingers - the nipple will move forward and it will be easier to put it into the baby's mouth. It is necessary to invest not only the nipple, but also the areola - so the baby will swallow less air, and this is the prevention of regurgitation. Mother's breasts may be too tight for your baby. You can help by pumping out the first drops of milk. Sometimes it becomes uncomfortable for a child to suck, simply because the mother does not know how to raise her breast with her hand, and she covers his nose, making it difficult to breathe. It happens that the mother presses the baby too tightly to her, and this makes him reflexively throw his head back.

Pediatricians have long noted that among infants, actively sucking and lazy ones are clearly distinguished. The active one, having made several search movements with his head, finds the nipple on his own, sucks rhythmically, without interruption, and having “got it”, he releases the nipple and falls asleep. The lazy one (this is often weakened, and not just phlegmatic), having sucked for several minutes, begins to doze at the chest, occasionally making sluggish and unproductive sucking movements in a dream. Such a person has to be encouraged to eat, to bother, to wake up, patting on the cheek, sometimes even to undress for a minute, so that he finally wakes up and begins to eat.

A great connoisseur of all the intricacies of feeding, Professor AF Tour also singled out a group of children who seem to be afraid of the breast - they will suck such a little and lean back with a grimace expressing almost disgust. Perhaps this is a foodie who will not like the smell of milk after mom eats onions, garlic, or some kind of spicy herbs. It is better not to eat anything such "odorous" at first, but to try later, little by little, checking the child's reaction. Avoid such clearly allergenic foods as citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries.

Normally, feeding lasts 15-20 minutes, but in the first days, while the details of this procedure are being worked out, it can drag on for half an hour.

The ideal feeding rhythm is six times a day, after three and a half hours with a mandatory night break. However, a child born with a low body weight (less than three kilograms) should be fed seven times with three-hour breaks, and maybe more often. You can go to meet him and feed him at night, in general, feed not clockwise, but as needed.

A child born with a body weight of more than four kilograms is a candidate for fat people, do not overfeed such. As a rule, babies do not suck more from the breast than necessary, but large children sometimes initially have an increased appetite. If such an assumption has arisen, it is necessary to check weighing before and after feeding to determine how much it sucks. And if it turns out that it is more than 120-130 g, then do not allow additional feedings.

After feeding, hold the baby upright for a few minutes so that he regurgitates air - this will reduce the likelihood of regurgitation. And put it on the side afterwards, because if he spits up, he may choke in the supine position.

The first weeks of breastfeeding are a time of concessions, compromises, and mutual adjustment. Feeding can be somewhat chaotic, but by the end of the month, a rhythm close to the generally accepted one should still form, and with a correction introduced by the characteristics of the child.

What is natural and what is disturbing

If an abscess appears on the body, which looks like a bubble filled with a yellowish liquid with a red rim, and even more so if there are several such abscesses, this may be the beginning of a purulent-inflammatory disease. Call a doctor, and hurry up!

In medicine, there is the concept of "gateway to infection." In a newborn, an umbilical wound is often made with such a "gate". If, after the crust has fallen off, its bottom remains wet, oozes, a doctor or nurse should take care of the navel. Before they arrive, you can only drop a little 3% hydrogen peroxide into the wound, and when it foams, dry it with a clean sterile cotton wick.

Abrupt sudden changes in the child's behavior can be alarming if, for example, he, who always sucked willingly, suddenly stubbornly refuses to eat. Or, previously relatively calm, begins to cry continuously, even to scream, not calming down either after being swaddled, or from the warmth, not on hands, or with a dummy, or after eating. And if, moreover, he does not eat - even more so! Of course, this can happen with a healthy child, but it is better not to take risks, not to speculate, but to consult a doctor. This is the rule forever!

What a newborn should be able to do by the end of the first month of life

By the end of 1 month of life, the newborn:

Shudders and blinks at a harsh sound.

For example, from 9-11 days, the child already distinguishes sounds, reacting with crying to sharp, loud ones, but does not yet listen to them. He begins to listen between 3 and 5 weeks of life. The kid calms down with a strong sound (the reaction of auditory concentration) for 10-15 seconds, listens to the voice of an adult, the sound of a toy.

Keeps a stationary object in the field of view, i.e. capable of visual concentration.

By 20-22 days, uncoordinated movements of the eyeballs disappear. Visual concentration occurs for 15-30 days, the delay in looking at something else is short-term. The infant fixes with his gaze for 5-10 seconds a motionless object in his field of vision at a distance of 40-50 centimeters. General movements are still inhibited. The kid is still farsighted, and you should not fix his gaze on objects located closer than half a meter, otherwise he will squint his eyes to examine the object or toy.

In the prone position, it raises and holds the head for 5-20 seconds.

For example, already at 8 - 10 days, the child tries to raise his head if he is put on his tummy, and at two weeks of age he turns it towards the source of the sound.

During this period, the first smile appears in response to the addressed speech.

A smile is a call for mutual understanding, an invitation to communicate, an expression of positive emotions!

The infant can make separate sounds in response to a conversation, sometimes the reaction is still delayed for a few seconds.

For example, some babies, within a few hours after birth, may imitate if someone sticks out their tongue or opens their mouths. At the very beginning, the child cries or screams, then begins to emit throat sounds, which are less and less by the month. In the second month, the baby will begin to pronounce sounds reminiscent of "a", "kx", "ah" and so on ... When the baby is sleeping, you can often hear quiet snoring or even "snoring".

The movements are not yet coordinated.

For example, already on the first day of life in a healthy newborn, more than 170 are recorded, and on the 10th day of life, more than 550 separate and general movements per minute! Of course, we are talking about immature, uncoordinated movements, which are a consequence of the excitation of immature brain centers. But all these movements are very important for the development of the child!

1 month baby

Height and weight of the baby at 1 month

In the first month of life, the child gains on average about 600 g of weight and 3 cm in height, in the second month you can expect a greater increase - about 800 g or more, the child will grow again by about 3 cm.The average height of a child at the age of 1 month is 54- 55 cm.

The norms of physical development are described in more detail in the centile tables: for boys, for girls.

What a 1 month baby can do

The first month of your baby's life has flown by - the most painful and scary one. Now the baby is already 1 month old, and he enters the second month with a smile. There was a smile before, but that smile was involuntary - the child reacted to comfortable sensations. At 4-5 weeks, the baby begins to smile “for real” - responding to your affectionate words.

By this time, the baby can usually hold the head upright for a short time. It can keep your face or a bright toy in sight for a long time, turns towards the sound source. The first hum appears, facial expressions become more expressive.

How much does a baby eat at 1 month

The baby is now actively growing, so the body needs more and more nutrition. By the end of the month, the need for milk can be estimated at 750-800 grams per day (110-150 grams per feeding).

How much does a baby sleep at 1 month

At the age of 1-2 months, the child sleeps 17-19 hours a day, of which the night's sleep is about 8h 30m, and the daytime sleep can be divided by 3-4 times

Regime, daily routine of the child at 1 month

This is how the daily routine of a baby from 1 to 2 months old might look like:

Time Routine

6:00 1st feeding

6:00 - 7:00 Awake

7:00 - 9:30 Sleep

9:30 2nd feeding

9:30 - 11:00 Awake

11:00 - 13:00 Sleep

13:00 3rd feeding

13:00 - 14:00 Wakefulness

14:00 - 16:30 Sleep

16:30 4th feeding

16:30 - 17:30 Awake

17:30 - 19:30 Sleep

19:30 - 20:30 Awake

20:00 5th feeding

20:00 - 21:00 Wakefulness

21:00 - 23:30 Sleep

23:30 6th feeding

23:30 - 6:00 Sleep

This mode is far from a clock guide to the life of a mother and baby, but only an example by which one can imagine what the duration of sleep and wakefulness, breaks between meals, can be.

Baby health at 1 month

If a child was born in the fall, winter or early spring, in the second month of life, the doctor usually prescribes a drug containing vitamin D to prevent rickets. Both the drug and its dose are selected individually, taking into account the nature of the child's feeding (since most of the adapted formulas contain vitamin D). Sometimes the prevention of rickets can be started earlier or, on the contrary, postponed at certain indicators (with gastrointestinal disorders or if the doctor finds the fontanelle size too small, insufficient increase in the head circumference).

Development of one month old baby

Now the most pleasant and dear thing for the baby is the voice of the people around him, and especially his mother. After all, it was him that he heard in his tummy. Therefore, talk to him more often - this both calms him down and allows him to learn more about the world around him.

Call him by name or just an affectionate nickname when you enter the room. Share your feelings when you dress up. By changing the volume of your voice, you can calm it down or attract attention. It is very interesting for the kid to observe the change in timbre - from low to high and vice versa - this can attract his attention for a long time.

Another great activity is massaging your fingers and legs. Massage each finger to him separately, this will allow the baby to feel his body.

The first days of a newborn's life are an important and crucial stage in the development of a baby. The little man learns the world around him and learns to contact his mother in unfamiliar conditions. What do young parents need to know about the first days of a baby's life? How does a child develop during the neonatal period?

Newborn period

A newborn is a child from birth to 28 days of age. During this special period, the baby is actively growing, and everything that happens in the first month of life affects the development of the baby. It largely depends on young parents how well the neonatal period goes and how the little man adapts to the new conditions of existence.

A full-term newborn weighs 2500-4500 g. The length of his body is 47-55 cm. Heredity, as well as the conditions of his intrauterine development, affect the growth and body weight of the baby. Most babies are born with a weight of 3-3.5 kg and a height of about 50 cm.

In the first 3-4 days of life, the baby noticeably loses weight. Normally, weight loss can be up to 5-8%. On the 7th day, the weight begins to recover. On average, in the first month of life, a child gains about 600 g.

During the neonatal period, the baby's body temperature remains unstable and depends on the ambient temperature. The baby quickly cools and overheats, and therefore requires special attention and care. In the future, the baby will learn to control his body temperature and it will be much easier to endure any changes.

The first 2-3 days of life, the baby is usually in the hospital with the mother. In the absence of complications, the child is discharged home at the end of 3 days. From that moment on, all responsibility for the baby falls on his parents. What should mums and dads know about caring for a child at home?


The best food for a newborn is breast milk. Theoretically, every woman with properly organized breastfeeding is able to feed her baby. According to statistics, only 3% of all young mothers have serious health problems that affect the production of breast milk. We are talking mainly about endocrine disorders, in which true hypogalactia develops (insufficient formation of milk in the mammary glands). In the absence of such problems, breast milk is produced on demand and exactly as much as is needed for a particular child in the specific conditions of his existence.

If you don't have enough milk, see your pediatrician or breastfeeding counselor.

A healthy newborn should be fed as often as needed. The baby can breastfeed every hour and even more often, interrupting only for sleep. This condition is completely normal and is not considered a cause for concern. Just offer your baby the breast whenever you feel anxiety. Over time, the baby will develop its own rhythm for itself, and the woman's body will adjust to this mode by timely production of breast milk.

The following guidelines will help make breastfeeding comfortable for mom and baby.

  1. Feed your newborn on demand.
  2. Let your baby suckle as much as necessary.
  3. Make sure the baby is properly latching on to the breast.
  4. Don't pump unnecessarily. Only express milk if you need to store it.
  5. Monitor your breasts. Use a healing ointment if nipple cracks appear.
  6. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to feed your baby in any setting (at home, outing, at the clinic, or away).
  7. In the first 3-4 days at home, try to isolate your baby from contact with strangers.

Unfortunately, parents do not always manage to establish proper nutrition for their child. It happens that for some reason the newborn does not breastfeed. This is possible in the presence of various congenital diseases, including pathologies of the central nervous system. When transferring a baby to artificial or mixed feeding, you should consult a pediatrician and choose the optimal baby food that is suitable for age and other parameters.

Newborn care

Caring for an infant in the first days of life includes several important aspects.

The room for the child must be taken care of in advance. At the moment when the baby is at home, a crib, a changing table, a chest of drawers for things and other necessary things should be prepared for him. Some parents do without a special bed, preferring to sleep together from birth. In any case, it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for the joint stay of a young mother and baby in the first days at home.

The room where the child will live must meet the following requirements:

  • bright, clean, warm room;
  • decoration of walls and furniture in soothing colors;
  • the possibility of daily ventilation and quick cleaning;
  • room temperature - 20-22 ºC;
  • air humidity - 60-70%.


Pediatricians recommend starting with hygiene procedures every morning at home. You can wash your baby on a changing table or on any hard surface with an oilcloth and a soft diaper. The entire body of the baby is gently wiped with cotton pads dipped in plain water. Boiled water should be used to wash your eyes. You should also wash your baby after each bowel movement.

The baby's nose also requires special attention. The child does not yet know how to get rid of the accumulated mucus on his own, so the parents will have to help the baby. To cleanse the nasal passages, you can use baby cotton swabs with restraints. Irrigate your nose with saline before the procedure. The baby's ears are also gently cleaned with soft cotton swabs.

Special care is required for the umbilical wound. The umbilical cord is processed daily. It is best to use hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. On average, the umbilical wound heals 10-14 days after the birth of the baby.

If inflammation develops in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, see your doctor.


When bathing a baby, you should adhere to simple rules.

  1. It is best to bathe your baby in a special bath.
  2. It is possible to boil bathing water, but it is not necessary.
  3. The optimum water temperature is 37 ° C.
  4. The first bathing time is 5-10 minutes. Every 3-4 days, you can gradually increase the duration of water procedures up to 30 minutes.
  5. Chamomile, calendula or other herbs can be added to the water (if the child does not have allergies).


When the temperature is above zero and the baby is feeling well, you can walk on the second or third day after discharge. In summer, it is better not to leave the house during the peak of solar activity (from 12 to 16 hours). In winter, it is allowed to walk with an infant at temperatures not lower than 15 ° C.

How to dress your baby to leave the house? For all children in their first year of life, one simple rule works. Dress the baby in the same way as yourself, plus one layer of clothing. For newborns, it is better to use a special envelope that protects the baby from all adverse weather conditions.

Newborn development

The development of the newborn is in full swing. A healthy baby reacts to bright light and loud sound, declares his desires by crying and knows how to find the mother's breast by the smell of milk. A full-term newborn exhibits about 75 reflexes. The control of reflex activity is of great importance, because it is this parameter that makes it possible to fully assess the physical development of the child during this period.

In 28 days, a newborn learns many useful skills:

  • fixes a look on the face of a mother or another adult;
  • tries to raise and hold his head;
  • distinguishes the voice of mom;
  • recognizes the smell of the mother and her touch;
  • actively moving.

The development of the baby does not stop for a minute. If in the first days of life the child almost does not react to what is happening around him, then by the end of the first month of life he wakes up from loud sounds and distinguishes the voices of his parents. The development of hearing occurs simultaneously with the development of the newborn's vision. 2-3 weeks after birth, the baby clearly distinguishes people's faces and large objects at a distance of 20-30 cm.

The development of the newborn is assessed by a pediatrician during a home visit. In the first month, the doctor must see the baby 4 times. 28 days after the birth of the child, together with the mother, they will wait at the children's clinic for a scheduled examination. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will give his recommendations for caring for the baby in the first months of life.

The first days of a newborn's life are an important and crucial stage in the development of a baby. The little man learns the world around him and learns to contact his mother in unfamiliar conditions. What do young parents need to know about the first days of a baby's life? How does a child develop during the neonatal period?

Newborn period

A newborn is a child from birth to 28 days of age. During this special period, the baby is actively growing, and everything that happens in the first month of life affects the development of the baby. It largely depends on young parents how well the neonatal period goes and how the little man adapts to the new conditions of existence.

A full-term newborn weighs 2500-4500 g. The length of his body is 47-55 cm. Heredity, as well as the conditions of his intrauterine development, affect the growth and body weight of the baby. Most babies are born with a weight of 3-3.5 kg and a height of about 50 cm.

In the first 3-4 days of life, the baby noticeably loses weight. Normally, weight loss can be up to 5-8%. On the 7th day, the weight begins to recover. On average, in the first month of life, a child gains about 600 g.

During the neonatal period, the baby's body temperature remains unstable and depends on the ambient temperature. The baby quickly cools and overheats, and therefore requires special attention and care. In the future, the baby will learn to control his body temperature and it will be much easier to endure any changes.

The first 2-3 days of life, the baby is usually in the hospital with the mother. In the absence of complications, the child is discharged home at the end of 3 days. From that moment on, all responsibility for the baby falls on his parents. What should mums and dads know about caring for a child at home?


The best food for a newborn is breast milk. Theoretically, every woman with properly organized breastfeeding is able to feed her baby. According to statistics, only 3% of all young mothers have serious health problems that affect the production of breast milk. We are talking mainly about endocrine disorders, in which true hypogalactia develops (insufficient formation of milk in the mammary glands). In the absence of such problems, breast milk is produced on demand and exactly as much as is needed for a particular child in the specific conditions of his existence.

If you don't have enough milk, see your pediatrician or breastfeeding counselor.

A healthy newborn should be fed as often as needed. The baby can breastfeed every hour and even more often, interrupting only for sleep. This condition is completely normal and is not considered a cause for concern. Just offer your baby the breast whenever you feel anxiety. Over time, the baby will develop its own rhythm for itself, and the woman's body will adjust to this mode by timely production of breast milk.

The following guidelines will help make breastfeeding comfortable for mom and baby.

  1. Feed your newborn on demand.
  2. Let your baby suckle as much as necessary.
  3. Make sure the baby is properly latching on to the breast.
  4. Don't pump unnecessarily. Only express milk if you need to store it.
  5. Monitor your breasts. Use a healing ointment if nipple cracks appear.
  6. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to feed your baby in any setting (at home, outing, at the clinic, or away).
  7. In the first 3-4 days at home, try to isolate your baby from contact with strangers.

Unfortunately, parents do not always manage to establish proper nutrition for their child. It happens that for some reason the newborn does not breastfeed. This is possible in the presence of various congenital diseases, including pathologies of the central nervous system. When transferring a baby to artificial or mixed feeding, you should consult a pediatrician and choose the optimal baby food that is suitable for age and other parameters.

Newborn care

Caring for an infant in the first days of life includes several important aspects.

Organization of a children's room

The room for the child must be taken care of in advance. At the moment when the baby is at home, a crib, a changing table, a chest of drawers for things and other necessary things should be prepared for him. Some parents do without a special bed, preferring to sleep together from birth. In any case, it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for the joint stay of a young mother and baby in the first days at home.

The room where the child will live must meet the following requirements:

  • bright, clean, warm room;
  • decoration of walls and furniture in soothing colors;
  • the possibility of daily ventilation and quick cleaning;
  • room temperature - 20-22 ºC;
  • air humidity - 60-70%.


Pediatricians recommend starting with hygiene procedures every morning at home. You can wash your baby on a changing table or on any hard surface with an oilcloth and a soft diaper. The entire body of the baby is gently wiped with cotton pads dipped in plain water. Boiled water should be used to wash your eyes. You should also wash your baby after each bowel movement.

The baby's nose also requires special attention. The child does not yet know how to get rid of the accumulated mucus on his own, so the parents will have to help the baby. To cleanse the nasal passages, you can use baby cotton swabs with restraints. Irrigate your nose with saline before the procedure. The baby's ears are also gently cleaned with soft cotton swabs.

Special care is required for the umbilical wound. The umbilical cord is processed daily. It is best to use hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. On average, the umbilical wound heals 10-14 days after the birth of the baby.

If inflammation develops in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, see your doctor.


When bathing a baby, you should adhere to simple rules.

  1. It is best to bathe your baby in a special bath.
  2. It is possible to boil bathing water, but it is not necessary.
  3. The optimum water temperature is 37 ° C.
  4. The first bathing time is 5-10 minutes. Every 3-4 days, you can gradually increase the duration of water procedures up to 30 minutes.
  5. Chamomile, calendula or other herbs can be added to the water (if the child does not have allergies).


When the temperature is above zero and the baby is feeling well, you can walk on the second or third day after discharge. In summer, it is better not to leave the house during the peak of solar activity (from 12 to 16 hours). In winter, it is allowed to walk with an infant at temperatures not lower than 15 ° C.

How to dress your baby to leave the house? For all children in their first year of life, one simple rule works. Dress the baby in the same way as yourself, plus one layer of clothing. For newborns, it is better to use a special envelope that protects the baby from all adverse weather conditions.

Newborn development

The development of the newborn is in full swing. A healthy baby reacts to bright light and loud sound, declares his desires by crying and knows how to find the mother's breast by the smell of milk. A full-term newborn exhibits about 75 reflexes. The control of reflex activity is of great importance, because it is this parameter that makes it possible to fully assess the physical development of the child during this period.

In 28 days, a newborn learns many useful skills:

  • fixes a look on the face of a mother or another adult;
  • tries to raise and hold his head;
  • distinguishes the voice of mom;
  • recognizes the smell of the mother and her touch;
  • actively moving.

The development of the baby does not stop for a minute. If in the first days of life the child almost does not react to what is happening around him, then by the end of the first month of life he wakes up from loud sounds and distinguishes the voices of his parents. The development of hearing occurs simultaneously with the development of the newborn's vision. 2-3 weeks after birth, the baby clearly distinguishes people's faces and large objects at a distance of 20-30 cm.

The development of the newborn is assessed by a pediatrician during a home visit. In the first month, the doctor must see the baby 4 times. 28 days after the birth of the child, together with the mother, they will wait at the children's clinic for a scheduled examination. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will give his recommendations for caring for the baby in the first months of life.


What expectant mothers need to know about a newborn

Expectant mothers need to learn a lot, and of course, know a lot about their future child.

For example, when a newborn begins to see. The baby sees from the first day, but he is not able to fix his gaze on any particular object or person. Usually, the ability to focus your gaze appears at the end of the first, at the beginning of the second month. The child can stop his gaze on the face of the mother, a bright toy, follow a moving object with his eyes for a short time. If the mother watches the child, she will soon notice that he is looking at her face with interest.

There is a lot of water in the body of a newborn, which makes up 35% of its weight. During the first 3 days of his life, a child loses an average of 100-200 g of excess fluid.

All newborn babies have blue eyes, although babies are sometimes born with dark eyes. Babies born with dark eyes will not change their eye color, while babies with blue eyes may change their eye color during the first six months of life as pigment builds up in the iris. Parents can tell if their child's eye color will change by the presence of dark specks in the iris. Color is determined by two genes, one from each parent. The gene for dark eye coloration is dominant, and the gene for light coloration is recessive. If a child inherits genes for blue eyes from both parents, they will have blue eyes. If, however, the gene for dark eye color is inherited, the child will have dark eyes. Hence, blue-eyed parents will only have blue-eyed children. If one or both parents have dark eyes, they can have a blue-eyed child, provided they carry the recessive gene for blue eyes.

In newborns born at term (40 weeks of gestation), body weight can range from 3.2 to 3.8 kg, and body length from 50 to 53 cm. The birth weight and length of the child is less if he was born prematurely or if the mother smokes and abuses alcohol. After birth, the baby loses some of its weight. This is completely normal. There is a lot of water in the body of a newborn, which makes up 35% of its weight. During the first 3 days of his life, a child loses an average of 100-200 g of excess fluid. To check whether the baby is growing well and gaining weight, you can focus on the following data: a) for the first month, a full-term baby adds an average of 600 g, b) for the second and third months - 800 g each, c) and during each subsequent month is 50 g less than the previous one. As for the increase in body length, in the first 3 months the monthly increase is on average 3 cm, at the age of 3 to 6 months - 2.5 cm, from 6 to 9 months - 1.5-2 cm.

Very often in newborns, the skin peels off at 3-7 days of life. This is a normal physiological process. Especially severe peeling is noted in post-term children.

Mom needs to know what the soft spots on the baby's head are and how carefully they need to be handled. The soft spots are the so-called fontanelles, the remnants of the membranous skeleton that connect the bones of the skull, due to which the head of the fetus shrinks when passing through the birth canal. The anterior, or large, fontanelle is located at the junction of the frontal and parietal bones; the posterior, or small, fontanelle is located at the junction of the occipital bone with the parietal bones. Of these two fontanelles, the most important is the large, diamond-shaped fontanelle. The normal fontanelle is elastic. When a child screams, it swells slightly. There is no need to worry about damaging the fontanelle and only the usual precautions should be followed when caring for a child's head. In a normally developing baby, the large fontanelle overgrows, as a rule, by 12-18 months, and the small fontanelle usually between the 2nd and 4th months, although in 80% of full-term babies it is already closed by the time of birth. Untimely overgrowing of fontanelles requires the consultation of a pediatrician.

It is advisable for expectant mothers to know that children have jaundice. It is caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the tissues and blood of the baby.

Very often in newborns, the skin peels off at 3-7 days of life. This is a normal physiological process. Especially severe peeling is noted in post-term children. Peeling goes away on its own. In some cases, you can use baby cream to soften it.

It is advisable for expectant mothers to know that children have jaundice. It is caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the tissues and blood of the baby. Bilirubin is a reddish-yellow pigment that is formed when hemoglobin breaks down. As it is deposited in the skin more and more, the skin turns yellow. This condition is called jaundice. At the same time, the amount of bilirubin in the blood increases. When the level is normal, it poses no health hazard. However, when the level of bilirubin in the blood rises above the permissible level, there is a danger of it getting into the brain and, as a result, damage to the cells of the central nervous system. A mother with a newborn child remains for treatment in a maternity hospital or is transferred to a children's hospital if the level of bilirubin in the blood is higher than the permissible level. For some forms of jaundice, the baby is kept under a fluorescent lamp for a period of time. Under the influence of the rays of the blue part of the spectrum, bilirubin passes into a form that is not dangerous for the child's brain.

Many newborn babies have soft, fine hair on their bodies. This is normal and the hair usually disappears after a few weeks.

Young mothers with the birth of a child will have many other questions. For advice, you need to contact your local pediatrician.


What should a mother know about her newborn baby?

I was asked to write about newborns, and I realized that yes, this is the most difficult time, and I have the least records on this topic.


  • In the delivery room, do not forget to ask the child to put it on your tummy, do not cut the umbilical cord before the end of its pulsation, attach the baby to the breast and do not wash off the original lubricant
  • In the delivery room, the neonatologist assesses the child's condition at 1 and 5 minutes and gives him, respectively, two Apgar scores, do not forget to ask in the delivery room how many Apgar points the child received (more about Agar HERE).
  • Right in the delivery room, the child's blood group is determined - do not forget to find out
  • At the maternity hospital, the baby is taken a blood test and if everything is fine, then they offer to be vaccinated against hepatitis and tuberculosis (BCG); if you have received these vaccinations, then do not forget that in 1 month or the second (out of three) vaccinations against hepatitis; it can also be done at 5 months; I DO NOT recommend giving up vaccinations (about BCG, you can read in more detail HERE and HERE, about hepatitis HERE).
  • In the maternity hospital, heel screening is carried out for very important diseases (which, if diagnosed late, are deadly, so in no case refuse screening) and hearing is checked (otoacoustic emission of the OAE); if this was not done in the maternity hospital, then the nurse from the clinic should take screening at home, and the hearing should be checked in the clinic in the ENT doctor's office
  • The umbilical cord is now not cut off in most maternity hospitals, a brace is applied to it, it disappears by itself during the first week of life
  • Milk comes in 2-3 days after childbirth, this may be accompanied by a feeling of engorgement of the mammary glands and even an increase in temperature (in this case, just let the baby suck the breast and develop its own feeding rhythm); colostrum (first milk) - is a very important and nutritious food for a baby; to establish lactation, it is desirable to stay with the baby, attach to the breast on demand and lack of supplementary feeding; you do not need to express milk, this will disrupt the natural rhythm of lactation.
  • At the beginning of feeding, the nipples are very sore and it is painful to feed; do not lead to cracks; do not handle anything on the nipples before feeding; use lanolin ointments (such as Purilan) to protect the nipples; after about 2 weeks, feeding will be painless or even pleasant; in case you have flat nipples, use breast pads;
  • If the chest hurts very much or the temperature rises (which is possible in the first week of a child's life, when milk comes in), try to give yourself the maximum amount of straining for the child; do not donate milk for sterility, it should not be sterile
  • After being transferred to the postpartum department, the child is examined by a neonatologist in the first hours of life; according to the results of the examination, the neonatologist may consider it necessary to monitor the child in the conditions of the children's department \ incubator \ put the child on a dropper \ prescribe the child additional medications or take tests from him
  • In addition, in the maternity hospital, the child can do: neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain through the large fontanelle), ECHO-KG (ultrasound of the heart), ultrasound of the internal organs, ultrasound of the kidneys and the child can be examined by a narrow specialist (for example, a pediatric neurologist).
  • For a full-term baby, it is normal to lose 5-8% of birth weight in the hospital.
  • In the first two days, the child should poop. Initially, the child has a thick and dark stool (meconium), transitional stools are noted on the 3-4th day, and by the end of the first week there is a stool characteristic of a newborn: yellow (any shades of yellow-orange), up to 5-10 times a day, not very thick (creamy or runny), lumps or streaks
  • Jaundice of newborns is normal for most newborns; in most children, it goes away within 3 weeks, however, it is necessary to consult a doctor in case of persistent jaundice; "Breast milk jaundice" is not a contraindication to stopping breastfeeding
  • A child in a car should always go in a car seat, even from the hospital; usually the envelopes for discharge do not fit and do not fit into the car seat, so I DO NOT recommend buying or carrying the child in envelopes for discharge, it is extremely dangerous: holding the child in her arms, even with slight braking, the mother can harm the child by crushing him with her weight (more about autocross HERE)
  • And the last thing I want to say is about the birth itself. Please do not read the forums, do not be stubborn, do not make a decision for a doctor, do not put natural childbirth at the forefront, do not think that the way a child was born is more important for the development of a child than how healthy he was born. Please let the DOCTOR decide on the mode of delivery. Understand that obstetrics is a rather dangerous area, natural childbirth carries more risks than a cesarean section, and as a neonatologist who has seen many full-term babies who are in intensive care after natural childbirth, I call you to reason and an adequate perception of reality, to the fact that the doctor knows better what is wrong with you and the child. There are certain indications for a caesarean section, and the obstetrician-gynecologist makes this decision himself, without your pressure or desire. And again, do not ask for a cesarean section just because you want to: this is a surgical intervention and there are indications for it. During childbirth, do not resist and do not choose methods of treatment or examination, just relax and trust the doctor (sorry for crying from the heart, inspired by anti-medical Internet hysteria).

  • The postpartum period lasts 40 days after childbirth, during this period discharge may persist (bloody first few days, then bloody, then serous (yellowish)).
  • Before a doctor's examination in the first 40 days, doctors do not recommend living sexually, lying in a bath, or going to the pool
  • At 1.5 months, a woman should come to a gynecologist, it is advisable to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and pass a general blood test
  • HB does not protect against pregnancy, especially after the introduction of complementary foods, so if you do not want to get pregnant, you need to protect yourself.It is best to use a condom as the safest and most reliable method.
  • During the period of the beginning (first 2 weeks) of breastfeeding, a hypoallergenic diet is recommended (do not eat: cow's milk, red fruits and vegetables, honey, nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits, teas with additives, coffee, fish, jellied meat, etc.),
  • A woman who is breastfeeding should eat well, so every day it is necessary to expand the diet (introduce a new product every 3 days)
  • Any woman can breastfeed, regardless of breast size; if you have flat nipples, use nipple covers; with a correct latch on the breast, almost the entire areola should be in the baby's mouth - look at the pictures for how to properly attach the baby to the breast.
  • The best food for a baby is breast milk, however, the choice is always yours; if you do not want to breastfeed or breastfeeding is not possible for other reasons, then I am sure that you will find another way to show your love for your baby.


A newborn is considered a child up to 28 days of age.

  • What you need to buy and have at home:
    • hydrogen peroxide and cotton swabs for treating the umbilical wound
    • baby or hypoallergenic washing powder
    • baby shampoo
    • diapers (any, the main thing is that the child does not have allergies to them)
    • Zinc diaper cream
    • nipple cream with lanolin (eg purilan)
    • cotton wool and any baby or apricot oil to remove the goats from the nose with a flagellum of cotton wool dipped in oil (you do not need to do this prophylactically, but only if you see goats)
    • By the month of life, you need to purchase vitamin D and a gas tube or enema to help the child in case of colic development.
  • The temperature in the room is 18-22C, the room should be regularly ventilated, and at the same time it is normal if the child's hands are slightly colder than the whole body. It is advisable that the child is not in the vicinity of air conditioners, open windows and fans (about air conditioners and the temperature of the house, you can read in more detail HERE and HERE).
  • A full-term baby should be dressed in the way the parents feel comfortable, and the premature baby, taking into account its imperfect thermoregulation, should be dressed in the way the parents feel comfortable, and add another layer. Children weighing more than 2 kg do not need a hat in a room with a normal temperature.
  • The child does not need a pillow, the blanket should be light, the sheet is well stretched, the mattress is even and firm
  • After discharge from the hospital, a doctor and a nurse should come to your home and answer all your questions.

SLEEP and MODE (about sleep, self-falling asleep and the mode, you can read in detail HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE)

  • In the first month, the baby will sleep a lot, eat often, and this is normal.
  • Track the waking time and avoid walking, the maximum waking time for a newborn, when he can calmly fall asleep later, is 1-1.5, well, a maximum of 2 hours.
  • Try not to teach your child to sleep while driving (in a stroller or in a car seat) and fall asleep when motion sickness or on the arms - this is very difficult later to wean the child
  • Tight swaddling is not permissible, you can swaddle the baby gently if the baby wakes himself up, however, this is not desirable, because the baby must move in order to develop even in sleep.
  • You can use the "cocoon", the child is pleased to be surrounded by something warm from all sides
  • I support sleeping together, especially at first during the period of establishing breastfeeding in the event that it suits all family members
  • To reduce the risk of sudden infant death (SIDS), it is recommended to put your child to sleep on their back both at night and during the day.
  • At first, the child may not immediately establish the circadian rhythm of sleep, therefore, sometimes, if the child wakes up at night and sleeps during the day, it is possible to recommend waking the child up during the day if he sleeps for more than 3.5-4 hours.

  • Feed the baby on demand, not by the clock, however, try to establish some semblance of a regimen, track feeding time and wakefulness: this will help you better understand the baby and his needs and identify the possible cause of crying (facts about breastfeeding HERE);
  • Usually, the interval between feedings that a child can withstand with well-established lactation is 2-3.5 hours (if there is not enough milk, you can read HERE, what medications can you watch with HV HERE, why you do not need to express HERE)
  • The baby can breastfeed for 5 to 30 minutes; it is believed that he receives his main volume of milk during the first 10 minutes of sucking; for convenience, when remembering which breast you were feeding, you can wear breastfeeding bracelets or just a bracelet that changes along with the "duty" breast
  • A breastfed baby does not need to be supplemented with some water (with rare exceptions, when the heating devices work very hot or very intensively: in this case, it is better to offer a drink from a spoon and between feedings)
  • After feeding, the baby should be worn vertically until the air is deflated (before "cotton")
  • Regurgitation in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons (and even through the nose) is the norm (regurgitating HERE)
  • A child can cry not only from hunger
  • Do not donate milk for sowing - milk should not be sterile
  • The baby does not need to be woken up to feed
  • If you are breastfeeding, it is convenient to wear sling beads: at first the baby will just look at them, then grab, then suck, and then even put them on-)
  • Do not focus on weight gain, but look at the baby's well-being, sleep and the intervals between feedings; weigh the child no more than 1p / week, and better even less often; it is believed that in 1 month the child should add about 600g of birth weight (about the weight HERE and HERE and HERE)
  • During the formation of lactation, it is not recommended to use a pacifier or a bottle of water / mixture (about a pacifier HERE)


  • You can bathe the child from the next day after discharge from the hospital, even if the umbilical residue has not yet disappeared;
  • There is no need to bathe your baby every day, as this can lead to even more dry skin. It is enough to bathe the child once every 2-3 days.
  • Start at 37C
  • Use shampoo no more than 1-2r / week
  • There is no need to clean the nose or ears of the child every day (including cleaning the ears after bathing), the ears generally do not need to be cleaned for the child, and the nose only if you see boogers
  • It is better to wash the baby than to use wet wipes; girls are washed from front to back.

  • Disposable diapers are not bad for boys or girls; the skin in them remains dry due to the strongest moisture-absorbing filler
  • It is not necessary to iron things from 2 sides; it is also not necessary to sterilize everything the child is in contact with: observe the measure in everything, the child must be in contact with the outside world.
  • You can temper the baby from birth: gradually reduce the temperature of the water when bathing, observe the recommended room temperature, do not overheat the baby, ventilate the room regularly
  • The use of baby powder is undesirable due to the possible damaging effect on the lungs.
  • Do not put scratches on the child, fingers should feel the world around
  • It is necessary to isolate family members with acute respiratory infections from the child, regularly ventilate the room and ask the sick person to wash their hands regularly and wear a mask
  • Smoking should be avoided in the presence of a child


  • Body temperature from 36.5 to 37.4 ° C can be normal for a child when measured in a soaked cavity (more about the temperature HERE).
  • If the child was sucked out of the nose in the delivery room, then in the first 2 weeks the child may have swelling of the nasal mucosa, which often worries the parents and which will gradually subside.
  • Skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby is very beneficial for all babies; carry your baby in your arms more often
  • A trembling chin, a converging squint, jerking with the arms spreading to the sides with harsh sounds - all this is the norm for the neonatal period.
  • Some children "grunt" on inhalation - this is most likely a congenital stridor, does not require treatment and will pass over time, however, tell your doctor about it
  • Do not take unnecessary tests, look first of all at the child's well-being (do not donate feces for scatology, feces for dysbiosis, sowing milk for sterility in the absence of indications)
  • Do not give drugs with no proven effectiveness: antiviral drugs, bacteriophages, interferons, oxolin ointment, local antibiotics, etc.
  • After birth, the child may have on the skin (you can still read / see about the skin HERE):
    • cyanosis, or blue discoloration around the mouth, feet, hands (aggravated by screaming or feeding, gradually disappears as postpartum adaptation);
    • marbling of the skin (a sign of immaturity, will pass as the nervous system matures)
    • red spots on the forehead, between the eyes and on the back of the head (normal, it will pass by 2-3g),
    • vellus hair (a sign of immaturity, will pass as the nervous system matures)
    • white dots on the face and nose (disappear up to 1-3 months),
    • general redness of the skin (lasts for several weeks),
    • a crust on the hair and behind the ears (last up to 1 year or more)
    • peeling (takes up to 1 month of life)
    • not normal and requiring medical attention are: bright red spots of a different localization than indicated above, large or convex moles, "coffee" spots, any rash on the body, moles on the "leg" (papillomas), and other changes on the skin, about which I did not write above.
  • Do not treat the navel with brilliant green: this drug is not safe, and the green color does not allow you to see inflammation if it suddenly starts; do not cover your navel with a diaper; if you experience redness or discharge from the navel, see your doctor; the umbilical wound can be treated with hydrogen peroxide or any other antiseptic
  • Do not add potassium permanganate in crystals to the bath - it can be dangerous, crystals may not completely dissolve, get on the skin and cause burns
  • The child may have watery or festering eyes, there may be a "tear" in one or two eyes - this is due to blockage or narrowing of the nasolacrimal canal; consultation with an ophthalmologist, instillation of anti-inflammatory eye drops and massage of the nasolacrimal canal is necessary; if necessary, piercing of the nasolacrimal canal
  • The child may have: engorgement of the mammary glands (in breastfed babies they persist throughout the entire period of feeding; in children receiving the formula, up to 1 year of age), sometimes there may be discharge from the breast (not to be confused with reddening of the mammary glands - this is not normal and requires a visit to a doctor), in boys - scrotal edema (disappears after 2-4 weeks), whitish or even bloody vaginal discharge (disappears after 2 weeks of life)
  • In the first 1.5 weeks in a child, urine can stain the diaper in a pink-red color. This is fine.
  • Do not lick the nipple, you have a lot of germs in your mouth
  • Putting your baby on the tummy more often will reduce the baby's risk of colic and help develop the muscles of the neck and chest.
  • In the neonatal period, you can use slings:
  • you can use: a sling-scarf, a sling with rings or an ergonomic backpack with an insert for a newborn; it is advisable to use slings not knitted, but made of diagonal weaving fabrics;
      • can be used: a sling-scarf, a sling with rings or an ergonomic backpack with an insert for a newborn
      • preference is given to a sling-scarf and a sling with rings, since in an ergonomic backpack, even with inserts, there are not so many possibilities for adjusting to the size of your child and the back is too wide, which can lead to excessive leg separation in small children.
      • you can use slings both knitted and made of diagonal weaving fabrics; preference is given to fabrics of jacquard and double diagonal weave as they stretch less and provide tighter support for the spine
      • with proper tight winding, they evenly support the child's back like a mother's hands and there is no excessive vertical load on the child's spine;
      • sling - a scarf creates a symmetrical load on the mother's shoulders, however, it is more difficult and longer to wind it,
      • a sling with rings presses only on one shoulder, which is less comfortable for mom, mom gets tired faster, but winding it up is easier and faster;
      • in the first months of life, do not use sling bags, cradles, boards, carrier slings (where the chin is pressed against the chest - this makes it difficult for the baby to breathe), and kangaroo backpacks (this creates an excessive load on the spine).
  • Trust your doctor and your heart

  • From 1 month to 2 years of age, all children living in Russia, as in a zone of low insolation, are recommended daily and year-round intake of vitamin D (which is given until 12 in the morning)
  • By the age of 1 month, the child may develop acne - these are pimples surrounded by red spots on the face, scalp, neck and upper chest (up to the "shoulder straps") - this is not an allergy, the child does not bother and does not need treatment, it passes independently by 2-2.5 months of age (more about acne HERE)
  • Stools become a little thinner and thicker (creamy) as they get older. The color of the stool shouldn't bother the mom if it doesn't bother the baby. The appearance of foamy stools that come out under pressure and with sound can be a sign of transistor lactose deficiency and an indirect sign of infant colic and requires the consultation of a pediatrician.
  • From about 3-4 weeks, many children begin to have colic: the child begins to cry for no reason, pounding his feet and nothing can distract him; during an attack of colic, you can tighten the legs to the tummy, put the baby on the tummy, massage the tummy clockwise, apply heat to the belly area, put in a greased gas tube, and in the near future consult a doctor on this issue (more about colic HERE ).
  • At 1 month, it is recommended to go through all the main specialists: an orthopedist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, a surgeon and a neurologist.
  • If you were vaccinated against hepatitis B in the maternity hospital, then the second vaccination against hepatitis B should be given at 1 month (or at 5 months), and the third at 6 months. You can also additionally be vaccinated against rotavirus, it is important to have time to get the first vaccine at the age of 6 to 12 weeks of life.
  • At 1 month, the first smile appears, the first "agu", the child begins to hold his head (neurological development HERE and many other places)
  • From 1 month you can start to carry out massage, gymnastics, and visual gymnastics (about massage HERE)
  • An urgent need to consult a doctor if:
    • the umbilical wound has reddened or discharge has increased from it,
    • vomiting and regurgitation intensifies every day, and by the age of 20, a large volume of vomiting occurs in a fountain;
    • breathing rate increases (more than 60 per minute)
    • blue nasolabial triangle at rest
    • increased body temperature
    • signs of an infectious disease appeared, that is:
  1. Vomiting or regurgitation
  2. Loose, uncolored, black, or blood-streaked stools
  3. Reducing the number of wet diapers less than 6-8 times a day
  4. Discoloration of the skin
  5. Breathing disorder
  6. Decreased appetite
  7. Increased excitability
  8. Decreased activity
  9. Drowsiness
  10. Skin rashes
  • any other things that may alert you, and about which I have not written, which is the norm.
  • In case of an increase in body temperature, parents should (in detail HERE):
  1. Call a doctor
  2. Undress the child
  3. Give the baby a breast and offer a drink
  4. Give an antipyretic drug at a dose appropriate for the child's weight: drugs containing ibuprofen or paracetamol. It is not permissible to give your child aspirin

You will likely have periods of heightened anxiety, lots of questions, and even periods of despair. Trust your heart and your doctor. Do not compare your child to anyone, everyone has their own special path. Do not forget about yourself, take time for yourself and never refuse help. Be tolerant of other parents and do not criticize their choices.

Remember one thing: every day works for you. Every day it will be easier and easier :) Hold on and remember that you are the best mother for your baby!

Pediatrician and neonatologist, candidate of medical sciences and mother, Anna Levadnaya.


What a mother needs to know in the first month of a baby's life

With the advent of a new family member, the life of all household members changes dramatically. The house is filled with new sounds and smells, and the daily routine of adults adjusts to the needs of the baby. Now you can’t turn on loud music and talk loudly in the evening, you need to be absolutely clean and buy a bunch of diapers. So, the first month of a baby's life: what does a mother need to know, how to handle a baby?

New life

A young mother came home with the baby. How much does a baby need! He is not even a month old, and he is so clever and the most beautiful. To ensure the child's comfort, you should prepare everything in the house in advance, and buy things in advance.

List of necessary things for the crumbs:

  • furniture for sleeping and changing;
  • bed linen for the crib;
  • warm / summer blanket;
  • oilcloths of different sizes;
  • items for bath procedures;
  • items for children's hygiene;
  • washing accessories for baby clothes;
  • stroller and items for walking;
  • utensils for eating and heating food;
  • sterilizer for baby dishes;
  • a variety of toys.

All these items must be bought in advance so as not to waste precious time, but to devote it to communication with the baby. A stroller and a crib are bought in advance (you can also immediately after the birth of the baby) and the baby's wardrobe is formed, you can buy hygiene items in advance. This can be done by the mother herself in the last months of pregnancy, or you can give an order to buy things for your grandmother.

Development in the first week

This is the most difficult and responsible time in the life of a baby. All systems of life are actively reorganized, adapting to new conditions.

The baby learns:

  • autonomous breathing;
  • autonomous power supply;
  • autonomous thermoregulation;
  • exist in daylight;
  • be aware of the sounds of the new world.

The baby's skin, devoid of original lubrication, adapts to air and moisture. The baby in the early days loses a lot of fluid, which must be replenished by feeding. The baby should be fed "on request", that is, on demand.

The first days of life are filled with almost continuous sleep: the baby wakes up only to receive a portion of milk. Mom needs to check for important reflexes of the newborn:

  • back flexion;
  • spreading the handles / legs to the sides;
  • the ability to scream loudly;
  • step reflex;
  • protruding fingers on the legs when touching (pressing) the feet.

In the first week of life, one should observe the condition and tone of the skin, primordial jaundice. The jaundice, normally, goes away after 14-15 days, but in some cases it disappears only after a month.

If the jaundice of the newborn has not gone away after a month, and the yellow color of the skin has changed to a darker or greenish one, take the baby to the pediatrician urgently.

Development in the second week

In the second week of life, adaptation to the new world continues. The baby's thermoregulation is still poorly developed, and he is prone to instant overheating / hypothermia. Therefore, you need to be careful about regulating the temperature / humidity in the baby's room.

At this time, the umbilical wound is already healing and the jaundice stops. Changes take place in the daily routine: the child already needs time to walk, he begins to react to the world around him. Also, this time was marked by the first troubles with the gastrointestinal tract - colic appears.

The look of the baby is already confidently focusing on her mother's face, and a semblance of a smile begins to appear on the lips. The baby takes the first steps of socialization. The kid begins to distinguish sounds, at this time you can hum songs to him.

Development in the third and fourth week

The baby can hold the head for 20 seconds while on the tummy, and even turn it in the direction of the sound source. If you give the child a finger, he will grab it with his little hand. The baby shows a reaction to visual and sound images.

The fourth week of life marks an important stage of adaptation in the new world: the child can be proudly called a newborn. During this period, psycho-emotional contact with the mother is very important, which is established during breastfeeding. Mom needs to know that caring for a baby is not just about changing diapers, but also building a relationship of trust with the baby.

Indicators of the development of a monthly crumbs

What skills should a baby have in his first month of life? Good indicators of proper development are:

  • the ability to respond to mom and recognize her;
  • the ability to openly smile when addressing him;
  • the ability to fix a gaze on an object at a distance of half a meter;
  • the ability to distinguish color and focus on objects of contrasting tone;
  • the ability to hold and turn the head while on the tummy;
  • reproduction of the sound of "humming";
  • an attempt to reproduce sounds in response to dialogue with him;
  • reaction to sounds and light;
  • the ability to arch the back;
  • reproduction of chaotic movements.

During the first month, the baby is actively gaining weight, the body weight increases by 500-600 grams. In growth, too, an increase of 3 cm. The baby's night sleep lasts about 9 hours, and the daytime sleep is divided into 3-4 stages, two hours each.

Approximate daily routine of a monthly baby:

  • 6-00: first feeding;
  • 7 - 9-30: first nap;
  • 9-30: second feeding;
  • 11 - 13-30: second daytime nap;
  • 13-30: third feeding;
  • 14 - 16-30: third daytime sleep;
  • 4:30 pm: fourth feeding;
  • 17-30 - 19-30: fourth daytime sleep;
  • 20-00: fifth feeding;
  • 21 - 23-30: evening sleep;
  • 23-30: last feeding;
  • 23-30 - 6-00: night sleep.

How to look after boys?

How to take care of a newborn boy and what mommy needs to know? When a baby is only one month old, he empties after each milk intake. That is, you need to wash the baby often, and do it right. Care consists in washing not only the buttocks, but also the child's genitals. They wash the boy under running warm water, carefully holding it under the tap.

Is it permissible to wash the baby in a bowl of warm water? No, such care can lead to skin irritation by the remains of a bowel movement.

After washing, it is necessary to dry the skin with a clean diaper and lubricate the folds with a special oil.

Important! Do not lubricate the boy's scrotum with oil.

Is it possible to open the foreskin of a boy for hygiene procedures per month? Doctors do not recommend caring for the foreskin until the age of six: there is no need to forcefully open the head of the penis. Such care will only lead to the formation of microcracks, which, when healed, form inelastic connective tissue.

What should alert mom? Sometimes a discharge appears from the boy's foreskin, and the penis becomes red and swollen. This is an alarming signal: the baby needs to be examined. This is how the inflammatory process of the genital organ of the crumbs manifests itself.

How to bathe a boy a month? It is recommended to bathe babies in a month of life every day. First, the baby's face and head are washed, and at the end the genitals are washed. Boiled water is prepared in advance. It is not recommended to use herbal preparations: potassium permanganate is taken instead.

How to wash a boy if there is no access to running water? In such a situation, care consists in wiping the body with wet baby wipes. Baby wipes are impregnated with a special composition for the skin of babies, so care with their help is completely safe.

How to take care of girls

Caring for a girl is distinguished by the processing of the genitals when bathing / washing. It is necessary to wash the organs in the direction of the ass so that the infection does not get into the vagina. Otherwise, caring for a girl is no different from the hygiene of a newborn boy.

The first week or two after birth is marked by some changes in the external genital organs: swelling of the mammary glands and genitals. Sometimes girls may have a bloody vaginal discharge. There is nothing terrible, everything will pass by itself.

At this time, it is recommended to observe the girl: wash away and change diapers in advance, without waiting for emptying. When caring for a girl, it is not recommended to use baby soap: it dries out the delicate skin of the baby. How then to wash the baby correctly? Do this with plain tap water, observing the rules for caring for the girl.

Bath water should be prepared in advance: boil and cool.

Herbal preparations should not be bought: they dry out the skin. For disinfection of water, a manganese solution prepared in advance is used.

Manganese must be purchased at the pharmacy. If due to bathing procedures the skin becomes dry, lubricate the folds with baby oil, and run the water for bathing through a cleansing filter.

How to swaddle a baby

Pediatricians do not recommend swaddling a baby in the shape of a "soldier" with extended legs. This can cause dysplasia - abnormal development of the hip joints. If dysplasia takes on a pathological form these days, a dislocation of the joint may form.

In order not to provoke dysplasia in a child, wide swaddling should be used. With this swaddling, the baby's thighs are naturally parted: this position is the most physiological. To swaddle the baby correctly, you need to fold the diaper in four and place it between the legs.

Do I need to swaddle my baby's pens, or is it better to leave them free? In the first days of life, the baby may be afraid of his pens, so it is better to hold them with swaddling, but not tight. If you do not want to swaddle the pens, then put on calico mittens on the baby so that he does not scratch the skin of his face with his nails. Instead of mittens, you can simply sew up the sleeves of the undershirt.

Reasons to Worry

If the baby is crying, it means that he needs something. Mom needs to be able to distinguish between requests and complaints from a baby, learn to understand the meaning of crying. The reason for the crying of the baby:

  • wet diapers / diaper;
  • requires milk or water;
  • crush the seams of clothing - discomfort.

All of this can be easily eliminated. Very different circumstances may cause concern:

  • umbilical wound;
  • the formation of a pustular infection;
  • a sharp change in the behavior of the baby.

If the navel oozes after the crust has fallen off, you need to seek help from a pediatrician. The navel is considered the entrance gate of infection, and any pathology can be dangerous. What to do before the doctor comes these days? You need to drip the navel with 3% peroxide and blot with a sterile napkin when the peroxide foams.

What is a pustular infection? This is the appearance on the skin of the baby of a bubble with a yellowish liquid, around which there is a red inflamed rim. If the infection is not cleared up in time, blisters can spread over the surface of the skin.

The reason for a sharp change in the behavior of the baby may be the initial stage of the disease on these days.

If the baby was actively eating all the time and suddenly stopped, it means that you need to inform the pediatrician about this. It happens that the baby suddenly starts crying all the time, and it is impossible to calm him down - this is also a reason for medical assistance.

What not to do:

  1. Overfeeding the child.
  2. Lift the baby by the handles.
  3. Hold with the head thrown back.
  4. Take the child in your arms unnecessarily and swing.
  5. Panic at any cry of the baby.
  6. Leave the baby in wet diapers for a long time.
  7. Leave the baby in one position for a long time.

Basic baby wardrobe

Clothes for a newborn should be seasonal, that is, not for growth. If the baby was born in a warm period of the year, the list of necessary things for the newborn will differ in the presence of light clothing. For warm days, you need to buy:

  • T-shirts;
  • slips;
  • booties;
  • bibs;
  • cotton socks;
  • thin coarse calico undershirts;
  • chintz / jersey sliders;
  • coarse calico / chintz thin caps;
  • bodysuit with short / long sleeves;
  • suits / overalls for walking, lightweight.

On cold days, clothing should be selected for the climate.

A feature of a newborn baby's wardrobe is the presence of a large number of thin undershirts to create a layering effect.

This is especially important on cool days: an air gap forms between the layers, which retains body heat.

Clothing for winter days consists of warm things: woolen, knitted, sweatshirt, velor and fleece. Shoes are also purchased for the season, if necessary. To dress the baby warmly on cold days, you need to buy a walking envelope for winter. At the toddler's house, dress in multi-layered clothing from several undershirts (if it's cold).

Should you wear a bonnet at home? It depends on the heat / cold in the room. In the early days of life, the baby should be protected from overheating / hypothermia. Caring for a girl / boy during this period consists in providing a comfortable microclimate in the room.

How to get rid of postpartum hemorrhoids?

  1. According to statistics, from the second trimester, the risk of developing an unpleasant disease increases for each "beremesh".
  2. Half of pregnant women suffer from hemorrhoids, the disease develops quickly and most often women are already treating the consequences, rather than doing prophylaxis.
  3. According to statistics, half of the patients are people aged 21-30, in their prime. Another third (26-30%) are at the age of 31-40.
  4. Doctors recommend timely treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as its prevention, not to start the disease and be attentive to your health.

But there is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids! Follow the link and find out how Anna got rid of her ailment ...

Why do newborn twins, a boy and a girl dream

The first month of a baby's life is magical and at the same time hectic. It is necessary in the first month of a newborn's life to learn how to feed, put to bed and understand his constant demands. And the beginning of a newborn's life is especially dense with them.

The first days of a newborn are pretty simple. All that really matters to him is to eat every few hours, sleep soundly and often, have a dry diaper and receive a lot of love. But for you as a new parent, caring for a newborn baby can seem a lot more difficult. Therefore, focus only on the main points and basic needs of the child.

Baby development 1 month of life

Your newborn is doing a little more than eating, sleeping, crying. You will find your child's reactions to things like light, noise, and touch. You will see that the senses are working hard.

Vision in the first month of a child's life

Your little one sees things best at a distance of 20 - 25 cm. This is the ideal distance for gazing into the eyes of mom or dad.

Their eyes are especially sensitive to bright light, so babies are more likely to open their eyes in low light.

Don't worry if your child sometimes squints or rolls their eyes. This is normal as long as your child's vision does not improve and the muscles in his eyes strengthen.

Let your child see many attractive things. Human faces, contrasting patterns, vibrant colors, movements - this is what newborns like the most. Your child will be interested in black and white photographs or toys longer than objects or paintings with many similar colors.

The child should be able to follow the slow movements of a face or object.

What can a baby hear up to 1 month old?

The child heard sounds while still in the womb. The mother's heartbeat, the murmur of her digestive system and even the sound of her voice are part of the baby's world before birth.

When a baby is born, the sounds of the surrounding world sound loud and clear. A child may be startled by the unexpected barking of a nearby dog, or calm down by the gentle hum of a hairdryer.

Notice how the newborn reacts to the voice. The voices of people, especially parents, are the favorite "music" for the child. If the baby is crying in the cradle, see how quickly your approaching voice soothes him.

Taste and olfactory sensations of the newborn in the first month

Babies taste and smell and will be attracted to sweet tastes rather than bitter ones. For example, a newborn will prefer to suck on a bottle of sweetened water, but will turn away or cry if given something bitter or sour to taste. Likewise, newborns will turn to the smells they prefer and turn away from the odors they don't like.

Research has shown that a mom's diet affects the taste of breast milk. These early flavors will help shape taste preferences later on. For example, a child whose mother ate spicy food while feeding is more likely to favor spicy foods.

Touch is important for a newborn. With every touch, the newborn learns life and its surroundings.

In the womb, babies are kept warm and protected, but after birth, for the first time, they feel cold, hot, and tight seams.

Make sure the newborn finds the outside world a calming place. Provide plenty of comfy clothes and soft blankets, gentle kisses, caresses, and comforting hugs.

From the moment babies are born, they begin to react to the world around them. Their reactions to a hug from their mother or a loud sound are examples of normal baby development.

Doctors use these factors to determine if development is progressing as expected. There is a wide range of what is considered normal, which is why some children acquire skills earlier or later than others.

What should a child be able to do at 1 month of life?

Newborn behavior

  1. Turns head towards parental voices or other sounds.
  2. Cries to inform him of the need to pick him up or feed him, change diapers or put him to bed.
  3. He stops crying when his desire is satisfied (the child was picked up, fed or put to bed).

Motor and physical development of the child in the first month

From the very beginning, the child has a set of reflexes designed to protect him and provide the necessary help, even if the parental instincts have not yet taken effect.

These early reflexes include the search reflex, which helps locate the breast or feeding bottle, the sucking reflex (helps to eat), the grasping reflex (the one that forces your finger to squeeze when it is placed in the baby's palm), and the Moro reflex (a nervous reaction that he experiences when he is afraid).

You can try a reflex test on your child, but remember that your results may differ and are likely to be less reliable than a doctor's test.

Emotional and social development of a child up to 1 month of life

  • calms down from the voice and touch of parents;
  • can concentrate for a short time.

Cognitive skills (thinking and learning)

  1. Looks at faces.
  2. Monitors the expression on the face of the parents.

Newborn care in the first month of life

If you haven't spent a lot of time around newborns, their fragility can be daunting.

Rules for caring for a child in the first month of life

  • be sure to wash your hands before handling the baby. Newborns do not yet have strong immunity, so they are susceptible to infection. Make sure everyone who interacts with your child has clean hands;
  • be careful to support the baby's head and neck when carrying or placing in the crib;
  • do not shake the newborn, whether in play or in frustration. Violent shaking can cause intracranial bleeding and even death. If you need to wake up the baby, do not shake the baby. Instead, tickle your baby's feet or gently pat on the cheek;
  • make sure that the infant carrier, stroller or car seat is securely fastened. Limit any activity that might be too harsh or energetic for your little one.

Remember that a newborn at 1 month old is not prepared for rough play such as shaking or tossing.

How to care for a newborn in the first month?

Caring for a newborn at home includes feeding, changing diapers, changing clothes, caring for the umbilical wound, trimming nails, bathing, and going to bed.

Feeding a newborn

How to feed her newborn in the first month, with a breast or a bottle, is up to the mother.

You may be confused as to how often to do this. It is generally advised to feed the babies on demand, that is, whenever he seems hungry. The baby may signal by crying, sucking on a fist, or smacking sounds.

A newborn baby should be fed every 2 to 3 hours. If breastfeeding, allow your baby to breastfeed for about 10 to 15 minutes on each breast. If you are formula feeding, give about 60 to 90 milliliters for each feeding. For each individual baby, you can individually calculate the one-time volume of the mixture.

When feeding with formula, you can easily control the amount of food. But if you are breastfeeding a baby, it will be a little more difficult. If the baby seems satisfied, has about six wet diapers and stools several times a day, the baby sleeps well and gains weight well, then there is no shortage of food.

Before changing the diaper, make sure that all the accessories are within reach and you do not have to leave the baby alone on the changing table.

To change a diaper you need:

  • clean diaper;
  • diaper ointment if your baby has a rash;
  • a container filled with warm water;
  • a clean cloth, wet wipes, or cotton pads.

After each bowel movement, or if the diaper is wet, place your baby on the back and remove the dirty diaper. Using water, cotton pads and napkins, gently wipe the baby's genitals. When changing a boy's diaper, do it with caution, as exposure to the air can provoke urination.

When wiping the girl, wipe the perineum from the labia to the bottom to avoid a urinary tract infection. Apply an ointment to prevent and treat the rash.

Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after changing a diaper.

A rash in the diaper area is a common problem. As a rule, it is red and convex. After a few days, it will disappear when bathing in warm water, using a cream under a diaper and with a little time spent without it. Most rashes are caused by skin sensitivity, irritated by a wet diaper.

To prevent or treat a rash in the diaper area, try a number of ways:

  1. Change your baby's diaper often and as soon as possible after a bowel movement.
  2. After washing, apply the "barrier" cream. Zinc creams are preferred as they form a moisture barrier.
  3. Leave the baby without a diaper for a while. This allows the skin to take an air bath.

If the rash in the diaper area persists for more than 3 days or appears to get worse, see your doctor. The rash can be caused by a fungal infection that requires medication.


You will change your child's clothes many times a day.

Here Here are some tips to help make your job more enjoyable - for the baby and for you:

  • start with comfortable clothes. Look for stretch fabrics; wide necks; loose sleeves, cuffs and ankles; buttons, snaps, or zippers on the front of the garment, not the back. Lace may look adorable on your little girl, but it can be prickly or even confuse toddler's fingers, so save it for special occasions;
  • attach a bib if the baby spits up regularly. After all, it is much easier to replace it than clothes.

Umbilical wound and circumcision care

Taking care of your umbilical sore is very important. Experts suggest wiping the area with alcohol until the umbilical cord dries up and falls off.

The baby's navel area should not be immersed in water until the umbilical cord falls and the area heals.

Check with your doctor if your belly button area turns red, smells unpleasant, or if you have discharge.

If a boy is circumcised, immediately after the procedure, the head of the penis is covered with gauze smeared with petroleum jelly so that the wound does not stick to the diaper. After changing the diaper, gently wipe the head with clean warm water, then apply petroleum jelly. Redness or irritation of the penis should heal in a few days, but if redness, swelling, or pus-filled blisters develop, see your doctor right away.

Nails were growing even before the baby was born, so a manicure can be done in the first week of life. This procedure should be carried out every 2 to 3 days in the first month, until the nails harden and stop growing so quickly.

When trimming, hold your baby's toe by pushing the tip of the toe down and away from the nail. Cut the nails gently following the natural curve of the nail. Make sure that you do not cut too low and do not make sudden movements. Keeping tiny toes on your toes, trim your nails straight without rounding to the edges. Remember that nails grow more slowly on toenails and therefore require less maintenance.

Although you will not feel very well, try not to worry if you hurt your child. This happens to all well-meaning moms. Cover the wound with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth or gauze pad and the bleeding will stop soon.

Bathing basics

You should wipe the baby with a soft sponge before the umbilical cord falls off and the navel is completely healed (1 to 4 weeks).

Prepare the following items before bathing the child:

  • clean soft washcloth;
  • mild baby soap and odorless shampoo;
  • soft brush for scalp massage;
  • towel or blanket;
  • clean diaper;
  • fresh clothes.


To do this, select a flat, safe surface in a warm room. Fill the sink, if there is one, or the bowl with warm water. Undress your child and wrap a towel around him. Wipe your baby's eyes with clean cotton balls dipped in water. Movement should be directed from the inner corner to the outer.

Use a separate cotton ball for each eye. Wipe your baby's ears and nose with a damp cloth. Then blot the cloth again and, using a little bit of soap, gently wash your face and pat dry.

Then lather your baby shampoo and wash your baby's hair gently. Try to rinse off the foam as thoroughly as possible. Use a damp cloth to gently wipe your body, especially pay attention to the armpit folds, areas around the neck, behind the ears and in the genital area. Then you need to dry your skin, put on a diaper and clothes.

When your child is ready to take a bath, the first baths should be short-lived.

A baby bath will be added to the accessories listed above. A baby bath is a plastic tub that fits in a large tub. It is the best size for toddlers and makes bathing easier.

Make sure that the water in the bath is no more than 5 - 7 cm deep. Undress your baby in a warm room, then immediately place him in water to prevent chills. Slowly lower the baby up to the chest into the tub, holding his head with one hand.

Use a washcloth to wash your face and hair. Gently massage your scalp with your fingertips or a soft baby brush.

When rinsing the shampoo or soap off your baby's head, place your hand on your forehead to keep the lather flowing to the sides so the soap does not get into your eyes.

Gently wash the rest of your child's body with water.

During the entire bathing, constantly pour water on the child so that he does not catch a cold. After bathing, immediately wrap the baby with a towel, make sure that it covers his head.

Hooded baby towels are great for keeping your freshly washed baby warm.

When bathing a child, never leave him alone. If you need to leave the bathroom, wrap your baby in a towel and take it with you.

Sleep basics

A newborn who seems to need you every minute of the day actually sleeps for about 16 hours or more. Newborns usually sleep for 2 to 4 hours. Don't expect him to sleep all night long. Babies' digestive systems are so small that they need food every few hours, and crumbs should wake up if they haven't been fed for 4 hours.

Put your baby to sleep on a back or on a side to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Also, remove all fluffy items, quilts, sheepskins, stuffed animals and pillows from bed to make sure your little one does not get tangled up in them or suffocate.

Also, in order to prevent one-sided flattening of the head, do not forget to alternate the position of the baby every night.

Many newborns have “confused” days and nights. They tend to stay awake at night and sleep more during the day. One way to help them is to keep nighttime excitement to a minimum. Keep the lights low using a night light. Talk and play with your baby throughout the day. When your baby wakes up during the day, try not to sleep a little more, talking and playing.

Encouraging the Newborn to Learn

As parents take care of their newborn, he learns to recognize touch, the sound of a voice, and the appearance of faces.

In the first weeks, you may have several simple, age-adapted toys that develop hearing, vision and tactile sensations.

  1. Rattles.
  2. Kids toys.
  3. Musical toys.
  4. Unbreakable bed mirrors.

Try toys and mobiles with contrasting colors and patterns. Strong contrasts (such as red, white and black), curves and symmetry stimulate the development of a child's vision. As their eyesight improves and children gain more control over their movements, they will interact more and more with their environment.

While the focus these days is naturally about keeping the baby healthy, it gets much more difficult if the mom doesn't stay healthy on her own. Therefore, make your health a priority in the first month after giving birth. A short fifteen-minute nap will allow you to refresh yourself a little.

Store stocks of readily available but nutritious foods such as cheese sticks, hard-boiled eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruits, and prepared vegetables so you can eat often. Know that your nutritional needs will be higher if you are breastfeeding your baby.


When your baby is 1 month old, he needs to be fed at least 6 times a day. Try not to be too strict about feeding time, let your baby determine how much and how often he wants to eat.

Let your baby sleep enough at 1 month, be sensitive to his signals.

Even at this early stage, try to put your baby in his crib when he is tired but still awake. Most young babies go to bed shortly after feeding and their sleep window can be very short.


Perhaps you will see early smiles when the newborn is one month old. But most likely this will be due to their reflexes, and not to the reaction. Closer to six weeks, the baby will give a true smile. Many babies develop colic at the age of 1 month.

Motor skills of a child at 1 month

A 1 month old baby will be stronger than a newborn. He may be able to raise his head for a short time when he is standing upright or lying on his stomach. Perhaps he can even turn her from side to side. But you still need to give him support.

Your child also becomes more expressive and may start gurgling when they see family members. Be sure to respond to his efforts to encourage these communication skills.

How to develop a baby at 1 month old?

  • provide the child with daily laying out on the tummy. This will help develop muscles in the neck and upper torso;
  • play music and try not to filter your child's world. While it may be tempting to tiptoe around the house while the baby is sleeping, it can lead to the baby becoming sensitive to environmental noise. Babies who come to families where there are already many small children do not react to the noise of the house and learn to adapt, because they have to.

All children are unique and develop at their own pace. Development recommendations simply show what the baby can do. And if not at the moment, then in the very near future.

If you have questions or concerns, ask your doctor for suggestions about possible solutions that will help you and your baby grow together.

Arguments for"

Dowry fees are nice. How many positive emotions the expectant mother receives, how many hormones of happiness in her body are included in the work for the benefit of herself and the child! With the purchase of such cute and necessary things for women, there is a complete feeling that her baby already exists. Together with his mother, he "examines" the little clothes brought from the store, feels that everyone is looking forward to him. Be sure: for such pleasant chores, there is simply no time left for bad thoughts!

It is necessary to take into account the practical side of the issue. After returning from the hospital, you will simply have no time to deal with all the baby purchases. It's problematic to be away from your baby for a long time, you can't go shopping with a stroller (which, by the way, you also need to buy), and asking your family members won't please. But if you take care of everything in advance, then you can not rush, and the purchase will certainly be thoughtful and successful.

So, flip through magazines, read books, look on the Internet, consult with your friends and draw your own conclusions. Thus, you will protect yourself from buying unnecessary and low-quality goods, and most importantly, you will save money that will still come in handy.

From theory to practice

So, under the motto "Down with prejudices!" we begin to prepare a dowry for the crumbs. What exactly does he need to buy? Indeed, for parents expecting their first child, everything is still a curiosity. It will be more convenient to act with a detailed list in advance. With it, you can go shopping, study their assortment and enter prices that are acceptable for yourself - this will make it easier to plan your children's budget. Use the free space for your notes, additions, adjustments, etc.

Take your husband with you - it will be useful for him too. Even if in the end you still decide not to buy anything in advance, after all the estimates, you can confidently hand the list adapted for yourself into the hands of the future dad: by your return from the hospital, he will cope with everything himself.

Another way to find a compromise between "wants" and "pricks" is to use the delayed shopping service.

There are shops where future parents select and partially pay for everything they need for their baby. Delivery and full payment for the selected goods will be carried out only after your baby is born.

For home

When equipping a child's sleeping place, try to take into account and provide for all possible situations in which the health and even the life of the crumbs may be in jeopardy.

Bed. Choose the most convenient option for yourself: cradle, bed, rocking bed, playpen, transforming bed. It is desirable to have several levels, a reclining or descending side, a box for linen, the possibility of swinging.

Mattress. Choose a firm, medium firm that matches the size of your crib.

Bedding set. You will need at least 2 sets. You can separately purchase sheets (2-3 pcs.). Elasticated knitted sheets do not wrinkle or wrinkle.

Blankets: warm - 1 pc. (woolen, fur, quilted wadding or synthetic winterizer), light - 1 pc. (flannel, fleece or plaid).

Sleeping bag... Used at home instead of a blanket, so that even a restless toddler stays covered at all times.

Oilcloth-1-2 pcs.

Board plus canopy. It is better to choose them for the entire perimeter of the bed, and not for the headboard. The more layers of padding, the softer the bumper, and it holds its shape better and longer, and it is easier to observe the baby through the transparent fabric canopy.

Swaddler. Choose the option most convenient for you: a changing chest of drawers (including with a built-in bath), a changing table (there are light folding ones and with a bath included), a changing bed board.

Remote monitoring system for a child. WITH baby monitor you will hear your baby wherever you are: in the kitchen, in the bathroom or on the balcony. Thanks to two-way radio communication, the child will be able to hear your voice. Baby monitor transmits not only sound, but also an image, even at night in the dark (in infrared mode). There are stationary models (their monitor can be used as a regular TV) and portable (palmtop LCD can be carried with you). Breathing monitor the baby remotely monitors the presence and breathing rate of the baby. There is a monitor for remote control of his body temperature.

Night light. The “smart” night light with a built-in electronic sensor reacts to the crying of the baby and automatically turns on the light and a quiet lullaby melody. A few minutes after the onset of silence, it goes out on its own. If the room already has a dim light source, then this will be enough.

Scales. Most of them are needed for premature, weak children or babies with weight problems. Therefore, if there is no free funds, then they can not be bought in advance.

Photo album, diary for entries. Save for posterity all the happy moments (and difficulties) of motherhood.

Baby clothes

and a warm set

Clothing should be chosen according to the season. For "summer" children, buying warm clothes, overalls and / or a fur envelope is not at all relevant, which cannot be said about "winter" children, for whom all these are essential items. Please note that all clothes should be easy to put on and take off, and it is better not over the head. Give preference to natural soft fabrics, check the seams - they should not be hard. And of course, children's clothes should have a minimum of strings.

Diapers. If you are going to use disposable diapers: thin- 10 pieces., bike- 5 pcs If you are not going to use disposable diapers: thin- 25-30 pcs., bike- 8 pcs. plus 30 gauze (cloth) diapers.

Light cotton blouses- 8-10 pcs. There are blouses with and without sleeves, with sewn-on sleeves or with cuffs, in which you can hide small fists so that the baby does not scratch himself (you can buy scratch mittens separately).

Bodysuit- 2 - 4 pcs. They are convenient when using disposable diapers.

Sliders. If you are going to use disposable diapers - 2-4 pcs. If you are not going to use disposable diapers - 6-8 pcs. The sliders are not on the straps, but on the elastic band, it is easier and faster to change. As an addition to the sliders - overalls- 2-3 pcs. Instead of sliders - 8 - 10 pcs. Choose those overalls that open up as much as possible, including between the legs.

Caps or hats: light - 3 pcs., warm - 2 pcs.

Smart jumpsuit ( or pants with a blouse) a plus cap- 1 -2 pcs.

Socks: thin cotton - 2 - 3 pairs, woolen - 1 pair.

For the street

With well-chosen transport, walks at any time of the year will be pleasant for both the baby and the mother.

Stroller. Decide if it will be a classic or a transformer. In any case, the stroller should have large pneumatic pass-through wheels with metal spokes and reinforced tire tread. They will provide increased flotation during walks in the forest or on snow slush during the off-season. On soft shock absorbers, the stroller sways in all directions (you can quickly calm down a crying baby), and goes smoothly (even when driving along a difficult road, the baby will not wake up). Roomy carrycot, adjustable handle, luggage basket - what you need.

Stroller accessories... If they are not included with the stroller, buy a raincoat, mosquito net, and a handbag for mom.

Warm envelope for the stroller. It can be down, on padding polyester, made of artificial fur or sheepskin. To simply wrap your baby in a warm blanket, you need a 3 m tape.

Overalls and a hat for the street.

For auto travel

More recently, the degree of safety of a child riding in a car was solely on the conscience of the parents - it was desirable, but not necessary, to have a car seat. On 01.01.2006, new traffic rules came into force, and everything changed. Now the carriage of children (under 12 years of age) can only be carried out using special restraints (clause 22.9).

Infant car seat. For travel, you need a stroller carrycot with a shock-resistant plastic body, a special set for attaching it to the back seat of the car, an internal child restraint belt and a headrest for additional head protection. (The security kit may be sold separately).

ATTENTION! The infant carrier must be installed with the headboard away from the car door so that the child is not injured in the event of a side impact. Carrying your baby in a regular carrycot is DANGEROUS!

Car seat for newborns:

group 0- child's weight up to 10 kg (up to 9-12 months);

group 0+ child's weight up to 13 kg (up to 12-15 months);

group 0+ and 1 - child's weight up to 18 kg (up to 4 years old).

The car seat is installed on the back seat of the car only with its back in the direction of travel. Fastened with regular seat belts or placed on a special stationary base. The car seat can be mounted on the stroller chassis, have a rocking and carrying function.

Car seat accessories. If necessary (especially if the car seat is used with a stroller), buy a raincoat, mosquito net, sun shade, protective headrest, thermal sun cover (covers the car seat left in the car so that its upholstery does not heat up in the sun).

Car accessories. Window blind, rear seat control mirror.

For bathing and hygiene.

In the bathroom, set aside space for baby bathing accessories, which must be washed and dried after use.

Bath. The larger the tub, the longer it will last.

Swimming slide. Used if the bath is not anatomical: bathing should be comfortable and safe.

Towel corner. It should be terry - soft and gentle, so as not to injure the baby's skin.

Thermometer. A universal thermometer will show the temperature of water and air.

Jug. It is essential for rinsing off the soap.

Children's scissors and / or nail clippers.

Comb / brush, comb. Even if there is still nothing to comb, the use of the brush stimulates hair growth, its touch gives the baby pleasure.

Wet wipes.

Baby soap. No tears shampoo. Baby cream. Diaper cream.

Powder. In addition to the usual powder, there is also liquid talcum powder.

All these funds are very slowly consumed, they can cause individual intolerance, so do not buy a lot of them and in large bottles.

Powder box for dusting. With her, the powder is less dusty, evenly distributed over the body, and mother's hands remain clean.

Cotton buds. Use them very carefully, mainly for spot applications of medicines.

Cotton wool. Sterile cotton wool, cotton balls or pads.

Disposable diapers. Buy a small sample pack first, because even on the most expensive diaper, the baby's bottom can react with a red "stop light".

Aspirator for cleaning the nose or soft syringe no. 1.

Baby safety pins. They are useful for fixing reusable diapers, for fastening unbuttoned undershirts, for attaching pacifiers to baby's clothes.

For feeding

Even if the plans include exclusive breastfeeding, the first two items from the list must be included.

Milk mixture(age appropriate). An emergency reserve "just in case of fire."

Nipple bottles- 2 pcs. 100-150 ml each.

Baby food warmer. It is very convenient, especially at night - it warms up food to the required temperature quickly and evenly. Useful even if you are breastfeeding (for expressed milk).

Bottle sterilizer. You can purchase a 2-in-1 device (heater + sterilizer).

Bottle accessories. Washing brush, thermos bag, bottle dryer, bottle spoon (for feeding without a nipple).

Dummy. You may not need it, but buy one of the simplest ones.

First aid kit

It is not necessary to buy a special first aid kit. Just have in stock:


Diaper rash remedy.

Activated carbon.

Bifidumbacterin. When buying this drug, like all the medicines listed earlier, consult your doctor.

Gas outlet tube(choose the softest).

Medicine dispenser. This can be a measuring bottle or a measuring syringe with a nipple.

Thermometer. It is more convenient to use an electronic one - attached to the forehead or inserted into the ear, it will accurately measure the temperature in just 2-4 seconds. The simpler ones are placed under the arm or inserted into the anus and show the result in 1-2 minutes. A digital nipple thermometer is also convenient, but gives measurement errors. Mercury will show an accurate result, but after 7-10 minutes. An indicator plate (thermotest) can also be used. Applied to the forehead, it will show in a few seconds whether the child has a fever. If so, a thermometer is used.

Sterile bandage or wipes. Keep them closed.

Zelenka or iodine. Better to have them as markers.

Hydrogen peroxide. Potassium permanganate.

Warmer. Choose a small baby heating pad in a pouch.

For washing

You probably already have an automatic washing machine, and this is the most important thing, because you will have to wash often, a lot and thoroughly. If you don't have much place to dry your laundry, buy a folding dryer.

Washing powder. Conditioner for linen. Like other detergents, it should be specially designed for washing children's clothes.

Basin or basket. Use them to collect only baby clothes.

For Mom

Take care of yourself, beloved. Among other things, prepare home clothes (bathrobe, pajamas, nightgown) that are comfortable for feeding, and a few of the simplest cotton (or disposable) panties.

Nursing bra. You will need at least two of them. Please note that the cup should be easy to unfasten and fasten even with one hand.

Bra insert. There are disposable and reusable (washable). More convenient are those that have the shape of a cup with a recess for the nipple and are attached to a Velcro bra. Pay attention to the material: it should not leave lint.

Sanitary napkin... There are special postnatal ones or buy the usual ones, but the biggest ones.

Breast pump. A good breast pump will most likely come in handy. In the beginning, your breasts may ache and you will have to pump, and then you can leave the baby, leaving him milk and be sure to take a breast pump with you.

First toys

Their purchase is now completely optional. They can be purchased, if only everything has already been bought and you could not resist such touching little things.

Carousel in the crib. It will be interesting for a baby from 1-2 months.

Stretching in a stroller. It will take from 2 to 3 months.

Bath duck. It will come in handy from 3 - 5 months.

Rattles. It will be needed from 2 to 3 months.

That seems to be all. Bye. Very soon, the baby will need a feeding chair, a pot, boots, a tricycle ... But for the first time this will be enough.

The economy must be economical

As you know, they do not save on children, but someone will probably whistle that the list is too long and, accordingly, expensive. Yes, having a child is expensive these days. Can you save money? Can! Reasonably combining all methods that are acceptable to you.

Cross out the unnecessary. The easiest way to reduce the "box" with the baby's dowry is not to buy any things at all. Bathing from the first days in a shared bath - minus a bath. (Do not forget, the bath should be treated with baby powder or soda solution daily before bathing). Changing clothes and changing diapers on the kitchen table - minus the changing table. Perfect breastfeeding - minus bottles, nipples, sterilizer, etc. In other words, decide what you need. Taking into account the fact that "necessary" and "unnecessary" are relative concepts. There is also such an opinion: “Our grandmothers raised our parents without all these“ bells and whistles ”. Well, we will grow up too. " Of course it is. Only now, modern baby products make it as easy as possible for parents to care for a child, make it easier and safer. Therefore, if possible, do not skimp on your comfort.

We rent. There are things with a very short term of use, as well as things that are not needed all the time, but out of necessity. In this case, it is advisable to rent them. For example, "rent" a car seat for a trip with a baby in a friend's car or a taxi, a playpen and a baby monitor for a summer cottage, a breast pump, scales and a bunch of everything else, up to a stroller. It is important here to really assess the price of the issue, so that it does not happen that the rental payment would eventually result in the cost of a new thing.

We receive an "inheritance". Most likely, you have friends whose kids have grown up and who will gladly give you their things.

We accept gifts. If gifts are expected from numerous relatives, friends and work colleagues, feel free to tell them about your wishes. Donors will be pleased to make a truly useful and useful present.

With your own hands. It is noticed that almost every pregnant woman, even far from needlework, tries to sew or knit something for her baby; the simplest is diapers, nappies, a towel corner.

Not all at once. Start preparing everything gradually, from the 5th to 6th month, or just save money in advance. Then the costs will not seem so huge, unlike a one-time purchase. If there is no clarity with the gender of the baby, choose neutral colors - white, yellow, green.

Cheaper doesn't mean worse. Branded items will certainly last a long time, they are functional, beautiful, high-quality and prestigious to have, but, unfortunately, they are expensive. If it is not possible to pay for branded goods, then almost always you can find a replacement for them among the cheaper, but no less high-quality Russian, Belarusian, Polish counterparts. It is important not to miscalculate here and, in the pursuit of cheapness, not to be tempted by frankly low-quality things. Remember, the miser pays twice.

We buy used. Babies grow by leaps and bounds. That is why children's things sometimes simply do not have time to wear out and practically new used goods enter the market. For many parents, this can significantly save the family budget. Thanks to advertisements in newspapers, magazines, the Internet about the purchase and sale of children's things, it is quite possible to become the owner of a branded expensive stroller, crib, clothes ... Many of them have not lost their consumer properties and attractiveness, but at the same time they are several times cheaper. than their new brothers. Take a look at Second Hand stores - sometimes you can stumble upon very original clothes there. There is no need to worry about its hygiene, here all things undergo special processing. The main thing is to be extremely careful when buying, so as not to miss hidden and obvious defects. Remember, such goods cannot be returned or exchanged.

Following the nesting instinct

Well, well, the dowry has been bought. Do not forget, now everything needs to be washed, washed and ironed - now, while there is both the strength and the time for this. Think about where the children's things will be stacked. Of course, it's good when there is an opportunity to separately equip the nursery and purchase a set of furniture for it. And if not? Sit down, look around in your room. Now this is your child's house, and therefore, now your top priority task is to make your nest not only cozy and beautiful, but also safe and comfortable, so that everything is at hand. Maybe you need to empty a couple of shelves in the closet or make changes to the interior?

Draw a scaled plan of your apartment on a piece of paper, measure, draw and cut out your furniture. Now we can do the "rearrangement" too. Design where the crib will stand, and where is your bed (preferably opposite or next to, then you can watch the baby without getting up, which is especially valuable at night), where you will swaddle the baby, where his hygiene items will be. Don't forget about drafts, TV, wires and sockets. It is better to give up carpets for a while - this is the strongest dust collector, which means that it will be difficult for the child to breathe. In addition, the room needs wet cleaning ...

Have you taken everything into account? Now feel free to show your plans to your husband and, after correcting him, start a real rearrangement, or even better, make repairs. And do not forget that here your role should only be guiding and guiding! Leave all the hard work to your husband or a team of workers and enjoy the change in your home.

Then, when you bring home a newborn baby, you will appreciate your work: “If I hadn’t prepared everything in advance, how would I have done it now ?!”