Further actions after the water has departed. How to understand that pregnant women are losing water: causes, sensations and important actions

For a number of reasons, the integrity of the membranes can be compromised and water begins to leak long before the expected date of birth.

With the discharge of amniotic fluid in the early stages (up to 37 weeks), there is a high risk of termination of pregnancy. Depending on the duration and severity of the condition, either childbirth occurs and the child is placed in a special chamber for premature babies, or the pregnant woman is placed in a hospital "for preservation" until a date acceptable for normal childbirth.

Water or mucous plug?

When the due date is approaching, at some point a woman may notice the appearance of discharge uncharacteristic for her before. How to understand if the pregnant woman's water has departed or is it just a mucous plug? The mucous plug, which forms in pregnant women in the cervix, leaves, as a rule, 1–5 days before childbirth. It has a rather intense color (from beige to brown), sometimes streaked with blood. Its volume is quite small - 1-2 tablespoons. Moreover, it comes out, as a rule, not entirely, but gradually over several days. The waters look different - they are liquid, ideally transparent. If it begins to drainage of water, after the rupture of the amniotic fluid, they will leak constantly. When you cough or squat, the leakage will increase.

Rupture of amniotic fluid before childbirth

The onset of labor can be marked by two signs - contractions or outpouring of amniotic fluid. Moreover, both events can occur simultaneously or one will precede the other. Waters drain even before the onset of labor after 38 weeks, most often in multiparous women. In the first birth, it is rather a rarity. If the water suddenly departed, then labor will begin in the near future, and the woman needs to go to the maternity hospital.

It is worth paying close attention to the type of these secretions, since the doctor must necessarily assess the state of the amniotic fluid. Ideally, the water will be clear, perhaps slightly pinkish or yellowish, without any odor. The green or brown color of the waters indicates the ingress of meconium (original feces) into them. Bloody water can be a sign of placental abruption.

If the waters are clean, and the contractions have not yet begun or they are weak, the woman in labor can independently get to the place of birth. Moreover, in the car, it will be safer for her to lie on her side in the back seat to reduce the risk of the umbilical cord falling out.

If the water condition raises concerns, it will be safer to call an ambulance to be supervised by a professional team on the way to the hospital.

It is important to remember that earlier drainage of water is potentially dangerous for the baby, since there is a risk of infection. Therefore, after a bladder ruptures, you should not try to independently carry out any hygienic prenatal procedures (shaving, enema), but rather, without wasting time, go to the hospital.

Outpouring of water during childbirth

In most cases, amniotic fluid is poured out during the first stage of labor, when contractions become regular and severely felt, and the cervix is ​​already open by four or more centimeters. At the peak of one of the contractions, the fetal bladder stretches and bursts. This happens naturally and is completely painless. At the same time, the water can literally gush out in a stream (if the bladder burst right above the opening of the cervix) or leak little by little (if the gap is high above the cervix or it is still slightly open).

After the outpouring of water, labor intensifies, and contractions can become more intense and painful. From this point of view, it is easier for a woman in labor to endure the onset of labor while the bladder is still intact.

After the discharge of amniotic fluid, the countdown begins until the baby is born - in our country it is believed that natural childbirth should occur within 12 hours of the "waterless period". If they do not occur, the doctor may consider stimulating or performing a caesarean section to avoid infecting the fetus.

When answering the question of how pregnant women drain water, it should be understood that it all depends on how long the process of effusion began. If at 38 weeks and later, then the fetus has already formed and the birth occurs within the normal range, leakage begins at an earlier date, then this indicates the pathology of development and possible complications.

What does it mean, the water broke during pregnancy?

The baby inside the womb is in the fetal bladder, which is filled with amniotic fluid and is a natural environment for the purpose of a normal 9-month gestation. For the formation and development of the fetus, this substance is both a protection against injuries and harmful bacteria, and nutrients, filled with many useful substances.

If the amniotic fluid has departed, this means that labor begins, the fetal bladder has burst, and the baby is preparing to be born. As a rule, contractions come first, and only after a few hours the liquid is poured out. But it is not uncommon for the situation when the waters have receded, but there are no contractions, which is considered a variant of the norm and is called early labor.

Leaving early, in 1 or 2 trimesters, indicates a threat of miscarriage or the danger of termination of pregnancy. A dangerous situation is provoked by various pathologies, ranging from infection to genetic developmental defects.

Why does water drain during pregnancy

Before childbirth, the volume of amniotic fluid at 38-40 weeks is about 1.5 liters. The cervix expands and stretches, ready to release new life into the world. As soon as the process starts, the fetal membrane bursts, provoking discharge during pregnancy. The uterus is toned, the woman feels the first contractions, and water can leave, both before and after the start of contractions, which is considered normal.

When pregnant women begin to drain water, this means that the child is no longer protected from infection. Amniotic fluid has become scarce, the fetus begins to lack oxygen and nutrients, therefore, within the next few hours, the baby should be born. If this does not happen naturally, then a decision is made to deliver by cesarean section.

If a woman's discharge began prematurely, then the consequences may be different depending on the diagnostic tests and color. Ultrasound examination, cardiotocography and other measures are carried out to determine the causes of the pathology. The question arises about the preservation or termination of pregnancy.

How to understand that the water has departed during pregnancy?

In primiparous women, the question often arises, how to understand that the waters have departed during pregnancy? Determining the leakage process is not difficult:
  • the lower abdomen begins to hurt, discomfort is felt;
  • the outpouring is similar to spontaneous urination or incontinence, but it is worthwhile to strain the muscles and it becomes clear where the fluid is flowing from;
  • not often, a small pop can be heard, which indicates a rupture of the shell;
  • it is impossible to confuse with vaginal discharge, since they are strikingly different in consistency and structure.
Amniotic fluid leaves in a volume of up to 1.5 liters, but not all at once. First, not a large amount and only the front fluids should leave, and then gradually the rear ones. Initially, the baby descends to the pharynx of the uterus, begins to press on the membrane of the bladder, which leads to rupture and expiration.

When do pregnant women drain?

When the discharge in pregnant women begins, the child prepares for birth, he lowers it to the small pelvis and puts pressure on the fetal bladder, which subsequently becomes thinner and torn. A leakage of amniotic fluid is formed, which can take place, both before and after contractions. Both situations are not a pathology, it all depends on how open the cervix is.

During the time when the cork and water leaves, there are feelings of discomfort, the tone of the uterus rises, and the contractions gradually intensify. If contractions do not occur and the cervix does not open for a long period, then a decision is made to stimulate labor, since the child may die while inside the womb with a limited amount of oxygen and nutrition.

When the water leaves, they look transparent, possibly slightly yellowish, with a slight odor and an admixture of blood. A change in color (green, brown, red) indicates the development of pathology and means immediate delivery in order to prevent complications or death of the baby.

What and how to do to drain the water?

To remove the water during pregnancy, which is already overdue, it is recommended to eat spicy foods in small quantities and long walks in the fresh air. You should not resort to drastic measures, it is enough to consult a doctor who will advise an action plan in such a situation.

Perhaps specialists will independently stimulate labor activity, which will be the safest option. Also, the procedure for puncturing the fetal bladder is used - amniotomy, but only for medical reasons, in order to speed up the process of cervical dilatation.

The main thing is to always be aware that from the moment the amniotic fluid leaves, to childbirth, the child can live a maximum of 12 hours. In the future, you will need emergency help from obstetricians and gynecologists.

The term for normal natural childbirth ranges from 38 to 42 weeks inclusive. If the pregnancy lasts more than 42 weeks, then this is an excess of the normal gestational age. If a woman's menstrual cycle before pregnancy was more than 28-30 days, then the pregnancy will also last longer. In this case, it is called prolonged and does not require surgical intervention.

How hospital labor is triggered

Labor induction is the artificial induction of labor at various stages of pregnancy. Labor induction can be carried out only in the absence of contraindications for birth through the vaginal birth canal. This must be taken into account when trying to induce childbirth in folk ways at home.

Labor induction is required in the following cases:

Postterm pregnancy.
A normal pregnancy can last up to 42 weeks, but the diagnosis of "post-term pregnancy" is made not only on the basis of the gestational age, but also on the condition of the fetus.

Late gestosis.
In some situations, labor induction is carried out with late gestosis (when gestosis progresses, there is no effect of the therapy, but birth through the vaginal birth canal is possible). Childbirth is "caused" because further prolongation of pregnancy can have an extremely negative effect on the mother's body.

Rhesus conflict.
Labor induction can be carried out with Rh-conflict, if the antibody titer is constantly increasing, and the effect of treatment is insufficient. In this case, it is necessary to end the pregnancy in the interests of the fetus, the continuation of the pregnancy may threaten his life and health.

In these cases, drugs containing prostaglandins are often used to induce labor and to prepare the cervix for childbirth. They help to change the structure of the tissues of the cervix, ensuring its maturation, and also has a certain relaxing effect on the isthmus, cervix and the lower segment of the uterus. In addition to relaxing and opening the cervix, under the action of prostaglandins, endogenous oxytocin is released by the pituitary gland, due to which the contractile activity of the uterus is enhanced.

The widespread use of prostaglandin preparations in the form of a gel (Prepidil-gel). The gel is injected into the cervical canal and into the posterior fornix of the vagina. The condition is a whole fetal bladder, therefore, in case of premature outpouring of water, the method is not used. On average, labor begins 9-10 hours after the injection of the gel (this depends on the maturity of the cervix). However, in some cases there is no effect, and re-administration of the gel may be required. The maximum allowed three times the introduction of the gel within 24 hours. If the desired effect is not achieved, further administration of the gel is useless.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid.
If labor does not develop within three hours after the outflow of amniotic fluid, then labor is induced. With a prolonged anhydrous period, the risk of infectious complications in the mother and fetus sharply increases, therefore it is necessary to induce contractions. The duration of the anhydrous period is calculated from the beginning of the leakage of water until the birth of the child. A long anhydrous period for the fetus is considered more than 10 hours, for the mother - more than 12 hours. At the same time, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infectious complications.

Pathological preparatory period.
A fairly common indication for the induction of labor is the pathological preliminary (preparatory) period. This condition develops with prolonged (over several days) pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by irregular and ineffective prenatal contractions. This leads to fatigue of the woman, the fetus begins to suffer. One of the ways to induce normal labor is amniotomy, provided the birth canal is prepared.

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta.
In theory, with a small amount of detachment, an amniotomy (opening the membranes) can prevent further detachment and bleeding. In practice, for any degree of placental abruption, a cesarean section is performed. With significant bleeding, an emergency cesarean section is necessary, the outcome of which in practice is not always successful for the fetus.

How is labor arousal carried out?

The most common method of labor induction is amniotomy (opening the fetal bladder). The mechanism of action of amniotomy is not fully understood. It is believed that after it, the production of prostaglandins (biological substances responsible for structural changes in the cervix and the activation of labor) is activated. In addition, after opening the fetal bladder, irritation of the tissues of the birth canal by the presenting part increases and their reflex contraction occurs.

An indication for amniotomy after the onset of labor may be a flat fetal bladder (most often it happens with oligohydramnios). Normally, there is about 200 ml of amniotic fluid in front of the head, such a bubble puts pressure on the cervix, contributing to its opening. With a flat fetal bladder, a cone does not form, which presses on the cervix, and the membranes are pulled over the head, delaying its further advance. This may be the reason for the weakness of labor. With polyhydramnios, amniotomy is also indicated, since overdistension of the uterus with a large amount of water can lead to a decrease in its contractile activity.

An amniotomy is performed in the delivery room with a vaginal examination with a sterile, sharp hook-like instrument. The woman does not feel the opening of the fetal bladder, the procedure is painless (discomfort can only be caused by the examination itself). In this case, only those waters that are in front of the head are poured out. The rest of the water leaks during the entire birth act. After that, you need to lie down.

An important condition for amniotomy is the presence of a "mature" (ie soft, ready for childbirth) cervix. The maturity of the cervix is ​​determined by the doctor during a vaginal examination. If the cervix is ​​"immature", then you must first prepare the cervix for childbirth.

After the amniotomy, observation is carried out for 2-3 hours.

Only after that, if the contractions do not start, they start intravenous administration of drugs that activate labor.

After the onset of labor, if necessary, intravenous administration of oxytocin is allowed, but not earlier than 6 hours after the administration of the gel.

Contraindications for the use of the drug are: the presence of a scar on the uterus after a cesarean section or after other operations on the uterus, multiple pregnancy, pronounced signs of fetal disruption, a narrow pelvis, amniotic fluid leakage, allergy to prostaglandins, asthma, increased intraocular pressure.

After labor induction in the hospital, more often than with the spontaneous development of labor, weakness of labor occurs. If, after the induction of labor, the strength of the contractions is insufficient, then they begin to artificially activate labor with the help of medications. Most often, drugs are used for this Oxytocin (an analogue of natural oxytocin - a pituitary hormone that affects the contractile activity of the uterus) or Enzaprost (prostaglandin E2). Most often, the drug is administered intravenously. This allows you to quickly achieve the effect, using the infusion rate, you can adjust the frequency and strength of the contractions. Instead of a needle, a catheter is inserted into the vein - a soft, thin plastic tube, so the woman does not need to lie still, afraid to move the hand to which the dropper is attached. She can change her position, stand up, walk next to the IV stand. Different women react differently to the same dose of the drug, so the rate of administration is selected individually, starting from 4-6 drops per minute (usually the introduction is performed at a rate of 10-30 drops per minute).

When stimulating labor, careful monitoring of the condition of the fetus is necessary. If possible, the fetal heartbeat is recorded continuously using a special cardiotachograph device (fetal monitor). If this is not possible, then the doctor regularly (at least every 20 minutes) listens to the fetal heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope.

Before calling childbirth, you need to:

Get enough sleep so that the body is rested and ready for childbirth.

In order for childbirth to begin on time and proceed normally, the psychological attitude of a woman is very important. Psychologists help to prepare for childbirth in schools for future parents and in centers of parenting culture.

In addition, it is important to physically prepare your body. This is helped by proper nutrition, vitamins, timely treatment of chronic diseases, correction of violations during pregnancy.

There are several useful ways to do it yourself speed up the onset of labor, provoke childbirth, induce childbirth without medication in the maternity hospital, but first you need to assess whether the pregnancy is prolonged and whether your pregnancy is set correctly. The assessment is given by the doctor according to the results of ultrasound and CTG.

How to induce labor at home

There are natural methods that help speed up the onset of labor at the end of pregnancy. Natural methods are good for those that the effect of them is observed only if the body is already ready for childbirth.

The most common method to induce labor is sex... The semen contains biologically active substances (prostaglandins) that act on the cervix and contribute to its maturation and preparation for childbirth. Often, labor activity develops after intimacy (this can be seen even from many stories about childbirth on our forum).

There are contraindications for sex: placenta previa, low placenta location, partner infections. Sex in no case should be too active so that placental abruption does not occur (in this case, an immediate cesarean section will be required). Sex is not recommended if you are not sure about your partner's health or if you have been using a condom during pregnancy before. Even seemingly harmless microbes can penetrate into the slightly opened cervix (especially if the mucous plug has already moved away) and cause inflammation. Active sex and orgasm in some cases can cause premature placental abruption, which leads to fetal death without immediate surgical intervention.

Physical activity.

Long walks, stair climbing, general cleaning of the house, such as mopping, shopping, squatting, can all contribute to the onset of labor. Do not overdo it, again threatens with placental abruption.

You should not burden yourself with heavy exercises and lift weights (this can lead to placental abruption), but long walks, swimming, belly dancing, yoga during pregnancy are very useful, and among other things, they are a kind of prevention of prolonged pregnancy.

Active breast massage especially the nipple area. Massaging the nipples releases the hormone oxytocin, a powerful stimulator of uterine contractions, which helps to speed up labor. The nipples should be massaged gently and gently so as not to injure

Active bowel cleansing using an enema can also provoke uterine contractions.

Folk remedies, helping to speed up labor, are based on eating beet, parsley.

Aromatherapy(inhale rose or jasmine oils),

Taking small doses of laxatives- castor oil, etc. In the evening, after a light dinner, make an enema with saline solution, about 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt per liter of water, drink 50g of castor oil (you can eat it with a slice of black salted bread or lemon). The remedy can take effect in half an hour.

The use of several methods is likely to provoke the onset of labor in the near future. The onset of labor may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman's body.

Amniotic fluid is a substance that normally does not have a color and a pungent odor. 97% is water, which includes a variety of nutrients: proteins, mineral salts. Also in the amniotic fluid, upon close examination, skin cells, hair and alkaloids can be found. In addition, the smell of liquid, according to scientists, resembles the smell of breast milk. That is why, immediately after childbirth, it reaches for the mother's breast.

The discharge of amniotic fluid is one of the sure signs that labor has already begun. However, it is not uncommon for the waters to drain earlier. And it is very important not to miss this moment, because the fetus can live without them for only 12 hours.

If there are any problems with the fetus, the waters may turn green or even brown. If the expectant mother sees the leakage of dark waters, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

What the waste water looks like

Normally, if everything is in order with the woman in labor and the baby, the waters look like ordinary water. Very often, at the initial stage of childbirth, women go to the shower to make it easier, so they may not even notice that their water has drained away, because against the general background, they will be completely invisible. In some cases, after the passage of water, a woman may feel contractions of the uterus, which signal that labor has entered a new phase.

However, it often happens that the water begins to leak long before the onset of labor - sometimes, even 2-. In this case, you need to very carefully track the amount that comes out. So, for example, it is believed that normally it can be a natural discharge of liquid with a volume of about one tablespoon. Sometimes pregnant women even confuse this with urinary incontinence. Such a loss of amniotic fluid is quite natural and does not cause any harm to the child, especially since the waters are restored.

On average, the amount of amniotic fluid for childbirth is 1.0-1.5 liters. Their role is difficult to overestimate: they contribute to the normal development of the fetus, protecting it from being squeezed by the walls of the uterus and from external physical influences.

If there is more than three months before delivery, and the amount of leaking amniotic fluid exceeds the norm, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. The ideal option is to call an ambulance. Exceeding the norm may indicate the onset of premature birth.

How to calm yourself down

If you are worried that your water is leaking, you shouldn't sit at home and be afraid. You have two options. The first is to go to the doctor for a consultation. The gynecologist will carry out all the necessary manipulations and will understand whether it is water. If you are suspicious, and it seems to you that the water is leaking from you all the time, naturally, you will not run to the doctor. In order not to harass yourself once again, it is enough to go to the pharmacy and buy a special test. Outwardly, it is quite similar to what is done at the very beginning of pregnancy. This test quite accurately determines the leakage of water and allows the expectant mother to find peace and confidence that everything is going well and the health of her baby is not in danger.

The amniotic fluid is the fluid that the baby stays in throughout pregnancy. Normally, the rupture of the fetal bladder and the outpouring of water occurs at the end of pregnancy and is the beginning of labor. But there are times when the water begins to leak much earlier.

Leakage is most often associated with thinning of the fetal bladder and its rupture. If the resulting hole is small, the expectant mother may not pay attention to the symptoms of leakage. Fluid droplets are mistaken for natural secretions that get worse during pregnancy, or mild urinary incontinence.

How to identify water leakage

If you notice that your linen is getting wet, and the usual discharge has dramatically changed its character and became more watery, this is a reason to be on your guard. Amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless, so it can be easily distinguished from urine.

Female discharge is permanent. The leakage of water increases during exercise. A small test can be done to distinguish the first from the second. Take off your underwear, put on a diaper or sheet and sit on it. Sit relaxed for half an hour to an hour, then check the fabric for dampness. Put on clean underwear, walk around, do simple exercises, laugh at some comedy, or cough. Then check the result. If the diaper remains dry when resting and the laundry is wet, it is likely that water is leaking.

To determine the leak for sure, purchase a special test for this purpose at the pharmacy. It is a paper strip impregnated with a special compound. The test must be soaked in the released liquid and compared with the result indicated on the package.

Water leakage in late pregnancy is more likely to occur in greater volume. You can distinguish it from incontinence with a regular panty liner. Amniotic fluid is colorless and odorless.

Danger of water leakage

The amniotic fluid and bladder reliably protect the baby from infections and injuries. Leakage of water indicates rupture of the bladder membranes, with the result that there is a risk of harmful bacteria and viruses entering the bubble. Ultimately, this can result in infection of the fetus, and in severe cases, its death.

Leakage of water towards the end of pregnancy is not as bad as at the beginning. If the baby is finally formed, doctors may prescribe stimulation of labor. In the early stages, a pregnant woman is hospitalized in a hospital and they try to preserve the integrity of the bladder as long as possible. In parallel with this, antibiotic therapy is prescribed to avoid infection of the fetus.

Amniotic fluid becomes the natural habitat of the fetus for the entire period of its intrauterine development. Under normal conditions, this biologically active fluid leaves shortly before delivery.

In the presence of all sorts of pathologies and diseases, amniotic fluid can leave earlier than normal. It is important to be able to timely establish the fact of amniotic fluid discharge and know how to behave in such situations.

Functions of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid ensures the vital activity of the fetus as a whole. Among their main functions are the following provisions:

1. Nutrition of the developing child. The amniotic fluid contains a number of nutrients necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

2. Maintaining the required pressure and temperature indicators at a stable level.

3. Protection of the child from adverse influences. Thanks to the amniotic fluid, the intensity of various external pressures, shocks, etc. decreases.

4. Protection against infectious processes.

5. Creation of conditions for free movement of the baby.

6. Protection against excessive noise.

Normally, intrauterine water flows out when regular labor is established and some cervical dilatation is established.

Leakage of amniotic fluid during different periods of pregnancy

The earlier the waters leave, the more dangerous it is for a developing child.

Up to 20 weeks

The main reasons for the discharge of water in the early stages of pregnancy are:

  • infection of the fetus;
  • development of the inflammatory process - chorionamnionitis.

There is no single algorithm of actions for the discharge of water at this stage of pregnancy. In most cases, doctors recommend termination of pregnancy. If the child can be saved, it is highly likely that he will be born with many pathologies, including:

  • blindness;
  • cerebral paralysis;
  • lack of hearing;
  • severe respiratory failure.

In such situations, doctors prescribe a detailed examination, based on the results of which they conclude about the possibility of prolonging pregnancy and the existing risks to the fetus.

At 25-27 weeks

This is also an unfavorable and very dangerous situation. The most common cause of water leakage during this period of pregnancy is urogenital infections.

There is no single algorithm of actions. In most situations, there is no need to think about a favorable outcome for the child. Even if such children survive, they grow up to be deeply disabled. The doctor informs parents about possible scenarios individually based on the results of the examination.

At 38-40 weeks

The situation is not as dangerous as in earlier periods, but it is also very unpleasant. Most often, expectant tactics are used to maintain pregnancy. The task of the doctor is to establish the maximum allowable duration of waiting and find the safest way of delivery.

Thus, the earlier the water begins to drain, the higher the likelihood of complications.

Causes of water leakage

Early discharge of intrauterine waters is associated with a variety of damaging factors affecting the body of the fetus and the woman.

The most common cause is urogenital infection. Under its influence, many pathological changes occur.

Also, fluid leakage can be associated with:

  • inflammatory processes and infections in the uterus, vagina, cervix, and fetal bladder;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • disruptions in hormonal levels, including hyperandrogenism. Because of it, many other pathologies can develop.

Risk factors for fetal fluid leakage

The leakage of amniotic fluid can be provoked by various factors. Among the most common are the following:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Injuries.
  • Lots and low water.
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Careless intercourse.
  • Falls and other external abdominal injuries.

Why is the leakage of amniotic fluid dangerous?

The main thing is to detect the problem in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it.

The danger of fluid leakage directly depends on the period at which it happened. After 36 weeks, this phenomenon, although not considered normal, does not pose an excessive danger to the child.

The main thing here is to detect the problem in a timely manner and take the necessary measures. Usually, doctors simply artificially stimulate labor or use other methods of delivery.

If the patient goes to the hospital on time, and the cavity of her uterus, at the same time, is not infected, doctors try to prolong the pregnancy as much as possible, using the previously mentioned expectant tactics.

Much more dangerous is fluid leakage in the early stages, in the region of 20-25 weeks. But even under such circumstances, this deviation is not a mandatory indicator for immediate termination of pregnancy.

With timely treatment for medical help, the use of tocolytic therapy methods, antibiotics and bed rest can significantly improve the situation.

The problem is that many patients do not consult a doctor in a timely manner when fluid leaks in the early stages. Usually they are admitted to the hospital with already developed infections and other complications, and sometimes even with a dead fetus. In such situations, the pregnancy is terminated, and the woman is prescribed a course of treatment.

Thus, even if the water does not begin to drain within the prescribed period, the opportunity to maintain the pregnancy is present.

The main thing is to detect the problem in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it.

Symptoms and signs of leakage

It is quite difficult to independently determine the leakage of fluid. The main signs are as follows:

  • an increase in the volume of fluid released from the vagina when changing the position of the body or making movements;
  • in the presence of a significant rupture of the amniotic fluid, the liquid begins to literally flow. A pregnant woman cannot hold back the flow even with a strong tension of the pelvic muscles;
  • with a small rupture of the bubble, it is possible to confirm the leakage of water only by passing the appropriate tests. There are also home tests.

Check out the available methods of medical and self-determination of the presence of amniotic fluid leakage, described below.

Methods for detecting leakage of amniotic fluid

The expediency of using a particular medical method is determined by a specialist in accordance with the conditions of a particular situation.

Gynecological examination

An extremely uninformative, but still widely used method. During the examination, the doctor discovers a clear liquid in the posterior fornix of the vagina. The patient is asked to cough. If the detected fluid is amniotic fluid, it will begin to leak from the cervical canal.

The main disadvantage is that with this examination, amniotic fluid can be confused with semen, urine, natural secretions and other fluids.

Smear microscopy

Also not the most reliable method. A smear of liquid is taken and placed on a glass slide. When dry, the liquid crystallizes and a pattern resembling fern leaves is created on the glass.

The main drawback is that a similar pattern appears in the presence of sperm impurities in the smear.


Most often used. It is considered one of the most effective methods for determining rupture of the amniotic membranes.

A puncture is made on the surface of the patient's abdomen to inject an indigo-carmine solution. After half an hour, a cotton swab is inserted into the vagina. If it stains, there is leakage.

The method is accurate, but expensive and painful. The main disadvantage is the possibility of infection, bleeding and other problems that can affect the normal course of pregnancy and even lead to its termination. Severe complications occur in about 1 in 250-300 cases.

Cytological examination

One of the simplest diagnostic methods. A smear is taken from the area of ​​the posterior fornix of the vagina. If the integrity of the amniotic membranes is violated, water elements will be detected in the smear.

There are ways to detect intrauterine water leakage on your own.

Dry sheet test

The simplest and most common test. Allows you to distinguish amniotic fluid from simple secretions, the volume of which increases closer to the end of pregnancy.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • the pregnant woman goes to the toilet;
  • washed and wiped off;
  • lays down on a dry sheet (a diaper or a piece of other clean and dry cloth is also suitable);
  • waits for about 15 minutes.

If wet marks appear on the sheet within the specified time, there is water leakage.

In such a situation, you must immediately call an ambulance.


A modern method for home determination of intrauterine water leakage. With this test, intrauterine fluid can be distinguished from urine and vaginal discharge.

The test is equipped with a special yellow colorimetric indicator. When interacting with a high pH environment, the indicator becomes green-bluish... Under normal conditions, the pH of the vagina does not exceed 4.5. A similar indicator for amniotic fluid is about 7. The indicator changes color on contact with fluids whose pH exceeds 5.5.

The test was found to be quite accurate. Moreover, it is extremely easy to use. The check is performed as follows:

1. The test is taken from the foil bag. It is important to keep your hands clean and dry.

2. The pad is glued to the underwear so that the yellow indicator is located opposite the entrance to the vagina. The test can be left on for 12 hours just like a normal pad. It can also be removed earlier, at the first sensation of water leakage.

3. After the appearance of a feeling of leakage, or after 12 hours, the test is removed from the underwear.

4. The color of the indicator is checked. If it changed to bluish green, you need to seek medical help.

The test is not only easy to use and accurate, but also relatively inexpensive. The average cost is about 350-400 rubles. The product is popular, so you can buy it in almost every pharmacy.

How to distinguish intrauterine fluid from urine and discharge

Often, pregnant women mistakenly identify fluid leakage, confusing it with urine and simple vaginal discharge, the volume of which can increase significantly closer to the end of pregnancy.

Methods for self-determination of leakage were given in the previous section. In general, it is extremely difficult to distinguish amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge and urine without medical help. Therefore, if you suspect a problem under consideration, immediately contact the hospital and follow the doctor's instructions.

What to do if premature leakage of fetal waters is detected?

The outpouring of fluid indicates damage fruit skins. It is, as noted above, can lead to very adverse consequences.

If a problem is detected at home, you should immediately consult a doctor, and even better - to call an ambulance.

In case of problems the doctor, he will prescribe treatment and recommendations in accordance with the peculiarities of a particular situation.

Treatment of leakage of fetal waters

The order of treatment is appointed in accordance with the terms and features of the situation.

Pregnancy of less than 20-22 weeks in most cases can not save.

If the liquid began to withdraw after 20-22 weeks, doctors are making every effort to maintain pregnancy. The main method, as mentioned - This waiting game... It is aimed at prolongation of pregnancy, the child has received the maximum chance to be born full-term and healthy.

In order to prevent premature birth, doctors usually prescribe a patient tocolysis.

Regularly verified the volume and quality of water released. Every four hours the nurse changes the diaper. At intervals of 5 days is sowing vaginal discharge. Fetal status is checked using the CTG.

If the problem occurs before 34 weeks of pregnancy, can additionally be assigned to glucocorticoids. They are used for the development of prevention distress syndrome The child has.

If horianamnionita prevent the emergence of failed or if the same has been revealed deterioration of fetal condition, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. will also be the choice of mode of delivery, it is appropriate in a particular situation.

In the event of a discharge of fluid at term with missing contractions, the doctor may prescribe labor induction or expectant management is to recommend to the natural birth. Most often performed with oxytocin stimulation. It allows you to quickly enter the pregnant woman in labor.

Prevention of leakage of amniotic fluid

In order to prevent premature effusion of amniotic fluid, doctors recommend:

  • eliminate any foci of infection. These include diseases of the genitourinary system, medicine, dental disease, tonsillitis and other problems;
  • timely treat isthmic-cervical failure;
  • to take measures to eliminate the risk of miscarriage. To do this, pregnant women are prescribed preserving therapy.

In any case, if there is suspicion of leaking water should immediately seek medical help.

The sooner you do this, the more chances you will have of maintaining a pregnancy and having a full-term baby.