Monetary calendar of haircuts for November. Haircut lunar calendar for November

Alexandra Yurchuk

17:45 29.10.2016

To make bold experiments with a new hairstyle only beneficial and delight you, choose the dates that are suitable for this. This will help the lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2016.

Have you decided to change your image and dream of the most fashionable hairstyle for autumn 2016? Fine! Just before going to a beauty salon and changing your look, take a look at the lunar haircut calendar for November 2016 and choose the most favorable day to visit the hairdresser. The right time will help your hair become healthy and silky, and your hairstyle will keep its shape for a very long time and please the hostess.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for November 2016

Nov. 1. Tuesday. Growing Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the most unstable hair sign. The outcome is usually difficult to predict. A haircut on this day will help you get financial assistance from an unexpected side. If you decide on staining, then you should not use chemical dyes. Manicure is auspicious on Tuesday.

November 2. Wednesday. Growing Moon in Sagittarius

Hair cut on this day can become very unruly and shaggy. Therefore, if you decide to make yourself a new hairstyle, then during this period it will certainly turn out shapeless. It is also not advisable to use any cosmetics, curl your hair and even wash your hair. Let your hair rest today :)

the 3rd of November. Thursday. Growing Moon in Sagittarius

A haircut made on Thursday will give an impulse to your creative self-realization, set you on a wave of joy. In addition, a new hairstyle will accelerate the growth of your strands, and dyeing with natural dyes in light colors will facilitate business contacts. To attract energy, do fluffy hairstyles today.

November 4th. Friday. Moon in Capricorn

On this day, the earthly Sign - Capricorn interacts with the Moon. This means that the hair will be strong and ready for any experiment. It is even better if the staining was planned in advance. Your mood and motivation will decide a lot. Therefore, when leaving home, think only about the beautiful and positive. Hair will be strong, so today you can do any perm.

November 5. Saturday. Moon in Capricorn

If you want to change something in your life, then cut your bangs today. As for coloring, the lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2016 advises you to remember what color your hair was when you had the most successful period in your life. This will be your "color of luck", and today will dye your hair into it. Also on Saturday, give up nail extension: the body must rest and renew itself internally.

November 6. Sunday. Moon in Aquarius

This day is one of the most favorable for hair coloring and a new haircut. If you decide to radically cut your strands, then they will grow back much faster, since this is the time of the waning moon. This is also a good time to create beautiful curls. Experiment with a perm.

November 7. Monday. Moon in Aquarius

Today is a good day for experimental and extravagant haircuts and styling. Experiments with unusual toning or coloring in a bright, unusual color for you will also be successful. If your choice has settled on a simple, unremarkable haircut without a twist, then this day is not the best. Hair can become naughty and lifeless, difficult to style, and you will quickly get bored of the hairstyle.

  • tomato or kefir mask for easy hair combing. Take 50 ml of kefir or 1-2 tomato pulp. Apply any mask to hair and distribute over the entire length. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and taste how soft your hair is.

November 8. Tuesday. Moon in Aquarius

Any dramatic effect on hair is not beneficial today. In order not to attract negativity or misfortune to yourself, you should not cut your hair today, hair coloring is also not desirable. Today you will want to be in the spotlight, sharing your ideas and thoughts with those around you. You should carefully monitor your desires in order to be on top.

November 9. Wednesday. Moon in Pisces

Chemical exposure to hair on Wednesday can destroy it. Pisces is to blame for everything, because of which the hair has a very negative attitude to any effect. Take care of strengthening and moisturizing your hair today, not dyeing it. Let your hair rest and gain strength.

10th of November. Thursday. Moon in Pisces

This time will be neutral for dyeing the hair a different color and a new haircut. It is also a very favorable period for stylish styling, but you should completely refrain from curling your hair. It is also not advisable to wash your hair on this day or use natural shampoos for washing.

11th of November. Friday. Moon in Aries

With Aries, it is better to refrain from cutting - you can damage your hair and it will begin to split. But do not refuse coloring and styling, but go to a trusted master - these procedures will help you achieve harmony and material well-being. Today is also a neutral day for manicure, try to make nourishing baths for nails.

November 12. Saturday. Moon in Aries

On this day, it is better to refrain from cutting your hair. This can lead to fear and longing. And as the lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2016 says, on Saturday it is favorable to dye or tint hair with soft natural dyes, which contributes to success in business. If you want to attract the energy of renewal to yourself - comb your hair in the middle.

the 13th of November. Sunday. Moon in Taurus

In the days of Taurus, any work with hair is auspicious. Haircuts, nourishing and strengthening procedures will noticeably add to their health, and coloring, styling and curling will delight you for a long time. Full moon days are also the best for haircuts. A manicure these days will help reveal your talents, but it will also attract ill-wishers.

November 14. Monday. Full moon. Moon in Taurus

The general condition of the hair will improve significantly at this time. You should not postpone the haircut planned for today, the new hairstyle, in addition to new positive emotions, will give the hair strength and energy, their appearance will radically change for the better. To achieve the best effect from hair wellness procedures, you do not have to visit a salon, a homemade mask made from natural ingredients will be no worse, and possibly better.

15th of November. Tuesday. Waning Moon in Gemini

To disguise, to become "invisible" to worries and troubles, it is worth painting a dark color today. To tune in to the reception of positive and warm energy, it is worth getting rid of curls and giving preference to straight, elongated hair. Also today will be successful painting gray hair, strengthening hair, plucking eyebrows.

  • banana mask to strengthen dry hair. Mash the banana in a ceramic bowl, add the yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 teaspoons of sour cream. Stir and apply to hair for about 50 minutes. Cover the top with a plastic cap. Then wash off with warm water and shampoo your hair.

November 16. Wednesday. Moon in Gemini

The day will be very powerful energetically. Hair growth will be slowed down and its strength will allow you to experiment with color, curling and cutting. Try to realize all your most unusual desires in this particular environment.

November 17. Thursday. Moon in Cancer

Cancer has a bad effect on the condition of the hair, it is better not to get a haircut today. When coloring, choose only natural dyes. The lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2016 advises not to abuse hair and nails. In general, refrain from any "chemistry" even when cleaning the premises. But medical and nutritional procedures will benefit not only hair and nails, but also the whole body.

November 18th. Friday. Moon in Cancer

Today is the waning moon - on the waning moon, you can get a haircut for those who want to keep their hairstyle longer, as hair will grow more slowly. Refrain from staining on Friday, so as not to spoil your mood and not damage your business. To attract the energies of nature today, brush your hair in the direction of the parts of the world.

November 19th. Saturday. Moon in Leo

This is the very time when you need to dye your hair to clean up yourself. Tint the roots, adjust the hairstyle and strengthen the strands - that's what your head of hair needs today. If you want to impress someone, then you will surely succeed.

20 November. Sunday. Moon in Leo

Hair after today's procedures becomes much fuller, thicker and stronger. A haircut will improve your emotional background and get rid of health problems. Coloring in a light tone will help attract the right people into your life. Perming and styling will last for a long time.

November 21. Monday. Moon in Virgo

A haircut done today will help speed up hair growth, but it will degrade hair quality. Dyeing your hair in bright colors will bring you sharpness of feelings, insight of the mind, and enhance the power of foresight. If you are tormented by some question or problem, the solution of which does not depend on you, cut your nails today or sign up for a manicure.

November 22. Tuesday. Moon in Virgo

Good day for cutting, coloring, styling and curling. Any work with hair will add health to them, and you - energy and vitality and excellent mood, as the result will be much higher than expected.

November 23rd. Wednesday. Moon in Virgo

A fairly neutral period for haircuts and hair dyeing. But on the other hand, hair curling and cardinal coloring will turn out beautiful. The lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2016 invites you to make your hair and scalp healthier, using natural masks, decoctions of medicinal herbs and moisturizing wraps.

November 24. Thursday. Moon in Libra

This sign will not change the general condition of your hair. After a haircut, the hair will begin to grow faster, but it will become airy and naughty, it can also begin to curl and be difficult to style. But there are many benefits to having hair wellness treatments. Give preference to light masks and natural herbal decoctions, or visit a professional.

November 25. Friday. Moon in Libra

Put off the trip to the salon. The day is extremely unstable emotionally, and today, having a high probability of unsuccessful haircuts, coloring and styling, you will lose not only money, but also peace of mind, which will adversely affect your health.

November 26. Saturday. Moon in Scorpio

A haircut done on Saturday will enhance your personal charm, your success with others. On the waning moon, you can cut your hair for those who want to keep their hairstyle longer, as hair will grow more slowly. Dyeing with natural dyes will attract the energies of health and wealth. A beautiful styling stimulates the flow of life energy.

  • mustard mask for hair growth. 2 tbsp. Dissolve tablespoons of mustard powder in the same amount of hot water. Add 1-2 tsp sugar, 1 egg yolk, 2 tbsp. spoons of any base oil. Apply the mask to the scalp for 60 minutes under a plastic bag. Wash with shampoo.

November 27. Sunday. Moon in Scorpio

A haircut is suitable today for weak, dull and thin hair, it will make it harder and thicker. Also, a haircut today can affect relationships with the opposite sex, both for the better and for the worse. The day is suitable for hair nourishment, health treatments, natural dyes.

November 28. Monday. Moon in Sagittarius

It is worth abandoning the strong chemical effect on the hair, if you have planned to dye your hair in the opposite color, you should postpone it. Perm should also be postponed, because the results you achieve may be disappointing.

29th of November. Tuesday. Moon in Sagittarius

A haircut that day can affect your physical activity. To stabilize the position in society, a slight change in hair color will be appropriate. And the hairstyle today should be simple and unpretentious, this will attract natural energy.

November 30th. Wednesday. Growing Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius makes hair unruly, but after a haircut, you will feel a powerful influx of health energy. Since Sagittarius and the growing moon accelerate hair growth, the lunar haircut calendar for November 2016 recommends nourishing treatments so that hair grows back healthy and does not split. Natural hair color will bring you material well-being, and unusual experiments with the color and shape of the hairstyle will add creative strength and inspiration.

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In the lunar calendar of manicure, beauty, coloring and you will find recommendations when to plan this or that body care procedure. According to, every day of the week in November 2016 is subject to a certain influence of the planets, and therefore, in order to make the correct adjustments in your life, you need to know what phase the Moon is in. Astrologers presented the lunar calendar of haircuts and auspicious days for November 2016.


An original stylish haircut is a great remedy for autumn despondency and blues. It is known to have a large and general state of the body. Therefore, in a particular lunar cycle, the effect on the condition of the hair follicles will be different. We sincerely hope that you helped our readers in planning their hair cut. And so that your head of hair is always healthy and strong, and the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time after a haircut, before planning a trip to the hairdresser in November 2016, do not be too lazy to look into the lunar calendar of hair cutting and favorable days for this.

If alas, you want to grow your hair, then it is better to cut your hair during the growing moon - in November 2016, this is the period from November 1 to 13. If the length of the hair is not the main thing for you, and you just want to update your haircut, go to the hairdresser on the days of the waning moon - from November 15 to November 28 and November 30, 2016. Many could already be convinced that hair cutting during this period can affect the shape of the hair and their density.
Also, the stars say that in November 2016 in the second half of the month. It is from November 16 to November 29 that straight hair will be easy to turn into playful curls. The most favorable days for November 2016: 1, 7, 8, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 numbers.

Stains in November 2016

In general, the last month of autumn 2016, November is favorable for experiments with hair dyeing. Bright hues should challenge the gray days and draw men's eyes to them.

Please note that hair restoration is beneficial in the last autumn month. Homemade masks and the use of professional cosmetics against hair loss, aimed at strengthening the roots, will be effective in this matter. The most favorable days for hair coloring in November 2016: 5, 7, 12, 15, 19, 25, 27.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and manicure for November 2016

Since the constellation Capricorn is responsible for the state of the nail plate, it is better to do and, in particular, cut nails on those days when the Moon is in this sign of the Zodiac (November 5, 6). When the Moon is in the constellation Gemini - this is not the most favorable time for nail procedures (November 16, 17), therefore, it is better to postpone the procedures and pedicure for a more successful period. Favorable days for manicure, pedicure in November 2016: November 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30.

Beauty lunar calendar for November 2016

The autumn skin beauty formula includes three stages - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. Choose intensive creams and masks, as the skin needs an increased amount of moisture and increased fat nutrition during this period. Diet also plays an important role in the care. The fall diet should be rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins.

Of the salon procedures in the autumn, biorevitalization is considered the most effective - many dermatologists call it the number one procedure for caring for dehydrated and photoaged skin. Favorable days for face and body skin care in November 2016: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30 November ...

As for health, in November 2016 it is worth protecting yourself from viral diseases, and worry about strengthening the immune system, which I did not recommend. In the last autumn month, it is very favorable to visit the bathhouse, sauna and take with a decoction of herbs: linden, sage, mint, rosemary. It will help when insomnia worries, nerves are worn out, and unreasonable melancholy overcomes. Also, a relaxing bath will relieve fatigue and muscle tension, allow you to escape from sad thoughts.

In November, it is favorable to engage in general strengthening of the body, especially on the days of the waxing moon from November 1 to 13, 2016. If you are planning operations, it is best to do them during the waning moon from November 15 to 28 and November 30, 2016. At this time, the risk of unwanted side effects effects and complications are lower.

Do not forget that the strongest person on certain days has been repeatedly proven by scientists. We hope our lunar calendar for haircuts, dyeing, manicure and beauty treatments for November 2016 will help you successfully plan your trip to the beauty salon and home beauty treatments.

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To make your haircut to your liking, cut your hair when the Moon is in auspicious signs (Earth signs, Leo and Libra signs) and in contact with good planets. It is undesirable to have a haircut when the Moon is in the signs of Water and in the sign of Aries, in the phase of New Moon and Full Moon, and in contact with pest planets. Thus, November 3, 4, 13, 15 and 19-25 will be successful for haircuts. Refuse a visit to the hairdresser on November 1, 2, 5, 6, 8-12, 14, 17, 18, 27-30. A haircut can be good or bad, depending on what time you cut your hair, November 5, 6, 18 and 26.

Use ours, and your hair will delight you with its beauty, health and attract the views of others. Heed the advice of the moon: she will tell you how to care for your hair in November.

Haircut lunar calendar for November 2016 by days of the week

Waning Moon and New Moon November 2016

November 1 0:00 - 16:43 - the growing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut will fail and damage your hair. And you will react very violently to an unsuccessful haircut, so the haircut will also have a negative effect on your mood. From the point of view of magic, a haircut can bring dramatic and not necessarily good changes to life.

November 1 16:43 - November 4 5:05 - Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. No matter how beautiful a haircut would look right after the salon, it will soon lose its shape, and the hair will begin to shaggy and it will be difficult to style. If you are a successful person, getting a haircut can negatively affect your social success. But the losers should cut their hair and put up with a not very attractive aesthetic appearance, because in return a haircut will bring social success. An unfavorable moment for a haircut is the evening of November 2, starting at 18:00. And the most favorable - November 3 to 3:30 am to 9:30 am.

November 4 5:05 - November 6 15:55 - The growing Moon in Capricorn is perfect for a haircut. The haircut will be neat and comfortable. These days are good for other hairdressing procedures, as well as for strengthening hair. A manicure will work well. It is useful to strengthen the nails. Two unfavorable moments for visiting a hairdressing salon are November 5 at 7: 30-13: 30 and November 6 at 8: 00-14: 00.

November 6 15:55 - November 8 23:45 - The growing Moon in Aquarius will give an unpredictable haircut result. Experimental hairdressing technologies give a good effect. You can get a haircut if you want to bring change to your life.

Waxing Moon Period and Full Moon in November 2016

November 8 11:45 PM - November 11 3:44 AM - The waxing Moon in Pisces is not suitable for cutting, hair treatment and shampooing.

November 11 3:44 am - November 13 4:23 pm - The growing Moon in Aries is fraught with injuries, burns and, at best, a sloppy haircut due to the carelessness and haste of the hairdresser. A haircut can reduce the body's overall immunity.

November 13 4:23 - November 15 3:22 AM - Moon in Taurus is great for haircuts and all other hairdressing services. Wellness procedures will give excellent results. You need to cut your hair on November 13, as November 14 will be the Full Moon, and this is a controversial time for a haircut.

November 15 3:22 - November 17 2:56 - Waning Moon in Gemini. A haircut will worsen the general condition of your hair. The effect of such hairdressing services as curling, dyeing, etc. will be short-lived. The magical effect of a haircut will also be unfavorable - after a haircut something may leave your life.

November 17 2:56 - November 19 5:14 - The waning Moon in Cancer is not suitable for almost all hair manipulations. An exception is for affecting problem hair: coloring of gray hair, cardinal lightening, etc. You will achieve your goal; however, for this you have to sacrifice hair health.

November 19 5:14 - November 21 11:33 - Waning Moon in Leo. You will get a great haircut. However, there is also a minus - hair after a haircut will grow back very slowly. Although this is only a minus for those who trim the ends of their hair in the hope that they will grow faster. Others, on the contrary, will be pleased that the haircut will retain its shape for a long time. It is undesirable to have a haircut on November 21 from 6:30 to 12:30 - a haircut will take away strength.

November 21 11:33 - November 23 21:41 - Waning Moon in Virgo. The haircut will come out neat, every detail will be carefully worked out. Minus - the hairdresser will lack inspiration and the haircut will turn out without imagination. If you treat your hair these days, the waning Moon will take the ailments with it.

November 23 21:41 - November 26 10:01 - The waning Moon in Libra will give you a beautiful, elegant and sophisticated haircut that will definitely suit you. Residents of time zones other than Moscow time were especially lucky, because the best time for a haircut these days is November 25 from 1:20 to 7:20 Moscow time.

November 26 10:01 - November 28 22:45 - the waning Moon in Scorpio is not suitable for a haircut - a haircut will draw energy out of you and ruin your mood. These days, it is undesirable to even wash your hair, so as not to worsen the condition of the hair.

November 28 22:45 - November 30 24:00 - Moon in Sagittarius usually has its advantages for a haircut. But not at this time. After all, on the 28th you are unlikely to have time to cut your hair, the 29th carries the energy of the New Moon that is not suitable for a haircut, and on the 30th the Moon interacts with the pest planet Saturn.

The site reports that the most favorable time for hair removal is 1-3, 6-11, 15-17, 26 November 2016.

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In November, our curls need not only external care, but also vitamin and mineral nutrition from the inside, as well as positive emotions! The fact is that the depressive conditions characteristic of this period negatively affect the health of the hair, they lose their shine, become more brittle, and the roots weaken.

In order to avoid this, hairdressers recommend drinking vitamins, consuming foods rich in calcium and potassium more often, including fatty fish and rosehip infusion in your diet, regularly pamper yourself with everything that gives true pleasure, and at least once a week do nutritious masks with various oils.

Well, and, of course, before you go to the salon and carry out any preventive and therapeutic hairdressing procedures at home, you should look into our lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2016. The moon will tell you the most successful days for certain manipulations with hair, which in turn will make it easier to care for your hair and make it as effective as possible.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing worth paying attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the first half of the day is categorically not suitable for any manipulations with hair, and a haircut is generally fraught with trouble, but then you can experiment for your own pleasure, get a haircut, paint, try innovative procedures, and all this will be of great benefit.

For clarity, we will analyze on November 8, 2016: before 14:16 (Moscow time), it is strongly not recommended to get a haircut, so as not to incur problems and damage your hair. But a haircut done after 14:16 will refresh energy, relieve negativity, and give inspiration.

Please note that this month the Moon sometimes switches to another sign of the Zodiac after the beginning of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are given taking this factor into account.

As an addition to our lunar haircut calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 6 (after 16:54), 7 (before 13:47), 8 (after 14:16), 21 (after 12:23), 23 (until 22:41).

Best days to epilate: 13 (before 16:23), 14 (after 16:56), 17 (before 19:22), 18 (after 20:28).

First decade of November

November 1, Tuesday, 2nd lunar day (until 8:54, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Today is not a good day for a salon visit. But it is quite favorable in order to get acquainted with the novelties and achievements of hairdressing, choose the haircut you like, think about what procedures should be done this month, choose the time suitable for you and according to the lunar calendar to visit the hairdresser, call and make an appointment with the master ...

November 2, Wednesday, 3rd lunar day (until 9:55, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is great for visiting a hairdressing salon. Bold experiments, creative haircuts, fancy coloring are welcome. You can completely change the hairstyle and hair color, make lamination or screening, carry out the cauterization procedure. Homemade masks based on olive oil and honey will also have a good effect.

November 3, Thursday, 4th lunar day (until 10:53, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Today is another auspicious day for a visit to the master. However, it is better to refrain from experiments, as well as from intensive lightening, perm and from salon procedures you have not previously tested. At home, you can make a nourishing mask based on sour cream or kefir.

November 4, Friday, 5th lunar day (until 11:46, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Not a good day for a haircut, but quite auspicious for secondary coloring. At home, it is recommended to massage the head and ears, as well as rinse your hair with a decoction or infusion of mountain herbs; firming masks based on black bread will also give a good effect.

November 5, Saturday, 6th lunar day (until 12:33, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Another day when it is better to abstain from haircuts, and pay attention to nutrition and hair strengthening. If you are going to do coloring, then give preference to natural dyes and natural shades.

November 6, Sunday, 7th lunar day (until 13:12, later focus on the 8th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

And again, an unsuitable day for a haircut, but a favorable day for coloring. However, you should avoid multi-color coloring with unnatural shades. At home, you can make a mask based on white clay, a light head massage, a warm wrap with sage decoction.

November 7, Monday, 8th lunar day (until 13:47, later focus on the 9th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Aquarius.

This day is unfavorable for haircuts and dyeing; it is also advisable to refrain from home and salon procedures. However, it is recommended to carry out a session of long, but gentle brushing with a massage brush, lifting and ventilating the strands - this will improve blood circulation and saturate the hair with oxygen.

November 8, Tuesday, 9th lunar day (until 14:16, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

A completely inappropriate day for any manipulation of hair, and a haircut is fraught with problems in interpersonal communication, obstacles in the implementation of plans, and a deterioration in relations with friends. In addition, it is not recommended to appear on the street without a headdress.

November 9, Wednesday, 10th lunar day (until 14:42, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

If you are going to have a haircut on the 10th lunar day, which falls on November 8 (after 14:16), then do it boldly. The haircut will be very successful, will give inspiration and positive charge, renew energy and relieve accumulated fatigue. But specifically on the 9th, it is recommended to refrain from haircuts, as well as from dyeing, perming and using masks prepared on their own.

November 10, Thursday, 11 lunar day (before 15:07, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

Unfavorable day for a visit to the salon and for home strengthening, nourishing, revitalizing masks. But the treatment procedures for the scalp will be very effective, as well as any methods of moisturizing the hair.

Second decade of November

November 11, Friday, 12th lunar day (until 15:31, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Again, not a good day for haircuts, dyeing and any home procedures. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from using a hair dryer, styler and alcohol-based styling products. In addition, you should not allow hypothermia of the head - this is fraught with headaches and deterioration of the hair structure.

November 12, Saturday, 13th lunar day (until 15:56, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Another day when it is better to refrain from visiting the salon. Home procedures will not do the trick either, and the use of rigid styling products and hot styling tools will negatively affect the condition of the hair.

November 13, Sunday, 14th lunar day (until 16:23, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

Quite auspicious day for visiting the hairdresser. The haircut will be very successful, and on a metaphysical level, it will have a positive effect on your well-being, attract additional income to you, and help establish or improve relations with relatives. Coloring is not prohibited, but you should give preference to natural or gentle dyes and natural shades. Any home procedures will give a good effect.

November 14, Monday, 15th lunar day (until 16:56, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Full Moon, Moon in Taurus.

A completely inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with brittle hair, dandruff, material problems and conflicts with the authorities. It is also advisable to refrain from staining and home procedures.

November 15, Tuesday, 16th lunar day (until 17:35, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you a feeling of lightness, remove the accumulated negativity, and improve your mood. You can experiment with the shape and color, make a short-term perm, go through the salon ionization procedure. But homemade masks and rinsing will not be beneficial.

November 16, Wednesday, 17th lunar day (until 18:24, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Another great day for a haircut - it will give you a feeling of falling in love with the whole world and with life itself, attract pleasant acquaintances to you, make you happier. Coloring is not prohibited, however, it is recommended to avoid black. It is better to postpone home procedures for another time.

November 17, Thursday, 18th lunar day (until 19:22, later focus on the 19th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today it is worth getting a haircut only if you decide to get rid of long hair and make a radically short haircut. But the day is favorable for secondary and primary staining, as well as for salon and home procedures using algae and other seafood.

November 18, Friday, 19th lunar day (until 20:28, later focus on the 20th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

A completely inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with depressions, a splash of negative emotions, tantrums. It is also recommended to refrain from dyeing and from any other hairdressing procedures. Also, do not let anyone touch your hair, otherwise you will fall under the influence of others and get headaches.

November 19, Saturday, 20th lunar day (until 21:39, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Leo.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you not only additional attractiveness, but also long-term inspiration, great creative ideas, confidence in its irresistibility. If you are going to do the primary coloring, then give preference to wheat, reddish, golden shades. From home procedures, the most effective will be nutritional and healing masks based on honey and sprouted wheat grains.

November 20, Sunday, 21st lunar day (until 22:51, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), the Moon is in Leo.

Another very auspicious day for a haircut - it will make you more determined, and your curls - beautiful and shiny. Dyeing will work just as well as carving. At home, rinse your hair with a decoction of oats.

Third decade of November

Today is not a good day for cutting and coloring. But an excellent effect will be given by procedures to restore the ends of the hair. You can also make a light, nourishing pumpkin-based root mask.

Great day for a visit to the salon. However, it is worthwhile to clearly decide in advance what exactly you want to see on your head, and what salon procedures you need, and not deviate from the original plan. In addition, experiments and a sharp change in image are not recommended - there is a high probability that you will be uncomfortable with a new haircut that is significantly different from the one you are already used to.

November 25, Friday, 25th lunar day (until 3:28, later focus on the 26th lunar day), Moon in Libra.

Quite auspicious day for visiting the hairdresser. However, you should avoid asymmetric haircuts and sharp contrasts in coloring. Home procedures will be useless, and ionization can be done in the salon.

November 26, Saturday, 26th lunar day (until 4:34, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

Compounding the problem. Coloring is not forbidden, but if you do it for the first time or decide to change the "color", avoid black and other gloomy shades. Home treatments will not be beneficial.

November 28, Monday, 28th lunar day (until 6:45, later focus on the 29th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

November 29, Tuesday, 29th lunar day until 7:49, 30th lunar day (until 15:19, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Sagittarius.

A completely unfavorable day for any kind of hairdressing manipulations. Trimming and coloring will weaken the roots and turn your hair into a crow's nest. The only thing worth doing today is from 7:49 to 15:19 pamper your hair with a mask of liquid honey with the addition of egg yolks.

November 30, Wednesday, 1st lunar day (until 8:49, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Again, not a good day for haircuts and dyeing. But an excellent effect will be given by nourishing masks with the addition of essential oils or prepared on the basis of dairy products - sour cream, whey, kefir or cream.

The lunar calendar for November 2016 is an indispensable guide when choosing the right time for hair cutting and coloring. In many families, it is of great importance when and who goes to the hairdresser's grandmother. The younger generation, somehow, is not used to planning trips to beauty salons, according to the lunar cycles, although one should listen to such useful and interesting information.

Different phases of the moon have a rather strong influence and you can use such little secrets to speed up the growth of your hair or, conversely, keep your model hairstyle longer.

The lunar calendar for each month of the year can be found on the Internet, it details all the reasons why you should contact the master on a particular day for a certain service, and sometimes it would be better to stay at home. It should be noted that such practical and useful tips apply not only to haircuts, but also to dyeing and curling.

Haircut lunar calendar table for November 2016

Auspicious days for hair curling in November 2016

If we consider a traumatic procedure - a perm of hair, then experts advise to do it only in the second half of the month, when the moon is in a waning phase. In the first half of the month, curling can injure the hair quite strongly, but the advantage of curling during this period can also be found. Injured hair will quickly recover with masks and other products. Here, each girl must choose herself.

The curling effect will give the most striking effect in the period from November 16 to November 29, even completely straight hair will become playful curls in the skilled hands of a specialist. If, nevertheless, it was decided to carry out such a procedure, then you need to sign up for November 17, 20 or 25.

Influence of the moon phase on haircut in November 2016

The moon phases in November 2016 primarily affect hair growth. A haircut on a certain lunar day can speed up hair growth or slow it down. On some days, you need to refrain from going to the hairdresser to maintain healthy hair: the tendency to hair loss may increase or, for example, dandruff may occur. This affects not only hair cutting, but also other procedures: hair coloring, perm, etc.

If you are addicted to changing hairstyles quite often, then it is obviously very important for you that in November 2016 your hair grows quickly. In this case, for hair cutting, it is better to opt for the date when the waxing moon is located in the first or second quarter.

If, on the contrary, you prefer to rarely visit a hairdressing salon, choose an auspicious day when the moon is in a waning phase. A haircut on the waning moon will strengthen your hair roots and prevent hair loss, but they will grow back rather slowly. On the new moon, you need to give up hair cutting, because these days a haircut shortens a person's life.