Children's experimentation as a means of cognition of the surrounding world. Experimentation as a means of introducing children to cognitive ..docx - Work experience "Experimentation as a means of introducing children to cognitive research activities

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Experimentation as a means of introducing children to cognitive ..docx - Work experience "" Experimenting as a means of introducing children to cognitive and research activities "

"Experimentation as a means
introducing children to cognitive
research activities "
Not the one who knows a lot is educated,
and the one who wants to know a lot
and who knows how to get this knowledge.
V.P. Watchmen.
“Know how to open to the child in the world around him
one thing, but open so that a piece of life
played in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow.
Always leave something unsaid
so that the child wants to come back again and again
to what he has learned. "
Sukhomlinsky V. A
Older preschool children are curious in
exploration of the surrounding world. The most important features of children's behavior
are curiosity, observation, thirst for new discoveries and
impressions, the desire to experiment and search for new information about
the world around the child. It was at this age that the search engine and
research activity takes the leading place and helps in
meeting the needs of children in the knowledge of the world around them.
Every child is a pioneer. It seems to him that he was the first to see that
snow is a lot of beautiful snowflakes that he first heard chirping
sparrow, I realized that the wind can be gentle and cool - in summer, angry
and thorny - in winter. This is how children perceive for the first time nature, its phenomena,
are drawn to her, trying to understand the world around them. But sometimes the mysteries of nature
confuse them, and they run in confusion with questions to us, adults.
And then it's our turn to come to their aid. Very often due to lack of
knowledge, children cannot choose the correct line of behavior in nature, and
among people, which greatly complicates their life in the future.
The priority direction in my work is the formation in children
elementary natural science concepts.

Numerous studies of recent decades have convincingly shown
what if the mechanism of cognition of the surrounding world for adults and children
are different, then the very principle of cognition remains the same - the child, like
an adult, learns the world around him in the process of independent
interaction with this world, active experimentation with it.
Mastering ways of practical interaction with the environment
ensures the formation of the child's worldview, his personal growth.
The modern educational process is unthinkable without the search for new, more
effective technologies designed to promote the development of creative
children's abilities,
the formation of self-development skills and
self-education. The experimental activity of preschoolers received
a new impetus in development with the introduction of the Federal State
the standard of preschool education. In the context of modernization of preschool
the creation of favorable conditions for education
development of children in accordance with their age and individual
characteristics and inclinations, development of abilities and creative
potential of each child as a subject of relations with oneself, others
children, adults and the world (clause 1.6 FSES DO)
In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the child must be:
curious, active, interested in new, unknown in
the world around you, ask questions of an adult, love to experiment.

Experimenting makes the child interested in research,
develops mental operations (analysis, synthesis, classification,
generalization), stimulates cognitive activity and curiosity,
activates the perception of educational material on familiarization with natural
phenomena, with the basics of mathematical knowledge and with ethical rules in
life of society. Everyone knows that an important criterion in the preparation of a child
to school is the upbringing of his inner need for knowledge. AND
experimentation is the best way to shape this need through
development of cognitive interest.
Developing as an activity,
aimed at cognition and transformation of objects of the surrounding
reality, children's experimentation contributes to the expansion
outlook, enrichment of experience of independent activity, self-development

Assimilation of the system of scientific concepts, acquisition of experimental
ways of knowing the surrounding reality will allow the child to become
subject of learning, learning to learn, which is one of the aspects
preparation for school, allows you to develop intellectual activity,
cognitive culture and value attitude to the real world.
Experiments have a positive effect on the emotional sphere of the child, on
development of his creative abilities, they give children real
ideas about the various aspects of the studied object,
relationships with other objects and with the habitat. During
of the experiment, the child's memory is being enriched, his
thought processes, since the need constantly arises
perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification,
generalizations and extrapolations. The need to give an account of what he saw,
to formulate discovered patterns and conclusions stimulates
development of speech. The consequence is not only familiarizing the child with
new facts, but also the accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations,
which are considered mental skills.

Children's experimentation is closely related to other species
activity - observation, development of speech (the ability to clearly express your
thought facilitates the conduct of the experiment, while the replenishment of knowledge
promotes the development of speech).
The connection of children's experimentation with visual activity
also double-sided. The stronger the visual skills will be
child, the more accurately the result of the natural
experiment. At the same time, the deeper the child explores the object in the process
acquaintance with nature, the more accurately he will convey its details during
visual activity.

The connection between experimentation and
the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. During
conducting an experiment, it is constantly necessary to count, measure,
compare, determine the shape and size. All this gives mathematical
representations of real significance and promotes their awareness. At the same
How to find out what is happening with each of the objects around the child?
Everything needs to be examined using all analyzers, and all the resulting
the data is entered into memory. Unfortunately, many adults do not think


what painful sensations a child experiences when deprived of the opportunity
load your memory with various new information. Nature made
the instinct to learn at an early age is very powerful, practically
irresistible. With age, the need to learn new things weakens.
The majority of people in adulthood live and work using luggage
knowledge accumulated in the previous stages of individual development, and not
experiences special suffering when it is impossible to discover something new
daily and hourly. This is why some adults do not understand children and
view their activities as aimless.

However, as N.N. Poddyakov, deprivation of opportunity
experimenting, constant restrictions on independent activities
at an early and preschool age lead to serious mental
violations that persist for life negatively affect
development of the child, on the ability to learn in the future It is a pity that
for a long time this was not taken into account by the preschool education system.
The only way out here, according to teachers and psychologists, is a wide
introduction of the method of organized and supervised children's
experimentation at home and in kindergarten.
The concept for the development of universal educational activities was developed on
the basis of the system-activity approach and is designed to concretize
requirements for the results of primary general education. It is necessary
for planning the educational process in preschool educational
institutions, primary school and ensuring the continuity of education.
New social requests related to the transition of our country to
postindustrial information society based on knowledge and
high innovative potential, led to a revival of interest in
ideas of developmental education, the core of which is cognitive and
personal development of the child.
One of the main tasks of modern educational institutions,
proclaimed in the concept of modernization of Russian education,
is the creation of the necessary and full-fledged conditions for personal
development of each child, the formation of his active position.
The value of a person's research attitude to reality
it is difficult to overestimate. Willingness to search for new information, observations,
knowledge, new ways of thinking and behavior - what is perhaps more
everything can help a person not only survive in the modern world, but
realize yourself, your creativity.

From this point of view, the upbringing of a research attitude in children
in relation to life is the most important task. So, very
the question of how to create different
age groups and with different levels of development of cognitive needs
and opportunities such an educational environment that will facilitate
the development of a child's exploratory attitude towards the world and himself,
the formation of his research position.
The object of experience: the process of forming a cognitive - research
The subject of experience: methods that activate the conditions for the development of cognitive
research activity in children through experiments, experiments.
Hypothesis: The developed set of measures contributes to the development
cognitive - research activity
The goal is to promote the development of cognitive activity in children,
striving for independent
knowledge of the world around and thinking, the formation of the initial
natural science concepts
Research objectives
 formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual
 development of the ability to identify possible methods of solving the problem with
with the help of an adult, and then independently;
 formation of the ability to apply these methods that contribute to
solving the problem, using various options;
 developing a desire to use special terminology, maintaining
constructive conversation in the process of joint research
 the ability to put forward hypotheses and independently formulate
Experimental tasks:

 Expanding children's ideas about the world around them through acquaintance with
basic knowledge from various fields of science:
 Development in children of the idea of ​​the chemical properties of the substance.
 Development in children of elementary ideas about basic physical
properties and phenomena (evaporation, magnetism, gravitational force, etc.)
 Development of ideas about the properties of water, sand, clay, air, stone.
 Development of elementary mathematical ideas about the measure - how about
a method of measuring volume, mass, length, about measurements of length measurement.
 Development in children of the ability to use devices - helpers in
conducting experiments
scales, hourglass, ruler, measuring tape,
(magnifying glasses,
 Development of mental abilities in children.
 Development of thinking skills: analysis, classification, comparison,
1. Methods of stimulation and motivation;
 Questions from the teacher that encourage children to pose a problem:
 Questions that help clarify the situation, put forward a hypothesis and
its content and natural
understand the meaning of the experiment,
 Method to encourage children to communicate: “Ask your friend about
anything, what he thinks about it. "
2. Play methods:
 Experimental games allow you to verify the accuracy
physical phenomena and patterns.
3. Practical:
 Operations with a magnet, magnifying glass, measuring instruments, transfusion
pouring bulk materials allow

on one's own

4. Visual:
 Schemes for conducting experiments, tables, illustrations of natural and
physical phenomena at the preschool level.
Dramatization method; when a child takes on the role of Dunno, Why Much,
laboratory assistant or scientist.

Form of work with children: group, subgroup. Frontal;
The form of the event.
 Our relationship with children is built on the basis of partnership.
 Free placement of children is allowed;
 Allowed free movement of children in the process of activity;
 Allowed free communication of children (working hum)

Research type: long-term

The theoretical basis of the experience.
Science owes the introduction of the term "experimentation" to J. Piaget: he
analyzed the significance of this activity for children and adolescents,
proved that the virtue of childhood experimentation is
that it gives real ideas about the various aspects of the studied
object, about its relationship with other objects.

Development of the theoretical foundations of the experimental method in
preschool institutions are carried out by a creative team of specialists
under the guidance of a professor, academician of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy and
Russian Academy of Education N. N. Poddyakova. Great contribution to
the development of the method was made by scientists S.L. Novoselova, A.N. Leontyev, L.M.
Manevtseva, Ya.A. Ponomarev, M. I. Lisina, A. I. Ivanova, S. N. Nikolaeva.
O. V. Dybina, N. A. Ryzhova and others.
experimentation can be viewed as a near-perfect method:
knowledge gained independently is always conscious and more
durable. The use of this teaching method was advocated by the following
authorities of pedagogical science such as Ya.A. Comenius I. G. Pestalozzi, J.
J. Rousseau, K. D. Ushinsky and others
Confirmation of the importance of experimental activity in development
children on the example of the statements of outstanding teachers.
Komensky Ya.A., 1658 "The main prerequisite for that (we are talking about
education. - Auth.) Is the requirement that sensory objects be
correctly presented to our senses so that they can be right
perceived. I affirm and repeat publicly that this is a requirement
is the basis of everything else ”source: Komensky Ya.A. World of sensual
natural science
the formation

things in pictures. History of preschool foreign pedagogy;
Reader, M. 1986, p. 67
Locke J., 1693 “They (we are talking about children. Auth.) Are travelers,
recently arrived in a foreign country, about which they know nothing. That's why
conscience obliges us not to mislead them. ”Source: Locke
J. Thoughts on education. History of preschool foreign pedagogy;
Reader, M. 1986, p. 85
Pestalozzi I.G., 18001805 “Don't rush to impose knowledge on the child.
Let the true world, phenomena and objects, complex or such that
can turn to the child in different directions, pass in front of him in
as much as possible ... ”Source: Pestalozzi I.G.
Pestalozzi's diary about raising his son. History of preschool overseas
pedagogy; Reader, M. 1986, p. 137
“... contemplation (sensory perception) by man of nature itself is
the only true foundation of learning ... Everything that follows then,
is simply the result, or abstraction, of this sensuous
perception "Source: Aide Memoire Pestalozzi History of Preschool
foreign pedagogy; Reader, M. 1986, p. 159
Manaseina MM, 1880 “... when raising children from 1 to 8 years old,
always remember that first and foremost they should follow
opportunities to more fully and better get used to the world around them.
Therefore, they do not need fairy tales, but facts and facts, observations and experiments. "
Source: M.M. Manaseina On the education of the mind (up to 8 years old) Anthology
pedagogical thought in Russia in the second half of the 19th early 20th centuries.
Compiled by P.A. Lebedev M., 1990, p. 409
Rottenberg V., 1984 “... school education should be built taking into account
the predominant figurative thinking in children. That is, development is required
new teaching methods based on maximum use
figurative type of information processing ... Such methods are not based on
study of abstract physical formulas with subsequent demonstration ...
but, on the contrary, the setting of a beautiful and fascinating experiment, based on
which children themselves deduce the physical law ”Source: V. Rottenberg
Brain and thinking: "I" in search of "I" Knowledge is power. 1984 No. 12, p.3839
A. V. Zaporozhets “In the form of visual images that are formed in a child,
not only the external appearance of phenomena is reflected, but also the simplest
casual, genetic and functional interdependencies between them.
As a result, those types begin to take shape in the most perfect form.

sensory knowledge of reality, which have an invaluable
meaning not only for the present, but also for the future, which will play
important role in the activity of an adult ”Source: A.V. Zaporozhets.
The importance of periods of childhood for the formation of a child's personality.
Psychology reader: a textbook for students. ped.
int. Compiled by Mironenko V.V. 20th ed. M., 1987, p. 314315
Poddyakov N.N., 1997 “The fundamental fact is that
the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of children's life,
all children's activities, including play. The latter arises
much later than the activity of experimentation "Source Poddyakov
N. Sensation: the discovery of a new leading activity. Pedagogical
Bulletin. 1997. No. 1, p.6
Ivanova A.I., 1999 “... observations and experiments form the basis
any knowledge ... without them any concepts turn into dry abstractions! "
Source: Ivanova A.I.
Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in the nursery
garden. M.2007. page 6
Research by Russian scientists A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Novoselova, N.N.
Poddyakov make it possible to formulate the following provisions:
 Experimentation is a special form of search engine
activities in which the processes of occurrence and
development of new goals and personal motives underlying
self-movement and self-development of preschoolers.
aimed at obtaining new information,
 In experimentation, your own activity is powerfully manifested
(cognitive form of experimentation), children's products
creativity - new buildings, drawings, fairy tales, etc. (productive
form of experimentation).
 Experimentation is at the heart of every child's
 In experimentation, psychic
processes of differentiation and integration with general domination
integration processes.
 Experimentation in its entirety and versatility is
way of functioning of the psyche.
 Experimentation permeates all areas of children's activity.
I am impressed by the hypothesis of N.N. Poddyakov, which he formulated
based on the compilation of his rich factual material in 1997, about

the fact that in childhood the leading activity is not play,
as it is commonly believed, but experimentation. To justify its
hypothesis, he cites numerous proofs:
 Play activities require stimulation and a certain organization
by adults; we know for sure that children should be taught to play. V
exploratory activity child self
affects the surrounding objects in different ways and
phenomena for the purpose of their fuller knowledge. This activity is not
given to a child by an adult, he builds it himself.
 In the process of experimentation, the moment appears quite clearly
self-development: transformation
objects produced by the child,
reveal to him new sides and properties of the object, which, in their
queue, allows you to produce new, more complex and perfect,
transformations and gain new knowledge about the object and its properties.
Thus, with the accumulation of knowledge about the investigated child,
gets the opportunity to put himself new ones. More and more challenging goals.
 Some kids don't like to play; but that doesn't mean they
they are inactive, they prefer to do something,
different from the game, and their mental development proceeds normally. AND
only when you are deprived of the opportunity to get acquainted with the world around you
through experimentation, the mental development of the child
 Fundamental evidence for the leading role of experimentation
in children's activities is the fact that experimentally
research activity permeates all areas of activity
child, including the playroom. The latter arises significantly
later activities of experimentation
N.N. Poddyakov, in his works distinguishes the following structures for
conducting experiments:
1. statement of the problem;
2. search for ways to solve the problem;
3. conducting observation;
4. discussion of the results seen;
5. formulation of conclusions.
Stages of experience implementation:

Stage 1
1.1. The study of theoretical aspects on this issue in pedagogy and
didactics. Acquaintance with the works of leading authors on this issue
1.2. Development and implementation of diagnostics of children, with the aim of fixing
personal growth and the amount of acquired skills in children. (see Attachment)
1.3. Determination of the goal and objectives of the given work experience, the expected results.
1.4. Determination of the main forms of work with children.
1.5 Development of a long-term plan for implementation in practical
daily activities of children of experiments and experiments, development
abstracts on GCD with elements of experimentation.
1.6. Enrichment of a subject-development environment for implementation in practice
experimental activities of children,
corner equipment
 special dishes cups, tubes, funnels, plates, etc ...,
 natural material pebbles, sand, seeds, etc.,
 recycled material wire, paper clips, thread ...
 other materials loupes, thermometers, microscope ...
Competent combination of materials and equipment in the corner
experimentation helps children to master the means
cognitive activity, methods of action, examination of objects,
expanding cognitive experience.
1.4 A selection of practical material, including:
Work with children:
 GCD notes with elements of experimentation
 a long-term plan for conducting experiments directly and
 diagnosis of children according to the criteria of the experimental
 card index of experiments and experiments
Working with parents:
 consultations for parents on this topic
 memo
Working with educators:
 consultations

2. Stage - main

2.1. The implementation of the tasks was carried out in three main
 directly educational activities
 independent activity of children
 joint activities of an adult and children, as well as a child
with a peer
We propose to dwell on each of the forms of work in more detail.
Directly educational activities.
We all know how important it is to arouse and maintain children's interest in what is being studied.
topic to solve all the tasks. And the experiments remind children
"Tricks", they are unusual, and, most importantly, the children do everything themselves and
experience a sense of joy from their small and large "discoveries".
For some activities, children themselves give unusual names if they have discovered
for myself something new "Classes - discoveries", many were surprised "Classes
surprise ".
After classes, children have many questions, based on
there is a cognitive motive.
For the organization of independent cognitive activities of children in
in a developing environment, techniques are of particular importance,
stimulating the development of their cognitive activity.
Let's look at a few examples:
 Having a sequencing model helps children
conduct experiments on your own, check your assumptions,
feel like researchers.
 Problem situation;
"Wonderful box" with items
 Joint endeavor
Joint activity is the most attractive form for us
organization of work with children in experimental and experimental activities.
 Positive points:

consolidation of previously received (learned) material;
continuation of work to expand the understanding of objects and phenomena;
freedom of action, both for adults and children (the ability to move away from
the planned plan);
 the role of the teacher is flexible (leader, partner);
in the process of experimental activity, children get the opportunity
satisfy their inherent curiosity (why, how, why, and what

themselves as scientists,

if), feel
pioneers. It is very important in the process of work to involve all
senses (not only to see and hear, but also to smell, touch, and even
taste (if possible and safe)).
Joint activities outside of class with older children
we organize once a week for 1520 minutes.
The work is carried out with small groups, taking into account the level of development and
cognitive interests of children.
Technique for conducting experiments and experiments.
Preparing for scheduled observations and experiments
begins with the definition of the current didactic tasks. Then we choose
an object with which one gets acquainted in advance - both in practice and in literature.
Simultaneously masters the technique of experimentation if not familiar
By inviting children to set up an experience, the teacher informs them of the goal or task in such a way
so that the children themselves determine what they need to do.
Time is given for reflection, and then the teacher involves the children in
discussion of the methodology and course of the experiment.
In the process of work, it is necessary to encourage children who are looking for their own
ways of solving the problem,
varying the course of the experiment and
experimental actions. At the same time, do not let out of sight those
who works slowly, for some reason lags behind and loses the main
The final stage of the experiment is to summarize and
formulation of conclusions.
Conclusions can be made verbally, or you can use graphic
fixing the results, that is, to draw up in pictures, diagrams.
Problem solving can be carried out in 2 versions:
children conduct an experiment without knowing its result, and thus
acquire new knowledge;
children first predict the option, and then check if it is correct
they thought.
The duration of the experiment is determined by many factors:
The features of the studied phenomenon,
Availability of free time
The state of children, their attitude to this type of activity.

If the children are tired, we stop the lesson at a predetermined date, if
on the contrary, the interest in the work is great, it can be continued beyond
scheduled time.
Observations and experiments are classified according to different principles:
Random: Experiments do not require special training. They
are carried out impromptu in the situation that developed at that time,
when children saw something interesting in nature, in a corner of nature or on
plot. And for this we, adults, need to be literate, ourselves
have considerable biological knowledge. Otherwise
the most interesting events will pass by the children misunderstood, unnoticed.
It follows that the preparation for random experiments is
constant self-education in all sections of biology, geography,
In addition to planned and random experiments, it is possible to conduct
experiments that answer a child's question. To conduct
of such experiments, either the child who asked the question is involved, or his
Having listened to the question, the teacher does not answer it, but advises the child himself
establish the truth by making a simple observation “see if there will be
cat lapping kvass? "
Or: “Guys, Kolya asks if it is necessary to water the flowers today, how
For children of the older group, both two- and three-member
chains of causal relationships, so they often need to ask
the question "Why?" And they themselves at this age become why:
most questions start with this word.
For example, asking children why grass does not grow on our site, we
we can get the following logical chain:
“Since we are running around the site, the soil has become solid (1 link), it means that the plant does not
can push it apart with its roots (link 2).

Comparative (allowing you to see the similarities and differences of objects
and phenomena)
I suggest you make a small comparative observation of two
common indoor plants - sansevieria (pike tail) and
Saintpaulia (violets).
Complete the sentences:
The violet has pubescent leaves, and the pike's tail ...

The leaves of the violet are smaller, and the pike's tail ...
The pike tail is more shade-tolerant than ...
What are the similarities of these colors:
require moderate watering;
reproduce by dividing the bush or by leafy cuttings.
What are the differences:
in size;
in the color of the leaves;
in the shape and color of flowers;
in relation to the light.

Generalizing observations (experiments in which
general patterns of objects and phenomena previously studied for individual
Again, we offer to compare the properties of the most common objects.
for observation it is snow, water and ice.
We invite children to carefully consider the water, snow and ice and tell
how they are similar and how they differ;
Compare which is heavier (water or ice, water or snow, snow or ice);
What happens if you connect them (snow and ice will melt);
Compare how their properties change in a compound:
Water and ice (water remains clear, it gets colder, its volume
increases as the ice melts).
Water and snow (water loses its transparency, it gets colder, its volume
increases, snow changes volume).
Snow and ice (do not interact).
How do I make the ice opaque? (grind it up).
This work involves the active involvement of parents in
cooperation with children. It is important for a child that his mom and dad
supported his interests, so we involve parents in an active
So, for example, you can invite children at home to do a number of experiments with water,
air, conduct research, answer questions, for example, where can
find water at home? What is water for and do you save it? Parents
help, direct children to complete assignments.

In addition, parents can help with the design of various
collections. They collect exhibits while on vacation, in the country, on walks,
while showing great interest in the lesson.
In addition, parents involve children in caring for pets,
indoor plants and bring up responsibility for their life and
To educate parents, consultations can be held on the following topics:
"Organization of children's experimentation at home",
Experimenting with Water.
Themed are very popular with both children and parents.
photo exhibitions "My family in the forest", "My family in the country", "Our
pets "and others.
At the end of the year, children are re-examined. Diagnostics
will show the dynamics of the development of children's experimentation.
Quantitative data will allow you to track the efficiency of work,
track the child's result and plan your future work.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that in kindergarten there is no
there should be a clear boundary between everyday life and
experimentation, because experimentation is not an end in itself, but only
a way to introduce children to the world they are going to live in!
Description of the techniques used
The study used the methodology "Choice of activity" and
diagnostics developed by L.N. Prokhorova and L.N. Menshchikova.
At the first stage of the study, we studied the place of the children's
experimentation in older preschool children. For this
the methodology "Choice of activity" by L.N. Prokhorova was used,
aimed at studying the motivation of children's experimentation. On
the choice of children was offered a variety of activities: play,
experimental, labor, visual, etc. In a week
it was observed which type of activity is preferable.
an experiment carried out at the beginning of the study showed that
experimentation is in second place for children's preferences
(after the game). The attitude of children to this type of activity of all
it turned out to be possible to divide the pupils into three groups.
The first group (5 children) 23.8%. Children take an active interest in
experimental activities; cognitive attitude to experiment

sustainable, participate in activities with pleasure, actively discuss
results and the process itself.
The second group (13 children) is 61.9%. In most cases, the child
shows an active cognitive interest in experimental
activities do not always participate in the discussion.
The third group (3 children) 14.3%. Children rarely show cognitive
interest in experimental activities, do not participate in the discussion
process and its results.
We evaluated the attitude of children to experimental activity
according to the degree of manifestation of their interest, active participation in the discussion and
the activity itself.
The study also used diagnostics developed by
L.I. Prokhorova and L.N. Menshchikova, which allows you to assess the level
mastering by children of experimental activity.
When evaluating
the formation of these skills in children is not interesting in quantitative, but
qualitative indicators. The important thing is not so much the result as
the process of the child's work in the course of experimentation; respectively, and
it is not what the child has achieved that is assessed, but how he thinks
reasoning. In this case, indicators such as goal-setting,
planning of activities and the process of its implementation. Certainly one of the
indicators are also reflexive skills, that is, the ability of children
formulate conclusions, argue their judgments. Hence,
indicators of the formation of the activity of experimentation
it is necessary to investigate both at the external and internal levels, then
there are qualitative changes in the structure of the personality and their manifestation in
human interaction with the outside world.
Indicators of the level of children's mastery of experimental activity:
1. Goal setting:
high level: the child independently sees the problem, actively
makes assumptions, puts forward hypotheses, assumptions, ways of their
decisions, making extensive use of reasoning and evidence;
intermediate level: the child sometimes sees the problem on his own,
sometimes with a tip from an adult, makes assumptions, builds
hypothesis alone or with a little help from others (an adult or

low level: the child does not always understand the problem, is inactive in
coming up with ideas for solving the problem, has difficulty understanding the put forward
other children hypothesis.
high level: the child independently plans the upcoming
consciously chooses materials and items for
independent activity in accordance with their qualities, properties,
intermediate level: the child takes an active part in
planning activities with an adult;
low level: the child does not strive for independence, allows
mistakes when choosing material for independent activity due to
insufficient awareness of their qualities and properties.
high level: the child acts in a systematic manner, remembers the purpose of the work
throughout the activity, in dialogue with an adult, explains the course
activity, brings the matter to the end;
intermediate level: the child independently prepares material for
experimentation, based on qualities and properties, shows persistence
in achieving results, keeping in mind the purpose of the work;
low level: the child forgets about the goal, being carried away by the process, gravitates
to monotonous, primitive actions, manipulating objects,
makes mistakes in establishing connections and sequences (what first, what
high level: the child formulates in speech whether it is achieved or not
result, notices the incomplete correspondence of the obtained result to the hypothesis,
able to establish a variety of time, sequential,
causal relationships, draws conclusions;
middle level:
the child can formulate conclusions
independently or on leading questions, argues his judgments and
uses evidence with the help of an adult;
low level: the child finds it difficult to draw a conclusion even with the help
others, formal reasoning, pseudological, focuses on
external, insignificant features of the material with which he acts are not
delving into its true content.

We diagnosed children according to these indicators,
which made it possible to determine the level of children's mastery of the experimental
activities at the initial stage.
Diagnostics of research activity
older preschoolers in the process of experimenting
Tasks of pedagogical diagnostics:
1. Reveal the presence of interest of older preschool children in
experimenting with objects and materials.
2. To identify the features of the manifestation of research activity
preschoolers in the process of experimenting in a specially created
problem situations and the spontaneous experience of children.
3. Determine the current level of development of research activity
senior preschoolers.
To identify the interest of older preschoolers in experimenting
the systematic observation of the free action is used
the nature of children, its focus on independent research,
In the process of observation, it is necessary to note which of the children and how
often refers to experimentation; what kinds of experimentation
they use; what objects and materials do they prefer
enjoy; what objects for experimentation are often chosen, and
which episodically; how individual characteristics manifest themselves, and
differences between boys and girls in the choice of objects of experimentation.
Having received a general idea of ​​the content of the children's experiment
tirovanie, it is necessary to evaluate each child from the standpoint of the nature of his
research activity:
 preferred objects for experimentation;
 the manifestation of perseverance in the research search;
 the ability to perform combinatorial enumeration of different solutions
 emotional attitude to the process of experimentation;
To identify children's interest in experimentation and content
this activity, in addition to observations and clarifying conversations, are used
practical situations.

Diagnostic situation "Choice of activity"
The goal is to research the preferred type of activity, to identify
place of children's experimentation in children's preferences.
The content of the situation. The pictures show children doing
different types of activities:
1 - game;
2 - reading books;
3 - pictorial;
4 - children's experimentation;
5 - labor in nature;
6 - construction from different materials.
The child is asked to choose a situation in which he would like
turn up. Three choices are made in sequence.
All three choices are recorded in the protocol in numbers. For the first choice
3 points are counted, for the second - 2 points, for the third - 1 point.
The conclusion is based on the sum of the preferred choices for the group as a whole.
The results are presented in a pivot table.
Vova N.

2 Matvey B.
Varya G.
Ilya K.
Egor D.
Anya R.
Artyom B.
Arina G.
Polina S.
10 Matvey L.
Choice of activity
From this survey, it was concluded that an activity such as
experimentation, children are interested in and takes first place, along with
playing and reading books

Revealing the level of development of research activities in
Purpose: to determine the level of development of research activities
older preschoolers after the experiment.
Conditions: children are offered tasks used in the ascertaining
experiment. Tasks are carried out individually.
Methods: observation, activity analysis, mathematical method
data processing.
Experiment content:
Children were offered tasks:
Exercise 1.
Purpose: to check the level of formation of the ability to see problems and
put forward hypotheses, assumptions.
Equipment: cards with the image of the Bear, Fox and Hare;
images of windows in the house of each of the animals; card rectangular
a shape indicating a piece of fabric.
Task 1. Check the level of formation of the ability to see the problem.
The wording of the task: three friends, Bear, Fox and Hare, went to
shop "Fabrics" to buy a cut for curtains. They liked the don and the same
the cloth. But there is not much of it left. How to find out on whose window you can sew curtains from
Children offer their options.
Task 2. Test the ability to put forward hypotheses, make assumptions.
Formulation of the task: you have determined on whose window you can sew curtains from
this piece of fabric. And what could each of your friends sew from this fabric?
Task 2.
Purpose: to check the level of formation of the ability to ask questions.
Equipment: cards with trees, jugs, 3 boys
of different heights.
Formulation of the assignment: look carefully at the cards, you see on
them are different items. Please ask me as many questions as you can
looking at these cards.
If the child finds it difficult or is limited to 1 2 questions, he can
help by suggesting that the questions can be very different and unusual.
Task 3.

Purpose: to test the ability to reason, describe phenomena, processes and
Equipment: 2 strips of ribbon, for example, yellow, different in
length; 2 conventional measurements, white and red, of different lengths.
The wording of the assignment: our friends Bear, Fox and Hare gathered in
guests to the doll Nastya. They decided not to go empty-handed, but to give new ones
ribbons. The ribbons must be of the same length. But how to do it, our
friends don't know. Look closely at the ribbons. How do you think,
Are they the same length or not? Let's check your assumptions with
help of measurements (the child is asked to measure one tape with a white measure,
another red). How many times did the white tape fit along the length of the first
measure? Is there a red measure along the length of the second tape? How do you think why
got different numbers? How can I make sure the ribbons are the same length?
Assignments 4.
Purpose: to determine the ability to conduct an experiment with a real object,
test the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.
Task 1. Determine the ability to conduct an experiment.
Equipment: piano, cube, pencil, mug, sheet of paper, ball,
rope, brick.
Statement of the assignment: suppose that for some time musical
classes will not be held in the music hall, but in a group. This requires
move the piano from the hall to our group. The only free space in
group between two windows. How do you know if the piano will fit in this place? If
children find it difficult to push them to the conclusion that it would be possible
try to put on the chosen place, but it is difficult and inconvenient. How
can you still check? Draw the child's attention to objects that
lie in front of him. You can help your child by suggesting that using
some of the items available, you can check if the place will fit
piano. How to do it? What items are more convenient to use? What
need to do?
Task 2. Test the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions.
Assignment formulation: you measured the piano using different objects.
What result did you get? What items were more convenient
to use? Why? Why was it necessary to measure the piano and where
wanted to put it on?

After carrying out the diagnostics, we received the following results, reflected in
diagrams for each diagnostic technique carried out at the beginning
school year and at the end:
The level of forcing the ability to highlight and formulate
The level of formation of the ability to put forward hypotheses and build

The level of formation of the ability to formulate and ask

The level of formation of the ability to describe phenomena, processes;
reason and generalize:
The level of formation of the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions:

The degree of independence during the experiment:

more actively, showed initiative, creative interest,

All this suggests that children have a motivational and creative
activity, which is the basis of successful creative activity
In the process of training, children improved their ability to compare,
analyze, formulate definitions of concepts.
Preschoolers became more attentive to each other and to themselves, showed
cooperation, tried to find the reason for their successes or mistakes.
Children began to show more independence when conducting
experiment, can reason about the prospects of their activities and
expected results.
Conclusions and generalizations
As a result of the analysis of the literature, indicators, criteria and
levels of research activity in older preschoolers who
determine the formation of research activities. Indicators
the formation of research activities:
ability to see
problem; ability to formulate and ask questions; ability to nominate
hypotheses; the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions; ability to prove and

defend your ideas; ability to independently act on stages
research. Criteria for the formation of research activities:
independence; completeness and consistency of the answer; correctness of conclusions and
formulations. According to three levels of formation of research
activity can be monitored for its development.
After conducting the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we found that most of the
of all children showed an average level of formation of the research
activities; fewer of them have sufficient skill
exploratory behavior; and a fairly large percentage of guys do not know how
to conduct search activities for one reason or another. And only 9.5%
children have the skills to conduct research activities.
Children's activities should be organized in such a way that the form
organization of educational activities was aimed at the development of creative
activity of a preschool child.
Work on the formation of research activities in seniors
preschoolers should be carried out gradually and in stages: 1 stage
direct formation of skills and research skills
activities. The content of the first stage included tasks,
aimed at developing memory, attention and other cognitive
functions. Stage 2 - familiarizing preschoolers with the teaching methods
research. At this stage, a classification is proposed using
which can systematize the process of educational research. Stage 3
conducting independent research by children,
when in
the research search involved the whole group, the children themselves set goals and
methods of achieving them.
The results of the control stage of the experiment showed that the children became
more actively, showed initiative, creative interest, dedication
research activities, the desire to look for a way to solve a problem.
Children have improved their ability to compare, analyze,
formulate definitions of concepts. Children began to show great
independence when conducting an experiment, can reason on
about the prospects of their activities and the expected results. So
Thus, we believe that a set of exercises and tasks for the formation
research activities in older preschool children with
studying the topic, the value and its measuring activity was selected

A preschool child actively seeks to learn as much as possible about the world around him. Along with play activity, cognitive activity is of great importance in the development of a child's personality, in the process of which the ability for initial forms of generalization and inference is formed. Children have an interest when they themselves can discover new properties of objects, their similarities and differences, giving them the opportunity to acquire knowledge on their own.

Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does himself.

The child's need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of research (search) activities aimed at understanding the world around them. The more diverse and intensive the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully his speech develops.

In this regard, of particular interest is children's experimentation.

In the process of children's experimentation, children learn

v See and highlight the problem

v Accept and set a goal

v Analyze an object or phenomenon

v Highlight essential features, connections

v Make hypotheses, build complex sentences

v Select material for independent activities

v Draw conclusions

A preschool child is by nature inherent in an orientation towards cognition of the surrounding world and experimentation with objects and phenomena of reality.

Knowing the world around him, he seeks not only to examine an object, but also to touch it with his hands, tongue, smell, knock on it, etc. He thinks about such physical phenomena as freezing of water in winter, precipitation, sound propagation in air, in water, etc.

In our kindergarten, we create conditions for the development of the cognitive and speech activity of the child by means of experimental activity.

  • We conduct experiments with objects of animate and inanimate nature (with plants, insects, air, water, sand, earth);
  • We get acquainted with the various properties of substances (hardness, softness, flowability, viscosity, buoyancy, solubility);
  • Introduce the main types of movement (speed, direction);
    • We develop geographical concepts - we introduce you to the globe, give knowledge about the solar system, about various cosmic phenomena;
    • When conducting experiments, we acquaint children with safety rules.

Experiments and experiments are different: demonstration (the teacher himself conducts the experiment and demonstrates it; and the children follow the progress and results) and frontal (the objects of the experiment are in the hands of children) - both teach children to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions.

In the corner of experiments, in their free time, children independently repeat the experiments, applying the knowledge, skills and abilities obtained during organized educational activities.

Children experience great joy, surprise and even delight from their small and large "discoveries", which cause them a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

In the process of experimentation (independent or under the guidance of an adult), children get the opportunity to satisfy their inherent curiosity (why? Why? How? What will happen if ...?), Feel like a scientist, researcher, pioneer.

Encouraging children's curiosity, quenching the thirst for learning little "why", directing their active activity, we contribute to the development of the child's cognitive activity, logical thinking, coherent speech.

It is known that no educational or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family and complete mutual understanding between parents and teachers, since every minute of communication with a child enriches him, forms his personality.

In order for the child to maintain cognitive interest, the desire to learn new things, to find out the incomprehensible, the desire to delve into the essence of objects, phenomena, actions, we also recommend that parents conduct simple experiments and experiments at home.

“Know how to open one thing in front of the child in the world around him, but open so that a piece of life will play in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to come back to what he has learned again and again. "

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A number of experiments and experiments that were carried out with children of the older group:

  • Experiments and experiments with wildlife

"Evaporation of moisture from plant leaves"

Target: Clarify that water moves from the soil to the leaves. Establish where the water disappears.

The children had different assumptions.

For example:

"I think the leaves absorb water into themselves."

"The water flows along the stalks into the leaves, and it is inside the leaves."

To the question: "Who thinks otherwise?" Masha expressed a different opinion: “I think that water evaporates in the air and turns into steam.”

The children and I decided to check all the assumptions.

They put a plastic bag on the houseplant and secured it. The plant was placed in a warm, bright place. After a while, the children found droplets of water on the cellophane.

Maxim concluded: "The droplets appeared on the leaves because the water evaporates, the steam rose up and became water again."

To the question: “Why is water not visible on the leaves of other indoor plants”, Yulia concluded: “The water from the leaves evaporates in the air, and in nature the steam goes into the sky and forms clouds, and precipitation falls on the ground”.

"Where is better to grow"

Target: Establish the need for soil for plant life, the effect of soil quality on the growth and development of plants.

The children planted grains in earth, sand and clay. At the first stage, the children expressed opinions about which soil is more favorable for plants and explained them:

For example:

"I think that it is better for plants to grow in sand, because it is crumbly, not hard."

And another child suggested the opposite: "In the desert, where there is only sand, plants grow very poorly."

To the question: "Do you think a grain planted in clay will germinate?" Marusya expressed her suggestion: “Plants will not be able to grow in clay, because the clay is hard, dries up, and air will not get to the roots”.

The guys, having some amount of knowledge, intuitively understand that the earth is a more favorable soil for plants, but they cannot explain why. And only by the end of the experiment, the children came to the following conclusion: that the earth is fertile, there are many minerals in it, it is loose.

This experiment aroused keen interest among children: they eagerly watched the sprouting of plants, made sketches.

  • Experiments and experiments with inanimate nature

"Dry of water"

Target: Determine what air is taking up space.

At the first stage, I asked the children to explain what it means to “get out of the water”, whether it is possible. The children made interesting proposals, and each had their own opinion:

"You can put on rubber boots and a waterproof overalls and then, I think, we will not get wet."

"You can sail on a boat on the water and stay dry."

"There are special suits, scuba gear, they are worn by divers and then you can get out of the water dry."

To the question: "Is it possible to put a glass in water and not wet the napkin lying at the bottom?" the children had different opinions:

"The napkin will be wet because water gets into the glass, and the napkin will absorb the water and get wet."

"If the glass is plastic, it won't sink and the napkin will stay dry, but the glass will sink and the napkin will get wet."

After immersing a glass in water to the bottom of the container, and lifting it, the children determine that the napkin is not wet (the children were so surprised that someone suggested that the napkin was magic).

- What do you think prevented the water from wetting it?

The children did not immediately guess why. Then I dipped my glass into the water at an angle. Seeing the bubbles, Misha guessed that there was air in the glass.

"Let's help the water to become clean"

Target: Develop the ability to set a goal, plan your work. Create conditions for identifying and testing different methods of water purification.

A problem situation was presented to the children. A letter came from the residents of the Flower City, where they report that their water supply is broken, and the water in the river is dirty, and they do not know what to do?

To the question: "Guys, how can we help the residents of the Flower City?" the opinions of the children were different:

You can fix the water supply system, change the pipes;

You can clean the river, take a motor boat, and use the net to collect all the garbage on the river;

You can bring clean water to residents of the city on a water carrier;

It is necessary to install a mesh in the pipe, dirty water will flow through this mesh and come out clean.

- How can you do this?

Children suggest taking different materials for the filter: cotton wool, paper, gauze, napkins, cloth. They independently take everything necessary for water purification.

The children independently came to the conclusion that:

  • dirt remained on the filter, the water became clear;
  • such water should not be eaten;
  • it can be used at home (wash hands, floor, wash clothes ...)

"Material properties"

Target: To update the knowledge of children about the properties of various materials (paper, iron, plastic, wood).

The children received a letter from Dunno with a request to help him find material for building a ship in order to go on a journey.

To the question: “What properties should a ship have?”, The answers of the children were different:

"To prevent the ship from sinking, it must be small."

"The ship must have a high side, an anchor and a lifebuoy."

"A ship needs a sail and a steering wheel."

To the question: “What material do you think is needed to build a ship?”, The following assumptions followed:

“I think you can build a ship out of plastic because plastic is lightweight.”

"Let's build a ship out of paper, it can stay on the water."

"I disagree, the bottom of the ship will get wet and it will sink."

"You can build from iron, because iron is strong."

"You need to use wood to build a ship, because wood doesn't sink."

In the course of independent experimentation, the children concluded what a ship could be built from.

"Magnet and its properties"

Target: To acquaint children with the concept of "magnet". Form an idea of ​​the properties of a magnet.

Children are encouraged to examine objects and determine what materials they are made of.

To the question: "What happens to these objects if you bring a magnet?" Dasha: "I think that the items will remain on the table."

Albert suggested: "I think that the magnet will attract iron objects to itself, because it is itself made of iron."

I invite the children to solve the following problem: “How to get a paper clip out of a glass of water without getting your hands wet”? The following suggestions followed:

"You need to hold the magnet over the glass."

"Let's take out a paper clip with a spoon."

And finally, Misha expressed the following opinion: “Let's attach a magnet to the glass wall, the magnet will attract a paper clip and we will slowly raise it to the surface”.

Through experimentation, the children concluded that the magnetic force acts through water and glass.


Target: Introduce the volcano as a natural phenomenon; develop cognitive activity in the process of independently performing experiments according to the scheme; teach independently, formulate conclusions based on the results of the experiment, based on previously received ideas and their own proposals; accuracy, mutual assistance.

Grandfather Comes to the Children Know. Legendary story "What is a volcano?"

We examined with the children illustrations depicting volcanoes.

- What is the shape of the volcano?

- What does the upper part of a volcano look like? ( To the crater.)

The crater of a volcano is a huge bowl with steep slopes, and at the bottom there is a reddish-orange maw - a crater, a hole that goes deep into the ground. The fiery liquid coming out of the volcano is called lava.

- Do you guys want to see a volcanic eruption? Let's try to do this.

Demonstration experience demonstration.

- What are you watching?

- How did I make the lava?

Grandfather's story Knowing what volcanoes we have in our country ( In the Far East, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands).

- Children, let's draw a volcano ( Visual activity).

Appendix # 1


  1. Full name of the child ________________________________________________
  2. 2. What is your child's research activity? (Underline whatever applicable)

a) likes to learn new things from different sources (watching television, reading children's encyclopedias, stories from adults)

b) tries to create something new from ordinary objects, substances.

3. What objects and materials does your child like to experiment with? (with water, detergents, glasses, paper, cloth)

4. Does it happen that the child continues the experimentation begun in kindergarten at home?

If so, how often? (often, rarely, always, never), and what

5. How do you keep your child interested in experimentation (underline as appropriate):

I show interest, I ask;

I provide emotional support, approve;

I collaborate, i.e. I get involved in activities;

Other methods (which ones?).

6. Which of the most striking discoveries for themselves, in your opinion, did your child make?

7. How your child pleases and surprises you (curiosity, cognitive activity, something else)

8. What do you prefer: when the child learns the world around him on his own or in close interaction with his parents?

Appendix # 2


v In bathroom allow to play with empty jars, bottles, soap dishes (Where more water can fit? Where is water easier to draw? Where is water easier to pour out? How fast is water to be taken into a bath with a bucket or sponge?)

This will help the child explore and define the characteristics of objects, develop observation skills.

v Experiment with items(sinking or swimming in water). Do you think the bottle will sink or not? What happens if you fill it with water? How much water do you think you need to take to drown? If you press and then release, what will happen?

This will help you understand what volume is, make discoveries and experiment more boldly.

v Room cleaning (where do you think you should start? What is needed for this? What will you do yourself? What help do you need?)

such a situation develops observation, ability to plan and calculate their strength.

v Watering flowers (Do all plants need to be watered equally? Why? Is it possible to sprinkle all plants with water, and loosen the soil of all plants?)

this will help to foster a respect for nature and to form knowledge about plants, ways of caring for them.

v Renovation in the room (What color wallpaper would you like to see in your room? What would you like to look at? What do you think is the best place to hang your drawings?)

This will help the child learn to express judgments, fantasize, and argue his point of view.

Appendix No. 3



to maintain children's interest in cognitive experimentation

N You should not dismiss the child's desires, even if they seem impulsive to you. Indeed, these desires may be based on such an important quality as curiosity.

N You can not refuse joint actions with the child, games, etc. - a child cannot develop in an atmosphere of indifference to him by adults.

WITH minute prohibitions without explanation fetter the child's activity and independence.

N e should endlessly point out the mistakes and shortcomings of the child's activities. Awareness of their failure leads to the loss of all interest in this type of activity.

AND The impulsive behavior of a preschooler in combination with cognitive activity, as well as the inability to foresee the consequences of their actions, often lead to actions that we, adults, consider a violation of the rules and requirements. Is it so?

E If the act is accompanied by positive emotions of the child, initiative and ingenuity, and at the same time the goal is not to harm anyone, then this is not an offense, but a prank.

NS encourage curiosity, which generates the need for new impressions, curiosity: it generates the need for research.

NS Provide the opportunity to act with different objects and materials, encourage experimentation with them, forming a motive in children associated with internal desires to learn new things, because it is interesting and pleasant, to help him with this by his participation.

E If you need to prohibit something, then be sure to explain why you prohibit it and help determine what is possible or how it is possible.

WITH in early childhood, encourage him to bring the work started to the end, emotionally evaluate his volitional efforts and activity. Your positive assessment is most important to him.

NS When showing interest in the child's activities, talk with him about his intentions, goals (this will teach him goal-setting), about how to achieve the desired result (this will help to understand the process of activity). Ask about the results of the activity, about how the child achieved them (he will acquire the ability to formulate conclusions, reasoning and arguing)

"The best discovery is the one that the child makes himself."

Ralph W. Emerson


  1. N.M. Zubkov “A cart and a small cart of miracles” (Experiments and experiments for children 3 - 7 years old).
  2. L.N. Prokhorov "Organization of experimental activities of preschoolers: guidelines"
  3. Folkovich "Development of speech"
  4. V.V. Stubble "Unknown nearby"
  5. Materials of Internet sites.

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and KhMAO-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, copyright programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with family and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Currently, we are witnessing how in the system of preschool education another effective method of understanding the laws and phenomena of the surrounding world is being formed - the method of experimentation.

The word "experiment" comes from the Greek and is translated as "trial, experience."

The Modern Dictionary of Foreign Words (1994) contains the following definition:

An experiment is “1. scientifically established experience, observation of the phenomenon under study in scientifically taken into account conditions, which make it possible to follow the course of the phenomenon and reproduce it many times when these conditions are repeated; 2. In general, experience, an attempt to implement something. "

"Great Soviet Encyclopedia" adds: "Differing from observation by active operation of the object under study, the experiment is carried out on the basis of theory, determines the setting of problems and the interpretation of its results."

“Experiment… - systematic observation. Thus, a person creates the possibility of observations, on the basis of which his knowledge of the patterns in the observed phenomenon is formed "(" Brief Philosophical Encyclopedia ", 1994).

“Experiment… sensory-objective activity in science; in a narrower sense of the word - experience, reproduction of the object of knowledge, testing of hypotheses, etc. " "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary" (1997);

From the above definitions, it can be seen that in the narrow sense of the word, the terms “experience” and “experiment” are synonyms: “The concept of experience essentially coincides with the category of practice, in particular, experiment, observation” (TSB, 1974). However, in a broad sense, “experience acts both as a process of human influence on the outside world, and as a result of this influence in the form of knowledge and skills” (“Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary”, 1987).

In science, an experiment is used to gain knowledge unknown to humanity as a whole. In the learning process, it is used to obtain knowledge unknown to this particular person.

So, like most words in the Russian language, "experimentation" is a polysemantic word. It acts as a teaching method if it is used to transfer new knowledge to children. It can be considered as a form of organization of the pedagogical process, if the latter is based on the method of experimentation. And finally, experimentation is one of the types of cognitive activity of children and adults, as can be seen from the definitions given above.

Since the patterns of experiments conducted by adults and children do not coincide in many respects, the phrase "children's experimentation" is used in relation to preschool institutions.

The development of the theoretical foundations of the method of children's experimentation in preschool institutions is carried out by a creative team of specialists under the leadership of Professor, Academician of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy and the Russian Academy of Education N.N. Podyakova. Their long-term studies of this activity gave rise to the formulation of the following basic provisions.

  • 1. Children's experimentation is a special form of search activity, in which the processes of goal formation, the processes of the emergence and development of new personality motives that underlie self-movement and self-development of preschoolers are most pronounced.
  • 2. In children's experimentation, children's own activity is most powerfully manifested, aimed at obtaining new information, new knowledge (a cognitive form of experimentation), at obtaining products of children's creativity - new buildings, drawings of fairy tales, etc. (a productive form of experimentation).
  • 3. Children's experimentation is the core of any process of children's creativity.
  • 4. In children's experimentation, the mental processes of differentiation and integration most organically interact with the general dominance of integration processes.
  • 5. The activity of experimentation, taken in all its completeness and universality, is a universal way of functioning of the psyche.

The main advantage of using the experimenting method in kindergarten is that during the experiment:

  • - Children get real ideas about the various aspects of the studied object, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment.
  • - The child's memory is being enriched, his thought processes are activated, since there is a constant need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization and extrapolation.
  • - The child's speech develops, since he needs to give an account of what he saw, to formulate the discovered patterns and conclusions.
  • - There is an accumulation of a fund of mental techniques and operations, which are considered as mental skills.
  • - Children's experimentation is also important for the formation of independence, goal-setting, the ability to transform any objects and phenomena in order to achieve a certain result.
  • - In the process of experimental activity, the child's emotional sphere, creative abilities are developed, labor skills are formed, health is strengthened due to an increase in the general level of physical activity.

Children love to experiment. This is due to the fact that visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking is inherent in them, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age characteristics. In preschool age, he is the leading, and in the first three years - practically the only way to learn about the world. Experimentation is rooted in the manipulation of objects, which Vygotsky spoke about many times.

In the formation of the foundations of natural science and environmental concepts, experimentation can be considered as a method close to ideal. Knowledge, not gleaned from books, but acquired independently, is always conscious and more solid. The use of this teaching method was advocated by such classics of pedagogy as Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Russo, K. D. Ushinsky and many others.

Summarizing his own rich factual material, N.N. Poddyakov formulated the hypothesis that in childhood the leading activity is not play, as is commonly believed, but experimentation. To substantiate this conclusion, he provides evidence.

  • 1. Playful activity requires stimulation and a certain organization on the part of adults; the game must be taught. In the activity of experimentation, the child independently acts in various ways on the objects and phenomena around him (including on other people) in order to better understand them. This activity is not assigned to an adult child, but is built by the children themselves.
  • 2. In experimentation, the moment of self-development is quite clearly represented: the transformations of the object made by the child reveal new aspects and properties of the object to him, and new knowledge about the object, in turn, allows for new, more complex and perfect transformations.
  • 3. Some children do not like to play; they prefer to do something; but their mental development proceeds normally. When deprived of the opportunity to get acquainted with the world around them through experimentation, the child's mental development is inhibited.
  • 4. Finally, fundamental evidence is the fact that the activity of experimentation permeates all areas of children's life, including play. The latter appears much later than the activity of experimentation.

Thus, it is impossible to deny the truth of the statement that experiments form the basis of all knowledge, that without them any concepts turn into dry abstractions. In preschool education, experimentation is the method of teaching that allows the child to simulate in his creation a picture of the world based on his own observations, experiences, the establishment of interdependencies, patterns, etc.

The original form of experimentation, according to L.S. Vygotsky, from which all the others developed, is the only form of experimentation available to the child, the manipulation of objects, which arises at an early age. In the process of manipulating objects, there is both a natural history and a social experiment. In the next two to three years, the manipulation of objects and people becomes more difficult. The child more and more performs survey actions, assimilating information about the objective properties of objects and people with whom he encounters. At this time, the formation of separate fragments of experimental activity takes place, which are not yet connected with each other into some kind of system.

After three years, their integration gradually begins. The child passes into the next period - curiosity, which, subject to the correct upbringing of the child - passes into the period of curiosity (after 5 years). It was during this period that experimental activity acquired its typical features; now experimentation is becoming an independent type of activity. An older preschool child acquires the ability to experiment, i.e. he acquires the following range of skills in this activity: see and highlight a problem, accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, highlight essential features and connections, compare various facts, put forward hypotheses and assumptions, select funds and materials for independent activity, carry out experiment, draw conclusions, record stages of actions and results graphically.

The acquisition of these skills requires systematic, purposeful work of the teacher aimed at developing the activities of children's experimentation.

Ivanova A.I. and her colleagues, based on the selection of alternating stages in a children's experiment, a scheme for the formation of these stages in each age period was proposed. They also adhere to the point of view that the development of the activity of children's experimentation begins at an early age and has its own age characteristics at each age stage, going from simple to complex.

Experiments are classified according to different principles.

  • - By the nature of the objects used in the experiment: experiments: with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; the object of which is a person.
  • - At the place of the experiments: in the group room; Location on; in the forest, etc.
  • - By the number of children: individual, group, collective.
  • - By reason of their implementation: random, planned, posed in response to a child's question.
  • - By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process: episodic (carried out from case to case), systematic.
  • - By duration: short-term (5-15 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).
  • - By the number of observations for the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.
  • - By place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.
  • - By the nature of mental operations: ascertaining (allowing one to see one state of an object or one phenomenon out of connection with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing one to see the dynamics of the process or note changes in the state of an object), generalizing (experiments in which general patterns of the process previously studied in separate stages).
  • - By the nature of children's cognitive activity: illustrative (children know everything, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search (children do not know in advance what the result will be), solving experimental problems.
  • - By the method of application in the audience: demonstration, frontal.

Each of the types of experimentation has its own methodology, its pros and cons.

The development of any child's activity does not happen by itself, but under the guidance of an adult. Thus, the development of the activity of children's experimentation has its own characteristics of guidance from an adult.

Features of the management of the experimental activity of the preschooler.

The role of the teacher in experimentation is leading at any age. The teacher directly participates in the experiment in such a way as to be an equal partner for the children, to direct the experiment so that the children retain a sense of independence of discovery. Preparation for conducting experiments begins with the definition of the current didactic tasks by the teacher. Then the object that meets the requirements is selected. The teacher gets to know him in advance - both in practice and in literature. At the same time, he masters the technique of experimentation, if it is unfamiliar to him.

In the process of experimentation, there is no strict regulation of time and it is possible to vary the pre-planned plan, since the proposals and proposals of children are unpredictable. The duration of the experiment is determined by the characteristics of the phenomenon being studied, and the availability of free time, and the state of children, their attitude to this type of activity.

By inviting children to set up an experiment, the educator tells them the goal or problem to be solved, gives them time to think it over, and then involves the children in discussing the methodology and the course of the experiment.

It is undesirable to predict the end result in advance: children lose their valuable sense of pioneers.

While working, one should not demand ideal silence from children: working with enthusiasm, they should be liberated.

The teacher must constantly stimulate children's curiosity, be ready for children's questions, not communicate knowledge in a ready-made form, but help in answering the child's question to get it on their own, putting a little experience. It is advisable to check all the proposals of the children, to allow them in practice to make sure of the correctness or incorrectness of their assumptions (of course, if this does not harm anyone - neither the object of observation, nor the child).

In the process of work, the teacher encourages children looking for their own ways to solve the problem, varying the course of the experiment and experimental actions. At the same time, he does not let out of his field of vision those who work slowly, for some reason lag behind and lose the main idea.

The final stage of the experiment is to summarize and formulate conclusions. When formulating conclusions, it is necessary to stimulate the development of the speech of children by posing questions that are non-repeating in content, requiring a detailed answer from children. When analyzing and recording the results obtained, it must be remembered that the unintended result is not wrong.

After the experiment, children must tidy up the workplace on their own - clean and hide equipment, wipe tables, remove trash and wash their hands with soap and water.

With proper organization of work, older children develop a stable habit of asking questions and trying to independently seek answers to them. Now the initiative to conduct experiments is in the hands of children. They should constantly turn to the teacher with requests: "Let's do this ...", "Let's see what happens if ...". The role of the educator as an intelligent friend and advisor is growing. He does not impose his advice and recommendations, but waits for the child, having tried different options, to ask for help himself. And even then he will not immediately give an answer in a ready-made form, but will try to awaken the independent thought of children, with the help of leading questions to direct the reasoning in the right direction. However, this style of behavior will only be effective if the children have already developed a taste for experimentation and a culture of work.

In the preparatory group, experimentation should become the norm. They should be viewed not as an end in itself and not as entertainment, but as the most successful way to familiarize children with the world around them and the most effective way to develop thought processes. Experiments allow us to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education. The initiative for their implementation is distributed evenly between the educator and the children.

It is always necessary to remember to observe safety rules. For example, all unfamiliar complex procedures are mastered in a certain sequence:

  • - the teacher shows the action;
  • - the action is repeated or shown by one of the children, moreover, the one who will knowingly commit it incorrectly, which will make it possible to focus on a typical mistake;
  • - sometimes a mistake is deliberately made by the teacher himself: with the help of such a methodological technique, he allows children to concentrate on an error, the probability of which is high;
  • - the action is repeated by a child who will not make a mistake;
  • - the action is carried out all together at a slow pace, so that the teacher has the opportunity to control the work of each child;
  • - the action has become familiar, and the children perform it at their usual pace. When working with a living object, the guiding principle of work is the principle: "Do no harm." When choosing an object, it is necessary to take into account its maximum compliance with the goals and tasks solved during the experiment, giving preference to the one who has this feature more pronounced.

So, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to talk about the following features of children's experimentation:

  • - experimentation is understood as a special way of spiritually - practical mastering of reality, aimed at creating such conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence;
  • - experimentation is a teaching method if it is used to transfer new knowledge to children;
  • - experimentation as a specially organized activity contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world of a preschool child and the foundations of cultural knowledge of the world around him;
  • - experimental work arouses the child's interest in the study of nature, develops mental operations (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, etc.), stimulates the child's cognitive activity and curiosity, activates the perception of educational material for acquaintance with natural phenomena, with the basics of mathematical knowledge, with ethical rules of life in society, etc .;
  • - children's experimentation consists of stages successively replacing each other and has its own age-related characteristics of development .;
  • - children's experimentation, according to N.N. Poddyakov, claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development of the child.

“... people who have learned to observe and experiment,

Acquire the ability to ask questions on their own

and get answers to them, being on a higher

mental and moral level, in comparison with that

who hasn’t done such a school ”.

K.M. Timiryazev

Eastern wisdom says: "A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be kindled."

From the first years of life, the baby gets acquainted with endless, constantly changing phenomena. Phenomena and objects of nature attract children with their beauty, brightness of colors, and variety. Observing them, the child enriches his sensory experience, on which his further creativity is based. The deeper the child learns the mysteries of the world around him, the more questions he has. The main task of an adult is to help a child find answers to these questions on his own, or with the help of an adult.

The outstanding teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, opening the “School of Joy” for preschoolers, based on direct communication with nature, rightly believed that “it is necessary to introduce kids to the world around them so that they discover something new for themselves every day, so that every step of the children was "a journey to the origins of thinking and speech - to the wonderful beauty of nature, so that every child grows up" a wise thinker and explorer, so that every step of knowledge ennobles the heart and tempered the will. "

Observing the world around them, they draw their own conclusions, inferences, establish cause-and-effect relationships. We started developing elementary search activity and experimenting with children from the middle group. Children are naturally very observant, therefore, observing the world around them, they began to draw elementary conclusions that contribute and enrich the child with knowledge, teach him to self-analyze, reflect, reflect on what he learns, has a beneficial effect on the child's outlook, the development of his human , social feelings.

All this is facilitated by organized classes with children to familiarize themselves with nature, observations, excursions, experiments. Children notice a lot: the features of the structure of objects, plants, animals, their behavior, the mood of people, etc. The ability to observe the world around us is a very important advantage of childhood.

For the accumulation of certain knowledge and their application in practice, we began our work through observations in nature. In the process of observation, we relied on the curiosity of children. Children want to know everything. Their many questions to adults are the best manifestation of this feature. With age, the nature of questions in children changed significantly, if at three years old they asked the question: "What is this?", Then at four already appeared "Why?", "Why?".

Children love to go for walks around the kindergarten, on their site, watching the work of adults, older preschoolers, as all this broadens their horizons. For example, in the case of dandelions. On one of the cloudy days, while walking, I stand and sigh mournfully, looking at the closed flower heads. "Poor people, you do not have enough sun." The whole group of children gathered around with interest. I pointed to the closed flowers, explained what was the matter, why, when it is cloudy, the bud is closed, but it opens in the sun? Then she told what it consists of, what its functions are (blooms, grows, smells, dies, multiplies, etc.), how it feels to the touch (wet, soft, rough). The children were waiting for the sun to appear. When it peeked out from behind a cloud, it was necessary to see the reaction of the children. Children with admiration ran from all sides to me to show the opened fluffy dandelion heads. Subsequently, day after day, they watched the dandelions and did not miss the moment of turning them into fluffy white balls. Together we came up with a fairy tale about the journey of the dandelion seed and sketched it. I also find going out into nature useful and interesting for children. I organize excursions with children at different times of the year, from which children have a lot of impressions. For example, during a walk to the park, I invited the children to describe their favorite tree, but so that everyone would like it. Here are some answers: "I love poplar, it has a large trunk - you can't even grasp it with your hands." "What a sad willow, its branches almost touch the ground." "The birch is slender, its branches go down and grow together, like girlfriends." I tell the children how difficult it is to grow a large tree, how many dangers a young sprout lurks: it can be trampled or broken.

One of the areas of children's experimental activity that I actively use is experiments. I conduct them both in the classroom and in free independent activity. Children with great pleasure conduct experiments with objects of inanimate nature: sand, clay, snow, paper, sugar, magnet, etc. For example, I propose to mold a figurine from wet and dry sand. Children talk about what kind of sand is molded, why. Examining the sand through a magnifying glass, they find that it consists of small crystals - grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability. On the subject: "Sorceress Water" conducted experiments: "Pour - pour", "Snowflake on the palm", "Turning water into ice", etc. In the process of conducting the experiment "Turning water into ice", we used molds by children and made colored ice ... In winter, from such multi-colored "bricks" they built a house on our site, and we drew with colored cubes. To draw with their hands, they made "pens" from matches when making ice. It turns out very nicely. Colored streams begin to melt and mix in random order.

For example, on a walk in winter, the children tried to eat snow. To my prohibition not to eat snow, the children said: "Why can't you eat snow?" It was useless to explain that the snow is cold and you can get sick, to argue that the snow is dirty. “But he is so white, pure, sparkling,” said Maxim. But I solved this problem by setting up an experiment: I put the snow in a white bowl and offered to see what would happen to it after lunch. The children saw that the snow was melting and dirty water was formed, so I use short-term observations to determine the properties of various objects.

Such experiments in some way remind the guys of magic tricks, they are unusual, and most importantly, the guys do everything themselves. Organized observations of nature enriched the children's practical experience and encouraged practical exploration. Thus, observing the rain, the children determined that the rain is water droplets, they are wet, mobile, flowing down the window in streams, down the drain pipes into large puddles. The children had a desire to make the same rain in their group, using any objects for this: a watering can, a dropper, or just their palms. From practical experience, the children were convinced that objects wetted with water also change, as on the street after a rain.

In the middle group, work on search activity, we began with building a subject-environment. We created a research laboratory, picked up natural and waste material, as well as auxiliary devices (magnifying glasses, scales, magnets, clocks, etc.). The parents of our group were of great help in this: they brought us wood sawdust and metal shavings, various beautiful shells, and added to the collection of stones. Together with their parents, they collected a small library of informative literature: “Everything about everything” (A. Likum), “One hundred thousand why” (M. Ilyin), stories, ecological fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, games of a cognitive nature.

Family education is of great importance in the development of the cognitive activity of a preschooler. We organize evenings of questions and answers, in the reception we have equipped a special stand where you can find daily information about our activities with children, suggestions and advice to parents, recommendations for organizing home reading, storytelling, drawing, joint excursions and walks with children.

Also, together with children and parents, we harvest natural material. These are various roots, twigs, cones, acorns, plant seeds, and much more. Every year for the "Golden Autumn" holiday, children together with their parents make crafts from natural materials. Natural material-pantry for the development of fantasy, creativity, imagination. Creating crafts from natural materials gives you the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of a creator. So we got a funny snake from a dry branch, Baba Yaga and a hut on chicken legs.

Classes in search activities began to be conducted by the children getting to know the laboratory, its owner-Know-it-all, with the equipment, together with the children they formulated the rules of behavior in the laboratory. experiments that are carried out in a playful way. After such games, children have many questions based on cognitive motives, children are interested in everything: how does a microbe look like, what objects are made of, why there are many other things. We are not always in a hurry to give children a ready-made answer, but we help children find the answer on their own, because in the course of the search, children get the opportunity to satisfy their inherent curiosity, to feel like a scientist, a researcher. At the same time, we try to be not a teacher-mentor, but an equal partner, an accomplice of the activity, which allows the child to show his own research activity. Children experience great joy, surprise, delight from their small and large "discoveries", which cause them a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

Nr: In the process of making juice, she offered to peel the tangerine from the peel and asked the question, what happens during this? Vika said that the peel is fragrant, I even want to eat. And Robert said that the droplets fly in different directions. Then I suggested separating the slices from each other. And here the children showed their observation that there are many slices, they are like a big family. When the children survived the juice from the tangerine wedge, Damir said: "It turns out that the juice is hiding in the tangerine wedges." “And in the peel too,” added Nastya.

And in one of the classes, to familiarize yourself with the world around you


The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of using children's experimentation for the development of the personality of a preschooler. The urgency of the problem is substantiated by the federal state educational standard of preschool education and the research of a number of scientists. The specificity of children's experimentation is revealed. The role of experimental activity, which actively includes the emotional sphere of the personality of preschoolers, is shown. The authors of the article focus on the development of cognitive activity and on the development of children's speech. The results of a diagnostic study of older preschool children are offered. The study was carried out in order to identify the level of development of search activity. The authors use open-ended assignments for older preschoolers. Four criteria for assessing the level of development of children's experimentation are taken as a basis and the results of the study are presented, detailed conclusions are made.


search activity




1. Levshina N.I. Integration of science and practice // Kindergarten: theory and practice. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 64-73.

2. Kochetkova A., Levshina N.I. On the problem of the development of cognitive research activity of preschoolers // International student scientific bulletin. - 2015. - No. 5-3. - S. 397-399.

3. Mineeva Yu.V., Salikhova Z., Levshina N.I. Innovative forms of work on speech development of preschoolers // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2014. - No. 7-2. - S. 35-37.

4. Sannikova L.N., Leonova E.A. The development of the speech of young children in the process of family education // World of childhood and education: a collection of materials of the VIII full-time part-time All-Russian scientific-practical conference with the invitation of representatives of the CIS countries. - Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk Publishing House. state tech. un-ta them. G.I. Nosova, 2014 .-- S. 137-141.

5. Sannikova L.N., Kornilova K.V., Bagautdinova S.F. Planning system in a preschool educational institution. A guide for preschool educational institutions / scientific editor S.F. Bagautdinov. - Magnitogorsk, 2004.

The modern generation of children live in the era of informatization. In the conditions of a rapidly changing life, a man first of all needs the ability to acquire knowledge, as well as to think independently and creatively. A child is an explorer from birth. Curiosity, the desire for new experiences, the desire to experiment and observe, are considered the most important features of children's behavior. The child's striving for knowledge of the world around him creates such conditions due to which the child's mental development initially becomes a process of self-development.

The relevance of the problem of the development of cognitive activity lies in the fact that the child's interaction with the outside world depends on his activity and activity. Activity lays the foundation for the formation of the mental qualities of a person, her initiative and independence. The cognitive activity of the child was studied by E.E. Baranova, N.V. Zaitseva, A.N. Poddyakov, N. Minakova, A. I. Savenkov and others.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education states that cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, ... Almost from the very birth, the objects of the child's study are people and their relationships between each other. Children use experimentation to understand the norms and rules of human behavior, as well as to understand and develop speech.

It is necessary to emphasize the specifics of children's experimentation:

1. Children's experimentation is a special form of search activity, in which the processes of goal formation, the emergence and development of new personality motives that underlie self-movement and self-development of a child are most pronounced.

2. In children's experimentation, children's own activity, aimed at obtaining new information, new knowledge, is most powerfully manifested.

3. Children's experimentation is the core of any process of children's creativity.

4. In children's experimentation, mental processes of differentiation and integration most organically interact with the general dominance of integration processes.

5. The activity of experimentation, taken in all its completeness and universality, is a universal way of functioning of the psyche.

The most important feature of the experiment is the ability to control the course of the study of the phenomenon. Here, the child independently compares, analyzes, generalizes the existing conditions, the changes occurring, approaches the understanding of the essential properties of objects (phenomena), identifies cause-and-effect relationships and relationships.

In the process of experimentation, the child acts as a subject of activity, masters the orientational basis of search activity, acquiring the appropriate skills. Everyday concepts are clarified, systematized, the child begins to approach the understanding of the phenomenon from a scientific standpoint. Experimental activity actively includes in the work the emotional sphere of the personality of preschoolers, which provides an internal psychological mechanism for the connection of thinking with sensory-object activity, the mechanism of meaning formation. Experimenting is an active activity aimed at actively searching for solutions to problems, making assumptions, implementing the hypothesis in action and building accessible conclusions. In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to feel like a scientist, researcher, pioneer.

A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand." Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time, when the child hears, sees and does it himself. Preschool children by their nature are inquisitive explorers of the world around them, therefore, the organization of children's experimentation, which we understand as a special way of spiritually and practically mastering reality, is aimed at creating conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence, hidden in ordinary situations.

Science owes the introduction of the term "experimentation" to the Swiss psychologist and philosopher J. Piaget. He analyzed the significance of this activity for children and proved that the dignity of children's experimentation lies in the fact that it gives real ideas about the various aspects of the object under study, about its relationship with other objects.

In the 1990s, Academician N.N. Poddyakov, having analyzed and summarized his rich research experience in the preschool education system, came to the conclusion that experimentation is the leading activity in childhood. In his opinion, in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently acting in various ways on the objects and phenomena around him in order to more fully understand and master them. In the course of experimental activity, situations are created that the child resolves through the experiment and, analyzing, makes a conclusion, inference, independently mastering the idea of ​​a particular law or phenomenon. Also, such famous teachers as Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, C.D. Ushinsky, J. Zh. Russo and many others.

ON. Korotkova proposes to stimulate the cognitive activity of the child with the help of cultural and semantic contexts that serve as a kind of intermediaries between the "pedagogical interests" and the interests of children. Such cultural and semantic contexts can be, relatively speaking, "types of research" available and interesting to preschoolers, allowing them to take a search and research position:

1. Experiments (experimentation) with objects and their properties;

2. Collecting (classification work);

3. Travel on the map;

4. Travel "along the river of time".

We conducted a study to identify the level of development of search activity using open-type tasks (N.N. Poddyakov). Criteria for assessing the level of development of children's experimentation:

Ability to accept the task at hand: have any actions been taken to transform the proposed item (box).

The nature of the actions: manipulative or search (searching for the necessary way to change the object in order to obtain a certain image; discovering the material necessary to fix the details of the conceived image).

Cognitive interest: a form of manifestation of a cognitive need, ensuring the orientation of the individual towards the awareness of the goals of activity and thereby contributing to orientation, acquaintance with new facts, a fuller and deeper reflection of reality.

The number and characteristics of the created images: volumetric or planar, expressive or primitive.

Analysis of the results obtained allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

All children showed interest in the proposed activity, and the majority (18 out of 19) happily immersed themselves in the situation of choosing a box. However, their further actions were very different from each other, which allowed us to divide preschoolers into four subgroups according to the level of development of the activity of experimentation;

We assigned two children to the first level, who did not accept the task and did not show interest in the task. One of them was not even interested in the large number and variety of boxes: he examined the objects lying in front of him on the table, and began to lay out figures from toothpicks. The other child, although he was able to choose the box, refused to do anything with it;

The second (low) level of development of the experimenting activity was shown by three children who, despite repeating the instructions, did not understand the task and could not accept the task assigned to them. The actions performed by these children were manipulative in nature. They could not come up with any options for changing the box;

One of these children simply went through the boxes and, recognizing the drawing on them, called from under what they were. After repeating the instructions, he began to fill the boxes with the objects lying in front of him: he folded markers in one direction, plasticine in the other, paints in the third, etc. Two other guys, having chosen a box, thought for a long time what could be done with it. After repeating the instructions, they decided to decorate it with a felt-tip pen. To the question: "What did you do?" - answered: "Box";

Ten children, whose activity corresponds to the third (average) level of development of children's experimentation, understood the task assigned to them. However, a pronounced cognitive interest, on the one hand, and a high degree of complexity of the task, on the other, led him to formal implementation. At the same time, all the children of this subgroup enthusiastically created various images from materials familiar to them: colored paper, plasticine, drew and painted. For example, Nastya T. loves to sculpt from plasticine. Choosing a box and looking around at the proposed materials, he immediately notices plasticine and enthusiastically begins to mold a fungus out of it. After a while, recollecting himself, he recalls the task related to the transformation of the box, and decides: "Let this fungus cover the box from the rain." After that, the girl quickly took the box and attached her mushroom to one of the sides. In seven children of this subgroup, the actions were of a manipulative nature, in three they were exploratory. The images they received are primitive and are made on a plane in the form of applications or drawings (a house, a rocket, a butterfly, a pin, a vase of flowers, etc.). Only 4 images out of 17 volumetric ones. This is a fan and an airplane made of colored paper, 2 plasticine mushrooms;

The fourth (high) level of development of children's experimentation was shown by five children. The main difference between their activities is that all of them, having shown a high cognitive interest, accepted the task and took actions aimed at transforming the box. Their actions were of a search nature. Each child created several (from three to five) volumetric images (sometimes in the presence of planar ones in the form of applications), which, despite their primitiveness, are sufficiently elaborated (a kettle, a crib, balls, an airplane, a theater screen, a springboard for a motorcycle, a jar for brushes);

It should be noted that children of all subgroups used objects that were in their experience (glue, paints, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, colored paper, plasticine for creating images, scissors) when creating images and for attaching parts. At the same time, despite the lack of a positive result, none of them used wire, strings, paper clips, toothpicks and plasticine to connect parts. Children were unable to discover new properties in the materials they were familiar with.

Comparing the results of the study of the levels of speech development and search and research activities, it is necessary to note the interdependence between these categories: a high level of speech development corresponds to a high level of development of search and research activities, and vice versa: a low level of speech development corresponds to a low level of development of search and research activities.

Thus, the role of experimentation in the development of a preschooler is great: a positive effect on the emotional sphere of the child, on the development of his creative abilities. Experiments give children real ideas about the various aspects of the object under study, its relationship with other objects and with the environment. In the process of the experiment, the child's memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, since it is constantly necessary to perform the operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization. The ability to express your thoughts clearly stimulates the development of speech.

Bibliographic reference

Makeichik A.O, Levshina N.I. CHILDREN'S EXPERIMENTATION AS A MEANS OF PRESCHOOL'S DEVELOPMENT // International Student Scientific Bulletin. - 2017. - No. 4-5 .;
URL: (date of access: 21.02.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"