Didactic games aimed at developing attention in children of primary school age with mental retardation. Development of concentration of attention in children with disabilities (methodological development)

Attention Is the ability to concentrate, to focus your thoughts on any one object.

For most people, the attention span is 7 ± 2 units.

Volumeattention affects the mastery of the skill of counting, concentration attention is necessary for mastering reading, and for learning to write, you need a developed distribution attention. Sustainability attention enables the child to consistently cognize the objects of the external world, without slipping into extraneous connections, inessential characteristics. The presence of sustained attention is a prerequisite for the formation of an internal action plan. The ability for an internal plan of action enables the child to operate in the mind with images, concepts, schemes. In elementary school, this ability is based on the formation of the skill of solving arithmetic problems, writing creative texts, creating compositionally complex drawings, etc.

RVarious properties of attention lend themselves to development to an unequal degree, they can and should be trained.

Classes for training attention should be carried out in a playful way and no longer than 15 minutes a day.


Proofreading tasks

Completing proofreading assignments helps develop concentration and self-control when completing written work.The child is asked to find and cross out certain letters in the printed text.

You will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils and pens. For children 6-11 years old, it is advisable to use texts with large print.

Corrective exercises should be carried out daily for 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months. The lesson can be individual or group.

Instructions: Within 5 minutes, find and cross out all the letters "A" (you can specify any letter): both small and capital letters, both in the title of the text, and in the author's surname.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters being searched for change, they are crossed out in different ways, etc .; two letters are searched for at the same time, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; letters are circled on one line, tick marks on the second, and so on. All changes in the rules are discussed at the beginning of the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, the number of gaps and incorrectly crossed out letters is counted. The indicator of normal concentration of attention is 4 or less gaps. More than 4 gaps - weak concentration.

The task is best carried out in the form of a game, adhering to the following rules:

1. The rate of allowed absences in each lesson should be changed and approximately equal to the actual number of absences that the child makes.

2. The time of the lesson in any case should not exceed 5 minutes.

3. The volume of the viewed text does not matter and may be different for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.

Most often, after the first 3-4 weeks of classes, there is a 2-3-fold reduction in errors in written assignments. To consolidate the skills of self-control, it is necessary to continue classes for 2-4 months. If after 4 months of employment there is no improvement, they need to be stopped and seek help from a speech therapist.

When working with children 6-8 years old, it is very important to comply with the condition: to start each lesson with a new agreement on the possible number of mistakes. It is necessary to proceed from the really admitted number of mistakes so that the child does not have a feeling of hopelessness, impossibility to achieve the desired result.

When checking, agree that the child needs to perceive the task as if it was performed by someone else - “another girl”, “poorly trained puppy”, since children, checking their text, start from the meaning (and he is already known) , and the calls to read carefully do not improve the case: children do not see the missing and misspelled letters. Assigning a completed task to another alienates one's own work and allows one to be critical of it.

Exercises Based on Accurate Pattern Reproduction

Children are offered some kind of graphic pattern (a sequence of several letters, numbers, a geometric pattern made in cells, etc.) and the task is given to reproduce it accurately (for example, to the end of a notebook line or on several lines).

Distribution of numbers in a specific order

The left table contains 25 numbers from 1 to 40. You need to rewrite them in ascending order into the empty table on the right, starting from the upper left square

"Find the words"

Option 1:In each of the written words, you need to find another word hidden in it.

For example: laughter, wolf, post, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, prick, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Option 2:Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (more often - nouns, but there can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). You need to find them as quickly as possible and without errors.

The child is given a form with 5 lines of randomly typed letters printed on it, following each other without spaces. Among these letters, you need to find 10 words (3, 4, 5 difficult) and underline them. The task is completed in 5 minutes. The indicator of success can be the number of correctly found words and the speed of the task.

Job example:






Option 3:Words are inscribed in the table, and free cells are filled with any letters. You need to find words as soon as possible (words can be written both horizontally and vertically or "snake").

Example: There are 10 animal names hidden in this table.

Frightened lines

Tracking a line with a glance from its beginning to the end, especially when it is intertwined with other lines, contributes to the development of concentration and concentration.

Find differences

Systematic training in comparison contributes to the development of activation of attention.

For comparison, you can offer any objects, pictures, differing in a certain number of details (Find 10 differences ...).


Exercises are based on memorizing the order of the arrangement of a number of objects presented for several seconds. As you master the exercise, the number of objects gradually increases.

Spot All Game

7-10 objects are laid out in a row (you can lay out pictures with images of objects), which are then closed. Having opened the objects for 10s, close them again and invite the players to list all the objects (or pictures) that they have memorized.

Having opened the same objects again for 8-10 seconds, ask the children what sequence they were in.

Having swapped any two items, show everything again for 10 s. Offer to determine what items are transferred. Without looking at the objects anymore, say what color each of them is.

You can come up with other versions of this game (remove objects and ask them to name the one that disappeared; arrange objects not in a row, but for example, one on top of another so that the players list them in order from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, etc.). NS.).

More difficult level - game "Memorina"("Couples").

To play you need a set of paired cards with images (objects, animals, heroes of books, letters, numbers ...). Before the start of the game, all cards are shuffled and laid out face down. The player's task is to collect paired pictures. Only two cards can be turned over at a time. If paired pictures turned out to be open, the player takes them for himself (or leaves them open on the playing field). If the images are not matched, the cards are returned to the game. One or several people can play. In a group game, when the symbols do not match, the move goes to the next player.

You can play both with real cards and online.

Masha and the Bear. Train your memory (set of 36 cards) | Buy: online store

Search nonstop game

Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.) around you. On a signal, one player starts the enumeration, the others complete it.


The basic principle of the exercises: the child is offered the simultaneous performance of two differently directed tasks. At the end of the exercise, the effectiveness of each task is determined.

Each hand has its own business

Children are asked to slowly turn over a book with illustrations for 1 min with their left hand (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric shapes or solve non-complex examples.

Counting with a nuisance

The child calls the numbers from 1 to 20, at the same time writing them down in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19, etc. The task execution time and the number of errors are counted.

Reading with interference

1) The child reads the text, at the same time tapping out some rhythm with the karan-dash.

2) When reading, the child is looking for answers to questions.

Exercise for training attention distribution

The child is asked to cross out 1 or 2 letters in the text and at the same time they put on an audio recording with a fairy tale. Then they check how many letters the child missed when crossing out, and ask to tell what he heard and understood from the fairy tale. The first failures in performing this rather difficult task can cause a refusal in the child, but at the same time, the first successes inspire.
The advantage of such a task is the possibility of its playful and competitive design.

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Develop memory and attention | Buy from the online store:

Proofreading tasks. In proofreading assignments, the child is asked to find and cross out certain letters in the printed text. This is the main type of exercise in which the child has the opportunity to feel what it means to be mindful and to develop a state of inner concentration.

Completion of proofreading tasks contributes to the development of concentration and self-control when students perform written work.

To carry them out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils and pens. For children 6-11 years old, it is advisable to use texts with large print.

Corrective exercises should be carried out daily for 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months.

The lesson can be individual or group. Each child is given an old book and a pencil or pen.

The instruction is as follows: "Within 5 minutes, you need to find and cross out all the letters" A "that you meet (you can specify any letter): both small and capital letters, both in the title of the text, and in the author's surname, if someone has them ".

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters you are looking for change; two letters are searched for at the same time, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; on one line the letters are circled, on the second they are marked with a tick, etc. All changes are reflected in the instructions given at the beginning of the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, the number of gaps and incorrectly crossed out letters is counted. The indicator of normal concentration of attention is four or fewer gaps. More than four gaps - poor concentration.

This task is recommended to be carried out in the form of a game, adhering to the following rules:
1. The game is played in a friendly atmosphere. Younger schoolchildren can be additionally interested in these activities by inviting them to train and be attentive in order to become good chauffeurs, pilots, doctors (having previously found out who they want to be).
2. Losing should not cause feelings of displeasure, so you can introduce "funny penalties": meow as many times as you made mistakes, crow, ride on one leg, etc.
3. The duration of the lesson in any case should not exceed 5 minutes.
4. The volume of the viewed text does not matter and may be different for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.
5. Checking the fulfillment of the assignment in group lessons is carried out by the students themselves from each other, they also come up with "penalties".

The practice of working with this task shows that after the first 3-4 weeks of classes, there is a decrease in errors by 2-3 times in written tasks. To consolidate the skills of self-control, it is necessary to continue classes for 2-4 months. If after 4 months of training there are no improvements, they need to be stopped and seek help from a speech therapist.

When working with children 6-8 years old, it is very important to observe one more condition: to start each lesson with a new agreement on the possible number of mistakes. It is necessary to proceed from the actual number of mistakes made so that the child does not have a feeling of hopelessness, the impossibility of achieving the desired result. This is easily achieved through individual lessons. It can be difficult to achieve a common norm in a group, so here you can pay attention to the variety of "penalties" assigned by children to each other, and individual support of the child.

In order for the developmental effect of this game to be more noticeable when the child performs written educational tasks, it is necessary, simultaneously with the introduction of the game, to change the child's attitude towards reading a textbook in Russian. This can be achieved by comparative clarification of how words are read and how they are spelled. It is necessary to explain to the children that in the textbook of the Russian language, all the words in the exercise must be read aloud, the way they are written, naming unpronounceable letters and punctuation marks, etc.

When the child checks the completed written assignment, it should be emphasized that it is necessary to read what is written aloud and as if it was written by "another boy or girl, and you do not know what is written here, so pronounce each letter as it is written." Special attention should be paid to this, since children, when checking their text, start from the meaning (and it is already known) and no calls to read carefully improve the case: children do not see missing and misspelled letters. Assigning a completed task to another alienates one's own creation and allows one to be critical of it. For children who have difficulty concentrating, a more detailed stage of external actions is required.

Reading text to a given expression
Children are encouraged to read the text up to the expression specified by the teacher.

Exercises based on the principle of accurate reproduction of any pattern (sequence of letters, numbers, geometric patterns, movements, etc.).

"Find the words"
Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it. For example:
Laughter, wolf, pillar, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, prick, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Twisted lines
Tracking a line with a gaze from its beginning to its end, especially when it is intertwined with other lines, contributes to the development of concentration and concentration.

To complete this task, you need cards 12x7 cm in size with drawn mixed lines of the same color.

The game is carried out with children 6-7 years old for 3-5 minutes daily for 3-4 weeks.

The lesson can be organized as an individual or as a group. Each child receives a card with this instruction: “Look at the card. Vertical lines with dashes are drawn along the edges of the card, next to which are numbers. These numbers are connected by confused lines (tracks). Within a few minutes, you only need to find a path with your eyes without using your hands (“walk along it”), leading from one number to another: from one to one, from two to two, from three to three, etc. Is everything clear? "

As you master the game, new cards are offered with more intricate lines connecting different numbers: one with three, two with seven, etc. On the back of the card, write down the answers: pairs of connecting numbers.

"Find differences"
Tasks of this type require the ability to distinguish the signs of objects and phenomena, their details and master the operation of comparison. Systematic and purposeful teaching of schoolchildren in comparison contributes to the development of the skill of timely activation of attention, its inclusion in the regulation of activity.

For comparison, children can be offered any objects, their images, pictures, differing in a certain number of details.

A game common among the hunting tribes of the Indians
Children are encouraged to sit quietly for a short time and try to hear all possible noises, guess where they came from (the teacher can deliberately organize some noises). This game can be played as a competition: who will hear the most noises and guess their origin.

Fly game
This game is also aimed at developing concentration. To carry it out, you will need sheets of paper with a lined nine-cell playing field 3x3, chips (chips can be buttons, coins, pebbles).

The game is played for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a week, for 1-2 months. It can be played by children from 7 to 17 years old.

The task is performed in pairs. Each pair of players is given a sheet with a lined playing field and one chip.

The players are given the following instruction: “Look at the sheet of paper with the outlined cells. This is the playing field. But this counter is a "fly". The "fly" landed in the middle of the sheet in the middle cage. From here, she can move in any direction. But she can move only when she is given the commands "up", "down", "left", "right", turning away from the playing field. One of you, the one on the left, will turn away and, without looking at the field, will give commands, the other will move the "fly". You need to try to keep the "fly" on the field for 5 minutes and not let it "fly away" (leave the playing field). Then the partners switch roles. If the “fly” “flies away” earlier, then the exchange of roles will happen earlier. All clear?"

The complication of the game is due to the fact that the players are united in three. Two take turns giving commands, trying to keep the fly on the field. The third controls her "flight". Anyone whose "fly" "flies away" before the agreed time, gives up his place to the controller. If everyone fits into the allotted time, then they change roles in turn.

A three-player game takes no more than 10 minutes, that is, 3 minutes for each. The winner is the one who holds out in his role for the entire allotted time.

Increased attention span and short-term memory
Exercises are based on memorizing the number and order of the arrangement of a number of objects presented for a few seconds. As you master the exercise, the number of objects gradually increases.

Spot All Game
7-10 objects are laid out in a row (you can display pictures depicting objects on a typesetting canvas), which are then closed.

Having opened the objects for 10 seconds, close them again and invite the children to list all the objects (or pictures) that they remembered.

Having opened the same objects again for 8-10 seconds, ask the children in what sequence they were lying.

Having swapped any two objects, again show all to the participants of the game for 10 s. Invite the children to determine which items are transferred.

Without looking at the objects anymore, say what color each of them is.

You can come up with other versions of this game (remove objects and ask the children to name the disappeared one; arrange objects not in a row, but, for example, lay them on top of one another, so that the children list them in order from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, etc.) .).

Search nonstop game
Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.). At the signal of the teacher, one child begins the enumeration, the others complete it.

Attention distribution training
The basic principle of the exercises: the child is offered the simultaneous execution of two oppositely directed tasks. At the end of the exercise (after 10-15 minutes), the effectiveness of each task is determined.

"Each hand has its own business"
Children are asked to slowly turn over a book with illustrations for 1 min with their left hand (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric shapes or write down solutions to simple examples.

The game can be suggested in a math lesson.

Counting with a nuisance
The student calls the numbers from 1 to 20, while writing them down on a piece of paper or chalkboard in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19, etc. The time taken to complete the assignment and the number of mistakes are counted.

Reading with interference
Students read the text while tapping out a rhythm with a pencil. As they read, children seek answers to questions.

Exercise for training attention distribution
The child is offered the following task: to cross out one or two letters in the text, and at the same time they put on a children's record with a fairy tale. Then they check how many letters the child missed when crossing out, and ask to tell what he heard and understood from the fairy tale. The first failures in performing this rather difficult task can cause protests and refusals in the child, but at the same time, the first successes inspire. The advantage of such a task is the possibility of its game and competitive design.

Formation of "attentive writing" in younger schoolchildren by the method of stage-by-stage formation of mental actions
One of the effective approaches to the formation of attention is the method developed within the framework of the concept of the gradual formation of mental actions (Galperin P. Ya., Kabylnitskaya S. L., 1974). According to this approach, attention is understood as an ideal, internalized and automated control action. It is these actions that turn out to be unformed in inattentive schoolchildren.

Classes on the formation of attention are conducted as teaching "attentive writing" and are based on the material of working with texts containing different types of errors "due to inattention": substitution or omission of words in a sentence, letters in a word, continuous spelling of a word with a preposition, etc.

Studies show that the presence of a sample text with which it is necessary to compare the erroneous text, in itself, is not a sufficient condition for the accurate execution of tasks to detect errors, since inattentive children do not know how to compare the text with the sample, to check. That is why all the teacher's calls to check their work are ineffective.

One of the reasons for this is the orientation of children to the general meaning of a text or word and neglect of particulars. To overcome global perception and form control over the text, children were taught to read taking into account the elements against the background of understanding the meaning of the whole. Here is how P. Ya. Halperin (1978) describes this main and most laborious stage of work: “Children were asked to read a separate word (to establish its meaning), and then divide it into syllables and, reading each syllable, separately check whether it corresponds a word in general.

A variety of words were selected (and difficult, and easy, and medium in difficulty). At first, the syllables were separated by a vertical pencil line, then the dashes were not put, but the syllables were pronounced with a clear separation (voice) and were consistently checked. The sound separation of syllables became shorter and shorter and soon reduced to stress on individual syllables. After that, the word was read and checked by syllables to oneself ("the first is correct, the second is not, omitted here ... rearranged"). Only at the last stage did we move on to the fact that the child read the whole word to himself and gave him an overall assessment (right or wrong; if wrong, then he explained why). After that, the transition to reading the entire phrase with its assessment, and then the entire paragraph (with the same assessment) was not difficult ”(Halperin P. Ya., 1978, pp. 97-98).

An important moment in the process of forming attention is working with a special card on which the "rules" of checking, the order of operations when checking the text are written. The presence of such a card is a necessary material support for mastering a full-fledged control action. With the interiorization and curtailment of the control action, the obligation to use such a card disappears.

To generalize the formed control action, this action was then worked out on a broader material (pictures, patterns, sets of letters and numbers). After that, when special conditions were created, control was transferred from the situation of experimental learning to the real practice of educational activity. Thus, the method of step-by-step formation allows you to get a full-fledged action of control, that is, the formation of attention.


Proofreading tasks

The child is asked to find and cross out certain letters in the printed text. This is the main type of exercise in which the child has the opportunity to feel what it means to "be attentive" and develop a state of inner concentration.

Completion of proofreading tasks contributes to the development of concentration and self-control when students perform written work.

To carry them out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils and pens. For children 6-11 years old, it is advisable to use texts with large print.

Corrective exercises should be carried out daily for 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months. The lesson can be individual or group.

Instruction. Within 5 minutes, you need to find and cross out all the letters "A" that you meet (you can specify any letter): both small and capital letters, both in the title of the text, and in the author's surname.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters being searched for change, they are crossed out in different ways, etc .; two letters are searched for at the same time, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; letters are circled on one line, tick marks on the second, and so on. All changes are reflected in the instructions given at the beginning of the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, the number of gaps and incorrectly crossed out letters is counted. The indicator of normal concentration of attention is 4 or less gaps. More than 4 gaps - weak concentration.

1. The game is played in a friendly atmosphere. Younger children can be additionally interested in these activities by inviting them to train to be attentive also in order to become good chauffeurs, pilots, doctors (having previously found out who they want to be).

2. Losing should not cause feelings of displeasure, so you can introduce funny "penalties": how many times meow, how many mistakes have been made, crow, ride on one leg, etc.

3.For toddlers, the norm of allowed absences in each lesson should vary and approximately equal the actual number of absences that the child makes.

4. The duration of the lesson in any case should not exceed 5 minutes.

5. The volume of the viewed text does not matter and may be different for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.

6. Checking the fulfillment of the assignment in group lessons is carried out by the students themselves from each other, they also come up with "penalties".

The practice of working with this task shows that after the first 3-4 weeks of classes, there is a reduction in errors in written tasks by 2-3 times. To consolidate the skills of self-control, it is necessary to continue classes for 2-4 months. If after 4 months of employment there is no improvement, they need to be stopped and seek help from a speech therapist.

When working with children 6-8 years old, it is very important to observe one more condition: to start each lesson with a new agreement on the possible number of mistakes. It is necessary to proceed from the actually admitted number of mistakes so that the child does not have a feeling of hopelessness, impossibility to achieve the desired result. This is easy to do in private lessons. In group lessons, it can be difficult to achieve a common norm, so here you can pay attention to the variety of penalties assigned by children to each other, and individual support for the child.

In order for the developmental effect of the game to be more noticeable when the child performs written educational tasks, it is necessary, simultaneously with the introduction of the game, to change the child's attitude towards reading a textbook on the Russian language. This can be achieved by comparative clarification of how words are read and how they are spelled. It should be explained to the children that in the Russian language textbook, all the words written in the exercise should be read aloud as they are written, naming unpronounceable letters, punctuation marks, etc.

When checking the written assignment completed by the child, the teacher must emphasize that it is necessary to read the written task aloud and as if it were written by “another boy or girl, and you do not know what is written here, so pronounce each letter like this, how she writes ". It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the exercise must be perceived as if it was performed by someone else - "another girl", "a poorly trained puppy", since children, checking their text, start from the meaning (and he is already known), and no calls to read carefully improve the case: children do not see missing and misspelled letters. Assigning a completed task to another alienates one's own creation and allows one to be critical of it. For children with difficulty concentrating attention, a more detailed stage of external actions is required.

Reading text to a given expression

Exercises based on the principle of accurate reproduction of a sample

Children are offered some kind of graphic pattern (a sequence of several letters, numbers, a geometric pattern made in cells, etc.) and the task is given to reproduce it accurately (for example, to the end of a notebook line or on several lines).

The development of concentration of attention is also served by the game "Mirror", in which children are invited to follow the leader to repeat his movements (both individual movements and their sequence).

Distribution of numbers in a specific order

The left table contains 25 numbers from 1 to 40. You need to rewrite them in ascending order into the empty table on the right, starting from the upper left square.

"Find the words"

Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it.

For example:

laughter, wolf, post, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, prick, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Munsterberg technique (and its modifications)

Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (more often - nouns, but there can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). You need to find them as quickly as possible and without errors.

A. The child is given a form with 5 lines of randomly typed letters printed on it, following each other without spaces. Among these letters, the child must find 10 words (3, 4, 5 difficult) and underline them. The entire task takes 5 minutes to complete. The indicator of success can be the number of correctly found words and the speed of the task.

Job example:






B. There are 10 animal names hidden in this table.


Scared Lines "

Tracking a line with a glance from its beginning to the end, especially when it is intertwined with other lines, contributes to the development of concentration and concentration.

"Find differences"

Tasks of this type require the ability to distinguish signs of objects and phenomena, their details and master the operation of comparison. Systematic and purposeful teaching of schoolchildren in comparison contributes to the development of the skill of timely activation of attention, its inclusion in the regulation of activity.

For comparison, children can be offered any objects, their images, pictures, differing in a certain number of details.

A game common among the hunting tribes of the Indians

Children are offered to sit quietly for a short time and try to hear all possible noises, guess where they came from (the teacher can specially "organize" some noises). This game can be played as a competition: who will hear the most noises and guess their origin.


Exercises are based on memorizing the number and order of the arrangement of a number of objects presented for several seconds. As you master the exercise, the number of objects gradually increases.

Spot All Game

7-10 objects are laid out in a row (you can display pictures with images of objects on a typesetting canvas), which are then closed. Having opened the objects for 10 seconds, close them again and invite the children to list all the objects (or pictures) that they remembered.

Having opened the same objects again, for 8-10 seconds, ask the children what sequence they were in.

Having swapped any two items, show everything again for 10 s. Invite the children to determine which items are transferred.

Without looking at the objects anymore, say what color each of them is.

You can come up with other versions of this game (remove objects and ask the children to name the disappeared one; arrange objects not in a row, but for example, one on top of another so that the children list them in order from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, etc.) .NS.).

Search nonstop game

Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.) around you. At a signal from the teacher, one child begins the enumeration, others complete it.


The basic principle of the exercises: the child is offered the simultaneous performance of two differently directed tasks. At the end of the exercise (after 10-15 minutes), the effectiveness of each task is determined.

"Each hand has its own business"

Children are asked to slowly turn over a book with illustrations for 1 min with their left hand (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric shapes or solve non-complex examples.

The game can be suggested in a math lesson.

Counting with a nuisance

The child calls the numbers from 1 to 20, at the same time writing them down on a piece of paper or blackboard in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19, etc. The task execution time and the number of errors are counted.

Reading with interference

Children read the text while simultaneously tapping out some rhythm with the karan-dash. When reading, children also seek answers to questions.

Exercise for training attention distribution

The child is offered the following task - to cross out 1 or 2 letters in the text and at the same time they put on a children's record with a fairy tale. Then they check how many letters the child missed when crossing out and ask to tell what he heard and understood from the fairy tale. The first failures in performing this rather difficult task can cause protest and refusal in the child, but at the same time, the first successes inspire. The advantage of such a task is the possibility of its playful and competitive design.



One of the effective approaches to the development of attention is the method developed within the framework of the concept of the gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, S.L. Kabylnitskaya, 1974). According to this approach, attention is understood as an ideal, internalized and automated control action. It is precisely such actions that turn out to be unformed in inattentive schoolchildren.

Classes on the formation of attention are conducted as teaching "attentive writing" and are based on the material of texts containing different types of errors "due to negligence": substitution or omission of words in a sentence, substitution or omission of letters in a word, continuous spelling of a word with pretext, etc.

Studies show that the presence of a sample text, with which it is necessary to compare the erroneous text, in itself is not a sufficient condition for the accurate execution of tasks to detect errors, since inattentive children do not know how to compare the text with the sample, they do not know how check. That is why all the prizes-you teachers “check your work” turn out to be fruitless.

One of the reasons for this is the orientation of children to the general meaning of a text or word and neglect of particulars. To overcome global perception and form control over the text, it is necessary to teach children to read taking into account the elements against the background of understanding the meaning of the whole. This is how P.Ya. Halperin is this main and most laborious stage of work: “Children were asked to read a separate word (to establish its meaning), and then divide it into syllables and, reading each syllable separately, check whether it corresponds to the word as a whole.

A variety of words were selected (both difficult, and easy, and medium in difficulty). At first, the syllables were separated by a vertical pencil line, then the dashes were not put, but the syllables were pronounced with a clear separation (voice) and were consistently checked. The sound separation of syllables became shorter and soon reduced to stress on individual syllables. After that, the word was read and checked by syllables to oneself (“the first is correct, the second is not, omitted here ... rearranged”). Only at the last stage did we move on to the fact that the child read the whole word to himself and gave him an overall assessment (right or wrong; if wrong, then he explained why). After that, the transition to reading the entire phrase with its assessment, and then the entire paragraph (with the same assessment) did not constitute much work ”(P.Ya. Galperin, 1987, pp. 97-98).

An important point in the process of forming attention is working with a special card on which the rules for checking, the order of operations when checking the text are written. The presence of such a card is a necessary material support for mastering a full-fledged control action. With the interiorization and curtailment of the control action, the obligation to use such a card disappears.

To generalize the formed control action, it is then worked out on a broader material (pictures, patterns, sets of letters and numbers). After that, when special conditions are created, control is transferred from the situation of experimental learning to the real practice of educational activity. Thus, the step-by-step formation method allows obtaining a full-fledged control action, i.e. formation of attention.


1. What qualitative changes in the development of attention occur during primary school age?

2. What methods can a teacher use to diagnose and develop students' attention?

3. Study the work of P.Ya. Galperin and S.L. Kabylnitskaya "Experimental formation of attention" (M., 1974). What is the specificity of the authors' approach to understanding attention? Explain the essence of the method of stage-by-stage (planned) formation of mental actions. What are the main requirements for the proposed method of forming the attention of schoolchildren?


Younger school age is the most crucial stage of school childhood. The high sensitivity of this age period determines the great potential for the versatile development of the child.

The main achievements of this age are due to the leading nature of educational activity and in many respects are decisive for the subsequent years of study: by the end of primary school age, the child must want to learn, be able to learn and believe in himself.

The full-fledged living of this age, its positive acquisitions are a necessary foundation on which the further development of the child is built as an active subject of cognition and activity. The main task of adults in working with children of primary school age is to create optimal conditions for disclosing and realizing the capabilities of children, taking into account the individuality of each child.


Proofreading tasks

The child is asked to find and cross out certain letters in the printed text. This is the main type of exercise in which the child has the opportunity to feel what it means to “be mindful” and to develop a state of inner concentration.

Completion of proofreading tasks contributes to the development of concentration and self-control when students perform written work.

To carry them out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils and pens. For children 6-11 years old, it is advisable to use texts with large print.

Corrective exercises should be carried out daily for 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months. The lesson can be individual or group.

Instruction. Within 5 minutes, you need to find and cross out all the letters "A" that you meet (you can specify any letter): both small and capital letters, both in the title of the text and in the author's surname.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters you are looking for change, they are crossed out in different ways, etc .; two letters are searched for at the same time, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; letters are circled on one line, tick marks on the second, and so on. All changes are reflected in the instructions given at the beginning of the lesson.

Based on the results of the work, the number of gaps and incorrectly crossed out letters is counted. The indicator of normal concentration of attention is 4 or less gaps. More than 4 gaps - weak concentration.

1. The game is played in a friendly atmosphere. Younger children can be additionally interested in these activities by inviting them to train and be attentive in order to become good chauffeurs, pilots, doctors (having previously found out who they want to be).

2. Losing should not cause a feeling of displeasure, so you can introduce funny "penalties": how many times meow, how many mistakes have been made, crowing, jumping on one leg, etc.

3.For toddlers, the rate of allowed absences in each lesson should be changed and approximately equal to the actual number of absences that the child makes.

4. The duration of the lesson in any case should not exceed 5 minutes.

5. The volume of the viewed text does not matter and may be different for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.

6. Checking the fulfillment of the assignment in group lessons is carried out by the students themselves from each other, they also come up with "penalties".

The practice of working with this assignment shows that after the first 3-4 weeks of classes, there is a decrease in errors in written assignments by 2-3 times. To consolidate the skills of self-control, it is necessary to continue classes for 2-4 months. If after 4 months of training there are no improvements, they need to be stopped and seek help from a speech therapist.

When working with children 6-8 years old, it is very important to observe one more condition: to start each lesson with a new agreement on the possible number of mistakes. It is necessary to proceed from the actually made number of mistakes so that the child does not have a feeling of hopelessness, the impossibility of achieving the desired result. This is easy to do in private lessons. In group lessons, it can be difficult to achieve a common norm, so here you can pay attention to the variety of penalties assigned by children to each other, and individual support for the child.

In order for the developmental effect of the game to be more noticeable when the child performs written educational tasks, it is necessary, simultaneously with the introduction of the game, to change the child's attitude towards reading a textbook in the Russian language. This can be achieved by comparative clarification of how words are read and how they are spelled. It should be explained to the children that in the Russian language textbook, all the words written in the exercise should be read aloud as they are written, naming unpronounceable letters, punctuation marks, etc.

When checking the child's written assignment, the teacher should emphasize that it is necessary to read what is written aloud and as if it was written by "another boy or girl, and you do not know what is written here, so pronounce each letter as it is written." It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the exercise should be perceived as if it was performed by someone else - "another girl", "a poorly trained puppy", since children, checking their text, start from the meaning (and it is already known) , and no calls to read attentively improve matters: children do not see missing and misspelled letters. Assigning a completed task to another alienates one's own creation and allows one to be critical of it. For children who have difficulty concentrating, a more detailed stage of external actions is required.

Reading text to a given expression

Exercises based on the principle of accurate reproduction of a sample

Children are offered some kind of graphic pattern (a sequence of several letters, numbers, a geometric pattern made in cells, etc.) and the task is given to reproduce it accurately (for example, to the end of a notebook line or on several lines).

The development of concentration of attention is also served by the game "Mirror", in which children are invited to follow the leader to repeat his movements (both individual movements and their sequence).

Distribution of numbers in a specific order

The left table contains 25 numbers from 1 to 40. You need to rewrite them in ascending order into the empty table on the right, starting from the top left square.

"Find the words"

Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it.

For example:

laughter, wolf, post, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, prick, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Munsterberg technique (and its modifications)

Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (more often nouns, but there can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). You need to find them as quickly as possible and without errors.

A. The child is given a form with 5 lines of randomly typed letters printed on it, following each other without spaces. Among these letters, the child must find 10 words (3, 4, 5 difficult) and underline them. The entire task takes 5 minutes to complete. An indicator of success can be the number of correctly found words and the speed of the task.

Job example:






B. There are 10 animal names hidden in this table.

"Scared Lines"

Tracking a line with a gaze from its beginning to its end, especially when it is intertwined with other lines, contributes to the development of concentration and concentration.

"Find differences"

Tasks of this type require the ability to distinguish the signs of objects and phenomena, their details and master the operation of comparison. Systematic and purposeful teaching of schoolchildren in comparison contributes to the development of the skill of timely activation of attention, its inclusion in the regulation of activity.

For comparison, children can be offered any objects, their images, pictures, differing in a certain number of details.

A game common among the hunting tribes of the Indians

Children are offered to sit quietly for a short time and try to hear all possible noises, guess where they came from (the teacher can specially "organize" some noises). This game can be played as a competition: who will hear the most noises and guess their origin.


Exercises are based on memorizing the number and order of the arrangement of a number of objects presented for a few seconds. As you master the exercise, the number of objects gradually increases.

Spot All Game

7-10 objects are laid out in a row (you can display pictures with images of objects on a typesetting canvas), which are then closed. Having opened the objects for 10 seconds, close them again and invite the children to list all the objects (or pictures) that they remembered.

Having opened the same objects again, for 8-10 seconds, ask the children in what sequence they were lying.

Having swapped any two items, show everything again for 10 s. Invite the children to determine which items are transferred.

Without looking at the objects anymore, say what color each of them is.

You can come up with other versions of this game (remove objects and ask the children to name the disappeared one; arrange the objects not in a row, but for example, one on top of the other so that the children list them in order from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, etc.) ...

Search nonstop game

Within 10-15 seconds, see around you as many objects of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.). At the signal of the teacher, one child begins the enumeration, the others complete it.


The basic principle of the exercises: the child is offered the simultaneous execution of two oppositely directed tasks. At the end of the exercise (after 10-15 minutes), the effectiveness of each task is determined.

"Each hand has its own business"

Children are asked to slowly turn over a book with illustrations for 1 min with their left hand (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric shapes or solve simple examples.

The game can be suggested in a math lesson.

Counting with a nuisance

The child calls the numbers from 1 to 20, while writing them down on a piece of paper or blackboard in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19, etc. The task execution time and the number of errors are counted.

Reading with interference

Children read the text while tapping out a rhythm with a pencil. When reading, children also seek answers to questions.

Exercise for training attention distribution

The child is offered the following task - to cross out 1 or 2 letters in the text and at the same time they put on a children's record with a fairy tale. Then they check how many letters the child missed when crossing out and ask to tell what he heard and understood from the fairy tale. The first failures in performing this rather difficult task can cause protest and refusal in the child, but at the same time, the first successes inspire. The advantage of such a task is the possibility of its game and competitive design.


To train attention switching, it is recommended to use proofreading tasks with alternating rules for deleting letters.


One of the effective approaches to the development of attention is the method developed within the framework of the concept of the gradual formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin, S.L. Kabylnitskaya, 1974). According to this approach, attention is understood as an ideal, internalized and automated control action. It is these actions that turn out to be unformed in inattentive schoolchildren.

Classes on the formation of attention are conducted as teaching "attentive writing" and are based on the material of texts containing different types of mistakes "due to inattention": substitution or omission of words in a sentence, substitution or omission of letters in a word, continuous spelling of a word with a preposition, etc.

Studies show that the presence of a sample text with which it is necessary to compare the erroneous text, in itself, is not a sufficient condition for the accurate execution of tasks to detect errors, since inattentive children do not know how to compare the text with a sample, do not know how to check. That is why all the teacher's calls to "check their work" are unsuccessful.

One of the reasons for this is the orientation of children to the general meaning of a text or word and neglect of particulars. To overcome global perception and form control over the text, it is necessary to teach children to read taking into account the elements against the background of understanding the meaning of the whole. This is how P.Ya. Halperin is the main and most laborious stage of work: “Children were asked to read a single word (to establish its meaning), and then divide it into syllables and, reading each syllable separately, check whether it corresponds to the word as a whole.

A variety of words were selected (and difficult, and easy, and medium in difficulty). At first, the syllables were separated by a vertical pencil line, then the dashes were not put, but the syllables were pronounced with a clear separation (voice) and were consistently checked. The sound separation of syllables became shorter and shorter and soon reduced to stress on individual syllables. After that, the word was read and checked by syllables to oneself ("the first is correct, the second is not, omitted here ... rearranged"). Only at the last stage did we move on to the fact that the child read the whole word to himself and gave him an overall assessment (right or wrong; if wrong, then he explained why). After that, the transition to reading the entire phrase with its assessment, and then the entire paragraph (with the same assessment) was not difficult ”(P.Ya. Galperin, 1987, pp. 97-98).

An important point in the process of forming attention is working with a special card on which the rules for checking, the order of operations when checking the text are written. The presence of such a card is a necessary material support for mastering a full-fledged control action. With the interiorization and curtailment of the control action, the obligation to use such a card disappears.

To generalize the formed control action, it is then worked out on a broader material (pictures, patterns, sets of letters and numbers). After that, when special conditions are created, control is transferred from the situation of experimental learning to the real practice of educational activity. Thus, the step-by-step formation method allows obtaining a full-fledged control action, i.e. formation of attention.


1. What qualitative changes in the development of attention occur during primary school age?

2. What methods can a teacher use to diagnose and develop students' attention?

3. Study the work of P.Ya. Galperin and S.L. Kabylnitskaya "Experimental formation of attention" (M., 1974). What is the specificity of the authors' approach to understanding attention? Explain the essence of the method of stage-by-stage (planned) formation of mental actions. What are the main requirements for the proposed method of forming the attention of schoolchildren?


At primary school age, memory, like all other mental processes, undergoes significant changes. As already indicated, their essence lies in the fact that the child's memory gradually acquires the features of arbitrariness, becoming consciously regulated and mediated. “Memory at this age becomes thinking” (DB Elkonin, 1989, p. 56).

The transformation of the mnemonic function is due to a significant increase in the requirements for its efficiency, a high level of which is necessary when performing various mnemonic tasks that arise in the course of educational activities. Now the child has to memorize a lot: to memorize the material literally, to be able to retell it close to the text or in his own words, and in addition, to remember what was memorized and be able to reproduce it after a long time.

A child's inability to memorize affects his learning activity and ultimately affects his attitude towards learning and school.

Psychologists distinguish between short-term and long-term memory, as well as types of memory, depending on the nature of the memorized material: motor, visual, auditory and logical. However, it is rather difficult to isolate them in their pure form and is possible only in artificial conditions, since in real activities, including in educational ones, they appear in unity or in certain combinations, for example:

a) visual memory is necessary to perform work according to the model (copying from the board, working with prescriptions, followed by continuation from memory);

b) auditory memory - to work according to verbal instructions indicating the order of completing the task: writing dictation elements of letters, drawing dictation of geometric patterns in cells, etc.;

c) logical memory - for memorizing a sequence of words that can be combined into semantic groupings, sequences of actions in story stories, etc.

If, when performing these types of tasks, you find any deviations, shortcomings in the child's work, this may mean that he has a poorly formed type of memory. The simplest and most accessible ways of developing insufficiently formed types of memory are the following exercises.

For the development of visual-motor and visual memory, it is necessary to organizethe work of the child according to the model, which must be carried out in the following stages: first, the child works with constant visual support on the sample, then the time for examining the sample is reduced to 15-20 s (depending on the complexity of the proposed work), but so that the child has time to examine and capture the sample. It is advisable to carry out these types of exercises on such activities as drawing, modeling, copying from the board, working with a designer, drawing patterns by cells. In addition, children are always happy to perform tasks of the following type: for a certain limited time, they present a plot picture, the content of which the children must study in detail and then reproduce from memory. Then a similar picture is presented, in which some details are missing or, on the contrary, superfluous images appear. It is these differences that children must grasp.

It is easy to come up with similar exercises ourselves, varying the conditions, material and plots of games for the development of visual-motor and visual memory.

For the development of auditory memory, it is advisable to use the exercises given above for the development of visual-motor memory, but with the use of a verbal description or instruction of the proposed activity instead of a visual sample. For example, you ask a child to complete a proposed task using the constructor without referring to a sample, but from memory; reproduce any drawing by verbal description, etc.

The basis of logical memory is the use of thought processes as a support, a means of memorization. Such memory is based on understanding. In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the statement of L.N. Tolstoy: "Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired by the efforts of thought, and not by memory alone."

As mental methods of memorization, the following can be used: semantic correlation, classification, allocation of semantic supports and drawing up a plan, etc. (Development of logical memory ..., 1976.)

Special studies show that teaching a mnemonic technique, which is based on mental action, should include two stages: a) the formation of the mental action itself; b) using it as a mnemonic device, a means of memorization. Thus, before using, for example, the method of classification for memorizing material, it is necessary to master the classification as an independent mental action.

The process of developing logical memory in younger schoolchildren should be specially organized, since in the overwhelming majority of children of this age independently (without special training) do not use the methods of semantic processing of material and, for the purpose of memorizing, resort to a tested means - mechanical repetition.

For the development of logical memory, it is recommended to use the following tasks and exercises.

You read to the child a set of words (10-15), which can be divided into groups according to various characteristics (dishes, clothes, animals, etc.), and then ask them to name the words that he remembered.

The nature of the reproduction will indicate how much the generalization mechanisms are formed in the child, which are the basis for the development of logical memory. If you find that the child has not been able to distinguish semantic groupings in the named words, but is trying to memorize mechanically, you can explain and show him that for memorization it is advisable to combine words into groups according to meaning. He will soon see for himself that this is easier to memorize.

A similar way of memorization is offered to children when memorizing various objects, colors, sequence of events.

Complicating the task, you can replace individual items for memorization with any story with clearly defined semantic blocks. If the child has not grasped the sequence of events and the connection between them, he needs to be helped by showing by example how you can remember the plot based on semantic components. To make it easier to memorize the semantic blocks, you can use simple, schematic memo drawings.


Semantic memory is based on understanding, i.e. on the activity of thinking, and is associated with the development of language. In the process of semantic memorization, first of all, connections suitable for memorization are created, i.e. large structural units of recollection, the so-called mnemonic supports, which makes it possible to overcome the limitations of short-term memorization. The connections used for memorization are auxiliary, they serve as a means of helping to remember something. The most effective will be mnemonic supports that reflect the main thoughts of any material. They also represent enlarged semantic units. For children with an underdeveloped memory, the main ways to compensate for it lie in the development of semantic memory: the ability to generalize material, to highlight the main thoughts in it.

An effective teaching technique for creating mnemonic supports was developed by K.P. Maltseva (1958). This technique, called "Semantic units", can be used for schoolchildren of all ages who experience difficulties in mnemonic activity, starting from grade 2. It is most convenient to use this teaching technique in primary school.

The technique consists in the fact that the student is asked to highlight the main thing in the text (to create mnemonic supports) and indicate the way to analyze the text. To isolate the main thing, the student must consistently answer two questions: "Who (or what) is this part talking about?" and "What is being said (reported) about it?" The answer to the first question allows us to highlight the main thing in the part to which it relates, and the second question confirms the correctness of this selection. The teaching method has two parts. The first part is the allocation of semantic supports, the second part of the methodology is the preparation and use of a plan as a semantic support of the student's mnemonic activity.

Teaching methodology "Semantic units"

Part I . Learning to create mnemonic supports

Instruction. “Now you and I will learn to memorize the text. First you need to read the story, and then highlight the main thoughts of this story. To do this, you need to ask two questions to the text several times: who (or what) is said at the beginning of the text, and what is said about it. After you answer these questions, you need to ask them again: who (or what) is being said next, and what is being said about it. And so we will work until the end of the text. Is everything clear to you? "

For reading and subsequent work is given, for example, a story

Hare paws 1

1 Cit. according to the book: Afanasyev P. O., Korenevsky E. And “Shaposhnikov I. N. Collection of articles for presentation. - M., 1953.

In the summer, my grandfather went hunting in the forest. He came across a hare with a torn left ear. Grandfather shot him with a gun, but missed. The hare ran away.

The grandfather realized that a forest fire had started, and the fire was quickly going straight at him. According to the grandfather, the train could not escape from such a fire.

The grandfather ran over the bumps, the smoke consumed his eyes. The fire almost grabbed him by the shoulders.

Suddenly a hare jumped out from under the grandfather's feet. He ran slowly and dragged his hind legs. Then only the grandfather noticed that they were burnt on the hare.

The grandfather was delighted with the hare as if it were a dear. Grandfather knew that animals better than humans sense where the fire is coming from, and are always saved. They die when the fire surrounds them.

The grandfather ran after the hare. He ran, cried with fear and shouted: "Wait, honey, don't run so fast!" The hare led the grandfather out of the fire.

The hare and grandfather ran out of the forest to the lake. Both fell from exhaustion. Grandfather picked up the hare and brought it home. The hare's hind legs and stomach were burned. The hare suffered. Grandfather cured him and left him with him.

It was the same rabbit with a torn left ear that my grandfather had shot at while hunting.

After reading the story, questions are asked. In the first lesson, if the child has any difficulties, questions can be asked by the experimenter or immediately by the student himself.

E. - Who are you talking about at the beginning of the story?

W. - About grandfather.

E. - What is said about the grandfather?

W. - That he went hunting (and did not hit the hare).

W. - About grandfather.

E. - What is said about him?

U. - Grandpa was caught in a forest fire.

E. - Then who are they talking about?

W. - About grandfather.

E. - What is said about him?

U. - A rabbit saved my grandfather from the fire.

E. - Who are you talking about at the end of the story?

W. - About grandfather.

E. - What is said about him?

U. - Grandfather cured the burnt hare.

General rules for identifying mnemonic supports:

1. The text is not pre-divided into parts.

2. The main thoughts are highlighted in the course of reading the material.

3. The parts form by themselves around the main thoughts.

4. The main thoughts of the text should have a single semantic connection - "trickle".

5. Correctly highlighted key messages should form a short story.

6. If some recorded sentence does not correspond to the rest, it means that the main idea is not highlighted, and you need to return to this place in the text.

7. Mnemonic support points (main thoughts) should be detailed, independently composed or taken from the text, sentences.

After 3-4 lessons, both questions: "Who (or what) are they talking about?" and "What is said about this?" merge into one and the need to ask them out loud disappears.

The teaching methodology for creating mnemonic supports takes 5-7 lessons with a frequency of 2-3 lessons per week for 20-30 minutes. Remembering and retelling a short story (and even about the main one) will not be difficult for any child with normal intelligence. But mnemonic activity can be made more effective using the second part of the technique.

Part II . Planning

This part of the methodology is aimed at teaching drawing up a plan as a semantic support for memorization. The highlighted main thoughts are not just a short story about the main thing, but can be the outline of the text. At this stage, when the support points begin to act as points of the plan, requirements are imposed on them, with which students immediately become familiar:

a) the main thoughts should be expressed in the points of the plan, so that it is clear about whom (or about what) and what is being said in each part of the story;

b) the points of the plan should be interconnected in meaning;

c) the points of the plan should be clearly expressed. The last requirement means that the points of the plan should be formulated in the form of a sentence, in which there is a subject, predicate and other members of the sentence. This extended sentence really expresses the main point. And besides, the plan is only a tool, and everyone can choose the tool that he likes best and allows him to achieve the goal - to remember.

After the plan is drawn up, you need to read the text and note what is said on the first paragraph, on the second, etc. Then close the textbook and try to retell aloud everything that you remember, peeping into the plan (but not the textbook). Then read the text again, noting what was forgotten during the retelling, and what is remembered, and retell aloud again.


1. What are the features of the memory of primary school children? What are the qualitative transformations of the mnemonic function during a given age period?

2. Using what methods of memory development is the most appropriate in working with younger students?


The development of thinking in primary school age has a special role to play.

With the beginning of training, thinking moves to the center of the child's mental development (L.S.Vygotsky) and becomes decisive in the system of other mental functions, which, under his influence, are intellectualized and acquire an arbitrary character.

The thinking of a child of primary school age is at a critical stage of development. During this period, a transition is made from visual-figurative to verbal-logical, conceptual thinking, which gives the child's mental activity a dual character: concrete thinking, connected with real reality and direct observation, already obeys logical principles, however, abstract, formal-logical reasoning for children is still not available.

By the time a child of 6-7 years old enters school, visual-active thinking should already be formed, which is a necessary basic education for the development of visual-figurative thinking, which is the basis of successful learning in primary school. In addition, children of this age should have elements of logical thinking. Thus, at this age stage, the child develops different types of thinking that contribute to the successful mastery of the curriculum.

What is formed action thinking? A child with a high level of development of visual-active thinking copes well with any types of productive activity, where solving the problem requires the ability to work according to a visual model, to correlate the sizes and shapes of objects (designer blocks, mechanism parts).

Visual-figurative thinking is characterized by the ability to solve a problem first of all in terms of presentation and only then on a concrete subject basis. Logical thinking assumes that the child has the ability to perform basic logical operations: generalization, analysis, comparison, classification.

Visual-effective thinking is formed in preschool age in the process of mastering play activity, which must be organized in a certain way and proceed under the control and with the special participation of an adult. Only the full development of a preschooler ensures the formation of the necessary level of visual-effective thinking.

Children come to school with different levels of general mental development, so they may not only lack the rudiments of logical and visual-figurative thinking, but also have insufficiently developed visual-effective thinking, the formation of which should normally be completed by the time they enter school.

What to do if the child does not have visual-active thinking? The most effective way of its development is object-tool activity, which is most fully embodied in the activity of construction. Therefore, it is desirable that in each group, each class there is a set of very different constructors (plastic, metal, wood, etc.).

The development of this stage of thinking is facilitated by tasks and exercises with matches (lay out a figure from a certain number of matches, move one of them so as to get another figure), as well as tasks with scissors and paper.

The development of visual-figurative thinking is facilitated by the following types of tasks: drawing, passing mazes, the above-described work with constructors, but not according to a visual model, but according to verbal instructions, as well as according to the child's own intention, when he must first come up with an object of construction, and then independently to implement it.

The following exercises will provide invaluable assistance in the development of logical thinking:

- "The fourth extra": the task involves the exclusion of one subject that does not have some feature common to the other three (for this exercise it is convenient to use lotto cards);

Coming up with missing parts of the story when one of them is skipped (beginning of the event, middle or end). Along with the development of logical thinking, storytelling is extremely important for the development of speech, enrichment of vocabulary, stimulates imagination and fantasy;

Riddles and logical tasks, puzzles, numerous examples of which you can find in a variety of teaching aids.

Above were the exercises aimed at developing different types of thinking. However, practice shows that such a division of thinking into separate types is artificial and is used only for the purpose of special diagnostics of the level of mental development, since all types of thinking are involved in solving any problem, which are often impossible to separate. Therefore, we can offer a number of developmental tasks that are always very well accepted by children and contribute to the development of thinking in general, including its creative side.

These include: all kinds of puzzles, various types of tasks with sticks or matches (lay out a figure from a certain number of matches, move one of them in order to get another image: connect several dots with one line without lifting your hands). We offer the simplest tasks with matches:

1. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks.

2. Make 2 equal squares from 7 sticks.

3. Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks. Exercises with matches will also help develop spatial thinking. For the same purpose, in addition to those listed, you can also use the simplest tasks with paper and scissors, conventionally called "One cut": each of the drawn geometric figures can be turned into a square by making only one cut with scissors (in a straight line).

Along with this, you can use puzzle games that allow you to comprehensively develop the function of thinking by complicating the conditions of the task, for example: from "Rubik's Snake" to "Rubik's Cube", from "Game of 5" to "Game of 15" and many others. For example, the following.


This game develops the ability to quickly establish various, sometimes completely unexpected, connections between familiar objects, to creatively create new holistic images from separate scattered elements.

They take three words at random that are not related in meaning, for example, "lake", "pencil" and "bear". It is necessary to compose as many sentences as possible, which would necessarily include these three words (you can change the case and use other words). Answers can be trivial ("The bear dropped a pencil into the lake"), complex, going beyond the situation indicated by the three initial words and the introduction of new objects ("The boy took a pencil and drew a bear bathing in the lake"), and creative, including these objects in non-standard connections ("A boy, thin as a pencil, stood near the lake, which roared like a bear").


Take any three words, for example, "dog", "tomato", "sun". It is necessary to leave only those words that mean something similar in some way, and exclude one word, "superfluous", which does not have this common feature. You should find as many options as possible to exclude an extra word, and most importantly - more signs that unite the remaining pair of words and are not inherent in the excluded, superfluous. Without neglecting the options that immediately suggest themselves (exclude the "dog", and leave the "tomato" and "sun", because they are round), it is advisable to look for non-standard and at the same time very apt solutions. The winner is the one with the most answers.

This game develops the ability not only to establish unexpected connections between disparate phenomena, but it is easy to move from one connection to another, without getting hung up on them. The game also teaches you to simultaneously keep several objects in the field of thinking and compare them with each other. It is important that the game forms the mindset that completely different ways of combining and dismembering a certain group of objects are possible, and therefore you should not limit yourself to one single "correct" solution, but you must look for a whole set of them.


Some object or phenomenon is called, for example, "helicopter". It is necessary to write down as many of its analogs as possible, i.e. other items similar to him in various essential characteristics. It is also necessary to systematize these analogs into groups, depending on what property of a given object they were selected for. For example, in this case can be called "bird", "butterfly" (fly and land); "Bus", "train" (vehicles); "Corkscrew" (important details rotate), etc. The winner is the one who named the largest number of analog groups.

This game teaches you to highlight the most diverse properties in an object and operate separately with each of them, forms the ability to classify phenomena according to their characteristics.


A well-known subject, such as a "book", is named. It is necessary to name as many different ways of using it: the book can be used as a stand for a movie projector, it can be used to cover the papers on the table from prying eyes, etc. A ban should be introduced on naming immoral, barbaric ways of using an object. The winner is the one who indicates the most different functions of the subject.

This game develops the ability to concentrate thinking on one subject, the ability to introduce it into a variety of situations and interrelationships, to discover unexpected possibilities in an ordinary subject.


1. What is the originality of the thinking of a child of primary school age?

2. How does schooling affect the development of the thinking of a younger student?


The peculiarity of the mental development of younger schoolchildren is such that up to about 10 years of age in children, predominantly the right hemisphere and the first signaling system are activated. Therefore, the majority of junior schoolchildren belong not to the thinking, but to the artistic type. Taking this into account, the purposeful development of the theoretical thinking of children should be combined with no less purposeful improvement of figurative thinking. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the development of the imagination of younger students.

The child's imagination develops gradually, as he acquires real life experience. The richer the child's experience, the more he saw, heard, experienced, learned, the more impressions he has accumulated about the surrounding reality, the richer material his imagination has, the more scope opens up for his imagination and creativity, which is most actively and fully realized in games, writing fairy tales and stories, drawing.

An important pedagogical conclusion follows from this: the creation of favorable conditions for the development of imagination in the creativity of children is facilitated by the expansion of their real life experience, the accumulation of impressions.

During the lesson, the teacher can use a number of techniques to help energize the students' imaginations.


Children are given sheets of paper with figures drawn on them (circles, squares, triangles, various broken lines, etc.). Each child should have the same sets of figures. Children are offered to draw whatever they want to the figures in 5-10 minutes, so that they get object images, but at the same time try not to have the same drawings. Each such drawing can be signed by coming up with an unusual name for it.

This quest is easy to turn into a game by matching different sets of figures. The author of the most original drawings wins, those that have not been seen in other players.


A good school of imagination and checking the level and features of its development is the study of a geographical map.

The child is given a map - a tourist route diagram depicting a river. On the banks of the river, schematic images of cities, villages, railways, bridges, etc. are drawn. Children are told: “You see, a motor ship is sailing along the river. Imagine that you are standing on the deck, looking at the coast. And about everything that you see and feel, please tell me. "

The following story options are possible:

1. Children conscientiously list everything that they see on the map, without adding anything from themselves, they do not have any images:

Igor: “Well, I'm swimming ... (silent). I see the shore. Houses are standing here. I see at home. I see the bridge. What else? This is where the bridge stands. I see the shore. Houses are also standing here (shows), here they are (shows). I see everything that stands here. "

2. There is no plot story, but children tell a lot, sometimes very emotionally, freely imagine themselves sailing on a steamer:

Petya: “It's summer here. Fresh air. The sun is shining. Forests around, groves. There are all kinds of stops, the ship stops at these stops. "

3. Children tell a coherent story about an imaginary journey. Such stories are emotional, colorful, imagination plays a big role in them, but it is constantly controlled by consciousness, which directs it along a certain channel:

Andrey: “I am sailing on a motor ship and I feel that I am swinging a little on the waves. Here the ship passes under the bridge - it gets a little darker, and then it brightens again. The steamer stops at stops, and then sails again. We drive past the forest and then drive out into the sun again. And suddenly my ship runs into some small river. We are sailing along this rivulet. And when the rivulet turns around, I again go out onto the wide river and swim along it. I float past villages and small villages. I swim up to the railway, and a train goes along it. When I pass under the bridge, he goes over me and makes a lot of noise. "


Children are offered words. For example:

a) girl, tree, bird;

b) key, hat, boat, watchman, study, road, rain.

You need to compose a coherent story using these words.


Before the start of the game, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of a sheet of paper, and the sheet is folded in half. Then the sheet is unfolded and the game can be started. The players take turns telling what object images they see in the blot or its individual parts. The winner is the one who names the most items.


Children are offered the beginning of a story. For example: “It was a clear sunny day. A girl walked along the street and led a funny puppy on a leash. Suddenly out of nowhere ... ".

It is necessary to come up with a continuation of the story that is evaluated according to the following criteria:


Brightness and originality of images,

Unusual twist and plot,

The surprise of the ending.


1. Why do you need to develop imagination in primary school children?

2. What methods and techniques for developing the imagination of children do you know? Can they be used by a teacher in working with younger students?


Speech development is the most important aspect of general mental development in childhood. Speech is inextricably linked with thinking. As he masters speech, the child learns to adequately understand the speech of others, to coherently express his thoughts. Speech gives the child the opportunity to verbalize his own feelings and experiences, helps to exercise self-regulation and self-control of activities.

At primary school age, "a very significant acquisition of the child's speech development is his mastery of written speech ... which is of great importance for the child's mental development" (SL Rubinstein, 1989, p. 477). During this period, active training in reading (i.e. understanding of written speech) and writing (building one's own written speech) falls. Learning to read and write, the child learns in a new way - coherently, systematically, thoughtfully - to build his oral speech.

The development and correction of the phonetic aspect of speech (sound pronunciation) is carried out by specialists - speech therapists.

In a lesson at school, the teacher can use a number of tasks and exercises that contribute to the general speech development of children: enriching vocabulary, improving the grammatical structure of speech, etc.


Learning poetry contributes to the development of coherent speech, its expressiveness, enriches the active and passive vocabulary of the child, helps to develop voluntary verbal memory.


Retelling of stories, fables, watched films and cartoons also contributes to the development of a coherent and expressive speech of the child, enrichment of the vocabulary and the development of free verbal memory.

An effective way to develop coherent speech is the child's story, regularly provoked by an adult, about the events that happened to him during the day: at school, on the street, at home. Such tasks help to develop the child's attention, observation, memory.

If children find it difficult to retell the text they have read, it is recommended to use the following technique - to offer to play the story or fairy tale read in the faces. At the same time, the first time they just read the literary text, and before the second reading, they distribute the roles among the students (this technique can be successfully applied in the lesson). After the second reading, children are invited to stage what they have read. This way of developing the ability to retell is based on the fact that, having received a certain role, the child will perceive the text with a different motivational attitude, which contributes to the selection and memorization of the main meaning, the content of the read.

The development of expressive, grammatically correct speech is significantly influenced by the child's listening to audio recordings of children's fairy tales, performances, etc. performed by actors who have mastered the skill of the artistic word.


Tongue twisters are an effective means of developing expressive speech. They allow you to practice the skills of correct and clear articulation, improve the fluency and tempo of speech. Tongue twisters can also serve as a convenient material for the development of children's attention and memory.

The stumps have five honey agarics again.

The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply system.

The wet weather is soggy.

Frol walked along the highway to Sasha to play checkers.

Not at all slippery, not at all slippery.

Bells are ringing near the stake.

Three woodcutters, three woodcutters

in the yard they chop firewood with axes.

I was at Frol's - I lied to Frol about Lavra.

He will go to the Lavra - Lavra will lie against Frol.

From the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field.

All tongue twisters

You can't renegotiate.

Yes, you will not over-negotiate!

The cap is not sewn like a cap. The bell is drained, but not in a bell style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. It is necessary to re-chime the bell, re-chime it.

Greek rode across the river,

He sees a Greek: there is cancer in the river.

Put the Greek hand in the river,

Cancer for the hand of the Greek - Dzap!

Karl stole the corals from Clara,

And Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

Buy a kippah of spades (and so on 3 times).

Mom gave Romasha

curdled milk serum.

In the morning, my brother Kirill

three rabbits fed grass.

In the morning at Aibolit, until lunchtime,

teeth are treated: zebras, bison, tigers, otters and beavers.

The bunny looks sideways,

Like a girl with a scythe

Beyond the river spit

Mows the grasses with a scythe.

Kondrat's jacket is a bit short.

Cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood.

Put on the cuckoo hood

How funny a cuckoo in the hood is.

The pig bluntly dug through the yard.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

The path is trodden on the grass.

The password is "Eagle".

Dad bought purchases.

Makara was bitten by a mosquito

Makar slammed the mosquito.

Yegorka walked along the hillock

And taught a tongue twister.

He taught a tongue twister

About Egorka and about the hill.

And when I ran down the hill,

Forgot the tongue twister.

And now in a tongue twister

There is no slide, no Egorka.

5. "Inverted Words".

The child is offered a set of words in which the letters are reversed. It is necessary to restore the normal word order.

Example: MAIZ - WINTER.

In difficult cases, the letters that are the first in the final version are underlined. Example: NYANAAV - BATHROOM.






6. "From syllables - words."

Several blocks of syllables are formed from the preselected words. The child is asked to make up a certain number of words from them, using each syllable only once.

Make up three words, each with 2 syllables, from the following syllables: van, mar, ko, ma, di, ra. (Answer: ra-ma, ko-mar, di-wan.)

Make 3 two-syllable words from syllables: sha, ka, ka, ru, ka, re.

Make 2 words, each of which has 3 syllables, from the syllables: ro, lo, mo, do, ko, ha.

7. Connect halves of words.

This assignment is structured as follows. Words are divided into two parts: for example - HA-ZETA, DUST-SOS, etc. Then the first halves are recorded randomly in the left column, and the second in the right. The child is offered to connect these halves together so that whole words are obtained.










8. Compose words by design. They offer different options for constructions, in accordance with which it is necessary to choose words.

a) write at least 10 words according to the following constructions:

O_L M__ __

b) make up 6 words in which the first two letters are SV, and the number of the rest is not limited. Example: FREEDOM, ROOF, etc.

9. In 3 minutes write as many words as possible, consisting of 3 letters.

10. Compose as many words (nouns) as possible from the letters that form any word.

Example: PHOTO - reef, shooting range, mountain, bargaining, mainsail, thrust, count, etc.

It is prohibited to add other letters!

11. They offer a root word: table, cat, house, etc. It is necessary to find as many derivative words as possible for it in the shortest possible time.

Example: HOUSE - house, house, house, brownie, housewife, house, house house, homey, etc.

12. Composing palindromes is one of the more complex games.

Palindromes are words or whole sentences that are read equally from left to right and from right to left:

Anna, hut, Cossack, revolver, etc. And the rose fell on Azor's paw. Argentina beckons a Negro. Lesha found a bug on the shelf.