Effective passion conspiracies and their fulfillment. Effective sex drive and bed conspiracies

Among men, there are individuals who are downright hypersensitive. It happens that in front of intimacy with their beloved girl, they are so worried and worried that they run the risk of failing. This one, quite effective and strong, will help you to calm down and show your masculine qualities. conspiracy of intimacy with your beloved boyfriend.

“On the Buyan island, beyond the sea-ocean, there is an oak, the oak is a thousand years old. The oak tree has a thousand and one branches that do not bend from the wind, do not burst from the rain. So let the servant of God (name) ninety-nine lived and one lived not bend from the ninth body, from the woman's gaze, from malicious intent, from an enviable thought. Amen".

This conspiracy on the beloved boy is not read directly in front of proximity- the effect can be the opposite. They do this rite in the afternoon, at noon, if there is an oak nearby, stand in front of it and utter witchcraft conspiracy words. You can take a leaf from a tree, take it home and store it under a mattress.

Not only representatives of the strong half of humanity lie in wait. Ladies also suffer annoying failures. If you love your chosen one, but the desire for intimacy has disappeared somewhere, read the conspiracy for female desire. This is a powerful conspiracy of intimacy for women. Go early in the morning to the river, enter the water, splash on yourself and say: "The sky is my father, the Earth is my mother, command the water to give woman's strength." Scoop up river water, wash it at home, once again saying the conspiracy.

Intimacy and passion go hand in hand.

  • There are periods in the life of each of us when we are obsessed with love, this bright basic instinct, the manifestation of the animal in our nature.
  • Desire sometimes becomes an obsession.
  • The flame of passion does not heat - it burns.
  • You can find satisfaction by making a strong conspiracy of intimacy with a man, and getting what was so lacking.

An independent conspiracy for the emergence of passion with a casual acquaintance

“I dream of your kiss. I want to hug you and own you (name). Our meeting was not accidental, it was I who wanted to give you pleasure. You can't give up my gaze. It beckons you and fills you with passion. Be mine, my casual beauty, and tell me "yes" when I demand it. "

Evoke lust and passion

Read this free conspiracy of intimacy by an open fire.

Designed for both women and men.

“I light a fire of passion in the lower abdomen (name). Raise the passion to my head. Let her get drunk and intoxicated. Let the brain take down and dominate over the body. Passion burns in (name), burns and torments. My legs tremble, my lips dry, my hands reach out to me. This passion cannot be extinguished. There is no way to get rid of her. Only I can extinguish this passion, only I can direct this passion. Everything on me for (name) fits. Everything is done on me for him. I want (name) my body. I want it so much that it gets dark in my eyes. I am for (name) the biggest dream. To be together in the heat of passion! To test us lust and lust! Burn, fire, and burn to the bone. Burn, fire, and support me! To be my wish fulfilled! Hantaa ular ".

Conspiracies that are used to increase sexuality and attraction to the opposite sex hold a special place in the occult. They differ from everyday spells, but they also cannot be considered love spells. However, despite this, they are most commonly used by both sexes. For example, sex conspiracies are popular. Using these spells, people want to enter into an intimate relationship without much effort. And in this article you can find several of the most relevant magical rituals that will bring physical intercourse with the object of your desire closer.

As a rule, the conspiracy on the bed is used when it is necessary to strengthen the intimate connection between people. For this, magic spells of this type are used, as a kind of help to reduce the physical distance.

As for the varieties of conspiracies, they are different in strength of influence. There are many options for sexual energy influence on a person. This explains the fact that attraction (libido) is not a permanent phenomenon. From this, as well as from the goal pursued, your choice regarding the conspiracy to be used may depend.

Each sex conspiracy is quite complex. It is accompanied by a certain ceremony. By performing rituals for sexual intercourse, you "kindle" the fire of desire in a particular person. The object in this case can be both the performer and the author of the conspiracy, and the customer. Therefore, before performing each ritual, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main nuances. You also need to know how strong the potential of a magic spell is.

Best of all, when a rite to increase sexual desire is performed by a person who wants to enter into such a relationship. For example, if a guy wants to go to bed with a certain girl, he must read a specific conspiracy. In this case, the technique of conducting the ceremony may provide for the use of additional items.

Sex conspiracies like this are very popular. The great demand for their use can be explained by the mass of their advantages. The main ones include:

  • high efficiency and fast results;
  • simple technique of execution;
  • different duration of exposure;
  • rapprochement of lovers;
  • achieving maximum pleasure.

However, despite the fact that this kind of conspiracy has a huge number of "pluses", even a very strong ceremony may not work.

But this applies only to those cases if the object of the spell experiences negative and antipathy towards the customer. As for a person who simply hates you, conspiracy to have sex will not help you achieve intimacy. The impact that these or those conspiracies should have will not be enough. In other words, the attraction and sexual desire that you try to evoke in the object of desire will not be enough to establish a physical connection.

Ritual for reconciliation of spouses

In most cases, a sex conspiracy is used to reconcile a married couple. The ritual that should be performed will also help people who have been married for a long time to rekindle passion.

It is necessary to carry out your plans in the evening, before going to bed. You need to purchase a church candle in advance. Towards nightfall, place a candle at the head of the matrimonial bed. Light it up and whisper to the flame of the conspiracy:

“I kindle within myself (name your name) and the servant of God (name of the partner) passion and desire, awaken attraction and sexuality. Let heady feelings intoxicate us, let our minds dominate. Let the lips of the servant of God (the name of the spouse) dry up, the legs tremble, and the arms stretch out. May I become the loveliest and most desirable of all. Amen".

The magic text must be repeated seven times in a row. After that, the candle must be left to burn out. While its flame is blazing, you can prepare for the coming night of "passion". Such a conspiracy for sex will work as soon as the candle completely burns out and goes out.

Ritual with salt

One of the most powerful sex spells is this ritual. To bring the desired event closer and increase your sexuality, you need to do the following ceremony.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • flat plate;
  • salt;
  • spring water;
  • photograph of the object of desire.

To increase a person's attraction to his person, you need to put a photo of a guy / girl on a plate in the evening. Put 7 drops of water on it. Then toss in a small amount of salt in the same place. Distributing salt over the image of a person, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“As water gives itself without a trace to nourish salt, so may the servant of God (the guy's name) desire me to madness. Let me become for him the most desirable. Let the servant of God (his name again) not rest until he takes me. There is strength in my word. Amen".

This magical text on sex should be repeated three times in a row. After the ceremony, the plate with the contents will need to be hidden in a secluded place. You cannot remove it until the enigma is fulfilled. As a rule, this conspiracy will begin to operate in the coming days. And its advantage is that this conspiracy "works" even for people who have not previously shared one bed.

Ritual to stir up passion

Such a ceremony can be performed by both girls and guys who want to arouse attraction to a representative of the opposite sex. This conspiracy is quite strong and it is advisable to read it in front of an open flame. You can recite the magic text below by the fire, near the fireplace, or on a lighted candle (at home).

The conspiracy text sounds like this:

“I kindle passion and lust in the lower abdomen. Let this attraction rise to the mind, intoxicate it, and take over the body. Let the passion and strong sexual desire burn in the servant of God / her (name), which only I will be able to extinguish. He wants (the name of the object of the conspiracy) my body so that my legs give way, my lips dry out, and it darkens in my eyes. We both burn in the heat of passion, experience unspeakable pleasure. As a fire burns, so it burns bones (name of a person), attracts him to me. Amen".

Ritual with a red ribbon

We offer you another powerful conspiracy. It differs from the previous ones in terms of validity. So, for example, if you want to have a sexual energetic effect on a man / woman for a long period, this conspiracy is used. To carry out the ceremony, you will need to prepare:

  • thin red tape;
  • casket.

Pick up the tape. Tying knots on it, you need to whisper magic words:

“I bind the servant of God (his name) to the servant of God (my name) for a long time and firmly. As no one will untie these knots, so let no one separate them. Let the servant of God (name) constantly only thought and dreamed of me, only wanted me. To make me more beautiful, sweeter and more desirable than others. So that the male power of the servant of God (his name) is only with me. Amen".

You need to read the plot 7 times in a row. You should also have 7 knots on the ribbon. The ritual ends with the ribbon with the knots tied on it being removed into the box. It should be placed in the most secluded place in the house. This conspiracy for sex will begin to "work" as soon as you hide the box. This spell will work as long as the knots on the ribbon remain tied.

Vivid emotions and erotic fantasies do not always find a response from the person you like. A passion conspiracy will help ignite his heart in a short period of time. Getting rid of the problem occurs through the use of time-tested rituals.

Conspiracies and prayers will help bring passion back to a couple.

It should be remembered that the outbreak of lust will not last forever. You need to make your own efforts so that emotions do not dull over time. When plotting passion, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Emotional attitude. You should not rely on the tenderness and respect of the existing or potential partner after the ceremony. Everything can end only in bed pleasures, where love will not be present.
  2. Right choice. They distinguish between strong and easy conspiracies, depending on the plans and the severity of the situation.
  3. No fear of judgment. With black magic, love spells deprive the object of desire of will, and with white magic, they do not harm a person and are not directed against the will of God.
  4. Compliance with all the rules. If the advice says that the candle should be a church candle, then it is not purchased in the store. The prayer is not read to oneself, but is recited aloud by heart.

All of the above conditions are useless with complete indifference or outright hatred of the object of attention to the person who is interested in him.

Passion conspiracy with a new acquaintance

Sometimes one word and a glance is enough to want close contact with the person you like. There is nothing wrong with this, so it is possible to accelerate the convergence with the help of magic.

When meeting, you need to distract the attention of the boyfriend (lady) and whisper the words:

“I, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), dream of your kiss, the servant (s) of God (s) (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you. Our meeting was not accidental, we were destined for each other by fate. I want to give you pleasure, and so that you give (a) pleasure to me. You cannot refuse my gaze, my touch, my lips. I will beckon you, I will fill your heart with passion. If you are mine, you will say yes to me when I wish. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of passage to renew passion

In the case of a warm relationship in a couple, but with a decrease in libido, mutual attraction can be returned. Sexual failures are eliminated by the following actions:

  1. Timing. The ceremony is carried out in the early morning and preferably when the first rays of the sun appear.
  2. Communication with the natural elements. The ritual is carried out in the nearest river, because running water is required.
  3. Casting the spell: "The sky is my father, the Earth is my mother, command the water to give woman's strength."
  4. Performing a second ritual. It is carried out at home when washing with water stored from the river.

Ritual with salt

You need to sprinkle the charmed salt on the photo of your beloved

When plotting passion over a food additive, the words are spoken:

“There is a white throne on the mountain, the first wife is sitting on the throne. Men climb the mountain, rip off the skin, tear the veins. The first wife gave me her cherished words. I will say the words, I will charm my dear. Boils, white passion, passionate passion. May the Lord's Servant (name) be sick without my body that the Fish is on a dry shore. May he not be afraid of the Lord, he should not be ashamed of rumor, everything has mercy on me, embraces me and creates fornication with me. Amen!".

Conspiracy salt is flavored with the favorite dishes of the object of passion. The time and place of the prayer does not matter.

The rite of passage with photography is no less effective. A photograph of an interesting person is placed on a flat plate, sprinkled with seven drops of spring water and sprinkled with a pinch of salt. Then the name of the chosen one is pronounced three times along with the text:

“As water gives itself without a trace to nourish salt, so may the servant of God (the guy's name) desire me to madness. Let me become for him the most desirable. Let the servant of God (his name again) not rest until he takes me. There is strength in my word. Amen".

Rite of passage with a red binding

White magic in a conspiracy for the passion of a man or woman is strong, because it acts for the benefit of the opposite sex. Stirring up attraction and tying a partner involves pulling a red ribbon to the knots with a whisper, which is usually done by a lady:

“I bind the servant of God (his name) to the servant of God (my name) for a long time and firmly. As no one will untie these knots, so let no one separate them. Let the servant of God (name) constantly only thought and dreamed of me, only wanted me. To make me more beautiful, sweeter and more desirable than others. So that the male power of the servant of God (his name) is only with me. Amen".

Seven knots are tied when the prayer is said seven times. The binding works by placing the ribbon in a box, which should be hidden away from human eyes.

Sexual love spell

A ritual for passion often involves a ritual for sensual attachment. The emergence of a strong attraction after it is guaranteed, but true love may not arise. An exception is the return of a full-fledged intimate life to a stable and strong couple.

Sexy pegging for a woman

The sacrament is performed as follows:

  1. Choosing a place. It is best to light a magic fire in a vacant lot, because there should be no witnesses to the ceremony.
  2. Mental message. In bright tongues of flame, you need to try to see the object of desire and the act of intimacy with it.

After the ritual, you need to go around the fire 3 times

“Rise, rise, thick smoke, find the soul of the Servant of God (name). Pinch her eyes, ruffle her hair, twist it and throw it, call to me, the Servant of God (name) on the bed. To kiss me is not to kiss, to sleep with me is not to get enough sleep. Amen!".

A woman's heart will tremble if she then goes around the extinguished fire three times and throws a handful of ash behind her back. The result should be expected in two or three months, if the chosen one is rather cold to carnal pleasures.

Pegging to fan the passion of a man

Witchcraft is carried out using the following items:

  1. Photos of the chosen one. The picture must be taken in full growth of a person and without the presence of unauthorized persons.
  2. Decorative candles. The attribute of white is not allowed and an item of crimson tones is purchased.
  3. The wax from a lighted candle drips in the photo in the genital area of ​​the desired man.

Conspiracy Words:

“As fervent wax melts and spreads, so the desire of the Servant of God (name) changes, it is directed to my loins. As the wax, cooling down, grows stronger, so the root of the dear to me hardens. Amen!".

Women should not then flirt and tease the chosen one. At the first call, one should respond to the man's desire to retire in a secluded place.

Egiliet and its consequences

This sorcery must be handled very carefully, because white magic does not imply such harsh measures to attract other people's attention. Egiliet makes the servant of God a puppet in the hands of the dark forces.

He will opt for one sexual partner, but he will not be happy in his personal life. It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to remove such a strong love spell, because the subject of the experiment can completely lose his attraction to the opposite sex.

Lapels from passion for man

If the son was bewitched by a cunning temptress or the daughter was inflamed with feelings for an unworthy guy, then parents are not forbidden to read a prayer and conduct a ritual to save the happiness of children. It does not hurt to turn to magic for lovers who wished to return to their families and destroy the harmful passion on the side.

The threads are impregnated with the infusion of field plants

Lapel conditions:

  1. Hard decision. Then it will be possible to annul its action only when referring to the sorcerer.
  2. Limited time. Any day will do with the phase of the waning moon when divination is prohibited in another period.
  3. Special attributes. Their list is: chicken breast bone, church candle, St. John's wort herb, white and black threads.
  4. The threads are soaked in the infusion of a field plant, they are wrapped around the bone and held over a lighted candle.

Lapel words:

“By the black moon I conjure, I command with the dead bone, leave me, everything alien and swathing everything is dark and deceitful! Move aside all sorrows and troubles to the left, and all hopes and lusts to the right.

A conspiracy for the passion of a man or woman is effective when the kindling of feelings is built on the already existing sympathy for each other. Physical attraction will appear, but love cannot be achieved by such methods.

White magic helps to attract members of the opposite sex to each other, and does not completely change people's preferences and sympathies. Mental anguish then cannot be avoided when the conspiracy runs out of power.

The conspiracy for sex is very popular in our time. We can say that among all love rites, this one is the most frequently used.

This ritual allows you to transfer with the person you like to a new stage of the relationship, or rather, to bed, without unnecessary conversations and hesitation.

Of course, it is better not to use magic unless absolutely necessary, but, for example, she can refresh the relationship between spouses.

Awaken sexual passion

This magic is not an ordinary magical rite, it has much more in it: it allows you to awaken sexual attraction in a particular person.

The main purpose of this rite is to incite passion and awaken libido, not forced submission. There will be no good from the second.

The main advantages of a sex rite are:

  • A quick effect that occurs literally a couple of hours after the ceremony.
  • The ceremony does not carry anything complicated, the implementation does not require expensive components or referral to specialists, it can be easily done at home, on your own.
  • The validity period also differs in a wide range, the rite can be valid from an hour to a year or more. It all depends on the personal preference of the customer.
  • This ritual has a positive effect on intimacy. Sex will be filled with bright and enchanting moments.

There is one BUT: a conspiracy will not work on a man who dislikes a woman. Everything should be by mutual agreement. The ceremony helps the object to acquire a strong desire, which the customer, in turn, can use.

The ritual is perfect for both newly minted couples and those who have been married for a long time, and the passion in intimate relationships has cooled down. In this case, a conspiracy on the bed will bring something new and colorful into the intimate life of the spouses. Everything will pass as on the first wedding night.

The secret of rituals to stir up passion

For a ceremony to kindle passion between spouses, you only need a church candle. Before going to bed, you need to light it up and put it at the head of the matrimonial bed, after which 7 times pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy "For sex" on a candle

“I kindle, kindle the passion inside the servants of God (your names). I awaken sexuality and sensuality. Let passion intoxicate and intoxicate, but dominate over reason. So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry, And the hands reach out to the servant of God (name). So that I become for him the biggest dream, the strongest desire. Amen!"
I will meet so that I understand my prospects. My heart skips and worries. Sympathy has arisen and is multiplying. Do not let me be lost in agony. Bring (name of beloved) on a date. I will pray to you for this. My God, my Wizardas. I will praise you, greet you. Do not let me miss my chances. Hantaa upar. "

You need to repeat the ceremony 3 times, after that, leave everything without touching, and tune in to an erotic night.

There are extremely positive reviews about this rite: it has a short-term effect and does not harm any of the couple - neither the performer nor the one at whom it is directed.

The most effective of all conspiracies is considered a salt ritual.

It can work even if there hasn't been intimacy between people yet. To implement this rite, you need a photograph of a man, a little salt, and seven drops of water. When choosing a picture, it is advisable to give preference to a photo where the man is depicted alone, and there are no interfering objects such as glasses, hats. In this age of social networks, getting such a photo is not difficult.

It is required to take a deep bowl filled with water and throw salt into it, pronouncing the text of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy "For sex" on salt

“As salt is saturated with water, as water gives itself up without a trace, So my beloved, God's servant (name) will desire me, God's servant (name), May he not rest until he takes all of me. Amen!"
wedding candle and bell ringing at the wedding hour. That order is valid to this day. For the souls of the Slave (name) and the Slave (name) to go to each other, in an eternal circle, forever and ever, in endless love. I crown with a strong word, I protect with a molded deed. I fasten with all white magic. Amen!"

Repeat the above three times, and upon completion pour the remaining salt evenly over the image. You need to leave the photo in this position before the wish is fulfilled.

In addition, there are rituals that can push an indecisive man to take action, for example, a rite of passionate sex.

Conspiracy "For passionate sex"

“There is an oak on the Buyan island beyond the okyan sea, the oak is a thousand years old. That oak tree has a thousand and one branches that do not bend from the wind, do not burst from the rain.
So let the servant of God (name) have ninety-nine lived and one lived not to bend from the ninth body, from the woman's gaze, from malicious intent, from an enviable thought.
Amen. If pure gold is silver, if only God's servant Ivan, the baby, Klavdin's son, would be pure, forever and ever. Amen. If it is a purely chicken egg, if only the child of God is smooth and clean, move away the sparrows and scabies, all the accursed baina vermin, all the bainyas, no scabies, now forever and ever. Amen."

And if the relationship with your beloved is just beginning and it will not come to intimacy, you can speed up this process. Seeing your beloved, quietly walk behind him and read the conspiracy in his back.

Conspiracy "For sex"

"How your leg stumbles over your leg,
So zealous heart will beat
So that you, the servant of God (name) suffer about me, think day and night,
I dreamed of a bed with me.
Wanted to be with me, God's slave (your name)
He hugged, kissed and pressed me to his chest.
And without me he missed and suffered.
He was in trouble day and night, but he did not know peace.
May it be so."
ranks, nor inferior ranks,
Neither the first nor the last.
Twelve disciples of Christ
May they help my meeting.

You will surely like the result.

The rite is a mystery

After the desired passionate night has taken place, there is no doubt that it will be repeated more than once, one call or SMS will be enough, as everything will happen according to the written script. Initially, a man must independently make contact, if this did not happen, all that remains is to wait. Waiting takes different times for everyone: it is enough for someone to wait an hour or two, and for someone, even a month is not enough. It all depends on the true attitude of a man towards you.

You should not tell anyone about the ceremony, even the closest relatives or friends cannot know this, otherwise the action automatically weakens, and sometimes it may not give any result at all.

People who perform the rite of conspiracy for sex, out of revenge or simply out of curiosity, can pay dearly for such an act. Before doing magic, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and eventually decide whether you need it or not.

Check out the article on the topic: love spell for love and passion on the site love spell guru.

A conspiracy or ritual for passion is a special form of love spell, which, however, does not evoke love, but is aimed exclusively at kindling passion in a person's heart. This ritual can also be used to bring the spark back to spouses and save the marriage.

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Speaking about love spells, you must always remember the moral side of this issue. Of course, many will say that any love spell is bad and sinful, but in reality everything is much more complicated.

If you want to take your husband out of the family, then you are not doing the best thing and must be prepared for possible negative consequences.

But if the purpose of the love spell is only to attract the attention of the beloved, in order to independently seek his love and honestly build relationships, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with him.

Rituals are not tied to a specific time of day. They can be performed at any time, during the day and in the evening, if this is not required by a certain rite. Conspiracies can be read at home, while it is advisable to stand by the window and look at the sun or moon.

The words must be pronounced loudly and clearly, with self-confidence and with the belief that the ritual will give the desired result.

Conspiracy upon contact with an object

This magical rite is suitable if you want to arouse passion in an unfamiliar person, for example, on a first date or at a chance meeting. Step back a little from the purpose of the ritual and read in a whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), dream of your kiss, the servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, servant of God (name). Our meeting was not accidental, we were destined for each other by fate. I want to give you pleasure, and so that you give pleasure to me. You cannot refuse my gaze, my touch, my lips. I will beckon you, I will fill your heart with passion. You will be mine, servant of God (name), you will tell me "yes" when I myself wish it. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of lust

“I, the servant of God (name), kindle the fire of passion in the lower abdomen of the servant of God (name). I will raise the passion into your heart, into your head. Let thoughts about me drunk you, let them intoxicate, let thoughts dominate and command you.

Passion will burn in your body, the servant of God (name), will torment you. Your legs and hands will tremble, your lips will dry over me, you will reach out to me, go to me, look for me. You can't extinguish the passion in your body, you can't forget about me.

There is no way you can get rid of the thoughts of me. Only I can satisfy your thirst and hunger, only I know how to satisfy your passion. Everything is on me, the servant of God (name) for you, the servant of God (name) converges, everything is done on me. You want my body, you want it so that it darkens in your eyes.

I am your dream, I am your desire. We will be with you in the heat of passion. We will experience lust and lust. Burn, fire, in the heart of the servant of God (name), burn it to the very bones. "

Portal of magic

With the help of love spells, you can achieve not only the purest feelings, but also bring on passion. If you need to add zest to the relationship, then you need to conduct a conspiracy of passion. The only problem is that such rituals do not last long. In order to conduct them, special skills are not required. White magic has such conspiracies.

Passion conspiracy

There is no specific time for such a ceremony. The timing depends on what will be indicated in the conditions of the ceremony. Conspiracies of such a plan are necessary in order to help spouses return passion and desire to family life.

Passion conspiracy options

There are a large number of conspiracy options. Below we will consider the main ones.

  1. Lungs. In such cases, no fancy ingredients are required. They are easy to do on your own at home.
  2. Difficult. They are also called sexual attachment. The method of carrying out such rituals is more complicated, but they also have a longer duration. Moreover, complex options can lead to negative consequences if their implementation turns out to be incorrect.

Passion rituals do not introduce love into a relationship. Passions are their main purpose. Many people say that a love spell refers to black magic, and can bring negative results to life. But the matter is rather more complicated than it seems. For example, if you decide to take a man out of the family with the help of a passion conspiracy, then, of course, you should expect trouble. But, if you just decided to strengthen the connection with your loved one in this way, and then work on the relationship on your own, then nothing bad is observed in this. Most likely, negative consequences will not await you.

Conspiracy in direct contact with an object

This method will suit you in the event that its magic is aimed at attracting an unfamiliar man. Most often, it is spent on dates or at the first meeting. It is necessary to step aside from the person and read the necessary words.

“I don't know you (name) for long, but I wish you (name) would kiss me. I wish to be in your arms. I want you to kiss me with fierce strength. It is my desire that you should be in my power. Our meeting was not an accident for us. All the higher powers have long identified us to each other. I want us to give each other amazing pleasure. Don't you dare give up my body and lips. I promise you won't regret it. You can't tell me no. Let only "yes" sound to all my desires from your lips. Become mine forever and ever. Amen.

Rite of passage

An excellent option if the fire in the relationship has disappeared from the wife and husband. For this conspiracy, you will need a church candle. Light a candle, and, looking at the fire, you need to read the following words:

“With these words of mine, I want to kindle an irresistible fire in the soul of my husband, the servant of God (name). Let all this passion appear in your head and in your heart. Let feelings for me intoxicate you, and command you. So that you can never refuse me again, even if you want to. All your mind and heart should belong only to me, and no one else. Passion directed at me, you cannot extinguish. All of you will belong only to me, the servant of God (name). I should be your master. You can't run away from me. Your lips will dry without my kisses. Your arms will twist without my embrace. Only with me will you now be able to satisfy all desires. You will wish my body day and night, until we see you. Your mind will darken if you want to betray me. We must together remove the feeling of passion. Only together are we to experience lust and lust. Let passion burn you to the ground, in relation to me. Amen".

Universal conspiracy

This powerful conspiracy is perfect for male use and for female use. To do this, you need a photo of the desired object and a candle. Light a church candle and hold a photo above it. Now you can read the words of the conspiracy.

“I light the fire of our passion with a candle. White magic helps me. Let the sparks that are formed produce the kindling of passion in the servant of God (name). Let the knees tremble, the lips become dry, and the hands become covered with goose bumps. Regardless of the time of day, let the desired object want me. Come to me, and I promise to fulfill all your whims and desires. My bed will become your favorite, and my caresses will bring happiness. Amen".

Love spell with salt

Such a conspiracy for a man's passion involves the use of salt. With its help, you can not only remove all negative energy, but also cause passion in a relationship. Conspiracy salt must be added to food while cooking for your husband.

“There is a huge mountain dominated by a white woman. Men try to climb up to her, but only get bruises and wounds. This woman advised me some words. So I will say these words, and I can bewitch my husband. Let passion and love boil in our hearts. Let the servant of God dry without my body, like a fish dry on dry land. Let my beloved never be shy, he is not afraid of gossip, does not pay attention to faith. He is allowed to commit fornication and satisfaction only with me. Amen".

Conspiracy from intimate problems

Intimate failures are not limited to men. In some cases, wives also experience such problems. If in your life there is a feeling that your partner is not attracted, then you can evoke this passion. In order to get rid of such a negative feeling, you need to go to the river at dawn. Go into the water and start dousing yourself with river water.

“I take the sky for my father, the earth for me is my mother. I ask you to ask for water to give me feminine strength. I want to wish for my husband. Amen".

When you are going to go home, fill up a bottle of river water. At home, you need to wash again.

Rite of passage with clothes

Since the old days, the most effective and powerful rituals were considered, which were carried out on items of clothing or food. If you wear a shirt, then it will be saturated with your energy. And if the owner of the thing puts it on, he will be able to feel your energy for quite a long time. The result of the ritual appears very quickly, within a few days. Garments or food directs all thoughts of a person to intimacy and feelings of passion.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to wash the item of clothing of the desired person with your own hands. A shirt is ideal. While the laundry is in progress, imagine being intimate with that person. And present everything in the smallest detail. Dry the wash over an open fire. When you need to hang things, pronounce the following conspiracy:

Dry your clothes, dry your white shirt. Dry until you get rid of all the moisture in you. Teach your master (person's name) to dry for me, the servant of God (name). Let him feel overwhelming love and passion for me. Amen".

After the clothes are completely dry, you need to walk in them for some time. This is done so that the thing is saturated with your energy. Only after all the conditions have been done can you give the thing to its owner.

return husband's passion conspiracy

Love spell to kindle passion

Knot Magic - Bright Passion

Let's summarize

Despite the fact that such rites are quite easy to use, they have some obligations and characteristics:

  • the result lasts no more than a year;
  • the strength of the ritual, and the duration of its duration directly depends on the energy that was directed to its implementation;
  • do not expect that passion will eventually awaken love - these are completely different love spells;
  • it is impossible to conduct a ritual on a person who treats you with a negative, the result will not be achieved - before carrying out the rituals, you need to make sure that the desired object has positive feelings for you;
  • it is forbidden to carry out a large number of different rituals at once - this can lead to the opposite result, and as a result to a violation of the psyche: the object you want will become insatiable and anxious.

White magic has a number of features and nuances. Before you carry out a conspiracy for a strong passion, you need to think carefully. It is possible that all your problems can be solved naturally, without resorting to magical effects. It is better to spend more time and achieve a person on your own than to resort to magic, because there is no guarantee that the result will be exactly what you need. Moreover, in order to carry out conspiracies, you need to make sure that the object has a positive attitude towards you, because if the feelings are negative, then your strength will be wasted.

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Today we will learn how to quickly and safely make a love spell on the passion of our man. After all, anything can happen in life, feelings cool down over time and, at times, warming up relationships with love magic is required to strengthen the family and family happiness. Pursuing the best intentions, you get a quick result with the help of safe white love spells for ardent passion.

Love spell, so that the husband burns with passion for his wife

From a letter:

“I am addressing you as my last hope. When I previously heard about how husbands cheat, I did not believe that this could affect me too. My husband and I lived in perfect harmony. I married him early, I was eighteen and he was thirty-two. He did not give me a pass, he kept watch everywhere and spent the night on a bench near our house. He wrote poetry for me, played love songs on the guitar, swore that he would never stop loving and would not offend me. He tried to get me so that everyone told me: "Don't be a fool, this kind of love rarely happens!" Even my mother used to say: "This is your happiness, don't miss it, so you don't regret it later." The wedding took place for three days, he carried me in his arms. We really loved each other very much. We lived for twenty years, and then a disaster struck - an ectopic pregnancy. After the operation, the doctors advised me to go to a sanatorium, as I was very weak. My husband also insisted on this, he said, the main thing is my health, that if something happens to me, then he will not live. Our eldest son was in the army, and our daughter stayed with her husband. When I was in the sanatorium, he first called several times a day, and then began to call less often. Bad things never entered my head, I thought I was tired, because he had work and a home. A month later, I returned home, but my husband's belongings were gone, all the closets were empty. The daughter, crying, said that he rarely slept at home, and then left altogether. She did not tell me about it while I was being treated, apparently taking pity on me. Not believing what was happening, I packed up and went to his work. Seeing me, he was not embarrassed and behaved self-confidently, saying the phrases with which he killed me: “I don’t love you anymore and I don’t want to live with you. We will share the apartment and the dacha too ”. To my tears he rudely said: “Where is your pride? Love cannot be begged with tears! " Then I reminded him how he persuaded and cried like a child so that only I would marry him. "It was a long time ago and not true," he replied. "

  • Take thirteen birch logs and light a fire in the field.
  • When the smoke falls and the flame begins to dance, read the conspiracy forty times:

You burn, fire, ignite

Touch the heat of the servant of God.

Burn his zealous heart and blood,

Burn in his zealous heart love

To me, to his wife, to God's servant (name).

Tom the heat of his bones and chest,

Don't forget me for a moment.

You will get up in the morning, you will remember me,

Walk all day, from your head, from your memory,

At the table chew, swallow,

Remember me (such and such).

You burn, fire, and blaze and give him no rest.

And like the coals of a white birch glow,

How they dry up without fire,

So would (such and such) burn about me,

About his wife (name), God's servant.

Would have dried up without me,

I did not see the white light.

You, my words, fly with smoke

And find the servant of God (name),

Drive zealous words into your heart,

Set them up there forever.

The key to my words.

The castle is my business.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Love spell to evoke passion in a person

From a letter:

“I am writing to you about my secret, about why my soul hurts, and there are tears in my eyes all the time. We lived with my husband very little, only one year. I don’t know why he lost interest in me so quickly. We no longer have a close relationship, we sleep, turning away from each other.
I try to take care of myself, I always dress beautifully, do my hair and make-up, but he does not notice this, sits all day in front of the TV and does not look at me. And I so want ardent love! Will our relationship always be like this ?! "

In order to return the old love and passion,

  • go to church,
  • wait for the young people to come out of it after the wedding,
  • as soon as the bell rings, say this spell of love spell for passion:

How bells ring and play

Young and young are congratulated,

So my husband would rejoice at me,

His married wife, servant of God (name).

For now, forever, for all time. Amen.

Bell ringing, blood of the servant of God (name), burn

For me, for a married wife, a servant of God (name).

Burn his blood, burn

Boil his passion, don't let up

So that he could not live without me,

Not to be, not to eat, not to drink,

Lip to me, to his married wife,

Servant of God (name),

How sweat sticks to the body.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Attention! Spend the rite of love spell on passion three times in a row.

Magic is the ability of a person to influence or control nature and people. They have been interested in her for a very long time. Some people strove to comprehend and learn it, while others were afraid and wary. After a while, magic began to flourish among humans. She was more and more studied and applied in achieving their goals and desires. However, everyone used it in different ways: some - for the good, and some - for selfish purposes ...

Nowadays, magic continues to be present in our daily life. For example, the usual gesture of courtesy to shake hands is a magic spell for health. And stroking a child on the head before going to bed means removing the damage that has accumulated during the day from him.

There are two directions in magic: black and white.

Black and white

Any person sooner or later faces difficulties or, as some say, with a black streak in his life. Someone successfully copes with troubles, and someone becomes too difficult, then magic comes to the rescue. And what it will be, black or white, the person himself decides.

What these two species have in common is that their action takes place through appeals to higher forces, to the forces of nature, or through various objects.

The main difference is that white magic usually cannot do any harm. First of all, this is a request for help, and not a compulsion to a result that is beneficial to a person.

White magic is mainly used for:

  • Treatment of diseases;
  • Attraction of material goods;
  • Attraction of love;
  • Attracting good luck and happiness.

The main rule is that you need to ask as much as a person does not have enough.

As for the love sphere, white love spells do not try to subjugate another person. They are like a little push that will make a loved one take a step forward.

With black magic, the opposite is true. Its power is great, but the consequences from it may not be the most pleasant. With the help of such magic, you can easily get a large amount of money or bewitch a certain person even against his will. It is enough just to master the magic of black love.

However, the cost for such an outcome would be high. These can be failures, illness, damage and other more dire consequences. Moreover, not only the one who used black magic is not immune from such consequences, but also the one at whom these actions were directed. More experienced people in this area use special stones and amulets to protect themselves from negativity. You need to be as careful as possible when using black magic.

Witchcraft for love

More and more people are resorting to the magic of love. Perhaps any person would like to be loved, as well as to please the opposite sex. But this is not always the case in life. It happens that couples break up with each other. Or it just happens that love requires the first step, and it can be very difficult to do it. And then people turn to love magic.

White magic

With its help, you can attract a loved one, awaken passion and interest, and in some cases return long-faded feelings. Since this is white love magic, this love spell will not work always, but for a certain time. The main advantage of such a love spell is that it does not give any serious consequences.

White magic in love it is most often used in order to correct a relationship that has deteriorated for some reason. Or in cases where there is no way to get to know the person to whom sympathy is felt. She helps create a spiritual closeness between two people in love.

Love rituals are different, most often they are performed on a girl or boyfriend, wife or husband, to return the second half to the family and even to add their attractiveness, that is, to get married as soon as possible.

Black magic

There are many different black conspiracies and love spells. Their effect is very strong. The very next day after the love spell is done, the object of love will begin to reach closer. He will more and more experience passion, a desire to communicate, to be near. But one should not forget about the consequences of such love spells. These can be:

  • The appearance of strong melancholy;
  • Mood changes;
  • Extreme nervousness;
  • Decreased sleep and appetite;
  • The appearance of such a feeling as love-mania, which completely takes possession of a person and makes you think all day about who made this love spell.

Therefore, before performing such love spells, you should think carefully. After all, playing with the feelings of other people is strictly prohibited.

Love spells

Magic love spells can be performed both with the help of a professional and by yourself at home.

First you need to decide who will be the object of the love spell. Then find a photograph of a person, preferably black and white. Study it carefully and hold the image in your head. During the pronunciation of magic words, one should imagine this person and the result that should be obtained. The stronger the power of thoughts, the better the effect will be. After a while, the object will feel passion and love for the one who made this love spell.

White magic conspiracy for a man's love

This conspiracy is considered the most effective and powerful. To carry it out, you need to take a black and white photograph of a loved one and two red candles. Place the photo in the center of the table, and put candles on the sides. Then they should be lit and the words pronounced:

“I guess at the candles, I light the candles, I ignite the heart of my beloved (name). Let melancholy and sadness feel, does not find rest for itself. It burns out without me, rejoices and has fun with me. "

The words should be repeated three times.

White magic conspiracy for the love of a woman

This conspiracy should be pronounced at sunrise. Concentrate on the object and say these words:

"Always desire me, always love me, never forget and do not cheat with others." These words are spoken every day at dawn for five days.

And also the most effective way to attract love is considered to be a conspiracy to the moon, since it is considered a symbol of love. ... Words are best pronounced on a full moon.... At the same time, looking at the moon, it is also necessary to clearly imagine the face of the object.

The next day, meet this person by chance, so that the effect will take hold. After the meeting, the object will increasingly begin to get bored and in every possible way look for reasons for the meeting.

Black love spell for the love of a boyfriend or husband

This love spell will require a medium-sized mirror, a container of water and candles.

You need to look in the mirror, and then drop a few drops of water on it. Again, you should look in the mirror and imagine the result that needs to be achieved. You need to keep in mind absolutely all the details, down to the smallest detail. And then say the words:

“You are the one who needs me and you need me. I miss you, I can't imagine my life. Dream, miss and wait for me. We are with you forever, so be it! ".

After that, you should again drop water on the mirror and look into it. The conspiracy will take effect in a few days. The object of love will begin to experience intense longing and passion.

Black love spell for the love of a girl or wife

All you need is a candle and paper.... The following words should be written on a blank sheet of paper:

“Without me, my beloved (name) can neither walk, nor sleep, nor rest. Day and night he thinks about me, misses, finds no place for himself, so be it. "

The words should be repeated five times. This love spell is considered strong. Its action begins almost immediately. However, if you pronounce the words incorrectly, then you can not only make it ineffective, but also bring unpleasant consequences. Therefore, one should be very careful when approaching dark magic.

Love spells related to food are also very popular. So, you can make a spice conspiracy, and then season the dish for the person you want to make a love spell. The same can be done with tea. You should brew fresh tea, carefully concentrate on the result and say magic words. Then give a drink to your loved one.

How effective a particular conspiracy will be will depend not only on the person himself, but also on the situation. After all, each case is individual. The most important thing when pronouncing a conspiracy is to firmly believe in the result and follow the rules of black or white magic.

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