Internet dating - is it possible to meet your destiny online? Your souls meet at the right time. How to find love. Let's start searching

Today, the question is increasingly being raised: is it possible to meet your destiny on the Internet? 90% of young people have visited a dating site at least once or at least know something about what it is. Hundreds or even thousands of people register on these sites in the hope of finding their soul mate, friend, or start a page for the sake of interest and entertainment.

And at the same time, you don’t think about how it all might end.

Online dating - the new reality?

You do not attach any importance to this and do not believe the next stories of a friend that she, they say, met a guy on a dating site and, having met him for a short time, received a marriage proposal from her lover. Are you always looking for excuses, like those that you simply don’t have free time for the next “dates on the Web”, or that there is nothing good there, but your girlfriend was just lucky, and this happens extremely rarely?

But think, if you register, you will not lose anything, but on the contrary, at least you will get a lot of pleasure from communicating with fans. At the same time, it will virtual love and of course you don't owe anything to anyone! If you have already decided to make acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex via the Internet, then remember a few elementary rules. If you follow them, then you will certainly succeed!

Show your best side

First, create your profile. Be sure to use only your own photos: the photo must be in full height, and a close-up of the face. Please note that profiles with photographs are of greater interest to the opposite sex than without them.

When filling out the form, try to provide as much as possible more information about yourself, but do not rush to immediately write your phone number or address. At the same time, indicate only reliable information so that in case of a date you do not have to blush. Come up with a unique nickname, it can also attract the opposite sex if it is unusual and unique. For example: Girl with wings or something like that.

Dating via the Internet is an opportunity to play in a kind of movie for one viewer, where you can try on any of your chosen masks.

Fan's Choice

You should not sit and wait with folded hands until they write to you, because the other half may simply not have time to find your profile. Therefore, it will be most effective if you first write to the man you like. You can write anything. You can start a conversation on a humorous topic or discuss a movie that you recently watched at the cinema. Talk about a book he recently read.

Most importantly - do not impose yourself, many men simply ignore such girls. The representatives of the stronger sex themselves love to achieve, so just wait, believe me, your soulmate will certainly find you.

Communicate on any topic: where does he work, when was the last time he was in a club, and in which one, what are his favorite actors, what genre does he prefer films, etc.

Be patient, if your fan has stopped responding to your messages, this does not mean at all that he has lost interest in you. Perhaps he temporarily does not have the Internet, or he has a lot to do at work, or he fell ill, or went on a business trip to North Pole etc.

Intrigue or mystery girl

Try to intrigue the fan, draw his attention to you. For example, if he asks for your phone, then give him a riddle that is associated with your number, and if he solves it, he will recognize the treasured combination of numbers. Naturally, the riddle must be unique in its own way.

Can't find your love? Everything is not right? 3 real advice from a psychologist who will soon help you find your happiness! Take action!

Asking the question " How to find love You will never get an answer to it.

Yes, because love is not mushrooms, it cannot be found in the forest.

Yes, even on the street or in big city you won't find it.

Love can only be found once.

And even if this meeting is fleeting or far from romantic, you will immediately feel it.

Indeed, in most cases, love comes only once in a lifetime.

This only time, the main thing is not to miss your happiness, but to see, grab and never let go again!

A success diary will help you find your love and give some practical advice how to do it (take my word for it!) :)

What is love?

Before embarking on a search for love and a soulmate, let's talk about what is this very love?

V Lately today's youth pass off anything as love..

But this is wrong!

Love is not dirty orgies, not BDSM, and not even buying a brand new car for a pretty fool.

Love is a special state of mind that pushes us to great things for the sake of another person.

For the sake of love, we are ready to change ourselves, and even reconsider once important principles.

In ancient times, for the sake of loved ones, they captured cities, performed great feats and changed the world.

If you think you have found your love, answer the question: what are you willing to do for your loved one?

Then sit and be silent in a rag.

You don't love anyone, and perhaps you never even loved!

However, do not despair, and one day a banana truck will overturn on your street!

How to find love. Let's start searching

Before, how to find your love, you must open your heart and be ready to meet your chosen one (or chosen one).

Also, you should get rid of the past that is pulling you back.

Otherwise, even if you find love, it will quickly slip away from you.

And now get ready, in order to find your love, you need to do just 3 simple steps:

  1. Ask the universe for it
  2. Believe in love
  3. Take the first step towards her

Let's talk about each item in more detail.

Step 1. Asking the Universe for Love

When you reach the end of your life, the only thing that will matter is the love you gave and received. On his journey to next world the only thing you can take with you is love. The only valuable thing you will leave in this world is love. Nothing more. I knew people who easily endured many difficulties in their lives and were happy, but I have not yet met a person who could endure life without love. That is why love is the greatest gift in life. She gives meaning to life. It's what makes life worth living.
Adam J. Jackson

Many psychologists give banal and stupid advice: be confident in yourself, take care of yourself, go in for sports, etc.

But tell me, are there not enough lonely, but successful, beautiful and athletic people in this world?

Yes, there are millions of them!

People listen to advice, take care of themselves, go to the gym, but do not change in their souls.

They are still closed and swaggering whiners who do not know what they want from life.

So if you really want but don't know how to find love just stop and ask the universe for it.

Ask sincerely, from the heart and let go of the thought.

Thoughts are material and very soon your desire will come true.

Step 2. Start believing in love

I'll tell you a secret: love comes only to those who truly believe in it!

Get rid of low self-esteem, start loving yourself and then faith in love will come to you much faster.

Take one simple truth: No one will ever love you if you don't love yourself.

Therefore, learn to love yourself, praise yourself for various little things and never scold yourself for small misconduct.

When you love yourself, then you will realize that you are worthy of love. And she won't keep you waiting!

Step 3. Take a step towards finding love.

This is probably the most difficult step.

V this case you on help will come and faith in love.

In order to find love, you should not sit back and wait for the weather by the sea.

Also, do not evaluate all candidates as if in a qualifying competition.

So you will only scare away a potential soul mate.

Therefore, if a pleasant young man approached you in a cafe and offered to treat you to a cappuccino, you should not think that his only desire is to get under your skirt!

What if he really liked you?

In turn, with your rude behavior, you can push away young man which you will regret later.

The same applies to men.

If in the gym a girl asks for help lifting dumbbells for her or changing position on the simulator, take this as a sign and do not be rude to the young lady! 🙂

Also, don't be afraid to walk alone, don't push people away, and don't be rude.

Even if when you meet you are embarrassed, shaking with excitement or do not know what to say - just smile and give out a banal "hello".

And there, perhaps your newly-made friend will take over the situation.

Don't be lazy and watch this video

with the famous psychologist Alexander Sviyash,

which gives helpful tips:

How can you find your love and be happy!

As you can see find your love pretty simple.

The main thing is not to lose faith and open your heart to this. wonderful feeling

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Is it really your soul mate? Millions of people dream of finding their friend, their soul mate, but unfortunately, not everyone is lucky. How older man it becomes harder for him to find his love. Time is not a problem but quite hard to find right place for meeting. Cinema and theater seem very unlikely to meet on the street, well, somehow problematic worthy, and it seems not serious. You can try with marriage agencies, websites and newspapers. Each of the options has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Let's look at a typical scenario of what is happening, to begin with, they place an ad in a newspaper of this type:

1. Young, beautiful girl I would like a real man who loves romance and adventure.
2. An impassive blonde without financial problems would like to meet one smart person.

letter with photos potential husbands start arriving right away. A young and beautiful girl receives "regular" offers, you know what I mean, but without material problems she attracts mostly gigolos and people without a place of residence. There are probably many " ", but ... In short, having realized that finding your prince through a newspaper is unlikely, the next step is to seek help from a marriage agency.

The chances of finding a husband through an agency are much greater. You can conclude a contract for a year, pay a certain amount and get access to the database. The conditions are the same for men and women (married people are not allowed, which is an advantage). If a man liked the profile of a girl, then he can take her number and meet her. Thus, you must ask the staff at the agency to arrange a date. Your ID information is stored in the database for 12 months. However, the agency does not guarantee you will find. In addition, they tend to overestimate the qualities and virtues of their clients and do not disclose information about children from previous marriages and divorces. The probability of running into marriage is a scam is very high. By the way, there are many gold diggers among potential wives and husbands. Therefore, you must be careful. It's better to indicate mobile phone, not your home number.

It's naturally safer to meet at no man's land where you can talk: in a cafe, park. In my experience, these institutions are for men from 40 to 60, an inferiority complex or financial difficulties. rich and handsome man will never make an appointment in such places. Just think, do you need a loser with a lot of problems?

Those who hope to find happiness online will be bitterly disappointed. You can spend years talking to a 30 year old blonde with blue eyes who may turn out to be a pimply teenager. And again there is no guarantee that you are going to the person you saw online. However, it is better to register on this site and then upload your photo to some more random and free sites. It is very unlikely, however, that this will increase your chances of meeting a man for serious.

Based on my experience, trying to find my betrothed, I came to the conclusion that there is no universal recipes to this person. However, that doesn't mean you have to give up. Most importantly, you need to try and meet people. You ask where? Possibly travel to different countries, different sections and parties, sports clubs(my friend met her husband in a kung fu class). You can search for information in the yellow pages. Just don't sit at home in front of the TV all the time. He can change his hairstyle, put on something nice and go out.

To be sure: I will find him eventually...

Many believe that the fate of a person is predetermined from the moment of his birth. The same applies to the second half. Thus, we can change partners until we meet someone who is completely suitable for us, our betrothed.

No wonder this person is called the second half. After all, partners in a harmonious pair complement each other, help each other to become better and move forward.

By the way, at first we cannot always understand that this or that person is destined to become our soul mate. Sometimes people take years to realize that they really are perfect for each other. Often, at the first meeting, future spouses do not even find their future spouse physically attractive. However, something pushes you towards, and in the end you realize that you are destined to be together.

Each of us imagines our ideal partner in our own way. So, we determine how tall he should be, what color his hair should be and how much money he earns. But if you show courage and put aside the list of qualities of an ideal partner for a while, you will break away from romantic movies and open your heart, you will surely meet your betrothed soon.

you just know it

Something inside you says it is perfect option. It is as if some unknown force is pushing you, and you willy-nilly part with your previous expectations and completely surrender to a new relationship.

you crossed paths before

Almost certainly the ideal partners have already met somewhere before. So, perhaps you were in the same place at the same time as your significant other. But then you didn't know each other. However, fate wanted your paths to cross again in the right place.

Your souls meet at the right time

You must be ready to meet your soul mate. You can be close to your future love long years, but at the same time, you will not have any spiritual connection until you come right time. 'Cause maybe you're destined to go through first failed relationship or finally say goodbye to your youthful fantasies about the perfect partner. But there comes a moment when you realize that you have met your soul mate. And you no longer have any doubts.

You don't have to talk when you're together

You are able to enjoy even silence when you are near your loved one. So, it does not matter whether you are reading while in the same room, driving a car or silently admiring the most beautiful sunset.

You can understand what your partner is thinking

As a rule, the relationship of harmonious couples is so deep that partners can literally read each other's thoughts.

Do you feel your partner's mood?

You know each other so well that when you see your loved one walk in the door after work, you can immediately tell how his day went. You know how your partner is feeling, whether it be sadness, stress, or anxiety. And you are always ready to support him by sharing your optimism and good mood.

You know about each other's shortcomings and find advantages in them

Yes it is! Even our shortcomings are not without advantages. After all, in everything you can find both positive and negative side. Therefore, if you love a person, then you probably see in his shortcomings not only minuses, but also pluses. So, for example, stubborn people are able to accept right decisions, but unnecessarily organized person he will probably never forget to pay his bills on time, and will not remember them when the electricity or cable goes out.

You have the same life goals

You share the same values, ethics and goals. You can have various ways achieve what you want, but you see the end result the same way.

You are not afraid of serious conversations

Conversations on important topics can sometimes cause difficulties for partners. But in conversations with your soulmate, you do not have taboo topics. You are ready to discuss all pressing issues until you find optimal solution and way out.

You don't mind your partner spending time without you

Whether it's thrice-a-week football or a Friday bachelorette party with your girlfriends, you respect independence and personal life your partner. In addition, you know that it is very pleasant to meet even after a short separation.

You are not jealous

Beautiful girls in the office or a nice trainer in the gym are not a threat to your relationship. You are confident in your partner and know that he loves only you.

Do you respect each other's opinions?

As they say, how many people - so many opinions. Often partners in a harmonious pair can be complete opposites of each other. Often this causes certain difficulties. Therefore, it is worth learning to respect the opinion and point of view of your loved one. And then he will do the same. After all, if you do not agree with the opinion of a partner, then this does not mean that it is wrong.

You don't scream or threaten each other with divorce

Of course, we all sometimes get angry at our partner and, willy-nilly, sometimes hurt him with a word or deed. But for real loving friend other people always try to control themselves and not hurt their soulmate.

You give in because you want your partner to be happy

Constant concessions in many cases are seen as a sign of an unhealthy, dependent and even offensive relationship for one of the partners. But not in a situation with a truly harmonious couple. After all, the only goal of the partners in this case is to make his soulmate happy.

you know how to ask for forgiveness

Don't just ask for an apology or admit that you did something that offended or hurt your loved one. Ideal Partner understands that by his words and actions he caused harm. And even if he considers them justified, but sees that his soul mate is very hurt, he will not fail to apologize.

Would you marry this person again

You know that this person is your significant other. Even in hard times you have not thought about looking for a replacement for him. You are proud of him.

You complete each other

There are no perfect people. And partners in a truly harmonious pair perfectly complement each other. So, for example, one of them can be an extrovert, and the other an introvert. In the end, they balance each other out.

Being in each other's arms, you forget about stress, worries and anxieties

There is no other place where you would like to be at the end of the day than the hugs of your significant other. If you had a fight with your boss in the office, argued with colleagues, or a car splashed you with mud on the way home, all this will fade into the background as soon as you find yourself next to your loved one.