The use of plants in cosmetology. Herbs that make the skin beautiful Spring plants for cosmetic purposes

Despite the rich selection of the latest cosmetics, herbal treatment - herbal medicine - in cosmetology is still perhaps the most popular method of care. Indeed, with a certain amount of knowledge and skills, herbal medicine can become an effective, safe and, importantly, an economically affordable means for home skin care. However, decoctions from herbs and masks from berries should be used wisely and without fanaticism!

Natural cosmetic bag

All medicinal plants are conventionally divided into two groups: general action on the body, which are taken internally, and external (local action). Plants with local action are classified into subgroups according to the nature of the effect on the skin: nutritious, anti-inflammatory, astringent, tonic, whitening, irritating.

Nutrient Plants are commonly prescribed to soften dry skin and dry hair. Vegetables and fruits rich in carotene have nutritional properties: carrots, persimmons, apricots, pumpkin, tomatoes, sea buckthorn.

Anti-inflammatory plants that have a disinfecting effect are effective in the care of oily skin and / or oily hair. This group includes St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, plantain, sage, mother and stepmother, field horsetail, mint.

Tonic plants are useful for sagging skin, with pronounced age-related changes. The main representatives of this group are aloe and ginseng.

Astringents, or tanning plants are used for oily skin and oily hair. They also have anti-inflammatory effects, but they do not disinfect the skin, but tan it. Active substances (tannins) bind skin proteins and thicken them. Galangal root and oak bark are distinguished by these properties.

Whitening the effect is exerted by fresh lemon juice, black currant fruits, strawberries, parsley leaves. They are used to whiten age spots and freckles.

Annoying plants (irritants) are used to enhance blood circulation and stimulate hair growth, prevent alopecia. These include calamus, hot peppers, garlic, onions (juice) containing formic acid and essential oils that irritate the skin.

Some plants are used in decorative cosmetics, for example, for hair coloring. These are green walnut shells, rhubarb roots, coffee, decoction of onion scales, lavsonia leaves (henna is made from them), indigo leaves (basma).

From A to Z: find your plant!

And now let's get down to the most interesting thing: we will choose from the plants available in Ukraine what our skin requires.

  • Arnica: refreshes and tones the skin.
  • Birch rich in mineral salts, regulates water balance, protects the skin from dehydration, reduces perspiration
  • Oak(bark) tightens pores, reduces perspiration
  • St. John's wort antiseptic, accelerates wound healing, however, it can increase pigmentation and is contraindicated if there is a risk of developing a photosensitivity reaction
  • Calendula- an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent \
  • Horse chestnut improves blood circulation, eliminates spider veins
  • Linden(flowers) provides anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative effect
  • Raspberries(leaves) has anti-inflammatory and tonic effect
  • Mint soothes irritated skin, relieves itching, softens the skin
  • Sea buckthorn regenerates the skin
  • Oats- astringent, soothes irritated skin
  • Plantain disinfects, heals wounds and scratches
  • the Rose provides anti-inflammatory effect, often used in aromatherapy
  • pharmaceutical camomile has anti-inflammatory effect, tones, softens the skin, improves blood circulation
  • Currant(leaves) whitens skin
  • Horsetail field Improves blood circulation
  • Sage tightens pores, reduces acne symptoms
  • Rose hip relieves inflammation, tones, regulates water balance

Different forms - different action

First of all, you need to know about the different forms of herbal medicines used in cosmetology: these are infusions, decoctions and tinctures. Infusions and decoctions of herbs are added to baths, and also used for washing.

Infusions can be hot or cold. To obtain a cold infusion, a fresh plant is crushed, ground and poured with cold boiled water for 6-8 hours, and then filtered. If a hot infusion is prepared, then the crushed mixture is poured with boiling water and kept for 15-20 minutes, then cooled and thoroughly filtered for 30-45 minutes.

Decoctions prepared mainly from bark or roots. The crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, after cooling they are filtered.

Tinctures cooked with alcohol. They have a longer shelf life than infusions that are prepared in water.

Application of plants: we use according to the rules

Herbal remedies in cosmetology are used in the form of rubbing, lotions, compresses and masks. Rubbing is carried out with a cotton or gauze swab, pre-moistened in juice, infusions or broth. You can wipe your skin with ice cubes, which is prepared from the infusion of medicinal plants.

For lotion use gauze napkins soaked in juices, infusions and broths. They are applied to the skin.

When cooking compresses, a gauze napkin, previously moistened in an extract of plants, is covered with compress paper on top, then with a layer of cotton wool. When the skin warms up, the therapeutic effect of the compress is enhanced. An example of a tonic and anti-inflammatory recipe: a dry mixture of black currant leaves, dandelion, plantain, chamomile flowers is placed in a linen bag, heated in a dry frying pan and applied to the skin. Heating the bag is repeated 2-3 times. At the same time, the skin warms up well, blood circulation improves, the essential oils of plants penetrate deeply into the pores.

Masks prepared from the pulp of berries, seasonal vegetables, fruits, juices or dried herbs. It is not worth keeping them for a long time, they are rather used as a means for express care.

Herbs have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it more youthful and elastic, have a mild soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of herbs in cosmetology allows you to saturate the skin with all the necessary vitamins.

Herbal lotions cleanse and tone the skin, leaving it soft and velvety. Herbal steam baths have an excellent effect. Herbal decoctions can be added to the bath, or can be used in the form of lotions. They perfectly cleanse the face. Ice cubes from herbal decoctions and infusions, nourish it, making it more elastic and toned.


The most popular in cosmetology is chamomile. It is indicated for the appearance of inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as for minor injuries, abrasions and wounds. Chamomile tea is perfect for sensitive skin. Regular use will help make your skin look matte and firm. In addition, the chamomile decoction is hypoallergenic.

How to cook:

Pour a spoonful of chamomile crushed into powder with half a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then drain the excess liquid and add a spoonful of honey. Apply to skin for 15 minutes.


Another favorite medicinal plant of many beauties is calendula. A decoction from its inflorescences is an effective remedy for inflamed skin. In addition, it is recommended for the care of oily, problematic and combination skin of the face, also, due to its pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it is indicated for skin redness.

How to cook:

To smooth the skin, relieve irritation and improve the complexion, you can use gruel from a mixture of equal amounts of calendula, chamomile and hops, boiled with boiling water. Mix the cooled mass with a teaspoon of fat sour cream and hold it on your face for 20 minutes.


Perfect for those with normal to dry skin. A decoction from its inflorescences is indicated for the care of dry, mature, aging skin, due to the high content of essential oils, tannins and ascorbic acid. Ice cubes made from linden decoction tone up and refresh the skin well.

How to cook:

A toning face mask perfect for winter can be made by mixing two teaspoons each of linden extract, honey and lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the face and neck for 15 minutes.


A decoction of medicinal sage is effective for inflamed, problematic, oily and combination skin. In addition, sage is also capable of inflammation. It dries out the skin with an astringent and pore-tightening effect. St. John's wort possesses almost the same qualities.

How to cook:

Pour a couple of tablespoons of sage with boiling water until a mushy state and cool to 40C °. Put 5 drops of olive oil into the cooled mass and stir. Apply the mixture to your face, covering it with a damp cloth on top, for 25 minutes.


Refreshes the skin, relieves bags and redness around the eyes. Decoctions from this herb tone the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. For flabby skin, ice cubes made from mint water will help. The triterpenoid in peppermint penetrates deep into the dermis and helps prevent excessive sebum production.

How to cook:

Taken one spoonful of mint and a series, pour 150 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 25 minutes under the lid. Give the mask a thicker consistency by adding a small amount of flour or starch, mix well. Apply the mixture to your face for 30 minutes.


Nettle is widely used in dermatology to treat skin rashes, trophic ulcers, furunculosis, acne, dermatitis. Nettle also restores elasticity to the skin.

How to cook:

A mixture of nettle and milk perfectly increases skin turgor. To prepare it, mix a spoonful of dry nettle powder with the same amount of warm milk, adding half of the raw yolk. Apply the mass to a homogeneous state on the face for 15-20 minutes.


Plantain, containing the glycoside aucubin, is capable of providing wound healing, bactericidal and astringent effects. The flavonoids included in its composition restore the cells of the epidermis.

How to cook:

To soothe irritated skin, give it freshness, smooth out all wrinkles and irregularities, you can use gruel from a mixture of plantain and mint taken in equal amounts. Add a dessert spoon of honey to the herbs and apply on the skin for 15 minutes.

Bearberry leaves

Rich in flavonoids, tannins and organic matter. Thanks to them, as well as the antioxidant - glycoside arbutin, this plant is able to reduce the rate of production of the melanin pigment, which makes it possible.

How to cook:

You can remove age spots with a bearberry mask. To do this, grind a spoonful of dried herb into flour and pour boiling water to a state of gruel. Close the container with a lid and leave everything for a quarter of an hour. Then add 3-4 drops of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil to the resulting broth, mix well and apply on cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Do the mask a couple of times a week - it perfectly tones, nourishes the skin and promotes cell regeneration.


The chemical composition of the horsetail allows it to significantly improve the condition of the skin, activating the synthesis of collagen and the processes of cell metabolism. Silicic acid contained in this herb is a constituent of connective tissues, skin, hair, nails.

How to cook:

It is easy to rejuvenate the skin, tighten pores and get rid of dead cells with the help of horsetail decoction. Pour 2 tablespoons of the herb with half a glass of hot water, add a spoonful of honey and a tablespoon of carrot juice. Gauze moistened with the mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Plant extracts in cosmetology

Plants used in cosmetology

Plants used in cosmetology

Food plants

    Apricots - in the form of a mask, they soothe the skin.

    Bananas - moisturize and soften the skin, it is a kind of help for the skin.

    Lingonberry and blueberry - masks made from these berries tighten pores and heal the skin.

    Grapes - moisturizes and softens the skin.

    Potatoes - boil 1 potato in a small amount of milk, knead, apply the cooled gruel to the face, instantly relieves fatigue and smoothes wrinkles.

    Strawberry - heals the skin well.

    Lemon - tightens pores.

    Honey water - 1 tablespoon of honey in 2 glasses of warm water, wash your face with this water overnight, then rinse without soap. The skin becomes velvety, wrinkles are smoothed out.

    Carrots - grate 2-3 root vegetables, mix with 1 egg yolk, apply on the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, wash off with warm water. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week for dry skin.

    Peaches - smooth and soften the skin.

    Rice - Eat to improve complexion.

    Currant - tightens pores and heals the skin.

    Tomato - a mask applied daily for 10-15 minutes tones the skin, gives it elasticity and a darker shade.

    Horseradish - horseradish apple mask improves the condition of flaccid and porous skin.

    Apples - apple pulp gruel helps relieve fatigue, improve complexion and helps with inflammatory skin diseases.

Medicinal plants

    Marshmallow officinalis - decoction of roots: 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials for 0.5 liters of hot water. Boil for 30 minutes. In case of skin inflammation, moisten the napkin in the broth and apply for 10-15 minutes.

    Heart-shaped linden - infusion of flowers: 10 g of dry raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, use to wash your face to give the skin elasticity.

    Wheat - bran broth: 200 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain and bring the volume to the original. Take 1/2 -1 glass 2-3 times daily before meals for a good complexion.

    Pharmacy chamomile - infusion of flowers: 1 tablespoon of raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drain. Use in the form of compresses on tired eyelids, wash your face with a strong decoction of chamomile every other day and do not wipe it, put gauze soaked in a mixture of raw yolk, honey, vegetable oil and strong decoction of chamomile on your face a few hours before the party. This composition will give the skin a beautiful matte finish.

    Yarrow - add oatmeal (1 teaspoon) to the gruel of fresh chopped grass, mix and apply on the face with large-pored skin.

    Field horsetail - herb infusion: 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials in 1 glass of cold boiled water, leave for 1 day. Use as a lotion for the night with oily porous skin of the face.

    Rosehip cinnamon - a handful of fresh or dried flowers per 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain. The infusion tones and refreshes any skin well.


    St. John's wort, grass-20 g, mountain arnica, flowers-20 g, plantain large, leaves-20 g, chamomile, flowers-20 g, peppermint, grass-20 g, rose, petals-20 g, flax, seeds-20 g, stinging nettle, grass-20 g, common thyme, grass-20 g, rod-shaped eucalyptus, leaves-20 g, put the crushed mixture in a bag of clean gauze, warm in a dry frying pan or saucepan, apply to face and keep until refrigerated. The procedure can be repeated 3 times. For fading, aging skin, acne, after cosmetic surgery and trauma.

    St. John's wort, grass-10 g, sorrel, leaves-10 g, calendula officinalis, flowers-10 g, coltsfoot, leaves-10 g, chop the entire collection, pour boiling water 1: 2, put warm gruel between layers of gauze. keep the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For oily skin.

    Heart-shaped linden, flowers-10 g, chamomile, flowers-10 g, peppermint, grass-10 g, cinnamon rose, petals-10 g, chop the whole collection, pour boiling water 1: 2, put warm gruel between layers of gauze and keep on the face for 15-20 minutes, then wash with warm water. For dry skin.

It is generally known that oils or plant extracts contained in cosmetics are much more beneficial for our skin and hair than synthetic components. But do we always figure out whether these products are suitable for our skin type or hair structure. Indeed, for the care of oily skin, it is necessary to use some plants, but for dry skin they are not at all suitable.

Let's figure out which plants are used for what.

The healing properties of medicinal plants are due to their constituent active ingredients. Beneficial substances are contained in plants in the form of biologically active complexes, therefore they act softly, deeply, effectively, give a lasting positive effect, are low-toxic and rarely have side effects.

Many cosmetic companies introduce herbal extracts into their creams.

Extract (from Latin extractus elongated) is a dosage form obtained by extracting (extracting) an active ingredient from medicinal raw materials using an extractant, according to which extracts are divided into aqueous, alcoholic, ethereal, etc.

Let's consider how the plant extracts most often used in the cosmetic industry affect our skin.

Avocado Fruit Extract contains proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins. Due to the content of active ingredients, it contributes to the rapid restoration of the surface layer of the skin, its elasticity, normalization of intracellular processes, smoothing of wrinkles, and prevents peeling. The high content of vitamin A in the extract improves the complexion. Used for aging skin.

Aloe extract contains over 160 components. These are amino acids, vitamins, minerals. Possesses bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, stimulates blood circulation, moisturizes the skin and helps it retain moisture, relieves inflammation. Cosmetics containing aloe juice are used for irritated, dry, dehydrated skin and skin with signs of aging.

Anise extract rejuvenates, whitens the skin, gives it a fresh look. Eliminates skin irritation and redness. It has antipruritic and decongestant effects.

Arnica extract has a strong healing effect, it is used for oily, impure skin and skin diseases.

Birch extract(extract from bark and leaves) has light astringent, stimulating properties, maintains acid-base balance, disinfects the skin. It softens and soothes well. Ideal base for sensitive and problem skin care.

Hawthorn fruit and flower extract has a mild sedative and anti-inflammatory effect. Well cleanses, tones and refreshes the skin, tightens pores.

Oregano has an antispasmodic, soothing effect on the skin, has antiseptic, disinfectant, analgesic properties, relieves tension, helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

Ginseng extract has a tonic effect, promotes wound healing, improves blood circulation and intracellular metabolism, has a tonic effect, rejuvenates the skin.

St. John's wort- a well-known medicine for wound healing, has a tonic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, stabilizes unclean, as well as dry, sensitive skin, rejuvenates aging skin.

Calendula extract contains substances that bind moisture. Has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, bactericidal effect; improves skin regeneration processes; strengthens the capillaries of the skin, restores the skin, blocks the mechanisms of cell aging and increases the strength of the capillaries, removes fat and helps to close the pores.

Coconut extract obtained from the bark of a coconut. Due to the high content of vitamins A, B, C, carbohydrates, as well as minerals and fruit acids, it promotes rapid skin regeneration and protects it from harmful environmental influences, is an excellent moisturizer, makes the skin elastic and velvety.

Lemon has a whitening effect, tightens pores, stimulates skin immunity. Has a refreshing effect on the skin.

Linden blossom has a mild sedative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens tissues, makes the skin more susceptible to the active substances of creams, accelerates the healing of wounds and small cracks in the skin.

Mallow contains many mucous and tannins, which smooth the skin and improve its structure, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Coltsfoot has a pronounced emollient and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, contains a lot of sulfur, has a healing effect on the skin.

Lemon balm extract soothes, reduces irritation, recommended for mixed skin types.

Mint extract has a calming and analgesic effect on skin tissues, relieves fatigue due to a mild local irritant effect, enhances capillary blood circulation, and has a good effect on sensitive skin.

Comfrey stimulates the processes of healing and restoration of the skin. Relieves skin irritation and inflammation. Suitable for sensitive skin.

the Rose has a harmonizing, healing effect and is good for the care of thin, delicate sensitive, allergy-prone skin.

Rosemary improves microcirculation, tones the skin. Has a beneficial effect on the aging skin of the face and neck.

chamomile- serves as a source of health, beauty and youth, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, soothes, softens and makes sensitive and irritated skin more elastic. Eliminates dryness and flaking, unclogs pores and strengthens skin tissues.

Yarrow extract has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, restores skin cells. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Celandine has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes water-fat metabolism in skin cells. Used for irritated, inflamed skin.

Hop containing phytohormones is added to the composition of creams used to treat juvenile acne. It is also used to prevent skin aging when signs of wilting appear.

Sage extract has a softening effect, bactericidal, bacteriostatic and antitoxic activity. It neutralizes and removes toxins from skin cells. Normalizes the processes of renewal and restoration of the skin. Has a beneficial effect on dry skin.

Eucalyptus has an antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and mild drying effect.

As a basis for cosmetics, specially prepared vegetable oils(soybean, corn, linseed, sunflower, rosehip, sea buckthorn, olive, apricot, cedar, etc.). In terms of biochemical properties, these oils are in many ways close to those of the skin, therefore they penetrate deeply into the structural layers of the skin, actively transfer and release the healing substances contained in medicinal herbs, nourish and soften the skin. At the same time, cell respiration is not disturbed, pores and glands are not clogged.

Apricot oil contains triglycerides, natural wax, stearins, fat-soluble vitamins. Replenishes the loss of sebum when washing, protects the skin from adverse environmental influences. Possesses antioxidant activity.

Avocado oil rich in vitamins A, D and E helps to smooth the network of fine wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Basil oil relieves irritation, helps to relax the muscles of the face and neck. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Grapefruit oil narrows pores, restores cell self-regulation, has a tonic effect on the skin. Normalizes the increased function of the sebaceous glands. Stimulates the blood supply to the skin. It is used in cosmetics for oily skin care.

Jojoba oil protects the skin from drying out, helps to moisturize the skin, reduces flaking, eliminates inflammation, promotes healing of cracks in the skin. Gives dry and sensitive skin smoothness and tenderness, smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin elastic.

Cacao butter contains more than 50% fat, 20% protein and about 2% theobromine alkaloid, which has anti-fatigue properties. It has a softening and soothing effect, restores the water-fat balance of the skin, eliminates flaking. Used for dry skin.

Peppermint oil activates skin immunity, relieves inflammation, has a calming effect on the skin, relieves tension, gives a feeling of freshness and lightness, has a positive effect on capillaries, has a lightening effect, promotes vascular contraction. It is used for inflammatory skin diseases.

Sea buckthorn oil contains a unique complex of vitamins, trace elements, organic acids and other biologically active substances. Has a vitaminizing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic effect. It is used as an anti-radiation, anti-burn, wound-healing and tissue-regenerating agent.

Olive oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. It has good healing properties, especially useful for irritated, flaky skin.

Primrose oil contains gamma-linolenic acid. Normalizes the moisture content of skin cells, helps against itching.

Primrose oil softens and rejuvenates the skin. It is used to treat eczema and dry skin.

Hazelnut oil(nut oil) has a good ability to be absorbed and spread in the skin. Designed for oily skin.

Sunflower seed oil contains 45% fatty oil, 27% carbohydrates, up to 20% protein substances, carotenoids, phospholipids. Promotes wound healing, has a bacteriostatic effect against staphylococcus.

Soybean oil one of the most fatty and nourishing oils in nature, contains unsaturated fatty acids, tones the skin and tightens pores.

Rosemary oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the condition of oily and problem skin with enlarged pores.

Tea tree oil has antifungal effect, revitalizes the skin, activates and stimulates cell renewal. It cleanses, disinfects and penetrates deep into the skin, transporting nutrients there.

Rosehip oil a natural source of fat-soluble vitamins, participates in the formation of high-grade collagen, normalizes intracellular metabolism, preventing the accumulation of decay products and aging enzymes by the skin, and enhances skin immunity. It is added to cosmetics for the care of irritated, flaky skin.

Plants used for foot care

Arnica extract has anti-inflammatory, sedative and analgesic effects.

Horse chestnut extract improves microcirculation and reduces blood flow, strengthens the walls of capillaries and veins, resolves subcutaneous hemorrhages, prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the legs.

Nettle extract contains tannins and protein substances, vitamins K, C, panthenic acid (B3), carotenoids, iron salts, lecithin. It normalizes lipid metabolism, has a tonic and antiseptic effect, improves skin respiration and metabolism in it, improves blood circulation in the lower extremities.

Lavender extract promotes healing of cracks in the soles, relieves fatigue of the legs and joint pain. It has a deodorant effect.

Oak bark has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect; reduces the production of sweat odor with increased sweating of the feet. Recommended for itching, eczema, urticaria.

Also, when sweating feet, it is useful to use products containing wormwood extract.

Plants used for hair care

For dry and normal hair, you can use products containing extracts of bearberry, elecampane, leuzea, cornflower, oregano, thyme, sweet clover, nettle... They have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.

If the balms contain olive, castor and burdock oils, then they can be safely used for dry hair.

Almond oil ideal for dry, damaged hair. It envelops the surface of the hair with the thinnest protective layer and makes it soft and silky. Almond protein works very well with keratin. It sticks to the outer layers of the hair, makes the hair more resistant, prevents moisture loss and protects over time.

To care for oily hair, you must use products with wormwood extract... It relieves itching, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and has a bactericidal effect. Gentian extract controls the activity of the sebaceous glands. Also, extracts of the following plants can be included in the composition of products for oily hair: calendula, St. John's wort, coltsfoot, linden, eucalyptus, yarrow, chamomile.

Means containing honey are used to care for normal and oily hair. Honey contains a huge amount of beneficial bioactive substances that penetrate deep into the hair and strengthen its internal structure, reduce fragility and split ends. Shampoos and balms containing honey form a protective layer on the hair, protecting it from the harmful effects of the environment, prevent water loss and ensure its intake from the environment. They also strengthen hair, give it elasticity, firmness and a beautiful, natural shine, remove static electricity.

If you have dandruff, products containing nettle extract and citric acid, and burdock roots and willow roots.

Hair care products containing nettle extract have a beneficial effect on hair and scalp. Nettle contains tannins and proteins, mineral salts and vitamins, a lot of chlorophyll. Thanks to it, the blood supply to the scalp and hair follicles improves, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized. Shampoos with nettle extract remove dandruff and prevent its appearance, strengthen hair and stimulate its growth, remove static electricity, protect hair from UV rays. Hair becomes firm, elastic, easy to comb and style.

To strengthen hair, it is advised to wash your hair with a decoction of nettle leaves mixed in half with vinegar.

Thyme oil and sage extract stop hair loss.

To give your hair a golden hue, you need to use shampoos and rinses containing chamomile extract.

Yarrow extract adds shine to hair, and volume to the hairstyle.

For hair after a perm, it is necessary to use products that include aloe, burdock or apricot oil, and wheat protein.

Wheat protein has an excellent protective effect. With intense chemical exposure such as perm or coloring, the scaly layer of the hair can be disrupted. Wheat protein visibly improves hair firmness and helps preserve hair structure.

With the help of decorative cosmetics, our skin can appear healthy and beautiful. But to seem healthy and to be healthy are two different things. Time does not spare our beauty, but, fortunately, science is not asleep, altering cosmetics and giving them a new meaning and a serious role. Due to the deterioration of the ecological situation of the planet, the condition of our skin does not get better under the influence of many negative external factors. By its nature, the skin has the ability to adapt to the state of the environment, developing immunity, which, however, does not improve its condition. The specialists of the companies have special requirements for their cosmetics - to influence the vitality of the skin cells themselves, to make them work, ensuring the health and beauty of the skin from the inside, without relying on the immune forces of the body.

The raw materials for the production of cosmetics invariably become components extracted from the plant gifts of nature.

Specialists, using the latest technologies and the latest achievements, have achieved the maximum possible results in this area, extracting from natural raw materials the most effective for the health of cells and skin in general, plant components of exceptional purity, without any impurities, thus throwing a challenge to modern science.

Cosmetics containing a plant-derived cell complex affect the functioning of skin cells.

Thus, thorough research, unique techniques and perfectly matched composition of cosmetics, including herbal extracts, allow us to confidently declare ourselves on the market and offer a new effective weapon in the fight for our beauty.

History of decorative and herbal cosmetics

There is a legend about a sage who, lying on his deathbed, summoned his daughters and said to them: "I am poor and I can not leave you anything as an inheritance, except for good advice: be smart, if you can, be kind if you want, but be beautiful always".

Beauty is one of the greatest mysteries of nature, and striving for it is one of the strongest properties of human nature; persistently, constantly people dreamed of beauty, strove for it. And throughout the centuries, from time immemorial to the present day, the aesthetic requirements of peoples are first of all satisfied with the beauty of man himself, and in all epochs mankind has sought to multiply this beauty.

It was not for nothing that the ancient peoples endowed their gods with eternal youth: the idea of ​​a never-dying, eternal physical beauty was associated with it. But, since youth did not always guarantee external beauty, then people had a desire to be, or at least seem more beautiful, to decorate themselves, to fill the gap allowed by nature, to strengthen and brighter to show what it was not allowed to do very generously. From this thirst for beauty and youth, from this natural struggle against merciless time, a special art was born - cosmetics. One should not think that cosmetics are a sign of our time. It can be said without exaggeration that cosmetics originated simultaneously with the appearance of man.

Egypt - the cradle of cosmetics

The Egyptians brought the application of ointments and paints to the skin, which served our prehistoric ancestors as a purely symbolic decoration, to the level of high art, including medical, and household makeup was known to them about 5 thousand years ago: they used whitewash, outlined the eye contour with green carbon dioxide ... The Egyptians were famous for their ability to make all kinds of paints, powders, ointments.

It is not for nothing that Egypt is considered the cradle of cosmetics and cosmetics, where cosmetics were known several thousand years before our era. In the tombs of ancient burials, vessels were found with the remains of ointments, various incense and oils containing musk, rose oil, frankincense, peace, as well as tweezers used to remove hair.

To nourish the skin and protect it from the sun, they used poultices and ointments made from ox and sheep fat, almond, sesame, castor and olive oils.

The source from which you can glean information about a number of cosmetics used in ancient Egypt is the Ebers papyrus, dating back to the 17th century BC. The papyrus, which bears the inscription: "The book of the preparation of medicines for all parts of the body," contains many cosmetic recipes and tips among the remedies for internal and external diseases. In the text of the papyrus there are also such titles: "The initial book of the transformation of old into young" or "How to get rid of the unpleasant signs of old age." In particular, steam masks, baths, compresses, massage, baths are recommended. The cosmetic tips included recommendations on how to smooth out wrinkles, dye hair, enhance hair growth, remove warts, etc.

Many cosmetic preparations also had healing properties.

So, the paint for the eyes, revived today, was originally used in Egypt as a prophylactic agent for eye diseases.

Sculptural and portrait images of Egyptian pharaohs and their wives have come down to us as indisputable evidence of the use of cosmetics in Ancient Egypt. The sculpture brought to us in 3 thousand years in all its uniqueness the beauty of the Egyptian queen Nefertiti. How carefully her face is decorated, her eyebrows are drawn and lengthened, how beautiful are the slightly raised lines of the mouth, emphasized by carefully painted lips.

the essence of beauty in harmony - the belief of the ancient Greeks

The word "cosmetics" itself comes from the Greek "cosmet" - this was the name of the slaves who groom and adorn the body and face of their masters.

The word itself means "order", or "putting in order" or (in a broader sense) - "the art of decorating." Initially, this term was interpreted as the art of maintaining health and improving the beauty of the body, correcting its shortcomings, can serve to preserve natural beauty, and can mask shortcomings or emphasize advantages.

In the Middle Ages, the development of cosmetics stalled, as the church persecuted those who tried to care for their "sinful body".

Despite the opposition of the church to the "vain" concern for appearance, cosmetics still existed.

Cosmetics received further development and full recognition in France, especially in the 17th and 18th centuries. Since that time, the French taste has taken possession of all of Europe and has owned it for several centuries.

Since the 17th century, France has become the idol of the Russian nobility and for three centuries has dictated the rules of good manners, fashion and cosmetics, not only to crowned persons, but also to provincial nobles.

The use of cosmetics was mainly the lot of the nobility, while the common people used herbs for both medical and cosmetic purposes. Russian women knew very well that curdled milk, sour cream, cream and honey, fats and oils soften and restore the skin of the face, neck, hands, make it elastic and velvety.

So they found and took the necessary means from the surrounding nature: they collected herbs, flowers, fruits, berries, roots, the medicinal and cosmetic properties of which they knew ..

So about herbs ...

Despite the fact that the healing properties of plants have been known for thousands of years, it became possible to answer the question of why plants have this or that effect on the body quite recently, and then only in general terms.

Plants produce a large number of complex chemical compounds, which are conventionally divided into biologically active and accompanying ones. Compounds which in medicine are usually called "biologically active" have healing properties - they are the most valuable, although they are usually contained in small amounts in plants.

"Associated substances" are substances that in one way or another affect the action of the main compound, to which we attribute the leading therapeutic effect. They can, for example, increase the absorption of the active substance and, therefore, significantly facilitate its absorption; they can enhance the beneficial effect or reduce the harmful; in other cases, on the contrary, they may have some undesirable effect, and then they must be removed. In most cases, the presence of accompanying substances is an important advantage of complex medicines obtained from plants.

Currently, cosmetics are the subject of attention of pharmacologists, physiologists, cosmetologists, make-up artists, etc. When making cosmetic ointments, lotions, powders and other preparations, cosmetologists often turn to old recipes. Most creams, toothpastes, shampoos contain components of plant origin.

The new is the well-forgotten old

But for the old to become the property of modern medicine, it must be rigorously tested in modern laboratories and clinics. Experts believe that this priceless heritage of the past should be passed through the "filter" of modern science ... The recipes used to this day for compresses, masks from berries, fruits and vegetables, all kinds of infusions from seeds, flowers, herbs, leaves, on the one hand , modern cosmetics are put on a strict scientific basis, and now they use many drugs, among which medicinal plants occupy one of the prominent places.

Herbal medicine has turned out to be an almost forgotten and scientifically not developed ancient method of treatment, fraught with a certain potential.

On the other hand, because of the slowly advancing therapeutic effect, phytotherapy agents cannot replace adaptotherapy agents that affect the level of the supracellular systems.

The development of pharmacology has played a huge role in the establishment of the authority of dermatology and medicine in general. But it was precisely this well-deserved success of pharmacology that played a negative role in the search for new treatments. With the development of pharmacology based on the principles of synthesis, the means of traditional medicine were increasingly eradicated. If at present pharmacology has developed as an independent science, then folk and scientific herbal medicine still has an insufficient theoretical basis.

From the point of view of pharmacology, the therapeutic effect of plants is associated with the physiologically active substances contained in them. This made me deeply study the people's experience. The recent interest in herbal medicine makes it possible to judge this method as quite effective, harmless, practically having no contraindications.

Referring phytotherapy to metabolic therapy, acting at the level of metabolic life support, it is believed that this method of treatment fully meets the requirements of pathogenetic therapy, since it directly affects the processes of tissue metabolism, being practically the only way of anti-draining treatment.

Substances contained in plants

The medicinal properties of medicinal plants depend on the content in them of the so-called active substances - chemicals that can have a physiological effect of a medicinal nature on a living organism. They can be found either in the whole plant, or only in some of its parts. The active substances belong to various groups of organic compounds - alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, essential oils, organic acids, vitamins, phytoncides, etc.

Alkaloids are organic substances of plant origin that contain nitrogen and can combine with various acids to form salts. They give an alkaline reaction, which is the reason for this name ("alkali" in Arabic - alkali. Usually the same alkaloid has a different effect on the body. In plants, more often there are several alkaloids.

Glycosides are organic substances of plant origin that are degraded by enzymes.

Saponins - glycosides, when shaken in water, form a persistent foam, reminiscent of soap (polatyni "sapo" means soap). Saponins are found in primrose, licorice, horsetail, aralia, ginseng, zamaniha, eleutherococcus, etc.

Vitamins are substances with different chemical structures that play an important role in the metabolic process and are necessary for the formation of enzymes. Rosehip, black currant, various citrus fruits, pine, primrose are rich in vitamins.

Essential oils are very complex mixtures of various volatile substances, mainly terpenoids and their derivatives, with specific odors.

Phytohormones are esters contained in plants in free or bound form. They have a high biological activity of an estrogenic androgenic nature. They are found in wheat germ, barley, ginseng root, hops, sage, soybeans, garlic, calendula, arnica, citrus fruits, spinach, and carrots. Almost all phytoharmonics are powerful antioxidants, they have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and also a preventive effect on sluggish and aging skin. Creams with them activate microcirculation, relieve inflammation, improve skin tone and rejuvenate it. Phytoestrogens are considered the most valuable for cosmetics: flavones, isaflavones, lignans, etc.

Phytoncides are organic substances of various chemical composition with a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Plants also contain organic acids that have a specific effect on the body (lemon, cranberry, apple tree, currant, rosehip, sorrel and many others); pectins - gelatinous intercellular substances (apples, beets, cranberries, currants, rose hips, oranges and others); mucus - nitrogen-free substances of various chemical origin and composition, mainly polysaccharides (marshmallow); resins - complex in composition, sticky and insoluble in water (birch, St. John's wort, aloe, conifers, etc.); mineral salts, which include chemical elements - potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, etc., enzymes, organic substances of protein nature. They act as catalysts by participating in complex biochemical reactions. (No. 1)

Animal or plant components?

When using medicinal plants, it is important to know their therapeutic effect: antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, multivitamin, antiseptic, antimycotic, epithelizing, immunostimulating, etc. This distribution is arbitrary, since most medicinal plants have a multifunctional effect.

Among the trends that are observed in the field of professional cosmetics, one can note the rejection of active ingredients of animal origin and their replacement with herbal ingredients that exhibit similar properties. There are several reasons for this. These are ethical motives, fear of contracting diseases, which can be carried by donor animals, and economic calculations. The plant raw materials from which the components are isolated are usually cheaper and available in large quantities. Experiments preceding the introduction of a particular ingredient into cosmetics require a sufficient amount of the test substance, which is not always possible in the case of components of animal origin. An important factor is the differences in the cosmetic legislation of different countries, in some of which a drug with active ingredients of animal origin can be classified as medicinal.

All this has led to the fact that scientists are looking for an alternative to animal components and, it should be noted, have achieved great success in this field. If we talk about natural substances, then it should be said about two main ways of obtaining them:

1) processing of plant materials;

2) biotechnological methods.

In recent years, cosmetic companies have begun to actively use such substances and create effective and safe drugs on their basis.

The most well-promoted antioxidant drug is pycnogenol - an extract of sea pine bark. There is also grape seed pycnogenol which is quite popular as well.

Following the manufacturers of pycnogenol, other companies began to produce antioxidant drugs based on grape seeds. For some reason, less popular, although probably no less useful, is green tea extract, which has risen to the ranks of nutritional supplements after it was discovered that it inhibits the development of malignant tumors. Plant polyphenols are also included in cosmetics, and their protective anti-inflammatory effect when applied to the skin has been experimentally confirmed. Plant extracts often contain a wide variety of flavonoids. Many publications focus on the antioxidant properties of flavonoids, while they may play a much larger role in cosmetic products for external use. Many flavonoids act as enzyme cofactors. Chamomile is a rich source of flavonoids. Chamomile extract has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, bactericidal properties. The beneficial properties of chamomile have long been known and described in the literature, and many of these properties are due to the effects of flavonoids on the body's enzyme systems.

Kella natively grows in the Mediterranean countries. The main active ingredient in Kella extract is Kellin Vizamin. Kellin has a pronounced vasodilator and vasoprotective effect, and thus, Kella extract is well suited for the treatment of rosacea. Kella extract is highly effective and has no restrictions or contraindications for use in personal care cosmetics. The only recommendation is to limit its use in daytime cosmetics, it is better to introduce Kella extract into the composition of nighttime cosmetics or into masks that are applied for a while.

The ginkgo tree is the only surviving species of the ginkgo family, the first representatives of which appeared on earth about 200-250 million years ago. Darwin called this plant "living fossil". Ginkgo contains unusual compounds that are not found anywhere else in nature: sesquiterpene bilobalide, diterpene derivatives - ginkgolides and aromatic compounds: ginkgol, bilobdol, ginkgolic acids.

Ginkgo extract is a rich source of flavonoids, it contains: quercetin, isoquercetin, ozoramnetin, ginkgetin, etc.

This leaf was from the East Appearing in unity to us?

My humble garden is brought in And a riddle and doubts

And for the seeing eye Allow my verse alone:

He reveals the secret meaning. List my creations

Is there a living being here? I myself am dual - one.

Split in half

Or, on the contrary, two I.V. Goethe, 1815.

Ginkgo extract is arguably the strongest herbal enzyme inhibitor; many scientific publications are devoted to this topic.

Ginkgo extract inhibits elastases, seven hyaluronidases and many phosphatases. The activity of these enzymes increases with age, and it is precisely they that provide the visual manifestations of aging, which is inhibited by the constant use of ginkgo extract. Therefore, there is every reason to believe that this is an excellent remedy for prolonging the youthfulness of the skin. The antioxidant properties (the ability to scavenge free radicals) are also important in ginkgo extract. The flavonoids present in the extract in ginkgo extract stimulated the proliferation of fibroblasts in human skin and increased the production of collagen and extracellular fibronectin.

It should also be said about grape seeds, from which oil is obtained, which is used in cosmetology to nourish and protect the skin. This oil contains polyphenols, anthocyanosides, organic acids and vitamin C, which has a pronounced protective and regenerating effect on the crown and lymphatic systems. Indeed, the angioprotective properties of anthocyanosides reduce capillary permeability and increase the elasticity of the vascular walls due to collagen stabilization.

Grape seeds also contain procyanidolic oligomers - substances that actively act on free radicals. In addition, they have an antioxidant effect and protect all tissues of the human body. In addition to the antioxidant effect, flavonoids have a number of other beneficial properties - they improve the properties of the walls of blood vessels (here the horse chestnut is in the lead), improve blood circulation (flavonoids and other components of ginkgo), and have wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Side effects of plant preparations.

It is necessary to remember not only about the positive effects of herbal ingredients used in cosmetology, but also about possible side effects.

To avoid poisoning, you must follow simple rules.

# You should not touch the plants, the poison of which can penetrate the blood through the skin: colchicum, leafless hedgehog, wrestler, cheremitsa.

# You can not come close to those plants that emit poisons.

# You can not eat dubious berries and mushrooms, take a random blade of grass, leaf or twig in your mouth.


Aloe is called "first aid plant" and is used to treat many pathologies. Due to its exceptional healing properties, aloe has long been shrouded in a mysterious haze of myths, legends and traditions. Doctors and patients revered this plant so much that they began to attribute divine origin to it.

The many written and oral references to this plant, which have survived to this day, make it possible to compose a detailed description of its beneficial properties, the history of its appearance, cultivation and use.

Ancient Egyptian (it is the ancient Egyptian sources that are most often found in the history of herbal medicine) mentions of aloe vera have survived to our time. Ancient Egyptian priests - healers often used aloe for a variety of purposes - therapeutic, cosmetic, dietary.

The most beautiful and famous queens of Egypt, Nefertiti and Cleopatra, were well aware of the beneficial qualities of the fleshy leaves of aloe. Both queens used it for skin care, using it both in pure form and in combination with other ingredients. According to legend, they loved to take baths filled with freshly squeezed aloe juice to moisturize the skin and make it soft as silk.

In addition, aloe has been honored with multiple mentions in the Holy Scriptures. In particular, the Gospel of John (verses 19-39) says that, together with myrrh, aloe was used to anoint the funeral cloth in which the body of Jesus was wrapped after being taken down from the cross.

Plant Aloe Vera Aloe belongs to the lily family like tulip, lily, onion, garlic and asparagus.

There are over 360 different species of aloe that grow in hot tropical and subtropical regions of the Earth.

Of the many varieties of aloe, only one has so many medicinal properties. This is Aloe barbadensis miller, commonly known as aloe vera. The part of the plant used is the leaves. To obtain condensed juice and gel, the active substances are produced from the plant in different ways. The gel contains polysaccharides (including glucomannan), polyunsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, saponins and vitamins, as well as plant mucus, which makes it possible to use the plant locally.

Aloe vera gel is used in cosmetics because it contains active substances that are extremely effective when applied topically. The gel is characterized by a high content of various types of adhesives with bioactivating, soothing, moisturizing, regenerating and softening properties.

Aloe leaves are approximately 90% water (pH 4.5).

The rest (from 5 to 15%) accounts for the following components: * minerals: sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, selenium and chromium); * enzymes: bradykinase, lipase, protease, catalase, phosphatase, alkaline

phosphatase and creatine phosphokinase; * vitamins: A (beta-carotene), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), E (tocopherol) and folic acid; * amino acids: 20 out of 22 essential amino acids are found in aloe; * antiseptics: salicylic acid, phenol, lupeol, urea, brown

acid and sulfur; * fatty acids: cholesterol, & - sitosterol and campestrin; * anthraquinones: barbaloin and aloin; * monosaccharides and polysaccharides: mannose, glucose, cellulose, L-rhamnose and acemannan.

Aloe vera is used as an astringent, anticoagulant, antibacterial, analgesic, immunostimulating, moisturizing, regenerating, film-forming, sedative, filtering UVA radiation.

Cosmetic Uses of Aloe Vera Due to its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, soothing and regenerating properties, Aloe Vera is widely used as an active ingredient in all types of cosmetics.

Aloe-based products wonderfully relieve skin irritation.

Many scientific papers put forward theses about the effectiveness of the preventive use of products based on aloe vera due to their stimulating, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and soothing effects to prevent the serious consequences of sunburn on sensitive skin. This effect is provided by carboxypeptidase, which is also part of Aloe Vera.

Another property is known that makes Aloe Vera a valuable ingredient in cosmetics. It is scientifically proven that aloe gel penetrates deeply into the skin and reaches the dermis, stimulating capillary blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the production of soluble collagen by the skin tissues, which produces stimulated fibroblast. The result is effective prevention of aging. In addition to everything else, the use of Aloe Vera as an ingredient allows manufacturers to successfully fit into the rather stringent requirements of European standards. For example, the 1986 European Directive established a clear separation between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. According to this prescription, cosmetics should have an effect on healthy skin, helping to keep it beautiful. At the same time, rather tough competition and consumer demands require the creation of precisely "cosmeceutical" - medical and cosmetic products on the verge of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, beauty and health.

Aloe Vera exemplifies the versatility that ultimately dictates a manufacturer's choice of ingredient for a cosmetic product. So, Aloe Vera, with its thousand-year history of serving the beauty and health of man, continues to occupy leading places in the lists of the most effective remedies and, apparently, will retain its position for a long time due to the rarest combination of beneficial properties and advantages.

High-tech transport systems for cosmetics The main metabolic processes in the skin take place in its deep layers - where there are living cells that have not yet lost their nuclei. Therefore, one of the key problems that must be solved by the developer of both pharmaceutical and cosmetic products is the transfer of active ingredients through the stratum corneum and their delivery directly to target cells. The solution may be to use special carriers (also called "vectors", "transport particles", "delivery systems", etc.), with which the active ingredients are bound and with which they can overcome the barrier.

The development and production of such systems belongs to high-tech science-intensive industries that require an appropriate scientific and technical base and experience in medicine, chemistry and biology.

"NIZASPHERY" - water nanoemulsions of oils, oil extracts of plants and biologically active substances, stabilized by a special technology: block copolymer of ethylene propylene oxides and emulsion wax are used as emulsifiers and stabilizers. Small droplet size (on average 200-400 nm) ensures rapid penetration into the stratum corneum. For the manufacture of nizaspheres can be used oils of rosehip, walnut, pine nuts, milk thistle, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, etc., as well as oil extracts of chamomile, yarrow, a series of cornflower, thyme, rose hips, linden flowers, St. John's wort, nettles.

The use of intermediates allows a creative approach to the development of new cosmetics and the creation of a wide variety of products, including creams, shampoos, decorative cosmetics, etc. Due to excellent compatibility with all types of basic raw materials for cosmetics, the possibility of combining with any biologically active substances, proven efficacy and safety, transport systems guarantee the high quality of finished cosmetic products.

Chlorophyll and its derivatives in cosmetics

"CHLOROPHYLL" is perhaps the most interesting substance in nature ", noted the famous naturalist Charles Darwin. Indeed, in terms of the role that chlorophyll plays in life, it can only be compared with hemoglobin. Absorbing the red rays of the solar spectrum during photosynthesis , chlorophyll uses the energy of light for chemical reactions, as a result of which oxygen, which is so necessary for all living things, is formed.

Chlorophyll is a plant pigment with a porphyrin structure. In total, four types of chlorophyll are known - a, b, c, d, slightly differing in their chemical structure. Green algae contain chlorophylls "a", "c" and "d": brown and diatoms - "a", "c", red - "d". The total content of all forms of chlorophyll in plants usually ranges from 1.7% on a dry weight basis.

Chlorophyll is concentrated in special plant cell organelles - chloroplasts, located in the cells of the leaf parenchyma. These are living formations capable of growing and synthesizing certain substances. Proteins form the basis of the plate structure. Chlorophyll is chemically linked to proteins due to the acidic groups of the protein and the chlorophyll's own nitrogen atoms.

The healing properties of chlorophyll and its derivatives were discovered by the Swiss pharmacologist Burghi in 1916. Chlorophyll has a multifaceted effect on the human body and, when administered orally, increases the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, as a result of which it can be used as an effective remedy for the treatment of anemia.

Burgi believed that chlorophyll has a vitamin effect and, like iron, stimulates the work of hematopoietic organs. According to his research, chlorophyll also has a general tonic effect, has an exciting effect on the heart, intestines, respiratory center, enhances metabolism, accelerates the growth of young tissues and promotes wound healing. Antiallergic properties of chlorophyll-containing preparations were noted. The antioxidant effect of chlorophyll derivatives has been proven.

Researchers have noted the harmlessness of chlorophyll in high doses and the absence of side effects during its use.

The use of chlorophyll and its derivatives in cosmetics

High biological activity, harmlessness, absence of side effects and good compatibility with components of cosmetic raw materials served as a reliable basis for the use of chlorophyll and its derivatives in cosmetic products. The intensive development of instrumental methods in biology in the last 2-3 decades has made it possible to reveal fundamentally new qualities of these drugs.

The antioxidant activity of chlorophyll-containing preparations, stimulation, tissue regeneration, wound healing and antiviral effects, antifungal effects, tonic and deodorizing effects are extremely interesting. Chlorophyll derivatives as a bactericidal additive and deodorant agent are introduced into toothpastes, soaps, creams, shampoos, pills, powders for feet and body, and chewing gums. In this case, sodium and potassium salts of chlorophyllins and a copper complex salt of chlorophyllins can be introduced in an amount of up to 3%.

A good effect is achieved when chlorophyll and its derivatives are added to the soap. The main requirements for soap are to remove dirt and absorb biological odors. The introduction of chlorophyll derivatives into soap in an amount of 3-6% provides a high bactericidal and deodorizing effect.

The addition of sodium chlorophyllin copper complex salt gives the soap a stable light green color and does not reduce the foaming and cleaning properties of the soap.

The addition of chlorophyll derivatives to detergents removes the smell of sweat, and in hair dyes it accelerates the coloring process. All drugs made from chlorophyll are drugs of total action, that is, in addition to chlorophyll itself and its derivatives in an amount from 0.4% in coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste to 30% in sodium chlorophyll (and most of the presented preparations contain chlorophyll derivatives from 1 up to 5%), there are natural biologically active components accompanying chlorophyll (carotenoids, vitamins E and K, phytosterols, etc.), which synergistically enhance the biological activity of chlorophyll derivatives. For example, carotenoids participate in the redox processes of a living cell and contribute to tissue epithelization, vitamin E (tocopherol) has an antioxidant effect and normalizes lipid metabolism, essential oils enhance the bactericidal and fungicidal effect.

All chlorophyll-containing dietary supplements are both fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Another great product is lavender bioconcentrate, which is obtained from lavender flower-herbal raw materials after the release of the essential oil. The drug has passed toxicological tests and is recommended for use in cosmetic products. In addition to useful properties, it also gives them a subtle, subtle aroma.

Toothpastes produced with the addition of lavender bioconcetrate have a pronounced bactericidal and deodorant effect, as well as shampoos, lotions, deodorant and aromatic bath salts.

Known drug chlorophyllipt, obtained from eucalyptus leaves. It can also be used in various therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics, since it is very effective against antibiotic-resistant forms of staphylococcus.

Over the past 10 years, interest in cosmetic products that contain seaweed extracts has grown rapidly. Production of cosmetic products containing in one form or another seaweed processing products, especially fucus and kelp. And the activity of such cosmetics is a "merit", first of all, of chlorophyll-containing additives. In Russia, the first such drug was the microalgae "spirulina", which is widely used in cosmetic products. In any case, all products of the industrial production of chlorophyll-containing preparations have found wide and successful application in various fields of medicine, cosmetology and dietetics.


The biological activity of chlorophyll-containing preparations is high, regardless of the type of plant material from which they are obtained, the types of chlorophyll itself and its derivatives present in the preparations. The preparations are safe and go well with any components of cosmetic raw materials.

Introduced into cosmetic products, they exhibit the same type of action, pronounced bactericidal, wound healing, deodorizing and antioxidant effects, have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, have anti-herpes activity and can be successfully used in cosmetics for various purposes.

Vegetable oils and plant extracts in cosmetology

Hair care.

Almost all vegetable oils used in shampoos have a softening effect on the scalp. And this, of course, is very important, because it is the scalp that hides the living part of the hair - its bulb. At the same time, oils penetrate into the hair shaft, which explains their conditioning effect.

Avocado oil. Contains lecithin, vitamin A, provitamin D, as well as various microelements. Differs in the ability to easily penetrate the skin and is rightfully considered one of the best cosmetic oils.

Jojoba oil. In fact, it is not an oil, but a liquid wax - a complex mixture of fatty acid esters. Research in recent years has shown that jojoba oil can penetrate deeply into the skin. Given its good oxidation stability, it is considered one of the most promising cosmetic oils.

Macadamia nut oil. Differs in a high content of palimitoolic acid, which is lacking in the skin of the elderly. In addition, it is considered one of the best - in terms of its ability to penetrate the skin - substance.

Tea tree. One of the most popular remedies. It has antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral effects.

Ylang-ylang is an Indian variety of thyme. Ylang-ylang oil has been used to combat hair loss since the Victorian era. Among other things, its high antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects have made this oil a popular drug for dandruff and acne.

Rosemary - has the highest antiseptic, antifungal, deodorizing and sebum-regulating effect. Has antioxidant status.

Tea has many faces. It can be a medicine, and a tonic and invigorating drink, and a cosmetic product. Many of us simply cannot imagine life without this amazing drink. It is not for nothing that people say that tea triples its power.

Once upon a time, in ancient times, pharmacists sold "outlandish Chinese herb", as tea was called then, only as a medicine. Then tea became a widespread drink, and people forgot about its healing properties and ceased to perceive it as a medicine. But in vain. By its rich chemical composition, tea is not inferior to the fashionable biologically active additives, and in some cases even surpasses them.

Ripe tea leaves contain about 300 substances useful for our body.

Tea for the eyes. Tea helps both tired and sore eyes. If you have been sitting at the computer or at the desk for a long time, and even the lighting was not very good, then cotton swabs dipped in freshly brewed tea and applied to the eyelids will relieve fatigue and make your gaze sharp and clear. With very intensive work and a lot of stress on the eyes, such procedures should be done in the evening and in the morning for 15-20 minutes.

Tea cosmetics for hair. It is known that hair can be oily, dry, or normal.

Rinsing hair after washing with a mixture of black tea and oak bark (in a 1: 1 ratio) will normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, reduce sebum secretion and make hair healthier and more attractive.

Rinsing hair with infusion of green tea after washing has a beneficial effect on dry and weakened hair. This infusion can be used to lubricate the hair roots, leaving for 1 - 1.5 hours. This procedure will allow you to strengthen the hair follicle and make your hair stronger and more vibrant.

Tea cosmetics for the skin. Unfavorable ecological living conditions, unhealthy and unhealthy diet, stress, heavy workload, and besides, age is reflected on our face, or rather on our skin. It loses its freshness and elasticity under the blows of "fate", acquiring an earthy hue. Here are some tips on how to restore freshness, firmness and elasticity to the skin using regular tea.

Advice 1. To restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin and preserve its youth, you need to drink daily 1-1.5 liters of weak tea with milk, lemon. This method of moisturizing the skin from the inside will keep your skin soft and supple for a long time.

Advice 2. Washing with black tea makes the skin matte, smoothes minor pigmentation.

Tip 3. Strong infusion of green tea with the addition of lemon juice is used for compresses with inflamed, porous and oily skin.

Advice 4. To get rid of "bags under the eyes" and puffiness of the eyelids, you need to make masks from tea leaves (from sleeping tea) mixed with sour cream in a ratio of 3: 1. tea lotions also help well, for which you can use ready-made tea bags. Pour boiling water over them, let it brew, then cool slightly, squeeze and apply to problem areas.

Tea, which is a favorite drink in almost every home, will not only give you a lot of pleasure, but also make you beautiful and attractive.

Tea, being a favorite among drinks, never ceases to amaze us with its possibilities, which must only be skillfully used. This also applies to its properties as a cosmetic. Cosmetic recipes using tea were not born now, but many centuries ago, they were inherited, carefully collected and recorded, so that later they could be realized and make more than one generation of women happy.

The famous saying: "To be beautiful, you need to suffer!" can be paraphrased. Do not suffer, but constantly watch yourself! It will pay off with a good mood, a sense of self-confidence. Then a woman of considerable age will seem attractive. Moreover, even a woman who has not been endowed with generous beauty by nature will look elegant if she is fit, dressed tastefully and skillfully applied cosmetics.

The end of the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries represent an amazing era of human awareness of the danger of a rapidly developing ecological crisis and the search for ways of salvation both in life on Earth in general and in humans in particular. Stress, disturbances in the rhythm of life, physical inactivity, improper and inappropriate nutrition, an increase in the consumption of medications and chemicals, all this leads to disruption of the coordinated work of all human systems, weakening of immunity, and an increase in allergic and dermatological diseases. Therefore, from year to year, the consumer's requirements for the manufacturer of cosmetic products are increasing. Particular attention is paid to the ingredients that make up a particular product used in cosmetology, their hypoallergenicity, effectiveness, shelf life. In this regard, the relevance of the use of herbal remedies in cosmetology, their components and components is increasing.

Herbal medicine opens up new, or rather well-forgotten old, opportunities for creating high-quality, hypoallergenic, effective, professional cosmetics.

1. "Big Book of the Forest" 1999 (pp. 646-657) Authors: O.S. Panova, L. M. Molodozhnikova, V. F. Sotnik

2. Magazine "les nouvelles Esthetigues" Russian edition 1/2001 (pp. 32-34)

3. Magazine "les nouvelles Esthetigues" Russian edition 2/2003 (pp. 78-80)

4. Magazine "KOSMETIK international" 1/2001 (p. 38-39), (p. 58-59)

5. Magazine "Beauty and Health" 2/2001 (pp. 52-55)

6. Journal "Cosmetics and Medicine" 5/2002 (pp. 62-64)

7. Journal "Cosmetics and Medicine" 3/2002 (pp. 36-37)

8. Journal "Cosmetics and Medicine" 6/2001 (pp. 32-34)

9. Manual on cosmetology 2001. Yu Dribnokhod 2

Over the centuries, people have gained experience in herbal treatments. Herbal medicine also gives excellent results in skin care. More and more women are abandoning expensive cosmetics and switching to home beauty products, which are made with their own hands only from natural ingredients. Traditional herbal remedies for wrinkles are a great alternative to beauty procedures in salons and clinics.

The healing effect of herbs

Herbal cosmetics contain most of the minerals, organic acids and other elements necessary for the full functioning of epithelial tissues.

Cosmetologists have divided the herbs into groups, taking into account the type, skin problems. Traditional medicine knows more than 2 thousand varieties of medicinal plants, 20 items are used in home medicinal cosmetics, among them:

  • nettle, plantain, mint are more suitable for oily skin;
  • thyme, oregano, calendula are best used for women with a dry type of surface;
  • parsley, dandelion, celandine have bleaching properties;
  • oak bark, chamomile, calendula or string will help to calm, relieve inflammation;
  • rosemary with sage will relieve wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, folds on the forehead;
  • linden, St. John's wort help to narrow the pores, tone up the epidermis, remove oily sheen;
  • reviews of kelp for face rejuvenation - sea grass, praise its unique effect on the skin.

The benefits of herbs for the skin

The herbs have a unique effect on the skin. They have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, nourishing and tonic properties. Plants are a real storehouse of nutrients. Their chemical composition contains all the components necessary for skin care, such as:

  • Microelements. Protect the skin from harmful external influences, participate in all metabolic processes. Stimulates the development of natural elastin, which maintains skin elasticity.
  • Vitamins. They take part in the processes of cell metabolism, stimulate cell regeneration, nourish the dermis.
  • Essential oils. They restore the skin, saturate it with oxygen, which slows down the aging process. They have an antioxidant effect.
  • Peptides and amino acids. They activate the process of cell renewal and the production of their own collagen. Amino acids are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, smoothing even the deepest wrinkles.
  • Tannins. Reduce swelling, regulate the sebaceous glands. The astringent action tightens loose skin.
  • Organic acids. Accelerate skin renewal, stimulate collagen production. They have a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.
  • Alkaloids. Tones up the skin.
  • Glycosides. Effectively cleanses and whitens the skin. They even help with hyperpigmentation.
  • Flavonoids. Strengthens blood vessels. Protects skin from UV radiation and free radicals.
  • Phytoncides. The most powerful source of resistance to infectious and inflammatory skin processes.

Advantages of medicinal cosmetics

The contribution of plants to skin rejuvenation is enormous. Many factors contribute to this:

  • naturalness, environmental friendliness of components;
  • deep action of masks, decoctions;
  • wealth, variety of plants allows you to choose a suitable recipe for any type;
  • slow down aging, intensively moisturize, give elasticity, healthy color, you can safely for the health of the body, avoiding irritation, inflammation;
  • medicinal herbs are absorbed by cells by 100%, in contrast to cosmetic preparations with chemical components.

How to keep youthful

Wrinkles, a pale complexion, sagging skin - all this can be terrifying! And if the advertised means do not help, then it becomes completely sad. Maybe you are doing something wrong? Or have you forgotten that the general condition of the body affects the appearance?

Youth will last longer if:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • get enough sleep regularly;
  • often in the fresh air;
  • eat properly;
  • get the vitamins you need.

There are various herbs for rejuvenating the body, rich in trace elements, vitamins and other beneficial compounds.


Plants are especially important, which contain the so-called antioxidants - vitamins C, E, A. They prevent cellular aging and rejuvenate the body, reduce wrinkles.

When to apply and contraindications

Herbs can be used to combat deficiencies:

  • inflammation, acne;
  • multiple age spots;
  • the formation of new wrinkles;
  • excessive dryness, peeling of the skin
  • allergic reactions, itching, redness;
  • puffiness, blue in the eye area;
  • oily sheen, dull color of the epidermis.

There are several contraindications to the use of herbal cosmetics:

  • individual allergy to the product;
  • diseases associated with the circulatory system, oncology;
  • postoperative state (presence of fresh wounds).


Chamomile contains many vitamins, microelements and organic acids valuable for the body. All this together helps to rejuvenate, moisturize and whiten the skin of the face, making it more elastic and elastic. In cosmetology, the most effective result can be achieved using decoctions and infusions of chamomile.

  1. Broth. To prepare the product, you need to pour dry chamomile flowers - 25 g with a glass of warm boiled water, and put in a water bath for half an hour. The finished broth must be filtered and, if necessary, diluted with boiled water. The product should be used to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté area. After application, wrinkles on the face are visibly reduced and smoothed out.
  2. Infusion. To prepare an infusion of chamomile, you need to pour one tablespoon of the dried and crushed plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. The finished product must be filtered, and, as in the previous recipe, wipe the skin with it.

Recipes that will bring back youth and beauty of the face

A tonic based on lime blossom will help to cleanse, replenish the water balance of cells. You need 2 tbsp. pour 250 ml of boiling water over the flowers, cover the container, strain after half an hour. Wipe the skin in the morning, evening.

Use 1 tsp exclusively for cleansing oily skin. complex of herbs (flowers of calendula, cornflower, violet) and 1 tbsp. chamomile, which pour boiling water (0.5 l). The next day, wipe the problem areas with broth. The product removes impurities and refreshes the skin.

A mask of aloe juice and oatmeal will help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Mix the ingredients in a 2: 1 ratio, apply the mixture in a thin layer for 10 minutes. Remove residues with a cotton pad.

Another proven version of the mask for rejuvenation is prepared from gruel of nettle leaves, St. John's wort, black currant, rowan fruits, filled with boiling water at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons. collection for 0.5 liters of liquid. Leave the product for about 3 hours, crush until a homogeneous consistency (if possible), then distribute the mass on cleansed skin. After half an hour, rinse off the remnants.

A mask of peppermint and green tea (1 tablespoon of each component) will help to restore healthy shine and elasticity of the epidermis. Pour boiling water over the mixture for a while. Then drain the water (can be used as a tonic, base for ice), lay the herbs themselves on the surface. Remove the gruel after 15 minutes.

If you still do not trust the rejuvenating power of herbs, then we recommend reading our article on pharmacy face products, perhaps the methods of traditional medicine are more suitable for you.

Herbs for washing the face from wrinkles

The desired effect in the fight against the signs of skin aging can be achieved by washing your face daily with herbal infusions.

Moreover, washing can achieve several results at once:

  • cleansing from sweat and sebaceous secretions, dust and dirt particles;
  • remove acne, relieve inflammation, narrow pores;
  • tone up the skin.

What you need to know about preparing and using tonic for washing:

  • prepare the product in water or alcohol: water tonic is stored for no more than two days, alcohol - up to two weeks;
  • herbs are used: chamomile, sage, parsley, celandine; nettle, St. John's wort, green tea;
  • natural vegetable juices - aloe, citrus, cucumber;
  • the tonic does not need to be washed off;
  • use the product every day in the evening and in the morning.

You need to know this when rejuvenating with herbs!

  • Some herbs are allergens. Perform a trial test before using a cosmetic.
  • For cosmetic purposes, use plants purchased from a pharmacy (its quality is guaranteed) or collected in proven, ecologically clean areas.
  • Study the features, properties of each component, they should be aimed at solving the problem, according to the type of surface.
  • Prepare decoctions for a maximum of 3 days of use, store gruel mixtures for no more than 2 days.
  • To achieve a greater effect, do not forget to include anti-aging products in your daily diet, perform massage, facial gymnastics.
  • Washing with a decoction after an energetic facial massage promotes the rapid saturation of cells with nutrients, activates processes, including the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
  • Cosmetic herbal ice effectively moisturizes and nourishes epithelial cells. Learn more about making ice wonder recipes here.

Application methods

If you use herbs for your face on your own, you need to know how to do it so that their benefits do not turn into harm. There are different ways to use it:

  • it is best to use fresh plants, which contain the maximum amount of nutrients;
  • you can squeeze out the juice and use it for lotions on problematic parts of the face (age spots, acne);
  • dry raw materials are also useful, but not for masks, but for infusions and decoctions that are used to wash your face;
  • you can make cosmetic ice;
  • as an option - pharmacy fees and phyto-packages, which are very convenient to brew and use for cosmetic purposes;
  • lotions and tonics can be prepared from decoctions and raw materials, alcohol (for oily skin) and water;
  • creams - their recipes are the most complex, they usually turn out to be greasy and are not always good for home experiments, but are stored for only up to 3-5 days;
  • the best option is to make herbal masks or gruel for lotions and applications.

When choosing how to use herbs for the face, focus on the individual characteristics of the skin and the cosmetic problem that you need to solve.

A few useful tips on how to collect herbs and prepare facial cosmetics from them will help you avoid mistakes and do everything right.

If you decide to use dried plants in your home laboratory and will stock up on medicinal raw materials yourself, do it according to all the rules, otherwise there will be no sense from them, but there will be many side effects.

You can collect it in the field, forest, at a summer cottage, but away from the city, industrial zones, factories and factories, highways. Dry - in a ventilated, dry place, out of direct sunlight. It is necessary to constantly stir up the collected material, make sure that it does not get stale and moldy. It is best to store in cardboard boxes or paper bags.

Despite all the benefits of medicinal plants, they are a concentrate of active substances that affect the skin in large quantities and can even harm it. Allergy to them is not a rare phenomenon, so it is imperative that before such a therapeutic cleansing, check how your skin reacts to this or that decoction.

Herbs are very useful for steaming the face before cleansing procedures. Pour 1-2 glasses of broth into a basin (cup or steam bath) and dilute it with a liter of boiling water. Next, bow your head (pre-prick your hair) over the container so as not to burn yourself with the steam, but throw a terry towel on top.

It is advisable to use a fresh cosmetic product immediately after preparation, within 1 day. Lotions and creams can be refrigerated for up to 5 days, alcohol-based liquids for up to 2 weeks. Dry plants in boxes and paper bags can be kept for no more than 2 years.

1. Close the lid, leave for half an hour, strain and get the infusion at the exit. 2. Put the container with steamed crushed water in a water bath, simmer for 10-15 minutes, leave under the lid for half an hour, strain. This is a decoction recipe. Instead of a water bath, you can simply put the healing liquid on the fire, but reduce the cooking time to 5-7 minutes.

Herbal masks for problem skin can be done every other day, for oily (from greasy shine) - 2 times a week, for dry and sensitive skin - once a week. As a preventive measure - and even less often: once every 10 days. Lotions and applications, washing with decoctions and wiping with lotions - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Herbal steam baths do not need to be done too often. The best option is once every 7-10 days, depending on the degree of facial contamination.

Fundamental rules

If a man decides to deal with the appearance of signs of aging at home, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic rules for carrying out procedures.

Important nuances:

  • you need to tune in to the fact that cosmetics should be used systematically, and not from time to time. You don't doubt the need for a daily shave, do you? This means that you can do cosmetic masks regularly. Moreover, they do not need to be done every day, but only 1-2 times a week;
  • you need to prepare masks just before application from fresh and high-quality products. Below are simple recipes, guided by which, anyone can prepare an effective anti-aging mask. Take seriously the observance of the specified proportions, otherwise, the effectiveness of the procedure may be reduced;
  • you need to apply ready-made compositions on well-cleansed skin, that is, you first need to wash, and then you can apply the prepared mixture;
  • adhere to the recommendations given in the recipe for the holding time of the masks. You should not wash them off ahead of time, but you should not overexpose them;

  • wash off the compositions carefully. First, wash yourself with warm water, and when the composition is washed off the skin, you will need to rinse your face with cold;
  • change mask options periodically. It is not recommended to use the same recipe for more than one month.

This will prevent the skin from getting used to a certain set of nutrients, which means that the effectiveness of the procedures will be higher.

The importance of proper nutrition

These are one of the main rules, their violation will contribute not only to the appearance of wrinkles, but also to the aging of the whole organism. For a healthy diet, a man only needs to follow a few rules. First, do not use flour products, white bread, pasta and your favorite potatoes. Secondly, there are more fruits and vegetables. Thirdly, it is necessary to replace semi-finished meat products (sausages, small sausages) with natural meat or fish. Of course, you must not overeat, drink enough water.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that only natural products are used in folk recipes, such compositions can provoke allergies. Therefore, before using a new composition, do simple test... Rub a drop of the composition into the skin on the inner side of the wrist and observe the reaction of the skin. If within a few hours redness or irritation does not appear on the skin, then the composition can be applied to the face.

Remember! It is necessary to refrain from applying homemade masks if there are wounds on your face (for example, if you cut yourself while shaving) or if you have inflamed acne.

Homemade herbal face mask recipes

The magic of natural recipes has been widely used for centuries to take care of your appearance. The magnificent properties of the flora allow you to create unique caring formulas. For each type, it is easy to choose a healing agent that normalizes intracellular processes.

Anti-wrinkle mask with aloe juice

For tired skin, this is the best way to remove traces of fatigue and restore elasticity to the integument. After a course of seven / ten sessions, the number and depth of wrinkles are reduced, and collagen synthesis is improved.


  • 15 ml of aloe juice;
  • 5 ml of peach oil;
  • 5 drops of glycerin.

Production and method of application: combine the viscous juice filtered through gauze with oil and glycerin. Cleanse the face, apply along the massage lines, wipe the face with a damp disc after an hour.

Mask for acne and inflammation with wormwood

Herbal folk recipes are useful for restoring problem and oily skin. Organic cosmetics allow you to soothe and reduce irritation, accelerate the healing process of abscesses. Wormwood has an antiseptic effect, stops the spread of infection, prevents the formation of abscesses.


  • 35 ml of wormwood infusion;
  • 10 gr. chickpea flour;
  • 5 drops of vitamin B5.

Production and method of application: pour the leaves with hot water, leave under the lid for at least half an hour. After straining, combine the liquid with flour, add vitamin drops. Steam the face with a compress, then distribute the cosmetic mass, rinse off, as usual, after fifteen minutes.

Mask for blackheads and rashes

Medicinal herbs perfectly cleanse clogged ducts, remove toxins and oxidants along with sebaceous plugs. After application, the skin becomes lighter, the structure improves. It is useful to carry out the healing procedure once a week to maintain the result.


  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 5 gr. mother-and-stepmothers;
  • 10 ml of kefir.

Production and method of application: rinse fresh leaves, pass through a meat grinder, add sour milk into the green gruel. Hold your face over the steam for about five minutes, then distribute the mass. The action lasts from fifteen to twenty minutes, rinse with cold water.

Did you know that ginseng is excellent at treating acne and acne, we wrote more about this here:. Also, the well-known tar soap will cleanse and restore the skin of the face. The mask with gelatin has firming, smoothing, softening and brightening properties, the recipes can be seen on this page.

Dandelion mask for age spots and freckles

To get rid of uneven pigmentation, freckles, and also to improve complexion, it is worth using proven recipes. Herbal ingredients allow you to remove the upper layers of the epidermis without damaging the renewed tissue. As a result, after several procedures, the tone becomes even, the melanin distribution is normalized.


  • 10 ml dandelion juice;
  • 5 gr. rice starch;
  • 15 gr. yogurt.

Production and method of application: squeeze juice from the stems and leaves, mix with the components, distribute on the pigmented areas, except for the eyelids and the triangle near the lips. Hold for six / eight minutes.

Chamomile nourishing mask for dry skin

Get rid of flaking and dryness, natural herbal cosmetics will give your skin a refreshed look. The regenerating properties of chamomile help to restore cellular structure, saturating with useful elements. It is recommended to use the product in the off-season, as well as in case of unfavorable environmental factors.


  • 10 gr. chamomile;
  • 10 gr. persimmons;
  • 5 gr. palm oil.

Preparation and method of application: crush the healing inflorescences together with persimmon in a mortar, add the melted butter. Spread the mixture on the covers, rest for about thirty minutes.

Sensitive Skin Recipe

With your own hands, you can soothe irritated integuments prone to redness and allergic reactions. The natural mask removes toxins, improves immune performance. Application helps to restore pH balance, provides oxygen breathing.


  • 20 ml of infusion of a string;
  • 10 gr. clay;
  • 10 drops of vitamin B2.

Production and method of application: brew a series and leave for about an hour, then mix with blue or white clay, add a vitamin solution. Wipe your face with mineral water, distribute the finished product along the lines of the lymph flow. Wash off after ten / twelve minutes of action.

Recipe for aging skin

You can use natural cosmetics to refresh and rejuvenate flabby aging skin. It is easy to saturate the covers with vitamins and minerals, activate the synthesis of elastin on your own. A noticeable lifting effect occurs after a course of eight sessions.


  • 10 gr. sage;
  • yolk;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese.

Production and method of application: lightly pour over the sage with boiling water, then knead it intensively in a mortar, add cottage cheese and yolk. Spread on the face with a spatula from the bottom up, leave for twenty-five minutes. Then remove with a moistened sponge.

Video recipe: Herb and yolk face mask at home

Recipe for oily skin

The healing components of home cosmetics help to have a complex effect on the skin. The secretion of the glands decreases, the ducts are noticeably narrowed, the complexion becomes healthier. It is enough to repeat it twice a month to reduce redness and prevent acne.


  • 15 ml of a decoction of field horsetail;
  • 10 gr. thyme;
  • 15 drops of calendula oil.

Production and method of application: add ground thyme powder and marigold oil to the prepared medicinal broth. Steam the covers with a compress, distribute the gruel in a circular motion, leaving for twenty minutes, rinse, as always.

Recipe for problem skin

Deeply cleanses pores, removes blackheads, refreshes the color. The caring procedure allows you to normalize intracellular processes, relieve swelling and traces of fatigue. The procedure is also effective for the aging dermis, reducing the number of wrinkles, tightening the contour of the oval.


  • 10 ml rowan juice;
  • 10 gr. Moroccan clay;
  • 15 drops of avocado oil.

Production and application method: add red powder and nutritious oil to the squeezed berry juice. Evenly distributing the plastic mass, leave to act for fifteen / eighteen minutes, rinse off in the usual way.

Moisturizing mask with honey and herbs

Useful herbs in honey recipes have a tonic effect. Facial vessels are strengthened, saturation with active elements and oxygen occurs. Expression wrinkles are smoothed, peeling and dryness disappear.


  • sprig of rosemary;
  • 5 gr. thyme;
  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil.

Production and method of application: grind rosemary with thyme in a mortar, add liquid honey and nut oil. Spread in a generous layer on a steamed surface, rinse off in the usual way after twelve minutes of action.

Whitening mask with St. John's wort

For whitening and cleansing your face, you should use the century-proven products. Organic cosmetics gently affect the integument, removing pigmentation and accelerating blood flow. The mask is also useful in a complex of anti-aging procedures, allowing you to normalize the renewal processes.


  • 20 ml of St. John's wort infusion;
  • 5 ml lemon juice;
  • 10 gr. semolina porridge.

Production and method of application: boil thick semolina porridge, add infused strained liquid and lemon juice. Clean the face of makeup, then spread the mass on the integument in a thick layer, without falling on the eyelids and the triangle near the lips. Hold for twenty / twenty-five minutes, then you can complete.

Soothing mint mask

Fresh herbal recipes help heal irritations and inflammations, restoring a beautiful, even tone. Normalizes regeneration processes, helps to moisturize the integument. Thanks to natural products, you can forget about flaking and dry skin.


  • 5 gr. mint;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 8 drops of cashew oil.

Preparation and method of application: bring fresh leaves with cottage cheese until smooth. Add oil and mix well, apply to face. After spreading over the entire area, put a warm compress on top. Keep the mask for half an hour and up to forty minutes.

Video recipe: Homemade mask relieves swelling, smoothes wrinkles and brightens the skin

Refreshing mask

Removes traces of fatigue and insomnia, removes excess moisture, improves elasticity, an affordable natural remedy. As a result, the color and structure of the dermis is restored, irritation disappears. Toning elements make up for the lack of minerals and vitamins in the cells.


  • 10 ml of celandine broth;
  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 8 drops of almond oil.

Production and method of application: brew and strain celandine, mix with corn powder, add moisturizing oil. Spread the finished mass with a spatula along the massage lines, leave for ten minutes.

Purifying mask

Easily create a natural scrubber based on the gifts of nature. Healing cosmetics does not cause addictive effect, allowing you to enjoy the snow-white porcelain skin after the first procedure. Enough at home, two applications per month.


  • 5 gr. yarrow;
  • 5 gr. parsley;
  • 10 gr. lentils.

Preparation and method of application: beans, grind together with yarrow, add green juice, pour over hot green tea. Apply the ready-made mixture to previously steamed and cleaned integuments in a circular motion. Leave it on for three / five minutes, then rinse off as usual.

Herbal juice mask

For facial rejuvenation, you should use a natural concentrate. It helps to smooth out even deep static wrinkles in several procedures, restores softness and elasticity.


  • 15 drops of mother and stepmother;
  • 10 drops of plantain;
  • 10 drops of parsley;
  • 10 drops of basil;
  • 15 ml of yogurt.

Production and method of application: rinse the leaves thoroughly, pat dry with a paper towel. Squeeze vegetable juice, add to chilled yogurt. Distribute the product on steamed skin, leave overnight, rinse off with mineral water in the morning.

Homemade herbal mask recipes

There are no restrictions on the use, whether fresh or dried, as long as they are clean and appropriate for a particular skin type. This is even more important than the benefits of this or that herb, because when a mixture of herbs according to the recipe is selected for your skin type, it brings benefits and health. Otherwise, it can even harm. Herbal mask recipes:

  • Cleansing mask of wormwood: boil a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal in milk and mix with a couple of tablespoons of wormwood broth, and add a spoonful of lemon pulp.
  • Softening chamomile: beat one egg in a blender with the addition of two tablespoons of chamomile flowers and low-fat kefir, you can also use a decoction of chamomile for the face in the form of ice cubes.
  • Protective from St. John's wort: take a spoonful of chopped leaves from freshly picked leaves of St. John's wort and nettle, add two tablespoons of homemade fat sour cream and half a spoonful of lemon juice.
  • Plantain healing: finely grind a couple of large leaves of fresh green plantain and add the same amount of corn flour, diluting with a spoonful of water until it becomes a cream.
  • Healing from aloe: stir a spoonful of only squeezed aloe juice with two tablespoons of oat flakes, ground into flour.
  • Refreshing mint: finely chop and grind mint and dandelion leaves (fresh) in the same amount in a mortar, then beat them for 15 seconds with one chicken egg and a coffee spoon of honey in a blender.

Almost all herbal masks bring a healing effect on the skin of the face and body. The main condition for efficiency, in the systematic reception and not breaking the course until its complete completion. Although an introductory consultation with a cosmetologist about combining several types of herbs for your skin type will not be superfluous.

Causes of the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes in men

They barely differ from women. But the "masculine" way of life also affects. Here, the activity of facial expressions, and nutrition, and stress, and the presence of bad habits, and the work of the body as a whole are important. It is important that in men the skin is much more elastic, dense and has much more collagen in it. Therefore, creams selected for the problem area should have a light texture and be absorbed quickly and deeply, maintaining skin hydration. The composition of cosmetics should contain such components as:

  • vitamins C, A, E,
  • hyaluronic acid,
  • sodium hyaluronate,
  • collagen
  • elastin.