Because of which, the urine turns bright yellow. Factors provoking color change. Increased yellowness of urine in women

Not all of us can answer this question.

From early childhood, we just get used to the fact that the main waste products in our body - blood and urine - have a certain color and smell, thereforebright yellow urinedoes not arouse any interest in us.

However, this is the first criterion by which one can judge the quality of metabolism. From transparency and saturation the color of urine depends on the general state of health, they signal the slightest deviations and developing pathologies. It is for this reason that pregnant women take a general urine test every 2-3 weeks.

The special coloring pigments that make up the liquid just explainwhy the urine is bright yellow... The norm in a healthy person is urine from straw to saturated lemon shade. Its tonality varies throughout the day, it is quite natural for the urinary system. For example, in the morning, immediately after waking up, you may notice thatdark yellow urineconcentrated colors . Main reasons darkening consists in the fact that a person did not drink liquid for several hours and did not go to the toilet, therefore, a high concentration of coloring enzymes accumulated in the urine overnight. The second portion will already be significantly lighter, daytime urine will turn amber.

Despite these fluctuations, the main thing is that the liquid as a whole remains in the yellow shade ... Otherwise, you should pay attention to the changes and visit a doctor - therapist, urologist - in order to exclude the likelihood of a disease.

Why does the color of urine change?

Causes for which moderately yellow urine suddenly becomes bright, can be divided into physiological and pathological, and the former occur much more often. This includes external factors, lifestyle, behavioral characteristics of a person. No need to panic if light before the urine is lemon-colored - better analyze your behavior, and after a couple of days you will see a liquid of the usual shade.

Bright yellow urineformed under the influence of several factors:

  • diet

Manufacturers love to add numerous colors, preservatives and flavorings to their products. Natural components in our food are becoming less and less, and supplements contain a huge amount of pigment substances. Colored soda, sweets, strong coffee, alcoholic drinks - all this is guaranteed to color urinary liquid. Moreover, the less pure water a person drinks, the higher the concentration of coloring enzymes in urine will be. Among the natural products that change the color of urine, the leaders are beets, carrots and any citrus fruits. It is worth paying attention to the amount of salt consumed: its excess leads to stagnation of urine and the accumulation of toxins.

  • dehydration

If a person drinks rarely and a little, a serious failure occurs in the urinary system. "Waste" substances are not excreted with urine, but accumulate in the body, causing intoxication and chronic dehydration. The body is desperately trying to find some useful liquid in its bowels, the process of reabsorption begins in the kidneys - the suction of water from the urinary fluid. Urine becomes very concentrated and becomes brightly colored. Dehydration most often occurs in hot weather, during sports activities with high sweating, during diarrhea and vomiting.

  • the effect of medications

Many preparations contain active components that are not completely absorbed in the body, but settle for some time in the kidneys, giving the urine an unusual shade. These are antibiotics of the Furacilin type, nitrofuran derivatives. Laxatives that cause loose stools always cause a lot of moisture loss. This also includes tablets in a colored shell, tinted syrups, phyto-picks. But most of all, urine changes its signs.after taking vitaminsgroups A, B, C. This is noticed even by children who secretly from their mothers eat "Revit" by handfuls. "Multitabs", "Pikovit" and other multivitamin complexes instantly color urine. Brightyellow urinebegins to smell with a characteristic vitamin odor.

  • climate change

Departure to hot regions is always stress for the body. In unfamiliar conditions, a person sweats more, loses a lot of fluid. While on vacation, it is very important to drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day - it will help "flush" all toxins from the body.

Bright yellow urine in pregnant and lactating women

During the period of bearing a child, a woman may have urine of a saturated lemon color. As the main marker of health, the urine of pregnant women is regularly analyzed. The doctor will immediately see the slightest changes in the composition of urine and, if necessary, take action. The main danger in this situation is gestosis. It is accompanied by high blood pressure and severe edema, against which dehydration occurs.

During breastfeeding, women often experience hormonal imbalances. The body is experiencing a colossal water load: the kidneys work in an intensive mode, a large volume of fluid is spent on milk production, which can lead to dehydration. With a lack of drinking, toxins are not excreted from the body, and the urine acquires a characteristic color.

However, this is by no means a sign of pathology in every case. If a woman is taking a course of vitamins or undergoing herbal medicine, there is no need to worry about changes.

What does the color of urine in a newborn say?

In the first days after the birth of a baby, urine is practically colorless. This is due to the fact that in the amniotic fluid there is not everything that can color the fluid that the fetus receives and excretes. After birth, a small organism begins to rebuild to an autonomous life and to carry out the functions of nutrition and urination. In the first week, the newborn's urine acquires a certain color, becomes pale yellow. Moreover, normally, its shade can change several times a day.

Parents should be wary ifbaby urinebecame rich yellow or bright lemon. Both options can signal power failures, infections, or the development of some kind of disease.

Urine color in men and women: norms and deviations

If the urine acquires an unusual color, first you need to exclude all factors that can affect the shade, and evaluate your lifestyle - drinking regimen, taking medications, nutrition. If there are no obvious reasons, then you need to immediately contact a urologist, therapist and other narrow specialists. Beer-colored urine , dark yellow, lemon and even in some cases greenish indicates an inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system: in the urethra, bladder, kidneys, ureters.

By the beer shade of urine, women can learn about bladder inflammation, infectious urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as gynecological problems: vulvitis, endometriosis, colpitis. Brownish urine colors in men talks about problems with the prostate gland, cystitis, urethritis, kidney pathology. If foam bubbles are noticeable in the urine, this is a clear sign. that semen and prostate secretions penetrate into the urine. They have a very high content of protein and various impurities, which stain urine. high protein concentration. In this case, an urgent consultation with a urologist is required.

The bright yellow color of urine, especially against the background of pastiness, may indicate cirrhosis of the liver or liver failure, the presence of kidney stones, and chronic heart failure. Lemon urine is produced by infections of the gastrointestinal tract. During diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid, and a huge amount of coloring toxins is concentrated in urine: urochrome, urosein, urobilin and others. The strongest change in urine color is urobilin, a metabolic product of the enzyme bilirubin. It breaks down food in the small intestine, and under the influence of bacteria it turns into urobilin. Interestingly, this substance stains urine after it is released outside, during urination. A sharp darkening of the liquid, literally before our eyes, occurs due to the interaction of urobilin and oxygen.

Remember: only a comprehensive study will help identify the true cause. It will take several urine tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs at once. If the darkening of urine is accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, cramps and bouts of lower back pain - every minute counts!

Urine coloration says a lot when it comes to about metabolism in organism. The fluid secreted by the kidneys in a healthy person can have a shade from straw to rich yellow.

In the morning, bright urine is considered normal. If a high concentration of pigments persists, this indicates a disease or chronic lack of fluid, which leads to dehydration.

First, remember what has been eaten recently, what medications have been drunk. Review the amount of fluids you drink throughout the day. It is advisable to drink not less than 2 l water a day - without gas. It can be replaced with juices, weak tea or compotes.

When the yellowing of urine is not accompanied by alarms - high fever, nausea, or problems with stool, then there is nothing to worry about. If within 2-3 days the urine color does not return to normal, it's time to consult with a therapist or urologist. The specialist will find out what caused the change in the color of the fluid excreted by the kidneys, and determine the list of drugs in combination with the diet.

Causes of the disorder of the body

When the appearance of a rich yellow urine is associated with a malfunction in the body, this indicates heart failure, intestinal infection, or hepatitis. The reason may be swelling that occurs with complications after the disease. More harmless sources of bright pigment include:

  • increased sweating during sports or physical labor;
  • taking a laxative;
  • dehydration due to extreme heat or during breastfeeding.

If there is not enough water, the kidneys start compensation mechanism... During the day in the hot season, up to 2-3 liters of liquid comes out through the skin during perspiration. When the loss is not restored, the urine takes on an intense yellow tint.

If the urine is bright yellow and smells

Its unpleasant smell appears when garlic, horseradish, and hot spices are present in the diet. From asparagus and seafood, the liquid secreted by the kidneys becomes rich and foul smelling.

If the cause is pathological, these symptoms indicate inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder, which can be infectious.

Among the causes, liver failure, diseases of the genital organs, jaundice or intoxication of the body as a result of alcohol abuse are distinguished. When urine smells like acetone, this is a sign of an exacerbation of diabetes mellitus.

Why does pathology appear in children?

In a child, the fluid secreted by the kidneys normally changes color up to several times a day. For an early age, this is due to the adaptation of the urinary system to function. outside the womb... The kidneys adjust their work gradually, they may not always cope with their task.

When the process takes too long, the urine turns bright yellow. But this is not yet a cause for concern. Perhaps, little fluid enters the child's body, the water balance is disturbed. Then it is enough to drink more water, compote or diluted juice. Just in case, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

What does the bright color of urine mean in women?

Among the reasons provoking changes in its color are:

  • water imbalance as a result of a lack of fluid in the body;
  • profuse sweating;
  • breastfeeding - a lot of water goes away with milk;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • infection with intestinal pathogenic microbes;
  • the use of laxatives or vitamin complexes;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • intoxication, accompanied by vomiting and fever;
  • an excess of protein compounds - then urine may look like foam.

Yellow urine during pregnancy

Its color and composition are decisive in the process of diagnosing the development of the baby and the condition of his mother. Urine analysis is done before each visit to the gynecologist, so that on time determine changes in the body... A bright yellow tint is not always considered a symptom of pathology. Food can also change the color of the fluid excreted by the kidneys. This is especially true for cherries, blackberries.

Vitamins used to boost immunity or fruit juices sometimes have a similar effect. If you have not used anything of the above, contact the antenatal clinic for examination and testing. Perhaps the reason is not in the disease, but in the fact that the mother's body is trying for two when removing metabolic products, doubling the load on the urinary system.

Change in the color of urine in men

It may be related with an excess of leukocytes in its composition, which is caused by the inflammatory process. The urinary sphere as a whole or its individual organs suffers from it. This happens with urethritis, prostate adenoma, kidney disease or genital tract infections. Then the walls of the canal for urination stick together, secretions are delayed on them, which, during bowel movements, are mixed with urine. Sometimes a bright yellow color of urine appears in the stronger sex with an excess of sperm in it.

Any changes in the body that resemble deviation from the norm should be discussed with a specialist. Do not be afraid to let your doctor know about your problems.

Should I go to the doctor if my urine turns yellow? It is recognized by medical standards that fresh urine has a yellowish tint, odorless. Small deviations in color saturation are allowed. If the urine turns yellow, the reasons do not always indicate the presence of the disease.

The yellow color of urine is due to the presence of many factors that do not pose a danger to human health. Common causes of rich coloration:

  • Taking vitamin complexes;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Eating orange citrus fruits, carrots;
  • Abuse of candies, marmalade with dyes;
  • A treat with sweet sparkling waters.

After drinking half a liter of beer, urine becomes a rich amber color. In heavy smokers, the pigmentation of the body fluid always retains a dark yellow color. Saturated yellow color of urine in people with a poor drinking regime. In the heat, when there is strong sweating, its color darkens even when a normal amount of water is consumed during the day.

Strong dehydration is evidenced by dark yellow, brown urine. Darkening of the fluid is caused by the release of a large amount of toxins due to a lack of moisture in the body. Insufficient water intake is additionally indicated by the amount of urine. It does not correspond to the norm.

Urine acquires a yellow color in people engaged in hard physical labor. With physical overwork, overload, it is of a rich yellow hue, even in children. Darkening of urine should be expected after eating salty foods. Snacks with pickles, smoked and dried fish, salted nuts, chips, the habit of heavily salt food are the reasons for the rich pigmentation of excreted urine.

Urea becomes darker than the normal shade with a sharp change in the climatic zone. Traveling in winter to exotic islands with a tropical climate adversely affects the body. Hot weather leads to abundant excretion of water from the body through the sweat glands. A change in the color of urine signals rapid dehydration.

Bright yellowness is a dangerous symptom

If the pigmentation of the urine has changed to unusual shades against the background of well-being, there is no reason to fear. A reason to seek medical help is given by the present alarming symptoms:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Fever;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Lower back pain;
  • Severe nausea with bouts of vomiting.

Urine of bright yellow color in men and women is a sign of pathology:

  • Genitourinary system infections;
  • Inflammatory process in the urinary organs;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Heart disease;
  • Severe poisoning;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

A dark, almost brown color against the background of strong weight loss and poor health is an alarming sign. The reason may be:

  • In the growth of a malignant neoplasm in the liver, kidneys, bladder;
  • Development of liver cirrhosis;
  • Infection with hepatitis;
  • Development of pyelonephritis;
  • Purulent cystitis;
  • The onset of diseases of the genital area.

Often, fresh urine contains blood, mucus, films. The liquid exudes an unpleasant acetone or putrid odor.

If urine in women acquires a light beer color, this often indicates:

  • About erosive processes in the reproductive organs;
  • Inflammation of the bladder;
  • Development of urethritis.

But a change in the saturation of the color of urine in women also occurs during pregnancy. Urine yellow in women- a normal phenomenon during the entire period of bearing a child, since the excretory system works for two.

In the early stages of pregnancy, urine darkens if a woman suffers from severe toxicosis. Dehydration of the body occurs as a result of cases of frequent vomiting, the concentration of coloring pigments urobilin, urochrome. Yellow urine in nursing mothers. Moisture leaves the body along with milk after the baby is latching on to the breast. Therefore, doctors recommend that mom drink more fluids.

If in the second half of pregnancy the urine acquires a lemon hue, this is a sign of the development of preeclampsia. If you ignore the signal from the body, after a short time, pressure surges, proteinuria begin, and edema develops. In non-pregnant women, urine turns dark yellow during strict diets. The body does not receive a sufficient amount of essential trace elements and nutrients, the kidneys intensively remove toxins.

Yellow urine in men

In men, the bright color of urine with poor health indicates the development of prostatitis. The inflammatory process is indicated by the high protein content at the control intake. A bright yellow color with a greenish tint indicates the presence of a concentration of leukocytes. Possible reasons:

  • Inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • Development of urethritis.

Additional signs are pain when urinating, adhesion of the outer edges of the urethra. Foamy urine of a dark yellow color is the cause of a malfunction of the genitourinary sphere. Sperm gets into the biological fluid during urination. Darkening of pigment, brownish tint of urine - very danger sign. Indicates serious diseases and pathologies in the genital area. Prostate cancer may develop.

Discoloration of urine in children

In children, yellow urine indicates pathologies of the kidneys and liver. If the baby has caught viral hepatitis, he suffers from Gilbert's disease, hemolytic anemia, pathology of the bile ducts, his urine is bright golden in color.

Additional signs - yellowness of the sclera of the eyes, skin; heat. An amber shade is observed in kidney pathologies, viral colds, flu. In heart disease, the color of urine is yellow; the child is lethargic, suffers from edema.

Discoloration of urine occurs with improper nutrition. If up to three years of age in the child's diet there are smoked sausages, meat, canned fish, salted nuts, crackers, a yellow liquid is released.

With a disturbed drinking regime, the use of a large amount of canned juices instead of water, urine becomes dark. A child may suffer from dehydration in the absence of the habit of drinking water, when the intake of moisture in the body is limited to a couple of glasses of liquid per day.

What to do if urine is yellow

If the urine, without the presence of painful signs, unexpectedly changed its color, became bright yellow, it is necessary to analyze what affected the body.

For several days, if possible, you should:

  • Exclude foods containing carotene from the diet;
  • Stop taking vitamins;
  • Change drugs;
  • Establish a drinking regimen.

Collect urine samples on all subsequent days. If the yellowing of the urine is caused by natural causes, the fluid takes on a normal shade after a few days. During a visual inspection of the container with urea, you should pay attention to the degree of its transparency. In the event of the formation of an insoluble sediment, sand, turbidity, it is advisable to donate urine for laboratory analysis in the clinic.

A cloudy suspension of sand, mucus is evidence of kidney stones. The lower back may ache, and pain in the urinary tract can be felt. If a pebble comes out during urination, the urine may turn pink. This means that when a solid body is damaged by the mucous membrane of the urethra, blood has entered the fluid.

A cloudy sediment, a large number of red blood cells found during laboratory analysis, a bright yellow color of urine indicate the development of diseases of internal organs. If the test result is poor, you should be examined at the clinic; undergo timely treatment when making a diagnosis.

It turns out that a change in the natural shade of urine to a bright yellow color is not always an alarming sign. In most cases, the reason for the fluctuations in the color of natural secretions lies in the peculiarities of the lifestyle of each person. Additionally, you should take into account the age. The more years you have lived, the darker the shade of the urine.

Even at the dawn of the birth of medicine as a separate science, it was noticed that human urine reacts to the development of diseases. It changes color, impurities and foreign odors appear.

At that time, there were no laboratories and reagents, however, doctors could determine the presence of sugar in urine by dipping a finger into the collected biomaterial and then licking it. Not the most elegant way to study analysis, but quite effective.

A lot of time has passed since then and a huge amount of information has accumulated. The need for risky experiments has disappeared, and various methods of examination have appeared. Numerous laboratory studies have made it possible to find out the nature of changes in biological fluids.

Modern medicine is able to answer many of the questions associated with discoloration of urine. Let's try to explain in an accessible way why in the morning in women the urine becomes dark yellow. What is the reason for the release of light yellow urine, and the intake of vitamins makes it rich and bright. In what cases, the appearance of too yellow urine warns of the development of diseases.

Most women have a dark yellow color in their urine in the morning. Subsequent portions of urine excreted during the day acquire a natural light yellow (straw) color. This is totally normal.

First of all, the color index of urine is influenced by a person's fluid intake and the amount of urination. The more water you drink, the lighter the urine becomes, and the more often the bladder is emptied.

At night, people practically do not drink and rarely visit the toilet room (1-2 times in 6-8 hours). However, the kidneys continue to function and form urine, which accumulates in the bladder. However, due to the rare urination and insufficient amount of incoming fluid, the final urine is concentrated in the reservoir (bladder).

There is a greater, in comparison with the daytime, accumulation of coloring pigments (urochrome, urobilin, etc.), salts, slags. Under the influence of the listed substances, urine acquires a dark yellow tint.

After the woman wakes up and the usual drinking regime is restored, the normal work of the body resumes. The kidneys filter the blood more intensively, and the urination becomes more frequent. As a result, all subsequent portions of urine acquire the usual light straw color.

However, in some cases, the dark yellow tinge of the urine that is secreted lasts all day. What does this situation mean?

Reasons for rejection

First of all, you should know that this may be based on various factors, both completely natural and pathological.

Natural causes of dark yellow urine include:

The first, and more often the main, reason leading to the release of too yellow urine is dehydration. As you know, humans are almost 70% water. Accordingly, for the body to work properly, it is necessary to constantly maintain a certain water balance.

For this, women are advised to consume at least 2 liters of drink daily. In the event that the volume of the liquid is less than 1.5 liters, then slight dehydration develops, while the urine becomes concentrated and acquires a dark yellow tint.

Discoloration of urine with dehydration. Source:

It is also important to take into account the fact that excessive sweating and loss of moisture are caused by a hot climate, work in "hot shops", a passion for bathing procedures and solariums. Intense sports, promotes fluid loss. Therefore, athletes are advised to have a small bottle of water with them to evenly restore lost moisture.

In addition, there is a whole list of food factors that can lead to darkening of urine.

  • Eating bright root vegetables (beets, carrots, pumpkin, legumes).
  • Abuse of foods that contain bright colors.
  • Passion for strong coffee or black tea.
  • Taking vitamins.
  • Excessive enthusiasm for multivitamins or their incorrect dosage leads to the appearance of not only a bright color in the urine, but also a pronounced odor (ascorbic aroma). Intense staining is observed with the use of vitamins E, C, B, PP, K.

Too yellow urine after consuming vitamin complexes may be associated with insufficient drinking regimen. The kidneys free the body from residual fractions of medicinal / vitamin preparations. In the event that a woman, when taking vitamins, consumes a large amount of liquid, then there is a constant and uniform removal of residual substances from the body.

If life-giving moisture comes in very limited quantities, then the kidneys are not able to systematically filter and remove "garbage". As a result, the drug is concentrated, and the urine turns bright yellow.

Actually, the situation itself does not threaten a woman's health. It is necessary to establish a drinking regime, and the problem will disappear by itself. However, you should be aware that prolonged neglect of too yellow urine after taking vitamins can lead to the development of an allergic reaction to a certain type of drug.

Pathological causes

Pathological processes in the body, affecting both the urinary system itself and other organs, can lead to the release of dark yellow urine. It is important to take into account the shades of urine, the presence / absence of turbidity and impurities (mucus, flakes, etc.).

Dark urine, reminiscent of black tea, appears with liver damage, when liver pigments bilirubin and urobilin are released into the blood. Most often, this symptom appears with the development of infectious hepatitis (jaundice, Botkin's disease), impaired patency of the bile ducts. The accompanying symptoms are:

  • Bitterness in the mouth.
  • Nausea. Vomit.
    Loss / decrease in appetite.
  • Pain / heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  • Discoloration of faeces (up to white).
  • Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes.

Too yellow urine with an amber hue may accompany:

  • Cystitis.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Pyelonephritis. Glomerulonephritis.

In these cases, a whole galaxy of symptoms is noted:

  • Turbid urine, sediment, odorless.
  • Urination is frequent, infrequent, painful. During the emptying of the bladder, cramps, burning, pain appear.
  • The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. However, little urine is excreted.
  • Pain in the back or lower abdomen, pulling, stitching, cutting. With the development of renal colic, the pain becomes pronounced, forcing the patient to rush, constantly move in search of a comfortable position.
  • There is an increase in body temperature, headaches, weakness, lethargy.

If dark urine is accompanied by additional symptoms, then you should immediately contact a medical institution. It is practically impossible to determine the exact cause of the appearance of amber urine on your own, without proper examination.

Pale yellow urine

The normal shade of urine in a conventionally healthy adult is straw yellow. In the picture above, this shade is numbered two (# 2). It is often called straw, that is, the color of mature wheat stalks (straw).

The intensity of the color depends on the amount of fluid consumed per day, type of food, physical activity and climate. Variations from a lighter shade (# 1) to a darker shade (# 3) are considered acceptable.

The color indicators of urine are influenced by the density of the liquid and the presence of coloring pigments (their concentration). For example, during the period of use of diuretic (diuretic) drugs, urine loses its density and acquires a very light shade.

Roughly the same thing happens when a large volume of liquid enters the body with drink or food (soups, broths). In the summer season, many women increase the consumption of watermelons, melons, and these are very diuretic products, respectively, the excretion of fluid from the body increases, the concentration of urine decreases. The result is a pale yellow urine.

The release of pale yellow urine also provokes the abuse of diuretic drinks, such as coffee, green tea, and various sweet soda.

It is important to remember that a prolonged period of abundant urination with the release of light yellow urine provokes the leaching of useful microelements from the body. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically adjust the amount of drink consumed. In this case, one should clearly follow the slogan: "Moderation in everything!".

If, even after the establishment of the drinking regime, colorless urine continues to be released, then it is necessary to visit specialists (urologist, endocrinologist, therapist), since such symptoms can signal the development of pathological processes in the body.

Colorless urine can accompany the development of diabetes, sugar and insipidus. For diabetes mellitus is characterized by dry mouth, dry skin. The urine has a sweetish odor and the underwear becomes hard ("starched").

In the presence of non-diabetes mellitus, patients are tormented by pronounced thirst, which forces them to drink a large number of drinks. The kidneys try to eliminate excess moisture, urination becomes more frequent, and urine loses its color.

Pale urine can accompany the development of renal pathologies, such as chronic renal failure.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the appearance of yellow urine in newborns. Almost immediately after birth and for some time, the urine of infants is almost colorless. However, there is a gradual adaptation of the child's body to the conditions of the outside world, nutrition. Accordingly, there is a change in the color of biological secretions: urine and feces. This is a completely natural process.

It is important to remember that a child's body needs fluid management much more than an adult's. Therefore, if the baby has vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), then the urine quickly enough becomes concentrated, dark (rich yellow). At this time, it is vital to restore the water balance of a small organism, since dehydration in children develops much faster.

If the baby has dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, vomiting), it is necessary to call the observing doctor or visit the nearest medical institution. While waiting for a specialist, you can start rehydration therapy, that is, the restoration of the water-salt balance.

For this, clean drinking water (without gas), decoctions of berries (raisins, rose hips) are suitable. As prescribed by a doctor, special rehydration mixtures are used (Rehydron, etc.). You need to give your child a drink often, but not in large portions. Half a teaspoon of your chosen drink every 15 minutes will greatly alleviate the situation.

Changing the color of urine is an important criterion for assessing the state of functioning of the excretory system in particular, and the body as a whole. Normalization of the diet and the establishment of a drinking regime allows you to adjust this indicator.

However, changes in color indicators can be based on various, both completely natural and frankly pathological, processes. Therefore, a long, more than 3-4 days, period of changing the color of urine should be a signal for contacting a medical institution. A timely examination allows you to identify pathologies at the earliest stages, when the treatment gives the maximum effect.

Not everyone pays attention to. But this is the first criterion that is assessed when examining a urine sample submitted for analysis. In some cases, by the color of urine, one can judge about diseases developing in the body that require immediate medical intervention. Pregnant women and parents of small children should especially watch out for changes in the color of urine.

Normally, the color of the urine of a non-sick person is from pale to deep yellow. The color can change even within one day - this is a consequence of the work of the human urinary system.

Discoloration of urine is caused by the following reasons:

  • diet;
  • taking medications and vitamins;
  • Lifestyle;
  • developing diseases.

Noticed that the urine has become more saturated in color? Don't panic - maybe in a couple of days, if you drink plenty of fluids, everything will return to normal. A brightly colored urine is not always a consequence of a developing serious illness. Physiological factors are much more common.

Why is the urine colored bright yellow?

The urine can acquire a rich yellow color due to many physiological factors. Analyze what you ate and drank in the coming days, what kind of lifestyle you led, what medications you took. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Eating "coloring" products. Now there are few natural products, manufacturers often add dyes to their composition, which are released with urine and stain urine in a rich yellow color. This includes, for example, "orange" lemonades and sweets. Even carrots tint urine orange.
  2. Lack of fluid in the body is a fairly common reason why urine is bright yellow. With dehydration in the kidneys, an active reabsorption of water occurs, the concentration of urine increases, and therefore the liquid itself acquires a more saturated color. Dehydration occurs not only in hot weather, when a person has strong sweating, but also in acute intestinal infections after vomiting and diarrhea. Severe toxicosis in pregnant women also causes dehydration. Intense sports loads lead to dehydration.
  3. Taking medications and vitamins. The active components of many drugs are not completely absorbed by the body, but color the urine in a bright (often even lemon) color. This includes vitamins A, C and group B, derivatives of 5-nitrofuran. When the components of the drug are completely expelled from the kidneys, the urine will return to its normal color.

In some cases, urine that is bright yellow indicates a health problem. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Stones in the kidneys. With the active formation of salts in the urinary system, stones can form in the kidneys over time. Salts absorb liquid - the concentration of urine increases, it becomes brighter.
  2. Disorders in the liver. The increased level of urobilin, observed in pathologies of the kidneys and liver, leads to a change in the color of urine to a rich yellow color.
  3. Gestosis. This is a serious complication in pregnant women in late stages, accompanied by high blood pressure, proteinuria and edema. In this case, due to dehydration of the body, the urine passed for analysis may be bright yellow in color.

The developing pathology, as a rule, is expressed not only by a change in the color of urine - there are other signs of the disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to pass additional tests and undergo an examination.

A change in the color of a child's urine has almost the same reasons as in adults. In newborns, urine is practically colorless, since its body has not yet "rebuilt" to life outside the womb. Urine gradually changes color to light yellow. In the first year of life, doctors require urine samples for analysis as often as possible - now it is important to carefully monitor the development of the child. And it can be difficult to independently track changes in the color of the baby's urine.

If you notice that the baby's urine has turned rich yellow, watch for further changes in its color. If the urine still does not return to its normal color, contact your pediatrician.

What to do?

If you notice that the yellow urine has become bright, but the state of health has not deteriorated, do not panic. This color can be considered the norm if the diet has been disturbed or you are taking a course of vitamins.

You don’t take vitamins and pills, and there are no products with dyes in the fridge? Then, in order to identify possible reasons for the change in the color of urine, try to establish a clear "drinking regimen" for yourself for a few days - consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day. Do not drink drinks with dyes. Still water and weak tea are what you need now. If within a week the urine is the same saturated color, go to the doctor.

When bright yellow urine accompanies severe pain in the abdomen and lower back, vomiting and diarrhea, call a doctor immediately! In this case, we can talk about disorders in the work of the urinary system.
To identify the reasons for the change in the color of urine, the patient is given a referral for a second urine test. If you have other symptoms, your doctor will order an ultrasound of the kidneys. Only after an accurate diagnosis has been made, the specialist selects the appropriate treatment for the patient.