How to quickly and effectively restore the body after childbirth? The postpartum period: what you need to know

After the birth of a child, many women put an end to their appearance by postponing full-fledged self-care until better times. This is understandable, for the newly minted mother, the main occupation was the custody and upbringing of the baby. And after a couple of months, when the woman has already got used to the new role and finally pays attention to her reflection in the mirror, then what she sees can be very upsetting.

Body care after childbirth

Whatever this happens, you need to understand that body care after childbirth is extremely important and you need to perform simple manipulations every day to keep yourself in shape. So, your program for at least a day:

1. Take a contrast shower in the morning, 30 seconds under warm water, then 30 seconds under cold water. This procedure is very useful for varicose veins that women often suffer from. You can not wipe your body or, on the contrary, use a hard towel for self-massage;

2. Apply oil all over your body and a moisturizer on the face;

3. Dress up. Clothing should be loose from natural materials, good if you wear a postpartum brace, it will prevent the abdominal wall from sagging and keep the internal organs in a natural state, the bra should support the chest well, but also not press;

4. Do an easy charge, talk to your doctor about strength training. For women who have had a cesarean section, it is possible to pump the abs and strengthen the abdominal muscles no earlier than two or three months later. You can pick up a small yoga complex and do them, this is a good way to deal with postpartum depression, stress and nerves. A little later, when the baby grows up a little, you can;

5. Have breakfast... Food should only be healthy and of high quality, exclude empty food not rich in vitamins and minerals, all sorts of canned food, buns and sandwiches - for you a taboo. Remember that there are foods that cause excessive gas formation, which is harmful for both the baby and women in the postoperative period. For example: cabbage, legumes, cucumbers, etc. But you should not rush to extremes either, forget, at the time of feeding, about diets:

6. Get plenty of rest throughout the day.... Accept any help from your family for caring for your baby. Instruct your husband to buy the baby while lying down with your feet on the pillow. Apply a mask on your face or just plain sour cream or cream, put pieces of cucumber on your eyes;

7. In the evening, when the child is asleep, do not immediately fall on the bed, but pay attention to your body. If these unwanted and ugly red stripes appear on the abdomen and, as well as the cellulite crust has become even more noticeable, then body care after childbirth should be even more thorough. The main thing is for you to understand that these manifestations can and should be fought. After an evening shower, massage with a stiff natural bristle mitten... Start with your feet and work your way up, don't press on your stomach, just stroke it clockwise. To improve blood circulation and elasticity of the skin, it is good to perform pinching of problem areas, as well as vacuum massage. Do not forget to apply a special oil before the massage.

8. Drink a glass of kefir at night, this will not only be useful for the prevention of unwanted gastrointestinal problems (which can torment for a long time after childbirth), but also relieve hunger and such harmful night snacks that many can get used to during pregnancy.

Childbirth changes a woman not only psychologically, but also physically and is far from for the better., but very little effort that needs to be made every day and soon your body will be as it was before childbirth, the main thing is your desire to keep it attractive.

Removing cosmetic defects from pregnancy and childbirth, as well as skin and hair care will help you come to terms with your new appearance. You can go to a hairdresser or a beautician. Even if you are tired and you have no time for beauty right now, remember that self-care is one of the remedies for depression.

"There is no time to take care of yourself ..."

Many women stop taking care of their appearance in the first time after the birth of a child, most often attributing this to a lack of time. In order to retire for a while in the bathroom and spend a quarter of an hour on makeup or skin care, you really need to think about yourself, “with your eyes open”, which is not so easy.

But the matter is not so much in the practical side of the issue - your husband can take care of the child for the time being; the fact is that you must be convinced that you are not depriving the baby of anything by taking care of yourself. Taking care of your female attractiveness is not a trifle, it is very important ... And remember that a good mood is passed on to others!

Strengthening the breasts

Regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or not, she needs to be cared for after giving birth. It is possible that due to the excess weight gained during pregnancy, the muscles supporting the breasts have stretched slightly. When the hormonal cycle resumes, it will most likely return to its previous shape. To tone the breast, spray it with cold or cool water after a shower or bath and, if possible, make it a habit to apply a special cosmetic breast cream on it every day (except during breastfeeding: the smell of the cream may not like the baby).

You can also exercise. Finally, when you resume sports, swimming is an excellent way to strengthen your pectoral muscles. While you are breastfeeding, wear a good breastfeeding bra and do your best to avoid large changes in breast volume that can occur as a result of a too harsh diet. It is extremely harmful to wean the baby from the breast in the first week after childbirth, with the rapid development of lactation.

Exercise to strengthen the breasts

To restore the tone and firmness of your breasts, we offer you a simple exercise that you should do regularly. Do it at least ten times in a row, and then, if you dare, take a cool shower.

Sit in a Turkish position on a small pillow to lift your buttocks, straightening your back. Breathe freely. Connect your hands with your fingers together and lift them up to the level of your sternum (just below the collarbones). Squeeze your palms together and hold for three seconds, then relax them. Again, alternately squeeze and relax your palms.

Hair care

During pregnancy, you had a luxurious head of hair that you were proud of. And then one day you remove whole strands of hair from your comb or find them in your bath. Don't worry, this is completely normal. In fact, your hair hasn't fallen out for several months under the influence of hormonal changes. In 3 months after giving birth, they seem to be catching up, and you will not lose more of them than if your hair regularly fell out during pregnancy. And yet, nothing prevents you from massaging your scalp for several minutes a day to better wash your hair, make a haircut to strengthen it, and also ask the pharmacy for a vitamin complex containing cystine or brewer's yeast in tablets. However, if hair continues to fall out after a few months, see a dermatologist.

Pamper your skin

Brown spots... You have taken all the precautions, but you still have your "pregnancy mask"? These ugly stains will go away in a few months. If they persist, your dermatologist may prescribe a depigmentation cream to apply to the spots daily in the evenings for several months, as well as a sunscreen to use during the day. Usually, creams containing hydroquinone, corticoid, acidic vitamin A, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are used.

Excessive pigmentation of the areolas, as well as the brown stripe on the abdomen, will also disappear a few months after the birth of the baby, when hormones, the concentration of which was especially high during pregnancy, cease to affect your body. In any case, preferably daily, apply a moisturizer to your skin.

White spots... The rupture of the elastic fibers of the skin, which provokes the appearance of red streaks, is unfortunately irreversible. But over time, they become so thin and white that they are almost invisible. However, if you want to reduce them, your dermatologist can prescribe a revitalizing cream containing acidic vitamin A or offer you micro-dermabrasion sessions with alumina crystals.

How to get rid of varicose veins? Unfortunately, varicose veins are often inherited and can occur both during and after pregnancy. Depending on the type and severity of the manifestations of the disease, the phlebologist will offer you to remove them either by sclerotherapy (injecting a sclerosant into a vein), if the vessels are small and thin, or by surgery, if the main superficial veins are affected.

Venous “stars” and vascular “reticules” are also treated with electrocoagulation or laser. However, it is worth waiting at least six months before using these treatments, as varicose veins often resolve on their own, although it takes time.

It seems to me that my hair is falling out a lot. Will they lose their density forever?

Hair loss

Hair loss at this stage is understandable, it will go away by itself. Usually a woman loses up to a hundred hairs a day, and their volume is constantly restored.

During pregnancy, when the level of female hormones is high, the hair becomes more beautiful and thicker. This is especially noticeable if they were previously greasy and fell out.

After childbirth, there is a strong reduction in female hormones, which leads to dramatic hair loss, which can last 2-3 weeks.

For some mothers, thinning of the hair stops only when they wean the baby and completely switch to artificial feeding. Hair restoration usually occurs in 2-3 months.

A healthy, balanced diet is essential to preserve hair. Try not to use harsh hair care products; wash your hair with adapted shampoos; use a balm for combing and comb with long, thin teeth; avoid overdrying your hair; transfer perm and color to a later date, when the hair regains its former shine.

If you are losing too much hair, talk to your doctor about anemia. Iron deficiency will complicate your problem. Your doctor may also prescribe medications based on vitamin B 6, amino acids, sulfur and zinc.

Remember, profuse hair loss during the first pregnancy does not necessarily recur during the next - your body will react differently.

Health 3

Greetings, guests of my blog! From my own experience, I know that caring for a child takes a lot of effort and time. Day after day, 24 hours a day, for a long time, a loving mother devotes herself entirely and completely to only one person - her own child.

Fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, worries about the child, lack of personal time - all this does not have the best effect on. In caring for a child, she forgets about herself and sometimes even considers it impermissible to lie down and take a nap again, meet with her friends in a cafe, go to a manicure or to a hairdresser.

How to stay beautiful after giving birth?

We recharge ourselves with energy. The main formula against fatigue sounds like this: "O2" - fresh, pure oxygen. When you wake up, immediately open the windows, do some simple physical exercises. This is done in order to increase the oxygen level in the blood. You will immediately feel cheerfulness and a desire to move on, and with a small child, this is very useful. In addition, with this kind of procedure, the face will acquire a slight blush and the mood will be at its best.

Of course, for an even better result, you can make a contrast shower, but we usually don't have time for this, so we soak a towel in cold water and wipe off our body.

We put ourselves in order. In order not to waste time on hair in the morning, we do it before going to bed. You will need soft curlers, they are the most comfortable to sleep with. In the morning, after removing the curlers, comb your hair with your fingers and lightly spray your hair with hairspray. Can be gathered in a tail or laid in a bun, securing with invisible ones. A bun on curled hair looks very impressive and voluminous.

Another option is to make a strong muzzle on the top of the head, closer to the forehead, at night. In the morning, lowering your head down, release the muzzle, comb your hair with your fingers, sprinkle with varnish and gently, lifting your head up, throw your hair to one side. Sprinkle with varnish again. This hairstyle is more suitable for a special day.

For those who don't care about their hairstyle in the evening, see how to quickly get it done in the morning.

Skin and hair care after childbirth

After washing your face, apply your usual skin care product. It is especially important for lactating women to use natural cosmetics. If you don't have one yet, pay attention to baby creams, they are often used by young mothers, since high-quality baby products do not contain toxic substances and have a neutral odor.

Newly made moms most often neglect makeup or do not wear it at all. Sometimes this is right, how can you calmly take care of yourself if the child is torn from crying? However, you can apply a minimum of cosmetics with a baby in your arms if you use a sling for wearing. A drop of gloss on the lips, slightly tinted eyebrows with gel will make you look brighter and more attractive.

It is possible to induce beauty even while feeding the baby. The honey mask will cleanse and moisturize the skin. Chamomile tea removes redness from the eyes. If you have puffiness under the eyes in the morning, cotton pads dipped in cool milk will help you get rid of them. Lactic acid and fat soothe and nourish the skin around the eyes, while the cold relieves puffiness under the eyes.

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, first of all, you need to sleep more, but if you can't, then use a concealer as a magic wand, it can also hide any redness on the skin or pimples. But it is better to deal with them from the inside, eliminating inaccuracies in nutrition.

We clean and care! Never forget extra and skin. Otherwise, when you have time and you pay attention to yourself, you will notice with horror that the skin has noticeably aged, and the hair has become dull and lifeless. Therefore, while everything is still reversible, buy a shampoo that will maximize hair care, restore, nourish and saturate with vitamins.

For this purpose I am using baby shampoo from Weleda, since it is made on a natural basis, it does not dry the hair, and this is a very important indicator. The fact is that from many shampoos, the hair becomes oily very quickly due to the presence of a large amount of chemicals in them. My favorite shampoo allows me to wash my hair just once a week, which gives me extra hours of free time.

You can use a coffee scrub to cleanse your body. I also really like the option of cleansing the skin with natural salt with the addition of olive oil or a drop of detergent until it dissolves and quickly massage the problem areas of the skin on the body with it. Vegetable oils are convenient and effective in terms of personal care. They are credited with incredible properties and not at all in vain, because what is given by nature is the best that a woman needs at any age.

Universal oils can be used for face, body and hair care. This will greatly benefit you, because once you have chosen the right oil for yourself, you will not have to spend time and money looking for a care product for every part of the body. Read about how I cleanse my skin with oil. If your toddler is infants, then it will be helpful for you to know that babies prefer natural scents that do not interfere with their mother's body odor.

To keep your skin always glowing, complement the external care with internal care, this will help you

But what about our teeth?

A woman who has borne a child, survived childbirth, is breastfeeding a baby, must very carefully monitor the condition of her teeth. During this period, they need special attention, since the child took all the substances he needed for growth from you. During lactation, you also lose a lot of vitamins. It is necessary to visit the dentist every six months to avoid damage and loss of teeth. Continue taking vitamin supplements after childbirth.

Do not be lazy to rinse your teeth after each meal with ordinary water, do not overuse acidic fruits that make your teeth sensitive and unprotected. and other simple carbohydrates, so as not to deprive your body of the necessary vitamins and minerals and not to expose your teeth to attack, growing pathogens in the oral cavity.

  • As soon as the postpartum discharge ends, start performing.
  • If your condition allows you to go in for sports, then be sure to try to find time for this, otherwise problems with the spine in the future cannot be avoided. Strong muscle corset.
  • Some women may have periods even while breastfeeding. Make sure your methods of contraception are safe, a condom is one of the best options.
  • It is also important for menstruating women to use safe hygiene products. Try it, you will be surprised at how comfortable and safe it is.
  • Carefully monitor your diet, in the postpartum time a woman is very sensitive to negative situations and healthy food helps to endure them very steadily. So, for example, the absence in the diet of simple carbohydrates in the form of sweets, white flour baked goods, pasta makes us calmer. Eating enough fat and protein helps to maintain a healthy weight. Read more.
  • Sleep as much as your body requires. Sometimes this can seem unrealistic, especially if there are several children in the family. But you can always find helpers who will sit with the kids so that the mother can get enough sleep. Sleep is extremely important for maintaining normal hormonal levels, without this very soon a wide variety of diseases can begin, from which we then get rid of for a very long time. Be sure to read my article to learn how to organize it.

Baby products for mom's beauty

  1. You can use ordinary baby powder as a dry shampoo when there is absolutely no time and effort to wash your hair. Just apply a little baby powder to the roots of your hair, shake off the excess, and the fat on the roots disappears.
  2. If it so happens that you have nothing to wash off the makeup from your face, use baby wipes, they perfectly cleanse and moisturize the skin.
  3. Everyone knows that. As it turns out, it benefits not only the child, but also his mother. If your nipples have cracks, often lubricate them with breast milk, the wounds will heal quickly. Also, breast milk is great for facial skin care. Simply apply the milk on your face, with your palms or a cotton pad, and leave it on overnight. Breast milk nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. White gold, as it is also called, can be used for massage. In this case, it will have an anti-cellulite effect. Also, human milk has antibacterial properties, which allows it to be used for medical purposes. For cuts, abrasions, scratches, insect bites, eye inflammation, acne, nasal congestion, sore throat - breast milk will be your first assistant in the fight against the disease. It is believed that this method of treatment can be harmful, since human milk, like any other, quickly turns sour, harmful bacteria appear in it. However, in everything you need to follow certain rules, in our case, to treat this or that ailment, use only freshly expressed milk.
  4. Liquid baby soap very gently cleanses not only the skin of a baby, but also an adult who needs to gently cleanse the skin from dirt, dust or cosmetics. It does not cause irritation, allergies or tightness. In addition, it does not contain harmful additives that have a destructive effect on the skin.
  5. The children's gel used can be used in case you have a toothache and there is no way to get to the doctor. It relieves pain and acts as an anti-inflammatory. In addition, it is absolutely harmless to the child, unlike pain pills, which have side effects and penetrate into breast milk.

Dear readers, now you know what postpartum care should be, if you liked the article, share it with your friends on social networks and subscribe to receive new articles from the blog. All the best!

With the birth of a baby, the life of young mothers completely changes and the plans that they made (taking care of themselves, going to the gym, visiting beauty salons) should now completely coincide and proceed from the needs and needs of the crumbs. So, many are wondering how to put in order their sagging and flabby body after childbirth? Going to the gym definitely disappears, since the newborn requires maximum attention to himself (diet, change of diapers, restless sleep).

In order for the mother's body to become beautiful after the birth of the baby, it is necessary to start with the simplest thing - walking with the baby in the fresh air (regardless of weather conditions). With long walks, the baby gains a sound sleep, and the mother rapidly begins to lose weight, the muscles of the buttocks and legs are pumped up, and harmony appears.

Features and methods of restoring the female body

How to restore a girl's body after giving birth? Excessive stress and heavy physical exercise in the first months are contraindicated, since the body is already exhausted and exhausted by bearing and giving birth to a child. Also, scientists have proven that with active sports, the taste and composition of mother's milk changes in mom, which can affect further breastfeeding. There are some principles by which body and skin care is possible during the recovery process:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the number of calories consumed per day. A mother who is breastfeeding should consume no more than 2500 kcal. It is worth limiting the use of flour products, sweets, and eating more fruits, vegetables, do not forget about water, compotes and juices. The process of losing weight should not be too intense. This can lead to metabolic disorders leading to serious health problems.
  2. Breastfeeding a baby allows you to burn more than 500 kcal per day, which leads to rapid weight loss and restoration of female forms.
  3. You need to learn how to properly care for your skin. This is facilitated by a daily contrast shower. With its help, blood circulation improves, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the skin becomes more elastic, elastic and the former youth returns to the body.
  4. The next stage of recovery can be called a course of massage using anti-cellulite creams (often applied to the abdomen, thighs). After the first massage sessions, the whole body may hurt. Over time, this will pass, and then a moment of relaxation will come.
  5. For the elasticity of the skin, experts recommend peeling at home - a special scrub that consists of the following components: ground coffee, sea salt, honey and olive oil.

Possibilities of a cream for stretch marks after childbirth and features of choice

Before proceeding with more radical methods of restoring the figure, namely, starting physical exercises, you should seek help from a gynecologist. The doctor will tell you the time when it will be safe for the health of the woman herself. On average, at least 2-3 months should pass from the moment the baby is born. After this time, you can slowly begin to start physical activity on all parts of the body, some recommend visiting the pool. In this case, swimming will help correct your posture and burn a lot of calories.

The resumption of the previous form after childbirth will be faster and more effective due to the regular implementation of all possible and solvable exercises.

Causes of acne and rash on a woman's body after childbirth

In addition to changes in the girl's figure, after childbirth, some changes on the skin may take place: acne, rash like urticaria, burning and itching appear. Many are sure that these unpleasant phenomena will certainly go away by themselves. This is a misconception! In such cases, you should pay more attention to the care and restoration of the skin, and a professional dermatologist can help with this. In order to cure skin diseases that itch from time to time and spread throughout the body, you need to find out the causes of their occurrence. These include:

  1. The effect of the female hormone progesterone. There is an increased secretion of the endocrine glands, which leads to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and provokes the appearance of acne and other rashes.
  2. Increased sweating. When sweat pores are blocked, subcutaneous infections accumulate, which leads to the appearance of skin formations, sometimes with a yellow tint.
  3. Eating a lot of sweets, carbonated drinks, foods containing harmful preservatives. These products often cause allergic reactions of a different nature, which can harm the newborn in the future.
  4. Low level of physical activity. Poor blood circulation leads to disruption of the skin.
  5. Violation of the rules of personal hygiene.

Treatment of skin diseases is complicated by the fact that most medications are contraindicated for nursing mothers. All remedies must be safe and effective. To begin with, you should revise your diet, exclude unhealthy foods. Next, you can use harmless decoctions from various medicinal herbs, namely:

  • chamomile inflorescences;
  • calendula;
  • sage;
  • mint leaves;
  • succession;
  • plantain leaves, etc.

With the help of these decoctions, you can achieve the desired result in a short time. They are also used as a mask or compresses on any areas of damaged skin. For those mothers who do not breastfeed, medication is prescribed.

Another common problem for most women is a rash on the body that may resemble hives. The reasons for its appearance are almost identical to those that result in pimples. Mostly, the rash appears in the legs and lower abdomen. As a rule, this complication after childbirth should not be treated with anything (unless, of course, it is complicated by other symptoms). Within a few weeks, the skin will regain its previous color and structure, and then the woman in labor can completely relax and not worry.

Gymnastic exercises to tighten your body after childbirth

As for exercises for maintaining a figure after childbirth, professional programs and courses have been developed in specialized sports complexes. However, not all moms can afford to attend classes regularly. There is no reason to be upset! So, at home, there are many other ways to lose weight and tighten the skin of the whole body. Before starting to play sports, moms carry out other recovery methods with the help of cosmetics:

  • wrapping method;
  • drying;
  • anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage.

If these methods do not help very effectively, then only special exercises developed by specialists and professionals remain.

Exercise should be done with extreme caution! To begin with, you need to properly prepare an already exhausted body, starting with walking and conditioning.

Sports will help many women get rid of the unpleasant condition when the whole body aches, cheer up and keep the body in good shape. The program includes the following exercises:

  1. Pose "cat". Standing on all fours, you need to bend your back as much as possible (5 sets of 10 times).
  2. Squats. Start in a standing position, feet together, hands on the belt, do not lift the heels off the floor.
  3. Performing bends to the sides. Position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. Lying on the floor, you should raise your legs up (the distance from the heels to the floor should gradually increase).
  5. Sitting on a chair, the girl slowly raises her legs, bent at the knees. Create a pedaling effect on a bicycle.
  6. Twisting. Do to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.

Monastic collection for weight loss: composition of herbs, pharmacological action, results of clinical trials

To achieve the desired result, there are some rules to remember.

After giving birth, it is very important not only to plunge headlong into caring for the baby, but also to take care of your body. And the question is not only in harmony and beauty, but also in getting rid of the feeling of fatigue, despondency and weakness. Physical activity will give a young mother vigor and additional energy.

Moreover, you are needed not only by the child, but also by the husband. And he remembers you beautiful and confident. For harmony within oneself and in the family, it is important to leave a little time for the recovery of the body. It is really possible to find it, because the baby sleeps a lot at first. As a last resort, you can connect friends and family to walks with a stroller. Seize the moment yourself and get on with yourself.

Step 1 - water treatments

Cold and hot shower

In the morning, mommy usually feels overwhelmed and not slept. It is recommended to wake up half an hour earlier than the child and go to the bathroom. A contrast shower quickly returns cheerfulness. For thirty seconds, alternately pour yourself either warm or cold water. In the last meal, you need to douse yourself with cold water. It will close the pores on the skin.

This procedure helps to eliminate the consequences of varicose veins during pregnancy, training the walls of blood vessels using temperature differences (see ""). After a shower, it is recommended to dry off to harden and restore immunity, or to rub with a hard towel if you want to do self-massage.

Relaxing bath

The first time after childbirth, it is forbidden to immerse in water. But when this stage is over, do not forget about baths with the addition of sea salt, herbal decoctions. You can pour citrus juice (from at least six fruits) into warm water. They perfectly restore elasticity to the skin. Honey and milk are also perfect (heated foods are mixed in equal proportions, about 150-200 grams each).

Step 2 - skin care

Do not forget to apply a suitable cream to your face every morning. This will improve the condition of the skin and protect it from negative factors. Treat your entire body with a moisturizer or oil. Do not forget to do a deep facial cleansing and a nourishing mask at least once a week. In the evening, be sure to remove dirt from the skin.

Step 3 - removing accumulated fatigue

There can be many options here. Aromatherapy, beautiful music, daytime sleep are suitable for stay-at-home. If, on the contrary, you want to change your home environment, then the restoration of wrapping in beauty salons, massage sessions will help well. Sauna and swimming in the pool have a great effect on tired muscles. For lovers of the sea, salt caves are suitable. The walls in them are made of sea salt, which promotes relaxation, relieves fatigue and improves health. Sit back comfortably in the ergonomic chair and inhale to the melodic melody.

Step 4 - professional self-care

A child is endless feeding, walking in the fresh air, changing diapers, bathing, ironing, exercising and developing exercises. How can we break this vicious circle? Make it a rule and confront everyone with the fact that at least once a week a few hours will belong only to you. We advise you to go for a manicure or a hairdresser. Better yet, visit your beautician. Let it work on your face and body. Scrub, masks, necessary self-care procedures will return you a good mood and a beautiful appearance.

Step 5 - fighting stretch marks and other "gifts" of pregnancy

If your belly and thighs are adorned with red stripes (striae) and cellulite, then do not disregard this. After water procedures, treat problem areas with a mitten of increased rigidity, made of natural bristles.

Start massaging yourself from the bottom of your legs, moving upward. Do not apply strong pressure to the skin of the abdomen. Massage it clockwise with stroking movements. Light pinching of the skin or vacuum massage will also help improve blood circulation. These manipulations require the preliminary application of special products.

Step 6 - exercise regularly

Do basic physical exercise every day for at least fifteen minutes a day. The optimal exercise program will be advised by a doctor or a fitness center specialist who deals with women in the postpartum period. Detailed information on charging can actually be found in books and magazines. When the child grows up a little, you can study with him.

Step 7 - eating right

After giving birth, a woman needs a lot of strength to recover. For a long nine months, the mother shared useful substances from her own body with the baby. Considering this, it is necessary to eat only healthy foods rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and fiber. You should not lean on flour, canned food, foods with additives. This will negatively affect not only your health, but also the health of the baby. Diets during lactation are prohibited.

Step 8 - repair the pelvic floor muscles

The muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina endured a serious load at the time of the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. They can be strengthened with simple exercises that can be done while standing or sitting. To understand which muscles to work with, try holding the stream while urinating.

Tense this muscle group as often throughout the day as you can. Squeeze them for ten seconds and relax. At first, 8-10 repetitions are required. Later, do the Kegel exercise at least 25 times. Finally, I would like to say that with a minimum of daily effort and introducing these simple recommendations into a habit, you will very soon become beautiful.